HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000035 Plan - Approved Final Site Plan and Comps. 2021-01-06GENERAL NOTES OWNERS: TMP 04600-oo-oo-oiqB5 STANLEY MARTIN COMPANIES LLC 3.3-73.0 PLAZA AMERICA DRIVE, STE 3.3.00 RESTON, VA 20190 DEVELOPER: RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT, INC. 455 SECOND STREET SE, SUITE 400 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING 20o GARRETT ST, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TAX MAP: 04600-oo-oo-o1qI35 D.B- 5371, PG. 703 1.24 ACRES ZONING: NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (ZMA201800011 WITH PROFFERS - APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ON JULY 17,2019) - THE CODE OF DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION PLAN FROM ZMA201.500007 ARE STILL VALID AND STILL APPLY TO THE BROOKHILL PROJECT. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY (EC) AND AIRPORT IMPACT OVERLAY (AIA) SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF SP203.500025 SUBJECT TO PROFFERS OF ZMA2oi8000ll TOTAL PROJECT AREA: BLOCK 2 - CODE OF DEVELOPMENT PARCEL AREA = 3.2.o ACRES BLOCK:LA - 2.24 AC PROPOSED USE: BLOCK iA: 32 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS (ONE AND TWO BEDROOM UNITS) FUTURE BLOCKS: RESIDENTIAL (MIN. 4 & MAX. 376) AND NON-RESIDENTIAL (MIN. So,000 sf & MAX. 3.30,000 A USES NOTE: THE NEIGHBORHOOD AMENITY AREAAND LINEAR PARK CIVIC SPACE #i. DESCRIBED IN THE CODE OF DEVELOPMENT (PAGE 22) WILL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF BLOCKS 1, 2 & 5. BLOCK CLASSIFICATION: BLOCK i: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER ALLOWABLE DENSITY: 36 UNITS (MINIMUM) TO 4o8 UNITS (MAXIMUM) - 3 DUA TO 34 DUA FOR THE PARCEL BASED ON 1:z.o ACRES PROPOSED DENSITY: 32 RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY UNITS (BLOCK iA) WITHIN 1.24 ACRES BLOCK iA DENSITY = 32/1.24 ACRES TOTAL BLOCK iA DENSITY = 25.8 DUA REQUIRED OPEN SPACE (BLOCK 3.): CIVIC/PARKS = o AC GREENWAY = o AC OPEN SPACE = o.o AC BUFFER = o.o AC TOTAL OPEN SPACE REQUIRED = o.00 AC OPEN SPACED PROVIDED: PHASE IA: om AC BUILDING HEIGHTS: NO MINIMUM HEIGHT AND 4 STORIES MAXIMUM HEIGHT (6o'MAXIMUM HEIGHT). NOTE, BUILDINGS GREATER THAN 3 STORIES MUST STEP BACK A MINIMUM OF 15 FEET AFTER THE 3RD STORY OR PROVIDE A MINIMUM 3.5 FOOT FRONT SETBACK OR SIDE SETBACK ADJACENT TO A STREET. SETBACKS: FRONT: NO MINIMUM AND 30'MAXIMUM PORCHES: THERE IS NO MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK FOR PORCHES, PER SECTION 2.3-2.1. OFTHE COD SIDE: NO MINIMUM AND NO MAXIMUM SIDE (CORNER LOT): 5'MINIMUM AND NO MAXIMUM GARAGE SETBACK: SCENARIO 2 FROM THE COD - PARKING SPACES SHALL BE A MIN. OF 18'FROM THE TRAVELWAY (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 5) REAR: 5'MINIMUM AND NO MAXIMUM NOTE: SIDE AND REAR MINIMUM SETBACKS FOR ANY PRIMARY STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND SEPARATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE BUILDING CODE. BUILDING FOOTPRINT: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING FOOTPRINT = 20,000 SF (PROPOSED MAX. BUILDING FOOTPRINT IN BLOCK iA=1o,q5o SF) LOT SIZE: NO MINIMUM LOT SIZE AND NO MAXIMUM LOT SIZE SUBDIVISION STREETS: CURB & GUTTER WATERSHED: THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE NON -WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED AREA OF THE SOUTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL DISTRICT: NONE TOPOGRAPHY & SURVEY: TOPOGRAPHY WAS COMPILED FROM SURVEY BY LINCOLN SURVEYING AND BELL LAND SURVEYS, JANUARY 2w.5. BOUNDARY INFORMATION AND UPDATED SURVEY INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES IN NOVEMBER, 2o:Lg. FIELD VERIFIED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING, DECEMBER 2olg. DATUM: NAVD 1988 EXISTING VEGETATION: COMPLETELY CLEARED AND GRADED SITE. THIS AREA HAS BEEN CLEARED AND GRADED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OFARCHER AVENUE AND SALAMANDER DRIVE. LIGHTING: LIGHTING - ALL PROPOSED LUMINARIES WILL MEET THE OUTDOOR LIGHTING STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 4.17 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. ADDITION OF FUTURE LIGHTS BEYOND PORCH LIGHTS WILL REQUIRE SITE PLAN AMENDMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. PHASING: BLOCK i. SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN AT LEAST TWO (2) PHASES. RECREATION: NO RECREATION SPACE PROPOSED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PORTION OF BLOCK i. CIVIC SPACE #a. SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF BLOCK 2, BLOCK 5, AND THE REMAINING PORTION, OF BLOCK i, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROOKHILL CODE OF DEVELOPMENT. PARKING: (2) PARKING SPACES PROVIDED PER MULTI -FAMILY DWELLING UNIT - (i.) GARAGE & (i.) DRIVEWAY PARKING SPACE PER UNIT: 32 GARAGE SPACES & 32 DRIVEWAY SPACES TOTAL + GUEST PARKING: ONE (n.) PARKING SPACE PER EVERY 4 UNITS REQUIRED: 32 UNITS 14 = 8 GUEST PARKING SPACES + 64 PARKING SPACES = 72 TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 7 PARKING SPACES + 32 GARAGE SPACES + 32 DRIVEWAY SPACES = 7a. TOTAL PARKING SPACES + 3 EXISTING PARKING SPACES ALONG SALAMANDER STREET DEDICATED TO BLOCK iA = 74 TOTAL PARKING SPACES BURIAL SITES: NO CEMETERIES WERE FOUND DURING FIELD INVESTIGATION OF THIS SECTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. PRESERVED/MANAGED SLOPES: THERE ARE NO PRESERVED OR MANAGED SLOPES ON THIS PORTION OF THE PROPERTY. FLOODPLAIN: THERE IS A ioo-YR FLOODPLAIN LOCATED IN THE BROOKHILL DEVELOPMENT PER FEMA MAP ID 51003CO28oD, DATED FEBRUARY4,2005. IN ADDITION, ADAM BREACH INUNDATION ZONE EXISTS IN THE BROOKHILL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SOUTH RIVANNA DAM, WHICH IS A FEDERAL DAM LOCATED UPSTREAM OF THE PROPERTY. THE APPROVED FDP PERMIT# IS 2oi6000O4. THERE IS NO FEMA FLOODPLAIN LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS DEVELOPMENT. RETAINING WALLS: NO RETAINING WALLS ARE PROPOSED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT. LANDSCAPING: STREET TREES ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS WITH THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ROAD PLANS FOR ARCHER AVENUE AND SALAMANDER STREET. LANDSCAPING IS PROPOSED FOR THE INTERIOR TRAVELWAYS AND PARKING AREAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS WITHIN SECTION 32.7.9 OF THE COUNTY CODE. TRASH: EACH BUILDING UNIT SHALL HAVE AN INDIVIDUAL TRASH CONTAINER. TRASH CONTAINER TO BE STORED WITHIN GARAGE. UTILITIES: ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER LAND AREAS: OPEN SPACE: om AC (o.o%) BLOCK iA DEVELOPMENT LOT: 1.24 AC (i00%) IMPERVIOUS AREAS (BLOCK iA ONLY): TRAVELWAYS/PARKING: 0.41-S AC (33%) SIDEWALKS: 0.04 AC (3%) BUILDINGS/DRIVEWAYS: o.605 AC (49%) LOT AREA/LANDSCAPING: o.3.8 AC (3.5%) TOTAL: 1.24 AC AFFORDABLE HOUSING: AFFORDABLE HOUSES TO BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED BROOKHILL PROFFERS, SEE SHEET iA & 3.13. TOTAL PROPOSED UNITS: 32 UNITS (3.5% OF TOTAL UNITS FOR AFFORDABLE UNITS) TOTAL PROPOSED AFFORDABLE UNITS: 5 UNITS OR CASH IN -LIEU OF AFFORDABLE UNITS FOR 5 UNITS NOTE: AFFORDABLE UNITS TO BE NOTED WITH THE BUILDING PERMIT OR CASH IN -LIEN PAYMENT OPTION MAY BE IMPLEMENTED AT THAT TIME. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: THIS PROJECT IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE BROOKHILL SECTION i MASS GRADING VSMP PLAN AMENDMENT #2 (WP0202700037) BY COLLINS ENGINEERING. THE PLAN 15 CURRENTLY UNDER COUNTY REVIEW. NEEDED FIRE FLOW CALCULATION: CLASS I - FRAME TYPE CONSTRUCTION (IBC TYPE V-A) FACTOR = 1..5 TOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA = 1.0,290 SF TOTAL AREAS OF OTHER FLOORS = 29,58o SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 39,870 SF REQUIRED FIRE FLOW (TABLE Bio5.i.) = 3,500 SF NEEDED FIRE FLOW (5o% REDUCTION FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS) = 1,750 BROOKHILL BLOCK 1A FINAL SITE PLAN SDP2020=00035, RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NOTES: 1. ALL PROPOSED EASEMENTS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE. 2. ROADWAYS SHALL BE PRIVATE TRAVELWAYS. SEE NOTES & DETAILS FOR MORE DETAIL ON THE PROPOSED TRAVELWAY CROSS SECTIONS. 3. NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL ACCESS THE PROPERTY FROM MONTGOMERY RIDGE OR FOREST LAKES. 4- PARKING FOR THE PROPOSED BROOKHILL DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE 1.8-4.1.2. EACH PRELIMINARY SITE AND SUBDIVISION PLAT WILL INCLUDE A PARKING AND LOADING NEEDS STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SHOWN IN THE PRELIMINARY PLAN. 5. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A DAM INUNDATION ZONE. SEE EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET. BOTH THE SUNNY DAY AND PMP DAM BREACH INUNDATION ZONES HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR THE SOUTH RIVANNA DAM. ALL DEVELOPMENT SHALL HAVE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS HIGHER THAN THE SUNNY DAY BREACH INUNDATION ELEVATION, AND DWELLING UNITS BELOW THE PMP INUNDATION ELEVATION WILL BE PART OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SAFETY ACTION PLAN. 6. ITE TRIP GENERATION: TRAFFIC IMPACT NUMBERS ARE BASED ON THE ITE TRIP GENERATION MANUAL, 8TH EDITION. CODE 230 WAS USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED 32 DWELLING UNITS ADT RATE - 5.86 VPD PER DU = 3.88 ADT (94 ENTER194 EXIT) AM PEAK RATE - 0.44 VPD PER DU 14 VPD (3 ENTER/i.2 EXIT) PM PEAK RATE - 0.52 VPD PER DU 1.7 VPD (ii ENTER/6 EXIT) SITE Poto G �01 'J� '/v, DSR040 VICINITY MAP SCALE: I" = 2000' Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title I COVER iA PROFFERS iB PROFFERS 2 BROOKHILL OVERALL MASTER PLAN 3 BROOKHILL BLOCK PLAN 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 SITE PLAN 6 GRADING, DRAINAGE, & UTILITY PLAN 7 NOTES & DETAILS 8 NOTES & DETAILS 9 DRAINAGE MAP AND CALCULATIONS 3.0 UTILITY PROFILES LANDSCAPING PLAN 13 TOTAL SHEETS BUILDING NOTES. 1. RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN 3 FEET IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT WALLS EXCEEDING 4 FEET IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A STAMPED ENGINEERED DESIGN. 2. ALL WATERLINES, SEWER LINES, AND FIRE LINES FROM THE MAIN TO 7HE STRUCTURE MUST HAVE A VISUAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT J. DUE TO THE REQUIRED DISTANCES FROM LOT LINES AND STRUCTURES As REQUIRED BY THE NFPA, UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANKS MAY BE PROHIBITED. 4. WHERE THE FLOOD LEVEL RIMS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE BELOW THE ELEVATION OF THE MANHOLE COVER OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE IN THE PUBLIC SEWER, THE FIXTURES SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A BACKWATER VALVE INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING DRAIN, BRANCH OF THE BUILDING DRAIN, OR HORIZONTAL BRANCH SERVING SUCH FIXTURES. PLUMBING FIXTURES HAVING FLOOD LEVEL RIMS ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE MANHOLE COVER OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE IN THE PUBLIC SEWER SHALL NOT DISCHARGE THROUGH A BACKWATER VALVE. LEGEND EDGE OF PAVEMENT CURB PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXISTING VEGETATIVEILANDSCAPE BUFFER ...................... GREEN WAY BUFFER PROPOSED EASEMENT, VARIOUS WITH EACH SHEET DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. DRAINAGE PIPE BENCH MARK VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN PROPOSED HANDICAP PARKING SPACE STRIPING PROPOSED ASPHALT STRIPING (DIRECTING TRAFFIC) 200- EXISTING CONTOUR - 200 - PROPOSED CONTOUR 506.71 TC 506-21 Ep PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION TBC DENOTES TOPIBACK OF CURB TAB DENOTES TOP OF BOX 506.71 TW 506.21 BW PROPOSED SPOT ELEVA T70N TW DENOTES TOP OF WALL BW DENOTES BOTTOM OF WALL PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES RIMMMMMM MANAGED STEEP SLOPES PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS PROPOSED CONCRETE A' PROPOSED & EXISTING GUARDRAIL . . . . . . . . . . PROPOSED FENCE 0 0 0 0 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN APPROVALS DA-11 DEPARTNIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT d PLANNEPJZONING 1111 AA Wjld J ENGINEER vp vu INSPECTIONS ARB DEPAR�fMENT OF FIRE RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT Yn 0 0 11� C� 0 SCOTT R. LLINS�4 '-H U Lie. No. 035791i� L _j C)� U ca zU) 0 LU 0 Z. D U) _j < LU c L > c Uj L Ind L 21/20 '�V_p LU 0 U L U < ED LLJ Lf) > LU W LU Q9 0 LL. 0 U) U) LU W _j ��q I U_ N N LU Ln rl� 00 C) r-j N cn Ln _j rq -1 -4 Original Proffers Amendment Brookhill PROFFER STATEMENT Date: April 18,2019 ZMA No. 201800011 Bfookhill Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): 04600-00-00-018AO, 04600-00-00-01800, 04600-00-00-019AI, 04600- 00-00-019A2, 04600-00-00-019B I, 04600-00-00-019B3, and 04600-00-00-019134 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) High School Site: 04600-00-00-018BO and 04600-00-00-018DO This proffer statement shall amend and supersede the original proffer statement for Broolchill, ZMA 201500007, approved on November 9, 2016. Owner(s) of Record: CHAR-LES R. HAUGH & ELIZABETH ANN OGLESBY HAUGH; CHARLES R. HAUGH, & E. J. OGLESBY, JR.,TRUSTEES; CROCKETT CORPORATION, a VIRGINIA CORPORATION; HORNE LAND CORPORATION, a VIRGINIA CORPORATION; CRAFTON CORPORATION, a VIRGINIA CORPORATION AND BROOKHILL APARTMENTS, LLC Approximately 277.5 acres zoned NNID (Neighborhood Model District) CHARLES R. HAUGH & ELIZABETH ANN OGLESBY HAUGH are the owners of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-018AO; CHARLES R. HAUGH & E. J. OGLESBY, JR. TRUSTEES are the owners of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-01800; BROOKHILL APARTMENTS, LLC is the owner of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-019Bl; and CROCKETT CORPORATION is the owner of Tax Map Parcels 04600- 00-00-019AI, 04600-00-00-019A2, 04600-00-00-019B3, and 04600-00-00-019B4; all of the owners of Such parcels are referred to herein, collectively as the "Owner" and the parcels are referred to herein as the "Property". HORNE LAND CORPORATION is the owner of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-018BO and CRAFTON CORPORATION is the owner of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-018DO, The Property is the subject of the rezoning application identified by Albemarle County (the "County") as "ZMA 20 t5-007" for a project known as "Brookhill"(the "Project"), which includes the application plan prepared by Collins Engineering entitled, "Brookhill Neighborhood Model District (NMD) Application Plan," last revised September 16, 2016 (the "Application Plan�'), and a Code of Development entitled the "Brookbill Neighborhood Model Code of Development," approved on November 9, 2016 by the Albernarte County Board of Supervisors arld revised for variations #1 and #2 on September 5, 2018 (the "Code of Development"). Capitalized terms, not otherwise defined in these Proffers, shall have the same definitions as set forth in either the Code of Development or the Application Plan. Pursuant to Section 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the Property if it is rezoned to the zoning district identified above. These conditions are proffered as a part of the proposed rezoning, and the Owner acknowledges that the conditions are reasonable. 1. TranSDortation Improvements. A. Polo Grounds Road Improvements. Pursuant to road plans approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT"), the Owner shall construct all intersection and turn lane improvements, including improvements to the horizontal alignment, vertical alignment and cross- section of Polo Grounds Road ("Polo Grounds Road Improvements"). The Polo Grounds Road Improvements shall be completed in two phases. Owner shall begin construction Of Phase 1, as of the fortieth (40th) CO for a residential dwelling unit in the Block in which it is located. Parks and Civic Spaces shall be conveyed to and maintained by the Owner's Association. 3. Cash Proffer for Capital Improvements Projects. A. The Owner shall contribute cash on a per "market -rate" dwelling unit basis in excess of the number Of units that are allowed by right under the zoning in existence prior to the approval of this ZMA 2015-007 for the purposes of addressing the fiscal impacts of development on the County's public facilities and infrastructure, i.e., schools, public safety, libraries, parks and transportation. For the purposes of this Proffer 3, the number of units allowed by right under the R- I Residential zoning is two hundred sixty-nine (269) single-family detached units. A "market rate" unit is any dwelling unit in the Project that is not either a For -Sate Affordable Housing Unit or For -Rent Affordable Unit as described in Proffer 4 ("Market Rate Unit"). The cash contributions shall be Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-three and 18/100 Dollars ($7,333.18) for each single family detached Market Rate Unit, other than a constructed For -Sale Affordable Dwelling Unit within the Project qualifying as such Linder Proffer 4. In other words, tile cash contribution for market rate Single family units shall begin after the issuance of a CO for the 269th single family dwelling unit and prior to the issuance of a CO for the 270th single family dwelling unit. The cash contributions for each single family attached Market Rate Unit sball be Five Thousand Four Hundred and Forty- seven and 57/100 Dollars ($5,447.57), other than a constructed For -Sale Affordable Housing Unit or a For Rent Affordable Housing Unit within the Project qualifying as such Linder Proffer 4. The cash contributions for each multifamily Market Rate Unit shalt be Seven Thousand Four Hundred Nineteen and 91/tOO Dollars ($7,419.91), other than a constructed For Sale Affordable Housing Unit or For Rent Affordable Housing Unit within the Project qualifying as such under Proffer 4. 4. Affordable Housin2. The Owner shall provide affordable housing equal to fifteen percent (151%) of the total number of residential units constructed on the Property. For example, if one thousand (1000) total units are constructed in the Project, one hundred filly (150) units, or their eqUiValent, are required to be provided to satisfy this Proffer 4, subject to paragraph 4C. The Owner or its successors in interest reserve the right to meet the affordable housing objective through a variety of housing types, including but not limited to for sale itirits, rental units, accessory units and Carriage Units, ("Affordable Units") or through cash contributions, as more particularly described in sections 4A, 4B and 4C below. A. For -Sale Affordable HOUggg Units, All purchasers of the For -Sale Affordable Housing Units, (defined below) shall be approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office or its designee. "For - Sale Affordable Housing Units" shall be dwelling units offered for sale at prices for which households with incomes less than eighty percent (80%) of the area median income may qualify, and shall not exceed sixty-five percent (65%) of VHDA's Maximum Sales Price for first-time homebuyers. The Owner shall provide the County or its designee a period of one hundred twenty (120) days to identify and prequalify an eligible purchaser For -Sate Affordable Housing Units. The one hundred twenty (120) day period shall commerice upon written notice from the Owner that the Llnit(S) sliall be available for sale. This notice Strait not be given more than ninety (90) days prior to receipt of the Certificate of Occupancy for the applicable For -Sate Affordable Housing Unit; the County or its designee may then have thirty (30) days within which to provide a qualified purchaser for Such For -Sale Affordable Housing Unit. If the County or its designee does not provide a qualified purchaser during the one hundred twenty (120) day period, the Owner shall have the right to sell the unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income of the purchaser(s). Carriage Units, as defined in the Code, shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Affordable Units. Page 5 of 11 depicted on the Figure A, Brookhill Traffic Phasing Plan ("Traffic Phasing Plan"), prior to the issuance of a buildingpermit ("Permit") forthe first (I") dwelling within the Project, and the Phase I Polo Grounds Road Improvements shall be substantially completed prior to issuance of either i) a Permit for the fiftieth (5011) dwelling (other than an Assisted Living, nursing home, rest home or convalescent facility) within the Project, or ii) a certificate of occupancy for any units within a multi -family dwelling within the Project. Phase IV, as depicted on the Traffic Phasing Plan, shall be completed prior to issuance of any Permit for a dwelling (other than, a multi -family dwelling, Assisted Living, nursing home, rest home or convalescent facility) within Blocks 14-18 of the Project. The Polo Grounds Road Improvements shall be designed and constructed to applicable VDOT standards, including, without limitation, VDOT's Geometric Design. The Polo Grounds Road Improvements shall be determined to besubstantially completed by: i) the Albemarle County Engineer, or its designee, or ii) when they are constructed, inspected and the VDOT construction bond is released, or iii) a VDOT official otherwise confirms that they are substantially complete. Pursuant to approval by VDOT, Poto Grounds Road Improvements shall include salamander tunnels, shown conceptually in Figure B, ("Salamander Crossing Exhibit"). Maintenance of the salamander tunnels shall be the responsibility of the Owner, anda maintenance agreement shall be established and approved by VDOT during the VDOT review of the road plans for the Polo Grounds Road Improvements. B. Route 29 Intersection Improvements. Pursuant to road plans approved by VDOT, the Owner shall construct all intersection and turn lane improvements along Route 29, conceptually depicted on the Application Plan ("Route 29 Intersection Improvements"). The Route 29 Intersection Improvements shall be substantially completed prior to issuance of either i) a Permit for the fiftieth (50"') dwelling (other than an Assisted Living, nursing home, rest home or convalescent facility) within the Project or ii) a certificate of occupancy for any units within a ulUlti-fittrilly dwelling within the Project, whichever Occurs first. The Route 29 Intersection Improvements shall be designed and constructed to applicable VDOT standards, including, without limitation, VDOT's Geometric Design. Tire Route 29 Intersection Improvements shall be determined to be substantially completed by: i) tile Albemarle County Engineer, or its designee, or ii) when they are constructed, inspected and the VDOT construction bond is released, or iii) a VDOT official otherwise confirms that they are substantially complete. C, Ashwood Boulevard Connection. Pursuant to road plans approved by VDOT and a temporary construction casement and maintenance agreement approved by the County, the Owner shalt construct the Ashwood Boulevard Connection, as conceptually depicted with improvements and landscaping shown on Exhibit C, Ashwood Boulevard Connection ("Ashwood Boulevard Connection"). The Ashwood Boulevard Connection, which includes a pedestrian connection, shall be bonded prior to road plan approval and substantially completed prior to: i) the issuance of the five hundredth (500th) Permit for a dwelling (other than a multi -family dwelling, Assisted Living, nursing home, rest home or convalescent facility) or ii) the issuance of the eight hundredth (800th) Permit for any dwelling type within the Project, whichever first occurs. In any event, Owner shall have completed the Ashwood Boulevard Connection prior to the completion of the western extension of Ashwood Boulevard to Berkmar Drive Extension. Until such time as the County determines to submit the Ashwood Boulevard Connection for public dedication, the Owner shall be responsible for all maintenance, repairs, bonding and insurance of the Ashwood Boulevard Connection. The Owner Shalt Submit a temporary construction easement and maintenance agreement that is acceptable to the County prior to approval of road plans for Phase I roadway improvements. The Owner's improvements shall be dedicated, together with the County -owned right-of-way at such time as the County determines to submit the Ashwood Page 2 of 11 B. For -Rent Affordable Housing Units. (1) Rental Rates. The initial net rent for each rental housing unit for which Owner seeks qualification for the purposes of this Proffer 4, ("For -Rent Affordable Housing Unit") shall not exceed the then -current and applicable maximum net rent rate approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office. In each subsequent catendar year, the monthly net rent for each For -Rent Affordable Housing Unit may be increased tip to three percent (3%). For purpose of this Proffer 4B, the term "net rent" means that the rent does not include tenant -paid utilities. The requirement that the rents for such For -Rent Affordable Housing Units may not exceed the maximum rents established in this paragraph 4B shall apply for a period of ten (10) years following the date the certificate of occupancy is issued by the County for each For -Rent Affordable Housing Unit, or until the units are sold as low or moderate cost units qualifying as such Linder either the Virginia Housing Development Authority, Farmers Home Administration, or Housing and Urban Development, Section 8, whichever comes first (the "Affordable Term"). (2) Conveyance of Interest. Alt deeds conveying any interest in the For -Rent Affordable Housing Units during the Affordable Term shall contain language reciting that such unit is subject to the terms of paragraph 4B. In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any For -Rent Affordable Housing Unit, or arly part thereof, during,the Affordable Term shall contain a complete and full disclosure of the restrictions and controls established by this paragraph 4B. At least thirty (30) days prior to the conveyance of any interest in any For -Rent Affordable Housing Unit during the Affordable Tenn, the then -current Owner shall notify the County in writing of the conveyance and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requirements of this paragraph 4B(2) have been satisfied. (3) Reporting Rental Rates. During the Affordable Term, within thirty (30) days of each rental or lease term for each For -Rent Affordable Housing Unit, the then-Clirrent Owner shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a copy of the rental or tease agreement for each such unit rented that shows the rental rate for such unit and the term of the rental or lease agreement. In addition, during the Affordable Term, the then-CUrrent Owner shalt provide to the County, if requested, any reports, copies of rental or tease agreements, or other data pertaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. C. Cash in lieu of Constructing Affordable Dwelling. Units. In lieu of constructing For -Sale, or For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Units for fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of Units, the Owner has the option to make a cash contribution to Albemarle County for the affordable housing program in the amount of Twenty -Four Thousand and Three Hundred Seventy Five Dollars ($24,375.00) (the "Affordable Housing Cash Proffer") for each such unit as follows: the Owner shall exercise the option to make, and thereby shall pay the Affordable Housing Cash Proffer to the County, if the Affordable Housing requirement has not been proportionally met otherwise, in four (4) installments; after -,in inspection Lind prior to the issuance of approval of a CO for each of the two hundredth (200th), five hundredth (500th), eight hundredth (800th), and one thousandth (1000th) dwelling unit within the Project. The total Cash in lieu contribution due to Albemarle County at each of the four (4) payment periods as noted above shall be calculated based on the total number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for Market Rate and Affordable Housing Units. 5. Cost Index. Page, 6 of 11 Boulevard Connection for public dedication. The Ashwood Boulevard Connection shall be determined to be substantially completed by: i) the Albemarle County Engineer, or its designee or ii) when it is constructed, inspected and VDOT has accepted the Ashwood Connection for dedication, or iii) a VDOT official otherwise confirms that they are substantially complete. D. Rio Mills Road Connection. Within six (6) months after written request by the County, the Owner shall dedicate to the County, by General Warranty Deed and without consideration, fee simple title to a parcel of land for it public road connection, including right-of-way and granting of easements, from Rio Mills Road to the Berkmar Drive Extension in the approximate location shown on Exhibit D, Rio Mills Roadway Connection ("Rio Mills Road Connection"). Substantial completion of the Rio Mills Road Connection by VDOT is anticipated prior to December 31, 2023. If VDOT is unable to complete the Rio Mills Road Connection by December 31, 2023 and permission is granted to the Owner by VDOT and the County, the Owner shall be responsible for the construction the Rio Mills Road Connection pursuant to road plans approved by VDOT, in the approximate location shown on Exhibit D, Rio Mills Roadway Connection ("Rio Mills Road Connection"). The Rio Mills Road Connection, if constructed by the Owner, shall be substantially completed prior to December 31, 2027. The Rio Mills Road Connection shall be determined to be substantially completed by: i) the Albemarle County Engineer, or its designee or ii) when it is constructed, inspected and VDOT has accepted the Rio Milts Connection for dedication, or iii) a VDOT official otherwise confirms that they are Substantially complete. The Credit for In -Kind Contributions, as referenced in Proffer 6, shall be increased to $31,086,662.86 if the Owner completes the construction of the Rio Mills Road Connection. E, Transit Stop. The Owner Shall construct a Transit Stop within the general location shown as a proposed Transit Stop on the Application Plan (the "Transit Stop"). The Transit Stop shall be designed and constructed in coordination with, and approval by the County Director Of Community Development and Regional Transit Authority (if in place) and shall incorporate a shelter, including a rest bench, pedestrian access, and signage equal to or better than the current transit stops for Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT), The Transit Stop shall be installed and completed concurrently with the installation of surrounding roads and sidewalks within Block 1. The Transit Stop and above referenced features shalt be dedicated to public use, or the Owner slialt grant an easement as necessary to allow for the public access and usage of such facilities. F. Public Transit Operating Expenses. Within sixty (60) days of transit services to the Property having commenced by CAT, a regional transit authority, or other provider of transit service selected by the County, the Owner shall contribute Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to the County to be used for operating expenses relating to transit service to the Property; and Owner shall contribute Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to the County each year thereafter for a period of nine (9) additional years, such that the cash contributed to the County pursuant to this Proffer I G, shall not exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The monetary contribution in years two (2) through ten (10) shall be paid by the anniversary date of tile first contribution and each Such contribution shall be conditioned upon transit service being provided to the Property during the twelve (12) month period prior to such contribution. G. Construction Traffic Management. The Owner shall establish Construction Entrances to the Property in locations as approved by the County and VDOT as part of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Site Plan process, During the period in which all roads will be constructed within the Property (and until completion), construction traffic shall be required to use the Construction Page 3 of 11 Beginning January I of each year following the approval of ZMA 2015-007, the amount of each cash contribution required by Proffers 3 and, 4 (collectively, the "Cash Contributions" and individually "Cash Contribution") shall be adjusted annually until paid, to reflect any increase or decrease for the proceeding calendar year in the Marshall and Swift Building Cost Index for masonry walls in the Mid -Atlantic ("NIS111). The annual adjustment shall be made by multiplying the proffered Cash Contributions amount due for the preceding year by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the MSI as of December I in the preceding calendar year, the denominator of which shall be the MSI as of December I in the year preceding the calendar year most recently ended (the "Annual Percentage Change"). By way of example, the first annual adjustment shall be $7,333.18 x 2017 MSI/2016 MSI. Each annual adjustment shall be based on the amount of the proffered Cash Contribution due for the immediately preceding year based on the formula contained in this Proffer 5 (the amount derived from such formula shall be referred to hereinafter as the "Cash Contribution Due"), provided, however, in no event shall the Cash Contribution amount paid by the Owner be less than Seven Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-three and 18/100 Dollars $7,333.18 per single family detached Market Rate Unit and Five Thousand Four Hundred Forty-seven and 57/100 Dollars $5,447.57 per single family attached Market Rate Unit and Seven Thousand Four Hundred Nineteen and 91/100 Dollars $7,419.91 per multifamily Market Rate Unit under Proffer 3 or Twenty-FOLtr Thousand and Three Hundred Seventy Five Dollars $24,375.00 per affordable dwelling unit tinder Proffer 4 (the "Minimum Cash Contribution"). The Annual Percentage Change shalt be calculated each year using the Cash Contribution Due, even though it may be less than the Minimum Cash Contribution, HOWEVER, the amount paid by the Owner shall not be less than the Minimum Cash Contribution. For each cash contribution that is being paid in increments, the Unpaid incremental payments shall be correspondingly k1djUsted each year. 6. Credit For In -Kind Contributions. Notwithstanding the provisions of these, Proffers to the contrary, the Owner's obligation to pay Cash Contributions shall not commence until the number of units, to which such Cash Contributions apply have been completed that results in what would otherwise have been a total Cash Contribution equal to the total value of: i) the Elementary School Site, arid related improvements to be completed by Owner, ii) the High School Site, iii) the Polo Grounds Road Improvements, iv) Route 29 Intersection Improvements, v) Ashwood Boulevard Connection, and vi) the Trail Network, (collectively referred to as the "Jil-kind Contribution"). The In -Kind Contribution amount shall be $28,336,662.00. The In -kind Contribution reflects the value of the improvements that the Owner has committed to make in these proffers that are for the benefit of the Public. In other words, the Owner shall not be require,d to pay -,my per unit Cash Contributions until the time of the issuance of the building permit for a new unit completed after applying a credit for the In -kind Contribution. In the event that the Project is completed prior to the balance of the In -kind Contribution being exhausted, any remaining balance of the In -kind Contribution may not be applied for any other project or development. 7. Elementary School Site. Within one year after written request by the County, but in no event earlier than one year after the date of issuance of the first (1") CO issued for a dwelling within the Project, the Owner shall dedicate to the County, by General Warranty Deed and without consideration, fee simple title to a parcel of land for a public elementary school of, as shown on Figure E: Brookhill School Sites Exhibit and labeled "Elementary School Site" (the " Elementary School Site"). The Elementary School site shall not be less than seven (7) acres, and shall abut a pLiblicly-dedicated right of way, The Elementary School Site sliall be a graded and compacted pad site with water, sewer and electricity utility connections constructed to the edge of the parcel to accommodate an elementary school according to standards of the County School Division's Building Page 7 of 11 Entrances as designated in the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The Owner shall prohibit such construction traffic from entering the Project via Ashwood Boulevard and Montgomery Ridge Road. Once the roads are completed and dedicated for public use the Owner shall no longer have the authority or responsibility to regulate traffic thereon. H. Road Improvements, Generally The road improvements listed in paragraph IC (the "Road fmprovements").above shalt be constructed in accordance with road plans submitted by the Owner and approved by VDOT, and shall be dedicated to Public use. All of the Road Improvements shall be designed and constructed to applicable VDOT standards, including, without limitation, VDOT's Geometric Design. 1. Polo Grounds Road Railroad OveEpass. Within ninety (90) days after the request by the County and the approval by VDOT, Owner shall cause to be installed, at Owners expense, a traffic signal at the Polo Grounds Road and Norfolk Southern Railroad Overpass. If, within ten (10) years after the date of issuance of the first (I st) CO for a single-family dwelling within the Project, the County has not so requested, (or VDOT has not approved the traffic signal within that time period) the Owner shall be relieved of any obligation to install a traffic signal. 2. Trails, Parks and Civic Spaces. The Owner shall provide the following improvements within the property: A. Trail Network, A primitive trail network (the "Trail Network"), consistent with the County's design standards for a Class B- type I primitive nature trail, shalt be established within the Greenway as described within the Code of Development. The general location of the Trail Network is shown on the Application Plan; however exact trail locations shall be determined by the Owner based on site conditions and in coordination with the County. Installation of the Tfail Network shall commence concurrently with the site work for the first Block developed within the Project and the entire trail network stiall be substantially completed prior to issuance of the five hundredth (500th) Permit for a dwelling (other than a MUlti-family dwelling, Assisted Living, nursing home, rest home or convalescent facility) within the Project. The Trail Network shall be determined to be substantially completed by the Albemarle County Engineer, or its designee. Upon written request by the County, but not prior to the issuance of the five hundredth (500th) Permit for a dwelling within the Project, the Owner shall dedicate to the County an easement for public use over the Greenway area, as shown on the Application Plan. Prior to the County's request to dedicate such easement, the Owner may dedicate portions of the Greenway by easement concurrently with one or more subdivision plats for areas lying adjacent to the Greenway; provided however, that Owner may reserve in such easements, rights of access for grading, utilities and maintenance. Each Subdivision plat shall depict the Greenway area to be dedicated and shall bear a notation that the Greenway area is dedicated for public use. If, at the time the County requests dedication or the Greenway, any part of the Greenway that has not been dedicated by subdivision plat, shall be (within six (6) incriths of such request) at Owner's cost, surveyed, platted and recorded with one or more deeds of easement dedication. Pursuant to signage plan approval by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (the "RWSA'), the owner shall install signage along the Trail Network within the Dam Break Inundation Zone designating evacuation routes. Signage shall be installed as the Trail Network is established. B. Parks and Civic Spaces. The Owner shall provide not less than 3.2 acres of land within the Project for Parks and Civic Spaces as described in the Code of Development and generally shown on the Application Plan. Each Park or Civic Space shalt be substantially completed prior to the issuance Page 4 of 11 Services Department. At the option of the County, and in tieu of the construction of a school, a public park may be established by the County on the Elementary School Site. 8. Public High School or Institutional Use Site. Within one year after written request by the County, the Owner Strait dedicate to the County, by General Warranty Deed and without consideration, fee simple title to a parcel of land for a public high school, and/or such other use as the County may determine suitable, of not less than fifty (50) acres abutting a publicly - dedicated right of way, as shown on Figure E: Brookhill Schools Sites Exhibit and labeled "High School Site" (the "High School Site"). The High School Site shall be conveyed as -is, without. any improvements or warranty as to suitability. 9. Historic Resources. A. National Re ister of Historic Places Eligi The existing Brookhill dwelling is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Owner shall address any adverse impact to this designation as part of the Section 106 Review under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), which is administered by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR). B. Cemetery Delineation. Owner shall i) delineate any cemeteries encountered within the Project on the site plan or subdivision plat for the area to be developed which contains such Cemetery or cemeteries, and ii) submit a treatment plan for -,my Such cemetery for approval by the County Director Of COILMILluity Development, or its designee at the plan or plat review. C. Greenway A-rea Woodlands Camp. There shall be no land disturbance by Owner or by any of its licensees, or successors of the Woodlands Carrip located in the Greenway Area and identified in the Phase I Historic Resources Study for the Project. This Proffer Statement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. [Signature Pages to Follow] Page 8 of 11 (AF Yn SCOTT R. LLINS'Z 0 P --- 4 U Lic. No. 035791,�_-- ' 0 �� ""o �.'?'I'OXAL �0) Z 0 < U U) ED LU Z) Z 0 U) 0 Z _J 0 V) Z LU LU &M CD C:) LU CN C14 in r� N N M Ln A CK h] Ld Z C5 Z Ld Cf) Z 0 0 0 V) 1: 0 U V) q) X 0 V) C: 0 D C: 0 U 0 C .2 0 U 0 0 C: 41 W 0 0- _0 0 -C U) _0 0- C: 0 0 L.0 U_ LL_ 0 T3 0 CL U Ld LLI Z U Z LLI U) Z _J _J 0 0 CL 0 Q) U) X Q) LU U LU F_ E In 0 LU LU 0 JOB NO. 182150 0 U) U) SCALE NIA Q) En 1A WITNESS the following signature: OWNERS of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-018AO: By: CHARLE SR. 11A GH By: ja� as-� 6746� 'BLIZABE TH ANN OGLLYSBY Rii-IGH %J Date: Z?2qgV A- ao I q OWNERS of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-01800: By:. CHARLES R. HAUGH, T USTE By: P DOUGLAS B, 00 M,BY, fR-USTEF, Date: OWNER of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-019B4,04600-00-00-019B3, 04600-00-00-019AI, 04600-00-00-019A2: CROCKETT CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation /1� By. Arm 0. flaugh, Its President Date: F � zo,( ? Page 9 of 10 f (r-7- PHASE It INTERSECTI N IMPROVEMENTS PHA S E I I NT ER�§EcT �IoN IMPROVEMENIS V ­11 OWNER of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-018BO: HORNE LAND CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation By: Ann 0. Haugh, Its President Date: )"-� F ;?,C) OWNER of Tax Map Parcel 04606-00-00-018DO: CRAFTON CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation By: . 0­,� 0, �r� /-.1- 46- Ann 0. Haugh, Its President Date: ;1, 0.1 Page 10 of I I 41, 4Z (T I INTERSECTI )N IMPROVEMENTS TN-TE-k-S-EC-TId9T-- CON STRUI CT W NEW WE5TSO UND LEFT - To RN LAN E ON POLO G RO U N Ds ROAD WITH 375� 0 F STORAGE. EXTEND WES78OUND RIGHT- TURN GROUNDStOAD FROM 5Q'QF STORAGETOAOdOF 5T6RAGE. CONVERT RJQ MILLS R DTOA RIGHT IN I RIGHT -OUT OPERATION, INTERSECTIONz CQN5TRUCrASCUTHBQUND ROADWAY, PROVIDING W LEFT -TURN AND (.1) RIGHT -TURN LANE. COt`8TRUCTAN1.EASTBQUND PHASE III R�kQWAY L�Fr-TURN LANE ON POLO IMPROVEMEN 'ES GROUND5ROAD WITH 15o FEE ToF STORAGE INTERSECTION3 . CQN'TR"TA"GHT'N1RJGHT­CU ROADWAY ENTRANCE TO ROUTE z9 PHASE 11 ROAI)Wi� FOROVEMENTS . CQNSTRUCJA NORTH BOUND RIGH' TURN LANEON US 2�WITH 20WOF nD STORAGE. .41 PHASE It INTERSECTION PHASE I ROADWAY IMPROV.EM'ENTS IMPROVE MENT5 4 CONSTRUCT NORTHBOUND ROADWAYTO PROVIVE(i) LEFT / TURN LANE& WRIG HT-TURNLANE J P14ASE IV INTERSECTION RESTRIPE PAINTED MEDIAN TO PROVIDE WESTBOLIND LEFT.TURN IMPROVEMENT LANE ON ASHINOOD RoUiEVARD' WITH ioo'OF STORAGE. RESTRIPE EAST8,0UND ASHWOOO BOULEVARD APPROACH TO PRQVID (1) RIGHT -TURN LANE POLO MUNDS RM % PHASE IV INTERSECTION JM�ROVEMENTS INTEPSECTION�� CONSTRUCT SOUTHBQUND PHASE INTERSECTION PHASE IV ROADWAY ROADWAY To PROVIDE (i) LEFT TURN LANE AND (2) RIGHT -TURN >VPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS LANE CONSTRUCT AN EASTBOUND LEFT 6Z -Ad�UR��- TURN LANE ON POLO GRouN DS A: BROOKHILL T FF C PHASING PLAN ROADWAY WITH iSW QFSTORAGE Al 4 Al Xt'ji PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN V' CROSS -WALK Lo FX15TING TREE AREA 0, U, M Y' AIL Y Co CT To 0 PROPOSWYDOTROYTE C NCRM ONCRUE_p WAL Jo V, Olt 0 �I`ROPOSEDSTREETX f \r �14 7 RE . .,\ , , t� : f Jj \ALONG CONNECTOR F A r R OSED OS OS z �061 50 11 N G� 0 * v E R e ALO GCONNECTOP 1, 4. 7,1 4 J.7 o' k1ml r PROP`9SEDP PATHWAY CON- 0 r 1A N FIGURE C: ASHWOOD BOULEVARD CONECTION EXHIBIT IT I 'V�� ��­v -A OWNER of Tax Map Parcel 04600-00-00-019BI: BROOKHIILL APARTMENTS, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company By: CDG Holdings, LLC, Managging Member By: Haystack Corporation, Ma7 ger By: X�n d r e IcCG-i-.ty, It, -Peidmt Date: (!�7 BROOKIHLL INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (Contract Purchaser) By: River Bend agemen Inc., Manager By:_ Alan "R.Tay or, is President Date: 40L 1 /14 Page 11 of 11 NOTE. 0OL06 GROUNDS ROADWAY AND LANE CONFIGURATION AS SHOWN IN THIS EXHIBIT IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSESONLY. THI . FINAL DESIGN AND LANECONFIGURATIO NSOFFOLOGROUNDS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVEDTRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ANQ FINALAPPRQVED ROAC CONSTRU ,�ONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, PROPOSED SALAMANDER CROSSING (3TOTAL) .,.,2'INVERTED RETAINING WAL�MD CULVERT ­HEAb W, ALLSYSTEM' A-ro U W ORDINANCE NO. 19-A(9) ZMA 2018-00011 BROOKBILL PROFFkH. AMENDME NT AN ORDINANCE TO AMENDTHE PROFFERS APPROVE' D WITH ZMA 2015-UU007 FORTAX PARCELS 0400-60-00-018A0, 04600-00-00-01800,04600-00-00-019AX, 04600-00-00-019A2, 04600-010-09-019111., 04600-00-00-019133, AND 0460-00-00-019134 WHERE, AS, the application to amend the proffers that were approved with ZMA 2015-00007 for Tax Parcels 04600-00-00-0 t$AO, 04600-00-00-01800, 04600-oo-oo-o I 9A 1, 04600-00-00-019A2, 04600-00-00-019B 1, 04600�00-00-0 19133, and 04600-00-00-019Bt (collectively, the "Property") is identified as ZMA 2018-00011, Brookhill Proffer Amendment ("ZMA 2018-11 1 "); an([ WHEREAS, ZMA 2018-11 proposes to arnerid Pioffer Numbers ID, I H, 6, and 8 of the Proffers that were approved in conjunction with ZMA 2015-07 due to VDOT's planned construction of the Rio Mills Road connector road, specifically, to reflect that file developer will be responsible for the construction of the Rio Mills Road Connection only if VDOT does not do so, to reduce the value of life credit for in -kind contributions that are. available to the � ' tevetoper, and to reduce the acreage of the high school or institutional use site that the developer is required to dedicate in fee sitnplc� to the County from 60 acres to 50 acres; and WHEREAS, on November 14,2018, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors waived the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearing requirements pursuant to the applicant's request and County Code § 18-33.11 5.A(l)(a); and WHE RE AS, staff recommends approval of ZMA 2018-11. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of (he County of Albemarle, Virginia, that upon consideration of (lie, staff report prepared for ZIvfA 2018-11 and its attachments, including the proposed amended proffers, the. information presented at the public hearing, the material and relevant factors in Virginia Code § 15 '.2- 2284, and for file PLIrpU$0S Or public necessity, convenience, genera[ welfare and good zoning practices, the Board hereby approves ZfvIA 2018-11 with (he proffers dated April 18, 2019. 1, Claudette K. Bargorsen, do hereby cortity, that the foregoing writing is a true, correct -copy of an Ordinance duty adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of six to zero, as recorded below, at a mceling held on July 17, 2019. (V/7ji-4141 d4 Clerk, Board -of County Supff"'TS Aye. Ni-ly Mr. Dill Mr. Gallaway M% Malick y Ms. McKeet y Ms. Palmer y Mr. Randolph y RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR RIO MILLS CONNECTOR TO BERKMAR EXTENDED ALIGNMENT WHEREAS, Albemarle County included a connection from Rio. Mills Road to the new Berkmar Drive Extended in the Places 29 Master Plan as a priority road improvement; and WHEREAS, Albemarle County approved the accumulation of Telefee funds in the Secondary Six Year Plan to be designated, to the construction of this Connector road; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved the remainder of funding necessary to complete the connector road to be awarded to Albemarle County through the Smart Scale program based on Albemarle County's 2016 Grant application; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation worked extensively with Albemarle County staff, Albemarle County Schools Division, and the developer of Brookhill on the proposed alignment of the connector road; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation received public comments on the preliminary design and alignment at advertised Public Hearings on October 9, 10. and 11, 2018; and WHEREAS, the public comments received by the Virginia Department of Transportation supported the proposed alignment of the new connector road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby fully endorses and supports the proposed alignment as presented by the Virginia Department of Transportation for the Rio Mills to Berkmar Drive Connector; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board Of Supervisors hereby respectfully requests the Commonwealth Transportation Board to approve the proposed alignment for design and construction. 1, Claudette K. Borgerson, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duty adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County by a vote of six to zero, as recorded below, at a meeting held on July 17, 201 Clerk, Board of Coun V6pervisors Aye Nay Mr. Dill Y Mr, Gallaway Y Ms. Mallek Y Ms. McKeel y Ms, Palmer Y Mr. Randolph y ORDINANCE NO. 16-A(9) ZMA 2015-00007 BROOKHILL AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE 177.5 ACRES RE SOLUTION AUTHORIMG THE COUNTY E XECUTIVE TO SIGN AN FROM RI -RESIDE NTLAL DISTRICT TO NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT (NIVID) APPLICATION, SUBDIVISION PLXr, AND RE, LATED DOCUMENTS PERTAINWG FORTAX MAP PARCEL NUMBERS 04600-00-00-01800, 04600-00-00-018AO, AND 04600-00-004).1900 TO TAX M" PARCEL 0461115-00-00-001CO WHEREAS, the application to rezone 277.5 acres from R I -Residential District to Neighborhood Model District (NMD) for Tax Map Parcel Numbers 04600-00-00-01800, 04600-00-00-018AO, and 04600-00-00701900 (the WHE RE AS, the Comity of Albemarle is the owner ofrax Map Parcel 046B5-00-00- "ProperV) is identified as ZMA 2015-00007, Brookbill C'ZMA 2015-07'); arid 001CO ' apiece of land located at the intersection of U.S Route 29 North and Ashwood Boulevard (tile "County ParceV% mid WHEREAS, staffrecornmended approval ofZMA 2015-07 provided that minor revisions were made to the proffers, the application plan, and the code ofdevelopment, and WHEREAS, the Places 29 Master Plan depicts a road through the County Parcel WHE REAS, the Planning Comniission field a duly noticed public hearing on ZMA 2015-07 on August 16, providing a connection between the lands to its south being considered for rezoning under 2016, and recommended approval conditioned on the applicant making the staff-mommended revisions, as well as an Zoning Map Amendment 2015-00007, Brookbill ("ZMA 2015-07" and "Brookbiff), and additional revision, and such revisions have since been made. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board ofSupervisors ofthe County ofAlbeinarle, Virginia, that upon WHEREAS, pursuant to Proffer I(C) of the proffers offered in conjunction with ZMA consideration ofthe staff repor(prepared forZMA 2015-00007 and its attachments, including the proffers dated 1 2015-07, the owners would construct a public street that is referred to therein as the Ashwood 0 ctober 13, 2016 and signed on October 21, 2016, the information presented at the public hearing, the material and Boulevard Connection across the County Parcel, and relevant factors in Virginia Code § 15.2-2284, and for the purposes ofpublic necessity, convenience, general welfare a nd good zonIg practices, the Board hereby approves ZMA 2015-00007 with the proffers dated October 13, 2016 and WIJEREA-8, in order to create the public right-of-way on which the Ashwood Boulevard . signed on October 21,2016, the Application Plan dated June 15,2015 and last revised September 16,2016, and the, Connection would be constructed, the County Parcel must be subdivided, and Code ofDevolopment dated June 15,2016and tastrevised October 13,2016 WIIMAS, when its construction is completed, the Ashwood Boulevard Connection will benefit the County and its residents by providing an important multi -modal interconnection. 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy ofan Ordinance duly adopted by the Board ofSupervisors ofAlbemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of five to zero, as recorded below, at a NOW,THEREF OREJr IS RESOLVED, that if the Board of Supervisors adopts an regular ineeting held on November 9,201 ordinance approving ZMA 2015-07, the Board authorizes the County Executivt.� to sign on behalf ofthe County ofAlbemarle any application, subdivision plat, easement pla4, deed ofeasement granting a temporary construction easement, and any I other related document required in order to Clerk, Board of Counly 8 upervi�$hs subdivide the County Parcel to create the Separate parcel on which the public nght-of4ay for the Ashwood Boulevard Connection may be constructed - Aye Nay Mr Dill y 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that tho. foregoing writing is a true and Ms. IvIallek y correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors ofAIlDernarle County by a Ms. McKeel X vote offive to 2�� as recorded below, at a meeting field on November 9, 2016 Ms. Palmer y A& Randolph V Mr Sheffield DLs� 'a, L, -( Clerk, Board'of county MOTS A)Le Nay NIT Dill y Ms. Mallek y Ms. McKeel y Ms. Palmer y Mr Randolph y Mr Sheffield Absent RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP-2015-00025 Brookbill. Conditions SP 2015-25 BROO KIII U I Prior to final road plan approval or permitting ofa land disturbance in the floodplain, the applicant shall. WHE REAS, the Owners ofTax Map Parcels 04600-00-00-01800 and 04600-00-00-018AO obtain from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) a Conditional Letter ofMap Revision (collectively, the "Property") filed an application for a special Use permit to permit grading activities within Based on Fill (CLOMR-F), and prior to road acceptance, the applicant shall obtam from FEIVIA a Letter of the floodplain that would expand die floodplam. limits, and the replacements ofculveru within the Map Revision based on Fill (LOMR-F). In addition, the applicant shall copy the Comity Engineer on all floodphiln, on the property, and the application is identified as Special Use Permit 2015-00025 BTookhill (SP correspondence with FEMA. Construction, ofthe road shall be In compliance with approved road plans 2015-25"); and and the FEMA approved CLOMR-F 2 Any residential or commercial lots, and associated streets (public or private) resulting from the subdivision WHERE, AS, on August 16,2016, after a duty noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County ofthe Property, with the exception ofthe stream crossings, shall be located outside ofthe 100 fwt stremn planning Conimassion recommended approval of SP 2015-25 with staff -recommended conditions; and buffer (as shown on the Brookbill Special Use Peraut & CLOI�IR Plan, Existing Conditions, Sheet 2, last revised 6/15/16), die Flood Hazard Overlay District, and preserved slopes on the property Approvalof WHE REAS, on November 9, 2016, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed lots located within the stream buffer shall be subject to Subdivision Agent approval, public hearing on SP 2015-25 NOW,THEREFORE, BE ITRE SOLVED that, upon consideration of die foregoing, the staff report prepared for SP 2015-25 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-30.3 11 and 18-33 8, the Albemarle County Board ofSupervisors hereby approves SP 2015-25, subject to the conditions attached hereto 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy ofa Resolution duly adopted by the Board ofSupervisors ofAlbemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of five to zero, as recorded below, at a regular inteting lield on November 9,201 Clerk, B ard o oulit pervisofs Ave Na NIT Dill y Ms. Mallek y Ms. McKeel Y Ms. Palmer y Mr Randolph Y Mr Sheffield Absent W 0 SCOTT R. L INS Q Lic. No. 03579ilt�,- 5/27/20 6 101YAL 'F1 E bi Z Li MR C) 0 Lr) C: Q) U) C 0 uJ V) Z LU 0 V) a- 0 U X U Q) U) co LU Z3 Z C, `Lf) :D 0 Z 0 0 U :3 0 U1 > z ce- < Lii Ce E- LU M Y -J < U) > =1 C LU LLI CL .0 0 LLI U) > U) C: 0 LU 0 C: 0 C: 0 C:) C:) Lr) r, r,4 N 6 CY) In 0 Q) 0 C I P 0') q5 CY) Z > Q) C\1 0 Kpm�� � K- Nt It UJ Q) V) 0 (N 0 W 0') N C3 2 -a CN W0 Q Ld < > U) H 2030NM LIJ 0 0 Lu 0 -2 < LLJ 0 T--J U- U- C: Z< 0 0, W U L.0 0 0 U5) E l U) LIJ Z Of Lli Lli U) LJ V) Z 0 J LLJ ,0 0 Q) (D c) CL W > 0 U 0 X N Q) 0 Q) W LU U in b W E rn uJ :3 0 LU 0 Q� 0 CL U) -0 JOB NO. 182150 0 co En SCALE NIA V) SHEET NO. 11-0- n 0) r4 Ln Ln Ln rq r-f Ln . 0 rq N H m r4 m -T� -LJ -U LL, (n r4 < �:b LU k- KV� �b`r26'1600050 FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED 12/17/20-18 �'BLOCK 4A SD :INAL SITE PLAN APPROVED 12/3-7/2o3.8 (UNDER REVIEW) SUB2017-00117 DP203. 002 FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED 4/23/2020 < /X\1 rH Opp j- �Pp THORNR\ 0 OTT R. LINS� COT' S 0. 91, !Lic PN3'5 C� S 1Z -,H W60b SC 791;��, U Lie. No. 035 11/03/200 A x w nry -1 rN LEGEND: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT GRAPHIC SCALE (APPROVED INITIAL SITE PLANS AND FINAL SITE PLANS ARE UNDER REVIEW) 200 0 100 200 400 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT !-m� (APPROVED FINAL SITE PLANS) ( IN FEET I inch = 200 ft. 4( 5 6 7 8 81 9 ,rer f, Dew-loputent Area Per Proposed Area (Roads, Proposed Land Use District Brookliffi Area (AC) Lots, Buildings, Developmetit COD (AC) Parking lots) Per Area (AC) C D (AC) Neighborhood Service Center Urban Density Urban Density Urban Density Urban Density Urban Density Urban Density Urban Density I Jrban Density Neighbodioud Mnsity Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density borhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborbood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Neighborhood Density Bruokhill House Parcel Total 12 6.3 5.8 24 6.6 7.2 17.7 �5.8 12 T5. 1 5.1 15.8 3.3 1.8 27.95 1 19 14.0 9.98 7.17 11.39 6.83 6.58 25.91 8.55 17.36 5.1 0 11.9 L 2.7 12.92 5.52 7.4 euspace/Amenities (ac) Civic / Parks Civic / Parks Greenway Greenway Opell Space Ope 11 Space B We rs B uffe rs Total Greenspace Total Greempace Required Proposed Required Propose Required Provided Required Provided Required Proposed 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 o 0 0.2 1.38 3.4 1.09 0.44 2.9 2.97 8.4 5.88 0.86 0 0 1.43 2.29 0.52 1.09 0.44 1.54 -- 3.07 2.31 1.46 0.85 0 5.7 1.5 0 7.2 7 0 0 0.2 7.92 0 2.9 4.7 1.1 8.7 0 0 5.1 �5 4*.56 4 3.82 13.1 12.96 0 0: 44 4#5 #4 18 1.80 :0 1.64 3.98 0 4.04 1 1 1 2.76 2.18 8.98 9.6 � 6.8 0 1.8 1 0 2.8 4.6 4.6 13.4 0 3.6 1 - -- 0.1 4.7 5.7 13.2 t.2 8.2 1.3 0 10.7 6.7 15.7 0 3.2 t 0 -0.9 4.2 11.7 19.7 0 1.4 1.1 3.4 5.4 14.1 0 4.7 1.3 0 6 16.9 10.6 0 4. t 2.1 1.2 7.4 9.7 18.4 0 1.8 1.3 0 3.1 15.8 111.8 0 3.3 3.8 0.2 1 7.3 34.4 127.3 0.7 1 4.4 1 t 1.5 3.2 13.2 0 0 1 �08 0 0- 223.9 �68.8 10.3 1 53.6 1 ; 16.0 108.7 Ul U) 0 ce 0 z W w Ld LLJ z Lu w 0 C) 0 -0 1 o (D 0 C:) U) D 0 x C) Q) LU U LU -j U) r-1 0 LU LLI I (f) :3 Q 0 JOB NO. 182150 0 Y) SCAl E If 1 =200' SHEET NO. 3 Q) U) A 10' V STELLA' LA VAR. WIDTHTUB 161 RIW I I (D.B. 5441�:PG. 4�-252) x t 41. A� BLOCK 4A Lc Lf Lf VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EASEME DB.5121, PG. 47-675 -D 4= tl/ /9' CD SQ cy) stl 4 0 A 1, N 0 !�_,'�59'04'25"E EX. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ACCESS (z) CD c� n EXISTING STREET AND STOP SIGN .61, DIP WIL - B W­w­-+-��-W— Ln 0 w 00 CE 0 < Lu Z z 00 Lu U U Lu Z Ln uj z rn Lu Q) N59'04'25"W - 0 okvx-'. EXISTING STREET TREES ALONG ARCHER AVENUE EXISTING ARCHER AVENUE CURRENTLY UNDER CONST ,,--SEE PLANS UNDER SUB2017003-17 Li PROPOSED VDOT STD. CG SEE DETAIL ON SHEET Ln r) TRANSITION FROM TMP 46-19B6 PUBLIC ROAD OR GREENSPACE SCENARIO i SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 15- iCAR -------- z 18, 9� 9, GARAGE PAR, ING MIN MIN MIN MINI S E 2 CAR 2 2$URFACE-, 1z GARAGE PARKING Z SU .0 RFACE PARKING PARKING - z SPACE SPACES SPACES EL / PRIVATE ALLEY OR STREET 9 0. Lt. ce 04 20'MINIMUM TRAVELWAY PAVEMENT WIDTH s go z 0 Lu PUBLIC ROAD NOTES: i. EACH SINGLE FAMILY LOTWILL HAVEAMINIMUIV �141izll.iz"I'_'--�_' 51PEWALK1 2. OF 2 OFF STREET PARKING SPACES. OFF STREET PARKING SPACESWILL BE LOCATED EITHER IN DETACHED GARAGES, ON PARKING MIN 3 PAP� QRA COMBINATION Of BOTH. 2CAR MIN 3- I c;ApAdF-�W1,LLS'EAMI,NIMUMOP-i,B DEEPAND GARAGE z LOCATED EITHER 5'FROM-OR GREATER THAN 16' PARKING FROM REAR PROPERTY LINESADJACENTTO THE SPACES PRIVATE R I OAD OR ALLEY. 4. GARAGES WILL BEA MINIMUM OF7FROM THE PRIVATE ALLEY, 2 CAR. EDGE. OF PAVEMC.NTOF GARAGE 5- ASPHALT PARKING PADS WILL BE suiLTwrTH A, PARKING MINIMUM DEPTH OF 28'FROM REAR PROPERTY SPACES LINES ADJACENTTO THE PRIVATE ROAD OR ALLEY.. EACH PARKING SPACE WILJL HAVE A MINIMUM WIDTH OF9'. 6. DRIVEWAY GRADES MV5TBE8%OR FLATTER. THE GRADE TRANSITION BETWEEN THE. PRIVATE ALLEY AND DRIVEWAY, BETWEEN THE DRIVE. ANE GARAGE OR PARKING PAD (OR ANYWHERE INTHE SCENARIO 4 SCENARIO 5 DRIVEWAY).SHALL NOT EXCEED i0% GRADE DIFFERENCE. INTHE CASEWHERE THE PROPERTY LINEIS NOT FEET OR MO I RE FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR FACE OF CURB OFTHE ALLEY, THE GARAGE $HALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 FEET FROM THEALLE) EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR. FACE OF CURB. (jAt<AU In AIN L) L)KI V r_VVIA T r-Ar-1101 I RUCTION CROCKETT CORPORATION DB 5011 PC 170, DB 5107 PC 148, DB 5121 PC 644 DB.5346, PG.251 36.372 AC. 2 7 PROPOSED2' VARIABLE WIDTH PARKING VARIABLE WIDTH PARKING VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE - AND ACCESS EASEMENT (D BLOCK 3A ROLL TOP CURB RASS OVERHANG rAND ACCESS EASEMENT ACCESS & PARKING EASEMENT PROPOSED 2' DB-5447, PG..603-613 49'RADUYS TEMPORARY Ln DB.5447, PG..603-61.3 DB-5447, PG.603-613 Q6 TO CG-6 CURB INNER -PARCEL GRASS OVERHANG TURN -AROUND EASEMENT Ln V", -1 CI-4 F PINNER-PARCEL FCONNECTION T�B. 5447, PG.603-613 I I z/ N IGHT DIS1 \ffl 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK��.'_I 1,948VPD TREET (PUBLIC ROAD, D.B. 5274, 58' WIDE — SPEED 'I 25MPH 26'F/C-F/c U -)­3 EXISTING PARKING SPACES A DEDICATED TO BLO A k 20'�,ACSA WATER EXISTING STREET TREESI'/(A EASEMENT —ALONG SALAMANDER STREET Ir ---- I I IN z T7— vi --------------- TMP 46-18E �11F STANLEY MAR COMPANIES, LLC DB 5349 PC 402 ------------------- L BLOCK 8B K_� IGN ISTANCE TO NEAREST INTERSECTION = 300' EXISTING SALAMANDER STREET CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEE PLANS UNDER SUB2oi800i15 BLOCK 19 /t /I TMP 46-18EI NIF HA UGH, CHARLES R. & ELIZABETH ANN OGLESBY DB 5295PG 636 E/P-E/P EXISTING 5'CONCRETE SIDEWAL — — --------- H11-1-­ Mill — — — — — — — _T 11 W5 0 ��5 AREA OF MILL & OVERLAY PER VDOT WP-2 725.79' CEMETERY Y —Y--r OP Nk� ,SCOTT R. LINS �Z Lic. No. 035791 12/21/20 101VAL Ld U) �5� _j _j 0 C) U) 0 Ln uj Ln U) I-- U) c W Lu 0 LLI Z U) 71 Lu LLJ P 0 _j 0 Q) x 0 u 0 u z Q) u < < V) 0 �_4 co V) V) zV) LLI U 0 0 U Q� Lu ED 0 Lu Z) :�i Lj 0 V) w w U Z w > z M w Z) w V3 —1 ce 0 < u > Q� V) w Lu CL Z �3 Lij w U- u) U) > Lu > Lu 0 I C) C) C) C) C) r4 uj N fn 1-1 Ln r_1 00 C) r4 W 0 re) Lr) rl� T-i T-4 0 0 2" 0 L9 0) z cy) ENSUE 04 0 cy) LLJ V) 0 0_ w 0 CN I..q V) 0 0 (CNI, V) w J (1) 0 Lj < z V) > U) wCL 0 L9 0 < -2 0 T-4 LIJ z C) '0 w U D_ Q w 0 0 E In U) z W w Ld LLI z 0 z U) Ld w _j _j C) C) 0 RL 7 Y 7 1 1 I I GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREETS 1. CONSTRUC77ON INSPECTION OF ALL PROPOSED ROADS WITHIN 7HE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTY THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (296-58J2) 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. UPON COMPLETION OF FINE GRADING AND PREPARATION OF THE ROADBED SUBGRADE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE CBR TESTS PERFORMED ON THE SUBGRADE SOIL. THREE (J) COPIES OF THE TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY IF A SUBGRADE SOIL CBR OF 10 OR GREATER IS NOT OBTAINABLE, A REVISED PAVEMENT DESIGN SHALL BE MADE BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED WITH THE TEST RESULTS FOR APPROVAL. J. SURFACE DRAINAGE AND PIPE DISCHARGE MUST BE RETAINED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR WITHIN EASEMENTS PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNTY ALL DRAINAGE OUTFALL EASEMENTS ARE TO BE EXTENDED TO A BOUNDARY LINE OR A NATURAL WATERCOURSE. 4. GUARDRAIL LOCA TIONS ARE APPROXIMA TE. EXACT LENGTH, LOCA TION AND APPROPRIA TE END TREA TWENTS WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED A T THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AT LOCATIONS NOT SHOWN WHEN, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY WHEN GUARDRAIL IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE INSTALLED FOUR (4) FEET OFFSET FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO THE FACE OF GUARDRAIL, AND ROADWAY SHOULDER WIDTHS SHALL BE INCREASED TO SEVEN (7) FEET 5. WHERE URBAN CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL CONFORM TO VDOT CG-,9(A, B OR C). 6. WHERE RURAL CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL CONFORM TO VDOT STANDARD PE-1. Z COMPLIANCE WITH THE MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH, SHOULDER WIDTH AND DITCH SECTIONS, AS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL, SHALL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. 8. ROAD PLAN APPROVAL FOR SUBDIVISIONS IS SUBJECT TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT VALIDATION. SHOULD THE FINAL PLAT FOR THIS PROJECT EXPIRE PRIOR TO SIGNING AND RECORDATION, THEN APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE NULL AND VOID. 9. ALL SIGNS OR OTHER REGULATORY DEVICES SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ROAD NAMING AND PROPERTY NUMBERING ORDINANCE AND MANUAL. 10. TRAFFIC CONTROL OR OTHER REGULATORY SIGNS OR BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER WHEN, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, THEY ARE DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS. 11. THE SPEED LIMITS TO BE POSTED ON SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ARE 5 MPH BELOW THE DESIGN SPEED, OR AS DETERMINED BY VDOT FOR PUBLIC ROADS. 12. VDOT STANDARD CD-1 OR CO-2 CROSS -DRAINS UNDER TO BE INSTALLED UNDER THE SUBBASE MATERIAL AT ALL CUT AND FILL TRANSITIONS AND GRADE SAG POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE ROAD PROFILES. 13 A VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL STORM SEWERS AND CULVERTS THAT ARE DEEMED INACCESSIBLE TO VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTIONS. THE VIDEO INSPEC77ON SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT'S VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION PROCEDURE AND WITH A VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTOR PRESENT ROAD NOTES GRADING 1. THE LA TEST ED177ON OF THE ROAD & BRIDGE SPECIFICA TONS, 7HE ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA 77ON SPECIFICA 77ONS SHALL GOVERN THE MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS OF THIS PROJECT 2. WHERE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY, IT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ENTIRE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WD7H AND REPLACED WHERE NECESSARY WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL TO 7HE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. J. ALL GROWTH OF TREES AND VEGETATION SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR THE ENTIRE EASEMENT OTHER TREES AND VEGETATION WHICH OBSTRUCT SIGHT DISTANCES AT ROAD INTERSEC77ONS SHALL BE REMOVED. 4. ALL VEGETATION AND OVERBURDEN TO BE REMOVED FROM SHOULDER To SHOULDER PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SUBGRADE. rNiZZYMIM 1. ALL PIPE CULVERTS_ EXCEPT PRIVATE ENTRANCES, SHOWN HEREON ARE TO BE RCP WITH A A41NIMUM COVER OF ONE (1) FOOT 2. STANDARD UNDERDRAINS (CD-1 OR CD-2 OR UD-4S) TO BE PROVIDED AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS, OR WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS INDICATE. J. ALL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PIPES SHALL BE A A41NIMUM OF TWENTY (20) FEET IN LENGTH AND HAVE A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF FIF7EEN (15) INCHES AND SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF 7RANSPORTAION SPECIFICA77ONS UNLESS 07HERMSE NOTED ON PLANS. 4. ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRADED To 7HE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL EXTEND TO A POINT DEEMED AS NARJRAL WATER COURSE. PA VEMEN T 1. AN ACTUAL COPY OF THE CBR REPORT IS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF 7HE AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL. IF THE SSV VALUES ARE LESS TVAN 10, 7HE DEVELOPER WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT FOR ENGINEERS APPROVAL TIVE PROPOSED ME7HOD OF CORRECTION. 2 SUBGRADE MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER FOR GRADE, TEMPLATE AND COMPACTION BEFORE BASE IS PLACED. J. TEST REPORTS ON SELECT MA TERIALS MUST BE SUBMITTED SHOWING THE MA TERIAL MEETS REQUIRED GRADA TION FOR TYPE I, //, OR N PRIOR TO PLACING AGGREGA TE BASE. 4. THE REQUIREMENTS TO PUGA41LL AGGREGA IF BASE WILL BE WAIVED IN 774E EVENT THA T 7HE SURFACE COURSE IS BEGINNING A T THE COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLA 77ON OF 7HE AGGREGATE BASE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE SURFACE COURSE IS APPLIED PRIOR TO 60 DAYS, THE PUGA41LL REQUIREMENT WILL APPLY 5. 7HE USE OF AN AGGREGATE SPREADER IS REQUIRED WHEN PLACING AGGREGATE BASE. 6. BASE MUST BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER FOR DEPTV, TEMPLATE; AND COMPAC77ON BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT /S APPLIED. Z PRIME COAT MUST BE APPLIED TO BASE MATERIAL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT (PRIME COAT RC-250 @ O.J GAL./SQ. YD.). E217711JIA/rIlle C11017'Ar"C' Tn I�C- A,0,011.-n /A/ Ar1-nPndA1rP- WIT�jf r1IRRF-AIT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF Th NSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS. ALBEMARLE COUNTY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA TION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRA WN MA Y NOT ACCURA TEL Y REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. J. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED, AND MULCHED. 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF J. 1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. 7 ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 8 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CLASS 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). NOTE: MANDATORY INSPECTIONS AT THE FOLLOWING PHASES ARE REQUIRED FOR ROADS THAT ARE PROPOSED TO BE STATE MAINTAINED: L INSTALLATION OF ANY ENCLOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM BEFORE IT IS COVERED. ii. INSTALLATION OF ANY ENCLOSED UTILITY PLACEMENTS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY BEFORE BEING COVERED. M. CONSTRUCTION OF THE CUTS AND FILLS, INCLUDING FIELD DENSITY TESTS, BEFORE PLACEMENT OF ROADBED BASE MATERIALS. iv. A FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN, BASED ON ACTUAL SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AND CERTIFIED TESTS, SHALL BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE THE PAVEMENT STRUCTURE IS PLACED. v. PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIALS, INCLUDING STONE DEPTHS, CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED PAVEMENT DESIGN, PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE PAVING COURSE OR COURSES, FOLLOWED BY FIELD DENSITY AND MOISTURE TESTS AND THE PLACEMENT OF A PAVING COURSE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. vi. CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENT, INCLUDING DEPTH AND DENSITY, UPON COMPLETION AS PART OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. vii. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING VDOT A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EACH OF THE ABOVE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION. viii. FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE THESE INSPECTIONS WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TESTING OF THE ROADS AT THE DISCRETION OF VDOT OR MAY LEAD TO THE ROADS NOT BEING ELIGIBLE FOR STATE MAINTENANCE. 7 r I TRIP GENERAT19N T H 0�4, 1 00, t; 0 /R.'IGNI!�LLINS�z� INS�SCOTT 91,h U Lic. No. 035791 12/21/20 021 d OIINVA L I �// ! \\, , I TRIP GENEMTION CALCULATIONS TRIP GENERATION BASED ON ITE TRIP GENERATION MANUAL (ioTH EDITION) 32 TOWN HOUSE/CONDOMIN IUM UNITS (CODE 220) ADT: F-IMMIjam PM PEAK: 234 VPD (117 ENTER/117 EXIT) 15 VPH MOM E 1-1 /2" SM-9.5A SURFACE COURSE 3" BtV INTERMEDIATE CO( 5.5" COMPACTED A BASE COURSE, VD COMPACTED SUBGRADE ASPHALT PAVING ROADS NO SCALE 11=1 Im", 1.P 111 115 5349 PC 402 (3 ENTER/ 12 EXIT) (5' MIN.) 4 " CONIC. JOOO psi MIN. (3.1 ENTER/ 7 EXIT) 4 ':A - 'A > Mown 4" 21-A STONE BASE CONCRETE SIDEWALK NO SCALE io" (TYP.) PAVEMENTCOURSE U. 9. ENCROACHMENT- POSTS, WALLS, SIGNS, OR SIA41LAR ORNAMENTAL STRUCTURES THAT DO NOT ENHANCE A ROADWAYS CAPACITY OR TRAFFIC SAFETY, SHALL NOT BE PERA41TTED Face of Curb- Invert Line WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY ONLY THOSE S7RUCTURES SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT ISSUED BY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF 7RANSPORTATION MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN THE _6in- Rift3in - -21n-�18irr STREETS RIGHT OF WAY L� 10± T_ z U 2: Ln ca LU =) z 0 U) 0 Z. V) > LU 10� Uj w i Ld 0 _j 0 0 0 LU V) U) Lu 0 0 < LU 0 U < V) U < w U) 0� 0 LL z 0 f­1 U) U) CL x (1) (1) LU LU U) ui z 2: 0 U ED 5 U) > LU Z) 0 U CY- LU U) _j (�n .0 LU CL 0 LU V1. LL C: 0 > 0 LU jn� 0 _0 C: .2 C:) C) c:, C:) C:) r1j r LU r4 r4 r,1 to 1`, 00 C) r*4 Ul 0 rn Ln r� T-4 T-4 0 CG-2 CURB C POINT OF CG-6 R I ft6ln FINISHED GRADE CURB & GUTTER 12 POINT OF CG-6 CONCRETE CG-6 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK CUR FINISHED GRADE B & GUTTER SIDEWALK 'P. 1/4 ..:1 P%. o .,7. L PLANTING VG PLANTING STRIP STRIP 23 23 ------- (TRAVEL LANE) (TRAVEL LANE) Buildees Option: Area may be concrete. 10, 10, 22'F/C-F/C Bottom of Quib may follow slope of 1 6'---5'- 0.5,--1 - sub -base provided a minimum dep 6'- (TRAVEL LANE) I (TMVEL LANE) of 7 inches is maintained. -2-51 PROMSffD TM 4 VPL # rA. r Pj?0P08ZW` . MA VZZ # r, 4. r I 110in ......_2 It 0 in P,rRPff.ffP1CU")? P%WM .4S SHON"Ar OAr SITP P".ff /6- ffPff DESf6!jV SPffED 15 ffp-ff IOES16!ff SPEAW Rolltop Curb NQTE:OOMPONENTS OF CURB RAMPS CONSIST OF THE FOLL11) CG_6 14WINO: HYDRAULIC CEMENT SIDEWALK IDEPT�,A IN%ES.MEA IT I SQUARE YARDS) C , OR C, IN ", R UREI WHEN REQUIRED (CO-2 FEE GENERAL NOTES, UETECTABLE WARNNG SURFACE (AREA 114' SQUARE YARDS), 1. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY TRUNCATED DOMES. EACH OF THE ABOVE ITEMS 15 A 5E MATE PAY ITEM AND SHOULD BE SUMMARIZED FOR EACH CURB CUPT RAMP NOTESz 2, or TECTAHLE WARNING SHALL BE FROM THE MAI ERIALS APPROVED LIST FOR DE T 5CTAELE WARNING $UFACE5. PRODUCTS NOT LISTED SHALL, MEET S :IWAL R P 12�1 MAX L THIS ITEM WAY BE PRECAST OR CAST N PLACF_ THE REQUIREMENTS OF TMLSPECLAL PROVISION FOR CG-12 DETECTABLE 4 MAX WARNINQ SURFACE AND S L BE: SUBMITTED TO THE STANDARDS AND 7- CONCRETE T BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, SPECIAL W511ill SECTION FOR APPROVAL. 4aca PSI FOPRECAST. 3. SLOPING SIDES or CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONCLITHICALLY WITH RAMP 4L 3. COMBINATION CURB & GVTTER HAVING A RADIUS ri, OOR OR BY USING PERAASSIULE CONSTRUCTION JOINT Willi REQURED OARS. EE r OR LESS CALONG FACEX a a CUR 0 ES MU BE PH VIDED FOR DOWEL BARS SD AID _AS RADIAL 0 TON 4. IF RAMP FLOOR 13 PRECAS1.H L AN ic, U F .E"! THAT ADJOINING FLARED SIDES C BE AST IN PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT 0 MAX PRECAST RAMP FLOOR, PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-4. TYPE A 4. FOR rTE"rS 5. REQUIRED BARS ARE 10 BE No, 5 X 8" PLACED P CENTE� TO CENTER ALONG TAINUZED AIM."NAGE 130 L PERPENDICULAR t OF INM E. TH SIDES OF ME RAMP FLOOR. MID-QEPTH OF RAMP F OCR. MINIMUM BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE CONCRETE COVER RBBASE COURSE$ AND 70 THE DEPTH OF 6, CURB CURB ME) GLITTER SLOPE TRANSITIONS ADJACENT TO CURB RAMPS THE PAVEMENT. 5. ARE INCLUDED IN PAYMENT FOR CURB / CURB AND GUTTER. Mis 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CG-6 7� CURB RAMPS ARE TO BE LOC ED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OP, AS ORECIED 00 is BASED ON ROADWAY CL*SIFICATION AM AT DESIGN SPEED AS MWN EN'THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE 0 BE PROVIDED AT INTTSECTIONS WHEREVER .4 M LIN APFEWX k OF 7 HE AN ACCESS181 E ROUTE WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF HIGHWAY FACILITY Z" R THE ROM DESIGN IN CROS ESXA REGARDLESS 11:111ER.SIDEWALK.ES EXISTING, PRORME). ON GS UIRSAN STANDARDS. IS "' "E MUST ,AIED ITHIN P, S, OR NONE TENT. BE L . _ MAN CROSSWALKS AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE,IENGINEER. AND. SHOULD N07 TYPE B B o a BEHIND VEHICLE sT.P T EL CATIE LINES. EXISTING LICH] POLES. FIRE IN RYDRAITTS, DROP INLETS, ETC. IV A CONTINUOUS PARALLEL ACCESSIBLE ROUTES PRO DE IDF K T UNOBSTRUCTED, STABLE. FIRM SLF RESISTANT PATH CONNECTING ALL VL ACCESSial,11E ELEYENTS OF A F ILITY THAr GM BE APPROACHED, ENTERED AND USED BY PEDESTRIANS. ECTIONS PROVIDEOWT B. RAMPS MAY BE PLACED, "" R I& HAL 5 THE CURB OPENING 15 PLACEUNWITHI'li THE"ThNIIIS OF THE CROSSWALK .1 MAX 15 L9 I T GOINNECTION 0 12- HAT T TIE SLOPE AT HE F THE CURB OPENING IS PERPENDICULAR TO THE 5. MIN B-22 9� TYPICAL GrCRETE SIOEWXK IS 4�� THICK. WHEN THE ENTRANCE RADIICANROT A ING T COMMOD TE THE TURNIING REQUIREMENTS OF ANTICIPATED HEAVY TRUCK TRAFFI REFER TO STANDARD rC-13.COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE (HEAVY 4,04 ;ZAT X .2" HIGHER THAN TRUCKCiRAFFIC) FOH CONCRETE DEPTH. EDGE bF PAVEMENT X S 10� WHEN CURB RAMPS ME USED IN CON,IUNCTION WITH A SHARED USE PATH, AT X , AME A5�, TOP OF CURB - - - - - - - - - - THE WINNIUM WIDTH SHALE. BE THE WIDTH OF THE SHARED USE PATH� z IT. WHEN ONLY ONE CURB RAMP is PROVIDED FOR TWO UVCORSSINGS OOIAGONAU. TYPE C THE BOTTOM OF THE CURS AND A 4'. 4, LANDING ARIAW5111HILL BE PRO'1,I,0,E0D TO MANE A WHEELCHAIR PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR GUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED INTO� THE CROSSWAL K T OUT GOING HE TRAVELWAY. THIS 4'9 4' P1 PARALLEL L70 THE SLOPE OF (ArjuiNq AREA MAY '11CLUD F,GUll1R PAR. TRUNCATED DOME SUBBASE COURSES PROVIDED A S W,E OR" �� 0 12. ALL CASE! , NTERSECT A RADIAL SECTION OF .6`2.41" C-C MIND" DERTH OF 7" CURB AT ENTRANCES O� !jjjTR ET CONNECTYIORNASOITHE DETECTABLE THIS AREA MAY BE CONCRETE IS MAINTAINED. 0 SURFACE SHAL L AV� $ OR BE FIELD _U_� WARNIN � A F CT( R a 0 0 - 0 0 AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR MODIFIED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURE? TO MATCH L a a a o a o a a a a a o a - THE 13ACK OF CLRB. w 75 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 e-, Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q Z, DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0,0 0 q Q Q 0 o 0 0 0 Q Q 9, 0 6 a 0 0 o Slope break far 5UX..-6 DIAMETER X ASE drainage, it req'd. P DIAMEHER 0 Q 0 0 Q 0 0 0 Q 0 9 0 Q 00 AT BACK Of E C Re ULLWIDTE OF RAMP FLOOR P5�y L _ SEE NOT 12, ! jMi� A 2 L c R- 2 Feet DETECTABLE WARNING TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING SIDEWAILX (WHERE REQUIRED) VDCT STD. CURB INSTALLED ON A RADIUS DETAIL DETAIL CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO AND FLQSH WITH IN DROP INLEr (DI-3) SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION NVMT LET TOP Back Of Curb XV013T REFERENCE REFERENCE WITH TYPE -A- NOSING CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE COMBINATION 6" CURB AND GUTTER ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS .2 41 ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS -6 0 (GENERAL NOTES) 105 REVISION DATE SHEET I OF 1 lb ET I OF 15 REVISION DATE _j% 502 502 VIRGIMA.DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N; D, 07YI5 Y OF TRANSPORTATION 201.03 VIRGINIA OEPARTMEu ail CGIII i CG_z z TEL E 0 5' z _m; 1 1. 11! .1 1 � I A-1 .,TRF.Er APP ING GENERAL NOTES 2 1 C1 AS MANURE ROACH SAME SURFAC NOTES, ROADWAY ISEE NOTE 6) 0 M Ln Constr- T IN PLACE. =S 'Toem, C L WHEN CO-11IS USE EE NCECT% TNffEH iD L THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAS MUST D FWE T44CAO C ORD W Joint ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE L ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING - - - - - - - - - 11 CONNECTION BE D 4 AASKO POLICY, IEjl=��jll r.-E. 2. GOING ETE TO HE CLASS AJ IF CAST IN FLACE, (RADIUS TO BEAS Si PST IF PRECAST. 4. SHOWN - ­_ 3' 1* 400OR OF THE VDOT ROM DE 0 EDGE OF EXISING P EMENT r R CURS ZMTTT1E0RN PW 12" AV DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. (AS DETERMINED IN FIELD) 3. CURB HAVING A RADIUS OF .500 FEET OR LESS CG-6 NOTE 7) (ALONG FACE OF CUREP WILL BE PAID FOR AS URNIN T Uoii�ine Edge of Pavement RADIAL CURB. T TACK COAT T E PROPOSED 4. THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH SIDEWALK IN I' E AS MUCH AS (WX NOTE 2) B., Driveway Entrance onsition Roll top curb CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTING ASPHALT L PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS AS 31 (11 DEPTH)OOR I wy1wS 21"(21- DEPTH) N R ALT THE BOTTOM OPTIONAL W�_ I O�MAS LO ___!orp Tr I _�, . . 'A F W LINE MUSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH STANDARD CG - - - - - - - - OF CURB WILL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A THE CORO FACE ON THIS ST.-WARD 15 To COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. BE ADJU AS SHOWN. EXPANSION EXPANSION UMSTTEWO MATCH THE MIDUNTAME CURB EXISTING PHOPOSED OTHER 'is THI TO BE MADE JOINT CONFIGU AsEi�E'51 JOINT VOOT STD. ROLL7TOP CURB SEGTION A 'F� 0. -A*-. E-h RE AN M31TK 4, SEE STANDARD CC-12 FOR CUPS RAW DESIGN TO BE Pnrt Pl�nn c)-f Entr<:Iinca Trc:lnaitic>n - - - - - - TO Ell 0MW8?61oWAYS MEETNM SURFACE -0" OR AS MAINLINE ROADWAY USED WITH TH14 STANDARD. SEE DETAILS XS-3A AND XS-3C 5, CGE2RIES NOTE; WIDTH 'B" 2' TH QuREW COMPACTED SUBGRAUE S FOR S SHOW SHOWN ON TYPICAL =Tm. A APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAI., 0., OPTIONAL FLOWUNE MAY REQUIRE WARPING OF A FIGURE 7 ROLL TOP CURB ENTRANCE DETAIL IN THE SECTION ON US, URBAN STANDARDS. . A- PORTION Of GUTTER TO PRECLUDE FORCING OF WATER. CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAL . , ^-, t � PLAN VIEW PLAN N BASE ENTRANCE NOTES NO SCALE REMOVE: EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING SU50ASE AND REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT' WIDENING LAYERS MAINLINE ROADWAY SLOK, 0. PLANS ARE TO INDICATE WHEN CONSTRUCTION OF A FLOW 101 PARABOLIC CURVE LINE 15 REQUIRED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ACROSS PROPOSED WNIMUM 1!/z INCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE W THE ENTRANCE. x MIN MUM 12 INCHES. ON GRE Ell AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS 5X MAX. D 7. MAINLINIE EDGE Of SHOULDER OR SLOPE CHANGE cc GIRAQ �A. IUNEPA L BE CONS`,1RUC.TED T&THE AT OPTIONAL FLOW LINE- D VX'V AS14"AL E TABL.A_n AS DEJERMNEO BY CORES (SEE NOTE 3) R/W (E SL REQUIRED FOR MAINLINE PAVEMENT WHICH CAN BE Rodus Return 2" RADIUS SUBBASE MAINLINE ROADWAY - - - - - - - - - - - OMITTED IN THE ENTRANCE.) ILI M X MAX, D ri SLOPECH" 0. RADIAL CURB OR COMBINATION CURB AND GUITTER 0: Warp curb profile to match _0 SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED BEYOND THE R/W LINE :3 NOTES; 6" EXCEPT FOR REPLACEMENT PURPOSES, Ci d6vailiay entrance opron geode U 3. within 4 feet each side at apron 1. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL HAVE A PAVEmENr DESIGN IN ACCORUANCE WITH CURRENT VOOT PROCEDURES AND BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 9. THE DESIRABLE AND MAO" ENTRANCE GRADE CHANGES MINIMUM F 2 CL above invert fine, 77 2o fE ALLOWABLE ENTRANCE GRADE COMMERCIALIaMice 2. T E PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT P Nf WIDE ING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS AND TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT, S. MIN.' SOUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OF THE EXISTING"AUDE PRCPOR' �D. SURFACE Ll N 'Nw ARE NOT APPLICABLE TO. STREET D. PAVEMENT SHALL BE ADDRESSED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN. NNE �.Fv& - kl , !!�, M CONSTRUCT GRAM CPIANQES WITH A PARABOLIC CURVE. x 0 3- A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SHALL 13E TAKEN ALONG THE CENTER OF THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EXISTING 0 a- PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE SPACED NO MORE THAN 509 FEET APART. Of Driveway Entrance Apron f r Rolitop C it SECTION A - A ALLOWABLE ENTRANCE GRADE CHANGES Q. 0 4 THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MILLED A MiNJMUM DEPTH OF I INCHES AND REPLACED WITH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MATCH THE PR PAVEMENT WIQEMNO SURFACE COURSE.UNLESS WAIVED BY E ENGINEER. BASE 0 OPQSED �5. THE ENGINEER MAY RE�QUIRF Tr MILLING DEPTH or fiHIE EXiSTING PAVEMENT TO BE ADJUSIED TO ACHIEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CROSS -$LOPE 1,6'± � Al AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE. ORA AGE. 4-171, B -1 0. EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS S14ALL BE RESTORED SQQjErT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 01 7, FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT TIE-IN SH&L CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS or SECTION .315 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT ALL JOIN15 AT 10 MOT STRAIGHTEDGE , N ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315 OF THE ENTRANCE VOLUME QRAD� C D' DESIRABLE I MAXIMUM Iwo VPq_ 3x MEDIUM SDOE.TIn 1 500-=u VP13 :�3x ax LOW I LESS THAN 500 WO A6x NOTE, ALLOWABLE FWRN4CE GRADE TABLE 15 NOT Part Section A _T APPLICABLE 10 STREET CONNECTIONS CON&TIE FIGURE 8 ROLLTOP CURB ENTRANCE DETAIL SECTION ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE SECTION C-C F CURB IS EXTRUDED SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION XVDCYr SPECIFICATION METHOD OF TREATMENT- XVDOT ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING REFERENCE REFERENCE STANDARD 6" CURB ROAD AM BRIDGE STANDARDS REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDOE STANOARDS ___ ION-TATE I SHEET CONNECTION FOR. STREET INTERSECTIONS REV 8/07 -T-REVISION DATE 315 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2W.G4 -------- ios REVIS --SHEET 1 OF I FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC AND COMMERCIAL ENTRMCES N SCALE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION For 1 0 M (N Uj _j _j Lij 0 _j 0_010 C) LIJ U) LU LU U) LLj 0� ry 0 0 C:) CN 0 E 0 C: Q) Q) Ul 0 Uj 0- :3 0 U. un 0 < LU (D 0 LIJ L_ U 0 0 0 E co Lij L" z _j _j 0 0 0 0 (U 0 0 x co U-1 _j ri LU ­1 LU :3 0 LU 0 0 jEn )OB NO. 01 182150 '50 SCALE 0 _0 AS SHOWN 0 On SHEET NO. 7 JUNCTION BOXES, TRANSFORMER PADS. PEDESTALS. E-,C. SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY, VARIES 5' / d Cl WATER SEWER LOCATION OF EITHER UTILITIES (GAS, ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, CABLE, ETC,) EASEMENT WIDTHS: WATER OR SEWER ONLY - 20' MINIMUM WATER & SEWER -- 30' MINDIUM SEE PART 3, PARAGRAPH Dj SEPARATION OF VATER & SEWER SYSTEMS. UTILITIES CROS:SIN5 A WATER OR SEWER EASEMENT SHOULD BE AT 90' TO THE RIGHT OF WAY.. UTILITY I-IIIIIIIHICATIONS & EASITMENT WIDTHS NfS FIG. 'd-1 TO -1 June 27, 2019 ACSA GENERAL WATER & SEWER CONDITIONS 1, WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY (ACSA) INSPECTORS. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE PROPER ACSA OFFICIALS AT THE START OF THE WORK. 2. THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY SHALL HAVE ACCESS TO USE THE AIRSPACE ABOVE THE LOCATIONS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE FLIGHT OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMAGERY COLLECTION. 3� THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ACROSS THE LINE OF THE PROPOSED WORK ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND WHERE SHOWN ARE ONLY APPROXIMATELY CORRECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, ON HIS OWN INITIATIVE, LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND LINES AND STRUCTURES, AS NECESSARY, 4. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE GENERAL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, AS ADOPTED BY THE ACSA. 5. DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN NATIQNAL� GEODETIC SURVEY. (S.. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING MISS UTILITY (1-800-552-7001). 7. ALL WATER AND SEWER PIPES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF THREE AND A HALF (3.5) FEET OF COVER MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF PIPE, OVER THE CENTERLINE OF PIPE. THIS INCLUDES ALL FIRE HYDRANT LINES, SERVICE LATERALS AND WATER LINES, ETC. 8, ALL WATER AND SEWER APPURTENANCES ARE TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF ROADSIDE DITCHES, 9. VALVES ON DEADEND LINES SHALL BE RODDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESTRAINTFORTHE VALVE DURING A FUTURE EXTENSION OF THE LINE. 1O.TREES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE ACSA EASEMENT. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THE NO - LEAD REGULATION REGARDING BRASS FITTINGS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 4, 2014 (SENATE BILL 3874WHICH AMENDS THE SAFE DRINKING WATERACT). 12. THE SEWER LATERAL BEYOND THE CONNECTION AT THE SEWER MAIN SHALL BE PRIVATE. THE SEWER LATERAL STUB -OUT SHALL UNDERGO THE ACSA LOW-PRESSURE AIR TEST TO SATISFY' COUNTY TESTING REQUIREMENTS. VISUAL INSPECTION OF THE SEWER LATERAL STUB -OUT SHALL BE WITNESSED BY THE COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT. THIS INSPECTION SHALL OCCUR UNDER AN "OTHER PLUMBING" PERMITWHICH MUST BEOBTAINED BYTHE CONTRACTOR, 13. THE SEWER LATERAL BEYOND THE CONNECTION AT A MANHOLE SHALL BE PRIVATE. VISUAL INSPECTION AND PRESSURE TESTING OF THE SEWER LATERAL SHALL BE WITNESSED BY THE COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTION$ DEPARTMENT, THIS INSPECTION SHALL OCCUR UNDER AN "OTHER PLUMBING" PERMITWHICH MUST BEOBTAINED BYTHE CONTRACTOR.v 14, THE FIRE SPRINKLER MAIN DOWNSTREAM OF THE GATE VALVE IS PRIVATE. VISUAL INSPECTION AND TESTING OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER MAIN DOWNSTREAM OFTHE GATE VALVE SHALL BEWITNESSED BY THE COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT. THIS INSPECTION SHALL OCCUR UNDER AN "OTHER PLUMBING" PERMIT WHICH MUST BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 15.ALL FLUSHING OF FIRE SPRINKLER MAINS SHALL NOT OCCUR UNTIL APPROVAL IS GIVEN BY THE ACSA. Z�l POR ALL BENDS I) Ir RENG ACCOMMODAI ANC1;0R IF REQUIREOT 45 in in aEDDIRG AS R "Q EWIRLO 45' M M IN T -i SECTION 1 - 1 SIECTION 2-2 1 PIPE D�GRFF BEND DIMENSIONS VOL. fEE AND PLUGS VOL. SZE OF (FEET� CU.'rD. (FEET) CUYD. BE N D _L H I T L H T 90 2.50 2.50 3.01 0.24- 4' & 6, 45 2.00 2.25 2,60 0.15 2.00 - 2.25 2.50 0.15 22 1/2 I.SO 2,00 2.52 0.10 It 1/4 1 1,50 2.00 2.50 0.10 1 90 3.6 3.16 3.21 0,48 8" 45 22 1/2 266 1,66 2.66 2J6 2.77 2.6S 0.2t; 0.13 3.16 2.91 2.66 0.32 1) 1/4 1.66 2.15 2.67 0.13 so 4.83 3.63 3.42 0.83 10" & 121, 45 3.33 3.58 2.95 0.43 3JI 4.00 2.83 0.52 22 1/2 2.33 2.55 2�36 0.2+ 11 1/4 1 183 2.33 1 2-84 0.18 1 1. THRUST BLOCKS ARFE REQUIRED WHENEVER THE PIPELINE : CHANGES DIRECTION. CHANGES 'SIZE, DEAD ENDS AND AT VALVES, 2. USE 2500 P.51. CONCRETE. 3, NO CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE JONT. 4. THE CONSULTING ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPIIIIINSIIEILL TO T14E VERIFY [HE- FYPE & SIZE OF ALL THRUST BLOCKS. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS. 1 NTS FIG, W-3 TO-3 GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL 2 111 24 IN 8� I a. INITIAL- BACKFILL a. IN MI MIN. 6" BEDDING #6 9 8 STONE -1 STABLE SOIL ROCK I SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF FHE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF #68 STONE. FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION 11 - 717 4 11 INITIAL BACKFILL 4 rMT11 UNSTABLE W MIN. &A IN k III N - #68 STONE RANULAR FILL AS A APPROVED BY ACS --'STAB R 0 ZSTABLE SOIL OR ROC\K NOTE : 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES, 2.NO ROCKS LARGER IHAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED ABOVF THE INITIAL BACKFILL. 1THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRENCH. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING INTS FIG. W-2 TD- 2 yl 3000 PSI CONIC. BASE BENCH SLOPED TO FLOW CHANNEL 1/4" ', I' MIN BRANCH 2 " FLEXIBLE CONNECTION --/ L NOTE: WITH STAINLESS STEEL ALL CONNECTIONS TO BAND EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE GORED AND A FLEXIBLE CONNECTION " BOOT INSTALLED T-YPICAL MANHOLE PLAN SHOWING BRANCH TIE - IN NITS FIG. S-I-B Top View 6" MINIMUM - 4' MINIMUM . A4,06 4" MINIMUM 4 NOTE: RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS, iii-nurin CertifIcatIon of U5% compaction required Galvanized Ste I Bern, W12 x 14 (rnin. size) 3' rnirt. penetration into uridisturbed soil , or as approved by tne ACSA. Side View � /17-- 45' TYPICAL THRUST BLOCK IN FILL AREA NITS FIG, VY-38 TD-b M*==4 a. MIN, 4 .3r MIN, '111HONUT LDCXING ASSEMJI�Y ir MIN. (D ETPA$-'i NOTES: 4. PROVIDE A 6" THICK GRAVEL BED BENEA11H THE METER VAULT. 2. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR-N-PLACE VAULTS SHALL 13E 4". MINIMUM WAILL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUOTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL BE a". 3� THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BEL I OW GRADE SHALL 13E COATED WITH AN APPROVED WATER PROOFING COMPOUND, TYPICAL METER VAULT (1 1/2" METER) NIS FIG. W--7Q TD-15 ky E 93 Elm -E '14 EN E _4� E 97 n E Fn t, 0' 4 Ig 0 E E E r t& 0 CA IF .- I- r_ E -t E 8 0 E _E 0 "1 E LU L Er 0 TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER N ' T.S FIG S-1-0 FD-31 FINISHED GRACE IRENCH REDUCER F IF[ i 25 DO P.S.I. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNDIS I URB'--D SOIL j 16' YIN. 4- PROFILE VIEW UNDISTURBED SOIL EDGE 24'. VII`j OF TRENCH -_4 REDUCER ----------------------------- -- 2500 P-S,l. CONCRETE THRVST BLOCK---* - - - - - - - - - - - - UNDISTIJRBED SOIL - EDGE 24" MN OF TRENCH NO 1 E.S: VIL-10y. • NOT TO SCALP • NO CONCRLfL SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART 01 THE MECHANICAL JOINT. USE PLASTIC SHEETING AS PROTECTION FOR BOLTS. 0 3' MINIMUM HORIZONTAL PENETRATION INTO UNDISTURBED SOL ON BOTH SIDFS OF FRENCH, OR AS APPROVED BY THE ACSA. . Y MINIMUM VERTICAL PENETRATION INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL, OR AS APPROVED BY THE ACSA. . CE.RfIFICAFION OF 95% COMPACTION RLQUIRED IN rRENCH. . THE CONSULTING ENGINEER SHALL. SEE RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY THE TYPE AND SIZE OF ALL THRUST BLOCKS. NrS G. W-3D ID- 7 LACE 5' GALVANIZED ' WITNESS * POST WITH CAPPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN RENIO-TE AREAS PAS DIRECTED. MARKER LOCATION MAY BE SUBJECT TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL, FINISHED GRACE ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX W1 LID Z U VI.J. GATE VALVE FI I UNE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETL 2'x 2' BEARING AREA. THRUST BLOCK 4 4L NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL ExTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE. TYPICAL GATE VALVE NTS FIG. W-5 TD-9 SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: 1. WHERE A S7-'NER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE AND NO INVERF ELLVAIION FOR IHE SERVICE LATERAL 15 INDICATED � THE FOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE LATERAL. PIPE SHALL BE AT [-EAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN TIE TOP (CRO',NN) ELEVATION OF IHE HE LOWEST PIPE CONNECIEU 10 THE MANHOLE. 2. SEWER LATERALS; TAPPED INTO AN EASING SEWER MAIN SHALL BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE, 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECION SHALL BE 2% (1/44 PER FOOT ) 4. ALL SENER LATERALS SHALL HAIr= A MINIMUM COVER 2' MIN DIAMETER OF 4", 5. ALL SE�&R LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 FEET, SAL F TREATED 2 x 4 r FINISHED GROUND MARKER PIA G END OF ---V MAIN LINE SECTION SERVICE LATERAL. I IN L NE WYE-TEE PLAN VARIES 10- it SEINER SERVICL LATERAL CONNECTION N.T.S. FIG, S-2 NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES- VILLE THREADS WHICH IS THE LOCAL srANDARD. LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 6, MIN 6' Mf� 2' TO 10' 2' TO I 22" 7 ICU. F f. 'VALVE BOX 6 s TCt 8 3 1E 42� MiN 6' GATE: r GATE VALVE L '1' x a, TEE 2500 P.S 1. CONCRETE- B F AND THRUST A" BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED STABLE SOIL. SFEEL PILE ";"w RES T-RANED JOINT A I TINGS M IEN Ti IIE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR VAIEN A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A r1L, IN ADDITION TO POURING CONCRETE. A STEEL PILE SHALL BF USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT, NOTE N 1, SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CO, CRETE. 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' VIN, CD'J,--R FROM TTiE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT ( INCLUDING DITCHES ) 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE BOK. 4. TI,r_ GAIF VALVE 15 ALLOWED IN 511OULDER CR 0EHIN0 THE DITCH - IT 15 NOT ALLOWED N THE DITCH. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS; SHALL BE INSIAfLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE AEEP HULIES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAJILING GROUNIDW,71EH ELEVACON. IF REQUIRED TO BE IN �NET AREAS. THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL N. F , 5, FIC. W-4 AIR RELEASE VALVE BRASS OR BRONZE PIPE - DRAIN TO GRADE IF POSSIBLE-, BRICK SUPPORTS OR SOI-10 CEMENT BLOCKS TD-� ,-FINISHED GRADE BRONZE GATE VALVE I CRUSHED SFONF TYPE "K" SOFT COPPER TION STOP NOTES: 1) A PRECAST' MANHOLE CONE AND COVER WHITT WATER CAST- ON LID FOR TRAf FIC AREAS, OR A METER BOX ASSEMBLYIN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS, OR APPROVED EQUAL, SHALL BE USED, n US,,: 2) FOR WArERLINES SMALLER -fHAN 12 - A 1" A R.V, AND FIF[INGS. POR WATER LINES 12" AND LARGER USE 2" A.R.V. AND FITTINGS. 3) IN SHUATIONS WHERE THE A,1I ASSEMBLY CANNOT BE OFFSET FROM TH-1 MAIN AN ADEQUATE FOUNDATION SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THE WATFR LINE DOES NOT SUPPORT -[HE MANHOLE CONE. AIR RELEASE VALVE (ARV) NIS FIC. W-9 TD-20 REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL 36"MIN LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION 24"M111' INITIAL BACKFILL* 87MIN (6" LIFTS) EMBEDIVIFINIT I - r � THOROUGHLY COMPACTED eY HAND OR APPROVED SPRING LINE MECHANICAL JAMPER OF PIPE _�HAUNCHING NO, 68 STONE BEDDING 5 rnax 4" mi"n FOUNDATION (SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UIISIABLE ALL PIPL) NOTE : 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RiGHT-OF-WAY SdALL BE BACKFILLFD ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. 2.FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVFD OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3.WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE (I,_, L TYPICAL SEWER PIPE 1,�-ZaA INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NIS FIG. 3-3 _TD-34 TD-27 TD-33 S U ) J J J ) U n u n n u i u u T L 7 n n CLT 7 _7 J J 7 n y O 0 V) 3 U C a) N O O U) N O C 3 0 (n 0 a L Q T C v L 0 D N 7 N II Y v D C 0 L U Q L 0 1) 0 3 c 70 N U 7 -D 0 L U_ O L v 0 c T E C O 0 Z_ W W Z O Z W Z J J O O v- 0 T L Q 0 L Q_ Q) > N D U X N N O L 0 V) C N E 7 U 0 "D U N D U 0 U) D "D C U) C U 0 U) N t Landscape Notes: CONTRACTOR TO USE EXTREME CARE AND CAUTION AS NOT TO DAMAGE ANY TREES SCHEDULED TO REMAIN OUTSIDE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. PROPERTY LINE SERVES AS LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. NO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OR STORAGE SHALL OCCUR WITHIN DRIPLINE OF EXISTING TREES. PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (LA) TO DISCUSS TREE PROTECTION EFFORTS. ALL TREE PROTECTION MEASURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY LA AND/OR TREE ARBORIST BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL TAKE PLACE ON —SITE. CONTRACTOR TO MONITOR TREES FOR STRESS AND/OR DAMAGE AND ADVISE LA AND TREE ARBORIST IF ANY OCCUR. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR TREE ARBORIST 48—HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIY NEEDED WITHIN ANY TREE PROTECTION MEASURE. ALL TREE PROTECTION MEASURES SHALL BE REPLACED IN ORIGINAL LOCATION ONCE WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED. NO WORK SHALL BE DONE WITHIN DRIPLINE OF EXISTING TREES UNLESS APPROVED BY TREE ARBORIST OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO WORK. ALL WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF ANY EXISITNG TREE OR TREE PROTECTION AREA SHALL BE DONE IN A MANNER SENSITIVE TO ENSURING NO DAMAGE WILL BE DONE TO THE EXISTING TREES. THE PREFERRED METHOD FOR GRADING SMALL AREAS WITHIN THE DRIPLINE SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. LARGER AREAS TO BE GRADED MAY BE DONE WITH A SMALL BOBCAT/TRACT—HOE. CONTRACTOR TO DISCUSS METHODS OF GRADING WORK WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND TREE ARBORIST PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY SUCH WORK WITHIN DESIGNATED TREE PROTECTION AREAS OR WITHIN EXISTING DRIPLINES. ALL PLANTS HAVING A QUANTITY GREATER THAN ONE(1) SHALL BE MATCHED AND SUPPLIED FROM THE SAME SOURCE (PER SPECIES). CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT THE TIME OF PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERY, BEFORE ANY SUBSTITUTIONS OR CHANGES, IF SCHEDULED TYPES ARE UNAVAILABLE, AND FOLLOWING INSTALLATION. ALL PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ORDERS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE ALL PLANT MATERIAL AT TIME OF DELIVERY AS WELL AS AFTER INITIAL PLACEMENT PRIOR TO PLANTING. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 48—HOURS PRIOR TO DELIVERY, PLANT LOCATIONS TO BE REEVALUATED AND REVISED, IF NECESSARY, AFTER FINISHED GRADING. MULCH IN PLANTERS AND PLANTING BEDS TO BE CLEAN AND FREE FROM PEST AND DISEASES. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED TO A 2—INCH DEPTH. MULCH RINGS 24—INCHES MIN. IN DIAMETER ARE TO BE PLACED AROUND ALL TREES NOT LOCATED IN PLANTING BEDS. MULCH TO BE DOUBLE—SHREDDEDHARDWOOD. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES BETWEEN PLAN AND PLANT LIST AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO ORDERING. ALL STREET TREES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. EXISTING ARCHER AVENUE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEE PLANS UNDER SUB201700217 T-77 6" DIP WIL - B Lu .1 F F�2 Q_ Q1) .t� -0 Lu 00 Q� 0 < uj Z z 00 --I— P - Lu U U w Z Ln Q� Lu V, PLA�,T SCHEDULE: SYMB,'OL I BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME I SIZE 1QUANTITY1 CANOPY I TOTAL CANOPYI TREES UAP I I ULMUS AIVIERICANATRINCETON' :IPRINCETON'ELM 2-1/2" cal. 1 5 1 397 1 1985 QS I IQUERCUS SHUMARDII ISHUMARD OAK 2-1/2" cal. 1 5 1 329 1 1645 UNDER�TORY TREES cc I ]CERCIS CANADENSIS EASTERN REDBUD 6' ht. 1 11 1 124 1 1364 SHRUB� IGS I I I LEX GLABRA 'SHAIVIROCK' ISHAMROCK'INKBERRY 24" m in. 1 30 1 23 1 690 JN I 1JASMINUM NUDIFLORUM IWINTERJASMINE 24" min. 1 19 1 10 190 OFFSITE LANDSCAPING (BLOCK 113 AREA) FOR FUTURE PARKING SPACES QS I EQUERCUSSHUMARDII LSHUMARD OAK 2-1/2" cal. 1 4 1 329 1316 JN I 1JASMINUM NUDIFLORUM IWINTERJASMINE 24" min. 1 78 1 10 780 1 TOTAI - 7970 LANDSCAPING CALCULATIONS: OFFSITE LANDSCAPING: TOTAL BLOCK :LA AREA = 51,967 SF �A__RKING LOT TREES: 4 ADDITIONAL SHUMARD OAKS (QS) REQUIRED LANDSCAPING CANOPY = 51,967 SF * io% = 5,196 SF PARKING LOT SHRUBS: 78 ADDITIONAL WINTER JASMINE (JIN) PROVIDED ONSITE LANDSCAPING CANOPY= 5,874 SIF OFFSITE LANDSCAPING CANOPY PROVIDED: 2,o96 SF PROVIDED OFFSITE LANDSCAPING CANOPY=2,o96 SF TOTAL LANDSCAPING CANOPY PROVIDED = 7,970 SF ONSITE PARKING & CIRCULATION INTERIOR LANDSCAPING TOTAL BLOCK:1A PARKING & CIRCULATION AREA = 14,78o SF REQUIRED PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING = -14,78o SF *5% = 739 SF PROVIDED PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING = 4,288 SF (7 CIS TREES & 5 UAP TREES) REQUIRED PARKING SPACE/INTERIOR LANDSCAPING = 7 SPACES * i TREE/io SPACES = i. TREE PROVIDED PARKING SPACE/INTERIOR LANDSCAPING = i TREE NOTES: 3.. STREET TREES REQUIRED BY SECTION 32.7.9-5. OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE ALONG SALAMANDER STREET ARE BEING PROVIDED ON THE ROAD PLANS (SUB2oi800=5). 2. LANDSCAPING PLANTS AND TREES ADJACENT TO THE SITE DISTANCE TRIANGLE WILL NEED TO BE MAINTAINED IN AREA BETWEEN 2 AND 7 FEET ABOVE GROUND AS A CLEAR ZONE TO PRESERVE SIGHT LINES AND ACCOMMODATE PEDESTRIANS. 3. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE FIRST PLANTING SEASON FOLLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OF THE DEVELOPMENT. 4. ALL LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY CONDITION BY THE CURRENT OWNER OR THE PROPERTY OWNERS'ASSOCIATION, AND REPLACED WHEN NECESSARY. REPLACEMENT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN. 11, Tree Planting and Staking Detail Not To Scale DOUBLE STRAND #12 GAUGE WIRE WITH RUBBER HOSE & TURNBUCKLES 2"x2" HARDWOOD STAKE CUT & REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL AS SHOWN SCARIFY SUBSOIL TO 4" MIN. DEPTH MULCH SAUCER FINISHED GRADE TREES UP TO 4" CAL. SHALL BE STAKED. TREES 4" CAL. OR LARGER SHALL BE GUYED WITH 3 EQUALLY SPACED TWISTED, #12 GAUGE WIRE WITH HOSE AND TURNBUCKLES. LOOP HOSE AROUND TRUNK ABOVE BRANCHES AS SHOWN, FLAG WIRES WITH COURVEY TAPE. REFER TO SPECS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. AMENDED SOIL MIX COMPACTED SUBGRADE Evergreen Tree Planting Detail Not To Scale TREES UP TO 4" CAL. SHALL BE STAKED WITH 2-2"x2" HARDWOOD STAKES. TREES OF 4" CAL. OR LARGER SHALL BE GUYED WITH 3 EQUALLY SPACED, TWISTED, AND TURNBUCKLES. LOOP HOSE AROUND TRUNK. FLAG WIRES WITH COURVEY TAPE. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION GUYWIRES WITH RUBBER HOSE AND TURNBUCKLES 213 UP TREE 2 "X2" HARDWOOD STAKES, ALIGN TOP OF STAKES MULCH SAUCER AMENDED SOIL MIX CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP n-13 OF BALL AS SHOWN SCARIFY SUBSOIL TO 4" MIN. DEPTH COMPACTED SUBGRADE 0 11SCOTT R. LLINSZ 0 U Lic. No. 035791,',c�,- 12 121/20 0 NAL t w L <C U) ca zu 0 Lu a ::) V) < 0 L U) > Lu > uj L Ice L Lu 0 U < u uj Lu > 1 LLJ U) Lu (D 0 LL 0 U) 00 CL Lu Lf) _j < ) 1 �-4 . LL C� C� LL' rq Ln r, 00 C:' —i C-4 cn Ln r" T-i r-i CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION Lu SEE PLANS UNDER EXISTING STREE 0 Lu BLOCK 6 TTREESJ SUB203.800-13.5 CEMETERY ALONG SALAMANDER STREET ir 'r-y—y—y—y'�( JOB NO. Z M LA_ r 182150 ELIZABETH ANN OGLESBY NIF CHARLES R. & BLOCK 8B 4 DB 5349 PC 402 i GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE 7' —18E TMP 46 BLOCK 19 0 15 \—C Go S S U EE U _Y_r_r_y__y Y_ RR P B2 y E L 0 IN A TL Ns Y 3. 800'1 L _(_(— _y__y_ 46:18E B 0 C K L M 1IIF W E AR� 1 =30' Z STANLEY MAR _C_ ............... COMPANIES, LLC SHEET NO. G 402 r DB ------- 5349 P IN FEET 1 inch = 30 f t. //A �j �j _j 0 0 q) U) Cn x 01 0 U) U) iz 0 0 0 U) C: 0 0 Q) 0 U, S__ 0 :3 0 D Q) 0 .Cm 0 Q) 0 Q) 0 Q) a 0 C: E 0 cr_ Li Li V) 0 0 0- 0 0- Q) (n x Q) q) U, :J 0 0 0 Cn Cn U) Q) (n Q) rc