HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202100059 Plan - Submittal (First) 2021-05-23INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE r BUILDING SETBACK E] PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT 10 10 PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY - - - - INDEX CONTOUR - - - - - - - - INTERVAL CONTOUR 311.5 x > lar SPOT ELEVATION 311.5 TC x 1 R TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 311.5 TW x 1n TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 311.5 BW x 1� BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION - ....... - STREAM - - STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT - - ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE !� HANDICAP PARKING l7� MATERIAL CONCRETE RIPRAP ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING 0 WETLAND TREELINE X X FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE m m GUY WIRE oHu 0Hu OVERHEAD UTILITY uou ucu UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE q q DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN SANITARY SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN S S SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER W W WATER LINE O Q WATER METER 0 0 WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS GAS GAS GAS LINE EASEMENTS CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACCESS - - - - - - SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE SANITARY - WATERLINE GASLINE NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. OWNER/DEVELOPER 5th Street Forest LLC 250 W Main Street, Suite 201 Charlottesville, VA 22902 PLAN PREPARATION Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)227-5140 ZONING Neighborhood Model District ZMA201900003 pending approval MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Samuel Miller & Scottsville SOURCE OF TITLE DB 5145 PG 626 SETBACKS Per (PENDING) approved ZMA201900003, setbacks are provided as follows: Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Primary Front* 5' Min 5' Min - 30' Max 5' Min - 30' Max 5' Min - 30' Max 5' Min - 30' Max Secondary Front* N/A N/A 0' Min - 30' Max 0' Min - 30' Max N/A Side 5' Min None None None None Rear None None N/A N/A None 'For double -frontage lots in Blocks 3 & 4, 5th Street shall be considered the primary front and the interior road parallel to 5th Street shall be considered the secondary front. Primary facades of buildings in Blocks 3 & 4 shall be oriented to 5th Street. BUILDING HEIGHT Per (PENDING) approved ZMA201900003, building heights and stories are as follows: Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Stories' 1 Min -3 Max 1 Min - 4 Max 2 Min - 4 Max 1 Min - 3 Max 1 Min -3 Max Height 45' 60' 60' 50' 50' 'Minimum and maximum building story ranges provided are for above grade stories. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary & utilities survey provided by: Brian S. Ray, Roger W. Ray & Assoc. Inc., September 26, 2018 Topographic surve with two 2 foot contours provided b : Y () P Y Terra Engineering & Land Solutions, August 22, 2007, revised November 4, 2009 BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 FLOODZONE According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO269D), this property is not located within a Zone AE 100-year floodplain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Moores Creek Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by ACSA public water and sewer. LIGHTING Lighting shall comply with Section 4.17 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. LANDSCAPE Landscape shall comply with Section of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization amt lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY' (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES Per the (PENDING) approved ZMA201900003, regional stormwater facilities are provided for Blocks 2-5. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS EXISTING USE Forest PROPOSED USE Mixed -Use, 25 DUA of residential density proposed in Block 1 LAND USE SCHEDULE Block 1 Blocks 2-5 EXISTING Area % EXISTING Area % Building 0 SF 0% Building 0 SF 0% Pavement 0 SF 0% Pavement 4,699 SF 1.3% Sidewalk 0 SF 0% Sidewalk 0 SF 0% Open Space 221,285 SF 100% Open Space 367,741 SF 98.7% Total= 221,285 SF (5.08 ac.) Total= 372,440 SF (8.55 ac.) PROPOSED Area % PROPOSED Area % Building 40,300 SF 18.2% Building 61,237 SF 16.4% Pavement 66,378 SF 30.0% Pavement 158,711 SF 42.6% Sidewalk 14,913 SF 6.7% Sidewalk 23,764 SF 6.4% Open space 99,694 SF 45.1 % Open space 128,728 SF 34.6% Total= 221,285 SF (5.08 ac.) Total= 372,440 SF (8.55 ac.) PARKING SCHEDULE Block 1 Multi -family units: One and two bedrooms, 1.75 spaces per unit, 128 units total = 224 spaces required = 204 spaces provided Block 2 Hotel: 1 space per guest room, 85 guest rooms = 85 spaces required = 85 spaces provided Block 3 Office: 1 space per 200 square feet of net office area, gross square footage of 66,620 SF Net office area = 80% of 66,620 SF (gross square footage) = 53,296 SF of total net office area = 266 spaces required Block 4 Retail: 1 space per each 100 SF of retail sales area for the first 5,000 SF and one space per each 200 SF of retail sales area above 5,000 SF Retail sales area = 80% of 10,219 SF (gross square footage) = 8,175.2 SF of retail sales area = 50 spaces + 15 spaces = 65 spaces required Block 5 Retail: 1 space per each 100 SF of retail sales area for the first 5,000 SF and one space per each 200 SF of retail sales area above 5,000 SF Retail sales area = 80% of 5,000 SF (gross square footage) = 4,000 SF of retail sales area = 40 spaces required Self -Storage: Light warehousing is an unscheduled use. No more than two employees will be present at any given time. The proposed parking is provided to accommodate the trip generation given below. 10 spaces provided Blocks 2-5 466 parking spaces required, 412 parking spaces provided GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. ITE Trip Generation AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty, In Out Total In Out Total Total Multifamily (Mid -Rise) 221 128 Dwelling Units 12 34 46 34 22 56 696 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE City In Out Total In Out Total Total General Office Building 710 66,620 SF 77 12 89 12 65 77 716 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out Total In Out Total Total High -Turnover Restaurant 932 5,000 SF 27 23 50 30 19 49 561 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out Total In Out Total Total Apparel Store 876 6,000 SF 5 1 6 13 12 25 398 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out Total In Out Total Total Variety Store 814 4,219 SF 7 6 13 15 14 29 268 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out Total In Out Total Total Business Hotel 312 85 Rooms 14 19 33 15 1 12 27 398 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out F Total In Out Total Total Mini -Warehouse 151 100,000 SF 6 4 10 8 9 17 151 GREENSPACE & AMENITIES Greenspace & amenities shall comply with conditions of (PENDING) approved ZMA20190003. 20% of Block Ts area shall be in greenspace and amenities and 20% of Blocks 2-5's area shall be in greenspace and amenities. Block 1 Amenities: 44,257 SF required, 44,605 SF provided. Blocks 2-5 Amenities: 74,488 SF required, 81,284 SF provided. SDP NUMBER PENDING TAX MAP 76, PARCEL 46A, 46F (PORTION), 54 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE:1"=500' aencrson mope sq" APerri Homes Claire FrancesQ P° xg c 4a g Azalea Park - '4wxa�` Park &Ride d i oaa,e \ AZALEA �SF'� PARK Azalea Park 'Cop Park p,. Timberland Minorca 5 Creek Houda, r The Woodlands v Park Apartmems CharlonesvlllrMonL, RedBelda of Charlottesville Park LYNCHBURG ROAD' -. rturamNy Pool vL' Villas At Southern Ridgev ° Street Place v na- aTH STREET µ>,„ Apartments 41 9 IT SITE � tl� Albemarle County Fire 5ths ® Rescue Administration i. Oak Hill Mark , ,_ aunty ® £3 Department of Social,n ��.9 'tvaoam as 4 Calvary Chapel Q `mom O Charlottesville a The Covenant School d Kingdom Has of Jehavehs Witnesses 4 r. i � `°yes non o Albemarle County® = aa,.,,w,.r c ,NvIces Authority `� Biscuit Pun state Park Q Bays& Girls ClubQ F ,ysSouthwood yf'`p° F n 9n n.MN SHEETINDEX C1 COVER C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS: OVERVIEW C3 EXISTING CONDITIONS C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS C5 SITE PLAN C6 SITE PLAN C7 SITE PLAN C8 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C9 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C10 LANDSCAPE PLAN C11 LANDSCAPE PLAN C12 LANDSCAPE PLAN C13 LANDSCAPE DETAILS IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOGGLE MAPS SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM O o J'** v JUSHIMP Lc. 45183 INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 REVISION: IIIIAN01[6l COVER C1 b. Prior to or concurrent with the Cash Contribution payment, the Owner shall dedicate Original Proffers X WITNESS the following signatures: Amendment for public use a portion of the Property, as shown on the "Single -Lane Roundabout Exhibit" prepared by Shimp Engineering, dated March 18, 2019 with a revision date PROFFER STATEMENT of March 16, 2020 (the "Roundabout Exhibit"), attached hereto. OWNER: 2. TRIP GENERATION: Daily and peak hour vehicular trips shall be noted on all site plans ZMA Number and Name: 2019-00003 Albemarle Business Campus p and zoning clearances on the Property. Site plans and zoning clearances on the Property must Owner of Tax Parcels 07600-00-00-05400 and 07600-00-00-046A0: contain a note that itemizes each proposed use, and if applicable, each previously approved Parcel ID Numbers: 07600-00-00-05400, 07600-00-00-046A0, and 07600-00- use that is expected to continue, with its affiliated daily and peak vehicular trips. Neither a 00-046FO (portion) site plan nor a zoning clearance shall be issued if the combined uses on the Property are 5Tu STREET FOREST LLC, estimated to generate a number of daily vehicular trips exceeding 3,200 or a number of peak a Virginia limited liability company Owners: 5`i' Street Forest LLC and Region Ten Community Services Board, Inc. hour trips exceeding 509. Trip generation numbers shall be derived from the then -current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual and shall account By. 1� Date of Proffer Signature: S eP}e..� �'T � , 2020 for inte internal trip capture or mixed -use developments, as determined b the Director of p for p y Kyle Redinger, Manager Community Development or the Director's designee. 10.17 acres to be rezoned from R-2 Residential to Neighborhood Model District 2.88 acres to be rezoned from R-10 Residential to Neighborhood Model District 3. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT: The Owner shall develop the Property and the Project COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA 0.58 acres to be rezoned from Commercial Office to Neighborhood Model District in accord with the terms and conditions of that certain Performance Agreement between CIT COUNTY OF Cho \\e , to wit: Total: 13.63 acres to be rezoned to Neighborhood Model District Albemarle County, the Albemarle County Economic Development Authority, and 5°i Street The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 1 day of S e_ ha, 2020 Forest LLC, dated April 15, 2020 (the "Performance Agreement"), as it may be amended in by Kyle Redinger, Manager of Albemarle Land Development LLC. 5ih Street Forest LLC, a Virginia limited liability company is the owner of Tax Parcels 07600-00- the future pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. 00-05400 and 07600-00-00-046A0, and is the contract purchaser of a 0.58 acre portion of Tax Parcel 07600-00-00-046FO (collectively, the "Property"), which together are the subject of rezoning application ZMA No. 2019-00003, a project known as "Albemarle Business Campus" My Commission expires: o� \3��� (the "Project"). Region Ten Community Services Board, Inc. is the current owner of Tax Parcel (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) Notary Public 0 07600-00-00-046F0. 5`h Street Forest LLC and Region Ten Community Services Board, Inc. are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Owner." ° Pursuant to Section 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 18 of the Albemarle SEANDELLE RENEE KORTE COTTNotary Public altbo/Virginia County Code), the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below, which shall be O Registration No. 358491 My commission Expires Jun 30, 2021 ? applied to the Property if it is rezoned to the requested Neighborhood Model District (NMD). These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and the Owner and applicant ° specifically deem the following proffers reasonable and appropriate, as conclusively evidenced ° by the signature(s) below. Each signatory below signing on behalf of the Owner covenants and warrants that it is an authorized signatory of the Owner for this Proffer Statement. 1. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS: a. Prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy for any building with a use that solely or collectively (with other existing uses on the Property) would generate more than 487 vehicle trips per day, the Owner shall contribute Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) as a cash contribution (the "Cash Contribution") to Albemarle County's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) fund. 1 2 3 SHIMP ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ZMA201900003 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS ENGINEERING2. Owner of Tax Parcel 07600-00-00-046F0: CAMPUS LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT REGION TEN COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD, INC. SINGLE -LANE 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 a Virginia corporation ROUNDABOUT EXHIBIT CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM Sheet 1 of 1 By: Qh1= a Lisa Beitz, Executiv director 185 SLIP LANE RADIUS OP � This exhibit is shown for roundabout G feasibility purposes. This exhibit shows a� 2.5' CURB & GUTTER roundabout with a 150' inscribed diameter, JUSTI��o. HIMP a slip lane, and pedestrian improvements. 45183 4' LANDSCAPE STRIP Approximately0.05 AC (2350 SF) ROW 4' TRUCK dedication from the eastern portion of ��SSIONAL >�G SIDEWALK _ APRON — — — the project property may be required T 1' MAINTENANCE for a single -lane roundabout with a 150' � inscribed diameter. � INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE 20' OFFSET FOR ADEQUATE 12' TRAVEL LANE SLIP LANE SEPARATION - BUSINESS I i CAMPUS / ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Key SUBMISSION: \ Area on project property 2020.10.05 that may be required for roundabout improvements REVISION: 16' LANE / 50' INSCRIBED DIAMETER — — Parcel boundary 1 � DEDICATION TMP(s) 76-46A, 76-54, Portion of 76-46F Submitted 18 March 2019 Revised 17 June 2019 Revised 29 July 2019 FILE NO. Revised 13 September 2019 Revised 16 December 2019 18.004 J REVISED 16 MARCH 2O20 40 0 40 80 120 18.004 (PENDING) APPROVED project: LFLFLF4 ZMA201900003 PROFFERS Graphic Scale:V" 40' SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. C2 d. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be severable andthe temainder of#his Agreement shall continue in full force and effect., p.. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple fouftterparts, each of which shall constitute an originand all of which allzgnstitute one and the same instrument. B IFgdvi ermng Law. This Agreemen shall be govern onii$�"ru Iin aCc4rdance with the laws o unWe;W4V]rginia,rwithuut refar� to conflicts of law p i �]Exhibit. The Pro a%tea t is not a site is r e r lec ended to show the rations of rtem_re n� i3 Agreement. 2. DEVEWPER'S OBLIGATIONS -a. Re gurung. The Developer has I trrodified_rapplication for rezoning of the Eert�peIng before the emarle County Planning Commission. The oper shall use its best efforts to �mplete the rezoning from ' Efi'al_Area (R-14 8& $-2) to NeWhbgrho2d Model District by July 31, 20. & I ceptuala Pl aan. The] Developer will submit a conceptual building plan (n6luding a rendering and/or architectural drawings) to the County's -Office of Economic Dew Io ent (EDO) within four (4) weeks of thei (Zoning Approval. The E�DO''will have one week to review the plan for approval and concurrence, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. g�overnmentalApproval & Perm ittil The Develapershallapply for muse its best efforts to obtain all governmental approvals a-nd4Mrmits pecgssaryto construct a wilding or bnildings with at lea Ug o o- t' s ]uarel Meet of space in which to locate a Primary Business and provide Class A Office Space. In addition) to the Rezoning, this includes the approval of a site plan. a Capacity. The Developer (gohiding the manager and all members and partners) must demonstrate financial capacity to the County and pass a oneral background check, both satisfactory to the County. Such proprietary information will be, provided subject to a confidentiality agreement from the Cow hi form and substance satisfactory to the Developer. Any information provided subject to such confidentiality �greement shall be exempt from disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of reformation Act. el R serve Space for Primary Business: The Developer must reserve q# east 25,000 square feet ofPassA Office -Space within Block 2, Block 3, or a combination of the Bloom cl s I Blocks are shown on the Project Exhibit) as the Developer and Ve County may agree. This space reservation will 9ritinug for 6oI months (or La Primary Business to occupy 4 from when the Developer has obtained the later of: '(i�si`te plan approval or (ii) Architectural Review Board approval for a building on either Block with sufficient space. A "Primary Business" is a commercial or industrial entity that produces goods or services locally and generates more than 50 of its sales revenues from outside the Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area (City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Oreene,]F'luvanna, Nelson, and Buckingham). fi Ikasd to -"a Primary Business. Subject to Subsection (e) above, the Developer�agrees to lease or sell at least 25,000 of Class A Office Space to aacredit *&thy Primary Business at a fair market rate or fair market value f�the�may be. The Peveloper and the County agree to bargain in good O a�hsfy the c9ndition. Enhanced Co ves` The Developer will provide enhanced connectivity throughout Zt to provide community access from the Project's southern boundary tg *I northern boundary nhanced connectivity will include pathways pavedsd�lks, and raises pedestrian road crossings. The final des*n nuisist s7 bktantially cam. orturith the Rroject Exhibit. 1p �D_yitamic Transport Pick -Up. The Developer will pfovide spacgyit in the Project for automobile— t access f-0 'ire hailed trans Iservices (i.e. taxicab, transportation network [partner, ANT vehicle, or otherwise) as shown on the Project Exhibit., i. Enhanced Bus Stop. The Developer must pnMd6an enhance bus stop along the Project's southern boundary to accommodate public transportation. The stop -must include a glass shelter, lighting„ kdequate s-elating, and bicycle parking racks. The design and provisions are subject to the County's approval, which cannot be withheld unreasonably. cycle Racks. The Dave�dpr midst install bicytl�irking r�al� )dings within the Proje k. Rog shown Park. The ect Ex per shall c�tnievt��� 1 ar own on the Projecti�i�unless the D ei and the[cgirrIity agree otherwise. 3. COUNn'sIOBLIGATION§, a. `('lie County, by and through its Economic Development Office, will create collateral material to provide to its consultant, Retail Strategies, to market retail space in Block 41 of the Project for two years from final approval of the site plan. b. The County, by and through its Economic Development Office, will co - market the reserved z�pbo square foot space to prospective eligible Primary Business teuantg-or purchasers and will provide Developer with leads until the space isr-occupied by a Primary Business or five years from e final site plan approval, whichever occu> s sooner. 5� SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM f�jp,LTH OA o J�� JU5, HIMP 1JC. 4518383 INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 REVISION: 1III1IIIIIIN01161 Im 11A ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT EXCERPT C3 LINE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING Cl 14°02'41" 1964.86 481.64 242.03 480.43 S69°20'20"W C2 20`32'06" 502.76 180.19 91.07 179.23 S44°51'01 "W C3 48`40'38" 452.46 384.40 204.66 372.94 S58°59'34"W C4 29°40'22" 481.31 249.26 127.49 246.49 N81 °47'46"W C5 14*15'06" 578.08 143.79 72.27 143.42 N85°50'49"E C6 25°23'26" 119.55 52.98 26.93 52.55 N65°58'00"E C7 15°56'56" 538.87 150.00 75.49 149.52 N45°19'29"E C8 18°52'24" 401.04 132.10 66.66 131.51 N27°49'16"E C9 3*01'13" 3044.10 160.47 80.25 160.45 N19°59'49"E C10 1°07'32" 525.00 10.31 5.16 10.31 N30°15'12"E C11 7°31'22" 200.00 26.26 13.15 26.24 S76°14'42"E C12 26*12'51" 601.62 275.26 140.08 272.86 S02°48'46"E C13 0°28'02" 3044.10 24.82 12.41 24.82 N21°44'27"E C14 0°53'42" 3044.10 47.55 23.78 47.55 N22°25'19"E ACCESS EASEMENT LINE DATA LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 39'29'47"W 20.47' 20.47 L2 S 33°48'55"W 24.73' 24.79 L3 S 33°48'55"W 23.91' 23.85 L4 N 46'00'00"W 30,07' 28.31 L5 S 39°29'48"E 71.00' 69.22 L-I JUU UU UU YV U�.UY L2 S72°02'03"W 53.34 L3 S57°28'58"W 51.57 L4 S56°46'20"W 110.53 L5 S89°47'34"W 42.66 L6 N56°49'31"E 25.00 L7 N87°55'38"W 91.84 L8 S56°49'31 "W 51.00 L9 N33°10'29"W 31.31 L10 S02°12'39"W 17.83 L11 S83°12'36"W 176.56 L12 S06°37'57"E 25.00 L13 S83°22'03"W 47.69 L14 N78°31'14"E 30.72 L15 N53°15'37"E 23.02 L16 N18°25'37"E 137.78 L17 N30°49'58"E 14.20 L18 N59°09'56"W 3.82 SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM jNLTH O o J�� TUs, 1HIMP 83 1JC. 45183 INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 REVISION: FILE NO. 18.004 EXISTING CONDITIONS: OVERVIEW C4 T.M 76-46F POR / ( �ji/kIN UN 1���Z/5 E / y � � I �R EGION TEN �0M / C / INC. /// \� \ /�'//' /// / / // // \\ i I `\\ I \ \\51 5- -209 D.B.1005-483 PLAT D.B.72/Z-518 PLAT /Jill/ ZONE: CQ'MMERCIAL OFFICE /,/ / / �� /'' / V58..470 AC I ,'' ' 1 �\� _ / — 430 \ — — — — — — — — — - — - - — — — — — — — -- / / / / ---- A�. / MO /0 F rl --' �'' _�' / �' ------------- ' �' // // I DI RIM= I _---------- -- - � D� 20. o L I I �O \ --- ---- / / / / /'OF CULVERT 420.82 s �,--------------' /— —450� / / /�' /�'' 3��-36- �/ �'' / / // /I 1 =418.61 / /�'/ '/ ' k0 /'' If'' /// " 1 IRC ,405.27 __ _' SA MH / / / / / I I ___ �1------------' 450 -_ _ ------ .90 40 _ --- 4 — `\ /hE Ili 0 i I i I Ii _ � ,-'' ____-------_� /// I � ///�✓ /, /// /// C v `v ` /' --- / �/ / — — \ / /� w 7—w 11 M PIPE \ \ \ _ /` -- FTI \' W \ I / I I ... `\--�\ i // - -q30_ / �----- �/ i - l / / i / / / / //� \ w w I XI I \ —I \ \ _ — ,�A // �\ �� % vv/// /` ` A / SAN /tSM/ R— — -- ults/166�t PG/ CA 0 - / - p p n - _ _ �// / - \ \ \ _ - / / _ 7116 - 13 —PLAT I / I \ I\IP—I\Ar'— — //<�\ rI I I \\\` =_ '�\�\ \ / /' /' 'y PE I0z } `_ \\ \ T \� \\\_- \ _ = ,11;, I I, I _ ��- \ D.B. HIV \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / i i \ —4\ ! / , T.M�-\7 3 6A,(EAST PC�RT`I0 1� \ _ \ /�I - \ \ 42 --- USEREST 57isTKFTTTdREST LLC \`\ \ \ , -=_ - / !�\ �/ ---- -\.�- / I I — `Q\ .B.4`43�72 \\ `\\ j�— — _ -` �a2o I� O �3 S \II ' \ aB.3,8\'B8,N5 \-& J-7 PLAT \ ------ ` \ `\ I > L6 \ \ \ \ \ -£- 1 Off\ TFF`1\-0`9\ K,A�------ \-- D)B 2168 -925 \456 45�7 PLAT Z I ENGINEERSHIMP O VhL I N G 2. LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT\\E. OPENU II \ 7 A�` �\ABANDON 5. -__ `\ \ \ \ \ \ / \ X1 PIPE AND 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ / �430' / / / / — — — � \ / � / / I \ s k FILL WITH �.� M A G CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM RO\ \\ \\ \\ FLOWABLE NAIL V\ FILL \ \ \ \ \ \ /\----' � \ 440- \ ,J IF T.M 76-54 /' JUSTI HIMP a \ / \ \ \ QS \ / \ / _`.---------- 5TH STREET`1=OREOT LLB I I I III \ I I I R \ ` 1 \ ° \ \ I I / /' /' � I _ ____� `\ I� 430 45183 / D.B.4573-270 L+-��ZJ�SSIONAL F.11 04\ 42 D.B.4367-496, �I III I J i \4 _ ,�— \I / / __------ 501 & 5022-PLAN _ _ _ /430, ,- \ \ \\ INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN _DB: 2fi6a=fi66 THR-U-4 09, PLAT ' `--------- _ ALBEMARLE _— oQ � _ MI I / _J�: OPEN _ /. DRAINAGE 1 nIIc / J /' // / / // / / _ — — — — — BUSINESS PIPE TR I I N J // /l M AG, / / / /� SAN MH TBR// — �� '— JOP=437/.73 --- ---- _ ---- — --- /\\\ nj6 - / vv v / - __---- _6EMO 17.63 LF CAMPUS =x —x _x—x--z —x x v v / �V - _ x x y_ v v v _ _ _ _ 6 / OF CULVERT —x \ \ 420 — — ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA /--------VED PATH TBR------- -- --- --- A . -- ---__--- DEMO \ D EMOV7.00F .aPERT f I SUBMISSION: _ AL ----------- / tilt 2020.10.05 -ODD REVISION: II I INV.IN= o °° am X412.74 o .1 o GUARDRAIL WK ROUTE ,& 1 5TH -'' // ''' ��e `\----��- ---\ ,----___ _ I FILE NO. " VARIALE WIDTH R/W T �6 -44°_' 18.004 F� PAVED PATH . ""D.B.1205-314/ /' / D = - - - - - TBR HVyYP.B.XI-257 J�-fRU 262 14145.08 "'_-_,, EXISTING CONDITIONS .OU425.22 30 0 30 60 90 ^ /SAN '' _ . �'// .-/ `fit / /� �'' T09_4 89 T— /'' '' Nv=43TT c Scale: 1"=30' C6_ J Ab /, — — — — — ----v C/) l/ J /' / I 44 — — / I I /' / �/ // // /_i \ \V AA l , / l / vo w��. ��,—____ __/,� I I II I I I I I I � I / / / // / / / � ,' /' / � / / • / / '; vA11 I/ / — s s C) I O \\\\ \ \\\\\\\\ \ �C/) Iz 0 / -- - --- \ \ \ \ \\ 1 \ / �O / 6- Cr ku \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ CID O�QCv \ \\\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \\ 0003 / S iiAli li �/// � / I/� � � v I 1 I � ' � ,� �s 'a-•'"/'///r SHIMP // / / / / / A 1 / / / / / / -• / � /' _�, \� � °r�� / �,� / � ENGINEERING2. / / / / / / / / - / �/' / _ _ / 3 ) , / /// / �/ •�/ LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT / / ��///'/�/ / © / / / I ,/ ® q.'/ Q, !1������✓,//'//�//, /i.. yT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM �NLTH OA JUST14LVSHIMP a 45183 INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE / / i / / / i '/ // i''/ /'\J/// / / / // \// /•�' / /�'>� °i ° • • / / //'/ // / /''/ /' BUSINESS / - ' n \/ \ / R$° ��' / /// \ /,/ ,- -\ \ \\\ / -- —__-- - �_ CAMPU CD / / // /' ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA /' SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 REVISION: —— ��------- 3' TORTES \w \\k \\ _------------ _— x lI' S FL00 1 .r. • -- NITS PER S TA \------------� / r \ �N\ --- SOU FILE NO S� \�X-X—��X_X-X _- X_X-X -X- - _�P 05� \'�� i I _ 18.004 e 1\ GRADING & UTILITY PLAN Scale: 1"=30' cio /I I ONNEC / / \ TO EXIS WATERL}NE �✓—w w w —� —w—w w — w �W �- —www > / 119 PARKING / / <• \\ / W ACE$-W\ l+ D n yl 0 QJ I \— III I I v �F 0 1 \ I / — a ----- — — -- — — / / �— ��7 20,7W SF�FQQ _—v HOTEL/ 2Q0 SF FOOTPRWT AROUND FLOOR 5;a00 F FOOTPRINT \ I I 0 \\ \\ \ \ �.. r�■■■�yL■■L, - `_ 420.:r-°L \ ION ECTS TO XISTING _ �A RLINE \ \ w w W --w W —W \ w w—W6��1EI —W �.?LVV —W —w =1w/ � w —w �-w Diu �w —w w vT—w �w —Ww -�w �w i \ \ \ / a / / ' W v / / / �m / I� 412 PARKING YNANSPOR\ _ ENGINEERING \\ 456 \ I I I \ / I , LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT y .a .. •- _ - a . - .. _ .i . - : .. .. .. \ . _ - •\ \�A PUTfi ' _ \ ` gib•.- 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 \ I I1 I I \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 \ 3W4 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM -- \ -Al LAY MOUND II xr / x / —x / x —1lx x —x —X —x —x �/ J 450— Iv v — �� I 1 -----------' / /i/ / 430 — — / / !/ / 0 NECTS TO EXISTING ST RM PIPE w \ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — ----------_ — / /---------- _--- '-- _ _--_---- ' — _450' —•v — — — \\� --vv hE \ --v ® / FT1 ----------- -- — --_ — \--_— _-- — / II �:u _I �1 � II � I i II I I I II I I f / /' /' -- — — __ A --- —_ ' �— /' ---- -- — •, / / / 1 O 51 PARKING SPACES ©2 / \ vv fqRTI\ bF STEPDA ul/ i852 SF v — N \\ vv vvv v g \ \ V A \\ \\ \ \ //� vvN1vPARKING SPAC I \� \ v — /) �\ \0V AV A TH� I I I I I \ I I I co \ \\\— \\/> I \ \ \ — � \ � I A I --- vv vv v 77 PARKING v sO m v v v s vv vSPACES s —S —S —S S —S —Sv—S —S s V v ® IA� J IF \\ \ I/ / /' \ \ -- J /l ) \ °JLTSTI HMP Ia ��v-------- v — '� 5183 vv v o � �1 v 1 I z �oL1 �JO I I I � � I I I � n a '• I � v r / � , --' — , � AV SS'IONAL or— J A ; RET (L — — — I / / / OFFICE / // - - I - \ 16,000 SF FQOTPRINT 17,118 5F FOOTf�RINT / _— — - — — ,—'I I I \ INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN --------_ \\\ B 14.25% / --- ��------- -- _ _ - - _- - - - -- - -// ALBEMARLE 52 �_— I � BUSINESS --— —-- —J -------- ---- — / / . — — — --- — I �ICAMPUS 420 _ i _ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, V IRGINIA ------ _ BW 46:5ovnE� -- — —v\\ — — — _ \ I � _ w11I� SUBMISSION: 2020.1 .05 _ --- \ o << — ---,_— / \ \ as $ --_ / oMEls wcl j D= 11 I REVISION. BW \ \ \ \ \ — _ / I I I $T(�Rp1 PIPE/ + :� O o� 0 yy ,\420 —J3 I l I D i I II ONNECTS _-- \ —\ \ \__---_ �—��/ / �/ TO EXISTING_ — 1 \ — — — _ \ \ _ _ _ _ 430 — — / _�•. SEWER �_ / \ \ \ / ` J FILE NO. STg/ E ROUTE 1 5TH T 18.004 \a VARI/A'E�LE WIDTH R/W ------' \ /'D.B.12o5-314' /' � I -// I\ `\\ GRADING &UTILITY PLAN HVYYP.B.XI-257 J�RU 262 / / /' 30 0 30 60 90 SAN MH 1(N� 37640 Scale: 1��=30' MULTIFAMILY LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Total Canopy Total Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF 0C Large Deciduous Tree Tilia cordata "Greenspire �� 1-1 26 26 27 249 6474 Littleleof Linden 0'Greenspire" PC 0 — Large Deciduous Tree Platanus x Acerifolia London Planetree 1}-1 i" 20 28.5 368 7360 JTt Large Deciduous Tree Tilia tomentosa Silver Linden 11-1 i" 22 25 276 6072 SI Medium Deciduous Tree Sophora japonica 'Regent' "Regent" Scholartree 12-1 8 28 22 176 Ornamental Tree Corpus kousa & cvs. Kousa Dogwood 6-7' Ht. 10 15 128 1280 ps Ornamental Tree Prunus subhirtella pendula Rosa' ee in g WCherry p y 6-7' Ht. 15 15 77 1155 Ornamental Tree Magnolia x soulangiona Saucer Magnolia 6-7' Ht. 4 17 145 580 & cvs. Tc Evergreen Tree Thuja occidentalis & Eastern Arborvitae 4-5' Ht. 13 14.5 10 130 cvs. —7 TOTAL 7� SF: 23227 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. I I I / / / / / 1 / s— SITE AREA 221,285 SF x 10%= 22,129 SF I / '----- CANOPY REQUIRED: 22,129 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 23,227 SF�— — — — STREET TREES (SEC. LARGE SHADE TREES (12-1i" CAL.) — 50' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (1140 LF) REQUIRED: (1140/50) = 23 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 26 LARGE SHADE TREES 611) C/) PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING (SEC. 57 OF TOTAL PAVED AREA SHALL BE LANDSCAPED I 1 I I I I > / / ,1� C4// 57 OF TOTAL PAVED AREA: 66,378 SF x 5%° = 3,319 SF REQUIRED: 3,319 SF PROVIDED: 10,726 SF I I I I I I I / / / / / // / /' / / y / ' / Tt NOTES:(� 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained I I // / ,/ //' //' // // ! / D at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be 2. All landscaping land scand reening shto allllart bethe maintaineld in lahof the healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Q�p / / // -. - Tt / ' \� \ \\\ o / / \ \ Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. I I I I I I � / , /• / ) \ � \ planting P P 9 I I / / / / / // // / 3. All new lantin shown on the Ian will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. I I / / / / / / / 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. \ 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted / / / / / / / / / / / / I /�.. A A\\\V A\\V A AV A�A A� I A� V A\ by improvements associated with this project. Jo \ \ \\ \\ \� \\ \ \ \\ \ ---- /If pa \ \ \\ \\ III If//// / / If // Sj s —s s —s •v`vv�\v `vv V`��v`v� \� l Iv Iv v vvAvvi i/ v s / Tt v vvvv� vv v v v� vv v v v �� � / / ( \ A\\ V... Tt �� /' Si S / ° \V A A\\� \VA\A LLJV A \ /1 o vv O vvv�v vvv\vv v 1 ii / �� — 3 Q(—� vvv vvvv vv v I IIlk��[� Rs 03/ If// / / �/ V / —3/ J Tt Pa A C \� 0 D / .// SHIMP P ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM / /'�/ • / /A / / /�j / / • j / / / • // -D/ _ / // /." / / /'� �� JUSTI HIMP a Pill 45183 PS I / INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN �/ i� � / —'—_,' �/ • — �Ms* ��/� / /3 �i\� �� / /' /'F� �/�%ice//\ \\ \—J / / — / / / ALBEMARLE e ,. lip \ /MS Ck Pa BUSINESS CAMPUS \ — — + •/ / / / / I I ALBEMARLE COUNTY, V IRGINIA Pa SUBMISSION: ------- �P ----a / \ / I \ I\ \\— \ \� \\� \ \ ----- \� _\_------- __ �� e.—I— -- /� J' ORpES N I / tea. ----_� l� \\`_ _-----_\_fl \\ 2020.10.05 \W \\X \ �`\ ��\\ ��\— \ __— X —X� ,// / S Eft f l.00 I / ` \� \���- \I REVISION: X �T P _ — w Q 11N / - - --- Pa t \ Ck STATE — — R ---------/ • PS\ \ X —X - :D.O.a",. -" Gp.S� P ��0��\`\\�/ I\ ��OU� V TRY C \° —x \ —x _X 7TX —X —X ——C \ \\ \\ w '.w_w X �_f\/ J / �w x --- 1 I FILE NO. — / ' � / �`�� P \ \ \ \4-- — — —— -- 18.004 LANDSCAPE PLAN _ 0 }' / \ 30 0 30 60 90 x Scale: 1"=30' C12_ \ J ----_ � �l III I �; I ; / l l � ,/' / // I vv \ �A � �— ,/ �� , /,/ ,/ � / , , / x/ / / , •\ I � �_ v v vv LAY MOUND x —x —x x x —x x —X/ �x \ \ b/ cb / kb MATCH� L11 NIL — /Pa -430 0 NECTSTO I \ \ PIPE IS, i' / - - STIN c STRMI — ------------- _ /� I / • P I MEN ONNEC / \ TO EXIS WATERLI{JE � � / / s �I \ I I V I I I // // —��� _ — — -- _/ /— —^\ — I \v v v --- � / /• :° __-- � / w � --� I / // i�/i ��// W — W W I iW——w w w � 7 ww'•Pa > 0 119 PARKING vv w 1/ W ! SPACES / Si ------ �� i \ x0 r i cb i 0 fTl �� I I I / I V A --1 _ o �I vV / �/ vv P —� / — /� / h s r1 -- _—_-- — — — / // �� r� --__ ° / Pa / A I I ' HOT -Elf \ - / / = i 3 2Q0 SF FOOD R-KT \ _ \\ \\ + \ L_ \ \\GROUND FLOOR--FZET \ \ \\`- P \ / 5;000 \SF FOOTPRINT / T \ c �/ Tc �•vTc y TcV• V A Tc n — — •-fa - \ Tc \ Tc \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �T\ \ / y e,. \ / • Tc ° fic • /• / • �Js a Tc Tc i -may■Y� ^l. /a ) f /' \ I O TO N ECTS:',.-:.d„ \ \ �\ \ •� r F \ V A MISTING-`� \ \I I I A RLINE \ w w —w —w - w - w —w —w w w —w � —w-.n--�w —w\ —w — =w--w —w �w "�iv �w —w w w�� w w — —w--w �,w — =w -��4 - � \\ A \ / \ �, I / ate, w � / I■ II`I v YNAMV R FPAMRKING - RANSP\OT\PLA\A — - f SHIMP \LTA X II 1 \ \ i a rc / / Tc Tc v �56 v� � v � � � •Tc —' GIN • Tc Tc +- ` / Tc / x / ( y. � \ I I I a a. • .\ a ENAREEEMRIENG I- v v v v v ✓-- Cb v a v — I � © Pa O 9 \ I I ' __ _ 440 — � — — --- n ♦ s, III I IIII II I vv I I o / — — v V 51 PARKING I I — SPACES hillI vv PRTIi}N bvF STEPBA Pa \\ Cb \ \ 4852 \SF —// • // Q8 1 • I I \ \ \ I 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 • \ \ / / / \ / I l ( \ \ Pa — — — — \ CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM / v v 111 PARK V A ) \ \-bV A \ v \ v e N I \ I -� A LTH I I m \ \ 5 \ \SPACES \ \ \ I O y s —s —s �� —s —sv—s —s // / n r1 I, I AV ��� A � .v v I� v AV I I v � • �� 1 �O Pa • I � � /�� _ /� /III ------ o J a Al O9 cb / - �4 JUSTI I��S HIMP I I � \ _I; I I \: ., 4 a •. . •, � / / � / I \ / /-- I \ L----- I "� ,� ,I 45183 Cb RETfk \I I Pa / OFFICE / // - --- - _ I .I pa \ \\ I 16,000 SF FQOTPRINT / / 17,118//SF FOOT/PIRINT / - _---- ------- / I B 4— /Cb INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLI E l / II 1 ----- --- — --- ' v ■ cb / — rah �\ I IBUSINESS n I TI I 420 n I I I I I 6. — _ ; \ �� � � I I I I L \ _-- \ — /----_-- / . 2 1 I � CAMPUS COUNTY,ALBEMARLE VIRGINIA \\ CMS M5 \ Or °r / N�G � �� I pa SUBMISSION: / �/ v/II 0 ISNG/ O �_ �11 2020.10.05 _ L _ II I $T PIPQ Or Or m i Or _ / o /I I REVISION: -PA�.pa �a I -�� 7 I _ � 4 Ps Or 0 I I - _ / cr _ W li II Qr TONNECEMS�TS SEWER — / as Ci 1 °r _ CI ' _ I STg/ E ROUTE 1 5TH T--- -- Or I VARIA-E�LE WIDTH R//W / --- — Or \\ / I` FILE NO. B.1205-314/ Or HVY-) P.B.XI-257 J,IfRU 262 /' // ,/ - 18.004 Or LANDSCAPE PLAN [0=437.40 _ 30 0 30 60 90 ------ /// C13 Cl Scale: 1"=30' LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: ENTRANCE CORRIDOR LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE SAN MH SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. i� TOP=421.32 SITE AREA 372,438 SF x 10% = 37,244 SF / INV=416.05 CANOPY REQUIRED: 37,244 SF Total Can Total CANOPY PROVIDED: 48,178 SF Plant Min. Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy \ \ in 10 Yrs SF ENTRANCE CORRIDOR TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (3.5" CAL.) - 35' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (749 LF) REQUIRED: (749/35) = 21 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 22 LARGE SHADE TREES W/ INTERSPERSED ORNAMENTAL TREES OQr Large Deciduous Tree Quercus palustris Pin Oak 3.5" 22 31 370 8140 INTERIOR ROAD TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) - 40' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (612 LF) REQUIRED: (612/40) = 15 LARGE SHADE TREES ON EACH SIDE, 30 LARGE SHADE TREES TOTAL Pa �TC Tilia cordato "Greens ire" PROVIDED: 33 LARGE SHADE TREES / + • Large Deciduous Tree 'Greens Ire" p 2.5" 33 27 249 8217 \ P Littleleof Linden PARKING LOT TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) - 40' O.C. AROUND PERIMETER OF PARKING LOT � a PROVIDED: 56 LARGE SHADE TREES • Large Deciduous Tree Platanus x Acerifolia London Planetree 2.5" 52 28.5 368 19136 INTERIOR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS: MEDIUM SHADE TREES (2.5' CAL.) - 25' O.C. PARALLEL TO WALKWAY // / } �•� P. PROVIDED: 44 MEDIUM SHADE TREES Large Deciduous Tree Tilia tomentoso Silver Linden 2.5" 19 25 276 5244 NOTES: /i- 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained Cb Medium Deciduous Tree Carpinus betulus European at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be +, /p 2.5" 23 16 129 2967 Hornbeam pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. / + � '•/, / / � 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the egen S1 Sophora japonica "Rt" when necessary. ' current owner or property owners' association and replaced wh Medium Deciduous Tree 2.5" 21 28 22 462 Regent" Scholartree Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. } � / }yam 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road / }, Pa % / Pax tyC} Ornamental Tree Corpus kousa & cvs. Kousa Dogwood construction to avoid tree planting damage. / •/ / / / • / 9 6-7' Ht. 8 15 128 1024 �� +/ /, 1 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. +/ / / SAN � \ 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted \ , PS Ornamental Tree Prunus subhirtella Weeping Cherry by improvements associated with this project. / + / // // / NOV 4 8.19 \ Pendula Rosa' p 9 y 6-T Ht. 6 15 77 462 ) , P - x soulangiana li gnoa I /+ �/ // / f / \ Ornamental Tree Ma & cvs. Saucer Magnolia 6-T Ht. 3 17 145 435 Pa / + / / - - \ IN pz'ACj Evergreen Tree Cryptomeria japonica J /x ^X \ / ' \\ \ \> I I /Pa 'CY (Screening) &cvs Cryptomeria 4-5' Ht. 17 25 123 2091 \ / / TOTAL SF: 48178 s // / Pa I \\\ N. 4l f / / x I V A\ I III , I p I I / // / A �`�) \ \ /i/ i� } / • / /�/// l� / / / x I •-al III a LAY MOUNDS x / x / / x/ —x —x —x —x MATCH£ LINE pCO 450— vV v --- / / �� �� _ — _ --_—_---�—'430— 7 / / � / / � I I /1 / 0 NECTS ------ \\PIPE TV / � I sr Rsn MISTING �W S� - -- l /�� / /��' -- - --- / / / /// i / / // / n Ia1 D RIM- ----------- -------- - ------- / / / / / Pa / / / / // •.� 420.82 I �� -- — — — — / �� / / n / / // INV.IN= _ — / ------ — /X 405.27 I \ / / \ — �I v ♦ — — — — — —�\V A II // --- -- — Sj---_ ♦ ♦ ---- a Ps I I I � III III I I I I I / / // III vv _—_ / _ v� sj s1/ i i '' I a •' i c • � I I I I I I , � / / _ -- __ v � 51 PARKING Pa i I 7 i SPACES �/ • --- III I I I I I ---- w DLAW � I I I I I I I / /— I I I I \ D II II II I A\ \� 1 V II II _� ( I+� _/ I vAV r v v Pa / cb ----- / / ryes. I II ONNECT / I / TO EXIST V WATERLjNE W II i / �' / / —-t'W� W / W -w —� —W / VV Iw �j / w ,=,w'-T/ W W W / i / w —IN-- vl—,w tW� / V / / i �' // / -- 119 PARKING / / d w — X/ SPACES- / • A� n I -- _-- __ — - \\\ �'_ -�\ �� ''\ / I I I I -SELF 2o,7_ \ / a / v — v /' A3 Qo s����T�R�t�T. z I \ I \` \ }� -\ --\ \��\`-----\ I I`- \\==- ��\ \� \\ \\-- ���\ �•_ \�\��\ / / F Sj \\ \ I I Pa II �O II HOTEL / i/ i� i� � • I \ -----9'a-2Q0 5F FOCTPRQT \ \ \ -ROUND FLOOR, PZET alt 5;000 vSF FOOTPRi T si — o . �. h \ / — �- :. \ - / I \ Va T \ - c `/ Tc �� `•�Tc Tc\• Tc •— l\ — — • — — _ \�\\ �— / IT i�--- // i �� I \ 7c/ • T9i I - - •/ - a • pTc Tc )NECTS __ • \\ \ \\ �� \ �\ `\ \ �\ .\ /..� ` F \ d 'fic /� .-/. i,—�a6--,, ./._ '�•/a.�� /I \ II MISTING— > RLINE —� A // w —w —w —w w —w �w w —w —w —w N —w w — ---*--W —w �w pia �w —w w vT—w w Sw — —�—w �w w v /VI _. 540N-STREET YNAMIC RgNSPORT PLAZA PARKING \ \ SPACES V ` / i / - PR 456 A TOTAL A A — I Tc Tc A Tc Tc — _ Tc .. T „. T` Tc 6.Tt Tc i a +� _ / t I - ` — - -X `v Pa o 10 �� -v v cb v A SRO A 6 STEPT� PRT123N BA v v `1852�SF V A V — i i • • • •A `111 PARKING SPACE I V A / ) 1\ \"•oV A �•�. \\ A vvv v e Row ,E] v z v 77SPACESG DEDCATS ION: A \mo S —s — —S ss —s s—S —S v / // / ® Tt v -n — — — • u� rt vI i i / / / ® c--- '■ 30 0 30 60 90 I '/ ,� • .. a_/ - i�' \\ ■ I Scale: 1„=30' ■..M '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■/■ ■ ■ ■ M ■ M. 0 0 ■ 0 ■'■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■�� SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 REVISION: �f LANDSCAPE PLAN �J C C 14 MULTIFAMILY LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Total Canopy Total Sylmbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF a a'Greenspire' Large Deciduous Tree Tilia cordata pire "Greens " 1-1 26 27 249 6474 Littleleaf Linden 0 PC Large Deciduous Tree Platanus x Acerifolia London Planetree 1�-1 20 28.5 368 7360 �Tt Large Deciduous Tree Tilia tomentosa Silver Linden 1�-1j" 22 25 276 6072 I i'IK—T S, Medium Deciduous Tree Sophora japonica 'Regent" "Regent" 14-1 J" 8 28 22 176 Scholartree UK Ornamental Tree Corpus kousa & cvs. Kousa Dogwood 6-7' Ht. 10 15 128 1280 P Ornamental Tree Prunus subhirtella Pendula Rosa' Weeping Cherry 6-7' Hit. 15 15 77 1155 Ornamental Tree Magnolia x soulangiana Saucer Magnolia 6-7' Ht. 4 17 145 580 & cvs. T Evergreen Tree Thuja occidentalis & Eastern Arborvitae 4-5' Hit. 13 14.5 10 130 cvs. TOTAL SF: 23227 ENTRANCE CORRIDOR LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Total Can Total Sylmbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF O4r Large Deciduous Tree Quercus palustris Pin Oak 3.5" 22 31 370 8140 �Ta Large Deciduous Tree Tilia cordata 'Greens ire' "Greenspire„ 2.5" 33 27 249 8217 P� Littleleaf Linden a Large Deciduous Tree Platanus x Acerifolia London Planetree 2.5" 52 28.5 368 19136 ��• Tt `1L 'Cb Large Deciduous Tree Tilia tomentosa Silver Linden 2.5" 19 25 276 5244 Medium Deciduous Tree Carpinus betulus European Hornbeam 2.5" 23 16 129 2967 sj Medium Deciduous Tree Sophora japonica 'Regent' "Regent" 2 5" 21 28 22 462 Scholartree Ck Ornamental Tree Corpus kouso & cvs. Kousa Dogwood 6-7' Ht. 8 15 128 1024 •YYYP Ornamental Tree Prunus subhirtella Pendula Rosa' Weeping Cherry 6-7' Hit. 6 15 77 462 �r,�.l,F�•A� aj. ;i Ornamental Tree Magnolia x soulangiana & cvs. Saucer Magnolia 6-7' Ht. 3 17 145 435 Yy� dzACj C`<1 Evergreen Tree (Screening) Cryptomeria japonica & Cryptomeria 4-5' Ht. 17 25 123 2091 V cvs TOTAL SF: 48178 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA 221,285 SF x 10% = 22,129 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 22,129 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 23,227 SF STREET TREES (SEC. LARGE SHADE TREES (11-1j" CAL.) — 50' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (1140 LF) REQUIRED: (1140/50) = 23 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 26 LARGE SHADE TREES PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING (SEC. 5% OF TOTAL PAVED AREA SHALL BE LANDSCAPED 5% OF TOTAL PAVED AREA: 66,378 SF x 5% = 3,319 SF REQUIRED: 3,319 SF PROVIDED: 10,726 SF NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA 372,438 SF x 10% = 37,244 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 37,244 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 48,178 SF ENTRANCE CORRIDOR TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (3.5" CAL.) — 35' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (749 LF) REQUIRED: (749/35) = 21 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 22 LARGE SHADE TREES W/ INTERSPERSED ORNAMENTAL TREES INTERIOR ROAD TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) — 40' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD (612 LF) REQUIRED: (612/40) = 15 LARGE SHADE TREES ON EACH SIDE, 30 LARGE SHADE TREES TOTAL PROVIDED: 33 LARGE SHADE TREES PARKING LOT TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) — 40' O.C. AROUND PERIMETER OF PARKING LOT PROVIDED: 56 LARGE SHADE TREES INTERIOR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS: MEDIUM SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) — 25' O.C. PARALLEL TO WALKWAY PROVIDED: 44 MEDIUM SHADE TREES NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. PLANTING PIT. PREPARED SOIL SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOIL 0 1 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL C13 Not To Scale SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. ARBOR TIES, OR SIN 1-1/2" SQ. OAK ST SET 180 DEGREES FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF WOOD WATER THOROUGHLY 4" COMPACTED EAR WATERING BERM EXISTING GRADE PLANTING PIT. SEE REQUIREMENTS, PLA SOIL AMENDMENTS. REMOVE BURLAP & 1/3 OF ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL 2 TREE PLANTING DETAIL C13 Not To Scale SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP OF ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1"ABOVE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALL 3" TALL WATERING BERM FINISHED GRADE 1/2BA' -0fA: MIN: III W CD SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM Y Js� �sT�HIN Ucl. 45183 INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 REVISION: 19110/6/ LANDSCAPE DETAILS C15