HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900047 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2021-05-04Phone (4341296-5832
Project title:
Project Tile number:
Plan preparer:
Owner or rep.:
Plan date:
(Rev 1.)
(Rev. 2)
(Rev. 3)
(Rev. 4)
Plan received date:
(Rev. 1)
(Rev. 2)
(Rev. 3)
(Rev. 4)
Date of comments:
(Rev. 1)
(Rev. 2)
(Rev. 3)
(Rev. 4)
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
VSMP Permit Plan Review
Hampton Inn VSMP
Bohler Engineering VA(i�BohlerEng.com [ Iwright a�bohlereng.com ]
PT Hotel, LLC
2 Aug, 2019
11 Sep, 2019
3 Jan 2020
20 Aug 2020
31 Mar 2021
14 Aug 2019
16 Sep 2019
8 Jan 2020
21 Aug 2020
13 Apr2021
27 Aug 2019
25 Sep 2019 /rev. 2-Oct 2019/Alb. County
21 Feb 2020
25 Sep 2020
4 May 2021 — Conditionally Approved [ Approved with final plat recordation]
W W Associates, Inc. (initial /Rev. 1) / Rev. 1, 2, 3, 4 (J. Anderson)
County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any
VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is conditionally approved, plan will be
approved with SUB202000169 (final (easement) plat) recordation.
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain
(1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary.
1. Registration Statement:
a. Section IV E states that the discharge is to an MS4. This appear correct for program compliance
purposes since project is located within Alb. County MS4 boundary.
b. Section IV F requires the provision of a 6" order HUC. Please provide the 12-digit code, or the 2-
letter, 2-digit number code. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
c. Section VI: the Certification must be signed and dated. (Rev. 2) Comment persists. (Rev. 3)
2. Provide the Notice of Permit Coverage, once issued. (Rev. 2, 3, 4) Comment persists.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. This plan is disapproved.
1. Please provide an I I" x 17" plan sheet that shows the second construction entrance, with settling pit for
washdown. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As ollow-up: Please show settling pit for washdown. Show
initial rain gauge, chemical /solvent storage, and concrete washout locations. (Rev. 3) Addressed,
2. Show fueling in Table C of Section 6. (Rev. 2) Addressed. (Incl. at Table B.)
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3. Provide the responsible person prior to Grading Permit issuance. (Rev. 2) Revise Section F. to comply
with 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section A.4.e. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
4. Revise Section G to comply with 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section A.4.f. This requirement is focused on
training personnel, not the construction or inspection/duties of personnel. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
5. Section 7 states that bacteria are a TMDL basis for the Rivanna River. State here the measures that will be
taken to ensure that fecal cwliform bacteria do not leave the site. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
6. Section 8: Qualified Personnel must be identified prior to Grading Permit issuance. (VSMP /WPO Plan
must be approved prior to approval of the Final Site Plan /ESP.) (Rev. 2) Comment persists. Applicant
response: `Acknowledged.' (Rev. 3, 4) Persists. Applicant response (8/20/20 letter): `Qualified personnel
shall be identified prior to Grading Permit issuance.'
7. Section 9: The signed certification must be submitted prior to Grading Permit issuance. (Rev. 2) Comment
persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged.' (Rev. 3) Addressed.
8. Section 10: The Delegation of Authority should be provided prior to Grading Permit issuance. (Rev. 2)
Comment persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged.' (Rev. 3, 4) Persists. Applicant: `The
Delegation of Authority will be determined prior to Grading Permit issuance.'
9. Provide a legend for the hashmark symbols used in the port-a-john, dumpster, fuel pan and materials
stockpile areas. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This
plan is approved.
1. Nutrient [credits] must be purchased before final VSMP plan approval. Section 17-502 provides the
requirements for acquisition of offsite nutrient credits. Provide required documentation for purchased
credits. Please coordinate with Ana Kilmer (434.296-5832-x3246) prior to purchaseelse purchase
documents may require revision. (Rev. 2) Comment persists. Applicant response: `Nutrient purchase
documents have been provided on Sheet C-901. Nutrient purchase will occur prior to plan approval, once
all stormwater management comments have been addressed and no further revisions are required.' Also: in
addition to providing documents on the plan, it is imperative to coordinate with Ms. Kilmer prior to
nutrient credit purchase. (Rev. 3) Comment revised to read: Nutrient credits must be purchased prior to
Grading Permit issuance, but purchase is not required for VSMP plan approval. (Rev. 4) Persists. Ref
email sent 5/4/2021 8:06 AM, it is acceptable to purchase 1.56 lb. from Bailey Farm (Eco-Cap) Nutrient
bank, given Applicant's letter of phosphorus credit availability, 11/21/19 [sheet C-9011.
2. Provide a maintenance and inspection schedule for the permanent stormwater control practices, detention
and isolator row. Also, items 6 and 13, below. (Rev. 2) Addressed,
3. Coordinate a stormwater control maintenance agreement with Ana Kilmer as soon as possible. Agreement
is required under 17-415, and is prerequisite to both Grading Permit and ESP approval. (Rev. 2) Comment
persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged.' (Rev. 3) Persists. Applicant: `The Stormwater Control
Maintenance Agreement shall be coordinated prior to final plan approval.' As follow-up: Engineering
encourages coordination as soon as possible since Maintenance Agreement must be recorded prior to
easement plat approval, and easement plat approval is required prior to VSMP /WPO plan approval. (Rev.
4) Addressed. Agreement approved 12/22/20, recorded at Book/Page 05449 / 0708-00716.
4. Stormwater conveyance piping sizes not specified. Provide for review. (VDOT LD-204; LD-229) (Rev. 2)
5. Show pre- and post -development Tc calculations. (Rev. 2) Partially Addressed. As follow-up: Cannot
locate pre -development Tc calculation on sheet C-900. Please guide reviewer to this information. (Rev. 3)
6. The Isolator Row is a Practice 17 filtering device. Please correct the VRRM spreadsheet, line 14b. Also,
include with plans pg. 34-37 (portion of O&M Manual) of .PDF file at: hays://www.swbmp.vwrrc.vt.edu/wp=
content/uploads/2017/10/Filter Application StormTech-Isolator-Row Item- 1.pdfH ap ee=34 ).(Rev. 2) Addressed.
New: (10/2/19)
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7. Recommend project site area and limits of disturbance be listed on C0.0. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
8. Since storm runoff releases to a natural conveyance downslope of pipe outfall, compliance requires energy
balance, which is provided. Given this, channel protection analysis is complete at riprap section at outfall.
No need to evaluate at POI-1, or discuss POI-L Likewise, recommend revise SWM Narrative to reflect
flood protection is met using 9VAC25-870-66.C.2.b, in which case, POI -A analysis is not required. (Rev.
2) Addressed,
9. C-900: Water Quality BMP Analysis makes ref. to Isolator Row. Provide isolator row plan /profile details,
as well as installation details for this stormwater quality -related BMP. Plan -profile -details required for
adequate installation, and construction inspection. (Rev. 2) Addressed,
10. Stormwater Detention System — Outlet Structure Detail: If this is (sheet C-202) Str. STM A-30 revise detail
caption to clarify this is the case (if outlet structure detail is STM A-20, please revise detail to clarify).
Also: (Rev. 2) Addressed.
a. Low flow orifice < 3" DIA is prone to blockage. Engineering requires 3" Min orifice diameter.
Revise weir plate design, detention system design, and routings, as needed. (Rev. 2) Withdrawn.
b. Provide weir plate data: material, gauge, connection to MH wall (pre -fabricated /field -built, etc.)
c. Ensure weir plate connection with MH /outlet structure is watertight. Provide notes
/specifications, as needed.
d. Provide low -flow orifice trash rack, and detail.
e. Label critical elevations of 45" StormTech ® MC-3500 detention system profile. For example:
underdrain, stone chamber beneath system, top of chamber, final grade, etc.
11. Operation of bypass is unclear. Provide plan /profile design information for bypass /bypass structures.
Clarify whether weir plate is located in STM A-20 or A-30. Clarify location and elevations of bypass
pipes. Show bypass pipes in profile. Provide schematic detail aligned /consistent with C-203 Sequence,
Phase I, Note 7, where bypass pipes are introduced. Explain how permanent bypass of a portion of post -
developed storm runoff works. Clarify post -developed bypass runoff via narrative and schematic detail.
(Rev. 2) Partially addressed. Please consider possibility underground detention may become obstructed
(consider site runoff routed to system, not State Farm Blvd. off -site runoff that bypasses the site).
Engineering recommends design allow bypass of on -site runoff of the underground detention system in
event system experiences obstruction or unanticipated issue. (Rev. 3) Withdrawn. Applicant:
`Recommendation acknowledged. The bypass pipes have been oversized to ensure adequate capacity and
limit the potential of obstruction. In the event that the bypass were to be obstructed, the underground
detention system would back up from the two inlets at the northwest side of the development and overtop
the curb, flowing down grade to the outfall location, providing overland relief for the proposed building.'
12. Consolidate SWM details, as much as possible. For example, only plan -view schematic of StormTech
system is an outline of the system on C-202, which is insufficient. Include plan -view of detention system
on SWM plan sheet, rather than ESC plan sheet. Label overall L x W of detention system. (Rev. 2)
13. It is unclear after reviewing plan and technical information whether the entire extent of the MC-3500
system is an isolator row, or if only a portion is. Clarify using linework, notes, labels, etc., extent and
location of isolator row. Ensure plan provides sufficient detail to guide installation of inspection ports,
non -woven fabric, etc. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
14. Provide calculation using L x W of StormTech system to show VaRRM.xls required volume is provided:
5,842.49 FT3. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As ollow-: Details on C-903 (* footnote) appear to indicate
12" stone above a 9" stone foundation, or 21" stone total is required to provide design treatment volume.
Please confirm minimum installed storage meets required (VaRRM .xls) treatment volume. (Rev. 3)
Addressed. Applicant: `The SWM detention elevations have been confirmed to match the engineering
design, conforming with the VaRRM values shown.'
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D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) — Comments addressed with Rev. 2, 3,4 in light grayscale text.
Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan
is approved. Please note item 13, below, and address for VSMP/WPO plan approval.
1. Intentionally blank
2. Provide the name of the certified land disturber. Also See. B., above, PPP. Listed on plan sheet C-101.
3. A waiver is required for the proposed disturbance within the critical slope area. Please provide evidence
that a waiver has been obtained for this disturbance. (Rev. 2) Withdrawn, review error. Proposed grading
on managed slopes is a permitted use, and is complaint with 18-30.7.5.
New: (10/2/19)
4. Remove silt fence unless parallel with contours.
5. Provide alternative ESC measures for SF removed at item 4' DD, for example.
6. Label floor dimensions of sediment trap. Label ST weir dimensions. (Also, item 22, below).
7. DA upslope of silt fence may not exceed 100', which appears to be the case at the N comer of LOD.
Revise SF design consistent with VESCH, Yd Edit, 1992,
8. Revise CE label to read PCE. VA Uniform Coding System legend is fine, but project requires a paved
construction entrance. Revise Legend to include Mulch (MU). Revise sheet C-202, as well.
9. Note: PE -sealed geotechnical retaining wall design is required for Site Plan approval. (Rev. 2) Comment
persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged. PE -sealed geotechnical retaining wall designs will be
provided prior to Site Plan approval.' (Rev. 3) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Hillis-Cames
Engineering Associates retaining wall design titled Hampton Inn Charlottesville, d. 8/12/20 (10 sheets)
indicate at least at one location along each of four (4) walls, labeled Walls 1, 2, 3, 4, where wall ht. from
base of wall (proposed grade) to top of wall exceeds maximum ht. allowed for retaining walls located on
managed steep slopes. Max, ht. does not exceed max. allowable (wall) ht. by much, but each wall appears
to, for example:
a. Wall 1, Sta. 1+20, 10-block ht., or —7.33' ht.
b. Wall 2, Sta. 0+80, 10-block ht., or —7.33' ht.
c. Wall 3, Sta. 0+90, 9-block ht., or —6.66' ht.
d. Wall 4, Sta. 1+10, 10-block ht., or —7.33' ht.
Note: Height in excess of 6' could, as an option, be addressed with a 5' wall, which itself may not
exceed 6' max. ht, if located on managed steep slopes. Revise design to ensure max. wall In. of
each stepped retaining wall located on managed steep slopes does not exceed 6'. (Rev. 4)
Addressed. Hillis -Carnes Engineering Associates design d. 2/19/21 limits max. wall ht. to 6'.
10. Show /label SWM Facility Easement (detention /isolator row). Provide SWM Facility Access Easement
that extends to public RW (State Farm Blvd). (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As follow-up: SWM Facility
easement linework is show. Please label linework. (SWM Facility Access Easement is labeled.) (Rev. 3)
Addressed. Applicant: `SWM Facility easement is labeled with SWM keynote as described on Sheet C-
11. Provide, show and label public drainage easement for permanent stormwater conveyance downstream of
detention system. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As ollow-: Easement linework is show. Please label
linework. (Rev. 3) Addressed. Applicant: `The drainage easement has been labeled with a keynote as
described on Sheet C-103.'
12. Submit easement plat application for items listed at 10 and 11, above. Ensure easement width for detention
system conforms with drainage easement diagram at ACDSM, p. 15, link to Design Manual: (Rev. 2)
Comment persists. Applicant response: `An easement plat will be provided prior to plan approval.'
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http://www.albemarle.org/ul)load/images/forms center/departments/community development/forms/design
standards manual/Albemarle County Design Standards Manual 2015-04-25 draft.pdf (Rev. 3)
Persists. Applicant: `Easement plat shall be submitted under separate cover.' (Rev. 4) Addressed.
Engineering comments on final (easement) plat addressed, `No objection' email sent 5/4/2021 6:55 AM.
13. Note: Recorded deed of easement (deed /plat) is required prior to VSMP /WPO plan approval. (Rev. 2)
Comment persists. Applicant response: `Acknowledged. The recorded deed of easement will be provided
prior to plan approval.' (Rev. 3) Persists. (Rev. 4) Persists. Please see paragraph at bottom of page.
14. Dimension riprap (L x W x D) at storm pipe outfall near west comer of site.
15. Add labels that correlate this sheet with C-203, VII, Sequence, Phase I, Note 7., bypass pipes (proposed and
existing 2 1 " bypass).
16. Sequence of Construction, Phase I, Note 7: Label 21" RCP pipe on C-202. (Rev. 2) Comment appears to
persist. Reviewer cannot locate label. (Rev. 3) Withdrawn; review error. "Per the sequence of
Construction, the existing 2 1 " RCP bypass pipe is to be removed in Phase I, following installation of the
proposed 24" RCP re-routed bypass pipe. As the existing 2 1 " bypass is to be removed in Phase I, it is not
shown in the Phase II E&S Control Plan on Sheet C-202.'
17. Include county Construction Record Drawing (As -built) policy on VSMP plan; link to policy:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/for ns/Engineering_and
WPO Forms/WPO VSMP Construction Record Drawings Policy 23May2014.pdf
18. Provide /include manufacturer -specific installation and periodic inspection guidelines on the plan. Also,
comment at C.6., above.
19. Provide additional sequence /text description of transition from Phase I to Phase II, especially measures
required once sediment trap is removed, but before site is stabilized and detention system is on-line. (Rev.
2) Partially addressed. As ollaw-W: It appears Note 7 should precede Note 51 since it appears the 24"
permanent (bypass) pipe must be installed prior to the sediment trap. Also, please see Engineering review
comments on Hampton Inn ESP (SDP2020-00004), d. 14 Feb 2020. (Rev. 3) Addressed. Applicant: `The
sediment trap has been revised to remove the conflict with the proposed 24" RCP bypass pipe.'
20. Provide additional sequence that details how /when detention system is brought on-line, relative to site
stabilization. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Revise Note 9 to clarify that the StormTech
system (underground stormwater detention facility) may not be connected and should remain isolated from
upstream storm conveyance pipes until all contributing upslope areas are stabilized (stone /pavement, etc.).
Also, revise Note 8 to indicate that contractor may not remove sediment trap (or any active ESC measure)
without county ESC inspector approval. (Rev. 3) Addressed. Applicant: `The Sequence of Construction
has been revised to provide additional clarification on the installation of the underground stormwater
detention facility and removal of the sediment trap.'
21. Include VDOT standard details, including: ST-1, IS-1, MH-1.
22. Show sediment trap floor dimensions on C-201 (Also, item 6, above).
Once all review comments on SUB202000169/Final plat, are addressed, Engineering can format deeds of dedication
of public drainage and SWM facility/facility access for county attorney's office review. Once approved by CAO,
Engineering will send deeds to Applicant for notarized signature, and return to county for execution. Once deeds
are executed and deeds/plat are recorded by Applicant, the WPO plan can be approved and project registered with
VDEQ for state permit (VAR10 CGP) coverage. Once bonded and VAR10 permit is issued, a precwnstruction
meeting may be scheduled, and Grading permit issued. See Process, below.
After approval, plans will have to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request
form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and
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check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will
prepare bond agreement forms, which will have to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash,
certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will have to be approved and signed by the County
Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 24 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and foams.
Note: Final (SWM facility /public drainage easement) plat must be recorded prior to VSMP/WPO plan approval.
After bonding and egfeeffients are is complete, county staff will enter project information in a DEQ database for
state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval.
At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will have to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing,
this is done electronically with the entails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with
instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This
should be copied to the county.
After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference.
Applicants must complete the request for a pre -construction conference foam, and pay the remainder of the
application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid.
This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the
County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and
grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin.
County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering,
WPO201900047 Hampton Inn 092520 rev4 ApprovO50421.docx