HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000052 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2021-04-30�4 OF A�8
County of Albemarle
To: Justin Shimp
From: Megan Nedostup
Date: April 30, 2021
Re: SDP2020-52 Regents School- Final Site Plan
Megan Nedostup, AICP
Development Process Manager
Telephone: (434)296-5832 ext.3004
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community
Development will recommend approve the plan referred to above when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each
comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [SP condition #31 The total number of students is above 280. An additional TIA was provided, however
it was submitted after the application, and therefore a determination has not been made that the
proposed number of students can be approved. This determination will need to occur prior to approval
of the final site plan, or the students will need to be reduced to 280 or a new special use permit will
need to be submitted and approved.
1-Final: Received. VDOT and the Transportation Planner are reviewing and will either request more
information, or make a recommendation to the Director of Community Development.
2-Final: Revisions under review with VDOT and Transportation Planner. Comment outstanding.
3- Comment addressed. See attached approval.
2. [32.5.2(b)] Include the maximum height of all structures. Sheet 1 states the building shall be limited to 2
stories per the conditions of the SP, however there are no conditions related to building height. The
height should be in conformance with the R1 zoning, which is 35 feet.
1-Final: addressed.
3. [32.5.2(b)] See comments from Zoning on the parking. Provide a plan for overflow/events. Also,
reference the parking study on Sheet one for the amount provided.
1-Final: See comments from zoning.
2-Final: Revisions under review with zoning ng has no further co,
3- 4.12.8(e) requires County Attorney approval and the agreement be recorded. The County
Attorney reviewed the provided document and has stated that what was provided is not in a
recordable form. Review the ordinance requirements and revise to meet the requirements. See
attached example and revise agreement to be recorded.
4. [3z.5.z(c)) vvw phasing oe plannea! it so, snow pnase lines inclucung now utilities, parking, etc, Will oe
accommodated through phasing.
1-Final: addressed.
5. [32.5.2(e)] Show the existing landscape features in accordance with this section. Also, show the limits
of disturbance including utilities, accurately on the plan.
1-Final: addressed.
6. [32.5.2(i)] Label on all sheets the existing Reservoir Road. Also include the state route number, right of
way lines and width, and centerline radii and pavement width.
1-Final: addressed.
7. [32.5.2(n)] Provide the location and dimensions for all existing and proposed improvements including:
buildings (max height for each building), walkways, fences, walls (including height), trash containers,
outdoor lighting, recreational areas and facilities, loading and service areas, and the proposed paving
material types for all walks and parking lots.
1-Final: addressed.
8. [32.5.2(n); SP] Show the open space, right of way dedication (state: dedicated to public use), and trail
connections per sheet 4 of the Special Use Permit.
a. for the trail, an easement will be required. Also, a letter of revision will be required
for updates to the Trinity site plan, including the trail. Provide a detail for the trail.
b. The trail also ends at the parking lot on the school site. It is recommended, for
pedestrian safety, that the trail connect to the sidewalk.
2-Final: Comments addressed. Other plans are under review.
A pedestrian connection shall be provided from the site to TMP 76-17. The design and location of the
pedestrian path shall be finalized during the site plan process.
Area depicted as Right -of -Way reservation area shall be reserved for future dedication upon demand by the
County of Albemarle or the Virginia Department of Transportation.
A minimum of 25% of the school campus site, as shown on sheet C3, shall be delineated as open space.
9. [4.17] VVII lighting be proposed? If so, a lighting plan in accordance with this section is required. Please
also add the conditions of the special exception for lighting to the plan.
a. Coordinate the lighting plan with the landscape plan. It appears that there is
lighting shown on the site plan, that is not on the lighting plan.
b. Show the lighting for the athletic field and include that information in the
photometric plan including the cut sheets of the fixtures.
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10. Easement plats and associated deeds will be required for all proposed easements including right of way
dedication, utility easements, open space, etc.
1-Final: Not addressed.
2-Final: Not addressed. Easement for forestall and open space and on the Trinity parcel were submitted,
however a plat for all the other easements on the Regent school site has not been submitted to date.
3- Not addressed. Same comment as above. No additional easements were added to the revised
plat for Regents property (SUB2020-192) that was submitted in January. Right of way dedication
and utility easements need to be platted and approved by the County. These plats will need to be
recorded prior to approval of the site plan.
11. [32.7.9] Not all required landscaping is shown on the landscape plan. All required landscaping will need to
be shown for the final site plan in accordance with this section.
1-Final: Not addressed:
a. The screening of the parking lot doesn't not meet the requirements of the
ordinance. Provide a continuous single row of evergreen shrubs for the parking
lot screening 5 feet on center. Replace the deciduous shrubs with evergreen.
b. Revise the required number of trees, 10 are required, not 9, as you need to round
c. Remove the shrubs from the tree canopy calculation, shrubs can not count
towards canopy.
d. Shrubs should continue around the corner of the parking long near the dumpster.
In addition, the dumpster must be screened. There doesn't appear to be a detail
for what is shown, either a fence or wall? Provide the detailed screening for the
2-Final: comments addressed.
12. [Recommendation] It appears that the circulation for the plan doesn't allow passenger side drop off but is
designed to have drop off on the driver's side, which isn't typical for schools. Please clarify.
1-Final: addressed.
13. [Recommendation] The City of Charlottesville Parks and Rec has reached out to see if a trail connection
could be provided. Please contact Chris Gensic at the city if there is interest in providing a trail, and
coordinate with County Parks and Rec.
1-Final: acknowledged.
14. Provide information regarding the pump station. Is this a private pump station? Will it need to be upgraded?
How many connections have been approved to this pump station?
2-Final: Information was submitted and is under review. Board approval of the central system is needed prior to
final site plan approval.
3- Comment addressed. Board approved central system.