HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-11 adjMarch 11, 1992 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) (Page 1) M.B. 40, Pg. 217 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 11, 1992, at 5:00 P.M., Meeting Room 7, COunty Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Messrs. Forrest~R. Marshall, Jr., Charles S. Martin and Walter F. Perkins. ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Agenda Item. No. 1,.~'The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Bowerman. Agenda~Item No 2. Work Session: Economic and Fiscal Policies Related to Industrial Development~ Mr. Tucker presented the~following Executive Summary dated March 11, 1992: "Issue: At your March 4, 1992 meeting you requested staff provide a revised study outline to better reflect the intended objectives to be achieved by this committee and how these objectives would be integra- ted to-support-the Comprehensive Plan'S policy and process. As neither staff nor the committee have the expertise necessary to develop~the fiscal impact methodology;~.the use of consultant services will be necessary. Background: To summarize the following study outline, the committee would~move~through a sequence of steps that would result in a fiscal impact model and-recommendations on growth that would become a part of the next Comprehensive Plan review process which is scheduled to start in January, 1993, with a target adoption~by~July, 1994. In the nine months before the Comprehensive Plan review would start, the following outline is recommended to guide the work of the committee: March/April, 1992 I. Committee selection and formulation of tasking: Develop the issues and charge for the committee. Advertise~and select committee. April/May, 1992- II. Inform the committee of both development policies and fiscal impact issues: Review current policies, and practices.~ Familiarize the committee withother policies and,methodologies in use in other localities. - Define the preliminary issues~ Identify consultant service requirements. June/July, 1992 III.~Develop an'economic baseline: Staff, with assistance from outside resources as necessary, will.develop an economic baseline or profile of.the County to serve as a foundation.for further alternatives and analysis. July/August, 1992 IV. Public participation in defining issues and concerns for.both development and fiscal impact: Participation at public meetings. Presentations ~to the committee by groups or individuals as appropriate. July/October~ 1992 V. Develop fiscal impact methodology: - As assisted by a consultant and staff, develop a methodology to be used in committee analysis of development policy alterna- tives, and March 11, 1992 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) (Page 2) M.B. 40, Pg. 218 - Develop a methodology that is inclusive of, and interactive with, all supporting growth management tools to include the Comprehensive Plan, Community Facilities Plan, Open Space Plan, Utilities Master Plan and other plans as appropriate. - Develop a methodology to be adopted for continued use by County staff° October/November, 1992 VI. Analysis of growth alternatives: - Using the methodology, examine alternative land use and economic forecasts for fiscal impact. December, 1992 VII. Develop recommendations and complete the study: - Report to the Board of Supervisors. January,.1992 Staff commence five-year Comprehensive Plan review process." Mr. Bowerman.asked if the $5000 to $10,000 mentioned at the March 4 meeting is the total cost for a consultant. Mr. Tucker said that amount is the initial cost needed fOr FY 1991-92. The cost to develop and finalize ~he fiscal impact model is $25,000 per year for three years. During the three- year period the committee~will collect data and utilize the model. Mr. Bowerman asked if.~the software for the model is available for use by the County. Mr. Tucker said staff has been communicating with the consulting firm that de~eloPed software .for Loudoun County. The software can be used but would need to be changed to fit the needs of this community. Mrs. Humphris said she has been trying to comprehend what the Board intends to do today which was unclear after reviewing the executive summary. She thinks amission for the Board should be'defined before discussions of hiring consultants and fprming a committee. Mrs. Humphris then~presented the following statement: "The Chairman has made a proposal which, if implemented, would essen- tially amend the current~Conrprehensive Plan's goal with respect to economic development. In essence, it-is a proposal that County government become actively involved in the promotion of ind~ustrial development sites located in,the County. As a preliminary.step to consideration ofthis proposal, I, suggest thatthe Board. of Supervisors formally affirmthefoltowing princi- ples: ANY CHANGE IN COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICY SHOULD BE 'EFFECTIVE IN SOLVING THE IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS THE POLICY CHANGE IS INTENDED TO ADDRESS. . ANY CHANGE IN COUNTY ECONOMIC POLICY SHOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH OTHER EXISTING GOALS-OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. ANY CHANGE_IN COUNTY ECONOMICPOLICY SHOULDNOT INCREASE THE .EXISTING BURDEN ON LOCAL TAXPAYERSWITHOUT PROVIDING BENE- FITS TO THOSE TAXPAYERS WHICH ARE IDENTIFIABLE, PREDICTABLE AND SIGNIFICANT. ANY CHANGE IN COUNTY.ECONOMIC, POLICY SHOULD BE PRECEDED BY FORMAL PUBLIC HEARINGS. If the foregoing principles are accepted as aguide in, considering the proposal, th~fi~I-suggestthat the following steps shouldbe taken prior to acting on the proposal in order to ensure that any change is consistent with these principles: IDENTIFY THE PROBLEMS WHICH THE PROPOSED POLICYCHANGE IS INTENDED TO ADPRESS. Is the, problem.insufficient population growth? Is the problem insufficient residential construction? M.B. 40, Pg. 219 March 11, 1992 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) (Page 3) Is the problem unemployment among County residents? Is the problem underemployment among County residents? Is the problem unemployment among residents of the region? Is the problem underemployment among residents of the region? Is the problem some combination of these? Are there other problems which the proposed change in policy is intended to solve? 2. DETERMINE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED IN STEP ONE. For example,, if the problems which the policy change is intended to address are unemployment and underemployment among County residents, the problems can best be solved if we first have answers to the. following questions: a. How many County residentsare unemployed or underemploYed? How do we define .underemployed?" b. What skills do these residents have to offer an employer? c. Are these residents permanent or temporary? Are they.graduates of local schools with families who are residents7 Are they students or spouses of students? And I am sure there are many other questions which should be investi- gated in order to understand the characteristics of the problem we are trying to address. 3. IDENTIFY THE IMPACTS THE PROPOSED POLICY CHANGE WILL HAVE ON OTRER COMPREHENSIVE. PLAN GOALS AND ON THE COUNTY BUDGET. Will .the proposed change be morelikely to, increase or decrease~the pressure onrural areas for development? What effect might~it have on the cost of housing in the County? . · What effect might ithave on the need for additional infrastructure such as schools, roads, utilities, recreational facilities, etc.? IDENTIFY THECHARACTERISTICS OF THE BUSINESS OR.INDUSTRY WHICH WILL BEST SOLVE THE IDENTIFIEP PROBLEMS AND WHICH WILL HAVE THE LEAST. NEGATIVE IMPACT ON COMPREHENSIVE PI.AN GOALS AND THE COUNTY BUDGET. IDENTIFY LEGALLY DEFENSIBLE AND-PRACTICALLY ENFORCEABLE ZONING METHODS WHICH WILL HELP ENSURE THAT THE iDENTIFIED CHARACTERIS- TICS ARE REALIZED. I would suggest that~the-foregoing five steps be addressed as follows: 1. Step one should~be addressed by this Board. Step two should be addressed by people With expertise in the area of the problems identified in SteP one. For example, if the problem is one concerning employment, then~we need a Committee made up of representatives of the ~irginia Employment Commission, the University Center for Public Service, the County staff, local businesses, etc., those with expertise in analyzing unemployment andunderemployment~ Step three should be addressed by.~the Planning staff and the proposed Fiscal Impact Analysis Committee with, of course, a consultant, expert in such analyses, working with this committee. Step four should be~addressed by the Planning staff and know- ledgeable members of our business community. M.B. 40, Pg. 220 March 11, 1992 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) (Page 4) 5. Step five should be addressed by the County Attorney's office. 6. Ail steps should be overseen by this Board of Supervisors." Mrs. Humphris said the five steps she identified would allow the Board to be more actively involved in the process than what is envisioned in the executive summary. Mr. Bain said he thought the committee!s primary emphasis was to develop a fiscal impact methodology and bring that information back to the Board. It is the Board's decision whether to incorporate that information into the Comprehensive Plan. Hedoes not feel the committee should be making the kinds of decisions proposed by Mrs. Humphris. Mrs. Humphris said she thinks the Board needs ~to first understand why it is doing this and in what direction it is heading. She also thinks it is important for the Board to affirm the four.principles set out in her proposal. Mr. Martin said he almost agrees with the four principles, but it seems to him that this proposal~is a request for information that the committee should be charged with gathering. Mrs. Humphris said she is proposing that the~Board agree to the four principles. The committee would respond to the other issues and make a recommendation for or against a change in the County's Economic Policy. Mr~ Bain~again said he thinks the committee's role is to provide information to the Board, not make recommendations. Mr, Bowerman said it was. obvious, from the reaction of the community and the State Department of Economic Development, when the issue of the Fortune 500 company came before the Board, there was a lack of information about the affect of growth ona~community. It~was also obvious that many. people in the community and the State felt the County's economic policy was negative. His proposal to the Board was to form a~committee to look at the cost of economic development as it relates to industrial, commercial, retail and residential growth. In the last 12 years that he has been associated with the Planning Commission and Board, other than G.E.~-Fanuc, there were only two manufacturing organizations that he can remember being interested in locating in the County; they were Liebig International, Inc., and'WWW Electronics, Inc. Most-requests to the Board have been for retail or commercial office uses.. Mr. Bain asked Mr. Bowerman if. it was part of his proposal that the committee look at the Comprehensive Plan or if the Plan was to be a separate issue. Mr~ Bowerman said the elements of the Comprehensive Plan must be consistent~with whatever is developed,by,the committee. It is apparent~to him that the current economic development statement in the Plan is supportive of the~other elements of the Plan which is to accommodate growth and. development and of business. Mr. Martin said.he would have opposed the Fortune 500 company if it wanted~to build another shopping center. It is his opinion that this area needs'jobs that pay "real" money. He thinks that the County's current Econom- icDevelopment Policy has a goal, but it does not have an objective or stra- tegy. Ail other elements of the Comprehensive Plan have objectives and strategies, He thinks the Board can have a policy that is supportive of certain types of businesses while discouraging other types. He does not think there is a balance of different types of businesses in the community. He wants the committeeto find Out what type of industry is good for the commu~ nity, what type.of industry is. not so good, what the criteria is for a good industry. The. Board needs to know some of that information. He thinks the charge, of this committee~is to determine how to measure the impa=t of economic development. He also thinks if any change is made, to the Comprehensive Plan, it should include strategies that enable the Board to decide what industry it might want ~to act favorably towards. . Mr. Bowerman said the Board needs to receive and agree on information regarding fiscal impact. When that information is~knoWn, the Board can then look at the-current method of handling growth in the community and decide whetherthat is the. way it shouldcontinue orwhether it should be modified. He does not think the-Board has the resources to answer any of the questions posed by Mrs. Humphris~without an impact statement about the various costs of growth on the community. March 11, 1992 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) (Page 5) M.B. 40, Pg. 221 Mr. Bain said he does not envision the committee as a group to establish policy. He thinks the committee should provide an analysis to the Board and using that analysis the Board develop a policy. He asked what limits or direction is being put on the committee because it could be overburdened and take forever to get the information back to the Board. Mr. Marshall said he comes into contact with more people from the commu- nity each day than any other Board member. This Board needs some sort of policy because the community is moving towards some difficult times. He deals with people on a daily basis who are concerned about unemployment, underem- ployment, health care, food, clothing and shelter, etc. Jobs are needed from all spectrums. Centel is going to be sold; when that happens there will be more people'out of work, There is a good ~hance that Sperry Marine could be sold and relocated to another community. In the last three years thousands of jobs have been lost. The County needs to diversify its economic base so that all of the people"who want to. live here can continue to~do so~ Mrs. Humphris said her proposal addresses~those issues. The proposal asks if this Board is moving towards a policythat any kind of growth,- for the sake Of growth, is what the Board wants or if the Board wants the kind of growth that is good for Albemarle County; the kind of growth that will help the unemployed andunderemployed. Good growth is the kind of growth that provides jobs for County residents, not growth where an industry brings its own employees in. TheBoard needs to. provide some directions. The Board needs to decide how it is going to do the job it wants to do without adding more burdens to-County residents. Mr. Marshall said he wants residents to be able to maintain the quality of life in the County that he has had in his lifetime. Mrs. Humphris said that is exactly what her proposal does. Mr, Martin said he agrees with the four principles in Mrs. Humphris' proposal, but he thinks the entire proposal istoo much. The,proposal is information the committee needs to research. A lot of the information is something that will be learned as part of the process. He does not want to limit the committee in what~ information it can find. Mrs. Humphris said she would like to know what each Board memberthinks. She asked if .Board members agree that if the current policy is changed, the reason for that change is because something better has been found. Board members agreed. Mrs. Humphris then asked if the Board could agree that any change inpolicy would be kept consistent with maintaining the other goals of the,Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Martin said theoretically he could agree with that statement but there~may be a goal, in the Plan that~would be in conflict and~exclude a good goal foreconomic development'~ Mrs'. Humphris ,aSked if Board members could all agree that it does not want to do something to increase the tax burden on the citizens. Mr. Martin said his problem with that statement is that the change may be a burden on a few taxpayers, but could benefit a large majority. Mrs. Humphris said since most .of the local tax comes from the property tax, the people who stand to get hurt the most are the.ones who have problems paying theproperty tax. Those are the people she is referring. Mr. Martin used as an example a retired person who moved to this community. That person may not benefit from the, Board's proactive stance towards a particular industry but may suffer some burden. He does not think every aspect-of the Plan will benefit every0ne~ He agrees-with the gist of the statement, but will not bind himself by saying that everything the Board does must benefit everyone, Mr. Bowerman said he ~doeS not have a problem, with the four principles recommended by Mrs..Humphris. He thinks that they are all interrelated and must~be reviewedwithin the context of eachother. He thinks if the Board Went against any one of them, it would not be acting in its own best interest. Mr. Bowerman said he thinks the Board has to decide whether thiscommunity is willing to accept the added costs of~growth which is the~Board, s function to determine after the fiscal impact analysis is done. ~Mr. Marshall said he is concerned that the. Board not go backwards. People are assuming the Board will be moving forward and that there will be a lot of growth. He is concerned that the County may actually be losing citir zens if something, is not done M.B. 40, Pg. 222 March 11, 1992 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) (Page 6) Mr. Perkins said it seems to him the Board is trying to "bite off too much". This is a course that will take two to three years to complete. He thinks the Board should move forward with some of recommendations outlined by staff which is not a policy change. Mr. Perkins said he has seen the results of some fiscal impact analyses and he believes that whoever does them can manipulate the answers to reflect their views. He cannot commit, at this time, to hiring a $25,000 consultant for the next three years to do this. He does not think a consultant can provide the Board with any more information than it already has. Mr. Bain said he disagrees with Mr. Perkins; he thinks the Board has a lot to learn even though numbers can be manipulated. Mr. Perkins said if a company relocates to the County and hires 500 local people that would not have a major fiscal impact on the community, but if that company~moves to the County and brings 1000 employees with it, then there would be an impact. Mr. Bain said that is the type of information that is included in the model. He does agree this may be too much to request to start off with, but he is willing to proceed with the fiscal impact analysis and set some specific charges for the committee. He is not willing to ask the commit- tee to make recommendations for policy changes. Mr. Tucker suggested deleting a development policy fromthe work program of the committee and~ charge the committee with only fiscal impact issues. He suggested that the-Board and Planning Commission may wish to form a committee to look at developing the policy.- The final decision on a policy would, be made by this Board. Mr. Bowerman said the sequencing of events.is important. The fiscalimpact has to be done before looking at policies. It is also this Board's responsibility to review potential committee, members and appointfive members they feel will do the best job. Mr. Tucker recommended that the committee consist of five citizen mem- bers, two Board members and two Planning Commission members. He also recom- mended that the Development Policy aspect of the proposal be considered after the completion of the fiscal impact analysis. Mr. Tucker said this process should take from six to nine months. He added that staff would provide the Board with progress reports on the committee. Mr. Martin then offered notion to for~,,lnte a committee of two Board of. Supervisors',.members,, two.planning. Commission members and five citizenmembers front he. County, to deal. with the issue of fiscal impact. Mr. Bain seconded the-notion~ .Mr. Bowerman requested~ that staff bring to the Board. specific responsi- bilities of the committee. Roll was then called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman. NAYS: None. Mr.. Bowerman~said'another aspect,~of, his proposal~is.~better communication ~ith the~ Statel ~epartment Of~-EcOnomic~Development in terms of...the resources~ that a=e in: the.commUnity · Mr. Perkins said he thinks the Board should follow~ up on some of the recommendations in the executive summary presented to the Board at the March 4 meeting. He thinks the Board should use the resources this community has to offer, perhaps the University of Virginia has someone who would come forward and help with the consulting. He also thinks theBoard should approach Virginia Power because they do economic analYSeS and provide brochures to other communities. Mr. Perkinsthen offered motion to request Virginia Power to, provide informational brochures, Mr. Marshall saidVirginia Power had helped him in his business to develop a feasibility study and he found the information to be invaluable. ~,.. Mr. Bowerman, said:he has no problem with that suggestion as long as the committee recognizes.~that Virginia Power is aspecial interest. Mr. Bain said he thinks that is a part of the technical gathering mechanism for information for the~committee., Mrs. Humphris said there are so many different sources of information available~ Virginia Power is just one source of information. March 11, 1992 (Afternoon (Page 7) Adjourned Meeting) M.B. 40, Pg. 223 Mr. Marshall said Virginia Power wants the Board to ask them to provide this information. Mrs. Humphris said she assumes the committee will ask every available source for information. Mr. Perkins said he spoke to a person at Virginia Power and they want to be asked by this Board, not a committee. Mr. Bain suggested that the Board first form the committee and then find out what sources of information are available and then'have a motion to cover all the sources. Mr. Bowerman asked if the Board wanted the committee to elect a chairman or have a chairman appointed from outside the group. Mr. Tucker said the makeup of the committee was designed so that it would have an odd number and with the idea that the committee would nominate its own chairman. Mr. Mar- shall said he thinks the committee would-be better served by selecting a Chairman from its own ranks. Mr. Bain did not feel strongly either way. Mrs. Humphris said it might be a good idea to have a chairman who is nonvoting and is interested in the process ..... Mr.~'Tucker said the staff will~ modify the charge to the committee, and procedure'-and then advertise for committee members. Mr. Bowerman suggested the-text, of the, advertisement for committee~ members be reviewed by the Board, on ~March 18. Boardmembers concurred. Mr. Perkins reminded the Chairman that there was a motion on the floor to request information from Virginia pOwer. Mr. Marshall seconded, the motion. Mrsi-Humphris asked what kind of information is contained in the brochure. Mr. Tucker said he,would get. a copyof one of the brochures for the Board to review. Mr. Perkins then agreed to table his motion until theBoard, reviews the brochure. Agenda Item~No. 3. before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Chairman Adjourn. There being no further business to come March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 1) M.B. 40, Pg. 224 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemmrle County, Virginia, was .held on March 11, 1992, at 7:00 P.M., Meeting Room 7, County Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. David P. Bowermmn, Mrs. Char- lotte Y. Rumphris, Messrs. Charles S. Martin, Forrest R. Marshall, Jr., and Walter F. Perkins. ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr., and County Attorney, George R. St. John. Agenda Item No. 1. Chairmmn, Mr. Bowerman. Agenda Item No. 2. Agenda Item No. 3. · ~.Agenda Item No. 4. Public.' The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by the Pledge Of Allegiance. Moment of Silence. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Mr. Kevin Cox said in December, 1991, the Board adopted a new fee sched- ule for a variety of permits issued~through'the Department of Zoning. ~The current fee. for a~specialuse permit for day care centers (six or more chil- dren) is $165; as of April 1, 1992, the fee will increase to $780. He thinks there is a need for more day care centers and. if this increase goes~ into effect,~ people will either not comply with the regulations or they will not open up new day care centers. The owners do who pay the fee will pass the additional charges on to the parents. He asked the Board.to reconsider the fee and,the impact~this new_fee will~have~omday care centers. Mr. Cox also expressed concern, about thefee forHomeOccupation-Class B. The cost for p~ocessing a Class B permit is $30; the current fee is $25 and as of April 1, the fee will be $350. It is his understanding that this new fee was based on an average cost of the permits approved administratively and the permits that Went through the public hearing process. He thinks that the permits approved administratively are subsidizing permits that generate complaints. He believes that a 100 percent fee increase is too much to ask~ ..~. · Mr. Bowermmn suggested~ the Board take another look at the cost~ of permits for day carecenters and~Rome Occupation-Class B. Mr.~Michael. Williams~ HealfihTeacher for Bur!ey Middle~School,~.reqUested the'Board removecigarettevending machlnesfrOm places inthe County where childrenunder the age of 18 have access to the machines~..He also.asked that the Board encourageretailers to request identification_ from people, who purchase cigarettes.: Inastudy~.he COnducted~ of~cigarette accessibility,to minors, he'had students go to approx~mmtely 16 different tocations,~and~at all but three locations, the~students~were 'eitherlsold~cigarettes~or were.able to purchase them from a vending maahine. He provided, the ~Board with pictures of the students who took .part in]thestudy andthe names,.of~.the locations that~ the students wentlto. He feels that it is part of his job to help students resist cigarette smoking. He presented the Board with petitions from the all the middle schools and'~high schoOls in the Countyin support, of~his proposals. Mr. Bowerman ~m~ed staff to inve~tiga~9~ whether the Board. has any author- ity over where cigarette vending machines are placed or how they are regulat- ed .... ~. Agenda. ItemNo. 5. Consent Agenda. Motion was offered byMr. Bain, seconded by_Mrs. Humphris, to accept Item 5~1 on the consent .agenda.as infor- mation. Roll was-called and. the motion carried by thefoltowing recordedl vote: , · , : ~,. ~ AYES: Mrs; Hurhphris, Messrs~ Marshall, Martin~ Perkins, Bain and BoWerman, NAYS: None ............. . · March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 2) M2B. 40, Pg. 225 Item No. 5.1. Letter dated February 24, 1992, from Mr. Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Transportation, re: Addition of Wingate Farm to the State Secondary System of Highways, was received as follows: "As requested in your resolution dated November 6, 1991, the following addition to the Secondary System of Albmmmrle County is hereby approved, effective February 14, 1992: ADDITION LENGTH Wingate Farm Route 1063 (Hunt Country Lane) · 0;64 mile nOrtheast'Route 676 From Route 676 to 0.64" Agenda. Item No. 6.. Public Hearing on proposed 1992-93 County Budget (Advertised in the Daily Progress on February,25 and March 3, 1992). The County Executive presented his proposed budget for FY 1993, The presentation included an,overview and highlight of the recommended budget; The total proposedbudgetis $89.6 million, an.:incr~a~e of $3.~7.million (4.35 percent) over FY 1991-92. The~budget provides a 1.24 percent increase for baseline General Government operations, but does not provide for any expanded or newTp~0g~m~. The budget provides an increase of $890,300'~2,8 percent) in local funds to the School Division for a total recommended School budget of $58.3 million~ This reflects an overall increase of $1.85 million (3.3 percent) over FY,'1991-92, In addition, the'budget provides an increase of $720,000.:forlnew.~debtCservice on.?School capital projects; a four'percent ave[age inc[~ase in agency funding and undesignated reserve funds in the amount of $774,930. Mr. Tucker said-the proposed budget anticipates the CoUnty' receiving $41.25 million in property taxes, an increase of $2.34 million (six percent) over FY~1991~92....Local revenues provide 66.5 percent for the FY 1992-93 operating~budget~ .... The proposed, budget maintains the. real estate tax.rate at $.72 cents, and personal:~property taxrate at.,$4130/$100 of assessed value. State revenues for~General Government arc.level} but~have increased for the School Division by3.5 percent ....... Mr.,Tucker Said the proposed General Government budget is considered a "baseline"budget meaning that~it provides for the. maintenance 'of ex~sting services and programs with few additional initiatives. However, additional unanticipated revenue identified in January, t992,~ in the amount'of $774,900, providss the Board~ with the flexibility to.cOnsider some new initiatives or to providean adjustment to the property tax rate. Both General Government and the School Division have Stayed within the revenue allocations requestedby the BOard.._ General~Government~has attempted to maintain department operations Within a two percent ~range ........ Mr,.Tucker theh .summarized the following growth needs and required services identified in the. budget: 1) the County's share in funding the Joint Security Complex has increaSed by. 27.3 percent based upon prioryear"s usage; 2) .calls,for service, due primarily to the first full year of dispatching for the rescue squads, has increased.the County's Share of the Rmorgency Opera- tions'Center by 15.5 percent, over FY~1992; 3)no aeross~the-board salary increase is provided, however a~one percent~increasein the merit bonus pool isproposed¢ although the' School Division is recommending that thisbe moved; 4) a full year's-funding;of the reclassification plan~and a. health insurance-r, ate increase is-provided;-5) funding an increasednumber, of chil- dren in foster care,in FY 1993 from 30 to 53 is recommended; 6). fully .funding the County's,shareof Rivanna Park, at-a 25 percent increase over F~f 1992 which is,.due to the cost sharing formula between~the City. and~County audi:now re- flects funding based upon. park usage over a two year period; and 7) Jeffer- son-Madison Regional Library is. funded at a baseline level of 2.8 percent over FY 1992. The,.Northside Branch Library is, proposed~to be,funded atl00 percent for the first six months,.of'FY 1993 by the County and the second.half of the fiscal year,~being'fundedat 72 percent, which reflects. County~citizen, usage .as of January,,1992. March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 3) M.B. 40, Pg. 226 Mr. Tucker summarized a list of initiatives and programs the staff feels are important but funds were not available within existing allocations. The programs are prioritized in the categories of urgent needs, necessary needs, desirable needs and deferrable proposals for initiatives. In addition the School Division has a list of prioritized initiatives. Mr. Tucker said the staff has been receptive and cognizant, of the state of the economy. Although inflation is approximately three percent, General Government has maintained its current programs and operations with only a 1,24 percent increase over FY 1992. He thinks this budget provides quality service to the citizens within existing allocations and tax rates. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Ms. Pat Spicer Napoleon, a life-long resident, taxpayer and teacher in the County, said she is concerned about fellow employees who must make ends meet, raise hhildren and pay for life's needs on a salary~that is notlkeeping up with demands. This County ,is an~area of immenseWealth and, opportunity~~ yet the-financial resources are not being ~tapped and thus employees are,, lagging behind in,salaries and compensation. These may~be difficult,, times but Albemarle Countyl,must maintain the high standards for which it has been recognized. Additionally, she feels the~Board is. allowing developers'to set the pace for growth in the County?: She feels the Comprehensive Plan is being ignored and'the, Board is inviting development. While the pockets ofdevelop~ ers.=are~being "lined,with gold," the school ~ystem and environment are suffer- ing as budgets~are strained,~and growth becomes unmanageable. She is concerned about the future of the children and whether they will be afforded an educa- tion. Sheasked that the Board~consider the needs of special children. Educational research supports the need for class .sizes of 18 to 20 children to facilitate~optimum learning. Shewould like to see these guidelines adhered to · ~.Mr..~Michael~ZUmak, aresident of Earlysville, said~he thinks the Board should cOnsider cutting costs, instead of maintaining a baseline budget. He thinks' the~ Board, should consider, a tax decrease~ and a~decrease in the ~cost of operating County government. 'Ms. ElizabethBaker, representing, theLeague of Women Voters,~presented a statement (on file)~which outlined several general areas the League-feels~-are insufficiently~funded in the.proposed_.budget. The areas are implementation and enforcement of ordinances,..safety, capital replacements for items such as v~hicles~and.computerS, and school needs. In addition,~the League feels that theBoard, should fund the Eiscal Impact Study, curbrside recycling, AHIP's fullrtime emergency repair position, teen mothers,.in school, rediSt~icting~and new voting machines, Mr. Bryan Dublirer, a County resident, spoke concerning the quality of education~his~children~are~receiving in the County Sch0oLsystem~ Heurged the~Board toaddress the<needs of,the schools~,~ Hethinks.thatteachers need to be~better-~compensated, for their ~ork. He urged~the Board to~look-at~-lower teacherJstudent ratios so that the children can.be served adequately. He knows that the citizens are willing to make education a top priority. He removedone of his children, from Albemarle High School because he did not feel her needs were being met~and he-did, not want her~tofall through the~/cracks. Mr, Mark Crockett, ~residentlofthe Albmmmrle Education Association, said there is a..need for greater funding to the schools, iMf. Crockett Said~$2 of every $3go.to the school system, yetseriOus.problems remain. The average teachersalaryin ~Virginia is about $2500 belowthe ~national average; three years ago,~the salary was about $300 below the average. In the. State of Maryland, the average teacher salary is nearly $6500 greater than the average teacher salary inVirginia, 'yet Virginia is the. eleventh wealthiest state in this~country. ,.He,presented a statement on,hOw, th$s<compensation-prOblem was addressed by,the Blue Ribbon, Commission On Education.: .~High 9uality~education is expected and hei~thinks people~will pay for ~that education. He thinks the Board needs to retain.the curren~ tax rate, ff,:the Board does. not consider increasing it, and'consider helping the school sytem even~morel There being no further comments,,the public hearing was. closed~ There were no comments from Board members. March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 4) M.B. 40, Pg. 227 Agenda Item No. 7. Public Hearing: To amend the Comprehensive Plan to add an Open Space and Critical Resource Plan to guide efforts to plan for and protect open space in the County in a comprehensive and integrated fashion (Advertised in the Daily Progress on February 25 and March 3, 1992). Mr. Bowerman said the Planning Commission recently approved the Open Space and Critical Resource Plan and staff is recommmnding that the Board hold a work session on the Plan prior to having the public hearing. It is recom- mended that the Plan be deferred to April 1, 1992, for a work session and reschedule the public hearing to a later date. Mr. Bowerman asked if any one from the public was present to speak on this item; there was no one. Mr. Bain offerer motion, seconded by Mrs. Humphris to defer the Open Space and Critical Resource Plan to April 1, 1992, for a work session. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES:' MrsfRumphris; Messrs,'Marshall, Martin, Perkins~Bain and Bowermmn. NAYS.: .None. . Agenda Item No~ 8. Letter~ dated FebrUary 26, 1992,~fromMr. J~ Granger Macfarlane,. Chairman, Governor's AdvisoryCommission. on the Dillon Rule and LocaL Government, announcing a.~meeting and hearing schedule. ~Mr. Tucker said staff'would like some~additional time to work on a draft statement for presentation at one of the meetings scheduled.on_the Dillon Rule. Meetings are scheduled for May 14 and May 19, 1992. He suggested that this item:~be_deferred to~Aprill,~1992. Mr.~ Perkins offered motion, seconded byMrs..:.Humphris, to defer this item to April 1, 1992, for additional staff work, Roll was called and the'motion carried~.bythe following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowemman. NAYS: None. ~Agenda Item~No.~9. Sale of McIntire:School Property to McIntire Land Trust (deferred from March 4, 1992). (Mr. Bowerman said due to a conflictof interest,~he ,will.excusehimself from the discussion of thig~item. Mr. Bain, acted as Chairman,,) Mr. St. John said two amendments to a Deed of Trust for the McIntire School property arc,being reviewed, by: County staff~ The amendments must also be approved by'the Resolution TrustCorporation (RTC). Mr St.,Jokn~said at the March 4 meeting, the Boardasked him whether the RTC, acting through Investors Federal Savings & Loan Company, could lawfully repudiate or disaf- firm, the. letter of creditthe County holds from the,'former Investors Savings & Loan. He has not been able to find any case in which this question was ~itig~ed..~. He has been told by several people who have been involved in a similar situation that they believe the RTC can lawfully do this, but he is not convinced~ At,.a different time.'and under.~ different circumstances he .would liket0~pursue~the issue and litigate the question. Mr., St. John ..said he consulted sOme experts~ in banking ._law and. they estimate that it will cost about $1000 research time for them, to give the County an opinion on the County's chances of successfully challenging the RTC. Unless. he is directed, to do. otherwise, he will proceed with reviewing the papers for the second deed of trust .on the property in ,place of~ the letter of credit,~ He will .need authority.from, the Board .if he is to request ~the~ firm. to researchi:the question of litigating ~.the repudiation issue. , Mr. St.. ,.John said if the County should litigate the issue and win, _it, is his understanding that the County .would, then still not, be assured of getting the entire:amount~of the letter of credit. The letter of credit would then-be included~ with other obligations of InveStors and possibly,~paid on a pro-rata basis. He~ is not a financial~expert but~he thinks the'Board should accept the~ second deed~ of' trust on i the,. teat. property as opposed to litigating -the letter Of credit,,. Mr. Tucker suggested the Board defer this item until April 1, 1992, to allow,~the Counhy Attorney time.to complete the:.paperWork~ ~'~ . M.B. 40, Pg. 228 March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 5) Mrs. Humphris offered motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, to defer further discussion of the sale of the McIntire School property to McIntire Land Trust to April 1, 1992. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman. NAYS: None. (Mr. Bowerman returned to the meeting.) Agenda Item No. 10. Update: Scottsville Boundary Line Adjustment. , M~. Tucker said the committee, appointed by the Board and Scottsville Town Council to review alternatives for a potential boundary line adjustment, has developed two.potential.options along~,wit~ supporting date~for, theBoard's review. Mr,.Tucker summmriZed the3t~o options. (4~,and~5),and the:potential revenue loss to theCounty from each option; a loss.of $50,614 under-option 4 and a~loss-of $61,398 under option 5. The Board has also received a letter from the Scottsville Town Council outlining their reasons for choosing option 5, as well as asummary'of their projected budget under option 5. The Commit- tee:also forwarded to the Board a memorandum outlining the differences between annexation, and a boundary line adjustment. The Committee members think that a boundary line adjustment, is the better choice. Mr. Tucker said the Committee does not recommend either option to the Board but supportssome type of boundary line adjustment, If further.discus- sion is warranted, he tkinks a public hearing in the Scottsville area should be held. Mr. Marshall saidthe majority of Committee members agreed'on-optiOn 5, He personally thinks that is the,best option for the TOwnof Scottsville. He would like Board members~ to tour, the area so they could get abetter idea of whatis involved. He does not think.a good decision can be made-until:the Board takes a toUr. ~ -~ .Mr,. Bain said he SuppOrts. theconcept of a boundmry linc'adjustment.- He is undecidedon which'optiOn to proceed. ~He agrees,that before the Board continue discussions that it should take a tour of the land. Mr. Tucker then provided the .Board with a handout of an estimation of the number of dwelling units and the population,,already .in the Town and in the proposed boundary areas, Mr. Marshall said it is important that Board members understand that these ~additional~peopte are needed for the~ToWn.'s viability. The Town is so small, that theresa re not,enough people who ar~ willing to run for, Town~Coun- cill~ People~ are neededto keepthe Town functioning properly. Mrs. Perkins said he is concerned~ about whether these 238 potentialresidents want~to be ~art~of.~the Town~ Mr. Marshall~said that is the reason to hold a public hearing. He has had no one, approach him opposed to the boundary line adjustr ment,~The~ people in this,area feel that theyshOuldlhavecontr6l or,their o~n destiny. This is~a rural community that wants to-stay, rural The Chairmmn asked Mayor Thacker if he had any comments to add to the discUSsion Mayor~,Thacker~isaid he wants to resurrect the Town of Scottsville and make it a viable,~community., The Town, is the original Countyseat-and, one of the most~historic towns in,the Commonwealth of Virginia, The people want to make this a viable community, a place where the rest of the County will be proud' of.~'He, rheum.issued an invitation to theBoard ~to tour theareas includ- ed in options4 and 5 Mrs~.Humphris..,asked when the Board would, address some~of the issues~that were previously raiSed~ i.e,., readjustment of.the, magisterial districts, and land use that falls withina changed boundary. Mr. Tucker said stall_Can start providing all the necessary information tO the Board immediately. There was no further,discussion./ March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 6) M.B. 40, Pg. 229 Agenda Item No. 11. Scottsville Tour Board has been invited to tour the area under consideration for boundary adjustment by the Town of Scottsville. Mr. Tucker said the staff has received a letter, and been issued an invitation from Mayor Raymon Thacker, inviting the Board to a short tour of Scottsville to visualize the area being requested in the proposed boundary line adjustment. He thinks the tour would be helpful before holding a public hearing in Scottsville. He suggested that April 1, 1992 would be an appropri- ate date. Board members concurred. Agenda'~Item'No. 12. Moving of CSX Transportation Agency at Charlottes- vitle,~Virginia, and the Stations Under its Jurisdiction to the Richmond, Virginia, Transportation Service Center (deferred from March 4, 1992). Mr. Tucker said according, to,Mr~. William Elmore,~Direator of the Division of RailrOad Regulation, this agency move will affect two to three employees who are currently working in Charlottesville by transferring them to Richmond. This particular agency~ office is involved, with scheduling cars for freight service and~coordination with the.users of railroad freight. Most of this business is currently conducted~by telephoneand the move to, Richmond will provide an:~!800" number.for state-wide users.. This .move is.a result of centralization of~railroad~operations end, should not affectraiLservice~to the Charlottesville~Albemarle area. Agenda Item No. 13. Statement for I992~Spring Preallocation' Hearings for the,Interstate, Primary and Urban Systems. Mrs. Humphris suggested several typographical Corrections. On page 3, the last paragraph,~'Mrs, Humphris recommended thatthe second sentence state: "But, we are concernedbecause comparing the five-year overlap of the FY90-91 final allocation to the FY 91-92 final projected allocation shows that the County~lost more funding for its primaryroadprojects ..... !', She. thinks the Board needs to be technically accurate. Mr.~Bowerman indicated that he, Mrs..Humphris~and, Mr. Tucker would be attending~the hearing. Mr. Bain said he.may attend the"hearing. Mr. Bain suggested that whoever presents the statement should have informati~ on the vehicle counts on major routes and the nature of the traffic .... Mrs. Humphris said the County's shortfall in funds, compared to the rest of the Culpep~r.District,'.had nothing to do..with VDoT's~ errors incalculations on. ROute 29 North or'the bid~On the Route~250 East project. She thinks.it is possible that. the County is being punished. She also thinks theBoard needs to know howVDoT makes~ its deciSions. Mr. Tucker said when all of~ the funds in a .budget is not expended, the funds revert back. to a general fundand is. reallocated where theneedlis shown. A lot of factors are used to determine where the funds are reallocated, i.e., need, traffic count, completed studies, plansf~etc.~ Mr. Martin said he thinks the Board should acknowledge the fact that the County didget !!short changed" and leave it at that. Mr. Bain said he is concerned that VDoT does not believe the CountyknowS what is going on and that this has to be pointed out. Mr, Perkins said he thinks 'vq]oT needs to be accountable to the public, not only with those funds, but with local funds. Mrs. Humphris said she thinks it is important that VDoT is made aware~of this since, thisCounty is not,the only,one that has experienced this kind of "deal" from ~DoT There.wa~ no further discussion. Agenda Item No. 14. Other Matters Not Listedon the Agenda from the Mr. Tucker requested~the Board to authorize.thelChairman to sign a deed of ~conveyance and a plat for property along Berkmar Drive behind Rio'Hill March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 7) M.B. 40, Pg. 230 Shopping Center. There is approximately a three foot wide sliver of land that is needed for final construction of Berkmar Drive Extended. Mr. Perkins offered motion, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to authorize the Chairmmn to sign a deed of conveyance and plat for property along Berkmar Drive. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman. NAYS: None. CERTIFICATE OF PLAT The attached plat (on file), and courses and distances descrip- .. tion made by Roudahush, Gale & Assoc. Inc., certified Land. Surveyor, Charlottesville, Virginia, dated August 28, 1990, and last revised -~ Januaryl0, 1992~of the~landa~of Rio Mill Shopping~Center~ situatedin .~ Charlottesville Magisterial District, of the County_of Albemarle, Virginia, showing also Tax Map 45, Parcel 94, being a portion of the laud'acquired by the CoUnty of_ Albemarle'~by deed.~dated October 5, 1990 from WilliamW. Stevenson, Trustee for the. 659 .Land Trust; William W. Stevenson and Carol W. Stevenson, husband and wife; William W. Steven- son; Alton F. Martin, Jr., Executor Under the will of Alton F. Martin, Sro; and Encore Investors Limited Partnership, of rehord in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle CoUnty, Virginia, in Deed Book 1124, Page 245. The attached plat also showing Tax Map 45, Parcel 95A, being a portiontol the landacquired by the County School Board of Albemarle, by deed recorded in Deed Book 1128, page 650, with a plat attached and recorded in Deed Book.~lt28, page654, is~,hereby confirmed and submitted of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office~. TheBoard requested~the Clerk~to.advertisefor applications ~for~an appointee from the~business ~ommunitY to serve On the Architectural Review Board. ~TheBoard~suggeSted interviewslbe..held on May 6, 1992 .... ~ Mr.~Martin suggested that in,~the future, consideration be given to. sched- uling budget work sessions later in the afternoon,-or in the evening, The Board does~the,majority of its work and discussions on,the budget.during the work sessions. Itishard for members of the general publictO~attend a work session~at 1:00 P.M.. Mr.~Martin saidit is, hisunderstanding ~thatsomePeopte from the~.County and City are spearheading a war memorial to be'located in the City of Charottes- ville. He wanted tomake the Board aware of this because eventually the group will ask the~Boardfor financial support. Mr. Bowerman asked for a report on who maintains the Hillsdale detention basin. Mr. Bowerman,requested staffdraft a~response to a letter'received from the~Montvue Homeowners Association and include information that the ~Boardhas never said that Alternative 10 is necessary nor has. the Board, endorsed an alignment. Mr. Bowerman suggested that the letter be forwarded to the entire Board for review prior to his signature. Mr. Marshall announced that,:he had set up a .~meeting .withDr~ Carole Hastings, Director Of Hummn Resources, and representatives from Blue Cross/Blue Shield, to review the County's h~alth care insurance and see if the - County is getting what it is paying for. Mr. Bowerman announced that Mr. Larry, Fromme, from the Department of Economic Development, will be in Charlottesville on March 18, 1992. Mr. Fromme askedto~meet with ~imself, Mr.~ Tucker, the City Manager~and Mayor of the Cityof Charlottesville. A toUrof properties zoned industrial will, not take place until late April. March 11, 1992 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 8) M.B. 40, Pg. 231 Agenda Item No. 15. Adjourn. At 9:00 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to adjourn to March 13, 1992, at 12:30 P.M. for a luncheon meeting with City Council in Room 5/6. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Bain and Bowerman. NAYS: None. Chairman