HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100007 Narrative 2021-05-17LINES -GRADE C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Community Development Staff FROM: Daniel C. Hyer, PE Line and Grade Civil Engineering DATE: May 17, 2021 RE: Airport Road Phase 3 Zoning Map Amendment Narrative Property Details: Parcel ID Number: 03200-00-00-020FO Short Parcel ID: 32-20F Total Parcel Area: 1.05 AC Owner: Airport Auto Investments Phase 3 LLC Property Address: 1761 Airport Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Magisterial District: Rio Existing Zoning: R1 Residential Proposed Zoning: Highway Commercial (HC) Proffered: No ZMAs Related to Proffers: N/A Overlays: Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor Comprehensive Plan Area: Hollymead Places 29 Comprehensive Plan Use: Primary —Urban Mixed Use (In Centers) Secondary — Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial Minor— Neighborhood Density Residential Current Land Use: Residential —Single Family Surrounding Uses: Residential to the North Vacant commercial land to the East (currently used for vehicle storage) Vacant Industrial land to the West between Innovation Drive right-of-way and subject property Airport Road right-of-way to South LINE i- GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 41h St. NE; STE 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL: (434) 262-0169 LINE-GRADE.COM Airport Road Phase 3 Zoning Map Amendment Narrative May 17, 2021 1 Page 2 Site Photos: Photo 1- Aerial image of subject property (Source: Google Maps, 2021) Photo 2 - Subject parcel as seen from Airport Road (Source: Google Street View, July 2017) LINE GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Airport Road Phase 3 Zoning Map Amendment Narrative May 17, 20211 Page 3 A. Project Proposal The main purpose of this proposal is to rectify the current use of parcel 32-20F (hereafter referred to as the "subject parcel") with the desired uses for this parcel as shown in the County's comprehensive plan. The subject parcel is currently zoned R1 which is consistent with its current use (see Appendix B for the current zoning map). However as shown in the comprehensive plan land use map (see Appendix C), the planned use for this parcel is Urban Mixed Use (In Centers). This proposal seeks to amend the existing zoning of the subject parcel to Highway Commercial (HC). If approved, this rezoning will allow for the by -right redevelopment of the subject parcel to a commercial use in accordance with the County's comprehensive plan. The proposed zoning of HC was selected for its benefits to the public and for its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and the zoning of surrounding parcels. This proposal provides numerous benefits to the public. The current site consists of an aging single-family home and otherwise vacant lot. Redevelopment to a commercial use (i.e. hotel) will capture the potential land value of the parcel and provide a greater tax base to the County. In addition, this development will help meet the County's need for lodging: at peak times such as UVA graduation or orientation, the availability of short- term lodging is extremely limited. This site can provide additional accommodations within close proximity to two major transit hubs (the site is 0.5 miles from the Charlottesville -Albemarle Airport, and less than 0.25 miles from Route 29). Furthermore, this development will catalyze the development of the adjacent parcels designated Neighborhood Service Center on this block. A hotel presents an opportunity for ancillary support businesses to thrive and creates jobs outside of the downtown area. This will fuel economic growth in the Places 29 development area without further burdening the facilities closer to the downtown area. This brings the site into conformance with the goals of the comprehensive plan, as discussed further below. B. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan In the case of this proposal, consistency with the comprehensive plan is straightforward. The zoning (111) of the subject parcel does not permit the land uses designated by the comprehensive plan for this area (specifically, those listed for Urban Mixed Use in the Places29 master plan). The proposed zoning of HC would allow for these uses. It is of note that while Section 9.3 of the County's zoning code generally recommends C1 or CO zoning districts in areas designated as Neighborhood Service centers, this particular center is unique. In fact, it is more akin to a small Community Service area: the combined acreage of the center is greater than 5 acres, it fronts on a major collector/arterial road (Airport Road and Seminole Trail), and already contains two of the typical primary uses found in Section 9.2 (Auto Repair and Service Station). In addition, the three adjacent parcels to the East of the subject parcel in this center are currently zoned HC. All of these conditions suggest that the appropriate zoning for this L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Airport Road Phase 3 Zoning Map Amendment Narrative May 17, 20211 Page 4 parcel is HC. Since the allowed uses in the HC zoning district encompass those in the C1 and CO districts, the HC district selection allows for a broader mix of uses within this center, which is in keeping with the vision statement of the Places29 Master Plan'. The redevelopment of the parcel, while anticipated to be a single use (hotel), still promotes the goal of providing a mix of uses within the center, as this use is not found within the center. It is also notable that the use is not vehicle -focused, as the other existing uses within the center are. The parking is even tucked behind and within the building, hidden from Airport Road. Lastly, short-term lodging provides opportunity for a wide range of ancillary uses such as restaurants, cafes, assembly spaces, convenience stores, and rental agencies. These can be readily integrated into the development or adjacent undeveloped land, providing a mix of uses. C. Impacts on Public Facilities & Public Infrastructure The rezoning of the subject parcel and its redevelopment is not anticipated to have any negative impact on public facilities such as schools, neighborhood safety, or emergency services. Public utilities will experience a slight increase in demand compared to the existing demand for the subject parcel. To mitigate this, new utility connections and necessary utility upgrades will be provided during redevelopment to facilitate the new use. Rezoning and redeveloping the site will likely result in a slight increase of traffic along Airport Road. Total trips to and from the property during the peak hour are estimated to increase from 1 to 36 (see ITE trip generation calculations on the Conceptual Plan, Appendix A). When compared to the most recent peak hour traffic volume data for Airport Road (760 VPH, 2019 data), this yields an increase of 4.6%. This increase will be mitigated in two ways. First, a new partial access entrance will be installed in lieu of the existing entrance. The nature of this partial access (right in/right out) entrance will limit the development's effect on eastbound traffic during the peak hour. Secondly, an intersection improvement project (roundabout) at the Airport Road/Innovation Drive intersection is currently under design and will greatly increase the capacity of that intersection. This project will require a portion of the subject parcel to be dedicated to right-of-way for the intersection improvement. The conceptual plan accompanying this application takes this into account, though the right-of-way will need to be negotiated. ' Places 29 Vision Statement: Albemarle County's four Northern Development Areas will feature compact development consisting of residential and employment neighborhoods that are organized around centers. These neighborhoods and their centers will be pedestrian - oriented and mixed -use; they will offer a variety of housing choices, retail environments, office types, and employment opportunities. They will be connected by an attractive, efficient, and accessible multimodal transportation system. Integrated into this urban -style development, parks and open spaces will provide a sense of respite and contribute to an overall excellent quality of life. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Airport Road Phase 3 Zoning Map Amendment Narrative May 17, 20211 Page 5 D. Impacts on Environmental Features Currently there are no known environmental features of significance that will be impacted by this rezoning. The site is to be graded to maintain existing drainage patterns. Increases in stormwater and impacts to vegetation will be managed in accordance with County requirements as the site plan is developed. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Appendix A TMP 32-20F Zoning Map Amendment Application @ 2018 - LINE -GRADE, LLC - - ITE TRIP GENERATION: ® _ ' / V..f � / TRIP GENERATION DATA WEEKDAY TRAFFIC Z \ \ QTY OF TRIP VEHICLES PEAK HOUR AM PEAK HOUR USE DESCRIPTION ITE CODE UNITS TRIPS/UNIT UNITS REDUCTION* PER DAY FACTOR %IN %OUT IN OUT PM PEAK HOUR TOTAL TRIPS %IN %OUT IN OUT TOTAL TRIPS - � Hotel 310.1 1 Rooms 8.17 60 490 1 0.60 47% 53% 17 19 36 53% 47% 19 17 1 36 TMF.32A-0/-09-5 to 7-/11F.32-20C HENSLEY, 9AR9ARA A tu \ \ MARSHALL, WILLIAM SCOTT, IND 3 AS D8. /0/8, FG.497D TRS OF RACHEL if IVARSHALL REV TRUST 1.967 AC (SURVEY) 648 z \ \ \ D9.4464, 1-6.203 ZONED: RI 6TH STORY - \ 0.55 AC (LEGAL) (RESENT USE. SINGLE FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL \ \ \ ZONED.' RA (RESENT USE- VACANT - _ 4� pN � u, y`�� �� y� '`� y` � 5TH STORY 638 w 628 4TH STORY c 3 'a �uVN& v c y y` � � ��w - y 618 `�rN" cN, , ''„�yYLiR"It 3RD STORY 4 i - nnA. l� y`� " 608 m +iA) 2ND STORY v PARKING e ,. +/ rnl -'L' 1A ^ 598 1ST STORY = O LOBBY PARKING y / I FFE 5 FFE 585 SIDEWALK Lu TMIO, A' 6R A UNIVERSITY OF l 1 INIA FOUNDATIONV �\ & 60 O / PROPOSED GRADE DR4,95�FG.692 4 ACC (LEGAL)'T \ SIDEWALK z .86 \ \ PR Nay` E: VACA \USTRIAL V w// CONCEPT ELEVATION SECTION A 0 01: 20 40 EMERGENCY VEHICLE TURN -AROUND Vv y\ \ ®, \\T P ° \ \ TMP 32 20F —' / \ �596 — - AIRPORT AUTO INVESTMENTS PHASE 3 LLC I 5 92 IMF.32-20DAIRFORT DB.5493, PG.341 / AUTO INVESTMENTS LLC .e / Da5189, FG.548 1.046 AC (SURVEY) > 592 / \ EXISTING ZONING: R1 I ZONED- (SURVEY) ZONED. HC 1 l \ \ PROPOSED ZONING: HC PRESENT USE.- COMMERCIAL ACCESS AND STORAGE V A cn L \ PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPE FOR 6 STORY HOTEL (LOWEST 2 STORIES / / / W W � J 6TH STORY B ING_STEPBACK RESERVED FOR PARKING) I / 0 CC G � Q _ _ -- ---------------------------- I / Q < w \ ----------------- / /5ga / _ O J Q \ Q \ ° o _ - - 5TH STORY BUILDING STEPBACK 24' DRIVE AISLE I / / w m �r Z Q Lu U Z \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — e / / j I O O °'• ° y — — - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ P, PROPOSED UNDERGROUND / z U STORMWATER DETENTION SYSTEM / Q • Q° 30' MAX. FRONT BUILDING SETBACK 4TH STORY BUILDING STEPBACK I N —----- / ° ——— ————— —— — — —— _ 'p -_-�' ipw 4 a° 5gL / ,G2 �.:. ` — 588 � � � 10' MIN. FRONT BUILDING SETBACK / G !Q OG ° \ CONCEPTUAL ROW FOR ROUNDABOUT PROJECT I / CID '�� � + d P 6/ CSs OMMERCIAL ENTRANCE ,�cp a ° . -' - _- C? 51 CONCEPTUAL EXHIBIT 4-1...y ° d . � 01 ,. > P P I > > 05117�2> I ° 41 PROPOSED STREET CG P P • •` >" FOR /�/�� a TREES @ 40' O.C. (TYP) I �r � _, CG-6 _> I _ APPROVAL APPROVED • RTE 649 -AIRPORT ROAD / � m ® ' SUBMISSION NO. 1 e ROW WIDTH: VARIABLE � � _. PROJECT 1903600 THE WORK OF _ • \ -- L I N E + G R A D E 32-20F CONCEPTUAL PLAN c 1 1 ` 1" = 15': 0 15 30 Appendix B TMP 32-20F Zoning Map Amendment Application Legend oI 2A-01-0 (NOM. somm e Hems on map may nor appear In legend) M Qi O Parcel Info 3B-8A ^ N 32A-01.OA-6A 111 Q a: O El Parcels O N Zoning Info 32-1'8 32A-01-OB-8 0 �?� i� ry� O Zoning ClAmes Lions Q Rural Areas N O IyQ Village Residential al 32-17 "' M c 32A-01-OA-6 R1 Residential ■ R2 Residential 32-6R Q N R4 Resitlential C7i 32A-01-OB-7 f7 ■ R6 Residential ■ R10 Residential R15 Residential 32-18A fro' ^_ 32A-01-OA-5 O 3 ry 2q'01 o Planned Unit Development ' 0A _ Q ■ Planned Residential Development 77A O N ■ Neighborhood Model District c 32A-01-0A-8 32A-01-OA-4 I7 ■ Monticello Historic District / 32A-01-OB-6 o��Q] Commercial Ch ■ Commercial Donn ■ Planned Commerolal O O-� 32A-01-0A-3 ■ Planned Development Shopping. ' ■ Planned Development Mixed Comm. O Q ■ Doht Industry Crozet Oisbict Q O 01 O Light Industry e+D 32A-01-OB-5 n3ry 32A-01-OA-2 ■ Heavy Industry ■ PlannednedDDevelopment Industrial Par ^Q Tovm of Scetlsvilk 32A-01-OA-9 32-20F 32A-01-OB-4 \* 32A-01-OA-1 I 3"277TA��-Oa 1y-OA-1A M rV Q A N 32-20D 32A-01-OB-3 047 ^ 4oI - 32-41 D2 09 c 32-20E ^~ AQ �ryQ _ro 32-41A1+ 32-39B , 32-3� 32A-02--1C 32-41 B 32-41A2 32-39 32-41G / ■V 3�37B1 32A-02--1A2 �1 m 32-37B2 GIS-Web 32-37E 4664-4 3I Geogmpnm GaMSenices eadvAboadvarendgis 2-3.7A1 3237C1 32-36G 0xcrxt" e3M72WM32 My demonstration Mtapwyaphy or mMours, or any deplNon M physical Improvements, property tins or NuMames Ia for general Insinuation only and shall not be used Mr Me design, mMlflcaBm, or construction of Improvements to real property orfor Pond plain determination. Aptl130, 2021 Map elements may stale lays man GIG data treasured In the map or as provided on the data dovmba! page due to Me projection used. Map Phosphor: val Web Mercator (Mtlllary GpMe) (EPSG 3857) Appendix C TMP 32-20F Zoning Map Amendment Application 3 32A-01-OA-7 3220 B p10P-13A 32A-01-OB-18A 32P' ^ 32A- ^ _01-OB-8A N 32A-01-OA-6A/ o� Legend Nole. Some tams on map may not appear In legend) Parcel Info O ^ O O ^ O ^ Parcels Comp Plan Land Use Info 32-18 32A-01-OB-8 0 ^ �ry� O yrl Urban Development Area Boundary 32-17 NO o ryQ i��// \ "> tQ c 32A-01-OA-6 o" 32-6R M 1■ Q N Comprehensive Plan Areas Crozet Master Plan Lana Use GreensPace• Neighborhood! Density Residential L U 32A-01-OB-7 ry Neighborhood! 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