HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000010 Correspondence 2021-02-26 (4)•
Engineering • Surveying • Planning
February 15, 2021
Tori Kanellopoulos
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
RE: Review Comment Letter #1: ZMA202000010 Arbor Oaks Townes
Dear Tori Kanellopoulos;
440 Premier Circle, Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: 434.882.0121
www.meric ienwbe.com
Below are responses to the comments in your letter October 2, 2020. Please let me know if you need
additional information.
Zoning Map Amendment Comments
Planning Comments: Rezoning (Tor! Kanellopoulos)
1. The application narrative states that no proffers are proposed as part of the rezoning.
Since the rezoning is not for a Planned District, anything shown on the submitted
plan will not be a proffered commitment without a written proffer statement. This
means that the improvements and project layout shown on the current layout plan will
not be a proffered design of the neighborhood. This also means that there has not
been a commitment to density or a specific unit count or range. If a proffered
Conceptual Plan is provided, the proffer statement should refer to the Plan and list
the major elements.
a. If the Conceptual Plan is proffered, note that the level of detail currently
shown may not be appropriate for a rezoning. For example, specific
square footages for lot sizes are shown, however this does not allow for
flexibility during site planning. A Block Plan would be more appropriate,
while still showing that site requirements (e.g. landscaping) can fit within
the site.
b. If changed to a Conceptual Plan, title "ZMA202000011 Conceptual Plan".
✓ A Proffer Statement is enclosed. There is no Conceptual Plan.
2. The Comprehensive Plan (Housing Chapter, Strategy 6b) recommends that a
minimum of 15 percent affordable housing units be provided in developments
subject to rezoning approvals. During the preapplication meeting, the applicant
proposed affordable units for an affordable housing density bonus. However, this
application does not appear to propose any affordable units.
✓ Z-103: Lot 13 and 14 have been labeled as 'Affordable'
3. Revisions are needed to the frontage area along Hydraulic Road to address
Transportation Planning, ARB, and Planning comments. A planting strip is needed
between the street and the sidewalk to provide a buffer. Additional information is
needed to show ARB street tree requirements can be met.
a. The Places29 Master Plan also calls for street trees and landscaping
along this frontage — see Comprehensive Plan/Master Plan comments in
the following section. The landscaped residential yard frontage treatment
recommended by the Master Plan has not been addressed.
✓ Z-104: Trees have been added to front yards.
b. Street sections should be provided.
✓ Z-107: Street sections provided.
4. Provide an updated project narrative stating the potential impacts to schools,
public utilities, streets, and fire service.
✓ Narrative has been revised as requested.
5. Include the Comprehensive Plan designation of the property on Sheet 1.
✓ Z-101: Refer to parcel data for comprehensive plan designation.
6. Remove reference to 'minimum lot area proposed'. A minimum lot for R-15
cluster cannot be established.
✓ Z-101: Refer to Rezoning Data. Note has been removed.
7. More information is needed for the R-15 cluster development request:
a. Include the open space calculation for the development. Per cluster
development regulations (18-2.2.3), at least 25% of the site must be in
common open space.
✓ Z-101: Refer to Area Summary Table.
b. Provide additional information on the proposed amenities for the open
and recreation spaces.
✓ Z-104: Additional Information on amenities has been provided.
c. Part of the open space is adjacent to Hydraulic Road. Would any
buffering (e.g. landscaping or fencing) be provided here, to create a safer
and more pleasant space?
✓ Z-104: Shrubs have been added to Open Space Areas along Hydraulic
d. Consider how residents will access the open space. Consider providing
paths internally to the site for access, instead of residents needing to walk
along Hydraulic Road to access the open space.
✓ Z-104: A 4' asphalt path has been added next to Lot 6.
8. Provide building height requirements and stepback requirements proposed for
this rezoning on Sheet 1. Note that the R-15 zoning district allows up to 65 feet in
height, however the Places29 Master Plan recommends up to 4 stories or 45 feet
in Urban Density Residential designations. If a Conceptual Plan is provided, a
height should be specified. If no Conceptual Plan is proposed, then the height
requirement will be the standard R-15 requirement.
✓ Z-101: Refer to Rezoning Data for building height requirements.
9. Revise setbacks notes on Sheet 1 per Zoning comments (non-infill residential
✓ Z-101: Refer to Rezoning Data for revised setbacks.
10. See additional comments/details provided with Neighborhood Model Principles
section below. Note that the narrative did not specifically address these
✓ Comment Noted.
11. A community meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 19 from 5:30 — 7 PM
with the Places29 Hydraulic CAC. Note that additional considerations and
concerns from residents may be brought up during the meeting. The Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors will consider input from community
✓ Comment Noted.
12. Note the following requirements that will be needed during site planning. This
may not be a complete list, however given the size of the site, it is important to
consider how these requirements will be met:
a. Note that development of townhouses would require an initial and final
site plan, a preliminary and final plat, a road plan, and a VSMP/WPO,
meeting all local and state requirements, including County Code Chapters
14, 17, and 32.
✓ Comment noted
b. Parking areas of at least five (5) spaces must have at least five (5)
percent of the parking area landscaped. Additionally, one (1) tree is
needed for every 10 spaces.
✓ Z-104: 4 trees have been added.
c. The parking area will need to be screened from adjacent residential
✓ Z-104: Wall will serve to screen parking area from adjacent
residential district to the east
d. Street trees will be required.
✓ Z-104: Trees have been added
e. The minimum tree canopy for the site will be 15 percent.
✓ Comment noted
f. Recommend lots be revised so that lot lines are not within the proposed
private street. There is no minimum lot size for R-15 cluster
✓ Z-103: Lots revised to align with back of curb.
g. The proposed private access easement will need to be a 'private street
easement'. Additionally, the easement seems to be adjacent to the
proposed townhouses. The easement should only extend to the edge of
the parking areas (or to the edge of the sidewalk). Setbacks are
measured from the sidewalk or the street right of way.
✓ Z-103: Private street right-of-way provided to back of curb, and
pedestrian access easements provided for sidewalks.
Private Street Request
Per 14-233(B)(1), the agent may authorize one (1) or more new private streets in the
Development Areas when the subdivision will contain attached residential units where
units are to be located on individual lots.
In accordance with 14-234(C), the agent may authorize one (1) more private streets if it
finds that:
1. The private street will be adequate to carry the traffic volume which may be
reasonably expected to be generated by the subdivision;
Engineering has no objection to the private street request. The amount of traffic
expected on the requested private street for this development is minimal. Note
that the proposed parking design could cause a safety hazard if there was a
future connection to the adjacent parcel to the east.
2. The comprehensive plan does not provide for a public street in the approximate
location of the proposed private street,
The Places29 Master Plan (in the Comprehensive Plan) does not provide for a
public street in this location.
3. The fee of the private street will be owned by the owner of each lot abutting the
right-ofway thereof or by an association composed of the owners of all lots in the
subdivision, subject in either case to any easement for the benefit of all lots
served by the street,
The applicant has included information with the private street request that the
private street would be owned and maintained by an HOA. A private street
easement and private street maintenance agreement meeting 14-317 will be
required during site planning.
4. Except where required by the commission to serve a specific public purpose, the
private street will not serve through traffic nor intersect the state highway system
in more than one location; and
The street would only intersect with Hydraulic Road in one location. It is unclear if
there is a stubout for a potential future connection to the adjacent parcel to the
east. Is a retaining wall necessary in this location, or is there still potential for a
future connection between the two parcels? Note that per 14-234(B)(11), a private
street "should not serve as the primary or sole interconnection between the
subdivision and abutting property'. However, it is not clear if the adjacent parcel
has other reasonable means of access to Hydraulic Road that would meet VDOT
standards. Additional information is needed for review.
5. If applicable, the private street has been approved in accordance with section
30.3, flood hazard overlay district, of the zoning ordinance and other applicable
The parcel is not located within the flood hazard overlay district.
Special Exception Request (Planting Strip Waiver)
The required planting strip may be waived by the Planning Commission per 14-422(F).
Staff provides a recommendation to the Commission on this request. The
recommendation will be provided with the staff report.
In reviewing a request to vary or except any requirement for planting strips, the
Commission shall consider whether:
(i) a variation or exception to allow a rural cross-section has been granted;
A waiver to allow a rural cross-section has not been granted or requested and
is not necessary for this development.
(d) a sidewalk variation or exception has been granted;
A sidewalk variation or exception has not been requested.
(ill) reducing the size of or eliminating the planting strip promotes the goals of the
comprehensive plan, the neighborhood model, and the applicable
neighborhood master plan; and
It could be challenging to develop this small site at the recommended density
in the Comprehensive Plan and with sufficient open space with a full street
including curb/gutter, sidewalk, and planting strip. It may be appropriate to not
have street trees in this location. However, other landscaping and street trees
should be provided in other areas of the site, and more information should be
provided on how the site planning and ARB landscape requirements will be
(iv) waiving the requirement would enable a different principle of the
neighborhood model to be more fully achieved.
Additional information should be provided to address the Neighborhood
Model Principles comments in this letter.
Zoning (Kevin McCollum kmccollum(a)albemarle.ora)
1. The applicable setbacks for the property are as provided in Section 4.19. The
development will be considered "non-infill."
a) Front — 5'
b) Side — 5'
c) Rear — 20'
✓ Z-101: Rezoning Data Setbacks adjusted as stated.
2. Since they are doing a cluster development Section 2.2 requires that 25% of the
land area be open space subject to Section 4.7. It appears they are meeting
these requirements; however, I have a couple questions. Who will own the open
space? Is the open space on the north side of the property accessible? Will this
be open space the residents and/or the public can use?
✓ Z-104: Asphalt path provided to access open space along Lot 6. HOA will
own the open space. Open space will be restricted to residents.
3. The minimum parking requirements of 28 spaces (2 per dwelling unit) is correct,
but I have some concerns about this.
a) Typically, townhouse developments will provide some number of guest
parking spaces — such as 1 per 4 spaces.
✓ Z-104: There are now a total of 31 parking spaces. 28 for residents, 1
for guest and 2 for Accessible. Please note that Accessible spaces
are always included in the total number of required spaces.
b) There are two ADA spaces being proposed. These two are counted
towards the requirement on the plan, but what happens if no one in the
community requires an accessible space? This would imply they are 2
parking spaces short. From an accessibility standpoint providing
accessible spaces seems like a good thing, but I think they should be in
addition to all 28 required spaces.
✓ Z-104: There are now a total of 31 parking spaces. 28 for residents,
for guest and 2 for Accessible. Please note that Accessible spaces
are always included in the total number of required spaces.
c) 4.12.15(i) implies that if accessible spaces are provided, they should
provide the shortest practical route and should not cross vehicular access
ways. If accessible parking were proposed on the South side of the street,
I think it would only make sense if there were accessible parking spaces
on the North side of the street as well. If they are adamant about
providing only two accessible spaces, they could provide 1 on one side
and the other on the other side of the street.
✓ Z-104: Accessible parking spaces provided as suggested above
4. 1 have no objections to the exception request for the planting strip requirement.
✓ Comment Noted.
1. No objection.
IMA2020-10 1680 Arbor oaks. Below is a completed copy of the fotm that was provided to us by Elaine
Echols for SP & 1MA Appocations.
To be filled out by RWSA for ZMA's and $P's
1. Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal None Known
2. Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Capacity Certification Yes K- No
3. Water Row or pressure issues that may affect this proposal None Known
4. "Red Flags' regardingservice provision (Use attachments ifnecessarvl None Known
Let me know if you have any questions. RWSA has no conflict.
1. The existing sidewalk along Hydraulic Rd does not meet minimum standard. This
should be removed and reconstructed with a minimum buffer strip of 4' and a
minimum 5' sidewalk behind that are all contained within dedicated right-of-way.
✓ C-105 & C-107: Future right-of-way dedication and grading have provided to
allow for future installation of a 4' buffer strip and a 5' sidewalk.
1. There does not appear to be an emergency apparatus turn around on the site.
The travel way appears to exceed 150' in length.
✓ Turn around is not required due to new fire hydrant at entrance.
2. The fire hydrant should be placed at the entrance to the development.
✓ Z-104: Fire hydrant moved to entrance.
1. Show on the plan how Entrance Corridor frontage planting requirements can be
met (large shade trees 35' on center and interspersed ornamentals) while
accommodating sidewalk and sight distance requirements and avoiding conflicts
with utilities and utility easements.
✓ Z-104: Trees have been added.
2. Add the planting area and relocated utility easement to the plan.
✓ Z-104: Overhead electric will not be relocated. An electric easement has
been added. Planting area has been added.
1. No objection.
1. Add the following note to the general notes page: Retaining walls greater than 3
feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4 feet in height
require a stamped engineered design also. Walls require inspections as outlined
in the USBC. Wall will also require a maintenance agreement.
✓ Z-101: Note provided
2. Add the following note to the general notes page: Where the flood level rims of
plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next
upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a
backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or
horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims
above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the
public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve.
✓ Z-101: Note provided
3. Note to developer: Due to required distances from lot lines and structures as
required by the NFPA, underground propane tanks may be prohibited. Plan
✓ Comment noted.
Comprehensive Plan
Comments on how your project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan will be provided to
the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report that will be
prepared for the public hearing. Initial comments are provided with this comment letter.
The proposed development is designated Urban Density Residential in the Places29
Master Plan. The intent of this designation is to provide residential uses between 6 and
34 units/acre, with some non-residential uses permitted as secondary uses. Residential
uses should be a maximum height of 4 stories or 45 feet. Open space should be usable
for residents.
Pedestrian Orientation
This principle is partially met. Sidewalks are provided
within the development and connect to existing sidewalks
along Hydraulic Road. Additional information should be
provided for how residents can access the site's open space
without needino to walk alono Hydraulic Road, such as
through internal pathways. Revisions are needed to the
existing sidewalk along Hydraulic Road to address
Transportation Plannino and Plannino review comments. A
buffer is needed between the sidewalk and the road.
✓ Z-104: Path provided to access open space
Mixture of Uses
This principle is met. This site is less than one acre, is directly
adjacent to other residential development, and is not located
within a Center. It is located within walking distance of non-
residential development and parks/green systems.
Neighborhood Centers
This principle is met. The development is not located within a
Center. It is within walking distance of a Neighborhood
Service Center, Albemarle H.S., and Charlotte Humphris
Mixture of Housing Types
This principle is partially met. Given the variety of housing
and Affordability
types in the immediate area and the size of this site, staff
finds it consistent with the Neighborhood Model Principles to
provide one housing type on this site. However, the proposal
does not meet Strategy 6b in the Housing Chapter of the
Comprehensive Plan.
✓ Z-104: Lots 13 & 14 are labeled 'AFFORDABLE'
Relegated Parking
This principle is partially met. Parking is relegated from
Hydraulic Road. However, parking is not relegated from
dwellina units.
Interconnected Streets and
This Principle is partially met. Pedestrian connectivity is
Transportation Network
provided, although revisions to pedestrian connectivity along
Hydraulic Road are needed. No future connection is shown
with the property to the east. If this property were to
redevelop in the future, it may need access through this site
(as spacing requirements may not allow for a second
adjacent entrance).
✓ Z-103: Private R/W has been extended to property
line for possible future connection.
Multimodal Transportation
This principle is met. The development connects to existing
sidewalks along Hydraulic Road. The development is located
approximately 500 feet from a bus stop for the Route 5 bus
Parks, Recreational
This principle is partially met. Additional information must
be provided to ensure the 25 percent open space
Amenities, and Open Space
requirement for cluster developments is being met. Additional
information should be provided for pedestrian connectivity to
open space through the site. There is also limited information
on what types of amenities or usable open space would be
provided for residents. Consider landscaping and buffering
along Hydraulic Road.
✓ Z-104: Path provided to access open space
Buildings and Spaces of
This principle is partially met. Consider landscaping and
Human Scale
ARB requirements alona Hydraulic Road. Additionally, the
Places29 Master Plan recommends a maximum heiaht of 45'
or 4 stories for residential uses. while R-15 allows up to 65'.
✓ Z-104: Trees provided
✓ Z-101: Refer to Rezoning Data for building heights.
This principle is met. The proposed development is within an
underutilized site within the development areas. The
proposed residential units appear compatible with existing
nearby and adjacent residential development.
Respecting Terrain and
This principle is met. There are no environmental features or
Careful Grading and
significant slopes on this site.
Regrading of Terrain
Clear Boundaries between I This principle is met. The development is located across
the Development Areas and Hydraulic Road from the Rural Area. The Places29 Master
the Rural Area Plan does not have any boundary recommendations for this
1. Please provide trip generation data.
✓ Trip generation is enclosed.
2. Please provide right turn lane and taper analysis.
✓ Right turn and taper analysis is enclosed.
3. Sidewalk will need 4ft., buffer strip along hydraulic road.
✓ C-104 & C-107: Future right-of-way dedication and grading to allow for future
construction of a 4' buffer strip and a 5' sidewalk.
1) Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer? Yes
2) What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area? On site.
3) Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan? Water
pressures are between 60-75 psi.
4) Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which
the applicant and staff should be aware?
5) Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps? Grinder pumps
may be needed. Applicant's engineer to confirm.
6) Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the
site plan/plat stage?
7) If the project is a large water user, what long term impacts or implications do you forsee?
8) Additional comments? RWSA will need to approve the water main connection to their existing
12" water main along Hydraulic. Things to consider during site plan review; Is it possible to tie
into EX MH-B with the wall outside the ACSA sewer easement. Permeable pavers are not
permitted in ACSA easements. Water will most likely need to come from Olde Oak Ct if RWSA
does not approve water main connection. Existing water meter on site will need to be
✓ After further review it has been determined that a pump station will be
required for all the new townhouses. A Request for a Central Sewer System
has been submitted.
✓ Z-105: Sanitary sewer has been relocated and no longer under permeable
✓ Z-102: Existing water meter will be abandoned.
Please let me know if you need additional information.
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Timothy Miller, P.E., L.S.