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~ecember 18, 1991 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Jirginia, was held on December 18, 1991, at 3:00 P.M., Meeting Room 11, County
]ffice Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was
adjourned from December 11, 1991.
PRESENT: Messrs. Edward H. Bain, Jr., David P. Bowerman, F. R. Bowie
(arriving at 4:00 P.M.), Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Mr. Walter F. Perkins and
Mr. Peter T. Way (arriving at 4:00 P.M.).
OFFICER PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
. . ~ Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 3:01 P.M. by the
Vice-Chairman, Mr. Perkins.
Agenda~ItemNoi~ 2. Executive Session: Personnel. ~Motion was immediate-
.y.offered byMr.~ Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to adjourn into executive
,ession for evaluation of employees of a public body (Virginia Code Section
Roll was called and,the mot~ion carried by the following recorded vote:
JES: ~Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris and Mr. Perkins.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT.: <Mrl Bowie and Mr~' Way.
Agenda Item No. 3. .Certify Executive Session. At 4:00 P.M., the Board
reconVened ~i~to !open session in Room 5/6. Motion was immediately offered by
Mr..Bain' seconded by Mr. Bowerman to adopt the following certificate:
'%~IEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisorshas convened an
executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote
and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Infor-
mation Act; and
kS{EREAS, Section 5.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires certi-
fication, by~heAlbema~rle County Board of Supervisors that such execu-
tive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law;
:NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that. the Albemarle County B~oard of
SuperVisors herebycertifies that, to the best of each member's knowl-
edge, (i) only public business matters lawfullyexempted from open
meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive
meeting to whi.ch:~-this..cer.tif~c~t.~h resolu[i~napplies, and (ii) only
such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening
the~xecutive meeting were heard,.discussed or considered by the
Albemarle Count-y Board of Supervisor.s~
AYES:, Mr. Bain, Mr, Bowerman, Mrs. ~umphris amd Mr~ Perkins.
NAYS: None.
ABS~DURINGMRRTING: Mr. Bowie:and, Mr. way.
ABSENT DURING VOTE: Mr. Bowie amd Mr. Way.
Agenda. Item.No. 4. Other Matter,sNot Listed on the Agenda. Mr~ Bowie
noted that. the Mr.~Tim Lindstromhad asked to mak~ a presentation.for the
Architectural Rev$e~-'Board.
Mr-. Lindstrom presented aletter signed, by all members of the ARB
thanking~ the Board for proViding the funds for a ,full-time professional staff
member for the ARB. He a=lso presented photos of the "Toys R Us" project on
December 18, 1991 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting)
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Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of Legislation with local Legislators.
lPresent were: Mr. Mitchell Van Yahres, Delegate (arriving at 5:03 p.m.), Mr.
~dgar Robb, Senator-Elect, and Mr. C. Timothy Lindstrom.
Mr. Bowie said the purpose of this meeting is to discuss Albemarle
]ounty's legislative programs before the General Assembly convenes. Each
legislator should have received a copy of the County's legislative program,
the Thomas Jefferson Planning District legislative program, and the Virginia
kssociation of Counties legislative program. Mr. Bowie said in order to
narrow the requests down, he had mailed a letter to each legislator dated
)ecember 13, 1991, outlining th& County's four major requests:
To .allow Albemarle County to eliminate land use value taxation in
designated growth areas and to enable the County to authorize local
agricultural/forestal districts;
To. allow Albemarle County'-s police department to ticket parked
vehicles not displaying a county decal;
To. establish a separate legislative commissionto review.the effica-
cy of the State's solid waste regulationsrelated to closure re-
quirement for older landfills; and
To require the Commonwealth Transportation Board to acquire proper-
ties in the right-of-way of proposed state roads.
Mr. Bowie asked that Mr. Bain begin the conversation by discussion Item
No.. 3 concerning landfills.
Mr. Bain summarized Mr. Bowie's letter. The imposition of the newest
state solid waste regulations requiring landfills built and operated prior to
1988 to be closed under.the new regulations results in significant costs to
the locality with no proven ~benefit. For example, to require capping a land-
fill cell to the new standards when such action has not been shown to provide
a commensurate increase in protection of the environment is unreasonable.
The Board supports the .need to monitor groundwater quality and other environ-
mental impacts, but believeprotective actions should be required only when it
has been determined such action is necessary, particularly since these re-
quirements exceed. Federal requirements. Review of these regulations by a
separate legislative-commission is warranted.
Mr. Bowie said he would like to mention the County'~s continuing request
for legislation allowing EQUAL TAXING/BORROWING POWER. He said that some way
must be devised to raise money other than through the regressive real property
tax. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the County were given the authority to have a
local option income tax, or. some other form of tax, would theSupervisors
allow the revenue from that tax to offset the real estate tax?
Mr. Bowie said, speaking just for himself, he would never vote for
another tax ~unless it were an offset. He had publicly stated thatif the
meals tax passed, he would only.support it if the half raised from Albemarle
-County residents ~was used to offset the property tax; while thehatf that was
paidby non-county residents was used for the schools.
Mrs. Humphris ~said she feels the Board is only looking for some flexibil-
ity in its taxing powers.
Mr. Bowermannext s~rized Item No. 1 pertaining toLand Use Taxation~
Albemarle County currently has land within the designated growth areas eligi-
ble for land use assessments. .To ensure flexibility in the County's~land use
planning and to eliminate use value taxation for speculative property acquisi-
tion, the County seeks ~he same authority granted to counties adjacent to
counties having the Urban County Executive form of government, which allows
them to exclude land use value taxation from specified zoning districts by
adding "land use areas designed for growth~in the Comprehensive Plan" per
Virginia Code Sections 58.1~3231 and 58.1-3237.1. A parallel requests relates
toLocal. Agricultural/Forestal Districts. Albemarle County needslegislation
to authorize local districts with a minimum of 25 acres in growth areas to
conserve active agricultural and forestal lands as well as open spaces. Small
December 18, 1991 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting) 242
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rural parcels currently unable to join an agricultural/forestal district would
be eligible under this local district legislation, Virginia Code Section
_~ Mr. Robb felt this legislation would be arbitrary in its application.
~r. Bowerman said that at the present, the law does not allow the Board to
~ook at the intention of a landowner. Land that is zoned R-6 can carry an
~gricultural designation, and it clearly will be developed to that density in
the future. The Board does not feel the request is arbitrary because these
· re areas the Board and the community have decided should be designated for
Mr. Lindstrom asked if the Board ,has considered limiting the availability
of the land use tax for land in the open space category only. He understands
the Board's request to be that for property inside a growth area, that proper-
ty would be ~entitled to the benefits of the land use tax, :or the Board would'
at least require a commitment o~ some sort,from the landowner as to :his inten-
:ions concerning development.
Mr."Bowie said since the Board adopted the zoning ordinance and map in
.980, it has not forced, a rezoning. Even if,property is ,shown in the Compre-
hensive .Plan, for ,R~15, the Board has not applied that zoning unless requested
to do so ,by. a. landowner, If the landowner makes such' a-request, the Board
feels the change in zoning should t~rigger the land being taken out, of 'the.land
use program, but it does not; the Board doesnot have that authority.'
Mr. Robb asked if there is an automatic roll-back tax applied when the
landpasses to another owner by sale~-'etc ,Mr.' Bain said "no" not until the,
use of the property changes.. '
Mr. Bain said the BOard has designated certain areas,in the Comprehensive
Plan,for growth. If~there is a landowner in the middle,of that area still
practicing agriculture on land that is still zoned rural, the Board wants to
encourage that use to continue. Mr. Robb said even if this landowner is
practicing agriculture, he is clearly~intending .to develop theproperty, and
that fs why'he feels this'~legislation might bearbitrary. Mr. Bainsaid the"
Board',s proposal would 'allow this land to .be placedin an.agricultural/
forestat~district'of"as little~as25 acres.~
Mr. Bowie said if the land were .located inside~a growth area and the
landowner wanted to take advantage of the land use tax, that owner would have
to agree to put ~the landinto; the~A/,F District. That~ designation guarantees
that,the land would notbe developed for ten years. Mr. Bowermansaid the~
Board recognizes that bona fide agricultural uses withinthe urban area are,
in all likelihood, only transitory uses, but this type of activity next to
high density urbanpopulations provides a benefit in greenspaces. While it
,appears to, be somewhat inconsistent to allow these uses in ,a growt, h area, the
benefits'mitigate ~this inconsistency.
Mr.~Way mentioned that, the Board recently heard an overall report on the
land use~tax program, and were given several options from which to choose.,.'~
~he,Board,has not,decided what, type of, land use tax reform~it ~is interested
Mr. Lindst=om said ~he thinks, there is~a perception,by'some key members of
the General Assembly that the localities can tightenup the land use program~
,within the ,bounds of their own,ordinances.. He said it'would be helpful~'for
him to~ know~,howthe Board feels~about limiting the land use,:tax to the ~open
~space category.
,Mr., Bowerman said that was part ,of the *report presented, but because
there were ~negatives,~involved,, it'was .not an option considered. Mr.~Tucker
said there was a concern as to how the farming/agricultural community would
perceive any change concerning the open space category. The staff had asked
for atleast a thirty-six .month g~ace periodin which they could work with
landowners to get thei~ land into this type of A/FDistrict,
Mr. Perkins asked if is is possible to have a roll-back period ,in the
growth areas that is different from that in the rural areas. Mr. Lindstrom
said he feels that is, a.rational distinction, but~the,question is really
po.titicat~- He does not think there isa legalproblem. "He knows,there is a
,ecember 18, 1991 (Afternoon - Adjourned Meeting) 243
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~trong interest in strengthening the penalties for being in a A/F District and
men converting the property to another use. What the County Attorney has
mggested in the way of a change in the law is probably the simplest because
Lt would be only for Albemarle County. Mr. Bowie said the Board has been
:equesting this authority for five years, but so far it hasn't gotten any-
Mr. Bowie said he had just been handed a letter from the Registrar dated
)ecember 18, 1991, in which Mr. Heilman says that th~ Electoral Board voted
~nanimously on December 10 to request that this Boar urge the County's
ielegation in the General Assembly to offer technical amendments to the
~eneral Assembly's redistricting plans. He then distributed copies to all
nembers present' for~di-scussion at a later date.
Mr. Bain said another request over the years has been to have the State
Fund its mandates, particularly in the fields of education, solid .waste and
:ighways,- Another item is the way jail construction is funded, where the
.ocalities have to fund the construction "up~front" .and :apply for reimburse-
Mr. Robb said he has found that the boards of supervisors in all of the
localities in his district are saying the same things relative to state
nandates., He recently attended a session of all of the, neWly-elected senators
to go over the State budget, and, as a result, he understands-just ~how.serious
thebudget situation is. '"
Mr. Bain said the State has never fully funded the Standards of Quality
)r.education~ JLARC.,recommended funding ~59 teachers per thousand, but most
localities have 75, so that's not full funding. Mr. Way said that last year
the Board presented a list of.the mandates it wished to have changed to the
Legislators~ Re felt that would be good to do again this year..
Mr.~ Bowie said one itemwhich does not involve funding .is that o.f recy-
clin'g. He believes the State solved its recycling problem, by demanding that
everybody across the state recycle at least 25 percent of their wastes. He
feels .there will just be 25 percent of the trash on top of the ground .rather
than it being buried, because nobody wants this stuff. .The County is ~paying
$90per ton to have it hauled to some mythical placer,probably in somebody~
else~s landfill...The State is not taking a leadership role-with the private
sector-to come up with ways to recycle. Mr. Rohb asked if Mr. Bowie was
indicating that the State should become involved in the marketing of
recyclables,. Mr.. Bowie said "yes", hopefully without.creating another.bu-
.~Mr.,Perkinssaid.tPmt many.Stateagencies grant permits such as those .to
power, companies to-build power .generation plants., Why not require:that these
companies take a certain number of tons of trash if they want to get an air
permit?.- Another item concerns schoot~building construction where the'State
Board of Education requires-a certain size cafeteria fora certain number of
.students:. T. he CoUnty has found that it cannot add to its middle, schools
because thecafeterias,, gyms,, libraries and probablyeven administrative
.space,. wou:td have:to be upgraded, eventhough those schools-had ,750+.students
1.5 years-ago, and now only-house 550+.
Mr. Robb said those mandates are coming out ofthe State Central Commit-
tee of the Education Department. Mr.-Bain saidthat since Mr. Joe Spanola
became S~ate Sup~r'intendent, some o~..the, mandates have been cut, but-there is
a long way to go. Mr~.Robb said he was visiting a rural county yesterday, and
they expressed just the opposite sentiment; they did not feel the State
Central COmmittee was takingenoughinterest in the rural ,counties; they
wanted m~remandates. .He suggested that the Board and the legislators get
together about midway through~.the next session to discuss how some of-the
Board's =equests are doing.
: Mr. Bain said this Board.has-already talked about-being more proactive
.during the next Session. Mr. Robb suggested a meeting in late January.
Mrs.~.Humphris mentioned that the Board is seeking legislation which would
require the Commonwealth Transportation Board to purchase properties in the
right-of-way of~ a proposed .state road within three years of designation of
)ecember 18, 1991 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting) 244
?age 5)
;uch a road (the Board adopted a resolution on this question recently). The
:urrent situation with the Route 29 North Alternative 10 Bypass is having a
tevastating affect on the fiscal and emotional lives of people in the
lesignated area, as well as on business owners. She feels that the property
)f these people has been taken without just compensation because they are
~eing deprived of the right to dispose of their property as they see fit. Mr.
Robb said he has a number of knowledgeable people who have agreed to provide
aim with background information on this issue. He asked if there was not a
;3.6 million study of this route. Mr. Bowie said the study showed that the
~oad is not needed. Mrs. Humphris said the estimated cost of the improvement
Ls $109.0 million. Mr. Perkins said $3.6 million is more than the county
spends to pave graveled roads in six years. Mr. Robb said he intends to study
~hematter~thoroughly, but, is not ready to' take any position at this time.
Mrs. Humphris said it was a predetermined decision which wasted $3.6
million of'taxpayer'~s money. The City, County and University are on the Verge
~f adopting identical~resolutions on~,this issue, which puts~allthree entities
in a mode~of, being 100 percent in concert on this question.
Mr. Robb asked Mr. Lindstrom about his thoughts on this question. Mr.
Lindstrom said the specific language drafted by the County Attorney addresses
the part of the problem that occurs when a route is designated and the ~peopte
pay the cost ,of that route-without any recompense for an Unlimited. period-of
Iltime. The,one problem~he sees with thelanguage has to do. with "wQrk ioca-
Ition'L. He believes the Department of~ Transportation will postpone doing
lanythin-g~that~ couldbe legally characterized as a location until they are
Iready to payfor the' right-of-way. Another problem is that VDOT is totally. -
~insulated from any~-input from either members ~of the public ortocal-govern-
~ments affected by the project. They have a location and design public hear-
ing, but none of the decision-makers are required to attend. Although this
Board tried~to get ahearing before the Commonweal-th Transportation ,Board,
they were%urned down. This problem is not~simplyAIbemarle's, iris occur-
ring in,other localities around theS%ate. There needs to be some way to
require that if there is an advanced designation for a roadway that there be a
mechanism to insure an independent study is conducted, andfotlowed. Second,
there should~be an .opportunity fore.judicial review of the designationof'these
corridors, so it is not justan internal decision by YDOT.. There is a growing
coalition of folks in the~State of ¥irginia, including conservationists,
developers and local~ governments, all of whom are ~fed up with the ~way the
Department of Transportation is..operated.
Mr. Robbasked Mr. Lindstrom if what he said aboutstudies would impact
the~cost, of roads~ Mr. Lindstrom said that VDOT is required to do many of
these studies anyway. Mr. Robb asked if Mr, Lindstrom was not suggesting
additional studies. Mr. Lindstrom~said "no", hewas suggesting that if ~there
is a~decision made that a road~is needed, but it won't, be built forsome
extended period of,,time, the need.forthat road shoUld-be verified byan
independent s~udy. He finds it remarkable that.VDOT would spend $3.6 million
on a study and t~hen ignore its findings. Regardless of that, the study was
needed to update.1970 traffic data. The majority of that costwent toward
that part of.the .study, while theremainder was spent to.meet EPA requirements
if they decided to use Federal money.
Mr. Bowie said he believes VDOT went into the study believing they would
come out .with justification for what they wanted to do. The.study did not
show what they expected, but they decided to go ahead with their solution.
i Mr. Lindstrom said ~the study showed thatthe problem.was not a through
traffic problem, If VDOT followed the recommendations .in the~study, they
would save,over $11.0.0 million in current dOllars in road construction~ costs
that could be spend elsewhere. ~ The problem' is not the study. The problem is
what .VDOT is doing with the study.
Mrs. Humphris said the Board questioned the County Attorneyabout the
language he drafted for .=the resolution adopted last week. He explained,in
great detail the reason for each word in.the resolution, The Board~will now
haveto .throw itself on the mercyof_ whoever "is gonnacarry the banner" .to be
sure the proposal is constructed correctly. Also, Mrs. Humphris said, there
was to have been a change in the resolution to say "to acquire" and not
"proceed" because~DOTcould proceed for 10 years.
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Mr. Bowie said he had introductions to make. He then introduced Ms.
kndrea Trank, the new legislative liaison for the Plarming District Commis-
zion, Ms. Roxanne Rite, Executive Assistant. Mr. Bowie then noted that he
'~ad to leave, and at 4:54 p.m., handed the gavel to the Vice-Chairman, Mr.
- Ierkins.
I/ Mr. Robb asked for some further history on the Route 29 North study. Mr.
owerman said he understands that YDOT can only plan in 20 year increments,
ut looking to the year 2050, VDOT has said there will be a need for a bypass
in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area, so they're planning for it now, regard-
less of the study.
~--Mr'. Robb asked What was forcing~this question. Mr. Way said it is
eo-onomic interests in Northern Virginia, and in Southern Virginia, who want a
straight run for trucks to travel on Route 29. Mr. Robb said that is what
VDOT.says, but what"is really~driving this. ~-Mr:, Lindstrom said there are some
egos involved, and the; people you talk to say it is somebody who ,has.been very
~edicated ~to the construction ,of ~this roaddust because "it's been on his
plate for a while". ~
Mrs. Humphris noted that she serves on the Jail Board, and the Jail
%dministrator has. had a hard time :trying to get approvals from Richmond for
the expansion of the Jail.- Any help that can be provided would be appreciat-
Mr. Perkins mentioned the issue of County Police not being able to ticket
a parked car which does not carry a County decal. He said it would not bring
in-agreat, amount Of income, buthe thinks that any car parked overnight in
~lbemarle County should .be required to have a County decal and pay personal
~roperty taxes on that vehicle~ Mr. Way said that is the quirk in thelaw;
~ities have.the right to dothis,-but counties do not.
Mr. Bain said that. is similar .in thought to the five .percent,versus the
two percent lodging tax. Cities are allowed to impose a five percent tax,
while this County is limited to two percent.
Mr. ,Lindstrom said that a couple:of months ago,~ he saw information which
indicated that the :County might receive as much as.$1..5.,million from state
:evenues for the schools for thecoming term. He asked if this amount has
been fixed yet. Mr. Tucker said he has seen nothing new to indicate the.exact
. : At 5:03 P,M., Mr..Perkins welcomed Delegate.Mitchell VanYahres. Mr. Van
Yahres apologized for ~being.late saying he had a committee meeting, in Richmond
this afternoon.
Mr, Perkins said the Board has about finished this discussion, but he has
one question. Do anyof the legislators have bills they plan to introduce
that might "catch the Board .blindsided?"
Mr. Van Yahres said he plans to introduce again his legislation concern-
ing distribution of~lottery proceeds. It got through the HoUse last year, but
was defeated in the Senate. Thelottery board had estimatedthat this bill
would reduce lottery revenues by.about 20-percent, but there are some people
who think this amount is exaggerated. If the billis passes, it will mean
~moneyfor the localities in the education area.
Mrs Humphris said-she, had read..in VACO publications that February 13 is~
a special day when local government .officials cancome to Richmond to visit
withtheir'-legislators. Mr. Robb noted for Mr. Van Yahres that he had sug-
gested that this group meet again in late January or early February. Mr. Van
Yahres said he would be willing to do that if the logisticscanbeworked out.
, Mr~Perkins aSked' if there were Other matters to discuss.
Mr. Robb said hewill introduce legislation, to.change what he ,feels is-an
antiquated.~counting system for elections. Rethinks it is ridicUlous that the
race between Mr. Lindstrom and.Mr..,Way hasstill not been decided this long
after the election, Heis also introducing legislation to remove~from person-
'.nel policy manuals in the state, prohibitions against employees,being able to
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iPage 7)
speak freely concerning thoughts on how to save money. Mr. Lindstrom suggest-
~d that Mr. Robb might want to look at the situation at the University of
firginia where their personnel policy prohibits their full-time employees from
cunning for election to the General Assembly. The inference is that if you
~re a full-time faculty member or staff employee that you do not have time for
the General Assembly. Mr. Lindstrom said he feels the decision should be made
zase-by-case, rather than being a blanket prohibition.
Mr. Lindstrom said the legislation carried over from last year pertaining
to both impact fees and transfer of development rights was killed in working
committees last week. He does not believe anybody will try to reintroduce
anything on this subject this session.
' Ms'. Trank introduced herself to Mr. Van Yahres. She noted that the bill
which would have required localities to pay a 20 percent match on secondary
~nd urban' road, systems is a dead issue for now. She sat in on a VML/VACO
~eeting where ,the-impact,fee legislation was discussed. Northern¥irginia is
the, only Plata which could ,have benefitted from ~he impact fee. s, and they did
not feel the legislation was workable as written..
Agenda Item No. 6, With-.,no further business to come before the Board, at
5:20 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.