HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800044 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2021-03-16John Anderson
From: John Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 7:08 PM
To: 'Keane Rucker'
Cc: 'Kyle Redinger';'Ryan Roman'; Justin Shimp; Frank Pohl
Subject: WP02018-00044 - Amendment 1 ; Engineering review comments
Attachments: CGP Registration Statement 2019_rev 202011.pdf
Additional review comments, below. Please revise Amendment plan and send .PDF of rev. plan, SWPPP, VAR10 CGP
Registration Statement for WP02018-00044. Please use new DEQ VAR10 CGP form /Attached.
Please note that accuracy and consistency across plan sets are very important to avoid confusion, aid review /approval, and aid
inspection. Also, each WPO document set should be consistent across Plan-SWPPP-Calcs.
WP02018-00044, Amendment 1:
1. Cl:
a. Revise plan title. Also, see first bullet, email below, 11:18am.
b. Revise relevant plans and narrative to reference revised plan title.
i. Title plan: Royal Fem Phase 1 —Amendment for ABC Mass Grading
Niu7. Thomas James Ross 11
It ronager
Owner: 5th Street Forest LLC
Project Name: Royal Fern Phase I — Amendment for ABC Mass Grading
Project Number: WP0201800044
Project Address: 640 Country Green Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903 (Albemarle Counry)
HUC: 02080204
Parcel ID: 07600-00-00-046AO
Credits Required 0.21 Ib/yr
ii. Revise title to match Nutrient Purchase Agreement documents; image, above.
2. Revise title of each plan sheet. Also, item above.
3. C2: Show full extents of ABC block 1
a. Block 1 (Phase 2) extends off the plan sheet, beyond left margin; upper blue circle, below.
b. Identify parcel adjacent to borrow site (Owner, TMP#, deed bk.-pg.); lower blue circle.
c. Provide boundary — curve data /tables for development parcel boundaries.
4. Request for Calculations is withdrawn; sufficient SWM information is included on sheet C10, including:
a. VRRM.xls
b. Nutrient credit purchase affidavit for 0.21 lb.
5. Revise sheet number that follows sheet C4 to C5.
6. CS CIO: Revise proposed grades slightly to avoid impression off -site grading is proposed; proposed grade lines cross
7. If off -site grading is proposed, provide copy of off -site temporary construction easement/s, or Right of Entry
8. C2: Recommend parenthetical label for ABC Block 2 that reads: (Ref. WPO202000058).
9. 04: Revise `Phase 2' label to read `ABC Phase 2. (Ref WPO202000058).'
10. Applicant must coordinate land use permit with VDOT riD or to land disturbance:
a. Engineering does not object to PCE located on State Route 875, but VDOT must review this design.
b. Engineering does not request copy of VDOT land use permit, but cautions issues with proposed site entrance
may impact project.
c. Applicant should advise VDOT of plans to use ABC Block 1 as a borrow site, since VDOT may:
i. Require a Maintenance of Traffic Plan (MOT), including:
1. Construction signs to alert motorists to PCE/truck traffic
2. Flaggers
ii. Place limits on days/week of hauling given volume of export.
iii. Place time -of -day limits along Country Green Road to ABC block 2 site.
d. Engineering does not coordinate WPOs with VDOT.
e. Please coordinate this project with VDOT at earliest convenience.
11. C7, C9: Revise Trap 1, Trap 2 design to provide 25% capacity above design minimum/s (wet and dry Vol.), given:
a. Proximity to Mountainwood Properties property line,
b. Proximity to established multi -unit residences,
c. Proximity to Mountainwood Properties SWM facility,
d. Proposed volume of excavation /scale of borrow operation, and
e. Significant impact to adjacent parcel with any sediment trap upset, or failure.
Note: WPO /ESC bond amount is calculated and will not increase with revised ST volume.
12. CT Provide safety fence (SAF) along length of PL with Mountainwood Properties, to coincide with LOD, to limit
trespass (may use orange tree protection fencing).
Note: WPO /ESC bond amount is calculated and will not increase with additional SAF.
13. C8: It is unclear how haul trucks can navigate from lower portions of the borrow site to the PCE without crossing DD
that leads to Trap 1.
a. Recommend sequence notes recognize minimal impacts associated with excavating site from higher elevations
along County Green Road to lower elevations.
b. Provide internal haul road crossing of DD leading to Trap 1 since this diversion must remain in place until well
after upper portions of site reach final grade.
c. Provide RWD, and recommend small culvert crossing with IP/OP to allow haul trucks to cross DD leading to
Trap 1, and minimize ESC/DD maintenance.
14. C9:
a. Provide VESCH RWD detail.
b. Provide IP/OP detail if RWD temporary pipe is utilized.
c. Provide tree protection detail, if TP used as SAF along Mountainwood Properties PL.
15. Submit SWPPP. Use county 12-section SWPPP template. ( link:
https://www.albemarle.org/home/shomTublisheddocument?id=166 )
WP02020-00058 review comments will follow this evening, or early tomorrow, as Memo.
Thanks for your help and patience.
best, J. Anderson
John E. Anderson, PE I Civil Engineer 11
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3069
From: John Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:18 AM
To: Keane Rucker <keane@shimp-engineering.com>
Cc: Kyle Redinger <kyle.redinger@gmail.com>; Ryan Roman <rroman@faulconerconstruction.com>
Subject: RE: ABC Development Pre Con & Schedule
Ana has WP0201800044 AVP0202000058 bond estimate amounts, and will likely reach out to you /Ryan as schedule permits —
thanks for your patience.
Very quick thoughts /additional comments possible, later today:
WP0201800044 — Amendment # 1
• Revise plan title to: Royal Fem Phase 1 — Amendment for ABC Mass Grading
• If not submitted (since required or if revised), please submit Calc. packet /SWPPP New VAR10 CGP Registration
Statement. —did not check if sent, but want to mention.
o SWPPP Sec.I new VAR10 CGP Registration Statement: list estimate of off -site (mass grade) volume (cy)
export to WP0202000058, ABC Phase 1, 3, 4, 5 site.
• Though not required, please send comment response if prepared; if not, that's fine, believe we discussed not needed,
but they are helpful.
• C3 upper -right comer label/note (north -most comer of parcel) indicates that `onsite area above line is outside limits of
disturbance' but dashes on sheets C 12-C 15 appear to indicate this triangular area is within limits of disturbance.
o Please label dashed line/s, C12-C 15, Limits of Disturbance.
o Label LOD Area for ABC, Phase 1, 3, 4, 5 on C 12 (Area = x.xx Ac.)
o Shift plan -view perspective /window, C12-C15, to ensure all ESC measures display. See blue circle area,
below, C 14. Please check all sheets.
• CIO:
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Revise LOD consistent with C3 label/note that indicates onsite area above line is outside limits of disturbance
o Please revise project description to:
• Reference WPO201800044-Amendment # 1 as not included with WPO202000058.
• Include Note that WPO2018-00044 Amendment # 1 is required for SDP202000066.
0 Feel free to revise Total Area of Disturbance =9.10 Ac.
• This appears slightly high; recommendation not a requirement.
• GIS indicates site area =8.49 Ac. including area above line on C3,
• Note: ESC Plan bond estimate, 3/8/21, revised line item to 8.49 Ac.
o Project description:
• Eliminate reference to Apartments; apartments are not shown with WPO2018-00044-Amendment # 1.
• Recommend text edits to clarify ABC phase 2 is not included with WPO2020-00058.
o Revise text, CIO, and elsewhere (sequence notes) that reference work actually performed under WP02018-
00044, not performed under WPO202000058.
o Mass grading under WPO201800044-Amendment #1 (Royal Fern Phase 1— Amendment for ABC Mass
Grading) is not included with WPO202000058.
• Though not required, please send comment response, if prepared; if not, that's fine.
• 3/5/21 resubmittal appears to include plans only; unless overlooked (please advise if overlooked) please send .PDFs of
updated /revised /complete /signed or sealed-
0 new VAR10 Registration Statement, required by DEQ, Eff. 1/1/21
o Calculations
• All I see for now, at a quick glance.
Thanks Keane, best, J. Anderson
[ realize SWPPPs, Calcs., may have been sent with email; please just let me know —thanks ]
From GIS:
From: John Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 20219:05 AM
To:'Kyle Redinger' <kyle.redinger@gmail.com>; Ana Kilmer<akilmer@albemarle.org>
Cc: Keane Rucker <keane@shimp-engineering.com>; Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; Timothy McGuan
<tmcguan@edcweb.com>; Justin Shimp <justin@shimp-engineering.com>; Ryan Roman
<rroman@faulconerconstruction.com>; Roger Johnson <riohnson2@albemarle.org>; Johnathan Newberry
Subject: RE: ABC Development Pre Con & Schedule
Thanks for partnering with us.
I have several promised items this morning ahead of ABC. ABC is third, which moves it well ahead of 20 prior reviews in
queue. I intend to review WPO202000058 and WPO201800044, review Keane's bond estimates (sent 3/8/2021 1:02 PM),
confirm bond estimate amounts for Ana, send plan /SWPPP /Calc. comments to Keane (if any), consider any minor slip -sheet
(.PDF) revisions he may need to make to plans, SWPPP, Calcs (if any) for both plans, today. Keane has put a great deal of
effort into this. Your being available is helpful. I may reach out, but you've worked to get things in place. Two items, then
ABC bond estimate amounts to Ana, then plans /SWPPPs /Calcs. Thanks for your note.
No promises on pre -con this Friday, but plan approval is first (and bond estimates to Ana). Once Ana receives confirmed
amounts (I may turn to this now), she will likely reach out to you /Faulconer. Ana, Ryan, Keane, and you have done much to
bring us to this point. I will let you know when Ana has what she needs for bonds, will cc: you on plan -related items. Thanks,
best, J. Anderson
John E. Anderson, PE I Civil Engineer 11
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 eat. 3069
From: Kyle Redinger <kyle.redinger@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 20218:45 AM
To: Ana Kilmer <akilmer@albemarle.org>
Cc: John Anderson <ianderson2@albemarle.ors>; Keane Rucker <keane@shimp-engineering.com>; Frank Pohl
<fpohl@albemarle.org>; Timothy McGuan <tmcguan@edcweb.com>; Justin Shimp <Justin@shimp-engineering.com>;
Ryan Roman<rroman@faulconerconstruction.com>; Roger Johnson <r0ohnson2@albemarle.org>; Johnathan Newberry
Subject: Re: ABC Development Pre Con & Schedule
Hello John -
I hope you had a good weekend.
We've been working on getting Ana everything she needs for the bond side of things. I know it will take a day or two for
her to process once we have the permit set approval.
Do you think that the permit set approval will be done by today to get us time to get everything ready to go for a Friday
pre con?
I know Keane is ready to make any slipsheet changes if there are any issues you identify.
Let me know if we can do anything to help.
Thanks, Kyle
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 12:30 PM Ana Kilmer <akilmer@albemarle.org> wrote:
I will do my best to review the nutrient credits tomorrow. A reminder, Faulconer Construction Company, Inc., alone
cannot post your water protection performance bond. 5tn Street Forest, LLC and Faulconer Construction Company, Inc.,
can post the bond.
To start my portion of the bonding process, I need to review the signature information for Faulconer and I will reach
out to them. Please provide an attorney letter that certifies who can sign legal documents on behalf of 5" Street
Forest, LLC. The letter should include the full name of the manager(s), title and if this entity is managed by other
entities, please include the signature block. If there is more than one manager, please indicate if the managers can act
alone on behalf of the LLC.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you
Ana D. Kilmer
Program Administrator
Community Development Department
County of Albemarle
Office: 434-296-5832 ext. 3246
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: John Anderson <0anderson2@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 202111:30 AM
To: Kyle Redinger <kyle.redinger@gmail.com>
Cc: Ana Kilmer <akilmer@albemarle.org>; Keane Rucker <keane@shimp-engineering.com>; Frank Pohl
<fpohI@aIbemarle.org>; Timothy McGuan <tmcguan@edcweb.com>; Justin Shim <justin@shimp-engineering.com>;
Ryan Roman <rroman@faulconerconstruction.com>; Roger Johnson <riohnson2@albemarle.org>; Johnathan Newberry
<i newberrv@ albema rle.org>
Subject: Re: ABC Development Pre Con & Schedule
Kyle, we must have opportunity to review and approve WPO201800044 Amendment 1, submitted this week, as a first
submittal. Other items: WPO202000058 approval, bond, VAR10, scheduling precon; since projects receive a Grading
Permit at precon, this Friday or next Monday are out of the question —we'll do our best.
Thank you, John Anderson
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 10, 2021, at 10:39 AM, Kyle Redinger <kvle.redinger@gmail.com> wrote:
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John and Ana -
I was following up to Keane's email earlier this week with the final round of revisions and the bond
permit application.
We would really appreciate being able to do our precon meeting on Friday or Monday as we really
want to get moving on this project. Our team is assembled and ready to move dirt and build a
successful project.
I know we didn't get a chance to respond to an RFP for an office location because we still don't have
the pads ready and wouldn't want to miss opportunities in the future.
I know everyone has been reviewing this diligently and I believe we have the SWPP sheet and pre con
application outstanding after we receive John's final comments.
We are ready on the bonding, we just need the final confirmation on the estimates and any paperwork
ready so Faulconer can post the bond.
Would it be ok to submit our pre con application paperwork now in anticipation of everything being
ready for a Friday or Monday precon meeting?
I really appreciate everyone's hard work on this project and am excited to get things going.
Thanks, Kyle
Kyle Redinger
Phone: 434.409.1929
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Kyle Redinger
Phone: 434.409.1929
Fax: 434.293.6929
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