HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000004 Correspondence 2021-04-13BOHLERI VIA: Electronic Upload TO: Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 296-5832 ATTN: Kevin McCollum 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 540.349.4500 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL RE: SDP202000004 Final Site Plan — 3rd Submission Hampton Inn 1628 State Farm Boulevard Charlottesville, VA 22911 Albemarle County DATE: April 13, 2021 JOB NO: V172065 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter ®Attached ❑ Prints ❑ Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION DATE 1 V172065 4/13/21 1 V172065 8/12/20 2 1 V172065 113120 3 These Are Transmitted: ❑ For approval ® For review and comment ❑ Returned for corrections REMARKS: 2119/21 SHEET NO. 1-6 of 6 1-11 of 11 3131/21 1-24 of 24 ❑For your use ❑Approved as submitted Comment Response Letter Retaining Wall Plan Final Site Plan ❑As requested ❑Approved as noted Enclosed please find the above mentioned items for Hampton Inn in Albemarle County. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (540) 349-4500. COPY TO: File SIGNED: Q"O*- ohn C. Wrioht. P.E. w .BohIerEngineering.com BOHLERI Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Room 227 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Kevin McCollum Dear Mr. McCollum: 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 o. 540.349.4500 April 13, 2021 Via Electronic Upload Re: SDP2020000004 Final Site Plan 2nd Review Response Hampton Inn 1628 State Farm Blvd Rivanna Magisterial District Albemarle County, Virginia BE #V172065 Bohler is pleased to submit on behalf of Shamin Hotels, the 31d Submission Final Site Plan for the Hampton Inn project in Albemarle, Virginia. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from various departments. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Planning — Kevin McCollum Comment 1: jZMA201800005 Application Plan and Proffer Statement, and Z.O. 32.5.2.(a) and 32.5.2. (o)]. The proposed development shown on the initial site plan appears to be in general accord with the Application Plan for ZMA201800005, as is necessary per ZMA201800005 Proffer #1. However, in order to clarify, confirm, and otherwise ensure that the proposed development will be in general accord with the Application Plan for ZMA201800005, the following comments must be addressed on the final site plan: A. Sheet C-301 contains information about the approximately 2.0-acre area in the rear portions of the subject property, which is labeled as "Proposed easement to County..." Please revise and supplement this information as follows: i. This approximately 2.0-acre area in the rear portions of the subject property must be designated as a "Special Lot' that is "reserved for future dedication to the County for public use upon demand." (Definition in Z.O. Section 3.1: Special lot. "Special lot' means a lot created to be used exclusively for public or private streets, railroad rights -of -way and railroad lines, public utilities, publicly owned or operated public facilities, publicly owned or operated parks, publicly or privately owned sites for personal wireless service facilities, central water supplies and central w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER9 Kevin McCollum Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 2ntl Review Response April 13, 2021 Page 2 of 6 sewerage systems as those terms are defined in Chapter 16, stormwater management facilities, cemeteries existing on June 8, 2011, conservation areas, preservation areas, open space, and greenways.) A combination plat has been submitted and is under review. Once it has been approved update the site plan accordingly to reflect any parcel changes and references. This comment has been addressed, pending approval. Response 1: The Easement Plat has been revised and resubmitted. Comment 2: (Advisory/For Future Reference): Please note that the Final Site Plan cannot be approved unless and until a complete application for a Water Protection Ordinance Plan / VSMP Plan is submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Engineering Services Division of the Community Development Department as required per Z.O. and County Code Chapter 17. This has not been addressed Response 2: Acknowledged. Comment 3: (Advisory / For Future Reference): Per Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(l), and 32.5.2(o), it will be necessary prior to final site plan approval to obtain County approval of a plat showing all proposed easements as well as all areas intended for reservation or dedication to the County for public use. The platting of proposed easements and lands to be reserved for dedication to the County for public use can be processed all together in one plat application, or separately, however the applicant prefers. Comment addressed, pending approval. Response 3: Acknowledged. Comment 4: Please refer to VDOT's comments below. "A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way." Response 4: Acknowledged. The contractor will apply for the permit prior to construction upon Site Plan approval. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER f� Kevin McCollum Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 2ntl Review Response April 13, 2021 Page 3 of 6 Engineering Comments — John Anderson C-301: Comment 6: Provide Aabel handrail at top of uppermost retaining wall. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Applicant response: 'A note referencing the handrail has been added to Sheet C-301 and handrail details are provided in the wall plan.' As follow-up: Detail is not provided in 8/11/20 Hillis Carnes 10-sheet retaining wall plan (walls 1,2,3,4). Rather, fence detail schematic Anchor T" Diamond Pro ®, (detail D4) includes a label stating 'Contractor to coordinate with fence contractor to ensure proper diameter depth, spacing, etc. (fence design by others).' All retaining wall safety handrail details are requested as condition of building permit application review for Walls 1, 2, 3, 4, and as condition of site plan approval. This is a design task (Bohler, or Hillis -Carnes). It is not a field - coordinated or incidental construction task. Response 6: The wall plan has been revised and provided with this submission. C-401: Comment 10: Proposed grading north of curb and gutter on the north side of site creates a channel, and concentrates runoff. Provide ditch label, and design ditch at this location. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Applicant response: 'Due to the small drainage area at the reference location, the flow is anticipated to sheet flow without channelizing. The formation of a channel cannot be confirmed at this time due to lack of field surveyed elevations in this location and a note has been added to Sheet C-401 for the contractor to field verify grades.' This is nonresponsive. Engineering reviews proposed grade. Proposed grade forms a channel, once tied to existing contours. A wait -and -see approach neither addresses comment, nor meets design expectations. Verify grades, consider image below (channel created by proposed and existing contours), provide ditch label, and design a ditch at this location. Response 10:The ditch has been labeled and a section has been added on Sheet C-401. Per a phone discussion with the County reviewer on 9130/20, the flow of 0.20 cfs and velocity of 1.54 fps are not substantial enough to warrant rip rap outlet protection at the end of the channel and the design is adequate as shown. Comment 11: (Rev. 1) Withdrawn, recommendation not accepted. Applicant: 'Grate Inlet A-60 is anticipated to prevent any debris large enough to generate an obstruction in the SWM system from entering the storm pipes.' Response 11:Acknowledged. C-502: Comment 12: Note: Storm lines proposed to convey State Farm Blvd. runoff (source: public RW) across the hotel site require public deed of dedication of easement, and platted public drainage easement. Complete easement plat application at earliest convenience. (Rev. 1) Comment persists. Applicant: 'Easement plat shall be submitted under separate cover.' Response 12:The Easement Plat has been revised and resubmitted. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER9 Kevin McCollum Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 2ntl Review Response April 13, 2021 Page 4 of 6 Comment 17: New (Rev. 1): Provide runoff capture to ensure HC parking spaces/CG-12 ramps in front of the hotel are clear of ponding, icing, debris accumulation. See blue - circle possible locations for grates /conveyance that would, without additional revision, enhance surface conditions during 10-year or less frequent events. Pipes could connect with STM A-50, A-40. Image below is not a design directive, rather, this comment serves notice that a grading /utility plan that provides inadequate storm conveyance or that presents risk of localized ponding, icing, etc. will not be approved, especially in vicinity of HC-parking spaces /ramps /or guest drop-off areas that are by design high -use entries for elderly, children, HC- challenged guests, etc. Note especially design of guest drop-off loop proposes to concentrate runoff (CG-6) then spill concentrated flow across the loop. This design, which presents persistent risk of icing, debris accumulation, etc. will not be approved. Reliance on side and rear storm inlets or grates appears to overlook relative locations, practical concerns, and pedestrian use typical of hotel lobbies. [ Proposed DI located along southwest edge of site (also circled) may be sized for upgradient runoff, but additional catchment is required. Revise C-401, C- 502.] Response 17:Per a phone discussion with the County reviewer on 9/30120, the grading in front of the hotel is proposed to set the flowline along the edge of parking spaces and drive aisle. As the stormwater will not collect in the ADA parking spaces, the design is adequate as shown. Comment 18: Using easement width diagram from p. 15 of Albemarle County Design Standards Manual (ACDSM, link below) Min. easement width = ADS system width (21.2') + (9.25' x 2) + 10' (equipment landing) + 2', or 51_7'. 9.25' derives from C-902 Proposed Elevation table, first and last rows, which are entries for bottom of stone (504.50') and Max. allowable grade (top of pavement /unpaved)(518.75'). Difference in table values is 14.25' and if consider ACDSM easement diagram, below, this means 9.25' easement width to each side of (parallel with) ADS system, to allow 1:1 side -slope excavation (OSHA/trench safety). Response 18:This comment has been discussed with the reviewer and addressed. Albemarle County Service Authority - Richard Nelson General: Comment 1: Follow up with ACSA to receive connection fees if they have not been provided. Response 1: The connection fees from the ACSA have been added to Sheet C-502. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER9 Sheet C-502: Comment 2: Kevin McCollum Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 2ntl Review Response April 13, 2021 Page 5 of 6 (i.) Proposed fire hydrant relocation removes fire hydrant coverage from neighboring building. Coordinate with ACSA and Fire/Rescue on hydrant location. (ii.) Proposed special lot mentions to refer to note 2. Note 2 does not reference proposed special lot. (iii.) Relocate water meter away from existing electric utility. (iv.) Callout fire line connection to water main as 6" tapping sleeve and valve. (v.) Callout "proposed 6" tee and valve" as 6" tapping sleeve and valve. (vi.) Refer to ACSA construction detail TD-12 for service line connection to fire hydrant line. Show 4" valve. Response 2: i. The relocated hydrant is moved ±3' due to the proposed entrance and ramp. The minimal relocation is not anticipated to impact coverage for the neighboring building. ii. The label has been revised to reference Note 2 on Sheet C-301. iii. The water meter has been relocated as requested. iv. The fire line connection to the main has been revised as requested. V. The callout has been revised as requested. vi. The service line connection has been revised per the referenced detail. Sheet C-701: Comment 3: Remove proposed plantings from proposed ACSA easement. Response 3: The trees have been removed with only shrubs now in the ACSA easement. Building Inspections —Michael Dellinger Comment 1: Added a change, need one additional accessible parking space. Only 4 shown, 5 required. Response 1: Five ADA spaces are provided. See Sheet C-301. w . BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER// Kevin McCollum Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 2ntl Review Response April 13, 2021 Page 6 of 6 Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (540) 349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering VA, LLC fC. Wright JCW/jb H:\1TV172065�Administrative\Letters\210413 Final Site Plan 2nd Review CRL .doc www. BohlerEngineering.com