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M.B. 40, Pg. 117 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 1) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on February 12, 1992, at 7:00 P.M., Meeting Room 7, County Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Messrs. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr., Charles S. Martin and Walter F. Perkins. ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr.; County , George R. St. John; and County Planner, V. Wayne Cilimberg. ~Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Bowerman. Agenda:~I~em No~ 2~ Pledge of:Allegiance.? Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence. '.Agenda Item~No. 4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the lc. There was no one present to discuss another matter. -Agendal~item~No.,5. Consent:Agenda. Mo~ion was~off'er~di~bY Mrs'~'Humphris, seconded, b~.Mr.'B'ain,~to approve7~I~tem-5'l,'iand''t° accept'~he remaining items on the'consent agenda as .information. Roll was called and the motion carried bythe~,foltoWing =ecorded~vote:~ AY~: ......... MK~Bp.werman, Mrs. ~Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Per~ins and Bain.. NAYS:,-' None.7 ~- : ~i'~ " ..... ~e~'~'. Resolution requesting acceptance of Willow Lake DriveExtended in~ Willow:Lake Subdivision!intff<the State. SYstem'~°f'Sec°ndary'Highways''' Le~te'r ha~'ing been receiYed from Mr, Scott~Williams, Assi. stant Project Manag- p~,.Repub!iq Homes, dated November 19, 1991, the following resolution was adopted by the vote shown above: .... ~:~.~ ~BE:~IT RESOLYED ~by-~the~Boa~d Of Sup:erviso~s,~of~ Albemarle COunty', '..~xz~gmn~., tha~t'pursuant~-to:'~¥irginia Code Secti°n~33~l-229, ~theVirginia :~ Depa~tment~of.~T,r~nsportation~be and is' hereby .requested to accept into the Secondary'System of Highways, subject to final inspection and ~i ap~roval.~bythe Resi~ent::HighwaYDepartment,~ the .fotlowing~ road. in~ Wili0w. Lake Subdivision: Willow LakeDrive. Extended Beginning at Station 16+44.96, a point common to the centerline of · Willow~Lake:Drive, Extended and the ed.ge.~0fpavement-:ofStateR°~te;'~ ~,~ , ....... ~ ~1i~5, thencein~a~s0uthwes:~erly di{ection 694~06,:fee~o?S'tation -~ .... :~.,'.9~50., th~ end'o~the.'nul'de~sac'' ~" ..... ' ~ ~' ..... -BEi IT FURTHEB,.RESOEVED that the Virginia Department of Trans- portation be' and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot Unobstructed right-of:- way and drain'age:easement, s along thiS,-requested:addi~ion~as~rec°rded'by plats~in the:.,Off.iee of: the Clerk' Of the Cir~cui~ Court-Of,Albemarle County.in De&d?Book. tt73,~pages g42 to i48'~'~' ::- ~',~,',-::- ~- '~:::'-' :' ' '.Item~,5.2. ,Memorandumdated January 31, 1992, from Mr. V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and 'Community Development, entitled "Status of Rural Preservation;:Devetopment.'~ Mrs, ~umphrSs: asked,for: a:b~rief comment on'~hesigni,f*~cance of-.this~ memo. Mr. Cilimberg.not~e&:that.~there::hag'been a .request:~fro~;the. Recreatioaat Facilities~;:Aathority:£or,,an.~pdate.an,,¢he status of various-Rural Preservation Development (RPD) projects and :t~e easements involved.. The basic finding for the eight RPD!s ~s:.~t ,¢h:~,:average-~lot size-in,,each~ project has not exceeded M.B. 40, Pg. 118 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 2) 5.26 acres, and at the same time, eleven rural preservation tracts encom- passing over 1100 acres have been reserved as a result of these projects. The number of development lots created in and of themselves is no more than what would have been allowed by right through a combination of small lots and 21-acre lots. He does not think, however, that this part of the information is as significant as the acreage that has gone into the easements themselves. The largest of the easements is located at "The Rocks" where there are over 380 acres out of a total acreage of approximately 642 acres. In other pro- jects, the acreage was somewhat smaller, and in some cases there were preser- vation tracts. He noted that the purpose for reserving these areas in open space is for water supply protection, agricultural/forestal use or historic resource protection. Item 5.3. Copy of 1991 Fourth Quarter Building Report as prepared by the Connty.Departmen~.:of'Planning and Cbmmunity'Dev~opment~ received~as.~ informa- I,tem 5...4. copy of:Planning Conanission's.,Minutes:.for January 28,,~1992, was.~recei~ed ~s: information',.'- '- - . Itemn 5.~ 5 Letter d.a~ed, FebruaCy.:4, 1.9,92 ~ from Ms-, ..-Amel~ia;'M.~- Patterson', Zoning Administr:mtor, addres seal' :.~o "John H. &" Gloria ff,~.Fink',~-entitled "Of-fi- ciai~ Determination of'Number-O£'~Parcels:' -.Section'.tO~;3~,t; Tax'Ma'p.;'lS;~' Parcel ".rec~i~edc as~,:information. Agenda. ItemNp, 6:. 1SP~91'-68~:, James:M.~":JohnsoB.i'?'F°f a.home-occupa~ion'~ of.~R~631 ,approx 400 ft N .of .Pinehurst Court. TMPOA;SecA,P20. Scottsville Dist. (Deferred from January 22, %99.2..) ..... Ab~.~tke reque~s~? of' the: appD$ c~-n,L, .~. in ~ .letler~ d. ated~ Januar-y~-' 30[?~ 1992~ ~' motion was,-~ffered!"bY'~Mr:~''''Bain,' seconded by Mr..Martin, to allow withdrawal of SP-91-68:-without prejudice. Roll waS_qal~l~d and the motion carried by .the following recorded vote: AYES:.' Mr,~owerman, Mr,S~ :Humphris, Messrs.:,.Marsha~.l, Martin, ~erk'ins. .and~i NAYS: -None~.;~" A~enda Item No,, '7. '. Public Hearing~ o~-i an.~ o'~d~n,ance · to .amend:.'and.' reenact. CHAPTER 6~ ~,,ELEgTi.'ONS~,~,:_.~Of~the.,COde,,.ofcAtbemar[le!:in...,subsections,,..(a).:',:.and i(d)~i.6f S~c~tion i~ 6- 4:z entitle'd ' .Vo~ ~ M Precincts--2R. ivanna :Magister iai District" . to change the-Words-PShadWell~CreekU t'o' "Barn Branch" in the description of the boundary between the Keswick and Free Bridge Precincts. This will correct a t~og~aph:i~ai e~:ror,,in",~e o~riginat~',ad°pting:¥°r~inance~by~changihg~ tbe~'der ,scription,:, to 'that:~whi~h ~was..~ in effect,-',before: ~the ::199t redistricting o:rdinance was? adopted~ ~, .(Adye~ti.sed,'-: in the` Daity::,Progress?i on, ~janu'ary. 28-:-and.~:Februa=:y 4, V, ~' ~- Mrs-Tucker' ~briefed:: th'e .followin'~'mem~randm~ .date~ ~February- 6', ~ 1~92~ -,~from Mr. Jam~s:-M~ ~Heilman, Registrar:. "We have recently discovered a typographical error in the County ..... ~'i'Stricting ordinance adopted May 15, 1991. By this letter, I a ~equesting t~at th~ Boa~d,t of~.~Supe~visor~ ~end~ mhd ~r.eenae~:Se~c~io~ '>~_ .: Kaswick'¥and Ftree~,, Brid,ge precinets~ ~ere:.the'ordinan~e-now~ refers: to . ..-, ~: ' Shadwell Creek, :~ 'i-t:: sheu!& .r~.fe~:' tot ,? Ba,rnr. Branch. :' ..'- ~e thee 5ounda- . rM,:line did~ in::~ fact ,: run. on~ Shagwetl 6'r.ee~: as. ~f] the:- t981..ordinance., ~-- '..- ..... .:~the~-,line was-'mov~d~ abont:.two~.thirds ,~.:.one mile~:4to.,.the'~eas, tx.:sometima in the mid. 1980's to run along Barn Branch. When the 1991 ordinance was being prepared, .the earlier version was inadvertently copied, thus M.B. 40, Pg. 119 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 3) creating the mistake. In fact, no change was intended to be made in the Keswick-Free Bridge boundary line and thus the 1991 ordinance should have referenced 'Barn Branch.' The correction requested here will have no effect on voters nor on the population figures used for the current precincts. The few voters lying between the two creeks are correctly registered in the Free Bridge precinct, and the precinct population figures used in redis- tricting and submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice correctly counted the population in the Free Bridge precinct. Specifically, this request is to change the two references in lines 5 .... and 6[of~Sectiom~:-§~4(a)' and :t, he' ~wo~references in lines 8 and 9 of _ /~.~- Section 6-4(d)from 'Shadwell Creek' to 'Barn Branch.'" The public hea~ring~ was · opened~ ~With~. no ~one-risin~g t'o:speak,:~th~-public hearin, g was closed, ~ ' Motion was offered~:by M~. Martin, seconded ~bY~ Mrs., Humphris to'adopt~ ,an ordinance ~ ~o ~ :amend and~ reenact ~ Chapter, 6 ~ -giections ~ of the~ Code of Albemarle in Section :6~4~-subsections (a)'and? {d,),,+ em'ti:tte~':"Voting' Precincts~-~-Rivanna Magistekial Distr&ct."~ Roti<~was called and..the mo~ion carried by lng recorded~vore: "~ ~ ~ ......... " ~ AYES: Hr. Bowerman, Hrs. H~phris, ~essrs. Harshall, ~artin, Perkins and NAYS: ~ No~e. ~: .. - .... ' .: ":- '' : '~ ~ ~'-~:" (The Ordinance as adopted is se~ 0Ug in full below) An Ordinance to ~end and Reenact ":"~:: ~" :~ ~ .... .~ the.~.Co~e.cof Albemarle, in?Sec:~ion 694 ~n~i~ted?-' : _ ~ .... ~.';,V~ting.-.:Pre~imcts RiVan~a:. Ma. gisterial',DiS~r&c-t: ..... '.;.:dME I~/ORDAI~' that ~he Code of ~l. bemarle is hereby amended and reenacted in Section.'6-:4, Subse:tions .(a) and (d) of Chapter 6, ,.q Elections:, to~rea~'as;if~otll°ws; ~:' :~" ' :~': .... < Sec.~:~6-~..? ,S~e~-Riv~a Magisterial'District.. - ~ (a) ~ ~eswick Precinct: .... Beginning..at the~in~section ~'~f '~he Albemarle/Orange/Louisa ~ '~ .~ ~Gounty line; then .southwest with the Albemarle/Louisa County line to its intersection with the. Al~marle/Ft~va-nna .Eo~ty-line; then south- west with. the k-lbemarle/F~tu~g~a County~)ti~e'~ to its: intersectiom with the Rivannac~Riv~r; then mea~erin~ northwest with~.the Rivanna~ River' to its confluenC~e::With' Bar~n~ ~Br~ch~; ~ then~: nOzthea~st~ wi~. Barn.' Branch to its ~origin near the~ ridge of the Southwest Mo~tain~ ~nge; then-north- east ~ith ~hRh'~idg~l~ine~' of~h~"S°uthw~s~?M°~tain ~ange:t~a?/its 4nter- se~on~ with the~ A~Semarle/Ora~:ge~ G~Y- line; ~then ~ easC~wit~- the Al~mar~e/O~ange~.~ ~o~tF~ ~i~e~= to Lits intersection with the Albemarle/Orange/ Louisa Co~ty line, the. point of beginning. S~c -.6 .... Sar}~a .... R.iv~nna. [",fa~iste~i ~i Distri,~t-, (d) Free Bridge Precinct: · ... ~ ,.:-..,:. -: Begi~ing'. at. the. northera, city'~ limits, of. Cha=lo.ttesvi~l.le~ and its intersection with State :. Route-,63~1! and~,~he.:Sonthern; RaiI~osd~'<'' ~: '~ ~r,ight'rOfrwgy:; ih~,n.::,notth~as~ wit~ .the~ Southern- ~Raitroad~'rightrof'way''~ to~.-., its: interBee~ion~ wi,th .~ .,North F,ork~'Ri.vanna River; tthen :meandering south.,wit~_~fhe Nort~.~o~rk~.Riv~nna? Ri~eCq..to~,:it~s~ conf~tuence wi~b Redbud Creek -one: t~usa~d~: fe~'t~: so~thr of 'its~ confluence ~i~h:.: the.. Soutb-~ Ri:vanna- Riv_sr ;.~ .~ z. east., w it~:~ R~d.bud ,g=eek ,~]o~ .i~s ~:i.gin~: nears =idge- ~o f.:.: WoifpTii Mo~in.-Of'..the~.~ Southwest.'~".Mountmim" Ramge~; -~ then So~hwes~t w~I-h{'~the'.-ridgel'~e' of"' the Sou~hwestl Mo~tain~' Range to its M.B. 40, Pg. 120 y 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 4) intersection with the origin of Barn Branch; then southwest with Barn Branch to its confluence with the Rivanna River; then meandering west with the Rivanna River to its intersection with the eastern city limits of Charlottesville; then northeast with the city limits to its intersection with State Route 631 and the Southern Railroad right-of-way, the point of beginning. Agenda Item No. 8. Public Hearing on a request to amend the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include TM46,P22D, Covenant Church of God, for water and sewer service. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on January 28 and February 4, 1992.) ~ ,/-~-,~ M~. Cilimberg noted that the tax map relating to the Covenant Church of God identifies the parcel of land in question as Parcel 22. He pointed out that the-.,'o~igin~l sp~ciai:use~ permit ~as fO~.',parcel'~2,~ but-t,hat was~ before this particular~ ten acres~ w. as subdivided from,~he.-origi~al t-fa'ct,, ta create the site f'or~:wh~ah~ the~Par~ticular'~use is~being~ prop~sed%~ Mr., Citimberg went on to say that~t~ls r~eque-st to amend the: ~lb~ar~le-~County Servic~ Authority service provide~pubiic water,~am~-sewer~to ~e Covenant Church~Of God was original~ty..made· a year ago, but the applicant chose at that time not to go to public.h~a~.~ng. Mr. Cilimberg stated that the applicant subsequently returned with information supporting his feeling that it is appropriate to provide water~nd ~sewe~: servi~ce to.~th.is .parti~la~ tocation~ for the propose- The applicant then~ cho~. to go. tO public, heari'~g" in~ Decem~r, for fthis request. ~ :' ~:~:Mr:. Gilimberg:pointed ou~ the'Albemarle County Service Authority's existing service areas on a map to~ show the relationship of this particular parcei?~to sur, ro~ding:~,service a~reas.:;,.: ,A&jacen~~ ta? the nort~h and- ~,Fork~ Rivanna Riv~r~ there-:~are'-:~full wate= andcs'ewer s~rvi~e areas. These a~eas~ ~oi~cide~i~h*,'~the~gred-th ~araa henndar'i~s:~f:or~ H°ll~ead~:a~nd fo~r ~' urban ~a~.~ :::~hi~s(.reques~ &s:~f. or,.an a~ealsh6~n in~:~the~ompr~hemsive:~*'~lan~:'°ucsi~ .th~se~ ~ro~;~hz area~s &aentified as:~ open~space~:, be~w~:e~ t~e.' two'i g~o~ areas. This: parti~utar,,'~s~i~,e~' wa~ approved: f~r~a chuzoh'~by spec'iai ~se~, parmi~'~ aud: ~that ~ ~ime~':&C was ~th0Ught: tht ': a:i~wei~l?', and?~ S~pt i:c~ :system would:,be ( uSed. Further: r~search, :~ in~o ~he si~e~ and-- further identification-~f ~e applicant' s need for. ,the development' site,~ itse:l~f~ has since id~ntif&ed:-~he ~ n~d-for- aomsid~+ ering:PUblic:wmcer and~ s~wer to avoid, a large', area el< septi,c!:':fietds and dis~u~bance on ,the s ire. · '~ '~ ..... ' ~' :' ~' ~ '"' ~ ~r, C~l~mbe=g =emended Beard members thaC they ~e~e provided a report December ,s~a=~z&ng .the staff ~ s.:..pos'i~ion" on 't~e". request;;: Also*-,,provided in -that,. report"as At~a.c~ent A xa:s a..zeport Of Februar~:'8~'. t991., and: an Attach- ment: · ~" xhich, l,s':. ~he,:-~us,t&f~aat&on.-as presented on ~eha~f, o¢' ~h(e .:6ovenan~~*. Chuz'eh: ::of~, God, by: Mr,~. Tom M~caster,.; · Mr. ~iiimbeCg'~ s~ated;-that ~ M~';, .Munc~s~er4 s ,reasoning ~iS:' that,' ~he¢ parc'e:t:; %o,-,~:be~ saree~, i,s, p'ar,~ Of:z, a',;'ver, y" limi~ed? ar~a between H~li~ead~;'and the,' ~ba, n:';arem,-,~. Mr(~ Cil,im~r,g~'~:~ p~i.m,ted~ ,~t~; thmt..',due,..,t;o? .th6-~ general,:,'=est~i¢ct i~n,? ~fi': fiDod: piain_'.and ~opography~ there.,i~s( l&~tte 'area' ,ider~t/fied-- out, side of4¢.the, ~row~h:'a~ea' ~ha~' .could be~ ~evel0ped-~- J Mr,,-,' C i~imbe,~g Co~enteff-:.,tha,~ Mr% _,M~caster; ,a,r~ueS: that ~,he reason ~hiS' parcel*: is not inc~udedi i~n t,he, ~owth ar;e,a, is 'because it ~is- part., of of ,' limited .development:: potential ;4~ so Mr'. ,::. Munea:stsr~ feel~~ ~hat' provi,ding~ public water ~d,..s~er. to.thiS-,~rcet wout~ mot. undermine" thei generate ,intent Of;the, Comprehensive Mi~. Mr. Cilimberg stated ~hat :staff recognizes that fact, b~t'the area was purposeIY not included 'in the'gr~th area due to 'the decision to retain the area between :Route 6'43' and' tha~South Fork,Rivanna RiVer a,s a:;'genera, t ~buffe'r' between: the two'- gr.ow~h".areas, Mr,.~ Citimberg~: noted::that staff, has consistently zecomenSed, that a~y ,a~e-a that': is. not cu-r~,ently~ in: ;the growth a-=ea ~.shou't~ no~t. be,: included,,, in public',? Ub~i.~,y' serwi~e, a~.s ;.,. ~.~,A.,:,strong a'tC~pt :-i,s'made ~'o make-sure' ~tha,t~, these ~undar.~e's coincide~. ,," .T,he-,~s~af,f,,feei's~ that::%p~blia: uti:~ity ~capac:ity should, be' r~served'" to': suppo~t'.~ de~elopmen~ in des,ignated(,-gzo~h-' area-sc; ¢:,'a~d,-, f~or ,~,thet, ~reasom,: even, ~i~- apPz, o~atS'[ Ob%side of .g~aw%~,~i a=eas: for,,nonresid~nhi'~l~.,:de~ei-opment¢ or,', special.',use,~ pe(=m&~ ~: types,~ uses,¢ the':staf,f ,ha:s,~ neff':: mec'~mended water:. :an&:, s awe~:, service,. ;:~--;:He roi,rotated ~t~a~.'..the" st~ff f'eeis ,%hat .fi~,:,capa~ity,:, is ,mos;t'"i~or,tan~: ~o.~,~those-. areas .deSignated! for grow~.c ~ -, ~ ~* ~-:" .: ~: .... -, ',,'~ ' - .... ' ...... '~ : ..... '"~ '~"~" :'¥?:2 M~.:~.Bain asked zf s,taff* hasude.~ermined <thab,:the~:,area within:,.the between:- the: ~wo:,comunit'ies :is huil~able,. Mr~.,,~,Citimberg: responded, that_ the basic area M~. ,Muncaster':'identif~d is', shown~ in,the- repo~t~. The staff c~ %},'L.'..(. '.,'-;-(; ', ';~ ":-' ~; .'L~L .' ;% .- .-, ','f~i..' '?'<:' : -':~,.~ ;' - : -, ~,.,,r "*-~ -_. ' ¢?:. ¢ :' "'Sf?? ~t,'*. M.B. 40, Pg. 121 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 5) confirm, based on Mr. Muncaster's information, that it is a reasonable assump- tion that the area he has identified will be the limit of any developable area. He directed the Board's attention to Attachment B, and described maps at the back of the package. He said there is an area that )asses the site for the church, outlined in yellow on the map. The staff would agree that this is the area where, if development is expected in this area, this is where it would happen. The area beyond is very unlikely for anything besides the normal flood plain type uses. The staff told Mr. Muncaster and Mr. Bare that if they wanted to pursue the service areas re- quest, the staff would recommend looking at an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan first so the areas could be recognized as being in the growth area. ,~: ~,Mr.~ BAin, stAt~d,¥~h~t~ he:has ~a~rhatd time supporting something that is out, side of growth areas, because of the Comprehensive Plan and the procedures that need to be followed. He added, though, that if this is a limited area that '~an ~b'e-~se~: f~r s~OmeLh'ing-; then he. thinks the Board.: should'~ eonsi~der putting? that. limited~', ~rea in~ the~' Comprehen:sive~ ' plan:~as af g~rowtl~ area~ · ~ He went · on to say .that,: %t~.~ coul~ ~be, atta'ched-tO: the H0itymead. growth, area, and then ~here would~ not 'be:' ai,~ pr:ob lem? -., He said~ tha~,, the growth, area :and ~the~ ~ater and sewer ser~v:ice area:s can~ be treat'ed~'' as, ~they-,have~' been!-t, rea~e~'~in~the past. , He 'then.:asked where the: water,, and: .sewe~' lines-now -cro, ss:~the buffer areas , . ~ ,,M'r~, C, itimberg:'~'answered that,, the~., Sewer~ -line'~ trave~ts up~: the--,Sbu~h' Fork 'Riymnn~t Ri~e~ and ~,ottowS~ PowelI ~Cre~k,~ up ~. in~o'~ Moi-l~¢ad .' ~' He does~ not ~ow ,how:,'close.-the w~ter, linescane,~ but -Mz~Bil~l BrenA,- o~ Mr ~ Munc,a. st~rqwould- point them out-~,~ Mr. Citimberg'3 .noted"~h~t ~the~e is wat~er~ -seruics: i'n~~d and in the urban area. He then called the Board's attention to the fact that the reason the~Route 64-3.bO~dary:'~was .used?on .:the:north"and the'.Ri~anna~ ,River ~5o~dary~was~.: ~sed on~ ~he South ~,i s- because i~t was ,considered area pr~oYided: a green,-space-bet:ween the t~ growth~ areas'; ~ He,noted: ~t~hat?'if ~his ,re'quest. ~i,s ,~approved~ it <~ouid ':be~' in~ ~re~ogni~ion of: the ,fact ,,t~hat '-this a~em ~is not tha~:~ valuable as :'m ygreen~'space ,between ~ the ,tWo::.,growth s~aCed~%hat?~the easiest Ching f,o~. th~'stafC'i'woh'ld~ be -to~:,~¢~onsid~z t~~s r~uest m~lon'g~ wi~h!.~he othe~ ~expan~s~ions~of gnowth areas t~be~'. c. en,sider, ed~'nex~, year~; church in that. area it really ,is not a green area now. He does not think the water,' 'and :,~Sewer,: ser.~fete::t:wiiL ~ffeetew~e~her'~. o,r.;~no~.: i,t ~ become"' a:: green: ar~a. Mr.:,,:'-G~ilimb~g agraed.~-that qif~,'¢h~ speeial~,use~ p~mitj:is~' exerdisad-, ~ - Mr,..,Mar~shall're~=~ed:. tha~ ~he s'~,aff~ is r~co~ending that~'-water- and: sewer service be- ~niad.t6. t~is ,property, ~:~d..'het~do~n~'t:~':~g~e, ellen, asked '~hy ~he S~fff-: is no~: ~eco~endi~g wa~er and,~:.'sewer s~rvice:f~-; ~th~:..ehu~.eh..[, ~e. z~nq~ired .i.f~ the. on~;ye-reason -.:i,s. b~eaus~ :. ~he-.property.. is "outq ~f ,t~" gr:owth~ 6il.im~.rg~':answ~re& t. hat'~ the~ propertY:-: is' ont.:of, :the ,:g=o~th'.. area'.' and~', appr°val wou, ld~be~Anconsistent witk ~he ,County:',s'.~ pt-~ning~ .:approach. '~.He:, reit~r-mted :t~hat thel ,~pac.ity .of ~the.::waterz~a~d s~er.¥syst, emt ne~s to0be::r~s~rv~: f°~' devei°p'~': ment.~: of;~des~ignat~d -grow%h;,areas. ' Each incremental .~ddi~ion:..ou~ growth areas, which ~Uses public ~utilities, ~takes ~some of ~he capacity:'away - . . ,"Mr.~ ~Ma=.shai:t-~hen inquired'::iff,' ~his proper~y?is ,goin~g ~e'~[be ineorPot, at~:~ ~.~.-' i ~ Mrs; ~im s'~at~&'th~ h~,,~ha~ ~ra.ised/this~ as ~a p:oSsibili~y. Mr; ~ilimberg: stated'-~that ifa'the ;Board thinks that i~ is~ impo~t.ant to 'have this property incorporat,~d~-,into a..growth ~a,.. ~he~:: ~he 6omprehensive,: ~lan' could .-be-. ~emde, d:, ...... M ... Ma~n~ me,n~ion~d~:-tba~' ~if :this ::,proper~ty. is'-r~.a.[ly,in~' f~t a policy; ;perspective ~ the~ Board~ probably ,shOuld. agre~'-:~o,-incorporate', ghis prop~yT~in-to,.~the: pian~.as?:,a growth 'area. :..~..M='.'.f M~rshatl remarked-tha~,_ hecagrees ~ . Mr.~..Bain s~id .~he.?Boardt~ had, received ~f,o~mt~.om' last, y~ 'which con~ :ai:~d qu~.t~s f:ro~: the,~Compr~hens~ve~ Plan intricating': that--t~e, s~r.viee azems should, be[ followed ~he~e~er. possible.u~lesS public health :or .safe~y are M.B. 40, Pg. 122 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 6) There were no other questions for Mr. Cilimberg from Board members. Mr. Bowerman then opened the public hearing and asked Mr. Muncaster if he would like to speak. Mr. Tom Muncaster, Muncaster Engineering and Computer Applications, pointed out that the project fronts on Route 643, and everything north of Route 643 is part of the Hollymead growth area. The area to the south of the property fronts on the South Fork of the Rivanna River, and everything south of that is part of the Neighborhood Two growth area. He stated that 100 percent of the land west of the bend in the river, between the site and Route 29, is part of the flood plain and is, therefore, not developable. There will not be the opportunity to increase development pressures if this site is 'included ~in the;i ser~i, ce~ are'a,.,' ~ '~ Mr. Muncaster said a special use permit for this church has been ap proved~,: and~,the church- will',.:be ~huitE, but thereu ,is a .questS. on' Of" whether to' i~n an<envir~onmental!y' smund:manner..:bY -connecting ~'to:.a~Publi~ sewer or to let the site-' layout be dictated by a mass of drain fields. From an engineer- ing standpoint, the best option is obvious. He said the Board has accepted ris~: ~in~ ~e, past ~,der~,.t~ a~ss.~ption:~hat-the' riS-ks w~re ~ess~'~than the ~incr~.aSe~:, po~:~ti°n: whi..~b, coul~ 'b~~ caused~ by development. ': {n~ his. expe~ience, this~ hms:,b~ an issue~.wh~n: a-particular project has ~b~n i~ the watershed ef one of~ the~ County~s Publ'ic~, dr~k"ing: w~er: impoun~ents- :,~e po-in~d:, out~. thiS: proj~ect-is ,different~bec~'se 'it:hi's not 'i~ the watershed of cae or,he ic drinking ~wate~ impo~en:t~s,? and i~::~is:n~t~ %o an:e~i:sti~.g sewer: l:ine~ He added that ~. the fl~ood~ plain: wili.~ prowide: a: b~fer~ between~- two . growth areas. ~He;re~ite~ated that. increased de~e~opment'press~ures-a~e n~t an issue ~witk' t~is pro~ eot:. Mrs.:~H~phris asked~ Mr. Muncaster>to:~Point: °~t-°ni~he~ map. the'~part"of the property::that; ~wou:ld' :~ in}. the: growth~ area,; :i.f: ;the: Compr. e~ehs~i~e% ~aR'. changed':, s~: as to ~,attoW this propertM~to be ina~l~ded~ :i~ ~he g~r~owth area~.z M~caSter~:did: so,~: Mrs.~.H~phris~?asked~ h~w.many: aere-s would ~be ~involved~ .~n~.the growth-: :a~a';· Mr..Muncaste~. replied that 30 acres ~ou:ld be - invo~lved.~ 'H:e po&nted out~, tha~:-' t~he' Meadow Creek ~Pa~kway would-~ a~tso, take+ some: of': the :tend ~if the ',~ar. kway :~i's ,ever bu'iI~. -' ~ ~ .:: :~ ' ' ':' ~'~"-~ ' : .... :~ ":' .... · ::- ,.-Mr:.;~Sain; stated ,tha~ th~ :3D, acres: mentifoned :[~, Mr. M~east~-is., not part Of, ~he: church p=ope~-ty:. :--. He :'as;k~d how,, many.', acres, ,ara,: a~Ua~ty, ~part> of '".the chu, r~h property, i Mr,~:.~ ~:aeker:-.responded'that the': church :,has 'a~_~en-,aere: Par:eel, -: 'Mr ,".,Perkins-. as~e~: Mr; Mun:a'St~,.- ~o' point. -cure.the, se~r. and' ~ater lines; Mrs;oMuncmSte;r ,showe~Mr-. Perkins the sewer line on the map, but Mr. Muncaster stated that the nearest water line traveled along Route 29 north. :p~rmi,~': m:importa~t:-f.ac:tOr:, fo~:'his~::to~al}l'~Par&'sh::':He~`me~14zesvthat ::bh~e may ~: some pra.sen't:toaight -~h°::c°alg ~be'Opp°sed''t° ~'is~::reqaest'~': He asked church:' representatives to ~stand: ,and;. be.recognized'} and'-he:~then ~res~n.t~-' a perdition ~to:~the~Bolard;' , He: sta~ted.,.that ~i~h%n~ lS.~or>.~g0'~.minut-es:.-he.:could f:ili ~i~h. 1OO:p~lus..pe,~ie:~ho~:are, Standing by with buses,,.but hedid not...want to do · that. ' - <: -. -. Mr,.: ,~a,re ,said,,.. his concern:: ~i's 's:imp:le:~-, an& ,he .thinks >that' it'. ~s quit~' e~ear:, ,, He'..,has' listened to' 'the e~idenee and he ard th~ ~, ta:2 'a'b~ut~ t~he:- green space, but the church property fs not involved vith the green' .space area. The propertg. ,has: a,Iready::,been, rem°ye'alL;from the: '{am:.t, tr~t, .- :and:-.~r.e, than"' $500::~ 000 ~s :b'6en., in~ested-:,in .;the ~re/per:ty,, so.' the"matter cannot" be treated ~his-. ,is a,signifiean,t,.,monet'aY, i~ves~ent, i-, so: s:om6t,hing has-tt~:happen with this piece:.of ~and.._ :Ti~e::is a factor,, and he ,vou~d like to be~in the 'project this :s~er~ ' ;::Ifil, this' go:azd: ch~os,~', t'o have:::a flOmp,rehenSi~e:.'~ian-t.;~en~ent, he ,be,tievem:~hat>by~.;the:tt, ime:' the"Boa~& went ,throagh i,ts':'~i.me:: tables-: and~ the ': ...... ' p&amners~, f~o~r~the: Ch--,eh 'wen~'~t'hrough .~thsi:r~:site plan:: and:>everY:thing cleare.d,~ ~ith,. all' County i~partment~s,: :,it eoul~,;be~:~ 1994,~be;fore gro~d could:: be bro.~: for, ~the :ehurch:~:->Tkis: is r..aqtimercons~ng, proce:ss, an&~ any.:.de~ys:- ~h~'.Pr:oeedure w. ou}d~:~ ~p~t:'qCh~: time'.fur~ther into ~he--future because~ a: s&.te~' pian 2ould not be done ~til everything were settled. Site plans are expensive and the c~rch',cannot afford ~-o spend money ~on a ~site 'plan anticipating~ something that-:may mot:ma.teriatize;'~' :' ~ '"' ~:'~' ~ ' ~ "~ " '" "' "' ' M.B. 40, Pg. 123 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 7) Mr. Bare pointed out that the choice for the church lies between instal- lation of a septic field which will take the prime land, or connecting to a public sewer line. He feels that going through the Comprehensive Plan proce- dure would cause an inordinate delay for the church. Mr. Bare said he does not sit in the supervisors' chairs, and he does not know as much as they know about government, but he reminded the Board that it made a decision that this meeting would be held, and he feels it has the right to go ahead and commend the progress of this work. He pointed out that this is America, and Americans do things by the democratic process and they do not have to feel tied to always repeat what has been done in the past. He feels this is an extraordi- nary situation because the property is not attached to any other area. The property is a piece of isolated land, so it is not as though the Board would ~be~setting: a pre~eden~i~. He,,does not:.knoW of any other place in the County wh~re there is a church surrounded by a flood plain which is attached to a growth community with public services nearby. -Mr ~ ~ Bare said this i is~ a ~unique .s ~tuation:.~ and he~ doest not think Shere::~ is any need~'"~for the Boa,rd to. feel~ .~as ,thought. ~rdinances Would. be viotate'd aske& how there could ..be~: a':, ~iolation When ~.he Boated haS- th~.~ right: ,to =vo:~..for ~ate~'.and sewer~'~s~rvice--~. '~Thi:s~is a momentous time for th~church.membezs, ~and h~ does~ot''~eel that he i~m.~mski'~g :fof'-anything excepti~onal~ ~He ~iu:ks. that-.~ this: is ~a' reasona~le~ req=es~", andi he :. mentioned that,:- many:..of..'.the., peop~e.~s ~.m~es o~ t.he~p~ti:t~on have ~er a~tend~d~. ~h:is:~ church,. :' ~T~es~: people: he~'~:' th~ ca~s~~'~ ~he p~e,s~ted, ,. ~andJ ~h~y~' though~ i~." ma~e:'~ sense and; ~ .tha:t.~ s.tr~gl, churches ~re needed in?the co~i~M-~' He:~ad~ded':that he had ~ubmittedt~these- remarks tosMr% Cil.i~er~g~in~.;.a p~ivat~e discussion~.¥ M~.-~.Bare~ said :.he is also-: a-sociotogfs~', an~'~ is~' trying :t:o-finish his :~.docto~ate at the' .U~iversity',oY~ Vi~inia-.~ ~ d Me' said i.t ~akesr~ ~Pproxima~etY 80?~PeoPle ~to'~ .s~pport~. a' pas~or~:~ a~ i2c5 people ;t,o:~have a heaithy::~ ~ socials, n~twork in m local church ~ : He: noted '~hat Socioiogists~ ~are saying across the.?conn~ry, tha~ healthy-~churches are a healthy part of the co,unity,~ and churches, need to be able to~ grow. He said th.a% ~his is an important,~ f act'oz ~ He~ feels- the~ Bo~avd: ~members have before: them a..~clear, cut petxLzons .ar that ~ ~t~e ~Board:.~wil~' ~rant i~S:: ap~prov- case, andf'~he prayers~ and ' ' ' ~ e at ~" :~ Heu ~eSpec~t fully:~ thawed, the Bo-ar~ :~for'~ ~its :. conSideraLi~n 7,:: '.~ :.-No one et~se wishe~~ ~o. speak,, sO Mr,',- Bowe~an~:etosed '~he: pubiS'e: h~ar-ing. ,- ~ ~2 :~i~ ~: - ~ ~ "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ :~ ~ ~ "' ~ ~ ' ' - Covenant ~ Ch~=c.h :~to~-~-~b~i~c -~;in ~thi~s-~a~rea~ ~?She sta~ed that,: the'~ st~ff~: indicated in~-i~~s ,repO~rt tkat~ ,'this~ .char chi~w-aS ~ oY~:v?'an, -urban -se~le~. mn~ fmp~l sh6~%~ ~mor~appropr~tely~: be? bUi~lt in~ an.~urb~:~: ares. i She.~ said .that:.i~: was~ knO~; ~from~ t~e~ ~very;,beg~n~ng: tha~' ~if the~ churchv'mas3~ built ~aoutd::~ posSi!bt~M~ present af~p~ob~em.~'~'In~'spit~-of~' th~mt.~ fact an~d ~L'beT~mpreAensi~e .Ml, an~ goals.~ ~nd, zonimgr'~mpiiea~ions, t~e ~hurc~h group~ made .a ~ c~scious, decis ion CO- go: ahead' :with- th~ requesZ ~ fo:~'-iSsUance, of~ the spe.cia:t- use ~ pe~it ~: and it was~eventuall,y appro~ed.~' :gVen~though: the de~e, lop~nt-~Poten~ial may be l~imited in- this. area, the County~ has.mad~ ;~a..very. c~onscious and.. carefut~ ~deCi~sion to maintain ~th~t ~area'~ on ~the map aS'.~ a :buffer.~ between?'~wo: gr0wlth aremS,~ recogniz- ing~ its ~alue_ ms. ~a~ green-. ~space~-'~ She~ ~thinks, thaL ',such ~a-~ :Change :.requires a proposal for-a Comprehensive Plan ~endment, and if there are problems with that p~oe~dure, it~i:s-not~the~':f~ault 6f this?~Board;~c ~She~r~inded-the~gr°up~ that this Board did not make ~he original proposal.. ~She noted that the church repres~ta~.i, ves deci:ded~ ~ha~ the~ septi'c system Would~.-no~t .'d'o~ and tha~ ~publie se~e=~ was ~ desi~red<~ '? 'She~ :~thinks the~ m~anner' ia ~whichc ~t~his? Board,. t~his: situation: w~uld ~he not.~: ~to: g~=snt~ mn ~ emcep:tion,::-~o ~the Comp.=ehen's~ive ~plan and~ t~=e would '~ not~ ~be:~:the~ posSi~b~li:ty- of:~ s~tting'- a~ preeedent'~ :~ '~, ~ Mxs'..,?H~ph~s~: noted ~ha~.. ~o .'mat~e~ ~ h~w o~ten,:it ~. is,'; b~lieved similar ~ tire.stances~ '~iil; ~a~im~.~ %n ithe )f~tur~, ?il~ eo~:., be d. is~eo~er~d' ~a~ tat,gr d~te].t~hat:~a.]p, ree~.nt~; had: been~-established-~ ~S~e~,~referre. fl~" ~0~ the.~peti- ~tionv~m~d? said-~ that~,go~ planning~-is?not~ done~ ~based~on poputari~Y'~ eO~tes~s' ' Gooff., pl~ing is b~sed:~ on>good.~ Sound planning and .~ p~licies:; ~qit i~s )n~bers~ g~e. She ~believes :that ~h~issrequest;~i's~not~ consisient~:with~',the~ O~bjectives' ~mng -st~rategies? ~f~_ ~the Comp=eh~siffe~:~ Plan. ~and,~she~..:pointed; ,o~t<~that the~ staff~had green~'a~lot~ of ~ime and,-:.at~tention ?to3. the~ request; and~:slil~17 feels that i-t~-i~lno~ ~.in~ the :best' interest of ~he' efi.~:ire. Coun~Y~-;'~-:-She~'rea:ltY'~ believes ~hat i~ is;~pos~sible thab.:~ffnytime an exception?, is granted to: the?'~Comprehensive*~ Pian~.i.t. w'ili cause~ problems fo~ t, he- County: at ~a.-la~e~" t:~e..:'~-. Sh~ ~is opposed to ~thi~s:' request .and~ ~betieVes ~'ha%.: ~this?.decisi~on: h~as~ :~o-'be M.B. 40, Pg. 124 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 8) Mr. Bowerman said that Mr. Bain had raised a good point. Mr. Bowerman asked if the Board could take action on this request and change the Comprehen- sive Plan later to coincide with these actions. He went on to say that when the Board voted to go to public hearing, comments were made recognizing that 200 acres were designated as green space. He said the green belt can still be ~intained because there is plenty of land area along the river, but basically this piece of property was a convenient boundary between the Hollymead growth area and the urban growth area. He stated that the situation was considered closely. He had argued that a person could legitimately look at this area not as separate from the urban area, but almost as part of it, since it is in such close proximity to it. He pointed out that the majority of the land there is not buildable. It was for that reason that he made the motion to hold a p~btic hea~ing ~ :' He~ doeS: nOt ~think:~ this · bill create any bad precedent because he~,thinks it is a unique piece of property, even though there is some more acreage there which this Board may have to deal with in the future. He believes that?~this is a .reasonable use~ in ~a: ,reaso~able l,o~atio~-~ He?t~hinks it is~>~impo~sible to get,~an~y cl°ser~ ~o::~t~- u~ban a-~a: and .not ~b~e~?in i~~ b~cause Lhe prope~Ly~ f&l~s between: the:~' two growth: areas, ~and i~t i~s~:iocat~d on a~ StratOS. ~i.ghway~ I~t ~s for? all of ~ these~ r~easens thmt ~e.~ will'-~ support..-,the application ~for chaRge,in:' the ser~i~ee mr~s:.'. '~ will consi'd~r, :whe~'the c°mprehensive~ Plan, is ~eVie~ed, ' studying~ this ."area and~'' legitimately changing some, of the.? :~:Mr. ~n remarked that he ~outd~rat~er c~-~t'~ iiues .': H~:would? - unques~ion, abty: support ~the req~es.t if the.:'Boar~,snpp:o~ts changing ~he-:: growth': area bound=les. He~ recall.s' that ,when the Comprehensive ,Plan~as~::bein~: developed, and the wh'ele, Ho%l~ead. area ~as considered, aTeas' east~of~ ex~in'ed~., as' p'0ssi~le~, gr:nwth: areas.:~, be ca~s e: .there: ,was~ p r es~sure ,~om t~osei res~iden~-s'~: ,He' added ~bat: the people:': no~th Of:. Route: fi4~3' were-~ ~eques~ing t~he s~e ihimg~~ '~ He .~hinks'~hat t~he stafY '~nd _Bear~d~ degid~d-: that ~he. Lwhoie~'~rea:~ ~o~tk.-Of 'the ,river.' s~hould n~t~"b~&~'~'the growth ~mem~..~. He: :Said:: that.~ the.:gYeen- space wms co~idered,~', but ~a~: lo~t of time~was~'~ot'~: spends-on .... ~" Whet~er' o~r net the Property. se~th..of Route :6.,43 could.be u-sod?for -deve~lepment~; apar.t'~..fromi~the fl~,od -plain:. He::~sked ~.Mt... Ci~limbe~g ifl~e: was .... -::~. Cflimb~rg r~pliOd th~- topography maps id~ntiff~d ~lood plain and. steep stoPes', du~ing ~h~ ovoratl consideration of growth a~as and ~h~ i~diat~-,at~as, a~o~d, growth a~,eas. He.:~hink~:~ha~. ~his~ d~cision -to'stay with the: ~b_uffer,b~t,ween.-Route ,~'.and ~e~Ri~r was.>:.bee~us~"~her~ ~ere i~entifi~hls~ ~physi~al boundaries: which provided a~'~reasonable~ separation in t~hiS~ .h:i~h :a~ea. ~.He won, t on to,~say that if*. the ~ar~ ~is not~ developed~, and g~e~n~spmce ~s .desir~q'in~: ~ :hi:gh~rea~ha~t~ im"verY'~'isi~ble' ~he~this ~rea~ woutdi ~e~serving~hmt p~po~s~e~,~ Re~. doe~s ~ r~o~ 0thi~k':that~' ~e~ ~s~aff'~co~nsciously co~&d~ered:,ex~ining :the=~:sou~Ch side.~of? Route~,,:64B~ to es~'ahtish%a~lzea~s°na~le: a~i~i~n ,t% ~he~ ~o~bh~ areav ~i 'Th~' s~a~f f~*,knew t~at ~t~e~.~ ~as~ ~an~ ~,ea might~(~ ~Va*ila~e"~f~e~eioP~%~ but it was~ ~not~ iden~ified~ becmu~se~;~he staff~:~and~ ~Boa,rd,:~seemed sat isf~i~with~ ~ontim~ing ~he%~sep~ra~iOn~ ~ :~ ~'~ ~-~ ~ -- -:.. ::'~ ::Mr. Bain stated ~hat the area. in question is a :..very small area and he :thinks it could~ be included as part of the growth area.~ He~wilt support ~a resolUtion~ indi~c'mting.' that the' Bo~r~ wil~l~ con~side=~ addin~i that 'area? as :pa~t~ of t, he gr~owth area~ He ts not sure, however, .t~at.~his is':'~ ~un.ique:~ situation. He ~haS-~ being tryi:ng:_..t'o- reaaIt oth~r~ areas~ 'that~arS ~'adjacen~::~t°> stre~s~ :aad ~c lose., to ~the~7 urban.-area ,~ where ::there:~ is -a .s imila.r:~ sit~uati°n.'~ ': Ha~ s:aid' th-m~ he keeps: in mi-nd what .,the C~mprehensive-PLan' ind,~cates :.as ",fa.r~ ~as% ex~ending utilities ,-. a~d .for ~- t'hae', reason ,Y-,he ~s diffieuttY'suppomting~ the request ~ apart -'-'~'~ ~.: ~ -"~ ":.~ ? ~.:~( : C:.>3-l '?..~ :~::~ , i ~"2. ~. :~. - .'!'fi t ; "~'-: -~"-: ] ': "f': ~"~ '" ~ .:.:~ ~ Mr~.~ .Marshat,t~. co~ente~' that- h~ als~ will. 's~pU°r't~-a" reSo~lution for:..a~- ~en~ent-'to. the. comp~eh~sive '~ta~'~':" ~ He said ~e-. C~mprehenSive~ Blah :ean~ be~:?~ changed. J~He~ 'pOinted 'out::.thmt~'~is. Board is~.~.not.:conmidering a toque'mt fr~m a ~etait,.eSt~.biis~ent~-.. a.?.might, elub~.o:r ~a bar~ ~He added ~at.7. t~his is a request from a chUrch group', a~d,..he wants to see ~ many..people in.~church as possible. He asked R fi-there ~as~: any reasons., whys:~. the. chumch .gr~up.-~ shoutd~ h~- denied.:~ i~s request..- He:s~aid:~that~ he.-~wi~ll support the church group and ~its': ~fo~s,~ ~.-~ ,::~ .:: Mr~,~. Mart ~m wo~-dered.. :if ~he~e ~s ,~a~ way~ ~hat'. ,a', ~ompr-~se~~.eou~ld~- be, worked o~[~_~he~by: the s~pervisers cau:ld~:~app~ove .the in:tonE~: Of' ~.&~his puhii~ ~.~hea~ing, and ~:at ~the?same)~::t~e~'P:~rstue ~a~ P°ss'~ble~ Comp~eh~s~ve ~BlanTccha~ge'. ¥ ~ '~ :~ M.B. 40, Pg. 125 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 9) Mr. Bain replied that the Board can do that, but he cannot support the motion as it was stated. He understands that the church group has a lot of money involved in this project, but he reminded the church representatives that he voted against the motion in the beginning because it represents putting an urban use in a rural area. Mr. Marshall asked if Mr. Bain could support the motion if the church were allowed to connect to the utilities and the Board made a resolution to follow this action. Mr. Bain responded, "no." He said that he would support the resolution, but the matter should be brought back to this Board in 60 days. The property is a limited area of 30 or 40 acres of land, and if the staff feels that an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is a way to handle the ~si~uati:on;,~ th~ii~hel ~:~.ul'd~p~bba~l~',:~s~ppo~ a motion at that time. He believes that supporting the request before a Comprehensive Plan amendment is consid- ered would not allow the matter to progress in the proper order. ', ,,Mr. B0werman~ stated to?~Mr~'.::Bare;-'that he~be~lieV~es"there is Boar~fl support ~fo~r~ considering: ,a Comprehens ire Plan~" ~ehamge~fi Cs~ ~n~: delaying action~ 0m this reques~ ,for'60.'~daMs~ M~ ~Bowerm~ s~id he ~es *no~ know,~ i.f~ the~mo~t~ion will be appzo~ed,~or~disa~=ove~d if.~i~is~o~ed on now. He asked Mr. Bare his feelings about waiting for 60 days to look at a Comprehensive Plan change. Mr. Bare replied [hat :~ real~izes~ that t~ ~aL% would ~'ereate~' a:~ ~reater p~obabili~ty-of a ~f~a~orab. le~ot~ ~Me~sa~id~,· again; that :the~6O flay ~it~would a~ost~asS~edty not a~llow, ~he church ,to be: bui~t~thiS~ year: because the '- w~im~er3 months~ would.> be here~ ~bef0re~ any e-onstruction-could be Started?' ~ He ~lso~ und~rstan~ this ~Board' s~'political~position,~ :" H~ ~ows the~ Board ~has~a~,~tegal'~ ~right ~ ~onigh~; ~ and it~: is~ as ~legal ~as waiting-six~ yearS~, a~dlgoing through~ 50~ Compre~r-~ ~hensivev p~l~je~ges ~ ~ ~ He~ a'dde~~. tha~t:~his is. due. pro~e~e, ~ and h~- st~a~t~d' t~h~t 'this is,~the~ ~nrch' g~o~p~'s~ position. · ~ -' ...... '~:~ '~ ~:~ Mr. Pe=kins co~ented that he Can suPport':this~request ~because~ the impo~ant~bing:~ fo~*~ ~i~ ohurch~ :group~/~is~e g~ime~-~lem~.~-', He ~hinks piece~ of~ ~p~operty ~$~ ~ique-~ ~ ;:If~ the-Bomr~ o~ly~ a~herss~: t~o >the ~Comp=ehensiue~ Plam~ ~here~ w0~l&~: not he~ any mesd fo=?t~he~.~Sup'~r~iso~s: ~t°¥~ meet~ as~ ~oft~a~'~a~s'j ~theM~ dO:~ < :.~ Me:~ %hi~ks~ t~he~-,C~prehens ive ~lan~ ~ was made tO.~ be ~hanged, ~amd that ~his~ i~m~ o~e: o:f those times:~when it, aah ~' ~chan~ged~ -~.~He'~w~utd m~t be opposed ~?~th~ r,equest~ because :the~ timi~ng~4s~ ~sry ~portant~ t~ ,these psoPte He~wiltLsupport amhamge ink,the sea'ice area ~un~aries~'~ .... ~.:~ ~Mr<. Ba~'~sai~d:.~ the~ issue ~before~' the~ Board is'~tand~se, >and that ~i.s ~hat ~he~-Board sho~ld~base~ i.~s decision.-on. ~ He'~ said that~.M=, ~are~ and his congre- E~tion~ .ha~e ~. ~he ri~gh~ as~ tando~ers~, ~to ,eome>~befor~e ~.~this Boar&~and as~ !~ff~ :~5a:~e~:~ho~gh,~t this 5°etd!makes de~i-si~ns~that ~are~re~lated~ ~t° tend use~a~d~ the~Comprahensive~ Plan, etc~ ~This Board has .already approved the request for the church to.be ~built on.~ that property,'.but now this Board is having to,?make ano~he~?'decision ~ton&ght. 'Mrs. ~ Pezkins ~=eplied'~that~'' a~/.lot of requests~~ ~aee- been ~:bef~ore~ t~is~B~a~rd~i ~d/some~ have-~ ~b~n app~ov~d~,.and'-s~me halve been?denied~.~ ~; He~ sa~~:' that7 there,: .wi~$: ,a~lWays ~} be': requests~ fr~>people~'~' and :Some of~ .~Che~eqa~esgs wili: ~eo,t4~nue~ t0~,Se app=ovsd~~ un,less: ~here ,is a~change ~in -~, ~Mr.~ Marshalt ,s~ated~ ~tha~:he feels~each~c~ase has its .own~ merits~,. Mr. perkins men%ioned that the.Board has turned..do~ *a lot of requests alon~ ~Hy~antic ~ Road, north? of~?Atbema:~le~'Hi~ School ~ ~because ithe~~ property~ was tn~:~ :the~ drainage'~ area, of~ ~he Re-sera, oil. H~ ~ghinks~ tha~ thais ~is~ impor~ant:~ < He ~said t~t~ this~ is not. %~e case ,with :the piecs~ Df~ property .ia~ question,~'~and~ he :thinks tha~ ~thi-s~ situation is~ unique. ?. ~- ~ ..... ~'.~":~ ~-';-' - '" ~''~,'-~ ~ ~ '';~ L ~ :-_:,;:: Mr. ~: Mar'shall ~ ag~ed ~ with Mr, ~ Perki~s~' pr,eVio~s., statement~' that supe~viso~s~,, ~ere ~on:Ly. ,g6&ng ,'to~,. aRhere'~ ~o ~he:, COmp~ehensi~e! Ptan'~:~ then ~ ~theF- -. .... M=s:~:? ;H~ph=is~-~remarked '~'that:.'~he ' ~hola'~' ein~- is ?ahat~if~' th~ supervisors .dDn~ ~['>wa~t '-~ ad-beTa .' to ~.the :Compr~ensive :Plan, then -~he:.Comprehensive 'Plan should be ch~ged, but excep~ions':.should not-'be made ~o ~he: Plan. Mr~:.Marshall said..~hat he does not a~ree. He stated that a whole text- book ;~oula. not be--:~ehanged._ ju-s~- be'~use.', it 'was necesSa,r,y :~to~ change:; one' 'aaea:: in M.B. 40, Pg. 126 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 10) it. He said that the Comprehensive Plan is good, but it is not the Holy Bible. Mr. Martin stated that he would support a motion for Mr. Bare's request because a special use permit was given to the church, and he feels that once that special use permit was given, any legitimate argument of using that space as a buffer disappeared. Mr. Bain explained that any agricultural land outside of the flood plain can be developed, so this property could have been developed with houses. He said that in a rural area, there are still development rights. ','~,~ ,~Mr.~ MArti~>~emarke~':that:he !t~h°ug~)the special use permit was given with the:idea'~ that a church would be built there. He reiterated that once the special use permit was issued, then it was already determined that some of the space wou~ld ~e los~'~. >','T~hi~. ~ecis:ion: w~as;' made When the ~,spet~i~al~'~-use was issued. He ~derstands what Mr. Bain is saying about the order in which these matters should be handled, and he thinks that the Comprehensive Plan is, a. guide ~nfl~ ~sho~ld~. b'e- t~eabed~as' a~ gui~e~ ~. Me ~ls° ~ bei:ie~es thmt'~th~ Board' shout:d"~ always~ ~try~' ~o ~ ~stay~ within the~ ~Pla~ except :-when thereT, are exee~- t, ions_~ :-,To:: him', this,is one of ~he excepLions:~.that the-:Board: s~hoUld ~pprove~,: but. he~realiZes, that perhaps the next' request will not be approved. 'Mr. Bowe~an eo~ented that he has nob supported any-exeePtions, sicced- ~ has been~ on? this Boar~ or when he wes~.a memher~of the'~ Plannin~g Co,is:sion where~ -t~ere.:was.,~a ;quesL~ion 0f extending the'~se=vice .areas into a watershed of any of the water supply reservoirs, including the Totier Creek watershed. He vOted~a,gainst ~ehanging ~the~.serwic~,,,ti~e's for e~a. ctly ~the ~s.~e~ ~eason..He ~ ~pOinted: out,,, that this:, property~' is not in~a:~ watershefl~.-area+ He~. aske~ if~:~ ~ .there i~s~~ a~ motion · = ~ ~ ~ :,.:.:. ~t' :'this ,.-tSm~, ~o~iom '~as ~fSere~,: by. Mr.:,.Marshall.: 't~'-app~o-~e 5~cl~ion of P~arcel 322:on~-- Tam. Map: .tiff' ~in bhe~.serviee ar~a ,~bounda~ies~ ~oT the 'A'~bema~r~te: C~ty Service Au~t~o~r:ity fo~:' both w~t~=, an~d~ se~er 'service,':~f°~ the ~10,~3. ~a:cr~s. Occupi:ed-~ by ;~th~ church; a~d. fu=t-her ~im.i%ed[ to .~ly:~th~ ekurCh~' buiiding~as::~ appzoved ~under.~ SP;- 90-35 for C~venant~Church~ ~of~ 7~od.:~ :~" :" :: '~-?::': ' >~:~"' '~ Mr. Martin seconded the motion. ~ ~ ~: M~ ,S~t.. ~- ~o~:,p~oi;n~ed out~ t~hat ~his :request7> is ~f~r~' ~at:er~' a~:. ~s~er~. set-': v:i~ce. :-He~ asked,., if~:~h~s ~request ~i-s~ appzo~ed; :how witl:t:he~ ~ater be ro~efl ~ %he church.~.:~Me~ po~inted o~t that :the sewer~serviee ~is not on'the:church' prope~rt~ ~ ~ b~~ ~i~ ,is~ near; :'~o~: %-he~ pr-opertV. He ,s,~,a~ed that: someone-on the~ st'aff Mr. ~Bowerman: asked .if there is s~rvice ,.area coverage :between .the .water and ~mewer~.,: lines.' :and' ,,this~ p~re~ M~ St ~ John~' mnsweredi that: ~e=:~: hms: 'to~ be> a service a~ea ;whe=e, the:. l:ines~ are ~'~: Re said that::~here': a~ houses' adj~mcenL:to: ~hTs ~ehurch~.along Ro~te~643~:: ~He ~dded:~tha~~ff'''t~a~ wat~r~ Tine~ i.S brou~gh~:a:long t, he: r-~md to r:e~ao~ ~his ehur ch~,?: i:~:~i~t~l~ be:'in~.: >~h~:,s%reet~ ~a~ acen~t:- t ~thes~~ ~hOUS~S~g~ ~: ,smi,d::~at,~kh~s r~.i.ses~t~he. ~quea~ion ~>whether~ .oC not ~these people might make the s~e ~equ~st~ Mr. Marshall no~ed-,that ~his motion stipulates-tha~ the ~mter and~ ~sewer ~'~is:~ B~'ar'd::~: ,.c MRS.> S,t ~:~, ~:,=ep~l~ied~ .~hat: .the .mat~,~':w~ui~,::-be~br~ug~h~:~a~k 't~' the Boar.~': ~-,.s~meon~, els:e:, made- such a request. ' ' Mr. ~erman asked Mr, ~i~l Brent, if,.:he ~ c~mld_ comemt~', on,.,.th~ PMoximi~ty of water~-, and sewer .ssrvi~e:~; to::this:,..s.pecific s:i~e~ ..Mr.~ S.t:~i.-,'John asked M-r:.~: B=en~ : to~ .explain-how the n~ l:ines w,Dll b~.rout:ad~,~i.f: new>l~ines: az:e~nec~s~y'-lo' get .... ,:~ ~: Mr. Brent =esponde'd~ that .%ha ~appl-ic~t:''has'--uot ~made~ a:'speci'f'i~si~: as .to how,::to extend..the-~ater:, line to the particular site. He added that the path of least resistance :~d the .obvious route would have the water routed M.B. 40, Pg. 127 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 11) down Route 643 from Route 29 because the closest water line is located at Route 29. He went on to say that he is not sure if the sewer line crosses the property in question, but if it doesn't, it is very close to it. Mr. Cilimberg stated that the sewer line is on a portion of the residue parcel. He pointed out on the map the portion of the property the sewer line crosses. Mr. St. John asked if the sewer line crosses a portion of the property now owned by the church. Mr. Cilimberg answered that as far as he knows the church owns the property where the sewer line is routed. Mr. St. 3ohn ex- plained that easements would have to be gotten if other people's property is ~volved.~. . .... - Mr. Brent stated that there are easement rights. Mr. St. John stated that ~his>a'nswers:?his~-~questi°nc'~:'He'went on to~'say>that! i~-.would~prObably be ii~mpractical?to:".eonnect {o.:~sewar:~se~vice ~itho~t.~al~o~'conneeting-~o ~the Mr., ~r~nt next exPlained;that if the, churCh g~unty's ~at~ri~sys%em,~, i~t.~wo~ld'~e, iimpossible'~o, k~ow how much s~ewe~ servi~e ~asYbe.ing used. He said that, in such a case, the church representatives would be required to put a meter on the well. ~YES:,~,!M~s-srs. Bowermani Marsfia:tt, Martin"and;Pe~kins~ N~YS:..--Mrs. Humphrisand. Mr. Bain. ' :~,~ Agenda? Stem:.' NO~.,: 9~ - ZMA-'91 -,1~2:, "-"B'eechtree AssO'ciat~s Limite~ Partnership. pu~iic?.HeariIlg on: az~ reques~t" to~ ]~m~zone<'l' 12~ ~asl fr:~' CO (~pr, off.e~red) to'.. O~.~~- ~ -~ - {~r~f,~e.red).,~ ~r_oper~ty.in SE quadrant of Whitewood/Hydraulic Rds inters is located in Neighborhood I. Property shown in the Comprehensive Plan for NeighborhbO~ Ser~ic~-~.~' TM6~.~ P25';~ ~ ~ Charlotte's'vil~le~Dis't'~- ~(~k~er;~-~ed~ i~'~the Proart,ss on~-: January. 28.:~nd:?~Fe~narYl. ~:~.?~: 1992V)¥ ~. ........ ~ ~''~ : ::~ ~'~' '~ ~: ..... ': ~' ..... .~ ~ "~ Mr~ Ci:!imberg.ga~a t. he :staff ~-s repo~,t' as follows ~ ,?CHA~CT~.~.~:'OFc.~..THE ARE~: ~Thi~:'-sit'e is~.!cU~renttY''devet~ped?~wit~b~ connnercial building consisting of multiple ~en~al space, Adjacent ...,::~prop~ties~>'a~e~ ~lso -~deve~loped.- ~c~rci~ally~: -.This site ha's' access ~ ' .. d~rectl~,~to ,Whi~aOd~:Road['and is connected to Hydraulic Road through the adjacent comercial development. Albemarle High School is located '0n' H~draUtic :Road-~opP°site this site iPPAt C~T ' S~ PROPOSAL: ": -~he ~licanti" i;s?' prOpos i~g to~:,amen'd?~he:. :exi st - u:~ ;~-i~n.g,>z6ning orr.the ~opBrty~-in;:,order To, broa'd~n;i'the:.~ahge~p'~f p~rmi~ted .'uses~ LThe~kpP~lieant has`` proffere~ to ~elele ~ses~ ~hi~h. aze. i~consis- !'~:~ten'~>wi~hJ, t~e., Neig~borhbad ser~ica .~designatoi°nf of~ this:~ sita~:.om~' which~ ?~,:~:.~may~b~vi, napp=,apr~i:ate iR ,t-his~ lbcatioh'~due'~[o proximity to the high school and/or access. The applicant?s proffers'are included as ;Atta~c~en~, C,~ (set~out~':in ,full below')'; ~' Mar:c~h~'"l 3, 1963 '~-~: Sub:divAsi'~n cre'ating~', :parcel ~.under: review', was~ .ap-. J-annary~ 28, ~ 197:6~ '..~he BOard~.of Supervisors rezoned the one parcel from, R-2,'-~Residential; to B~l, Business, subject:~':to MarCh '24i~~ 1~98i~~ r::~e P}anning 'Comission~apprIO:red the'site ptan..~.or- Jui~.:.20,:~ ::198-3 ~ ,~,e Boar~: of:; SuparviSors~ approved"Z~rSB:;;O8' (Prof- f~ed:):~'... This, .a~ion,--rezoned:. the pro'party from C- 1 Comercial Office. M.B. 40, Pg. 128 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 12) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This site is recommended for Neighborhood Service in Neighborhood 1. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The action of the Board of Supervisors in 1983 rezoned this property from C-1 to CO (Attachment D-on file). The rezoning was requested by the applicant to permit a particular use to occur on site. The staff report for ZMA-83-08 is included as Attachment E (on file). The applicant's current request seeks to reestablish the C-1 zoning of the property with proffers that elimi- nate those uses which would be inappropriate in this location. No change to the physical design of the site is proposed. The applicant is put on notice that usage of the property may be limited by the ~: ~avai%abilitY o;~ ~.parkin'g'- j' Rezoning. the parcel to C-1 will permit a ~ '~: ,~. brbader range of uses which will not be inconsistent with adjacent uses due to the existing development of adjacent sites which are zoned Staff opinion is that this request with the proffers provided by the ,appli~'ant existi~ng development; in the'., area.~- Therefore:,' .~staff, recommends~ approv all of ZMA~ 9!1-1,2 subj eot~ C0 ~the acceptance of .the:. app:licant-~s prof- Mr. Witlia Fritz i aRad ' ~01 Mci RE: -~-91-12 Be~.htree As'socia:t,es.- Dear Biil: The:~prhff~'S:Ltha~ are not.crossed ~h~ough' are ~o remain. The proffers .,~O:s~ed~ ~o~gh wi~ the:word delete.beside them a=.e not: to ~be. includ- ed~ .If: t.his letter does not clarify our intent, please do not hesitate to cont,a.~tzme, b~- calling (804) 979-5388. (Signed).-su~an-Wagm~= :' :' ' Leasing Director" 22.2.1 PEr,TED USES -: BY RIGHT .-. subject to the requirements' .and limitations of these regu- : lations. The zoning a~inistrator, after consultation with ~ : · the. dizector of .ptanni,n.g and'.~ther~, appropriate, official, s, .... ..~ .. ,~--may permit, as :a~.as~, 'by[.right, a use not specifically per- mitted; provided that such use shall be similar to-uses :.-~-7:: permitted~ by right,in; general ~character and more specifi- cally, similar in te~s of locational requirements, opera- ~ :, ..... - ...t:ionai~.characteristics, visual impact and~ traffic gener- ...... :. ation;' Appeals from the zoning a~inistrator's decision shall'be as generally provided in section 34;0. 22. O COM24ERCiAL a. The following retail sales and service establis~ents: February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 13) 22.2.2 M.B. 40, Pg. 129 8. 9. 10. ~t:;:~ r~OPtical :goods,~ 12. Photographic goods. 13. Visual and audio appliances. 1~, Sporting goods. .:-': 1. Antique, gift, jewelry, notion and craft shops. 2. Clothing, apparel and shoe shops. B~---Bepar~mene-st~re* Delete 4. Drug store, pharmacy. 5. Florist. 6. Food and grocery stores including such specialty shops as bakery, candy, milk dispensary and wine and cheese shops. Furniture and home appliances (sales and service). Hardware store. Musical instruments. Newsstands, magazines, pipe and tobacco shops. Delete ,The following ~ser.,Wices- and public establishments: t. Administra%i~.e,, professional ~0ffices'. 2. 3. PERMITTED ~USES-r, BY, SPECIAL>USE PgRM~IT Barber,'beau:ty shopsi: - · ' ~ ' "~:' .... Chur=h~s, cemeteries. ~'lnbs,~ lodges ,~ civie':,~ fraternal.,: P:atr, iot ic: (refer r ~ence ~ 5~;-i. 2')!," F inanc i a t institutions. Fire< and~ rescue' sq~d s~a~io~s ~ ('re~erenc~:~ 5~ t. 9 ). ~:7~ ..... F~merat~h~me~: Delete. ~8. Health: spas'~ . 9:---tndoor-~heate-r~= · ~lete.~ t.0, Laun~=ies-~: ~d~y cleaners.' ~ '- t1~. ~aun.dCo~w(p.movide. d~th.a%~mn~en~a~all be on .dutF. ,at,~alt -hours d~=]inE.~ operation). 12~ ~'Libra~i~es,-~muse~s~': .'~ ~ :~ - ~ : :: 13. Nurseries, day care centers (reference 5.1.6). 1~. ~a~tng?~ es~mbt~is~n~s~ . ~: ~ L ~ *: ~ ~ 15. .~a~r, se~strems, ~ 16. ~et~bile' :s~ice ~ statio~ (reference 5.1.20). 17. Ele~t=i~,,,: gas, oil and co~unication facilities excl:udimg multi-ieg~ged tower structures and ~ >inc lu~in~~ po~es, ~ ~nes.~:~ ~transformer~s, p~pes,~ ~e~,~amd~.rela~meilities for distribution of ~ lo~'al' serwice and owned and operated by a public ~: u~i~l.i~y~....~Wa~e~: d~h~ti.on and sewerage collec- .~.:. tiom~<l'ines,': p~ping~ .stations': and appurtenances : - o~+' and' ~.o~r.ated-~by~ ~he~ ~Atbem~¢ld~:~Co~y Se~vi, ce :Authority~.: ~- ~- ~'~ ~. "~ ~-? 18. Public~ses'?and buildings including, t~porary or ~obile. facilities ~such· as :schools, officeS,~ parks, ..... p.lmyg~ro~ds~,and~ze:ads~funded, o~ed-or operated by ~ l:acal..~ sta%e or~-~federal'agencies (reference ~ ,~. :~5~) ~ ip~i, el ~tmzamn~ se~r ~r~sm~s s xoh% ~ main -~iersnk Lines, tmeatment facilities, p~ping stmti-ons amd~ the like, owmed~ and~/or:~ oPerate~ ~by ~the~-Rivann~a~ WateC~and~ Sewe~ Anth~i~tY ~ { reference 3Lz2~.5; 5.L~12). ~(~enRed~i1~1~-~89) ..... 19~. ~Tempo~rary~:constff~i~n uses ~ (reference~ 5~1~18)- y 20. ~eltings~ (~reference ~5i 1 ~21) ~ ...... i ~7· ~. 2t ~ 'Medlca~ .~c.e~ter .......... ~ ...... . ~r - - -A~om°'b ~te 7~ tr~ek~'repa~ = -:shop ~ -~, (Added?6~. . .3~8:~. ~ 23. ~Temporary nonresidem~at mobile homes (reference February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 14) M.B. 40, Pg. 130 2. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; micro-wave and radio-wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances. 3. Hospitals. 4. Fast food restaurant. 5. Veterinary office and hospital (reference 5.1.11). 6. Unless such uses are otherwise provided in this sec- tion, uses permitted in section 18.0, residential R-15, in compliance with regulations set forth therein, and such conditions as may be im posed pursuant to section 7. Hotels, motels and inns, 8 · - - -Motor-veh~c te- sates- and- rental- ~n- commoner ~es - and-the ,ttrban~mr~ea-a s,~des~:gnate~ ~ ~n~ th~omp~hems ~V'e ~Ptam'~'? ,(,Adde~~ 6-'~:-83:) Delete ...... Mr. Cilimberg said~ the: P,~nni~Co~is~si°n.~at~qit~ m~etim~g~ on January 28, 1992, ~animousty r~o~ended~ approval of Z~-91-12, subject to the appli- cant's proffers as s~t-~out .i.n {~1 ~a~hove. Mr. Cilimherg Statsd<~ tha~ tRe~,Beeghtree'. AsSo=i'a{e=s~ Limi~ed~f~ership ' s request is for rezon%~'~ ! · 12 ac~es in~ the~ ~sout.heast qnadr~t, oD ~{he ~itew0od Road/Hydraulic Road intersection. ~ Me~ co~r.ected ,~he~quest~'~ be=fo=e~ ~the~B.~ard by saying that the p~P~r~t~y ~iS.- C~i-:~ zOned~wi~th p~rq~ferS ,~instead of ~ z~ed. He said ~hat the pro'ffers'~.are very limiting as to the use of the site, and the request is for an expamded n~er~of ~se~s~? He noted that Mr. St. John has confirmed that ~he~ reqnest? ~is~ ~propezt'y~ be~re Mr. Bowerman ask~i~f-~the-Mear~{~RB~ ~ing requested to Put~ back ~in some of the limitations that.~ were taken out at ~the ~time Cilimberg replied that-the property~ f~rmerl~y zoned CO~_and was rezoned to ~ . .. · d~ the .Beard~ i~s being~asked t-onight® ~exPand uses a~ai~lable under~G'l': z~ing~- Mr. Bowerman asked if ~he uses should be~ expanded according to Attac~ent C. Mr~ Ciiimberg.agr~ed; ~Me w~t -on?~t NeighbOrhood Serwice~ ~gesigna~ion~in~ ~'~ Comprehensive Plan~ ~ ~ ~. Mr~ Bain m~ioneR~ha~ Mr,~ ~Gii~imbarg had' .rata%ed .~in~-~the~ ,s{aff' ~repo~ that parking on the site ~i~setS~-~tim~ting-~-''He~:asked ~Mro' ':Ci~timberg ~t°~:exptain this the buitd~in~ can:.ad~umt?~in~,t~=ms,~of ~retai~l uses avai~l~able~ if~g'?l~rezon~ing is grant, ed~,~ as~~ .requested'. ~' Re went~ on'.~ t:0:~ ~say, ~'~however<,~':-tha~t~ am :. the':Zo~ng A~in- istrato~r clears ?eanh~ Us~¥in~' eaeh~ particular i part~~ ~oB ~this~<>bU~i~lgingr~'~ th~ · ZoDi, ng ~inis~ra~O~ w~lt~fim?~b~t'Parking spaces are available for that particular use, as well as all .other uses in the building. Mr/~ Bai~n~ .a.sked~he~ tot~gt' n~be=~of Cilimberg replied that there ~are '41 spaces available, ~ ~ ~ MZi ~ ~ain askeg iY ~h~re~ ~wlli~be~ suf~fieient~ parking ~for,~'~cer~tain .. nses~on t~ha:t~ ~prope~ty.~ M~.~,:Ci&lmherg~ anSWere~ t:~atz it ~wi%t~depend~ on~ how the diffe=~ ent~ parts of the building will b~ u~ilized at any one ~time. He pointed out that ~ther~.~ ~s ~m~ par~king ~s~che~n~te ~.~xn n~ber o~ spaces~ necessary '~ for¥,anM~:partie~t~a~ ~spa~s~ a~?no~~ han~ ho~e~e'r, ~hat~ the~ a~licant~ is aware of this. ' ~e-sai~dl ,t~e applicant has been notified ~and ~his si~uatio~ ~itl be evaluated whem~,space is~ leased~ ~ .~,here~were:~mo:,.,~the~q~es~tionSl for~Mr~. C~ilimbe=g, so Mr. Bowerman opened the public hearing. M.B. 40, Pg. 131 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 15) Ms. Susan Wagner, Leasing Director for the Republic Capital Corporation and agent for the owner of the property, stated that rezoning is requested so that certain small businesses could use portions of the building, such as a stylist and an office supply dealer. These uses are not allowed under the current zoning. She said that since the building was built ten years ago, the surrounding area has changed dramatically, The high school has expanded, Hydraulic Road has been widened and a traffic light installed at the corner of the building in question. She noted that this building is separated in grade from the building behind it and by roads on the other three sides, so she believes that this change in use will have little impact on the neighbors. She said the advantage to the owner of the building would be to attract tenants who want visible office space that is allowed under C-1 zoning but is n, ot<~al!owed under CO:?z, oning.'~ · S~he ~asked the Board members to look favorably ~up.o~ thi~ request. :Mr,. St ~-: John- ~stateTd~ 't~h~t:: the'-,proffe~s' should !be~ clarified.-, ~ :M~.,~Bo:we~man asked~ Mr:. St~; John ~if~. h~, th~s~,~ ~a~,~ ~he prof:f~ers ~;s~ould ~be ~ clari~fi, ed~ wi~h the .apptican~.~ ~ M~ ~ ~: S~t.~ -John ,~.swe~ed~ ~t~t the, 'p~,of~fers 's~o~d~ be ~la~i,fied~ with ;~he' applicant or Mr., Cilimhe~:.at ,some::-~ po in[-~(: "- M~ ~ :.:, Gi limber:g~ asked<~'MC- S~ J~ohn ~hat'. t~e'~ of~ cl~ifica~ion~is n~essa~y.~" Mr~ ~S~t..?~ohn repl~ied that,. Ms~ ~agner~' s~.l~tter o~~. J~nuary' ,~,~- }99-Z~ ~ has Attan~ent C' inc lu~ed ~ He''~ ~inks~ .the ~intsn. t. is %o~ have:C'l~zoning fO~:~e.~uses li~sted~ except~ fo~ ~the ones whi~ch: have been_ struck'~fro~ t~he page -Mrl Cilimb~erg agreed?: He went ~o~*.to~ ~say that anything markedi~~ "~del~te, ''~- is, no%,' avmi~able ~nder:~t.~s ::rmzoning~request ~ ~-_~s.', ~phris~' remarked~that~traffic' ~ safetyi~parking were~the :issues :b.r~o~ght '.up~ by~ ~the- pianning~ Co~is~si~. .She~.ldo~s ~not,~ ~l'ieve that ex~nding~ _%he uses ~wil~ gene=ate~ 'signific~antly-'m°re~"traffic ~thgn .bhe~e i~s'~now~.~? ~Shel ~hen offered;.motion~to approve Z~-91-12, Beechtree Associates Limited Partnership, with the proffers listed in letter dated January 6, 1992, from Ms. Susan Wagner~, ~ ~asinE~ O'irec~°r, :' 'Repu~lgc~ Gmp~tal Corporal~io~¥? add='es sed~' to W~i~lii~F~itz' :~i:tb.At~t~ac~ent~ ,C'.'~wh~re use~ ~proffered~~ out"~me~ m~ked<~throug~h a~d ~he~ WorR~..:'d~t~ete~".?~s ~wri~t~en~ ~in;~,~(~opYz~°f]~tetIer on .~fi~le ~sbowing~ uses,~ as set o~t-', above)~. ~.'~' ~ ~ ' ~' .... ~"">:: : ' ' ~- ' ' ' '~ ~ ~'~'~ ~ ~ '~ .... ~ .M~ Perkins seeonded';Che~ m~tio~"~ .... Roa?l..~was~' ~ca$1ed and'~:,the' mO~ion~ car~:i~d by;. the follo~,~ recorded~ vote: '.- ~' ;~ ~ .... ~' ' ' '- - ' '" ~ ~YES': - M~.z :5o~erm~'f ~ Ma~~-~ Haphris',,'~''Mess~s~' Mar~shatl., .',Mar,tin,~ ,Per'~ns ~. and Bain. ' ' - NAYS: ~ Nome~ .... ~ ../'~: ~.ag:~ai$t~.,No, i:O~; tpp~0val, of,;Minuaes: :~ ApriL; ~1~7, June 5; J~a t~?"~d~ · AugUst~-.44~ 1'99.1 .- '' ": ~ .... M~i ;: P~r.k i~ ~: s~ated:...that:..,he '~ha& ~r~e'ad. tha:.~ :minutes~ ~':~' J~e:.. 5, '~t~t~i f~if~k--pa, ragraph, next to ,the test-line, the words ',so.il-bores"~ should be "incr~ent cores." ~ : ,M~f~ P~rk~n$ had~'also ~ad~ August t4, 1991, fromPa~e 32 to the' end:,, and found, a couple of typographical errors.. '--'~' ' Mr.. Bain had read June 19, 1991, from Page 1 through ~8 on Page.13,, and 'found fh~'.to be in o~der, except fo= a couple',Of typographical errors. 'Mr~~ Bo~rman -had read June~ 19, 1-991., from Itemjt8 :on.. Page 13 ~to~ the end~ of .Page.~.~d~-f~und. t:hem t,o:~be, in o.r~er~ ....... ~ ~ :~:'~ . .Mrs. H~phris had 'r.ead~Aprit'' t7,.'~- ;1991,: Rages 37~ (Item ;$blZ) to the end; June ;'5:~ 1:9~9t~ Pages 1;'.to; iaea; #7 :on:'Page i~S;-.and-:~tugust .lt.',,~.. l~99tk?~page. ($~em~ f/9)~" th~ou~'~page'>gt .~(i~tem: }/~lt'&)~;' .' and~.f0u~d s~e~era~l.~t~og~aphieat/'er~or:S (NOt,e: ~ ~s;;~: H~phris .~bro~ght' t~ the.~le~k! s at.~ntion~ parag:rap~'~.Noi.; Pag~e~-~6~.o:f~ J~e 5, 1991, since it appears that words are missing in the first sentence.~ .However ~ t~s. is .the 'exact word:lng of the ."Non. Disclosure' Ag~ee~ ment,TM as 'signet:~i~h the C&P-~.Telephone Company. ) -~' :-~ .... "" ~" Motion. was' th~-offered -by 'Mr. Bain,~ seconded; by Mrs.. H~phris', to approve~ the~ minutes:~ whi~:h-.had~ been': read '.and; ,with.. the ~ eorzec'tion 'noted, ~ Roi1 was~caiied and thee. motion carried bY-the::.following~ recorded: .~te:- '. M.B. 40, Pg. 132 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 16) ~YES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Bain. NAYS: None. ~STAINING: Mr. Marshall and Mr. Martin. Agenda Item No. 11. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Martin, to appoint Mr, James L. Camblos, III, to the Community Corrections Resources Board for a term expiring on December 31, 1992; Mr. Camblos replaces Mr. Lester A. Wilson, III. ~.~,..~ Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mz. Bowe=ma, n, ~Mrs. Humphris, Messr. s~'~Marshall, Martian, Perkins and ...~ Bain. NAYS,: ~iN'o'ne. Mr. ~ Cilimber§: reported" ~that over~ ~the la~t~ sever~al ~ montha~ :~ he' and Mr~ Bramdenburger have attended informal ad hoc group meetings at various staff levels involving the University of Virginia, Piedmont Virginia Community College~, the .City ~f=: ,Char;1Otteswilte and Greene~C~unty to, :discuss: e~o.nomic interests mn~ futu~e~ec~nom~.c ~el. opmen~: of: the~-various l~oeali-.ti:eS and .~ instituti~:ns:. .~he Center', for Rural Developmen.~..i:n Rie~ond~ has ~a~ progr~. available by which it will award assistance to regions or localities to undertake '.strategic',:planning partnerships. The Planning District Co~ission (PDC) :has been asked te,,assi:st in.~the, appl~i'~ation~ Prb.ees s:.:':- Me ~mugge.sted t~hat the Board authorize the County Executive or the Chairman to write a letter of .sUP~or~'.~f or~.:s~ch', a~.~ appii cat, on~ ~bef ~..' ,the F:e:br~ary:'.28{:dea~l in~:, ::~ He, n~ted that he::~,e:o~ld follow up these co~ents with written material if the Board ~de~':ide~..'~to, support such. an :application.. Mr. Bowe~an said the PDC reco~ended that the different boards take action, subject, to the approval of each of the governing bodies. Mr. Tucker said more information on this request will be included ~ifh :next week~s'~Consent' A'ge~d'a'~ :' '<'- ' :~:' ' ' ..... :'?"'" ' .... "':~ "'~-. · :~ ..~ .Next? M=,. Tucke=',. Said ~ha~ recen~l~y :this .:Board- authorized the:~'.d:is bUrse- ~n~': of::.fun~s fromr~the ,s,ale~.of< :theE:smont .HeaT~h- Centez proper.tyu "::- At'?the :time the: .Board.:~ook a~etio~: for the. ~i.sbUr~emen~ ,of,funds.~, a~ :d~d"~as no-~ :i~_hand. ~e~.sa~e.,was subject to' an .~.specified ~.iveWay:~asementr; Mr~ Spangler does no:t:want< to give a~,50?.foot~driveway<easemen~:'as Se~ out. ont ~he old ,plat- of:', the Gou~ty,Eng~neer,./Whieh ,is:-:inaccu=ate': es,./to~:,the~ ~l~ocation,:"of~ tbe :~r.iv~way eas'e*~ ~nt~ -~ The deed~ of.: easement· proVides~ for a' 30'-foo%~ d~i~ewa~ eas-~ent~' T:he dee~. of -,~ aas~e~t~:~'al:s~: :Conveys: ~a~: .we~" an~, wei. t3:" ,tot? ea, se~nt< to'_ the: ad, j oining proper~y":o~er'. D~ed,:have:now::'been ~omple~ted;: .Mr,': Tucker, asked':'~'h~->'this Board~ authorize.-: the. Chai.rman:'~to':.s. ign' '.~he :deed~" whi:ch foti'0w:. ~fort sale. of,~:he',ir ', ::,. ~...~:IS..DEED,.....m~e~his,,6~h:-.-.daY'of January~ 1992,, by, and between' .~HE CO~TY ,OF ALB~LE:, VIRGINIA.,. ~rantor., and 'S~EL G. SPANGLER, III. ho~e sole, Gran, te~;' .- ' .... . :~'For::and'.:in consideration.' of:the s~:-of:>~TH~R~Y: THOUSA~>FffVM: :: ~'~ ~.. ~DRED (-$:80.~.'500.00) ~. ~LL~S:; ? .cash in. hand 'paid,: ~h~' re'e-e~pt ~ of: ~hich': .-< :..~ ~. isLhereby ackno~l~dge~d:~~::~he' Coumty of, ~tbe~.rle:'i~..:Virg.in'ia',: hereby ~ ,: ~ ... Spangier::~.~'~tlI'~ ~ome ~-s~le. as:.~,~his :sole.~nd .separa~e:~a~e, ~. free;: f~Om ..::, ~ .the ~eontrol bt? mar.italy': rights: :.of:~'an~"presa~t:: or ~.~:~re: sPous'~.: amd:. -.:.:: .-' fre~?~fr0m., any .: curtesy~z~or:: do. eT.. right, S~ of. any: present or f future,~spous~ , .. of: the~rante~ ~all of :which are hereby expressl~ excluded, and-wi~th the full and complete .authority in the Gran~ee to :convey, enc~ber or other,.Se :-dealt .~i~h-and~ di'~pose:~of, th~: s~e without ~he. :.necas'si~y, of jOind~.:. ~y or wi~h:. ~W~ present~: or., futnre': spous~ Of'~the Gran~:.,~he fOtloWiong,:de.s.~rib~d,.~p~operty in' the County of Albemarle, Virginia: February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 17) M.B. 40, Pg. 133 Ail that certain parcel of land containing 2.10 acres more or less, with the improvements thereon, situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, in the Scottsville Magisterial District fronting on the west side of State Secondary Highway 627, south of Porter, being designated as Lot 2 on plat of "A Division of the E, M. Feggans Property" made by Huffman- Foster and Associates, dated May 6, 1970, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 473, Page 289, and being the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed of Ronald H. Thompson and Bobbie J. Thompson, dated December 17, 1979 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office at Deed Book 686, This conveyance is made subject to easements, conditions and validt res~r~i~ti'o~s Of ~record .insofar as~, :theY~ ~l~aWfu'tlY~-:effect the:~ ~His, DEED.~OF~'~SEME~ m~de~ ;this ~6~h~ d~y of ~'an~ry, ~992, by and between ~ T~-~CO~TY ~? ALBE~LE~~: VIRGINIa., / 'pa~y o~: ~hei' .firs~ part, C~IR~ ~C~Y,~ ~e~.$o~,~..~ part~ ~of the ,:sec0hd~ pa=t, ~-~UNITED STATES OF ~RI~ ~ :F~ERS'~MOME ADMINI~T~TION,? pa~ty: of: ~he: ~hi~dl pa~t.~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ :~z .... ~ .... ~?:,~.,:~ruslee~ P~tY ~of ~he'~fe~rth~part and S~UED G.~ S~P~L~.~ ~III~,:~ Fgr~y of the fifth~ pa~rt; ~: ~ "~ ~- ~REAS-, the Cowry of Albemarle, Virginia, is the oEer of. all that ~emtain~iot~,~or~' parce~ ~of-Land containing :2~. 1 acres:,~ mor2 or lesm,~ ~ith~ ~mprovem~tsL.Iherebn,~. ~ifaate~L~iB. Al~bemar!e Co~hY~i MirE.~ia' i~L,~the~?$~GttS~itle Magisterial Distr~ict, fronting on the west side ~of State :Highway 627:, south of Porteri~ heing~ designated as Lot 2 on plat of "A Division~cof E~ ~F. FeggansProper y made by Huffm~n~,~ FosI~e= ~:and~ ~S:6Cia~es ~ ~ahed~'. ~y ~.6~ ~'1970,~ ~of~ rec'Or~:: in ~.ter~l'.~s~ Of:fi~'~?of..? ~ ~irc~i~t~ Court ~.of~: Alb~rTe ~COu~ty/' Yi~inia:~ at "M ~9~70 2i~")'~, amd~'~b~iH~~Lt~ s~e ~Dee~~ B~ok~ 473:~,~-~a~ge~'~289,.(lhe~ ~ ay 6~, · ~ ~ : .pr~p~e~ty c0n~eYed~ ~O~~ t~e/CO.~tY~'~.~lbemm~le, Virginim~¥by~ deed-~ Robert H. Thompson ~ap~ BqbbY l~.~ps~on~, ~ dated ~o~be~~ ~: .~197~9;~ ~: and rje~S~'~in~h~foresaid.~Ci~erk~ S ~ite?g/ 'Dee& Book- 686, .Page 727 ("Lot 2"); and, ~ER~S, Clair Curry, fete sole is the o~er of all that certamn~ to~., of parcel'Of ..land ~centai~ing~ ~2.0r acreS, more em-lesB, wi~h ~mp~o~ements.Ihereom~ s~buated ~ A~b~rte~ C~un~y, ~V~i~ginia, in See~ts~il'le~ Ma:Ei~$~emiai '~is~i~c~,~ fro~gz ~o~;~e'~we'st :side~ of ~State Secomdary .Righway{6:~7~' ~south o~.' Po~ter') ~ being~-' designa~ed~ as ~Lot.4' on t-h~e'~ May ~6 ,c~ 1970 Plat)~ beinE the .same~ pr.operiy-: ~onveyed to 'Walter Scott a~d Sarah/E ~ ~ S~cOtt,, since deceased~,~. by: d~eed ~of~'~ Englat M. Feggans. ~d ::Lula~~ ~B~. 'Feggans, dated J~ne?B, ~,: i97~0>,~: and reo°rd~d~ in the a~o~ekaid Cl~erk~s G~fiCe~.at~. Dee~BookT.4~73~,~ Page' 287 ~({'LoC.>t~') ;~.and ~,,c~ .? WH~E~S~:~.bhe' Couniy ~ ~t'bema~le~':~;Vi'rgxn!a-- ~d~' C~¢xr ~C~rY Want ~to~ ~<eonvey to~"e~ach~ ocher: a. ~oint~ d~i~ewav easemen~;~ ~n ~ W~EAS, the County of Albemarle, Virginia~ wants to convey to Clair Curry a right-of-way and waterline easement for use of a well on LO~<2~'. by~ clair~ Cu~y~; her 'heirs, and. asSignsiu which easements are .shown'4 ~n'~ ~'~plat~'.~f~ ~Ihe Off~i¢e oft County gngin~, .:'Albe~=le County, .~irginia:~ ~dated Jul~.~l~.~,. 198'0~,':~nti~edL]'jg~nt H~mlth ca~e~::-Ease~ ~. ~.~.¢ordedv~ith,-.t,~is,..de~.Of~eaS~:; and~ ~ .~ .~ ~g,t, , ~ act<~:pu aser~-of.,Lot 2, i'~: :agr~eeabte :~. the mat~t~rs~, s.et~:~o.~t~ herein;~ ?'" ~' ']"~?~: ? .... ~]+ NOW, T~EFORE, for and in-consideration' of $1.00-and premise~s,: ~d 2 o~her go~d and v¢tuable~:~ co~ifl~rat i~,' ~th~ ~eCeip¢ 'o f~ · all~: of whfch ~i,s~..hereby~ acknowledged~=-t~he ~Go~ty of k~emarle, Virgin ia, and: 'Clair Cu~ry~hereby :~ an~ 'cO~Ey WI~ SPECIAL ~W~~ OF M.B. 40, Pg. 134 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 18) TITLE TO THE OTHER a thirty foot (30') joint driveway easement for use by the County of Albemarle, Virginia, Clair Curry, their heirs and assigns as a joint driveway for Lots 1 and 2. The joint driveway easement is thirty feet in width, being fifteen feet on either side of the boundary line between Lot 1 and Lot 2 and extends from the boundary of Lot 1 and Lot 2 with Route 627, fifty feet into Lot 1 and Lot 2. As a part of this joint driveway easement, the County of Albemarle, Virginia, Clair Curry, their heirs and assigns shall have the right to enter upon the property of the other for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and repairing the joint driveway. Cost of ~,:-. ,-~:.const.ructing, ~maintaini~g. and:~repairing the driveway shall be borne -:~. ~-~ equally by the owners of Lot 1 and Lot 2 as determined by mutual agreement · Fu~ther~ ....for and~, in cons:~ifl~taLion:, of .$1~00 and~ ~heP~emi-s~es and other ~ good and valuable-~conside=ati°n; ~h~ ~r~eeipt hereby~ acknowledged, ~the~ co~n.~y~ of~Alhemarl~.:::~irgini~, G~S C~mir Cur~ ~er ~heirs~ m~ a~s~ig~s, ~a right+0~?way rand e~ememt~ ~en ~et :(.1~0~' )~i:n :w~d:~h~ tO use, ~main~a~n, =ep~i=~ ahd replace:"~'a well amd~ water' ,~ransmission line on Lot 2 as a source of potable water for Lot 1. Reference is made to the July 18, 1980 Plat for the exact location and ~s:ions ~of ~he.~. easement ~ on~ Lo~ 2.. ~--~As.~a,~ p~t .Of~ ~=this ~ easement, Ctair: Curry~ he= heirs~ and ;assigns~; .shm~L h~ve~he:' right- to enter~ upon..~ proper'~y of: ~he Coun~M of, Albem~rle~" ~irg~nia, .~i~s ~ succes- sors amd, &ssigns for~ the ~rpose of main~;aining~~ =~pai~r~g' an~ ~ ~Wh~never:, itt~is ~neoessary ~LO" exoavAte','earth wi~thin this 'eas~ent-, Clair ~Curry, her heirs and assigns agree to backfill such excavation in .a, proper and' ~orkman~like manner-so as to restore the-surface p,ri.o~ to .such'~ excavation'.:..'- ..Ctair:~ Curry, ~='.' hei~,s and assigns~:;sbail ..... ~rsp. I-acing t~e~ ~elt?'~: we'tt?"~P, ~ water;t%ne~: an& tappur.tenmnces Within. ~the easement':.'he=ei~- g'manteR ': : ~e,.~G:o~ty~-o-f'~ Albemarle ,,'~ ~irgin i~:, -i;ts:. successor s. and~ assigns:.~ shall., have ~bii~alion to¥Clair ~, C~rry~ her ,heirs© ~0r."a:ssigns in ~he~. e~ent ThaL: the well'~-~sho,u'ld'Eo dry. ~. no 'longe~~ be .gn ~adequate ,sou~rCet~' of, Potable,* :s~at~.be n~e~de~.,by'~Ciai~r Curry, ~he= heirs-and~' ~as'signs:'' as,~.a~so~rce of water ~for LoL ~,~ -At sun'h~ tim~as-~the'''~ell~: an~d plpe~ and'appurten~ances for~.the~ trmnsmission'.:~f~ wa~ter:::a~e~ no longer used ms m.?so~e~of p-~ab~le ?wa~er:~for~ we~% Lo:~ ?.t .,~' t~i:s easement~ ~shal~ ~:~ezmimate~..~ ~': A~ the ~ime~. :o~- termination:~ Clair, ,C.U~ry,~ ,her~ heirs ,~d~ ,amsi~gns~,: shatI:~~av~ ~he~ rig,he .to~r~o~e'~ ~h~.~we~ p~p and ~mpp~t~/~ces~ ~.o:,~?~ei.t.,~hich ~: -.~ ~:~ deed:~o:f: ~rus~.~date&.May: 20; 1~9.7~17~ ~=ecord~d imthe; -mfaresaid ~61~k?:s~ Offi, ee~:at}D.e~fl~.Book~.487:~ Pageb563~ Lot:-l:,wa-s-conveyed -to Leonar~ ~. i S~helton, :T~ustee,~:~ ~o secure ~an :obligat, ion thersin payable to the United States of ~erica, Famers Home A~in- istration, Upon the authority of the .United States of ~erica, Farmers Home..~g~in~str~ion,_~ ,as :~evi~enCe~< by~. i~s-.j:oinin~; here:im~ :~ ~, ~.:. ~. ?:~: ~.~ :~ .,:. ?S~bstt~uts~ T~ustee.~,,,-. ~Ro,es.hereby G~ '~d RELEASE - li'e~ of: ~ Osed~ ~of tru, st:(dated ~lay. z~87, ~p, age ,56~5~'i ,butz>zin~.m.ll-other.: ,respects2 ~e~in~.~ in~ f~utt,i~for.~e~ ~an:d '. ef. fec~.~ Motiom w~s~. :~o f f.e~,e~?:.bY-..Mrs-,~! H~'kr is,. ~ se:c~ande~ ~ hy~: ~Mr ;~ -~M~aii. ~ to ~ affthor- ize the~. Chai~rm~; ~to~' !si~.t~~: deeds ~f:b~r the~.~:-s:a:t:~, of the Esmont Health Center property.~ ~ :.. ' ' RO:li~ ~as:.i ealled4?, an~ ~h~-,~Li,~m Carried:: .by :~h~ follo~i~ :re~e0rded vote: AYES:~:~. Messrs, :Bo~rman,~-HmPhr~is~ N'ars~tl~, M.B. 40, Pg. 135 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 19) Mr. Tucker reported that the Airport Authority Board authorized applica- tion today of a Passenger Facility Charge which will allow the Airport to raise revenue for improvements, mainly to the runways, mandated by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). An application is being made with FAA for authority to impose this fee, and once the authority is given, a public hearing will be held. The Airport Board is requesting imposition of a $2.00 fee. The pro- posed fee will be imposed for a time period to run through June 30, 1994. During that time, it is estimated that more than $400,000 can be raised. Mr. Perkins said he has received a number of calls about the Lickinghole Creek Sedimentation Basin project. Although the Board was given an update in :Januarys, ~he wOald ~ike-more~ spec~fic~ ~fbrmation, particularly, the total cos.~, t~ow much money has been expended thus far, the design of the project, the function of the project, and what the County expects to get from the project. ?H~ ~f~e~l~s~'this ~ w~°~td. ~hs~ p~ar~i~ularly~ imp~°rt~ant~ · . I ~ ~ ~' :: .. ~.-.inf°~ma~°m~.~ ~ z~ ~ ~-< ~fa~"~ the~ ~t~o ~e~:~a~ m~s~';~" : '~ ' '" ~-' '~ ' : M~ ~u~-~e~r~ ~o~d'~ that ~a~ is: ,prbceed~i~ wSth~,~dr-awi~ o~'~ t~e :~'f in,a:I ~platv of the~ propertY; ~'so~ t-h~l inf,ormation,~.Mr~,: Perkins~ i-.s ~requesting can be given'~ :t~e'~ Boa~A. a~ &~ts fi:=st Marc~ ~mee~Rn~-~.~ :. ~ ~¥~? Mr. Martin said Route 29 North is often referred to as an "eye sore." He would lice the Board to consider putting money into the reconstruction project to mare Route ,29 '~ u~banparA~mY o~ boulevard.:' :~ He. thinAs'~t~ha:~''-a %heme': for the road would,.be ::helpful so ~hat the~ ~mesthettes could b'e improveR. ~e~feels that if~ ih is left: ~o. ~:e~ Ronte~',29 :will,' ~'only ~be payment and c~en~.~ Mr~ Bain co~ented: that ~P0T.iwiil.. no,'be' p.u~ting' ~in sidewalAs,~. ~ that: :~is ,.~efer~e' to~ cement, ,~as ~r:ela~i~e~ ~to:; th~,'concre~e, ~ Mrs. B,o~e~ ~ :s~ ~r.. ~M~ar~tin~ ~h~?~mimed a ~g.~OR.-~D~n~.~. S:lmil'ar~. ~onv~rsm~ ,tions~'.be~e~' th-~,S Boa~R ~d M~.. Ro6~s~vel~hav~.'b~n:~AelR:'~:'~ M=~:? gowe~n s~id ,f,toWer-m~,:can~, ~be~ put~-'in~ :the ~ ~eAian~s, ~by ~the. County~ if the County pays ~or' them and guarantees that?they will be maintained~ ~'~ Mrs. Martin said he wouId tike for the~Board~omembers to cons~ider~h~awing flowers pla:ced in' '.the-. medians~;an~'~ :mai~aining~ them with ~DoT ~s.. help, ~ as wel~t.~ a's ~h~lp ~f.=~- the .:b~s.iness~:~ ~ong the~ Rout~'~ ,Z9 No~th ~c~-r'id~r ;'~ ~ Het ~fe. ets ~arious~ o~Eanimati:ons Would.,pzobabl~y~: do~a¢~e~ flowers,? m~d~maMbel,~e~en :helP: :t°~ ~i~tain~ ~the....ftowers~ ~He tk~nks~, this~B°ard' shou~ld-ta~ke'~the ~lead~ and~ ex~ine this possibility; ~.,~r~. :M~rshal'l saiR"-he4~hlnBs a~co~o~ theme woUldi~'be 'helpfn~'snch~as -t~Pposts that ~are the same color and-sime. Mr. ~'T~cker ,,said~' :tha~ is ~ fu~ct~ion o~f{,:the A~rchiteetU~al iRevi~e~ :Bo:a~d ~(AE~B) .~.~;The ~.~~ has?~r~a-i~ed.,:.~.the~.~l~ndsoa, ping ~q~e~st~i~' a~-w'ell~ 'as~ how-the mi. ght~.~.be~.a~parb.~,of }ooking.,,a~: .t,a~s'caPing in,%he m~d~i~ans''~on R°ute .Z9<.as ~;he~ imP~o~emen~s~,are~de,~.~ start has.~beem.~working with1the ~B to get costs involved as the plans that could be developed. Mr. ,CiXimherg~' ~said ~staff ~s. getting ready ~ s~bmit ~e~VD~T:'a .landscaping piam. f~r~ ~he Rom~e: 250,~ ~E,a~p~-ojD~,'~ :There z~fs the. ~OppoZCunity t~o contactL ~t.~ee.~,d~ff~emen~. Tun~J~ng~s~r~e~es: ,~w~re.': a¢tual~ assistan~a~:is<,g~ivea~ ~ins~ta~t~ing ~t'an~seapi~-~ ~ 'He~ said ~he .~t~f~'wit~- b;~i, ng~: som~thinE ~ck to'~ ~b~is .Boamd ~.:~as ~to ~e..sta-tuS: 'of~ bhis project. ~ . ~,~:: ~.,M~s. A~phrl~s again:~en~i'~ed~'~:lhe p~tdoo~ lights at Jim Price Chevrolet on Route 29 N6rth. The lights shine directly in the eyes of drivers. She :. ~ ...... M=:,~:: Marshall's,mentio~ed~ :t'~-at ..he',had '~r~eived~ A~ p~tit:i'o~ signed by at1 but f.0ur;~prope~ty o~er~s, one,Route 53 ,reqU~ti~ the Board to n~e Route 53 from Route 20 ~South, along its.~e~t~e length in'Alb~ar, le "cowry to the,Fluvanna 'County: lithe as,.:~Thomas :Jef~fe~son ,~ar~way. ,,~There ~s~,hO cou's~ensus as:~.to, what~ ~shouId., be~'~ do~e ~ a~'~:'thi~~ :~e, heWever, i~--was ? Su~es.t:ed~'~ that it be?,di scusS~d M.B. 40, Pg. 136 February 12, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 20) Agenda Item No. 12. Executive Session: Legal Matters. At 8:50 p.m., Mr. Bain moved that the Board adjourn into executive session for discussion of legal matters under Virginia Code Section 2.1-344.2, relating to the Bargamin vs. the Board of Supervisors case. Mrs. Humphris seconded the motion. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins and Bain. NAYS: None. At 9:40 p.m., the Board reconvened into open session. Motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to adopt the.. v-f°ll°wing~ certification_ ~ ~ · of execu~-~ve~' ~ses~ion. - ~ '- "' ' ~ER~S, the Albemarle Cowry Board of Supervisors has convened am: exec~t:i~ meet. i:m~. on ~'his. :da~e pur:sUant,'to::an mffirmAt~e .recorded vote-ah'd: in accordance wi~h the: ~provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and -. .~. ~. ..-.~EHEAS'~ Section 2.-1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires c~rti:fication by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors that such executive meeting was conducted .in confo~ity with Virginia law; : ~ NO~, THE , ..... ,~, ~ . ,~, ~ - ~ 'x,x ~ - Supe~viso=s ~ heresy dert~f:~'es~ .~that:, :to ~he bes-t- of, eac, h...membe~, s knowledge,..:~(i'), only public business matters lawfully exempted from o.pen-~meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeqC~~~ ~'i~ikc~'~ ~id~R~5~5~'es°luti°n applies, and ;(ii). 'only such public-business matters as were identified in the motio~q:co~,v~nin'g.'-t, he::executive.x~et:ing~ were .heard,.,Ldiscussed'~ar~-~' ~c.o~s.i~e~d ~by,,t~he. ':Alhema=le~' C~nty Boa. rd. of: Su~em~;iso=s.~ ~' ...... A~S:~, ;:Mn., Bowe~, ~s:.' H~hri~,. Messrs. ~rsh~l, Perkins ~d NAYS: None. . ~S~ D~'~I~:/Mr... Mm~t.~ lef~ a~ut-:ten mimut~' er the .Agenda:' [:~:em' No ?x1'3 the Board, the meoting was imediate~y a~journed. YOT E: