HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-15 M.B. 40,. Pg. 1 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 1) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on January 15, 1992, at 9:00 A.M., Meeting Room 7, County Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Messrs. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr., Charles S. Martin and Walter F. Perkins. ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr.; County Attorney, George R. St. John; and County Planner, V. Wayne Cilimberg. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Bowerman. ~Agen,da Item Nor'2.., -'Pled~ge of~ Allegiance, Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence. Agenda Item No. 4. Public. There were none. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Agenda ItemNoi: 5. Consent'Agenda. Motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris, seconded by. Mr.-Bain, to approve'Items 5.1'~',~5;2~and 5..2a,..:and to.accept the remaining itemson the consent agenda as information. There was no further discus.sion~ ~Roll~as ~called and~-the motion carried by~th~-:follOwing recorded vo~e:~-., AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins,:'~ ~.. ~' NAYS: None. , . Item?5.1. ~-Letter dated~December.18,~1991, from Mr,~ Gerald G, Utz, Contract Administrator,' Virginia Department of Transportation, requesting adgp~ion of a resolution to accomplish the addition and abandonment on Route 606 occasioned by new construction. By the above recorded vote, the following resolution was adopted: ...... ~ WHEREAS, Sec.ond, ar~"Rou~e :606 from~'Route~743 to,0.03 miles east':of ~out~:~743,-,:a distanCe'of~0.O3!:miles~.hasbeen:altered, i, and·~a'.!,new:"road!'~': has been constructed and approved by the State Highway Commissioner, which new road serves the same citizens as the road so altered; and 'WHEREAS, certain sectionsof this new road follow new locations, these:being shown on the attached sketch (on file) titled "Changes in Secondary System due to Relocation pf,~onstruction of Route 743, Project: 0743-002-234,C501, Albemarle County, dated at Charlottesvilt'e.,~Virgimia, December 4, 1991"'~ ...... · -. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED':~: That, the Portions of .S.econdary~ Route 606, i.e.;: Section'2 shown in red on.the aforementioned sketch, a total of 0,03 miles be and hereby is, :&d:~ed to the Secondary System of ~'::?.:::S~-ate Highways pursuant to Section 33.1-229 of the Code. of Virginia of 1950, ~s amended.; ...... ~ ....... Amd further, that.the:section of old 10cation.~.i,e.'Secti'onl, on the aforementioned sketch,, a total distance:Of 0-c051 miles,~be, and~he same' hereby is, abandoned as a public road pursuant to Section 33.1-I$5 of'~he Code.of,Virginia':of 19~0, as:amended. Item 5;'2. Request for..re~olution requesting~acceptance~:of Hunter's Way into th~-'State SeCondarySystem of.,Highways.:~Letter dated'January 7, 1992, having been receiVed from Mr.' Joseph W. Richmond, 3r.~ requesting that Hunt- er's Way be'~acce~-ed"-'into the SecOndacy System~'the~ following resot-ution.~:was adopted~by the reco.rded.voteshown above: M.B. 40, Pg. 3 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 3) Item 5.6. Memorandum from Mr. Tex Weaver, Information Resource Planner, dated January 8, 1992, entitled "Summary of Road Name Changes by Petition." "The attached summarizes road name changes based on petitions received in the Department of Planning and Community Development for requests to change approved road names adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 11, 1991. These petitions were submitted on or before the specified deadline of November 27, 1991. Included on the attachment (set out below) is the adopted road name, the proposed road name change, and the reason for the approval or denial of the request. Letters will be written to the individuals that submitted petitions to ~-'~notify them or-:the status of their requests. If a road name change ~-:was not approved, individuals will be notified as to our findings. Under the previously agreed upon procedures outlined in my memo of October 23,~t991~':PetitionsmaY~be~res~bmitted..:~However~.~the new~:.~ ~Ubmi~:tals will"not'be reviewed'~unti~ theCoun~.y has assumed-opera~. tional control of the building locator system scheduled for the summer of ,1992, Th~refore~ if..a petition is~resubmittedand .appro~edbyour department,- the road name change canno, t:be implemented until, the~ County-~has~assumed operational control of the building locator system. In-.addition, such petitioners will be notified that the cost .of implementing road~name:changes, signage, et¢~ 'must be borne 'by'ithe affected resi.dents~" Lynchburg Road- staunton,James. River~ .... Plank'.Road Turnp~i~ke ..... .. Taylo~s Gap R.Oad~ Mooreland Road PROPOSED ROAD NAM~ Monocan Trail Road Approved:-:Met~.:~ Requirements S.tony~Point. Pass Broadhead Gap,Road ,: Approved:~ Met~ R~quirements:~ ~ .- · Denie~: Didnot meetrequired 'number or. signatures Denied: Didnot meet required number of signatures ~e~e~M~~ Road ~:~i~[Sch~l?M,~d M~S Did not : .. me~...r~q~ired number of.~signatures Broad~!Axe Road PayneMountain Road Denied: ;.Dia,,not -~,.::~: m~et-requirednumber of,signatures Turkeysag Road St. 3ohns Road ** Den~ed: ~ **Would create a new road name on the middle portion of Turkeysag Road, leavingTurkeysag~:Road-at,,each~end, thus creating a ~upticate road name. (Mr. Bain asked Mr. Cilimberg what had been decided about the length of Plank Road.~'.i:~tim~r~3nesponded:3t~h~?['?~:h'~.:~thi~kS_~h~ entirg[~9~g~h~ of the road will be named P~ank Road. He added, however, that he would get~¥e=£fication of this from Mr. Weaver.) Item. 5.7. Letter dated December 31, 1991, from Mr~':-Ray~D~ Pethtel~.~' .. Commissioner, Virginia Department of Transportation, stating thaC.O~dfields Road in Homestead has been accepted into the State Secondary System of High- ways effective January 15, 1992~ was!raceived as follo~s.:,-~,~:~ "As.requested in your resolution~dated::November'6, 199.i,;~he-~following addition to,~the Secondary ,System. of:~Albemarle Countyis hereby ap-.- proved,~effective January 5, 1992. M.B. 40, Pg. 4 January 15~ 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 4) ADDITION LENGTH HOMESTEAD Route 1238 (Oldfields Road) Northeast Route 609 From Route 609 to 0.29 mile 0.29 Mi" Item 5.8. Letter dated January 9, 1992, from Mr. D. S. Roosevelt, Resident Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation, enclosing copy of "Current Projects-Construction Schedule, and Quarterly Report," received for information as follows: RT. NO. LOCATION- DESCRIPTION ~PROJECT LISTING ALBEMARLE COUNTY January 1, 1992 '~ EST. ADV. CONST. DATE TIME 20 Arc,Avon St Ex,tended (R~.~42) Construct T, Urn'Lanes~z 20 3.5 Mi-,S~athRt 53~- Safety Project 29 Hydraulic Road to Rio Road - Widen to 8 lanes 29 Rio Road to S. Fork Rivanna River - Widen to 6 Lanes 29 S~Fork,Rivanna'RiVer:to ~irport Rd ~'~iden~?to~6~Lanes 610 ~rom Rt 20:~to i~8,Mi,'E Rt,~20~,<~Pave G~avel Road~ ~ ~ 63A NCL Charlottesville:to Rt 631 '-~Meadow CreekPa=kway~ 651 .Route,~29: to, Route 743 - Rio Road West 631 1.33 Mi S Rt 64 to 0.1 Mi S Rt 64 - 5th St Ext 637 Rt 635 to 0.55,Mi W R~ 682~- Widen & PaVe Gravel Road 649 .(Airport Road) Route 29 to~onte-606 654 Rt 1406 to Georgetown Rd - Widen to 4 Lanes 671 Moormans River Bridge and Approaches 678 Route 250 to .2 Mi N Rt 250 - At Ivy 68:2 Route3250 td'i~7Mf~SRt 787 Pave Gravel Road ADV. 5 MO. ?~93 6 MO. 7-93 2 YR. 7-94 2 YR. ~7~95- ~2 YR. ~7~93 -~6 MO. 1-99~,~ 2 YR~ 7-95 12 MO. 7-92 18 MO. 7-95 9 MO. 7-95 12 MO. 6-92 6 MO. 2-92*~ 12 MO. 5-93 ~6 MO. 7~92 6-~MO. .~4 Mi ERt 240 :~o Rt 240,-- Park, Road~ ..... ~ 2-94 3 MO. 691 708 Int.~'.Rt:63t~,~Near Southern Regional Park 5,-93 5 MO. 712 Route ~29 to Route 692 '~:Widen'and Pave'Gravel Road 1-95 6 MO. 729 Int. Rt 250 Intersection,~Improvement'!near~,Shadwetl 'AD~. 4 MO. 743 HydraUlic Road?from~Rt-~65~>to Rt 631 - Widen, to:,4 lanes 5-93 1 YR. 866 Rt~'743'to Greenbrier Drive -~ NewAli§nment ~ 7-95 9 MO. em Indicates regised date ADV. Indicates that project has'been'advertised Item 5,:9. Memorandum dated~January 10,,:~1992, from Mr. V. Wayne Cilimberg,~Direetor 6f'~Planning and~Community Development re: "Glenmore~~ En~raace Road ~- Agreement RegardingMaintenance of Median," receiVed as fdllows: .... ~, ~ "The attached~see b~tow),~references an agreement with VDOT;for the Glenmore entrance r~ad from U.-S.~,'Route 250~he~eby VDOT wouldmain~ai~ only a'~ portion of the~,median~,, The ~remaining median area Would be · -~ dedicated to the public~f0r~ maintenance~by-others ~(-in thiS~ Case, the~. Glenmore devetoperJhomeowners'>association)through appropciate agree- ments~- This wide median is consistent with the Glenmore PUD approval. The~developer~Frank~essler, has written his intent to participate in such an~agreement. ,'I am forwarding this= to VDOT as part of the road plan approval processfor this ~ntrance road. Bob Brandenburger and George St. John,have reviewed the arrangement as provided ,in the letter and have~,indica~ed..no concerns,' M.B. 40, Pg. 5 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 5) "December 20, 1992 Mr. Dan Roosevelt, Resident Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation P. O. Box 2013 Charlottesville, VA 22902-0013 Re: Glenmore PUD, Glenmore Entrance Road Dear Mr. Roosevelt: The developer of Glenmore PUD is proposing an expansive separation of .~the-in-bOUnd tanes-of~ the ~Glenmore entrance road. This island would ~not be developed but would be substantially landscaped. The County is supportive of this proposal and believes such treatment of the en- trance would~maintain a rural character as well as an enhanced ap- proach to the development. You~have indica%ed that~ VDOT may be .receptive to the proposed expan- sive median for the Glenmore entrance road under certain circumstanc- es. Firstly, ~the entire area~ should be dedicated to the County as opposed to remaining in private ownership. Secondly, VDOT will only accept that. portion,-o£ the island which is necessary to maintain the travelways and attendant drainage facilities. Thirdly, the County is to provide,g~a~antee that VDOT will be responsible only for areas specifically accepted by VDOT for maintenance and that maintenance of the remainder of the:island,would be responsibility ~of?others These~termS are acceptable to both ,the :developer :and the,~:.County. Appropriate :agreements~ w:i:l~l be,:executed: prior to · final subdiV:i sion approval I' trust this letter' will be adequate to allow processing of the road plans~ Should~ you haVe 'any q~estions-, please-do-not ~hesita'te to contact: me. . Sincerely, (Signed) V. Wayne Gilimberg Director/Planning & Community. Development . Agenda Item No. 6. Approval of Minutes: August 7, 1991 and January .8, 1992 (Afternoon) ........ Mrs~Humphris had read the minutes of January 8, 1992 (Afternoon), and found them to be correct. Mr.~..Bowerman ~had readthe~:minutes of'~AUgust:,.7-, 199t~.Pages14..,(Number 17) to the :end~.and found them to be in order. Mrs. Martin pointed out that theJanuary 8, 19'92, minutes indicate that he arrived at the meeting at 4:46 p.m., but he actually arrived at 4:26 p.m. At this time, Mr~i.Bain.moved~approval'/of the minutes as read and with the correction as noted. Mrs. Humphris seconded the motion. Rolt-was c~lled, and~the'motion carried by-'the-"foi!owing reco~rdedvote: AYES: Mr.~ Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and NAYS: '.None: Agenda Item:No~,'7.'! Appointments: School Board. Mr. ~erkins ~expressed'his app=eciation-for the peop~e.whoapplid.,for, the- Schoot,~Board appointment from the?White Hall ,district~ ~He, tho.ught that,'they were all outstanding~applicants, but, unfortunately, he could only choose one person. He~then offere~motion,~to rgappoint:Mr~-~WiltiamW. Finley to the School~Board for~a~fterm of office which wilt end on December 31, 1995. Mrs. HumPhris seconded the motion. M.B. 40, Pg. 6 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 6) Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. Next, Mr. Martin stated that he was fortunate to have several very good applicants with whom he had met and enjoyed conversation, all of them would make excellent School Board members. He then moved to reappoint Mrs. Sharon Wood to the School Board for a term of office to end on December 31, 1995. Mr. Marshall seconded the motion. ~Mts. Humphris said when she had to replace the member from her district in September she remarked that the open process worked well as far as the advertisement, public hearings into soliciting people for that difficult position. Mrs. Humphris said she feels it is:::very important, that~,)the public'be abte~to understand 'that the, process~:is~ truly open. She thinks it is a matter of principle that the process ~be~-fair and perceived by all of the public to be open. She added that she would have to take a position on this particular situation and vote against the nomination. Mr; ~ Martin c-ommented ~that he thinks .the :process ~'is~ open ~ and he reiterat- ed 'that he .had met. with.all of the applicants. ~r?.~}~edsaid. there, were? a couple-of appticants~who he 'felt had~ the potential of 'being'-:exceptionat ~School Board members..' He saidn~t given the fact that there was an applicant who had already served four'years on the, School Board and whose abilities, experience and knowledge .were well known-to him, he felt it' was?~important to choose someone.with a known quality rather than someone with potential quality;: Mr. Marshall .remarked that he had served on the School ~Board:.with :MrS~ Wood, and-, fOund .her, ~t.o; be. very. capable and 'understanding of,the 'people in her district as',well as-.,Mr. Ma~shall~'s district,: since they shared the Stone- Robinson:'..School. ,:He said ithat.~the.:parents ands,teacherS think ve=y highly of,- h~r, so ..for .,that.,reason Roll was called, and the motion carried by .the following recorded ,vote:; AYES: .~'Messrs. Bain, BOwerman, Marshall, Martin::,and.:,Perkins~ NAYS :' :Mrs. · Htunphris.. ,-Mr;. ~Marshall thanked all of the people:who: applied'for ~the School-Board position~in:.his district~ ~'He. said that he -made..his' decision, solely on' quali- fication. He nominated Dr. Valdrie N. Walker to serve a four year term of the office, to:end on December ]31, 1995. Mrs. Humphris seconded the :*nomination. Roll was called, and,-the-:mOtion-carried by the following recorded~vote: AYES: ~ ,:,Mc. ~- Bain, Mr; ~:Bowerman, M~s .~ Humphris, Messrs ~ ~Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: ~. None ~ ,~ Not:Docketed: i .At this time,. Mr. Marshall stated: that he would like,to appoint Mr. James.-~,:~arke to the Board of Equalization. Mr. Bowerman asked-if there would~be furthe~,.apPointments~ ~,Several Board members indicated3~that~they~:..didhave.,other appointmentsto~make~ :,Mr,.Tucker explained that!~k~ethas~been%a time,;~set aside'~at.~he<-end~of~theagenda for~:~ appointments ~other-than~those to:~the School Boardl Agenda:ItemNo. 8. Discussion: Legislative_Request re: Redistricting. Mr~Bowerman noted that material concerning the request on redistricting ;waspreviously distributed. January 15, 1992 (Regular~Day Meeting) (Page 7) M.B. 40, Pg. 7 Mrs. Humphris moved to adopt the following resolution requesting the Virginia General Assembly to make technical amendments to the proposed Con- gressional Redistricting Plan and the adopted House of Delegates Redistricting Plan to eliminate split precincts, one in the Congressional District and one in the 58th House of Delegates District. Mr. Bain seconded the motion. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. -(Mr. St. John left at 9:14 A.M.) REQUESTING THE VIRGINIA GENERAL.ASSEMBLY-:,TO MAKE~ TECHNICAL ..AMENDMENTS TO THE PROPOSED CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING PLAN AND THE ADOPTED HOUSE OF DELEGATES ~ eREBtMT~RICTING PLAN TO ~ELIMINATE, SPLIT~ PRECINCTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle -County,-~Virginia~'~that this Board does-hereby~request,'the members of its.legislative delegation to introduce appropriate legislation to .eliminate split precincts in Albemarle County from both the proposed Congressional Redistricting Plan and the adopted House of Delegates Plan.~ In.particutar:~ the Board urges that legislation be introduced to modify the current b~nd,:Ar3~ili~me ~e~eeh ~]%eC57~ and 58th House of Delegates Districts such that the current line bisecting the Ivy Precinct ' be~ redrawn' ,to "be coterminou~ ,i~:ith. the~ 'e,urrent ~bOundary line between the. Cr0Z~t and-Zvy~.PrecinctS~ BE IT~ ~U~T~.~.~:. ~R~L~OLVED .that :this. ,-BOard '! :Ufges ~ tha.t.- the proposed Congressional District boundary line be modified so as to eliminate the s~Ii~t,'ifi~:~:~,:~th the,Wood, brook and. East Ivy,Prec,incts. ,. :- .... The,Board reco.gnizes.-that ~he ~edrawing-.:of: ~the Gongressional'- District ,b~undary~tine, which currently bisects the East Ivy Precinc~ Woutd: involve moving approximately 208~0 residents and ,thus may. require a:.complete ,redrawing of the Congressional District boundary line through Albemarle County. In the .event that ~ ~ - c:Omp,lete radtawing'~of~* the Congressional District .bOundary line ..is 'found to be unwarranted;, the Board 'recom- mends ,introduction of- legislat~ion .to redraw..the proposed: ,boundary line bisecting the, Woodbro0k ,Precinct to..be coterminous with: the current Woodbrook/Branchlands precinct line. Not D~keted~.¥t;M~.~!!Tucker stated_that,:Mr ~ Bain ha~,~=aised the .question of the County pursuing an increase in the Transien~ Occupancy Tax. He said staff has fo~d .that bo~h. Fai~rEmx; amd GreensVille'.' coun~i~s~are' sponsorimg, separate legislation: for an. imcreas~ to ~t-heir., rates':~ ~, effort',was:, made '.to 'add Albema=ie.:Co~ty ..to.-~tha~.'leg~slation~ ..but~ no one._was t.will~ng.':to spense=~ .s~ch an additiom. StaSf:.tal~ed to som~ of..the.'-iegisia~ors~-' amd Dete~ate Way. indicated.:that he is'wii1-sponsor separate legislation for Alb~rle Co~ty. There is a two percent cap currently for counties, but the tax can be increased to as cm~h..,as f~e percent,:.' ~_ Cha=lOttesvi:lle' .c~rent~y.'~haS :,a ,foUr perce~t rate c on ': its '.hotels:::~d mo~els.': If.:..~ the Board ':.chOoses. ~O- p~rsue:this, a motion.~itl.- be n~eded..~o request ~he~,legislaters, par~cula=ly~.Dele~a~e Way, to introduce- legislation to,increase the Transient:,Occupancy Tax?rate ~from two percen~ ~o five~percent~..t,This-Board can decide 'later whether or not it would be more app~opri~t~b'~e."e:d~si.~tent with the City's rate. request Delegat~ Way ~o :introduce .legislation requesting _the-Virginia Generai~ Ass~bly to -allow ~lb~rle Co~ty.,to.:..inc=ease. ~ts~ lodging .~tax tO,~,a maxim~:of five?percent, ....... _ . ~, , . ~ M.B. 40, Pg. 8 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 8) Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Martin and Mr. Perkins. None. Agenda Item No. 9a. Highway Matters: Work Session: Six-Year Road Plan (continued from December 11, 1991). Mr. Bowerman explained that this work session relates to the Six-Year Road Plan and was continued from December 11, 1991. He said that there will be:discuS~ionand~/ultimately,~thePlan will be set for public hearing. Mr. Tucker stated that the staff has a response to most of the questions raised,by Mrs. Humphris in December.~ Mr. Cilimberg has distributed, informa- tion relating to specific questions Mrs. Humphris asked, and staff met with VDOT and put together~:the,five and one~.half pages of. responsesrtO,the,~ questionsl.~ M~: Cilimberg noted that attached to his information are two resolutions which have been developed to cover the Meadow Creek Parkway and other area transportation projects. The-first~,resolution~wasadopted~by City Council in 1990,~and ~the second~,,~which is, a joint resolution between the City, County and University, is currently under consideration. The responses to the questions cover~the ~funding questions, the advertising,,fortheMeadow Creek Parkwayand differences in cost estimates on theMeadow Creek Parkwaybetween the County and,~VDOT;~The handrou~'-'~atso, includes ~information relating t6~the Rio Road/ Route 250 Bypass connector road (a proposal in the CATS Plan) and, finally, there"are some answers to other Meadow, Creek Parkway questions~ ~.~ ~ .... ~r~, Mr.,Bowerman asked~Mr.~'~Cilimbergto gothrough~each question, and then Board,members could, makecommentsJ .... ~ '-~. Mr. Cilimberg noted that Mr. David Benish was also present at the meeting to answer~questions. He said Mr. Benish worked~withMr. Rooseveltto obtain: answers-to specific~questions He then summarized~,answers'to'~the.questions from the January'~3,,,1992, :memo from:Mr. Benish, Chief~of :Co~unity~Develop,~ ment, · ......... : , ,~ , .- ~ ,, ,! (t) Route-708,:~ Biscrepanc~,in:~ previous,:fundins~,between.'the'Ptan- -:~:,'~-ning Commission-~(priority-No~ ~) and..~he~VDOT:.tist~ ~The~otalof .... revenue~sharing funds ~for~,this project, was $100~000.. VDOT~'had received, S8000 of~thesefunds. ~When VDOT:.prepared the priority list, the,:full.$100,O00 was~shown~ thus'-causin§~the-:total previ- ous allocation to be $8000 higher than the actual allocation. As ~.of thisdate, the full,amount of,~the,~:revenue. Sharing has been ~ ~.~. ...... credited~to~'this p~oject and the current ,allocation is $150,000. (2',) Route ~6~4. Discrepancy in:"previoUs 'fUndins~' between,::the. Plan-. ~,~nin$-Commission (priority:No, 5)~and.:the VDOT~,!ist~This-,differ? -:,~ ence was~caused,by~he, same::situation~as~above~i ,That'is to~say~,:~ in 1990-91, all revenue sharing funds for this ,project were shown as "previous funding", but these funds.had not actually been bitled, andcredited.':,Theprevious ,funding totat~was~incor~ect~ There is~$4OO;OOO::of:.~revenug:.sharing which.has notbeen:credited to this project. ,.The Current attocation=,~is~$4357500, with a billing currently being Processed whidh~makes~the~,total,,alloca- tion $600,50,0~ ',.When)the ~final.=evenue~:sharing funds,have beeni credited, the;totalallocation willl,be $1,~000~.500 (3) What is the process for funds to become unallocated or to be realtocated? When a project is~completedand finishes with a , ba!an¢~_':°~ d~ficit, funds qan qnly~ be ~i~tr~fisferred -~'t0~:°~er.'i,_~,~ A!~ema=t~,County, secondary'iprojects~ t~i'~halance~out the~p~ojects~ This wouldinclude covering defi¢its~and providinEadditionat~:~ funded. If an'active~project is 6hanged in, scope~ordeleted,/~he remaining funds are,transferred.~t6other,.projects~ These.trans- fers haVe'to be-approved by~VDOT!s~Dist~ict~Adm~nistratdr, and the Centrals'Office,in,Richmond.. ...... ~' January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 9) M.B. 40, Pg. 9 (4A) Route 708 (Planning Commission priority No. 4). Differences in Planning Commission and VDOT lists for "estimated cost" and "previous funding" amounts. The difference in "estimated cost" was due to a change in the estimated cost of the project. The change was made between the date of the Planning Commission's meeting and the date the list was sent to the Board. The differ- ence in "previous funding" was due to revenue sharing funds which had not been billed or credited showing on the Commission's list. (4B) Route 654 (Planning Commission priority No. 5). question No. 2. See answer to (4C) Route 743 (Planning Commission priority No. 12). The cost ~ estimat~.'i~as~evised~b~e~.th~"P~ann~g ~0mmipsi0n:,a~d~-the .. Board.meeting,~.,~The cost~,increasewasdue to the.~.extension-~of imp~ovemen%s atl. the, in~ecti0n' Of Route~,7'43/~B't,"~{~,~it'h~ Rock (4D) Rio:Road (Route 63i):from Berkma~ to :Route,,29~ Rio Road,fromm. '. Berkmar toRoUte 743 (Planning Commission priority Nos.~ll and 13). The cost estimate was reduced because a portion of this project is to be constructed as part of the Route 29 improve- ments (5) Meadow Creek Parkway~ basis for change in advertisement date~. City awareness-of change~in date,,;'Thechange, in the~advertise- ment'date is based on coordination with'the financing-of the City portion, of~this prqject~ The change~was~made.by VDOTbased, on the'City's priority list,for urban projects%~ ~It. is~now estimated for 1999 and is.based~on the anticipated timing for the.City portion of the project. The revised "expected advertising date" of January, 1999 is generally consistent with the allocationof . f~nds.-as ou~!~ned/in ~he.:?s~xrYe~r ,Primary_a~d~Urban,System~Plan. The Six-Yeac Improvement ~Program~for:.the. Urban.HighwaY SYstem:(FY 91i92)~nctudesthe-Mead0W/Creek.~P~kwaY~i~rom Preston Avenu&~o the~North'Corporate~.Limits_for engineering,~.ohly,..with thealto- cation of funds beginning in 1994-95, and extending through the remaining three years of the Plan. A total of $5.4 million is to be allocated to the project over that period. The-estimated:cost for,,epg~eering is,$1~6,million2~The:::Cityhas prOposed.fOur~',improvement-projects and~',the~Packwaylis cdrrentty the lowest Priority'~of~those four.~,~The~three other~?projects are scheduled'for:,develoPment'over the next, three years and~use~',the. bulk or,funds available, for~-City projects. ~In~order to advance development~Of the Parkway, additional~funds:~Wouldbe necessary or a reallocation of fundslfrom, other~City~p~,ojeets. The later would result~in a delay,off'those projects. ..... · 1 Although, CityCouncii?may~not b~ aWace ofthe current estimated advertisement dateof'January, 1999~ Councilshould-be awarethat the construction'of theParkwaywould not occur,until',full funding is provided,~:and planning and right-of-wayacquisition is completed~ This is not anticipated~untilsOmetime after FY 1996-97, the last year of the current~Six-Year Plan for the urban highway~system~ ..... ~ .... ~ : '/~ ,'~ ~ ? "~. '~:,~i' ,, ~.'~ 7~: ~ :' ',~ Mr. Cilimberg:Saidithe Ci~y's'.three projects which are~ahead Meadow Creek:.Pa=kway.are,;:L~ng Street..(Route 250..Bypass),-'.the Ridge, Street bridge and-the Ninth/Tenth',Streets,connector.'road. Because ~f the:Urban- system monies available.to. ~he. City, .the:project cannot ~be-funded and.-go 'to advertisinguntil:,1999,.'~.The_Urban ~Program..~has:lost moneys.just asa,the,Secon- dary Program. has:over the last,two-:years. '.: Mrs. HUmphris said the,,Supervisors discussed,'-last~-monththat-the.~City's cost of the,Meadow .Creek~Parkway will be much less-than is,shown'because~of deleting the part',Of the project-from PreSton Avenue to the. BypasS. She January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 10) M.B. 40, Pg. 10 wondered if this would make a difference. Mr. Cilimberg said City officials have never made a formal request to VDOT's Urban Program section to drop the section of McIntire Road from Preston Avenue to the Route 250 Bypass. Mrs. Humphris said this was discussed at length at the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) Policy Board meeting two weeks ago. Mrs. Bitsy Waters and Mr. Tom Vandever, who represent the City, said they thought the Council's deletion of a portion of the Meadow Creek Parkway had been cleared through all known channels. Last month Mr. Roosevelt said he had not heard about this change, but in reviewing the MPO minutes of May 10, 1991, there was a thorough discussion of what City officials had done. Recently Mr. Bill Jeffries from VDOT was at the MPO Policy Board meeting, and he didn't under- stand~how~VDOT~ould not'h~ve ~otten. the message about what City officials wanted'to do. :Mr,., ROosevelt,:said he. trieS, to keep up'with the~status of projectS~and the fundingof projects in~the,~City, but the,,City deals withthe Urban Divi~ sion of VDOT. He is'~not a part of that chain and is~not kePt within the communication links. He added that when Board m~mbers ask him about projects in Charlottesville,-his information is not always~,inclusive..~Hefeels sure itwas~becausehelhad a copy of the.BOard'~s ~resolution with~him, that~it was~ communicated tone'the'Urban.Division. He cannot tell whetherthe January~ 1999 date is based'upon the reducedlength, ofthe~City.',S portion of the Meadow Creek Parkway~proje~t~ orwhether it still includes the portion of McIntire Roa~ in,front of, the County Office,~Bnilding.~, He ean.te~lthe~Board that the currentSix-Yea=Plan was, approved prior to~the~passimg ~f~this resolUtion. Mr~ ROoSevel~said~the Ci~y~scurren~Six,Year,.~lan!has'no~con§truction orrights-of-way money for the Meadow Creek Parkway. There is only $1.6 million fo= preliminary engineering work, regardless of what the rights-of-way and construct~on'eost~estimates~are for this~projeet. He~explained,~that',~all of~the~money.has to~be,,altocatedbeginning~'~n:'1997~98~ It~is~possible, i. if,~the proj~ect isi',shortened.and its~cost~'reduced,~.~hat~he~advert~seme~t~-date~could be~moved-forward~'~six months~' He'believes it will,s~ill be late 1998 or early 1999, befores,the City~,will, have~.enough~money~¢onsidering,~ts current~prior- ities~ to~construchthe Meado~ Creek-Parkway~:Reducing~he cost~of~.this pr~ject~to'~anything reasonabte~still means that~it~alt-~hasto ,be financed starting'in,~1997~98.~,~.He,~pointed~out~that~the~$2~0~$3~O~mitlion the,City =eceiveseach year'will,not amount,to~enough~money~to~advertise this project Until at,least early ~998. Mr. Bain asked if the City.'got additional substantial funding from a primary source andcouldcover.the'costs,~how m~ch'eact~er~theMeadow Creek Parkway~project~could.begin, Mr.-Roosevelt said-there 'is approximatelY:S20.0 million available over-the~next~-six years, and.~he estimate?for~that~project,-,,.' is:-$5~4 mitlion~as,',the~'.County!s share~ The,project"couldbe~finaneed~in the next'~'~si~years,~:bu~it would,substantially delay'Other proj~cts~in the SixrYear'Plan. ':'If~:~the~City.:were, to move~its,portiomof~-the~Meadow Creek Parkwayproject~ahead, he could ~automaticalty~ and without any further .... diScuSsion withthis Board~ move::theCountys ,f~nancing~of.the~,Meadow~Creek Parl~way~project~ahead~because..this~Board has already indicated-~its.priority. There is.still the-~problemof,:~howlong it,'witltake,~to dothe engineering; it will~probably-take'-tWo.and~,onerhalf~:to~threey~ars~Of enginee~ing!:work~. A designof~the road will have. to~-be done, anda~design'pUbtic?hearing held, Rights-of~way will also~haveto be purchased before construction can begin. Mr. Bain asked if this process could be'~exp.edited::if the'~engineer£ng were done privately..~Mr~'Roosevelt agreed~ '. '~ Mr. Cilimbarg directed~Mrs.:Humphris' attentionto~Page~Five'of Mr~':~,.~ Benish!sSanua=y:t3~ ~992¥ m~mo. ~He,poin~ed ou~-that~s~aff~in~the~Urban Section~of, VDOT~-have?i.nd~cated ~that, they,~donot*.~have, a formal~pos~tiOn on the alignment.of the~McIntiC~Road, portion~.of the~.Meadow Creek ~Pa~way as,an inclusion,in:the~p=ojoct~.but.~hey~are~awa~eof,:,theCity',s 1990:'resOlution. They, bet~eve~this ~information .~s sufficien~ endugh,~for~them to consider~a change in theseopeof..the, project., however, the.~:Ci~y~:needs~to request~tha~ change, during areview. Of~,theSix-Year Primary,,Interstate and'~Urban~Highway System~Plan, which is--underta~en~inthe Spring,'of,eaCh year. .:Mrs.~Humphris sta~ed that~discussion at the MPO meeting brought out the problem of a lack of a link for this type of information. City officiais i indicated~-'that~they ware'going to'close.that tink by.~eeing~that~everyth~ng January 15, 1992 (RegUlar Day Meeting) (Page 11) M.B. 40, Pg. 11 relating to this situation was sent to Mr. Roosevelt's office because of the necessity of coordinating the City's information with VDOT. She noted also that Mr. Jeffries said he would inform his office of the situation. She does not understand what Mr. Jeffries can do about the situation, however, since he works in the Richmond office. Mr. Benish said he has not talked to anyone in the Urban Division of VDOT who can do anything about the matter. The Urban Division's staff understood there had been a resolution made but positive action by City officials has not occurred. The resolution regarding the Route 29 bypass indicated some work on the Meadow Creek Parkway, but it is up to City officials to make that formal request. It appears that the channel to make this request will be the next review of the Primary Road~Plan~ . Mr. Roosevelt said there has been a location public hearing relating to McIntire Road and Meadow Creek Parkway, and this 'Board gave VDOT a recommenda- tion about different options fOr its location~~ VDOT.~is still ~waiting for'a formal-reSolution from City officiats,concerning,-that location hearing. The City"s~ August, 1990 action is-not what is-.necessary, even though.that action involves suggeStions'from City officials modifying this section of the pro- ject. He does not know which alternative the City supports. He stated that he wi~ll, check-with~the'Urban Division.~of VDOT and Mr~ Je£fries to' find out~ th~ status, of.this resolution. Unless something has occurred that-he does knowaboUt~ City Council still~ has,not responded-~formatly, concerning that location hearing. ~ .... ~ ~ ~' ..... ,, Mr. TuCker ~remarked~ that the, lack of~ response from the_CitYis due~,to~ the fact ,that City officiats~'~want to first see the results of the Route 29 North corridor study. ~ Mr.~ Bowerman asked if~it~wOuld 'be appropriate~for this Board~to draft~a letter ~to City Councit~outlining todaY' s ,discussion. and asking~ Goun~il~ to - consider taking the necessary~action, to bringltheir portion' of the~ project thevsame~ status~ as~ the~ County' s. ~e thinks~there should- be"a~formal request with~the Chairmants'~.signature. The request~ Shputd outlinewhat this Board perceives to be the deficiencies that have to be. taken care of~, and 'clarifir cation of:the situation. ~- ~ ~ Mr~ ,~Bain'~ responded that ~ City:'officiats are?aware ~ of~, the, situat ion~' because Ms~Waters'~and .Mr, Vandever, were at the MPO meeting. ~They were supposed ,to take the information back to Council. However, a formal written communication would:make ~it clear~tO~City~off~cials~that ~Countyofficials are requesting that the,'appropriate~pe~pte ~be~ contacted at~VDOT,.~,~ =~. ~ Mr. Roosevelt said Mr. ~Bain had mentioned that-maybe City Council 'could find some?~p~imary or'~urban funds~ available ~-~ ~ He~,said "the~,~onlY~'*highway~ fumds available to the ~City ~for~ improvements are ~the $2,~9 million', the- City- receives each year ~ ~, There~is~no~,other special, fund~availabte for~ ~his ~ improvement ~ thinks ~theYfeasibte Options~ are ei~he~,that C~ty ~officials~chan~e-their ~ ~ - priorities'~substantially ~and mov~the Meadow Creek ~arkway' forward in~he~r plans, or I998 or~1999.w~lt~ be~the~ earliest~ time tha~~the~ Pa~Way 'can ~be: ~ ~inmneed. H~ does not scm any other unkno~ fund ~hat City officials will be able to use to finance their share of this improvement~ (~) ~ Could more revenue sharing funds,be allocated~t°~ the~Mead~w~Creek ~ ~ ~,~Parkwa~'~pro~j. eCt~ ~n~ earlier ,:years?~'~..'Revenu~'~:sha~ing f~ds must~ be ,' :,, ...... expended~:' in:-the ,, fiscal., year~ in which .~hey are.' all0cated.. There- fore, they are usually assigned to projects that are anticipated to be'.comple~ed ::that s~e year: .... RevenUe Sharing funds cannot acc~, ~ late ove~time~'~for :the future construction ofra,::p~ojec~~ ~: -~ ..... ~ M~?Cilfmberg said this~question deats ~with~the use of revenue-sharing I funds ~., for~ the Meadow Creek~ Parkway.~-~, Staff s response is ~ ~hah ~he =evenue sharing funds.~cannot'~acc~ulate· over~ times bu~ theyare to be~expended~during the~,yea~ in 'which the~ proj ect-is~ anticipated ~to,~go ~'to construc~ionc ~'~He --noted that:~the way revenue sharing works,- with ~ the ~Six~Year, Secondary ~TProgt~, is ~not necessarily making~a~.difference~ ,.Mrl Roosevelt is ~using revenue sharing funds to finish up projects as a ~way of expeditiDg ,the end of some projects~ so-that Secondary~monsys-can be available to build up in other projects.. January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 12) M.B. 40, Pg. 12 (7) Differences in "cost estimates" and "previous funding" on Planning~ Commission and VDOT lists for Meadow Creek Parkway. The $28,751,000 estimate was furnished by Albemarle County. This is for the proposed County alignment. The estimated cost is based on consultant studies a~ is the estimate used in the CIP. VDOT's estimate of $20,000,000 was taken from the CATS plan and updated to allow for inflation. VDOT has not allocated any funding to this project. The $116,000 previous fundi indicated is solely County money for planning purposes (consultant con- tract). Mr. Cilimberg said the County's estimate on the Meadow Creek Parkway section north of Rio Road is based on the alignment in the Comprehensive Plan, which is the alignment that goes west over to Route 29, south of Hollymead and Forest Lakes; Couhtystaffused estimates provided by the consultant. It is thesame estimate that was used in the CIP, which is where the $28.0 million was derived. VDOT's estimate was based on the alignment shown in the CATS plan, ~hich is the.~northerna!ig~nm~nt:goi~g-to Airpo~t~adi~!~Adj.ustments~for inflation were considered..~.n.con.structingthis atig~m~n~ .~Gounty~staff hopes to get furtheratong during the~next six to nine~monthsOn a determination of that alignment with the. SverdrUp report, and maybe by,~nextyearthe=e~will~be- a sense or,the actuat~,alignmentland~its cost.~. .......... - Mr. Bowerman wondered.hOw~the.CATS plan can.be updated to reflect~the new- alignment. Mr.-Cilimbergreplied:that oncethe Sverdrup~study iscompleted; staff will':contact VDOT and find out if there is any value in amending the CATS plan~ VDOT, has p~eviouS.ly~indicated.~thatalL'al~gnments-in~ the plan are only conceptual until~an.environmental:impact,~study is completed.::There not.~enough,money~to~do a~full, environmental, impact study, but there, isenough money~'to do~an environmental,asSessment. Mr. Bowerman,said since the-road.alignment~iS part of~the agreement,of understanding~the County has; he thinks the plan-,should,~reflect~the County,. Board.!s~andstaff',s best thinking about where.the-alignment should-be. ~, Mrs.~H.umphris'said it:was mentioned at~-,the.MPOmeeting thatan~update:of theCATS plan is.forthcoming ...... "~Mr .... Bain asked when the Sverdrup'plan"isdue to be completed.. Mr..Cilimberg answered: that a meeting will be heldtomorrow, and he should be able,.to:answer,~that~question:soon,after that-time.~ ' :, :, ,<8)~ ~ Howi'd~eg.~the~Board.. of Supervisors?deal: with~ RioaRoad/Route 250,, ? .... ::,~?ConnectorRoad.,.~:The-~Rio~Road/Route 250~ connecto~ road isCa~:?'~~ ~ < ..... ,=:i,recommendation Oflthe<:CATS:Study, There haslbeenno study -,,~ :determine~the ultimate alignment of this road. As proposed in CATS, the alignment would traverse~Pen Park, and. Rivanna Park and- ..... ~would~have a significant,impacton~,the Use-of these~facilities. -.~.,:~:,,'The abilityto use Federal<fund~,~ could-be,limited.due to-.the- project's impact~on-the parks ...... The:'-etigibility of;this~road for themge'of, Secondary (or Pr.ima~ - fy) Funds-has,nOt been~ de~ermined:to.da~e. This determination,.~.? will havetO be.made'by VDOT. Typically~ to~qualifyfor<Secon- -'dary Construction-Funds~ a project:wouldhave:to!serve~asa "replacement project" for thelupg~ading of an existing road. This is the situation with the segment of the Meadow Creek Parkway:.in.the.eurrent. Six-Year-Plan,~ :, If.'the'~County.~wishes~to:delete-~the Project fromthe~CATS-Study, CATS~would have to be,~amended. It is,~staff~s understanding that an amendment would'require approval, by city Council¢ :Albemarle~ County~Board of:~Supervisors, and*.thei.MPO Policy-Board~:and"would have-to be,-accepted by VDOTiland~Federal,'Highway?~Adm~nistration. Staff. has requested the Thomas Jefferson-Planning CommiSsion to determine the exact process for amending CATS. They will be providingthat information_to.us later,~this week,~ :. ~-' (9) Status~of~City actions onthe Meadow:,Creek:~Parkwayand howdoes the~Boa~d proceed in:coordinatingdevelopment of this. project with the City? Regarding-the status of the portion of Meadow Creek:Parkwayfrom Preston Avenue to the Route 250~Bypa{s, the January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 13) M.B. 40, Pg. 13 City adopted a resolution on August 6, 1990, on the Route 29 Bypass which indicated that the Meadow Creek Parkway should be constructed from the Route 250 Bypass to U.S. Route 29 North as soon as funding is available. The County's resolution states that "neither McIntire Road nor Ridge Street shall be widened because of the negative impacts on the City and its neighbor- hoods." A joint resolution now being considered by the County, City Council and University states the Meadow Creek Parkway should be constructed from the Route 250 Bypass to U.S. Route 29 North as soon as possible. In discussions with VDOT Urban System staff, it appears that the ~ ~City~ha~never~fOrwa~ded to'VDOT a formal position on the Meadow Creek Parkway alignment and inclusion of McIntire Road in the project. The August 6, 1990, resolution, which includes comments regardinWthe~McIntireRoadsection of thei,Parkwayproject, should be~.sufficient forVDOT toconsider a~change~in-:the~scope of the, project. The appropriate time for the City tO':'r~quest .... this change.would'be,during-review 0f~the Six~Yea~'Primary,~'~ Instats~ and~.Urban Highway~System:i~plan,~which is.undertaken~,in the Spring~of:~the year. - ...... ~ Mr. Cilimberg said.the Rio-,Road~Route, 25Oeonnectorlroad could,also be subject to a CATS~plan amendment~ At~thiS_time,'thsre~hason~ybeen'prelimi- nary work on the. alignment ofthat~-road as it would affect Pen Park and Rivanna Park, which could also affect the availability of Federal funds. The alternativeto,that~alignment has~a~tually been seen as affecting the~Key.West Subdivision. ~ .:-:.' ............. ~ -. .-~ ~ Mrs. Humphris said it was her understanding thata-.previouS Board ~ent on record as not wanting,to'pursue the.Rio Road/Route~',25Oconnecto=Sroad. Yet, for some reason, VDOT~has.insisted on keeping~'this'~*alignmentinthe plan~ She also understands that,~,there!is $8:~g.~million~to,:b~ild?a~road-..that.'~he:-County does not want. She~ wondered~:why~this amount ofmoney~shoutd be spent for construction~ofthe,_road,,when the'money could-~probably,-best, be'placed-some- where else~~ .... ~,~'? Mr. Cilimberg said at the MPO technical' Con~aittee-.meetings there were diScussions :held'.with~City~ officials, but'he,did not~.think City officials~took the'~ position that.':the project should., be deleted. The position at the-:MPO meetings~ was that:'the-County needed to,, look at l the alignmen.t or it should be deleted from' the;. GATS, p!an~. .'He doeS: not think the . matter;. Was pursued beyond.' that~peint.. .In the January..~3, 1992, memo, staff concludes that if it is the desire to delete this road from the CATS plan, the plan would require, an amendment.. ,Approvals would -be needed~~ from,'City~ Council and/the MPO;Policy Board.,.and be.accepted-by VDOT~,andhth~-..Federal Highway:;Administration, Mr;. Tuckers, explained ~hat ~his:.~Boar&Or City Councit would need to :initiate~- the ~en~ent process to. get :the:connector road out: of the CATS plan. ~.: . ,.~ ;-_; ..Mr; .~Marshall;' said .he is., ~confused:,as to:.whe~e~ the;~ alignment~ f~,r~ the :Route 250 conn~tor road is being considered. Mr. Bain explained that the aligner being discussed would be in the vicinity of Rio Road but constructed east to connect to: the no~th,-side'..of~'RoUte 250, He~ thinks? this~ alig~ent shouid be considered, fUrther,when the. Board has moretime. _- ~ ~- ~- ;~ Mr,.; Martin.said it', seems, :ta-' him that-.the~ Co~ty'.has~ done the~. s~e.thing the, City. has done.. ;~ ~e ~Board passed a ,resolution,. to: have the Rio ~.Road~Rou~e 250~ East connector ~road deleted, but neve~ followed up~to get~',it done~ Mr;~'' Bain r~arked .that, he thinks the Joint Transportation Co~ittee,. took the position that the connector ~oad.:shoUld be deleted¥, ~.He does?~not' know.if_this Board ~e~erT,took ;that~' position ; ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ..... :-~:..~.. Cilimberg- said~'.this proposed? road~ project is -no~ a priority itm in the Six-Year, Plan. ~ere, is no f~ding allocated'an~here, 7so if. the project is deiatad~.; imediate plans wiltVnot2be affected.;~ ~elation.~of;..the, conneetor~, rOad-could~ howe~er, affect long~range plans.' · ,,.. : ' ._~ ~ .~Mr. MarshaSL said :.that'i in other~ words, deletion iof::~the connector';,road won-t, speed;-up the~Meadow~-creekParkway p~o]eet. Mr. Citimberg and Mrs. Hmphris agreed that Mr~ Marshall is correct~ January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page.14) M.B. 40, Pg. 14 Mr. Cilimberg remarked that he has covered the answers to the questions in the January 13, 1992, memo. Mrs. Humphris asked for an explanation of Question Number 10 relating to the allocation of revenue sharing funds to the Meadow Creek Parkway. (10) Allocation of revenue sharing funds to the Meadow Creek Parkway._ Assignment of revenue sharing funds as shown on the work sheet was a preliminary estimate for funding purposes at this time. The total allocation would be the same with or without the assignment of revenue sharing funds to a particular project. Mr. Roosevelt said it should not make any difference whether a project is funded~purely with Secondary Funds~ Revenue Sharing Funds or a combination of the?two. Once the funds are set aside, they are just dollars. VDOT assumes that $1.0 million in revenue sharing is available each year, and distributes that money somewhere~ ~ ~The~e~ are some restrictions as-~t,o~ how~ revenue~sharing money~.can bemused, but~bas~ically the funds~a~ s~pposed t~ be par~ of ~the final allocation~ ~o a pr~ject~ Even~ when'~ a pro~ec~ .is ~shown~ as?be~ng~financed ~omplet~ty~withSe~ondary F~ds, Revenue Sharing F~ds can be used for part of the project, and State f~ds can pay for another part. Hopefully, th~ total estimated c~st is stilI Mrs. H~phris asked, why~the information ~nctuded with ~the S~ix-Year Road Plan, without revenue sharing for Meadow C~eek Parkway shows $3~0~miit~on of state f~ds~ going into that~projeet~in two~.years~ However, for the s~e time period, with revenue sharing it shows only $2.120 million in State funds being used. -Mr~ ~Roosevelt~replied that $880,00~ in State-.funds is going to-some. other secondary pCoject in Alb~arle~Co~ty. Sta~ funds are.no~ being~aken from~Albemmrle County and .used somewhere else in the~ S~ate,~ It iS~verymuch the~ s~e way that Federal funds ~have always' been used~ locatly~ ~It is-not kno~'~ how~ much o~h~ $3~:0~ million i s State ~ tax · funds .amd :~how~. mu~h is~-Federal aid~ f~ds, ~This'~is~:something that ~the accountants~inRic~ond try to balance. He went~ On,to: say~ ~hat ~by ~he~ time .the'.~ funds ~ reach the Co~ty.~ teV~l ~ t~e~e?~ ~s~ no.;~distinct~on, and ~ VDOT,: tries~ to' distribUt~ it ~to~ projects so that ~ SB. O~ million ~is being spent each year.~:~. ~ ~ - ~ .~.%~ ~ ~.-~, ~ ~ . Mrs. H~phris asked why it would not be appropriate to show the State money~as $3 ~O~ ~miltion:~with:~revenuecsharing and~$3.-O?mitlion:~ ~ithout ~ revenue: sharing and ~then ;have .the other~ ~mofley:show' somewhere~ else,~ ~:: ~Sh~ wondered~why the~ money.~s~ sho~: ~n'~such a~.manner~ on the Meadow Creek-Parkway p~oject~. 'Mrs. Roosevelt ' said -he~thinks ~ M~s. ~H~phr~s is,.asking~.~hy there ~ is~ less money with rev~nua~.~sha~ing funds~ being sho~ fo~- that s~x~yaar period'~than without ' revenue sharing funds~~'~ He expl:ained that~.~he financial~.spread .sheet without revenue~ sharing,: f~ds shows, only fifteen pCojects~ .... ~a~spread sheet~:with revenue sharing funds ~-shows ~22 projects. ::The: reason' 22~~ projects ~ can be %~ f~nanced :w~h~revenue sha~ing~funds ~ is~:~that revenue:sharing .alto~S for?.~$6~0~ million more ~o.~be.~ d~s~ributed during that~ six-year ,period, Without~revenue: sharing, ~here wasn'~t: any :point in .financing seven projects~ that:.had, been~ ~ntended to~.be f~naneed-if~ revenue~'~sharing~ funds were. availabte'~_~ver ~the six- year period~-~ The~redUced<.f~ds':had to be distributed over less projects, and it so happens that more mone~ went into the Meadow Creek Parkway during that six-year pe=~od~than:~would,'ha~e gonelinto it if.revenue~:~:sharing f~ds.~ere mvailabte~ ~Mrs~ ~'M~ph~is ~sugges~ed.:.~that this ~Jma~tar~n6t :- be pUrsued further at this time~.:~~ ..... ~ -~ : .. ~. ~-,.~ ..... ~,~ .... Mr ~ RooSevett~said~.:the:~purpose,of this,:,discussiOn--~oday iS~.~to develop priority'list ,fora:public,hearing :p~rposes~ :~ce this~.Board~:has advised ~OT of .its~,priorities, -,~he TransportatiOn: Depar~ent:~:s~-,responsibilitY is to, -' ~ finance these, projects ~ in th~-,priority Order: which the-Board, has~.,set, ~so: :that advertisement can~ be .done aS~ quickly'as is~poss~bte.: ~The~ purpose<'of the Spread.. sheet~ was-.to -give, the BOard:m~bers, some-idea~ ,.based on ~he ~:ioriti~s ghe Planning gomission: reeo~ended~:as' to how he~'..(Mr,~, ~:Roosevelt) ~would~ see financing: ~hem in-order .to get: thc.to: construction' as ~quickly~asPlanning ~d fin~cing will altow. ~ether there-~is $3..0 million:.or,more:for:~his:,projeet through 1998, it is?s~ilt not-going to be advertised~_,'until. Sometime in'early'~ 1999~. He- said ~there. wil~ .be sufficient fmds, in,-1999,~under~ either~ off,the, two financial scenarios~to?advertise~-~ : ? ~. ...... ~-. ~:.~--, ....... - ~ ...... Mr.,~Roosevelt mentioned that both Cowry staff ~and ~OT have .reco~ended that the Rio Road ~project be split into two 'secti'ons..and~ ~hat ~separate priori- ties be assigned~ '~ TheSe priorit~ies,, are~ sho~ as ~N~bers:-~tl ~.and~ lB On~:~he ~ January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page~lS) M.B. 40, Pg. 15 Planning Commission's list. This was done in an attempt to add this area of Rio Road in the vicinity of Berkmar Drive to the Route 29 improvements. In the past two weeks he has discussed this with VDOT's District Administrator, who in turn contacted the Richmond office. It doesn't appear that the prelim- inary engineering process can be completed in time to add that section of Rio Road to the Route 29 project. His office needs to contact the County Engi- neering Office to see if the Rio Road project can be coordinated with the improvements at Berkmar Drive. He also thinks that Priority Numbers 11 and 13 need to be combined, and he recommends that the total project continue to be constructed after the Hydraulic Road project, currently shown as Priority Number 12, is completed. ~..~,Mr.. Bowerman ~ommented~!that-;the~ traffic problems between Berkmar Drive and~ Route 29 are going to be enormous once the new intersection is constructed. There needs to be some way to move that portion of the project forward. /Otherwise, ~,Mt; Bowerman predicts there will be a~ "bottle+neck".., situation;~ He ~asked~ if~ there?-is.,~any~,way~ the preliminary~en§~neering can be moved, forward, so' that this .area-~ can be included ~i~ th~. Route 29 ~ improv~ents. Mr.~ Roosevelt ,saidcthe information he~ has received~does :not~.,indicate :any way this projec~ can be handled ~with the ~Route 29 improvements, ~ ~Plans~ have to-be developed and a~ lo~ation~;and, designpublic hearing he~td~- This section c~not ju$t]be i~ctuded,as part of:the Rou~e 29 improv~ent project~ It~-~has to~ be h~dled as a separat~ project and' the normal* steps~,have to, be;taken,~which include a pubtic ~hearing. ~ ~ere-is not enough~.~time to do,that unless~,the Route~29 project is delayed..~ ~,~ ~ ~ . , ~ . : ~ Mr. Bowerman wondered if the Route 29 project could proceed with this project being added~during the ,reconstruction of Route~ 29, He/feels~ this iink is~sOcr~tieat ~hat it has'to,So'included in'this phase of construction. ~ ~Mr. Bain asked, if ~ there a~e any-more ~rights-~f~Way~ needed, for ~ theesection of ~road between ~Ber~ar Drive and~Route 29%~-' Mr~ ~Roosevelt answered:, ~ Mr.~ Bain asked if construction.will take~ any ~buitdings atong-'thatnsec~ion of~.roadway~~' Mr.~ Roosevelt'~said he does not anticipate~any buildings<being,., removed. However, aonstruction~ will certainly move;~he-~roadwayctOser to-the buildings.~that are ~already: there, .... He asked~' Mr~-~Benish ifdhe knew of~ any buildings-~that would~' be ~taken during this~construction, Mr%~ Benish answered,~ ~;no ~; ~ Mr. Bain su~Eested there be a separat~ resolution directed to Ric~ond or Culpeper to.'emphasize:hew important-this Board.~hinks it is that thehBe~kmar Drive~RiORoad p~ojec~ be _done at the same time asthe He 'woul4* like'to.go, forward~ wi~h a,~tette~ or resolution tO .thee. State. Mr, Cilimber~<mentioned that the. Rio Read~pro~ec~.~is,;.s~hed~ted.¥:to be-~; adver~ised?~ in .July; ~f, ~995.':.: If,.;the section ofrroa¢' ~etween.-.,R~ute: E9 and~,, Ber~ar Drive r~ains a .separate secondary project, but not part of the Route 29 improvements,.,, how~much, time could, be saved in ,Eettin~.,~the~;project<,to ..~ advertisement. ~e,- said-Mr. Benish had-mentione4~-that?nine months could-. ;~ possibly b~;saved. Mr, Roosevelt aEreed that,.only'nine months .wou!dcbe' saved. One' of,,the~ proSt~s is~- that' .State funds w~tl~ :levelc:off, -' and~the new'Federal ~ransportat~ion ~c~ ~s'.makinE considerably more,'~FederaS. f~ds available~. ,. However, these Federal, funds are onlF available if they- are matched with S~ate f~ds. In the past, approximately 15 to 18 percent of secondary expenditures had t~: be' for Federal projects; Now,. approximately 35 to, 40 percent off,the expenditures, will-be; for_.federally~ qualifyinE~ pr0jects in' order~. to ac~ss all of~the:.Fede~al funds, available. ~en this project ~s.~;done, it~wi~,;haue-to~ be ~inanced - throuEh Federate funds ;.~o ,assure that ? ~he* State will-,have,~access to all of the Federal funds available. This Federal requir~ent will add time to the p~eliminary~,en~ineerinE work because an enviro~ental ,impactLstat~ent witl~ ha~e to be done. to ~qualify f0~ ;those. Federal,f~ds-. .... With'..a State project, :there would,be an-impact :statement, ;but it would ;be. considerabl~ red~ced..' in,-~;scope, and ~onlF, S-~ate a~encies. ,woUld be ,involved, rather; than. the '- Mr~L~Bain aSked if~OT staff and County Staff .can decide~how to?address the .issue~ ~Mr. ~Roosevelt said~original!y it~ waS~haped ~his-,section of road nea~Ber~ar~ Driwe~.~onld be added gO/the ROu~e-.29 prO~ect~ He~was~concerned_~ that the Goun~y would~ spend money for intersection improv~ents (left and January 15,~ 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 16) M.B. 40, Pg. 16 right turn lanes) which might not be needed when the Route 29 project comes along. Now. he thinks the work the County is going to do at that intersection will make it function relatively well for the time it takes to get VDOT's project complete. VDOT can get together with the Engineering staff and modify VDOT's project so any funds the County spends will not be wasted. Perhaps consideration can be given to the base and surface since it will only last three or four years. Anything that doesn't have to be done in order to carry that intersection for another three or four years might be eliminated. Mr. Roosevelt said he'will not try to dissuade the Board from requesting reconsid- eration on the Berkmar Drive project, but from his discussions with Culpeper and with the federal aid aspect, he does not believe the Board will accomplish what it wants to accomplish. -~ Mr; Martin asked Mr. Roosevelt if the reason the projects cannot be combined is because of the Federal aid. Mr. Roosevelt said that is one aspect-, however, it~is'~not the-only consideration. ~A~,'Mr~ Roosevelt~under? stands it~ even if-VDOT agrees., to~.finance this~ project with.: only'State funds:,-~ a' design~and location hearing will~stii1 haVe to~.be held-, It~ normallytakes four ~to sixmonths at'a minimum to.accomplish this~: Then-'rights,of-way will. have tolbe purchased.~andutilities, relocated:in order:tO be:ready advertisement in,July,:.of, 1993 which is when.~theRoute 2~ project is scheduled to be advertised. This only allows eighteen,months for~all of this to be -. accomplished. Although this, seems~like'a,~long time, in developinghighway ~ Mr~ Bowerman, aSked if~apublic hearingd~te needs~:to,be,-set:for~hearing;~ the;:County~[s Si~-YearSeeondary Road Plan. Mr. Roosevelt said the Board needs to adopt a priority-list for that public hearing. If the Board wishes to pursue'~the,.Berkmar~.Drive/Rio. Road intersection:-as a~,sepa~ate~project,.and try to~add::it tOthe Route 29~improvements, the~pUbtic~,hearing:can~be:held.on the existing~list,. IftheBoard~wishes to'combinei~hetwoproj~ets,::..he:~suggested that!Number 1l be eliminated andeVerything~_else~:on,the.liSt mOved~-up~one~>:~ slot.:)~The'~pro,b!em'hasnot been~resolved relating~to~what Project-,Number-16: represents~. Howevers, hedoes~not:want, toldiscuss~:thiS-project~until:questions about:the?,RioRoad--project~have been.resolved; ...... ~:. .Mr~Bain.said he,is not conce=ned~aboutchanging;:the priority list-later. He asked'ifthe,~ptansfor-the, Berkmar,Drive/RioRoad project~are~readYfor Board.~ memberstoexamine. Mr. Tucker answered that Mr. Roosevelt ms reviewing the plans, now, and can make suggestions based on the three~ or four-year period~that-.he thinks~:is necessary.for, the?design~. ..... Mr:~Bainsaid he woutd~::. like~to~see,~the~plans before.~the public hearing .... ~:, .... - ..... ~--~, .... ~:-~:~ ~ ~Mr,:?Bowerm.an saidrhe :would',like to have?nome tempprary,~' spot~'~improvements on the section,of~.Rio~.,ROad,'between:Route 2O.and. Berkmar~Drive~considered~ ~It seems~.to, him. thatwith some:-mini~al expenditure:of funds';,-a~substantiat.~,::~ differenee, eould~be~made at:~that intersections,-- ~ ._ -. · :Mr;'Bowerman asked~Mr;,Roosevelt, to discuss.the Problem he'had,mentioned with-prOject~ Number,~16. Mr~':Gilimberg explained that Mr.~Roosevelt is refer- ring reNumber t6'on Attachment' 3-B pertaining to,the road project.north'of Rio Road.:.,~Mr. RO6sevett said the::road project,morth~of~Rio, ROad:Shows an estimated-cost:.of $20.0, million:. ~-~his:is a'large.amount of?moneyand far more thanwilt:be available in this current Six-YearPtan;.' There'~isn"tany~point,, it*is~the.~Boards desiretomove in:-workingon Priorities 17 through:22 if- ' forward:~with:.:building that.seetiono~.the~M~adow Creok Parkway-,;~.:'Whenvthe:~: S~X-YearPtan:~is. revised'i-two yearsfrom now,.financing~will be finished~for Routes 691 and 65tand that money can be put into the Meadow,Creek Parkway. Based~on his estimate:of, the cost of the project~ there~wil! sgill:be-~ $!8~,0,':'-~ million,,to'~.be~~ financed,-and. ~it:.witl ~ take four~:or~i~e.:~years, of 'allocations beyond ~this:: current: plan:~Before., there wilt -: be~: enougk money .to~ advertise,.~ Mr.'Cilimberg said that one of the things that could be done relative, to the Meado~Creek,~:Parkway:'"north-~ofRio Roadis~,the, comptetion of the Environmental.Impact Study; Mr;:.Roosevelt-agreed that',the Environmental..~ Impact~ Study.:could-be~done..in~.this~-~six-year periodk; He'pointed'out, that there is_approximately-$5.0million spread.!among.:other, projects that:are shownas Priorities-17 to:22~. This money could beredirected to the Meadow-,.Creek-" Parkway, project,, and~it:would put, the northern section of-'..the Meadow'Greek Parkway a year and. a-half closer to construction; :~ However, that:.'$18¥0~'million will', still, be~ neededr after t998 for. that section.. He!::said-.plans can ,be' January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 17) M.B. 40, Pg. 17 developed, and, perhaps, rights-of-way can be purchased, but there will be no money to purchase rights-of-way or to do construction until 2005 under this current plan. Mr. Bain mentioned that there had been several meetings pertaining to construction of the Meadow Creek Parkway North on a private/public basis. He asked if a bond issue is deemed to be necessary, what are Mr. Roosevelt's recommendation concerning this particular segment of the Meadow Creek Parkway. Should this segment of the road be done separately? Mr. Roosevelt said the Board needs to decide what options to follow. The Board has set out two options, financing with State funds or trying to construct that segment of the Parkway as a public/private venture. A third option would be a bond issue. Two years ~from now.the~Board could change its opinion and decide on one of the other two routes. He does not think the Board really wants advice from him as to which of the three options should be followed. He reiterated that the way the: plan is~ set up, there will be a. set of plans, developed~by i998 ' The Board will:then be faced-with making ~a choice as to how financing ean~be done~ for all of the~rights-of-way and construction. If the Board wants to go into 1998-99 with $5.0 million available for rights-of-way and construction, then the last six projects' on~ Attachment 3~B need ~to,~be ,deleted, ~ and. the*- $5; 0 million put ~into:~the"-Route 63,1~.~project.~ . : ~., :,:Mr;,~Bain stated., that at this point, the~$~:~0 millions-ean~ stay,where, it is because* none, of: this .money is being .' spent .-in~ thel first yea= of,~ the 8ix,Year Ptan~ ~He~ said this~ Board-can-make some .decisions., in,~the,-,meantime,'~ on,,the northern portion of, the Meadow ~Creek, Parkway.~ If it is~:decided to~ haue a. bond issue, there is~ a~possibility that~engineering coUld be,dOne privately., tt might?be"p0ssible;~ to:do~ that section ~at the same time as the southern portion. of the Meadow Creek~ Parkway, is done · . ,Mr-; Martin asked'~,i~leaving~the $5.0 million~in,~the plan wilt cause confusion iif a_bond., isSue is~done. Mr.. Bain,said he, personally, does nOt~ think so. He' said it will be plain to see that the road will.not be built Unt,it the year 2005, if this sequence is followed.¥ .~, ~ ~: - · - ':Mr,.' Bowerman:~asked if the Board. members are in agreement that there can be-, a public' hearing relating to Attachment One~ as outlined~ Mrs. Humphris commented!~that she doeS,.~not~ believe~Board members are finished~:~with?the,ir discussion~ '~ Mr. '~Bowe~rman ~agreed,~ that:,Board members, should ,continue~.talking about thais.matter if theg were~not finished;making comments, ~ ......... Mrs'.~ Humphris ,said she: wants the. Meadow Greek Parkway to_ be~ built~ as:. soon as, possible-.-and by,-the best ~means:possible,,; -She wit~l always wonder~wh~, the proj~ct.,gets pushed ~back,.in the::schedule. This causes her a ,great deal of- concern. -She will be watching this carefully, and she knows that other Board members.will be watching too.. - :,-~.: .... Mrs. Bowerman asked Mrs~ HUmphris,if she.:,is talking abOUt all of the! Meadow Cr-eek. ParkWay or just segments of it; ~Mrs.. Humphris replied that she is talking about all-of the Meadow Creek Parkway. She wanted to discuss Plann,ing gommissgon,,Priority Number 18- pertaining to.~Route..:866, Greenbrier ~_~ Drive... · She understands: that staff,, told the '~lanning, Comm.ission: it :needed-~to do;some planning ,on'~that project;.:~Work~on-:~:the~proposed:rOad will:make~:it~ in effect ~ a: four,lane,~.highway th~ough:anl~ established-neighborhood, :which, is ! the~County., s:~ policy'at:,,all ~ ,,She: asked: if, anybody has any' knowledge about :the possibility of a future extension of Georgetown Road beside and/or through the CanterburY-}Iitls~ Subdivision~, ,Mr¥ Roosevelt :replied that,~he does~ not~. know:~, of any~,such plans ~ ~, , .... ~.?,~ - ,Mr. BoWerman,asked~if:~Mrs. Humphris wants to~knOw if'Georgetown: Road-will be connected to the~,Route 250 Bypass. (Mr. Bain left at 10:30 A.M.) Mrs. Humphris answered, "yes;" She is asking the question because of the~ right-of- way easement into Canterbury Hills that was~kept~ open, this past.year. That easement.~'is:at Surry Road~,,which~,is: at the:west' end of Canterbury Hills, The people~ in Canterbury Hills are concerned about, the existmnce-,of,,the oasement because ,of-the plan for~,,a possible Neigh ,Grounds ~.entrance,,and~ the County continuing,,to invotve Georgetown Road in ~mprOvements:to?make, it a ~very: short ~oad between Itydraulic~Road and; Barracks Road.,~ She: said, people arc-:asking why this. is being don~ because ,last~ year ~this. Board said it-would,~wait until' all~ of.,the.,Route 29, Rio Road and--Hydraulic Road improvements were done before,any January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 18) M.B. 40, Pg. 18 money was put into improvement of Georgetown Road. Rio Road and Hydraulic Road improvements will have a great effect on the future of Georgetown Road. She was surprised to see $1.0 million put back into the funding when it had been shown las year as Priority 57 with no funding. (Mr. Bain returned at 10:32 A.M.) Mr. Cilimberg said Georgetown Road is shown as Number 18 on the Planning Commission's Priority List based on the staff's evaluation of that project in relationship to all of the other new improvement projects. Staff used the criteria-based rating system, and this system is based on traffic volumes and the service volume of the road. The best way to look at all of the projects objectively in ranking them~is based on that criteria. Staff does not feel four, lanes are required for Georgetown Road. It seemed that there would be more of a need for intersection improvements. Some of which will take place when~Barracks Road constructionis done. It is~still,unknown~what will'be done at-the~other end~of~the-Hydraulic~Road intersection., This:needstobe examined~to see~ifthat intersection needs to-be.improved~.~ It~-may~be:that only one,improvement is necessary for. Georgetown~Road, but this will not be known until the specific intersections are considered to see how they can be improved for the:function of the road. Mrs. Humphris said there are only.,a couple~of.other.intersections there,. Mr~.,Citimberg:'saistaff~established that theHydraulic?intersection~:was~the! one~thatneeded improvement. ~'There is:a bus"stopin:the southboundlane~of GeorgetoWn~Road,'and',there~:is a~lot.of traffic in-~that area~ Mrs.~Humphris~ has mentioned~~ ink,the past~ that Some'.accidents~occurred there~ He said:that $120-,million!can.~be.spent:rather.quicklywhenan, intersection isupgraded~ -~-~. Mrs, Humphr~s commented that the people in/Canterbury. Hills are..saying~ thisisan~estabtished~neighborhood,~-and they, wonder,whyrt~eorgetown~Road'~.~s being~upgradedto allowcars to,travel faster which:.makes the_neighborhood moredangerous~and amoredifficult~place.~.to,live ..... ~She.~Said:this~needs, t0be kePt in~mind.,when~-the~public:hearing~is held,,~.- -Mr.. Cilimberg:remarked that staff is seeing now and in future forecasts that traffic levels on Georgetown Road continue to increase. This has to be dealt'.with~ In',regard,~tothe-right-of-way.~into Cant~rbury. Hitts, M~ .... Cilimberg~stated'that Staff~.suggested,~this-right-of~way~remaincopen because when.Barracks~Road3improvementS are ~one,qthere-~will onlybeone~crossover-out Of Canterbury'Hilts~onto,-Barracks,Road. It~is possible~that another connection?might~?be~necessary!~in thefuture.,.~It?woutd~be:-best, s~nce~thatl ~ight~of~way hasatready~beenT,desigmated,~to~keep~it~becaUse itwoBtd-put that connection to Barracks Road at a traffic signal. also~affecti~the'Boothe?~s proper- ,~. Mrs~,,Humphris~said this'.connection would ' ty?:~Mr.,~zRooseveit:,-commented that--he,believes the Boothe, property~.actually bel0ngs",to3Sovran~Bank,.-Mrs~ Humphris~,explained?that::the. BoOthe,~:property~:is, being he~d,:~ntrust;~. Mr. Roosevelt-remarked that he:.d0es,notthink thateither~County,'staff,-or VDOT has any plans to'extend Georgetown Road~with'the:ideathatl,through traffic,will go threugh'this-property~ If this propertyredevelops',sometime ~n the future and:there is an~entrance, at"theGeorgetown;:l~ght,,~he~thinks-it would;bedesirable:to~..have:the:optionof serving Canterbury-Hitls~through that intersection. 'This is~why VDOT, and, Countystaff~both~recommended'that.this easement remain in place,' ~, ~', ., Mr,.-Cilimberg ~alledtheBoard's att~ntion.to,:the fact that in addition to thenew-Meadow Creek Parkway-and. Georgetown.Road entering the six-year prior~ty,:list~ Mr,.RoOsevelt has: shown in~Attachment,'3,~B-the:~_poten~ial for...,. funding the,~Otd::Ivy. Road~widenfng:and-possibie~'relocation, prpject. '.-0n~the priority tist, also:is,.:a projec~,~for~the wide~ing of.~AirPort~.Road. At'~some~: Point,~planning-has to be done .for the Airport end of this road. There are improvements to Sarman's Gap Road. and two bridge projects included on the priority list::also.,?,One,.bridge:.project relates?to the:FreeState'Road.bridge- over the railroad~ and.-the other b=idge project-.pertainsto.,the ROute627 rail~Oadcrossing~He;addedthat?~both of?these bridges:are, deficient-~n~VDOT January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 19) M.B. 40, Pg. 19 Mr. Bain asked if the Route 649 project includes the four laning of that road from Route 29 to the airport. Mr. Cilimberg replied that four laning of Route 649 has been anticipated. Mr. Bain asked if the cost estimate for Route 649 is fairly accurate. He thinks the cost estimate appears low. Mr. Cilimberg responded that Mr. Roosevelt would have to answer that question. Next, Mrs. Humphris called attention to Route 601 which is shown as Number 19 on the Planning Commission's Priority List. She does not understand why such a major reconstruction should be done for a short road which just goes from one railroad bridge to another railroad bridge. She asked what it would accomplish to speed traffic through Route 601. Mr. Cilimberg answered that one thing it would accomplish would be a way to deal with the railroad Underpass at the east~ end.:'~Mrs~.-~H~mphris asked if the railroad might do something about the underpass. Mr. Cilimberg replied that there have been discussions about relocating the underpass and putting another connection to Route.'250~.' ~ The-,Second issue is,. that there are some:high density, residential - areas~designated'on Old~-:Ivy Road~ which can!t-be~develOped no.w. If it- is,lin the -interest of the: Comprehensive. Plan .to serve that-~area, ~it appears that there would have to,be a four,lane road, based~on ~all~ of~the estimates. Mr. Benish stated that there have been rezonings in the area were re- strictions wera pu~ on'various properties as to tha n~ber of vehicle trips which could ~be ~mada ~before:~mprov~ents are made.to-~that: road~ay~ Mr,, ~. Cilimberg_,co~ented that once plans are finished~-a developer:might be:~eady to :~start a high d~si~y~ development, ~d that developer ,might ~proffer ~ something for:construction of:the road, H~ said ~this ~s the.reason Route:601 is ~, on~ ~he priority-liSt. - .... · : ~ .... . .... Mr ~ ~Ma~shall' :questioned :whether~ the' ~derpass. at the: ea~t~ end :is in Co~ty~- Mr. ~itimbe~g:reptied~'~"yes.''~ tt~:is ~ust over~heCo~y/City~line. Mrs, t Bain said~he ::thinks Route 601-~shonld .be ,kept:on the~:priority tistg :evenlif the ~underpass ~ has.to "be relocated.~ ~ It is "~po~tant-:: b~cause~of, the :t~affic eo.~t~ and .~because~.of ~ ~the> c~nnection ~ to the:.Route'~250 B~ass. ~ :: :~. ' - ~ ~, ~ .. e· ~ . ~._- ~ ~ ~-. '~ . :: ~ ..... . ~ "~ :: Mr. Bowe~an asked Mr. Tucker~ if he has a suggested public hearing date in mind. Mr. Tucke= replied that it can be sometime in February,~ if it~is all righ~~ with ~Mr. Roosevelt. Mr...Roosevelt suggested', February, 19: as an appropriate t~e, for:the~ public-hearing. He said~he~needs>some internat direction from ~OT, :which means that he needS. ~o~ send this plan. to ~he: Culpeper and Ric~ond-officeS to makesure~tha~ >everyone~agrees:with the priority tist, andi~ .will take-~a month f~r ~his action. ~ Mr. Bain mentioned that he and Mr. Tuckers. discussed gravel roads with Mr. Tom Fartey~. ~ ~ Mr, :Bain-said ,Mr, ~' Farley- suggested~the~Co~ty~ keep,, to its :process on the SixvYear~ Plan, and he (Mr.~ ~arley) ~ along:with ~Mr~ ~ Roosevet~s:Office, will~ look at~ :safety, issues .for :Some ~: of :~ these roads~~ :Ri~htsnof~ way ~witL~atso he~ considered. '~ t~There~.was also :a ;discussion ~ at,. this conference relating wha~ Fauquier, Cia=k- and Loudoun. co~ies..~have ~' been ~doi~g ~ . Mr..Farley suggested that Alb~arle County"s, staff contact these three counties for informati6n. Mr> Bain said Mr.::~Farl~y, would need ~til:Ma~Ch before he Would be able to'make ?reco~endations,to this Board. ~ ~ ~ ~. Mr ~ = Bowerman -asked~. if Mr.. Farley,would be _coming '~to a ~ Board ~ of~ Supervi- sorS'- meeting '~.Mr. Bain ans~ered~:~yes ~M=. Tucker said staff:isatr~dy pursuing contacts with ~the ~hree co,ties, .Mr.~ Perkins asked to~:what. Mr~ Tucker and :Mr. 'Bain are ~referring. ~Mr~ Bain.explained that he was .discussing the first two roads on the gravel roads list, which are Routes 682 and 610. He said .that~ ~OT is~not'reco~ending the s~e alig~ent be ~kept>'for~Route 68~. '--~OT :is sugg~es~ing a total retocation~ of:a~ Segment~ of Route ~68~ which contains ~a -curve. ~There ,has been some:~ land :donation~ but. it. may not ~-.be ~eno.ugh ~0 get *~he~..total. r~el~cation~ which :VDOT fe~ts is -necessary~ ~ ~Me~ went on. to ~say that~on ~Rou~e 610,~:al~ ~of the rights:of,way have:~heen>d~dieated~fr~om a~qUarter of~a mi~e-f~om ~hecRoute 61~0~and Route 20 intersection, ~back to thei~d of Route. 610. The:.lastsection has :not: been dedicated~ ~ anti'even ~though. it ~-is in the'.~plan, <~T and ::Mr ~- Roosevelt ;'feel this {.~a~o~ be {~ don~without ~,making~:a: significant:improv~ent.at:the.interSeetion of Routes 20 and-610. Conde~a- tion would be needed because it has not already been done, and this is an issue the:Board needs :to ~ considem ~as well>as ~other 'possibilities in ~e~s ~f gravel~roads? This Board,s policy for,situa~ions:.such as:.~his:~has::always been ~o get property as donated rights-of,way. ~o years :agog. ~he Board:changed how,~gravel roads ~would:be:~considered~ Mr~ :Farley~-.fe~t this needed ho .he~ ,~": >~' '. ~ "~ ~ "'L ''> ..... ~' ' - ~ ' ', ?, ,,1 ,., ":~ '~ January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 20) M.B. 40, Pg. 20 addressed from Mr. Farley's district level before any changes or decisions are made. Mr, Bain went on to say that Mr. Farley felt there was no reason the plan could not go forward the way it is. If the Board decides to change policies, then Board members can consider deleting something from the plan. He asked Mr. Tucker if he had anything to add to his comments. Mr. Tucker responded that Mr. Bain has covered the meeting well. The next step will be for the staff to contact the other localities to see what their policies are in regard to rights-of-way donation. It is impossible to move forward with improvements to gravel roads because it is hard to get the rights-of-way donated. The staff will look into suggestions and alternatives to recommend to this Board as to how rights-of-way can be acquired. MOtion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to set a public hearing on the Six-Year Road Plan as shown on Attachment ~1 (staff's recommended~ priority .list) and Attachment 3~B" (Highway~Department's priority [ist,shOwin§. Revenue Sharing'Funds) for February 49, - Roll was called, and~ the'motion-'carried by,lthe, follOWing recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins ..... ~ . . NAYS: ~ None -' -. ~Agenda~Item 'No. 9b. Other Highway Matters,. · .... ~ Mr~ Martin asked if this Board needed to discuss the Meadow Creek Parkway as fa~ca~c,t~he ,possibility ~of it::beingsa~totl~road ~or using:,County money to help build ~it ~ . - . ~ Mr. Tucker said he would provide ~Mr.~ Martin and Mr. ,Marshall with copies of correspondence relating to the staff's work on the Meadow Creek Parkway. If the:Board wishes, it~ ~an be discussed at the Board-leVel. Mrf~'Marshall commented, that at one time there waS~a connector road planned.from Avon StreetExtended across to Route 20 South~ He asked if this ~0nnector~road has been eliminated from plans. ~. Mr~Cilimberg'~said he tatked,to~.,Ms. JoHiggins, CountyEngineer, last week, and she is checking the existing contraCt'with:a firm thatmay be working oh ~that alignment.; There;,is~money budgeted inthe CIP to plans)~=~thatconnection, and-the con~rac~ ~whoisalreadyunder,'~contract to do~thos.e~road plans may,be used, or the project bid out for~a new contract~ The.plans would then be given to VDOT for thenecessary:approvals. These plans~would~be availabte',to developthe project,through County~funds~Or through~devetoper funding~ VDOT has:not~'agreed to'build~thatfroad, so~.~it;has not~been~eonsidered~eligible for Secondary fu~dsl Mr. Marshall asked what the time frame is for this project. He said it wouldlalle~iatela~great~dealof, traffic, partiCularly~at the intersection of Avon S~reet EXtended-and Route'20. He~noted*'~that theschOol buses going Cate"EtementarySchool:are,coming,lddwn~ Interstate 64 and turning at the Route 20 intersection. ~- ~ Mr.~Cilimberg~answered~that as~far as~the'road plans are'~concerned, this contractor will get~the~:plans~done~ He does notTknowtheexact 'time frame, butMs~Jo~Higgins~can.'answer'Mr~,~Marshalt~s~question~ He added?that,-these Ptansprobabty will he-.developed withim ~henext'~six, to nine,,,months..~ .As far asconstruction of,~the~connector rO~d,'that~.time frame is unknown~ The~e was a small portion~of,~the~road Countystaff-had-undekstood the,Forestry Depart- ment~would,.build~wi~h!its facility~ but staffnow,understands that.maylnotlbe the case.,~There areno~other activedevelope=~proposals-which might build another portion of the road, and no funds are in the CIP for this road's construction. : ~ . Mr.~Marshali~asked ,again, if. anyone has an~idea:'as.towhen~the Avon:Street connectorwitlbe:built,-Mr.,:Bainexplained that this Board has discUssed having abond issue, if this connector road is desired. He added,that he is January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 2i) M.B. 40, Pg. 21 not suggesting that it be built, but this is the kind of thing in the urban area that needs to be considered. He said it is important to decide whether or not the road should be built, how it should be built and how quickly it should be built. Mr. Marshall stated that this road is important to the people in his district. Mr. Bain agreed. He believes everyone feels the road should be considered for alternative funding because it is in a growth area. Mr. Perkins stated that a number of people had hoped to get guard rails constructed along Route 240 west of Lickinghole Creek. They were shocked when guardrails were constructed.,~along~RoUte 250 near the Blue Ridge Building Suppty~before they were put along Route 240. He asked if there are priorities for guard rails. ~ Mr..'~Roosevelt responded:that his department makes-recommendations,to.the DistrictOffice,~and~they are,considered-by:~he?~Traffic Office~and the Assis- tant~for,Maintenance in Culpeper. One of the considerations for new guard rail is whether or not it can be done within existing right-of-way, or if there is additionat'~conStruction needed in order~'tohotd,the guard rail.~ The guard,rail postS-need=land behind~-themto,.~hold.~them in place, othe=wise,~they won'.t:do, their jOb:,if.vehicles.,hit them .... ,Whilehe~did'.not:have.an answer to Mr. Perkins' question, the shoulders .......... of the road are very narrow and probably are not sufficient to hold the guard rail in place. If this is the case, the shoulders-would,have:to be widened.which wouldrequire additiona!right-of~way and~would greatly increase the~cost of~installing'.the guard rail. However,~ Mr.',Roose~elt:saidhe:would,,~do:'some::.additionat,.review and g~t back:to, Mr,. Perkins. , ~ ' ............ Mr. Perkins .asked,~,if :there,are 'plans ~to:~:extend~Route ~7g.4 using Rural Addition fUnds. He 'noted that RoUte 774 ~s in:t.he,SeottSvilte District,..and: runs, into: Nelson... County .... ....................... . ~ ~_ ? .~Mr ~ ROOSeVelt ianswered,,:that Route:' 774 is:icalled:'the Appleberry Mountain Road~ .:'This~ road cou~d:not ben,extended by-using:Rural-~Addition:.:monies~:~:but: instead~;wilt: be :eXtended~,using maintenance~:funds;,, The section~:being opened: has always~been-a part of~-the,syst~,~but,-the,:last mite'ur :so?of thatr road;:-.has not been maintained~ for .many-. years ~ because~ no ~ one~'in that ~,area receded :-service. He"pOinted out that~recentty land,?im:that a=ea ch~ged hands, and ,the:~property o~er has asked that~the.-road::be opened for ~main~enance~: ~All~ that is being done,is ~cutting ~.the~ trees and _b~sh -along ~the, roadway and putting,'~enough 'stone on the::;currently maintained section of the road so the o~er 'can get from one part of the road to the other. ~e~9.,has been. some verbal opposition express- ed to this portion of the road being opened, and ~OT representatives wrote to both property, o~ers :~Who have ," direct :.. access~,to.:the: road 'two } or~ .three ~ months ago :to-let ,th~ know :that this would, be done;_r. The PropertY.Owners were.- ~- infomed -,that ,if .they had objections, they needed,'to-:make written objections to ~OT. If written objections had been received~ he intended to inform'the Board of ~he~ob~actions~ .......... ~- '~, ,,,: .... ?-~ .... .~-.- ~::Mr. ,.Perkins -wondered.,if,:that proj~,ect :,has :been completed:.-~,.~r, ,Roosevelt answered '.-that -the work has beg~ ;: ~:'but he: is ~ mot sure ~ if :~ the~: proj act ~.has:,been Mrs. ~H~phris,-mentioned:~that :Mr. ~Roose~elt had .~ooked into:'~the: situation at the intersection of 'Hydraulic Road ~and:Georgeto~Road. : She ~said har~ question had.~ concerned the safety of Westbo~d turning~ traffic: from Hydraulic Road onto Georgetom Road. ~Mr. Roosevelt..:has' ~formad her~ that-accident.data stated, that that.:kind ~:~o'f acc ~dent ~.was prevalent: in 1989- 90, but none::were reported, in~ the first-:siX months:' of 1991. :She, W0uld~:appreeiate:another report because :~it -seems that a .:left turn ,signal is :justified ~there. , This Situation posag,:a danger to.,tha-tu=ning traffic., ..... - ..... - - · ~ Mr. Roosevelt said :he knew Mrs. Hmphris~sti}l had.-questions, about the matte~, so :he~ brought ::a,detaited accident diag=~ with .,h~¥',to this ,meeting.~ Conside=ation was given?to the ,accidents at the~-interseetion 9f..Georgeto~:,and Hydraulic Roads from the first of January through the end of May, .1991, because that was all'the information available at the 'time. Compdter files January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 22) M.B. 40, Pg. 22 showed that there were six accidents in 1989 and seven in 1990 involving traffic turning left from Hydraulic Road onto Georgetown Road. During the first five months of 1991 there were no accidents of that type. In fact, the number of accidents at that intersection have decreased substantially. In 1989 there were ten accidents at that intersection, and in 1990 there were 14. However, dUring the first five months of 1991, there were only three acci- dents. The Traffic Engineer has reported, and Mr. Roosevelt agrees, that whatever problems people were having at that intersection, have been straight- ened out by the people themselves. Mr. Roosevelt said the intersection still needs to be monitored and when information for the whole year of 1991 is available, he will report back to Mrs. Humphris. "~.::NOt Docketed: At 11:01 a.m., the Chairman suggested that the Board take a short recess. Mr. Tucker said the Board would have to break for lunch at aPproXimately 12:15 p~.m. Mr-. BOwerman .said'it would.be decided at that time if~the meeting will. conti, nUe iafter meeting with~ the School' BOard~ ,.-, '~-. The" Board .recessed:~nd then~:-reconvened, at ~ i 1:t4 ~ a~m~ ..... ~- -~No~e:~Mr. Bain.~as absent at this time since he-was~_attenaing ~he funeral s~vices: of his business partner.) ~. ~ ....... - Agenda It~ No. 10. Lickinghole Creek~ Report.- Mr. J. W, Peyton Robertson, Jr., Water Resources Manager, pres~ted the following status report of the Lickinghole Creek Regional Stormwater Manage- ment. Facility,, dated.:.Janua~y 8, '1992:.' ..... ~ .:, ..... "PE~ITTING: .~This office.:.has: been .coOrdinating the securing ~. ?~permits for ~the Lickinghole ~Creek~ pr0~ ect~. ~ TheSe~ permits-, are. neces~ sary to comply~'with federal and state law~.. The following is a status repo~t'~on the permits~necessary~.to co~ence?.the project: ii U.S? Army Corps of Engineers (Section~404 ~ermit)/~ ~e Corps has received all necessary co~ents ~from other federal agencies, including the Enviro~ental Protection Agency, and ~is ~,~currently drafting the::permit for the~ Project. The Water~Controt~B0ard:'.hasindicated that they will waive jurisdiction'and will not object to the project; 3~:~',,~V~rginia.Marine. Resources:,C0nanission~(VMRG)~ ~::?~.. ~:~? TheVMRCis conside=ing~:whether~or~not'all issues have been ,~Virginia'!Water"Control Board(401 Certification) addressed through the 404 process and will render a decision as to,whether~ahea~ing is~ne~essary"~bef0~e~he~0mmission in the verynear future.- Vir~iniaDam:Safety Di~ision(Dam-,SafetyPermit)~ ~.~ · The Dam Safety Division has issued a permit for the dam. -FUNDING: Funding for~the project has been previouslyapproved asa-. combinationof:locatand, federat funding,<" The'following is.a"break- down of that.funding: ' 1. Albemarte~CoUn~y-Capital~Improvements Pr~sram Local funding for_the~project~ remains: in~the:~GIP~ funded at EPA Clean Lakes (314) Grant The; ........... Phase I!~ C~ean L.akps~Ass. istanqp(.f~unds?fo~,).~he project were due. to expire on Sept~ber.:.30, 1991~. EPA extended the budget and January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 23) M.B. 40, Pg. 23 project periods from September 30, 1991, to September 30, 1992. EPA funding remains at $300,000.00. ADMINISTRATION: EPA grant funds for the project were awarded to the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA). RWSA is also listed as the permittee for the dam safety permit and will be issued the Section 404 permit by the Corps of Engineers. The project remains an Albemarle County funded project to be administered by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. Land acquisition for the project has been pending final issuance of the above mentioned permits. Once these permits are in hand, negotia- ~tions to'.aCquire~,necessary'property can commence." Mr. Robertson, said~ he wanted to let 'the Board members~ know where".the County is in the,,permit~ process. }Ie has put some maps on display for those members who are new to this Board. The maps show where the project is located~ · ~ - ~ Mr,~Perkin~ noted that the(breakdown~ of funding shows-,that local, funding for the project~emains~' in= the? CIP ,at $1,946~,585.-~for FY, 1991~92~ This ~money is stilt~'there and has not been~used~ but.~he is unsure~how ~much of it ,will move forward, to the ~1992-93 CIP because it does not show in the CIP report. When this much money is carried over for projects, the project should show in the CIP..~ Hec~added that, the Board and the public~..~should~ibe aware~of~ these projects, burn.he does not know:how this should be handled.' Mr. Tucker replied that to handle the money for these types of projects in the manner in which Mr. Perkins referred, would require double accounting. He said that is~why thecmoney .wasmot ~shown~-~in~:the~ 1992~93~:CI~ He~.agreed that'it ~woutd~ be ,helpfuL,to the Board and public,,~if~ the,,money~.¢ould,be moved forward to ,the proper CIP. · Mr. Perkins.remarked. that there could be other on-going projects of which the Board~is! not aware and for~,which~'the money.haS! not,.been :spent,.:~ <He reiter- ated 'that these typeS ::of ~ projects.--need, to i, show~' in. the ~' current i,~ CIP. ,' .... -~ Agenda,~Item No~. 11. ~,Discussion: Retirement Poticy, re:: -' Continuous Service. ~ ......... . ~,~! _,- -, ~ ~- ~. ~.,! ..... , Mr. Tucker,s~arized the following memorandum from Dr. Carole A. Hastings, :Director. of Personnel/Human:Resources, dated: January 9, 1992,: ' "Pkior _to,' '%he t-holidays,' ~you- requested that~-I r~ieW, tt~, records~ of~: :~ .... ~ :~ individuals~who have: retired,_since November, i989.,~(the date,~upon':,.~, :~.~f ! ~.~:~?~which'~ ~he~::new~ret~r~ent bonus policy bec~e effective) in order to determine whether the provision for continuous service had negative- ly;~mpacged,-'any~o~he~ ret~ree.~ Th~s'queStion~arose~,because'of ~he~ -~ ~:retir~ent~:of~MalCo~:Sandridgez~who~did no~ receive the? maxim~ .... - ~at lowable~' bonus<~due~ ~o~:~a? break ~in his,service ~wi~h~ the County. A total of-80 files were ex~ined .and no other ~individual was affected ~similarly, :i~e~ 'there ~ were 'no.~other: situations in~ which an ~ ~ individual had terminated service with the County, subsequently returned tO service, and then reti=ed thus ~eceiving a lower retire- ment ~: bonus .,. ~ ,- ....... ~.~ I.n examining the.~question of whether an exception in this case should be made~several points should be%rem~bered:~ ~.-~ ~. ....... 1) ~ -~If the.~:Boa=d~wants to-~remove the provision for continuous service, for purposes of calculating the retirement bonus, ~'this ??~will ~=equire:a~zpolicy change by ~boCh~ha Board eft:Supervisors 2) The provision for continuous service affects several Cowry . pOlicies and~any?major changes ~in~ ~his provision _should be .-' ~-~-carefUlly?~ex~ined. I.~reco~end -that,. if,this: is being - , 'anuary 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) M.B.40, Pg.24 ~Page 24) considered, the matter be referred to the Joint Personnel Policy Committee for study. If you need further information on this matter, I will be happy to be of assistance." Mr. Tucker said he is still interested in knowing how many people are :urrently working for the County today who may have had a break in service. ~e stated that this might have an impact as far as cost is concerned, and he thinks the Board should know this. He suggested that this item be deferred mntil the February 5 meeting so additional information can be gathered. :,: A~ this time, motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris, seconded by Mr. {artin, to defer this item to February 5. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded, vote+ AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None.~ ' "- kBSENT: Mr!'. Bain. Agenda :.I~em No. :12. Discussion: ..Joint Securit~Comptex~Bonus:Plan~ for Personnel .... '~ ~,i ~'Mr:.'~Tucker presented.~the.'fotlowing, memorandum d;atad: December 23, 199~: "I have enclosed (on file) for your review, a request from Mr. W. E. Spratt, Jail Superintendent, to' approve~ a.:staff bonus program f~r jail -~.-' employees who, like. allSh~te~funded empl0yees,'have'notrecsived a pay raise since:luly 1,. 1990.' ~.Mr. Spratt is requesting that each full-time employee~receive $500 and each part-time employee receive $~50. Char~ottesvilleCity CoUncil has recently approved~.this request . ~ sUbject to the Board of Supervisors" approval. The bonus is to be funded from revenues which exceeded expenditures generated largely through housing federal prisoners in excess of the projections:upon~.which:~the"JailT"sFY 91.:budge~,was,'buiit~- The-total excess to be returned to the County's General Fund is $5.4,769. The ,'County's share of. participating in the-request, will be 31 percent of .~ the'total CoSt~ wkich equals'i $10,:~17. · Staff:recommends ~that the Board'concur with City,£ouncil!s approval :andappropriate$10~.612,to theJail Fund to, accomplish, the.'recommenda- Mr.~TUcker saidthat,Mr:~-sp~at~,: Jail Supe~intendent,..ispresent ,at,~the ~eeting(~.=. He added that staff i~m..recommending.'approval of the bonus program to accomplish Mr. Spratt's recommendation. Mr.::Martin ,of~fered:motion to,accept,excess,funds,in the.,amount of $'54,769 from theFederal ,government ~for housing?Fe~e~al~prisonersand to'adopt a resolution.of appropriation in the_.amount of'$10,617,~50 to fund the County's shareo~ a staff~:bonus 'pro'gram'for'jail employees~ Mr. Marshall said he understands the Sheriff is coming to the Board with a similar proposal.~for.his deputies~ Me wonderedif the-depu%ies:would be ~ntitled'k~.any of,:this~mOney,: Mr, Tucker::said'that'~ilt~be.a-:differ~ent: situation.,' but 'he does-not think the Sheriff is going to make the same re- quest... The distinction between'the rgquest from the JailSuperintendent and the Sheriff is that unlike many localities, Charlottesville City and Albemarle CountY ha~e a.. regional~jail-and, employ~"a jail suPerintendents, tnmost:~"other localities'~ the Sheriff i:s also~responsiblefor~:thejail::. If this Board approves the.request-, ~the funds to be used will come from money the jail acquired through the housing of Federal prisoners. The jail ~emptoyees.-earned this .money', and have had:~o.i.~,ealwith, the problemsassociated.'with the'addi-''~ tiona! numbe[r~ of inmates~ He. thinks there·:~is-a differencebetweenthis~. proposal:and any proposal?from ~he.Sheriff January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 25) M.B. 40, Pg. 25 Mr. Martin asked if federal prisoners are only transported by Federal transportation, or do the Sheriff's deputies help with that kind of transpor- tation. Mr. Spratt answered that the Federal people transport their own )risoners. Mr. Marshall wondered if since the Sheriff's deputies do not transport ~ederal prisoners it is felt that they aren't entitled to any of the funds. Mr. Spratt replied that the funds are not tied into the Sheriff's activities with the jail. Mrs. Humphris stated that she would second Mr. Martin's earlier motion. She mentioned at an earlier meeting the conditions of the Joint Security Complex. Theq~new~Ventilation System. is not yet installed, and it is d~sperately needed. Although the County is willing to fund its portion of the ventilation system, it is her understanding that the City will not fund its portion. !'Not~only:.dOes"thishavea negative~effeC~ o~the~ prisoner~,:~but~it hasaterrible effect on,the, people who have to work there.;~Becauseemployees haveto work ~nderthese conditionsl,.and have to take care~of~theextra~ Federalprisoners, she feels they really deserve to have some of the benefit of the bonus that is being returned to the County. She is happy to second the motion; .... - ~ ,: ..... - -_ ': ?, ~' ._'~"- -~ ~.Mr.,~Perkins:asked~,whodetermines whether¥.the, funds for:ke~ping..pris~ners will be~paid-from Federal or State funds. Mr. Spratt answered that the distribution of funds is determined by a computation of the actual cost of housing:an<i m mate in each facility."He!sa~do~ha~now the cost is,$35 perday per Federal,inmate', ,~It is hoped'thatthe f~nding~can be. increased,,~and he no~ed.~thati:payrolt~:cOSt~ of~:~the:..buitding.,,equipmen~;...et:e.., is:.taken:into consideration. ~:.~: ~. -' : ~ ' 7 M~. Perkins;aske&.the'amount of mpney-::per;'day for keeping-state - : pr.isoners:~'.~M~.. Spratt~repl~ed~rtha{ money~for~state~:pr~soners:iis~,broken'~..:down<>- ~nto several areas.~iThere, is.:a~Department.?of Corrections~b~Ock'grant~which Pays, approximately $15 to,~$17~adayper?Fede~al:prisoner.~-~.However',:.wages are p~imarily,paid:~by theState-COmpensation,Boa~d:~"The~CouhtY'[s:',share for prisoners is:five percent of:the .Jail's budget~and.the CiZy's share is ten' percent. The-remainder Of'the:cost i's picked up byother revenues.. ~:!"~ M~..,~e~kins:-said-.:he'has read.:.that:it costs'~between $20~0001:and $25,000 a year~-~to incarcerate.~a prisoner;'~$35 a.day-does~not.come ctoseto:that?amodnt o.f.money,~- M~:--wonde~ed~:&f someone'-is Puttimg,.~t,:false':info.~mation~-or:~.if the Complex-is;nOt getting:.enougk~moneyfor'keeping~prisOnersi.:-,Mr~SPrattJ rasponded,:that.tha $35..a day f&gure 5s.,based~'O~-actuai~costS'such..~aslfood, sataries~tutilit.ies, etc. In different parts of the country, costs are different., Alexandria and Arlington, Virginia, are getting close to $80. a day because.their costs'.'are .high~r,.~:There has not!been a, revision;:of, the"-$35 figure~for severat<years~"~'and~'that-~is'~why he is~working:with:~.County:s%aff::-to get. exact--cOsts. He: thinksiS35 a~day~'is a.:realistic-'£igure, an~is:~not,~~ ~:.:.,.~M~s; Humphris:explained that.the'Compl~x~is at: the'mercy Of~the.~Federal formula, and.~she:::thinks this region.is lucky-:to':-gat the~-$35 a>day*per prisoner. . - ': ;~ ,., M~. Perkgns':, said if the:. costS5 of a:, buit~ing replacement :and the: vent&ta- tion. sgstem,,.replaeement,.i are: considered~i he¢:~onderg¢ if..- money:: &s~ being::made ·, "He woutd~, iike to. see:. every-employee': get? a.: bonus,:,. ~-:.He~ noted~- though, '; that:where he works, .;: one~' division :. ~ight'~ have-~ ~- good, .year~, and: another, division,-might- have a bad.-, year ., :.':This might:not ha~e::happened because'~ ofhthe performance:of:the employees, bnti.t-might-,be beeause,.of marke~ eonditions~.i,'~is.eompany:'does not give,the:divlsi.on;that..-hadthe good4year, a bonus':and~:ignore the. Other division; He said.that.-.all~divisions get thetsame:acrossrthe.~board raise.~..He wonders,-if~-thewrong message!is, being sent b,y:giving. Jaii~emptoyees, a, bOnus because:they work for.the Jail, and not giving other-employees a bonus. .Mr.-Spratt explained.that~most, of. hiscosts are'::fiXed~ No:matte~,,how many,:inmates h~-~houses, the:eteotricity:i water.~ sewage-, heating andsalary costs-will b~ approximately the same, His program with the Federal government ..involves whether or .nothe has space, available forFederal prisoners:;:'He budgeted for:.~en~Federai prisoners a-:day thisyear.~-and,has, been ableto~_keep January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 26) M.B. 40, Pg. 26 approximately 15. If the inmate population increases, then he has 24 hours to get in touch with Federal people and the Federal prisoners are moved. His first mission is to take care of the localities, but if he has bed space, then he will take in the extra Federal prisoners. Mr. Spratt stated that it would be easy enough to reduce the stress level at the jail by not taking these Federal prisoners. This was looked upon as an opportunity to help the localities as well as the Federal government. He went on to say that he is hoping to get construction money from the Federal government. There are plans ahead where, if a certain number of beds are promised to the Federal govern- ment for its prisoners, the Federal government will fund capital improvement plans. He hopes to do this later in this decade, and is trying to foster a good working relationship with the Federal government also. -,~-~ ~M~; Perkins said he understands, but everyone is missing the point he is trying to make. Mr. Spratt has some extra money that he wants to give to his employees-;' Me wond~red~'what:will happen next:year~:.~Mr;~'Spratt,ansWered-that~ ~his~is.-a~one~time~onusiplan~.. :Mr.,~Perkins~continu~d.~by,-saying~hmt ifithe Stage does~not give any increases ~n salary~next year~ and there~is~a;surptus from, fundsLthat have:been colle~tedfrom the F~derat~governmen~ or,~others~is i~ ~rig~t,~to,~give~this,money to the~C~mplex~emptoyees~when:there'~ar~ other ~mptoyees who~aren't:g~tting a,bonUs~.be~ause ~hey,,did,not~haYe,,the chance to make, extra money~ Mr.-$pra~said~<~heemployee~:at-the,~Complex reaiiy~don~t know:towhom they<belong.~ ~hey-~are,State employees,, but,~hey arexnot:State employees~, They~are~CoUnty employees, but~they~are,~not~County· employees.~ They are City employees, but ~hey-are not Gi'ty emPloyees ~ understands~hat the County hadmerit:increases,~his past year, and the,City:hm~ a,,bOnus, plan for.~its,'emp!oyees. ~The~Compiex~tried~to deveiop,,its~own~,bonus plan to compensate Complex employees with a little money from the City and the County. He was>able~t~',save ~he'moneY~paid~to the Complex~by~the:Federal~government~ for,housing~its p~isoners,., Although he. sees, Mr. Perkins' point,,h~s~empioyees do:not~feel as though,~hey~'are'undery~ny plan except 'the' Sta~e.Compensa~ion Board!swhen:.salaries are'involved. ~'The CompenSation. Board~is:inot:~pro~ect~ing any~-pay,.~raiseS until:t994~ ~tnsuramce has inc~eased~approxima~e~y;$30 per:,mdnth, yet hiSl-employees:were not, conside~ed,,for gounty,~merit>-raises~pr~ for;'the.'City~fbonus~Ptan;- -Me'feels that.]thi's$onus<~ptan:wilt",go' a'tongway, not-only,.~in;:helping-employee morale, but it~-will-atso: helpl,fostek~,thR-rela- tionShip between th~:City~and th~0County. '.' .... ~.~ ,' ,-~- ........ ~ .... -,:Mr,. Spratt pointed out that: this is one of-,the few ja~ls;lwhere' wages are not'subsidized-by the, localities~ His conte~nporaries~in, nor.thern:¥irginia<:. make, 50 percent more money,,,than'he,makes. Me added that.these northern V,irginiacj:ailsare subsidizedxby~ the-:cities,:,countliesand:.~jurisdietions to help~makexup,'the~disparities. TheCOmpensation:Board indicates~that':the.money it allocates, should be':,a l~5.fact~rformo~C'pos'itionS,:which means~:thmt::,the Compiex-emplOyees:should'make~one~an&':onerhalf'times::Whatthey~are[curre~tly? making. 'He saidc~he:-,Comp~nsati0n',Board:pays~the:employeeg~'but?:the~gompensa- tion'.Board:beiievesothe' localities shOu, ld pi,ck,',up, the extra..amount.::.:'He-has~- not come:go.':,~he-~io~al.i~es t,O,ask:~fo~ subsidized w~ges~ att:houghit-~stsomev ~hing-~hat may be-'considered iater~.,'He~said,~he-CityUhas~g~eed 'that~it~,is, p~obablysom~th~ng--that, shOuld.~e~examined; Hevnoted~.hat:the:,bas~sga~ing sala~es for:~correetiona~:,office=S~_isL,$t7,7951~!~*,..; ..... >~':. .... :::,.~. :~,:.i. At this time, ~r, Hartinmnended his motion ~to accept excess funds in the ammount, ofac$54,Y69;-refund!from!the.~federat.cgoVerbanent~?f0r:hous~ngcFedetal~,- PrisonerSi-and'to approve~the-folloWing reso~lution~of.appropriation:inthe' amoun~of:~$t.ff~617:.to , fund:the'.County.s,share.of;a:Staff::~bonus'.prog~am:for'jail : ;Mrs~Humphr~s.:seconded:the. amended motion~ .... ..... ' ..... ~,4 , ' :~ c ::, ? Roil was: called., and:" the.~ motion, cart ied~ by: t~e:, following: recorde&;.VO~e: _~ :,.,'~ i4h: V'~ ~,: ~ .,_ , ;"~'~ ':~:'~ :::~ . ~ :'0~ {5;' ~ L' ~ ~, ~f~'~,~ .:~-,:~'~'~ ~? AYES¢-<~Mr~-Bowerman,~Mrs~cHumph~is:~>Messrs:dMarshali:.:.Martin:~and; Perkins,~:~? }';_-}:::':~ '-'': ::- .-' ' {{" W-F; !:'):::l ::":': :. :.?.:~: .: :..*,~.' ~'.- . C':' :',v.-:.:':'? :,., ..., , <,.,:<:: .:B.{:-. -~:.:.<a, ::~i*"?:':. :' ' ' ..' January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 27) M.B. 40, Pg. 27 FISCAL YEAR: 1991-92 NUMBER: 910034 FUND: General/Joint Security PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: Funding of Bonus for Jail Employees EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100033020700002 1400033020110000 REVENUE REGIONAL JAIL REGIONAL JAIL-SALARIES TOTAL DESCRIPTION $ 10,617.50 34,250.00 $ 44,867.50 AMOUNT ~!00051000510100 2fi00016000160502 2400016000160503 GENERAL'FUND BALANCE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE TOTAL $ 10,617.50 23,632.50 10~617.50 $ 44,867.50 (Note,:. At .this~time;-the BOard skipped~,seve~al Agenda':ItemNO~L17a. Proclamation: Virginia Community College Week. Mr,; .Tucker explained that helhad.received a request from Dr. Deborah DiCroce, President, ~Piedmont Virgihia C0mmunitM'Eollege, ind%C~t~$ng.~t she would like the Board's approval of a Proclamation~ that would recognize' the week of January 19 through January 25, 1992, as Virginia Community College week. Mr..TuCker then read the Pro~l~tion~to the Board. -:' ~ MOtion'was Off:ered by Mrs,,; ~tHUmphris, seconded:, _by Mr. Perki~s~ :to,approve the Ptoe~lama,tion for ,Virginia CommUnity College;.Week. ~. ~ ..... ~ ~i, Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: NAYS: None. ,Note:- ~e Board.. ret~ed; to~ ~e re, lat.. ag~ order~at, this? t~, ) ~ Agenda Iteml No.':13a~' Appropriation: Transfer of Capi~l Improvement Funds to StOne/Robinson for Roof 'Replac~ent ~Pro~ect~ M~iY~cker said the~request'isto{tra~sfe~d$50,00.0 fromthe. Brownsville masonry.~epair pro~ect and $20,~8D from the &heHo.llymead classroom~library project to the roof replacement project at Stone-Robinson Elementary School. This project~wasoriginatlysc~edUled~ in the 1992~93 capital,~Improvement-- Program (CIP), but due to water damage, it is imperative that the roof be rep~a~.~d.<as~:s~n~s:~p~s~s:i~i~c~e`~i~ce~D.t~.~:~hes~wnsvif~ie~an~ymead~ Pr0~ects. were completed under the budgeted amount, funds are available for this'::requestinthe current CIP budget. 'Mo~o~.was offeredby Mrs.'-Humphris, seconded by Mr. Marshall., to:'.adopt the ffi~toWin~e~SOtn~iomto~'~a~proprRatio~uappre~ing~thed~eq~est'~is t~ne.~ · - NUMBER':. ~- 91003t FUND: CAPITAL ~B.~WRPOSE!~ OF APPROPRIATION:. ::'~ . ..... , ' : .~ ._ROBINSON ELEMENTARY~ SCHOOL.: ROOF:: , .' :1. ·EXPENDITURE- cosT. CENTER/CATEGORY -..: .... DESCRIPTION . ' - . - AMOUNT :~1:9000602028:~09027:'?:.: BROWNSVILLE i:'.'~ :'.,.": ret?:?:~.~ ,'ii~:&::.':.~ ,::($50,~000.,00) .: 1900060205999999-. HOLL~ (20,000:~00):.' 190006021080D902 STONE: ROBESON - ROOF Y0 ~ 000.00 TOTAL - 0 - ~;,Mar~halttc:s:aid~-~-~:,~i b~en~'~ld~ their t~s~as:~a..:qui:¢k ~y,~, to~ ~g:et ~ the Stone-Robinson roof replaced. He agreed with Mr. Tucker that there has been extensiVeJwat~r~.,d~age~ tO ~the tibrary~ at the school. ~ <i~ ~ .U"':,%-~ ~'.. {'~: ' ;:. ' ' ': ~ i .~?:,:~:?:}:~:h~'~: :, 1'!,~ ~-' ;'"- ~ ~'. ~:' ~ January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting,) (Page 28) M.B. 40, Pg. 28 Roll was called on the foregoing motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Bain. Agenda Item No. 13b. Appropriation: Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Deten- tion Home. Mr. Tucker said that the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Home is requesting ahappropriatiom~ of'$t0,137 to aid the Detention Home in expendi- tures that were not anticipated. This amount, over and above the original appropriation of $45,409, is needed to cover the cost of increasing the number of Albemarle~ County youths a~ the' Center and a~ corresponding decrease in non-participant revenues. He noted that the additional funding is being requested from ail of the participating jurisdictions as well. Charlottes- ~viile's,shar.e will~i~rease ,~by,$25,255 ..... .',~. ~'~ .~.. ~i-":i~.Motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris, seconded by Mr. Perkins, to adopt 2thp,~.~o!!oMing resolution of appropriation approving the request. Rolls,as.1 ca~led, Mind the. mo~ion.ca,rried:'~by~the:followimg ~ecordedbvote: AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS:,~ NOne. - ,~ -,~. -~ ~ . FISCAL:YEAR: 199'1'~92 NUMBEE: 910033 ..... i.~.' " '~',:,' ~ ....::~':" PURPOSE, ~OF APPROP~ATION: ADDITIONAL' F, UNDING/~JlffF~, ILE DETENTION~ HOME EXPENDITURE EOSTc~EENTER/CATEGORY .... DES~R~I~ON:' - .- . ~ AMOUNT 1~10003900056340'O ' .JtIVENILE~ DETENTION HOME ..... ~ '.. $ 10~ 137.00 TOTAL $ 10,137.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ':~, 21~000510005t0100 ~ GENERAL-FUND BALANCE' ~,- $ 10~137.00 TOTAL' $ 10,137.00 (Note::~TheBoardagain skipped several items.on the agenda. Mr~ Tucker -left the room a~this~time.) .... AgendalItem'No~,;t6~:Benton:Downer,: Raquest~concernin~septiCsystem problem~onproperty at'the corner of~.Routes 250 and 240 where The Galerie Restaurant was-located. Benton Downer, Associate Broker, Montague, Miller "!~am" writing ~this l~t~r t9 YOur attention~as per .~he, Ro~bert: Tucker, Executive. Of~f~icer for~ the~County of Albemarle. · · . FoK the. past two months I have had numerous contacts with the County Health Department concerning the Galerie Restaurant located at the ~,~f~ ~p ~<7~mParce~i~lA~somed by the Co~ty of Albemarle as C-1. This!property~has~:been~a :r~estaurant since.~th~:6Oss. _~ .wasrecently' sold,to a new~userby our'firm~ In an effort-~to'Compty with new~ countyregulations, we made an effort to uncover the system at this cur~snt location and have found the ~oltQw~ng. · · ,The~original~septlc s~stemwas,,piaced approximat:ely 120 feet from the existing building in 1960. This system was washed away in a flood in 1969. ;,It' was r~placed by a cistern-'system,:and over~ ~he,.years~20:feet Of!£ill:havebeen~-placed-0~ the'Site over,the existing-syst.em. The January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 29) M.B. 40, Pg. 29 current cistern system is a big round concrete box with a sludge pipe draining into a 20 x 20 gravel pit. The overflow pipe drains into Mechum River. The Health Department and owner both agree that this is a very unfor- tunate situation and County Health has recommended a number of solu- tions in their attached from Jeff McDaniel dated December 9, 1991. The County is unwilling to allow the property to use a new septic system for a variety of reasons. Including the following: The size of the site will not accommodate a septic system and a reserve sys~temwith a, suitmble distance from the river and existing well. -.The Site,.has, over theyears undergone approximately 60percent _~,.filLto,~build up a parking area."~'~N~:~system'wilL~be~:atlowed in ~ the fill area. The Gounty Health:,.Department recommend the following which, we feel: will~ not work 1. Sewage Treatment Facility: This is a costly project that would eventually.' require water ~to run directly into,~Mechum,~ River"which .flows directly to- the.,reservoir¥ The adjoining: property, owners to'lease~system:'-Ail sites with gravity ~toW-are, located,within,the 100 year flood piai~.~i It may be possibiei~to pump sewage across 240 under the railroad crossing to use a site from a Mr. Clayton. He has no willingness to be remotely reasonable on.thematter~and-~twouldcost thousands to even get:.a lineof approximately ~ feet~to his property. Pump and haul method is also an option, but according to both county:and, stat~ health officials this. matter~would be~considered on,a short~te~m approval process~ ~They, also recommend allowing this buildingto~ hook ~up tothe Crozet/,Chartottesviite.Sewer:Interceptor ..... Manypeoplewe-have spoken.toe-at the County'feel this is .our only real option. Our a'Ctualrequest:~s ~hat you, expand theAlbemarie CoUnty, Service- Authority Jurisdictional. Authority to-include Tax Map57, Parce131A, known~as the GalerieRestau~ant. While'we realize that this is, an.. unusuai request, we feel it is in.everyone's best interest that this projec~.be allowed: access to this service line>as-ali~ other options' have been exhausted:~ ~ .- ........ ~ ~ Thank'you for your prompt considerationconcerning.this matter,.-· Please~letme,:know.if I,~can~answer any additional:~questions:concerning this project~!': Mr. Citimberg, presented'the following~staff~.report: ~'.: ~, "A request has been received from Mr. Benton Downer to amend the Albemarle Coun~y~Service:Authority service~are~boundaries to provide public~sewer.'to:the'~former,. Gaierie~estaurant.,~.A :letter from.the Hea~th.Departme~t dated,:December 8,, 1991.~(on-'fite),~raises~question as to the~adequacy.of'the~weli. Iris assumedfrom, correspondence that the restaurant~use wilt continue~ ~. ...... '.'~ The Comprehensive Plan states on Page 146: Objective: Provide publlc-water~-andsewer:services.:tothe,Urban~Area amd Co,,-.unities. Strategies: Follow the boundaries of the designated Growth Areas in delineating service areas ~ . ,,~ ~ 3anuary 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 30) M.B. 40, Pg. 30 Only allow changes in service areas outside of designat~i Growth Area boundaries in cases where the property is: (1) adjacent to the existing lines; and, (2) public health and safety is endangered. Prohibit access to the Cromer Interceptor between the boundary of the Cromer community and the Urban Area. This former restaurant exists outside the Crozet Community adjacent to the Crozet interceptor on property zoned C-1. tt has been implied that continued reasonable use of this property necessitates hook-up to the interceptor. -~.~Because Of issues that~shou~d~e addressed regarding reasonable use of ..th~ property, alternatives for alleviating the sewage problems and questions of well adequacy, staff has not had time to fully investi- g~r,~ri~ig ~ ~a~mmek~e~ ~that~h~Bogr~?~ ~a~g th~m~ ~M~ br~a r~ u ~ 99:2 ~o~ a~t o~-~ $ i~f~o~ S~fd $~ ~er take the following: Prohibit ~,cess 'to the Croza~ !'ater ~ter batwaa~ the bou~zd~rv of the R~)oze,~v~m~t~i~opl~r~r gD~{nsion into Alb~arle Co~ty Service Authority s~rvice areas for both public water ~d public sewer (~to existing structures only); 2). Preparea compmehehsive repor~ based on:consultation:w~th-:vari~s other~relevant agencies." Mr~ Cilimberg said this~.~i's Commercially-'zonsd.prope=ty, ~an~therelis a problem with adequate..sewage disposal for~activities with the:~ox~r¢ia~~ use on this~.. ~r,~p~£y'~ ~h~ .~eal~h~-D~pa~ ~m~t al t e~iy~$) a:n~ ~he' ~e~S ~h~2 ~.~fo~ne~i o~i b~. ~h~ ~t i~ ~w~:~ke~ ,best answer:to the-problem of sewage disposal. Yesterday, he fo~d that this has Autho~iLye ~ ACMe) ~and~:~ ~h~ R;E~n~v~a~3 ~nd~ Sewer. Authority. (RWSA): in terms o f connecting to.~ the: Crozet interceptor~ if~servicea=eas arechang~dto~:~include this property, kccording~o~ M~c,~Bitl;Brent, both the ACSA and the RWSA staff have indicated this would not be possible and would not bereco~ended. ~e RWSA would?halve the ~inal~word~.in this. particular main through~his- area to,he interceptor, but it is not desirable to have a direct connection to a force main. Mr. Cilimberg suggested this item be de- ferred until Feb~ary so staff can talk with .the Co~ty .Attorney and the Zo.ni~g A~inistrator.aboUt'some ~sequestions asT~el~::~s, meet~g wlththe ACSA and. the ~e~lth'Depa~ent:. Staff~ ~ill~try,.to~have. the~information/~eady hy Br~t--answered tha~ he would be gl~d..to~ answer:~y~questions'-th~a~:~heBoazd' Mr. Bowe~asked~the~'d.is~anee to the geavity~portion~ef~;t:he':ineer.cep~ te~ ~:Mr,~:~'Brent s~id~h~beti~ves ~it~o:beona~-half mile.or mor~:? Mr~Bowermn sai,d tha~~ m~ns ~he interceptor~ is:not~reasonably.a~ailable- Mr~ Martin~womdered if~.th~ applie~t iswilling ~o pay foz~ th~, eonnee-~ Lion.~ Mrs..Do.er sta~ed t. hmthe represents.~he~o~/of.:t~he~pnopertY, and~:~he o~ar.woulffbe,w~lling tobear any costs invo:lVed~ith the. connecti°n.~. He said the restaurant~'bui~dingwas builtin1960,:.~andthere~was.~a sapmrate~ syst~.put:inat thatt~e. However, the1969~flooffd~aged~the.~syst~m, .and it wasn~er~prop~rlyreplaced. The.syst~had been-in operation, but~now it is closed,~.and new regulations are~in.~effect.~ Th~ sit~willnot accept a septic::sys~m on:~itsi:o~merit~:?~EVerythi~g?~ound.::~is,.:propen~?~m in~:~the one h~dred yaar~flood plain,~:so the O~e=~Canno~? get h~tp frem. a~mdjOining property..;~er.,.~_~h~ on~ly.:?~wo options:,mvaiimble:area sewage treatment plant on the site or a~connection-.to.the Crozet interceptor. He:believes Mr. Brent is r~gh~ W~n.hesmys that the neares~:gr~vi~yline would'-bea~ thee,top o~:the ridge toward Crozet January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 31) M.B. 40, Pg. 31 Mr. Martin asked when Mr. Downer's client plans to open his business. Mr. Downer replied that his client had hoped to open the restaurant on Decem- ber 1, 1991. Mr. Marshall wondered if the owner is willing to pay the cost to go to the top of the ridge for connection to the gravity line. Mr. Downer responded that he is not sure because he does not know what the cost will be. A cost analysis has not been done since he was not sure what the Board would recom- mend. Temporarily, he is trying to develop a pump and haul system that will enable his client to open his business until this matter can be resolved. He said a lot of people are involved in trying to get the restaurant open. :~-~'~Mr.,Bowerman msked, the~ procedur~ for getting a pump and haul operation. Mr~Do~ner replied that everything has been answered regarding the procedure for the pump and haul operation, but he would like to have an idea of when a resolution~for~th~:i0n'g~term facility can be~implemented.~,He'~thinks'~this will need to, be done within theneXt 12 months. The pump and haul,operation wou~d last~for~a twelve-month period. Mr..Bowerman asked ~hOw the permit is obtained.~ ,Mr.'. Downer said the permit is ~ granted'-on a~ per case. basis by the Health' Department~, ~- Mr~ Cilimb~r~g stated,, that Mr,. Tucker has.~-re.~eived~a .reques~ to~ approve a pump and haul permit~ He,,:wanted~he~-Board~membe~rs.~o understand ,that ~if Mr.'Tucker signs this, pe'~mit., ~it~ does not ~guarantee anything will ,be~approve~ by~ the'Board in terms · o~! service~areas. -He~ does ~not~ want to build, a temporary~ solution int~a precedent' to provide a~ permanen,t-i solution, through~ service~ area. designation when this Board has not yet acted on the issue. · Mr~.~ Bowerman~commented that- Mrs, St~. John is~. attending Mr: Robert Boyle's funeral, ,along:~wi:th Mr. ,Bain. ,Mr~ Bowerman Would~like~'to~ ask Mr=~St~ John what, rights'~ the applicant = has,' to ~ Some sort,~ of septic ~ disposal.~ or s~wag~~ - disposal~tha~t~ existed': with his purchase of the~p~op~rty. .The r~staurant 'is' not' in operation ~now, but the pump and haul operation would reestablish this use. He thinks this situation needs to be examined closely because it may be difficult- t~o~: provide ~ sewage disposal~ and it~ maybe~ beYond,' 'the financial feasibility of the applicant ~ to do~ something, alternat, ively~~- ,' :~:? · ' ~, ~ ~,~ Mr. B~werman.~'askedi!'Mr:.'~Ci~timberg if M,r~ Tuckered.is: 1OOk,,~ng for. some~ guidance from this -Board relative.: to~, the, pump: and~! haul ~.question .... ~Mr,~.~ Cilimberg: answered-that Mr; Tucker wanted to make'the Supervisors and: :the, :- .: applicant aware that even i~f,he; si,gus, the pump, .and~haui. permit, ,that,.would not guarantee any, permanent soluti'on,.because this ~Board has not made any kind of dec is ion. ~ Mr. Marshall': ,sa:id, he,,, would: be dub-ious~ about ~ opening ~,~up,' the restauran~ under:-those condi,tions.; '~Mr. 'Downer agreed that. he.and: the' appt:icant, are both dubious, about the situati'on. --Mr. Marshall remarked-: that he-does:: no~:. know why the applicant would:-want? to~ aPply for.:, a, pump, and;, haul pe,rmit~.:, Mr,:. :, Downer replied:that' his ctient:- thinks ultimately~that the l matter-can be, resolved,-and that: a sewage, ,treatment plant can. be, put on'~ the-. Site.`· M~. - Marshatl-'' wondered if'it~would-be economically feasi.ble'to' put,: a,~sewage-treatment plant on the site compared to the volume of business the restaurant would .have. Mr, Downer responded~. that~ he is'~ waiting '.for,~,figures ,r. elat,,i.ve,~ to the economic" feasibility o:f: putt:ing~: a,~sewage"treatment: plant, on'.'si~e'~, Th,is~. is ~ not:~as' eoonomic,ally feasible~ as:' other. ~ at'ternatives, i'but 'there -are ,only:~ two. options;-: -' The ,.bu~,lding can, either.,: stay yea:ant', or a'~. treatmen:t plan~ can: 'be installed:, on 'site...: He, ~ has ~lreadY,-~ spoken'~ to. ~the,' owner~, and if~ the treatment~ plant is the only alto:rna; rive, :then he will install it. He has talked to two people who have knowledge of these types of situations, and one told him' .it was feasible ,to connect to the interceptor, and the:.other, one told,- him' ,it,:was;~not,'. It all may,.be,a~ moot point..~:.~-' . .-: ' ........ - : ' : -',' ',.- ' '~' :..'~ ' "'.-' - -. Mr;.Martin said it.seems as though the' applicant is.-trying to move forward on. alt: fronts, .so that once',a decision is.made, he. will..be in'.a-._ position, to, implement the_ .proj eot, Mr:.... Downer:. =emarked. tha~- ultimately'! thi building.: i~s going to~' ,be: Used' in Some fashion, so-, o.ver, a~ short period of t~me, he-does not, .see,how-:a pump and haul situation will~ be'~ harmful,. He thinks the pump· , and,' haut., situation': may. be. fn' place ~or four .. to. six: mont·hs ': until the: situation., can be.-resol.ved :.on. ~ 'long .term basis .... ~ ..... - .-~, :~ :~: ...... ,? ;.. January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 32) M.B. 40, Pg. 32 Mrs. Humphris agreed with Mr. Bowerman that 'this Board is faced with a lack of legal understanding of the position in which the Board would be placed if the pump and haul project were approved. Mr. Cilimberg said that, for the applicant's benefit and to remind the Board, the location of an individual sewage treatment facility on site is not allowed under the current ordinance. Mr. Marshall cox~nented that it seems to him that the only alternative for the applicant to find a permanent solution to the issue is to build the sewage line for one-half mile up to the ridge. Mr. Downer said he believes the ridge is at least-three-quarters of a mile from the restaurant. ~ (Mr. Tucker retUrned to the meeting at this time.) Mrs. t{umphris a,sked-who WoUld be-responsible for securing theeasements. Mr-~DoWner~responded that:~he:lando,wner is responsible!,for-,g'ettinglanyease- men~s; Mrs,~-,Humphris..~agreed with Mr~-:~.Cilimb~rg~that the matter needs to be considered whenever the staff has a report available. She said that she would make a-motion to~that!leffect. ~, ,.'-'~ -.~-, '.~:Mr.~B,owerman asked~Mr: Tuckerto speak to the issue of the pump and haul permit. Mr. Tucker replied that Mr. Downer called him (Mr. Tucker) yesterday and said the~'Health'Depar~tment'haff approved a permitfor~a pump~and: hauL~ ~:,~ situation,~subject!to~:his~approval.?,,He~wantS the Board~s'guidance30n<this,,~*~- because it.~will alloW-the apptieant~to mo,ye forward in~th~operation of,~the,,~ restaurant. He added that if something~ does notwork out with the intercep- tor, etc., then the applicant would have to consider a package treatment plant or other m~asUres...:- 'Mrs. :Humphris told- Mr:. T~eker that whi~le~ he was. out~ of, the:' ~oom,,- Mr~ . Bowerman.~ had~- rat sed ~ the ~. question~ o,f the legalist les:~ 'of,, having~ a~ ~p~mp, and:, haul oper~atio~i. ? She. mentioned~ ~ ,too; that, Mr. Cilimberg'~ had pointed out that the Co~ty's ordimance~ does not allow an~ individual~ sewage ~rea~ent pl~t~-on an ~ in~ivi~atis~te. ~is<~is?.why she had made a motion to ask staff ~o bring this Board a report~a~ ~a time which is convenient for staff but no sooner than~ ~d~February~ ~'~- ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ c ~ -~ Mr~ P~r~ins~ seconded~ the'. ~tion~:~ He: feels .~.the~ applicant is~faced~ With ~ the, situation ~ where :~he~ might ~ ~have a Piece' ~ of ~- p~perty~- and-_ t~e~e ~ is~ ~ mo ~use - for i.t~i ~ because ~ there ~ is.~ not~: an. adequate septic sys~t'~ ~ He~: s~g-gested ~t~ the best~ approach ~from a~~ cost. ~d legal,~ standpoint.:wo~ld~~ be ~'for~. the applic~t~o find a s ire On adjoining~ land ,that~: c~? be. served ~ by' a- p~p~ or? other~' means,, ~ ~ v Mr..~ BoWe~an. asked if Mr. Perkins is suggesting that the other site could be served by a p~p and a nomal septic drainfield. Mr. Perkins answered affir- m? ~ Mr .?"~ Bowe~mam~.: said there ~,ms a motion and~ ~ ~second to .defe~ indefimite~ this zeques~* ~o. ~end,~ .~he',ACSA se=vice'-area., ~,~ Mr_~ ~erk~s; stated thm~~, if this ~ard~.:agre~ with ~he acti'om bY ~he-Health Department for a -p~p amd:~ha~t Situation, it ~oes;~ not guaram~ee tha~. the property'can be used'~or~any~hing afier~he permit expires. He said a precedent could~ be set. .Mrs.. 'Humphris~askedd. Mr~,.Tucker~...if the Board cooperates with~the~.Heatth D~partment!.s~: pump ands:haut-permit if it will obligate ~the? County, legally~ Mr., Tucke~r, said, he~ i,s not?sure, and.needs~ to. talk. ~o~Mr.' St.~ John~.~ ~. ~.~ Mr,, ~werman~ suggested,, the~ Board~act· on'~the motion for~defer~al.~mow, and action on~fthe P~p and ~haul:operation~..ean be taken when~ additional~ info~ation Mr. ~erkins, re~rked that it is probably not economical to ~ke a~connec- tion. to the~ int~rc~ptOr~ ~even '. if.-.,t~his ,. Board~ ~ were .to, approve/ehe~ cO~ecti~n~ tt ~. is - a~lso~not~ economical to-?.bu~ld~ a~ sewage tr~a~emt~ plant~ so he? Wondercale? What the~.a~terna~ves might, be, ~ The ~applicant. cannot p~p~ and~haul~/forever, because~the~Health Depar~ent ~ilt-not allow it'.- He~ Sa~d there is alterna~v~, There-were~ r~o~ o~her.~ =comments, 'so~ Mr :~ Bowerman asked~ the .Clerk~ to i,call~ the rotl~ and~ the ,motions., carried. 'by the f0tlowing~ recorded vote~: ~, ~ January/15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 33) M.B. 40, Pg. 33 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. None.. Mr. Bain. Agenda Item No. 17. Discussion: Draft Letter to Governor's Office on Economic Development. Mrs. Humphris said she prefers, when a letter is being sent from this Board, that the pronoun, "we," be used throughout the letter. She began to call attention to portions in the letter where she would like for this correc- tion to be made. Mr~ Martin said he has a concern with the major portion of the letter, and would like to see it completely revised. He thought the Board members ~anted this*.letter: ta~ say they wanted more information about ~'Company. X~,', and were~willing to work with the Governor's Office and the company under the right:' circumstan'ges. This is included in the letter. The other thing that he w~n~9d tO point out in the letter is that this Board is open to other busi- nesses coming to this community. That cannot be accomplished by this Board saying~ it ~has ,always been open to businesses homing to Albemarle CO~nty~ this ~Board~.~.indicates that it has always been open to businesses coming here, then it seems to him the Board is indicating it wants to maintain the status quo. If this ~Board is :~perceived' as bering anti?growth, and: if,~this~ Board indicates%that .it~wants to continue-doing wha~,', it has alWays done, .then the Board'~ is',baSicatly~~ saying- to the people who perceive 'the Board as b'eing:~ anti-growth~ that it will continue to be anti-growth. He would like to strike the ,historical portion of this' .letter and deal with the present and the future~ ' ..... .... .~ '~ ': Mrs~ Humphris said-~ sh'e.,has~ a~ mai or concer~: ~ith ~Mr. ~..'Ma~t'inJ s'~ s~uggestion~ ~beeause3 this Board ' s policy ~ h~s~ to :be.'~ based'~ 0n.. the'~ adopted:~Comprehensive~.~ Plan. The~'.~Plan¥. has, language in' it~ which expresses the ~ County' s ,position ?: ! UnleSs< the Cornpr~.hensive Plan~ is'~amended~. to include different~ language, then: ~he poiicy ~ ~' · '~ Mr~ =~ Ma~rtin~ :sai:d he: has ~ no~ problem~ with'" the Comprehensive~ Plan; ~ b~t suggest~.~hat~ the~ Board forget' about~ referring to ~ the past ~ '~ ':~Mrs. H~phris explained tha~t ~here~ is ~no"neW policY;in,~'p.lace ~ess:'the Board goes~throUgh the~,process'- of ~ending the. C°mprehens~ive' Plan. ~ ~ ~is cannot~ be~~ ~done~ by letter to the State Department orr Economic Development'~ There= has robe a~ vote from~:~this:_Board to ~end:the C~mp~ehensive~-~lan and public~ hearings have to be held. Mr ~ Ma~tin'~ replied that~ he ~derstands/~, all of~~ this ..... He. 'agrees'. wi~h: M~s. H~phris~.~?-He is~not ~saying that this letter~should~indicaC~;the~BOard is 'g~ing to make changes, or that~ changes have ~already?.bsen made. ~ 'He fs asking'~ ~ ~zs ~xs- not; non,has this beeni~the~ that"the~iet~er: not include~hewords," ' ' phi.losophy~ ~f: Alb~arle Co~y." He does not want' the letter to 'state what Albemarle County .has been." - ~ ~ Mrs. Hmmphri~s~ said ,. she feels.. ~he whole:' problem: relates to the 'message this Board has received~ as .to how it is perceived in Ric~ond, as ~far as economic, development is Concerned.> ~ She does~not, knoW how:~ to,.: Point '7' . Mr'~ ~-Ma~tin c.o~ented 'that' he: think's the~ 'Board~will s~end this message to the Department of Economic Development by reviewing the action that was taken regarding this specific company. He does not think the officials at the Department o'{ rEconomie :Deve~lopment: anticipated: the Bo~:rd movi:n~g' up. i.tS~ sched- U'~e' for-., revi'ew~ to.'.acco~Odate .the company/'in question:.~ ! He .~ent.On~.~t'o;' say 'that by: tak~ng-.:that .action, it Showed.,that' this' Board..is .not as:it wa~s prev~ous'ly perceiv.ed.:~ :in: Ric~ond: . ~en the: letter stat'es~ that this.is-not and;%~as' not~ the. philosophy °f"Albema~le:.Co~ty~ it' means' that something will be:done',-, but the,.stat,uS'quo.will:~be:.maintained. ~en the status quo is maintained, it sends a message that nothing has chamged 'or that nothing will be changed;; ~-~ Mr. Bowerman~s'aid:.he~thi~s it is-:impo.rtant'tO .reco:gnize that there are 4100: ~ac.res. of land sho~n in. the Comprehensive'Plan as being zoned for.indus- t:rt~al.~.use;.-~. If the G~vernor.~s Off:ice? receives~_infor~tion:"that there, is this January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 34) M.B. 40, Pg. 34 much land zoned for industrial use in Albemarle County, then the information can be put into the data base of the Department of Economic Development. The Richmond office does not currently have this information, and has not been directing people to Albemarle County. He specifically will indicate in the letter that this Board is not anti-growth and cannot be anti-growth with 1100 acres of industrially-zoned land. In the past, this Board has been perceived as anti-growth because there were a few applications for industrial or commer- cial type uses in the rural areas which were in conflict with the Compre- hensive Plan. This appearance has come about because this community, through its Board, adopted zoning ordinances and development ordinances which are very protective of its citizens. The application of the zoning and development ordinances sometimes gives the appearance of being restrictive. This letter is tryin~ to set the~record, straight~, because this Board is not anti-growth afid~has,~never been anti-growth. He does not see anything wrong with con- tinuing the letter to the Governor's Office in this vein. .Mr., Martin said~that,hesees nothing wrong with explaining how~much land ther~e'is in.Albemarle County or~ that~this Board'isinterested in~having a company~locate here. Henoted that people perceive this~BOard'asalways being anti-growth. He said it~is difficult to deal with a perception by?explaining how~the perception came-about. Mrs'. Humphrisremarked that she had the floor,~and was~making comments when Mr. Ma~tininterrupted~-'She believes she has: theright,to continue with her cox~ents. She thinks Mr~Martin will~see~that~her Changesin~the letter witt~accomplish_exactlywhat heis saying. ~She thinks the letter included a very good~statementof what this Board had directedthe~staff~-to provide', such as a~statement tothe~Department~o~'~Economic~-Development dispelling the~idea that~ this~-Board is anti-growth in this community. She went on to saythat the letter add~esses,,the.,content and, the position developed in this community based on input from the public. The~Comprehensive Plan is not something that was put upon-the people, of. AlbemarieC~untyby'the six peopte'~sitting on th~, Board of Supervisors, The ComprehensivePlan was~done-asa?result~of many publi¢~hearings~over 15 or more years~in which-CountY.citizens used the opportunity to tell~their elected officials,how they wanted, the County to, grow. She feels,thestatement in the letter reflects the, Comprehensive Plan and the Board's explanation to the people in Richmond that-their perception of this Board ia wrong,,~perhmpsbecause they do not understand the County's Comprehensive Plan~ She reiterated that, the Comprehensive Plan is. a plan of the peopleof this community'and not oflthis. Board. ~She~then, snggested-that thesecond paragraph~f the letter begin by statihg that~ "The Albemarle County,Board~ofSupervisors would-like tolclarify .... " .Shecontinuedby saying, that~the second,~s~ntemce of t~hatsame paragraph,,coUld,begin,bysaying, "We~feelthis is necessary as recent~.ini~iatives by, your~officein working ~ith.,,theun~identif~ed~For~une~500 eomp~ny"have~brought,to~ligh~ a possible pti -~.~'Onthe.second, pa§e~'of the,te~ter,, Mrs,:,Humphris. suggested that whatever .tanguage~is:.,.used-in:.referenee~to:the. COuntY~s~phitosophy~come directly~.from theComprehensivelPlan,~ There, is a Statement'of the County's.philosophy,in the~.Plan~ The letter.would be totally accurate if the statement~from-th~ Comprehensive Plan were. used~ Mrs. Humphris Stated-;that the' bottom of the secondpage.of the letter~.should indicate that, "It.iS~not,'our. intent, to impedeeconomic,develOpment,'but we feel that'i-tis,importa~t.to~facilitate and accommodate induStrials'and.commercial uses which, meet the identified needs o~our growing population.'l She said Mr. Bowerman could end,-thetetter~by stating,.t'PteaSe;feell,free.to contact me. We look forward to hearing,from you soon~-Mrs.;Humphris'said she'.,feels'that,:o~h~r, thanthe.changes~,that she.'has m~ntioned~,~it is an_excellent draft; She~hen~oved.'that~'~the'Board..adopt:the draft document with:~the, changes~she-has made~ and~send'the letter Director of,;the Departmen~ of Economic Development. Mr. Bowerman-asked if there, was a second, to;Mrs .... HumphriS~ motion~-,.Mr. Marshall said,~he wouldi'~tiketo discuss the matter~somemore~,since~-he believes there, is~some merit,in what~Mr,'Martin-~has~said. ~- .~' .Mr., Bowermanreminded?,Mr. Marshall that Mr;'.Marshallwas'the~one'who suggested that this,Board send~ a message to'Richmond.:~ Mr. Bowerman said he would~be .interested in. hearing from Mr, Marshall as to his perception:of this draft document. Mr~,Marshall said he feels'this-Board;needs~'.to~ send~a~message to the people in Rictunondlthat',this Board is interested, lin economic .growtk. January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 35) M.B. 40, Pg. 35 He has no intention of destroying the Zoning Ordinance of Albemarle County, but at the same time, he does not see any need to insert language in the letter that may lead the people in Richmond to read into the letter something this Board really does not mean. The County's Comprehensive Plan speaks for itself, and he thinks that when it comes time to review the Fortune 500 company's application, all of this will be brought out. He does not see why this issue needs to be brought to the attention of the people in Richmond so that it might be misinterpreted and discourage another company from locating here. He agrees with Mr. Martin's comments. Mr. Bowerman said he believes there needs to be some reference to the County's eXisting adopted Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Marshall commented that the letter.~cafi state that.~'here:-is?-:a:-C0mprehensive Plan, but the letter does not have,rd :go into detail about the Comprehensive Plan. He does not want the people in Richmond to discourage individuals from coming to Albemarle County. ·. ~Mr ~:,Bowerman: s.aid'~,the :.letter indicates.'the,~ current, feet~ngs :of-this Board; It, is a St~ong::,stat~ent~which~ind~ea~es~..~that,-i~ iSnot:the Board,s~ inten~:io ~impede-, economic ? development, and ~. that ~.~ehe :Boa=d-~.~eeZi: it ~ is.~im- ~ po=rant ho.*facilitate and ~.aeCo~oda~e-~the induSgriat; ~:eo~ere~at~:uses::Which mee~:::~h~ :-'identified ~needs~of :th~: GounOd' s ,growing: population;~, ~ ~ , -',~. ' Mr.:;~Martin~ag~eed,~ha~, this is a great.:s~atem~n~; He, said~ it~&s not ~his ~ntent ~o change the'~p~i~y~.eontent,o~ this letter, and he is not asking for any drastic changes. He is saying that, as a sociologist, he knows that a perception:cannot b~ fought:by:~xplaining;hoW ~it no~'~hear or tis~en:~o~the exp!anation~~ He,~does~:not~'~ant'~ything ,in:the:.- letter that-:will i~dicahe: to:: someone, with~ the~ perception that, thecCo~y ~s amt~ ~g~owth; .tha~ :it: is :business as~ us~l, ~:: and tha~ the.~.s~atus ~qUo ~will: be Mrs ,: ,H~ph=is :'eomenEed::that the, whol~ point'~,o~ ~Hr. ~:Ma~shalt ~. ~ rnquest Was ::~o l~t the :Depa=t~ent:¢o~ EeOnomic'~cDev~lopmnnt:: know;: that .this beene .aware-,that 'it'~.had::~the perg~ption, that?:,~his~,,Board ~is':anti-growth~ ~d this ;~Board: Wants ito¢~ allay and:.c~r~eCt." that i mispereeption; ,~-cM~: ,~Mar shal.z? agreed Mrs; '~H~ph= is: replied ;; tha~: iht s .: letter ~ dOes~expet that ::;-.percept ion~~ : She Said~a tet~er~ cannot'~ be";wr~ten~-~w~thout tetting?.the pe=sohcwhy ~he: letter being ~itten ..... Mr c:. Tucker :~rnmarked~ that as part.~of ~ ~h~:~ letter;..Mr~. Keb. gh and others :have~ been:~invited:go come~O. A'tb~=le Co~ty. :.~. I~.theme:.is static;some conce~n-.by? Mr. :~Ma=shalt::,0r ~:.Mr ~ ~Mart in ~. tha~ ~he.R~c~ond people ~:w!ll ~ge~.-a negative:feeling f=om the ~ett~=,,~h~re~. will ~be:an ~oppo=t~ity; ~o Add=ess issue when.'~thei'BOard meeCsywiih::::them:,-~Mr. ~ucke=:said~..he;:believes.~ that i~ the lel~er ~s ~misread, there, will .be another chanCe ,to'talk to the~Ric~ond-office about it. This letter should at least give an idea of what ~h~ County is doing ':~ith:'re~ard .to:eeonom&c ~ deVelOpment anO?grOwlh ~hroagh ' ~$i' Comprehensive P}an ~ .- This ~..Would;:mean-..~hat'i~he~ .Ric~Ond peopte-~will :'be~eomin~ ~o ~oun~y with~bahkg=ound:~info~ma~ion:~rom ~he~Chairman~o~ the:~-BOard:of~Supe=~ visors-~and not *from: some'~pe=ception;~that they:~may'have~,,: ~ - :~ :: .... : ~ Mr. Bowerman stated that he was really ~azed when it was made kno~ that the G~vernor?,s:Offieecdid:~not ,even?send p=osPeetive::eompany zepresentatives..to Atb~arle ' gounty~ ~and; ,that ::th~ :, indnstr fal ~ land :~sho~, in :th~: Comp=ehens i~e Plan and~'its;~cu=rent Zoni~g,:wasn~-~iden~ified in Ric~ond;~. ~ ::~. :,.,: ,. ; ..... ~ - ~-~ :.,~M=, >Pe~kinS:sa~d his :f~rst::~impression O~the,~tn~t~r.~is~ tha~it :is ~too tong~ He thinks ~ha¢~W~essage:needs:to :be~conveyed::~oz the~Depar~emt of- Economics, Development ~hat :the:Board:~is ~nterested in? meeting ~.and:diseuss~ng eeonomic:development.:issues Wi~h its staff ~. :~ Hopefully.. that.~wilt .dispel' .the perception that Albemarle :~Co~ty diseourages_economic::d~eiopmen~c.~:. He noted ~hat :'when ~he .?rnce~ves :~ a¥~long- letter,; :'he ' th=o~s ~ i~' away ~-~ and: does ' not vread, it Me:doesn~,t ;think:tha~th~,~S~a~ Depa<gmen~ people ~,wilt~do:~ha~, ~bu~.:he: ~sug- ges~ed ~hat ~he':lettee :he~ sho=tened :;w$~' a~.. fact ~ shee~ :attached :~tO-it.: :He~-said the:fac~;Sheet":eould~indica~e-,~hat,~there a<e' 1}~00 ~aeres of land .zoned for industrial use available ~n Alb~arle~ Co<ry.. The fact sheet~ could also mention,the goals off, the Comprehensive:Plans ~which are:~for ~he prOteCtion the ~atershed a=eaS:and: the people of'~,Alb~a=le;~County ;~as:;welt:~as;~o; provSde opposed~ to c~he~.idea:of, the~letter;: .. ~' >, ~ : c- ,, :: ~ . ':"- '.~':: .... -~:.9.-?~ '.~:,,i- ~' -.:~ ~'~:f ' '<'~ ~'~'~ ~ ' .... :' ~''~" ' · . -:-"~" +, , 5. " January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 36) M.B. 40, Pg. 36 Mr. Marshall said he is not opposed to the letter either, and he likes what Mr. Perkins is saying. He thinks Mr. Perkins' suggestions will take care of all of the concerns to which he and Mr. Martin referred. Mr. Martin agreed. Mr. Bowerman asked for specific concerns. Mr. Perkins answered that he does not think the whole first paragraph needs to explain the Board's action. The Economic Development Office probably knows that the Board speeded up the review process so the company would remain interested in coming to Albemarle County. Mrs. Humphris remarked that this Board has no knowledge of whether the Department.of'-EeonOm~clDev~lopmentldoes or does not know about this Board's a~tion~' She understood Mr. Marshall wanted to convey this particular message to the Department of Economic Development. She thinks the letter achieves what Mr. Marshall hoped~to achieve~ ~which, is~:to explain~:.the-situat~.ion in:.which this Board.finds itself, and to telt~ the people in Richmond,that~.this:.BOard.~: wOuld .~ 1 ike ~ ~o meet :.,~w~th~ ~hem :. i f they~ne~d .. t~ ~hav~ an ~: understand lng ~? beyond the in~o~ation contained in this l~tter. She still thinks the letter does all of this very well. She added that the few details about the current Comprehen- sive ~lan~ identi~y~ng~-over-~ 1100.~developed, acres for ~industriat =us~ with :~ Cha=ts,..etc.~:~ showing-how this ~quates ~to four t~es~:the~.an~ic'ipatedinduS~ trial~tand area. needed '~by-'the year ,20t0, could be dete~ed from ~he. letter She ~w~nt ~on to say ~hat~ this is ~.ce=ta~nly ~not'~ ~aking :~ve~y ~much~out of~'-the? letter. She believes that if other Board members want to delete a lot of information from the letter, then it needs to be totally rewritten. She still stands-:by her. motion, which d~es not',-yat have:'~a second,~:to~.approve~the*let~er as~ ~.has~be~n~chan~ed ~hus ~ar~.-.~' - :~ .... ~ ., ~ ' ~ ~Mr~~ -Bow~rmn sta~d~tha~ he has no probl~ with~, taking out the~sentence one,Page ~ Th=ee which ~begins ~ ~ith, :~.Our~. eurr~t ~:~Gomprehens i~e ~ Plan, ?~' and~.~ ends wi " .... "' , th,. ~ growth~~ management~ poimcy. - : He'~ agreed~,:,~ tOo~. tha~ ~the ~ ClOlSUr~ ~ co~id ~sayi 'fPlease~feelofreeqto~ com~ae~ me" ~ ~ Mr. ~Martin r~arked ~hatl~he liked Mr~:lPerkinS' co~ents~ He can ,envision a: letterq~i~h: the if~rst :sente~ee,:~of ~the cur=ent~ letter, plus~ a :~clos~ng J that ~ay~ L:~i}~-~:Boa~ :is ~y i~~d~ ~ m~ing and:-di~ssingl:~CO~O~Cl~d~v~l- opment ~isSues ~wi~h:you:.~{ Th~ o~her:.'~for~tion~leOald,be:~ lef~ out~ and~'this wo~ld-'allow. ~h~:~l~t~to::g~ ~igh~o :~hM Lpoin~i::. ~h~:'fi=Mt 1M~n~nc~ o~~ ~he ~e~r . d~sc=ib~~ ~h~ [ae~ion tha~ ].was- ~n by~:)~his ~lBOard ~ and-::~h~i: las~ s~nl tence.~indica~es that there~could',be, a m~spercep~iOn,..'The, letter goes' on t0 R~c~ondi:t0: discuss~.econom~c~developm~t issues and invites them to meet, with this ,Board.~ He thinks~lthat this lis all the letter n~eds:to~ say~ ~ ~ ) Mr. ~ 'Bowe~ :~said~ ~h~ :-belieVeS,~ ~that: Page *" ~o-~and ~-~he .t balance :of :,, Page~One men~- asl ~o~ how :~his~:.Board~ feels. ' He stated that I to: just say .what this. Board did ~ an d ~ h a ~I ~ h [ Board m[b~r s wo u i d b ~ ~n[[=[s ~d~ in discussing [ hi does not ~o~:a long~,~ay~:in'~clarifying:.~he situation~ .... ::~]l:,[ ~ :~: . ~ .[ ~[ ~:: .... ~ ,: .: ~ Mr i ~Mar~in :~rei~erat~d '~ that ~-:h~ ?~would ~lik~ fom.:~th~: lectern :tOl:s~ate-:'wha~ ~hi~s ~:B~dvd~d a~' ~diea~lL,~ha~:lt~hiM ?BoM=d'ciM :vM=y ~:l ~n~eM~d: :~1 .Mco~om~c q de~elopmen~ issues and ~oUldl like?to~d~scuss-th~ (He :is~.not{slaying,:he-~h~ks the{:whole~ letter should be, del~ted .except fo= ~he 'f~rst:/and~4ast san~enees~ concept :'lin min~smepmesent~d bY ~the~lfirst sen~enee~l:~d ~the~,last'~:po=tion- of 'the Mr. Bo~erman stated that he does not t-hi~ this will accomplish the original inten~ ~?of ?this~:-Boa~d! s ~-effo=t, to ': encourage ']the. comp~y4to ~em~ or ~-there :is~ no point ~.~in,:writing the letter ~ : ~ ~ : Mr~ Mar~in =~rked:,tha~he:only-'.has ,one ~ote, and ,he~ does not-mind .'when other Board J members ~ disa[r[e w i~ h his opinion ~[ b~t h~1 d o ~ s ]not i i[~ t o b ~ lecturedI ~o ~ ~: H~, addedl~ that 'lhe ~ W i ~l i; J ~ n o ~' say2anythingt~,else ~ ~- because~:he is~not ~,:-.....,..,At ~his t time ~: ~M= ;..?Bowerman' r~minded.,:.th~ :~Board 'membe=s ~?that..the=e was a motion.on ~ the floo~ ~ "-~h~ch..,had ~. so~::far,--,failed to, re~i~e.' a ?~second,.. -.. ~ . January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 37) M.B. 40, Pg. 37 Mr. Perkins stated that he would second the motion, so the Board could move forward. He thinks something needs to be sent to the Department of Economic Development in a timely fashion, whether it is this draft letter or a shortened version. He added that he thinks Mrs. Humphris has made some worthwhile changes in the draft letter. Mr. Marshall agreed with Mr. Perkins that the letter should be sent as soon as possible, and he hopes that the letter will state what the Board really wants it to say. Mr. Perkins replied that he thinks the letter indicates the Board's position, but he thinks the people in the Department of Economic Development wIlt,,have ,to, ,read:~between ~the~i~nes!' ~to understand what the Board is stating. M~ ~Bowerman asked what Mr. Perkins meant by the remark, "read between the lines." Mr. Perkins replied that he would get disinterested in a letter of this tength~, ~ ~' ?~ ., ':,. s~:~snd :~.,,~ ,, -: .... ~ : .... - . :-' ,Mrs. ~;~phrSs ~-co~ented?~hat::?~hSs :,is so.TMimpOrtmt:. that,:the people ': in the?~ S~ate~-,Departmen~-~- of Economic Development..will pay~ attention .:,to it,~ because the matter~'is:,impor~ant to them a~ welts:as to this Board. She added that the State officials want this Board to be interested in business and industry, therefore:,~.~this :let~e=~ill; be. of ~nt~rest. to th~. ~. ~She.dees not ~think that S~a~e off$cials.won~ read .the whole~_ietter~ : Mr. Marshall then read, "Albemarle Co~ty recognizes the need for econom- ic development to,prOvide jobs~ for ~eur citizens and~tO~maintain:~a~balance between~growth and~.eur ~quality off-life? He said~this~is a~ good statement' agreed~ to by everybody,~-fie: then ~=ead ~the .n~xt,.~stat~ent, ~'~ ut ~ ~.we de no~ ~feel ~hat ~this ~should. be~at the expens~, of ',stimUlating ~apid population growths" He>~.said nobody'wants :rapid population growth~: but he,~wondered why it~has to-be written ~in~the letter-when ~.it might ~ cause~bHe State people -to, become ~dis- interested..~ If ~the letter is~-writt~, in this-manner, it ~will~cause specu- lation ~ about ~ the'~Board- members ,saying ~ they ~:wan~,~economic ~' development ~ because~ ~onditio~s *~a=e ~ beimg~Set .~,~He/,feels ~ ~his could '..cause ?,the ~ State people~:,to w~nder if ~the .Board reatty,~wants~eeonomic development. ~ :, ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~Mrs ~ '~H~phris '_replied ~Tthat~ 'the~ letter needs~,to iheludei,this ~p0rtion ~,of ~he?~sen~ence~because~the. reSt off--the sentence relates to the capability ~.of Albemarle County to acco~odate that growth fiscally. She noted that past fiscal re~orts ~have}sho~:that growth .costs, '~ the.:'Co~ty., money~ and ~increased~ taxes~- ~ She Said: thaC ~the more the Cowry grows, the~. hi,he= ~ the ~taxes ~will bec~e~ - Part~ of ~the~County offi~ials{ knowledge ~and, understanding~ of: the~ possibility'f Of .growing too~ rapidly ~is that:'~it ~ can~cause~ a ~ Situation where ~it~ is hard,to pay: fora:the requi~ed ~infrastructure ~and~ ser~ices~ ....... ~ ~ , ;~'~Mr. -~MarShall. agreed .~hat it: ~s a deb. arable ~issue,.- ..He doeS~no~-,agree with the- stat~ent in,: the' letter ;to .,which':Mrs. H~phris -:r~f~rred.. ~. He ;does not -want ~s~ fiend~that, m~s sa~e: ~o,~someone?~im :: N~c~ond or~'~o,~ ~he" pnbtic~. ' ~He~'~no~e~ ~hoeve=,:,~s ~ ~riting:~the -edi.toria~s t~n~.~h~ Da~l~ -P=osress p~reeives .~he~ sit~- ~$~n~-:inithe?ts.~ :mann~= :i'as..'~e.,dses; :~:~he. fgc~ ~tha$: ~he stat~nt exists ~ leads some .people:~o believe that this Board has a .ce=rain pe=ceptiom ~ ;~.- ~-:Mr i t Bow~=mam :asked~if, 'Mr. ~Ma=.mhall'?agr~es c with ~.,.~he :~ sta~ent ~ ~. :Mr ~ Marshall~ .replied tha~ :he does not~ agree with~'pa:t of~ the)sta~ement~ ..':He read the :s~a~ememt, and ~.~s.aSd?he ?:hath~a~rees canal:' disagrees ~'wi~ i~. z~ ~He '~said ~.~hat - some.:=~peopte ~hink ~ ~hat, .~=o~h ~'~c~sts~ *.~h~':,~Goun~y ~:.money ~ ~but,=. others v think :,~ it brings the~C~un~y~:money~?~i He~::~belieVes ? tha~ :b~h.:ap~nions :~.are '~co=rect ~ He said the fact tha~ ~ this ?s~atement has ~o :be-'.inte~j ected~"in,~the letter':, could~'make'. ssmesne ~n the Ric~ond office,.~read-something into ~hesfi~uation that t-he Board does not , ,:. 'Mr. ~Bowerman s~afie~ ~hat~ this~'Board needm'.to go,~ intosexec~i~e~session ~at this .time?for inte~ie~s,. ~. ,He-no~ed;~hat -M~ ,~Bain is,:~no~'~availm~le~a-~n~e=~ v~ew. some.~of'- ~h~; ~pp~icants~' :. but.~his: item: ~!~ :be~ dis~Ussed"~af~er ~'~he meeting wi~h ~he~.Schoo~..Bo. ard., ~He.w~uld.~ like'~fio finalize .the,.let~er ta~y~ but he does no~.want tO' rush the mat~er. ,.Mr. ~arshatt remarked ,that..he hopes the Board members .c~,reach an agre~nt so the letter can be~ put into the mail ,,-Mr ~. ~ Bawarman isai, d.,:he..,~h~nks: ~h~:.-can ~ha: done, :but he :does. not;.~ant :~o. be ~der ~he tpressu=e ~of moving:: the~,.~inte=~iews:~and ~: the o~her ~, maC,ers c~o~?be disdus.sed?back~ :too ,far~.on.. gha'-,sChedule, '~ because ~his '~Board~ st~t~ ~:has :to me~t January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 38) M.B. 40, Pg. 38 with the School Board at 3:00 p.m. He asked for a motion for this Board to go into Executive Session. Mr. Bowerman then suggested that the previous motion be tabled until after the joint meeting with the School Board. Agenda Item No. 18. Executive Session: Personnel; Acquisition/Disposi- tion of Public Property. At 12:25 p.m., motion was offered by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mr. Martin, to adjourn into Executive Session for discussion of personnel matters under Virginia Code Section 2.1-344.A.1, and acquisi- tion/disposition of public property under Virginia Code Section 2.1-344.A.7. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES-: ~Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. ...... ~gp~a Item No. 19. Certify Executive Session. The Board reconvened into open session at 3:05 p.m., and motion was offered by Mr. Perkins, second- ed by~Mr~.~Marshalt,~to:adopt~the following:cert~ficate:of~exeeutive:s~ss!on~- ~ ....... ~.~ ~. "" CERTIFICATION..OF EXECUTIVE MEETING ~, ,WHEREAS,~;the.~Albemar~e~County Board:of~Supervi~ors~has:convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and ~n~accordance:.w~th~.the provisiOns'~0f TheVirginia'Freedom. of~ Information Aet; and · WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires :~ertificatiOn~by the Albemarle CountY.Board of Supervisors .that such executive meeting was conducted'in conformitywithVirginia law-; : !NOW, THEREFORE, BE'.ITRESOLVED.tha~the'AlbemarleCounty Board-of .,~ Supervisors.hereby,~Cert~fiestha~o the beSt of each';membek!skns~tond- ed , ledge~ !(i). 6nly~ pUblic~ bus,ness '! matters:~laWf~ily ~exempted~from~ open.~/ meeting requirements by Virginia .law:we~e:~discusSed in the executive ~ec.o:~meeting to wh~B?~Si~9~i~ic~iOh C~o~gT~HGapplies~ and (ii). only ~such public business matters as were~identified in the motion.con- :venin§.~theaexecUtive~meet~ng.were'hea=d~ diseussed~or-considered:~.by~ the~:-Albemarle:gounty Boar~,of:~SUpervisors~ ~--~- AYES::'!Nr~.Bowe~---,. Mrs~ Humphris, Messrs~ Marshall:,:Martinland NAYS: ~ None,; '-- ...... ABSENT DURING MEETING: Mr. Bain. ABSTAIN ,~DURII~G-VOTE: .!'None. Agenda::Ttem:No,. -20; ~oint. Meeting: wi~h: School :Board:, The ~ollowing SchooL.Board · membe~f:~-~:p~s~n~,~-: :M~S~V.H~t~t!g~6F.~ ,.,Finley,. ,Cliff ~Haury, Michael Marshall, .Mesd~es:~Patsp~Moore, Karen: PeWell, Valdrie ~Watker >and Sharon: Wood .~ L ~ .Als~ ~ a~tending: was,~ the .Superintendent !p~M.:No~ 20a. :Approval Process for Proposed New Middle School. M~iSBoW~rmaii ~emp~ai~eM rgha~r'~-he vdis c~/ssiem ~ oM ath~a~igPMsed inew:,~iiddle school.is 'th~¢~.e~tF~item on the.agenda today. He thinks.there has been some mis~M~tana&n~:,on the part of the-Supervisors in terms of-the-.decision- makin~}~E~e~g'~!N~htt~Ti~giew~g 6henCapitat Improvement Progr~, the money for a.~m~d~I~:.~eh~o~:~wass~nethe .plan, but there-.was some question as to when this. decision was made and whether it was ever complicated to this-.~:: BOard ~ - ~..' :~<, Mr ~. ~Haary- sa~d:.:~,}'m~O.,~.~s,~-, ~i~.:~o :~ ;{:i~l~ ~ Chair~ o~ ~ ~he Board, middle school. :'. ,Because:ofuq~estiens raised~:~con~e~nin~ ;this,.,isSue~ the:School Board ex~ined its racords':,to, see ~hat. actions ~ere taken. Hr. ~aury said the School Board mada a presenta~ion a~ the JOi~t' M~etin~ of th~ S~hool Board ~nd January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 39) M.B. 40, Pg. 39 the Board of Supervisors on May 8, 1991, relative to a new middle school. After that presentation, the School Board went back to the Oversight Committee of the Long-Range Planning Committee, and a revised document dated May 23, 1991, was produced. Because the Oversight Committee is a recommending body, the recommended plan was taken to the School Board on May 28, 1991, at which time the School Board voted, five to one, to support building a new middle school. He believes Dr. Paskel notified Mr. Tucker in a memo of June 4, 1991, of the action concerning the middle school. That memo also indicated that the School Board would like to put some money in the Capital Improvements Program for a feasibility study of Western Albemarle to see if additional construction would be possible there. :,:~;:~-~..?Mr.-.Haury aaid?~at)the~:Joiht::Mee.t, ing on June 12, 1991, Mr. A1 Reaser presented some cost estimates, and a map of the Hollymead site (41.7 acres), and discussed the fact that some trees would be taken down. Since that time, SehoOl'~.officiais?have~: checked?to ~make. sure: the~ acreage is. adequate for, con- StrUction of 'a. middle school. He:~alSo.~.reca~lis reviewing: construction;that,:was adjacent: to the proposed~ middle ' school..site.: :.:on~ June. 25 ~, :,t99L~ Mr.' Haury said the~ Albemar. le .County School BOard(.:adopted~ the~:.Capital Improvements ~Program; with .moneys:' for' a, portion of, the?middle schOol~:project.,. - :That plan was sent to the Supervisors. :: ~ · : ::Since that time, Mr.'.Haury,indicated:that *school officials did~.a draft. Of actual enrollments. In October,-Ms.--:Tracy~Holt~-developed projections, and~-::. ~ those projectiens were passed to the:Supervisors as part-Of a November_13th,.~: memo ~during a work session on capital improvements. At that time, 'there were only a few questions with regard to the shift in students that developed because of a.,mistake in-~calculations-in, the Walton':.District. which affected Western:~Albemarle.. There,,were no, 'additional:- questions~:about', the '~ size., site.~ .... .-, .; -' - : ..,::. .......... . ......... .. ::.~-,.-:Mr:~:HaUry said, he~:has:.had prepared for.:the Supervisors.~ .review~.the.':- differences .~between the ~May~:and Fall .~ddle school:,enrol~ents. -' The~ Cougty: had a ¢ steadM enrollment:'~thiS~ yea=. ' <~/..Ona.~ reason;~ the< s ituation ~ with~ tha~ ~middle sehoot~-,was~c~nside=ed:&mportant~',was~that.~there was the increase: in' en:ol~ent. ~enew>enrot~ent projections dated NoVmber, 1991 show that the effective capacity of the middle schools'.will be .exceeded in 1994-1995. The. new enrollment proj eet~ons;i ;sho~., that ~ the.~ ~omty exceeds, the:; rated, caPaCity of ~-all- of the middle:'schools in. 2000~200i, He add~dCthat ~the,projactions~.beyond ten y~a=s are 'not kno~:-~at this time, ~ but :if -th~-pro~aetions had:~baen, ea:ried~ another?~two years~ he-~is-:sure the figures' would'Show nOar~.maxi~. ~The'levei enrol~ent this~ year mak~s~ a: change in :how :, the child=en progr~ss..through the grades~ a~d~:this:;affeCts:th~/middle,:sehool~ -He}:~called that ~on~ of concerns :~etpressed when-middle school ~ construction :.was :cOnsidered, ~as~:the~ ability to finance a. large project with a large amount.of money. ~. He .is msure aboUt the money, but he~feets that if a~ large--momt.of money was.not avail- able. ::there 5s a mechanism Whl eh:w~uld:~ allow: theban'spreading: Of'~th0~money. over.: a tWO~y~ar:period.~.~ ~He~: said~¥that rath~r:~th~, :asking ~for~ a.i iOt~'.of money in..:the~ Capital:~tmprovements:~Progm~ at? one~ time~ there~.-may,:~be ~a ~-way :to ~ divide: -the ~O~t~ of::.money ~ needed: ~Or'~ this~ school: ~to ~ateh~ ~evenues ~ .................... ~, Mr, Tucker cemented that at ~the- Dec~ber~.4tJSupervisors' Capital:..Improve- ments ,Progr~ public:-~hearing, :~ funds:; for a:: middle. School project .Were. shifted ~rom:a tine: irma: into a'~ contingency account¢ :but the.fmds -were" left'~in' the_ Capital :Improv~entsr Progr~r: :, If the'-Board~: chooses torgo~:forwa=d with:the new middle-:school,: funds.~can be moved back~into~¢an:;active-statusi~.: ::.::~ - ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~.:,Mr. :Bowe=manc asked:: if; ,this~: informer ion was ' available~,when :the~-CtPc~ecom- mendation~:~was~, made..~.Mr; ~,:Tueker :.:said;;~,~yes~., ~' ? ~This ~time frme- gives staff: lead time,in developing a Ptan~ so.~staff ~itl .not be =ushed aS it:often:is on~ construction'~pr0jects~.~? ~is'::is~why',the 199~93.;'Mear showed?f~ds in, the ~o~t: o~:$447,O00~.~aS~being;~needed~ With: the bUtCh;off-the ~remhining~ f~mds :::',t :: '.Mr.: :.Haury- eo~ented::,that ~propOsals ha~ ~:b~e~:eot'lected,: but. there :has bean .no co~itte~-fomod; ,Tho SchoOl Board. is awaiting the results of.this meeting;before:-any:action-is:taken,:~.~ .... -~:.;: ' < :- .... ,-~ -~ ':: ': *~' ' ~ ~'~ [ '~:~: ~' ~ .... '~ .... i~~- ~. ~'~ '~ ' .,q - :' ~ !f~ :, ~' ~"" 'f<~;~C ~':' -: :': ,.,: · Mr~~ ~.Bower~n.:,asked when :.~ the~ new:,.middle,,.,s~hoot,meeds :, to~,~ open;.: Mr.., HaUry. replied that:.tho~:Capitat::Improvements ~rog~m~:schedulos::the: school';. 'to-- open in January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 40) M.B. 40, Pg. 40 Mr. Martin remarked that he was on the School Board during discussions with the Supervisors concerning the middle school. He recalls that the Supervisors moved the funds for the middle school to a contingency account because the issue was not settled, and they were unsure if plans should move forward for a new middle school. Mr. Martin then moved that the funds be taken out of the contingency account and placed back in a line item in the Capital Improvements Program. Mrs. Humphris seconded the motion. Mr. Bowerman commented that if this is done, this action will anticipate fundinf preliminary engineering in 1992-93 with final construction of the facility by the Fall of 1994. ~:,~.-,Roll~was Called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: .None.'q ', ..... , . ABSENT;:: Mr.-..,Bain~;,. . ~ ': ...... .,~-.Item.~:20b..--Other.~MattersNot Listed.'on~the.-Ag~ndad :t-:~-tMr. Bowerman~asked if-::any member.of the S~hooleBoard or, the Board of Supervisors would like to ask questions. : Mr. Perk!ns;asked:'aboutthe'po~sibility,0f expanding~the~existing .middle schools~to.'take care of enrollments. He said the Supervisors were told that it would cost a certain amount of money to build additional classrooms, but it wouldi('al~o'be costlytonrenOva~ethe'media.:,Center~...cafeterias and.all, iof.,the things.that all of the students use. He knows the State Department of Educa- tion mandates, that. these things, be~done~ .~He~?added that~-there:,m.ight~nome.a time when~the money isnot available to build new schools. He asked that fUtfi~e~reports~..compare the costs~of what itwould cost to-add, only classrooms and.what it would cost toaddadditiona%.classrooms, media centers, cafete- rias, etc, He said it:would also be good to have the. cost of a total new facility~ .:He thinks~-the pubtie should,,.know this':info~mation because everyone has to pay for it. .,Mrs.~Moore'.said-she has;copies of. the middle school information for everyone present. There are specific costs for five additional classrooms, them~dia~¢enter expansion,-etc; Mr; Perkins,remarked that.:he:remembersa:,..: $$~O-.millionzfigu~e::fo~ upgrading~the two~middle:s=hoots; [t was..thought-:that anew,_sChool, might..aswell.be built'rather than. spending thatmuchto:.renovate an. old.school. Mr, :Bowermanasked.-.Mr;~;Perkinsto clarify:.~is comments.'.Mr~ Perkins answeredthatthe.SUpervisors should, be able'to tellthe public that for~$1~.O.million.;twelve~classrooms can,:be addedtO two'.schools::Which would be adequate',capacity<-to:meet'~the,middle school enrollment:'..through the:_year?..2000, rathe~ than informing¥1th~:--public thatl,it is going to. cost $5..'O'mitli0n to'add to;these two:schOols:because of. expansions~.to the'-media.center, etc.., .Mrs_ B0werman'saidthe$5.0 million cost..isdue.to'~the State~s-existing'require- ments..for c~assrooms, ahd the.:necessary-space~'to.>acaommodate~them;, ~',Mr. Perkins agreed. Mr; BOwerman.rema~ked.,that-,he~is.,:trying~t6:understandM~;~.Perkin~,~ comments.~?He-asked.if~Mr~ Perkins:is saying thatithere:Shouldl, be two, figures, one ffgure'-'representing:what~:...it-,woU~d ~ost-'to add:;',basic,:e~ass~oom'spaee-~ and the 'second.figure.~. woU~d be,:tha i cost; associated:, with bringing .the ?schoo~s~t up-to State requirements. ,'-Mr.;: Perkins-,agreedl He?said there should,~'also bet a: third figure available~ whichcis~,the'cost:.for an.::entire new~. facility¢ : ~' :.Mrt: Hanry-said some time~ agog. school ~officiats tried-.to.~decide:'what..~needed t~.be:`.upgraded~asfar~as~the~re~ationship~t~the<~vera~`.size"~f~the~sch~.. This:..figure was,.d~scarded because it,'would%be,r:the document'¢?the state reviewed for'-proper,.sizes.for square~footage~for.thel.cafegeria, gymnasiumi_.etc,,:i~,He thinks, it is~misleading,to Say it:'will cost.$110~000~per,~ciassroom because more.~chitdren have~.:to.use:thecafeteria~andthe gymnas~um, eand::addi~ionat..:-~_~- space, lmight still be needed. He said classrooms are counted when enrollments are considered, butwhether it is Broadus Woodor Henley, the trouble lies in the n~cessary,'up~sizing~:of, all~ of: the supporthservices~ ~-. : ,.%: '.M~,: :Martin~ said-_~ha~[.unless, you.~are..going tO ignorecS~ate mandates, i~'.is a~misconception,,to-,-'set.t:aside an:amountof money--forthe¥..classroomsand notitfor January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 41) M.B. 40, Pg. 41 the cafeteria, etc. If it is the intent to ignore State regulations, then all three options should be presented to the public. Mr. Perkins wondered what would happen if the County decided to have a bond referendum, and the bond referendum failed to pass. He asked how the project would be financed. There are going to have to be stop-gap measures to take care of enrollment, and he wondered what the stop-gap measures will be. If space were rented, the space would not meet State mandates either. He wants to look at all of the options in case the citizens of Albemarle County say that they are tired of building schools. A lot of citizens have told him that. He has heard a lot of criticism that schools are built and are full before they ever open. Citizens wonder why the schools are not built bigger at~:~the~':beginning. ~.Sometimes he,.is~told by citizens that new schools are not needed, ~,and the old schools are fine. He reiterated that all options need to be kept open to be in a position to tell State officials that State mandates cannot bec:met and,~asklthem what~theyare going~,to-~do~ about,~.it~ ~ Mr. Bowerman said that space has to be provided for the students. The way it .is, ~done, now~iS,.through use,.of mobile classrooms ~: ..The circumstances .Mr. Perkins describes~wOutd..obviouslY ,be ~a tefiiporary~ solution. ~:.If .~the problem remained because there, wasn' t~a change, in, .the sehool~ age ',population, other things~would have to be considered such as :how to house ~the.~;students,.on a. permanent-~basis.,~ The temporary classrooms can get~-around this issue, because t. hey. are recognized as.a temporaryso!ution whereas regular classrooms ~are more, permanent,, : ...~.,~ ' ~. ~ · - :·~ _ : .Mr:-~Perkins remarked that ,he.is, suspicious of~-State~:,mandates, .At one,time Henley had~an enrollment.~of~ ~approximately' 800 .students,: and :the ,cafeteria~, ~ media~ center :~'and ,.administrative Center were adequate. ~ Maybe~ it is.~not th~ best, situation..tO~-~feed::800..~students in ~ one:.cafeteria, ~but.: it~ was.. done~and probably..could..be, donei~again - He would like:.to, have other options~ rather than just, doing what the State mandates. ~ Mrs~ Moore ~wondered;:if.~he.~State:~mandates:~are~ differen~ for,~renovationi"of a:fac i 1 i~y ~than ~,~,they ~ are.' fo r ~new~ cons truction ~, :~ 'She ,~ wonder ed i i f' the~: require- men~S ,would be. theY',same :~for cafeteria~ ~space ~,. parking, ~etc ~ ~ Mr ,~ Reaser ! an- swered tha~parki~ng ~is.:a, local issue.- Cafeteria sizes.are ,the?Same:.for new constructions.or renovation. If the ~old.' huitding ~comes~ctoSe .to ~State man dates, ,'~then State,~Officials: will:not Object t6~it~ · State officials ~want~ the schools:to,be, as ~close to State,'regulations as possible, but the regulations have been upgraded and demand larger a~iliary ,areas in the 'facilities than were ~equired ten years.ago. ~ ~ .... ~ ?.~- .~:~ ~_~M= ~, ,Maury ~:said-~ the.~,Co~i~ee discussed in~ May~ the i~dea~that temporary classrooms :~might be~ a,~waY*~to~ ge~. aro~d the, earollments ~at'~ ~Henley and ~ouett, ~empo=a~ily.~: The seeond~h~ng ~h~ Gomitt~a ex~in~d~'~was~'whethe=~ redistrie~~: lng: migh~ help ~ the ?s~uation, but ~ redistricting has imediate problemm. Redistricting would add to the operational budget, quite, a bit because of ~the trav~l'~'time invotved~w~h,= the: buses ~ ~Red~st~icting :lOOkS good.::~because:~it:~doe~ not.~ invo 1~ ~ capitat~ improvements money, ..~ but ~t does: no~ 'i,look g0od~:. ~f~ ~e · operatio~t budget has=~t0~be~.increased~by purchasing 10 ~or 15 buses:as wet1 as hi~g bus~drivers~ e~c.~ ~He~noted,:,that tra~et:tim~s?~nvotved,-wou~d be~ eacessi~e ~Mor somet~child=en. The~Co~t~ee~:~as notsu:e ~if-~the~.aggrava~on of ~his ~arrang~ent, would, be ~ ~porary, ~ If ~.it was: done ~:per~nemt ty ~ excessive travel ',times?would still~be involved, plus:some ~of the~operati~ expenses~ would be ~recur=ing each~year~~ based~ on ~he m~ddle:seh0ol dist~icts~ Mrs~ Moore remarked that~ she'.thinks' it is unpopular to even ta~ about redistric~g~ She feels,that~ as ~he~urb~ a=ea~grows and~,the~el~ntary~ sChools~are~-~'.built~clos~='and ctose=,~?~he possih~lity~ of r~d~str~ct~ng ~s~ in her~m~nd, -feasible~ She. wan~s ~o :keep .~an. open~mind~abou~ ~ redistricting ~,evem though she~ knows ~hat i-t ~:is~ not :a popular idea. She ~men~ioned~ that ~Renrico Co~ty~:has ~to ~redist:~ct a~0st~ e~ery year, ~bn~ it ~has :helped Hen=~co Co~y no~ ~o bu~dzaYnew~schOo~ so yof.~en~ She smid~tha~ Albemar~e:CoUnty~m~ght ha~e ~ ~. ~ Mr. Bowe~an ~co~ented~ :~hat ~the~,undertying ~ass~p~ons'~ often ~ drive ~he end. prOduct.', He~ partie~.~a~ed in ~ the. ~ongzR~ge ~lann~ng Comittee~.~a~few ~years ago, and~ on.e:~o~, the f~rs~ it--s d~scussad,was the concep~.~o~.optim~si~mem .:for elementary.,~ middle and ~high schools ~ Ha said ~that those~ ass~ptioqs, to large degree,, d=ive,,a:.tot~.of the decision-making?beyond~that:point~ Some 0f t.hose n~be~s relating to optim~ size come from the administrative side in January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 42) M.B. 40, Pg. 42 terms of what the effective capacity is of a school and the size of a school over which a principal can maintain control. This is dependent upon grade age as well as other factors. If anything is considered, he thinks this issue needs to be periodically re-examined in terms of what the ultimate size of a school should be. If the cost to add four classrooms to two middle schools is $5.0 million, County officials could opt for a new middle school costing $8.0 million based upon the fact that they don't believe that a middle school should have an enrollment of more than 750 or an elementary school should have more than 600. He thinks this needs to be continually re-examined with the public. It might be that an 850 pupil middle school isn't that bad, and it might prevent building a middle school every fifteen years. Mr. Tucker' commented that:"the next opportunity to address Mr. Perkins' COmments will be when the feasibility study is completed for Western Albemarle High School, as plans for a new high school are considered. There will be an opportunitY.,to look-at,, the-,breakdown of classrooms and 'aUXiliary and.:.support needs Of. that facility. ~ If.the State:.mandates are not,-met.,.'what:the State .... will' do. with a, locality if it proceeds without-meeting ~those? mandates he does not know.~..He wonders'~ if funding,would be Withheld~: etc~ He:thinks. these things need to be considered. . · ~, Mrs~-.-,Moore said ~.six.,or seven,:months ago::the:~School Board reviewed-: the si~.es ithat had been approved for::the.'new .~chools.' 'She:'-thi~nks~ it is ~important.. ~hat if.a r~view,.:is done every year, the .communication between:~he two'.:Boards bei~kept oPen ~ecause the School Board will':be relying,on'those numbers~ Mr. Bowerman said he thinks public communication about policies is just as import~nt~ :.When:~ there a~e: polic¥~making decisions, at .School Board meet~ ings¥, there should'.be wide ::distribution~ of~,'this~ information so:.the~ publi¢Tcan comment,.if~ it.~ so Chooses ~ - ~..'.~Mr-: Perkins..said .'that; as.-far :as redistricting~ is concerned,: he would encourage the. School Board to consider it very closely every, year~, ' He'~hinks this:~,County has made~ a~miStake~ When:he:.was~ a-:member.'of the School Board, there:was,'a committee o~:.apProximately 50 people considering redistricting. He thinks that fifty members on a committee is too many, but redistricting is something that needs to~'be ~considered. ~Sometimes decisions -have: to:be made that,:.might disptease-some:'parents, but decisions have~-to:',be, made for~:th~:~ best of.all of Albemarle County~-:~ .~ . ' .... . ~ ~ ~ ~.~? ,~ :~ --:~: :- Mr. Haury said the ~School Board .has been considering the redistricting option- for~ some:: ~ime: ,~. He noted...: tha~ :~ redistricting, just,'took'place for ,the - ,.. :. ~ :, Mr . :Bowerman ~o~ented that there is no "right" decision. There.are positive and negative things wherever the~line is-dra~ for redistricting. It is a difficult decision,.but:~it '~as:to,b~ done when it is:~appropriate.~? : _: -- Mrs,. ,Marshal~, :asked: how :~urrent.'enrol~ent compares :'to: :~he Sep~ber,~10th en=ollment figu~e. -Dr~,"~Paskel answered that sehoot ,officials :-anticipate. ~ losing 100: students .between :now and.the end of March. ~ .~- .. :-:~' - ~ Mr ~:~-:Marshali~: asked'.-if ~'.~he~,County .was~ approximately. 350 students below ..... ~ pr~ojeetions~at~the:<beginning of the year. Dr. Paskel-replied, "yes." ~e explained that approximately half of that 350 students is a result of.the change~ in age for kindergarten students ..... ~M~..--~Haury~said p~ojections .for the March 30 Average Daily Membership' have been developed. The State usually waits until after~,this ~time to.make its reimburs~ents..~' He 'added~that Ms ~ .Holt had-~projected .~ 110~~ fewer pupils ~ ~ and she :arrived ~at~ that-~ figure~by~ex~ining ,the '~ reports - over la: n~ber off:years and esti~ting ~he figure.~n terms'of~children-~leaving~the sahool: system~. If ~the dropout 'rate is:~ecreased .or~ more people move into the Co~ty, the n~ber~is going to b'e less l ~If..~thedropout~ rate increases and~here are 0the~ ~economiC disturbances, ~he n~ber will be even ~higher. ~The figure is~ based on guess work~but it is probably~a conservative figure.-.~Th~s is the thing that has been perplexing. ~ Enrollments are received-on September 30, and they are the actual~ en~ol~ents ~ . ~The~ Sta~e, however,:sends :,money~ .bas~d~ on: ~he ~Avetage? .~ Daily. Membership~in~-March, and :there is a difference' in :~he..two figures ~ ~ He meiterated that ~he en~ol~ent,~projections in September are not~%he .Average Daily'~M~bership in Mareh,~ ,~-~- ~ ~ ~ ~ January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 43) M.B. 40, Pg. 43 Mr. Bowerman said he gets the impression that every community in the United States has children leaving the school systems, but it does not look as though they ever go into another community. It seems to him that it should balance out in other communities. Dr. Paskel noted that some of the surrounding counties are showing an upward trend in enrollment, although mathematically these counties' enrollments and Albemarle County's enrollment figures probably do not equate. Mr. Marshall said children in private schools used to be counted in the County's enrollment because they lived in the area. He asked if this is still true. Dr. Paskel replied that some of the old Federal programs provided funds to an area regardless of whether or not the children were in private or public Schools. Th~may,~,be-oneof those programs left, but it is not a significant amount:of money. Mr. Bowerman said it~ would'be helpful~fortthe Supervisors-to receive i~formation~shawingcen=ollment~djus~mentm,~ Hesaid, that~it~is~imp~r, tan~to~ havea combinatiomof~'info=ma~on-'~rom ,both staffs.~Dr. ~aske~greed .that he would ~et this information ~to M~. Tucker.,~He said the, info~mation~would in¢lude, lfi§ures-~hich~a~e ~a ,result~of~theGovernortsprop~sat~and~thevlatest adjustments~made~basedon~Sales~axc~tlecti~ns, as-well as~projectionS ~or~~ next~year~ ~ .... ~?~ At 3:65 p.ml, M~,., Bow~rman stated~,that:'if the School,'Board-~did.'not~'~ha~e anything furthermore ~eport, the Super~isors~would.~adjourn from the?Joint Meeting,.,and~eontinue:their ,regular meeting in Room,~Tc .... Mr. Haury~hena~journed the ~Schoot Board meeting (Not~:.~ Mr~' Mowe=man suggested,:~ha~,~i,until~M~. Bain~'~ar=i~ed, the ~oard pmec.eed;With Ztem--~3e~:rela~ing tOithe ~ormer Esmont~Health~Center,~)-.-.,~ ,i- .... ~-AEenda:~Item<,~No.':13e..~,~ Appr-opriation: Distribution~of~.,Proceeds.~from Sale Of:.the fOrmer:,Esmont:,Health Center. '~ ....... "~ ~ -~' ,:.,-: Mr~Tucker said that on October 16, 1991, the County auctioned property formerly known as the Esmont Health Center. This auction was held pursuant to a res~tufii~ ~doptedibyl.the,~Baard of.Supervisors in~tate~1989 which also ins~.ructed~that~the p~oceedsof ~he.~sale~,up ~o-$66,O00~:be given to the-South- e~n Al. bemarle~Eamily~ractice'Center'~'t~o be~uSed~%o:-offset a.match.used to attract Federal funding to construct their~new center. The'net proceeds from the sale amounted to $30,633.36. Staff recommends that the Board authorize that the net funds be distributed to the Southern Albema=le.~Fam~ly P=act~ice Cen~e=~:and:'~o app~ove-~heassac~ated~.appr~pr~ation. Mr~ Perkins.movedto adopt the following resolution of appropriation relating~to the diStrihutiomaf $30~63~,36 to~the(Sou~herm: ~lbema~le:Fami!y Practice.*Cen~er..~,~Mrs~' Humphris.seconded the motion. ~alli~as called, and-the~motion carriad~.by~he~,follew~ng~recarded~o.te: AYES:.AiMC;~o~mrman, Mrs~.~HumphrSs,'Messrs.:,Marshatl, ~Martin~and:Perkins. NAYS:.:None.' - :. ~ -.,' ABSENT:.. Mr,-,Bain,~ ~ ....... .... . ~ FISCALYEAR: 19.9,1-92 NUMBER: 91.0030 ..... :PWRPOSE~OF,APPRQPRIATION:.~-APPROP~IA~ON:.OF~.PROCEEDS.~ROM. SALEDF!-~: ESMONT HEALTH CENTER :~.:: COST:?C~ERZCATEOOR~r...c',.:~sacI}EM~I~IPTIONA'T ~_ AMOUNT 1100059000568200 t1~0012140310_000 1100012140360000 .... ~:,. !.~?,: ¥~:~ ,,.. SOUTHERN ALB FAMILY PRACTICE CTR $ 30,633.36 :FINAJqCE.:~ ~PROEESSIONAL SERVICES.: ,.. :420.00~ FINANCE.- ADVERTISING 446.64 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 44) M.B. 40, Pg. 44 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2100015000150210 SALE OF REAL ESTATE $ 31~500.O0 TOTAL $ 31,500.00 Agenda Item No. 13d. Appropriation: Challenge 2000 Grant for Education. Mr. Tucker noted that the Board was in receipt of a memorandum from Dr. Paskel regarding a $2000 grant the School Board received from the State Department of Education for integrating academic and vocational education. Dr. Paskel's memorandum describes in detail that the grant will be used in the Spring of 1992 to bring counselors, academic English teachers, and vocational teachersltogether~in a'workshop situation to develop a curriculum for Applied C~mmunications courses. The Communications courses will not earn English credits, but will focus on technical communications, informational organi- tices, and~O~heC~voeational~elate~[~academic components of written and verbal communications. ~ Motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris, seconded by Mr. Martin, to adopt the following~resolntion Of:~appropriation:, approving' the:r~quest~ Rol!~ was :~catled, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: ~ Mr~ ~Bowerman, Mrs .... Humphr~s, Messrs., Marshatt~.:Martin ,~and, ,P~rkins. NAYS: :~ Nones. ~,.~ ~: ~ '~ ,~ ..... .~ -.~ :~ ~: ~.~BER:~ 910032 ~ ~ ,~:'~ ~'~ '~ ~ F~.~ SCHOOL ~ . ' ~ ...... '.~'~ .~ ~.'~ P~POSE "0F:~ APPROPRIATION~ '.'~ C~LL~GE 2000 ~: ~P~I~E COST CE~ER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ~O~T ~Btt§61130152100 ~ ~ 121!66t1302t0000~ ,~ ~: 121~661130600000 . : :.,~REVENUE · SUBSTITUTE WA~ESn=e~EACHER ~.~:$~ 925~00,:~ -- MATERIALS &~ SUPPLIES 1~000.00 TOTAL $.2,000.00 .DESCRIPTION AMOUNT. - . .2200033000330115 : ACTION PLAN 2000 $ Z~000,00 TOTAL $ 2,000.00 Agenda Item:No. 14. Request to amend:Jefferson Area Board. for Aging Joint:Exe~cise~of Powe~S. Agreement,.to-'~h~nge!~membe~ship on its Board of Directors-. Mr ~ ?Ucker preseqt~O.._the .f..o~!0~ing~-.St~ff/rep0.rt~ da~ed~ January 8~'.~ 1992: " S ~The:Thomas ~effer on Planning District. Co,lesion has endorsed,a::~ requeSt~bY('~the Jefferson A=eaqBoard for~Aging to alter the makeup~and appointment process for its Board of Dir~c.to~s. ~r~sen. t!y 'the ~gqv~rning bodies of Cha~o~,t~sv~l.~.~,~A!b~a~le~ Fluvanna~;.~:Greene, Louisa and~NelSon~cou~ties appoint two m~bers each jurisdiction with Charlottesville and Albemarle appointing ~two additional members each in a similar fashion. JABA,?s Boa=d,lof Directors.feels that~greater~:ftexibility~'tslneeded:~in appointing~.highly~mo~ivated~interested members~-.to ~heir Board~and requests that either (1) the Board be increased from its present size of 16 members by members appointed by the JABA Board, or (2) a reduc- tionlby~,halfa-thr0ugh attrition~.of~.thenumber.of-Board~members ........ appoimted by jurisdictions with theses, memberS replaced by, appointments made by JABA~is Board. staff,~recommends, that .if the-Board of:Supervisors is inclined to allow the appointment process to be changed, the second alternative listed' M.B. 40, Pg. 45 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 45) above would keep the Board of Directors membership to a manageable number of 16 and still allow two appointments to come from our govern- ing body." Mr. Bowerman agreed that the second alternative is preferable, and he will support the recommendation. Mrs. Humphris moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the request of the Jefferson Area Board for Aging to alter the makeup and appointment process of its Board of Directors by reducing in half, through attrition, the number of Board members appointed by each jurisdiction, with these members being replaced.iby appointments,-made by~JABA~s Board. Mr. Perkins seconded the motion. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the~fotlowing recorded vote: ~ AYES: 'Mr'. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Bain. ~ Agenda Item No. 15. Adopt Resolution of Intent to Amend the Code of Albemarle in the Finance/Taxation section~re:'~votunteerfire/rescuesquads'~ Mr~ TuCker presented the following staff report dated. December~30,:'~99t: ~ ~!'Recent!y:~the':Depa~tment of Finance was.working on amendments to the ~County COde to clarify and, hopefully, simplify sections of the Finance and ~axa~i~ po~tion-~of the Code~ Spe¢ifica!ly,.Article~T, ~.~. ~Sect~Ons 8~1r.~,.8,1~9 are. recommended to be renumbered as proposed for simplification and consistency within the chapter. Article XIV, -_ Sectioff,.:8~79z'thr~ugh Section,8-8t, and Article3XV~Section't8~821~'i'- '!,.':" through Section 8-84 are new sections which complete the clarification .~.~,',',from Article~:I. in~diti0n, the following Articles will codify the resolution passed in JUne, 199O-~whieh provides~-for incentives toi encourage recruitment and?retention _~f~.~e~lunteer~.emergency service .peesonnet.~ ~i ~ ,~ ~. ~ ~% Article~ XIV~. Section 8-85, ~is~ a6~new~'section~'which codif,ied .,the person, at property tax exemption for emergency service~ personnel. Article V, Section~ 12-23 ,proposes to be amended to refer to the newly created Secti~ncS~r85 for qualifications required 'to~obtain a~freel decal, for/~members:.of volunteer,s'fire companies~or ~rescue~squads.~ ~ The ~ County i~ttorney,'. s Off ice has ~.reviewe~ · the.~ amendments ~and staff reco~ends '~that a public hearing ba set for the February 5th-meeting to receive .public comment on the proposed changes." Mr. ~Tucker~- said?-this incentive. ?is in~ended~for ~ persons ?who ~ are~on, the Count~.'~s emergency Serwices' volunteer~ operations~apd~:who actually respond to incidents. He said a volunteer yesterday suggested that people in the ladies auxiliary,. ~andfether. people~providing~support services although not actually attending ~or .responding ~to'.an incident, should~be~ inctuded~ under this incen- tive package also~ This was not the. staff's understanding nor the intent of ~ · f! the resolution. He asked.if 'Board members coneur:'wzth-the< staf~ s understand- ing of-the reso!u~n{~.of if they~feet~ a~itiary~.~personnet should 5e>~included in the ~fneentive~.package~ -~his~.needS -to beck,clarified before the~ordinance is advertised for pub!ic~hea~ing. Mrs,~'~H~phris ~.said~:she ~. thought: it was ~the, Board' S inten~ to}~p~o~ide ~ incentives fore,the trained'~people. ~ ~She pointed. Out that the ordinance indi- cates that the people must have completed minim~ training requirements. Mr. Tucker agreed that Mrs. H~phris' perception of the ordinance could be cor- rect. HoWe~er~ he would like~ for~Mr~ St~ John ~to~ give.~his~opinion~on the matter~because ,the 9ues~ion wasn't brou~ht~to~his attention, until late yester- day afternoon. ,Mrs. :H~ph=is-read,,statements from the~ordinance relating-~t~ January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 46) M.B. 40, Pg. 46 volunteers, and remarked that it seems to her to be very clear. Mr. Tucker suggested that the Board go forward with the ordinance, and if Mr. St. John thinks some changes are in order, the Board can deal with them on February 5. Mr. Marshall asked if the volunteers are issued a card stating that they have completed a certain number of hours of training. Mr. Tucker answered that the County is furnished a list of those individuals who have completed their training. Mr. Bowerman stated that a resolution of intent to set a public hearing is needed. Motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris to set a public hearing for February 5 in reference to changes in Article I, Article XIV and XV, of the Code:of Albema~le~-for~codi£ying :incentive items for volunteer emergency se~vice:-Personnel. -' .;~.~Mr.;:-Martin seconded the~motion,;~..-.:.Roll~-.was.calted, and~.the motionS, carried bylthe~foltowing,reeorded:vote:. ~ ...... ',_. AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. (Mr. Bain returned to the meeting at 4:05 p.m.) ~ ~.Agenda ~te~oNo ..... t7~,'The BOard~-returned to discussion~of'theDraft letter to Governor's Off,ce'on EconomiclDevelopment,.~ _ ,:~ .~,:::? ',~'',¢_~ i' ":."i - ;Mr~Tucker:indicated that since the morning, staff had prepared two additional draft letters. One reflects the changes to the original draft that was received:eart~e=m~Staff, aiso prepared a:draft,that:ref!ects some of:~_.~,: toda¥'-s,comments fromMr. Perkins, Mr. Martin and Mr. Marshall. Mr.~'Bouerman:said he woutd~.liketo~make.~a point,.ahout the~procedure. Last week:the Board members agreed that. they. would receive a drafttetter in their packetsl and if there were, changes, Boardmemberswoutdnotifythe, staff of.th0se,gh~nges.. It is important for this Board to have meetings where the Board members share their thoughts, but if there are substantial changes in what is proposed,, then/The changes need to.be?made to staff, even if it requires the substitution of a letter., . · ::':Mr,-Martin.agreed, but:he thought, these changes needed',to be discussed by the Board before changes were made at staff level, ,He had already given his changes to,thestaff.-Mr. Bowermanindicatedthat.-it-is:,importantthatthe remainderof.the Board members have~something--before::them, to' discuss,,,,whenthe Board:,'member bri~g$~ghe~matter:up ~n-,a,meeting,,.:,:~e:Said it,:is.ver¥::difficu!t to.discuss~concepts, without having the ~nformation,,avaStable~ Mr. Martin:said it:.was..his-fault~ that',the other Board members-did not have the information .relating to,:;his~.changes..:. He~ did not. give, the staff-his changes.,in.;time:for i'them, to get-them to the .~other~/,B0ard members. ~ ~ M~,;.,~Bowerman,.said._that it,,:makes.:.the~situation: much>easier,: if ~other Board members have a ,copy~of, the related material;: He: suggested:that in.the future, if ~.there are substantials,changes,: it-would be helpful for the Board to have materials available for reference during the discussion.. He-next asked Mr. Tucker to distribute the! drafts-of the letters; in hopes, that one~woutd..be, selected to:go ~-to.-the'Department:of Economic Development ......... ~, . Mr Tucker,',, indicated,- that Draft?Oner.is ,the~,original. letter~ that..was:-~ . discussed ,,by the~.~.~0,ard~t~ this morning' s?meeting. ',~:~Draft Two: reflects ;those.' changes,:that Mrs'~ ~Humph~is mentioned as,',well ..as. those that,,Mr. Bowerman had given Mr. Tucker earlier. Draft Three attempts to reflect some of the com- ments from '.other ~:Board: members, and,,provides ~ for,~=,an:, attachment: which ~the staff is';calting,~ "Synopsis of,Economic Development Policy..'~ After, the .,Board members spent a few minutes reviewing the three drafts, Mr. Bowerman suggested, that the.,Board members either discuss the Situation~ now or,,next week. M.B. 40, Pg. 47 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 47) Mr. Bain stated that the problem with waiting to discuss the matter next week is that Mrs. Humphris won't be at the meeting, and the week after that Mr, Marshall won't be here. He said that there will not be a full Board available again until the second week in February. Mr. Bowerman agreed that the Board should take the time to go over this matter now. Mr. Marshall said he favors Draft Three although he will support any of the three drafts in order to make sure that a letter is sent to the Richmond office. Mr. Martin stated that although Draft Three is not exactly what he wanted to say, he is more comfortable with Draft Three than the other two drafts. ..... Mr~ Bowerman asked if the opening paragraph is the same in all three drafts. Mr. Tucker answered, "yes." ~-~ Mrs~'~-Humphris asked_if ,Mr'i Bain~needed..some.review timeon~the.letters since~he~was not at the~.meeting when this matter.was discussed~earlier~- Mr. Bain'ahswered that~he understands-.how the. l~tters are'done~.~Me~reatizes~'that the first draft.is~the o~iginal~the second~.draft~'reflects changes in the wording more than anything else, but Draft Three is a new letter. He indicat- ed that the~whole first page of Draft Three is almost the same, as the other~ two.:~In~-reality it is the~last paragraph~that ~is~being considered~ He thinks the whole thing relates to the words, "pursue every opportunity," for economic development. He asked if it would be better to indicate in the letter that the Board,will, "continue..to~.be open toeveryopportunity~ ,He said he is,not willing, at this. time,' to~pursuee~e~y opp~rtunity,~avaitabte for economic development. ~.~ Mrs. :HumPhris commented that~the Comprehensive Plan does not allow the Board~to pursue every opportunity. ~ . ,~Mr~ Marshall~stated?that~he appreciates~the fact.~tha~ this Board is willing .to~ write ~the ~letter ~ ~H~,then made~ a-motion to~ a~cept?'Draft~~ Three? as the letter~from thiS-Board~to ,be sent ~to :the: state~ Department~ of EcOnomic Development ....... -~ ~' .... Mrs. Martin seconded~the~motion.,.~: r ~:~:~,~' ~.~,~,: ,~ r.u.-:~ ~?., ~:~ "ur Mrs~-?Humphris~agreed with,.~Mr~ Bain .that the word:i~.~p sue..,.cannot be~ leftin~,theletter~,~,-She, reiterated that:the-+Comprehensive~Plan does not~: indicate:theBoard-~can,pursue, everyoppor~unity~She~stated that~instead the comprehensive Plan's intent is that this Board continue to be open to every opportunity to accommodate economic development~ ~i~,, ~Mr. Martin suggested~that Mr. Bain's suggested phrase be used, and the word, !'continue" be'deleted. 't: Mr..,Bowerman asked~Mr~ Martin-if he,~meanm~t~a~ the?words,!"We continue..to:.be:open-to .every,opportunity t~,aecommodate~,economic development," Should. be~a part of the letter. Mr. Martin'answered that he wants the letter to say whatthis Board is going to do, without alluding to what theBoard'has done i,.the~past~cHedsaid":that:~this'was hisargument' with~the'first letter, because:it'seems to him that~this,phrase will indicate that-the Board will.' continue,to, take_the'same position as,.it, has in..the~past~,He-'~eminded-'the Board:that.,the perception has..,been, thatth'is Board~is~.-anti;growth.~: .:-~.-Mrs.::Humphris asked if it would be ag~eeable.:to~say~."We are, open, to~ every:opportunity "Mr;Marshall-stated'that this would be agreeable to him. Mr,.:Bowermanexplained that the Board is accepting 'the letter as it is written but-the second to last:paragraphwill be changed to state, "We are open to e~ery opportunitytto,accommodate ,., "~' .,~.~Mr;,,Bain called attention.to:the:second.:paragraph'ton Page One of, the~ third, draft, and said,'that.,it.is:more syntax,thanlsubs~ance'.t'.tHethinks~'that the :seeond~senten~ee~f~he second ~paragrapht~in. Draft'-Two .reads better.,.than, the second paragraph on Page 0ne.."He went on to,sa~'that..hissuggestion-:will~ substitute.the'~words,: !.~brought~ to light" instead~-of, /!highlightings" M.B. 40, Pg. 48 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 48) Mr. Bowerman asked Mr. Marshall if this met with his approval. Mr. Marshall said the substitution of the words was fine with him. Mr. Bain asked if the synopsis of Albemarle County's economic development policy would go with the letter. Mr. Bowerman answered, "yes." Since there was no further discussion, Mr. Bowerman asked that the roll be called. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and · ,: Perkins. ~ ~ .... · NAYS: ~:None. Mr~ Perkins~stated'that ,Virginia Power provides a,ser~vice of doing an economic analysis for any locality which wants one done. He has seen economic analYmis brochures?~at VACO meetings, -'but he.,,has~-never? seen_one~ ,for Albemarle~ County, except, the one- that: was published, in:..the~'!.960sk He asked if Virginia Power could be approached about this matter. Mr. Tucker explained to Board members ~that the brochure, Vi~ginia:~Power.~provides:.~is ~a. promotional it~ foc~ ~he locality. Many of these brochures are done by the co,ties' individual staffs, although Virginia Power has helped sponsor th~ in some instances. Mr. Perkins co~ented that Virginia Power provides this service because i~stands~ to benefit from:the, extra ~lectrical service-~ha~~ would be ~prowided for businesses locating in its service area. He asked how the Board members feel' about pursuing this matter. Mrs. H~phris r~arked that'-she~ is 'u~'sn're,to what Mr.~ Perkins is refer- ring.~ Mr,~ Perkins~ explained that'Vi=g~nia:~Power':willcsponsor approximately a four-page b~ochu=e.~ describing-Alb~arte~County' s~~ facit.itie~ and .would list~ ~ such. ~hings;: as ,the ~ t t 00 ~. acres, ~hat are ~ zoned~, for~ndustrial~ ~developmen~ ~f the: school syst~ the people ~who~are, located, here.~ ~ the ~,Unive~sity~~' of Virgxnga~ ~ Pie~ont :C~llege~ e~c'~~ ~ ~ ~Mrs%~ H~phris:'noted :that~the~ ~nual: Report has? ~he: s~e info~tion, and it:~uSed to: be produced ~on a.~iarger~seale:~' Mrna? Perkins~-~.~ag=eed'~that this is the type of information to which he is referring. He said that the brochure would probably not ~be over~ four~,pag~s long,~,and~the front and back of~ each page~~ would.be used, which Would make:~it ~a small'brochure-~ of only two pages,~ ~ ~ Mrs,,~H~ph~is~.co~ented~ that she thought the County already had this information available. Mr. Tucker stated that he thinks Mrs. H~phris is talking~abou~, a smalle=~version~ off,the Annual Repo~.~ He sa~d~that a faCt~ sheet would~~ not ~ lis~,:eVery~program~ in which ~he. county .has'been invol~ed, but, instead.,~~ it- woutd~ give' general ~ info=mation~,~ Mrs.. H~phris:~ agreed~:':~ She, added that per~nent information could~be lifted~.from the:~Annuat Report ~ ~: ~.~: Mr, Perkins ~noted that the information should show mileage from certain cities, and the airlines that serve this area. ,He said the transportation system would ben,mentiOned; ~ as '~well? a s~, imformation ,on: highways ~'~ ?Mr~'~ ,.Tucker stated~that~' ~here~s:~alr~ady"~ a~ pne,page handout?of fiscat ~data: that~the Planning ~,Depa~tment uses~for people,, cOming'-, ~nto, ~the cO~munity*~-~ He -added that he could get the ~Board. membe=s~cOpies of this info~ation ~tO see if this~is the~ s~e type of~ information .~to which they referred. ~Mrs~ H~phris said she is more comfortable with a total separation of the CoUnty from businesses that have representatives appea~ing~before this:Board for approvals, etc. ' ~Mr. Perkins said~that he~,thinks Virginia Power offers a? free service that this County can use, He~ reiterated~ that~Virg~nia~Power,'~s interes~ ,would~ lie in~,:.the~fact that~new~ facilities in,~-the cowry ~ould probably: use~its~ power He .said: that. it ~wou!d~no~ cost :the Co~ty~anything,~for~'~the staff to check into the matter. . . ' .Mr. Bain;. co~ented ,that,'he is~-~willing for staff~to look into the~ situation. '~ He~ said ~ staff~ could ? find,~ out about ~ the ~Vi~g !nia~ Powe~ ~ brochu=e and howe.it compares ? ~o i the ~ County:~'s fac~=.~sheet~ ~ ~,~:, ~ ~' ~-~ ~ '~ :~ - ~ ~ ~' ~:~Mr~i Tucker ~sa~d :.~ha~'~ the sta~would? conta~,Vi~gin~a ~ower.:: : ~'~: :~ II January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 49) M.B. 40, Pg. 49 At 4:55 p.m., Mr. Bain made a motion for the Board to go into executive session for discussion of personnel matters. Mr. Perkins seconded the motion. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. None. The Board reconvened at 5:20 p.m., and Mr. Bain made a motion to adopt the following certificate for the executive session. Mrs. Humphris seconded the motion. ' ...... '.'-' ... CERTIFICATION OF EXECIITIVE Mlr~TING · !.WHEREAS, the Albemarle~County Board of Supervisor~chasa~onvened~.~:-~ an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in;accordance-wiSh, the provisions of..TheVirginia~'Freedom~of- Information Act; and ~.WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires .... certification by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors that such executive meeting was conduct~d._in.c0qformity with Virginia law; :- !NOW,. THEREFORE; BE tT~RESOLVED:.that~the_',Albemarle flouBg~ Board-of ..... 'Supervisors:..-hereby'certifies that, to:.the, best of:,',eachi',member's~know~ ~-~ ;~edge% (i) oniy. puhlicbusiness~ matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which t~!R.~'~.9~i~%0~0n~'~gQ~0~~es, and (ii) only such public businessmatters as~we~ identified'in the motion con- vening~:th~ executi~e'meeting were heard., dis~ussed.o~ons~d~re&by,: theAtbe~arle~-County Boardof'Supervisors. ' ,, ~- AYES:~; ~Mr~ ",Bain,~: Mr.: Bowermam, Mrs.', H~mphris~ ~'Messrs:, Marshall-,, Martin . end'.Perkins. - ' NAYS: None. ABSENT DURING MRRTING: None. ABSTAIN DURING, VOTE: None .... :- Agenda.: Item No~;' ;21'. :. Appointments. At this, time:, Mr;-Boweman askedx, fora momination of the at-large School Board m~bar; ~r,,:Bai~ 'nominated ~r,:~i~haal ~arshat& :for.:!M~:klbmarie Co~ty::Sehool .Board:iat~iarge~position-.for':a term which will expire on June 30, 1992. Hrs. Hmphris secon~ the nomination., Roll was called, and tho motion carri~aTBy the following recorded vote: AYES: AYM~ NAYS: None~ ABSTAINING: ~M=~. Martin-. l~iTMl~t$~'Eiiat~d'!lhat~4he'ethi~s Mr. Marshall will m~e:: an.- excellent School Board~appointee, and, he would not for any reason~ vote~against::him~ :¢:He Went on to explain that the at-large ~position has been one: of those positions that was;usually filled by:a: minority~person, and he thinks that Mr, .JUlian Bivens is a qualified migor~ty,person:;. H,i's defi~iti0n).,Of affirmative action is when atl,,~camdidates are:-equal~, but~ the minorityuperson is~ chosen:to fitl, u.-.: ~:[i-~Mart$n:made ~tion..to, appoint Mr. Hiawatha Green to the Equalization Board, representing the Rivanna District, for a rem of office to expire on motion earried~byc:the~ollowing recorded vote: M.B. 40, Pg. 50 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 50) AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. On a motion by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Martin, Mr. James E. Clark, Jr. was nominated to serve on the Equalization Board, representing the Scottsville District, for a term to expire on December 31, 1992. AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. On a motion by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. John Hood was reappointed~to~ the Emer~gency Medical,S:ervices Council, for~a~term~of, office to expire on-December 31, 1994. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the ~fol~lowing ~ecorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs~-~'H~P}{ri's, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Mrs. Bowerma~ asked:.if~;Mr..Phil Grimm coul~::be'apUointed, to the Planning and Cooc.dination Council (PACC) Technical Committee, since he has been elected Chairman:of the Planning Commission. Mr. Tucker explained that is the stan- dardprocedure. Motion was offeredby M~_.Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to appoint Mr. Phil Grimm to the PACC Technical Committee. Roll was called, and the mo~iom~ca~ed'by~'the-:~fol~ow~mgo~e~orded~!v°te:: ? '' AYES?: M~,.~ Bain:, Mr;. BoWerman, M~sc~.Humph~i.s; Messrs,:Marshall, Ma~tin[~an~ Psrkins. NAYS: None. ... :Mr~.Bo~erman noted ~hat Mr, James R, Skove has indicated that he will accept reappointment to the Rivanna Sp!~d,.~aste Citizens Advisory Committee. Motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris, seconded by Mr. Perkins, to reappoint Mr. James~ R. SkOve to 2h~ RiVanna Solid ~aste gi~iZens Advisory-fCommit~ee;for;a' term:ofoffice,~o'expire on. December..3t, 1993% ~ ~- ~ ..... Roll,was ca~t~dio~nd.the:motion~ carried~by thecfo~wing recorded vo~e: AYES:.~Mr~m~a~R?,~Mr~:.Bowerman,~Mr~.?~5)~mphriS; Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None..~ Mr. Martin noted' that Mr. Dave Emmitt would~ like to continue as a member of the Public Recreational Facilitt~~ Au~0~ity. Mr. Martin then moved that Mr. G~Da~id Emmit~'be::reappo~inted. to. the Pubi. ic,-.Recreational Faciti.tiesi Authority, · for~:'~: term' of!~'off:ice to.: expire on.~ December:.: 13, ~' -199.4.; Mr ~ .Bain:_ ~eCO~:led the motions;.. _;:~': s~d~~,,,,..~,, .... ' ~ - :':"': ' :' ' ~ -::?, ~olt!was,.called, and the,..moti,on carri2dtby'the following recorded vote: AYES:- Mr.~Bain, ~r&-j..B~erman,'Mrs',:Humphris,Mes~rs~:M:a-rshall:, Mar.tin Perkins, NAYS:: None:, -~:t " . ....... .... . ~-~.::~ :nz:q -- Mrs. Humphris noted that her term,~ on.t~e Jail Board expired on Decem- ber 31, 1.991. Mr. Bowerman said that the Board can reappoint Mrs. Humphris, if she-desires, to:.continue ~o serve On ~he Ja$1Board.'.-On:'.a mot~onby Mr;.,-: Marshal't.~:-secondedby Mr., Martin;.Mrs.:Humphris was.:reappointed.~oz~hedJail- Board. for~.~ term of office~o-,expire on. Deeembe~L,,!99~.~' '::-.~ : ~$t~.~t-1 was:called, and the.motion ca~r~r~i.~-~by the following vote:: M.B. 40, Pg. 51 January 15, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 51) AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 22. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Mr. Bowerman stated that a meeting of the Virginia Association of Coun- ties in Richmond is scheduled for February 13, 1992, from mid-afternoon until 7:30 p.m. at the Richmond Marriott. There will be a briefing by representatives of the Virginia Association of Counties and the Virginia Muni,cipat~!.League f~om~mid-afternoon, until 5:30 p.m. on proposed legislation. From5~30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., there will be a reception to meet legislators. He said if any Board member wishes to attend this meeting, to please contact the~Clerk for arrangements'.~'- -~- :"'~ Next, Mrs. Humphris distributed brochures and explained that the Metro- poiit~n planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board drafted these brochures, which.areinformational,andcan ~beused asa~ guide to area:~transit:~s~ervices for~'~elderly and disabled people. She said that the brochure lists rates and schedules and it has been needed for a long time for people who use the pUblic transit servic~s~. ~ ~':' " .- . Mr. Marshall'-stated that over a year ago, the~compactors,".et~i relating. ~o theKeene TranSfarStatiOn: were:tapproved by this Board,:.based on:models' that, ~ere used in Powhatan~ -,This~Board decided to,:~able,thematter-'."for years ,in Order to give.~he private haulers~.in'~hat,area'an opportunity.,to~see i~:they'could collect'?~he-::trash and take it to ,the Ivy Landfill.--Approximate- ly seven acres of land is already .0~ed by the County at Keene for this purpose. The plan has not worked with the private carriers, and the citizens in that':area are pu~ting pressure, on Mr,, Marshall~to:see,if~-he~can,:c°n~ince this_Board-~not.:to'wai~ thefull":~wo-year period,andto~-got.ahead~wit~ the.~ process.~of-',gett~ng~the uni.t construe.ted andin~operation assoon.,as:,possible. Mr~ Marshall asked.that, staff ~e directed.-to':bring'this'B°ard~tha~ info~mation that is.neededtto:-deal with.:the issue.. Mr, Bowerman asked if this information..would include policy .implications beyond that parti'cuiar site. ~.,~Mr'.,Bain saidzthe.Keene.~T~ansfer Sta~ion~is.-~Part'°f'~tha-:wh°le~ sotid:.waste program,~but.,he~dohs.,not,-,have!a problem with?:consida:ring the .Keener'Transfer S~ation' separately:; :. '-.- -':- ' ::' -" ' '"'~ :' :~:~ '~ ~ ' ~'~' Mr',. Marsha.li said he may, miss:_the.'fi=st' mek~ing..~n,.Fehruary becaus he migh~have~'~o have some:,surgery::: MP'.,-.Tucker stated,.,:that:the working on,.the.:.fnf~rmation-..relating to.the:~.Keen~:Transfer-:S.ta~ion~i:Hevsaid that he'~Will:.keep Mr,~'Marshail~s schedute'~.in,:mind,~when' he brimgs.,-the matter to Agenda Item No. 23. Adjourn. At 5:45 p.m., there being no further comments,':,Mr~ Bowe~man:adjourned the:meeting,. Chairman "- : , - .'