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ZMA202100007 Plat 2021-05-24
Instrument Control Number Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Cover Sheet - Form A OLS VLR Cover Shoat Agent 1.0.061 Date of Instrumont: (713012007 ] K Instrument Type: (PM ] E Number of Parcels [ 31 1t Number of Pages [ 31 E City ❑County© [Albemarle County P Milt a Last Nam Flrst Nm [Marshall I Wiliam ❑ ❑ [Marshall ] [Rachel 016199 IIgIIVftlIII�III��N04,I0,92@008 �TYOP. EEO aocertlad: 10/16/2007 at et.es.ee PH Par Am: $52.06 Pa e 1 of a Albenarb County 9A 6hrlbv narshall 61*r circuit Court Fllaa 2007-00016199 Bk3503 Pa180-187 ------------------------------- (Box for Dead Stamp Ody) ❑ ❑ [Marshall ] [William ] [A ❑ ❑ [Marshall I [Rachel ] [K Grantee Address (Name) [William A Marshall Jr (Address l) [3495 SpringOed Road (Address 2) [ (City, State, ZIP) [CharlollesAlle Consideration [0.00 ] Existing Debt [0.00 Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ Coumy❑ [ Book [ ] Page [ Parcel Identification No (PIN) 103200.004 Tex Map Num. Of dlffemnt than PIN) [same Short Property Description [0.992 acre Cunt Property Address (Address l) [1761 Airport Road (Address 2) I ] [VA ] [22901 ] Assumption Balance [0.00 Instrument Prepared by [Richmond & Fishbume. LLP Recording Paid for by [Richmond & Fishbume, LLP Return Recording to (Name) [Richmond & Fishbume LLP (Address 1) [214 East High Street (Address 2) [ (City, State, Zip) [Charlottesville Customer Case ID [07-0286.001 ] [ Cowr Sheet Page 01 of 2 ] Percent. In this Jude. [ 1001 Instr. No [ 1 ] (22911 I[VA 1(22902 ][ ----------------- Instrument Control Number Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Continuation Cover Sheet Form C (ILS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.6e1 G o C Date of Instrument: [7/3012007 ] R R Instrument Type: [PM ] A R N N P Number of Parcels [ 3] E T X O E Number of Pages [ 3] M R E City ❑ County © [Albemarle Cc P Graft Lost Name OF] OEI OOEJO ODOO ❑❑❑❑ [ �� ❑❑❑❑ 1 11 '----------- '_-- _. I (Box for Deed Stamp Only) !eas/Parcel Continuation Form C Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County❑ [ ] Percent In this Jurls. [ 100] Book [ ] Page [ ] Instr. No [ ] Parcel Identification No (PIN) [03200-00-OD-020DO 1 Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) [same ] Short Property Description 11.040 acres 1 [ ] Current Property Address (Address 1) [1771 Airport Road ] (Address 2) ( ] (City, State, Zip) [Charlottesville ](VA ] [22911 ] Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County❑ ( ] Percent. In this Juris. [ 1001 Book [ ] Page [ ] Instr. No [ ] Parcel Identification No (PIN) [032AOA1AB-00400 ] Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) [same ] Short Property Description (1.740 acres, Lot 4, Bk B, Clovers Airport 1 Current Property Address (Address 1) [3548 Airport Acres Road ] (Address 2) [ ] (city, State, Zip) [Charlottesville ] [VA ] [22911 1 Cover Sheet Page 8 2 of 2 Prepared By: Richmond and Fishbume, L.L.P. TMP 32-20f, 32-20d, 32a-1-b-4 Return To: Richmond and Fishbume, L.L.P. 214 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF PLAT The attached plat, and courses and distances description made by W W Associates for the purposes of adjusting the boundary lines as shown thereon of parcels situated in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, and being the same parcels conveyed to the undersigned owners pursuant to deeds recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia in Deed Book 1383, page 31, Deed Bood 2550, page 122, and Deed Book 2656, page 126, is hereby confirmed and submitted for record in the said Clerk's Office. Executed this dayof 1-6 0�2007. William A. Marshall, Jr. Rachel K. Marsball STATE OF VIRGINIA, At Large CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, to -wit: a Notary Public, in the State of Virginia, do hereby kN:co y that William A. Marshall and Rachel K. Marshall, whose names are signed to the ':,tbregoingcottificate of plat, have acknowledged the same before me. Executed this day of s�1 .2007 . ; My wimnission expires: Mr o"FIcuL 8iA ~ ssaaraN✓ 0MWXwl CFR NOT PUBLIC QD[11 J00 N W. DRAPER N ceanv of Ataerw[ P ' ted name: J ohn 10 N Slbn E eg. Number: -1 c)'l I MY Comrtirba HpFN ..._. �..�... Jenuery...�J.�� i... II VIf.VAun��+I I. hlk4 ,I trPW Td [aVR00IR .euw�i�uuuamcmwuwtnn® imiu�®_w.i f�\4mn.mFo oaf gnII�f xwmnA,OSKgIK O V Nml1 fpRQir AM OmIGI%IN RAl9.ml1! Ml nm mfwiuiJ=fMun u;il��'n�nwvu\w.vn.mn.m �M ImCMuf nFF..F...m.�. Avw,4vA s SW1M! wrx �`l CI1ar fGS VIIG — A emarle Airport f 743 O 606 Rivanna VICIMTY MAP I ti 20DV pylp �.ui a�nua �wvwmnT\ n MmwrtYKmY WTnwlmmfenn�ofmq ®inOngnln.� mmc�m�F�mmGRInM1W ti,.IOYYu FrFY\Mm®o Klfn . mrmanunim.w+mgf..iFaF..�n�fm fODRd O,1 ,fix �WM.wv.IK,a,Li�l4V.um,yv.v,gv11. i..i W r,Jm GIJ.v1K�x1 v.ii WrMia yvi�aKv lf. UMNQ] NNffi1f A!A D6lAlAN SFATIA VNI` N.wf �� �rt �u,mpnnpMiul i.q ow..wxx..�.�.. ASD•, kro � SwxKu Mvl.Yu. Dil. 32f& 1;(�,OIIILYP Char l tesville em°rle Airport I 43 006 "1° l P.u.ive,mNaM.tln YCM6iuU®1uvm,lea M .,mo.v,fN.I.�Y1�mm,w�IXiv,enY® v1N v .W IOYI�••iu l�iv�.�pAID®e KnKIIwID.Cvly ,. �uMntl.IDpx: A1wK O p w a p 1.1 C7 y= BOWDAYL ADIOSD.BNr OF i FPROFMWOF xpr S,merou 1YOl.L1MA,JR•MONFDl MAB9Wl P NO MAOISco DRINOP �iATCC ,Cc ALBEMANECOUNFY, NRODM rn MIYpYm Arrd l\A0 'Book I J7¢ed 0A 322I I �F9LMI.Lnt ,v,w1Y \\ G�I I MP • \ ®Nnuu • /' I �y t$ I rmFF�mr� f li��nl({v� rmc �rnw.A.m // ey I _ ,Far aye � xw ac le® lar � a u�aunvmti aa�" .�v, �..m..r V $ 1� VIfaA1Ra0FrA1,l0 n�A aaA"{ A.p1M016F MN9W1 � ( Om.FMAF9WJ. M I ,INL1NA.n• �Ht{aOln w���a MlOW1.FlIIIVIIId VA I H ICA, MO10. oWJ1.aFV1 ���� I[T2Q0 /, All ap 6 uma.,��Avm� o \M I \\ aartnAFrFUAvaa I IOf1.MICSfAQC N II •daAm VaL.,4.t lA. M0�6FNM9W1 , b I \\ osaFumm „` \ S111AQ� I \ mnu 1 I II ,ram � ^ \ I\ 6 F Tl4 ManIXE � A RmUC,KM iP.Pxic SU1E VSf BE IRID SVLL � 60' 9�/�pe \\\ �d BOVNDA0.Y I.INEAOIUSIAffIfr OF 8 %JF �p{aq�F TNB PROPERTY OP m1a3 \\\\ �vuiu ,(��F; �/Slmewn W6LLVN A..1Rd1UCHFIK MAR5FW1 F2M2 \ RIC'1ssoCIATES ALBPAIARLE WIIHTY, VR OQA.( \ OFA M �� PUFV[Y®AIIIR Il7� �AIp1,AI iR.a.)rr.. prAmDp , � ~MAy1WJ. \ MOO.[ DA W.ro in � T= LONIFI Iw'mmJ2 i r I�0 �niwv� w o fw^u � lou"°mmna � � � / Wlf AR10RTA00 MWAM� /Y�R IRS ,ti RIMOO.I. W11pW1 . MOO.RYM9 W1 ROnIMA.R! MWf q1Y )M LIIMIIIDDM FAOO.S MAILVWL C A1fA rM1)LVIA. •un� / � pWlbflQYNfIYA >all 4!f)b ro)1 Fwvam I j .M IJRAQ6 11a � mxcu � aR c >{ I.741YIRIfAfµ) E( an ain. A. pAFm.T ,.� r�AFmc w o _ �\ bIROAFrfUIY[flf \ 1®:p . for>AluwrAac d^ RELANA.RI MO®.R. WF9WL \ 1M)]MI H 3A1 AQL WILFI 41WML SVIF ^4T rt VSLU _\\�� ffli� BOUNDARY LPRADNSIA4]LFOP -�'y B+mlmb '1}IHPROPERIY OF Pu^4M GiSMMLKMAR.SlWl RIO MAOIST£RUL DLSINLT \ ASSOCIATES A HF AA UECOUN Y.YR°" " RECORDED IN CLERKS OFFICE OF ALBEMARLE ON Odobor Ie.2007 AT 108:O8 PM $0.00 GRANTOR TAX PC AS REQUIRED BY VA CODE158.1-002 STATE: $0.00 LOCAL: $0.00 ALBEMARLE COUN .VA SN ALL CLERK' CUIT COURT