HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-04 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 170
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on March 4, 1992, at 9:00 A.M., Meeting Room 7, County
Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs.
Charlotte Y. Humphris, Messrs. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr., Charles S. Martin and
Mr. Walter F. Perkins.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr.; County
Attorney, George R. St. John; and County Planner, V. Wayne Cilimberg.
~ ~ Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by the
Chairman, Mr. Bowerman.
q'~ ;' "~,; ~2 . ~ ~ i' ;.!~ · r 0 '! n'..~ · ',' ~,.: t~~ TM " -~ : i~ b .~'i ~ -: _.~.~
Agenda:I~em No;:~2:;-.?P, ledge of~:Al,legianee,..:
Agenda Item~o. 3. Moment of Silence.
:Agenda'Item~ No~:4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the
Mrs. James B. (Bunny) Murray spoke on behalf of the Piedmont Environmen-
:al Co~incit!-'lin 'ref~r'ence~ to' ~Agenda Item'" 21,i,.. ~This'.~ item involves a(idiscus s ion
)n: two~ recommenda'tions ~ concerning economic ~. and:: fiscals, po~.icies ~ related to
industrial 'Gevetopment. ' She,read a prepared statement dated March 4, 1992, in
which,'~she ,.stated that tho'.; MEC:'~ believes; action~ One.this? matter(~ sh6uld', be ~purSued
as.,anv.~other amendment, to the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr:~:-J.im'*Butldr c~e forward,ne~t';~.-::~:noted discussion of the Road N~ing
Policy' is:liSted ~further ~do~:,on, th~agenda, but neither he nor the people he
i.s ~p~epan~..i~g can ~be prasant at tho. meeting when this item wi'ii be dis-
cussed. .He read. a statement relating to the n~ing of Route: 640. He. has
~o '~ Mrs..' ~H~phri s amd ~ Mr. ~ ;Mar~t in a bou~ ~ the'~ i~ssu'e~ e and.~':he~,: ~de~ st~d s
soma.of the conflicts involved, but he pointed out that there is a petition
signed by:the majority of the people who live on Route 640 who would like
have ~oute :' 6~0: b'otween:~ RoUtes" 2 3t and~,, .22 n~ed,'.* St. '~ John, i s~. Road~;, :':~:M~r~
the CPportUnity. ,toe explain:to:, al:l, .of:' ~he ' Super~sors~:the,: basics:, hiS~Orx,_:~of ~e
:.¢~Mr~; r geck:Marshall, ,. representingr C.itizeng~. for Albemarle, said he would
like to make cements concerning Agenda Item 21 which involves economic and
fiscal policies related to industrial 'development. Mr. Bowerman explained
that this i~m~wi.tt he,discuss'ed at?-the appropriate;-time~.on the agenda.
Marshall,: said:, he eann0t be present"at, the:.time"Agenda %t~:~21 .~ill.)be ~
discussed;.-:,. His po.int~: relates to; procedure', ' andr~he agrees w~ith., grs",.-Murray' s
cements. :-_ It seems~ to: h~im :.that: ~there has:. almost ~een~ ar- de..~faeto mod~ification
og. Current /Compreh~ns i~e'~ Pian pro, is ions~ regarding ,, economic 'development,: ~ in
tlSmarle-County;~. He wo~d.l~ike:to urge the-goard to., consider the possir
bil~ity, .if,. this has occurred, to'.defor: the: discusSion:until theY.:publiC' can'.be
~nfomed~-- HO:.: thinks~he: publiC-; should have~-.informat~ion to~ .read i~Sad~hcei,
and the. p~tic shOuSd:o be: 'able .to ~. respond at:a: public -hearing ~- . He ~ thiaks:~ that
Agend~:"'ttem N~:~' [ 5. , Con~,t ~g~nda -:,Mrs:: Hmphr,is,,.asked, for m~t
diseussi-om"of several items on~ the: consent'.agend~, :-, :: , 1 ...... '
:'_ F~rst, :' .Itm 5; 6~is ~ a~' letter .fromm, thee: Secretary of~,-~Transportation.'-, con.~
cerningl: the, proposed.~imp~ovmen~s'~: to,'. Route~: 2~9~ NOrtlh:,, Th,i~ iS in: response to
,thee Supe,~visors ' -, tetter:~ regarding, the: .-grade- separated: interchanges on: :Route~, 29
No:rrb:, ~The fourth' :paragraph- of_ Mr~ Miliiken,~s.. letter inddcates.-the~el' ~as-
opposition f~om a~acen~ property- o~ers arr., the~. public 'hearing ,in~-,tD86~ .t.~e
:paragraPh also,_indi;cat'es., that a~fter ,the: location, and.. des~ign'public hearing,
the Comonwealth,1Transporta~tion.:.~Board-will make,,its~ ~decisibn~:..bn the~ future
deVet~opment.:Of the,:-(i:ntereha~,; ~ ,T:hiS paragraph does,mott:depiet~ t.he:; ag~eer
merit i' '.~a.s;-:.. she: r ~bCr s ~ .'i t:~ . with:_ the:., Comonwealt h{'-.Transp'oriat i. on~ :,~Boa~ d~;.? ~:; She~,
;' ? .' ,. '"--,)..Lf.~ .,~ ' - "' '.
March 4, 1992 (RegUlar Day Meeting)
(Page 2)
M.B. 40, Pg. 171
questioned the statement in Mr. Milliken's letter whereby the Commonwealth
Transportation Board will make its decision on the.future development of the
interchanges after the location and design public hearing. She thought
phasing of the interchanges was already in the agreement.
Mr. Bain concurred with Mrs. Humphris' comments. He said the Supervisors
have already received a letter stating the Commonwealth Transportation Board
is in agreement with construction of the interchanges, but he thinks Mr.
Milliken's letter implies the Transportation Board may change its mind if
people oppose the interchanges. He feels there will always be people opposing
the interchanges at the public hearing.
,::'Mrs. Sdmprhis.~agre~d,' ':She'fe~ls any business person whose business is
going to be disturbed will oppose the interchanges. She reminded Board
members that she has been saying all along the Supervisors have to guard
against~,the!pos.si~it~ity, VDoT~is not'~going:tO,.::b~iid.,~he.,grade:vs~p~arated~inter-
~hang~s~',This would resultin more~traffie congestion on Route-~9,'~with VDoT
saying~.a:,:bypass has;'~o be:.bui,l~ ,She is ~e~y¢concernm&~as to-:ho~,,the~,Super-
~isors:'can defend~agai~st~this~,type:,of,~s~tuation~,--~ ....
Mr. BoWerman-said,:a.:,letter:,needs-~to be sent~from this::Board:,to~Mr:~,.'.
Milliken,-,asking~. for~,elari,fication.~of this,: parag~rmph.~ ~ Mr% Miiliken~ needS, to;
cla~fy:.= whe~ther or,~ nor .he, is talking about, future de~velopment in] ~{erms::.~ of
des ign. for the interchangesh or: whether~ he~ mean, s ~there'7.wiit, ~ot~ be ,an~-~ ~nter-
change ,bu~t~-.at~ all ..... ~ ~ ~.,~. ~ ~ ~
Mr. H~phris concurred. If Mr. Milliken is referring to designs of the
[nterchang~a~~ then: ~ha,t~':~is f;lne~. ?: ~%Howev~r, :,~s~; _;~phr..is ~ is~ c~ce~ned.~: Mr.
Milliken means interchanges won-' t be.' buil,t at:~alt:~ She, reiterated~that
~ithout the interehanges~i Route,:29~s tr~affic¢ wili~not;ftow approp=ia~et.y.
~ ,-~., ':/~Next:i,,'Mrs, H~phri~ 'discussedbConsen[ ~genda'~It'em::,5 ~,7, whdch re,lares- to a
request f~om CSX..::Tr~sporta~ion,; ~:~She;"asked.¢Mr,~z:Tucker to explain this re-
quest. Mr. Tucker said it is his understanding that there will not be direct
accosts7 frm;?:the Cha~iott~s~iii~ i,oeation.-:,,Thais Board eau' question thc move,
but: if:, it,--,chooseS> t.o*'- take:~ gueh., ~acti,0n~ ,. it ~ou'td:',be?: gO~., 'to 5do~ Sb:-in: ,conj unc-
tion~ ~ithh~th~:. City. ..... He;~,is,: sure~ ~he:i Cit~yi t ~d: p:~siblgi: ~he:_.Metropotitan~
P l anning~,'.. Org a, n i za t i ~ h ( gpo:) , ~; wi l i,.::.t:ake Some~;~ction.,:.
Mrs. Hmphris said the MPO.had .not heard of this request at its last
meet img, --~ Sheik-. thin~ks~~;i~' ~ould b~ ~in the; best:, interested' of:; the.:: eeono~y::: o:f.: this
:~O~J:: impo~;~. to;~ 5gnora~;.?-- ~i~s:'~ Board needs ,t0 -take action;, :. ~t..:~ she. womdered if
it~ Woutd~ be helpfu~l;~ to', hav~;.~morel information.~ ~ - Mr. ~.~ucker.,: ~sw~red ~ that he
could have more information by .next we~.
.: ~,~?* Mrs;. H~phris cal,}ed attention;.to. Con.sent_ Agenda?-Itm: 5~8. rela~ive- to Mr.
FLint'~S;~Febr~ry:. 17., :1992~ letter, annOuncing,:.~that,-~the,?Charlottesville-
Albemar le:~, Cle~n C~m~ni ty..~ G emission~ ( gAC'3); iS'i, mergings', with~- ;~he ~ Rivanna ~ So 1 i d
WaSte Authori~ty;/~ She; said.;,this'~.has 'already_>been~-ac~omPiished.':;,~.She' catted~~
at,ten, ion tO~,' Mr. ~ Flin~:s~ rote~ in t~hiS: p~ocesS ..... '~.She.:~f:eelm:M~.. Flint'.has been
the ,7' s pa~rk :p tug
an&-~ene~.g~izer .~for~':~he ~e~yciing pregr~, and: she ~hi~s this
,Board should recognize him in some fashion. Mr. Bowerman agreed that he
certainly is~deserwing" of:a formal ~ cox~endation-' from th&s(;Moar&, and suggested
~hat. a-~ ~er%ificate~;: of~ appreciation: ben,prepared
_ ~ ~,.:¢M~ ~Bain~:. asked '. that: Con, sent Age.n&a.:, Item, ~5. t 3 ,.: fela~ive~ :to: ,a::~ Feb~uarg~. 26,
1992~, lotte~~f~o~- the'Chai~mn :of:~ the ~Govornor ' s Advisory Comittee concerning
the Dillon Rule be discussed at next ,~eek'p meeting.
/:,.' ,,.: ? Mr-, :~-Bain hsked.,: that,; consent. Agenda
supe~rintendent ?RO~rt~ Pa:ske&~,,.:,entit&ed, _ Broad~ Wood EtmentarM; Construct ion
Des ign i ~'~, be. putledr~ ~ut ~and dis cus seg at;:, the
.,'~, '._:Motion::~was ~hen,. offered, by,Mrs; H~phris,~ seconded ,by-:Mr,~ * Martin, to
approve, the¢~Cons ent-: Agenda ~ with.~he ~eeption of ~ Items', 5,6¢,, 5; J, 5 + 8, ~., ~413-¢, and
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 172
5.14, which will be discussed at a later date. Roll was called and the motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
- NAYS: None.
Item 5.1. Memorandum dated February 18, 1992, from Melvin A. Breeden,
Director of Finance, requesting approval for "Destruction of Paid Tax Tick-
ets." Mr. Breeden noted that the Virginia State Library and Archives Record
Retention and Disposition Schedule allows paid tax tickets to be destroyed
five years after audit and upon petitioning the governing body for authoriza-
tion!~ The~Finance~Depa~tme~-~is~,h~lding approximately 43 cubic feet of
distribution records (which include paid tax tickets) for the periOd from
January, 1985 through June, 1986. He asked permission to destroy these
~ec. ords~,~:Th~S reques~was,approvedbyethe~vote re~orded a~ove, :~ ~'~
~' ·. · Item' '5. ~,.-' Scottsvilte: Tour' ~,The B~ardi has,-'be~n,~invited for a:,~shor~.,.tour
Df:~the area, under consideration for annexation (proposed boundary line adjust-
ment) by the Town of Scottsville. Staff recommended a date be set after the
next Annexation Committee meeting. This item was deferred awaiting the
· [ .... .':It~ 5-~3. La~ter',from:M=;':Ray~ D .... Pethtel,~ Comissioner, Virginfa'.:Depart-
~t o.f: Tran~porta~ion, - dated,?Feb~uary, 21 :i ~ 1992, ::::.s~ating~. Lowetl ~' Pines
Vis:ion foa'd~:~as: a'ec~pted;'~.,in~o ~ha';~state: Seeonda~y-~ S~stem', effect ive~:
As requested in your resoluti6~-da{ed '~anuary 8, 1992, the following
.. - addRtion .. to::~ th~: S~e~nda:ry .System of ~Al~atl~':g0nn~'y:~ is~ hereby
Route t563 (.Stanley Drive) - From Route, 7~3 to. 0..:14 mile
Engineer, enti61ed. [o~te, 866 ,fntersection with.Route 29," '~eceived. as fol-
f'Refe,renee ~is!~made.,' to~ the- Greenbriers/Route ~ 29 ~intersecti~n Whieh?'was a
subj eerie-of ~discu~Ssion~ at t~ie~,No~vember ~ ~i~ L99t ~ Bo!a~d~?of Super~is~rs~.- day
mee~img~ iAs,~m,~ reSUit~of~, th~0Boa~d,~s ~ discuSsion~ we met with m~ber, s
of the Senior Center; Br~O~ill Homeowners Association and .the~
Bj~an~h~ljands P~operty O~ers. Ass'5~ciati~on~No~ember~.~5.~,~1991~g/!~ave
C.?~?nidiseuss~rwith our District Traffic Engineer infomation-and sugges-
tiph~~ obtained from both meetings. This letter is my report on our
join~ ~View:~of,.the .intersection~
~a: Greanbriar/~ou~a. 29: intersection ....... is. part', of a. coor~-inated signal
system ~hicB: invelvas all of the .signals ..between/HydraUlic-Road on the
SOu~h! and .~oodbroek~.~on :.
· inr tha:'.Sys:am'~
:haa~7:~O~ma~:::~d ~;ha:~ing~ ~onty: two ia~:: each:, dir~cti~n: along ~oute 29.
~n afffact, the Greenbrier intersection controls the maximm vol~e of
:traffie~:whieh.. :eam.mOve~ a~ong,.-,Route:~ 2.9~.:, ~It f~ne~ions~; tike~ theinarrow-~,
esf-= parto 0f.j'an~?hOnrgt~s. :~ To~,max~imize ~he:~ ~o~t of t=a,ffic~which~
mo~es~ along~Route 29~ we, have"had? ~o, eRtend~ the~ g~een~ ~t ime i for -RoUte-: 29
beyond Ihat- allowed~- at:' othe= ~. mai or~signatized:~ interSections~ b ~This
reduCeS~fhe ~ount ~
brSe~)~[~ >~ile other major~ intersections~ have~ p~otected,~mo~nts:for
left-;turns ~ ~f~omJ' the side slreet, :.. suffieient~ time ~ isunot :available at
lhe-Greenbrier~ in~tersec~tion~'~toc do this. Progra~ing separate left
--~ fL ~'q' · ' '~,~
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 4)
M.B. 40, Pg. 173
turn and through movements for Greenbrier would subtract at least four
seconds from the amount of time now available for Greenbrier traffic
in order to insert a caution phase unless the green time is reduced
for Route 29 traffic. Based upon our observations of the intersection
and the review of accident date, we cannot justify reducing the amount
of green time allocated to Route 29. It, therefore, appears
unfeasible to add a protected left turn movement for the Greenbrier
One of the problems brought to our attention at the November meeting
at the Senior Center was the intimidation which is occurring as left
turn traffic from each direction on Greenbrier enters the intersec-
~tion~?We_be:!i~ve this~problem can be alleviated by guiding left turn
r::~.traffic through the intersection. Dashed pavement marking can be used
for this purpose. Pavement marking of this nature is in place at the
Hyd~a~licRo~ad~intersec~ion~on ~o~te~..29~-~ Marking~wili~,b~placed~,tO-
g~uid~.~ieft.~urns ~h~o~gh-the~inte=seetion ams0on ~s:-weather condi?
tions~and'manpower will permi~ .... . ...... ~ ~ .... - ~:~ ....
We:::' wi~i c.pnt&nua,~ to--monitor.: ;this ~ntersectio~ in; the :~futur~. ~. howe~ar.~
t :dq mot beliewe: additional ,improvements_ cam oe0unmn, til.Route 29 is
-,reconstructed in~ 1,994;P~ ~,: ,~ , ,~: ~ ~ ~.~ ~- ?~..,.-~--~:: · ~, : .... -~,~.~ ~ ·
ttem 5.5!:: ~,tter:~:dated.~.Februar,y, 25, 1902 :, from Di.. S~,. Raosevei~t*; ~ Resident
Engineer; .en~osing: copy,: o{? ?Current.,,. P'roj ects~
:I~em-5'. 6. :::Eetter dated :Feb~rY 26. t992~ from..Jo~: G.~ ~Miltiken;. Seere-
of,~ Trangp orta{ions; ~.? ~oncerning< t~,~p~sed 3~impro~meats~: to~ ~ Route. 29 :north
~'February 26, 1~992
:Thc. Honorable~ David ~P; 8o~rman; c ,Chairman:: '
Atbmarie~ ~unt7 Board:of Super.iso=s~-
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville. Virginia 22901-4596
Thank you for ~your: recent ,letter,.~[pga[~}ng. the proposed improvements
to' Route' 29 north~ of, Charlottesville.
t., ~, ' The,: ~,rp~emnt,m~tox~p~o~i.de.:~ grade sep~.~ated~inte~e~g~s;: arq
.... ~-~Hgd~aulic. ROad, and~',~Graen.brier :. B=i~e are not currently -funded for
preliminary [design 'or rightro.f.way acquisition.
The..Culpeper-TDistrict Pre-allocat~onHea~ing has boen; scheduled for
Marc~vr3&'at~,t.O~f:O¢~-a;~. -atw:the~VirgSn~a-~:~partment,of Transportation
~(:~D~,),:. ~l~per,~DiStr4cti'offi,~a.~'to,-~hear requests for additions and
r~viSi6ns~ to ~OT's Six-Year Improv~ent Program. The Board's fomal
request~for the, int~;rchanges~ ~hould~::~be made at this hearing.
"One~ ~:fUndin~:~h~'om~s::available and the~ preliminary-designs for the
inte=changes.'are:completed, a location and design public hearing will
ba,~held-~toCrecei~ co~ntsc, from the.:generat:publ/e~.'~:.:--I am : t o ld?. that
the~:,public.?hearing in.it986con: RoUte 29, which included the Rio Road
interchange,--' bnought~ out: o'pposition from: some:;,adj acent property
.Commw~alth.~, Wrm~SpOr~tation~:Board:,. wi li:: make i~s. dec is i0n~ 6n .: the future
development of,. the interchanges~;::
In: the~ meant ime. DO~ intenas, to~,'pr~c~ed wi.tH,~he:~ design~.:and :.construc-
Zion~:of~ ~e; r~eantiM,~approv~ proja~t~r ~$his project includes; six(
th~rOug~Tianes~i r-continuo~( ,right, turin ,lanes: and ' s ignalizad~ aC-grade
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) M.B. 40, Pg. 174
(Page 5)
I appreciate the continued cooperation of Albemarle County in these
complex matters.
(Signed) John G. Milliken"
(Note: See conversation concerning this item underAgenda Item No. 5
Item 5.7. Copy of application dated February 13, 1992, from CSX Trans-
portation f~led.~wit~the:State'Co~poration Commission re: Request for author-
ity:to!.move its agency at Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Stations Under
its Jurisdiction to the Richmond, Virginia, Transportation Service Center,
receiVed:as~info~mation~:: (Note::.-See~conve~sation~-for}this.item~under~Agenda
Item No~5~-ahove~
Item 5.8. Copy of letter dated February 17, 1992, from Mr. Roger Flint,
Presiden~,c:Cha~lo~t~s~lleSAlbemarle Clean Community Commission (CAC3),
addressed to Mr. Robert Tucker, County Executive, thanking all who partici-
~.~eceived as information. (Note: See conversation for this item under
Agenda Item No. 5 above.)
i~.,', ~.' '~., Item 5i 9-. ~ Letter? dated~' Februa~ry., 21 ,~, 1992,, ! fr0m~Mr ;' James_ Christian,.
NatiOna~t.'. Register..: Assistant!, ~Department i. of Hi'st0rie Resou~ces/~
Mill~:Alb~arle CountY,. OZ~49,~ '~=eceived. for info~ationl,x~Mr'c ~ ~i~lt s~ates, that
Mettle,-Milt -appe'~rs~:to:me~he~ cr~'~er~an.~or~ii~n~e'ont~he ~i~in~~a~ks
R'egis~er and~>t~he. National Register of Historic Places, however, they do not
plan to prepare the national regis~gx.~0m~tion since their work program is
fully scheduled for the remainder of the year.
.~ /~"~-<I~em 5,10 ~ Copy of~mimutesl, of:the> Planning [omisSion.:,foP February 18
Item 5.11. Copy of letter da~ed.~e~9~ry 20, 1992, from Ms. Virginia
Roy, President, ~homas Jefferson_ Planning District's~Regional Recycling Group,
addressed t0~~ Charlot~eS-gi:t~t~fAlb~ar!e: EduCators ~ re~:- ~:St~en{;:Eh~irOnment~t
i~rP' iae~5~lai~a. ~inancial~..Hanagement Repo~t~ fo~: Decembe=~ ;t~91 ffnd:-January,
t 99~ : In~-a; memo* attached ~ ~here~o,: Mr .~ Tucker ~ noteS:.that, in~ the~ 9ecembe~and
JamUary,~Gemeral Fund~' ~epor~,..the~ prOje'~ted:<expenditures reflect the change in
the holaback reserve ;frOm: five perpen~p}one perc'ent, for aL1 co~.ty, dePart-
ments;, agenciesfare sho~:with a',zero percent, hold baCk ..reserve.- ~The January
statemen~ refiect~.>incraamed~: to caa-~ revenues~:dae ~- to. a: bette~ - ~han', anticipated
cotleat~o~: 0fi bo~hc:~.at~estaae~ aMi~ p:er;son~: propert~ :t;axe-S&%~t~at ~ ~a;s:'~ f~poried
tO "the ;' Board .last month.. These ~Ve-~uesi~anc>b~'-used:to~f6~d the'~ant~'cipaled
Te~RuelS~or~.falt ihs~e}Capital Improvement Progr~ Fund for the revenue
haring pr j '~
}.~,-;~ ItemL5 i ia i ~;~Lette~ date&~February 26~, 1992, from M~r. 3,,..Granger
Macfarlane,: Chairman, '
Governors AdV~SO~Y.,..~p~ission: om. the Dilton Rule. and.;
L~cat Gever~ent~ announcing<"aemeeiing{ andehearimg schedule.
. ' 'Item35~.'14;~a/M~orand~?-daled Febr.~ary ~8.; t99~:'.from'~ Drl Robert~,W~:.:~ .... :
Pasket, :Divisian::~Superintendent~ entit%ed;"~BroadUs Wood Elementary~
Cons t=unt · on~. Des ~gn, .... reesmve~;.~ as:- ~nfo~mation ~ ~ (Note':?~:.:. See Conv~satiOn.-~
Aged ~ve~ )
:',~,:~'-' :' ?", il!: ~- ::}:'3L '. . - ,, -..
4arch 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 6)
M.B. 40, Pg. 175
Agenda Item No. 6. Approval of Minutes: June 19, August 14, Septem-
ber 4, September 11 and October 16, 1991.
Mrs. Humphris reported that she has read the minutes of September 11,
1991, from Number 11 on Page 45 to Number 15 on Page 54, and has given correc-
tions to the Clerk. She has also read the minutes of October 16, 1991, Pages
1 to Number Seven on Page 14, and there were no corrections.
Mr. Bowerman announced that he has read Pages 41 to the end of the June
19, 1991, minutes, lie stated that he also read the minutes of August 14,
1991, Pages 21 to 31, and September 11, 1991, Pages 66 to the end and found
them to be in order.
II <_:~Mr_~ Perkins said he read the minutes of September 11, 1991, Pages 15 to
II45. He added that these minutes relate to the naming of the roads, and there
may ~.~:a ?p'oss~ible: error c~n'cernin~'%he~ naming of"one -foam<'/< He aSke'&. ~t~t. this
~ituati~om~.~be, examined.~.:to;make:suD.e~ the'~naming of this particular road is
.... : ~s.'~ ~, ~hris~ ~ed:, :a~roVal-:~. o~.~the m~utes :~ re~..~: ~;:; ~,-~ seceded:
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES:~'.~.,Mrs~H~phris:~._Messrs; ~erkins, Bain.'an'~ $owermam~ .... ~
ABSTAI~NING: ~?~r..'~Marshall and Mr. Hartin.
'~/:~ Agemda~.: Item: No~; ;~ Ja~ ',~ MighwaM ~atters: R~quest~ ~to aband~n~ Old' Bro~ '
re~latinE','to:~he. Old.. $mm~S;Gap.~ ~pih.: ;-b~: ~e,; Ms' previously.~ re. esot-
ed the~ applicat on this mtter.
S~ ~aop~tic ~aring to a~hd0n, a portion, of:Route 629: was'~ denied ,by: the Board
of Superviso=s on Febrmry 14, 1990. :. At the sme ,time, ,the Board authorized
the C~uh~y.~ttorney:~to:..fil'e suit to:remove'..th~' gate plaeedi~across..Route
The FOurth ,Circuit. flourt rendered ~'s~a=y' jUd~ent in favor of the plaintiff
{B6agd :~f :~Sup~.iso:rs) ?in:.:.'Jan~arg~ :, The~: .d~ond-ant~s:,~(Ed~ard H.- Rippe= and
¢~hyttis.'o.::.: Ripper) hate appealed' thi~ decis:ion to the Unit'od States,:Court of
~PP:ea}S~'~;: ;Mr.,:Ered~:, Pa,~e~ a{,t*rney ,for. the Rippers, is interested in discus-
sing posp..ib!e gesoluti0n at the staff
ed the' appli, caa~ or~ this ~atter.
Mr. Pa~e Said Mr. Bower~n-is correct,, however:, he would: like for his
~ ~r~: mfght: be~ r es o tged.: at · this ~. time. :.~ ~. He.: w~nt?bn t~:: ~y'~ ~t~ no~ one;,
e~ ~ ta'tk':% lo~:.him~ afid~ his~ 'clientS[,' ';and he does~ not find_ th;is ~, be a
si~tua~ti:~n,. 'lHe'~pointed ,OUt; that> the Uni~ted S~;at:as:~-Attomey-in~,ame~x.h~m ,that
e~en?',he: ~,ou~ld not~. disaussr anT:. resoiut4on ~ as: lon~'; as: 'the', case ;is~' pending';L ~ Mr.
P~a, yne said_~.r~gar~tess~ of the .Te~lutmon~ of, ~hm.s ~.tit~gat~on, it!>wi~l~l:'~notJ
~2timately rake: ahy,'d~ifferemc~:'~ because' the: .pro!biota ~:wil:t~ not go,away~?,and ~he
eva~xbody.~S~_inte, rest:, ho'<,try amd ~ozk~ out:a' comprehensive resolution to this
matter. He is authorized today to dismiss-the appeal as long.as it is under-
st ood?:that,:> t~ :~ R~ppe rs-. ~i 1 ls4..b?~ :in;, *~ posture, for~'megot ia.t ing~;:~.,.~,?~He~: ~,is, noti ~ ask in g
~oppo:~t~%~y~cto~ purs~r{~tha:':~i~-of resolation addressed in his latter of
ma~ter~:.i~ th~: wayside SuggeSted:. i,S ~":;the~e-:a~e:,.a<n~be~-<of:.pmblem:S?:~ram'
differen.t peoplel s:: perspeet:iUes., ,::'::He:.:~elieve'S~ e~eryone~'.:~ows: ~ha~,:~,th;ai:Rippers '
pr:o~bi~s.entai;t.~ 'b. ut,'~there~are',a ¢ n~.e~-:of~: ot~er:'peoP:'l:s-<who. ~ have :,concerns
:a-bout: the:.imat:ger;.;4,: ~He .poin~ed~ ~t~ .,tka~.:.~ Comfy GO~ermnt-~,is One. agency, as
~et-l,: as~ .. the :park:~:Service. -...:.~here ~:ar:e i-ndiViduals'-who,, have qua:tions,.
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 7)
M.B. 40, Pg. 176
the Highway Department and a number of other entities. He does not know the
concerns of everybody, but he proposes to bring to the Supervisors for review,
and, hopefully, approval, a proposal that will address all concerns. His
clients have the right to meet with the Supervisors and say they do not like
_ the location of the road because the public road is inconvenient, hazardous
and encourages crime, etc. He reiterated that his clients would like the
opportunity to discuss the matter with staff.
Mr. Payne said when this request was brought to the Supervisors before,
the issue was whether to abandon a portion of Route 629 from State maintenance
to a point near the intersection of the next adjoining State road. The issue
was not whether to abandon the portion of Route 629 between the Park boundary
and~the endi:.bf~ State~ma~intenance~-and he believes the reason such a request
w~s:!not'~made at that time was because this Board did not have jurisdiction to
do so. He explained that a road cannot be abandoned as a public road unless
;it,: i~s ~ah'd~:haS~. bee~ ~a ~publ~xc. ro~ad~ --~ He. be~eves :th~s~ port~on ~o,f~ thee roa~. was~
no:t~ a ~pubti c,~- r.o ad~'~a~, any~ time. ~ ¥ This~- mat~t er~ h~a.s been~'-~ litigated, ~. ~d: ~udge~. ~ ~:~ ~'~
H~rry ~M:ichaet~- m~e:: a~.. ~uling. ~ ~h,is~z beimg~ th~': ease.~-' ~his ,~ lien,s..are now: iR the
pOsture ~where, they: ~iil..not~~ ~be ,conteSting the~' issue, ~if ~he ~t~e~.. is:: broug.ht
to_ this..Board: :. He...: Said: i~.:~h~s'.'~al~dy Seem es~t~blishsdc::~ha~'. ,.i~~ is,
road:~ ~so'~: n~.W~:~the~ S~per~i.sors:-c~ m~. a.:dea:isiom~ about<, it~ ~..He} repeated~' ~that
· it~ is:. poSsib:le today<to. ~e',dismisSa:l of',the appeal. He says this advisedly
because the Court has the discretion to allow his clients to dismiss the
appeat:% and:~hm does ~o.t ~.ha~e~ abso,lute e~ntcol~,oVer?:,the~':.r~tem.::r'., H~:is ~onfic
dent~ ~:~ howe~r, ~a~-,if: his~::,cliemts move., for~~ dismissal? of: the appeals-.~ i~::
be dismisSsd~': If ~.~his :~Board~- teils:' him: ~, and~his ~ ~tientS'.: are~ authoriZed'f
,~,alk :~-0 county: st.mff~ :~.~ parsue the ma~ter, ~-, ~h~ heYw~i.tt..'~le~ a~--motionS.: ~'o,r~ ~.~
~i:smi?sSaL ~0f.'.:. t~e': ~a'pp~.l ~:~o~z~.l~t:er.' than:.: the~ end~: of this~ week~.~ ~-.. He~ :wi li~-be glad
~:o: ~ an.sw~, .que s t i ~s ~, and~ he:' p o:in~ed ~ out:: tha~ ~iS .b a s i c'. o b~ eu-t lyes' i.~? Set ~ .out~:: :in
bis-:Feb~uar~~19, 1,9,92%~': tether ....... -~.~'. ~,, ,,....:: ~-~ ~ ~,.::' - , :~.
~aspo~ded~-,t.hat.no:~.Bo~ard~! m~mb~r..~ h&d.: dd~re~ssed ~he~:.ma~te=~- ~itk "him¥ · and: :he::
no:~ co~m~,s/eonee~nim.g ~ ~.':':Pa~'~s~.proposa~ ?,beeaase h~i does ~ot~: ~feeL:i~¥ is~:, his
no~: ~ , ~ do~s~ n~ot~..think::, the':Co~y~-S~:pos~u~e':. o~'~ ~::i-s~ appeal witt be-:,p~,ejudieed
o~ -affec~e~t~b~e 'W~y'.~.or:::~o~h~r.: by: whatever,' reaction this~::.B~rd
:.::~'~: ~ ~ M~':~,:M~.t in'. asked:~ ~if; Mr:~:~ 'S:~:: ~Jo~-~ds ~aying,~.t~:~ ~h~ther :o~- me~: the ~pp'eal
.~hi~s: ~eas~,~'Smnd~-.~he::-~.pp~a~c Will~ go' to-., the ~n4~d:_~States g~u~t
the-:::~F~u=th~,G~i~eUt~ ~If¥ the S~pe~vi.~r.S, g.~:Jalong Wi.th<:~ Mr:~j P-ayne:~ s ::su~ges:tion~
it',wi~ll, s~tiil~.not:gi~e M~:.?P.a~e an'arg~ent to go.to the Fourth Circuit Court
to have an appea~ grant'ed~ even i'f the Board of'Supervisors were: ~onsidering a
s et t l~men~..:.: ~'-~h is ,B~m~ d ' ~:' a c~ i o n~ :.wi 11:: have-:.no ~impac~..,whats ov~ ~'on: t he.: R~p-
· pers.'~ ~:~an:~ o,~..'-succe~s:'~:, the~ ~a~-4~:~s~:~ e~a~NceS~:: of.:-'Su'ecess~~ ~n~:~ t~h.is~:'..appeml~.: ?: He
~iving:l:~a qu:id' pro: -'q~o~"' lin" :iret~r,n:' for:,.-,the:- iR~ippers d:ropp:ing. ~,thi~si appeial:;.~.'..:. I~nl
op i~'i0~.g ~.. ,t,hist'? :sh~ald,~.:~ ,. p~a, ty: .~'he:' Ripp'ers?.:~ ~,cisi~n:. ~: :~.f~ :theJ R~ipper,s. ~i. nk
they:have..a Ch~ce..to win ,the appeal, then whether', o=-not t~ pu:rs~: it:is up
to th~.". Mr; Pa~e ,ha's ~sai.d he.. is.'~ot-.'asking ,fo'~ a ~qui.d~pro ,quos..he is': only
:~.. :: :~. ::~:'M~..: S~. ~: JobS: wffn~,::.:.~m~:~ ~o Say~:-~a~?~ Mr ~, ¥ Pay~'~?~.d0~s~ nO~: :need,.,~ anything~...from
this Boa~rd b'eea~$~, :he :can: '~come ~o t~is?~B~a~d:~'~,~. ~n~y-, ;t~e ~ith:-:a p~rop~sal.~?:J. It
anM ~o:the~ e~itizen, i~ ~ Mr ..~ St~. ~ ~o~ wan~ed~ ~ to~ make i~t ciear~~ that~ this~ Board ~ ~: z
giviag~ ~h~ Rippers~:~wha~ ~ ~ke~ ~a~'. ~ ~.~ He~ a~de~~ tha~ ,~he Rippe:rs c~e; ~o~ ~this
Bo~d ~once ~b~f.ore~.~o:~ry~ ~o.:. ha, ee~~ ~hi.S~ '~oad:~-~ndoned~i~e~n: .t~ough ~ i~:~.-was ~ 'no~?
system .,:: Me~.. ~e:iterated_:.~ha~: ~-he :origimal :.app~lica~ion:.. ~s--'. :fbr:~:. the::,abandohment
of-: ~he:~:=o-ad.~:~:. A :t~t':.of :-pRop~- c~e:. hefo,re~..th:i~'.~ B~ard, and~' argue~ th, at-~it: :Was in
~he~.pub~l.i~s~inte:res~t ne~ to~-aband~n, the ~oad;;:'i:This.-is~,tha' s~'.'issue~
Rippe,r~.~ar:e'~: asking: f~z-~ so~,thing that~.:was~:.n~..gra~te~d'.~origina$iy:; ":*~e' re~i:~er-
.ated:~:~.ha~?~,he~:~au. id::,.be~ar~::~of.: skin,zany, indidation.--that ~his ~:Boar.d: would
.anything in return ~fOr .the Rippers ' decision: .to' .droP~this, appeal:.
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 8)
M.B. 40, Pg. 177
Mr. Bowerman stated that he would, personally, be willing to consider
this issue, but not while a suit is pending.
Mr. Payne responded that he does not think this is really an issue
because the U.S. Attorney has already told him that not only would Park
Service officials not discuss the situation, but he would not discuss it
either, as long as litigation is pending, so, he understands this cannot be
discussed by this Board. He stated, for the record, that he is not asking for
a quid pro quo. He understands this Board has no power to make a commitment
on this issue without appropriate process. He emphasized that he is not
asking the Board to do so. He is only asking for the opportunity to talk to
the staff so a sensible proposal can be prepared. Secondly, Mr. Payne pointed
Out:;~hat thSs is,.~not.~theasame~iss~e which was before this Board earlier. If
ita~as3%he same situation, he would not be at this meeting, and he would file
a petition instead. He went on to say that he is not asking for any kind of
commi~ment6from~this~Board~today except for,Spermission tO%discuss the~situa-
Mr. Bo~werman:~.saideMr::,~Payne can~.-do,.this ~as soon as the i Suit;~,is;::dropped.
Mr,;:~St;. ~ohn'samd~thms.request:,.or~g,mnally(,began between M~. Payn~.a~d~-his
~lients afld,:Mg, Citimb~rg~;~,?;Neither~,M~;: St;~ Jo~ or the~_at~orney, for.zthe Park
Seruice participated-~ :_ Gounty staff:,.has ,already~::studied,.the- request%:~he
report~;is already before this'Board. : tf there~,5s~.a new;:proposal..~for~::anl-'~
easement:: for::foot: tra~et~ ,?-etc,,~:-:the [ asSig~ent--;of.: staff ~"to,,engage in~' :that ~kind
of a,~study?should~come;,f~om :,this~Boa~dv He does~nOt:..think;-.there,::.should be a
situation~,.where anyone can watk:;into':the~:Planning Office:and:,.:settup..a~.meeting
w5th:.the--Directo~-,of~-¢Planning that,-will gake,~a.'iot Of.:higTtime'~ tf'~any:-'-:
tit i zen :: can't: do so¢ ~: then[? this< tBoard ' no, ', longer .;has "control :,. oPer: the :::,work 'program
of~ its depar~ents; ..... .~:.,.~,. , .... ~ :~ , - . .... ::~: ..., ?'
-.. ', ~: Mr~ ,Martin said.. ~seems -tto himi~hatothis <'is::~a-[ relatiVetyusimpte .matter.
The~.Supe=visors have nothing to~ do with whether or not the Rippers drop their
law suit. Obviously it would not be in this Board's best interest to com~i-
cate,:qneg6tiate 'or%diScuss the"~ease ~wh~le ~ig: iS be~ng~.~.;titigated, ~ ~ If~the:
Rippers are. ~willing to? drop :~heir. taw.¥suit ~:~,then~the~ staff ~ will~bemore ~. than
willing tO ~ discuss; the~varions ~.issueS~.: ;~ He. th~nks~th~suBoard r should~ take the.:.~
position:that the¥issues;~w~lt nOt:'be~discussed.~asLldmg as~'thee%itigation is
' .:. ~Mr.,:~:Ma=shall: asked:What:.is~.b~ing<requested~,-~.~Mr. ::Pa~e,- answered.,that~hgs
cl ients .~?~ant..to: elose:..the~ troad~-to. ~general public.~:: vehfcular, t~ravel :~o, s.gop i_
poaching~ :vandalism, aad.~litt~ring .Mr~ Marshall,,Said he.iunde~stands,'~this,-.but
... Mr. Bowerman said this issue ,cannot be debatedtoday. He told 'Mr; Pa~e
that ~f the~suit ...... iS,~dropped,i~there-has~ been~an., ihdication:fr~m.,t~:Supe=Visors
today~:that they are~. in~.favo~ of the' staff-'~working~with the Rippers and~Mr':.,
r: :. ¥. n c~Mr. :, Payne :, r~arked:, that ~:t i f the_: Boardt concurs,., w.ith~ Mr ~ Ma~t ih~,,s ?~statement
Perkins.said he thinks:-,Mr. ~a~'.fs'fr~o to. bring a ~resolution to
this Board. at any time~.whether he. has worked, wi~h staff..or not:,. ~e
rathe~ ;-se~?M=;: ::Pa~e~:write .something,:.directly,~.~o, this Board, ,:: ?Hs.<-is [nOt,-~ :,,
demeaning<,~he, staff,,,?.:but,~whendsomeone,t-~talkS,~t~ ~staff }.':-that ,person: is negoti
gting: w~th~,the.:staff.. ~::%Ho. feets:,Mr.. ~a~eashOuldzbringhthe?.proposal:~.direetly:
to~this :shaff:,,: and :: see :t:hoW,l, ~hiS,:,~Boa~d:.handles: it...- 'Mr., .St. -' John" concurred
Mr. Pa~e..said.~he haS~'not:.brought:'a Solut~on.-to the t,,Boa~d beCauSe,this ~is
;.:~?.-:-Mr. Perkins remarked that Mr. Payne is..asking for abandonment of a public
road that will still:remain, a- public' access. Mr;,.Perkins asked, for instance,
if. handi capped ' paoplo~:witL~be ?able :-::t6 '.drive,:,thair. v~hfcles into.-.the, pa~k~-
Mr~::Rippe~cwfl! maintafn:~pa=[,:~of~,:the :roadl. or if he, is going to..furnish-
parking, areas- for. vehicles.., .-:v:.' -,.. ,,- : ....
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day'Meeting)
(Page 9)
M.B. 40, Pg. 178
Mr. Payne responded that these are precisely the sort of questions he
wants to discuss with staff. He had not considered the problem of access for
the handicapped, but he thinks it is a legitimate question. He does not think
it would be productive for him and his clients to imagine what may be in other
people's minds. This could cause him to come to this Board with a proposal
which might be totally inadequate.
Mrs. Humphris said she feels the Board is on the verge of putting the
staff in a situation of having to make decisions Which should be considered
directly by this Board. She thinks Mr. Payne's proposal should be brought
through the regular process directly to this Board, but not as long as litiga-
tion is in progress.
-,',-r...~M~ Payne said Mr. Cilimberg has been instructed not to discuss the
matter, not because the litigation is pending~ but because the Board has not
assig'ned the': ~mattero tO, him:, ~,. ;' HiS+understandingly. is that?even, if~ the~ appea;t~ is
dismissed~ today,' Mrs; ~Cilimberg(¢'wili~respond?:that,~h~ C~nnot~ diseus~ ~h~matter
becaUse!the,>Boardbhas not:>;asSignedTM it; ' Mri:' Pa~e said~ this igc,the pro~btem~;
Mrs~'.,:~H~ph~ip~-sta,ted:that~the~,~on~y ~hing: concerning:~h~r.~is~ M~.;
co~ent~ about.,; theVDepartment,:' s :work' program?' Mr. t Tucke~,~: e~p~lained that, if
there had?:been a~probtem:~w,ith:'the~work progr~, the staff would have been the
first ones to infom the Board.
",:.~ ~Mrs.:.H~phris'~said it:.seems~:,to~.:her'?to~be-.a.:~simpte situa~i6n where;.'~as,:
tong as,.therai~is no,"pendi~g: court~. c~se, the,~applicant ~is f~ee toifotlow, ~he
same~ process as any othe~, eitizenLin the~:Connty:...' ~ ~' ~ ~: ....
Mr. Tucker ag=ced. : He' senses that the staff should not get into the
neg0t~ati6ns:~ He- Safd this~w6uld not bo ~done:;~n,:a' norma5 case an~ay~ He
betieves,~ :from. M~ ~ ~ Perkins ' :. remarks;: that:~ this Board:: would like::to ha~e:: the~
issuesr..broBgh~-~ to,¢ i,t": .for ~ ~ev~ew.~ :x'; ~, :,'.~..; ~ ~./.; ': %.~ ~ :. ~;,-:: ::. :.,:"~ '
~',~:;~.'.: M~s ;.. :Hmphris::,st'ated that,, she only want~ ::~ the facts: brought:
~itimbe~guconcurzed~: , He sa}id this :iS.':: the usuat',~.process, and~'thasta~f~.usually
makes ::- a r eco~d'at,ion, to:: the: Board. ~-,: M~ ~. :: g~we~an~,: to ld -'Mr :,[ :, Pa~e:: that,: if t the
sh~t::is?dropp~d~, he: and'.his~ ~.liants ,ean:,talk-~o County'Staff, ....
[ ':' : : ' .... ' i
':' Agenda-;Stem:No.~ 7 7[ ..... : Highway~Mat~ers{ x;Discussion: ?,: 1992 Spr~ng---P.reat-
Mr. Tucker announced that there will be a Preallocation Hearing in
Culpeper ~n. Merck: ~l ~-' 1992,; and~'.the'- Staff~',plans t:[o-, p=epare:~a statoment ;~ for
e~ther~: Board; m~e=s 'or ~: gtaff.members to p=esent to:. tha,~; Co~onweaithvTranspor-
~ationegoardv? He.agked Mr'~ Cilimberg:-:~to.. go:,thr~ugh,:theup=iorities
mendati0ns~;the s~aff has. submitted?; . - -
Mr ;: :.. C:ffl~berg' :expta'~ned~, thei ,t 1, :prio~i:i,s,~:in :the?~ rePOrt,-:and.'-~ informed.' t~e
Board~?membe=s~ thatdthe;~ Oniy, proj~et-: added: sincO .~tast~:y~r..,:is., the Fontaine
A~enue.:tpr0jee~,, :.~r ~ ,: Bowerman. Asked if' ,the::tB~ard :deC~ided, mot,-'to?,
Sunset,',A~enue~Fonta~ne:.:.Avenue ~..eonnector road,.::..if~ it. :.~ilt: be:, taken out of. this
prppqs~$..' ,..~,, .Cilimberg answered that this item would not be removed because
the Fontaine Avenue portiOn still has to be considered. -
., ~':., .:-~' Mrs; ,. Marshall: Said' he. thought :.~tha. proposed? 5mt~rehang~za6:::Interstate :' 64
and:q Avon. Street had .been tabled, by [ ~oT.~ and there wasn't much chance -of an -
interehange,vbeing, :const=ucted~ ?'Mr ~ ..-RooSev~lt:.:said:>the. tast~,corresp0ndence he
SaW:.,about:;.6h~ interehang~'~.said ?it~,.coutd 0nty?be built,:: iff .the State~of. Virginia
asked-.the ,Federa.!,~.Highwav~.A~ini~tration fo~,~pemission, to;'. do:~so~ ::';The: State
did-~ not ~.~ des ire ~o. ask:::.fo~: peemisslon-.., ~he.::.writ~r of: that:,particuta=:.
· has:Isinee~:re~ired., ~:And,tthe~e~i,have.: be~n .changes in the offices of Governor and
Secretary of Transportation,
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 10)
M.B. 40, Pg. 179
He is uncertain, however, what effect these changes will have on the Common-
wealth of Virginia and the Department of Transportation.
Mr. Marshall asked what could be done to have this project considered
again. Mr. Roosevelt responded that the Board needs to start with the priori-
ty list before them.
Mr. Martin referred to the closing of some of the Route 29 crossovers.
He asked if any thought had been given to the effect these crossover closings
have on the businesses located close to them. He mentioned, particularly,
Maupin's Service Station. Mr. Cilimberg replied that this particular situa-
tion was discussed by this Board at public meetings. He said Mr. Maupin had
~sked that~'~he Se~wiee station ~¢rc~sover remain open, but the basis for the
deeisiOn~was safety and traffic flow. He added that Mr. Maupin felt that the
closing of the crossover would affect his business, but the Board decided the
Mrs. H~phris co~ent~d that when the final allocations for the Six-Year
Improusmem~Progr~, we~e~.~updatedlfrom ~he~ !990~9L-~year% to ~the~ t99~t~926year,
there~ were significant ~changes ~in~:~er~,of~ the do!tars~allocated~ ~o~the~>~ ....
Culpeper~,District--and to Albemarle County. Between 1990-91 and 1991-92 the
entire Culpeper District lost approximately $3.5 million. Albemarle County,
in that s~e period,;- lo~t~ ove~.$3;9~mi!lion., so more~.dollars w~re~ deduc~ed~
from~Atbemarle 'Coun~yi's allocation ~,than~.from~the :: entire~,Culpeper~ District ~ ~
Sh~.~.thinks~: this Board~ should~,~ask'~ why that~.~.happened~;~ ~-~She~'~thinks it~iS~ espe=
~ia!ly important that~this be pOinted~out ~o~the CO~onwealth~Transportation
BOard-in the~~County!s requeSt.~ for allocations- since th'~Ce~Onwealth~,.~tanspor-
~atidn~. Board~ wili~ neteknow~ .about :this,~unless~ it is~ pointed~ 0uric ~ ....... t+ ~
,.,,~. ~Mr.,:BoWerman:tsaid:~-there~has?:been a. reSponse:by the Co~onwealth,: T~ansp0r-
ration Bomrd:.~to~the~p~intsl~brought ~ou~rby?Mrs, ~H~phriSi The respOnse-indi-
cated~ that.these figures were' only estimates. He~ agreed, however, that the
figur~es~,toT~whieh. Mrs,.~,H~phris referred~ Were sh~wn.lforz~the~Culpepe~-~Dlstriee~
and for~,A~bema=te~County~, ~: ... He~.thi~ks~,a~ requ~,~t:-~hou~d~' be .'.made Asking ~tha~.~ when
the z es t ~mat es~ are.i r educed~ ~ ~he.~ es t imaged. ~o~t~ ~ o f~ ~ money ~ ~ ray ~in. the ~ ~s t imated
~ Mrs: ~Mzlt~ken~: s ~le~te~ oft Feb~uarf~?Lt~, 1992,
in->whieh~:zM~-; '~Millik~?' men~ions[ .additi~nal:~ FedetaL~moniesf,~:~ .: M~:;,~_Ba~in~thinkS the
gounty:, of tic ials~irea.lly,meed '~o~zbe? .agg~essiee r~ativ~[:~o i:~all~,, finding,
only ~ for::,the:: 6ulpeper. D~Str ~ct',, :but~i~'~particularly~ <~.fo=nAtbemarle~-~6ounty;~ ~.
bored that? Albemaele:.~Cou~ty~:,is [: the? Onty:~metrop01'itan :~. aee~,:~.im, 'the :'. distrigt~'~wh~n
FairfaxhCounty ~ is excl~de~.: ~,He~- thinks~ this~ is~ critical,, ~.and~ :he. wondered~: ~f
Alb~arle .CowrY will.~be'given-the actual figures' pertainingt.to the additional
Federal monies before,?the....~Marah~ ~' 3 t,.~meet lng;: :_:~:He,.:~w0nde=ed~ ~' ~oo~;~ t~ if..i there~. ~s~,a :~-
'~ ..... .. Mrs'~.-~H~phris~ safd.,.:.she:, keeps -' seeing ,in ~.p=intr:,that.:. a~di[f~nal~-monies'-Witl
become~ available, to~.hetp., in~ ~he ~completioni. of. ROu~e:~. 29~,as ttat~:ma~ o~ f ~rte~ia.1~
thdse-~- imter~hangesz',as' sooneas the .updating is done-.on the':~ight-laning
project, i .... . : ,.. ,
--r ~.~4'.1_'~ ' ' .........~ ~: ~ ~' '~" ?. ~'~'[ .:: '.'~ .~' ''-: ',..~':~:~ ~::-, ~: ~ ,. [:~?-~ ;~;,-'~ z',.. -'~:1~.~.
-:t.:-,~:Mrt;, ~ilimberg~tsaidea bond~refferend~, fo~:f~d,ing:t-highway~p~o~'ects~ has
~e~n~..bro~gh~ :~up ~. mga.in.~ in,,~he · general .As semb:ly. ::,.Mr;: Bain,, ColeStid'.. ~hat :~a :: lot
of :~ the~.,bon~.::: referes~-appiies., t~,spe~ffi~c=~ads in?No=t~ernaVi~ginfa~ :~:.
Wondered.., if~th~ r,~ads~ mentioned~::~n. ~he~ibitl: wilL,be :a,':comb~nat~on ~f~ pr~ma~ye'
=~adways~..and ~.see~ndary~:roadways ~ ~. amd~.if,~he. MeadOw.[ Creek: ~a~kway',coutd :~be ~
in~tude~.wi~h the. roadways ~.mentioned: im~thelbitt,. :::With~ut~.a -public/private,:'
~ntu=e, ~ ~bm=~e;~' 6~m~y witt[:-not have the ..mom~y~:to:t::bn~ld4:~h~ Parkway;:v ?~:
Mrs,~ H~phris disagreed with Mr, .B~in.. Sh~. said.~he s~e .analysis to.
=easonable:~ lewe!, ~moneyt.~wou~d~- be :a~la~le .~ dovatl ~?: of~:~the' CATS -. p~ojects.~ and
~h~re:.~wouldebe en~ugh~,:money left~ ~er~f~= '~he~::Mead~. 6reek~t.Pm~kway.~t A~ Some
tfme~,.: the~ $8:~ :mfl!ion~-~which rela~es, to:-' ~he~Rou~e. 2~0/Rio,-R~ad c~nnector
road.~.:will:have to be considered. Nobody thinks ~his road is going to be
built:,,.but $8.0 million,.fs included in~ the.plan, for this road; She said..this
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 11)
M.B. 40, Pg. 180
Mr. Roosevelt responded to the comments made by Mrs. Humphris and Mr.
Bain and explained the way allocations are made. He will not try to dissuade
this Board from advising the Commonwealth Transportation Board that the
Supervisors note the overall allocation has been reduced by $3.9 million from
one Six Year Plan to the other, but he would caution the Supervisors not to
try and convince the Commonwealth Transportation Board that this is money
Albemarle County is constitutionally due; that is not the case.
Mrs. Humphris said she would feel more comfortable with Mr. Roosevelt's
explanation if she knew the reason why this had happened and where the money
went instead of coming to Albemarle County. Mr. Roosevelt stated that the
money to which Mrs. Humphris referred went into other projects in the Six Year
Plan~ 'MrS?:Humph~iScre~tied~tha~She would like to know to which county this
money ~as allocated, and why Albemarle County suffered more than others.
She fett~,~it.i.would,?help:her to~ have~: a: tlis,g ':al CATS: proj eet~ ~ Which~aMe
eligible ,for:the::~Primary~. Program~' ,~-~,~ :-~ ~:~'~c~?,, ~': .... :~ :~ ..~:,
:~,,: ,::.,~ Mr.~-:~Bainc saidl'~ra~fic has ~ increased: eno~mousty~,:on .Route: 250 ~est ~-:and
catled:,::a'ttention~~ to~:.the?p~oject f~om~e't ~Street3 to Rout~ 6B7~~ ~. ~He~inquired
about',~he~cost, of,' the Rou~e,20 South ~Project 'and /he?alig~ent ~ projee~.~for
Route.~240. ~,.&tthough both~ of~~ these projects:.:are~ important, ~he-would like to
get an idea of how much money is needed. He said the widening of Route 250
West from E~et ~'Mtreet~tO ~Route ~ 637~ wilt .involve~ la: huge ~oun~ of~money¥ ~. arid
he~,:wonders:.~ i f; the=e~,.is .~ a ~:Way~ of moving this proj ect~ ,through ~ th~ process~:,.~
faster¥1but~not toY:the det~iment~of ~he*~other~,~projects¥ ,~He suggested:that the
p~oj ect~ ~be~ =done -in sagments. He~-~agrees~with-M~. ,',Cilimberg,.~ s ~ remark~ ~hat the
first priority:~has ito ~-be~ the ~fomrrlaning 'to the~ Route~250/29~.~ b~ass~, %but he~
asked if~ seeondly~ four-~aning~coutd.,be.done from~the b~ass-~to Flordon
Subdivision, and as a third segment, the r~ainder of the project from that
Mr:. Tucker agreed that staff ,could look:at, the,quest~on~ He.said the
Route~'..~250 ,:pro~ eet "has, been- a:~pa~::: of .~,~he GA~S~'~S~udy sin;ee':~the'; beginning:.:
impro~ents ~ for ,Route.::.258 .- West ar~:~app~oach~d:~ ~..~ it~ woald'' be~.impor~ant? ~inan,~
~.~-'~ Hr; ';Bain taZke&:again'..about the..~bond issue:which wiil:'~be?considered~::by
the; G~ne<aZ~Assembly:~ ~:- He-Would- Zike~, to: ,see,.~ha~; possibilities: are:~availabte
and i~:iAlbemArle~Go~y.~coutd~.~e~-~invo~ved :.in te~s~of:~pri~ary ~roads~ :-~He asked
howLthe ~ other~ :Board?m~bers~ feel ,about- .this- issue ~: c, M=.~ ,Tdcke~ ~. said~.~staff:~.wilt
try?~o~"ge~ a ~copy:.~of~:~the~bill t6 see wha~.p~o~ec~s .are~inCluded:~and hOw~th~y
might affect:'Atbemarle*::~GoUh~y~'~,.: -~:~. ~.-', : , ...... ~ ' ,..~- ~ .... ~ ,,~.~ :.~.~ ~
?'~: Mrs:,,H~ph=is:':,asked: if there:would; be a, chance ~o: have the::Meadow Creek
Parkway~i~ctuded in this.-bitl and.to' g~t ,th~ City of:CharlOttesville to join
Albemarle :CoUnty in this request. Mr. Tucker answered that timing is the .
problem a~ far as~?ge~ing :tfi~.'City¢:officialS ~ .help,~.with,:this request
,: .'z .,.M~,;,~: Bain "-fel~c:City;~-0~fieials'c,mlgh~ be~:. agreeabl~,.to,%making?~his-?reques~
jOintly.:if:-.~hey think:~his?might· b~;,a~,~ay,? t~ ~gm~-the,:Pa~kway::built,- The.
problem',is how quiekly',these things have to be.:-done,.,when-a bond issue is
invol~ed:~::~No mat~e~ where ~he::Meadow~-~G=eek?Pa~kway':is~.On~ithe priori~y:.~:lise,
i~'~iS,.%going ~o;~:~a~es.a long.~ime fo=..the planning p=oeess::-~-:
to, ~ at ::; teast.~-know the~': funds ? f~om~,~e .~ bond ~ issue.:- are,. avaitahte~: ,whether ~hey::are
~o= the Meadow:?C~e~k~,~Ba~kway.'::o~:~ some:~;o~h~e~ pro~ect.: ?':Mr, :;Bowe~an::said:~i~,.
~ shful;.~ th~nkmng :: to-' belmeve,~ somethmng ;. ~ean be. ~done: a~, ~h~s¢ la~e..::da~e. ~', tHe ::asked
if,~:staff;'has.- a good~:idea;.about ,the:statement' ~o. prepare, for the Culpeper
meeting Mr.. Tucker answered, '"yes,"
-~,:, Agenda It~ No. 7c. :Highway. Matters.:,.'Discussion:.,-Traffics. Light at the
ColonnadeS.-., (Route:, 654)'~ ~ Letter ~ da~ed:~Eeb=uarY::::13 ~: i992 ;, wash,.received,: from: Mr.
D :~: S; ~ Roo Sev~tt, ~ Res ident~:,H~ghway ,Eng ineer u :: M~'~ Roosevel~ :stated :.that
Department monitored speeds~:~along~Route:654 in: this', a~ea, r~viewed'~accidents
and: ~underto~k a .,traffi~<-:signat · A~udy¥,.a~ '~hA,..~wo::en~rances involved~ 5 ::The,~ %,.-
resaits~ of~:rthese::.studies~- d0.. not warran~a , ~=aff~c~:smgnat:at: ~ ' e~he~::en~ranee;-,' "
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 12)
M.B. 40, Pg. 181
Mr. Bowerman asked Mrs. Humphris if she has any questions of Mr.
Roosevelt regarding his letter concerning the installation of a traffic light
in front of the Colonnades. Mrs. Humphris answered, "no." The letter was
very thorough.
Agenda Item No. 7d. Highway Matters: Discussion: Letter dated Febru-
ary 10, 1992, from Mr. D. S. Roosevelt, Resident Engineer, re: Department of
Transportation's criteria for determining locations for guard rail installa-
tion along the primary system (from February 19, 1992).
Mr. Perkins said there had been a request made two years ago for the
~installati~n~of gqard~rails~onRo~te 240 near Crozet, even though Mr. Roose-
velt+had;indicated in his letter that there had been no requests made for
these guard rails. The Crozet Community Association did write a letter
concernin~ this ~matter~!oh-' Mare~:~! 3, ~1990. ~ ~Mr~-~Roosevg~ indicated~ in his
te~ter~of March ~28~ ~990;~ that the,.State .Police~we~e~ eomc~rned,:~abou~i'the: same
problem~ There were~also~a nUmber[~of ~private~cit~zens~wh~ expressed~:concern
and?indicated that they had talked to the Highway Department. He thinks it is
a~da~ggr0.~s.p!ace, and the situation needs to be studied closely.
Mrs. ,'~Rooseveli,~ said. the, Traffie .~ Engineer~t S-~ repot t'~ ~ indicated ihe~-, ac~i~tents
atong~thi~'~stretch ~f roadT, weke 1. caused, by, drUgs, al~6hol.~ and~excessive~speed~
during~'.the~ hours of ldarkne~s~' .~Mr~,,~Roosevelt~said,'~hei!~ece. ived an estima~e~of
$16~080-1to install guard/rails at:this:~location, which is more expensive than
a similar length of guard rails on a normal roadway due to the fact that
extended length~posts have~?tol, be~use&~to~hotd?'the, guard rails in~-~place-~?In
h~s:'o~inion~; bef~re'i$16:~,O80~ is spent, the?accident,~data sinCe.~the iast~review
~ ~ ..?~Agenda.:-It~No. ,~7e~: :, H~ghwaYcMat~ees~c.?.~Other~:H~ighway~Mat~ers~cv~ ~ ~.~: ~?~;~?
-:~ ~M~Bowerman~asked if.~there:~,Were o~her h:ighway~.matt~rs~ to be discussed, ~.~
and:: there: .were:.~none, -:~ ,: ; ,v~ ~ '~ ~: ~. - ..... ~.~ ~ ~ ~ .... ,~
~Agefida?~ Itemc-Noi~:~ 8, ~'~ Discussion :~ ~?: Sunset~ Avenue~Fontaine Avenae~ Connector
.~?.The:: fol~0wing :: staff-, report was ~presanted::?,~'~:,,.- .... -- -.~: ~-~.-:~ . ~
', Request: ~,:; Pu~suant~Co a~::requast ' to:. develop:.. 8.7,.'J. ac=es for. office ~ ~ .'~,
:.serviae;uses:~ the.University Real'Estate:Foundation (U~F) is: seeking
a-de~ermination~ f~om-the: Board ,of Sueprvisors. as _to ~heir intention of
'construction for,'a new connector :between Sunset. A~nue ~and Fontaine
:Backsro~d:~:: ~e,:Site is,.~tocated in~a::-C~t~fCounty/Uni~ersi~y jOint .....
.-,-.-,::- ~ ptanning,~a=ea.':established,...:by ~he, Planning.,and 6oordination~Council
~(.pAcc). The Three Party Agra~ent between the City/County/University
requires, the:.devalopment 'of: studies/plans for, these, join~,.' planning
a~ea~... ',. These. ~ara :. ~o.[:be?adop~ed/.and implemen~ed,::by,: alt ~three¥:pa~ies,;,
~: Thec Jeffersom" Park:.-Avenue/Fontaime .Avenue Neighborhood Study- was:::.'~
developed for this area and. was adopted by the:City, County and'PACC
One recomendation of this-study is tha~development: of a northrsouth
a~e.~sp ~:in thecweS~ern~:part~: of~<the:~ stUdy~area~., ,.The.'.spaOifiea:reeo~en-
o,~:~With. ~he'ftarmina~ion~:o~~ Sunset~ Avenua,.:-an~alternative no~th,south
~._.-,~ ~::access is needed ~in._the western section o~f the study area. We
recomend two alternatives: .
: .:. ~ ~ ConStraints area'rugged:topography,: several~ s~=e~ ~c~ossings
~';~ c: ~;2;.~ ~ :Gonnect~ Sunset., :A~enue ~ and~ ReuSe Eg~ via :;Parcel !;D2(~and~:D1,
~.~.~;',~::~:~.~ linking?~to~:the~.~existing ~nte~saction. ftom She~w0od-~Fams~1'~
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 13)
M.B. 40, Pg. 182
onto Route 29. The constraint is the at-grade railroad
crossing. Higher traffic over time might necessitate a
grade-separated crossing.
During the County's review (approved January 17, 1990) of the Red-
fields PRD, it was determined that alternative #2 above was not a
realistic alternative due to the existing topography and the resultant
cost of construction due to the topography, railroad crossing and
access potential onto Route 29.
In the review and approval of the County's Priority List for Secondary
Road Improvements, a study of the Sunset Avenue/Fontaine Avenue
.;connector ro~d.:.was~'znc.l'uded..~as priority 43 out of a total of 65
.~<'4.'projects. In conjunction with the site analysis of the projected
project, the project consultants have provided a general analysis of
the feasibility!:~:of~- tht~ ro~d~~ ..... ~,:-?~ ....... ~ ...... ' ,~'~,~ ~,~ ~
/.(/.'-'(q ~.~:. -. ~'[~(%:~, .~-i' ~--~ ~ ~':. '~ ~ ~:~ .... - ~ ;"~':'~ Cx~ ::~ i?
Consultant:Analysis.-:Find&ngs:: .... The consultant analysis indicates that
the proposed road would be prohibitively expensive to construct and
pose;~ ~evere¢ enviromen~al'~ :- impa~ts,- ~o Savera t CreekS:," and,.. ~rainageways
Significant grading~ activities '. Would~have~to.,~ be':unde=taken:.on~: steep-
sloped:~:area~ ;,both.on:and: off the sit~.Of~ the ~p~opo8ed,~ development ~ :.~,~--~
Constr~ction: cost got ,~he: rail~oad~:c~ossing atone-~woutd(,be prohibitive
~esgima~ed',at;$2.0~,m~ll,ion). ::Total cost of the road is estimated to
exceed $3.6 million.
fir,: pa~$cula=~:;con~ern~ for~'U~F: ~s whather;~ the propbsed:?, =oadway~:would
.'significa~tt~impact'~ .the:~developability of the property, and~ pOtential
conflict wi~h ~he ~ype'~ of development: proposed: (in~' terms off, noise,
security,' ~affiC,~,~.'etc:.~. ~.,:..:, ......... ,, ,:,..~ :~' :.' :, ~::.~ .., '~ ~' ::~ '
Staff Comants: The primary purpose of,'this~road~is,~to provide a more
d.ir e.9~?-..~?nqpq~i0n~:. ~.~: ~p- sputhweste~n~ 'port ion:~ o f~. the County ~'s;: urban
area:to;.~downtown~~ the Unive=s&tybof :Virginia:~and~.~wes~ern~'.destinati0ns.
With.~Sunset Avenu~,~now_elosed~:to ~th=ongh~:.traffieg~:Stagec6aah;~Road/~~-
Fifth~Street~'Exiended~.and ~ Old~,LynchbuCg~'Road,'beeOme-~the~:primary~ routes
~e:;these~ destinations .~ ~., ~The:: cohsultant~:~anatysis,, estimated~?ove.r~:-~0,080
Vehicle: trips~ per day.~n~-the~ Drop0sedc:.eonnecto~::~, Therefo~e~.~--i~:! ~ :~ :' ~ .....
appeamsi.' that ~: this ~raad~ ~would. - i~proVe~'~he overatlv r oad'.networ~..( ;, ~ :>
Howa~ar ~ based: on the consultant ! s analys~s 'and.'staff ~ s~ evaluation.
be.~::-~e~S~UCtad~ ~n;:~his~:a~aav.~.). ~Th~ ~, recomandat~on is'~ bas~d:'~on(~tha,.-
1.~. The enviro~ental,~impacts from crossings of stre~s and wetlands
:.~ ~"~are'am- and:gr~d~ng~ On:;:s~eepe=, stopes~ in.?:~he?~area..,- ~,.~,;:~ ';~- :~
3~ ,.~,f'~he::prehib~tive ~costh~o, ~he~.Ce~nty::fo~-vthe eonsgruc~ion~:.ofJ,Such~;a
4.,- The proposed ,roadway ~ould probably not ba useful in opening up
'- ~:;~-:-'~develoPed ?areas_ ~o~ dava~o~men~ ~dUe~ to-,the:: s~g~fiaant :~mPact en
As.~an~aiternative to the development: o~;-a- new,-.north-south connector
road, it is: ~eco~ended ~that emphasis be given to. upgrading S~set
Avenue~:~and L~ch~.urg,vRoad~o impro~e,-acaess~bac~ to~Fi~h;Street::
Extended:.: and.:~I ~ 6~:~. (~via F~fth~,~Sg=eet ~nCer~hange) ~to :~reach downtown: and
western.-.de'stinatibns~ Fifth, Street Extended/Stagecoach Road' in the
Co~ty~ r am~ I c 64,~ ~o ~': Sou~hvaf v~eUte :: 78 O~ ~W i 1 t ~ ba ~Upg= aded ~, t o: a,':foU= ~ 1 ane
divided~.~ead;;,~ Gens~tuctien-,?~$s ?'an~icipaged: to :take: ~ptace~in: 1992~93,
A~ significant'-investment~ ;has been made on this,-improvement: so :that. ,i~
is- adaquatet~ i designed~to sarve~as::'-~he,:pf~ma=y,~accasa;-~e:,~th~s~,araa.
While;:~h~s may-not~ be ~he best~possible~,satutien, i~ appears to,be the
mos~ ~aalistic': and ~eas~bte, given the,~cost;~and~enviro~ental impacts
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 14)
M.B. 40, Pg. 183
Mr. Bowerman asked if it is staff's recommendation that the connector
road between Sunset Avenue and Fontaine Avenue be removed from the plan. Mr.
Cilimberg replied that staff's recommendation is to remove any reference to
the Sunset Avenue/Fontaine Avenue connector road as a feasible alignment.
Mr. Martin made a motion to support the staff's recommendation that a
connector road between Sunset Avenue and Fontaine Avenue is not feasible and
that it should not be pursued further. The motion was seconded by Mrs.
Mr. Bain asked if anything will be done in this area. Mr. Cilimberg said
it does not look as though there are any alternatives which will connect
Suns~t.~,Aveh~ and~,F0nta~ine Avenue directly. He said PACC and the Planning
CommisSiOn supported some alternatives relative to the City and County consid-
ering network improvements in the area that can serve to better circulate the
traff:ic. The?Fifth.'~St~e~t project"will~.:~ha~e,~s~me,,!affent,?~but~-thatc~p~oject is
still: somewhat,.~further<south.~-~{ There!wilt~.be:,~a joint':~studyJ~throu~h ~e'~Met~o-
poli~am Plannings!Organization ~ (MPO<)~:hetween~the-~ci~y,,~and, 'gounty~ ~.~to. ~examine
th~s'.,matter,, within~the:~next six'~months:,.- · : . ~ ....... ~. ~ ~'~.:?~.,
Mr. ~ain ? asked.:~ if ~h~is~udy wou!d~, inCtude'~ the ~ Old~Lynehbdrg Road;:~proj ect.
Hei~understands the~::~Gi~.y~"not~:'.wanting?-to~bei'~invol~ed~:~with~.this(~projec~ but?;OId
Lynch~urg~';Road doeS:,provide~acdess.:~o the gi~y~ ;. Mr,,~Ci~mbe~g~isaid~.the s~e
study:-that reco~ended the S~set Avenue/Fontaine Avenue connecuor road also
recomended the improv~ents at the Old L~chburg/JPA intersection.
:, .~;"Rolt';was called a~-:this."~ime,','and~:the~mot~on-.ea~riad: by'.th~ following
AYES~-~.-:~Mrs~ Hmphris,, .Messrs~ Marshall,.Martin, Perkins;, Bain~and~Bowe=man~,~:
c~:,i ~, Agenda '~tem-~No~>9. :~Sandy:~R~ves~ Concerns re: Shenandoah National Park.
Mr. Rives:~was,.3present ~ ~o~ ,Speakuabout~..the~:st~fius -~ OfkTM the!~Related~::Lands
p~oject~andc~he;:Park~[S ?economi~st~dy~~ ',~i:~ :~,:~ ~:,v~-.~..~ ~. ~ ~., :~,--~ ~-~_~
:~.~ :~:~:~Mr~',~Rives said'he l~es, ~o~'~br.ief~ the; boards-~of ~he~'~co~ties. which ~adj oin
the( Shenandoah:~:Na~ionat.-Park at leas~'~Onee, a~year 0n;.the~status of,the Park.
He noted that in:"Albemarte'most of his~ discussions on matters involving:the
Park have been with,:~M~ ~ ~ P~rkins~ ~:howeVer~ ~there:~ are;~usi~atl~> a:~ ~mbe=~ of :~, isSues
om~_:wh~ch het~hinks all :of,,theSupervisors need ~'to .be ~ade aware. ' He .agrees
wi~h:the ~.Supervisors' '..earlierl-decision relating to the Ripper:-request,, He. is
eager to ~worE, ~with~Mr,;?Rippe= and,~:M~ ~. :;~ Pa~e < and County?~ staff ~to.~ resorters:the
iS~de'., '?He~said; th~s matter has :-been~,before,:-this~:Board:~many~.times sincere, t935,
I~...~s..~ a ~y?.~qmplicated :issue. . He said' th~s.~.road was used' by Stonewal~
Jackson on ~n~erous :'occasions but Was~ closed: as a:~cross.mOuntain~road:,_when ,the
Park was::~ereate~. (~,?:park officials ~'witt Wo=k~wlth~;County~:~staff :~in:~=esotving ~the
issue, keeping in mind the history of the road and Judge Michael's decision on
gatesi~ ~: et~ ~ <'~He ~: atso~: realiZes the~::~ark,' sho~td: mot,~, be a ~ nuisa~ae~: fo~. 'ad~ Oining
lando~e=s~ ':%~eCe~ ace'individuats-~who, rather ~than'driving alt the::.way,-to
Skyline Drive,, Choose::'to~waik into the Park.. :He said.-~this?iS~':especialty: true
in~the~CrOze~: a~eac~and in:?:the~,north~:~dishrie~::of~tthe Pa=k~.,-.~he::Park~ ~s losing
a~io~of~accesses~:Wh~e~. ~xisted pu~ety,~h~ough~.agreemen~s~::with lando~ers-~,.~
Las~,' week ~ an?. acceSS :,.was ~. los~. at Big ~.Dev~l~S~airs ~-~ in.::Rappahannock':C~tF, ~ and
fihere~-~s ??n0~hing~ thaC ~(*cah~'~e (,done~ ~beeause: ,. i~c~was ;:j user, an iagreement cby(
~ ~:~ ?-Next-:, ~ Mt,. ~Rives ctalked(,.about ~he Status :~ of the:'Related ~: Lands-:
which he~said,~Was i~begun:in ~' June ~ 0f ~' ~ast year ~' to~; look~ at~-:tha, lands adj~oining
Shenandoah,:[National~':Park, ~;and.~:those lands Which~:are~ within-~the authorized
bounda=y ~of~'~the ? Park~.,:~':~ ~He~explained ;~hat '~when:Congress:: created ~ ~he~,~Park'~in
1925, '.:a('~522~,O00 :~acre?,parkfwas crea%ed~ ~ ShenandOah:~.National.~: Park.enow, ~contains
onlY-200~-000-.acres~, :~It is necessary to~:~now-abou~ the ~: resources on~;these~:
reta~ed% lands ~inkO~der~:.~o~ha~e~.~nfarmation~for~ptanning purp6ses.i
ma~!e~?~ounty "BOafd~ Of~:~Superviso~s:~and~its ~Plannihg,~staff · e~cou~aged Pa=k
officials:to?~de=%ahe~his ~prO~:ect::~o provide~the:~info~iOm~to~,:Albemarte~.~c
st af'f~..a~ ::,wett. as c;to::~arkr~officiats aand:,adj o in~ing~ lando~ers"'on~ ~hin g s ..
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day'Meeting)
(Page 15)
M.B. 40, Pg. 184
importance. A well-attended public meeting was held in October of last year
in Crozet and a number of other public meetings will be held. Hopefully the
report will be given to the Supervisors by November or December of this year.
The third item discussed by Mr. Rives related to Shenandoah National
Park's economic impact study. This project, undertaken by VPI, will indicate
where tourists spend dollars, why they come and the dollar impact of the Park
upon the surrounding counties. Other tourist attractions undertake the same
types of studies. He added that direct impacts, such as salaries and money
spent by the Park in ARA Services, have been shown to be $10.0 million in
direct economic impact. However, it is not known what the tourists spend, but
Park officials believe it is important to know this so the information can be
Provided to;adjOi~img:: c~unt'ies~ ~ :It is known what Monticello's direct and
indirec~ impact is on the community, and Park officials would like to be able
to also provide this information about the Park. It is Mr. Rives' guess that
A~ ~bema~teeCoUmty.~,probablyc:receives.,indirect impaetli.from ~he~'~Park~ecause?~here
is a~'ma~or?~mnt~an~,.~o ~he~Park neariIn~e~sta~e 64L'~ He Said th~-U~S.~Cpng~ess
has, advise~ ~he~ Na~onal~.Park~Servi~e~to~un'der~mke~ thes~:s~ud~ies.~ ~ This is~not
anything secretive or subversive, but it is a study to determine why people
come ~o~:theipark~ and~. ~how~ ~mueh mpnay ~ they:, spend;,~ ~ ~There~are~two: ~miltion::~
~Asitorsca~year, ~ and the-Shenandoah National ~a~k had~-the ~ largest/Visi~at~on~
last~year:tha~ it~had~ev~-'had..~ TH~s-can ~be~.a~tic~pa~ed.~to~con~inue
ind~viduats~va~atiooing~loser tO~home~ and:.using the: Pa=k more~He f~und.~out
yes~erdAy,.that~the Gene=a~Assembly'is.,no~: going ~o;consider~-c0meu~ren~-;~
~sd~etiOn which: ~ark .officals:~had~reqaested:~be. :atlowed~n~ limited:~oceasions
soc.'the di~fe=ent ~ ~urisdicCion~s~:law .emforcem~nt:-:off~eers:~could¥ Undertake ~!aw
enforceme~t:.~activities within~ ~he: Park. - ~Park ;:officials~ continue:~ ~o: work with
-~he~. e0Unties~ :' seho01~.~ sysi~g~?~ L There ~ is'~ a~ prog=~ Which. ~has~ been ~. funded- again
byc~Comgress~ as a~ special=program? tO. edueate teaeherm~'.0n en~iro~emtal eduea~,.
tioni .~ He?believeS;tha~ ~histyear~-progr~s are~.being held~to~teach fi~th grade
teache~sc.o~,~this: subjec~~: ~. ~he.~ p~ogr~.i is~very~popula~?~ and: .~touehe~.: on~ itemS:: of
imter~s~sneh~'as~'~r.ecycl:i~g~use ofathe:~Pa~k?-~and Wise Use~of;;resou~e~s
He:-~conel~d~dr.by ~aying~ th~ < he~would~.~be~'~ gtadc; toz~answe~? any,~questi0nsLBoard v~::
~: ~ ,:,,'Mr,~,: John Dawson,, :,:Chai~man:~- ~ the:.tCharlo6~esville/Albemarte~ Children
Youth,.GO~$ssion:~,~as,~p~esent. ?He~"also in~rod~ed~,:Mr~.?.~ROry Ca~pen~e~,i.~.Chief,
Execu~e.~ ~- and: Ms ~:, Mate ! Gas~oni ~Planne=,-~ fo~ the: Co~iss ion-~- ?. ~:He~:said t their,.~
~ att;~filthe,~needs.~:~f~',~he?you~h~ in ~:th'fs C~mmi~y,,,:'a~e being fmet:: and.:aue" effi~
Mr. Dawson..said he, wiii~.report on.what?.the Co~ission did last' y~ar. The
Co~iS.s ion~,mee~ s,.,m0n~hiy~a~d .. has~.:had ~, approximately'. ~ 6 .meetings :? sinee-~ it, ~was
fo~med, .:, Cons idering', the, diverse nature-of: ,~he.group ~. i~ has?been -very' produc-
t fyi: a~d an easy~ group,to.work w~th., Last year.'most concern-:,was ,aimed toward
identifying ,gaps ',and overlaps :in. services,. He:..reminded:-.Board members that
Albem~le.[6oun~y and .CharI~t~es~ille'.C~ty.,. are~each- resp0ns~bl~,..f~=:~o~f~urth
of the rum.ds:for this progr~, with the State:appropriating ~ne~half of. the
funds~.~;. Mrs;. ,~Daws~nc',~h~n~.,high~igh~ed:?hiS~; report~.whic~ehe ].sa~.,t~as, ,in, each BOard
~'; t ~,"(No~e~ :Mr:.,.~. S~ "3ohn~ re~u~ned:,a~ lO,:40.'a~m.~') ~ d..' % ~. 4:: ..... :~...t' -...':, ~"
~ ~: ,..~, 'M~ ~ '. ~ain~ asked !'Mr'~'.~ Dawson,i~.Lth~;eagemc~esf~he ~Gounty ~and~.C~y don
C~n~rOl::tha~e,~been~ecep~ve to ~he Co~iss~on~s process~,; .'Has:.there-tbeen'..'any
interaction withy them in :trying. to .address some of the Concerns?
:. ,.-< M~,i Dawson r~sponded ,gha[ the~:not~for-profit agencies, ,have.:been. ~ery.':~.
cOop~rati~e, ~. bu~ ~t,;? is...-~eally not:; ~n~:~he,,~bes~.-:int~res.:t:of:~:h~ fo~:profit
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 16)
M.B. 40, Pg. 185
Mr. Bain asked if the for-profit group is a small segment of agencies.
Mr. Dawson replied that there is a large segment of agencies involved within
the area of counseling and the medical field, and they have been very effec-
Mr. Martin remarked that there is a large group of not-for-profit agen-
cies which don't receive funding. Mr. Dawson responded that the group to
which Mr. Martin referred was very receptive and cooperative with CACY when
Mrs. Humphris noted that the Interagency Youth Services Council is the
first listed accomplishment. She asked if this Council is currently working.
M~:-Dawson~plie~!y~s~" ~,~He~Went to a Council meeting along with approxi-
m~te~y~0 other people.
c ~,~ :Mrs. ~',H~phris ~ reminded Mr.~-Dawson that~dupi~cationbof~prog~ams~ had~ been a
major concern of this Board. She said that Mr. Dawson's message is that
duplication is very difficult to study, and there doesn't seem to be any
vis ib~te ,. d~p~ ieat~om~ problems, ~ M~ ~ ~. Dawson agFee4, o ~He, ~aid~: there,~were~ no~.
visibie:~ dup~icat ion-:probl~s :, ~gng ~he agencies,~ ;~,~He<f thinks: in;~the ,'last - year,
CACY~wOuld~'~have, uncovered any gross~ eases~ o~ duPlication~-and overlaps, ~fbut
there~:are'~certain areas where the lines cross each other. He gave an ex~ple
of two ~C~ programs where one progr~ deals with predominantly females and
one p~ogr~deats?with-predomin~tly males.~ but:'both progr~s:Lare ;doing a~good
job, { one.the surface-it:would ~eem:one~of~these programs could,.be~.* et~inated,
~but the-service~evel w0utd..be dec~eased if~this happened, ~.~: -~ ~
Mr. Bain co~ented that the Co~ission has an incr~ental ongoing ap-
proach~;~ :and~he :thinkstth~s~.~ is~whatseveryone had. hoped~ to accomplish The
objective is to serve all, of, the children, and youth in:the best~ most ~ffi=
em nt:,way possible, ;:and'*~he~:thinks2.the',~:Co~isSio~i~ istdo~ng~tha~ ~bnt
siowzprocess'~ He~than~ed:~Mr. Dawson~and~,the~others:inVol~ed~.~for thei~,~work.
~ ~ ,Mr. ~ BoWermanc ~hanked .Mr ~ Dawson~for ~ the~ ~epor t~,~_ .He:~ feels ~ the? ~ox~is s ion
,.:?. :.:.. M~.~ ~',Robert M~phris, 6hai~b6f~the .Alb~a=le County. Service :,Auth0~ity
(ACSA),,, ~: sa~d:~ at ~, the .: Supe~vis0rs?~, ~ January,~ 2¥ :-~. 1992 .~. me~ ing; :~ ~he [; WOodbrOok ~.S~wer
Lift S~at,ion-.wa~.:dis~ussed~", Appar~ntty-,~ a',..n~ba=:-of ~Superv~sO~s had
complaints, so the Supervisors' requested, the: ACSA to exmine~:fts policies
concerning~_.,this~.stat~on~vand-~.:to: eon~ac~<~the~Heal~h:.:Depa~ent~-? ~ Ine?r~sponse
this:~re~uest'~~ M= 1 :::Brit.-:. B~ent, .: Executive: ~Direetor of.. the: Albemarle., County
Service..AUthority~-.and, ACSA;..staff, have exmined past' records:.and-have con-
tacted ithe~'Heatth Depa=tmen~,~ .t. An official ~ feomathe,iHea 1th Department e~a .,to
!0.°~: .in~° the situation in January and?a t letter-from, the: Health ,. Depa=~ent- ,.was
sent to~..:Mr:, Brent;'.: ~Mr..'H~phris:then ,tnoted 'Specific points, brough~.:out ~n the
letter~;~'~. I~. indicated ~the Ill, radatron:was.. Wet!.mainta;~nedi~and~:operatiag
prope=~y,~:~and: waS-visited and?checked--even more:.than~;was-:required. There 'are
no basic-policies concerning the governing of this station, but the regula-
tions~are. ~et, byT:.~he[Heal~h~Depar~ment,;:
.: .Mr, H~phriS.~.sa~dtthat:iat~ ~h~-Februarymee~ng O~t,the Board~:of:',Di=ectors
of<:~he, Serv~ce~,~Au~hor~ty~~ ~,:the -situation wag.-.discuSsed?:.and, the~z:m~e~ng.t:was::q~¥
adj Ou~ned. to this q particular sf~e~:'~:~tA~--?the ~..~nd?~of ~he~m~e~ng:~, ::sta~. Was :~asked
to::~produee a.~sho~ ~ideov~hich he~witl :sho~,,to~'.~h~: 5uper~isors.~oday~,':.[He then
said~::thisj:iS't.:a~:~pne~atfe,lejecto~:~ift': p~p. :~ett of tjStation¥ ~:andi~t~
g=oUnd~ ~t~ ~'waS ~bU~tt % in?l~3 and~ waS, ~pekatedofo~'~'a ~'n~ber~: of .: Years~.by~,a.
private developer, wi~hq~he~ ACS~'.taking o~e~ ~he ope=at~on~'0f~..itc in~the.:late
19~0s~ ~At~~present~M=?tM~phris~indieate4 Chat. the :AGSA).has:~no~access
si~e,, except.eto :,,walk~ through ~pe~p~e ~ s:- yar4s .~ ~ ~He 'added' gh~ ~.the h~nses:?were ¥.
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 17)
M.B. 40, Pg. 186
built in the mid 1970s after the station was already in place. It is present-
ly operating at capacity and no more connections are allowed at this time.
The service area is composed of approximately 12 to 14 houses in the Woodbrook
area, and one connection on the west side of Route 29, which serves Kegler's
- Bowling Alley. It was designed to serve the whole drainage basin, but the
proposed intersection of the Alternative 10 Bypass with Route 29 will elimi-
nate most of that area. The ideal situation would be to have a gravity flow
through Carrsbrook, but this lift station involves pumping the sewage over an
elevated hill and then it goes into a gravity flow situation. The gravity
flow would be an expensive operation, and it has not been found to be feasible
to do so in this case. Also, he has not had any complaints in the Carrsbrook
area. At one point, several years ago, there were negotiations whereby Dr.
gharteS~HUrt~and .Mr~.~:WendellWood, who own a lot of the land on the west side
of,~-Route~29, were almost ready to agree to finance that particular line, but
negotiations broke down at the last moment. At the present, Mr. Humphris said
there had~' been~neg~tiations with Gold i=Leaf-~,Trust,, pending_the special permit~,
which, is~-cu~rently~before this Board.:, ~ ~'~ ..... ~ ~
Mr.~ .Humphris..-went,-. on ~to _explain the, .way the,. particular,, operation~ ~wOrks
now.;, which he thinks., is :crucial to the~problem,.'~.in that the sewage collects in
a. small~holding~ tank ~wi~hin_this,~.underground,'tank-~ -~When ~the,- hold~ihg tank- is
full, a retay~ trips and compressed air!~forces,the.~s~wage up the pipe and 'Over
the-'-hitl' and~then ~down? into :the~ gravity: sewer.-~line. ~, Wh~n.:~there-.i-s~a.~ mechani~
ecl fai.lute 3 or ~an electrica,l, :~ breakdo~ ~ an.- alarm.so~ds~:, amd: one i-of ~he'. nearby
neighbors· calls . the~:AGSA~ or~ the ~.maintenance'man.~-who ~ is ~at thews itc Within.~, 20
min~tes~, . ~en this,~type/' Of. situation ~arises, the sewage~'d~ps into~an~outside
holding~tank-~ Some air~.~pressure-'is'still~in~these tanks;_which.ha~e been.~used
{o~foreeLthe sewage~ over..~the hill. The air ~pressure has~o~3~be ~released~ and.
sOm~times=,~when:~ it is~'~reteased., there~w~ill he'enough sewage in~' this outside~
holding tank to cause.~some ot~ the' flow.~to~ comeioUt,~of:'~he~'manhole.,>~.-Grease..~
acc~ulates~'- on..top~~ of~the::surface,.(.and? this g,=ease~:is~th~ f~rst~.thing ~o~:aome
out,~ .The~:maimtemance:~man ,can', manually control the operation of the station so
that no more overflows o~cur. ~en the grease, overflows, ~it usually doest,not-
.aover:.a:big~,~area, ~d'i when~;it:~:is~cleaned up, time~ is~spread over.~the~::area~ -
This ~ the~,designated'~:and ?appropriate_ procedure ~ for~ ~h~dling~ ~his typer of~
s ituation,~ ~ .~ It ?~ looks urns ~ghtty ~ ~ bu~ ~it~ is, ~hat~ is~ specified in.~ the~'.reguz ~ ~:
tations,' Mr. Hmphris.:men~ioned~?fihat/some~ of the o~erflows whichf occurred
went:~into? at'creek ~ approXimately 50~.:feet. away~' and-~thi~was ~ ~eported,~.~ to ~the~'~:
S~ate:~Water Control~:Board-.: ~There~-~hava been~Oniy-'..two~ of these:-.vioIatiens~-.~and
the~ were 'rePorted~when.~.they~ happened~-~ :~ .... -.~:~, ~ ~( -~:~ ~:~ ~ ~.: ~ -~ ~.~ ~.~,..~
~ ~ c~ ~A~ ~ th~s ~ time~,-Mr i H~phris ~:showed ~ the video~ -~ A~ ter the~ presentational'Mr.
H~phris informed fBoard:membets :.that?.the ~type,~ of-.p~p~used:~for this-~, facility
is oniy~one of two~ in~ ~he~whole~ sys~em~ . . It~is:~not~the~¥type.3bought now.i i~ was
put: ~ in:: place by ~ private ~:developers ~. in ~the ear ly 1970s ~ ~: ?~At ~the/present~~. t~me,
the~p~p' isa.opera, lng satisfactority~ until a~developer~.~s~.wiiling %o finance
an .upgraded.. one. :~ This~is what. ~the~megotiations~were atl~ about~ with the~:~old-~
Laaf ~rust~ Company~ ~. If:~the ~negOtiations~had ~been~sat~isfactory~-:~t~e s~ation~~
would haue~ been.~installed~on. Gold~ Leaf~property~ across the'zareek -from<the~
present s itec-~iat Gold ~ Leaf % s '~ cost, '~ and~ ~ the~?Author ity ~ would' have. access ? to~ it.
The~station .would~ be large:~enough ~to-~ carry~'~what: is already~there~o, and ~what
Woutd-be~ require~f for?~Gold~?Aeaf~5 s ~Operat~on<? H~.c then~.imt~odu~d~Mr~c.~Don~ '? ~
Wagner, ! who. ~s~ a~cmember>- Of ~ the ~Af~hority3~ s ~ Board~fr~,"the :: Charlot~eswilte~
DistriCt, :where,d. the P~ping: stationz~s ~ located; ?Mr~,PaUl:.Shoop~ ~ Engineer:; :and
Mr~::~.Bren~, 'Executive~Diredtor~of~, the~Authority,~ ~ ~ ~ - : ~ . . - ~
.~ (;Mr ~ ~.Mar t in~re~'urnedz'at.~_ 1 ~ ~ 05:'~-a-~ m.; ~; Mr~ ~ 8~: .Jo~' left i~at~ 1 ~ ~: 08 ~: a~ m:;- ) ::
~: -- ~ :: Mrs, ~Pe=kins~asked~:~ i~, ghere is,~.any guaran~e~a.neighbor ~: w~t~: .be~at~ home'-
ada: ean:~ealt the maintenance ~ man.-~ ~. Mr'. :H~phri~ angwered,~ that~so ~ far~there-.has
been,~ve=y little~::probl~i?with tb~s ~p~ping. s~a~ion. ~ .~here hav~,~.
etec~=ieal~'~:ou~ages;~-~te~ ~ and.a?~emo~e.op~rated~ S~atio~has~'~been cOnsidered~
Hesitated that~ ~he neighbors'are' Ctose~ enough:~that,~ if ~he- alarm goes: o~f Ythat
~' ~ z~Mr~:~Marshall said~he:was~?under..~the impression thales:an:automobile ~dealer
wanted~use~ of ~ ei~her~-Mr~..~Wood~S/or~ D='~ -Hart~s property: for;:~an~:aUtOmoblle
dealership,>and this~?indi~idual. ~0utd'~ be
aec~ssible~ ~so the~~ sysgem ~: cguid~ be ,.upgeaded, ' ~i Mr., .:H~ph~ is ~. maid .~no :more ~connee-
~iom~a~e allowed go ~his~par~i~ulae~ p~ping~..sta~ion so it cannot be upgraded
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 18)
M.B. 40, Pg. 187
and there is no access to it. He reiterated that Mr. Wood, who is associated
with Gold Leaf, would allow access to his property, and wouldpay for a new
(Mr. St. John returned at 11:14 a.m.)
Mr. Marshall said it seems to him that it would be a good thing for the
County to approve the permit. Mr. Humphris answered that, ideally a gravity
flow situation is desired rather than a pump because there can be mechanical
failures or electrical problems with a pump. A gravity flow system is ex-
tremely expensive, and he is unsure if the Carrsbrook citizens would have any
:: ~? 'Mrs; !Bain asked why this would upset the Carrsbrook citizens. Mr. Hum-
phris replied that the gravity flow pipe would be installed near the lakes in
Carrsbrook;.~and there,would.be a~i~lo~, of disCurbanc~?, infO'the area. '...He. said.::the
Carrsb~O6k~,people. 'are very protective of~:~their.:= back yards-amd the takes.
Mr. Bowerman said only 12 or 15 homes could be served unless other lines
were conneeted~to~.the-~main?line;, M~. ~H~phris said a gravity line could serve
a lot of f~ilies in the Carrsbrook area, but these people are not having any
probl~s.~He~- s~id-:.the gravity..~lina:~w~uld'~probabl~cost $300.~000~,? ~:'~-
~, ~ ~:'-~ Mr~ uBain~: asked :-if~- this~ line could, se~e businesses~and, residen~iat~,hom~s
to be.~ bui~lt o~':Ber~ar Drive :Extended~ etc:. Mr. ,: H~phriS ~ repli~d.:~hat ~the
grawity line:~would se=ve,~ only,:a smalt~:area. -,Mr; :?Bowerman~ said 'beeause~of the
Route 29~,North Alternative 10 project, it is no longer financially feasible to
ser~e the Berkmar Ext~ndod area~ Mr. H~phris said Dr. Hurt has a lot of land
north: of the, seh0ol site,'.but:~,it: is .no~ feasible to. serve that~.area~'~at thSs
...... ,Mr-; ¥~Bowerman aS~kedU if -M~.;-~ ~mph~is:~ haS~: investigate&: the2 mount, of ~: grease
coming from. the Bowling Alley. He wondered if the Bowling Alley has gotten
things inlplace to~eliminate:this probit, Mr~H~phris, answered that~..the~
situatSon has ;been~.'imvestigated. The~Heal~h:Depar~meng has said:~the s0Uree:'o~
the ~grease~shOuld ba investigated. It,~was~,not difficult~to'traee~ it:tO ..
Kegler' s ~BoWting; Alley.?~ tn~.talking .to BOwling AlieY:rep~esen{atives, it was
discovered that they probably were not checking the~grease traps: as ~ often~ and
as thoroughly- as'~ neces sa~y:. ~ ~ Now, ~. i~t~ has ~ beenl dee ided? ~hat4 some6ne~-~ from ~
~CSA.~:.will-' inspe~t~:'Keglek:s grease 'traps~ periodica%ly;;:~-'A~ c:erhain~ount ~'o.f
grease.~will~'.occur,., even when ~.only'~;homeS '~are involved~?: -. ~ .~..: ,.~ ~:~ ~ ,:,+.. <:~:~
,-~ .... . Mr;~:::~BoWerman Said ~this-', bee~e.~;an issue when~ the~ ',autOmobile. dealership ~. s~
special '/permit-:~was~~ before ~ this,~: Board~ ~ because ~. Offs. the problems., ~he"neighbo~hood
had,~-:with this particular lift. station~ The.ACSA readily a~its the'design of
the lift statiOn:-is inferior. The .neighborho'od was~ particularly concerned
because: six: h~mes had,-~.been denied~,aecess~t~ '
the ~.station¢ ~ yet ')Kegler ~ s.; was~.:~
a~lowed to¥conne~t¥ This .precluded six additional people?who].are' not. current-
ly served ~ by, a~ sewer, System tO,be serged ~ ~tit ,. this stat i0n~,~is :upgraded ~ ~..~ He
talked-' to these,: peoPie.~ and~ theY, said~ they J had;' contacted ,the ACSA ahd were.:~
there.'was ~.no ~way:" to~, aCeo~odate them; '? ._ However, ~ Keglem .t s~ was: then~ given
permiss ion~. ~to ,: connect~- to the~ t ift~ s tat ion,~-,: Thes~ ~ same~ peopie~ ha~eamixed
emotionsoab0ut the~. car.. dealership3 s~?permit.; ;: He understands ~ this permit~z, wilti
not: p~oceed~ beea~e~, the;,,~ cutof~,'>date' for, r~wiew 'i,by~: the*~ Pta~ing~; Comission;:~and
theiBoard' of::.~ Super~is0rs/was ~m.issed:~:' ..:. ~,~.: - J ~ - .... ~
Mr. Bowerman said' it is an outmoded type of lift, station, it is in the
wrong ~plaee~and:-St<has art'.alarm, system:.that is.~ ~att: with~:by People ~.~n.~-the
neSghborhoOd ! ~ ~ Thera,;.~are- ~ atso:¥ six~: peopie~',Sn~'~Wo0db~ook~: whO~:-:user septic?
on;small lots .... One~ person; is having:~diffieui~y~.setlimg his':housebbeeaus,-~of
the sePtic: systm, Even:With no:.more~deVel0pment:;in tha.~ar~a~the~. ~oncern
the:~ne&ghborhoo d:.. iS? Whether~"~ the,:;Autho~ ity;. has ~:ptans~: to~mpg~ad~¢.the~ li.ft:z ~.~
station and get~other aceess~tO~.it~ .. ~He- asRed; if~'~the~pr~biem~'w.i'lt~.eontinue~<~
indefinitely if:.nothing~: else'~ happens~ by ~theprivate. sector,,.: or 'arerthere pSans
by::th~ Auth~rity::>tovdo"-something ~about;:~the~'~lift:. station. '.,'q_ .~'"~ -~- ~ ~?':. :,
~: ~ , ::', Mr.. ,: Hmphr~s said:, the).:ACSA~' has no t definitely, plansi. ~However; ,~
stat ion :' is >upgraded.i ,: it,-.woutd ¢: be,'en!ar ged ~ to. handte:~:whata~er.~ f s ?. in ? the:.' drain
age: basin,~ Originalty,~ the~-'station was: n~t~deslgned~:tO ~ handt~ the~:~drainage-
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 19)
M.B. 40, Pg. 188
Mr. Marshall said it seems to him the most economically feasible thing to
do would be for the County to allow the developer to use his land with a
condition that he upgrade the lift station. Mr. Bowerman agreed but explained
that the developer had come before this Board to get a special use permit
approved, which is a legislative act of the Board. This matter dealt with the
entrance corridor overlay district and certain features of the site caused the
Commission and this Board difficulties. He knows Mr. Marshall does not want
this Board and the Commission to overlook these difficulties just to get a new
lift station. He went on to say that if the Authority enlarges the pump
station to allow these six people to connect, it would also be built to
accommodate the rest of the basin. He is not sure if the additional develop-
ment could be prorated to recover some of the cost. The question that con-
cerns the Pe~p!e~wh0?are~ directly Effected is whether, if the lift station is
n~t~developed privately by someone else and enlarged and changed, these people
will be forced to live with not being able to connect to the line. He
realizes ~that' basic question is an econOmica-~l?One,~.fo~. ~the'ACSA.~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.
. , ii . ~. .. ~ ,~,.~ ~. ,~ ~'. ~ ...... ,~ ~,~ .. ·
~/~ Mr,,, Brent responded~,that the~ ACSA does nlot keep track of~-every~ i~foma~.
telephone.' ~call.,~ o~." inquiry which,~ is made to, its~-of~f~ices, ~,.. but; "~ ink,the- twelve
yearsvhe hasi been!~ with~- the Authority,.-..he has~-never b'~en~- invotved ~in~ discuS- ~
s,ions~'~with ~ any.' propeCty~ owner.~, other~'.than, one ~ of ~ they six who'", are ~-. not se,fred
this lift station~ ~con~erning~ accesS~-to pu,bl.ic-~sewer. ~He~.explained ¢hat this
inquiry~: was made~, afte.=~.the i Kegter.:~ s,~ proj oct? had ~b~en- ap~roved ~ and capacCty had
been ¢o~itted to ~hat pro~ec~>- The~ one p~operty~owner.wh~¥~de'Jan inquiry
was hoe having, problems at the~~ time; bur'-due t~the ~age. of~.h~s drainfield, he
was concerned about'~ what the~expected life o,f~ it.,~would be~ ;~M~, B=ent S.aid~
ACSA staff cou!d~:speak with~ the rema~ining property o~ers to see.if~they are
inte~eSted-~,in con, eating, ? and/:p~epare a report~ ~.~ ~.~ :_: , . · ~ ~.,
'~ M~.~H~phris Said bec~use'of~ the ~onversation~'today, he is~ going~to
direct~ ~he Authority~ S: Staff to lookc~nto ;. the ~ s~tua¢ion~' ¢o/~¢e~. what els~ can
be done. This Board will be given the results of the Authority~s ana:lysis at
~--~:M=~a Bowe~an.~r.em~=ked ~hat.~over the ~¢~o .~ears he~:~haS::been~.on
:no~ memb~r~of~ the ~oodbrook.-:,co~ity· -0r?,any~: of the~ aff~c~d~ ~omeowne~s¥~have;~:
~aid anything to~, ~him~ about ~ the~-~- s~tua~ion-; until Che~appl¢ca~iOm~,. ~e ;fbrwar~.~
for Gold~ Lea,f,~ .,~ Hs/is~-no~,,- sUrpr,~s.ed Authority~ s~a¢¢~' has ~not~ heazd any~thing
.... -..No:~ons had. furtEar questions of'Mr~ Hmphfis~'or~r~...Bre~t .... -.-~'/.-
Agenda It~ No. 12. Reader Printer Leas~~ Purchase - Clerk of the-Circui~
;~ Mr. Tucker reported' that ~the~'~Clerk of,'-the CircUCt,:Co~rt: h~<~requested
permission'* .for a~ f;ive..-year lease/purchase ~ arr~g~ent' for' four microfi~
r~der p=inters. He,explained,.that these ,printer~ have.maintenance pr.obl~s
because of ~,hea, vy<~ usage¥ ', ~ Justification~ for~. th~,. leas~/p~rchase:~:~ progr~;-~was',
forwarded' to, the Boa~rd. earlier..' :,, The' four~- mchinas. ~can?~ be:~ purchased?, now~-~?~
without ~," inc~sas~ing ~ t~he'~: line~. ~¢em ",. costs; in:¥ the; Cl~k~, s - b~dgeta,',,.~ ~he? inceres¢
rate.~7 has< ~,tr~eadY:~ been:' id~ntCf.ied ~t~ough: al e0mpetitiVe, ~ bi~dding.-, p~o~ess,'at~,:, 7.. 5
perce~t¢,~.. 'St.aff,_ feels.~':tha¢ all, iease purchases must: be auk~hori~zed,by ~he Board
since the County's'auditor 'considers these, expenses as shOrt,.t~m, debt; Mrs.
· Marshall, ~.Clerk Of~ the% Circuit-E~ur~ ,, .~is p~esent ~ Cf: Boazd'~,'members. ~have ques-
tions. ~
Mr;~'Bain'~v~approva&..for the~Clerk.:of the. Circuit Court ~o ente~,~ intO,:
a,'=five~year: lease/purchase arra~:gement for four microfilm read~r, printers, at
an. app.rox:ima~e 7-. 5~ per. cent interest ,rate. Mrs. ' H~phris: seconded, the motion.
Roll~ ~as caiied,: and the'mokion~aarrCed by the foiiowing:'recorded~,,vote~:~.~,
AYES~:: Mrs.; ?H~phr~is, 'Messrs,, i:MaCshall~, ? Mar~in',,.: PerkAns ,;'~Ba~n~,and' Bo~e~man~;',~
~ :~ Agenda Item -.No~ ~ 13-~' 'Sh~ri.ff:~ s.-Req~est-.f~r ~.~ehic~e'>~epia~e~t~ ~
~:~ ~.':.'?Mr~.,~cker told~:BOard m~ers. ~h~: Sher,iff,::.~s:request~'d in<~he~.upcoming
FY~ ~993 budget~ replacem~n~ 'oE: a,-_.~1989~ Chevrole~:Cavatigr: ~w~i~h~a'~ f~L sized=:- .
poli~s cruiser, Ther~ has b~n a reorganization in th~
Sheriff s Department,
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 20)
M.B. 40, Pg. 189
and this new vehicle would be used for transporting violent offenders, as well
as mental patients. The Cavalier is too small to handle this type of trans-
port, since a cage cannot be put in a small vehicle to protect the driver from
the back seat passengers. The Sheriff is requesting that he be authorized to
- purchase a larger vehicle out of this year's budget at a State contract cost
of $12,181, rather than waiting until next January. The Cavalier can be used
as a pool car by General Government employees. With this Board's authoriza-
tion, funds can be found in the Staff Services budget to purchase the car this
fiscal year.
At this time, Mrs. Humphris moved approval of the request for a vehicle
replacement by the Sheriff to be purchased as part of this year's budget. Mr.
Bain:~seco~d~d ~heLmO~io~i w~i~h~ the~,understanding that the car being replaced
w~lit~become part of the General Government's pool of cars. Mrs. Humphris
agreed this should be part of the motion, and she added that the vehicle
?: :'~ ~ Rottc:was cat~ed ~ -.and ~he:,mOtion?: carried-by: the following reeorde4
AYEST: :~..Mrs. ~ H~phris :i i M~ssrs. Marshall~', Mart in,-' Perkins, Bain -and' Bowerm~-i
~ ,:: Agenda Item No. 14. Report: Lickinghola Creek Regional Stormwater
Management Facility.
~M~..~Peyton; Robartsen: s~arizad, the repart~on the LickinghOla. Cr~ek
.... -.~Project~ Backgro~d: ~he Sou~h Fork Ri~anna R~servoir has.been~.~
~_ ~..?..~ ~ studied ~e~tensivel~.sin~ce t9,74~ using local~; state: and federal fun~.~
~ Reports funded through?the Clean Lakes' Progr~ ,amd the 208 Progr~
have ~ ~phas izod ~ the~ meed ~or~ a~.variety ~: o:f' ~wa~er shed~mamag~ent~pra~r
~tices inciudimg~ iand-based::erosion and stormwa~er .controls for devel-
~ ~ :~ opment; ~bes~ managemen~ p~ctiCes f0~ ~ agricultures, and ~ fores.try~,~andv
:.~- ~la~d~use management, for-a variely of oiher aetivities~=which impact:
~Mate~:~ q~ality.~ ~The 208 Study of:F~ X~.~ Browne Associates, ~ Inc~ ~('1982)
reco~ended reg~ional stormwater mamagement~,controls, including the
proposed~ L~ckinghole Creeks'facility. ~, ~- ~-. ,~, .~ .... ~ ~
F. X~ Broke analyzed four snb~egional basins in the~Lickinghola,~Creek
Wa~te~shed ',,vs~:~, ?one ':regional fact li~y. -- ~at analysis: indicated- iha~ ~a
'~.~, '. ,;':,~: - s~n~e~+~reg ional~~ ~,fa~i,i~ty: .w~s:,~: the~=: most. c6st effect ire approach.
~ N~cessary~:Bo~=d'~-A~lions~', ~n~order, fo~:;~th..is:~p~Oject~.:,to p~oceed::, lhe
: ~ ~ Board~is, requeSted::to. =ea.f.fim, thei~:cO~itment ',.to construet-:the
~ Lickingho~e~'~g~aak*Re~gional S~o=mwate~::~Manag~en~~:Faciiity:;~ ;The~Board
must au~ho~ize,~.acquisii~io~.of~:~ne~essa~y,~p=ope~ties, ~.f.or~the~faci,ti~:~
Federal.,f~ds~ ~for thiS-,p~oj ect~. (~otatting,: $300'~ 000)~ a~re~:in Serious~:~
..... ~ ~ eopardy;~without,,~de~initive, melien; by, ~he ~ Board,~ ~::, ,.The Pro~eel .~ is;~;on, an
extremely tigh~ ,schedule, which=. Wilt ~.no~ ~allow further delays,?~.~ ~he
County :!~neads' to daei.de~ if,~ it~ wii 1 :. bui ld~~ thais? proj act..< e~e~ Withodt
Mr. :.~ Rober~son- said, staff'.~, is ~asking ~ for some:':.action :byi ,the .~ Board,c to~-..: :.:: ~:
proceed:, with~the~ project,' in,'.tetm~z~of land aequis~ion?and, constructional,. · .~
' ~.~:~.~.r~'~f: .~ ~ ;~ ~' ~ ~.:'~ .' '~ .... - ~' :~ ~.-: ~:l- ~'~ ~.-~.~ ~ i~'~'~:: ~ ~ ~ ~,'.~ ~ ~ :? ii~ ~?~"~Y~ ~'.'~ ~
Mr. Marshall noted that construction would probably not be finished
before.. 0.q~b~.~. (:.~':H.~,~wa~d.~red if:;. ~h~S~: would?, arrears?funding of~thecp~oj eot. Mr.
Tucke~::: responded':~ ~hat~ the~ only way~'?the~.~proj eot ~ might be affected,~~ is ? that there
is a grant~ ~ invotv~d ~ fro~ ~hev:EPA~ ~ bu~;~he' bUlk:~ af~.,~he,:~ funding .~is~ Rtmeady~:,in
the Capitat~Impravements: Progr~* '/=:.He:~added~,?tha~. the-~ funding~¥ is a~aitabte, - but
there~ is:~:~a :. ehance'~ that if. ~he~ project .doeS 'not ~move, forward~,of~ :losing~?~he
$300, O0O~'grant~., - ~:M=:i~', Ma~S~ll: said~;based~on~:, that~,:~,~.~he ~ would ~ve~.approvat. ~
M~;:.Perkins(~said,;he .... ~woul~ like:th, ques~ion.:whgthe~;~th~s::preje~t~is
needed-~atzall ..... He: does?not, think' the=o' is ~hs s~e need for thiS. project
now as~was identified in the ~1970s. . There.ihave also been a-nmber of funding
changes. At one time, the City was involved in this project, but City
offic;ials,:withdrew the:ir: participatien~ ..' The;-~ $300~; 000 .for7 the:~;p~o~ e~t.~ was .to
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 21)
M.B. 40, Pg. 190
come from a Federal government grant, and the remainder of the funds would
come solely through development. The developer questioned whether or not the
facility could be funded in this manner, and it was discovered that the
developer was right. Now the facility has to be funded through general funds
of the County. If the benefits are great, then he thinks the Rivanna Water
and Sewer Authority (RWSA) should fund the project. He thinks the water users
of the County should be paying for the facility instead of all of the County's
taxpayers. Questions concerning-maintenance have not been answered. In times
like these, Mr. Perkins said he believes the cost and benefit of this project
need to be reconsidered.
Mr. Perkins then moved that this project be tabled until there is more
definit~e i~fbrma~iom~furmished to,the Board. A number of people who under-
stand projects such as this have commented to him that the only function of
this project is to collect sediment and pollutants. He does not know from
where-:the pottdtants..: are~.-coming since Con Agra.:is,:'~not? dumping~ pOllUtants ~ into
the?Creek; - If thence, were.other benefits~.'t0~ the project'~.~he,.Would.?be~ able to~,
. ~;~Mr~. Bain co~ented~:.~hat~.he is~surprised?.a~ the~:mOtion..on
~rfl(.~H~phr~s~said sh~.~hofigh~?~here'~ alr~ady~a m0ti0fl on
~',:.~-.~, Hr.~Marshatt::eespOnded ~ha~ he had made a mogion, but Hr. Perkins jus~
s~a~ed some infomation of which h~ was unawara, so h~ will withdraw his
:~ ? ;XMr~"Bowe~an said he,had not: heard Mr. J ~a~shatl~'s motion~ ~ ?'
~.: ? ~ -Mr~ Mar~halt~answa~ed>,~hat: he. ~had5 mad~a ~mo~tion, because he~ ~as '. concerned
Mr. 'Bower~n~ said the only-motion he :hemrd was the one made by
~Mrs'.' H~phris said she:thought' M~:: Ma'rshall~started:>toimake,'~atmotion~,, but
Mr: oP~rk ins ::in~erruptedlhim~ .
· ~' Mr.' Bowerma~ then:.~stated?:that, Obviously, the:motion<w~s no~ Seconded,
. ~ Mrs.. Hmphris co~ented~:.that there was no oppor~ity to~)Second Mr,, Mar-
be~auser. M=., Roberts~n"appea=ed~:befor.e this -Board five., or six :months ~ago,with
an in-depth analysis of the project including ben,fits.' The new:Board members
probably ~ave:n~ seen thiscanalysis~::? He ~oesJn~,?think;any~hing-haS:.changed
.Mrs. P~kihs.~ saidqthei:fundingt.':ha~':.chmnged~o~ this::project:~'e ~- ~:,r:-:.:..:<~, '_.;:-_
Mr. Bain remarked that the funding is still the 's~e as it was eighteen
monthg ~~ ag~;whem~hiS~ Board~, iRdieated? ~ ~ was ~ in favor~ ~Of~.~the proj ec~l ~L~He~ Said
~he ~Board:-kn~w ~ha~: the, proj eet::was:, g~ing:~to:,~be partialiy~ paid' for .by. develop-
ment. The Board appro~edn{he project being done on a per acre or per foot~
basis~:in, t~rms of~(the-'::sites'~an~,resldences~ ffe,reite~mked that~thls has hot~
Mr: Perk ins 'i said~' i~:" has ~'. changed~ ~ ~ Mr'i ~i.:~Bain:: said the:~ same people ~' who' were
developing the:Hightmnds:~:pro~c~' in':the~.
project,;are the ones who:are~.stitt:.opposed~,~,.
:~ ~: ~. ~. Mrs:~,::H~phris agreed:~with Mr. Bain that ~he- facts have not~ changed at
all. The project has been approved by this ~ard and reaffirmed by this Board
on any:~n~bem~, of
when the Cowry Attorney said that because of the State Code, the developer
need only~pay fo~ ~he.~portion~direc~ly,~contribntable
site, <and.~ net ~ onTM the:? bas is wh%.eh:~was 'approved~ originally~ 0 ~:~This Board :: ~hen
adoP~ed~.a~new:"~me~hod Of:,pa~ent f~r the p~o~eC~.' ,:: She,~ sa id?~ the r~off is~: ~,-
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 22)
M.B. 40, Pg. 191
exactly the way that this Board has always understood it. The Crozet inter-
ceptor took care of the point source pollution. However, Mrs. Humphris
stated, this sewer had nothing to do with the nonpoint sources of pollution,
the sedimentation and runoff. With development coming in the area, and
currently with the Highlands development and its impervious surfaces in the
form of driveways, roads, etc., it is going to cause a tremendous problem to
the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir. If all of this drains into Lickinghole
Creek, the Creek will, in turn, drain directly into the South Fork Rivanna
Reservoir. She is sorry everyone on this Board did not have a chance to go on
the canoe trip Mr. Robertson tried to set up, ~but failed to do so due to a
lack of participation on the part of the members of this Board. She went on
the trip and saw how a major part of this reservoir, which has to provide the
Water for~ every p~r. Son in the~City of Charlottesville and all of the urban
area. of:Albemarle County, is becoming filled up to the point where there are
islandS and mud flats developing. This reduces to a tremendous degree the
:':. :,.": Mrs .. _Humphras Said, she i: understands there is:,~ going to~ :, be~; a bathymetr
survey, ~ which::will indicate~, the 'reduction in :.capacity ~in ~ the:mext,~..yea~,:or so.
Unless. this 7 Board~ wants I to::, be, resPonsible for havi.ng.~to ~ dredge~, the,? So~th: Fork
Rivanna Reservoir, which wou~ld cost ungold::'millions~ of do~lars~.:~or~-untess the
expen.diture:~ tO build... ~ the. Buck,:.Mountain ~ Reservoir ~: can., be:~ moved up many,:, year s,
the-Licking:hole -Creek sedimentation.:basin is needed. :-'~_She.:said' the basin ,will
Collect 90 percent o£-the~.sediment.runOff which eomes'~from'~this~area~. ~:If:
there~is:any~ idea this facility:is not going to~bei'c0ns.tructed,~::the:pub,tic has
no,'idea about ~it,'~ She,' told.:Board members~the?public::expects it to. be~'buil~;~
and the: . public: does ~not want the? $300,000 that '-muSt beC nsed:.by this~- deadline:
to?be Waste'd:, ~.., Of~-course.~ developers ~ don ~ t~ Want · the; Lickinghole. Creek Basin in
place beCause,~ it ',will',be a ~..cost to~ them; ~ She'~. commented,, :.however.; <that? it~-, is
in the~ best interest, of. :~ the.~ people 'oft the :~ City ~ of~ Charlottesville,: and< the::~
gounty.'of'~Albemar:ie~'.f~r'the'¥South Fork Rivanna Reser~oir~ to be protected
this~basin. ~This basin has provon~to bo necessary~ and is the best~way to
cont=~t~-, the:; sediment~, and.~ ~ poliutiom.c~ming, from: de~etopment;-gm ~:~ the' 'Gr~zet~ a=ea.
She"said~any~ ~d~a 0f,)not: conStructing.the~ ~aciiityt at~; thiS~:~e~y~ gritieat time
...... . ::~Mr:.- Perkins. askod:' whY:~the', citizens, of,:, the!Citg:::of*::- Cha~lottes~ilte~.. are: mot
,willing~: to,: participate, in :_~hiS.:, projeet:;: Mrs. ;.:H~phris~.; answered., that ~' the. City
is ~ no't~ participating (in :the' pro. j '
~ct' beeause,,they:dom- t ~.ha~e:~ amy money. : Mr
Bain~': disagreed: .. :: Originally:} ~ hO'said:; City -, officials., agree&' to pa=t ieipate
the~-ConstructiOn' of':-the:: ,fa~ili.ty.i bUt~:-~h~,..;they:: Said dt :wa:S::: too far~. removed::, in
te=ms~ of what': i t: ~as :' ~trying: to, do ~., '~ Th~. Boa~.d-~ ~as :.: work ing~:, On:.:.~he?: Cromer5 growth
that:::proeess, . Tha~: WaS. :part,'. of the.~-gl,fly~ s ~reason,.::for~:withdrawai.,. ': He:.
this?is:.truei although:: there'a=e~ probably ~ ~l~t..:Of~. other~:reasoms~:-ha~does~mot
~ow~' about.~:. ': ~:.. This: Board th~n: ' d~c ideal that. the~ proj eot ~was'~ needed?; ..-~:'.~here have
been several votes::.b7':..this ::Board,. .over the:.~years,: in~ support of::the:, facility.
facility, should~: eoS.~ more' t~n."is,, budgeted.} .:bUt:~ the?,Boa:rd :e~utd ex~ime~
~O~t,~ budgeted :. ,: The-. atgernat ive~ould be~ indigidual .sedimen~ation¢: basins
?. ?..,-' .::,. Mr-:.-Perkins. commented:-~, that;:~MrS. '; Humph=is :. had indieaged, afte~,~ her :: cano'e¥ ?
trip,: that: all;of: .~he~::sedimenta.tion was ~ coming~ ~.from Liekinghote~ Creek~ ~ :-:When
Meeh~::River is.: observed after: any.si,gmific~t.'~:~ain:..fall~;:?it..is:{ muddY; 2. butut
LiCki.mghote~, Creek~is :not~.~muddy~ ~:. The~:Mo~rmans ~iver~.:.,very se:idem::-g~ts<~muddy~ ~-
The~e.:: is/~ a. natUral.<:p~oeess~ in,'~ =eference. to:- ~o il,~.~7pes.' on::~:the:: Mech,'; ~er~-:
Where,.sedimentation~.:iS: g6ing~ to:~be~a?prOblem.~ ,,-. ~The South:< Fo,=~ Ri~ahma? Reser-
~:5~.:~;:~M:r:.",Martfn;:..~equost~d that. tho decision .be delayed one we~k, since this is
such an important issue and since he.does not have a historic perspective of
~ -::~ ! c~'Mr:; :.:Bowerman ~ said,:'~ Crozet ~- is~?in~? the: Watershed::: area of: the~ South .Fork% ,..: b ~ %,
RivannaiRese~vo.ir~, ?~.8scause ,it~ is. in. the :wa.tershed area,: certain, things, have~
to be.considered. Anybody who~ develops ,therehas to provide detention.:: The
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 23)
M.B. 40, Pg. 192
question is not whether detention is going to be provided, but whether it will
be provided on individual sites as they are developed or in one central
location. He said this matter was studied and it was determined that the best
way to do it and the best way to manage it was to have one detention basin.
He said Mr. Perkins raised a good point, which is that the basin has no other
use. Whether it is a lake or detention basin, he doesn't care, but it needs
to drop the sediment loadings and cleanse some of the chemicals which are in
it. He said the study which was done indicated that it was better to have the
one facility versus dozens of facilities. Also, dozens of facilities Would
not deal with the already developed part of Crozet where the runoff goes into
Lickinghole Creek. This runoff might not be as big a problem as runoff caused
by new development, but still it isn't retained. The only way to deal with
Cro,zet asa growth area,-~in~terms,of its runoff, is to have a facility in one
Mr ~ Martin said., if alt,. of ~ the senior Board ~members :~were .,in.~:agreement on
the issue, then he would vote for something he dido,not know ,a great deal
about., ~ HoWever, one senior~- Board member~ is saying~ the~ ,faci~lity is'not'even
needed, 'but., on the?o{her hand% Mr.,Martin does not~ want.'the,County tO~.~ lo~se
the,.~$3,O0'~000~ He,~ aSked,~ again, if it woul'd~ hurt anything to~ postpone- the~
matter fori a week, even,~f staff~ does not~-br,ing back~-a,~ report~ He~ said':th~is
~uld allow him ~time to~ Study the issue. ~ ....... ~ ~.~ ~ ~ .....
Mrs. H~phris~told~Mr.. Ma~:tin~ the probl~ is,'fhat~ one p~rson'~on theBoard
-~is saying-the facility, shoul'd no,~be' buil~; whereas: 'Board, membersi~ ove~ ~he
years have'aff:irmad and reaffirmed the pro~ect. ' -~
::~Mr; .Rober,tson co~ented~that the Fra~,X'. BroEe study indicated what the
net: r,educti.ons would be with both the Lickinghole Creek facility ~d the
interceptor. It wasn't envisioned that the Lickinghole Creek facility would
capture direct~ discharges,, and. pOint~ sources~,~ so there/ware: n~be~s" ~calcuiated
for what. the phosphorous reductions ?coming~,out of L the' Lick~inghote.watershed
Would be:by~ both the interceptor and' Lthe. Licking~hole_:~ Creek facility~*-
.~, ~-, Againl Mr. 'Martin~, asked,, if a week' s delay wouldo make a. difference~
:. :~ '.Mr. Robe~son~ answered ~ tha~ he~ does not know.: '-~ The~ people, who will
provide the funding are. very concerned that the matter~ has.gone ~on for a long
t ime:;~-*~ ~Th¢~ grmn~ ~ .inCt'ial. Iy .expir,~d iast ~ September, ~ but ~e ~.ote ~a ~let~e~,
reqnesting~ am ex,tension., *~or a year'~ whither, he~,, ~hi~s no~ might~not~ ,be~'long~
enough~.~ ?F~ds ~ ~hieh:. have. ~been~ appr,op~iated~f~or this period of time -are being
,examined very 'c~osely.
Mr,~ .Martin.as~ed~. whT-this request was'~.not: brough~',~ to?,this~ Board a?~month
agog. Mrs.~ H~phris.' and Mr., ~ Bain~?expiained~ tha,t~ Mr. Rob~rtson did: not~ come~ to
this~ 'Board- ,before, now~ beeause' th~,: r~ques~t,, had:'~ alr~eady ~een ~ap:pro~d;- Mr. Bain
Said.that~mon~y ha~:alread~y~been~appropr~ated~, and,the~ f~ding~-is 'in~ ,piaee;
He~ added Mr. RObertson~ iS'working, thr'ough the~ C~x~nty'~s own procesS... Mrs.
H~phris explained' tha~ Che only.reason the, maCter is back before this Board
today:~ !'s because '~:Mr~; ,PerkCns ~an~ed~,~t~ hold~ up the:proj~ct~ She? reiterated
that the-facility has bean approved. Mr. ~ain agreed. He' does mot think
there ~is a. ' need,~or,, ~y · more ~ votes~ by, ~his ,Board; ~ .... ~
Mr ;~Pe.rkims said,' ,the pr'oj e¢t:,' was: appzoved~, in i~ast year.' s~' C~P, .;, an~:~the
mon~y~ has~ not ,beem~ spent. ~ He said th:is Projec~,,h~s dragged~:on forS~a~ long
~t~i~ ~ ~' Mr,; :.-Bain~. responded that. ,~h~s...pro~aet ~has not~ been- s,lowed,' down '~ in
las~ i8 months. Mr~ Tucker explained that the money wasn't appropriated until
last year-.
..... ~M~.~:,,Marshaitlsa.id'hehassome,-e, oncerns~but he is conf~ed~.~ca~Se- this
proj ee,t,~ iS in Mr:~ Perkins .... ' dist=ic~.~ :~ He .~ask~d,:~ if~M~; Perkins. is~ s~ying
Lickinghol~, Greek.~is ~aiways eiear,~ Mr. Perkins'~-ams~red?~:~thag ~LickinghOie,
Czeek' ~i.s not a~ways ?clear ~ ,He asked M=-~ .R'obe=¢son :if,~he~,.~ kn0~s~how ~eh water
~hat, go~s: into, the Reservo~r,_comes, out- of Liekinghole Cr~k ~ '~ -~ If a. sedimenta-
tion. basin` is desired, he-~ feeis~ i~ shoutd:,be*':b~i-~ on.~he~Mec~ ~ve¢ ....
Mr; Robe~son s.t~ated: tha~,-the Vol~e from Licki~ghole ~Creek is. signifi-
cantly less than ~that from the~Mech~ River. The design o~,~he facility is
di=ected~ specifically at a.~ g~ow~th area in'~, the ~a~ershed,~,-.This i's a.: eor~cept
being nsed'by o~hers~ in the,State and,' elsawhere.,~ To~c,o~ol~z~umqff: from~a
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 24)
M.B. 40, Pg. 193
development is existing state of the art. He said the densities in the
Crozet area, in his opinion, are very noticeable in a watershed which is zoned
for rural areas.
Mr. Perkins pointed out that part of the Ivy landfill is in the watershed
area. Mr. Cilimberg commented that Crozet is the only designated growth area
in the watershed, and the boundaries of Crozet have been based on what would
feed into the Lickinghole Creek basin. That basin is critical to the growth
area of Crozet in the County's Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Bowerman said there is an honest difference of opinion between Mr.
Perkins and the other senior members of this Board. With all respect to Mr.
~Perkin~, M~;~BOwerman.~kiiow~=th~s~'project is in Mr. Perkins' district, and he
kno~s Mr~ Perkins does not agree with Mr. Bowerman. Mr, Bowerman noted that
the matter had been discussed by former Board members also. There are other
matters ~,to~. be~ deatt,7 With~' such aS the question of:' f.isc&l ,impact i and4 growth.
He. does: no t th ink~ this3 ma~ er~ needs~ to~~ be ~ re~ ex,~ined, ~,' and~ he~ ~hopeS~ ~ ~the~ two~ u~.
ne~ Board members can put some faith in the three senior Board m~bers who
think the facility is needed, even if these members disagree with Mr. Perkins.
-~ ~.~ ...... Mr.: Marshall ,~ ask~ Mr. ~ Perkins if ~ he agreed: · that~~ if~. the~ f~cil!ty~ is nog~
built~ the,=e~: will be~ a c~rtain ~ount Of runoff~which-wilt.~ contaminate the~;
wmter suppi~y~ M~ ~ Perkins-:responded., y s,: He. asked.:.hOw~mueh-cont~ina~ion
.the=e.?wo~td~be w,ithOut:~he~ faeility~ ~: He also'~asked why, if it is such a great
project, the City of Charlottesville is not willing to participate. He
questioned, ~ ~oo,~:~why ~he~: facility, is-not being:-~ financed ~through the~ Riv~na
Water- ~nd~ Sewe~ Aukhor i~y ~ fie said:: the AhthoMity'~ is cons idering- ~het. proj oct,
an~ay~,, and ~his~uld:'.le~ the~ mf:fected water users~of the Cowry pay .for ~g.~.
:~Mr~ ..Tu~ker explained ~ that: the C~i~y and. Co~M~ were~ going :fto~ ,dea~..with: the
matter~ through; the~' Ri~a~a.~Wat~ mhd Sewer; A~,hority~;..~and~,~:~ha~ ~sq wh~m~this
Board~::me~,~-~with? CitM'~CoUncAi.. ~i~s.?.Board and~ C~.y'~ Co~ci.t 2: looked;~ a~ the~
various~: is~s~es~ and:repo~ts~ ~nd.:~ .the~:Ci:ty offi~ials~ dec,ideal they,~woUld.: not:
part'icipate, mnfl, ther~ore, wouid~n0t '
support~ -the~ Author~ity~ s ~: parttcipm~tion3 ~ ~'
because i~ would require an increase" in rates for water and sewer. He: added
that this is '~h~~ reason ,~he ~tho~itY~' d~d not.~ ~.~par~,in~ ~t~he-projeeA ~;
C~ozet~: goes into ~ the; ReS~.rvo,i r, he thinks:~ .i~ cou~ld ~ be~ eontr ibut lng 50~ percent
~f' the; con~ination..7 ~'Mr,.._.Bowerman responded ~ha~ there ~maY. onlM~ be a,~~ small
percan~mge~ of :the total~=~ voi~e Of war'e= coming ~nto;--the ,Res~e~oir~. ,fr~m~ the~
~Lickinghol~.~ Cr~ek~ ~'Bmsin.~: but i. he~ ~hinks~ th, iS';~hms~ serious~ prOt'ound p~ii~y
· imp~licat,ions. ~ ~ If..~hiS. a. ppro~h~.: is~-abandoned~ in~i Crozet,~ he ~hinks it~ would4
ca~e additional.~devetopm~nt in the watershed~a=ea. He mentioned the fact~
that-one s~de of,:Myflrautic Road i.s mot:in.ciu~ed¥in t~he:,~g~ow~h:-m~rem'because
is~ in¥ th~ wa~ershed~iar~a~ ~: ~ M~~ ~thinks ~is' ~O~t~ s~riousiy-wea-ken?-the~onnty ' s
ab-ill, ry..tel.:contrOl? gvow~h;~within~.the..wa~e~s~e~'.~are~a:~.becanse~'~aaeh indi~-id~l
sub~ivision*~:.or a~en, C~rozet ~;.might~~ not- be Signi, fie~t~: in~ its::d~grada~ion~ of
s ilta~ion~, and r~no~f~.~ ~would: be: ~ increased many "t~es. :'~ ' ~e;:: implicat ion5 of_~.
changing ~ thi. s~ .Board:~ s-~pos~tiOnr on~- LiCk~nghole~ C~eek~,hms- b~ough~, im~lieations
for~ the ~es~t of the-wat~ershed: area mnd~ the entire app=oa~ to-~a~ing growth
,in~ th~vwa~rshed': area~ ~.~ ~-~ -~, -~ ~,~'~;:-~-~..:~ ?. :~ '~.:'~ ~.~ ,:,~.:?~ :-.:~f~ .,,.~:~
Mr~; Marshall:~ asked"' i~ managing g~ew~h .[ i~n the? watershed, a,rea,, could-~.,
controlled ~hroug~t zoning:.. ';~ ,Mr.~ Bowerman answered' ~ha~-~ ~hfs:~:~ui~ b~--'~rue-:, only
b~'ause~.,gher:~' ar~ now, r~quests, for t'~x~tension ~ of, the. see~ice a=ea for~ water~ and
s~wer, on ~.he'. :oth~.r si.de.~ o'f', Hyd:a~tie..Road; ~" ~ He,:.said.. thisi ~equest-,' has
b~(.~ g~anted,: :~ t m~nLioned also:': that .. p~ople,.~ ~ho.-. liver: near.-, Seo~svil,le: on
Route:~ 6-'. have:,: aske~~. ~;', be:,~ inetude~~ in .the:. ser~-ige ~ area,;; bu~t'~: because:, they::.~ a~e-~
toca~ed~ ?info,he,,: [O~.ier-: ~.eek~ ~wa~rshed;~:~-. th'.is .,BOmrdr-vo~e~ :~ no~::'..~o.'.:a110~- ~h~s'~.
~-~'-:.~ .Mr, :'Mars,hail:'.:said:,~he--Water.t~vot~ d~es n~,~,. ~.ther:.him, ~,b~t he~ wanted ~o
~now:[ ~h~t- P~rc~n~a. ge~..off.-.: ~ont~imat ion ~. Of, ~ ~he~t Rese~voir~t wo~id,~'be, comimg -. from
[his." a~ea,~ -'~. Mr~ Robertson.'answered .that ~her~ hm~e been.-e~t'~m~tes :of. tfour~ or~
five ~peze~t~:; of :~ Ahe~ ~oga~l. nutrien~ =~moval coming, int. o ~he ~es:ervoir. - On a
pro~rtional-.basis, this:, looks small considering the size of ~he watersheds..
area,~'. He,does ~ mot -~want to mi, slead:, Board.: members inAo~thi~in.g ~ plmeeman~.~ of
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 25)
M.B. 40, Pg. 194
this basin will turn the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir around and make it a
clean, pristine reservoir again. In terms of uncontrolled loadings from
Crozet without anything to stop them or intercept them, it will exacerbate
problems in the Reservoir. He added that a lot of numbers have been quoted
dealing with this project for a long time, and there are efficiencies which
have to do with'how well this facility will remove waste from Lickinghole
Creek. This basin has been projected to be about 90 percent efficient in
removing sediment coming into it. For nutrients such as phosphorous, it has
been estimated to be between 45 and 60 percent efficient.
Mr. Perkins remarked that he would like to see some figures on how much
sedimentation is going to be caused by the construction of this project
hecanse, th~gSew,~r;~an,d~-s~,pti~c,¥tine, go under this proposed lake. He went on to
say~ -that~there are two manholes which have to be raised and earth-filled
around so they will be accessible.
:: At~ ~this~ :t~ime, :Mr~',~Bowerman reminded Board members ! that! a-~m6tioni' to'~defer
action had! ~,been ,~ mad~ ~,'~ ~:: He ~ asked if~.~there was ~ a~second,~ to: the ~ motion.~.
~' ~: ~' .'~ ' L~'~'~ ?"q~ ~ *:".I :~ ~:~,-" : ~ ~' : ~'~,~ ' ~: ;
~.' ~ .... M~ .~Ma~tin ~ said ~ i~t.~~ ~s-; his~ und~rs~andin.g: ,~ha~e aeLiom h~ already?
taken by ~ this Board ,to~ move: ~this:, projec~t~ fo~ar~d, s'o. he.~ doesn' t; thin~'~there is
'any, thing tO be', gained:: by- ~hav!ng anot~her mot ion.~t'o d'O '~he ~s~. fihing?* :, fie:~ would
like; to:-: ha~e~ a ~.week,~t0,'= read:. ,the~- doc~'en~t because thais infoMmat,ion :is all new
t,o~him-~ ~ ~Mr~.-~ Tucker: explained that ,this proj~et~:has~: been. held up, partly
because of the Corps of Engineers Permit. The Board was informed last month
that thisipermi;t had been obtained(~,::and th~-staff.~ was,.,p~re~af~ing<to;~mb~e ~:~:-~
fo~ard" with", land, ~purehase:.. ~em~Mr;~ ~. Perkinsu requested additional? informa-
tion~;- the~: staff: deeide~,~~ ~O.~ ho'ld:~up ~, ~th~'~land:~.p~rchase'; :~ :The.~ Rivanha Wa~-erc snd~:
Sewer:-Authority is taking:~ the, ~esp~n~ ibilitY,, o'f+~ being~ ~h~ :,lead' ageney~ to go
for~=d:to p~rchase land:amd':also for the construction 'of this facility. The
staff'will '.continue to. delay l~d .acquisition ~til a final resoluCion'.is
approved,~ by: this~': Board. ?~ :? ~ ,~_ ,-'~..~ ~ .... ..... ...... ~-~ ..... -~ ...... ~ .......... ~ ~ ~- ~: ~ ~
- ..~,~ Mr, Martin said-he hears one group or,people saying the project is'moving
forwa=d, ~but- ~hen he hears: ~hat~ i~',-is~ no~ ~ moving~: fo.r~a~rd. ~w~ Mr;
ptained:.;~hat,~ ~ pzo~eCt:.~has~ moved! fo~arfl:;, w:i~h:~wha,t ~he ~:S~aff
.ghe~'. approval::by-~he~S~ate? and~' Fede~a:t gover~nt~'; &He~ reite~ated~ ~hat
Boa=d~ ~as~.~ified~ iast¥ montk Of 2. ~s~~ app.ro~mi~ ~:~ an~ ~ at~ ~h~:~.~ime3 :M~ .~ Perkins
reqn~te&~time: zo :~.~e~-: another look~ ~t, th~:P~oj.e~'~, ~t,~eau~se :~ o~;: th~s~~ ~- s~aff
wi~ll~not move forward~with ~land acqui~sition,-~ete~'~n~il this:'~oar&makew
~ ~: .~ ~.; Mr :~ Rober~son ~: eo~en~ed~ ,tha~ a~ l~ong ~ i,ist:~-of:~ i~ems .are penal?lng Wh~ich
beyond,~ ~land- acquis i~iOn; :?:. There-are: :a~ tot ~ o~, in~ricae ies~co~ec~ed? With~) this
projec~.~ .~e~ staff is ~mee~:ing~ with ~consultm~s~-~o~* get a .: bid3 package! final~
ized; and: final :des ign n~berS-n~d.-to~ be~ donee3~ q'. ~iming on: bidd~iflgr is~ c~itical
as ~go;:, whem~ a- favorable bid may' be .received ~: A :week~' s~ de,lay e~ld he critical
because: there are. othe~~ meetings~ which, depend: on ~this decision and~ a lot of
work ~hat~~ needs to ~ be" donee, ~: ~, P~ro, ~rata~' share, eon~:ributions: a~e~being~.
for~:~he ~facility-~ aS~development Occurs.? ~e,: for the? seeond:~phage:~:
Mech~ River -Subdivision c~me aerosS~' his: desk~ ~ us~the~,othe~35 day~
:' ::-: ~ ' Mr':~ ~ Bowerman~;emphasized~: ~at ~,here~ is,: a~.motion on ~he~; f~loo~-.
M~, ~. ~erkins ~ :,if ~. w~'~ ~o = resta~ ~he_ motion~-~ Mr. ~ .Pe~k~ns sa
~dr.~ the?~tion,,~, if; ~o~herBoard~:members agree:~ to-Mr:~ '
allew a ~eek~fo~ the t~o new. Board members? to:review: the-in~o~rmation...:~He does
not think this is :any reason to, :slow d~ the p~rocess,,: S:t~aff: c~ Still go
ahe'ad? andkde~elop:: al ~bid pae~ge:. He~)does~ no~ '~mn~'~ ~to:.;~IoSe ~"~ $3~O~ 00D~:~amy:
mo=e~:than: :mnyonei else~, if the:~.pro~ect is* to'5 be:~cons~ue;ted~,w Me.:-aSk~d~-Why~:~the
tand~: acquisi~ion~::~ had-~ ~o:~:.bez: sloWed~ ~do~: ~ when,,the.s land~: will;~ prob~iy? ha~e~
Co~d~ed an~ay~He,~does~-no~~ ~h~ink ~he(?l:~downe~s~=~itl:~bebag~re~able
gi~ng;~ up~ the:~ir~ ~ l'anS*~ :~ Heq,~es ~. not,~ s~i why; a ~eek~',s de~la~?, wil~, hurl .anybodY~,
In,:.fac,~, ~ hevsaid~:~there? ~iLt~ not ~ b,e~-:a~ delay-4f ~het. Staff,~gOes; ~,mhemd ~ith~ th~
process,, bug.~: he thinks~;,' ~he tw0~ new~, Boa=d?~ members? meedi information~,
pro~ ecg. ?.He! S a!d.~he~..dee:imion? needs:<,to, be-made-' a~~, ~ozYwhe~her2 ore n~~ ~unty
Mr. -Ma:r~in~--eo~ented. ~h~at~: it' seems to..'hfm~- ~e< B~ar-~ ~me~er~ ,,expected?..,
anybody.:~ to:~:~ stop~ ,~he: process:. ::~. Mr~ ;Bain< respOnde~ ~ha:tS~;bffcause. ofi'~whaL
'. v , ?; ~ ~ -.: ~ :' . ~.~..51 , ~ ~ < ~.~ ._.,..::r ?....; ... ~ _ ,", . ~;.'~%~?~ .~ '.C ;',¥ "~ '. '.:?L%~",?
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 26)
M.B. 40, Pg. 195
member said, the process did get stopped. He said he did not know that until
today. The process has been stopped.
Mr. Perkins said he talked to Mr. Robertson, probably a month ago, and Mr
Robertson showed Mr. Perkins the plans. Mr. Perkins stated that Mr. Robertson
indicated to him that the process was not moving as it should because of an
individual who was on a leave of absence, and it was necessary for this
individual to return before the applications for the permits could be pro-
cessed. He does not know if the individual is back or whether the permit
process is proceeding. Mr. Robertson answered that the Executive Director of
the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority is on a leave of absence, and he is
named on the permits. He went on to say that staff has been coordinating this
process with, the~Executive Direc~Qr three times a week for the last few weeks.
Mrs. Humphris commented that because she believes the Lickinghole Creek
R~gionai, 4, Stormwater,:Management Faci~l'ity ~ is of the'~utmost:, importanne' to~A~lbe~
ma,r. le~ Cofnnty~i~and~sh~:~has-.,foltowed;~the issue for years, she is going to make a
motion that this Board give to staff its final decision on proceeding with
acquisitiOn:of land: and,.~con~tructioh"of~ the~:faci!ity,',~:~?:5~ ..... ,-~
:there. is?.?a motion 6n.:the:floo~.~: ~He
~hat M~. Perkins has withdrawn:his motion. ~:Mr.
Martin~:pointed~ out~ thht· Mr~ Pa.rkins. withdrew his motion :on :certain Conditions.
M~,. :, ~werman, ~ then.': asked,-for-a Second:'of Mr ~ Perkins t.moti,on~;~.: ~Mr s. H~phris
:ed.: that ~here,-was~ near a, ,seeon&: fo=-Mr,~; ~ Perkins ' ~ motion'.~ ': ~ ~-.:
~:'~:-~- Next~?~r~ Bowe~man'~stated that~Hr, Perkins'.~motlon died for:.lack~ o~f.
S~cond,~ ~Mrs ~ ~'H~phris: :said~.~tha~: ~easoh~ sho: made the:-motion at~,:~ this ~ time,- and
in. this.manner, is because she does not believe one member of this Board has
the night to ~keep:' bringing~,up:' questions?which ke~P thls~ ~acilit~[~bplan~ from
be!mgm: ongbing ate a+~,mry:~ er,itieai~' tim~,'.and-~, ruff a~ risk of~ losing;: Sg0O, 000
much~:.n~eded F~erat~ fmds.~ ~She: does: :not-~ thi~,: that. this' Board should.have,:to
g~eothe~ staff i a fleeision~ because, the~ final~'; decision ~' on this matter ~ was~ made
long. agoi~-Her ~motion is- simply to ~:~aaffi~m that~ ftna~l deeision,~* and she is -
very serious about~ this~'matter. - - '
~:~ '.Mr~ Bain,.said,~ha'does:-not,~:think%~any motions, are:needed ~odgy~; H~:has
heard? what ~.'Mr~. Perkins~ s~id in'~ terms~ of, 'Wi~hdkawing: his motion?; ~ .~ ~e*:~ ~hent asked
Mr. ,~eke~r~.,if: ~h~ staff ~itl~ ge~ forOarfl ' with:~he~process: as..of, today:;:~:if: there
· Mr~ · Tuckeri ,reptie.d;.:-?yes:~". :~He Said ~staff-~reSponded~to:J the:: aCti~n::of ~.the
Boa~rd?.when!ethe~<mon~y:was~?approp.ri~ted, and. that is~:wh'at:is usually used
key~ ~ .Once:,.money...-isi>appropriated~? staff feelsvthe?8oard~ is serio~ and:wants
the pro~ ect; to. ~move? forwar.d?~:~!ess~ t.he=e ,iS<~an~ obj ec[t.ion~: taters; :: ~ Ifc no.,:md.t~ion
~s~made~today, ~staff:;~wili::eOmtihue~,~o mo~e~:forw~ard:~?. ~ I:t~:' ~ould~, b~i?C~it;i~a,liif
the?staf~.~cofitinUed:'tor~do~ more~ amd~more Work~~ On:' the proj eet,~ ~ and~: then. th~
goard~xhad.~see~nd thoughts~ .> ,.H~ ,thinks Mr..- Ro,b~r:t,son;t~ s-. feeling~::is; that;-a~
deeisi0n~ needs to-:,.be~.:made one, way-%or - the'~ o~h~r i ~-s0:; that;': approach will not be
changed~ a,t,.a later time.~,',:: .-
~ Mrs. ~' ~ph~i'S Said:,: s~' made~, a-:motion':beCause:, staff- is: reque~st lng-<: a, final
decision ~. She f~ls~:,the-:: decis'ion::~as~' mda~ tong~' ago, ;.:,so averything~-is~:prOeeadn
Mr. Bain: concurred; Tho project is in the process of going forward, and
if after reViews, :.one ~. of ~-.the~..other: Supervis.orS'~ disagrees i ~ he can: make ~a'~ mOtion.
· ne~t*:week~'~~ ~':~.He~ sa~d'~this woutd:)n:o.t~ s&ow~an~hing:~down;; ~- ~eause:'~.the p=~eess~
Wou~d go:~: ~o~a,rd. i He;' asked-': :if~:-,this ~ is':. correct:, :,.::~. ~:~uCker~ repi'ied¢:: ~-Uyes
~. ;-.~;.~M~s;~ ,,H~phris:~ Said shec thinks' ~hat~- becaus~:~ this, projeat,'.:.was ~approved:
:th~oug~the. pUblie-~: proces s, i~: can' ~t, be undone - exeept:::~ through~ a-~:: Pnbtic ? p~o-
~ -~,':~.~'M~.-~.Bowerman~'asked~if it is the Board members' decision that this Board
needs to do nothing at this point.. ~r. Bain responded that the Board has
approp r iated~, t~he t funds ,~ a~d' :,the~ pro~ ect,: is~,going:forwaid.g ~,~,~-~,- ?:~ ~::~ ~., :;
~?,~, ~AD;this~t, im, ~r, .Bowerman asked Mrs. Hmphris if~she:wantad to withdraw
her .motion. ?Mrs. Hmphris replied that she ,would withdraw her ~tion, with
that ~derstanding~-~-: _ . ~):-:,,.::': ~.::. r::~ .......
'~..9~: :-~ 5:C , O.¥.."x.). ?~ '-- ': ~, ~': " .~, ;~"~."' !, :',',:'. ~.,~' ~'q~' ~ ':'~,~ ~'~¢: , '
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 27)
M.B. 40, Pg. 196
Mr. Tucker asked Mr. St. John if he thinks the Board needs to take action
to authorize land acquisition negotiations. Mr. St. John inquired as to who
would be acquiring the land, Mr. Tucker answered that the Rivanna Water and
Sewer Authority will be doing the negotiations, but it will be purchased
through County funding. Mr. St. John asked if a condemnation suit has to be
filed in the courts, will it indicate that it is the County of Albemarle
versus the landowner, or will it be the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
versus the landowner. Mr. Tucker replied that the County would have to file
the condemnation suit.
Mr. St. John asked if the money which has been appropriated includes
acquisition of land. Mr. Tucker answered, '!yes." He emphasized that every-
'thing has~.been app~opri~ted~'.!including construction and acquisition of land.
Mr::~.St.' John responded that, from a legal perspective, the Board has already
done what it needs to do. Mr. Tucker said he just wanted to be sure before
· ,:: :Mrs. St,. John?said if,he and th~'Deputy Goun~y:.Attorney,.ar~ going to
t.he~ attorneys to~file,.these-.condemnations, afteri',hearing this~--dis:uSsio:, he
wouid.feei:s~fe'in-:doing So. If the:Autho=ity's a~t~o,~n~y is'-~go:ing
hetwould think:.he would have q~es~ions sinc~:_h~:di~:not,.:hear:.this':rdisci~ssion.
:,.~ Mr'.~Marshall~asked"if there~.is:.a poSsibitity,the,.i~nd~.:~ilt be,,~cquired~
before nex~:week. ,Mr. Tucker answered, "no."
-. :.--.:', Mr.. i Bowerman-.suggested, the? Board~, move On:? from ~his'v'issu. e.,: amd'~ consider'-
Agenda:-:, Items,. 1.7>~ % ~ 9:: an~u.2O~ i. be~ause'~ they ..are~ it'ems~~ which% can ~. be~ quickly dis r
cussed; ;.He: also, suggested~ the-Bnard'~ .then break~:~forv-tunch~:b~c.ause~-;.imter~iews
are sc~duled for.. 1 :. 00 _~ p. m. ?, He.~-' said._ the, Boazd ~ needs~ ~o~. mee.g with:.~ the.; School
Board~ aL'3t 3~0t p'~m-~ ~- and. J then.the- Supervisors C:an beg'in~ ~ith ,Agenda Item 1.5., .
after that meeting. .He said theme is too much left on .the~ agenda to defer ~to
,, .. ~¥:~:'. Agenda3 Item No; .17. :" Access .-Eas~en~t~-~- Buek~ s., Elbow.:-Tower. Si,~e .% ~ -:: ~:, :-~,:
Mr. - Tucker sa.id~:: dUring~: 199,1., the Count~yi acq~i'red proper, ty~ in:-~BuckJ s: ~Etbow
MoUntain'in o~der-to"ioeate~'.communicatiohs..equipment and antennae related
devices for public safety purposes. At._that time, a verbal agreement was
reached regarding access to the" site which hms now been reduced, to. writing by
.... ~%. ':Motion was-of~fe~ad~' ,by Mrs% h'H~phr~s~ Se~d~-~ hy~ ~M~:.~. Perkin, s;,: .~? aut~r-
ize. th~- Chairman..' to S:i~., a. 'letter :, of ag,re~en~' f'o,r ~ thec Buck ~. s~.. Elbow, Toke=cc
- - G~ey Rogk CorPoration : ~' ,~ .
c/o Robert P~ Buford~ Esquire ....
P. O. Box 1535
Ladies and~ Gentlemen: .....
;,.;,, :~.e'~-~by.( Atbemarle,,County of the access eas~ent which %cads from:.-the,
- 3arman.~s Gap: Road~a~op the.,Blue Ridge, over,~ your_ respective-landS, to
'ther,~owe~ site ~ecen~ly'.aequi=ed by. the County from the Federal-
Aviat~on::Administra~ion (acting through, the A~inistrator-Of :6~neral
s~rvices:)'~ by.d~ed~which.~is, recorded in the Clerk's Office of Atbmarle
tt:-;is~our:~de.rstanding that the County ~i:ll pay to you jointly,
.... ~ annuaily., the sm .oi ~30-0~00 .as. rent. for:the-right, to ,usa. this_~acc~ess
~ easement,,, plus' $500;O0:~as~-:~he County?s sha=e of the'yearly cost to
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 28)
M.B. 40, Pg. 197
maintain the road in its present character; for an annual total of
$800.00. It is our further understanding that this amount is based
upon an annual cost of maintenance of approximately $2,500 total, from
past experience; and that the amount is subject to fluctuation in the
future, again based upon actual experience.
It is our further understanding that we will make checks payable to
Nepenthe Land Corporation, and that Nepenthe will thereafter distrib-
ute the funds amongst you, the County not being responsible for such
Because of Virginia law respecting fiscal commitments by counties,
,:,~.q beyohd'!theqf~s~al .year~,, the.cOmmitment of the County to remit these
~::"~- f~nds annually is subject to annual appropriations by the Board of
The~s.ignature: of the,' Chairman' of the<Board of, SUpervisors:, below,, ¥ is
made pursuant to~a~:regoiut,ion.-o£, theisaid-g~ard:.duly!'adoptedonl .... ,~
Marcb:~4, i9~2.?! ~.. ~:-. :. .-: ...... ,~ ,: .....
Roll was called on the foregoing motion which carried by the following
AYES: -~Mrsi~?,HUmphris.,.Messrs~,.~Marshall,,Martin, ?erkins;~Bain?and:'gowe~man.
Agenda It:em~ No, i,,: 19~.,~' Sate!~,of,: Mclntire~~ School-- P.roper.ty ~to~ Mclnti~e~: Aand
Trust~.~.:~?~ ~- .. .... ~ ..~i~.:~ -.~ ..... ..... ..~.~ ?,. ~::
Mr. Bowerman said he has a direct ~conftict. of interests.and' ~witl excuse
himself~ .-Me. is ~ one.:~ 0f :' the:~members, 4nvolved, ~:ith'~ the:: MeInti~e~ Land'.T~ust: who
re~pons~i~le ~for pa~ent~ ,tO~. th~ CountY, s" ~(M~.,~_'gowa~an;?teft~'~ 1;2~: I0 p.m. )
Mr. Tucker' s~arized the.staff .report as follows:
}~.ISsue:,, An annual pa~ent in ~the moat-of $55~000:and~-d~e on: Decem-
ber 5, .1991, in:consideration of thc,sale, og the. old Mclntire Sehoo:l
cred&[..from Investors Savings Bank in the amount of $385,00'0. Inves-
t0r.s~ Savings Bank was closed on Dec,bet 13, 1991, and put into the
hands of the Resolutim Trust Corporation (RTC)~ receiver; ' The RTC
credit in~the-~ ~o~t~ Of $385,000.
Back.ground.::, tn._ May~, t989.~ the.' County's' ~ntered into'!'an~ agreement
...... ~tlow?:Mclnt~i.~e Land",~rns~,?.t.o: put~ ~p,-.a~:.lett~r:- Of ~di.t:::to;.s-eeure.an .:.~
:..~ o~igation :' ,for: .t~:'balanc~. ,of' .:th:: pa~e~ts due.? ~:: ~-h~.~ Saleq'.o f~:¢.,Mefnt i~e
School. AnnUal pa~ents of $55~000 were' made for the first two years
~nd the third~pa~ent was d~fa~lte'&on.~ .'~en.: the; County presented its
C'laim on the letter of Credit~ the'RTC advised t~t .it,disaffi~S. its
Qbl~gation~., <The',attorney for, MeInt~i~e'~Land Trfist:ad~iSeS~?~thmt ~he
w~itl~prOgide a?second~deed.of t~s~t,~along with'~a reVfged:~pa~en~
schedut.e.~ ,
fo~ the,:?BoaCd~&,'conslderation~ pr~or~ ~o~. t'he.':~Mare~h,~ .4~; :: 19,92,,
mee.tiRg; tt :was not. received in' time to .place?~in:tha~,BoaMd:%s packet
RecO~endat~io~:: ~- .,, Staff~ recomends ~,that ~ the: Board, considers:, the :tepay-: ~
ment:~ s ched~le;~: when: prgs ented ~d,'~, give>~: dir. eet,ion ~ to the.-.~Co.~ty: ~ttorney
and~County:Executive aS tO: how:to proceed regarding the repa~ent
schedule proposed."
{ ~ 2r ~5 '~"'~ ~,: L.; ~ >-5 : ~.~ ~ ..... L/~:~ ~?' %' ~;~/~"~ ~k~ .... ;7'~',:.~/~i~5C'~
Jo~ responde& that !he:is not ready~ to ~make¥ co~ents:, This: information:~is
given'k to the BOard m~bers to~. keep.,:them.~ info.rmed,~as :~to: thee status- of ? the
matter, .. ~e-property which will-* be the g~bjeCt~of ~the-.neW Deed~, of Trust is
the proPe~,ty:, on Pa~k¥Streat,:in the City~. whi.ch.~ ~he.:; ~CA now,oe~upies. :~
property has,been appra4sed,'-,a~:.~$t~'0 .mitlion::,by the?Gityi,?? The building is
owned-half: by the ~CA, and~half ~y.,,the~,.Me~Int~re ,Lamd~ Trust,~: ~.,In~ addition, to
secur;ing the, debt: o~ed~,:to the,': county,, stafft~i,s, trying~ to' Wobkz with the;~CA on
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 29)
M.B. 40, Pg. 198
Mr. Bain asked if the the County is restructuring the indebtedness in the
hope that the entire amount can be recouped because the Resolution Trust
Corporation does not want to honor the letter of credit. He asked if this
will take a long time. Mr. St. John replied that restructuring the payment
schedule will not take a lengthy, legal action, but he talked to a lawyer and
an executive in the Resolution Trust Corporation, and this situation is
complicated. Investors Savings and Loan no longer exists, or if it does
exist, it has no assets. RTC is a Federal agency appointed to take over
failing savings and loan companies. RTC takes the position that it can go
through the obligations and decide that it will pay certain people, or that it
will repudiate certain agreements. He questioned this action and was referred
to a Federal statute which indicated that agencies of this nature can dis-
:affirm, con~act~ ~-He~ does bei±eve-.the agency can disaffirm a contract if it
hastener;been performed by either side. He said this matter would have to be
taken to court and litigated. He said this is outside of his specialty, so he
would rec'6mmend: that Staff contact~a speciaiist-::in 'banking to~do~ that~ He
fee~s ~h~ COun~: is-safer unde~ tho pa~nt a~rang.~n~ ~han~, iti wo~ld-.;be
iit~igating against'this gover~ent agency. ....... ~ ?~ :-. -
'-_-, ,'::Mrs. St; Jo~ said he':: can -. probab:~ get~- Some info~ma~i6n::to~' the Boar.d- on:',
this- mtte:-:at-~nex.t week~ s: meeting. ~ This, ~.is:a,.,'situation( where, time~ is:~of the
es:senee~ ~ ,,-Mr. Tucker :, sugges ted,-, the ~ matter,, ~,be" deferred ~ ~t i 1. :, March, ~ 1_~ --
-~.' ,. ,'~e~da Item,:~No-;,:~20..~,Municipal: Rate'; Agreement -: Virginia+ ~Power.,,,
.. Mr':.Tueker,:ga~e the follOWing s~ary:,-.- , : : ,-:.' ~.,,
:,-:', ':~I:ssue~: 5offal governments,:'throughofit the:state Participate. in.-:,amegoti-
-- .... ,' ate& agreement ;~ for. the pur~hase ~ 0f:- ~lectricity: from: the-: utility, c'ompa,~
.. , hies s~rvie ing-', their:' ar:ea:;'¢ 'This% agreement, :: negotiated) ev~ry~: three years
through:: the join~.~effor~ts~: 6f:..the,.girginia'::'Asso:~ati%n
~,' ~'.and~ the~.~irginia~M~icipat<Aea.~',(~);, brings' stability- to the budget-
lag process for the,expected,rate incr.eas~s and has'-historieally
suited in: eonsider'able::.sauings::oyer:::, incmases passed <on:: to", oth~?clas:ses
.: :.;:Backgro~d: Staff requests the Board to authorize the Count~ Executive
to execute the new agre'~ent which stipulates ~hat': base:' rates will not
.increase? f~r:',:~he'~.first~ .two gear~,: an&i in .~h~third~: y~ar~ ~ base~rates ~ill-
increase less .than~ three percent. In'addition to base'.rates,-the.-':
,agreement: ca,lis fBr :caPacity? cha, r~es,:to increase approx~ately .three
per,c~nt, 'five percent and two p'er~ent, .respectively, for each of the
Reeo~endati~n :'5 ;:~s~af,~::r~co~emd, s-,.that:;: the CoUnty:. E-xoeuti~v:be~:
-- izod, ;to execute: the.:~ ~irginia POwe~-,&gre~ment?for~, ~.,,-': 9,2 ~: {~ 93~ and? 9~, ~s
- outlined:: in: the,:V~CO:~ memorand~..,dat~d: December.~ 3~,: 1991'~ (on~.,fiIe)
Me,on was-'~offered by Mr..: Martin, seconded by 'Mrs.". Hmph=is, to authorize
.the.County gxe~tive to execute-the Virginia Power agreement-for FY 1992, 1993
and 199~, as outlined: in the, VACO m~orand~' dated:'?D~cemb~r~~' 3'; , 199t. :~'::'.:?.:-~::~:
Rol:l~:,was eat. led.,: andYthe mo~ion':'carried 'by?the fo~towing~ recorded vote:
AYES: i~,Mrs~';.: H~phris,-:'MessrS, ::,Marshall,-:Martin'~ Perkins: 'and:.: Mr..~ Bain~ ~
NAYS: .Nones. ~. ., -~--,.:..'_: . . .~ ....... : ~ .-~.
Agenda Item No. 23.. Executive. Session: Personnel-. .At 12:23: p.m., Mrs.
H~phris offered a:~ion, ~ seconded- by Mr~ Bain,:. ~or-the:Board to go into'.'
ExecuMiV~Session ~in-reference to persommetnfoC the"::purpose, ef conduct'~ing
interviews,, and l'egal'~: matters pertaining to.- ther garg~n- and Ripp~ matterS'
and the~Keene, Landfil~ : '~ ?
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting) --~'
(Page 30)
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
Agenda Item No. 24. Certify Executive Session. At 2:54 p.m., the Board
reconvened into open session (Mr. St. John did not return), and adopted the
following certification of executive session:
Mrs. Humphris
Mr. Bain
WHEREAS,~the, AlbemarleCountyBoard:,of~Supervisors~has~convened
an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded
-~-:vote~.and~in~accordance-with the~provisions of TheVirginia~Freedom~of
Information Act; and
WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires
cer~ifica~ion~, by- the Albemarl~>County~BOard~.of Supervisors ~ such~ · .... ·
executive meeting was ~ conducted in conformity with Virginia..law;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of
Mupe~soMsshe.~bF~e~t~f~es that, to the best of each member's
R~6ir~dge~r(i~a6nly public business matters lawfully exempted from
open meeting, requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the
executive meeting ~i~,.~t~!!t~ ¢~r~~i~B~.~!~tion applies, and
(ii) only such public business ~tters as were identified in the
motio~ ~on~ening the~ .execu~i~e~ meet~ng:~we~e hea~rd, diScussed~ or.v~ ~
considered :by~ the ~ Alb~arle~ County, Board' of~ Supervi sots.
AYI~::,'! Mrs'~,~ltt~hris, MessrS'. Ma~shall,~'Martin,- Perkins,~.-Bain~ amd
~ NAYS:: None.~ '~. ? .~ ~ · ', , '~ '_.'..' ..-~ _, .: -: .
Agenda~ Item ~No;;,~. 22a,~, ;, .-:Appropriation ~ ~ Virginia Co~ission off,the Arts
G~ant;.',, ' . ? · ~b~:'~''~-.,~-~.~ '~',~,~.~,~ ~,.~:.~'? ~"~ ~,.'~ fZ'f",F[~"L?~:~>
Mr: Tuckered: referred to::~D=;" Ro~rt P~kel'~, s: E~.bruarY ~:25,: ~1992,: memorand~
which,:, indicated ~hat:: the ~ SchooL. BOard. has~.aceapted.. ~? $300.; 00 grant for Stony
Poin~ El~entary Schoot..from the Virginia Co~issiOn for the ArtS..: He added
that '~}:g.rant'will be,used by fourth graders relative to journalistic tools,
and the School Board has requested this Board's approval.
~aion ~a~so~ffered. by'Mr~, ::Bain, seceded:: by ~rs.. H~ph~is, ~o.. approv~ a
reso~i~n, of~approp~:iation .(for No'. 910039)'. relative to.' a' }300; 00. ~ran~ for
~he Sl6ff~StPo!ffkl~i~Eh~:Schoot, as set ou~ below:
..... ~: 910089 _-:
F~: SCHOOl: . ' .....::~ .... ._ ~.~.:':.:'~.~: .... :':., ~., ,:: -,:: .... . '.'
. ,~ $~00.00~
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 31)
M.B. 40, Pg. 200
Roi1 was called, and the foregoing motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
Agenda Item No. 22b. Appropriation: Schools Self-Sustaining Funds.
Mr. Tucker called attention to a February 25, 1992, memorandum from Dr.
Robert Paskel in which Dr. Paskel noted the Textbook Fund currently has a fund
balance of $157,063.58. Mr. Tucker explained that $140,000.00 has already
beeni~ apprOPriated:throughthe~nO~mal budget process, but it is requested that
the:remaining $17,063.58 be appropriated to support textbook purchases antici-
pated for FY 1991-92.
Motion was offered by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to approve
a resolution of appropriation for $17,063.58, as shown on Appropriation Number
910036,.~as setOut~in fult-beiOw:-~:
FISCAL YW_&R: 1991-92
NUMBER: 910036
:. ~ ' :. ~AMOUNT: '~
1340063070601200 :' :::~:TEXTBOOtC.'EXPEN~SES~ : .... ~ ~ i'$17~,06'3.58
:'~:~ .... :' .~ ~:'~ ..... ' , :':?TOTAL'~'. :' $17;063~58
~8~0§1000510100~ '.:.APPFROM:F.LrND B~E~c '~
~ ~ .... · : .. ' :: ~TOTAL :..$.17,063.$8
Roll. was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES:~', Mrs~ Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS::~'None. :?,::,~: .-_1
.Mr~ Tucker:explained that General Electri'c providea the ~ounty :$20,000.
every ~:e!f:,::. ~qd:~in:: FY:, t9~0,~!.: on:~¥ .? p~:!!P:..:.~f:~hi~ ~ mo~ey
~left a-~emaining,~ba:lance,of'::~$1~:~6:33:05:~hich is. being requested~.t~,r0Ugh
Appropriation Number 910037. ,~ , ~:- .
M[,~ g:.umph~ii~s moved appr,o, ya~,~ of::a re,.so~9~ipn~ o.f appropriagipn (.!~0:%1
91003:70 ~ Ceiat:iV~.: to,: $14,633:~' 05:~-. 'which:' iS~;.t~h~::,~emaining ~o~t~'~. 0 f..:~ mpn~ey~ left
from'the $20,000 G:.E. Elf~ Fund, Mr. Perkins secOnded 'the~m0tiofi~
Mrs. ~.Bain inquired,:if this,.mOney is 'given to:the: Coanty:on an-annual
basis. ,Mr; Tucker replied that he believes the Elfun Society has normally
b~n- prbviding:~ fUnds~ on:' an.: annUal.~ baSis ..' ::He said' this.: time :. there i.s,-.~- .....
$t4'~633505,' left from the $20,,000 grant for 1990-91 which was not used. He
thinks this was just discoVered.
Mr'. Bain~iaSked: for~ which: l~ine~, item: the~~ money: wilL:~be Spent~; ~ Mr-; ~-~ek~r
. : 'tihe/i~- fbr~ .which
replied ~-~ihat ;the..... the:money': was: requested .-rela~eS. tO:-
instructionai:suppl~ies~: and, the purPoSe,:for~ which;it wiilbe Uged:is~ fbr math
and science~ cU~r~icul~k~.:~He suggested that if there:are any more: ~questions,
Dr. Paskel could answer them at the afternoon's joint meeting.
-" ::R~'Si~5~a-s called:~: and": the~motion::car~ie~..:Sy:::the' following r~corded:..~vote:
A~S: Mrs. Hmphris, MesSrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Boweman.
NAYS :?.:: None. - - '
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 32)
M.B. 40, Pg. 201
FISCAL YEAR: 1991-92
NUMBER: 910037
TOTAL $14,633.05
2320451000510100 APP FROM FUND BALANCE $14~633.05
~ ~ ~;; "~:~.~,~,~ -~ '~:-'~'~, TOTAL $14,633.05
Mr;""Tucker:.told~.Bba~d members Appropriation Number 910038 involves a
Title'--ItrP~ogram~;Grant for Process Approach Learning (PAL) in the amount of
$26,590;,:.H~said thiS~pCogz'amuses literature and infuses it into the science
curriculum~ Mr..~T~ke~tfadded. tha~h~.grant~ ware-no~'.fully,:expended~in-',the
1990-91 fiscal year, and the remaining amount is being requested to be appro-
priated for~the purpose of buying books, training teachers and integrating
them int'o the/~:cipnge:l,!C~r~.~ulum.' ..... 't ~. i~'~ 'i~'~ ....................... '- '
~otion was offered by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mrs. Humphris~?tO:'approve
a resolution of appropriation (Number 910038) relating to the Title II Pro-
Roll was called, and the motion carried by th~:~,fOllowingzrecotded!:~vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
:132036110i160300 : INS TRUCTIONAL~ ~ ST%PF~DS
·: 13203'611101210000 FICA
1320361~101601300 INSTRUCTIONAL.' SUPPLIES
1320361311312500 . ~ iPROFESSIONAD SERVICES
1320361311550400 TRAVEL-EDUCATION
~ ~' 1320361311680000 ~' !~MISC
,,. 13203:61!311600100 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES
1320361311601,700 ~'iPRINTING & BINDING
: ::'~:~ R~ DESCRtP:TION
. -~ ~$10,972;00:'
'~.::~ ~. ~ '4,93~,00
~ .,~i534~00~,:
TOTAL $26~,590.00
2320324000240500?,,' ': 'GRANT: REVENUE+STATE~. ~': : ~ ....... ~:: ~.: $12~
2320333000330.008 GRANT REVENUE?~FEDEI~'L 13 ~ ~60.00
~::,' .... - ~ :' TOTAL $26,590.00
Age~da, I~iNO,.~..:lS. Discussion: Road Naming Policy:
Mr~ Tucke~.:.~n~ioned>~he~.; f~llnWing, Staft:::report.. He reminded~:~h~. Bomrd
members>~hat~Mr'..: J~es Butler~is~.h~e'~o~'discuss the n~e for St.: ~ohn:Road.
Mr. Butler'!~flid~: address th~is!-:question~ briefly earlier today.
/~:'~i.~3':~ j- ~ ~ f ~,' ~7~ ~ _. :.~ '.~ _. ~ .~:,
Bhck?cb~nd::.. ~ The atta~he~, ~-~a-ff~.repoM~ responds to your
info~ation on the policy for n~ing and changing road
by the Board; last Sep~ber..
DiscUssion': z~,~'~e' imp:l~nta.~i.~m:..of.' ~h~f: E911 system is an:~:e~tkemely
complex proeess~,of.wh:i~h the'-~ r~ad naming:' is only one crit~9.a~/:~!ement.
~e necessity'tO establish a baseline for road n~es was):~den~ified
.... '~:~:.~::~ange procedure 'impl~ted. bn.t'.'due::,to the compl~ity of E911
implementation,, a cut'off had to: be established to allow the'
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 33)
M.B. 40, Pg. 202
subsequent sequential milestones to be met. Staff recognized the
desire to respond to requested changes and accommodated this in the
policy. To allow changes on an as occurring basis significantly
increases the risk of errors in implementation. Such a change would
avoid the cost of sign replacement but being ale to make all the other
necessary changes that need to occur to support the new road name is
error prone. It is analogous to shooting at a constantly moving
target. While not recommending a change in policy, in order to
minimize the cost changes to road names, reusable road name signs will
be used throughout the County.
Recommendation: Retain the current policy with staff continuing to
minimiz~ impacts~whereP~feasible.
Mr!~,Martin s~d:!:!hei~&'~a~kedto'review this policy on-road~naming. It is
a good~poticyi but has created:some diffieulty.lwith this. particutar~ road. He
explained~that.'when:the~ma~prity, of~-a~group,of~p~opte wanted~a certain name
for a~road., that',name was!used for~tha~,road,~-~If,anoth~r~ group.of~peopleialong
the same roadwanted anothername~ and~they were~a~a loggcat break, in,the
road where the name~-eould~,be~.~changed,, thenthose-peopteconstituted~:a~majority
among~themsel~es. In this case,, there'was a group of people whowanted Route
640 named.Turkey~SagrRoad, and~another groupof~.people, at~a verylogical place
in the'same:~road..~wantedto; name, the,r~adSt~- John-Road. -Thi's~second group, of
peoplesubmitted.~a~Petition containing the names of a majority of the people
along that section of road but these people were not allowed to submit their
name beg~s~!i~herewas~asmall ....... group'-ofi~people-on~one~side of'the:~in~ersection
who wanted~the =oad.~nam~d'~,'~urkey~Sag.
In the adopted policy is a sti~Ui~ti~'that one road could not have two
names~/th~sei~peo~lecwere~-~denied~ ~heir~ choice~ of.~name f0r-~the :middle of. the
road., ji eyen t though~ these:' people aonstitute, a ~maj or ityt~ of. res idents ~ atong~ the~
road.~ ~.Three.~o~rs, who~ gOnstitute a majority' of o~e~s?~aldng one~ section~of
the road~ held th~-~whole road~~ hostage. ~ He,-has ~a~ed~with~these* three~people
ahd two?don~{ ~: ca=e~Whatz~the~ roa~l~ is~n~ed. ~ The~third personiwoutd~ prefer.?the
n~e ~Cobh~Lane~.? ~Helwouid.~like~to submit that~ the County's policy ~ied
s~mething-that~ was realty~notYwanted~ He.~ pointed ~out that~theSe people
followed ~alt of~ the procedures, ~and did ~no~ .ask for any~ special conditions
If this-change~is made, he does not .think/~it will set ~a precedent ~for ~h~dreds
of-~ people~moming to ~,this~ Board"and asking for ~a~ road.n~e change.
Mrs ~/H~phris asked the~ staff~%s p0sitiom~-regarding, the policy: as:far'.as
setting- a~.precedent~~ ~Mrz'~ Citimberg: ~swered that these people did submit the
petition in a timely fashion, but because the road n~e at either end of the
road was not~ contested~ - there was. no~ V~rifi~ation~ of the n~es on the ~peti~
tion, Heqsaid~i~ woutd:~be::~a~matter~.of~ ver~ifying~.the~ n~es~on~the petition,
but ~he~ ~s-not~ sume~how~ ~many~d.ays.~i~ ~ill take~:~to?verify the~'n~es on~ ~he.
' ~r.,,Ma~'tin ~said h~-knows.',mOst :of ~he peopte,-living ,o~* ~ha~.'r~ad~-,:~nd
can:~-tes~ify~that~.:,the ~aj ority ~f' ~he. people' whb:.signed: the'tpeti~0n are,,People
wh~' have:..lived on that: road ~,all of_ ~heir~ li~es, ~their fmilies:~have' liv~d
~here:,and, they/have been :at~ending ,S~; :John .Church' alt-~of' ~heir tfves~:
said,the church ~:is,also a, historic _lanark; ........ · ~..:,, ', .~.
Mr., Bowerman said he is agreeable to approving the request if the staff
v~ifi~s tH~ .nmos .... He::~said, ~r.~ ~, ~artin':and:Mr~'.:Butleri~know the'Lpetiti0ns have
been.:signed, by a:-major:i~y ~f' the p~ople,,.atong the road. so'it, iS'already kno~
what the Outcome-,will, be, :' However the -policy- requi~es this ~pr~cedure, the.-
n~es,have'.to, be:~verified'~ ": .~ ,. . : ,.~ --
:~ _,' .,:At!thisrtime,- ~r,., Martin moved that RoUte"~640,:be"~n~ed St .... John Road on
the'condition that the petition nmes be verified and:that it is-.signed,.by a
50 per=ent ,majority of the ~people along 'that.road[,.
--.: Mrs~-.'H~phris ':asked~ if th~re~ is an :.A~-~. om:-the:end of ~St-~-Jo~-;: ~Mr'.
Butler ? vsrifi~d that~there: is no~., ~'s~" :. on: St ._v John ~. :Mr. ~ MmrshatlLseeonded: the
Roll was called, and 'the ~motion carried by the following recorded vo~e:
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 34)
M.B, 40, Pg. 203
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Bowerman asked if anything further needed to be discussed about the
Road Naming Policy in general.
Mr. Marshall their petition was not submitted timely, but a very clear
majority of the people living on a portion of Route 53 want the name changed,
so the name'is going to be changed. It will be this Board's decision as to
whether or not to go to the expense of printing signs that will not be used.
~',,~ i.:Mr. B~werman said he iS.~'not~sure the people along this route should go
through::kwo name changes. Mr. Marshall agreed. The people along this road
are aware that they will have to pay for these signs, and are not opposed to
doing so. . H~wever, he ,thinks thisi~iS~a terrible~waste of ~money:~ ~ L' ~ .....
Mr. Bowerman said he would like to be able to make a decision on the name
for Route 53. Mr. Marshall said he would like to name the road the "Thomas
Jeffelrson!~,~Memo~iaL:~ Parkway".~l 7. Mr ~ :~.Tu'cker! said-,: he?~ believes !. Staff~has-'~ Verified
this particutar,petiti0~, -Mr. Cilimberg said staff was not able to verify 50
percent of the n~es on the petition as people living along Route 53. He said
this is based: on.,one~ ex~ination of: the pet'ition~ ~and.~a field' check~~has not
been, done~,~ Mr., Marshall~responded that~Mrs,.,'~ Gieck had assured~ him.'she,-had~_.:
everybody-~s n~e~ on, the petition~:who live4; along,~Routa: 53, with. the ~ex~ept~on
of.:~, four people -
Mr. Bain~ asked? if ,the name:~ requested is ,,!'Thomas Jefferson~ Parkway",
r~ther~ than ~"ThomaS,~.JeffersOn Memorial Parkway','. Mr. Marshall agreed'-: thatl~:the
requested name for~RoUte 53-~is !'Thomas' Jefferson Parkway". Mr.. Cilimberg
,remarked. that .a ~Tepresentative?.fromiAsh Lawn? has`. requested:: that':. RoUte- 53-1' be
named "Thomas Jefferson Parkway!' only as far as Simeon. Originally, the whole
road was to.be: named~ !!Jefferson Pa~kway",~ s0::this, change, witl~, take the name~::.~
back~:, to c what, was -" orig inally proposed~c ~ MC. ~ C il imberg~ '~ sai~,-~ that,.~ representative
,~the name:,.. ~ Thomas
is' not'at,/:this,:: me~ting ~ ,, but. she':' is .'interested. i,n, having "' "
~effers:oni Parkway,~!~' to: Simeon and: then ~ Route i',53 :'~would ,. become !'Monroe ParkWay,,7
~::~ Mr~;~ Bowerman~stated he, needed to see:a map~r~lht-in~to thi~ '~road~
CilimberE,~ sai~', originally~ROute~'~ 53': ~was ~ to ? be ca,l~d~ '-' Th0rou~hfare ~ Gap Read
The::firs~,:chanEe was made when-officials at Monticello requested that Route 53
be n~ed "Thomas Jefferson Parkway". Next, there was a chanEe made that would
have Rout~:;53 up,~:t0 R0ute~795~:beiR~ :a~ed the"Jefferson/Monroe Parkway". The
rema~nder,v of 'Route~53~ P~st. the Route.:~ 795, intersect~ion Would,~ be n~ed ~ Buek
ts~d~ Road?,. BecaUse~ ~onticel.lo~ off~ciais::were noti~ interested in ~sharin~ the
name.~: a decision: was' made by-this;Board to~' ~ha~e:3 Rou~e<. 53 out ~to Route 795
names Jefferson~Parkway. ~ and Routers795 from::Route-53 to~ its~intersection~
wi~h Route,627 named, Monroe?Parkways..:, Route;53,~past':the~.~RoUte.~:~95 ~nter~
section was'~ to be n~ed:'"Buck~ Isled: Road".,:]::Ash~La~::repres~tatives Prem~'ted
the: idea~ of?~haviR~~ a~siEn dire~t~nE t0ur~sts~tO ~. both: Ash? La~ and ~onticellO,
With~the "Thomas~'Jeffersom~ Parkway~: leading, "
· to~ ~- J~es~ Monroe 'Parkway~t~. one-
con~tinuous parkway2,'~-The Ash La~ representative, spoke against~.the idea ~of-the
remainder-,of Route~53 being ,n~ed the '-'Thomas. Jefferson Parkway".
~.~ ~ ~=~M~v'Marsha~l~sa~id~the~:names on-the~ petition~ to Which,~.~he~referTed arei
people.,who~li~e?.along~the s~retch~Of .R~ute 53- being~ dalled ~Buck Islan~ -Road'S'
These :people,,are the~ ones-' who ~ want the/road n~ed the ~ omas~,Jefferson
Parkway~ ~ Mr.~ Bain. said~ these .,people ~ a~l~ng~· RoU~e ~3<< Constitute ~a~ mai ority ~. of
the~.~people"~alOng this road~ ~. so he :does,~not:think lt,.matters what the Ash'~La~
representatives prefer.~ ~ He~ ~inded~, Board.~members-that', the policy s~ates, that
a;maj ori~ycof ~ the~ ~peop~le~.~living Dnca: road'~w~tt% choose the~n~e<:,of~the r~ad.
Mr~.~Citimberg~ agreed~and said. this<~ partiduiar.?~chamge can beJ~made~ after ~ the
roa~ is,,n~ed,, an4~-~it'~woutd not ~b~ inconsistent :with the~:poticy. - ?~ ?
~ J~es~M~nroe" Parkway ~.~ ~wilt not be ~chamged for
Route~ 795 aiong.? the! strehch,~ of ~road in%' frontlet of .,Ash.=Lawn~.-~ ~ All~: these people
are~ requesting? ~is?tha~%the~n~e~.~'Buek: Island~ Road"~ b~ .eliminated~~ and-the
remainder of Route 53 from=S~meon toe, the ~.Ftuvanna~ County:'~line:be.n~ed the
".~omas Jefferson Parkway", ~
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 204
Mr. Bowerman asked if the Board members are willing to make this change
in spite of the fact that Ash Lawn representatives have made another request.
Mr. Bain said he is not willing to make the change without the staff looking
into the matter. Mr. Marshall said he is willing to make the change as long
as the names on the petition are verified. He is just trying to represent the
people in his district.
Mr. Bowerman said he is not sure if he told the Ash Lawn representative
this matter would be discussed again around 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. He
suggested that this decision be deferred until the Board can talk to this
person again. Mr. Marshall reiterated that if the road name is changed based
on the names on the petition, the Board will be doing what a majority of the
people along,that, section,,of:,Route~53 prefer. Mr. Bain agreed, but said he
thinks the Board needs to at least wait to hear from the Ash Lawn represen-
Mrs. Marshall said the-motion could stipulate~that the roadname wouldbe
changed as,long asamajority:ofthe propertFowners along that~section~of
Route53 have signed the petition. He thinks~the Board should vote~on the
road name:change at thistime.
Mr. Bain said he would not mind voting on the matter, but he would rather
wait until the~Ash Lawnrepresentative~hasa chance to,speak. He, pointed~-out
that ,the decision is subject,to~the,nameson the petition~being verified. Mr.
Marshall:said he personallyhas no'opinion concerning~any of theroad names.
He is just!trying to,repreSent the people in his district,- Mr, Bowerman
suggested:that the final decision be~delayed Until,after the School~Board
mee~ing~ this aftermoon,~--'~
Mr. Cilimberg said he wanted the Board to understand that these two
changes havethe possibility of'delaying .the address notification process
whichis supposed to'take place'~in Mayland~OUne ,of~this. year.~Mr. Martin..
asked!Mr,.:Cilimberg?if~he?is anticipating a delay'or additional costs, being
incurred..'Mr. Cilimberg said. he doeS~not~know.~-Mr,..Bainl suggested~that ~here
could-be, extra:~costs,~if, the project is not kept on schedule, but if there is a
delay it probably won't cost much more. Mr. Tucker agreed with Mr. Cilimberg
that there, could beextra costs involvedbecause~ these changes willcause
additions!to the originalcontract. . ~
· i Mr, Margin thanked:~Mr. Waa~er,.,Mr~ Cilimb~r.§~and M~ Tucker b~causg.~they
werevery~.helpful indescribing:exactly~what wouldktake place, relative, to road
name,:~hanges.~ He, said, too,~tha~ he was-very~pleased ,to find.the'situation
arose~ simply because.~he policy was. being followed.
Agenda.Item No~-16~ DiscUsSion.:' ,Street,Name Si.gms. ~
Mr'. TuckS,r: mentioned, the following staff~ report: - ~
,~Background,:, :-As part:.of,, the new E-9tl system, the< County is developing~
a road name and- street~.address, ordinance to be schediiled, 'for: a work-~
session' on:April, 1st with:, an estimated, e~fectivedate: ~of- September: l,
1992; ,A part, of., this,-., ordinance, will be a manual that' will define, the
requirements and procedures for road naming, road sign location and
~instaltation~ moad sign.standards, and. house addressing standards.,
Board ~action is requested.~to,approve the.. road sign standards.: at ,this
time to al:low staff~ to~ meet~ the timelines-for sign~ installation~rhy:,
September. 1,~, 1:9-92_ and~.to advise:developers of sign requirements for
,r0.ad,s,.currently under construction.
Discussion: An integral part of the' operable Egt.1.; system is the
installation of street .signs on public, and private roads. VDOT
requires- nine, inch high..signS on, primarY/col,lector roads and a minimum
of six-inch high signs on, local/subdivision roads. Based upon input
from..the police department, fire/rescue department,.?JABA,:,and~the, --'
Virginia .Department for. the-~Visua!ly. Handicapped,, staff j recoxm~ends-an
eight~rinch high' sign on_local/subdivision roads~, The signs_specified
will satisf.y~ their concerns.while meeting ,the needs of. the E.~91i.
system-.. As required by VDOT. Policy, the.,.standard in Attaahment A has
been submitted to-:Mr~. Roosevelt for approval. · He ~has confirmed that
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 36)
M.B. 40, Pg. 205 i
the eight-inch sign for local/subdivision roads does meet the six-inch
minimum requirement. Any variance to sign length, when necessary,
must be approved by the State Traffic Engineer. (Samples of signs
will be available at the meeting.)
VIRGINIA" (on file) establishes the physical requirements for street
signs. This will be used as a basis for the bid package to install
street signs to implement the E-911 system. The current schedule is
to bid, award, and give notice to proceed by June 1, 1992 in order for
the signs to be in place by September 1, 1992. In the meantime, this
sign standard is to be provided to developers installing signs on
Recommendation: Staff recommends that this standard be accepted as
the guidance to' be' inctuded .~ in ~he ~ Street Name. Ordinance:"and
and.~ requests ~ a resolution approving, this,, standard.
Mr. Tucker said staff is scheduling a work session in April on a manual
and ordinance:for street~'add=esses. This is~:t~e final item:,the:~Boafd has to
approvel.-Wi~h.~,regard'to' ~he' whole: system of'.road .naming. Standards and~re-
quireme~ts haVe;been~developed, ~and the Board must~-.approve-them~so~staff will
have ~he-:~.standards ~: in ~ place~:'when:~he signs: are -ordared.~: .~The. Boa~dt s ~. approval
is also important,~so :dev~lopers~. can be notified.:::as~:de~elopman~ activ~y occurs
so dev~lope=s cam put ~up road~ signs: ~ha~~ adhere:to the standards ~his'.Beard
will adopt,~-The sign sizes that are being ~ansidered. are varied, Staff is
racomanding~:an/e~ght-ineh~sign for secondary roads, but ~oT requires a nine
inch sign for primary and connector roads. Staff sought coments from other
County' st~f~:m~mbevs, as~ell as:.'~he-..Police D~par~en~.,~ '-Fire ~d.~escue~
personnel~ ~tha Jef~ersen~Area :~BOard ~f0r Aging~ and~tha ~isuatty~~,H~dicapped
Agency :in; determining :~hese'~reco~endations~ ' He'~ asked~ for the Board' s approv-
al of: the street name sign requir~ents_so.the, entire Policy can be impl~ent-
ed in the future.
.~:~ MS,~Jo:'Hig~ins~ go~n~y:,~Engineer,-~show~d~s~pies,~ef':the-road~s~gns~ She
said' ~he~:minim~:~oT requirememt.'.woutd be a six~ineh~ sign., .but~ Staff~ is~:
recomending.:-~an ~ight~.ineh,..sign, zw.ith> five~ inch: lette~s~: :'.She :.. said this is' in
response ~o :~oT:~s co~em~s regarding sensi~i~ity:.~oward ~he increasing~-:n~ber
of elderly:':dri~ers,..and:/~hese'.signs giv~.'~he.~best.~visibility:~possibte~fo~, fire
and rescue people:. ~' ~'.' .,. .....................
-::~-. :~: .'Mr:,.. ~Marshall ~-asked::~if theY':smaller., siZe' Signs ;will~ be':~ used
Higgins3..replied, ':: "no: ":.. She described,'.a,'method::, that. would, save :on sign instal-
lation at~,i~te~sections:".where block.,?nmbers a~e.:~required f:, tf.(the': Highway
Depar~ent does net:,have any :Ob~ e~tidns,, thi~ .. method: would~:save. ~he:~Co~y ,,
from~ha~ing,~to'put::np a:s~eet sign:'on~eve~y intersection. :A~ this:~time~:~i~
is only.,anticipated,'.~hat?street .si~ns:.wili b~':,put on primary and aOllector
roads. , ~
Mr. Bowerman askedr, how the:signs are~ installed.:~ .Ms~ i, Higgins~Said.~the'-
signs are?bolted, to .posts.: .~ The~State'.route:~<signs-witt~ be: have-.~ a?blaCk--number
on a-~whi~e, fietd.~and,i wilt %be · instalted/.by :.VDoT ~ .'not .~ all ~ this ::sUmmer.~ ~.~ut ~ over
a-.-';period, of ~ time s igns~..~witl be¥~replace 3:~:With~:: a~-~deca't<~o~ wi t 1 .} p lace: On the '-: ::
Mr. Bowerman ~next .asked if'the bolts~are ~similar to,the ones used in
publie.:ba~hroomS~ ~: ~Ms,.( Higgins answered,~ ?no ?'~'~?She noted ~that ~here~ ara
specifications,~to'which ,~he :Coun~y~:has~to ~adhara, which are:~the~
Mr~ ~ Bowerman~:asked:if? the signs. ~are 'easy ~ ~o.:remove~?~ Ms~ ,':H~ggins,:
Sponded ~hat there ~has ~never:.-been: a~ problem:of vandalism? relating to.: signs, in
the ~County, ~before. Mr. Bowerman said the County has never had signs such as
these, before.
names have.~een ins~.atled, ::.and~.~the County has-~:taken oVer?the ~signs,~ sinee,::the
end,off,last sum~.~ e~ ~ .:~ ~,Sh-e,.~ noted that~-.the'~ounty-:'.has only had.: to?:reptace, four or
five~ sigms~,~ since tha~ ~time. ,~ ,.
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
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M.B. 40, Pg. 206
At 3:28 p.m., the Board recessed and moved to Room 5/6 to its meeting
with the Albemarle County School Board.
Agenda Item No. 25. 3:30 p.m., Room 5/6 - Joint Meeting with School
Board: Present were: Messrs. William Finley, Clifford Haury, Mike Marshall
and Dr. Valdrie Walker, along with Superintendent Robert Paskel.
Item No. 25a. Update - Agnor-Hurt School project and access to school.
Dr. Paskel said a principal has been selected for the school, along with
three lead teachers, and have many transfer requests for the balance of the
S~aff.-,.A~l~brAri~n, has~been~sele~ted, and are working on a selection for the
administrative secretary. The building is on schedule. Various meetings have
been held with the parents. There have been only positive comments on the
process ~hUs far, ~':% ,~,~;:~'~, ~-~-.~':~,~,c~ ? ', ?,~'~,,; ~?,:?'~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ms. Jo Higgins said construction is a couple of weeks ahead of the
contractual compl~tion~,date~.>~*The-~contract~r is makingsign~ficant process.
The~building is'under roof~.'~She~has~,been\Coordinating~with~the,~Dire~or~of
Transportation~about;impact~forlthe road cons~ruct~on;~as ir'relates to han-
dling the student population in the vicinity of the school. Another item is
tieing in the sidewalk from Berkmar Drive to the front entrance where there is
a bus,route, soda, sidewalk will nee~to be,added that~is~no~on~the~,site-plan.
Ms. Higgins said, the; plans ~ for~ Berkmar~ D,rive..are--complete_and have,, been",,
approved ,by~ the Highway ~Department. Mr. '. Bowerman, the ,Highway,~S:' District
Engineer:,._ and,: Ms-~,,:~.HiggihS,.have~ been .~discussing what-will be done,~ at,. the
intersection, They.~are,proceeding with site,acquisition and~there~-~are-a~lot~
of,~complexities with~,the'project, They intend~to keep~the pro~ject,-on-~sched-
ute, :and~.,if~f0r any reasons-the ~road is not~ ~accepted, or there are'~any.compli-
cations at all~~ the impact on the?school opening should not be signific~t.
~e school'has g~od access ~,now.-~TheF restricged~traff~c~for,~heavy :construc-
tion ~raffic~du~ing the. eonstr~Ction~Phase:%to ~protect.'~the~mtegrity,~of,:.~he
road%~ ~-~'~.,~..~ ,~ ~- ,'~..'c 3 .::.~ ~ ...~ .'~,~ ~ ~."' ,: ~ '..~',:' :7,. - . ~.-~o,. .,~..:-,.~
~ .Ms:.; HiEgins .said:.ther~ was substantial-., fill,_ req~i~ed., for.,' thiS.;, pr0je~t ', so
t~ey have been,.C6ordinatins the',..handlinE .of-..th~' interim effeats as-to startinE
the ~cOnstruction, befo~e,.,.sch~l ? is.:.out?'which:-'effectS,:the children, in ~he',
vicinity who must walk out to Rio Road. ~ey are sensitive to the problems
that may ad. se.; ~ Thee,road mUst.'~.be, cu~ ,th~ou~h'~d in~.use althouEh.it.~.ma~,.not
., -.e, M~, Bowerman,~asked if' the '_f~tl.? dirt. iS~".still.,.coming from~ ~he .developer v of
wal-Mar~..~and,S~..S. Since that,,was pa~ ,of,.h~s ;.proffers, ~Ms. ~...Higgins,said~ ~here
i~,,~a, proffer ~ . - In ;the~-vicini~y ~here are some:.othe=~ developmen~s,~' inv progress
She,_will lock ~n~he bid,. doc~ents the .source, of fill ~o get..as,~mu~h competi-
tion as:possible,. ,~ ~...'."~'. ~: ~: .... '_." ,'~._~ ; -. _, .;
..~ .,~..Mr, Bowerman said he, ~hought the ,proffer stated, that ~the..developer would
provide-the fill, from his site to where .it'is ,needed,. Ms, Higgins-,said that
is true. if ~he~ ~im~ng is~-'such'~ ~hat:,the-t~e Of~ filt,.needed~ and,'~he., quantity
canvbe~.del~v~redc~o--~th~ B~ukmar D=~ve,: project c~, ~e=e ~mre'.~some ~i~ed~ately
adjacent-' p=oj ec~s ~ ~h~ch, Could ~ha~e ~ilt that,~woutd ~.be~s~e:,as.-'having '.:
detiue=ed',,to ~he'site;. ~Atso, the schedule for the, Wal-Mart project~ has
',Mr.- Marshall,asked. th~ ,projected enrol~ent for next year~ Mr. Haury
said', it, iS,,p~ojected,~o be 4~6;.",:',. ;.,.. :,.- :: ..... : ,:- -. v. , :. ,:.
~' Mr~::'B~werman asked :.if~',the en=~t~ent~ c~pacityuof~ 600' inclUdeS?the special
~ucation; classrooms. !-~,Mr.;'. 'Hauryt said-it does. ~ . _ t .... : ........ u~
ttem?No~ - 25b. ~.~zOther Matters Not Listed -on~ the vAgenda~' from the' School
Board.... ~..~ .. ~. , . ,-- ::- ~. .-::.~. ;.....,
- : '] ~-~: ~'~.": :~ ~ ~' ' '~'t~ ~" ~.'. ~' q .: -;:' '- ]"- f ~'~ ':': [" : " ~" ; .]~ _'..~ . i:..~;~[~ . .f' '~;,~>.".;
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 38)
M.B. 40, Pg. 207
Mr. Bain mentioned Consent Agenda Item No. 5.14 "Broadus Wood Construc-
tion Design." He asked if this will slow down the process. Mr. Haury said
the presentation the School Board had did not give any indication that the
schedule would be off. It has been scheduled over two years to coincide with
Mrs. Humphris said when she attended the budget hearing on the School
budget, and in looking at the paperwork furnished, she was not able to under-
stand how the merit pool works and if the amount is vested, how it affects the
people on the different steps. Dr. Paskel said he would prepare a report and
sent it to Mrs. Humphris. Mr. Bowerman suggested that information on the
career ladder also.be_ included.
Mr. Haury said the School Board went over this three or four times in
order'~to understand all of .it.. Mrs~,~Humphris said she: had,.heard several
different~ways that the merit pool~ Works...~.Th~ two vesting amounts the School
Board had ~on its su~anary sheet~' caused her confusion ......
Mr. Haury said the School Board wrote the Virginia Department of Trans-
portation about the access for the Alternative Route 29 bypass and sent them a
diagram, and they · said it ~is coming over th~-' nOrthwester., corner~ of~ the~ school
property. ~ ,They responded that they are not inclined to fool with the park
portion of the~ road that intersects the~ Agnor-Hurt property because it affects
the-acquisition and the alignment of.'~the road, pas~ ~kgnor-Hurt~. They did say
they would work with ~the School'Division in, reducing the, impactl it has on that
corner of-' the pr:operty~-'Mrs~:Humphris noted that VDoT refers to the Agnor7
Hurt school as "proposed."
· Mr. Bowerman,said the Board :received,'a similar letter in-response to its
inquiry~ about this~ same situation ~.
Dr. Paskel introduced the new Director of Transportation, Mr. Willie
Smith~ ~ , . ·
~At 3:38 p'.m:,* ~he Board~recessed and' reconvened to Room 7~to continue
with discUssion of~the,.scheduled agenda items.
Agenda Item No, 18. Status. Report.: . Sou,&side .Transfer Station:.
Mr, TUcker present, ed the following executive summary:
,, ·
.Souths.zde.,~ransferStation isa facilitythat was,designedto~ provide
an alternate-location: forcitizens in the vicinity, of the Keene
Landfill to deposit only domestic solid waste subsequent to the Keene
Landfill closure in August, 1990. The transfer station was designed
to be a full~ime manned, facility and. inCludes'a~roll away' container
~to service atrash compactor, a concrete, slab for four large' recycling
binds and three small bins, and a Small operator's office. The
facility was to.be open 40 hours a week. This facility is currently
funded: in the Capital Improvements, Program, with a~balance of $221.,0~0.
The.site plan to construct this'facility was approved and signed on
October 11, 1990, This approval has expired-and would require resub-
mit,al to reactivate. The:~seven~plus~acre site located on,Route 715
just west of Route 20 was purchased by the County of Albemarle in
February, 1990~ ',
At-the,Board's direction, ~three. pUblic meet'lugs (No~ember ~20,:: Decembe~
3 and' .December.6~,: 1990) were held to discuss solid waste~ collection
issues with citizens.~in~ the' ~icinity. Despite'adequate. lead time'~and
wide~ circulation of the.notice, .ten, citizens attended' these meetings.
Tho'.majoritY opinion of these citizens~ was not to~ support construction
~of this~ facility in order to allow private.haulers, the opportunity~
expand.~into~t~e southside area:~ Several people~advocating deferral of
construction of this. ~faciiity lived in close-proximity and had 'opposed
conStruction since the project~ was i~it~ated~ At the time .the trams~
f~r station,was, designed,, a user feelof .$2:~25 per trip-was'.-to be
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 39)
M.B. 40, Pg. 208
charged, There was no provision for charging by weight. Based on the
estimated costs at that time~ the transfer station would generate
revenue to offset the total operational cost.
Subsequent to the Keene closure, a solid waste container was provided
at the entrance to the Keene Landfill as an interim measure pending
service being provided by private refuse collectors. After five
months of operation, the Board authorized its removal in January,
1991. Subsequent illegal dumping activities at the entrance to the
Keene Landfill have declined over the past year. A weekly inspection
usually results in one cleanup per month.
?~,:.-:~"~Disc~S'~ionT: ?Site plan"'irevisions and the capital cost to include a
~,~s~ale would be necessary to implement a weight based charge comparable
with the Ivy Landfill. The capital cost for site revisions and scale
would~ be $41,'000~-,::At Ivy,,,'.~theminimum~'fee~is $!.25~ per trip fOr:up<to
80~lbs~with~a~pr0vra~ c_ha~ge based:on/the current~$~2/ton~p~,fee
for-~.any addi~ional~'. Based on~.an~.estimated $65/ton tip fee and using
$2.25 per trip, the station would not be self-supporting but would
incur~an'~approximate-~$83:,OOO~_.shortfall.~i~ To-~be se~f~supporting'~-the~:~
user'~feewould~increase~to..approXimately $4 per~-~trip~based'upona:
$45/ton tip~fee~. Cost estimates, for various usage:~scenar~os~'are in
AttaChment:A~.~(on file)~; In~w~ew. of necessary s~%echanges~s plan
review and,construction season ~mpacts~ the<earliest ~his~'~facility.~
Could be placed,, into ]operat:ion-~:would-~b~,~.Spring/Summer~..t993~-~ ~-;~ ·
Action/Issues: This CIP project was placed on hold for two years to
determiRe~,if private~refnse.lservice,'was-feasibte. Staff req~ests~that
~'i~'?'~ake action on thiS:'project;,-toe'~ther, ex~end:,the
status~pending'further assessment..of~atternatives, proceed*~with imple-
mentation~ or. cancels: and? realto~ate~these~: fund~ i ....... - ~ ~-, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~.
Issues:toconsider:that~:.are impacted?.by':~the,/Southside, Transfer
i~.~'? Operationat:~Responsibili~y:'~h~:'C0untynolonger:..opera~es a
:.,~.: landfilt::~Rivanna?Sotid-'Waste~Auth6rity:~,(RSWA) has:the opera~
'.'~?~o-.manage::.the'-.'tcansfer:-~'aciti~y~::~addi~ional.,staffing W~uld'be
.. maintain~such facilities.or is RSWA the more appropriate agency?
~reasons~this, projectiwas notiimp!ement~d':,was~dueto:-the..eqnity.of
::,~:.:':resources:for:trash disposat::?p=ivate.~efuse.ihauters, personal-
:~ .delivery..to~he-Ivy Landfill, or illegal:disposal: A separate
._ ..... ~transfer:s~ation:.is.~not warran~ed~ unless-private service is:,not
~.-,~'::being provided or made available to residents in thesoutheast
- part of the,County. At this time. staff does-not have:definitive
· . ~nformation ~o:'determine:the ieveI.:~of?pri~ate service, be.lng~
provided, in-:this:~area:and'>until/.an.,asmessmen~:can~:.becomp!eted,
it. wouldibe premature to_..recommend::theconStr~cti0n,of~ ~he
transfer:~station:.~'In,:additi0n~ asi:~ther::areas:of:'the~.County~are
- :.equally or even.more,r~mote:::to",:the",Ivy:Landfill, there woUld be a
need to:examine.the:solid waste~:collection'.:program~county-wide
before proceeding with. thetransfer station..
3; ReCyc'ling. Aspects~,The_:initial':t~ansferstation design, doeS,.:
provide:a. Iimited area~for:.recYclingv, bins~:~'~iTh~s~,,shouldlbe..
evaluated to, ensure the~design~and?operation,_:can be~:effeetively
integrated~..into the cu~=entiCountyo~eDycling~progra~.,
Recommendations:,-. Continue to"hold~the pro~.ect, funding.in abeyance.:
pending~furtheraSsessment of,(1)availability,'ofprivate refuse?-~-,.-
service.::at,-.-.reasonable~.fees!tO be;de~ermined-.within 60.-days~.and:~-..(2)
if service:,iS notexpected'to.,be, available.,to, reexamine~the..COunty!s
solid.,waste~.cotlection:program, andreport,.~to,the~Board by.:Ju!y~l~
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 40)
M.B. 40, Pg. 209
Mr. Marshall noted the figure of $2,282,100 to fully subsidize the
tipping fee. He asked if that is total City/County. Mr. Tucker said that is
only for the County.
Mr. Marshall said this has ballooned out of portions, way beyond anything
he could have imagined. When he was running for the office of Board member,
he was asked over and over "where is our transfer station?" Now, if it is put
into operation, it will not be until Summer of 1993 which is much longer than
the two years it was put on hold for. It will be very difficult for him to
explain why this has happened. He feels it might be cheaper for the County to
do away with the tipping fee, and put these transfer stations in other areas
also. He asked for a report on this idea.
~?Mr, Bain said it is an overall plan, not just a transfer station. Mr.
Marshall said he had been furnished information from the staff as to what a
countyin~'Nor~hCarotina~did by~charging $1~25' fo~:a~33,~gallon bag:~of~ trash.
If~ the County became~involved in such an operation, he~knows:~it~-woutd cost
,'big bucks". The $2,282,100 begins to look cheap when compared to the cost of
such an operation, and it might help stop some of the spurious dumping of
trash along rural roads.
- · Mr.~ Bowerman saidit still ,must be convenient to the public. ·Mr~,Mar-
shall said~he had~ talked with-Mr~ RandyLayman WhO said~the pri~ate.haule~s
can do someof this~fo~ a~.cheaper'cost and reach~mo~e people, if they. don"t
have.,to pay the tipping:fees~ al~houghhe~does'n~ot want-itto ~appear that~the
County is subsidizingthe, private haulers.~.
Mr. Bain said it is a big issue. Information should be coming to the
City and County in the, Spring/Summer. Of 19~2~ He knows,.the haulers are upset
at the~ moment becausei of,the .tipping~ fees.~ '. ~:~ ' - ~ ~
MRS.. ttumphris~~ said everyone must remember' that each'~,individual person has
to,be~ responsible monetarily for~ the~ garbage tha~ he creates If she. recycles
everything., possible, and puts: ou~, Only: one:~.small, bag of ~rash each week., she
does not want to pay- for someone else to put out 100 lbs. per person, per
· Mr.- Tucker, said that,, is what the. bag~,~outd,'do, encourage someone:~.go~-put
ou~ tess ~ ~ Mr. M~rshatl sai~- ~that ~ould: c~reate ~a mew~r~aucracy. ~Mr. ~ Tucker
Said he ~ould cau~ion~ the.~ Board~ ~ha~~, in~ subsidi~ing~he ~ip ~fee~ ~f the ~totai
fee were:covered~ha~ would~ remove~ ~he:~incentive for recycling. Mr. Marshall
said the idea of recycling was to find a way to get rid of stuff, and people
are being,~paid ~o~.take .the stuff~ away. Mr.~-Bain said~'~he Stare'has been:asked
to' help ~. f~ind-,markets~ for:-, this- st~ff :~ amd they have not,,~ done~.anything.~.: :~ Mrs.
H~phris'.,said ~h,e~ whote~ idea o~'.:reeyc'l~ing was not to make money, but because
the ~o~t of garbage going into the landfill must be reduced~
~..Mr'.~ BOwerman asked if' in: te~'. of' th~ private,' sector,.., could~ the'~Board'
impose' ~gulated monopolies~.in terms of not::having' competitive dealers 'in ~he
s~e area~ of the County. .Mr~ Tuc.ker~ said .staff had discussed ~his,.idea.: of
establishing service districts and having an ordinance requiring mandated
recycling, or providing for certain, areas where the County.might. bid out trash
collection services to ,. improve., effiniencies.~ :~ ~ The'~. County might .bid :~out~ 'the
enti~e County, and: let that ~one.entity~ subcontract~lwith~ others :thatl~are,
smaller to handle the rUral are~ .... ~. ~ ~ ~ ~
Mr. Bowerman said it makes sense: to him that~one truck servicing an area
is more.cost.efficient than three t~cks.~sereicing the~ s~:~areas. He~asked:~
if staff~ wil~ report on:' th~s:, idea in l.the~ ~uture.,~ Mr. Marshall asked if~ it
WOUlld~be~ ~possible~ to s~bsidize a transfer station for that private~ car,tier.
Mr~ Tucker said s~aff could look at that ~idea instead o~ha~ing the RSWA or
the County operate it.
Mr~ Bowerman'said this item will~, be deferred for. ~60 days as ~reclo~ended
by staf~f~ tO May 6, 1992. ~ ~ ~
The ~Board returned .~to Agenda Item No ~ ~: 15. ~ -~ Road .Naming~ Policy. ~
A~ represemtla.tiv~e of Ash La~ was present.at ~his time, Mr. Marshall
explained that he had received petitions signed by residents on Route 53
reqUesting that'.the n~e for Route~,53 from~ its ~ intersection with Route 795 to
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M.B. 40, Pg. 210
the Fluvanna County line be "Thomas Jefferson Parkway". He does not feel this
would effect Ash Lawn at all.
Mr. James Wooten, Curator at Ash Lawn, said it does affect them in two
_ ways. The first is that there is a logical progression from the "Thomas
Jefferson Parkway" to the "James Monroe Parkway". They were pleased with the
Board's original compromise to have the one parkway leading into the other is
that it follows this progression. By extending the "Thomas Jefferson Park-
way", the Board would be creating a parkway that has its own entity and
continues beyond the branching off from "Thomas Jefferson Parkway" to the
"James Monroe Parkway". A second concern is that the name parkway carries
with it a certain expectation of a certain scenic area. Monticello has worked
hard~ to maintain an ~attractive parkway-like setting for the approach to
Jefferson s home, and with recent developments, Route 53 to Monticello will be
further enhanced. Ash Lawn-Highland has the majority of the road frontage
from Route 53 along Route. 795 ~to its, entrance. '~,. They will 'continue to make
impr0vemen,ts to that area to make a scenic parkway setting. He does not fee
that that degree of parkway setting would be followed from Route 795 to the
Fluvanna .County border. - ~ . · -~
Mr.~ Marshall'explained the. Board!s po!iicy on road. nami, ng, and~.~said .he.
made ~ this proposal, to t, he'~ Board. based ,on the ,as,sumption~ that this lis the
maj'ority~ ofi the property:~owners from~ 795 to.i the ,Fiuvanna~ Countyj tine,., This
still needs?to be verified, by staff.i ~He ~then'~ offeredl a.~motio~ to~ change the
name: to _."Thomas' Jefferson -Parkway!' .along Route~ 53 star.ting at.:Route: 20' a~tl the
way~ to the Ftu,.vanna, County .l'ine~ if" the. petition':is signed by: a~ mai ority of the
property owners ~ Otherwise't~-' name.: '~'Buck Island Road" will remain. ~ ....
"~ Mrs. HUmphris said the con~nittee~was~to findall histories, names~ posSible,
and' she thought that 'historic name would be the one chosen,~no matter what was
requested, She asked~if-~"BUek Istand Road'~'~waS-a historic.name, Mr..T~.Cker
said-the~ actual historic.: name was .,,Thoroughfare~ Gap~ ~Ro'ad',' and. no one liked
that name...~ ~The name., of this' particular road has been changed often: and the
Board~is back to:'the~same issue. In this case, there is the Road Naming
Policy, and this request was received long after the October, 1991,, deadline
had passed~. TM The~ Board needs' to make. a:- decisi'on, so:notices wil}~ not be mailed
to' property'- owners giving an: address of "Buck:. :Island Road ~-: when, it~is ;known:
that, the name~ wil'l, ~be. changed.~ again in. si~ monthS.~ > - ~ :.' ~ · ~-~
:' ~: Mr. Marshall: said--t.his, w, ill :-eliminate.erecting the, wrong signs.
~, '-Mr~ -Bain. said he-will second:the motion, .because::thiS is a road name that
was, changed earlier in the year. The Board garbled it all up, and 'the peti-
tioners~ could not, meet~ the- deadline, because of the, B0ard~-s? actions~: subsequent
to:the~deadline. : . : ·
..... Roll ,was called and the. motion 'carrie&by the:~fotlowing :recordedi Vote:'~
AYES: Mrs:.~~ Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, PerkinS, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS :- None. ' '
Agenda ~Item No:~, 21~ ~-:Discussion:' Two reco~nendations by Chairman con-
cerning economic and fiscal, policies related to, industri~at~i:development (from
February I9, 1992)-.:~.?~. .?.:~ :
Mr. Bowerman:asked:thes~oa~d to consider two. recormnendations he ha~put.
together_:.concerning economicand fiscal policieS~;.,He'has.made these, proposals
for:the reasons.that~ were ewidenced by the~statement made'by th~Pie'dmont~t
Envir,onmen,tal.Council-at the meeting.early this morning, and byconcerns
expressed by the~League of Women Voters.
Mr. Bowerman said he ~attempted to: 1) include the County's industrial-
lyrdesignated sites~ those~ sites: which are'either_atready~zoned~:~shown in.~the
adoptedC~omprehensive Plan, or in the State's data base. This would let
~0mpa~n~es'~.coming into or locating in Virginia know about the sites~ This
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would not promote these sites for development, only identify the sites for
information; 2) to discuss the issue of a policy on economic development in
light of what has been going on, and to incorporate one overall statement in
the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Bowerman said there has been a large difference of opinion the last
few years about the fiscal impact of all types of development. He feels there
is an answer to which reasonable people can agree as the basis for what may be
required of an applicant when a proposal is made.
Mr. Marshall said he does not understand why members of Citizens for
Albemarle do not understand his position on this issue. At the public hearing
on the'~Compr~hensive.~Plan, a.,statement he made concerning economic development
Wasl, quOted. He had said he was only in favor of growth depending on the type
of growth. He stated that if a business were to move to Albemarle and move
its entire work~ force to Albemarle~ he lwoutd- be:~opposed ~tO:~that ~business~. He
said the~County, the City and?Cent=al Virginia need to'~diversify-its~ economic
base~ ~ The,area,muSt.-~change?with the times, and cannot~sit-back as was'~done
fine'or more:jears-~ ago when there was high ~plo~ent and not so m~y
Mr." Bower~n~~ said .:he wam~s to keep this:~discussion.~ a~ay fromqthe, issue of
the ~For~une-500 company. ~ ~H~s proposal does not~deat with~ha~ specific issue~
Mr. Marshall said he does not believe that company will be moving to
Albemarle~ ~,~: Ha thinkS ~an~:economic developmen~ plan, is, needed to' bring about a
stabiliZation.of the~economie base:: in ~he co~ity~ .He w~ts,to help mainr
'tain:.~the~healthy~*economic env~ro~en~ of~ the co~unity~ so property valuas~ do~:~
not drop.,~He'~s~tOoking at the question~from a differen~ point~ or,view.. He
is atso~ eonsidering~ what_the co~ity-has .lost ..... ~ ~; -
:~, ~ M~s. iH~phris said she~ WoUtd~ like' to ~address~Mr:~ ~ Bowerman~'s proposatS~
Under the:~first bultet,<the language : , Board-of..Supervisors~
initia.tive~ to in~ite~key-representativeS.from the'EcOnomic :Development Office
together.with m~bers of City Council, the Ch~ber of Co~erce, with leaders,
to visit the industrial'locations"; further the language saying the State
mighti~ advise staff: on'...the bes~-way to.present this~-is ~a-fine idea.{'??She.~ ,:'
thinks: the info~ation is necessary:~ ~nd',would~ clear up;' the~ question Of
whether :.the State:does or does not tell interested persons about Albemarle
Co~ty~ -" . - , '- . ' .:
:. The'. second: bultet::comprises ~twO,. things which shoUld be' separated; .:. t) ~' A
review and:~:reco~endati~n of '
the:':,County s eeonomigudevelopment~:~nd stra~egy~;
2,)' a~ fiscal~- impact 'anaiysiS of,.devetopment: in Atb~arte ~County:. :,She: ~hin~
No.,~:.2::is-~an"essential~'.~hing. and~has:.been~-:needed:for years. She considers a
study of the COwry' s economic, development :policy and:strategies, as .a No. 3.
She' wondersc why this.: ~houl 4- be ', done ~:~] ~ut s ide;~ o f.~-. the~: Comprehensive Plan, process
because it:t' is ::-obviously m~_patt~of ~ha{ ~ plan. ~.-.~ She t agrees with. the- people, iwho
spoke~, ea~,ly':this.morning. ,-,: She. was-~st'a~tled. ~o think ':that: Mrs:- BOwer~n Would
consider doing, this:- outside of. Jthe.proceSs. ~"She.. feels, the:items, should., be:
taken,-up as:. 1) .,initiate the~.:meeting; 2) "initiate the fiscal ~impact-analysis -
she ,does.. feel a::consultant~ witl :be- needed' for -this: analysis,; .-andd3) develop
the. economic/development potigy~ and strategies,' during the- next :review Of the-
ComprehenSive Ptan~ .... - -
Mr. Martin agreed with Mrs. H~phris, but Said he thought there would be
a co~ittee'~estabtiShed~,~and, one of~ thei=,charges would.~ba~ the fiscai impact,
analysis~-of: Alb~arle~ County, ~and~: anothe~ would~ be-to',- study, review~ and~make
reco~endations? concerning the ~ econ'omic ~ development ~po~licy~:at: the~ time the.,
Comprehensive Plant is reviewed~-'~here are ao~Strategies.:for economic:~devetop-
ment~-in::the plan' at' this'.,time : ~: '~ .~ - ~ : ~ .....
t ....... ,~Mr~ ?.Bain said ~he: feels ->the;~.fiseal impact analysis ~,needs '~to~be:'done~ soon.
He .-atso:-thinks ~ there~ is ~- the.~ need,~ for' an~ oU~s.ide', consultant ~. ': That-could -then
be ' incorporated~ for review.., in._ the, Comprehensi~et' Plan~ before the next .review. of
the ComprehensiveiPlan~ Duringqthe review in.-, 1988~89: a_~lot, ofl things .,were-' not
included for lack.of this fiscal? impact.anaiysiS~, Deletions and additions~'.to
the Comp~ehensive.'.Ptan,,cou~d..then be,,made~ '-:,- ~ .
Mrs. H~phris said a "Public Utilities Master ~Plan is also needed.
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M.B. 40, Pg. 212
Mr. Marshall said he does not disagree, but asked what it all means.
Will a fiscal impact analysis show what effect a new business will have, and
what effect the loss of many businesses has had on the community. If that is
what it will show, then he is all for it.
Mr. Bain said it should show all of that. He thinks there is computer
software available for use in making this analysis. He feels it is critical
Mr. Marshall asked if it is a likelihood the locations already zoned for
industrial development would be suitable for an individual company. Mr. Bain
said the Board has discussed this before. Mr. Marshall said he believes the
County ne~dS t0.,-~address~,~this issue~ Mr. Bain said he thinks it will cost
money, and a committee of local people will not be able to do this analysis
even using County staff. He is willing to spend the money needed for the
analySis., - .... ~_ ~ :~,
Mr.-~Martin said he feels!,iti,s, important~to,remember-that if you get a
groupwhich has-a specific agenda,.that~they do a report and study, that the
conclusions will agree with their thinking~ If a group with an opposite
agenda~.does a report, the.~conctusion will agree ~ith:~them.:~ He~beiieves,~there
is,a~.middle-~group~, and the Board-~has to'be?able-to say'which iS~good, growth~
which-is bad growth, and not just "no growth". The Board needs an impartial
committee. Mr, Bain does not think there is such a thing as an impartial
committe~ ....... .: , ..... ~, ~
Mr-. Bowerman: said.:: he':is nOt ~' trying .to do~ these~ things outside, of the ,' ....
plan~ Al.l~of'the~e, thingS would,result in a,modification~of the~Plan,~if
there was.'~to be'a change. Mrsl Humphris'said~thesethings haveto be phased,
since, you "Can!t operate ina vacuum, without any information~"
Mr. Bowerman said they can"t alt be on,going at the same time, but
implementation,,of~the~.proposal,can be accommodated.~,~'_~e:,feels that-,the advo-
cates for. or against, growth,~are~resources for~,thecommit~ee,-buthe, doeslnot
believe ~he committee~shoutd,.be made up of people who' have an_alremdy formed
opinion,~:He 'believes thereare people:.in theGountywho:-:cou~d reasonably ....
analyze,;the~information, from:a consultant'-and.information from'the:community,
and:then make a recommendations, to the Board Which'.~has merit.-and is not,'~affect-
ed-by, biases andprejudices~ AlSo.~ he recommends that two,.members:of this
Board and. two members, of the Planning Commission, be on.this committee, plus
five citizens. These other groups become resources for that committee~
.;.-~-~.Mr~iBain.said.~he:;feels,lthe~outside expertiseis-necessary~ Whether"there
is-~a-middle, ground or,:not is something to be~discovered:~;. There may be no ~::
middlegroUnd. ~- ~ . .~:
Mr. Marshall agreed.~,Atthe public hear,ing~on"the~Comprehensive~Plan
amendment~ there~was~wgroup~of-business persons present,who~ have~a
gain. from Industry.~XV~ i'ocating,-in Aibemarle~,~ and, a group of people'who.do~not
want~anything~coming<~into,~the~County. What ~he Boarddid,nothave, are the
people~'who~ he sees everydaY;people~with,eighth, and ninth grade, educa~i0ns,
whodonot~,.have:'the:ab~lity,-to~come.and, speak, butwh0~will, talkto him~'and~
he,knows they have:~been~talking-to-~Mr. Martin~as~well.-~Who will helpthese
people?.Theywere not,,present at-~the'pubtic~hearing~< They:are~-.the~poor'~
people in Albemarle~County~', They are the people represented by.~theBoard
members, andsomebody is. goingto-represent~themeven~,ifhe has'toe"sit here
until~hell freezes over."
MrS~'HumphriS said.that is:the point Of~the,~fiscal. impaet study~,.-:to:
determine, who will.be helped or hurt by whatever happens.
At this time,~Mr~...Martin offered m or,on, that the~Board.proceed:.'~:
Bowerman~'said he:wanted to.be~sure what~-the-Board'!is proceedingwith.
Bain agreed~. Mr~i. Humphris:said she:~wantedto understands,Mr'; Bowerman~';s~
rationale~:of.how~,this fits~in theComprehensiUe Ptan'~process~ '*Mr~ Bowerman
saidheis/~pen, to suggestion~ bpt~a:number ofistudies:.on the-~Action.:~Agenda
have,not,been started.and/or~completed.~ He thinks those studies should-
incorporatedalong with the:fiscal~mpaet..~study,, and:get:,that..information:%~
done~i. The~Economic~Devetopment%statement~in the current~.:P.lan:.needs to,:be
discussed in-the-pubtic'se~to?~-as to~whether-it-needs.~obechanged, and'if it
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M.B. 40, Pg. 213
does, how it should be changed. He thinks the cox~ittee will undertake that
assignment. After receipt of their recommendation, the Board will have to
decide whether or not to modify the Plan. He feels this is all part of the
same procedure. The key element of this whole thing is to first decide how to
proceed, and then select the committee members.
Mr. Bain said he feels the representatives from the GoVernor's Office on
Economic Development should come first. He does not think a motion is needed.
Mr. Martin said he made a motiom to put closure on the conversation.
Mr. Bain said it seems there is a consensus on the fiscal impact analy-
SissY':but he~ibelieves~th~?Boa~d'~needs some costs for that study. The Board
should'then start the process of naming people to the committee. Mr. Bowerman
felt the appointments should be advertised.
.~:,:'~Mr,,:~Marshatl~asked how the people he-was taking aboUt~wouldlg~t~,on the
committe~,,~Mr.,Bowerman suggested that~he talk to peopie~and have them fill
out an' applicatio~- Mrs.~Humphris~said alt the Boardmembers~have, poor People
im~their districts, not just Mr,~Marshall.~ ,Mr. Bain said he did not believe
these people will be on a committee. Mr. Bowerman said he had suggested a
commi~teeoffive, so that~.there~would~be,no,speci~t interests~epres~nted.
Ifthe Bomrd cannot ag~ee on five'-members,~for~the,committee, then there isnO
hope for a solution to the problem. He argues that the process of getting the
five is very important~to'~the p~iic~s perception of this,ent,ire,matter'~
Mrs.'HUmphris saidshe is'sure the Board-eau'do it. Mr~Bainasked~if
the Boarders goimg~,to, workon?the~..advertisement.~,Mr~i~Bowerman~s~id~the,~Board
needs~to~demonstrate tothe communityits~'~wiliingneSs to~go~th~oughth~s
process,, and~he~feels theother ~oard members agree.
Mr. Bain~said-he,feels WhatMr~Bowerman haSidon~'thus',far~iS~good.~',-When
the.Board.gets t~ the'~formal>cha~ge;~what~ has been pres~nted~can~-be~.expanded
as-to whag:the commit~ee, iS:b~ing~reqUested~to,~dO .H~,hoPesthey-can~comptete
their~work~in~six.to, nine,months.~ ~- -,i, ~
Mr.~ Bowerman said~if-work sessions:,~are.~:~needed?for~this~spec~fic~item,
then'theBoard.needs to go,ahead,-and~schedUle those,meetings.~:~Mr. Mar~in~.felt
~he-Board~shoald go ahead~and=do~whatever~is~needed to~get~,it~ done,~'espeeiatty
the-fiscal impact'anatysis ....
Mr:. Bbwerman said MRS,: Larry, Fromme'~.office ~had contacted,, him earlier
today~ ~ and'~ said~ ~it, would be. convenien~t if the Board~. couid: set~, up,' ac meeting. ~". i
next week.~ -Mr,~ Bowerman~ said~staffi'would,have'fo ~determine the logis~ies~ of
pu~ting this together. ~his~could~.imvolve%the.:~h~ber of Co~erce, and
interests group such as the Piedmont Enviro~ental Council. He is doubtful if
this ~can be' done~ ~ithin a week, ~' but-,he wi,l~- co~ni.cate-.w.ith?M~. Frome to~.~ ~.~'-~
make some arrang~ents~ : ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~- ~- ,~ ~-~ ~ - ,.~ ~-~ ~:'
~. ,Mrs.~ Bowe~an.asked~ if~the~, Board should conduct a work session "to~h~er
out" the procedure.on the other two aspects of-his proposal,. Mrna. Tucker said
if the. Boa~ is ~mot.?, eomfortable~ wi~h~ ~what'~: has~. been Stated.~ in~ outline form~ and
it~ doest' not'~mee~eack Board~ members~ perspective,~ Oh':this~ i~sue, ~'~then~ a~* Work~ :~ '.
Mr. Bowerman said the Board should address the issue Mrs. H~phris
brought up, ~,~whi.eh he~ eoncurs~ with i and ? with the~ issue, brought Upi by-PEC~ ~ He
sees ~no difficulty ineo~rporating~those issues into/~what is'~.being done~ ~
Mr. Bain' asked~-if staff had~cost: figures,, for.~'a?consultant~ Mr. Tucker
Said it is ~in one~'of the initiatives.: 'Mr.~:Bain said, he<would:'be wLlting'tO
spend ~ the ~o~t necessary ~to~'~ get: this informa~ion ~ ~ ~M~. ~ T~ker said~the
expensezshould noah:be great since there is already software available one,the
open market, and .studies have been done in other areas.
M~:~ Bowerman. said there se~s to~'be a:,,consemsus~ to,,to0k at~the~s~tes;~ and
he will con~:ract~ Mr., Fro~e~ for an~.~ appro~pr~ate~ date~ ~-~,He~ asked if.~ the.~ Board ~:
should .have a meeting..~-Mr.~ Ba~n-suggested: the~ Board meet ~ cartiere in ~, ~he.~day
on,one ~o.f the~ meeting~:~dates already scheduled.. Mr. Tucker said staff,~will~
take the outline which has been drafted and incorporate some of the things
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M.B. 40, Pg. 214
people have suggested and that will become the charge given to the committee.
He suggested the committee sit down with this Board to hear, first-hand,
concerns of the individual Board members.
Mr. Bowerman suggested the Board meet at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March 16,
before the budget work session that afternoon. Mr. Martin said he cannot
attend meetings during the day on all of the dates scheduled for the budget
work sessions. He wondered if some of these sessions could be scheduled at
night. Mr, Marshall said Monday was not a good day for him to meet.
Mr. Bowerman asked if the Board could meet on March 11 late in the
afternoon. He asked if staff could be ready for that date. Mr. Tucker said
%inless the~BOa~d~._is~'.looking, for:a:more definitive breakdown that he has
suggested, the discussion should be about procedure. How would the Comprehen-
sive Plan review process be incorporated with this outline?
~- : :~Mr:,~ ,: Cilimberg 'said,, staff" had~ :already:: anticipate'd~ some-:' of;~ this ~ in~::: the
repo=t.'~on,'the UStatns of::.th~.:Comprehonsive Plan." Staff had already worked on
.- ~ ~ ~r~ '.Bow~an suggested~ m~ati,g off ~areh~ll,: 1992~ at?~5:00:-P;M. :for :a work
session.- :All~m~bers.. agreed.
Agenda Item No. 26. Appointments.
~otion Was ,offered by' ~rs., ~phris.,.'SeeOnded~ by ~r~ Bain, re.appoint
~rs; Diana Edgerton Hiller to' the Architeetural~;Revie~.' Board~ to.: fill, the
unexpired term of. Ms; ':" Patricia Bowers ,-. termr to,., expire on Novombor~-t 1~ ,199~ ..... ,
Roll was~called ..and ~the~mOtion. car=ted by.the foltowing~recorded vote:
~YES.: ~ ~ Mrs ~ ' Hmphris ~and -MessrS, .Marshall, ~ Martin~ Perkins, ~ Bain~ andr~BoWeman.
NAYS: ~ None..~ ..~ ~: ~.
MotiOn:.was::offered.by:~Mr.~:Bain,.-Seeonded by,MrS:~.Humphris,!.t~ reappoint;~
Mrs:,Norma~H~Diehi:to:~the~Mublic Recreational Facilities Authority, with the
term to expire onDecember 13, 1994. Roll was.called and the motion carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris and Messrs, Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS:: ,NOne. ~,~.- : ...... , ~'. ' :, ,.'~.-.:,~
..- _' Motion was offered by'Mr; Marshall, se~Onded~by. Mrs.~Humphris,,'to appoint
Mr. Ricardo Preve to the Public Recreational Facilities Authority, with the
term-to:expire.on:-Decembet~t3, 1994~:~c~Roll was~calledand-themotion carried
by. the following recorded vote: ~
AYES: Mrs. Humphris and Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None .... - ..... ...... ~ -., :~ ~_
Motion .was.offered by, Mr~ :Marshall, seconded by Mr. Bain, to appoint Mr.
Gerald Dixon and Mr. Paul Tompkins to the Milton Airport Advisory Committee.
Roll was~ called and :the :motion carried ~by the,-following, recorded xrote~
AYES: Mrs. Humphris.-and Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: :, None. -
Motion.was ,offered:by Mr. Perkins~ seconded,-,by~,Mr.. Bain, to, appoint~Mr.
David~ A. Moyer ,to the: Albemarle County Service Authority Board of Directors to
represent the White Hall District, term to expire on April 16, 1996. Roll was
Called and.the~ m~tion~carried by ~he :following~ recorded votei:~
AYES: Mrs. Humphris and, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 46)
M.B. 40, Pg. 215
Motion was offered by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Bain, to reappoint
Mr. Hollis Lumpkin to the Albemarle County Service Authority Board of Direc-
tors to represent the Scottsville District, term will expire on April 16,
1996. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris and Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
Motion was offered by Mrs. Humphris, seconded by Mr. Martin, to appoint
Mrs. Betty Newell to the Jefferson Area United Transportation (JAUNT) Board,
term will expire on September 30, 1994. Roll was called and the motion
~ar.ried bythe following reCorded-Vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris and Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
· 'r~?Mr.~B~werman aSked..,theClerk to~readvertise the vacancy~-on-the ~hildren
and Youth Commission.
Agenda Item No. 27. Other_M~tters Not Listed on the Agenda.
Mrs. Bowermanrequesteda motion~to fite'an~appeal~'~of the court's.decision
on. the.Bargamin~vs. Board'of~Supervisors:case~ Motion.to,this'effect was
offered by'Mr, Perkins and<',seconded by Mrs.~'Humphris..
Mr. Bain said it has been reported to him that articles have appeared in
the.newspapers.~stating he'has a~perceived conflict in:this case, and he,.does
not'have'a~conflict legally. He does not feel he has a moral conflict as
well. Hewill continued to vote on it as he has previously.
Rollwas~called:andthelmotion carried;by~.the'~fotiowling recorded, o~e~.
AYES: Mrs..' Humphris and Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Tucker,said..the~Airport. Au~hority~would~iiketo"offerthe'Boazd~,the~
opportunitylto-~have an':orientationof~the~Airpor~and'~a~qui~k~tOur-.of t-he
Airport."-Mr. BOwe~rman suggested, this~be'Scheduled for-~theMay.day~meeting.
Mr~.Perkinsrsaid the ~reenwood, Citizens-CounciLmeets tomorrow-nightat
7:3Op.m.~at..EmmanueL.,EpiscopalChurch on 250 West~,~:This inVolves'the recent
fire at~.the'Greenwood.Chemical'site. -They'ha~e~invited_.members of EPA, the
congressional delegation and state legislators. The citizens in the areas are
concerned andfeei'.there has been a lot of~:."foot~d~agging~. ~hecBoa=d~-members
are also invited.
Mr. Bain asked if thereis ~a formal agenda already' prepared for the
meeting with City Council on March 13. Mr. Tucker said no, it is basically a
get-together~in order to meet.each,other~, After this,:~,there~.wilt~",be
agenda,. ~ , , - -,' ' ,. '
Mr. Bowerman saidthe~League of women Voters has suggested that thePACC
recognize;thepartiCipation, of the'Planning District Commission in~a~more,'~_
formai.rway. PACC~TechJdetermined~that that':Wouldbe appropriate, andha~e.~
approved'that process...',Ms. NancyO'Br'ien'or..~one-of~her staff membe~wilL'be
attending the meetings inthe futureand have-a broader.basis for.understand-
ing and.discussion,~,'.,..~ .. ....
Mr. Bowerman requested that staff 'let~he Board know how it can accept
the proffer~from Mr. Wood-on the open,space dedication along the Reservoir.
March 4, 1992 (Regular Day Meeting)
(Page 47).
M.B. 40, Pg. 216
Mrs. Humphris reported that Ms. Cindy Caughron has told her that from
opening date of the Northside Library on December 14, 1991, to January 27,
1992, they circulated 28,000 books, and the collection consists of only 24,700
books. They also signed up 644 new cardholders in that same period of time.
Mrs. Humphris asked what is holding up appointment of Agricultur-
al/Forestal Advisory Committee. That is something the rural landowners have
been looking forward to giving input, generating information, and to be a
voice for the farming community.
. ',M~. Marshall· said he has,t0ured the Library and was quite impressed by
the: presentation. One thing they are doing is helping unemployed people with
resumes and that is a tremendous need in the community right now.
Mr ~ · Tucker- ~said" M~-~ Tom Dudley'" Captain.., of :. the: Charlottesvil
Rescue Squad mentioned, to -him.' that they:.are.getting :ready:~to rededicate the~
building on Berkmar Drive which the Cqunty built several years ago. The exact
date will be furnished to the Board.
Mr. Tucker'said the Rivanna Water and Sewer Author:-ity-is inereasing its
rates. Water Wil& increase-three cents/1000 gallons and two cents for waste
water. A public hearing will be held. on.,A.,pril 27, 1992, on these increases.
There will be a public hearing that evening on the tip fee. The Board will
ha~e mn opportunity-during-,.budg~t:Work sessions to discuss the tip fee~ -
Mr. Tucker said several times, the s~bject~ of i11e§al dump±ng has been
brought up by people would would like to form a group and clean these, up..
They are.not able: to do. this anymore becau.se of the tip:fee~,:.:Sta£f has:a::
~equest': f~om a~ member ,of. a'.tocal:hunt..elub~ and he.' su§g~sted that this group
be:used.for a pilot project in'the.hope of getting other clubs -interested,. in.:-.
doing.the same thing, tie is concerned that this could be abused, but he
suggests that people be encouraged .tO.pUt .the group together~ do the clean-up
work, and transport the-refuse to the landfili, but ~he County would then pay
the. t'ip ..fee. -- - ' ..........
. Mr.'.Marsha11'.said.it sounds like a g~od idea to him.-.'Mr.,' Tucker. said. he
thinks.funds are available to work With this one group.
There were no objections offered to this idea..
:' ,-Agenda Item'No:~ 28~ iAdjourn~ ~At 5:22;p.m.'.:~ with'no futther',husiness to
come before:.the~ Board, motion waS:offered::.by Mr. ;'Bain,- seconded: by:Mr.~-·-Martin,
to'.adj ourn ,this,-~meeting until March'. 11,
Roll was called andc the motion~ carried by the~following .reeorded vote:
A~ES: M~s~ H~ph~is, ~essrs~Marsha11, ~a~tin, Perkins, Ba~n ~d' Bo~rman.
NAYS':' :.None.