HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-22January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on January 22, 1992, at 7:00 P.M., Meeting Room 7, County
Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PRESENT: Messrs. Edward H. Bain, Jr., David P. Bowerman, Forrest R.
Marshall, Jr., Charles S. Martin and Walter F. Perkins.
ABSENT: Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr.; County
Attorney,~George R. St. John; and County Planner, V. Wayne Cilimberg.
Agenda Item NO~ t~ Themeeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the
Chairman, Mr. Bowerman.
~-~ ,~Agenda Item No-. 2.:.Pledge of Allegiance~
?Agenda Item No~ 3i M~ment or,Silence.
Agend~~ ItemNo; 4. Other.Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the
Ms. Charlotte Sherman came forward and stated that she was representing
the Leagueof Women'Voters¥~ She noted'that~the President of the League, Sandy
Snook, generally makes statements, but:Ms~.iSnook~had to,~attend:another meet-
ing. Ms. Sherman said that her comments will pertain to an item on the
agenda~ but theLeAgpe,wanted~:to~get a statement onthe~ record,,- She asked if
this~was_-the appropriate time.
Mr. B0werman explainedthat if Ms. Sherman's statement pertains to an
item Oh'-the agenda~, then the/appropriate~time for the statement would be when
the BOardlis,cons~dering theagenda:item~
MS; sherman then asked-if~it would be possible tO,speak now in reference
to the-TJPDC.Regional,:Housing Advisory Panelresolution. ~ ~.
Mr~ Bowerman suggested that Ms. Sherman wait to make her presentation
until_the~regional housing matterwas beforethe~Board~ ~He said that, he'would
allow ,time for public-commentS at that time~i ~
-~.~Next~ to~c'ome~.~forward,-was,Mr~'Ed~Eitelberg~ who said that he,has, resided
a~:!:the.-~01d, Satem Apartments ,for the past 14 years. He pointed out the fact
that the Colonnades was'just completed a few months ago. This has caused
quite! a~bitof traffic problems, because of~ Old Salem~s and:~the'Colonnades'
exits~faeing eachother. 'He noted; too;, that the Barracks:Road Market'has an
eXit~'in that area~: ~The speed~ limit is'still 45 miles per hour, but he does
not see cars going that slow. He asked that the Board consider his comments
before somebody~:getskitled or hurt-, because hehas seen several incidents~~'.
where,:accidents nearly'hapPened; Hesfrongly. suggested, thata trafficlight
be'placed at the spot where these exits are located. He noted that there is
also a left turn lane going into the Colonnades, the area is~'quite~,congested
and he-thinks~that it deserves a-traffic-light.~ He.askedthat'the,Board
consider~his'request·'~'as~soon~as':possible:and install the traffic light because
he would hate to tell this Boarda few months~from'now that someone had been
hurt orkilled at this spot. He also believes that the speed limit should be
changed:in that.~area from:45~miles per hour~>to 35 miles per,hour. ,-~
Mr~ Bowerman stated that~the Resident,Engineer of the Highway Department,
Mr. Roosevelt, is~always:presentat~the '
Board,~s:'~day~.meetingS~~ This is-~cer-
tainly"something~that~,could,~,bediscussed atthe:~Febrnary*~daY~meeting~, but~in?
the~ interim~ he~ suggested-.that, Mr~ ~Eitelberg talk,to, Mrs~ Humphris~
~,-~.-~Mr~, Clint-Horton spoke, neXt. He~ said~ that he. has-lived in Camelot for
fourteen.years~ and~he has been playing golf atPen Park ever since the Park
opened~ 'He commented that the'diSparity.between the '
City s,,chargesandthe
County'S charges:~is beyond his means, as Welt, as a~,,lot,~of:other people..,~ He
admitted that golf~isan,-expensive~hobby~ but he-also~thinks~that the $225~
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difference between a County golf player and a City golf player is ridiculous.
He then suggested that the Parks and Recreation Departments of the County and
City get together and work out similar charges. He noted that he is a senior
citizen, but he thinks that the same rates should apply to all people. He
said that this parks arrangement might bring about the cooperation between the
City and the County which has been talked about for years. He added that if
this type of situation cannot be worked out, then he would like for the County
to help pay some of the fees, as the City does for its golfers.
Mr. Bowerman asked the amount of the fee for County residents. Mr o
Horton replied that a person can pay an annual fee, if they wish. It costs
$1.50 more per round of golf for a County player. He said that in his partic-
ular case, he paid $~425 a year to play golf seven days a week. He stated that
to~do the same thing this year, he will have to pay $675, and he cannot afford
'Mr. Eitelberg stated that he does not think'~Mr. Horton answered Mr.
Bowerman'stquestion completely. The only annual dues charged are for~five.day
weeks. If a person wishes to play seven days a week, that person must pay
daily for Saturday and Sunday, if that person~ is a senior citizen. 'He. said.
that the City charges $300 ~for.the five day week,on an~annual basis, and~the
City charges the: County ~people $450 for the same .use of~ the golf i'course. He
thinks 'that it~ is unfortunate that there~are ~.only two-. rates, - because a person
could live anywhere else in the world and pay the same rates as an Albemarle
County.-resident:. He 'noted: that: he only .lives eight tenths~.of a,mile outside
of the City limits, and.~he has to-:pay $450 a year if he wishes to play five
days .a week. If he. wants to play seven days a week, he ~wilL~have to pay for
the~ two extra days. '~ He said. that ir'is a lot of money, and most people think
that ,if.~a person is a~'~senior-citizen, then that person is on a fixed- income.
He stated that he believes the people who play golf at Pen Park usually have
supplemental incomes, even though they also have social security, but those
supplemental: incomes, shrUnk last year and will. continue, to shrank,
Mr. Tucker suggested that ~the staff provide a report that wilt inform the
Board of-the 'differential costs between the ~City and County programs.~ He ~,
noted~ that the, County Charges-a~higher~fee for~City residents who use.the
Countyl Parks, j.ust~, as the City charges higher'fees for County residents. ~ He
explained that all programs ~offered-by the~ City and County-have-differential
rates for non-residents. ~
· Mr, Bowerman remarked that~ he: thinks,. it~ would be- helpful- if · the~' Board,-
reviewed.the policy.' Mrl Marshall commented that it would'be helpful fgr~him
if~ the,:Board :reviewed the policy, because he is not ~sure .how park-fees ,are
handled. Mr. Bain:.called attention to the fact that the-Rivanna Park.is owned
jointly with ,the-City, and there is a formal, agreement relating to-sharing
costs, etc. Mr. Tucker agreed. He 'noted ~that the rates do differ for people
living: outside~ of the.County and City. : --
~Agenda~- Item~ No ;' 5. Consent. Agenda.. Mr. Bowerman pointed-out, that there
are, four~ additional'items on the Consent Agenda. that'were, distributed to-~the
Board'>members tonight and were not-included in'the packets. He ~mentioned that
one of 'these items is~ Consent Agenda Item. 5. 11 which invotves~ a letter~from
Mr~ ~ Ray'Pethtet, Commissioner of the Department of Transportation .cOncerning
the proposed. Alternative 10 and its relationship to the Agnor-Hurt School
property. ~ He .asked that" this item be deferred until the February day ',meeting,
so ~that Mrs. Humphris would have a chance~to consider this matter..
~'.At.this time, Mr. Bain~.made a motionto ~accept the-.items on the Consent~·
Agenda as information with the deletion'of~ Item, 5.tl.- Mr'. Martin seconded the
motion.: Roll.was called; and, the motion carried.by the fotlowing~ recorded
vote: :-: .... ~ - .... ~
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Marshall, Martin andPerkins.
NAYS': ~None~
ABSENT: Mrs~ Humphris.~
Item 5,1..-~Copy~of Planning Commission Minutes for January 7, 1992, was
received .asinformation.
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Item 5.2. Letter dated December 30, 1991, addressed to F. R. Bowie, from
Congressman George Allen, was received as follows:
"December 30, 1991
The Honorable F. R. Bowie
Chairman, Board of Supervisors
County of Albemarle
401McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
Dear Rick:
~As you may know, I was recently sworn in as the United States Represen-
tative for the Seventh Congressional District of Virginia. I wanted to
take this opportunity~to provide you with the, enclosed copyof~my ~
· - opening speech to theHouse of Representatives.
Having been ~in Congress for over a month, and being able to participate
as dozens of bills were debated and acted upon, I was asked recently
whether ~the operation' or, Congress was better or worse than I had antici-
pated... Sadly, the answer was that it is worse than most people could
That is why one of my~first officiat~acts as a Congressman was to
co-sponsor the Congressional Pay for Performance Act. The bill will
require. Congress to pass all of the general appropriations bills prior
to the end of the Fiscal Year, or the pay of Congressmen will be with-
held.- This~idea will force-.a discipline on the irresPonsible, dilatory
practices of,Congress: . .-, ~ ~- ·
I have come,to Washington.to fight'~ for: theltaxpayers of the Seventh
District, and you can help me successfully represent your views in
CongreSs by communicating with my office. Your phone ..Calls and~ letters
are~welcome at any time. , , ~ ·
Finally, if you are~ having, a ~problem with a Federal agency,~.my office
may:'~be able to be of assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact my
staff or me at any time.
It is an honor to work for you in the"United~States Congress. . ·
Sincerely, - ~
(Signed) - ·
-George Allen
Member of Congress''~
Item:5.3. Letter-dated:January13,-~1991, addressed to'Mr. David~P:
Bowerman, Chairman,. from~Mr, John:G, Milliken,.Secretary of Transportation~
concerning the sequencing of the several projects involving Route 29 in
Albemarle County.
"January 13, 1992
TheHonorable DavidP. Bowerman
Chairman, Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors
40t~-McIntire Road
Chartottesvilte~'Virginia 22901-4596
Dear. Chairman. Bowerman:
This is in response~to~our p=evioUs~correspondence·fromformer Chair~
man. F,~R. Bowie concerning ~the. Commonwealth~Tr~nsportation,~Board%s~
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intentions regarding the sequencing of the several projects involving
Route 29 in Albemarle County.
On December 19, 1991, the Commonwealth Transportation Board passed the
attached (set out in full below) resolution which states the intention
of the Board to adhere to the schedule of improvements as set forth in
its November 15, 1990, resolution.
In the course of discussing the enclosed resolution, and prior to its
approval, the Board agreed to its adoption with the clarification
suggested by Board Member Constance Kincheloe, that the resolution was
a statement of intent on the part of the Commonwealth Transportation
Board tofollow a~partic~lar sequence of design and construction and
that the Board would follow that sequence to thebest of its ability
and to the extent that it was within its power to complete the pro-
jects:as scheduled." ~
I appreciate the cooperation extended by Albemarle County, the City of
Charlottesville and the,University of.Virginia~ in attempting_to
resolve the issues involvedwith this most important-transportation
facility; ~ -
(Signed) --
John G.~.Milliken!'
Moved by.Mrs. Kincheloei seconded by Mr. Davies, that: .'
WHEREAS, in accordance with the statutes of the Commonwealth of
Virginia and policies of'the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the
Commonwealth Transportation Board by !resolution datedNovember 15,
1990,~approved."the location of,Project 6029-002-122, PE-100, in three
WHEREAS, the three phases provided for short range, medium range,
and long range recommendations for the constructionof the project in
conjunction with other projects in the city of Charlottesvilleand
Albemarle County; and
WHEREAS, by letter.dated August 1, 1991, the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors haSrequested thatthis Board take positive steps
to commit~to the priorities:which were set forthintheBoard's
resolution of November 15, 1990; and
- WHEREAS,~the Board:believes that the orderly:development, and
funding of~thevarious projects in accordance with-thethree phases as
set .forth in.-the-Boardts resolution, of NOvember 15, 1990, is inthe
public interest; and
WHEREAS, the Board recognizes-that stateand local transportation
priorities shouldbe harmonized'where~possible; and
WHEREAS, it isthe sense of this Board that the Department of
Transportationadhere to the schedule of improvements as set forth in
the November 15, 1990~ resolution; and ' ~ -
WHEREAS, the'-Boardstrongly.believesthatthe~Route-29 Bypass
should~beconstructed in concert with the remaining construction
projects of the CATS Plan after Phase 1 and Phase 2, recommendations of
theBoard~s,-November,15~'1990, resolution haS,-~been completed; now
therefore .... -- ~ · ~
- BE ITRESOLVED, that the Commonwealth Transportation Board direct
the Department of Transportation to take all steps and make all
efforts-to complete~the projects-approved, in 'its resolution-of Novem-
ber:tS, 1990,~.as~-more~fully set out:in~a-letter to F. R. Bowie dated
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November 4, 1991 (set out in full in the minutes of November 13,
1991), from John G. Milliken, which is attached hereto and made a
part of this resolution.
Item 5.4. Memorandum dated January 17, 1992, from Mr. Robert W. Tucker,
Jr., County Executive, entitled "School Division Revenue Update."
"Attached is a memorandum from Dr. Paskel with recent revenue esti-
mates for FY '91-92 and projections for FY '92-93 as of December 31,
1991. I am somewhat encouraged by these figures and obviously hopeful
that they will not be reduced any further. You will recall that
budgeted State,revenues for schools actually decreased from FY '90-91
to:budgeted figures for FY '91-92 by approxlmmtely $550,000 or 2.72
percent. These attached projections show an increase in State reve-
nues~.for FY '92-93:~of $2.2~.million,or 12.4 percent:'for,a total School
Division revenue Projection increase of $3.19-million-or 6~3 percent.
This is fairly significant when you consider our total School Fund
revenue for this year was 3.58 percent over FY '90-91."
Item 5.5. Memorandum dated January 16', 1992,~..fromMr. Robert W. Tucker,
Jr., County Executive, entitled "1992 PACC Work Program."
"The Planning and Coordination Council,(CoUnty, City, University of
Virginia) will be having its-firSt meeting of the year in'February.and
I am soliciting items of~interest that you may .have,or feel should be
discUssed~analyzedby.,,PACC~during 1992~. .The PACCo,Technical COmmittee
members, are currently,reviewing potential reg{0~al growthmmnagement
strategies and infrastructure needs-. If~there,are~other items that
you;~feel would be'~,of'interest~tO the-County:'a~d/or,the, region~for PACC
consideration,..pleasecontactmewithyour suggestions:by.'January.:31,
Item 5.6. MonthlyBondReportfrom Arbor Crest Apartments (Hydraulic
Road Apts.) for the ~Month-ofDecember, 1991, received~as'informmtion. .: :.
Item 5.7~ Copy of the,~Annual Report for, 1991 from the~Virginia Depart-
ment of Alcoholic BeverageControl, received as information (on'file in the
Clerk's Office).
Item'5..8~ Memorandum dated January 16,~1992, from Mr.~, Robert W,~ Tucker,
Jr., County, Executive, entitled.!.~Appointment to,the local.Salvation Army.,Board
of DireCtors."
"I.have recently been contacted by Mr. Brad Eure, a member of the Board
of Directors of the local Salvation Army, inviting a member of the
Board of Supervisors to serve, on,the'Salvation Army Board of Directors.
Mr, Eure indicates,that their Board meets once a month,,usualiy,over
lunch, and not,more than an hour to an hour and a half per meeting. He
further stated that the Board members 'are responsible for payment of
their lunch aswellas the annual awards banquet, hetdby the'Salvation..
Army~ He also stated that:if.this were a problem for a member:-of-our-
Board-to share in those expenses he felt some other arrangement could
be made.
Should any Or, you.be interested~in serving on the Board~of~-.Directors of
the SalVationArmy,.or should.~you have any:further questions, ,please
feel free to contactme or, Mr. Eure at WCttV/3WV by the end of ~this
Item,5.9. Letter dated January 16, 1992~ from the Zoning Administrator,
to Cora L~ Fisher~ entitled'"Official Determination of Numberof Parcels
Section 10.3.1, Tax Map 85, Parcel 11," received as information.
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Item 5.10. Letter dated January 21, 1992, from the Zoning Administrator,
to Garland M. Gay, Jr., entitled "Official Determination of Number of Parcels
- Section 10.3.1, Tax Map 99, Parcel 108, Tax Map 99, Parcel 10SA and Tax Map
100, Parcel 14," received as information.
Item 5.11. Letter dated January 13, 1992, from Mr. Ray D. Pethtel,
Commissioner, Department of Transportation, addressed to Mr. David P.
Bowerman, Chairman, re: the Route 29 Bypass and its relationship to the
proposed Agnor-Hunt Elementary School.
. ~Item 5.12, Letter dated January 17, 1992, from Mr. George R. St. John,
County."Attorney, enclosing copy of Order from the United States District Court
for the Western District of Virginia re: Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County~v; Edward H:.~and Phyllis O;'Ripper v. National Park Service, United
States Department of' Interior~ received as information; JudgeMichael had
decided, the,~Ripper'case,involving the blockage of the old Brown's Gap Turn-
pike, in favor of the'County.
Mr,' B0werm~n called-attention::to the new notebooks furnished with the
Board!s agenda:this week. He. said the notebooks should-be returned-to the
Clerk.~at the. end of the meeting, and any paperwork the: members-wish keep
should, be removed. from: the notebooks~and taken home. He went on'to say that
the items that the supervisors don't want to keep can be removed and put into
the recycling bins.
Agenda Item No. 6.~ ZMA~91-08. Nellie~Moubry. 4 To rezone 9.9 ac from'~R-1
to:R-104 Property_on,~S side;of.Rt 649 approx 750 ft W.of TimberwoodPkwy.
Site?in: Hollymead Community recommended for high'density residential-(ll~4
du~ac)~i TM32,P29N.'~RivannaDist.' (Advertised~in the'Daily Progress on~
Januarys7 and January ~4;.t992.)
Mr. Cilimberg gave the staff's report and as follows:
iUCharacter~'of-the. Area:~' This property is:wooded~and is~ relatively
flat on'the majority of thesite.. Areas. of critical-slopes a~e
limited toe"the rearlof"theproperty adjacent to a small stream.
Several dwellings, are located adjacent~to the site and a church is
located to.the south. The Forest Lakes Townhouse B development is
adjacent along the rear of the site. The Board of Supervisors has
requested that staff identify major developments in the areaof the
properties Under'review for, rezoning~ The adjacentForest Lakes
development consistsof~436~approved single~familylots:.andl31
approved~multi-family units.. The recent Forest~LakesSouth rezoning
(ZMA-91r04)~permits a~maximumof 1200-dwetling-units~ ·
Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone 9.9 acres
to R~10, Residential', with proffers-. The applicant's proffers are (on
file). These proffers include right-of-way dedication,, provision of
access to adjacent'properties and theprotection of the stream~and
critical'stopes~that are, 0n the property.
Devetopment~Impact to PublieFacilities:.~ At the request of the Board
of Supervisors, the~-Planning,staff reviews rezoning requests for their
fiscal impact=on public and-transportation facilities. This~analysis
is~limited'-to those-rezonings that have some effect on facilities that
are'identified in our Capital Improvements Program (CIP) or: Six-Year
Road. Plan andhave a, cost associated with them,
The analysisis~based on-a fair.share determination of a particular
development'.s.impact to. affected facilities. It must be pointed out
that this analysis~is cursory, due to the lack of information on
revenues and the amount-attributable tothis development. The cost
outlined by staff-only indicates the proportionate share of construc-
tioncosts.fromthe-additionaldevelopmentgenerated by the. rezoning
over,by-right d~velopment~ ...... :-
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The following are those facilities which will be affected by the
rezoning request and have a cost associated with them.
A. Schools
Schools affected by this proposal which have a cost as identified
in the CIP are:
Broadus Wood Elementary School $ 2,987,511
New Middle School $ 9,268,000
New High School $26,400,000
Albemarle High School Renovations $ 6,068,140
Based on the additional students as estimated by multiplies
currently used by the County, a total of 24 additional elementary
-students,~16 m&ddle schoOl.students and 19 highschool students
are anticipated.
Costs, attributable to this development based on the proportion of
students is $364,353 or $3680.34 per dwelling unit.
This<'proposaLis~considered to be in the service area Off'the
Northside Library ($300,000). Based on the proportionate impact
to'library capacity, the proportionate share cost of. this~project
is$2475 or~$25 per.dwelling unit.
Summaryof Fiscal Impact
Pro.iects Total Costs $
BroadusWoodElementary $ 2,987,511
New Middle School $ 9,268,000
New High School $26s400,000
Albemarle High School Renovations $ 6,068,140
Northsid~ Library $ 300,000
TOTALS $45,023,651
Proportionate Costs/DU
Sh~e $ 99(DU
$ 60,9~5 $ 615.61
$ 98~859 $ 998.58
$204,549 $2,066.15
$ 2,~75 $ 25.00
$366,828 $ 3,705.34
Consideration'.o£:the fiscal impact of the development needsto be
balanced a§ainst considerations of the County's growth:management
policy. Excessive development exactions could have the affect of,
discouragiRg utiliZation of'~heholding capacity of area,-and thus,
lead to accelerated development in the Rural Areas.
Comprehensive Plan: This area is recommended for-highdensityresi-
~ential in' the Comprehensive Plan. Two methods~of*Residentia,1 ~evel-
opment design-are:
1.., Preserve sensitive areasas open. space; maintain trees and
vegetation, consider siting for solar orientation; and orient
~ residential development to.the natural setting.-.These are
virtual "no-cost" factors which tend to provide a more workable,
efficient, and pleasing living environment.
2. Base:design on-a'rational use or'land reflecting:topographic and
other physical'features~and, natural boundaries of the~site rather
than imposing a rectilinear layout intended solely, to.:satisfy,
minimum ordinance.requirements.
An unproffered. development plan has'been, submitted, which indicates~the
site is capable of accommodating the proposed development, without
ex~ensive grading or waivers. A buffer has been provided on critical
slopes and~ adjacent to the stream on the property. The applicant has
also proffered~ area for thebike path across the frontage of the
property., This is consistent,with comments of the Comprehensive Plan
as stated on page 115.
Based on the above comments, staff opinion is that this request is
consistent with' the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. ~
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Staff Co~nent: The County has attempted in past rezoning requests to
obtain a conceptual plan for development in order to determine the
relationship of the development to adjacent areas. The applicant has
provided an unproffered development plan in order to allow staff to
determine if any barriers to development exist. Staff is not able to
identify any barriers from this plan. Staff notes that during site
plan review, staff can ensure that the development satisfies the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Development of the site will
require significant clearing of the woods on site and this development
will be visible from adjacent properties and the state road. During
the time of site review, landscaping and a detailed grading plan will
be required in order to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
The'applieant'has~provided proffers which address the items of concern
bY staff. These proffers are the same items which would be addressed
through a proffered plan. The applicant has submitted a proffer which
grants,access,to adjacent properties. While no access is anticipated
at'this time, should~these parcels develop,, the, allowance of~ access to
this_parcel may reducethe: total number of, entrances on Route 649 and
provide for internal circulation between developments. The provision
of access to adjacent properties~isconsistent with Sections 18-37(a)
of the Subdivision Ordinance and 32.7.2~4 of the, Zoning Ordinance.
Improvements to Route 649 are shown in the-~CATS study and a bike path
is shown in the County's Bike~ Plan. Theapplicant~ has, submitted
proffers which anticipate~these ,improvements by dedicating and reserv-
ing the necessary right,of-way;
Staff opinion'is that this request is in,compliance with'the Compre,~
hensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance-for the reasonssta~ed above~
Therefore, staff recommends approval, of ZMA-91~08 subject to the
acceptance of the applicant's proffers .... ~ ~
1, The applicant agreesthat,any plan submitte~for review~to~the
County after rezoning will:~honor a,minimum50 foot building
setback buffer (utility construction is not restricted) from the
-,existing drainage swale at the rear ~of Parcel 29N; the buffer
will exceed 50 feet from the point where contour 498 leaves the
-50 foot buffer, and follow-contour~4~8 to~the,western~property
tine in order to prote~t Critical~slopes in.thee, buffer ,area. A
topographic and boundary sketch dated November 2~, 1991, is
~ attached for visual clarification~
2. [~ The.applicant: agrees that any plansubmitted to: the County, after
''rezoning.-wilt:'inClude~areasreserved for construction, of connect-
..lng internal..roadsrw&th::§0,foot rights-of-wayto~adjacentproper-
.~-ties., withthe.exception,of Forest Lakes, townhouses, for future
access as~ the County may deem necessary. The applicant shall not
he'obligated for--,'the cost of construction of: suchconnecting
internal roads.~
3. The applicant'agrees to dedicate a 30 foot:strip,across the~State
Route 649 frontage'and reserve an additional 30 foot s~rip for
futureroad -improvements by. the County of ~Albemarle or V DOT.
4. The applicant~agrees to reserve up to nine feet beyond the.30
foot,'dedication and 30~foot reservation aforementioned, for
construction of a bike path. The applicant shall not be obligat-
ed: forthe'cost of construction of such bike path,
Mr.~ Cilimberg said~,-the--Planning Commission, at-its meeting on Decem-
ber 17, 1991, unanimously recommended approvalsubject, to acceptanceof the
applicant's proffers as, set:o~t:above;
Mr. Bowerman asked fora definition of a prescriptive easement. Mr,.
Cilimberg responded that,,a-prescriptive easement-is:the-right, for a-road, for
public usage to go across:over private land. He said that it is, an old
easement that predates-highway, rights-of,way.
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Mr. St. John wondered why the right-of-way was being changed from a
prescriptive easement. Mr. Cilimberg answered that VDOT had requested
right-of-way dedication or reservation because this road may be improved to
four lanes, and the right-of-way will be needed. Mr. St. John then asked if
the staff is demanding of this applicant that the right-of-way be changed.
Mr. Cilimberg answered that the staff has not demanded anything. He said that
the staff has responded to the applicant's problems, and the applicant has
proffered this expanded right-of-way at the request of VDOT.
Mr. Cilimberg next stated that the additional 30 feet that is being
reserved would provide for a total of 60 feet from the centerline to accommo-
date a 120 foot right-of-way should Route 649 ever be upgraded to four lanes.
There are no planslfor reconstruction of Route 649 at this time. He added
that there is another reservation for nine feet for a possible bike path, and
this might be constructed along with Route 649 improvements.
Mr. Bain,~asked the required minimumwidth of right-of-way ,for a four lane
road by VDOT. Mr~,Cilimberg,replied that¥~OT officials ,prefer a 120 foot
right~of-way. Sometimes there can be less, of a right-of-way ,if the roadbed
and ,the Cut and fill-~slopesare not that great. This is Why the staff, has not
been able to determine any more than a standard 60 feet to be dedicated to,. ~
allow for the four lanes. Headded that ,because of the symmetry.to,the north,
the road may have-to be changed,-which mightmean, that additional right-of-way
would be needed. However, there are no plans for additional right-of-way at
this time.
NeXt-, Mr. Cilimberg explained that there isan?undisturbed ,buffer pro-
Vided for the critinal s~lope~,area and thestream in the backof, the property.
This will be an undisturbed buffer except for the allowance for utilities. He
added that there'.is a manhole available for, the sewer line~ so there would be
some disturbance necessary .to get sewer service to this property~
Mr.-Martin asked if. the Church that' is mentioned in the staff-report-is
the Maple Grove' Christian.Church. Mr. Cilimberg said "yes". Mr-..Martin then
w.onder~ed~if the house t~mt is shown on' the, map woUld~ be' relocated.-Mr.
Cilimberg pointed ~out a structure on the map,~ He added that this particular
site:has no',structure~on it. ,
There.were no further Board comments. Mr,i Bowermanopened:-the public
Ms.? Marilyn Gal~, of RoudabUSh, gale' and Associates~ stated that she is
representing the applicant, Mrs. Moubry~ She said that since Mr. Cilimberg
has already gone over the proffers, she would be gladtoanswer any questions~
She noted thatshe does nothave any technical information at this point. She
said that any plans that have been done relate to what the land can hold and
tO prove that R-10 is a viable density for the property.
Mr. Bain asked if any contract is contingent on the Board's approval~of
this: application. Ms. Gale replied that,Mrs. Moubry is undecided whether to
proceed wi, th the project becauseof the Forest Lakes Development. Ms~. Gale,:
explained that one of the neighboring parcels had recentlybeen rezoned to add
to the Forest Lakes property. She said that this is somewhat an incentive for
Mrs. Moubry to look.at the value of her property and try to enhance the
property for herself rather than for the benefit of the developer.
Mr. St,~John, ca. lled attention to the proffer relating to the 30feet of
property that will-.be dedicated now'and the-reservation of: an additional 30
feet~ He doest-not believe that-by accepting]this proffer, it-~wil~aut~omati-,
cally take~ place. He said that there has~,to be'a~deed~ or if the property is
subdivided, the subdivision plat will have,to'havewritten on :it that this~
portion of th~'property is dedicated for this use~ He asked that this infor-
mation be kept in the record, .so it won't be overlooked.
Ms. Gale asked that.the proffer~ be clarified to state that the 30 feet of
property wohld be dedicated at the time a-site'planor subdivision plat is
submitted to'the, County~ Mr. St. John agreed that this'would be a good wayto
handle the matter-. Mr.-Cilimberg-stated that the matter would, be:handledthat
way, anyway. . ~
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M.B. 40, Pg. 61
Mr. Bain asked Mr. St. John if he thought language needed to be added to
the condition. Mr. St. John answered,"no." He said that this was unneces-
Mr. Bain then moved approval of ZMA-91-08 for Nellie Moubry with the four
proffers as submitted and approved by the Planning Commission, that is:
Accept proffers 1, 3 and 4 as set out in letter dated November 22, 1991, from
Ms. Marilynn R. Gale, L.S., Roudabush, Gale & Assoc., Inc., addressed to Mr.
Bill Fritz, Senior Planner, Albemarle County Planning Department; and subject
to proffer as set out in the letter dated December 9, 1991, from Ms. Marilynn
R. Gale, L.S., Roudabush, Gale & Assoc., Inc., addressed to Mr. Bill Fritz,
Senior Planner, Albemarle County Planning Department, all as follows:
The applicant agrees that any plan submitted for review to the
County after rezoning wilt'honor a minimum 50~,foot building
setback buffer (utility construction is not restricted) from the
existing drainage swale.at the rear.of Parcel 29N; the buffer
will exceed 50 feet~from the pointwhere contour 49g.teaves the
50 foot buffer, and follow .contour 498to the western property
'line in order~to protect critical slopesin the buffer area. A
topographic and boundary sketch dated November 22, 1991, is
attached for visual clarification.
.The applicant.~agrees that any plan submitted to the County after
rezoning will include areas reserved for construction of connect-
ing internal ~roads with 50 footrights-of,way to adjacent proper-
ties, with the exception of Forest Lakes townhouses, for future
access as the County may deem necessary. The applicant shall not
be obligated for the Cost of construction of such connecting
internal roads..
The applicant, agrees to dedicate a 30 foot strip acrossthe State
Route 649 frontage and reserve an additional 30 foot strip for
future road improvements by theCounty of Albemarle or YDOT.
The applicant agrees to reserve up to nine feet beyond the 30
foot dedication and 30 foot reservation aforementioned, for
construction of a bike path. The applicant shall not be obligat-
ed for thecost of construction of such bike path.
Mr. Marshall seconded the foregoing motion. Roll was called, andthe
motion carried by the following recorded-vote:
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M.B. 40, Pg. 62
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Marshall, Martin and Perkins.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mrs. Humphris.
Agenda Item No. 7. SP-91-68. James M. Johnson. For a home occupation
Class B on 0.4 acs zoned R-2 and EC Overlay Dist. Property located on E side
of Rt 631 approx 400 ft N of Pinehurst Court. TM90A,SecA,P20. Scottsville
Dist. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on January 7 and January 14, 1992.)
Mr. Bowerman stated that the applicant for SP-91-68 is requesting a
withdrawal. He said that usually this type of request is granted.
Mr. Tucker explained that the staff had learned today, from the appli-
cant, that he is requesting withdrawal of the application. Mr. Tucker said,
hoWever, that a letter,' has not been~ received from-the applicant specifically
stating that he wanted to withdraw the application. He reminded the supervi-
sors that their.~policy has been that unless the applicant appears before this
Board to request the withdrawal in person, the matter is deferred until a
letter is in hand or the applicant is present at a Board meeting. Mr. Tucker
then requested that this matter~ be deferred un,tiL Februa~ry 12._ He~.said that
the applicant has~ indicated that the~letter will be provided befoze the~
February 12 meeting~ ~--
At this time, motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Perkins, to
defer SP-91-68. until February 12, 1992, in accordance with Mr. Tucker! s
explanation. Roll was. called, and the motion carried~ by the following record-
ed vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Marshall, Martin and, Perkins.
NAYS: None. - .....
ABSENT: Mrs. Humphris.
AgendattemNo. 8. Report from'TJPDCRegional-Housing. StrategyAdvisory
Mr.~Tucker presented .the following memorandum dated January 15, 1992,
from Ms. Karen Lille.le~t~) Chair, Albemarle County HousingzAdvisory Committee~:
-"The:~National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 Offers some new opportu-;
nities, for Albemarle and other regional jurisdictions to make inroads
in our housing problems. It also requires a plan,-or Comprehensive
Housing Affordability Strategy(CHAS), laying outhow such money would
be. spent.
The Albemarle County Housing Advisory Committee is preparing a report
for the Board of Supervisors on Albemarle's housing situation and a
strategy to address its housing needs, but this report will not be a
housin§ strategy for the. entire region. <The only~regional jurisdicr
tion to have its own CHAS is Charlottesville, which is required to
have One because it is an entitlemen~ city.
A'new .HUD program,,.~ Housing Opportunities Made Equai'~.(HOME), offers new
federalfunds for housing rehabilitation, new construction of rental
~and owne~-occupied units, and for rental assistance such as' the
Section 8 Program. Housing non-profits and governments may apply for
a'portion of~ the state allocation or-HOME.funds with or,-withouta.
locat~or "consortia!" CHAS. Additional funds are.only available
through local governments which prepare a consortia CHAS. These funds
will be urgently needed in the next few years by local affordable
housing groups which have theexpertise'and traak,records to attract~
and. make effective use of them.
In additionto providing additional, federal, funding~for Albemarle.
County hous~ing initiatives, the consortia CH_AS. will:
help .articulate Albemarle County's needs and desires to other
January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 12)
M.B. 40, Pg. 63
- encourage rural counties to provide affordable housing for
their own people using financial incentives available only
through the CHAS process.
While a consortia CHAS may take one of several forms, the advisory
committee prefers the six-jurisdiction approach for its inclusiveness
of our social and economic region and recommends it to the Board of
Supervisors in hopes that the Board may take the appropriate steps
before March 31, 1992, to pursue this option of housing funding.
Recommendation: The Committee recommends that the Board: (1) author-
ize the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission to prepare a
draft six-jurisdictionconsortia~CHAS document for their review and
:approval; and, (2) notify HUD on or before March 31, 1992, of
Albemarle County's intention to file a consortia CHAS by August 31,
Mr. Tucker then presented the following "Update on Initial Findings of
Panel~and.:Interest inApplying for:.Funding from. Housing and Urban~ Development
HOME Pro:gram" from .the Regional HoUsing Strategy A~visory Panel, date~.Janu-
ary 6,~1992:.
!'Background: The Regional Housing: Strategy Advisory Panel first met in
March, 1991 to develop a coordinated strategy for addressing the
region's affordable housing needs, The~ Panel' consists of citizens
appointed, by eachlocal government= in, the Thomas Jefferson Planning
Dis.trict.'.~Staff and. community groups involved in housing have also
participated. Ms. Deborah. Murdock of:'Fluvanna Countywas elected to
serve'-.as Panel chairman.
The Panel has developed a regional mission .statement and a series of
goals intended to address the region's housing needs. The Panel
recognizes that each locality mustdeterminethe.housing activities ~-
best-suited to that: tOca!ity~ The initial ~{indings-of thePane~,
including tentative priorities:for each.locality, also. is included as
an attachment to this memo.
Ta-:~advance.:the Panel's mission.of achieving a regional'.batance of safe,
decent end'affordable housing., the.Panel has' investigated~the possibil-
ity of applying as..a~region for~ funding under the~Housing and Urban
Devetopment:(HUD) HOME Progr:am.~ -.
~MOMEProgram. TheHUD Rome program is a result or,he Cransto~
Gonzatez National-Affordable Housing Act and provides funds for housing
rehabilitation, rental assistance (such as the Section 8 program which
assists low-income .families in.meeting fair market rents)~ p~operty
22acquisition and new construction. Funding is'based on a need formula
developed.'by:HUP~...- -
In or.der to. apply 'for HOME funds, the-..six member iocaliti.esin, the
Planning District would enter into a legally binding cooperation
agreement that would be in effect for at least three years. The region
also. wo~ld.be, required to submit a COmprehensive. Housing Affo~dability.
Strategy. (CHAS) to~ HUD, which containshousing data'and a five year-
stra~egy..f.or meeting the hoUSing needs of, very low and :low-income
citizens.. ~As a HUD entitlement city,, the City of Charlottesville has
already prepared a CHAS and the regional CHAS could be an expansion of
th~' ~ha~16ttes~ille:CHAS.
Le§al~Status: Each participating lotality must enter intone legally
binding.agreement: authorizing one local, government to:act in'a"repre-
sentative, capacity for. all participating.governments. HUD may prefer
that the'City: of Charlottesville act 'in this representative, capacity
since'it is a HUD entitlement city, but the Advisory Panel recommends
that-the. Thomas Jefferson'Planning District, Commission-serve.as-the
managing body for the HOME Program.
Matching Funds Requirement:HOME funds are to be matched by.non-
feder:al funds unless HUD: approves~a request to-reduce,the .match require-
ment. The .-amount of match,varies, from program to pzogram~. New rental
January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 64
assistance programs, rehabilitation and property acquisition require a
25 percent match. Substantial rehabilitation requires a 33 percent
match and new construction a 50 percent match. Matching funds can
include cash, the value of fees, taxes or other charges that are
waived, the value of land or property, the cost of infrastructure
development, such as water and sewer, and below interest rate loans.
Panel Recomm-a~dations: The Regional Housing Strategy Advisory Panel
recommends: (1) support of the intent to apply to the HUD HOME pro-
gram. A letter of intent must be submitted to HIIO by March 31, 1992.
A draft Resolution of Support is enclosed for your consideration; and
(2) extension of the charge of the Regional Housing Strategy Advisory
', Panel. throUgh~0ct0ber, 1992 in order to oversee the preparation of the
· application to the HUD HOME Program,"
Mr. ~ucker informed~the Board that Mr. Bill Wanner, from the TJPDC, and
Mr. Dorsey Wilberger and-Ms. ¥irginia Greenwood from the Regional, Housing
Strategy,Advisory Panel~had a brief presentation~ regarding their recommenda-
tions~and findings. ,He said-that the staff and the Albemarle County'Housing
Advisory Committee both support these findings, and recommendations as outlined
in the Panel's letter of January 6, 1992. He said that the staff is recom-
mendi~th~Board~sdsupport of.these initiatives, and adoption'of the resolu-
tion which was part of the information distributed'to theBoard, and supports
the County's application for a HUD HOME program. He then~asked;Ms. Greenwood
to make~ the presentation.
Ms.~Greenwood~ stated that She~was appointed b~ the Albmm~rie' County Board
of Supervisorsasa citizen memberof, the Albemarle County Housing Advisory
Committee and the Tho~m~ Jefferson Regional Housing Strategy Advisory Panel.
She said that the Panel is ,asking that this Board give the request its serious
review, and support~,~She saidthat if there were .questions about theSpecific
program, she'would like ,~or Mr.-Wanner to. r~spond,~- ....
Mr~Bill Wanner saidthe City-of Charlottesville-isan entitlement city
for RUD~funds, and the~.City of Charlottesville passed aresolution relative to
the program last night. He,thinks that this program allows the entitlement
community~to~include~nOt only the City of Charlottes~ille, but the growing
metropolitan area of Albemarle County and'the other, four counties in the
planning district that are more,'rural. He noted that the influences of the.
dynamics~ of the~housing mmrket affect all of the region significantl,y. He
said this is an opportunity to provide an ongoing annual pool of funds to the
County.~-He added that the' County of Albemarle would contract with kVdD~ for the
specifics'services Albemarle County officials would like to 2see the~HOME funds
used for. He thinks this will allow for, the ability to provide~what is needed
fo~ affordable~housing, but~there is-also the~ ability, within the-~programto~
keep,~tocal control anddecide~specifically what,the County wishes to do with
the funds. He,said that he Would beglad to answer questions.
Mr. BoWerman'asked,how~Albemarie's specific Par,ticipation dovetails-with
the r~solution and the ~regional aspect. Mr, Wanner~'answered,~hata resolution
of supportis needed,,from each elected body,that wishes toapply to the'HUD
HOME program~ The'requirements are that an entitlement city in a metropolitan
area, suchas theCity ofCharlottesville, wil~-be included in the program,
and that any localities'and counties that border on~ that entity can?be includ-
ed~,,He added,that in a sense, Albemarle draws the rest of the region in and
allows thepossibility of~ that occurring,~ He'noted.that any~configuration
.could occur. He said that Charlottesville and Albemarle could participate in
this program,.and add.other localities in any year, that comes forth~ He
reiterated tha~ Albemarle County is the key to expanding'the program to the,~~
region~ ~ ~ ~
Mr. Bowerman: asked if the application would,'be made on a. regional basis
and if the City and Albemarle County could make a specific grant request. Mr.
Wanner answered~that ~his is~ correct, The application would be~ made to Hb~ by
March BI with a tett~r of~ intent~outlining,~t~e~,legal, structure :of the docu=
ment., The Panel would like to take, the time between'~March and October, when
the, federal fiscal year begins, todevelop the five ~ear strategy, which~ is a
comprehensive affordabili~y study (CHAS),~and isa required document. ~This
January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 14)
M.B. 40, Pg. 65
would be an expansion of the City's CHAS which has been prepared to include
specific elements for Albemarle County and any other counties that partici-
pate. At that point, HUD would make the determination based on the need an~
the appropriation for the HOME program to Albemarle County. He stated that
Albemarle County would then implement the specific strategies for that first
year with the funding that is provided. He said that the particular activi-
ties in which Albemarle County would wish to participate would be reviewed
Mr. Bain asked if the-matching fund requirements would involve dollars
being allocated from this Board, or would it involve grants, etc. Mr. Wanner
responded that there is no expectation of a direct match of funds from
Albemarle County.~ He.~said that any non-federal source qualifies. He noted
that the~Virginia Indoor Plumbing Program, the Housing Partnership Fund and
VHDA reduced interest rates all qualify toward the matching funds. He added
that there is ~ seven percent credit fo~ administrat, ion,~and he thinks tb~t
the appropriation that Albemarl~County makers to AHIP. would, count toward that
match. He doesnot believe that-.the funds wouldeve~r exceed the match that
AHIPnow receives. He talkedwith~Ms~ Teresa~apscott last week, and her only
reservation was, that~if she was trying to use her funds to match other pro-
grams, then~.she- may get.into the position of needing additiona~matching-
funds. He said that since any State program qualifies,~the intent would~ be to
have a package that could use other funding.
Mr. Bain commented, that Charlottesville is an entitlementcity, yet there
is a recommendationthat the Thomas Jefferson Planning District staff manage
the~program. He thinks the regional approach is better,, and that the~Thomas
Jefferson Planning District staff should be. involved:~ He,asked, if~ thisis
the caSe, where ~he',City fits into the program. Mr. Wanner .replied~ that,, from
HUD'~s perspective, the City, as an entitlement city, has gone throughevery~
thing necessary robe included in the. program.~ He ~s.aid that the intent or-the
HOME. program is'to recognizethat metropoli:tan-areas, such as the City of
Charlottesville and a growing, county such~as Albema=le, would cooperate. It
may:be,that another locality-could be the~leading, agency,.but, administra,
tively,-HUD officials would find it easier to work with ..theCity.
.... Mr. Martin asked if there was not already an entitlement community, would
a community have:to apply and go, through all of the procedures to qualify as
an entitlement community. Mr. Wanner stated that this is correct. He went on
to say-that AlbemarleCountyCould~-apply apart separately from the. City of
Charlottesville, as a growing metropolitan county~ He does not see any real
advantage to it~ however.
Mr~ Bain'said that-thereport indicatedthat for~ legal purposes~ the City
was the. entitlement community, but it'. was recommended that the T.JPDC staff be
the managing body. Mr.,Wanner responded that Mr~.~Bain iscorrect-.~, He said
that this has been cleared with HUD officials, and they find~ it~acceptable.
Mr~ Bain wondered if this needs to ~be part'of--~the'resolutio~ Mr.,Wanner
answered that this-may be desirable,~i'f theCounty Board wants to be that
specific~ He thinks thatAHIP or the Housing Office in the County will be the
ones thatwitl~ be~.implementing .the ~activities in which~Albemarle~ County. will ~
beinvo~ved for thatyear. He-believes that the Planning District will
prepare an annual 'report ofitems~accomplished and will look atregulatory and
other affordable housings.on a,regular basis.and, make'a report.
,Mr.-Martin asked if between now and October, approval will be sought from
this Board or will information just be given to this Board. Mr. Wanner~
answered that he,would prefer that approval be receivedfromthis Board~.~ He
thinks that it would~ beremiss of the Planning District Commission.not to come
back to.this Board several:t~imesdur.ing the~Commission's deliberations. He
would have,to examine the~ regulations as~,far~ as~ wbmt. should be submitted to
this Board, but it-may be that an additionatresolution will he. needed before
.the final~ document~ is~submitted. He thinks,~ that this is the situation with -~
the'.City~'of Charlottesville'sCHAS program. The~.City had to have a public
hearing~and a formal resolution had to be adopted by Council.
~Mr~ Martin asked if:after approving this resolution everything would then
be brought baaktothisBoard in stages for approvat.~ Mr. Wanner.replied that
Mr. Martin is, correct.~ He pointed out that appr~ovat of this~resolution will
January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 15)
M.B. 40, Pg. 66
obligate the County for a three-year period if HUD the application is ap-
proved. Funds can revert back to HUD, if they cannot be used over a two-year
period, so, in a sense, the County is not obligated to use the funds. He
noted, however, that the County would be obligated to the basic intent of the
HUD program, which is to do rental rehabilitation, expansion of the Section 8
rental subsidy program, new construction and property acquisition, etc.
Mr. Bain stated that if the Board approves the application, it will just
be to start the procedure. He believes this Board will still haVe the right
to make its decision about the program when the information comes back to this
Board. Mr. Wanner answered that he was not sure Mr. Bain was correct.
Mr. Bain read:from thedraft resolution. He said it seems to him that
the reSolution only supports a regional intent to apply for the HUD HOF[E
program. Mr. Wanner said Mr. Tucker would act as the agent for the Board in
relation to< this~document. The City Attorney wOuld preparethe document-to be
signed by all who' wish to participate. He said itappears to ~im~that by
approving this resolution and having Mr. Tucker. act as the agent of the Board,
ifil{LID approves it, then it does obligate Albemarle County to participate,~ at
least within the broad parameters of the program~ for:the three-year period.
Mr. Bain then read from Ms. Lilleleht's memo. He said the recommendation
in this memo indicates that~ information willbe coming back to this Board'~
before, the end of August~and that iswhy he~believes that even if the resolu-
tion is approved, the Boardwould have the right ~for review andapproval. Mr~
Wanner agreed. He said the only thing this Boardwould not have the right to
do would be to not participate in the program at all.
Mr~. Tucker said,~tha~ the County would not have,to' participate, if~it did
not utilize=,the funds. Mr. Wanner'said this is true, but the.County would be
o'bligated~o provide.affordable housing.
Mr~ Perkins. asked what is meant by, "increase mixed.use," under "Local
Housing Priorities forAlbemarle" as is shown on the Summary.ofFindings
sheet.~iMr. Wanner replied that, ".increase mixeduse," meansdifferent de, si-
ties of housing.
Mr. Cilimberg stated that mixed.use.can also'mean a planned, development
concept where there may be varying densities of:residential~areas as welt,,as
commercial office, where services could ~be provider for the population. Mr.
Wanner remarked that:the HOME program, allows for up.~to~20 percent'of non low
and moderate income participation in theprogram, He said that a community
could be developed that would be mixed in income, and he believes that this is
a desirable approach..~-He added that the Home program would capitalize on the
growth area concept~. He saidthat these are the initial'findingsof the
Panel, and he wanted toshare this with the Board now with the idea that the
different findings could beconsidered specifically. He went on to say that
the Panel wanted tobring all of these things to-theBoard."s attention to make
sure thatthe Panel is heading inthe right-direction~
Ms. Charlotte Sherman read the following prepared statement from the
League of Women Voters:
"The~-League of Women Voters has been working and continues to work on
the national, state, and locai levels for safe, affordablehousing for
low and moderate income persons. The League also works'for, and sup-
ports region~ planning and cooperation. Therefore we hope you will
endorse the. Planning District Regional~ ComprehensiveHousing
-Affordability Strategy,(CtlAS).
We understand, that with a regional CHAS, the region can~apply for
funding under the HUD HOME Program for housing rehabilitation, rental
assistance, property acquiSition'and new construction.
We further understand that in order to apply for HOME funds, the six
mea~ber localities in the Planning District would enter into a legally
binding cooperative agreement which would be in effect for at least
three years.
January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 67
It is critical that the County join this regional effort, not only
because the County sorely needs more money for affordable housing, but
also because the localities in the consortia must be contiguous and
this would be impossible without Albemarle. If, as we've been told,
current County housing funds can be reallocated, and the program of the
Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) incorporated in the match,
this regional effort won't cost the County extra, but will bring
additional federal funds to help area residents.
We urge you to sign and send to HUD the Resolution of Support prepared
by the Regional Rousing Strategy Advisory Panel and to expand the
charge of the panel to seek HUD funding."
At this time, since there was no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Martin
moved to adopt'theResolutionof~Support for theregional pursuit~of,HUD
Funding, and the extension of the Regional Housing Stratsgy Advisory Panel's
tenure, along with an accompanying statement that this Board endorses~..the
AdvisoryPanel's recommendation that the Thomas Jefferson Planning District
Commission serve as themanaging body of the HOME program, and to authorize
the Chairman to sign on behalf of the County.
Mr. Bain seconded, the-~motion.
Mr.,Marshall thankeg-Ms. Greenwood fortaking~time out tovisit with him
last Thursday and explain the progr~am to him~ Resaid that he,probably would
have voted against the motion if She had not done so.
Mr. Bain stated that he thinks this is a continuing step to improve the
housing situation. Re- said~ that.~he-is in favor of the program~ ~ .-, ~
Roll, was' called,~ and the mo~ion~ carried.by the following recorded vote:
AYES:, Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Marshall, Martin and Perkins.
NAYS: ' 'None ....
ABSENT= Mrs. Rumphris.
(Note: The~'re~otution,-as adopted, is set out in full below:)
~' WHEREAS, there is aneed to develop, a regional housing strategy
for the localities in.t-he ThOmas Jefferson-Planning District, and
WHEREAS-, the regional housing strategy should address the issues
of the provision.of.affordable housing, of the rehabilitation of
substandard housing, and of the development of programs that promote
.homeownership~ for all constituents in the Thomas Jefferson Planning
District, and
WHEREAS, the HOME program offered by HUD provides an opportunity
for the localities within thelThomas. Jefferson ~Planning District to
develop, and implementa regional housing strategy ~and to secure
federal funds'to'implementthe.strategy, and
WHEREAS, the work of the Regional Housing Strategy Advisory Panel
is required~tosee~ the preparation of. the Comprehensive Rousing
Affordability Strategy (CH~S) through.to.-completion by Octobe~,1992,
and --
~WHEREAS.~ theAlbemarle~Board of'CountySupervisors'endorses the
Thomas~Jefferson Planning District Comm~.ssion to serve as managing
(1) THEREFORE BE RESOLVED THAT the Albemarle Board of County
Supervisors does support aregional intentto apply for the HUD HOME
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M.B. 40, Pg. 68
program by March 31, 1992, and so authorizes the County Executive to
act as the agent of the Board, and
(2) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Albemarle Board of County
Supervisors does expand the charge of the Regional Housing Strategy
Advisory Panel in order to apply for the HUD HOME program by October,
1992 and to seek HUD funding.
Agenda Item No. 9. Report on request by Benton Downer re: The Galerie
Restaurant Property.
Mr.'Bowermanexptained that the Board had earlier asked Mr. St. John to
review some material in reference to Mr. Downer's request concerning the
Galerie Restaurant property.
Mr~ ILainwithdrew fro~ participating in thi~ discussion b~causemembers
of his firm represent the seller of the business.
Mr. Tucker remarkedthat Mr. St. John has reviewed this material',i and he
is prepared to make a statement. He noted', though, that there were no pre-
pared Statements or-comments for the Board.
Mr. St. John stated that he was not present when the request came before
the Board-lasT'week. He has since talked'with Mr.,Downer,,-and from the facts
as he understands them, he has formed an opinion in answer to the questions
that he received from the Board, His understanding is that this restaurant
has been a restaurantsince before 1969. Albemarle County has had~ zoning taws
since 1968, so the restaurant is pre-existing, as far as zoning is concerned,
and-the property-has been zoned for this use. This is one of those areas
where it would have been spot zoned, if it was zoned for commercial use. The
fact is~that~.~this~se~a~r~ady:exist~dvther~.s~hthe~perty~was~.given~th~s~
Mr. St. John said that in 1969Hurricane Camille.washed away the~septic
field~, andthis resulted in a,topographic situation wherethere.could not even
be one'septic field approved by the Health Department, hardly one septic field
and a reserve. Because of this situation, a contractor dug a cesspool on the
property. Mr..St. John describedhow a cesspool is built. He,~said that
instead of the sewage seeping into the soil if the cesspool.overflows,~a pipe
takes it out-of the pit. This partiaular pipewent directly into the Mechum
River. This.was never known by the Health Department, and it is his under-
standing that it would never have~.been approved by the Health Department had
it been known. There is no reason to believe that the owners and the restau-
rant operators intentionally~violateR the law, but, nevertheless, there.has
been a situation there since 1969 that has not met legal requirements. Mr.
St. John Said that~someonenew~.came~..atong to take. over~the~tease.-and buy2the
restaurant?~and this-person,wa~ted:the, Health Department to look at the septic
system. At that time, the Health Department found the violation and would not
let it continue.- -, ,
Mr~-St. John said.he understands that the owners would like to,connect
into~the Crozet interceptor. He:pointed out that the Crozet interceptor is
not owned by the'-Albennarle County Service~ Authority.~:This is a RiYanna. Water
and Sewer-Authority~.line. He said that RWSA was.formed in 19,74, and it is'an
umbrella agency that owns the.big trunk lines. He-stated that it has only:two
customers.; the City of Charlottesville and the Albemarle County Service
Authority. RWSA has no retail customers, and it is unwilling, to let--any :
connection be made, He added that .this is:a policy'problem, but there is: also
an engineering problem,~ in that if a: connection .is made. at the-po.int~.where the
restaurant is located, the-connection will be made to the. link of the Crozet
interceptor where-there isa force-main. He noted that-, it-is: hard to~.connect
to a. forcemain~ There. has to be pressure-going into-that main higher than
the pump that is pumping the sewage through, the main,.'or else the sewage:would
go into the restaurant. He said that there have to be a lot of valves, etc-.,
to.prevent this from happening, and theHealth Depart~nent and engineering
practices.require redundancy. It'can be done., but. there, has to be a. backup
set of valves and pumps, etc.. He-stated that it is his understanding that
RWSA does not want to. allow this. connection~.
Mrl Tucke=,said..thatis correct.
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Mr. St. John said the remedy is for the owner of the property to pipe the
sewage up to where a connection can be made to the gravity portion of the line
going to the Crozet interceptor. He said that this is also against RWSA's
policy, but at least it would not require a connection to a force main. He
explained that the owner would have to get easements across other people's
land for at least three quarters of a mile. He went on to say that another
remedy is to acquire easements for a septic field on adjoining land. He said
that he is unsure about this type of situation, but it is his belief that
permission would have to be received from all of the adjoining landowners, and
the owner would have to pump to the level of the septic field on the adjoining
property, because his land is in the flood plain. He stated that to get to
any land where there can be a septic field, pumping is involved.
Mri St. John said that because of the severe problems involved, the owner
is interested in the pump and haul situation. The basic question is, if the
Board, denies the.pump{and~haul permit, would this'-Board ~be'engaged in a taking
of~this.property~ without just compensation since.~.thereis very little that can
be done with the~.~property-if the permit .is: denied.. He added that another
question, is whether.or not.~theowner, has a. vested right to continuethis use.
He said that, in his mind this is the same question. Hewondered if~the owner
has a vestedright to continue andthe vested right is taken~away~,~ wouldthe
Board be engaging in thet-aking of the property~without just compensation. He
noted that the Board had' also wanted to know if, whether in Mr. St. John's
opinion, granting this permit-for pump and haul operation at this point, even
though,it would be.temporary, might amount to an assurance on the County's
part. that a solution would be found~for the owner. Hewondered, too,~if the
County Would. be bound to approve whatever solution the owner found for this
property. He stated-that if a pump and haul permit is given to the owner,
this is going to be an encouragement to buyers, looking at the' property to 'go
ahead and make an'investment-on this property. It is Mr. St. John's opinion
that if. this pump' and haul permit~ is'~granted on' a, temporary basis~ then
buyer, is enCOUraged to invest i~this; property, and the' Board has implicitly
assured the buyer that'theBoard will either renew the pump and haut permit or
governmental relief wilt. be available for this situation. Mr,-St. John said
that if this is going to result in some kind of proceeding-against the~County
where the. County is engaged in a taking of the propertyor an unlawful refusal
to.allow this connection, he would rather, see it happen now than to see it
happen a year fromnowafter the pump and haul permit has been granted, and it
expires and this Board won't~ renew it, He thinks that there is a stronger
case now"fordenYing thepermit than there will be'a year from now. He noted
that the judge would wonder why. this Board let the owner have the permit if it
could be seen that there was no way to get sewage disposal on the property.
Mr.~St~ John .said the applicants ,have agreed to put into writing, in-this
recordthat if this Board grants the permit,~ they willnot at any. time in the
future, takethe, positi~n that by granting ,it, the'Board has implied anything
to them,. It will:be totally' at the-owners' r~sk, if they acceptthis pump and
haul:.permit~ from this Board, and a~solution~is not found at'th~ end.of a year,.
He'added that if the owners are..not willing to do, this, then his advice is
that under no circumstances should the Board grant this permit,,. He believes,
though, that. the applicants are willing to do this.
Mr~ Bowerma~ asked Mr. St. John if the permit is granted at the owners~
risk, willit relieve, this Board, of the responsibility to assurethe owners
anything.-Mr. St.. Jotm answered,that the Board would have no responsibility
to assure the owners anything,
Mr. Bowerman then wondered if the permit is granted at the owners' risk,
will this~Board be relieved of anything,.,.Mr. St. John replied that the word,
"relieve,"' should--notbe the~word used. He wenton to say that,this situation
would eliminate any. argument or accusation from'-the:owners that this-Board'.
encouraged someoneto go into this.business by~ granting, this permitl He said
thatthe< owners'.wOuld be.asking for the permit and would accept the permit at
their :own risk. He said that'thisBoard is not~ being relieved of anything,
because there is: no'thing from ~which this Board needs to be relieved.
Mr. Marshall wondered if the permit could be restricted to one year in
,the hopes-that the owners cancomply, with. alt of the Health Department regula-
tions, etc.. Mr.'Tucker,and Mr.. St. John replied that the permit could be
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restricted to one year. Mr. Tucker added that he thinks the permit can only
be allowed for one year, anyway.
Mr. Marshall stated that as long as the permit is restricted to one year,
he cannot ~see why this Board would get into any trouble. He said that this
would put the burden on the property owners to do something in a year's time.
Mr. St. John responded that Mr. Marshall's statements are true only if the
owners agree that they are accepting this permit knowing that there might not
be any solution in a year. He added that the Board is not obliged to approve
any connection or solution that the owners might settle upon, if it is not in
the public's interest to approve. Mr. St. John said he thinks the Board
members would have a better grasp of where they stand if they had an answer to
the' question relative to whether or not the owners have a vested right to
continue this operation. He reminded the Board that if the pump and haul
permit is not granted, it could involve a situation where the County would be
taking'the property without just compensation. He believes~ however, that
this would not be the case because the operation has been illegal. He noted
that County officials will not be prosecuting anybody or even making accusa-
tions of wrong-doing, but he said that a person cannot get a-vested right to~
continue-an operation' bY engaging'in an illegal activity. He stated that this
is a fundamental, rule.
Mr. Bowerman commented that the Board cannot do anything if the p~ump and
haul permit is granted. He added that the~ Board's actions have no effect
whatsoever' on the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. Mr.. St. JOhn agreed.
Mr. Bowerman said-the juriadictional areas have nothing to do with the
situation'. Mr,.~ Tucker stated that Rivanna's policies'do not permit.a connec-
tion- to a force.main, but Rivanna will accept a connection at a manhole into
the interceptor where the interceptor is gravity fed-. He said that Rivanna
officials, indicate that the connection should probably be' made through an
approved connection,and should be under the ownership-of the Albemarle County
Service Authority-~ Mr. St. John, pointed out' thatl this will be considered in a
year, if the pump and haul permit is approved. Mr; Tucker said'~he understands
that ~ .
Mr. Bowerman wanted to know if there was any feasibility to the applicant
finding an alternative means of" disposal. Mr. St. John. replied', that the,:
applicants thinks that 'an alternative.' disposal-system, is feasible~ .-
Mr. Tucker commented that there is no answer to the question of whether
-or not an:alternative system, is feasible~ yet. He'said that the Board has'
directed the Planning staff to look' at those specific issues and try to ~answer
the questions, that are raised,.to see what'is feasible and, what is required of
the Board. He~ noted that a public hearing' might be needed or further action
beyond' a., pump and haul permit may have to be taken. Mr,.~--St. John stated that
he, understands' the only thing'before this ,Board now is the pump and haul
permit, Mr. Tucker agreed. -
Mr. St. John then inquired if the reason that the pump and haul permit is
before, this Board is because the Health Department will not allow the pump and
haul permit without concurrence of the governing body. Mr. Tucker answered
that the pump and~haul permit needs the County Executive's approval.
Mr. St. John next asked if the Albemarle County Service Authority has to
also approve the.~pump and haut permit. Mr. Tucker replied~·"no~.~"
~ Mr~ St. John stated that the RWSA has to' approve the~ pump and haut permit
because,the,haulers are going to dump the sewage,into the Rivanna plant-. Mrs
Tucker. responded that the RWSA has already given its approval. Mr:.~ St~,, John
asked again ,if the 'only ·reason that ~this, matter is before the Board-is-'because
the Health--Department will,not ,agree to the, pump and haul. permit without
concurrence of the governing body.
Mr. Bowerman explained that Mr. Tuckerhas the-authority to approve~the
pump and~haul permit without the supervisors' approval~ but he would like the
supervisors' guidance in. this case. Mr..St~ JohnI stated that he-has given the
Board~ his. legal opinion of, the matter. He saidthat: he wouldanswer any
questions the supervisors have.
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Mr. Martin commented that the supervisors are not obligating themselves
if there is a conditiom in the agreement that the pump and haul permit will be
in effect only for one year, and the owners agree not to accuse the County of
trying to take their property at the end of that year. He does not think it
makes any sense to decide at this point if there are other possibilities that
may work in a year.
Mr. Bowerman said he wanted clarification now if there is the possibility
that the RWSA would not let the owners make a connection, under any circum-
stances. If this is the case, there would be nothing the owners could do
except to go off site and put in a septic field. He added that he was trying
to understand what reasonable, feasible alternatives are available.
Mr~ Marshal] stated that it is his understanding that the RWSA has
already agreed to the pump and haul operation. He asked if all that was
needed was the approval of the permit. Mr~ ,Tucker explained that the pump and
haul..permit does not~.solve the permanent problvan, Mr, Marshall commented,
howevers, that this is all that .is being asked of this Board at this time.
Mr. 'Martin remarked that he thinks permission should be. granted to the
owners for a pump and haul permit for a year, under the conditions that were
discussed. Maybe the owners can be imaginative or innovative enough to come
up with a: solution during that., year.. At this.time, Mr. Martin made a motion
authorizing the County Executive to sign's pump and haul permit for The .
Gaterie,Restaurant with the~proviso that the County .is not obligating-to
anything by granting the permit,
Mr. Marshall seconded the motion.
. ~ Mr.- Bowerman stated~ that~ the applicants must submit a letter prior to the
signing o£ the pump - and haul permit~ which,~.would~ relieve the:~ County- of -any · ~
obligation~ Mr~ Tucker saidl that-he woutd~ either accept a letter, or~ have the
condition typed,,onto the permit, itself. Mr~. St. John commented, that he would
rather have the condition signed by the applicants.
Roll was called-, and the motion~carried by the following recorded vote,,,
AYES: ,Messrs. Bowerman, Marshall, Martin and Perkins. . ~,~,
NAYS:~ None.
ABSTAIN: Mr. Bain. · .......
ABSENT: Mrs. -Humphris.
Mr. Downer remarked that this whole process has been~ very unusual. He
thanked Mr. Cilimberg~ Mr,.Tucker and Mr~.,~-St..,Johnfor their help.~ He, pointed
out-that, Mr. St~John had spent over, an hour on the-,telephonewith him., and it
was tremendously helpful~ Mr,. Downer said the owners realize that they are-
taking a~ risk,~bUt they. went, into the~situation in goodfaith, because~ nobody
realized whatsort of situation it was. He.stated that so many times people
talk about the bad ,things that happen in the County, but he thinks that this
has been a good process, and, the people with whom,,he has,communicatedhave
worked very hard. He hopes that in the, next year, something can be worked out
on~a permanent basis. ~
Mr. Perkins asked if it is no longer desirable to .extend a 3urisdictional
area~to try to remedy a problem. Mr. Tucker replied, "no." He said that in
order to seek a permanent solution to this particular situation, work needs to
continue to be done~to~find solutions.
'~Mr.~ Perkins, Said he knows what the solutions~are~ Mr~ Tucker replied
that it, will take~this~ Board's actions to implemer~t those solutions. Mr. St.
John saidthis Board,~would need~to ~ake, action only if jurisdiational areas
are involved~~ Mr; Tucker commented~ that~jurisdictional areas are not invOlved
atthis~time~ He said that the Board's action,today only allowsthe appli-
cants~to have a pump and haul system,
~-Mr~Perkins said he understands this, He recalled a discussion last week
where the costs would have been prohibitive as far as connecting to the trunk
line. He said that a private individual cannot do this anyway. He added that
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even if a line is built, it would have to be dedicated to the Albemarle County
Service Authority.
Mr. Martin stated that the applicants may be willing to do all of that.
Mr. Perkins pointed out that the property can only be worth a certain amount,
and it might Cost more to build a line than the property is worth. Mr. St.
John remarked that the owners are considering a septic field that would be
located outside of the flood plain. Re noted that the supervisors do not have
to approve this.
Mr. Bowerman said that there are certain things that the owners can do to
satisfy the Health Department officials. Mr. Tucker said that this· applica-
tion~may or may-not ~come back .to this Board, but he thinks that it is impor-
tant~ for the supervisors to understand what the solutions are. He added that
if action is required by the Board, such as a public hearing or a jurisdic-
tional area .amendment~~ it. will have no be at the request·' of the owners;
Mr. Cilimberg noted that the staff will be working with the owners, and
if the owners feel that it' is ~feasible to ~investigate~ a public~utitity solu-
tion,,~he' doubts if there will be a jurisdictional area ..amendment.-
Agenda Item No. 10. Appointments ..... .
Mr. Bain moved to reappoint Mr. W. Ivar Mawyer, from the Samuel Miller
District, to the~Equalization Board, for a term ending Decembers31, 1992. Mr.
Martin seconded the motion. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Marshall, M~rtin and Perkins.
NAYS: None. - - ~
ABSENT: Mrs'. Humphris.
Mr; Marshallmoved to reappoint Mr,-James B. Murray,~ J~., as the
Scottsville representative on the Industrial Development Authority, for a term
to expire-on January 19, 1996. The motion was seconded-by Mr. Martin. Roll
was called, and themotion c'a~ried bythe following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs.~Ba~n, Bowerman, Marshall, Martin'and Perkins,-
NAYS: ,'None.
ABSENT:~'~M~s;~'~Humphris; . .: ~.
Mr.. Bowerman~ stated that he has considered all of'the committees to which
Board members will be appointed, and-he would.like to appoint allof the
committee members at one time. Mr. Bowerman then read his recommendations as
Mr. Perkins -:Ag~icultu~al/Forestal District Advisory Committee
Mr. Marshall and~Mr. Perkins Building Committee:
Mr~ Bain ~ Children andYouthComm~asion~(Annuai~Oversight Committee)
Mr. Perkins~ Crozet Crossing Citizen Advisory Committee
Mr. Martin - Hazardous Materials - Local Emergency Planning Committee
Mr. Marshall,? JAUNT Board of Directors
Mr.. Bowerman, Mrs..Humphris and Mr~ Bain Ioint Transportation Committee
Mr.~Bain~nd Mrs,. Humphris Metropolitan Planning Organization, Policy
Mr. Marshall and Mr. Perkins - Personnel Advisory Committee
Mr. Martin-- PiedmontJob Training Policy Board
Mr. Bowerm~n'and Mrs, Humphris- Planning and Coordination,Council
Mr.~Ba~in:',and Mr.-Bowerman - Planning District Commission.-
At this time, Mr. Martin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bain, to approve
all of the appointments as announced by Mr. Bowerman~ Roll was called, and
the motioncarried~ by the following recorded vote: -~
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman,~ Marshall,-Martin and Perkins.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mrs. Humphris.
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Mr. Bowerman then explained that he had held the Audit Committee appoint-
ments until last only because this Committee had been discussed by this Board
a number of times. He said that currently Mr. Perkins is serving on the
Committee, and in the past the Chairman of this Board has also served. The
question is whether or not this Board desires to continue the Committee.
Other points to consider, if the Committee is continued, are the role of the
Committee and who should serve on it. Mr. Bowerman stated that he thinks the
Committee should be continued.
Mr. Bain agreed that there should be an Audit Committee. He asked if the
County Executive had, in the past, reviewed the Audit Report, and then brought
it to the Board, or if there has always been an Audit Committee. Mr. Tucker
answeredthat, to his knowledge, there was never an Audit Committee until it
was~ created just a few years ago. Before that time, this had been a staff
review function, and then the auditors made a report to this Board.
~ Mr. Bain asked if Mr. Tucker.would recommendthat there not be an Audit~
Committee,. Mr. Tucker ,said the Audit Committee serves its function in review-
ing~the:audit and determining the financial condition of the County. He
thinks that this is an important ro~e for Board, members.
Mr, Martin stated that it seems to, be just another ~step,, where the people
doing the aUditreport to the Audit Committee, and then the Audit Committee
reports to the full Board. He asked what is accomplished by having this extra
step. Mr'. Tucker responded thatthe~Audit Committee givesa committee of the
Board..an opportunity to review more thoroughly with the auditor..some of the ~
issues thatcome up during the'annual audi,t review. He added,that this can
certainly be done when the auditorcomes before this, Board and makes 'a presen-
tation, but at least it allows, a committee, of, the Board to review the findings
of the auditor before it gets to~thefull Board~
Mr. Bowermmnpointed out that~ with anAuditCommittee, less of thefull
Bo~rd,'s time is used, Henoted that the,~other role that theAudit Committee
has assumed~is making a recommendationto the~fullBoard on budget guidan~ce to
the,~County Executive in-terms of revenues and. expenditures for the following
year. He said this was done ,in November of this past year, and there was some
discussion at that time-as to the importance of the~Committee,
Mr. Bain said there is thissame type of discussion every year. He
thinks the,Audit Committee should continue, but he does not see th~ Audit .~
Committee being involved with the budget function where just two Board members
make a recommendation to the County'Exeautive and then, to the whole Board~ He
thinks that it should be the~CountyExecutive mmkin.g the recommendation to the
Board, and then the Board can givethe County~Executive budget guidance~ He~
feels this is essential
Mr. Perkins, said=-it is a matter,of timing=. There is a legal requirement
that it is-the supervisors' responsibility to~hire~an audit firm to audit~the
County'r~cords.~~. This is not ,a,~,respOnsibilityof the~County Executive, It is
up to~the~Board members a,s to how far they~want to go with the process.~He
agrees with the'way it has been done in the past, where~the Audit~Committee,
makesrecommendations to this Board, as far~ as"giving~ guidance to the County
Executive for drafting a budg~t~ He said that this guidance needs ,to be given
to the County Executive~some time~ in the~Fatl. ..
Mr. Bowerman suggested that the Audit Committee be appointed at tonight's
meeting, butfurther discussion couldbe reserved as to, what role this-Board
should play beyond~the audit. He noted that Mrs. Humphris was notat the
meeting,~and it would'bebetter to hold this~discussion until~ all Board
members'are present.
Mr. Martin agreed with Mr.-Bain that~it does not seem appropriate~for the
Audit Committee to be making the types,of recommendations that have been~made
Mrs. Bowermanpointed out that:the fUll Board adopts the, budget zecommen-
dation, audit wasn't just the. Audit Committee advising Mr.~~ Tucker. He added
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that the Audit Committee, in discussions with Mr. Tucker, would develop a
scenario, and this would be brought back to the Board.
Mr. Bain stated that the Audit Committee would also have discussions with
the Director of Finance, etc. He noted that each supervisor, individually,
has the right to do this, but it takes up staff time. He said tb~t this is
why he does not think the process needs to be proliferated.
At this time, motion was offered by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Bain, to
approve the appointment of Mr. Bain and Mr. Perkins to the Audit Committee.
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs..Bain, Bowermax, Marshall, Martin and Perkins.
NAys: None.
ABSENT: Mrs. Humphris.
Agenda Item No. 11. Approval of Minutes: April 17 and August 7, 1991.
Mr..Bain stated that he has read the August 7., 1991, minutes,~ Pages One
through 14 (#7)and found them to be accurate, except for.some misspellings;
Mr. Perkins reported that he had read the April 17, 1991, minutes, Pages
1 thrOugk 27 (#tO),?~:~andcfound them to be :in order. >~r:o~ ~ .
Mr. BoWe~man said'that he bad, read the. minutes, of April 17, 1991,~Pages
27 (#10) to 37 (#12) and found them to be in order.
:At',~this time, motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Martin, to
approve the.minutes as, read.
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman and Perkins.
NAYS: None.~ -, - .... .. ·
ABSTAIN: Mrl. Mars~ll?and,.Mr.~Martin.
ABSENT::Mrs. Humphris.
Agenda Item No ~ 1-2.
Other~ Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the'
Mr. Tucker reported that the-Airport Authority entered into an agreement
a couple .of weeks a§o~With the,~Albemarle County Servic~Authority to build an
eight-inch sewer line from Hollym~ad to the Airport. He said that the staff
had been working on this for quite some time and there was a deadline with the
Health Department and the FAA for funding to provide a sewer tine for a new
septic field for .the Airport. He added that,the sewer line will probably be
operationat~ by November 1.
Next, Mr. Tucker:told Board members that the Urban Water System, which
basically affects only Mr. Bowerman's district, is a new major water transmis-
sion line from the-p~ant at the South Fork Rivanna Rive~. Reservoir that will
provide inareased service to, the urban area and: to ~he. City of Charlottes-
ville. The alignment for this particular transmission line basically followed
Carrsbrook Drive, throughWestmoreland, Northfields and th~n down to
Greenbrier Drive.~ He, said that this alignment~ was c.ontroversial because~'-it
was hard'to get. approval from the.Highway Department-to construct the line
within the Highway Department's right-of-Way. He had asked for the Board's
support, if necessary, to go to Culpeper' and seek some remedies to the. problem
so that permission-couldbe obtained to build the line within the right-of~way
of Carrsbrook Drive.. He. noted thatthe RivannaAuthoritywas not successful
in getting all of the approvals, so a new. alignment is now being pursued. One
alignment is adjacent to the First Gold Leaf land south of Carrsbrook Subdivi-
sion. This alignment will .avoid Carrsbrook Drive completely, and go through
the northside o'f,,theFirst Gold. Leaf property and will be adjacent to an -
existing~water and sewer easement that already belongsto the RWSA. This ~.
alignment will run behind homes instead of down a right-off-way or down a
street, So there will not be any imPact.on,existing.streets or traffic,
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M.B. 40, Pg. 75
Mr. Tucker said he believes this alignment will probably be less costly
than the original one. He said that Mr. Bowerman is already aware of the new
alignment. Surveying will be done in that area in the near future, and
property owners will be made aware of the situation.
Mr. Bain wondered if the University's plans for Fontaine Avenue have come
to the PACC Technical Committee. Mr. Tucker answered "no". The overall plans
for Alderman Road and Jefferson Park Avenue have been approved by PACC, and
land use was a part of that approval. He noted that the request for rezoning
of land on Fontaine Avenue is just beginning through the planning process.
~ Mr.. Bain suggested that this Board try to open formal, communication lines
with City Council. He feels it would be helpful to know what each governing
body is. planning,:~rather than reading about~ it in the~ newspaper~ ~Such meet~
ings 'could be. scheduled on a semi~regUlar~basis~such as-every-two months, but
the topics for discussion could be left· flexible,
Mr. Bowerman felt such meetings could be similar to the Joint Transporta-
tion Committee which considers transportation issues, He said that he has no
problem with doing that~ Mr~ Bowerman asked Mr.: Tucker to nontact~the City
Manager and try to work out some mutuallyacceptable arrangement. He asked if
education, could be the recommended suggestion area for the first jOint meet-
Mr. Martin felt it might be a good idea to have another topic for the
first meeting. He does not thinkrthat the supervisors should meet with the
City Council without having a SchoOi Board member present.
Mrs. Bowerman stated that C~TEC is an issua that co~ld',be'joint:Ly~dis~
cussed. Mr. Bain stated that. he had' heard~Dr. McGeehan,~superintendent~of. :
Charlottesville City Schools, comment that~the County and City used and shared
facilities until politics got involved. ~e thinks that a joint meeting would
allowthe~two jurisdictions to. discuss possibilities.
Mr. Marshall said he does not think 'that combining police-forces, fire~
departments and school, systems shoul.d be discussed: ~
Mr. Perkins suggested that topics might include things that are currently
being considered, such as solid waste issues and airport matters.
Mr. Bowerman commented that~thepoint 'is to initiate the process. He
said that~ he agrees with Mr. Bain that a jointmeeting, is needed.
Mr. Bowerman said Mr. Mitchell Van Yahres had made him aware that he has
introduced-three~ bills that deal with Albemart~ County. One bill relates~to,
removing land use in the growth areas, the second bill relates to small
agr'icuttural/forestal districts and the.third bill would help with the Route
29 North problems. Mr~ Bowerman went on to say that Mr. Peter Way has intro~
duced a bill on the lodging tax. He said thatMr~ Way wants more representa-
tion relating to this bil~'and has asked thatMr, Bowerman attend the commit-
tee meetings. He stated, though, that Mr. Way may not be able to give Mr.
Bowerman anymore than 12 hours notice, if that much.
Mr. Marshall asked for anexplanation of the bill relatin.g to land· use.
Mr. Bowerman explainad that this Board has ask~d~that land use designation be
dropped'within~.the~growth areas inthe urban a~eas as a~wayto~eliminate land
use from areas where it is known that they are going to be developed as high
density or. medium density ~esidential areas or commernial or industrial areas.
He stated~thatnow~there is ~ lot~of land in those areas that is owned by land
speculators, etc. The supervisors would like to remove use tax valuation
where~it is appropriate..
Mr. Bowerman mentioned that the request has also been made to reduce the
size of an agricultu=at/forestal district to 25 aares~so~ that a farm in an.
urban area canbe considered and-set aside~ He said that this is a package to
allow genuine farming interests,to continue while recognizing that land held
January 22, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 76
for speculation is just that and land use should be taken off of that. Mr.
Tucker explained that these bills will give the Board the authority to do
that, but there would still have to be ordinance changes made, etc.
Mr. Marshall said that this would be all right as long as it was known
that there could be exceptions to the cases. Mr. Bowerman agreed.
Mr. Bowerman commented that he has already asked Mr. Tucker to prepare
statements on all four of these bills. He asked if any of the other Board
members wish to attend the meetings, even though it might be on short notice.
He added that if supervisors wish to attend these meetings, they should inform
Mr. Tucker so that Mr. Tucker can contact the supervisors when he gets notice
Mr. Bain said that the meetings would probably be held next week or the
firstweek~in February. Mr~ Marshall remarked that he,would he, unable to go
to the meetings, but he did not want certain land use regulations to change.
Mr. Martin said that, he would, like to be notified of~the meetings,. Mr.
Bowerman said that Mr. Bain wanted to know when the meetings would be held,
and Mr. Bowerman issure that Mrs. Humphris would like to be-notified.,=
Mr. Bowerman recalled theFirst.Gold Leaf'Land Trust petition. He'~said
therewere questions raised about when the Health. Department hasto be noti-
fied when there is an' overflow from a pump.station. He added~that there"was
some disagreement on the part 'of the public as to what the Health Department
~Said'was~ appropriate notification andwhat the Albemarte~CountyService
Auth0rityeonsiders appropriate. He suggested that the Board ask Mr. Tucker
to contact the ACSA Board of Directors and have the ACSA Board of Directors
decide what policy should be followed, how the~.Hea~th'Department intertwines,
and.what.~the situation is.'~.with that particular pump station. Thismatter has
apparently caused a lot of aggravation. He. would like~'a'report'back to ~this
Board. ' ~'~
Mr. Marshall had a question about~ thesupervisors' notebooks, but Mr.
Bowerman told him he could discuss the matter with the Clerk.
Agenda:Item No. 13. Adjourn. With'no,, further business to come before
the-Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p,m~