HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201600058 Plan - Other (not approved) 2021-04-07 (2)2 VICINITY MAP c-OO SCALE: 1 "= 1000, SITE DATA SD P 2 O 1 l� /� 0 0 0 5 8 SITE PLAN NUMBER: SDP82-29, SDP201600058 LEGAL REFERENCE: 061WO-02-OB-00200 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR R PARCEL ADDRESS: 450 GREENBRIER DR CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 o� DALY'S � NE T\LLSOURCE OF TITLE: DB 4682 PAGE 153 OWNER/APPLICANT: GREENBRIER EAST, LLC TAX MAP /TAP 61W, SECTION 2 PARCEL B 2 255 IPSWICH PL 9 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ]CIO DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ZONING: C1-COMMERCIAL Purpose of This Major Site Plan Amendment 1. The purpose of this Major Site Plan Amendment is to construct a new automobile repair facility and associated parking. \ TMP 61W-2—B-1 \ Albemarle First Bank, Inc. \ DB 1813-45 / \ Zoning: C1 , Use: Commercial r r r / i TMP 61W-2—B—lA JMC Enterprises, LLC DB 3640-659 �/ TMP 61W / Use: Office / ri /, \\\ ` \ Zoning: Cl / / Greenbrier Real Property, LLC r / ,/ \ DB 2686-247 Zoning: Cl Use: Commercial TMP 61W-2—B-2 Greenbrier East, LLC `� `� r ae1 / / / `� / / �, /• \ TMP 61W-2—B-5 J / / r DB 4682-153 r p`b / ,ry Zoning: C1 N/F FMW Partnership / 41 ,r 1.318 Acres ��� a \\ \ r Zoning: Cl `� SC) � �\ Use: Commercial \ / / qV Is, \ e \ MAXIMUM SON L.3 MINIMUM SONT ETBACK \ / ' e \\\`� / 5 +'• �x H�9hnm9W 6 New1St •. N 82'39' W q3 00 4 � AyfOmoyi/pp� SF�i7yi�9 52" IN h. '`Exist.. Sidewalk.. .. 210.06 _ CURVE ARC LENGT ADIUSDELTA ANGL HORD BEARIN HORD LENGT C1 31.78 25.00 72'S0 04 N 71'45 10 E 29.68 C2 1156.95 830.00 10'S0 04 IN 77'14 50 W 156.72 C3 54.12 446.69 6'56 31 S 79'11 36 E 54.09 1 PARCEL OVERVIEW —00 SCALE: 1" = 30' .• 90 Land Use Table Description Pre -Development % Post -Development % Buildings 7,225 12.6% 12,225 21.3% Paved 16,068 28.0% 24,720 43.1% Total Impervious 23,293 40.6% 36,945 64.4% Pervious 34,119 59.4ak 20,467 35.6% Total 57,412 100.00/0 57,412 100.0a/ OVERLAY DISTRICTS: AIA-AIRPORT IMPACT, STEEP SLOPES (MANAGED), ENTRANCE CORRIDOR CURRENT USE: COMMERCIAL (57,412 SF) PROPOSED USE: OFFICE AND AUTOMOBILE REPAIR (MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT IS 20-FEET) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: RIO \ BUILDING SETBACK: FRONT MINIMUM: 10 FEET FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR THE EXTERIOR EDGE OF THE \ SIDEWALK IF THE SIDEWALK IS OUTSIDE OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. FRONT MAXIMUM: 30 FEET FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR THE EXTERIOR EDGE OF THE SIDEWALK IF THE SIDEWALK IS OUTSIDE OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. \ SIDE AND REAR MINIMUM: NONE \\\ SIDE AND REAR MAXIMUM: NONE \ \ PARKING/LOADING SETBACK: FRONT MINIMUM: 10 FEET FROM ANY PUBLIC STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. \ SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: PLAT RECORDED IN DB 705 PAGE 348 SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: 4-FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS MAPS (USGS DATUM). 2-FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM FIELD RUN SURVEY BY MERIDIAN PLANNING GROUP, LLC. ON SEPTEMBER 8TH 2O15. A VISUAL VERIFICATION WAS PERFORMED ON DECEMBER 12, 2018 PARKING SCHEDULE: REQUIRED: OFFICE: OFFICE NET FLOOR AREA = 1,019 SF 1 SPACE/200SF= 1,019/200SF = 6 SPACES RETAIL: RETAIL FLOOR AREA = 1,335 SF 1 SPACE/100SF= 1,335/100SF = 14 SPACES WAREHOUSE: 1 SPACE PER WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE = 1*2 =2 SPACES AUTOMOBILE REPAIR: 2 SPACES PER BAY = 2*6 = 12 SPACES 1 SPACE PER EMPLOYEE = 1*6 = 6 SPACES TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED = 40 SPACES PROVIDED: 46 SPACES (INCLUDES 3 HANDICAP SPACES) SWM VOLUME CONTROL: PROVIDED BY DETENTION BASIN SWM-1 SWM WATER QUALITY: PROVIDED BY PURCHASE OF NUTRIENT CREDITS ��04\ o O WATER SERVICE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY SANITARY SERVICE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY O 1 RESERVOIR WATERSHED: THIS PARCEL IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY RESERVOIR WATERSHED. /r O \ ro �. SHEET INDEX LEGEND C-001 ......... COVERSHEET / / C-101 ......... EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN LP LIGHT POLE N � KD 0lD b w I � Exist Pressure Hydrant 10623 Trip Generation Table Land Use: Automobile Care Center(942) AM I PM size in out in I out 5,000 s.f. 7.425 3.825 11.4432 1 12.3968 C-201 ........ SITE PLAN C-202 ........ GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C-203 ........ LANDSCAPING PLAN C-204 ........ LIGHTING PLAN C-205 ........ SITE DETAILS C-301 ........ POST DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS C-401 ........ MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN SIGNATURE PANEL BUILDING SETBACK ® MANAGED SLOPES FENCE FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY 0 z o L2 a Q o i�i d i r r } m m M Z Q Q U Z 0 M V) ?< W W O � O U 0 (n WD = U Z U z � o �aC\2o O a � oU� O O-"��1W � W co >U OI Z4 �k coi=A �UU�a LJ * WEW WUU z Zaxa � Z C� z w z w w w w w w E O O O O O O w z z z z z z 0 D D D D D D O O O O O O �I—INI11)I�tIInI�0 W � W W W �Q > O w J O O U W ~ H o w o _ cn SHEET NO. C-001 SHEET 1 of 9 7\111, $ 0 1-1 a Q m m m m V o 0 CD 0 -450 / % // �� // o 0 Exist. Gravel (To Be Removed) \\\\ +st � o \OBseh 70, EC" C12 '51 Exist. Concrete Pad \ J �4 \ \ // CQ Exist. 20' Public // \ ~ W �� ( ) // \\ + \ / DB Dra13384 108nage ment / /� > a a To Be Removed F . _ 9', \\ // (Portion To Remain) / � mq w E C3ozo 4 —� I \ \\ / / wax Zama �WC) / Portion of Exist. 6" PVC To Be ee Removed oo4 ° aii / Exist. Waterline \ I J �I II I Exist. 20' Public , (To Be Removed) v Drainage Easement o / C. o �/ L DB 3384-108 J 9 J Exist. 20' Public c�, Drainage Easement } o��w /..:* // / DB 915-662 w Jy /, . / / \w- / 1 \\\\ 60, c /c�. / // Exist. Pavement (To Be Removed) / I / Exist. 18" RCP I F+i (To Be Removed) I T°S S C�v``� G \ MAXI FRON\\ /� �� // /I /)/�°s // 9 0� Exist. Gas �) SE ACK I Exist. 10'en Sewer l/ \\ \\\\ / 4 Q� \ Valve \ \ Easement e —------------ — ---- �\ \ \\�� � � I I I DB 425-143 / \� / 4D Exist\ "TB R\ \\ �) Exist. 14" \\ / I I / — F. / 4J `v11NIFRO Mu \ \ / \ I ii0 °ti a oo rn rn o � ��ETBgCI Exist. 20" TBR Exist. �27 TBR \ I 434- %�• < , < \ ist. Sidewalk Exist. Manhole �' �'� o M Exist. 400' Sight _ \ I ��� — and Curb j'--� %I \—(To Be Removed)�} N \ Distance Easement \a I (To Be Removed) — — — — — — — DB 1000-0718 — — — — benchmark 1: Exist.. Sidew I I \ alk .. J � J Corner Drop Inlet / P n n n n Elevation = 446.47 \ F ��� ♦ \ z z z z z z z w w w w w w �� // / \ A8• \ I Sawcut �� ��� o� 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 Exist. Sidewa� \ F — O o w z z Mill and Overl I kisf. _Side lost ♦, C o > ay I walk 78„ and Curb Remove 49' of o o s 0 0 0 0 0 0 (To Be Removed) + / 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exist_24" RC� _ 3Q/.' \ Sawcut 1' from / w IN, Exist 8„ / ///GREEI�BRIER D �\ Exist 10„ S EWMt. i \\ edge of gutter Sanitary ROUTE B66 R \ anitary a — 428 ❑ E— Exi f„ R P \ p N \ \ / 60' PUB R \ ❑5I 8$ \ 1 _ LIC /W � b i _ Corner Drop Inlet CS \ \\ \\ \\ / — — 3 / / �GQ Elevation = 426.79 " I \ Q Exist Pressue rW [� Hydrant 10623—_ / O_ Exist 48" RCP /\ / / — 4} S/� / \ a O O J O W -j w �x �— Ld W a_ cn SHEET NO. 20' 0 20' 40' 60' C 1 0 1 SCALE: 1"=20' SHEET 2 of 9 `1 a a Z 1) 1w \ %✓ (� z V) _ / O Q / Q Q m m m U W W N o g , LLJ _ / / > 0 NM 00 �N, / Start CG-2 �D U'tx F W R � // // / / 5 `� `�v/ ❑ New 6' Wood // // ~ Z a � Px 19 Screen Fence / / W / Y GCS no016 8k 9CFs S°}fie\ \ / z 76 Handicap ®® V. d tong w�. Parking V, LP Sign �a LP ew / 10 Du pster SSPA S,o ES tK (0 d I \ \ oc /mod' \ oe +2S O�� a J SPA N 9 9� V 60. /ems �� 3 8k16 5'R ��J ❑3 /p+ o P 2Q p ACFS CG\ y� �• 4' MAXIMUM SE \� // `� Cc 6 xs + LP 9/k� ACK ++++++++ U Handicap ` C / * �� / y96F � h o / + + + + Parking Sign G 2 a76 R ��125;�� .. .. orote ao rn rn o MINI FRO i , + + + + + + 3� Cho W MUM NT V� / + + + + + + +\ate ¢ N N N Ne y .4 /.. `� 30' + + + + �a Of-Neigh/nn9 H �s w J Sto NdWoad w 6' d + + + W 432� 4 AUt°mob1z' S- ing • Screen ence + < Re / Exist.. 438gsir (6 e e O z w w w w w w Sidewalk .. CG-12 � w HV �J ���Q- CG- A t(eUildi° AC a 0 0 0 0 0 0 �� �� �' 12 � °n� Fn9 wi/l sop• Q o � c� c� c� c� c� c� O! ce en / N CoerrIb, �\g w ................................. New �Xist..Sidewolk o New Curb o 0 0 0 0 0 Emergency Storm Water / \ — Spillway Management and Sidewalk Basin SWM-1 / \ — ® ,y. • / _ GREENS ` — — RIER DR �..... EwMt. �Z N rr7 an cD _ ROUTE g66 8 60' PUBLIC a ❑ 8D R/W w a oe Q \ \ — Exist Pressur3 Z 0 — — Hydrant 1062 W / 0 p (D (� m d r4 Mill & Overlay \ // a H Q i%) \ ^ \ W Full Depth Pavement To Match Existing Pavement in Greenbrier Drive L / Ld w SITE PLAN NOTES: / `�� ��� / `�� � SHEET N0. 1. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the " ^ Entrance corridor shall be eliminated. l 2 O I 2. Knox Box required, contact Albemarle County 20' 0 20' 40' 60' v Fire Marshal office for location. SCALE: 1"=20' 1 SHEET 3 of 9 a i / v \ O O co = v' _ co rn cn Of o a O -1 M M M mo � 3 0 0 Ld 450/ ` /, C\2-i 701 / \ / F.c�C TC 45.07\ \R2seot Se / / \ \ \ \ \ / `\ Z o U 2' Wipedown ` R3 / / \ �� 0 > C W a�icoz \ Exist. 20' Public DB Drainage3384 Easement /� > Z4 TC 44.70 st 8. �\ /' (Portion To Remain) / v 9 Q Flush Curb / `� S \ \ \ / �/ � a r4 w /\oo\\ / TC/P 39.40 \ \\ // * wEz oo 8B1 /own \ New 6' PVC Z a x P 4� 42 /� �L \ Drain / P 39�20 I TC/P 39.� 14- 1 � ioe \\\ A\ I I I / \ V / W TC 45` \ s "/L. tor°g� \ New 20' Public / a .02 / \ \ A oo \�\ Drainage Easement P 43.94 QB 5399 PG 549 TC o c°j �� TC 3.43 / I \\ TC 44 8 / I Exist. 2 ub' \ \11 Ne S' TC 41.05 - C 39.� IF 39. D ainag gCSq DB 33 4-10- \ -- \\ Exist. 20' Public c� xo i� / °�. / \ T S3gg pide� en/ I C 3�.50 �8„ , Drainage Easement \ ---- - - 4 5r 5491 0DB 915-662 �k TC 41.7 - - - - - F-(°-�?O P 38.27 9' k TC P 38.90 D0TC 40.7II1 I , `60 TC 4 . 0 / / o \ /' TC 39.00 TC 38.45 q 4 TCI TC 3 .66 N TC 38.50 \ \ \ / �4� y FL 38.00 Exist. 10Sewer \ Exist. Gas �\ \ �I/ I Easement Q ro \ Valve \ \ \ \ \ k �O TC 39.65 DB 425-143 I I , TC/F 3�8g \ \\_ - _ D ew 2.5' Curb Cut I MN NewSwMeVteF/o bewRP �.' .' wo�\BVc�opt/�� Dg F4sern °C!lit Me °akfio 2 , �° FL 38.45 a ° / \ /PcA w m rn rn oN \ TC 38.35 / N S en y w TC 39.4(� I SA M 4f. Reto4hn Pg �/3 New / o,s Roof Or \ 8 \ �i. y \ o \ "2 N Exist. 400' Sight ,.< . \ I TW H Pht a Ho/l se. for or9e of s \ TC 39.50 ei g S n N o N Distance Easement ° I TC 38.20 I w eW 360 4' 4%, 5000 Set. oi/o-in nto DB 1000-0718 ' TC 39.25 8„ \ 3p0 - New pil/w rkz ye g - WM�/ � pedo 21 / / \ Exist.. Sidewalk \ alk .. � Op \ Se of 4 0,, C/P wn i I I Porotor er 38,gs (6 eOi New HV 38S Q 8B o \ 3 m I N w 4' PVC S nitary ♦ z z z z z z °w 2 p f oemi/di , �F9oiP. / ' • °c / Z P F s C O s399 111 5 Or ntronce °reen ice' c?°� / o �' a- 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ / / ..................... 1'...............:/ - - ^ \ D S49 Ira F - Oorr/dor . �o met / p �J � 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ °se y - -432 - - i \ _ y> y ............................ TG'.36'.O�L' Exist. i - - nt ¢� �, o o > > > p p z 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ �.'. New \. . \ Storm Water .Sidewolk °< 78., � � / o � ..................... . \Emergency \ �� ��. 0 0 0 0 0 0 \............................. Spillway Management p r \ Basin SWM-1 \ - pb 50 9 / o p+ -\, \ m / \ I Exist 8" Sanitary / /' GREEI�BRIER �\ Exisr 10" nit Si.st. \ - 0 \ I / ROUTE 86 DR S° ory (' , --4z8- �- Exi T5„ R P N 60' PUBLIC R ��' \ / W ------ --------/ /' Exist Pressure i--i - - - - - - -®---_ _� - _ �} Hydrant 10623 -i F-I Exist 48" RCP w Q Lj<� \ \ \ \ II I I UTILITY NOTES: \ \ \ / / \ \ x `�� 1. EXISTING 5/8" WATER METER TO BE REPLACED WITH 1" WATER METERLLJ . \ \\ \ \ \I \ \ \ 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM IF THE EXISTING 5/8" SETTER CAN BE \ / \ \ \ \ �8" RC \ \\ / 0 LLJ \ \ \ USED FOR THE 1" METER. IF NOT THEN A NEW TAP SHALL BE MADE \ v \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ AND THE OLD TAP ABANDONED. \ \ SHEET N0. \` 20' 0 20' 40' 60' C-202 SCALE: 1 "=20' SHEET 4 of 9 County of Albemarle Ce fion Plan Checklist - To be placed on Landscape Plans 03001book, pp III-284-111-297 for complete specifications) -- L3 Trees to be sang \ / / EN Limits of clearing {attdde dttpline of treasila savedk \ / ELII Location and type of protective fencing 0 Grade changes requiring tree wells or walls; ❑ Proposed trenching or tunneling beyond the limits of clearing. 2 rMa lk : � All hoes to be saved shall be tnarksd with print or ribbon at a height cleuudy visible to equipment operators. go grading shall begin until the tree marling has been inspected and approved by a County Inspector. v / L onstraetion Conference: LO Tree preservation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site. / \ 4. Eaalomeot Operation and Sterare: / © Heavy equipment, vehicular traffic and storage of construction materials including soil shall not be permitted within the driptines of tress to be saved. S. Sat Eraien and Bbarffiw!!!r Detention Mvlces• �G��yIF d r • w � z 3 O o N N \ _ of V) Ek� O a F-- Oz Q Q m m m U O Of o N w S ❑ Such devices shall not adversely affect trees toQ be saved, / / U 6. Flrear 1 L are not permitted within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. �\ / / TREE CANOPY 7. Toxic &Wah--, . — / CANOPY REQUIRED (10% OF TOTAL AREA) ...... 57412*0.10 = 5,741 SF Z ls "I not be stored within 100 fed of the dripline of urn to be saved. \ �i� �� / / CANOPY PROVIDED.................................................................... 5,755 SF � Z & Protective Fendmr: / / \ — — — \ / STREET TREES o D Trees to be retained within 40 feet of a proposed building or grading activity shall be protected by fencing. o ® Fencing shall be m place rmd shall be inspected and approved by a county Inspectorprior to grading or construction. / / \ \ / TREES REQUIRED (1 /40 LF) ............. 513/40 = 13 a x W or E& $ // / \ TREES PROVIDED ........... 14 (13 T-2 and 1 T-6) Z E- CQ N o �oU II When the ground lent must be raised within the drip] ne of a tree to be saved a tree well shall be provided end a construction detail \ / PLANTING SPACE �� 0 + 9 submitted for approval. \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ / PLANTING SPACE REQUIRED (5% OF PAVED PARKING AND TRAVELWAY AREA) ....... 24,720 SF *0.05 = 1,236 SF N .Wa o? z 10. Tree Walls: \ — / \ \ PLANT SPACE PROVIDED .................... 560(#1)+160(#2)+224(#3)+275(#4)+275(#5)+144 (#6)+77(#7) = 1,715 SF > (4 6 a,,, When the ground level must be lowered the dtlplioa atrce to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a construction detail \ \ / ` / / / \ \ \ / � U ul co a submitted for approval. / PARKING AREA a F .. W NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES ................ 46 * E" z 11. chln¢andTunnelina: /\ / \� \ / TREES REQUIRED (1/10) .......... 46/10 = 5 w o O When trenching is required within the ting, it shall be done as far away from the bunks of trees as possible. Tunneling rge > TRESS PROVIDED 12 r-i Z a px .................................... +ntlaae4nri under a latree shall be considered as an allpmtive when it is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder mots. -450 / x / \ \\ \ LANDSCAPE NOTES: W 0 U L12. C9euuo: / / / \ / \ 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the W Protective fincing "be fia-ytillurna irmarved &vmg*~&nnup, // ���\♦ �8� — � I 1 / / \ / topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall � Z / ♦♦ \ \\ health of the plant. VarnandTir : / / / \ ♦ \ / / 2. Slopes greater than 3:1 shall be stabilized with low maintenance shrubs S-2 & S-3 planted 6' on center. a 1?amagedtrces ha pby_pnmmg,c ar�r�arhodsre�nrendedbyatraa,pmdbt / \�♦ �4�6 �' / Z rr*Tm NSMMITY c� RWrMTHECONTRACTORONTJ=CONSZRVA:TION / ♦♦ \ \ \ 1 LANDSCAPING SCHEDULEjdEQW / ♦ ♦ T-4 \ \ / \ \ -20 SCALE: NTS / // ♦ PLANTING <\ \ AREA #6 SIGN TE) / ♦ 144 SF // ♦♦ S-11 (3 CONTRACTPURCHASEk New 6' PVC Drain toro� \ New 20 Public / 9 A ea . \� Drainage Easement / �-QB 5399 PG 549 : � PLANTING 0 m m o -4 (2\�\ / Ne 27AASF5 — I I \ \\ // Ld N �_ AN NG / \� / Qe iFOchSq ARE #7 s39gp0ide% me/ P(�AN I J _ \��8 \ S4g/ I I A Ej \ �� T 4I Tree Protection Fencing z ���� ----- —Jw w w w w wPLANTING 0 \ tx / \ a. -4 \ ` AREA #3 -- 224 SF a- O O O O O O 4 S-1 ( // ci l F+is c U U U U \ i U d 10, \ T t n \ i \\ //♦ N/ 1AR (2) o> 0 0 0 0 05 4 T-2 `` ♦ 4 .4 a. 1T-5 T-2 4 \ tectioi4\Fen cin xist. 14 ° I / ——.4.Y... C — •NW 1\ PLANTING I I News (7 " \ T-2 ♦�S I AREA 2 "N d / FO Fo boa Rp2 J • . y' / \ 1�1,9 160 SF Og sera of/it kfl i i P / _ \ / , New Szos e' y aW S Co oz N r) � u7 co T- I T-3 I 5A "� Mok Retoiryin p0 113 New 1 dschorf �roi / AQ \ — - T- ♦ II S-� 7 I P eTW 4 B"9ht 9 wol/ Nse, q SO tort' 9 9e inf s sh \ i as \ / 5 ) ro 8,. W 432 0 ` 4 — Ne ot0mobi/ Op SFuldry9 — _o Swl w Oil FF e R Seporotaoter Fo438s� it % nit r 4ys) i9udn �qC F 8B f c: \ T-2 T- T- Og S 2p, P from Fry9 Will 9c / .1'.. ..'.. " 39g pCb�4g rot- troryoe Cor /a �G v�o� moo` / \ / / — F __ _ or ................................. ose 43 \ W —ryt 2 / /...i...............................................................................................\ Storm' Water ........... } ••• Emergency _ Q U1 ........ ,............................. Spillway Management ... �} r� \ \ `\\ \ — _ / / /.............................. \\ Basin SWM-1 ....................... f Dsturbs ce Its o\ ,4 — — / --LL1 QD w Ld / o _ SHEET NO. LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE SYMBOL KEY NAME SPECIES QUANTITY Minimum Size CANOPY PER TREE SUBTOTAL CANOPY T-2 American Beech Fagus grandifolia 13 2.5" caliper 227 2951 ® T-3 Pignut Hickory Carya glabra 2 2.5" caliper 61 122 T-4 Saurwaod oxydendron 5 2.5" caliper 138 690 arbareum T-5 Cherry Tree Primus avium 1 N/A N/A N/A ® T-6 'Greenspire' Littleleaf Linden tilia cordata'greenspire' 8 2.5" caliper 249 1992 ® S-1 Japanese Holly ilex Crenota 42 Height =24" N/A N/A ys S-2 Redtop Panicgrass panicum rigidulum 45 Planted 6' OC N/A N/A S-3 Wild Hydrangea hydrangea 40 Planted 6'OC N/A N/A arborescens S-4 Winter Jasmine lasminum nudiflorum 16 Height=24" N/A N/A TOTAL= 5755 20' 0 20' 40' 60' 1 ON ME ME ON IN IN IN ME IN ME SCALE: 1"=20' SHEET 5 of 9 Schedule Symbol ❑ Label Quantity 1 Manufacturer NLS UghI N LLC Catalog Number NV-1-T3-64L-]-30K-UNV- HSS mopnted On a NLS Des�,rrtkoh NV SERIES WITH T3 OPTICS, BLACK HOUSE SIDE SHIELD Lamp LED Number Lamps Filerame 1 NV-1-T3-64L-]- 30K-HSS.IES Winners, Per Lamp 8572 Light Loss Factor 1 waut'i, 136 D SSSP 15 45 7G9BC SGL 0 BRZ 3430 POLE 1 NLS Lighar, LLC NV-I-T349L-1-30K-UNV MOUNTED ON A NLS SSSP T3 silicone opti6 LED 1 NV_I_1oT 48L-1- MK.IES 177M 1 156 15 45 7G 98C SGL BRZ 0 3430 POLE 2 NLS Ughting, LLC NV-1-T3481_-1-30K-UNV T3 silicone optic LED L NV-1-T346L-1- 17780 1 312 HZ MOUNTED ON A NLS SSSP 301(JES 15 4S 7G 911C D-180 an 3430 POLE ❑ NLS Ughting, LLC NV-1-T3-48L-1-30K-UNV 73 silicone optics LED 1 NV-1-T34aL-1- 177M 1 156 MOUNTED ON A NLS SSSP 301(JES L.J 15 4S 7G 98C D-180 glitz 3430 POLE ., NLS Ughtlng, LLC NV-1-T3-98L-1-30K-UNV T3 silicone optics LED 1 NV-1-T3-48L-1- 1]]80 1 156 MOUNTED ON A NLS SSSP 30K.IE5 15 4S 7G 9BC 0-180 SRZ 3430 POLE F_ Luminaire Locations No. Label MH 11 Tilt 1 11 © 11 1 11 ® 11 offs in ® 11 1 11 ® 11 1 11 ® 11 1 11 ® 11 1 11 ® 11 1 11 NV SERIES AREA LIGHTING FORM AND FUNCTION- - '.; Sleek, low profile housirlgti� 1 Spec grade performance � Jl, a Engineered for optimuma °In a eke a ° rt ticaI system deR�ig 'Parking Lotsa a ° " =4Aufo Dealershl 4 ° -General Area, ° )NSTRUCTION, Die Cast Aluminu ° External cooling °f ° '0'�u-`o'N Coin Idessta"nt, t,rW446;-, c v e4c ..Pvi ,;vv, �y w„� vwael LISTINGS, _..Two-piece silicone Micro OptisWem ensures lP-67�•��`s� _. o •Certified to UL 1598' �. level seal around each PCB =43. 77 �.,4,1 • DIE8750 • Grade 2 Clear Anodized Optics Pldt�sstaddart�'^�i�,{�, _ 4 an d'r CSA C22 2 No. 250.0 ' ' FINISH J.. io r'� - ep DesignLights Consortium (DLC) d -oat �':� �. •-3-5 mils electrostatic powder c DesignLights Consortium Premium'(DLCP) .. NLS' standard highquality hmshes Prevent corrosion IP65/ IP6T Rated - protects against and extreme envlronmeriW c-0rldmoqns- 3G Vibration Rated per ANSI C136 31 2010 - 1"i" Ak she c°m,YT Z n,•;, n r I`o. ' C eaL itsI 1 WARRANTY ; / AMIN Five year limited warranty far drivers and LEDs - LEDWATTAGECHART - - stiff IPs in 100 mINarIP 53w A, It158x' - 2(l5w ]CUL - 316w NV-2 3f8w 4�w s3ii pope 2B,v TOO m110ampF t1i 71w 1Gos 1]0w 1F - it x 2,*a 265w Project Name: Type: IAIVI I 7.3 1 01- 7 1.30 ViVii DA I R F I '. I (T2) (16L) (35) (30K) (UNV) INv-I:1 (32y (T3) d-(4BL) : (40K) (HV) '(64L) (53) (NV-2) (T4) (50K) (961) (T) M2L) 81) I nl q (N2) 1 r � L= (N3),5 NLS NV SERIES LIGHTING AREA LIGHTING FORM AND FUNCTION - - Sleek, low profile housing °;� •�'o - - • Spec grade performance r' ` • Engineered for optimum thermal managemen � Low depreciation' rate Reduces energy consumptlgn andcosts up tc 65 • Exceeds ES foot candle levels'uhllzing the lea$t num ' ' of poles and fixtures per pr 'r'­ f) '' a`-y• • Optical system desilried f r ° Parking Lots '°Iso -,Auto Dealership.'' °a a p il^ ° °{{{ General A --'General CONSTRUCTION ago°p° e °p v' °r r, o° • Dili Cast Aluminu • Ezjeinalb646 s"F' merle • Conossiodn rnnn�ant externs • -Orie•ptece shicone'gasket ensureslP 6� aeaa� r` electronics compartment i • One-piece Optics Plate' mounting silicone Micro Optics LISTINGS . Two-piece silicone Micro Optic system ensures IP 67 ., Certified to UL 1598 level seal around each PC8 UL 8750 • Grade 2 Clear Anodized Opt csPI 'e standard CSA C22 2 No 250.0 • Desi nLi hts Consortium` OLC * 3-5 mils electrostatic powder coal. DesignLights Consortium Premi, . NLS' standard high -quality finishes prevent corrosion IP65/IP67 Rated..,.. protects against and extreme environmental conditions 3G Vibration Rated per AN' Abow NV-2 w@, 0PS6 aelOw: NV-1 with DPS3 V qCt 14 .Is r USA' WARRANTY % ®coat ®� Five-year hmRed wd,,,rily for Jr,vers an,1 LLGS LISTO LED WATTAGE CHART 5M r110aMnp0 19's m b04ebye 20w TOO rrrllllevp 36w 71w 1Gaw 136w 16ew 20ow 243w 265w 10M Pda S6w iww 156w 205w 263w 316w - 388a 408w Ni NV-2 Project Name: Type: N Dirrct PU1, (BD) (T2) (16L) (35) 1 (UNV) (at _ (MGF) (NV 1) (32L) : IDP53) 711ie 'T =nl-JO w, t..r(Opp) ( � c•3 yV'M�,�,,Ong Panted to Match Fature (MP) (T3) (48L) (401) (HV) (OPST) r , EMd ikme -Pin Rettplacle(►E]) 9Z (NVQ) (53) - Ptgtoce9r Receptacle (PCR) (DPS61J (SVR) g�NKNtaI ShprVrrq Cap(PER) (T4) (SON) iL'L`IFSP-7'LwithlAOtion Sensor (BOL) : (T) OPSII) (BLK) (F5P-6q M'-27IT, - t 0(M) (F5P-40)414P Iii fT5) . - ^' r(10K) k Mount T28L) (128L): Ii) Na Mount (Ill (Ill (GPH) Bra ' kMc me Kket (OMB) - )Trunmmn Mount (TM) Petro. i Mount Brock (11i tlRound Adaptor IN2) •Ca Gpfnr<d io m.ich firm" (GRY) Pole 3 4POe(Fi TF+Round Pole Adaptor 5=li-(RPAS) " -� (TA) (OS) - Rotated Opnc Left(a0L) L 9d'-Il 1Raleted Optic so (AOR) HDuse Side Shield (MSS) -"ISSr.1111susibleimbW ' NEMA24.Opnca (N3) •HSS npNpplb6M with N3 - NFMAJO.Opt— [Iraq poie Bird Derterrant (SD) 80.Z) ?rj'Marna Grade Finish (arlP)-p. e o mps31 - pod Plate Paint" to Match Fntlxe(811 (WHT) : 14a;rVrl9 Pointed to Match Future (UP) ri I OPS]) - FNeme 7 Pin ReofmtKle (PET) (DPSI) ($Y0.) _':jtecePbcle".ShOrbnq Cap (MI) TnO T cri Sensor (UNV Voltage,, (Drift (BLK) (FSP 20) ro 20 Nghb r° - (FSP40)'21- MMglrb r°A3 LS+7 .up Arm (SA) (GPH) 3.- .Tractor hoq . ppF . Mo nt Bracket (QMB) -` VBII Mount (VIM) fi Mount aracket(Ram) o Throat Mount(TM) (GRY) de Adaptor 314-Fole(RM4) Mai N arrnbs Neal. gNbdronvbhfvals r cle Adapt rSir 6-Pole(AM ) Tenni3 Atm(Til 1� T VV CY"� (CS) n � Optic Left(11W I°taled Optic Right(RON) paid4ifitARn fq rgr,4n0- Ncuse Sitle Sn old (MSE)',= ' ssd pleaef.Fpl�iYlAp v: •N54npt4pp02e6M with N3 MEMA24Opob •NSSnot apPlkakN whAMJ.. MEMA30:opt. 'ars5 -'.' NOTES: 1. All Out irgrmTTg unan, Ivnarsrvr pvrc "Tom rco . 2. Light pole shall be mounted on a concrete base. Top of base shall be flush with ground. 3. Color of light fixtures and poles shall be Bronze. 4. Each outdoor luminaries equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaries and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaries onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one—half foot—candle. 5. Photometric plan provided by Illumination Concepts & Sales. 6. Light fixtures will not be tilted. SQUARE STRAIGHT'STEEL POLE POLES + BASES s ° To v�- - 3r T - `" no POLE ] Shall be Straight Steel Grade B Extrusion with yield of 46 000 Conforms t0 �ft A500 Standards, Poles have ground lug welded inside hand-}sdii side of'the pole extrusion. Pole Extrusion is conjoined to Anchor Base by weld internal to pole shaft and external to pole shaft. Hand Hole reinforcement is Construct f^L�"x 5" rectangular steel tubing which is welded to pole shaft for added strength. Tj ANCHOR BASE r Manufactured from A36 SteerJe3G¢ f5i co forms the A$Y{vT-AtQ�` Base Plate vary in size; firpD!i k*obe4ob 21 feet and over, 3/4 thick for pole' f5Q0 feet ° Is COATING'' All poles have minimum 3mm powder G��ts Jrtij f8 A917RQ(a Bra ledprior to powder- °` •'_ coat application. _ _ ° - ��° -, ANCHORAGE^r All anchor bolts are fully hot dipped galvanized and washers per bolt. 2 e°5 � ` � BASE COVER, HAND HOLE COVER AND POLE Ci . _ ° ° ^ All poles come with removable polymer pole cap,r'Ad5p�e� ps are black fins°T All base covers are made of aluminum and opow diao] ai",pole. The hand' Sh hole covers a%provided with intema" ge ' 6� al��d�r coated to match p�T$iri l�vr°° Q's'1 °oi ° °e° i'_8pv 4151 °PQ°�,�,P°"°d ®r, prolcptNarne.P ' if%g Fla S 5rr gg is 4(S i0 ., oil b-yam ° ARy Square to (10) 4-Square 120 in i (,0 20) Sngle Bron¢Q ], 314' x 30' jcFDr Straight 12' (12) (as) (I IG) S )a. (SGL) : Mai ,� 34a I SZ1Pole i4' (lq .I C cle 5•Sq. )0" '1 r I Ir '4� a - ` �p,'Irony ° Is °° (SSSP) tti (16) : (9Bc) (5S) (7G) (0 90)' y WHT ( )- t36) 'a,harizea •� 'I a' (tq (0-180) _ 1, n _(GLV) ° f 2 (207 '` Sq', c (6s) - (22 35) Tripl ($VR) Anntc°o... ACP) Z (zz ) E 1 L ) y2 14} 90) „LI ° r� p0 4'(24) is' (25) 2fi 136) BOIL CIrGIgr-° (GRN) P ❑°D r tenon - ° ^ (]Z�O!1 go QU®d Hunter Gr° xv'n°u^e 0u1' rya r.p 0a ,; `2 Four. MR) ]p u•(FLaa)rye 41(z'RNrOd rra12P1 °a z8 (2a1 dl",'Black,� V j4V wyd n412P1 (Ei au^'] 66e4s°rau L 3n (30) p � Jy o Be :y° c l'.. 0 6 — rp� 35' (35) ° r, li r'{ _t �L-u G ]L ute ua, Irslvsi (GPH) 7 •°° u II �o d'% 'F.� G � pp Tb ocL,.0 IQ ' fjl (GRY) cI TOP a v H OIL/WATER SEPARATOR DETAIL SCALE: NTS 450 Greenbrier Drive Plumbing Fixture Count 6/5/2017 BLDG Water Cooler Mop Sink Outdoor i of pg Indoor S i of pg Sink Toilet Shower Eye Wash Existing 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 0 Proposed 2 1 2 4 2 6 5 2 1 NOTES: 1. All EXISTING AND PROPOSED TOILETS SHALL BE FLUSH TANKS 3 PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNTS is —20 SCALE: NTS 445 435 430 425 B �oA = Lot, Do �oa �� Adjust top and o� oz N cone of manhole o+N ++va�� a as required to Final Grade o nl' as �;N CL jo meet finished aN o r~o 0— Zz grade.- l i -_� o I I _----- --� New Waterline Exist. Grade _ _ Diu New 4" lateral -- 03% SQn1tart' p 4. —� J------ Ex1st ICE) 0+00 1 SANITARY PROFILE —20 HORZ SCALE: 1" = 20' VERT SCALE: 1" — 5' 0+50 1+00 tD Z \ O O _ Cat 0 E O Q H oa m GO GO Q O m (n O � (D U O U S wQ CD V F� Sao nn�a�s W C EW-i 0\2C\2 O OU Z - W CV d T�Tkk��•5�Vaal Cam•) C-1 U r4 J * W F W W O O ZZa l Z W O (J II��--II � Z W r 00 di Cn O N UJ � r'J z z z z z z Z O O 00 O O w Z Z Z Z Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 O z N n v Ln Lo W 445 Q Z 440 Z � a a 435 a H Q x O 430 H O w _J U � Ld ~ O W W 425 SHEET NO. C-204 SHEET 6 of 9 1 WOOD FENCE DETAIL -20 SCALE: NTS 'icket shall face away 12 TYP r rom storage area and WM-1 RESERVED PARKING x6 Wood Picket 18" x4 rail 6" ACCESSBE CORNER RADIUS T IS 1.5" (TYP) / PENALTY 14"R J 4x4 wood post 12" TOW-AWY ZFME 110D-11500 FlN: L ;oncrete footing 0"diameter '4" depth 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED LINES SPACED 2' ON CENTER Note: Where fence crosses existing sanitary sewer, posts shall be installed a minimum of two feet from sanitary sewer main. LARGE CROWNS 2-CALIPGONERINOYOR LOCATE GREATER IF 1N SITES: OR WHERE TAMPFRINC 'I MAY OCCUR _ 1 PLAN VIEW ,i PRUNE CODOMINa'L LEADERS rvA T a REMOVE BROKEN _ AEFORMEDRU9BINGENARROW ✓ CROTCH ANGLES WATER / SPROUTS OR CROSS-BRANCMELSI tZCAVGE GgLyANREG Y1RtE, Sv pf, 32'xY'HARDWOOPSTRIfiI,4 GALVANIZED ED WIRE GUY I ' 12 GAUGE AT I OW FOR A {yIS SLIGHT AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT 62 0'HARDWOODSTAKB. 2 6 MIN BELOW SURFACE S TAKE SHALL BE ORIVE N A MIN ' 4IVl 16 OUT FROM. TRUNK AND OEELS AND. _ ° W„ .A OUTSIDE OFROOTBALL PL AST DOIPL OT STAKE ° FIE D I SEE UNLESS SPEC! N 2 3' MULCH LAVER TO LOGE OF DRIN KEEP 4E' AWAY FROM TRUNKFIARE NOTE) DO NOT WRAP TRUNK ALL DE T[ SETHIGHER BOOR HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS UG` ER IN SOFLUSHTOING PRUNE SUCKERS NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALI WITH SOIL ROOIFLARE SHALL BE VISIBLE Is =1FLVGROWN. AWAYALLABOVE FINISHED GRADE ROPES BALLING ROPES REMOVE BURLAP OR W1RE BASKET FROM - G $AUC,ER. ToPy CESALL IFCONTAINEH �. - HACKLE ILL PLAN: MG PR WITH NAFIVE. GROWN REMOVE CONTAINER _ _'�� SOIL INCORPORATESLOWRELEASE AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS - T GRANULAR I' ERTILIZER 11 SLOPE OF SIDES OF - " I COMPOST LAYER , PLANTING HOF - "----- 4 xt6 PERFORATED CORRUGATED ..I,- SCARIFY SIGE S:BEFORE PLANTING PLASTIC PIPE CAPF.USH WITH MULCH TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL - �\-PLACE ROOTBALL ON BASE FIRMLY WHO FOQV UNEXCAVATED OR'AMPED SOIL PRESSURE SO T HAT' ROOTBALL:, sx NOON HALL _ DIANE ER DOES NOT SHIFT U, 12 TREE PLANTING DETAIL -20 SCALE: NTS i" DIA. V +4" NOTES: 1. ACCESS AISLE WIDTH SHALL BE 5' FOR HANDICAP 10" SPACES AND 8' FOR VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES. 8„ 2. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION AND DIMENSION OF 1'-10" HANDICAP SPACES. DIMENSIONS SHOWN HERE ARE MINIMUMS. 3. TIRE STOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED 2' FROM FACE OF CURB IN EACH HANDICAP SPACE. 4" WIDE WHITE 4. FOR ALL HANDICAP SPACES DESIGNATED ON SITE PLAN, PAINTED LINES THE VIRGINIA STANDARD "RESERVE PARKING" SIGN AND STANDARD "PENALTY, TOW -AWAY ZONE" SIGN SHALL BE CONCRETE TIRE STOP. INSTALLED. NOT REQUIRED IF PARKING 5. FOR ALL HANDICAP SPACES DESIGNATED ON SITE PLAN SPACE IS 16' LONG. AS VAN ACCESSIBLE, PROVIDE "VAN ACCESSIBLE" SIGN WITH MINIMUM "2" HIGH LETTERING MOUNTED i UNDERNEATH RESERVED PARKING SIGN. 6. SIGNS SHALL BE MOUNTED WITH THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN NO LESS THAN 5' AND NO MORE THAN 7' ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE. 7. THE REQUIRED ITEMS MAY BE CONTAINED ON ONE OR MULTIPLE SIGNS. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR SIGNS. 8. SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF UFAS (UNIFORM FEDERAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS), VUSBC (VIRGINIA UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE), WIDE WHITE AND THE CODE OF VIRGINIA SECTION 36-99.11. NTED LINES In �i In HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL SCALE: NTS (2) 6" DIA CONCRETE FILLED POSTS W/ PLASTIC BOLLARD (YELLOW), S-O" HIGH, EMBED 3'-O" MIN. O Finished Concrete Slab 4 4°a .I I a of 6x6 Q 8".CMU28LOCK ` 10 rGROt# SOIJD 24" O.C. �10.0' 9.67'� �Z DUMPSTER DETAIL C-20 SCALE: NTS \y \ \ \ � asG/ \�\\ \ r-a ` PLANTING AREA \\\\ 144 5'F� /^� \\ \\\`\ / / \ Start CG-2 \` a 3 ` New 6' Wood j \\\ V New 6 PVC ® SOFMO Fence / pe DO .t: Hpndlcip _ / \ New 20' Public / g Parking I \ Drainage Easement / SignM 'OB 5399 PG 549 / P n'PLANTING - ^ •Jew m \\ % !\ 6 jp,/� AREA W • 275 SF 4Ct1e•4) N - •yWs \\ .t ,. \\ �/ / ...,.y....., .. ®t®\\\ a b \Ni ®`\\ yt r-2 \ �: sr _4 s• T 2 ® ® T-5 - >� ./�$ t i +FF + GndicaD \ Ks + Perking Sign SIBE T-2 Ah AREA +++ ++ ++`V �f0¢en fogp bO°AA PZ W' ...'S. :. h .. 0 180 Y + + + ++ M Se3f 1 Y • .... T- + +++ . G' 4q1. H.°jO6' )23 'Yew oJacA°pa D \ .... P 30• i-1 " + + ® + + /gs "'9�f °M'YM Oa;. 1 S! °•'9e °Ma T- ® New ' w °u + +s BgsgJJZO e' ADfaM..S�kb °ra S Gb 2 Scre n ence '� 20 New 04P R rvg�7 Compacted VDOT 21A Depth = 4 inches V TREE PROTECTION/SAFETY FENCE STD. & SPEC. 3.01 - VA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK (1992) rim Lim - . -r ` ♦\ W�Z�-'C.i1 W s-i L c r.- 96Mbr•�6YAT'�4�i�•�•�•�11�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•��'a�•�•�•���•�•�•�•�•�•�� ............................. ......................: PERSPECTIVE VIEW PLASTIC FENCE 13 TREE PROTECTION FENCE DETAIL -20 SCALE: NTS COMPACT EARTH SAUCER 3" MULCH - MIN. DEPTH FINISHED GRADE JI/.AinI Ib 8" MINIMUM DEPTH J OF PREPARED SOIL 9" MINIMUM MIXTURE - TAMP TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT /�771 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL -� SCALE: NTS 1 \J / / /IN WP-2 New Asphalt Surface Course VDOT SM-9.5A Depth = 1.5 inches L- Existing New Base Material Subgrade or Compacted VDOT 21A compacted Depth = 6 inches structural fill material. NEW FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT DETAIL SCALE: NTS Saw -cut Exist Pavement 1' from existing curb Mill & Overlay Iir' ew 1.5" VDOT SM-9.5A New subbase to Exist Pavement match existing Il material and depth i New CG-6 SCALE: NTS Subgrade DRIVE PAVEMENT DET ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING 12 . EDGE OF BOING PAVEMENT MI6 OETERMNED IN FELDI TAO. COAT THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS- PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS EXISTING SUBBASE PROPOSED -- - - - -- - - - - -- SUBBASE COMPACTED SUNUMEE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL ® REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING SUBBASE µ0 REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIDENING LAYERS ® PROPOSED MINIMUM 1'/2 INCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE 5) i MINIMUM 12 INCHES. OR GREATER AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS AS DETERMINED BY COMES (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES: 1. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT M07 PROCEDURES NB BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR ASPHAT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS AND TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. IS SUSSURFE DRAINAND OF THE EXISTING D PROPOSED PAVEMENT SHALL BE ADGMESED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN. 3. A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG THE CENTER OF THE MJACENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS W EXISTING PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE SPACED No MORE THAN 500 FEET A"µT. 4. THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MILLED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF it INCHES AMIDREPLACED WITH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MUCH THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDENING SURFACE COURSE, UNLESS WAVED BY tilE ENGINEER. 5. THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE THE MILLING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO ED ADJUSTED TO ALHEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CONS -SLOPE AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE ORONAGE, 0. EXISTING PAVEMENT MµXINGS AND MARKERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE RESTORED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ENCRIEFR. 7. FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT TIE-IN SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT ALL JOINTS AT TIE IN LOCATIONS SHALL BE TESTED USING A 10 FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315 OF THE SEEOIFICATICHS. ROM NL BOWE STANDARDS 91EET 1 OF 1 IEVISIp1 DATE XG GO ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Sight• SerlifirkeAUthf6rity- --- Hydrant-- - rt _ _ • ,4 I a i�r �,1� #".- Xt\3$kl\�111� i•r�7/111eA ,%/ Test Report \ --N i wutB a 9 New GREG a nd Sidewalk ` Location Rosewood Village \ \ ` SPIIee / Iwanyy L• amin n t ~ � / • / / ( Date and Time of Test 10/27/201530:47 '.00 AM - _ \ 5 / M f' `\ \ \ Minutestes of of Flow 3 - - I • `• Pipe c hes) 8 \\ \ j - � _ _ \\ Pressure HydrarlW Cf� 10623 \�\\ Static Pressure (psi! 90 , Residual Pressure(pslj '- 71. e 'Flow Hydrant Nt 10624 Pltot Pressure W1(psi) 55 Test Flow --a 1036 [Flow Hydrant •f Go 11133 .0hollkressure N2(psi) 39 Test Flow 211 873 \ _ ... Flow Hydrant W3 I3217 ;Pkot Pressure p3 (psi) 69 Test Flow 3 1161 C - Total Estimated Flowligii 3010 0 4, \ / Estimated Consumption (gal) 9210 0° \ N. �\ �/ � �\ / I \\\ I - AWWA020 Calculation lgPm) if _6230 . � � \ �� \ (VRlue oT 2ero lndlcatesdnwHiLiem pressurAjkogTor,G-ludabnfl \\ Comments \\ - All hydrants were�#tdly open.DO N O N '� \ \ �1 / \ \ \ FO m [Igdal cal[M41 ng PWot flPlvwdh adll q. ]} W k'and lutes article 19901Gwnal Management and DPerallOnsAWWA EDIN \ \ / (AIL leatipiedMCiWYelngLS o Fhw,s°U[It ss Kh,r Mci4ed) w (D \ i \I) \ r 0_~ ` \ ` Signature pr T€st•r: __ "� N 9 SIGHT DISTANCE DETAIL 40' 0 40 80' 120' 10 HYDRANT FIRE FLOW TEST -20 SCALE: 1"=40' IN IN IN IN IN-20 SCALE: ACTS SCALE: 1 "=40' MATCH EREINE 315 0 Finished Varies Grade Expansion Joint 0 3000 si Concrete ` " \J a Depth P 4 inches = ? rL '�a' I . '? a • V��, ' �i j .gyp 04 Cn Compacted VDOT 21A UD CE,o DO � Depth - 4 inches o I- Q m m CO 5 CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL o U N< Z Z Y -20 SCALE: NTS o w w Q U (FACE OFICURB 5" 1" 24" Z 1/2" R Z a.. 4 JCN E � N � 4" #57 STONE (MIN) DEPTH To MATCH II-�I C\2 p Z I-/- SUBGRADE 6" 2'-0" I --I M Q W ',y ''� CQ 0.l CO 2'-6" �0 I-il U pi z �Wy W " 37 Fa U CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 � STANDARD CG-6 W E 7� Fti >� �J W El FACE OF CURB 5" 1' I -I Z IZ P4 :4 'aR" _R P. 1 /2" R Z W O U 0 �- Rt z SURFACE i � fW-I a.'", BASE 4" #57 STONE (M DEPTH TO MATCH SUBGRADE STANDARD CG-2 4" #57 STONE (A DEPTH TO MATCH SUBGRADE SURFACE BASE MODIFIED CG-2 8 CURB AND GUTTER DETAILS -20 SCALE: NTS W r �j_;5 I d�4 N ,7 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z O 0- O O O O O O O Note: DO W Z Z Z Z Z Z Load Condition A Shown > (No Backslope - No Surcharge) O O O O O O 28" Top Block Move Blocks Forward Handrail During Installtion to Engage SETBACK = 1.25" Shear Knobs (Typical) (4.0" Batter Angle on Wall) O Ground Level z N r1)`j_ Ln co III=1 I III-III=1 I I I I- :III III -III III III -III III III III III N I III III I - - II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�II � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIII,. III III=1 I I III III=1 I I III I I I I � I I I I I ,III -I"- W Exposed III III III III III II III III III III III III. � I� WaII Free Draining Backfill to a Wall 4, Max III III I' Extend at Least 12" Behind Q II III -III III III III_ Q Height III III III III III III II Wall W 1 I 1=1 I 1=1 11 I 1=1 I 1-1 1I- II III III III III -III -I III III III-11I III I= = Ground Level Non -Woven Geotextile III III=11I III III=11 if Fabric (If Specified) Z II III -III III III -III- W =1I 1 1 1 =1=1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111=1 1 1 1 111=1T -- :I I I I I II I I III III -I I III III III 11c P-I' II-11 III III -III -III II III II= I I III III III ftt-� 28" Bottom Block Leveling=l III-1 III III III -III III 111= II III=III II III -III III III- a W Pad=11 III=11 II III III=III III -II a Q El I III-llT _--I------ ----III- =-:II- II III=111I III III III=11I III -III III I1=1_I III I1=1I - '' Perforated Sock Drain III -III III III -III III III=1 III I I -ITN -I I 1=1II-IIll =1Ill -III II II II II II II II hI II -11I-' Crushed Stone (As Specified by Engineer) Q W Leveling Pad E- V 1 ~� 1. Wall to be designed by others. See Redi-Rock.com for Detailed J 2. Color of wall shall be Buffalo Section Drawings of Each Condition J Brown RC5004 Shown in the Design Charts UO 4.4 W DRAWN BY 7 W O l� W N SHEET NO. 11 RETAINING WALL DETAIL -20 SCALE: NTS SHEET 7 of 9 t�08'06 Redi-Rock'International, LLC C„EONEDBY APPROVED BY DMNANC FILE Typical 28 in Block Gravity WaIILdI REVISION ISSUE DATE SCALE NO SCALE SNEET NO. 1 OF 1 435 430 425 420 415 EX EX EX STR-86 STR 1 STR 8 STR-9 00 O �� N00 Na0 MM w MN� 00 M� MM� 00�� OZ UMm Z� M Q �M NNN NMI N`-NM N� MN II MN Mm a)c60a N� MM�N II N't 6c" N II +�0 C rn �� 4 ; 4=o 4't 0)� 4 O N 4 II ~ Z Z 0 N oo11 Z II Z II Z O Z III +prMj 11 Z �Z_ O II Z II I z 0 II X II <o�>» 11 F- 11 <o�»» III III Ln O3�Z ZZ N>�ZZ ao�»> ZZ In>EZZZ Q0�> >-Z »> ZZZ ' II Exist. Grade s T � _ � q5• qg% 1 Exist. 10" Sanitary 1 \emu / 45.�2'-111 I I I NEW ---------- - -------- _ - 1 II 3.28° I _-yJ Ly_ -.-t. 89.51'-3Fx1s RCP ©1.58% 0+00 0+50 1 STORM STRUCTURE PROFILE A C-301 HORZ SCALE: 1 =30 VERT SCALE: 1"=5' 1+00 1+50 2+00 445 I 450 440 1 445 435 1 440 430 1 435 425 1 430 420 1 425 415 1 420 STR-813 STR-8B1 O M M O O in in C\j N I ONN� L6�N w ocn o`n c0 O= +Mro �� II II II 1 0� �MU?> � ao Z Z 0 »> Finished Grade Nwr7 ll II Z (n>07 Z Z Z NmM ZZ Exist. Grade / - pPE 4T - _ 0+00 0+50 2 STORM STRUCTURE PROFILE B C-301 HORZ SCALE: 1 =30 VERT SCALE: 1"=5' LD-229 Storm Drain Design From Point To Point Catch A (Ac) Runoff Coef. Inc CA Accum CA Tot Tc (min) Total Int (in/hr) Total Flow (cfs) Up Inv (ft) Down Inv(ft) Pipe Len (ft) InvS(%) Pipe Dia (in) Pipe Cap (cfs) Velocity (fps) Flow Travel Time (min) STR-5A STR-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.12(1) 431.95 424.08 120.66 6.52 18.00 28.35 11.54 0.18 STR-5 STR-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.12 423.12 421.92 47.05 2.55 18.00 17.37 8.11 0.10 STR-4 STR-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.12 421.75 419.45 61.04 3.77 18.00 21.14 9.35 0.12 STR-9 STR-813 4.28 0.80 0.00 0.00 6.10 6.70 21.69 428.91 425.53 45.35 7.45 24.00 63.86 17.41 0.05 STR-8B STR-8 0.00 1 0.50 0.00 1.12 6.15 6.60 29.06 1 422.50 1 421.00 45.72 3.28 24.00 42.38 13.72 0.06 STR-8 STR-1 0.14 0.70 0.80 1.64 6.21 6.58 32.43 417.03 415.62 89.51 1.58 1 30.00 54.04 10.60 0.14 STR-8B1 STR-86 0.00 0. DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.49(2) 437.50 425.53 226.01 5.30 18.00 25.85 12.00 0.32 STR-8A STR-8 0.62 0.70 0.43 0.43 5.00 6.70 2.91 422.92 422.79 19.41 0.67 30.00 32.97 3.93 0.10 LD-347Hvdraulic Grade Line Calculations Inlet Station Outlet Water Surf Elev ft Rise of Outflow Discharge of Outflow Pipe, Length of Outflow Pipe, Friction Slope of Outflow Pipe, Friction Loss Along Outflow Pipe, Hf ft Velocity of Flow in Outflow Pipe, Vo Total Head Loss for the Structure, Ht Final Head Loss at Junction, H Inlet Water Rim Elev (ft) STR-4 419.97 18.00 5.12 66.04 3.48 2.30 9.35 1.49 3.79 423.77 429.05 STR-5 423.82 18.00 5.12 51.05 0.41 0.21 4.81 0.60 0.81 424.63 428.15 STR-5A STR-8 425.42 416.98 18.00 30.00 5.12 28.87 125.66 94.51 0.39 1.49 0.50 1.41 4.81 10.58 0.11 0.00 0.60 0.00 426.02 0.00 434.89 427.21 STR-8B 422.27 24.00 28.89 49.72 3.01 1.50 13.70 3.23 4.73 427.00 430.32 STR-8B1 427.12 18.00 7.49 230.01 0.60 1.39 5.61 0.10 1.49 428.60 439.50 STR-9 427.33 24.00 21.70 49.35 0.85 0.42 7.76 0.19 0.61 427.94 433.49 STORM STRUCTURE CALCULATIONS SCALE: NTS 1+00 1+50 2+00 450 445 MR 435 430 425 420 2+50 445 Eno 435 430 425 420 EX EX EX STR- 5A STR-1 STR-4 STR-5 CD C) CO CD N of OH N � CO u7 C)0 N ^ N o N� H C5 Ql a") L � O N E ~ r� �� N i it O + +� u + Finished Grade > z > ZO O��ZC) ¢o�» > QO ~�mzz �z o n n �o�»> cnm �Z ZZ N>�ZZ (n>0:__ Exist. Grade �• �' II ji �''� GP 91 ----- LIJ 47- 2.55% 61.04' ,--1J---Exist RCP d'�Exist. 10" S nitary ___-SE % RCP 18" I L� I 0+00 0+50 3 STORM STRUCTURE PROFILE C C-301 HORZ SCALE: 1"=30' VERT SCALE: 1"=5' 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 LD-204 Stormwater Inlet Computations Sag Inlets Only m CC Y wvC Y Z QO OQ U O O. N sY O C O U O _ XO TN +O�+ cTi C C S>7= FYNUQj O L G x C 4) CO O_ 1QC Y N = m C > W C > a = -O 7 - Q N N ui3� Z U U Q z U H Cr d Cf l7 a U o 0 0 0 in U o H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (ft) (ac) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) ('/') ('/') ('/') (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) STR-8A DI-3C 6.00 0.62 0.70 0.43 0.43 4.00 1.74 0.00 1.74 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 7.10 0.27 1.00 1.74 0.00 0.20 0.5 0.53 3.55 STR-8 DI-3A 2.50 0.14 0.70 0.10 0.10 4.00 0.39 0.00 0.39 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 1.68 0.20 1.00 0.39 0.00 Flume Curb Cut 2.50 1 0.33 1 0.80 0.26 0.26 4.00 1.06 0.00 1.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 4.11 0.25 1.00 1.06 0.00 Curb Cut Curb Cut 2.50 1 0.50 1 0.80 0.40 0.4 4.00 1.60 0.00 1.60 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 5.77 0.28 1.00 1.60 0.00 NOTES: 1. Refer to hydrologic calculations on sheet C-502 for the 10-year routed peak flow of 5.12 CFS from STR-5A. 2. Approved plans for WP0201300071 show the 10-year Post -Development run-off from TMP 61W-2-13-1A is 7.49 CFS. This flowrate was used for STR-8B1. 6 _ 7L��`VJ `1`i1O O Z3�: \ O o (0 _ N (n O m N 01 O Q :2 H OZ m m m Q Q U O M N Ld O0 U U O Ld p U z �z Sao �acQ0 ~ O 445 rNv ww co �a>coq �wE- 440 E- 6o Zaxa �-1 "t d� 435 F� (7 w 430 425 420 M I N I m l 7 I \I \I r7 I I U) V) V) V) V) V) z z z z z z z w w w w w w U a- 0 0 0 0 0 0 w z z z z 0 0 0 0 0 0 I� W � O � �-1 H 5W .4 �O W � W w J O O rr W J O h- w � 0 � = Q w V) SHEET NO. C-301 SHEET 8 of 9 Traffic Plan: BACKGROUND In September 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published the Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility, 23 CFR 630 Subpart J. This rule, referred to as Work Zone Safety and Mobility, applies to State and local governments that receive Federal -aid highway funding. Transportation agencies are required to comply with the provisions of the Rule by October 12, 2007. This rule updates and broadens the former regulation, 'Traffic Safety in Highway and Street Work Zones,"to address present and future work zone issues. The policy provisions in the Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility: • Requires agencies to implement a policy for the systematic consideration and management of work zone impacts on all Federal -aid highway projects. Furthermore, it encourages agencies to implement the policy for non -Federal -aid projects and programs. • Requires the policy to address work zone impacts throughout the various stages of the project Os development and construction. The agency must consider work zone impacts during project development, management of work zone impacts during construction, and assessment of work zone performance after implementation. The agency must also consider communication with the public before and during the project. • Recognizes the state policy may vary based on the characteristics and expected work zone impacts of individual projects or classes of projects. • Requires transportation management plans. TYPICAL WORK ZONE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Various work zone management strategies may be employed to minimize traffic delays, thereby improving mobility as well as traveler and worker safety and completing the construction work in a timely manner while maintaining access for businesses and residents. The following set of strategies is not meant to be allinclusive, but to present a number of suggestions for consideration while developing transportation management plans. A more extensive listing and general information on work zone management strategies may be accessed at the following web sites: http://www.ops.fhwo.dot.gov/wz/rule-guide/sec6.htm#tab62 and http: //www.ops.fhwo.dot.gov/wz/resources/publications/trans-mgmt-plans/trans-mgmt-plons.pdf The strategies are divided into three broad groups which are captioned as: 1) Temporary Traffic Control, 2) Public Information; and 3) Transportation Operations. Each of these groups is further defined by the specific items listed below. • •• Temporary Traffic Control Strategies: Control strategies •• Traffic control devices Project coordination, contracting and innovative construction strategies • •• Public Communication Strategies: •• Public awareness strategies •• informationMotorist Transportation Operations Strategies: • •• Demand management strategies •• Corridor/network management strategies •• Work zone management strategies •• Traffic/incident management strategies Implementation of the Transportation Management Plan In order to successfully execute a traffic management plan, responsibilities must be identified and assigned to specific people. TMP Manager The person responsible for the overall implementation of the TMP. The superintendent shall assign a trained person at teh project level who has the primary responsibility and sufficient authority for implementation of the TMP. TMP Monitor The TMP monitor conducts windshield inspections and observations of a work zone to assess the effectiveness of the phasing and staging plans and TMP strategies. They inform the TMP manager when the strategies are not working according to plan. Temporary Traffic Control Strategies Control Strategies The purpose of his project is to redesign a parking lot for a golf course. This project will require constructing a new entrance and removing an old one. The construction will require a Type "A" Transportation Management Plan comprised of Work Beyond a Shoulder and Lane Closure Operations. Active work zone hours shall be 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. During construction, traffic through the construction zone will be controlled in accordance with the VDOT "Work Area Protection Manual" dated August, 2011, revised April 1, 2015, the construction plans, the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards and Specifications and the "Transportation Management Plan" (TMP) shown on the plans and as necessary to complete the project. The plans call for the Typical Traffic Control (TTC) Figure TTC-1.1 (Work Beyond a Shoulder) from the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. Traffic Control Devices Traffic control devices are used to regulate, warn or guide road users. They are placed on, over or adjacent to streets, highways, pedestrian facilities and bikeways. The traffic control devices area used to regulate, warn or guide road users. They are placed on, over or adjacent to streets, highways, pedestrian facilities and bikeways. The traffic control devices associated with the standard operations required for this project include signs, channelizing devices and a shadow vehicle. All devices shall be crashworthy and provided in accordance with VDOT standard specifications. The specific devices required for this project include: • Warning signs • Shadow Vehicle • Group 1 or Group 2 Channelizing Devices (Group 2 channelizing devices must be used if left in place anytime workers are not present) Project Coordination The contractor shall maintain access to all off -site private & public entrances during construction. Public Communication Strategies Notifications The project superintendent shall be responsible for notifying the businesses and residences in the surrounding area a minimum of 72 hours prior to beginning any work within the right-of-way. All traffic control devices shall be in place prior to construction activity within the state right of way. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUBDIVISION AND SITE CONSTRUCTION PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. All materials and construction within the public right of way shall be in accordance with current Virginia Department of Transportation's specifications and standards., N 2. Land Use Permits (CE-7P) must be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to beginning any construction within the existing state maintained right of way (including access). Z 3. VDOT is to receive written notification 48 hours prior to commencing with initial construction activities. %\ 4. Prior to any construction, the contractor shall consult the engineer and verify the approval of the plans by all federal, state, and local agencies. ; a 5. Preliminary design of the pavement structure for all subdivision streets shall be in accordance with the current edition of the Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia. 4r 0Ak 6. The contractor shall verify the elevations of all points of connection or proposed work to existing curbs, sanitary lines, water lines, etc., prior to construction. 00 ff 7. Upon discovery of soils that are unsuitable for foundations, subgrades, or other roadway construction purposes, the contractor shall immediately contact a geotechnical engineer and VDOT. These areas shall be excavated below plan grade as directed by the geotechnical engineer, backfilled with suitable material, and �0 compacted in accordance with current VDOT specifications. - z 8. All storm sewer design and construction to be in accordance with VDOT I & I LD-94 (D) 121.13. 9. All storm sewer pipes shall be reinforced tongue and groove concrete pipe in accordance with ASTM-C-76. Pipe within the right-of-way shall be a minimum O (= 00 CL-III or greater in accordance with current VDOT standards and specifications. C14 U) _ 10, If pre -case units are to be used, VDOT shall be notified and the manufacturer shall submit drawing details for review. Certification and VDOT stamp will be (D rn U 01 required on all units. O Q :2~ 11. All concrete shall be A3-AE (air entrained 3,000 PSI). O bi w m m m 12. All entrances are to be designed and constructed in accordance with current VDOT standards. Residential lot access shall be provided per the following criteria: z o •• All driveway entrance culverts are to be 15" diameter x 20' long pipe and shall conform to PE-1 private entrance standards unless otherwise directed by the m N �w Lw Resident Engineer. No entrance culverts are to be installed within five (5) feet or a property line. of VDOT standard CG-9D entrances shall be installed in curb and gutter neighborhoods. The sawcutting removal of the standing curb is unacceptable when _ Typical Traffic Control installing an entrance on existing curb and gutter. Contact VDOT for inspection 48 hours prior to entrance installation. o v Guidance: 13. The developer is responsible for furnishing and installing stop signs at street intersections. 1. The minimum distance between the sign and the work vehicle should be 1300'-1500' on Limited Access 14. Design changes, specified materials changes and/or field changes from the approved plans need to be resubmitted to VDOT prior to proceeding with the work. A highways, and on all other roadways 500' 800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and letter of explanation shall accompany the revised plans and/or drainage calculations, which must be submitted to VDOT for review and approval by the Resident Z 350'-500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less. Engineer. Options: 15. Contractor shall verify location and elevation of all underground utilities shown on plans in areas of construction prior to starting work. Contact engineer 2. The ROAD WORK AHEAD (W20-1) sign may be replaced with other appropriate signs such as the SHOULDER immediately if location or elevations is different from that shown on plan. If there appears to be a conflict, and/or upon discovery of any utility not shown on Z WORK (W21-5) sign. The SHOULDER WORK sign may be used for work adjacent to the shoulder. this plan, call Miss Utility of Central Virginia at 1-800-552-7001. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of any utility within existing and/or a o0 3. The ROAD WORK AHEAD sign may be omitted where the work space is behind a barrier, more than 4 feet behind proposed right-of-way required by the development. a tq o vertical curb (Standard CG-2 and CG-6) on urban roadways, or outside of the clear zone for all other 16. All streetlights shall be located a minimum of 9.5' from the edge of pavement on curb and gutter streets and/or located a minimum of 5.5' behind the ditch a * w rn roadways. For clear zone values see page A-4 of Appendix A. line on open ditch streets. E­ � � o 4. For short-term, short duration or mobile operations, all signs and channelizing devices may be eliminated if a 17. Casing sleeves shall be placed at all road crossings for gas, power, telephone, and cable TV service trunk lines. Z on < o U vehicle with activated high -intensity amber rotating, flashing, or oscilating lights is used. 18. The installation of sewer, water, and gas mains (including service laterals and sleeves) shall be completed prior to placement of aggregate base course. C >., 9 C Standard: 19. All roadside ditches shown as paved on the plans are to be paved in accordance with the standard typical section as shown on the plans. Generally, all ditches 2 P P P )P P Y �U Z 5. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high intensity amber rotating, flashing, with slopes exceeding 5% or less that 0.75% shall be paved unless otherwise directed by the Resident Engineer. Any additional paving of the ditches, other than u a a d or oscillating lights. Vehicle hazard warning signals can be used to supplement high -intensity amber rotating, those shown on the road plans will be determined prior to acceptance of the roads into the VDOT secondary road system. r c co q flashing or oscillating lights. 20, VDOT approval of construction plans does not preclude the right to require additional facilities as deemed necessary to insure positive drainage and the safety of a w a 6. If the work space is in the median of a divided highway, an advance warning sign shall also be placed on the traveling public at the time of final inspection. w F w left side of the directional roadway. 21. VDOT approval of these plans will expire three (3) years from the date of approval. T� w 1 zo 22. VDOT shall have performed the required field inspection (proof -roll) prior to placement of the aggregate base course(s). Contact VDOT for subgrade inspection 48 Z a x a hours prior to scheduling placement of aggregate base course(s). 23. A prime coat seal between the aggregate base and bituminous concrete will be required at a rate of 0.30 gallons per square yard (REC-250 Prime Coat) per Z W I VDOT standards and specifications. W 24. The scheduling of aggregate base installation and subsequent paving activities shall accommodate forecast weather conditions per Section 315 of The Road and Z Bridge Specifications. a 25, VDOT shall have approved the aggregate base course(s) for depth, template, and performed the required field inspection (proof roll) prior to placement of any surface course(s). Contact VDOT for inspection of the aggregate base course(s) 48 hours prior to application of the surface course(s). W 26. An actual copy of the complete CBR report is to be submitted to VDOT in conjunction with final pavement designs. All pavement design recommendations shall be performed in accordance with the current edition of The Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia. 27. A geotechnical engineer is to ascertain cause and certify recommended method of repair for all pavement structural failures prior to state acceptance. 28. All vegetation and organic material is to be removed from the right of way limits prior to conditioning f the subgrade. 29. Certification and source of materials are to be submitted to VDOT for all materials and be in accordance with the Road and Bridge Specifications and Road and Bridge Standards. 30. Dry gutter is not allowed in VDOT right of way. 31. The developer will be responsible for the design costs of any traffic signal installation and/or modification under an account receivable with VDOT. 32. The necessity and locations for additional VDOT standard underdrains to be determined at time of subgrade inspection. 33. Approval of a detailed construction sequencing/maintenance of traffic narrative for the work zone is a prerequisite of issuance of a Land Use Permit allowing access to and from construction sites within VDOT maintained right of way. 34. VDOT shall be provided documentation that in -place pavements meet or exceed the approved pavement design thickness prior to state acceptance. Page 6H-54 Typical Traffic Control Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers igure TTC-23.2) NOTES September 2019 Guidance: 1. Sign spacing distance should be 35W--500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less, and 50W-800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph. 2. Care should be exercised when establishing the limits of the work zone to insure maximum possible sight distance in advance of the flogger station and transition, based on the posted speed limit and at least equal to or greater than the values in Table 6H-3. Generally speaking, motorists should have a clear line of sight from the graphic flagger symbol sign to the flagger. 3. To maintain efficient trafficflow in a flagging operation on a two-lane roadway, the maximum time motorists should be stopped at a flagger station is 8 minutes for high volume roadways (average daily, traffic of 500 or more vehicles per day) to a maximum of 12 minutes for low volume roadways (less than 00 vehicles per day). For additional information see Section 6E.07. 1 Standard: 4. fortable Temporary Runde Strips (PTRS) shall be used as noted in Section 6F.99 2 5. Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the work space to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed and/or stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see Table 611-3 on Page 611-5). 6. All flaggers shall be state certified and have their certification card in their possession when performing flagging dudes (see Section 6E.01, Qualifications for Flaggers). 7. Cone spacing shall be based on the posted speed and the values in Table 6114 on Page 611-6.' 8. A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating light shall be parked 80'420' in advance of the first work crew. lion: 8. A SLOW f W21-V 10) si%xn2 may be required in this area to give advance warning of the overation ahead Guidance: 9. If the queue of traffic reaches the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W34) sign then the signs, and if used the PTRS'should be readjusted at greater distances. 10. When a highway -rail crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it is anticipated that queues resulting from the lane closure might extend through the highway -rail grade crossing, the temporary traffic control zone should be extended so that the transition area precedes the highway -rail crossing (see Figure TTC 56 for additional information on highway -rail crossings). Standard: 11. At night, fagger stations shall be illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 6E.08). Option: 12. Cones may be eliminated when using a pilot vehicle operation or when the total roadway width is 20 feet or less. 13. For low -volume situations with short work zones on straight roadways where the flaaaer is visible to road Standard:' 14. en used, three portable temporary rumble (PTRS) strips shall be installed across the entire travel lane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W34) sign. The portable temporary rumble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary during the work shift to ensure proper placement on the roadway. When the PTRS are installed, the RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD (W20- V26) sign shall also be utilized. 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 September 2019 Page 6H-55 Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.2) 'AHOM xNOM �T avoa OV3HV avow - �T 3NV1 3ND arm emu 31aR11Y � d015 a36rd3ad 36 ON 9r0m m M 9 S 9'E'Z S31ON 33S �■ NOLLVIS N309`dld PTRS SPACING (CENTER TO CENTER) POSTED/STATUTORY SPEED LIMIT S40 MPH 10 FEET 41 - 55 MPH 15 FEET > 55 MPH 20 FEET PTRS SEE NOTE 4 - 0 0 0 0 or r +oos,_ W 0 z u �0 ROADWAY CENTER LINE PTRS SEE NOTE4 416 ExD G20-2 (V) , 1 ROAD WORK 500 0 00 - 50' - 100' 0 0 o BUFFER -, SEE TABLE 6H-3 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 80' 120.1 HADOW VEHICLE' REQUIRED BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 50' - 100' _ FLAGGER STATION SEE NOTES 2, 3, 5 & 6 SEE NOTE 1 • �� W20-7 SEE NOTE 1*RUMBLE W3-4 SEE NOTE 10 SEE NOTE 1 : STRIPS W20-V26 SEE AHEAD SEE NOTE 15 NOTE 1 c-- �pOAD E W20-4 SEE AHEAD NOTE 1 ROAD WORK W20-1 HEAD v1111IMillM &TJW 0 N O O O O z z z z z z z w w w w w w O a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o' w z z z z O O O O O O HE©®e©O W Z 0 H rr�� Z �-- Fii � W w J ( D w U LLJ � ~ o w of a_ _ n y7111INrR6 C-401 SHEET 9 of 9