HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000010 Review Comments Zoning Map Amendment 2021-03-30County of Albemarle Department of Community Development October 2, 2020 Revision 1: March 30, 2021 Tim Miller Meridian 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Review Comment Letter #2: ZMA202000010 Arbor Oaks Townes Mr. Miller, Staff has reviewed your submittal for a zoning map amendment (ZMA) for Arbor Oaks Townes. We have a number of questions and comments which we believe should be addressed before we can recommend favorably on your ZMA request. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these issues. Our comments are provided below: Zoning Map Amendment Comments Planning Comments: Rezoning (Mariah Gleason mcileason(&albemarle.oro) Rev. 1: General Application Comments 1. In the absence of a commitment to a proffered Conceptual Plan, staff is unable to evaluate whether the proposed rezoning is consistent with the recommendations of the Places29 Master Plan (specifically the frontage condition along Hydraulic Road), the Neighborhood Model Principles, and the Comprehensive Plan. Staff cannot recommend approval of this rezoning without additional information on how this rezoning will align with the aforementioned documents. 2. Previous comments made by staff in the comment letter dated October 2, 2020 are still relevant and should be considered with any future revision of the rezoning materials, particularly if a Conceptual Plan is proffered. Staff would be happy to meet to discuss the details of the proposed project. Rev. 1: Proffers 1. The revised proffers indicate that 14 percent of the dwelling units will be affordable. This is below the Comprehensive Plan's recommended minimum for rezonings (15 percent). Staff recommends the proposal be revised to meet the recommended minimum. 2. There appears to be a clerical issue with the numbering of the proposed proffers. Three proffers are provided, yet they are numbered Proffers 1, 3, and 4. There is no Proffer 2. Private Street Request Per 14-233(B)(1), the agent may authorize one (1) or more new private streets in the Development Areas when the subdivision will contain attached residential units where units are to be located on individual lots. Rev. 1: In the absence of a commitment to a proffered Conceptual Plan, staff is unable to make the necessary findings to authorize the private street request. More information, including the form, function, design, purpose, maintenance, etc., should be provided to allow staff to evaluate this request. Special Exception Request (Planting Strip Waiver) The required planting strip may be waived by the Planning Commission per 14-422(F). Staff provides a recommendation to the Commission on this request. The recommendation will be provided with the staff report. Rev. 1: In the absence of a commitment to a proffered Conceptual Plan, staff is unable to make the necessary findings to support the planting strip waiver request. Is the request to waive any planting strip(s) that may be required by future development on the property? Additional information should be provided to clarify the request and allow staff to make the necessary findings. Central Sewerage System Request Rev. 1: Within the resubmitted materials, the applicant included a request for a central sewerage system to serve the proposed residential development. This request requires approval by the Board of Supervisors per 16-105. Comments on this request have been provided by Engineering (see Engineering comment #2) and ACSA (see ACSA comment #1). This request may also be reviewed by the Health Department and DEQ. Zoning (Francis MacCall fmaccall(&albemarle.org) 1. The plan should be referenced as a conceptual plan as application plans are for planned developments and NMDs only. Update proffer in that respect as well. Engineering (Frank Pohl fpohl(&albemarle.org) 1. Please update the plan included in the traffic study to match the current proposal. 2. Provide notice to the Board as required in 16-102 for the Central Sewerage System request. Utilities are shown on Sheet Z-105, please update request accordingly. VDOT (Adam Moore adam.moore(&ydot.virginia.gov) 1. See comment letter dated March 30, 2021, attached. Albemarle County Service Authority (Richard Nelson rnelson(rilserviceauthoritv.orn) 1. See attached letter. a. A private lift station is proposed. ACSA does not have an interest in owning and maintaining this lift station. b. RWSA will need to approve the proposed water main connection along Hydraulic Road. RWSA (Dyon Vega dvena(&rivanna.org) 1. No objection. Transportation Planning (Kevin McDermott kmcdermott(&albemarle.org) 1. The design of proposed sidewalks need to comply with minimum standards. Fire/Rescue (Howard Lagomarsino hlagomarsinoaalbemarle.orcl) 1. Based on Shawn Maddox's (ACFR) previous review, his discussions for this project, the addition of the hydrant at the entrance and the physical/topographical limitations of the site, no objection to this updated submittal. Architectural Review Board (Margaret Maliszewski mmaliszewski(a-albemarle.org) 1. Frontage trees and a proposed electric easement have been added to the plan. As drawn, trees are as close as 5' to the overhead lines. This will not allow for full growth of large shade trees; the trees will likely be trimmed to avoid conflicts with the lines. As illustrated, the proposal would not meet EC frontage landscaping requirements. CDD E911 (Elise Kiewra ekiewra0albemarle.orcl) 1. No objection. See attached letter from E911 regarding recommendations during the site/subdivision process. Building Inspections (Betty Slough bslough(ftibemarle.org) 1. No objection. Housing Planning (Stacy Pethia spethia(ftibemarle.orcg) 1. Recommend the following changes to the proposed proffers to bring the proffer agreement into alignment with the way housing proffers are typically administered in the County: a. For Proffer 1(A): i. Change all references to "Virginia Housing Development Authority" and "VHDA" to "Virginia Housing". ii. Replace "Albemarle County Office of Housing" with "Community Development Department". b. For Proffer 2(B)(1): i. Change all references to Virginia Housing Development Authority and VHDA to Virginia Housing. Comprehensive Plan Comments on how your project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan will be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report that will be prepared for the public hearing. Initial comments are provided with this comment letter. The proposed development is designated Urban Density Residential in the Places29 Master Plan. The intent of this designation is to provide residential uses between 6 and 34 units/acre, with some non-residential uses permitted as secondary uses. Residential uses should be a maximum height of 4 stories or 45 feet. Open space should be usable for residents. Land Use Daslynatlo" Urban Density Primary S Secondary Residential Usti Residential Density: 601-04 wiseacre • Naximum owed, For mew sea, bteldre height. 4sWnesor45 MaWe not be taw, Nan 4 fiest scenes, unless by exception , Two or more housing types preferred in each development Neighborhood Ralell • A secondary lard use in dais designator Community S Regional are • encouThese raged locatelocates Retail Center may Centers. maybe located In areas around Center. 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It is also applied S`s h OQI to existing rnsidential areas with densities within this range (ace Land Use Table LU2). This designation is ossenlially the same as the Urban Density Residential designation in the 1996 Land Use Plan. Primary uses: multifamily and single-family residential, including me or more housing types. Secondary uses: retail, commercial, and once uses that support the neighborhood, live/work units, open space, and institutional uses. Retail, commercial, office, and institutional uses am encouraged to locate in Centers au they ate accessible to residents throughout the surrounding area, and ao they benefit from co -location with other neighborhood -serving businesses. However, they may be located by exception in areas around Centers designated Urban Density Residential provided they are compatible with surrounding uses. Legend Forested Buffer Open Landscape Landscaped Development Landscaped Residential Yard Urban Frontage Landscaped Residential Yard Frontage Landscaped Residential Yard is the recommended frontage condition for segments of Entrance Corridors where existing and future residential yards face a street. Along US 29, residential yards are not expected to face the street For all other Entrance Corridors in the Places29 area, the intent of this designation is to recognize the need for separation between residential properties, both single and multifamily residences, and the street. Properties with landscaped frontages facing the Entrance Corridor should allow for residential buildings, or portions of these buildings, to be visible from the street and adjacent sidewalks (see Figures 7.13 and 7.14). This will provide travelers along the Entrance Corridor with a sense of the street's residential character. In a Landscaped Residential Yard Frontage, street trees are expected in the right-of-way between the sidewalk and the street. Street trees introduce vertical elements that help create a sense of enclosure along Entrance Corridors. This is important as Entrance Corridors tend to be wider than most other streets and can easily lose the desired sense of enclosure. The landscaped area between the sidewalk and the building front should have sufficient depth to separate the private residential space from the public space of the sidewalk. In areas designated Landscaped Residential Yard, the height of street -facing hedges or fences should not exceed four (4) feet. Such a low height allows pedestrians and drivers to have a sense of the residential nature of the area. Neighborhood Model Principles Projects located within the Development Areas are reviewed for consistency with each of the Neighborhood Model Principles found in the Comprehensive Plan. Comments are provided below on relevant aspects of the Neighborhood Model. Revised comments may be given after additional information is submitted. Pedestrian Orientation This principle cannot be evaluated. Rev. 1: Additional information is needed for staff to evaluate whether the proposed rezoning is consistent with this principle. Staff acknowledges that there is an existing sidewalk along Hydraulic Road but it not separated from moving traffic by the a planting strip or street trees, as recommended by the Neighborhood Model. Mixture of Uses This principle is met. This site is less than one acre, is directly adjacent to other residential development, and is not located within a Center. It is located within walking distance of non-residential development and parks/green systems. Neighborhood Centers This principle is met. The development is not located within a Center. It is within walking distance of a Neighborhood Service Center, Albemarle H.S., and Charlotte Humphris Park. Mixture of Housing Types This principle is partially met. Rev. 1: Given the variety of and Affordability housing types in the immediate area and the size of this site, it would be acceptable if residential development on this lot only provided one housing type. However, the proposal remains inconsistent with Strategy 6b in the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Relegated Parking This principle cannot be evaluated. Rev. 1: Additional information is needed for staff to evaluate whether the proposed rezoning is consistent with this principle. Interconnected Streets and This principle cannot be evaluated. Rev. 1: Additional information is needed for staff to evaluate whether the Transportation Network propose rezoning is consistent with this principle. Multimodal Transportation This principle is partially met. Rev.1: The development is Opportunities located approximately 500 feet from a bus stop for the Route 5 bus route, however additional information is needed to evaluate whether multimodal opportunities are supported within the future residential development. Parks, Recreational This principle is partially met. Rev. 1: Proffer #3 of the Amenities, and Open Space proposed proffer agreement indicates that a minimum of 25 percent of the project will be restricted from development and designated as open space. However, the proffer does not speak to the quality of the open space that will be provided or any amenities that may be included. Instead the proffer allows the Owner to modify intended open space areas, so long as 25 percent of the project is designated as open space. This could result in discontinuous, left over open space areas that do not allow for easy access or use by residents. Additional information should be provided to address the quality (including amenities) and accessibility of the open sace to be provided by the development. Buildings and Spaces of This principle cannot be evaluated. Rev. 1: Additional information is needed for staff to evaluate whether the Human Scale proposed rezoning is consistent with this principle. Redevelopment This principle is partially met. Rev. 1: The proposed development is within an underutilized site, however additional information is needed to evaluate whether future residential development on this site will be compatible with existin residential development nearby. Respecting Terrain and This principle is met. There are no environmental features or Careful Grading and significant slopes on this site. Regrading of Terrain Clear Boundaries between This principle is met. The development is located across the Development Areas and Hydraulic Road from the Rural Area. The Places29 Master the Rural Area Plan does not have any boundary recommendations for this location. Action after Receipt of Comments Staff will work with you to choose a Planning Commission date for public hearing. Resubmittal If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal. The resubmittal date schedule and other related resources are provided for your convenience online at httl)s://www.albemarle.org/home/showdocument?id=358 Notification and Advertisement Fees Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes place and adjoining owners need to be notified of a new date. Community Meeting The community meeting for this proposal was held on Monday, October 19, from 5:30 PM — 7:30 PM with the Places29 Hydraulic CAC. While no significant concerns were raised by community members, some concerns around potential traffic conflicts, vehicular ingress/egress to the site, and the proposed private street (including the long-term maintenance of the street) were discussed. The applicant responded that an existing left turn lane on Hydraulic Road would facilitate safe ingress/egress to the site. The applicant also stated that the private road was included in the development to allow perpendicular parking along the travelway and because the proposed road would not be connecting to another public road. Community members also had questions about whether the units would be owned or rented and if affordable units would be provided. The applicant shared that the units would be owned and that a percentage of the units would be affordable units. Lastly, community members questioned the design of the sidewalk along Hydraulic Road. Community members noted that the current sidewalk feels uncomfortable and that new County regulations require planting strips and street trees to provide separation between pedestrians and vehicular traffic to make sidewalk areas more comfortable. The applicant responded that the sidewalk on this property is existing and that neighboring parcels are developed with similar sidewalk designs. Feel free to contact me if you wish to meet or need additional information. My email address is mgleasonaa.albemarle.oro . Sincerely, kAa* Mariah Gleason Senior Planner Community Development Department 434-296-5832 ext. 3097 mgleason@albemarle.org Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 March 30, 2021 Mariah Gleason County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: ZMA-2020-00010 — Arbor Oaks Townes Dear Ms. Gleason: (804) 7862701 Fax: (804) 7862940 The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced, as submitted by Meridian Planning Group, LLC, dated August 17, 2020, revised February 15, 2021, and find it to be generally acceptable. Please note; the below comments will need to be addressed in the site plan submission review. 1. Please add note to plans; obstructions are prohibited within the sight distance easement. 2. Intersection sight distance provided does not meet VDOT's required distance for a design speed of 35mph, for a 5 lane continuous two-way turn lane. Please refer to VDOT's Road Design Manual, appendix- F, pg., F-50. SDR=465' and SDL=440'. 3. Note that the final site plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices 13(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If you have Rather questions please contact Willis Bedsaul at (434) 422-9866 Sincerely, Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT— Information from Service Providers To be filled out by ACSA for ZMA's and SP's 1) Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer? Yes 2) What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area? Water is across Hydraulic Road. Sewer is on neighboring parcel property line. 3) Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan? N/A 4) Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which the applicant and staff should be aware? N/A 5) Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps? A private lift station is proposed. ACSA does not have an interest in owning and maintaining this lift station. 6) Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the site plan/plat stage? 7) If the project is a large water user, what long term impacts or implications do you forsee? 8) Additional comments? RWSA will need to approve the proposed water main connection along Hydraulic Road.