HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100005 Correspondence VDOT Access Management request 2021-04-19VDOTVirginia Department of Transportation February 2015 ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: AM-E ACCESS MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS 24 VAC 30-73 SECTION 120 Submitted by: Shimp Engineering, P.C. Date: 04/19/2021 Email Address: justin@shimp-engineering.com Phone: 434-227-5140 Address: 912 E High Street, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Project Name: 1805 Avon Street Rte # 742 Locality: Albemarle County Description of Project: This project includes redevelopment of two single-family residential parcels. The proposed use is a maximum of 85 dwelling units, for a density of 24 dwelling units per acre. The property is adjacent to a church, which would be considered a low -volume commercial entrance and would require commercial entrance spacing standards. VDOT District: Culpeper Area Land Use Engineer: Adam Moore NOTES: (1). Submit this form and any attachments to one of the District's Area Land Use Engineers. (2). See Section 120 of the Regulations for details on the requirements, exceptions, and exception request review process. (3). Attach additional information as necessary to justify the exception request(s). (4). If a traffic engineering study is required, the decision on the request will be based on VDOT engineering judgment. (5). Use the LD-440 Design Exception or the LD-448 Design Waiver forms for design and engineering standards, e.g. radius, grade, sight distance. See IIM-LD-227 on VDOT web site for additional instructions. Select the Exception(s) Being Requested ❑ Exception to the shared commercial entrance requirement. (Access M. Regulations section 120 C.2) Reason for exception: ❑ A. An agreement to share the entrance could not be reached with adjoining property owner. ❑ Attached: Written evidence that adjoining property owner will not share the entrance. ❑ B. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ Exception to the vehicular connection to adjoining undeveloped property requirement. (section 120 CA) Reason for exception: ❑ A. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. ❑ Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map. ❑ B. Other reason: ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST ALBEMARLE COUNTY TMPS 90-35D & 90-35H 1805 Avon Street Extended Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 PREPARED FOR Victorian Properties I1, LLC PREPARED BY Shimp Engineering, P.C. April 19, 2021 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Project Narrative 2. Entrance Spacing 3. Trip Generation 4. Turn Lane Warrant Analysis 5. Conclusion 6. Appendix 10 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. SECTION 1 PROJECT NARRATIVE Victorian Properties I1, LLC is the owner of tax map parcel 09000-00-00-035DO and James R. Moss is the owner of tax map parcel 09000-00-00-035H0; Victorian Properties 11, LLC is the applicant (the "applicant") for a zoning map amendment application known as 1805 Avon Street Extended, which pertains to tax map parcels 09000-00-00-035DO and 09000-00-00- 035HO (collectively, the "property'). The applicant seeks to rezone the 3.627-acre property from R-1 Residential to Planned Residential Development. Currently, each of the parcels has an existing single-family residence and if approved, this rezoning would allow 83 units to be developed. TMP 90-35D has an existing full access driveway off of Avon Street Extended, while TMP 90-35H shares driveway access with TMP 90-35A, which has full access onto Avon Street Extended. TMP 90-35H additionally has access on private streets Avinity Loop and Avinity Drive onto Avon Street Extended. Upon consolidating the two parcels into one property, the access easements through TMP 90-35A and through the Avinity subdivision would be abandoned and access would only be provided on Avon Street Extended. The property is adjacent to Church of God Southside, whose use lends itself to be designated as a commercial entrance. Due to this designation, any proposed entrance on 1805 Avon Street Extended would not meet Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) spacing standards; as a property with only 126' of frontage on Avon Street Extended, siting the entrance to meet entrance spacing standards is not possible. This report will analyze the spacing between entrances on Avon Street Extended (Section 2), anticipated trips through the entrances (Section 3); and whether there is a need to install turn tapers or turn lanes (Section 4). The following analyses indicate that substandard entrance spacing is not detrimental to ensuring safe and adequate movements for 1805 Avon Street Ext. and Church of God Southside, as the circumstances of this proposal differ from typical mid- or high -volume commercial entrances that serve daily traffic needs. SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. SECTION 2 ENTRANCE SPACING Route 742 Avon Street Extended is a 45-mph collector road. With the presence of Church of God Southside on TMP 90-35B and Reynovia Drive immediately across from the church, spacing of an unsignalized intersection and a full access entrance is 335, according to VDOT Appendix F Minimum Spacing Standards for Commercial Entrances (Table 2-2). The existing entrance to the property is 132' from the Church of God Southside entrance and Reynovia Drive, serving one single-family residence. The entrance is proposed to move approximately 47' towards the northern property line, such that the proposed entrance would be 179' from the Church of God Southside's entrance. Due to the narrow shape of the parcel, it is not possible for the entrance to achieve a spacing of 335' as the proposed entrance is positioned as far north as possible on the property. SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPs 90-35D&90-35H 1 4 SECTION 3 TRIP GENERATION Entrance spacing between Church of God Southside and the proposed multifamily development does not meet VDOT minimum spacing standards for commercial entrances, however, the nature of trips generated by religious institutions are dissimilar to other commercial uses that would necessitate appropriate entrance spacing. Furthermore, peak hour timeframes differ between that of a church and a multifamily neighborhood. The following trip generation was provided by ITE Trip Generation, loth Edition. A 3,200 square foot church could generate one trip during the weekday morning peak hour and two trips during the weekday evening peak hour. Due to the very low volume of weekday trips of the church and overall low trips generated by the proposed multifamily units, there is no anticipation of conflicts to occur between these two entrances that do not meet minimum entrance spacing. pI I dap Plot and Equal w.X so�XCE Tnd Den nrna lmn Ea Hery Ctla w.w.avallame. f�y5$JyLm:q¢aw. V O oonnE (illi IntEWO%®I LANDOW u. ad xwe6:FOv1: 1M09p.RliF aE RRCO. l YMNby. PoW.HWfaINp®X80PoITtr[ v soewalumr dan Exz ..70CA.U. Tro m+a. m a.na.a mt amt. a.tm n. N+a IlgaFe reaee an— Tly(in XYIW. <T Ed v .-dmeeuon......'owatede O 0 f`+0G`+s9)ItdNloW l YOu0AY1N NSb[w .utut." 1W050 FL GFR Y, Paadl.idmoaaX9treNTu vl Daa9 UNw9WXNn OCebDl[ SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. so ad ]0 Out %tq VMe Data Plot and Equation I� 10 % so 100 1000 sq. A, RP RgetIDmm O Ftted Cw M 3-1 nip T�- wmwaselaln: 8 000 By. Ft GM 11 SunEerE'pev:ellan: 0`a 200 FMM Cune EquaOan: T-B ,X,-oa. 171 11 T1 i X—1 Fmnp111I1 l,E a.exol A�allaele landUn: mm (w0:_c onoee_oe xi R ors e. m: :oia�eeaaee dPnz General joN ,N:Ean Munba W Rudin: U Xv01. au, R GEX. RwnPo X.I.: 0<B Fendmo dmwmn: Ow F Kure Eo,at n: R➢0 (q.3% Ohs G UabLulbn: JS%elvmdnn Eadr % End,. iittN Cu— --- PvnnPo Xxte .....0 EMn Avenge PM B Rulll . (EnlylN 1.11 Fnletl Gurve sRdal4RlEalyaflEHq mouse ee Mnl to Zoom out w a—Y:. Moverane oin eronEM ptiYaorlenXMTvel:m ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPS 90-35D & 90-35H 1 5 0� _.. _. _..._. t4o..-... to, x. load to. R. GH Pup20om SECTION 4 TURN LANE WARRANT ANALYSIS Right and left turn lane warrant analyses are provided to indicate low volume of peak hour trips for the proposed multifamily development. Right and left turn lanes are not required, indicating minimal conflicts between new trips and existing background traffic on Avon Street Extended. As the new peak hour trips would not require additional infrastructure for safe and adequate movement on Avon Street Extended, in addition to the existing one to two peak hour trips generated by the church, entrance spacing of 179' would not diminish public access and safety on Avon Street Extended; because turn tapers and turn lanes are not required by the proposed use, minimum entrance spacing would not be needed to minimize conflicts between turn tapers, turn lanes, and the existing commercial entrance of the church. The following 2020 traffic data specific to this portion of Avon Street Extended is provided by EPR, P.C. Figure 1. 1805 Avon Street Extended Trip Generation ITE Independent AM PM Daily Code Variable In Out Total In Out Total Total Low -Rise Multifamily 220 41 Units 4 16 20 17 10 27 269 Mid -Rise Multifamily 221 42 Units 4 11 15 11 7 18 227 Turns In 8 28 Figure 2. Avon Street Extended Weekday Traffic Counts Avon Street Extended Station ID: At 1821 Avon Street Extended Just south of Reynovia Drive Week Average Southbound Northbound AM Peak 142 268 PM Peak 325 185 Figure 3. AM & PM Peak Hour Turns 1805 Avon Street Extended Turns In Advancing Opposing % of Left Turns Morning Right 6 274 - - Morning Left 2 144 274 2% Evening Right 8 193 - - Evening Left 20 345 1 193 1 6% Note: 60/40 turn split assumed in the mornings and 70/30 split assumed in the evenings per the AM/PM SB/NB distribution of Figure 2 trip counts SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPS 90-35D & 90-35H 1 6 Figure 4. Right Turn Lane Unwarranted 120 100 cr O x w a 60 y w J U_ x W N 60 z Cr 40 x a 20 E�] PHV APPROACH TOTAL, VEHICLES PER HOUR FIGURE 3-26 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (2-LANE HIGHWAY) Appropriate Radius required at all Intersections and Entrances (Commercial or Private). LEGEND PHV - Peak Hour Volume (also Design Hourly Volume equivalent) Adjustment for Right Turns For posted speeds at or under 45 mph, PHV right turns > 40, and PHV total < 300. Adjusted right turns = PHV Right Turns - 20 If PHV is not known use formula: PHV = ADT x K x D K = the percent of AADT occurring in the peak hour D = the percent of traffic in the peak direction of flow Note: An average of 11 % for K x D will suffice. When right turn facilities are warranted, see Figure 3-1 for design criteria. 'Rev. 1/15 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPs 90-35D&90-35H 1 7 Figure 5. Left Turn Lane Unwarranted m _ 700 a > 600 w 500 J O > 400 Z U) 300 O 0_ a 20p O 0 > too 1iiQiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i S=200• Lane 0 200 00 .00 800 1000 VOLUMEVA ADVANCING FIGURE 3-11 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPs 90-35D & 90-35H 1 8 SECTION 5 CONCLUSION 1805 Avon Street is a property designated as "Urban Density Residential' by Albemarle County. Urban Density Residential uses recommend a density of 6-34 dwelling units per acre of all housing types. The proposed rezoning from R-1 Residential to Planned Residential Development for the development of 83 units would bring the density to 23 DUA, aligning with County Comprehensive Plan goals and contributing to overall housing supply in Albemarle. This request for exception from the minimum spacing standards is due to the presence of the Church of God Southside adjacent to the property. However, as a church use, there may be one to two trips occurring during the weekday morning and evening peak hour, with the majority of overall trips occurring on the weekends. Moreover, the proposed 83 multifamily units do not generate high volumes of peak hour traffic, as right and left turn lanes are not warranted with this development. Because turn tapers and turn lanes are not needed with the proposed use, minimum entrance spacing does not have to be established to minimize possible conflicts with new turn lane infrastructure and existing commercial entrances. Due to the low -volume of trips generated by this commercial entrance during typical peak hours of the adjacent residential development, meeting half of the required entrance spacing would not impede on daily safe facilitation of traffic in and around 1805 Avon Street Extended. SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPs 90-35D&90-35H 1 9 SECTION 6 APPENDIXO ^ —a 0-' -�o U o W mz WNW N 7 j c 0 00 p Y N a5_ 3v� N h � N N ME J m c J m m co m Z m rn m co m Z .c LL co m Z a o m N a � W U m Z 3 co m Z N J F m co m Z O N U () m N m co r9A /1 F- SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. �nmma�nn minm�am�nmmvmrnoNonmo N m N N m- m m-- m- m O n O N M 01' ���m��v OlN O)�rmCI CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • • . . . . NN �NmON�m0 tN0 mmm-vNi V N V -- mOmOe��� o inmmm�nmmn�� mrnvnm�mnmmw yy ��pp�yy N Nli�� m V rmN�0l trOA hth ONOm mI� W O aro�^�Nmm N C'lNm��N O r N01m V N m mm rim Nm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . Q 00000000000a00000000000 � omom th OmOm 0 m m o O O O N y�rCl N 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O m Om001 01 OmOm o �O m rn o�io� Of'00 N O m n M m 1Oorcin O OOOCI O O O O O O O O N O Y—Y S]l0 O J IL d F a U a ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: TMPs 90-35D & 90-35H I 10 February 2015 ❑ Exception to the commercial entrance shall not be located within the functional area of an intersection requirement. (See Regulation Section 120 C. 1; Appendix F, Rd Design Manual) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that the operation of the intersection and public safety will not be adversely impacted. ❑ ✓ EXCEPTION TO THE SPACING STANDARDS FOR: • Commercial entrances; intersections/median crossovers (Table 2-2); • Commercial entrances/intersections near interchange ramps (Tables 2-3, 2-4); or • Corner clearance (Figure 4-4). Appendix F, Road Design Manual Information on the Exception Request ✓❑ ON A STATE HIGHWAY Functional classification: Principal Arterial: ❑ Minor Arterial: ❑ Collector: ❑✓ Local: Posted speed limit: 45 mph NEAR AN INTERCHANGE RAMP (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) CORNER CLEARANCE (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) Type of intersection/entrance: Signalized [=-] Unsignalized [=-] Full Access [] Partial Access Required spacing distance 335 ft Proposed spacing distance 179 ft Requested exception: Reduction in required spacing 156 ft REASON FOR EXCEPTION: ❑ A. To be located on an older, established business corridor along a highway where existing spacing did not meet the standards prior to 7/1/08 or 10/14/09. (Regulation Section 120 C.3.c) ❑ Attached: Dated aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. ❑✓ B. Not enough property frontage to meet spacing standard, but the applicant does not want a partial access right-in/right-out entrance. (Section 120 C.3.f) ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that left turn movements at the entrance will not have a negative impact on highway operation or safety. ❑ C. To be located within a new urbanism mixed use type development. (Section 120 C.3.d) ❑ Attached: The design of the development and compliance with intersection sight distance. ❑ D. The proposed entrance meets the signal warrants but does not meet the signalized intersection spacing standard. The applicant requests an exception to the spacing standard. ❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study that (i) evaluates the location's suitability for a roundabout and (ii) provides documentation that the proposed signal will not impact safety and traffic flow. (Section 120 C.5) February 2015 ❑ E. The development's 2"d (or additional) entrance does not meet the spacing standards but is necessary for the streets to be accepted into the secondary system. (section 120 C.3.e) ❑ Attached: Information on the development that identifies the location of entrances. ❑ F. To be located within the limits of a VDOT and locality approved access management corridor plan. ❑ Attached: Aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance/intersection location. (Sect 120 C.3.1b) FOR VDOT USE ONL Recommendation on Exception Request: Approveo Denyr Date: Area Land Use Engineer or: Name Remarks: Exception Request Action: Approved❑ Denied❑ Date: District Administrator or Designee: Name (and position if Designee) Remarks: District Staff: Please email copy to Bradley.Shelton(cDVDOT.Virginia.gov 3