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ARB202000076 Plan - Approved 2021-04-22
_ �Illillla FLOW AUTOMOTIVE OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Audi - Porsche - Volkswagen - Mazda ARB Revised for Submittal #3 dated August 10, 2020 (of original February 24,2020) *Revisions to drawings and renderings highlighted red. B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm AERIAL PERSPECTIVE RENDERING OF PROPOSAL FLOW AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 A New Site and new Direction for Flow Dealerships Earlier this fall, Flow Companies was presented the opportunity to ac- quire the Old Malloy Ford property as a substitute for its current prop- erties across Richmond Road. This document introduces all four of the previously reviewed dealerships on this completely new site. Throughout 2019, Flow Automotive, Inc. has been extremely appre- ciative of the Albemarle ARB in its guidance for the development of both the new Audi /Porsche dealerships on 1313 Richmond Road (ARB-2019-55) and the VW /Mazda dealeships on 1289 Stoneypoint Road (ARB-2019-47). While having spent a good deal of time this year working diligently to find the best design solutions for both locations, we always faced serious limitations on these sites making each less than ideal for efficient operations. Thus, with the opportunity of acquir- ing the old Malloy Ford site - across the street from their current Audi/ Porsche complex - the decision was made to switch gears and pursue this change of direction. This new address - 1300 Richmond Road - is comprised of 2 adjacent lots - the old dealership and Service Building on the east side (TMP 7800-7) and the the Pre -owned building and ma- jority of parking on the west side ( TMP7800-6.) Flow finds many advantages with this new site that we hope may also be seen as a boon to the County and EC. First and foremost, this proj- ect would reutilize a major portion of the existing Malloy site. In keeping the large Service building, Body Shop as well as re -purposing the Pre - Owned Building, this redevelopment is a sustainable option in its preser- vation and re -use of existing resources. Further, the replacement of the existing old showroom along Richmond Road with the new Porsche / Audi complex will result in a much needed renovation of the rambling, outdated structure. The resulting project will be a fresh, clean design; bringing about a much improved condition along a very visible stretch of the Entrance Corridor. The Board will likely recognize the design's similarities with the previous project across the street that was 'condi- tionally approved' by the ARB this summer There was much discussion about the limitations of the previous VW / Mazda corner site: the large electrical easment, difficult access and a long narrow lot were all features creating problems for future planning R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cem While we felt the previous design 'made the most' of a difficult situa- tion (and again we thank the ARB for helping sculpt those solutions), ultimately these compromises were leading to an inefficient site with crowded operations. Ultimately, a car dealership may not be the best fit for such a prominent locaton in the E.C. On the other hand, 1300 Richmond Road provides ample space - and not to mention, already developed space - for operations of all 4 dealerships combined. Further, we've found through a lengthy vetting process that a majority of the existing site's facilities can be re -used; which again is perhaps a more sustainable solution. Finally, vehicular drop-off was always a problem at the 1313 Richmond Road site. Due to limited space, this activity has had to occur on Rich- mond Road. At the new site, with the additional Road being built for the adjacent Wawa development, proposed vehicular drop-off will occur in the rear of the site via the new Road off of Stonypoint. With the previous Porsche / Audi project having gained conditional ARB approval and VW/ Mazda also having undergone multuiple re- views, we understand a good deal of effort has been put forth on these projects to date. We respectfully ask again for the ARB guidance in finding the best possible solution for both the dealerships in their relation with the Entrance Corridor. NEW DIRECTION FLOW AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm 1\� I d I 1 r I I (EX) USED CA O 1 =W 1 I 1 1 O 1 I a a o 1 I ® o a 1 © 1 EXISTING 11 ® SERVICE AREA 1 I e a e (EX) SHOWROOM © --- — (EX) SHOWROOM I a e l a o cc U.S. ROUTE 250 RICHMOND ROAD scale: 1 " = 80'-0" ,° EXISTING SITE PLAN FLOW AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 --— —— —— —- — � I \ r r , I �\wwa .b ( 1 I (EX) SALES & SERVICE NEW SALES &SERVICE - 1 FFE 420 TO REMAIN BUILDING FFE 41635 _ 1 I — 1 a 1 I _ ® EXISTING SERVICE FFE APPROX 414 TO 11 REMAIN 1 NEW SALES BUILDING FFE I 417.00 NEW SALES BUILDING FFE i I 419.50 � 2 I— i ' 2 scale: 1" = 80'-0" (10 I ' r f 19 NEW SITE PLAN e B W A R C H I T e C T S U.S. ROUTE 250 RICHMOND ROAD FLOW AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT 112 fourth street 0NE 2 cnanmtesvlhe mrgm�a zz9oz / ARB Submittal 434.971.7160 www.nrw-e rehltects.cum SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 r s AUDI & PORSCHE OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SHOWROOM RENOVATION & EXPANSION R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE chatlo¢esvi 11, virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem Ir • N 7P Fl —T` GMJI - � � � �-� `• .may-. 0 � t �� '� -�! �d�����-- � � . I� H IF m J. 0LI � — The project on the site's East side (Parcel 7800-7) is a new addition expan- sion of the existing Ford complex transforming the old empty Ford dealer- ship into a new Flow Audi and Porsche Showroom as well as a renovation of the existing Service Building. While the Service Building block in the rear (not visible fro the EC) will remain, the entire front of the old Ford com- plex - including showroom and offices - will be demolished and replaced with a new updated complex, and a design that should be familiar to the ARB. As with the previously approved project reviewed last year, this new design is a dealership hybrid - marrying Audi on the west side with a Porsche Showroom on the east. The Audi portion of the building picks up from where it left off from the previously ARB approved but unbuilt design planned for the lot across the street. The new proposal for the existing building's west (Audi) side is similar in size and scale to the previous design and it employs a ground to roof curtain wall running across the front facade - a major feature that can be seen as both contemporary but also maintaining time honored classical elements. The vehicular drive-thru is represented as a minor massing in relation to the main showroom; thus helping to break down the scale of the overall facade. In composition, one can point to the buildings unadorned glass box as conveying the beauty of simple, whole geometry. Further, architectural elements - such as the repetition of the glass and its repetitive slender vertical framework - evoke a strength of repetition and subtle rhythm one finds in more classical buildings. The Audi Entry is an elegant recess within the front facade. With a reduced palette of materials, a general design theme is an uncluttered minimalism; an idea drawn from classical precedents. Porsche's curved facade is well suited to the new site in how its form ad- dresses the corner of Town and Country Road. You will note in the per- spective renderings that this portion of the facade is couched within the landscape as it is downhill by @ 10-15' from the corner of Richmond Road with Town & Country. One might argue Porsche's form and massing is a better fit at this new location vs. the previous site. The Porsche addition keeps the same material palette planned for across the street; which were revised per the previous ARB process commentary. These materials are compatible to Audi. The metal canopy complements the anodized glass frame of the Audi glass wall front and forms a suitable contrast to the transparency of the glass. An entire front facade make -over, this project is a major upgrade over the exisiting out -dated dealership. Pehaps, just as important, from a sus- tainability perspective, the re -use of this site / building saves resources; and a general goal is to maintain large portions of the site without major disturbance. On a building scale, the new showrooms are an improvement in that they will add a crisp, fresh design to the corridor and provide quality spaces filled with plenty of natural light on the interior. While the new exterior designs maintain some of the characteristics of each corporate identity, the overriding intent is to create a cohesive building and one that is in keeping with the local character and Entrance Corridor Guide- lines. After last year's February 4, 2019 work session and April 15th 2019 Con- cept Meeting with the ARB for the previous project, both dealerships made a number of design changes to address the Board's comments. We have maintained these revised architectural elements in this pro- posal. These design features include the following: 1. minimizing the drive-thru location which thereby reduces the overall canopy size - (in this new project the drive-thru is now an exterior lane under the metal canopy.) 2. reducing the metal canopy volume and overall building height by removing its top 4'-0" panel, 3. revised the Porsche storefont glass widths to a 4'-0 module for consistency to the Audi design as well as 4. modifying the vertical connections of the curtain wall frame in the Porsche central glass entry - changing from butt joints to anodized frame - to again tie into the Audi framework and create more overall design consistency and 5. the columns were enlarged in order create a more solid connection to the ground. Again, an important issue in this program is not just looking at either side or dealership in isolation but rather designing a building that works as a whole; and stands on its own merit to be a positive addition to the En- trance Corridor. In this way, a design goal is finding ways creating com- positional unity. We are finding this unity in materiality, overall massing as well in more focused architectural detail. We are proposing a brick siding for the new building side elevations; one that takes the place of each corporate standards materials of cement paneling and black corrugat- ed metal. Regarding the more general building composition, roof heights were modified to reflect the sloping grade. On the detail level, more minor architectural elements were brought into alignment; such as the Porsche banding pattern with various featires pf Audi's facade. Also, de- fining the 4'-0" glass width lends to this idea of consistency - maintaining a shared module of the field of glass; furhter tying the two sides together. While a separation is requested by both dealerships to avoid blending of branding identities, the central block - a simple recessed wall of minimal dark gray metal paneling - provides an architectural element that mar- ries the two styles while creating a pause for transition. PROJECT NARRATIVE FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 EwsnNC PORo I SERVICE RECEKION CANOPY III B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charl0ttsseil le vi &1. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm scale : 3/64" = 1'-0" ISTING PLAN FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 four h street NE rnarmttesv, He 291nla 22902 434.9 i 1.]160 wwwDrw-a1111 eots.com LIyl C) — I I<>I I_ I <>III I��I I�� II �� I I I 1 I I = 1 �' 1 1 1 II II I I II II I I I II II II I I II II I I I II II II EXISTING TO REMAIN ��n n_� I II II II II II II II I fl�T II II 1 II II II I II II 1 1 II 7 I iAi --J----JL--IJ--ll--ll--JLJ �r Jr d _n II 1 1 II I= di 1 (EX) SHOWROOM TO BE DEMOLISHED = = JL=�L -7r— -7 — — r � — _ -1 � II II II II I I IL°----------°----------°L 1 r-1 LJ a 19' - 0" I NI 11 scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" I I NI iN 1 DEMO PLAN FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 NOTE: VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. 0--F- 77 IIII II II I I I I I I I I J I HHH III I I L J L J a 111 EXISTING TO REMAIN /II Qn 4r---111 414'-0" I N 1111 N 1111 II Ll r� F-- F--] lI 7-1 11 lI F--I I F--I F--FTI I I TIEfEil II F-77FT"It -vT11 II II II I uf�fill CID uLJ° j ® a �510 lo ©0©❑ -oil ® ® ®® ❑ uoo �� ❑ 8 0� L NEW PORSCHE / NEW AUDI , � � �o ° L HOWROOM ®� ° o SHOWROOM / scale: 3/64"=1'-0" _ _ 17-0" 0 4 Q 9' 6„ _ NEW PLAN e B w A R C N Ire c r s FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION 112 f0urtn street NE cnsn0ttesal lle mrghle 22902 ARB Submittal 434.971.7160 .w..°,.-er°"ltects.°°m SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 53' - 0" SEE CIVIL FOR EXACT DIMENSION 58' - 6" SEE CIVIL FOR EXACT DIMENSION R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lie virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem El �MEGH UNITS AUDI RTU SIGHTLINE MECH UNITS PORSCHE RTU SIGHTLINE scale : 3/32" = 1'-0" AUDI & PORSCHE RTU SIGHTLINE STUDY FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm NEW - FRONT PERSPECTIVE FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 ACM dry -joint Brick veneer - Recessed metal Curtain wall with 2' Matte white ACM at Brick veneer - Metal paneling @ Curtain wall with Sloped skylight Aluminum composite metal panels - rainscreen system - Glen- Gery Steel corners - grey finish anodized frame interior ceiling foscia Glen- Gery Steel recessed building anodized frame @ entry 3' -111/4" matte (MICA OPT) finish (revised from matte (MICA OPT) finish Grey K12-3008 beyond - CWM Grey K72-3008 connection - VM MTLC BSX SLVR per ARB comments at Service Drive portal White finish QUART - ZINC finish. fl submissions 3/4/2019) PORSCHE R OF 445' - 9- A DI ROQF 440' - 2' h t7 CV AW BaMoa aX- DI SHQWR M LZ 4A P R HE H R 419'-b' UDI SERVICE DRIV AUDI SHOWROOM SHARED SPACE PORSCHE SHOWROOM ACM dry -joint 1'-0" wide interior Aluminum curtain Structural glazing at —EIFS beyond- color Exterior canopy rainscreen system - columns - silver finish. wall at entry - black showroom - vertical butt to match ACM columns - black finish matte (MICA OPT) finish Revised from ARB painted @ vertical joints with glass fins at entry portal submission 3/4/2019. mullions below 10'-0' behind NOTE: 1. VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE (VLT) SHALL NOT DROP BELOW 40%. VISIBLE LIGHT REFLECTANCE (VLR) SHALL NOT EXCEED 30%. 2. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE rlo chattesvi lie vironia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem scale : 3/64" = 1'-0" AUDI- PORSCHE FRONT BUILDING ELEVATION FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm AUDI- PORSCHE FRONT PERSPECTIVES FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE chatlo¢esvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem AUDI - PORSCHE SIDE PERSPECTIVES FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm EXISTING - PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING WEST FROM RT.250 FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 L� r B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm EXISTING - PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING EAST FROM RT.250 FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 a w PORSCHE ROOF 445' - 9' M .2 N O O Structural glazing W showroom - vertical butt joints with glass fins behind B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE chanlatteseil le virghl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm &fisting building M be re -painted dark grey - EXISTING REAR BODY SHOP BEYOND NOT VISIBLE FROM E.C. Aluminum composite metal panels - matte (MICA OPT) finish. columns - black finish DRIVE-THRU Audi Service Dn w- EXISTIN SERVICE AREA 71' - 11 1/4" PARTLY VISIBLE FROM E.C. system @ service, matte (MICA Off) el ['sting building b be re -painted - dark grey to match ACM panel garage door NOTE: 1. VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE (VLT) SHALL NOT DROP BELOW 40%. VISIBLE LIGHT REFLECTANCE (VLR) SHALL NOT EXCEED 30%. 2. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. Matte white ACM at inWor ceiling fasdabeyond- Curtain wall with 2- Porsche building anodized forme beyond CWM While finish � PORSCHE ROOF 445- AUDI R F Bnch veneer - Glen-Gery Steel Grey K12-3008 EXISTING TO REMAIN SHOWROOM 417' 0' canner - grey finish - pained AUDI SIDE - WEST ELEVATION scale: 3/64" = 1 '-0" PORSCHE SIDE - EAST ELEVATION scale : 3/64" = 1 '-0" AUDI - PORSCHE SIDE ELEVATIONS FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 T ' a 4 In J �• [ sJ yj .��� ¢ v I' "5. 1� Old Mazda B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesai lle virghl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cvm Goodwill Store Future Wawa Development Proposed FLOW Mazda - VW beyond 6MW Of Gherlutt¢A�i� BMW of Charlottesville across law Z 1k ELEMENTS OF ENTRY CORRIDOR GUIDELINES FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 Proposed FLOW Audi Porsche Old Audi Porsche across B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cem Guadalajara Restaurant Brown Toyota across In developing a new identity for this site, both Audi and Porsche look to create a building that responds to the guidelines for the Entrance Corridor. While using modern design and materials, the intent is for tak- ing cues from the scale, texture and detail of the surrounding Entrance Corridor and the historic precedents of the larger community. Compafibiliity with the Character of the Entrance Corridor The size and scale of this building compares appropriately with the size and scale of buildings on both sides of the Entrance Corridor. It would fall into the moderate to large range in comparison to other buildings in the area and will be the same scale as the existing building. The Entrance Corridor along US 250 east of Charlottesville at Pantops represent a diversity of architectural approaches to design and scale. A good portion of the development along the stretch includes a num- ber of buildings using different materials and a variety of architectural styles. The Union Bank and UVA Credit Union buildings use painted white brick, the Montessori school is a more contemporary design which use scale, material and texture to accomplish their appropriate- ness within the district. Toyota has used modern materials to modify its trademark building to break down the scale of the building down into section that reflect the historic scale of much more traditional buildings of the region. Form, Shape, Scale, and Material Creating a Cohesive Whole This renovation / addition breaks down the scale of long facade and create variations on the facade. The Design narrative goes into more detail regarding how the materiality and detailing help create a more cohesive whole. Buildings should relate to their site and surrounding context The different sides of the new design step down with the natural topog- raphy; which help it relate more appropriately to the site. Porsche's rounded eastern corner provides an suitable response to the corner of 250 and Town and Country Road. Buildings should have a human scale Both Dealerships provide a strong sense of entry and scaling mech- anisms that deal with human scale. Each respective Entry provides a focus and reduced overall scale to allow people to relate to buildings in a personal way. ELEMENTS OF ENTRY CORRIDOR GUIDELINES FLOW AUDI PORSCHE AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 "+y MAZDA & VOLKSWAGEN OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SHOWROOM RENOVATION & NEW CONSTRUCTION R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE chatlo¢esvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem �{ � T.}� T n •�, � �� v �% yam, 4'� ".._. w ri1IL �• -- iAL r'� v �R 0. .q _ Y � --- 16 The project on the west side of the old Ford property (Parcel 7800-6) includes both a new Mazda and VW Dealership. Mazda would occupy what is currently the old Pre -owned building. While renovating the ex- isting structure, scope of work would also include 2 new small additions -one on either side of the buildng - as well as a completely new facade across the building front. The VW will be a completely new building next to Mazda. The new Mazda will provide all the amenities of a full -service dealership: an up-to-date showroom with waiting areas and offices, a vehicular drop off station as well as a new Service Bay Garage in the existing garage below. Related to the E.C. review, the new Showroom/Service Center will provide a much -needed upgrade from the existing dated structure. We see this project as an opportunity to enhance the character of the site by improv- ing the Site Plan with better organization and improved county recom- mended landscaping. And from an architectural standpoint, the project replaces the existing with a new building that is more appropriate for its prominent location. The current Mazda design standard is a contemporary style. Subdued with a simple combination of light and dark metal paneling, the exterior fapade shows enough variety to create and maintain interest and has a calm, cool demeaner, as apposed to being flamboyant and overwhelm- ing the rest of the character on the 250 corridor. Large storefront windows are added to the fapade which rounds out the material palette and provides a healthy amount of daylighting for the interior. Mazda's main design feature - referred to as 'the jewel box'- is a 2 story room enclosed in a glass frame that encourages one's gaze on the outside into the inte- rior environment. This 'jewel box' appears an appropriate answer for an addition to the existing building. In contrast with the rest of the white front exterior, it helps break down the scale of the building. Its prominent but well proportioned oversized glass wall is oriented toward a wonderful view and enhances the importance of its location. Further, the interior wall of the jewel box is lined with a wood plank the which forms a warm contrast to the exterior and materially ties into the local vernacular. As with the previous 2019 design, this building's facade has traded the corporate branded white metal panels in exchange for white brick; which we see as a material much more in keeping with the local character and material vernacular. B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lle virghia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rcbitects.com In addition - per ARB Conceptual review comments, we have reconfigured the Mazda exterior facade by reducing the height of the front white brick wall making it 22' vs the original 26' height. This move brings about 2 positive results: 1. It breaks down the scale of the original building. Now there is a clear major and minor element to the building's overall composition. 2. It addresses the problem of the 'blankness' of the original white wall. With its new reduced height, the wall appears at a more appropriate scale and from a compositional standpoint, it plays a secondary role to the 'jewel box' on the west side. The new VW complex will provide the some full -service amenities as Mazda. As with Mazda, this particular site layout is advantageous in allowing for efficient daily operations and a plus for the Entrance Corridor in the way it limits the visual noise of constant visible moving vehicular traffic on site. The VW location was mainly informed by the re -use of the existing pre -owned building. Given the need for their proximity in creating an efficient site - con- gregating massing, drive-thru bays and drive thru aisles - the new VW facade is placed alongside the Mazda complex. In this way, there is an efficiency of scale created on the site as well as the potential for re -using the already de- veloped parking in the front of the buildings. The VW building also picks up from where we left off on the prior design for the previous site per the 2019 ARB review process. Again, a buff colored stone paneling has replaced the original VW white metal panel; a standard in the companies branding material palette. Also, the white frame is broken down into smaller frames ;which help both break down scale of compostion as well as lend a human scale. The major VW change from the concpetual submission is - per the county comments - eliminating the light trough in the exterior frame. It's also worthwhile pointing out that while we looked at breaking down the scale of VW by recessing the Drive-thru block on the left, we felt that adding an additional element might introduce a 'busy-ness' to the overall composi- tion of VW and Mazda when looked at in unison. You'll note in the side by side comparison (see elevation sheet), that the VW building forms an appropriate counter point to the 2 part Mazda design. further, the lower VW building shows a relationship to the existing topography. The lower tier portion of Mazda's white wall provides a suitable transition between the lower roof line of VW and the higher eastern block of the Mazda building. We look forward to working with the county in providing the best possible de- sign solutions. PROJECT NARRATIVE FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 � � r.-. q �- � d .��y Imo• Y '�, , r � < -: y i mom fY i B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE ch.Hottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm EXISTING - PERSPECTIVE - ENTRY LOOKING WEST FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 i 5 ffpf Vl 51 i ��" .� # cif .r�i �� �, .♦ • � E7 r R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem MAZDA - PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING EAST FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlattssail le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm ysl Go dman _ I wodman r amtnc - GaodHoan�® LIC p naos EXISTING - PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING NORTH EAST FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 ���-`Y.m _.��i+G ::ems a�'R�� �•�..I �r. ��► � __a-.T� -m. .� �. .s' B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE ch.Hottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm EXISTING - PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING WEST FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cem NEW - PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING WEST FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 Mw B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE ch.Hottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm NEW - PERSPECTIVE - VW FRONT & EAST SIDE FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 r usencaws � 4i Av VOW 711 ram.. _ . •��r,� M B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm NOTE: NO ROOFTOP UNITS FOR MAZDA. MAZDA MECHANICAL UNIT IS HIDDEN FROM STREE ON WEST SIDE ELEVATION NIT VW RTU SIGHTLINE scale: 1 " = 30'-0" MAZDA & VW RTU SIGHTLINE STUDY FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 r �_••� 9 �` Ems�..++ � _ A• r� l •• 7� y fit'•'.?• -tea B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0urth street NE charlottesvil le virgitl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cvm STONE PANEL SP-1 ENTRY FRAME WITH CLEAR INSULATED GLAZING SYTEM AND VW LOGO CLIP ON INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FACES DEALER FRAME WITH ILLUMINATED DEALER NAME SIGN WITH BACKLIT SHOWROOM ',> V-0" RECESSED SERVICE I SERVICE DRIVE SHOWROOM NOTE: 1. VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE (VLT) SHALL NOT DROP BELOW 40%. VISIBLE LIGHT REFLECTANCE (VLR) SHALL NOT EXCEED 30%. 2. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. PER ARB COMMENTS 05.18.2020: MAZDA BRICK -FACED FRONT REDUCED VW FRAME LIGHTING REMOVED scale: 1 /16" = 1 r-0" MAZDA & VW FRONT BUILDING ELEVATION FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 PARTLY SEEN FROM E.C. 1 01 ui mlklV En A&IC bnl! V %A/All vi Av AT I :O STOLIT LOTUSAN 1.5 TINTED ISHED CONCRETE CATION - NOT SEEN FROM E.0 MAZDA WEST ELEVATION VW EAST ELEVATION scale: 1/16" = l'-0" scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" MAZDA & VW SIDE ELEVATION R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 rovth street NE FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION cnano¢esvl lie virginla 2290E ARB Submittal 434.971.7160 www.°r"-ar`"I`e"a.°°m SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 Old Mazda B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesai lle virghl. 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-a rchitects.cvm Goodwill Store Future Wawa Development Proposed FLOW Mazda - VW beyond 6MW Of Gherlutt¢A�i� BMW of Charlottesville across law Z 1k ELEMENTS OF ENTRY CORRIDOR GUIDELINES FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 Proposed FLOW Audi Porsche Old Audi Porsche across R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlotte lle vwginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cem Guadalajara Restaurant Brown Toyota across In developing a new identity for this site, both VW and Mazda look to create a building that responds to the guidelines for the Entrance Cor- ridor. While using modern design and materials, the intent is for taking cues from the scale, texture and detail of the surrounding Entrance Corridor and the historic precedents of the larger community. Compatibility with the Character of the Entrance Corridor The size and scale of this building compares appropriately with the size and scale of buildings on both sides of the Entrance Corridor. Clearly, the Pre -owned converted into Mazda complex maintains the scale and generally improves the exisitng condition. The VW complex is sim- ilarly sized and would be considered a moderate sized building along this corridor; certainly within bounds of the surrounding context. Also both building designs fit within the variations found on both sides of the street and one might argue that they bring a high level of detail vs many other commercial ventures. Form, Shape, Scale, and Material Creating a Cohesive Whole Both buildings break down the scale of long facade by introducing a variations of architectural features. In Mazda's case, we have revised the typical design standard and lowered the white wall on the east side of the front elevation; which breaks down the building scale and and substituted white brick for the white metal panels with the intent to better tie the design into a materiality with shared by the local vernac- ular. Buildings should relate to their site and surrounding context VW is scaled and located to relate the existing pre -owned building. Both buillding fronts are a similar length. VW ground and building height is lower than Mazda as a way of relating to the existing grade. A priority in this development is for a sustainable re -use of the existing resources. Buildings should have a human scale Both Dealerships provide a strong sense of entry and scaling mecha- nisms that deal with human scale. Mazda's entry is clearly marked and the interior of it's most visible architectural feature - the jewel box - has an interior wood wall that has a warmth and texture more appropriate for the human connection. In addition, VW's design has a number of entry portals that break down the front facade and it's overall white frame into entries and detailing of a very human size and scale. ELEMENTS OF ENTRY CORRIDOR GUIDELINES FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 f0 firth street NE cha rlottesai Ile virginia 22902 434.971.T160 www.brw-a rchitects.com PROPOSED LANDSCAPE Plant Symbol Planting Tpe Botanical Name Common Name Oft Lmge O --- Tree far"..".. lulipilno Tull, Poplar 0 large Decks— Tree Platanas —if.". L ., Plane Tree k Moral Dwlauou- Tree Llaame4ie k-tuk- Yellow woo! Medium Dw.ld— Tree Lerdai,h,fl— k,Oniwm Kaleuraol Cb Srad 0ecmaawa Tree Larpaae below. Ilang.l. oyr, l E.ro,ean Hornell Powering Ornamental cxck coalk Eastern Real CMS { • STo sMOCv larw D.am w. nla Cartlata r0rlitlll ni liar- Small (xnommtal crataegu. tltlal. 'Water Km •µinter King' Xowta. .+.},Ct { y Powering Ornanen[al Lwnus Flwitla F„al,rKal •M1M Spring' B Bn Medium Pociauws Mull all D.- Heal Birch ®Pa N-now, shmb X ytlrongeo Wdclttlla Cak leaf Xydrangeo 9 0 Dwell Shrvb Fotrergilla Carden Dwarf Farre llla SITE LANDSCAPE FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 Proposed Aerial Existing Aerial R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 fourth street NE charlottesvi lle virginia 22902 434.971.7160 www.brw-e rchitects.cem Landscape Design for the Particular Site The updated landscape design attempts to provide a thoughtfullness and respect for this particular site - taking into account both its advantiages and limitations. A few major issues to note: • The majority of the planting palette is comprised of native species of trees & shrubs. • The overhead power line and narrow planting bed at the east lot 250 frontage pose a challenge and limits the options for the variety of trees - especially the standard typical large canopy street tree - that would thrive here. Looking at the existing site, we clearly want to avoid the previous planting scheme of a large canopy trees which would inev- itabley would be trimmed inappropriately or 'topped' for the power lines. Instead, we propose a tree selection that works within this existing context - one that is a lower height and species durable enough to thrive in this difficult condition. In turn, the proposed 'east frontage' planting plan utilitzes a mix of smaller understory specimens - and through their repetition begin to reinforce the street edge while complimenting the narrow space be- tween road and intrior drive/building. • On the other hand, with Route 250 turning to the left in front of the west lot, we are afford- ed some space which provides the opportunity for the larger canopy trees recommended by ARB standards. In this case, we choose a variety that has a stong form/ presence and place them in a row of seven; as a way of developing a consistency, repition and pattern that will certainly enhance the character of the Entrance Corridor. SITE LANDSCAPE FLOW MAZDA - VOLKSWAGEN AUTOMOTIVE RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ARB Submittal SUBMITTED June 22 - REVISED August 10, 2020 6.�BWiM� R C X I T E C T 11]bulAO..ln dmbml0. NyAeiNOR u�.nLnm b-aeNm�mm PARTLY SEEN FROM E.C. I bI ul nuV"en s ue—.—... — n. ...ww .. I EAST ELEVATION ARB 1/8° = P_a" SLIT LOTUSAN 1.5 TINTED CONCRETE N - NOT SEEN FROM E.0 VW EAST ELEVATION REVISED SIDE ELEVATIONSUBMISSION FLOW VOLKSWAGEN 11/30/20