HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000004 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2021-01-28� AI �h �lRGIISP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(4341296-5832 Fax(4341972-4126 Road Plan Review Project title: Berkmar Overlook Final Road & Utility Plan Project Tile number: SUB202000004 Plan preparer: Scott Collins, Collins Engineering 200 Garrett St., Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Owner or rep.: Berkmar Development, LLC / 2496 Old Ivy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Plan received date: 6 Jan 2020 (Rev. 1) 27 Mar 2020 (Rev. 2) 2 Jun 2020 (Rev. 3, 3a) 27 Sep 2020' 12 Oct 2020 (print error resubmittal ) (Rev. 4) 11 Dec 2020 Date of comments: 28 Feb 2020 (Rev. 1) 19 May 2020 (Rev. 2) 22 Jul 2020, revised 31 Jul 2020 [ Also, email to Applicant, 7/31/2020 3:28 PM ] (Rev. 3) 22 Oct 2020 (Rev. 4) 28 Jan 2021, email 1/28/2021 10:08 AM Reviewer: John Anderson SUB202000004 1. Sheet 1: Revise sheet list table consistent with revised sheet titles. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 2. Include .PDF of public road acceptance procedures on the road plan, link to .PDF outline of procedures: httD://www.albemarle.or2/uDload/images/forms center/departments/Community DeveloDment/forms/En2i neering and WPO Forms/Road IRSDectlons & Acceptance - Public Road Acceptance Procedure 07- 26-2012.udf (Rev. 1) Addressed, 3. Sheet 3: Until Swede Street continues SW, stripe two (2) proposed on -street parallel parking spaces SW of intersection with Marsac Street `No parking' to limit parking, or else provide a turnaround meeting ACDSM turnaround std. at end of Swede Street for vehicles utilizing these 2 parallel parking spaces. Design cannot force drivers utilizing on -street parking to enter private driveways or to perform multi -point, in -street maneuvers to reverse car direction prior to exiting this portion of the development. Drivers would be required to do one or the other under current design. (Rev. 1) Addressed, 4. Provide PC -PT tangents and roadway CL curve data on the plan. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Sheets 3, 4 5. Provide and show retaining wall easements. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant (3/23/20 letter): `The wall and maintenance easements are now shown and labeled on the plans, see sheets 3 and 4.' 6. Revise sheet 3 and 4 sheet titles to site layout. A road plan does not approve a site plan. (Rev. 1) Addressed, 7. Certain driveway entrances intersect or fall within curved sections of curb at intersections. Locate driveway entrances outside intersections. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 8. Revise linework, sheets 3 and 4 consistent with VDOT Std. entrance gutter detail (CG-9B) [VDOT detail removed with Rev. 2 review J. 2' R and entrance width accurately depicting Min. R may affect placement of water meters, utilities, DIs, etc. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Examples: Lot 20, Lots 25-26: possible conflicts between DI, water meter, drive entrance, if provide CG- Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 9B linework. [ Example plan images removed with Rev. 2 review. ] 9. Show /label bollards at emergency access tie to Woodburn Road. Provide bollard detail. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 10. Provide recorded sight distance easements prior to final plat approval, or with final plat. (Rev. 1, Persists. Applicant: `The sight distances are shown on the plans, and the sight distance will be recorded on the subdivision plat. The Deed book and page will be added to the final site plan, but not the road plans (this set of plans) as the road plans will need to be approved prior to the subdivision plat being recorded. Then, the site plan is approved after these (2) approvals and the recordation of the plat. The recordation in formation will be added to the final site plan.' (Rev. 2, 3, 4) No revision to Road Plan required, comment relates to final plat approval. 11. Sheets 7, 8: Multiple driveways serving attached units are proposed to be steeper than 5% Nato A CPS r [ Guidance removed with Rev. 2 review ]: [guidance text removed] To the extent site plan requirements apply to attached units, please note Max. grade for parking spaces is 5%. [18-4.12.15.c.] (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `As discussed during the engineering meeting, this comment is removed. Driveways are not required to adhere to the 5% max slope. However, as discussed in the meeting, the driveway slopes have been adjusted, and there are no driveway slopes steeper than 8% or 9%.' 12. Sheet 9: Revise sheet title to Berkmar Overlook — VSMP /WPO Plan. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Review error. Sheet 16 17(Rev. 1) 13. Several retaining walls cross lot lines (Lots 22/23, 25-27, 24-27; 35-42). Albemarle requires Agreement assign maintenance responsibility for retaining walls that cross multiple lot lines to either the subdivision HOA, or property owners in question. This agreement is recorded prior to final plat approval, or with the final plat, to reference retaining wall easements shown on the final plat. (Rev. 1, 2) Persists. Applicant: `As noted in comment #5, the wall and maintenance easements have been shown on the plan sheets, and these easements will be put to record with the subdivision plat, prior to the approval of the final site plan.' (Rev. 2, 3, 4) No revision to Road Plan required. Requirement will be addressed with final subdivision plat. 14. Note: Flow in pipe between structures 6 and 4 is 96.4% of capacity. Recommend a more conservative design approach in this section of system. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 15. Increase pipe diameter, slope, or both between SWM and Str. 48. Proposed flow (27.22 cfs) is 99.93% of capacity. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 16. Str. 38 and outfall. Proposed flow (27.22 cfs) is 99.93% of capacity. Provide margin for error to cover unforeseen incidents. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 17. Increase pipe diameter, slope, or both between Str. 48 and 38. Proposed flow (27.22 cfs) is 99.2% of capacity. Provide margin to cover incidence of obstruction, surge, etc. (Rev. 1) Addressed, 18. Provide spot elevations along gutter to ensure 0.14 cfs carryover of inlet 30 reaches inlet 28. (Rev. 1) Addressed, Sheet 11 19. Provide VDOT cross -drains at: (Rev. 1) Addressed. a. Swede Street, —Sta. 11+10, 13+85 (cut /fill transition) b. Swede Street, Sta. 14+34.74, 14+64.74 (low point sta.) c. Marsac Street, —Sta. 10+25, 13+00 (cut /fill transition) d. Empire Street, —Sta. 10+10, 11+80, 15+00 (cut/fill trans) 20. On road profiles, provide intersecting street name labels. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 21. Sheet 19: Avoid canopy tree /DI conflicts, Lot 33, 34. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Sheet 20: Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 22. Provide fencing or similar protection for existing cemeteries. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 23. Avoid canopy tree /DI conflict, Lot 52, Lot 16, and north of proposed recreation field. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Conflict persists at Lot 16. (Rev. 2) Comment persists. Provide more distance between DI and center of proposed landscape canopy tree at Lot 16. .PDF of revised design welcome. Send as e- attachment, sheet 20, only. Flag email hi -priority; send today, if possible. Ref, image, image removed with Rev. 3 review. ] (Rev. 3) Addressed. New items (2.4., below) and previously noted item (L) are review comments that require design or plan - related response. Also, please see email to Applicant, July 31, 2020 3:28 PM: Please see update to Engineering road plan review comments. CV comments: `UPDATE 0anderson2 7/31/2020 3:27 PM) Revised Engineering Division ROAD Plan review comments include not -new comments sent with email on 6/23/2020 identified as requesting revision to Berkmar Overlook Road Plan. Items 2.4. follow a more -detailed review of SUB202000004 that compares existing conditions with improvements /demolition proposed to occur (near or) on TMP 45-112F: 1. Please ref. first /second emails, a./b. below, and provide design remedy to address non -compliant parking space geometry outlined in these 6/23 emails. (Rev. 3) Addressed. a. First email: June 23, 2020 12:52 PM, with appearance of CV -system memo —Also attached to (this) email sent to Applicant, 3:28 pm, this date. b. Second email: 6/23/2020 4:32 PM —this email makes explicit reference to both site and road plan revisions. 2. Provide recorded (offsite) sight -distance easement across TMP 45-112F so that proposed sight distance easement is continuous along Berkmar Drive, south of development entrance. (Rev. 3) Persists. Applicant response (9/12/20 letter): `The off -site sight distance easement shall be recorded across TMP 45- 112F as required, it is now labeled on sheet 3.' (Rev. 4) Persists, met with easement plat, and not required for ROAD plan approval. 3. Obtain a temporary construction easement to demolish or construct improvements on TMP 45- 11217, as proposed with Road Plan SUB202000004. A right -of -entry (ROE) letter from owner of TMP 45- 112F may suffice. (Rev. 3, 4) Persists. Applicant: `A right -of -entry (ROE) letter from the owner of TMP 45-112F shall be provided as required.' 4. Clearly, accurately depict existing conditions on TMP 45-112F. Please see satellite imagery (Pictometry2, image d. 6/26/20). Also, a satellite image is attached to CV Memo sent 3:28 pm, this date. (Rev. 3) Addressed. [ image removed with Rev. 3 review. ] Please feel free to call if any questions. Thank you J. Anderson 434.296-5832 -x3069 SUB202000004 Berkmar Overlook RP 0 1282 1 rev4