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SE202000011 Review Comments Waiver, variation or substitution requirement 2020-10-06
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 To: Albemarle County Planning Commission From: Paty Saternye Date: October 6, 2020 Re: SE202000011 Request for Special Exception from the coordination of streets requirement, in accordance with 14-409 of the Subdivision Ordinance. TMP: 05500-00-00-078AO & 05500-00-00-078CO Magisterial District: White Hall District School Districts: Western Albemarle H.S.; Henley M.S.; Brownsville E.S. Zoning District: R-1 Residential Summary of Request for Special Exception: Collins Engineering has submitted a request for an exception to the coordination of streets, as required in Section 14-409 (A) of the Subdivision Ordinance (Attachment 1). This request is associated a subdivision application that is currently under review, SUB202000118 (Attachment 2). The exception request is for the Phase II portion of the plat which proposes to subdivide five (5) single family residential lots on Tax Map Parcel 55-78C. Specifically, this request is to waive the requirement for Jackson Lane to connect to Jarmans Gap Road. This special exception was approved by the Planning Commission on 12/5/2017, when it was associated with SUB201700146, but the plat was later withdrawn for inactivity. Approval of the special exception with SLIB202000118 is therefore subject to reapproval in accordance with 14-409(C). In the Planning Commission's action memo in 2017 (Attachment 3) it was stated that it was the "Consensus of the Planning Commission to encourage the applicant to work with staff to ensure the pedestrian connections and the connections from this side of Creek Side to Gray Rock are put on the plats... ". These pedestrian connections are shown in the Phase It portion of the Road Plan associated with SUB202000118 (SUB202000117), a sheet of which is attached as an exhibit to the request (Attachment 1). Even though the current submittal has combined Phase I and 11 into a single plat, the cul-de-sac configuration of Phase 11 is the same as was previously proposed in SUB2017000146. Engineering, Fire Rescue and VDOT have no objections to the request and VDOT has confirmed that Birmingham Drive, which is the developments access to Jarmans Gap Road, is open. Based upon the PC's previous approval, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the exception request for coordination of streets. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the request for an exception of Section 14-409(C) for the coordination of roads requirement to provide a public road connection to Jarmans Gap Road. Attachments: 1 — Application Materials (Special Exception Application, Special Exception Request Letter; Creekside II Preliminary Plat layout: SUB202000117 Creekside V. Phase I & 11 Road Plan layout) 2 — Subdivision Plat (SUB202000118 Creekside V. Phase I & 11 Final Subdivision Plat) 3 — Previous Approval Materials (Staff Report; Request Letter; Creekside 11 Preliminary Plat exhibit and layout; Area Map: Old Trial Creekside V. Phase 11 Plat and color exhibit; Crozet Mater Plan Transportation Plan; letter from Creekside Residents: PC Action Memo) 4 — Planning Commission Action Letter, Special Exception for SUB2017000146 5 — Planning Commission podcast of Meeting Minutes, 12/5/17 Special Exception for SUB2017000146 • • P APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION 0 Request for a waiver, modification, variation ❑ Variation to a previously approved Planned or substitution permitted by Chapter 18 = $457 Development rezoning application plan or Code of Development = $457 OR ❑ Relief from a condition of approval = $457 Provide the following ❑ 3 copies of a written request specifying the section or sections being requested to be waived, modified, varied or substituted, and any other exhibit documents stating the reasons for the request and addressing the applicable findings of the section authorized to be waived, modified, varied or substituted. Project Name : Provide the following ❑ 3 copies of the existing approved plan illustrating the area where the change is requested or the applicable section(s) or the Code of Development. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. ❑ 1 copy of a written request specifying the provision of the plan, code or standard for which the variation is sought, and state the reason for the requested variation. Old Tril Creekside V. Phase I and II Current Assigned Application Number (SDP, SP or Tax map and parcel(s): 55-78A and 55-78C Applicant / Contact Person Collins Engineering Address 200 Garrett Street, Suite K City Charlottesville SE2020-11 State VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone# ( 434 ) 293-3719 Fax# ( ) Email scoft@collins-engineering.com Owner of Record Old Trail Creekside V, LLC clo Daniel Brodv Address Daytime Phone# ( 503 Faulconer Drive Fax# ( City Charlottesville Email State VA Zip 22903 County of Albemarle Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 • • APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGE If the person signing the application is someone other than the owner of record, then a signed copy of the "CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER" form must be provided in addition to the signing the application below. (page 3) Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign By signing this application, I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner of the subject parcel(s) listed in County Records. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application, I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. Signature of Owner / Agent / Contract Purchaser Scott Collins Print Name FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPLICATION# 9/21120 Date 434-293-3719 Daytime phone number of Signatory Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By 0111: N■-/• APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER This form must accompany this zoning application if the application is not signed by the owner of the property. I certify that notice of the application for, Old Trail Creekside V (SE2020-11) [Name of the application type & was provided to Old Trail Creekside V, LLC [Name(s) of the record owners of the parcel] the owner of record of Tax Map and Parcel Number 55-78A and 55-78C by delivering a copy of the application in the manner identified below: Hand delivery of a copy of the application to Daniel Brody [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipients title or office for that entity] o n 9121 /20 Date Mailing a copy of the application to [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipients title or office for that entity] on to the following address Date [Address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. Signature of Applicant Scott Collins Print Applicant Name 9-21-20 Date ® COLLINS ENGINEERING 200 GARRETT ST, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 434.293.3719 PH 434.293.2813 FX August 24, 2020 Paty Saternye County of Albemarle - Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE. Creekside V, Phase 11— Exception Request for Coordination of Streets www.collins-engineering.com Dear Paty, I'm writing to request a waiver by the planning commission for the coordination of public streets within the Old Trail Creekside Development, and specifically for the extension of Jackson Lane through the Creekside V property to Jarman's Gap Road. The waiver request is consistent with section 14-409 of the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance under Section 14-409.A— Coordination of all public streets within a subdivision shall be coordinated as to the location, width, grades and drainage with other public streets. The original Old Trail Creekside II preliminary plat and development plan showed the inter -parcel connection from Creekside II to the adjacent property with a road connection, as shown on the attached approved preliminary plat. This connection is labeled as Jackson Lane. Jackson Lane was graphically depicted on the preliminary plat, and the right of way to extend Jackson Lane from Birchwood Hill Road (Three Board Lane) was platted with the Creekside II development. The alignment of Jackson Lane in the preliminary plat indicates a road extension that could extend to Jarman's Gap Road and connect in the same alignment with the existing Jarman's Gap Road and Jarman Lane Road intersection. The applicant's request is to extend Jackson Lane into the adjacent property (the proposed Creekside V development) as shown on the approved Old Trail Creekside II preliminary plat, but not extend and connect Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road. In lieu of the vehicular connection at this location, the applicant is proposing a pedestrian connection that will tie into the trailway system through the Old Trail Creekside development and provide a pedestrian connection to the neighborhoods to the north of Jarman's Gap Road. The extension of Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road is not a connection that is being required by VDOT. VDOT inter - parcel connectivity has been satisfied for the Old Trail Creekside Development with the other connections through -out the development, including the Birmingham Drive (Mill Stone Lane) connection with Jarman's Gap Road. The Birmingham Drive road connection serves as an alternate street connection, providing a preferred connection location along Jarman's Gap Road for the traffic flow through the development. Pedestrian access through the Creekside II and Creekside V development will be maintained through with a trail network through the open space, and the trailway will be extended up to this intersection of Jarman's Gap Road and Jarman Lane Road. This extension of the trailway system to the intersection will provide a pedestrian connection between the Creekside development and the existing Grayrock Neighborhood development to the north of Jarman's Gap Road. Additionally, a second pedestrian connection to the Grayrock Neighborhood is also being proposed with this development to the west, completing the trailway networks through the Old Trail Creekside Development. The comprehensive plan illustrates (3) potential roadway connections in this area, and all (3) connections are shown in locations without much separation between the connections. Jarman's Gap Road is a collector road within this location, and access points onto the collector roads should be minimized, while still maintaining the functionality of the connections from the properties adjacent to the roadway. (3) connections in this area are not necessary to meet the inter -parcel connections for the development, and a vehicular connection from the Creekside Development to Grayrock is not a major benefit to the community, Albemarle County, or VDOT. With the vehicular connection from Creekside to Jarman's Gap Road through Birmingham Drive, the connection of Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road is not necessary. In addition, the applcant has had several meetings and discussions with the existing residents in Old Trail Creekside, and none of the residents would like to see Jackson Lane connected to Jarman's Gap Road. We ask that staff and the Commission grant the exception request for the street connection and elimination of the connection of Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road. The principles of Neighborhood design and planning are better met with a pedestrian connection in lieu of a vehicular connection in this location. Thank you for considering this request. Scott Collins, PE =.06 '-3 1yp ` LEGEND SHEET INDEX PLAT CONTAINS 10 SHEETS BUILDABLE AREAS THIS R� 6g, CROZET 1 1 p>. _ PROJECT j / a+r - za LANDkAPC W OtwCAnO tr ALL BUI DING PADS SHOWN ARE 6 x65 - CRITICAL SLOPE AREA �? SHi ET L 0 `A�`"`"' _�' �� 3 OVERALL SITE LAYOUT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED BELOW �, / 3 - %i STREAM PROTECTION AREA I e CREEKSIDE PROPERTY: SCOTT R. COLLINS'Z E0 _ ---- - - 0 LIMITS OF PRELIMINARY PLAT 2 U r •"�� / \ � LOT 1 4Tx60' OPP6R / C ^r \ TREE PRESERVAI70N AREA r U No. 35791 fM r r r ARD F/CLD f I 61 I c >�4 R SITE PLAN 3 4 5 6 LOT 2 48 x60' �r ioR o 10 Q \ >� °P ��E\ '' LOT 3 50'x43' Fvrues P w I I rwsmc\ ` - syt \ I LANDSCAPE BUFFER GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 7 pw uBoivisiD °A z 6 SF I PA1£D \ ( PRELIMINARY STORM SEWER LAYOUT a LOT 8 42x65' NG� N I .s s`. ar"� \ f LOT 9 49X65' o ZONAL E / OPEN SPACE u � s _ - - - \ \ BUILDABLE AREA O LOT 10 45 x65' o .A6�prr 0.04 AC. rn a U, \ \ & BIORETENTION PLAN SHIFFLETT, ARTHUR ESTATE f - - - - - l \ APPROXIMATE LOCA77ON LOT 16 49 X60' v/�cs �$ s >. C 6203 JARMANS GAP ROAD \ OF TRAIL SYSTEM UTILITY PLAN 9 LOT 15 54 x6O' OWATER oe I S ' ,f l I LOT 20 59 X60' z ^' w C TAX MAP # I ANDREWS, WILLIAM, M. GRAB ` ° TYPICAL SECTION AND NOTES 10 R AUT!/RB t� rn o O I 60 um,r rnsmu \ SOUTHERN LOT 28 60X51' ,, 05500-00-00-07BAO 6175 JARMANS GAP ROAD SUBDIVisio,V E ZONN/NG. R-1 I I z Os1 SF I I TAX MAP# om sNc - \ \ / CONSERVATION PLAN 11 LOT 33 56X60' osv LB oa svT 5 a E C 3.50 ACRES I 0.1Jzi 05500-00-00-078B1504 t H Wr \�'�� \ �� SHIFFLETT PROPERTY.' O~i = y t' WOOD, MONTY W. AND DOROTHY M. ZONING R) ��`+�� TAX MAP LOT 1 60'X4T w ~ w V EN SPACE I a.r.a _ $T \ # = TO CHARLOTTESN E 3 F U o r 6277 JARMANS GAP ROAD D.34 AC. - - - 2.0 ACRES �'` s9 055DO-00-DO-0100 / n� LOT 3 65X53' TO 50 ¢ d TAX MAP # 1 \ / LOT 7 53'X65' WA MESBORO RiE 2 - 0 W ^y 05500-00-00-079C0 - - - `' "> IFFLETT JACK/E B. `��- \ ZONING: PRO / h �� w O o LOT 8 54'X65' L c �+ c ELLEND/N ROAD SH/FF tTT, JACKIE \ z ¢ w - O? ZONNING: R-1 I II Dcmwc �� s LOT 14 55'X65' Z fL J m m c TAX MAP# 504 ELLENTON ROAD ono �. / LOT 51 51 X75" w t rn 5.565 ACRES �'; �a^aa ✓ \ c 0 Ce u N d i I 500-00-00-078CO TAX 'MAP# I `�L\ LOT 52 51 X75' O CL L I I 59 II ZONING R1 05500-00-00-07800 / ` \� � s G y / l LOT 53 51 X75' 10 PFJON cO u� �7± 140,876 uF I EXISTING METAL / 2.0 ACRES ZONINGRR1 F 6119 JARMANS AP ;'���R�1►jRO,Q� f LOT 54 51 X75' '� r° O = 3 O V O ~ L TRAIL SYSTEM 57 - _-I / { {I LOCA770AI BARN 2.27 AC ES JE F -YS OR SANDI M RRISON �� LOT 55 51 X75' 9V,FR A/qq j - O H Z Z r M. 05500-00-00- 7700 LOT 60 50X60' sTq /Oj7ei's O ga eC eEMSTa W W } WATERLINE m rEmArdr \ M/N/MUM BUILDING PAD: 2 000 S .FT 6 - yL�F Z U) t o ro U £ £ ZONING R1 T, 55 PCL. `` \ ° x L" N £ tO QO� \ \ / S6\` .� S02•l W r 1.0 ACRES PA L MINNERLY AND ` \ _ V � i �n O O a 90 S6S• taosnn C `� N7�\ L M. 55 Ig31001 f h Ai' 160 .auxrArrae MD B.SSA682 P1G.N640Y ��� ` 3 45 6 W\ THE ARC OF TH S N C 0 ti cn - \ N/ 6113 JARMANS G RD 1 25.6 A z w v fy z O Z ti Z \ 956 SF. \ \ V / ry ^a 99 HOMAS B. OR AM/ R. D.B. 1682 PG. 649 (PLAT) I ��rn' ,,\ D.B. 182 VICINITY MAP o O O W W ti OPEN SPACE -7- ROW D£D/CA 77ON a J _ / \ \ \ \, / 20,SOPzS / _ _ • 0.14 AG / O U M. 05500u00 00- 77A0 1.033 ACRES rn / -� � D.B. 493.41 G. � 11 � j � w :..r; .. >4<5' `SCALE. 1= 2 000 Q U o Cu- r 24" l ZONING R1 / ~ 10 wa U ?86.55, £ 1.03 ACRES OP N SPACE 35 / . E , � T , ? /� .OS AC _ I 22,657 S�/ / l• �., GENERAL NOTES c z z z _ 54;3,�".. e. +cm sr / 34 � � ANOSCAPE � a. Avvnox Eau tart LANDSCAPE J 20,203 SF. BUFFER EASEMENT O O J > r c �{ ar wA rnuHe BUFFER TRAIL l / OWNER DEVELOPER: BEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 22,78E SF. I I I 46 "l ( ` EAsra[l/t I / a6 u. tee zr / \\ \ �p I I / r . as raa¢ a Zas SYSTEM / 800 E. JEFFERSON STREET IA C !� P0" s<. 5Q n� s 49 / `18 47 I 4 Jc l� �J �� LOCA77ON J / NOTE: Ex1571NG HOUSE CHARLOTTESVILLE, V1RGINIA 22902 O d a a a O i 120,00o s.F I ^^^SSS 441,�•: �` / TO BE DEMOLISHED J L \ / 0, 795 SF. I 120,090 F. I I 20,030 S. I eA s,6rs s<. \0 20,047 3F. l / / 0. . TELEPHONE: (434) 245-0100 = Z Z Z FAX (434) 245-OJOO j O O O O L M. 55 PCL. 730 O CONTACT. MR. GAYLON BEIGHTS ,. � •. W L ' ( \ \ L - „_. - L- - ' r - --/ / / / / / �i' ' C0� ,/ 7 D.B.R371 POCLV 522 ENGINEER: TIMMONS GROUP _ Lu Lu Lu Lu L / O,oz7 sF D B. 371 PG. 523 (PLAT) a dC �E J �_ / / l to I / nras zr. 800 E. JEFFERSON STREET w G G _R CHARLOTTESNLLE, VIRGINIA 22902 Y V A > xU aO Lnn Ln�n Ln�n Lnn 0,1� SF. TELEPHONE: l434) 295-5624 w V A A A C E-MAILScott. Collins®Timmons.com 16." YANCYBARRY N. OR JOYCE M�r faro ar. / \ \ , . M. ) _ \ / CONTACT. MR. SCOTT COLLINS, P.E.Z O ah \ \ o > rnoo� 6707 JARMAN GAP ROAD PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE: to d O ^+ •� } 1, TAX MAP # / PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE REQUIREMENT WAS 5 05500-00-00-077A1 C DATE BUFFER WAIVED FOR THIS PROJECT ZONING. RI RES/DENRT/AL -i 0 \ \ \ \ 4.937 ACRES v ^ O� / / } LA 08/22/05 30' LANDSCAPE , ` 3 O 6A rx.a, S . r # r TAX MAP NO'S. i BUFFER � r � i l 0,016 F. l � � 5 I I 0,f00 S.F. M 7 jQ / DRAWN BY 1 \ •%' / / ?O,C�1 S.� I { I I I -/ a" rr•,w sr /0')05500-00-00-07800 05500-00-00-074B0J 20,245 S.F. TAX MAP TAX MAP 55, PARCEL 74B SHIFFLETT,S JACKIECBL 78 L / + / / / 1 6 ,6., • TM. 55 PCL. 73E OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE, L.L.C. V. DISH L - - J L - - - J - - - - - S>\� - / W DORIS S. DAV/S 800 E. JEFFERSON ST. r= 404• / // 0 504 ELLENDIN AVE. \ i 104 07"E C,, // o TAX MAP # CHARLOTTESOLLE, VA 22902 DESIGNED BY c 0466'05500-00-00-073E0 STAUNTON, VA 24401 GPIN NO.: 420975912357 • / " GPIN NO • 420823917756 MILLER, ROBERT PAUL OR REN MARIE ARCH6285 JARMANS GAP ROAD TAX MAP # 05500-00-00-079AO ZONN/NG: R1 8,018 ACRES 100' STREAM BUFFER HATCH, LUCILE B. OR PETER 7353 TUFTON FARM ROAD TAX MAP # 05500-00-00-079D3 ZONN/NG. RA 12796 ACRES 61 TRAIL SYSTEM LOCATION - JENSEN, MA TICE BRANDT AND JOHN LOREN JENS IRS OF MATTICE BRANDT JENSEN TRUST 4509 HEREND PLACE TAX MAP # 05500-00-00-07904 ZONN/NG: RA 3.137 ACRES ZONING: R-1 L ti. `'� / // 0,201 SF / v o 0.75f Acres A. GEORGE L I �� / ZONING: R-1 RESIDENTIAL D.B. 2906, PG. 711 s7ay4 �'�.,��. / a ar z C eA ams sr. D.B. 1946, PG. 149 c 40 E 1 V / �\ CHECKED BY / / 05500-00-00-07400 05500-00-00-074C0 c / I 131 / I + ,� 55 PCL. 73F BARER, TAX MAP 55, PARCEL 74 TAX MAP 55, PARCEL 74 • S. COLLINS w a 32 I. I l '21 I I �� ` \ 1 / 8 JOHN L & KIMBERLY S. OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE, L.L.C. OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE, L.L.C. / i 3 / 36 I I 33 I I I 4.S2s1 s / 20.194 SF / 20 \ 0, 6 1 / 2 880 s.F. SCALE C / I l ee taut u I 20,514 S . l I TAX MAP # 800 E. JEFFERSON ST. 800 E. JEFFERSON ST • / 21,972 S.F.F/ I I I 22,228 S.F. eA raw zr 020�27 � ew a sF CHARLOTTESVKLE, VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 C I I 34 22,084 SF. I - / I / � 05500-00-00-073F0 7,267 S.F. eA rass6 u. I / 35 - I 6A raan zr I - - l - - - I eA sera sr\ 9A a+ sr 1 S.F. I eA r2.xSr. I I I - - - - _ \ ZONING: R-1 GPIN NO.: • 1" = l0O' 1 zr. _ - / / D.B. 2965, PG. 415 ZONING. R-1 f I \ 0.47+ Acres l - ) \ TREE AREAS •D.B. 1891, PG. 619 r TO REMAIN 12 - ! _ ��, ,VISTA- LANK - � �lQrj� � � �/ / � / \ 1 d� � 27 / 05500-00-00-074AO 05500-00-00-07500 ��.0 "I• _ i \ TUERK, PETER W TAX MAP 55, PARCEL 74A TAX MAP 55, PARCEL 75 C 2 \ 2 ,043 S.F. r - - - � (4p•B�r� � ` 1 � Sr I 1154 QUICK LN OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE, L.L.C. OLD TRIAL CREEKSIDE, L.L.C. I/ / -7,595 S.F. ' - _ - - _ - - - - '+/ a6sz i L � e.6,rsr j r ` 15 I (� ` - _ / ; 20,088 � MAP # 800 E. JEFFERSON ST. 800 EAST JEFFERSON ST. L �, -- - / { \ ! aAe.rz/ /� `- / 05500-0 - - 73GO CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 CHARLOTTESOLLE, VA 22902 \ 1 30 1 /i /� ZONN/NG: R/ RE'S/D GPIN NO.: 420470912234 GPIN NO.: 420823911756 I 1 I 29 21,028 S.F. 1 20,063 S I 16 / \ \ �� / \ f ZONING: R-1 ZONING: R-1 I 25 I \ I I I 20,090 SF 0.569 ACRES 0, 750 SF. I I 26 I 2^� 28 I 1 20,000 SF, e. rr.,sa s< °" "'m` zf I l / 7 / l(�(���'`/J ' \ \ � /iZ \ \ � D.B. 2906, PG. 711 D.B. 2764, PG. 271 Q `o L20,355 �DD2 SF a%6 Sr. / / \ \2 a. mane, 90SF. 21,1Bf SF. MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES 268S. I Ir\I\IIJ I l q l 18 \ \ 1 r ro 1 800 EAST JEFFERSON STREET/1 S. . v w. Sr 6A tans sr LL I IL TAX MAP ,f`- OSSEO-00-00-000BO (PART OF) so \ / \ USE: LOW -DENSITY RESIDEN7AL NUMBER OF LOTS/UNITS 100 o LIM OF c b I 24 I I - 4 1PHASE wars " s -- j 71,483 S.. II I it I i 1 - � I I I ' STR BUFFER \ \ 1 1 / / 25 A 5; R P 0 BOX 625 DORIS S PHASE /1. 112D.U. o I ?0,068 S• TAX MAP # PHASE Ill: 63 D.U. Q l 05500-00-00-07200 7 13 1 20,302 S.. - - __ -__ _ 1 \ ZONNING: R/ RESIDENTIAL Z ° \ / 2 ZONING., R-1 BONUS LEVEL, CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT AS FOLLOWED: Q c 14 I I 20,329 S I I a. roocc z 1 - \ '';i r}'I I / 23,487 SF. f 2.030 ACRES *CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT IS BEING ACHIEVED AT 25% OPEN SPACE j� 11 \ }t' K zav Sr WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS Z n I 17 [• 1 V a" 1Q01J Sr �_ _ 1 I- - --- - _ _ 2a057 S F. , \ \ 1 L /' * A 5 % DENSITY INCREASE IS BEING ACHIEVED BY PLANTED TREES ,�/ 5 23 \ \ \ Q 074 �T BA r2 WS Sr. t LL - 9 I / \ \ \ \ 18 11 _ A \ \ 1 * A 10% DENSITY INCREASE IS BEING ACHIEVED BY SERVING ALL LOTS o aA rasa s \ \ \ 20,080 S.F. I `; eA zn. - / / WITH AN INTERNAL ROAD SYSTEM. O,z3o s. / L 19 \ \ m rams i - - r� \ / \ \ / / * A 15% DENSITY INCREASE IS BEING ACHIEVED BY DEVELOPMENT LAND r o ,052 S.F. \ .J / / \ 100' STREAM TO PUBLIC USE. w ; A - - - BUFFER Z 20 \ -rasa S 20,095 S.F.\ \ � , \ � ' _ \ �I%� ��p� \ V / / ' GROSS DENSITY ALLOWED: 0.97 D.U./AREA. � � O V ` 1 _ I r - , r Tiy NL� eA zr. /� GROSS DENSITY ALLOWED FROM BONUS FACTORS AND CLUSTERS: ^^ O / 22 \ 1 30% INCREASE IN DENSITY (0.30xO.97). L.L Q � ) /� 1 6 I I 5 \ / TOTAL GROSS DENSITY ALLOWED: 0.97+0.29 2o,ao6 s. { z aas s / / 1.Z6 D/A ( J• I'-' J o \\ 0,312 S.. \ ntvar. \ s.+as l' �� 11 20,745 S.F. I I a.xss / - -- _ N79.58 GROSS TOTAL DWELLING UNITS ALLOWED: 76.54 X 1.26 DI = 96 D.U. e`a '\ 38 4 TOTAL DWELLING UNITS PROVIDED: 96 UNITS. �I Q LIJ s zr / \ _ - �\ V ' "6rf. T,ps+ (40 1 20a6o9�SF •1� • -"+. , `�/� 20,005 .I� ; .75• ~) Lu 1,563 S. LLJ co / 7 . -/' i 2 z 1 I ®' - - - - ;. \ ": ,.. - - -_ UTILITIES. SEWER: ALBEMARLE COUNTY - AVAILABLE ON THE SITE Q c - - - - - _ _ T 157 S.F. I 3 \ \ 0,000 S.F. 1\ �_ /' ` - -- - WATER*: ALBEMARLE COUNTY -AVAILABLE ON THE SITE * J E D *WATER MODEL AND CALCULA77ONS WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE U Q o SUBMITTAL OF THE SUBDIVISION PLANS THE MODEL IS BASED ON FLOWS a \ f- 0,919 S.F. I I 5 , \ aA zan sr \ \ ' / ,I 1 \ AND INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY U) Lu 00 TREE I 23,342 S:F. �- A / / / p SERVICE AUTHORITY. p PRESfRVA PON aom ar., I = aaw .cr.- \ \ \ \� i ` / ' \ /' ii ''r .. _ AREA \ \ ' _ , ! , / / r, / r,- - -f _ ; \\ SUBDIVISION STREETS: CURB &GUTTER (PUBLIC ROADS) Q O o C'RAPNT(' ` r.ALF. IN FEET ..,,.J ♦ fit: �';..... ,. y,: •' .7 r I inch 100 M • ' / BRAND 7' U/D1 I &' •�' i�iir+%•,+F,r•'>4ii�;.',�. fir,. RIVENDELL LANE TAX MAP !1 :;:.. / y'a{irr�,aJi aA CRIES •fi�..: 800 EAST JEFFE SON STREET , 0� ACREAGE (TOTAL): 176.54 AC c .Z1 TAX MA # ! , 9' ld ROADS 6.28 AC E 05500-00- 0-07100 \ LOTS 4798 AC O o� O ZONN/NQ R-5 l UPPER BALL.4RD ZZ ZON I AG2E� COMMON OPEN SPACE: 21.10 AC (27,57%) .B. 2035 PG 728 / \ STRUCTURE SETBACKS & HEIGHTS: o / A. TAXMAP PARCEL 55-78C AS WELL AS RESIDUE FROM PARCEL 55-78 MINIMUM FRONT YARD DEPTH: 25' .° \� \ ARE CURRENTLY /N THE PROCESS OF BEING COMBINED THROUGH A y BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION. MINIMUM SIDE YARD: 15' o 1. FINAL STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN TO BE SUBMITTED KITH CONSTRUCTION, \ \ B. THIS AREA IS TO BE RESERVED FOR A FUTURE STORMWATER MINIMUM REAR YARD: 20' JOB NO. STORMWA7ER AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS \ \ MANAGEMENT POND PROPOSED WITH THE VDOT JARMANS GAP ROAD MAXIMUM STRUCTURE HEIGHT.35' �c \ / ° 2. LOT 22 IN PHASE l SHALL HAVE A 20' LANDSCAPED BUFFER ALONG JARMANS GAP IMPROVEMENTS PLAN. 22274 \ \ \ -.. N ` ROAD AND SHALL HAVE ACCESS ONLY ON MOUNTAIN PATH COURT. C. A TEMPORARY TURNAROUND AND TRAFFIC BARRICADES WTLL BE \ \ \ INSTALLED ON WELBOURNE LANE UNTIL SUCH 77ME THAT A CONNECTION FROM SHEET N0. -a J. SHEET 11 EXHIBITS SHOW THE AREA OF LAND TO BE DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. \ \ WELBOURNE LANE TO THE TURNABOUT ON OLD TRAIL DRIVE IS CONSTRUCTED, OR A THESE AREAS I OP I1 " / WILL INCORPORATE A (RAILWAY NETWORK \ \ LEFT TURN LANE lS ADDED TO OLD TRAIL DRIVE AND MELBOURNE LANE INTERSECTION. n a 0 0 O Ln z 0 EXISTING 15' PRESCRIPTIVE- PLANT SCHEDULE - ---- _ - � � � / RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT J �p,� J� 4RAJe,N G \ / _ } _•'_�_ 1_ S -ripR�AA . q� ROAD � � BIRMINGHAM COURT PROPOSED zo'LANDSCAPE _ O �A _ j Tangenta STREET TREES �& BUFFER EASEMENT - R w DescriptiontFIT Station NorthingEa - r/i sting QP QUERCUS PHELLOS - - - - - 1 �j� ` Start: 10+00.000 3923212.992 11429232.423 h - End: 10+49.028 3923194.024 12429277.634 BIR INGHAM COURT: LOT 2 I I [EXISTING SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT !' \ \� \ Length: 49.oz6 Course: S 67014' z9.795' ' E 339 LF OF STREET FRONTAGE PROPOSED LA: 20 294 SF l g STREETTREES REQUIRED, g STREETTREES PROVIDED ' LOT Curve Data BA: 12 8oz SF I / �� � Description Station Northing Easting \ \T (T , PSIDEWALDKEASEME LA: 20,266 SF �� / P 9 9 JACKSONLANE: I 6q /_ PG 10+49.028 3913194-024 12419277.634 / TE RP: 1 8. u 1 00 795 LF OF STREET FRONTAGE PROPOSED BA: 14,364 SF EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 39 337 453 4 9355• 4 zo STREET TREES REQUIRED zo STREET TREES PROVIDED PROPOSED SWIM FOREST AND 's \ \ %'p EASEMENT / - /7 @ ` PT: 11+27.149 3923178.457 11419353.683 OPEN SPACE EASEMENT I \ `jr i ` \// / \ / \ �- Delta: zz° 22'47.7559" Type: LEFT CREEKSIDE V I \� \ / /�EXISTINGR/W (O Radius: 200.000 DOC: 28038'52•4040" I T61 ---,Length: 78.121 Tangent: 39.565 I / PHASE I PROPOSED RfW �\ \ ti / Mid -Ord: 3.802 External: 3.876 / / /( H / NO PARKING SIGNS SHALL BE / Chord: 77.625 Course: 576° 25 53.6733" E / OPEN SPACE I/ / LOTS \ _/ PLACED ON THIS SIDEOFTHETan entData \ 1 C) STREET WITH 15o MAX. SPACING g,K, N LA: 21,110 SF 35R 1 I \ Description PT Station Northing Easting / o I �/ Start: 11+27.149 3913178-4S7 11419351683 BA: 10 728 SF 0.941 ACRES /' m - - - _ End: a+66.976 3913176.1g4 ° 1u,19393.509 / �. \ I - - o Length: 39.827 Course: 5 89 37 17.5513E 1 D - 101'- - 1 0;P / PROPOSED SPEED LIMIT SIGN j m \ ROPOSED STREET SIGN �� JACKSON LANE m' \. 1 Curve Data -I PROPOSED 6' PLANTING STRI � 4 LOT � W 4 \ \ \ - i j Description Station Northing Easting % I LA: 20,168 SF 1 ' A A T \ I - \ IV PC: 10+00.000 3912715.o64 11420075.859 8 G R GE SE BACK TYP Q I � BA: 14,283 SF \ OP \ �• � e1RM (°%- RP: 3912664.606 11410574-931 � 'NO PARKING" SIGNS SHALL BE - - \ \• , I� 60 PT: a+17.905 3912830.820 u4zoog6.787 G -0 PLACEDALONGTHECUL-DE-SAC - -� B�IC' tiq / _ Delta: 13030'39.218o" Type: RIGHT WITH 15o' MAX. SPACING - - - - RggO M co Radius: 500.000 DOC: 110 27' 3z.9616" \ - - THIS SID % Length: 127.905 Tangent: 59.117 PARKING AL OWED ON-E_ _ �� / 40'R/� / Mid Ord: 3.471 External: 3.496 \ \ \ RP OPOSED STOP SIG / ~ Chord: u7.63z Course: N 10° 14' S1.6go5" E \ J/f / 0�MILL & OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT. EXISTING Tangent Data \ \ PROPOSED VDOT STD. CG-az (TYP.) . i SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. /J - Q' - -/ Description PT Station Northing Easting I / I - CREEKSIDE P 9 9 - - -' EXISTING 5' PRIVATE a \ Start: a+17.go5 391283o.820 u4zoog6.787 { _ OPEN SPACE �- PROPOSED CLASS A TYPE 1 EXISTING CREEKSIDE SIDEWALK EASEMENT / _ � � � End; 13+55.787 3913058.303 114zo166.349 I \\� PEDESTRIAN TRAIL OPEN SPACE / O e Len h: z 88z Course: N 1 00' 11.z " E � 1 EXISTING RfW �/ � Q' / / 9t 37 7° 995 1 - - -NOTE: ALL OPEN SPACE TO BE ( °TS, -� DEDICATED TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROPOSED SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT /ti, tq J / J I ti 4 C° OPEN SPACE I REQUIRED FOR AREA OF SIGHT DISTANCE LINE T ( I OUTSIDE OF THE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS j2� /` S-9 TMP 055EO-04-oo-000Eo jl I �I (Oj /r.�/ / o.85ACRES D.B. 456o PG. 213 TOTALSITE SYM BOTANICAL COMMON NAME SIZE CANOPY (sf) QUANTITY I COVERAGE (sf) OAK 2 1/2" cal. 419 29 12,151 TI COAT THE PNCPGSEB CONSTRUCTION JOINT EMSTNG ASPNIL- LAYERS RtOPOSEO ASPHALT LAYERS -------= DSTNG SU®ASE PROPOSED A®ASE ------- CCWACTCD SUBDRIOE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL ® REMOVE EDSTING *SPH&T LAYERS TO EDSTNG SUBBASE AND REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIGENNG LAYERS ® AIOPOSED WNHOW I YE NOR THICK ASPHALT SI RFICE CCURSE (SEE NOTE 51 MI A A''ETEI12 ANCNED BY CORES GREATER E 4 NECTE SEMSSNRY TO ABUT THE FILL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT EATERS NOTESE I. ASPHALT PAVENENT WIDENING SHAL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN N ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDO- FROCEDWES A) BE MPROVEO BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE PAVEMENT DESIGN FDA ASNIALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL RIFT OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS ARE TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISING PAVEMENT. SIAMLINFACE OTANA2 OF THE EASTNG AND P mo PAVEIOIT SHILL BE MDRESMD N THE PAVFAEHT DESIGN 5. A MNWAAA OF THEE CORES SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG M CENTER Or THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LAZE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THIC SS OF EDSTNC PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES S BE SPACED NO MORE THIN BOO FEET MART. 4 THE AOJA ENT TRAVEL LAW SHAL BE WLED A MNMUM DEPTH OF I k INCHES AD REPLACEO WITH AN ASPHALT S.IRFACE COIIRSE TO HATCH THE PROPOSED PAVENEAT WIDENING 51AFICE COARSE. INLESS WAVED BY ENGMWER. O. THE ENGINEER MAY REWRE THE WILLING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE ADJUSTEO TO ACHIEVE IN ACCEPTABLE PAVMENT CROSS -ROPE AD EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRNIACE. S. EXISTING PAVEMENT MAKINGS ANO MNWERS WITHIN THE PROJECT UW S SHAL BE RESTORED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVA OF THE ENGINEER. 7. FNA TRANSVERSE PAVEENT TIE-IN SHALL CONFORM TO THE REOIEMENTS OF SECTION 3150510 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT AL JOINTS AT TIE-IN LOCATIONS SHNl BE TESTED U5NG A D FOOT STRADMEDGE N ACCORONICE WITH THE REOJIREIENTS OF SECTION 5D.07(R) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING FOR WDENING SUBJECT TO TRWFIC 5Bs VEIWA OfPARNENT OF TRM9'OIRATOI 5D <QF OT (OT S4 SS 1 it i EXISTING PEDESTRIAN TRAIL CREE SIDE PHASE III / I I 1 I \/ i / e�I � 90 c MATCHLIN -SEE THIS SHEET ti q EXISTING PROPERTY LINE !�, I *f 40 VIP 1 \ EXISTING XISTI/ 100-� AR STREAM BUFFER WILLIAM M ANDREWS CREEKSIDE D.B.1 PG.18 OTti \ / I / - - - 949 3 �-o_TO, OPEN SPACE I i GPIN:o55o0-00-oo•78Bo � LOT2 CREEKSIDE V 2s,, it I \ �„ / \ \ LA: 26,149 SF PHASE II C' SOT / n / Po ti I S BA: 18,S37 SF \ I 3 / LOT 3 oaf I I I ' ;./ �°' \ � I LA: 23,627 5F I \ r � BA:16,62o SF L ` J / / �Oj < I \ PROPOSED CLASS ATYPE 1 / \\ I 18'GARAGESETBACK P.) \ \ \ I SO �� 1p PEDESTRIANTRAIL / \ I (T1 \ \ PROPOSEDCLASSATYPEI O / \ $o I ROPOSED 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK \ _ y / \ I \ PEDESTRIAN TRAIL LOT 3. \ \ �' ROPOSED V PLANTING STRIP J LA: 22,406 SF \ I , 'NO / \ II PROPOSED CLASS ATYPE I / \ \ BA: 16 SF 20OP \ \ \ \ \ LACED ALONG THE CUL-DE-SAC PEDESTRIAN TRAIL \ / \ \ A 435 \\ \ WITH 150' MAX. SPACING I �\ VDOT STD. CG-6 (TYP. MATCHLINE - SEE THIS SHEET / / \ \ / / \ \ \ LOT \ VDOT STD. cG 6 (rYP. ` y / / / �t�,��1 o LA: 25,348 SF v v NOTE: ALL OPEN SPACE TO BE 40), / �' / I J ' _ DEDICATED TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY / 3 1 ' f \ y // COT l EXISTING SWM 48 / \ \ C! L9•� i PARKING ALLOWED ON THIS SIDE " '2\ TVp FACILITY / / / , \ _ - PROPOSED 1o' PRIVATE N � SIDEWALK EASEMENT / COj �IROPOSEDRIW �/ I I ` / / \ I \ \ / % 4, CREEK IDE PHASE II EXISTING R/W / \ \ I LOT 5 / / /OPEN SPACE Y 1 R L PROPOSED CLASS ATYPE I 1 � / � I �\� �- � � � � l COT / � � / \ \, � LA: 21,54o SF /, PEDESTRIAN TRAIL 1 - - / / I I \ 46 6, / / as BA: 1 1 6 SF �/a /1.144 ACRES EXISTING 1o' PRIVATE C A \a 4A 5 �P SIDEWALK EASEMENT--% - 2 Q / XISTING R/W/C� o PROPOSED STOP SIG '� F ,., / \ ry/A w PROPOSED VDOT STD. CG-12 (TYP. /. o� / ' yo � •� / EXISTING 1z.5' PRIVATE SIDEWALK EASEMENT • � / / / / \ I o -` ISTpNCE ZH F�I$TIN %-EX(STING soo-YEAR STREAM BUFFER \ ( n -` (PU G BIRZ\ \ / ~ NO PARKING SIGNS SHALL BE \ \ S ' X / e(IC , 7 WOOD - LACED ON THIS SIDE OF THE PROPOSED CLASS A TYPE 1 \ - / ¢ 11 I ` AD - q0, F17 - STREET WITH 150' MAX. SPACING PEDESTRIAN TRAIL \ EXISTING SWM J ' ' `I - r� , \ !!!! R/w) 0 - �,' 1-1 YIMID.B.398 PG?743 HU WU FACILITY / �/ 1 \ PROPOSED SPEED LIMIT SIGN \ GPIN:OSSOO-oo-00-07700 (O / \ t - CREEKSIDE OPjN SPACE T 4 PROPOSED STREET SIGN / CO PROPOSEDINGRESS/EGRESS TO SITE 738 \\ MILL & OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT. 39 SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. / / \ 10# EXISTING PEDESTRIAN TRAIL 4" COMPACTED AGGREGATE 2" SM-9.5A ( 1 °S^ / GPIN: 05500-00-00-077A10 ' BASE COURSE, VDOT A#21A SURFACE COURSE °T40 'COT�3 . ���,�, \✓/\ 7 / / \ tor 43 \\\ / � OJ �� XISTING too -YEAR STREAM BUFFER ` "` ` > \ / GRAPHIC SCALE 0 I COMPACTED 5 (OT41 - - \ so 0 25 50 100 200 SUBGRADE / CREEKSIDE / / /! �- OPjN SPACE / / ti� Jw \PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN / CLASS A TYPE 1 LOW -MAINTENANCE NOTE.- THERE ARE NO PRESERVED OR MANAGED \ - ` ( IN FEET ) I I \ } Q BRIDGE CROSSING PEDESTRIAN PA THWA Y DETAIL STEEP SLOPES WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS / 40 / 1 NO SCALE \ - 1 inch = 50 ft. i Lie. No. 035791.n 06/08/20 Z 0 J d ZUw ==-, 0 U) O Z J O H � U) O W `J � I U w L M z Z M � 04 N M QD 1 Q v C ° N 0 C C oC ° WCN N F-1 w W >_ as L `C ZJ w H� S C W W V Z C H wL9 = a _j a C Q � �� 3 z C v E Ww Y Q L w �� c C >c Ul W C c Wz C Z w LL z z Uz Rl• I- � J 4 z J w Of C J c Qo `c `n V Q u O�J o x D N 0 D U ~J C w F w w D � a c JOB NO. a 172134 v v c SCALE 1 "=50' v c SHEET NO. c c 3 a v D ti 789 'Van et��`• RaYRaI/roaa9 i LP O� a► YockO Cad 788 7•?7 a, Cr SITES -1afnians Gap Rd We1bO"-ne( Z � � 03 a o 3. a JrM io VICINITY MAP I" = 2000' NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT AND DOES NOT THEREFORE NECESSARILY INDICATE ALL ENCUMBRANCES ON THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON AND SAID PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO INFORMATION DISCLOSED ON A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY. 2. ALL DEED AND PLAT REFERENCES SHOWN ARE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT CLERK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. THIS PLAT HAS BEEN PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE AS PER THE DATE OF THIS PLAT USING MONUMENTS FOUND TO EXIST AT THE TIME OF THIS SURVEY, THERE ARE NO VISIBLE EASEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN, SUBJECT TO NOTE 1. 4. ALL NEW PROPERTY CORNERS ARE TO BE MONUMENTED WITH IRON PINS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. THE AREA SHOWN HEREON APPEARS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN FLOOD ZONE X (UNSHADED), WHICH IS AN AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD AS SHOWN ON FEMA NFIP COMMUNITY MAP PANEL NUMBERS 51003CO228D AND 51003CO229D, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 2005. THIS DETERMINATION HAS BEEN MADE BY GRAPHIC METHODS ONLY. AN ELEVATION STUDY HAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED AS A PORTION OF THIS PROJECT. 6. THESE PARCELS ARE ZONED R-1, CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT WITH 30% BONUS DENSITY. 7. BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT = 5' MINIMUM FROM CLOSEST EDGE OF SIDEWALK FOR A SIDE -LOAD GARAGE OR 18' MINIMUM FROM CLOSEST EDGE OF SIDEWALK FOR A FRONT -LOAD GARAGE AND NO MAXIMUM, SIDE = 10' MINIMUM, REAR = 20' MINIMUM. 8. EACH LOT SHOWN HEREON, EXCEPT FOR OPEN SPACES, CONTAINS A BUILDING SITE THAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. 9. THE NEW LOTS AS SHOWN WILL BE SERVICED BY PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER. 10. ALL OPEN SPACES ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY. 11. OPEN SPACE LOTS ARE SPECIAL LOTS RESERVED WITH PRIORITY FOR WATER, SANITARY, STORM SEWER AND ACCESS WHERE APPLICABLE, BUT NOT TO THE EXCLUSION OF OTHER USES. 12. ALL ACSA UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE TO BE CENTERED ON AS -BUILT LOCATIONS AND ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY. 13. THE DEVELOPER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CREATE, REVISE, RELOCATE OR VACATE ANY EASEMENT AS NECESSARY, SO LONG AS THE PROPERTY AUTHORITY AGREES, REGARDLESS OF THE SALE OF ANY LOT. 14. ALL PUBLIC ACSA EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. 15. ALL PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE TO BE DEDICATED TO AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. THESE PRIVATE EASEMENTS SHALL BE RESERVED IN A DEED FOR THE COMMON USE OF LOT OWNERS IN THE SUBDIVISION. 16. THE SWM FOREST AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE GUIDANCE SET FORTH BY DEQ IN THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. THE AREAS WILL REMAIN UNDISTURBED IN A NATURAL, VEGETATED STATE, EXCEPT FOR ACTIVITIES AS APPROVED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM AUTHORITY, SUCH AS FOREST MANAGEMENT, CONTROL OF INVASIVE SPECIES, REPLANTING AND RE-VEGATIVE, PASSIVE RECREATION (E.G. TRAILS), AND LIMITED BUSH HOGGING TO MAINTAIN DESIRE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITY (BUT NO MORE THAN FOUR TIMES A YEAR). 17. SWM MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. 17. THERE ARE NO KNOWN IDENTIFICATIONS OF GRAVES, OBJECTS, OR STRUCTURES MARKING A PLACE OF HUMAN BURIAL ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 18. THE PROPERTY SHOWN HERON LIES WITHIN THE FOLLOWING OVERLAY DISTRICTS: WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE BUFFER (AS SHOWN GRAPHICALLY), CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE MPO, CROZET COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AREA. 19. THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON DOES NOT LIE IN THE FOLLOWING OVERLAY DISTRICT. DAM BREAK INUNDATION ZONE, AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT. 20. THE STREAM BUFFER(S) SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE. 21. PLAT PREPARED FOR COLLINS ENGINEERING. SITE DATA: TAX MAP PARCEL ID 05500-00-00-078AO OWNER OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC CIO DANIEL BRODY 503 FAULCONER DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 SOURCE OF TITLE DB 4797 PG 54 (TITLE) DB 344 PG 562 (DESC) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHITE HALL DRAINAGE DISTRICT LICKINGHOLE CREEK WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED OVERLAY DISTRICTS - PER § 18-30 THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON DOES NOT LIE IN THE FOLLOWING OVERLAY DISTRICTS: AIRPORT IMPACT AREA (AIA), ENTRANCE CORRIDOR (EC), FLOOD HAZARD (FH), NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRATION (NR), SCENIC STREAMS (SS), STEEP SLOPES (MANAGED), STEEP SLOPES (PRESERVED) SITE DATA: TAX MAP PARCEL ID 05500-00-00-078CO OWNER OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC C/O DANIEL BRODY 503 FAULCONER DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 SOURCE OF TITLE DB 4797 PG 46 (TITLE) DB 4792 PG 257 (PLAT) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHITE HALL DRAINAGE DISTRICT LICKINGHOLE CREEK WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED OVERLAY DISTRICTS - PER § 18-30 THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON DOES NOT LIE IN THE FOLLOWING OVERLAY DISTRICTS. AIRPORT IMPACT AREA (AIA), ENTRANCE CORRIDOR (EC), FLOOD HAZARD (FH), NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRATION (NR), SCENIC STREAMS (SS), STEEP SLOPES (MANAGED), STEEP SLOPES (PRESERVED) STATEMENT OF CONSENT TO DIVISION. THE PLATTING OR DEDICATION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND, OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V PHASES I & II IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PROPRIETORS AND TRUSTEES, IF ANY. OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC (AGENT/REPRESENTITIVE) DATE NOTARY PUBLIC THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME BY BEHALF OF OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC. THIS ____ DAY OF , 20_____ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: __ OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE IV LLC REG.J/______ ron, AREA SUMMARY FOR TMP 05500-00-00-078A0: OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE IV LLC DATE (AGENT/REPRESENTITIVE) 81,830 SF - 1.879 AC - TOTAL LOT AREA (4 LOTS) 40,991 SF - 0.941 AC - TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA (1 LOT) NOTARY PUBLIC + 16,139 SF - 0.371 AC - TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION AREA THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME BY 138,960 SF - 3.190 AC - ORIGINAL PARCEL AREA __________ ON BEHALF OF OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE IV LLC. NOTE.- AREA SUMMARY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE 3,304 SF OR 0.076 AC THIS DAY OF 20_____ PARCEL IDENTIFIED AS TMP 055EO-04-00-OOOGO, WHICH IS ____ ____, CURRENTLY OWNED BY OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE IV, LLC, DB 4666 PG -------------------------- _-----__- REG.#- 304, AND IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. AREA SUMMARY FOR TMP 05500-00-00-078CO 118,795 SF - 2.727 AC - TOTAL LOT AREA (5 LOTS) 50,124 SF - 1.151 AC - TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA (1 LOT) + 10,207 SF - 0.234 AC - TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION AREA 179,126 SF - 4.112 AC - ORIGINAL PARCEL AREA SHEET INDEX: 1-COVER SHEET 2-PHASE I EXISTING BOUNDARY 3-PHASE I PROPOSED SUBDIVISION 4-PHASE 11 EXISTING BOUNDARY 5-PHASE 11 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: STATEMENT OF TITLE: THE LAND SHOWN HEREON AS TMP 05500-00-00-078AO WAS OBTAINED BY OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC BY DEED DATED JULY 21, 2016 AND RECORDED AT DB 4797 PG 54 AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS. STATEMENT OF TITLE: THE LAND SHOWN HEREON AS TMP 05500-00-00-078CO WAS OBTAINED BY OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC BY DEED DATED JULY 21, 2016 AND RECORDED AT DB 4797 PG 46 AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS. STATEMENT OF TITLE: THE LAND SHOWN HEREON AS TMP 055EO-04-00-000GO WAS OBTAINED BY OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE IV LLC BY DEED DATED AUGUST 5, 2015 AND RECORDED AT DB 4666 PG 304 AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I HEREBY CERITY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ORDINANCES OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REGARDING THE PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE COUNTY HAVE BEEN MET. APPROVED FOR RECORDATION. AGENT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE O��01JH OF GLr BRIAN ISON a 34 L9,yD su��4 w a � rn 2 cm o U N = �' t Z m ¢o to U �m 'U O g It � 0 0W >Uz � oo wz V1 a 2 _ ON U� _y Q UQ iw W p Lo o¢ w r-� Ls N m> c V rz W � ai Ix ( o > w d Q N 1� N aw 4 W Q N Z 4 A�1 W O !� Z ww UP mz Z a W04 2 O w O W Lu W O MAY 27, 2020 SCALE: 1 " = 40' JOB: 20.1637 O:IRGAITMPROA20.1637 Old Tail Creekside VISURVEVIDWGISUBDIVISION120.1637 Old Trail Creekside V SUBD dwg SHEET 1 OF 5 O9RGA\TMPROJ120.1637 Old Trail Creekside MURVEVIDING\SUBDIVISION120.1637 Old Trail Creekside V SUBD.dwg CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE C4 1051.34' 384.37' 382.23' N 67'03'45" E 20'56'50" C5 20.00' 8.22' 8.17' N 77'48'07" W 23'3324" C6 220.00' 57.97' 57.80' N 82'01 '54" W 15'05'51 " C7 20.00' 15.09, 14.74' S 83'54'03" W 43'13'58" C8 40.00' 192.59' 53.60' N 20'12'49" E 275'51'32" C9 20.00' 19.19, 18.47' S 49'20'56" E 54'59'04" C10 180.00, 39.98' 39.90, S 83'12'18" E 12'43'39" C11 1 20.00' 6.13' 6.11' N 81'34'49" E 17'34'40" C12 1051.34' 6.67' 6.67' N 56'46'14" E 0'21'48" C13 1051.34' 240.48' 239.96' N 63'30'l9" E 13'06'21 " C14 1051.34' 137.22' 137.12' N 73'47'50" E 7'28'41 " C15 40.00' 61.66' 55.73' N 73'33'24" W 88'19'05" C16 40.00' 29.35' 28.70' N 08'2239" W 42'02'25" C17 40.00' 43.84' 41.68' N 44'02'28" E 62*47'49'" C 18 40.00' S7.74' 52.85' S 63' 12'31 '" E 82'42' 12" TMP 55-79C N/F WOOD DB 444 PG 94 i i IF � A. (T) o i 1 5' RIGHT-OF-WAY 8,569 SF 0.197 AC HEREBY DEDICATED To P� I� USE. - C4(T) EXISTING VAR. WIDTH .,SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT DB 4666 PG 304 - - 15.24 C14 ------- v � ---moo- ------ IF 00 C12 198.62 S 71'53-O6" W 304.57' 8.98 6 -N 64'29 29 3r NEW 20' I v I LANDSCAPING & l S GAP OF w�Y% JARMANRIGHT OF C13 i 2p' E �O i 56'35 / NEW 10' PRIVATE CENTERLINE EASEMENT - N BUFFER EASEMENT N 176,01' S 58'00 02" W" 76.42' / 4, SANITARY SEWER 15,13, / �j`\ \ EASEMENT LOT 2 I I o 20,293 SF 0.466 AC I 2 I LOT 1 20,262 SF m/ �/ N / \ I I • d v \ -p \B� / NEW 20 PUBLIC\ O, Al N� 1 I 0.465 AC O/Cb c� / ACSA SANITARY \ \ o 58 WIDE I- / oy. SEWER EASEMENT `\ s ko I PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA / HEREBY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE PER PURPOSE STATED IN DB 4848 PG 555 (3,304 SF OR 0.076 AC) NEW VAR. CENTERLINE �O 00 ti I G F �� s� WIDTH PRIVATE OPEN SPACE EASEMENT I- I NEW 12'x2O' IF Ca�, S\� * �� SIDEWALK l �I h NEW SWM FOREST AND / I Q I PUBLIC ACSA oo EASEMENT 4 O h OPEN SPACE EASEMENT -ipl O 40,991 SF / /IN 21,110 SF WATERLINE 0 0.941 AC I 0.485 AC SBL- EASEMENT I V �l�l ��\ \ \ \ \�_ , ^^/Q a0 N �ry0 �� - - - 1 64'07' 13" W 201.84' I ye%, (��� �Go Qrll C \ �a �ll� `b 0 N �ryhry / S 10' NEW 10 PRIVATE G' Y CFO/ OT pF I Al NEW IF Q O N / IF - - - - - - - - SIDEWALK EASEMENT S\ �9Y !� 20, 164 SF T 4 *SEE NOTES FOR spy *� ` L _ \ C,S SF c� FRONT SETBACK O v o 0.463 AC DETAILS -------- IF/ .31' / N 20'3926" W / - _ S 64'0T47" W 302.16' 9.37' 18.67' / / 60.54' _ TMP 55E-4-F IF IF `- 179.23' 90'(T) � _ � ` N F COUNTY OF 40" W 197. - - R /ALBEMARLE / S 64'07' - I- - - SA IN TA NT DB 4848 PG 555 / W2 �55 E p4 / TMP 55E-4-C I � Y \ SE 466i i � TMP 55E-4-57 N/F COUNTY OF I-rSAN11AR 7 B� N/F REESE I ALBEMARLE I V Ex. ER CASG 578, TMP 55E-4-56 DB 5045 PG 302 / 2 I DB 4382 PG 329 I SEWER N F CAPSHAW / I DBE 1 DB 4853 PG 202 EX. 10' WIDTH U Z I I TMP 55E-4-55 1 SIDEWALK EASEMENT I o TMP 55E-4-54 N/F GUERRA DB 4666 PG 304 1 V 2 Q. N/F WILLIAMS I I DB 4827 PG 592 W ; DB 5090 PG 749 I4')toILL 0 40 80 120 &1 TH op G BRIAN ISON 34 LgND SU��04. � a h >� z cm o U QQ x J 2 6� Q. m ¢o U �0 '° g it La >o � OU wz V1 0 z J Q oa iw Cc LO W p zo R� 0¢ w j m> w Lu J v ? CO LL rz Q N (o aW �4 WaN zm pq W o Q 2 ww mz Za W04 Z O W MAY 27, 2020 SCALE: 1 " = 40' JOB: 20.1637 O:IRGAITMPROA120.1637 Old Treil Creekside VISURVEVI)WGISUBDIVISION120.1637 Old Tmil Creekside V SUBD dwg SHEET 3 OF 5 � A. rn JARMANS GAP ROAD W N o (VAR. WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY) U N 24'58'30" E w a 7.52' IF - - H S 71'47'41 " E IF S 72'04'1 D" E 236.97' - - z m ¢ o — 49.59 N 3913151.50 U o°o 8' E 235.8— — — IF — — — — E 1 1420548.78 S 74'40'S0' O IFwz 913 .4 az k� _ — EX. 20' PERMANENT I Z 0 N E 11420045.54= _ — — EX. ACSA EASEMENT EX HWPBOXIVEP�A362-366MENT WATERLINE EASEMENT Q Ua = HWPB XIV PG 362-366 DB 1457 PG 742 I Cc Q Lo 2 Lo W p zo R� oz > `> co CC ui _ BAN I x 0> w� aW v~�i� ccaN rn vnA t� W oOZ own m ? cy)V�z rn �z ry Tmp Na ti I TMP 55-77 Z za 05500-00-00-078C0 I DB 398O W 2 PG 743 179,126 SF 0 4.712 AC I N n F ;n v I co N - 2 � TMP 55-78B N/F ANDREWS DB 1949 PG 283 o '> w EX. 20' TEMPORARY — _ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT --- ---_ _-_ I N 113912839.72456.3 _- L - E 11420456.33 W DB 4560 PG 231 -- - - --- - - TO BE VACATED RF 01 . 0� N 6500'36" W 168. N 742525 W 286.54' _ N �� X. VAR. WIDTH 99 _ _ - - TMP 55-77A1 o �I RF TMP 55E-4-E N/F JACKSON N `a 4 GRADING & 1 I - - - OPEN SPACE E I DB 3879 PG 408 2 1y0 TEMPORARY 1 1 I CREEKSIDE / 6 TURN -AROUND I E 11420180.31 I 66� EASEMENT I I EX. VAR. WIDTH N 65'02'50" W 5 DB 4560 PG 231 L — I I I GRADING & / e ' �_ TEMPORARY I I EX. 10' PRIVATE SANITARY � TURN -AROUND I TMP 55E-4-44 60.00TMP 55E-4-E SEWER EASEMENT OPEN SPACE E LOT 44, CREEKSIDE � r , EASEMENT I N F KIM / DB 4472 PG 118 i CREEKSIDE �j W I DB 4560 PG 231 I I / O O / Z N DB 5198 PG 354 EX. 20' SANITARY I I o a I EX. 12.5' SIDEWALK SEWER EASEMENT / ' II �2' o EASEMENT v p O DB 4382 PG 302 / EX. 10' SIDEWALK �'I I O 2 o I I DB 4560 PG 231 W C) W EASEMENT I EX. 20 SANITARY / Q r , m _ TMP 55E-4-45 I SEWER EASEMENT TMP 55E-4-43 W DB 4472 PG 118 U , m LOT 45, CREEKSIDE I / e \ o I N/F BUCHANAN I I I DB 4560 PG 231 LOI43, N/F KISTLERIDE m ? TMP 55E-4-D I/ / I I I I DB 5084 PG 318 I DB 4756 PG 706 V OPEN SPACED / \ P 55E-4-46 CREEKSIDE /��SAN/TARYPSEWRIVATE LOT46, CREEKSIDE I I I I ` / ►� W I EX. VAR. WIDTH EASEMENT N/F SODHA I D��INA� �E��EMENT ` _ \ / O �+ 1 1 I DB 4472 PG 718 DB 4906 PG 192 I 1���y W EX. VAR. WIDTH I \ \& DB 4560 PG 213 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 ! 1 I ^~ DB 4472 PG 118 I TMP 55E-4-47 \ EX. VAR. WIDTH LOT 47, CREEKSIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT I 1 1 \ Z I 11I N/F HARDESTY DB 4472 PG 718 1 I DB 5158 PG 224 \ / I EX. VAR. WIDTH �SLTH op G 11 / SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT 1� DB 4472 PG 118 OAD �BRIAN ]SON MAY 27, 2020 TMP 55E-4-48 1 1 / / � HILL Ay) 34 LOT 48, CREEKSIDE 1 F FOX/ CxwpODt OF WSCALE: 1"=40' DB 5151 PG 398 I I / // $IR q0 R�GN 0 40 80 120 �� 04 1 / /i Nd SUR�� J06: 20.1637 SHEET 4 OF 5 DARGA\TMPROJ120.1637 Old Trail Creekside MURVEVIDING\SUBDIVISION120.1637 Old Trail Creekside V SUBD.dwg CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE C1 52.50' 242.23' 77.81' S 31'06'46" E 264'21'16" C2 20.00' 29.34' 26.78' S 59'02'02" W 84'03'42" C3 52.50' 9.70' 9.69' N 22'00'18" E 10'35'23" C4 52.50' 41.21' 40.16' N 49'47'09" E 44'58'20" C5 52.50' 59.86' 36.67' S 75'03'45" E 65'19'51" C6 52.50' 40.85' 39.83' S 20'06'26" E 44'3447" C7 52.50' 90.61' 79.77' S 51'3725" W 98'5255" C8 20.00' 19.80' 19.00' S 72'4221 " W 56'43'06" C9 20.00' 9.54' 9.45' S 30'40'29" W 27'20'36" TMP 55-78B N/F ANDREWS DB 1949 PG 283 IF S 74'40'50" E �EX. ACSA EASEMENT HWPB XIV PG 362-366 IF 76.32' rn CO N � JARMANS GAP ROAD (VAR. WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY) N 24'58'30" E 7.52' S 71'47'41 " E 49.59' S 72'04' 10" E 236.97' 235.88' E).DOMINION EMBARQ EASEMENT EX, 20' PERMANENT HWPB XIV PG 362-366 WATERLINE EASEMENT S 71'50'27" E 464.53(T) DB 1451 PG 742 256.74 OPEN SPACE NEW SWM FOREST AND 1 OPEN SPACE EASEMENTI 50,124 SF 1.151 AC 131.47' 1 I 20' SBL- - - - - - - - - - 20' SBL-I \ \ \ LOT 3 I \ \ 23,513 SF I \\ Z�.fl0.540 AC < LOT 4 25,225 SF I *SEE NOTES FOR 0.579 AC LOT 2 \ �� \ FRONT SETBACK / I 26,179 SF \\ >,\ DETAILS SBL AT 80' / a 0.601 AC \ \\ LOT WIDTH I \ \ 18' SBL* NEW 10\\ �A 10� NEW 20' C _5' SBL _ / PRIVATE \o d' 204r I cw0 PUBLIC -/ C5 SIDEWALK / SA WATERLINE _70' SBL EASEMENT G N 62'4?'pp-----_N 05'19'14' E//Ga " W 196.28' 10.00' -----_-_10' SBL IF cr LOT 1 II m o I 22,106 SF W �n Ni 0.508 AC m l I orn I / / 93.49' I Z EASEMENT \ 6 q3 CENTERLINE \ N 8 10 SgV I IF EASEMENT IF C\ I QG SgC��C?l� la o rV LOT 5 I cu IF f 5 �� 21,773 SF g L4 p• \ I 0.500 AC Ir O�1p4 oFO\GP J� A= 7.54' I I vm I N 09'40'46" W I 96.61' I NEW 20' PUBLIC Jw�O O^ ACSA SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT- 10' SBL - - - - - I 1 4039, 000 N 65'00 :36" W .168.99' T VAR. WIDTH- I GRADING & i NEW N TEMPORARY 7.8WO" ry6 TURN -AROUND I PUBLIC 06 EASEMENT I ACSA N 65'0250" W 5 DB 4560 PG 231 L _ IWATERLINE EX. 10' PRIVATE SANITARY 60.00' TMP 55E-4-E EASEMENT SEWER EASEMENT / OPEN SPACE E DB 4472 PG 118�� / CREEKSIDE I Z EX. 20' SANITARY I I o a SEWER EASEMENT II Z I o =B 4382 PG 302 EX. 10' SIDEWALK-�I I L) Ln EASEMENT I x DB 4472 PG 118 a o TMP 55E-4-D I / OPEN SPACE D PRIVATE CREEKSIDE I i�� SANITARY SEWER \ LOT46, CREEKSIDE I II I v EASEMENT N/F SODHA I I EX. VAR. WIDTH DB 4472 PG 718 DB 4906 PG 192 I 1 11 I � DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 ! y DB 4472 PG 118 I TMP 55E-4-47 EX. VAR. WIDTH I LOT 47, CREEKSIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT--- 1 1 1I DB/5158RPDESTY C 224 \ DB 4472 PG 118 III 1 11/ I L1 T N 42, bo ^•I S\ 74'25'25" E 253.91 CENTERLINE 17.00'47" W 5.13' \ EASEMENT -35.11 ' 286.54' _ - - 73.29' N 74'2525" W - TMP 55E-4-E 2- - - - I OPEN SPACE E CREEKSIDE / I I E WIDTH GRADING & TEMPORARY I I TMP 55E-4-44 / TURN -AROUND I LOT 44 CREEKSIDE DB EASE PC 231 I I I N/F KIM / I DB 5198 PG 354 / I �- EX. 2.5' SIDEWALKEASEMENT I DB 4560 PG 231 I I I I EX. 20' SANITARY TMP 55E-4-45 LOT 45, CREEKSIDE SEWER EASEMENT N/F BUCHANAN I I I DB 4560 PG 231 I DB 5084 PG 318 I / I Imo/ IEX. VAR. WIDTH I DRAINAGE EASEMENT IDB 4472 PG 118 & DB 4560 PG 213 </�\ EX. VAR. WIDTH SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT DB 4472 PG 118 / TMP 55E-4-43 / LOT 43, CREEKSIDE N/F KISTLER DB 4756 PG 706 TMP 55E-4-48 wool) xOj, �R)AD LOT 48, CREEKSIDE 1 N/F FOX I1 / / gjRCK , RIGHT 0 40 80 120 DB 5151 PG 398 I 1 / /� / (40 T rn O Llo TMP 55-77 N/F WU DB 3982 PG 743 N to TMP 55-77A1 N/F JACKSON DB 3879 PG 408 UBRIAN ]SON a 34 l�ND S UI �001 MAY 27, 2020 SCALE: 1 " = 40' JOB: 20.1637 O9RGA\TMPROJ120.1637 Old Trail Creekside MURVEVIDING\SUBDIVISION120.1637 Old Trail Creekside V SUBD.dwg SHEET 5 OF 5 e ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SUB201700146 Old Trail Staff: Cameron Langille, Senior Planner Creekside V, Phase II — Exception Request Planning Commission meeting: Board of Supervisors meeting: December 5, 2017 Not applicable Owners: Old Trail Creekside V LLC Applicant: Collins Engineering Location: 6129 Jarmans Gap Road Acreage: 4.107 acres TMP: 05500-00-00-078CO By -right use: R-1 Residential - 1 unit/acre Magisterial District: White Hall Proffers/Conditions: None Requested # of Dwelling Lots: 5 DA — Yes (Crozet) Proposal: Comp. Plan Designation: Neighborhood Density 1. Request for an exception from the Residential - 3-6 units /acre; supporting uses coordination of streets requirement, in such as religious institutions, schools and other accordance with 14-409 of the Subdivision small-scale non-residential uses. Ordinance. Character of Property: Existing single family Use of Surrounding Properties: Residential home uses (small lots with single family homes) Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. Engineering and Fire and Rescue staff have 1. The coordination of streets waiver does no objections to the waiver request. not meet the requirements in accordance with 14-409(C)(2). RECOMMENDATION: 14-409(C) - Staff recommends denial of the of the waiver request for coordination of streets. STAFF PERSONS: Cameron Langille, Senior Planner PLANNING COMMISSION: December 5, 2017 AGENDA TITLE: SUB201700146 — Old Trail Creekside V, Phase II — Exception Request APPLICANT: Scott Collins, Collins Engineering PROPERTY OWNER: Old Trail Creekside V LLC APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Request for an exception to the coordination of streets, as required by Section 14-409 (A) of the Subdivision Ordinance [Attachment A]. This request is associated with a subdivision application that is currently under review, SUB201700146, that proposes to subdivide five (5) single family residential lots on Tax Map Parcel 55-78C. The subject property measures 4.107 acres and is located between Jarman Gap Road and Birchwood Hill Road [Attachment B]. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Neighborhood Density Residential in the Crozet Master Plan. SELECTED PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: • SUB2017-146 Old Trail Creekside V, Phase II — Final Plat - Proposing five (5) single family lots using bonus level cluster development lot standards Currently under review. • SUB2016-83 Old Trail Creekside IV Boundary Line Adjustment Plat— Combined TMP 55-78C with TMP 55-78 to create the existing 4.107 acre parcel Approved on July 22, 2016 • SUB2014-73 Old Trail Creekside III, Phase IIIB — Final Plat — Approved six (6) single family lots using bonus level cluster development lot standards, and platted a portion of Jackson Lane public right-of-way. Approved on November 21, 2014. REASON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: Coordination of public streets within the development areas is a minimum requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance. The exception request has been made to allow a proposed public street, identified as Jackson Lane, to be designed as a cul-de-sac instead of a through street connecting Jarman Gap Road to Birchwood Hill Road [Attachment C]. The cul-de-sac would provide street frontage to the five (5) new single family lots within Old Trail Creekside V, Phase II. As authorized by Section 14-409 (C), the Planning Commission may vary or except the coordination of streets requirement. Applicant's request: 1. The applicant is requesting an exception to the coordination of streets requirement, Section 14- 409(A) of the Subdivision Ordinance. See applicant's request, Attachment A. 2 (Ordinance language presented in bold italics followed by staff comment) 1. EXCEPTION OF COORDINATION REQUIREMENT Per Section 14-409 (A), all public streets in the development areas shall be coordinated as follows: A. Coordination. All public streets within a subdivision shall be coordinated as to location, width, grades and drainage with other public streets, as follows: (i) by coordinating with existing or planned streets within the general area of the subdivision, including but not limited to existing or future adjacent subdivisions, or subdivisions contiguous to such adjacent subdivisions; and (i) by continuing the public streets to planned, existing, or platted streets into adjoining areas by dedication or reservation of right of way adequate to accommodate continuation of the streets. An exception to providing the coordination may be granted by the Planning Commission as provided in Section 14-203.1 and 14-409 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Staff analysis of the considerations identified in Section 14-409(C)(2) are provided below, followed by staff analysis of the findings required in Section 14-203.1. ANALYSIS OF SECTION 14-409(C) Variation or Exception by Commission of Coordination Requirement: Per Section 14-409(C)(2), in reviewing a request to waive the requirement for coordination of streets, the commission shall consider the following factors. Staff analysis of each factor is provided below: The engineering requirements for coordination and connection; The County Engineer has no objections to the exception request. However, there are no physical constraints or engineering factors that limit the ability to make the connection. The Assistant Fire Marshal reviewed the exception request and noted that emergency response times in the area will be increased any time road connections are removed, but otherwise had no objections. ii. The whether the need for coordination and connection outweighs the impacts on environmental resources such as streams, stream buffers, steep slopes, andfloodplain; There are no streams, stream buffers, steep slopes, or floodplain areas located on TMP 55-78C. The applicant's request to waive the coordination requirement and construct Jackson Lane as a cul-de-sac does not mitigate any impacts to environmental resources. #i. Whether the street would and should be extended into the rural areas; This finding is not applicable to the waiver request. The subject property and all adjacent properties are located entirely within the development areas. iv. Whether there is an alternative street connection from another location in the subdivision that is preferable because of design, traffic flow, or the promotion of the goals of the comprehensive plan, including the neighborhood model, and the applicable neighborhood master plan; and The Crozet Master Plan Transportation Plan identifies the conceptual layout of two (2) proposed streets that connect Jarmans Gap Road to Birchwood Hill Road, an existing street within previously platted phases of the Old Trail Creekside subdivision [Attachment D]. Both of these conceptual streets are shown within the property boundaries of what is now TMP 55-78C. The Crozet Master Plan Transportation Plan identifies a third conceptual street further west, which 3 has since been constructed as Birmingham Drive. Birmingham Drive currently provides the sole street connection between Old Trail Creekside and Jarmans Gap Road. Approval of the exception would result in a higher traffic volume along Birchwood Hill Road and Birmingham Drive because it would eliminate Jackson Lane as an additional through street that serves the existing and proposed lots in the Creekside subdivision. Therefore, the request does not provide an alternative connection that is preferable in terms of traffic flow, promotion of the goals of the comprehensive plan, and the applicable neighborhood master plan. Staff received a letter from property owners along Birchwood Hill Road that expressed concern with impacts of potential cut -through traffic from the Grayrock Orchard subdivision located on the north side of Jarmans Gap Road across from TMP 55-78C [Attachment Ef Staff acknowledges that some additional through traffic may occur along Jackson Lane if the interconnection is made. However, one of the objectives of requiring interconnectivity is to more evenly distribute traffic impacts among multiple streets in the development areas. Staff s opinion is that most through traffic from developments located north of Creekside would continue to use primary streets such as Jarmans Gap Road and Old Trail Drive in order to reach destinations to the south, such as Route 250. V. Whether the variation or exception would enable a different principle of the neighborhood model to be satisfied to a greater extent so that the overall goals of the neighborhood model are more fully achieved The neighborhood model principles most applicable to the coordination of streets requirement are the pedestrian orientation principle, and the interconnected streets and transportation networks principle, as outlined in Chapter 8 of the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. The applicant's justification states that pedestrian access to Jackson Lane and Jarmans Gap Road will be provided through the existing trail network within the open space parcels of Old Trail Creekside. The justification also states that new trails will be provided within the proposed open space of Old Trail Creekside V that will connect to Grayrock Orchard. However, the proposed trail locations are not shown on the Creekside V plats. Furthermore, the open space parcels are proposed to be dedicated to Albemarle County, and at this time no new trail layouts have been approved by County staff that would provide pedestrian access from Grayrock Orchard into Creekside. The pedestrian orientation principle is intended to promote safe and convenient pedestrian access between new and existing developments in the development areas. If Jackson Lane were designed as a through street, it would intersect Jarmans Gap Road directly to the south of Jarman Lake Road. This is an existing street with sidewalks that serves as a primary entrance to Grayrock Orchard. Approval of the exception request would eliminate a valuable pedestrian sidewalk connection between the Old Trail Creekside and Grayrock Orchard subdivisions that would otherwise be required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Additionally, strategy 2b (p. 8.15, Comprehensive Plan) of the pedestrian orientation principle is intended to promote block development rather than cul-de-sac streets in the development areas. Strategy 2b states that blocks should not exceed six -hundred (600) feet in length. As previously noted, Birmingham Drive is the only street connection between the Old Trail Creekside subdivision and Jarmans Gap Road. This intersection is located approximately 800 feet west of the potential Jackson Lane interconnection. Approval of the exception request would create an even greater inconsistency with the maximum 600 foot block length recommended in the development areas by the neighborhood model. 4 Approval of the exception request would conflict with the interconnected streets principle by eliminating a recommended interconnection between Old Trail Creekside and Jarmans Gap Road, as identified in Crozet Master Plan Transportation Plan. The cul-de-sac would create an isolated environment for the new and existing lots in the Old Trail Creekside subdivision. Northbound car trips to Jarmans Gap Road would be increased in length and number along the existing street network within Old Trail Creekside. Staffs opinion is that approval of the request would conflict with the pedestrian orientation principle and the interconnected streets and transportation networks principle, as outlined in Chapter 8 of the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. The request does not enable any other neighborhood model principles to be more fully achieved. Section 14-203. 1 (B)(3), provided below, cites the findings the Commission needs to make in order to grant an exception to the requirement for coordination of streets. 3. Findings required for an exception. The agent or the commission may approve a request for an exception from any requirement of the applicable regulation upon finding that- (i) because of an unusual situation, including but not limited to, the unusual size, topography, shape of the site or the location of the site; or (fi) when strict adherence to the requirements would result in substantial injustice or hardship by, including but not limited to, resulting in the significant degradation of the site or to adjacent properties, causing a detriment to the public health, safety or welfare, or by inhibiting the orderly development of the area or the application of sound engineering practices. Staff opinion is that this request does not meet the thresholds for either finding in this section. There is no unusual situation or site characteristics affecting the ability to provide the interconnection. Staff does not believe that the connection would result in a substantial injustice or hardship through significant degradation to the site or adjacent properties, cause a detriment to the public health, safety, or welfare or by inhibit orderly development of the area. SUMMARY: Staffs opinion is that the request for an exception to the coordination of streets requirement is not appropriate because it would eliminate Jackson Lane as an interconnection between the streets in Old Trail Creekside and Jarmans Gap Road. This finding is based on the type of uses to be served, the design of the existing street network to which Jackson Lane will connect, and the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. No unusual situations such as topography, shape of the parcel, or site location apply to TMP 55- 78C. Staff recommends denial of the exception request because it does not meet the requirements of the Ordinance. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the request outlined below: 1. Section 14-409(C) — Exception of the coordination requirement to provide a public road connection to Jarmans Gap Road. ATTACHMENTS: A. Special Exception Request (Applicant Justification) B. Area map C. Exhibit A — Old Trail Creekside V, Phase II Plat D. Crozet Master Plan Transportation Plan E. Letter From Creekside Residents 5 COLLINS 200 GARR ETT 3T, SUITE K CHARLOTTE3VILLE VA 22902 434.293.3719 PH 434.293,2813 Fx www.c*lllns-engineering.com September 25, 2017 Cameron Langille County of Albemarle - Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE., Creekside V, Phase ll —Exception Request for Coordination of Streets Dear Cameron Langille, I'm writing to request a waiver by the planning commission for the coordination of public streets within the Old Trail Creekside Development, and specifically for the extension of Jackson Lane through the Creekside V property to Jarman's Gap Road. The waiver request is consistent with section 14-409 of the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance under Section 14-409.A— Coordination of all public streets within a subdivision shall be coordinated as to the location, width, grades and drainage with other public streets. The original Old Trail Creekside II preliminary plat and development plan showed the inter -parcel connection from Creekside II to the adjacent property with a road connection, as shown on the attached approved preliminary plat. This connection is labeled as Jackson Lane. Jackson Lane was graphically depicted on the preliminary plat, and the right of way to extend Jackson Lane from Birchwood Hill Road (Three Board Lane) was platted with the Creekside II development. The alignment of Jackson Lane in the preliminary plat indicates a road extension that could extend to Jarman's Gap Road and connect in the same alignment with the existing Jarman's Gap Road and Jarman Lane Road intersection. The applicant's request is to extend Jackson Lane into the adjacent property (the proposed Creekside V development) as shown on the approved Old Trail Creekside II preliminary plat, but not extend and connect Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road. In lieu of the vehicular connection at this location, the applicant Is proposing a pedestrian connection that will tie Into the trailway system through the Old Trail Creekside development and provide a pedestrian connection to the neighborhoods to the north of Jarman's Gap Road. The extension of Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road is not a connection that is being required by VDOT. VDOT inter - parcel connectivity has been satisfied for the Old Trail Creekside Development with the other connections through -out the development, including the Birmingham Drive (Mill Stone Lane) connection with Jarman's Gap Road. The Birmingham Drive road connection serves as an alternate street connection, providing a preferred connection location along Jarman's Gap Road for the traffic flow through the development. Pedestrian access through the Creekside II and Creekside V development will be maintained through with a trail network through the open space, and the trailway will be extended up to this intersection of Jarman's Gap Road and Jarman Lane Road. This extension of the trailway system to the intersection will provide a pedestrian connection between the Creekside development and the existing Grayrock Neighborhood development to the north of Jarman's Gap Road. Additionally, a second pedestrian connection to the Grayrock Neighborhood is also being proposed with this development to the west, completing the trailway networks through the Old Trail Creekside Development. The comprehensive plan illustrates (3) potential roadway connections in this area, and all (3) connections are shown in locations without much separation between the connections. Jarman's Gap Road is a collector road within this location, and access points onto the collector roads should be minimized, while still maintaining the functionality of the connections from the properties adjacent to the roadway. (3) connections in this area are not necessary to meet the inter -parcel connections for the development, and a vehicular connection from the Creekside Development to Grayrock is not a major benefit to the community, Albemarle County, or VDOT. With the vehicular connection from Creekside to Jarman's Gap Road through Birmingham Drive, the connection of Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road is not necessary. In addition, the applcant has had several meetings and discussions with the existing residents in Old Trail Creekside, and none of the residents would like to see Jackson Lane connected to Jarman's Gap Road. We ask that staff and the Commission grant the exception request for the street connection and elimination of the connection of Jackson Lane to Jarman's Gap Road. The principles of Neighborhood design and planning are better met with a pedestrian connection in lieu of a vehicular connection in this location. Thank you for considering�this request. Scott Collins, PE Y� h;ab4 i0a Ra� 8aah�aa a6aC @a@' ersgsa ,aasaq B�` 3�6a8�99996649 ��==„6�@53e6� pe �. wn. •99 i z 4 pb $ a a��g a °ill NOAvi 3-usi L3ap�'^...:..,'..^' Tr"ew �� .���,� � $ � � � @ : 8 A � ' ruvrsvu•ux nwg6en.uwuv Sun„ 9 � $ 3V IVId AWNIWI13bd II 3(3IS)133ND 1TV"d Clio wa I aors•ge n••gq�.nw G E Rye,l $ `in �i;! R$g t aR�O "Yad�Y CE i` gg @ &"@{pgpgpp ygyg@@ sysy e3 Y E a 29pe E N a'p43a & $$6¢6¢pSFq Zq 6at@{qy q A Rpq E F a . 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"1I1101 OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC DAY OF MY COMMISSION EXPIRES PARCEL DATA LEGAL REFERENCE TMP 55-78C , 20 NOTES: 1. OWNER: OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC D.B. 4797 PG. 46 GPIN: 05500-00-00-078CO 2. ZONING: R-1, CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT WITH BONUS DENSITY 3. TOTAL LOTS: 5 4. SETBACKS: FRONT YARD (5'), SIDE YARD (55), REAR YARD (20') 5. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT 6. DRAINAGE: CURB & GUTTER 7. DEVELOPER: OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V, LLC 8. DENSITY: PROPOSED DENSITY = 5 UNITS / 4.107 ACRES = 1.217 UNITS PER ACRE ALLOWABLE DENSITY. R-1 DENSITY = 0.97 UNITS / ACRE x 1.3 (BONUS DENSITY) ALLOWABLE DENSITY = 1.261 ACRES TOTAL ACREAGE = 4.107 ACRES x 1.261 ACRES = 5.179 UNITS or 5 UNITS TOTAL CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT IS ALLOWED WITH 25% OF LAND BEING WITHIN COMMON OPEN SPACE BONUS FACTORS: 5% DENSITY INCREASE IS ALLOWED FOR PROVISION OF STREET TREES 10% DENSITY INCREASE IS ALLOWED FOR INTERNAL STREETS 15% DENSITY INCREASE IS ALLOWED FOR DEDICATION OF OPEN SPACE LAND TO PUBLIC USE 9. SEWER: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SYSTEM 10. WATER: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SYSTEM 11. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE LICKINGHOLE CREEK WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION 12. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER SUPPLY. 13. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE 'X' AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBERS 51003CO228D & 51003CO229D, DATED 2-4-2005. 14. DURING THE PROCESS OF OUR PHYSICAL PERIMETER SURVEY NO INDICATION OF A CEMETERY WAS FOUND. NO FURTHER INSPECTION OF THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN MADE FOR POSSIBLE CEMETERIES. 15. IRON RODS WILL BE SET AT ALL CORNERS (5/8" DIAMETER) 16. ALL LOTS BEING CREATED ON THIS PLAT CONTAIN A 6800 S.F. BUILDING SITE AS REQUIRED BY SECTION OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 17. ALL PROPOSED UTILITY, DRAINAGE AND SLOPE EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE. 18. ALL WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS TO BE CENTERED ON AS —BUILT LOCATIONS. 19. STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE. NO STREAM BUFFERS PRESENT. 20. ALL OPEN SPACE AREAS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. 21. ALL STREETS SHOWN HEREON ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. 22. ALL WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY. 23. PROPOSED AREAS: PROPOSED LOTS: 2.728 ACRES (66.4%) PROPOSED OPEN SPACE: 1.144 ACRES (27.97.) PROPOSED R/W: 0.232 ACRES (5.77.) 24. TOTAL AREA OF SITE: TMP 55-78A: 4.107 ACRES SOURCE OF TITLE THE PROPERTY EMBRACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS SUBDIVISION WAS CONVEYED AS FOLLOWS: TO OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE V LLC BY DEED FROM JACKIE B. SHIFFLETT AND RECORDED AUGUST 4, 2016 IN DEED BOOK 4797 PAGE 46. TYPICAL BUILDING SITE. 15' F ' -1 Lc)40' 0 20' �J--25 15' VlICI)VITY j.4P SCALE 1 " = 2000' 44444000 F ��T H"OF /L o " 0 O z? �U C. STEVE GARRETT D Lic. No. 2025 000i n SUR�Ey���� ���111/140 REV#1: JANUARY 15, 2016 AGENT FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO JACKIE B. SHIFFLETT BY DEED FROM SHIFFLETT, JOSEPH; LIFE ESTATE BY DEED DATED AUGUST 24, 2000 AND RECORDED AUGUST 24, 2000 IN DEED BOOK 1949 PAGE 149 CREEKSIDE V ALL AS RECORDED IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE, CIRCUIT COURT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. PHASE 1 WHITE HALL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA r .`.. rr SCALE: 1" = 40' DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 ... `"�j r. SHEET 1 OF 2 DATE COMMONWEALTH LAND 410� SURVEYING, LLC. 319 WEST RIO ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE VIRGINIA 22901 PH: 434-973-0513 IF N 3912839.54 E 11420458.33 cu 0 llq WILLIAM M ANDREWS D.B. 1949 PG. 283 GPIN: 05500-00-00-78BO h 055EO-04-00-000EO �+ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE D.B. 4560 PG. 231 S74' 40' 50"E 235.88' IF 76 487- - - S71' 50' 27 W 464.70' - -, N24' 58' 30"E S72' 04' 101E IFj 7.52' 236.97 OPEN SPACE HEREBY DEDICATED TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY (1.144 ACRES) (- 256.74' \ 131.47' - - - - - - - - - ----7 /------ - - -- -� ' j'��\ LOT 3"� I o COLOT 2 23,513 SQ. FT. / LOT 4 cu ' 26,197 SQ. FT. \\\ 25,225 SQ. FT. w IF L2 i \ I w 10 N N ' o/ 2 / CS \00°� 3 IF _ L3�� IF L13 IF L5 \\ /�' �9 OD _ / I o - _/Q�i t 96 6.6Q E-�� 2 o C4 \� i I 0 m y ~ Ld I F I cs rn 1 LOT 1 -i IF cn c 1 22,109 SQ. FT. ..� � \ I I ' I ��oJ< \ LOT 5 EXISTING 20' rEM oRAi<< r [ifm Q / 21,773 SO. FT. CONSTRUCTION EA';i=�rIEIJTI m 1D c- \ TO BE VACATED r- rj 0 Lj (LN C5 �_ 00 o / \ N 3912916.66 + __ _ _ _ C6 E 11420180.32 - S65' 00 " J C7 9 L9 \ -\ N74° 25' 25"W 253.91' N 3912839.72 36 168.99, 8 I L11 \ \ E 11420456.33 6 �o'VAI:IABI NIiC) uo ROD/F �� / GRADING: �LV�r'C ,kR' I W N65' 102. 50 W do. do' Q. 20' SANITARY SEWER E'M'-1- Lr'n / D.B. 4472 PG. '136 VARIIABLE WIDTH t DRAINAGE ESM'T D.B. 4472 G 138', .I 1i 10' F'RIVATF l SANITARY SEWER ESM'T D.B. 4472 PG. 138 055EO-04-00-04700 ' DISTER, WILLIAM M OR CANDACE J MASON D.B. 4539 PG, 170 I' 'J I URf 1 I' D.B. 4�60 IP 239 10' WIDTH SIDEWALK ESM'T D.B. 4-4-72 PG. 1.38 055EO-04-00-04600 SODHA, FATEH SINGH & HILLARY ANNE SODHA D.B. 4533 PC. 566 VARIABLE WIDTH l r n. A.HN,A" F ESM'T D 41 % PG. 1.7)8 i I , rn 12.: ' WIDTH �� SIDEWALK. ESV'T � a D.B. 4.560 `'v. 239I r00'055EO-04-00-0450i0 X PIEDMONT NEIGHBORHOODSI LP ujo D.B. 4585 PG. 480 I VARIABLE WIDTH + DRAINAGE ESM'T i D.B. 4472 PG. 138 I, & D.B. 4560 PG.239 i N74° 25' 25"W 286. VARIABLE WIDTH 055EO-04-00-000EO 'P;RADiNG &; TEMPORAY COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE T1RJ-n-,P.O NID E_M T D.B. 4560 PG. 231 D.B. 45E0 P:. 239 055EO-04-00-04400 ROBERT ARGENBRIGHT CHRISTINE ARGENBRIGHT n� D.B. 4706 PG. 488 `) 4 2cb ' 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT D.B. 4-560 PG. 239 O10' SIDEWALK EASEMENT HEREBY CONVEYED TO OLD TRAIL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. 2 20' WIDTH WATERLINE EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED TO ACSA O3 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED TO ACSA O4 10' PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 S05'19'14"W 7.01' 12 S84'40'46"E 20.00' L3 N05'19'14"E 16.00, L4 N09°40'46"W 119.03, L5 S80'19'14"W 6.81' L6 S09'40'46"E 84.93' L7 N17°00'10"E 69.35' "' cq L8 S17'00'10"W 5.13' L9 S17'00'10"W 20.00' 3 L10 N74'25'25"W 7.78' 00 L11 N17'00'10"E 6.53' o L12 S17°00'10"W 69.35' ') CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 52.50' 9.70' N22'00'33"E 9.69' C2 52.50' 41.21' N49'47'10"E 40.16' C3 52.50' 59.86' S75'03'46"E 56.67' C4 52.50' 40.85' S20'06'28"E 39.83' C5 52.50' 90.61' 1 S51'37'25"W 79.77' C6 20.00' 19.80, S72'42'21 "W 19.00, C7 20.00' 9.54' S30'40'29"W 9.45' C8 62.50' 288.36' S31'06'29"E 92.64' C9 10.00' 14.67' S59'02'02"W 13.39' YIMIN OR HONG ZHU WU D.B. 3982 PG. 743 GPIN: 05500-00- 00-07700 OD/F JAMES R. JACKSON, JR. D.B. 3879 PG. 408 GPIN: 05500-00-00-077A10 P�A H �OF- Ooo k1- 00 o� � Z �2- Z� ? i0 y� C. STEVE GARRETT Lic, No. 2025 VA 0��0 SURvo�\` I00##11#4"%% CREEKSIDE V PHASE II WHITE HALL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BIRChWOOD HHLL \ - Ir,sTE EXIST. 40R l_E WIDTH ' W � / SIGHT DISTANCE ESI\�TD.B. 4560 PG.239 SCALE: 1" = 40' DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 SHEET 2 OF 2 OONEAL7°H AND ff�\ SURVEYING, UC. 319 WEST RIO ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE VIRGINIA 22901 PH: 434-973-0513 H APPROXWATEARFA OFOPEN SPACEWIDO// UPPER BAUARO REW TO ULTINAISLY BE DEEDED OILER TO AIBBM COUW MR w&ICE USE APAR0n ATEAREA0F0FoENSPAO=WII WUARDRaDTO MTIN4TELY SEOf$1® OVER TO AIB@/MLE COLPNT MR PUBLILf USE J// tua.Oms ,WIRE OPEN SPACE CACMATIONS.' TOTAL AREA: +181.92 AC (RAUARD, UPPER a4UAPD, CREEIGMF a CLAYTON) ` REQUIRED OPEN SPACE. 181.22 AC X2S%-4S48 AC. PROVIDED OPEN SPACE. 50.11 AC. am2 ° mlr�a BALLARD FIELD: TYPES OF OPEN SPACE: ACINEOPENSPACE SYMBOL AREA TYPEOFOPENsPACE PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 1 1.935 A _ NATURAL OPEN SPACE NATURAL OPENSP" 0.063A . NATURAL OPENSPA(3= GRENiVAYOPENSPACE 0.010 AC NATURAL OPENS LANDSGPEDOPEYSPACE 0.141 AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE IANDSCMEDOPEYSPACE 0.036AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE NOTE: 0.078AC. LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE 5 1. ANYAREAS NOTIABELED GREENWAY, NATURAL, PASSIVE, 1.572 AC AC77VEOPOWSPACE OR ACTIVE OPEN SPACESNWJ. LTELANDSCAPED OPENED 0.404 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE _ somrmoe SPACE 0.219AC LANDSCAPEDOPENSFACF 2. ANY OPEN SPACE WIIMN THE FLOODFLAIN AREA SNAEL BE 0.553 AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE y� n u A w r s4 -__1-_-J j i .a-- CWNSIDEREDGREENWAYARFA. OPEN r n 0.037AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE WITH FUND �•_ _ . to r u Pzat ( _ .T_________ ___r_,__ r-_- r 0.638 AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE 0.63E AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE 10.059 sa x +° 41 ' i 7.050AC PASSNLr(aTEEVWAY ALINE, AND NATURAL OPEN SPACE 'A 42 Jz �.--1 0.3S7AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE s• as u n sz r z, I ze 0.239 AC LANDSCPAEDOPENSPACE 0.3MAC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE t m 0-071 AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE �•-'-P� 2T ` 0.034 AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE 't as � zT ` --: AC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE as' m m n • _ 1 //: TOTAL OPEN SPACE. 16.60 AC u °1 t•� �— ,,n R n % TOTAL EEID:.X _ _u is ,z x OPEN SACS. X25%- 1310 AG 25%G PROVIDED OPEN SPACE-' 16.60 AC. z =' ---�--�" ° UPPER BALLARD FIELD: T T ' F • t•i - — �� SYMBOL AREA TYPE OF OPEN SPACE ° 4 � '' Ibd I 3.417AC. NATURAL OPEN SPACE If 7.141 AC NATURAL, PASSIVE, AND GREENWAY OPEN SPACE ICITAL OPEN SPACE. 1. •• 1 Qi 't•JI w- u n M s° TOTAL AREA OF UPPER BAl1ARD FIELD : 142.21 AC ' n REQUIRED OPEN SPACE 42.21 AC. X25%-10.SSAC A Iq PROVIDED OPEN SPACE. 10.56AC. / _J'� -" . '- a '•I OLD TRAIL CREEKSIDE: sT � a / n a jioo 20 ,° m b '1 Tt tat m •. » u w � �� °• y » t• �tui 2l. �\ al t 23 bL - - D TRAIL`, r-------------------- 4A1_ � '. ' -PARK EDICT : RIM W.TE?Ef im Ot A1T>� 0 i3E9:fi�®i p �AGYI• ©tiG1E}Y1•�i ©ikfJ[}91♦� o �IFti! ©SGF<s� �EA,za:es>•� TOTAL QUIREDAREA OFOEDCE. 76. 4AC. DFD: *76.54AC. \' BLOMWE) OPEN SPACE 23.18 AC X 25%. t9.135AG ^a � PROVIDED OPEN SPACE.- 2T.18 AC OLD TRAIL CLAYTON SUBDIVISION: � `��' \ �--�J/ i �• t SYMBOL AREA TYPE DEAFEN SPACE 1 e�OLD TRAIL GOLF COURSE L . O 1.00 LANDSCAPED OPEN svarE �'may, ® 0.16 LANDSCAPED OFENSPAM - •'''ten ;lE (^^+� �'---.` 11 ` / I '.'�"/.-_ _ _ -r O 1 LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE 0.1LANDSCAPED OPENSPACE GRAPHIC SCALE "�—'- '- or - / ® - OA2 LANOSCAP®OPEN SPACE ZBOAr TDTALAREA OFOD TRUE CLAYTON.- 110.77Ac REQUIREDOPENSPAGF: 10.77ACX25%=2.69AC PROVIDED OPEN SPACE: 288 AC. g l7 W Z z� o cn N It N Q W m W > N LL Z LU J X Lu w Z U W a W 1 0 f > V uj U W � Z w W UJ H pg U 172134 1'-200• 1 OFI Crozet Master Plan 0 Transportation Plan Prepared by Albemarle County I Office of Geographic Data Services(GDS). Map created by Derek Bedarf, August 23, 2010. Note: The map elements depicted are graphic representations and are not to be construed or used as a legal description. This map is for display purposes only. Note: This map shows existing streets, streets approved but not yet built, and many remaining streets from the 2004 Master Plan. Some streets from the 2004 Master Plan have been removed to reflect recommended land use changes, to date, from community forums. N T Railroad Crozet Development Area Roads (Proposed Master Plan 2004): Street (To Be Built) Street (Conceptual Location) Avenue (Proposed) Eastern Ave. (Proposed) Roads (Existing or Improvements Expected): Avenue Drive/Rural Road F Improvements Expected Street - - - - Potential Connection * Development Area Removal * Pedestrian, Bicycle or Vehicular Streets indicated in Orange are illustrative of the block pattern expected in new development where terrain allows. They do not represent exact locations of new streets and not all streets shown in this color may be needed. The streets show that interconnections are expected both within new development and new streets will connect to existing streets in Crozet. 0 0.25 0.5 w Miles Cameron Langille From: Nicole Jones <jeffandnicolejones@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 7:58 AM To: Cameron Langille Subject: Creekside V Cameron, Thank you again for your continued help and support. It was a pleasure speaking with you after the 11/9 site review meeting. As you finalize the staff recommendation due to the Planning Commission 11/20 for the 12/5 meeting we wanted to offer the following information for consideration. Specific to the ordinance exceptions you referenced we note the following: Section 14-409 2(iv)—There is an existing alternative street connection, Birmingham Drive, that is proximal and preferable because of its design, traffic flow, and the promotion of the goals in the comprehensive plan. Additionally, there is a future alternative street connection, Millstream Drive, that will provide additional connectivity that is preferable for the abovementioned reasons. • Design: Birmingham Drive's close proximity to Jackson Lane provides excellent connectivity to and from Jarmans Gap Road. Millstream Drive was designed and built to connect with Jarmans Gap Road and will also provide connectivity. Connecting Jackson Lane, with 5 proposed homes and street parking, would place it directly opposite the multi -lane entrance/exit of Greyrock, a neighborhood of+150 homes, and be an unsafe design. • Traffic Flow: Birmingham Drive is already connected to Jarmans Gap Road and provides excellent traffic flow for the community. Millstream Drive will provide additional traffic flow for the community. A connection directly opposite Greyrock would allow unsafe traffic flow. Promotion of the Comprehensive Plan Goals: The Crozet Master Plan supports an integrated system of streets that are neighborhood friendly and accommodate the changing needs of the community as it grows (CMP, 2010, pp. 5-7). The CMP shows "potential roads/connections" and "conceptual location" of streets on Plan maps. It specifically states the term "potential connections" does not indicate a desired public street connection and that not all streets may be needed (p. 40; Transportation Plan map; emphasis added). Additionally, none of the potential or proposed CMP connections were located directly opposite the Greyrock neighborhood entrance/exit, arguably seen as a safety issue. Old Trail Drive has a wide street design and traffic circles for its intended purpose as the main thoroughfare connecting Jarmans Gap Road and 250. Birmingham Drive and the future Millstream Drive connection produce additional connectivity. These streets will provide 3 connections to the neighborhood within a half mile along Jarmans Gap Road (totaling at least 6 future neighborhood connections within 0.8 mile), thereby promoting the CMP connectivity goals. 2(v) —The exception would allow the overall goals of the comprehensive plan and neighborhood model to be more fully achieved. The Albemarle Comprehensive Plan uses the Neighborhood Model, a set of recommendations to create liveable urban neighborhoods and areas. It recognizes a balanced, rational, and reasonable application of the principles should be used (ACP, 2015, 8.14; emphasis added). Both the Plan and Model refer to the importance of safety and support of healthy lifestyles with specific references to pedestrian orientation, childhood obesity, and enhancing the sense of community (8.15-16, 10.16). Our neighborhood has a high concentration of families and they utilize the current adjoining street for walks, play dates, and community gatherings. The numerous neighborhood children are highly active and venture to the street for outdoor fun in an area that has become their version of a playground. We argue their health and safety will be adversely affected if a street is unnecessarily connected to Jarmans Gap Road, especially one directly opposite a multi -lane entrance/exit for +150 homes. Section 14-203.1 3(i) — An exception is warranted as this is an unusual situation due to the location of the site. The site is directly opposite the multi -lane entrance/exit of Greyrock. The existing alternative connection, Birmingham Drive, is proximal and not directly opposite the entrance/exit of+150 home neighborhood. The existing connection and future Millstream Drive provide the same functionality and align with the plans for the Crozet Community. Please note the developer and residents both desire a cul-de-sac for Jackson Lane. We believe, even with conservative interpretation, one or all of the above satisfy the requirement to make an exception to the ordinance. Thank you in advance for your consideration and submission of this letter concurrent with the staff recommendation. Respectfully, Nicole Jones FINAL ACTIONS Planning Commission Meeting of December 5, 2017 December 6, 2017 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION FOLLOW-UP ACTION 1. Call to Order. • Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Chair Keller. Commissioners Keller, More, Riley, Spain, and Firehock were present. Absent were Lafferty, Dotson and Palmer (IJVA Rep). • Others present were Cameron Langille, Andrew Knuppel, David Benish, Bill Fritz, Amelia McCulley, Leah Brumfield, Sharon Taylor, Andrew Gast -Bray and John Blair. 2. Other Matters Not on the Agenda from the Public. • None. 3. Regular Item. Staff: SUB-2017-00146 Old Trail Creekside Action Letter — Approved waiver request for V, Phase II — Final Plat coordination of streets as noted in the actions. In MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White addition, make sure to forward suggestion to Hall Board of Supervisors as noted in the actions about TAX MAP/PARCEL: 05500-00-00- pedestrian connections. 078CO LOCATION: 6129 Jarmans Gap Road (Route 691) approximately one mile west of Crozet Avenue (Route 240) PROPOSAL: Request for final plat approval of a bonus level cluster development to create 5 single-family lots and one open space parcel on 4.107 acres with a proposed density of 1.217 units/acre. The application is utilizing density bonus factors for provision of significant landscaping in the form of street trees, dedication of land to public use not otherwise required by law, and for serving the development with an internal street. The applicant has requested two waivers to allow a cul-de- sac under Section 14-409 Coordination and extension of streets. ZONING: RI Residential (1.45 du/acre with bonus density) Albemarle County Planning Commission — December 5, 2017 FINAL ACTION MEMO Page 1 OVERLAY DISTRICT: No ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: No PROFFERS: No COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Density Residential — residential (3-6 units/acre) with supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools and other small- scale non-residential uses in the Crozet Master Plan. (Cameron Langille) APPROVED, by a vote of 3:2:2 (Keller, Riley No) (Lafferty, Dotson Absent), the request for an exception to the coordination of streets requirement, Section 14-409(A) of the Subdivision Ordinance with the finding that the location of the site being the potential road connection is what lines up directly with Gray Rock that creates potential for an unsafe traffic pattern that should not be promoted. CONSENSUS of the Planning Commission to encourage the applicant to work with staff to ensure the pedestrian connections and the connection from this side of Creek Side to Gray Rock are put on the plats and this information needs to be shown to staff and forwarded to the Board of 4a. Public Hearing Items. SP-2017-00020 Re-Store'N Station Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall TAX MAP/PARCEL: 055B0000000100 LOCATION: 6115 Rockfish Gap Turnpike PROPOSAL: Amend fuel -dispensing conditions, hours of operation and update condition to reflect compliance with approved site plan. No change in permitted water use is proposed. Albemarle County Planning Commission — December 5, 2017 FINAL ACTION MEMO Page 2 Clerk: This matter will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors to be heard on a date to be determined. Staff: Action Letter — Recommend Denial as noted in the actions. PETITION: Amend the existing conditions of SP200900034 which was a request to permit water consumption exceeding four hundred (400) gallons per site acre per day as permitted under Section 24.2.2(13) of the zoning ordinance. The site contains 4.06 acres. ZONING: HC, Highway Commercial — retail sales and service; residential by special use permit (15 units/ acre) OVERLAY DISTRICT: EC- Entrance Corridor PROFFERS: No COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Areas - preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources/residential density 0.5 unit/acre in development lots. (Bill Fritz) RECOMMEND DENIAL, by a vote of 3:2:2 (Riley, Firehock No) (Lafferty, Dotson Absent), of SP-2017-00020 Re- Store'N Station Amendment with the findings it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that the Board of Supervisors approved the prior special use permit with these conditions in place. 4b. ZTA-2017-00008 Manufactured Clerk: This matter will be forwarded to the Homes Board of Supervisors to be heard on January 18, The Planning Commission will hold a 2018. public hearing on December 5, 2017 to receive comments on its intent to Staff: Action Letter — Recommend Approval as recommend adoption of the following noted in the actions. ordinance changes to the Albemarle County Code: Amend Sections 18-3.1, 18-5.3, 18-5.3.2, 18-5.3.2, 18-5.3.3, 18- 5.3.4, 18-5.3.5, 18-5.3.6, 18-5.3.7, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-5.3.8, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-, 18-5.5, 18-5.5.1, 18-5.5.2, 18-5.5.3, 18-5.5.4, 18-5.5.5, 18-5.5.6, 18-5.6, 18-5.7, 18- 5.7.1, 18-10.2.1, 18-10.2.2, 18-11.3.1, 18-12.2.1, 18-12.2.2, 18-12.4.3, 18- 13.2.2, 18-14.2.2, 18-15.2.2, 18-16.2.2, 18-17.2.2, 18-18.2.2, and 18-24.2.1 to Albemarle County Planning Commission — December 5, 2017 FINAL ACTION MEMO Page 3 replace the term "mobile home" with manufactured home; Amend Sections 18-5.3, 18-5.5, and 18-5.7 to replace a numeric ordering system with an alphabetical and numeric ordering system; Amend Section 18-5.8 to establish new regulations for temporary industrialized buildings including a written statement provided by the site owner to the Zoning Administrator detailing the purpose and activities to be conducted in the temporary industrialized building, new diligent pursuit or good cause requirements for an extension of the temporary industrialized building's location on the site, and permitting the Zoning Administrator to impose reasonable conditions on temporary industrialized buildings; Amend Sections 18-5.3, 18-5.7, and 18- 5.8 to capitalize the term Zoning Administrator; Amend Sections 18-5.3, 18-5.5, to capitalize the term Board of Supervisors; Amend Section 18-5.3 to remove the Planning Commission's authority to issue a special use permit for a manufactured home park, capitalize the terms Building Official and Fire Marshal, establish new design guidelines for streets located in manufactured home parks, replace the term Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation with Virginia Department of Transportation, and require all exterior lighting in a mobile home park to be approved by the Zoning Administrator; Amend Sections 18-5.3 and 18-5.8 to update manufactured home and temporary industrialized building skirting requirements; Amend Section 18-5.5 to replace the term conventional homes with single-family dwellings, remove the Planning Commission's authority to issue a special use permit for a manufactured home subdivision, and replace the term Code of Albemarle with County Code; Amend Section 18-5.6 to Albemarle County Planning Commission — December 5, 2017 FINAL ACTION MEMO Page 4 replace the tern zoning districts with districts, and to restate that manufactured homes may only be used as primary residences on individual lots; Amend Section 18-5.7 to capitalize the term Building Official, delete the requirement that water and sewerage facilities must be approved by the Zoning Administrator and to restate that the property owner must certify the intended use of the manufactured home; and Amend Sections 18-22.2.1, 18-24.2.1, 18-26.2, and 18-30.6.5 to replace the term temporary mobile homes with temporary industrialized buildings. A copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance amendments is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and in the Department of Community Development, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. (Leah Brumfield) RECOMMEND ADOPTION, by a vote of 5:0 (Lafferty, Dotson absent), of ZTA-2017-8 Manufactured Homes draft ordinance found in Attachment C of the staff report. 5. Committee Reports. Clerk: Commissioner More resorted: No action required The Crozet Community Advisory Committee met and discussed Restore'N Station. Commissioner Spain reported: The Pantops Community Advisory Committee met and discussed the master plan update to take place over the next year. 6. Old Business. a. Final 2018 Planning Commission meeting schedule — Accepted b. Commissioner More requested a revised projection schedule on Master Plan updates. 7. New Business. a. Joint meeting with Board of Albemarle County Planning Commission — December 5, 2017 FINAL ACTION MEMO Page 5 Supervisors/School Board/Planning Commission on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 from 3:00p.m. — 5:00p.m. Tim Keller: • No Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2017. • The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 8. Adjourn to December 19, 2017, 6:00 p.m., Lane Auditorium, Second Floor, COB McIntire. The meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m. Act Albemarle County Planning Commission — December 5, 2017 FINAL ACTION MEMO Page 6 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 January 5, 2018 Collins Engineering 200 Garrett St., Ste. K Charlottesville, Va 22902 RE: SUB201700146 Old Trail Creekside V, Phase II — Exception Request Dear Mr. Collins, The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on, December 5, 2017 approved the above -noted petition, by a vote of 3:2:2, the request for an exception to the coordination of streets requirement, Section 14-409(A) of the Subdivision Ordinance with the finding that the location of the site being the potential road connection is what lines up directly with Gray Rock that creates potential for an unsafe traffic pattern that should not be promoted. CONSENSUS of the Planning Commission to encourage the applicant to work with staff to ensure the pedestrian connections and the connection from this side of Creek Side to Gray Rock are put on the plats and this information needs to be shown to staff and forwarded to the Board of Supervisors. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 296-5832. Sincerely, Cameron Lamgille Senior Planner Planning Division Cc: Old Trail Creekside V LLC P O Box 370 Crozet Va 22932