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ARB201900098 Application 2019-08-14
' ` ;%, Community Development Department r,: i�� `A`'. Albemarle CO un . 401 to e Road Charlottesville.Va22902-4596 ,� ` 4,I :(434)296.-6832 Fax:(434)972-4126 \�r, . Planning Application PARCEL/ OWNER INFORMATION TMP 07600-00-00-055C0 Owner(s): MORRIS CREEK YACHT CLUB INC Application# ARB201900098 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description I ACREAGE PARCEL B HOLIDAY INN 5TH STREET . Magisterial Dist.!Scottsville E Land Use Primary Commercial 1 Current AFD l Mot in A/F District ri Current Zoning Primary[Highway Commercial [APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 600 FIFTH STREET LNDG CH.AR.LOTTESVILLE,22902 Entered By BuckSmith .Application Type Architectural Review Board l W14 2019 Project HOLIDAY INN CHARLOTTESVILLE MONTICELLO SIGN RELOCATION Received Date 07/16/19 Received Date Final Submittal Date 08/14/19 Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid Revision Number Comments CUSTOMER PAID ON 7/16/19,BUT DID NOT FORWARD PAYMENT INFORMATION TO COD AS ASKED. A, Legal Ad — __ .,„ SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Applicatio Comment SIGN 08/14/19 APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType Name Address CityState Zip Phone PhoneCell -- ._ __ M0RRIS CREEK YACHT CLUB INC P O BOX 508 PO RTLANDME 04112 ,�nn ' - `3v Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Aa-ej G c K114 11 'Mini THE OLYMPIA COMPANIES TRANSMITTAL TO: County of Albermarle Community Development 401 McIntire Road North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 COMPANY: DATE: 7/9/19 VIA: UPS PROJECT NAME: Application to effectuate an amendment to the existing sign permit(#B2011-00386-S Holiday Inn Sign) and ARB-2011-21 to add landscaping TRANSMITTING: (4) Packets containing the following documents: (1) Cover Letter (1) Sign Permit Application and Checklist (Includes Direct Action By Unanimous Consent Form) (1) Proposed Sign Relocation Site Plan (1) Proposed Sign Relocation Landscaping Plan (1) Proposed Sign Relocation Exterior Elevations COMMENTS: SENT BY: Chris Harris (207) 520-4139 charris@theocos.com 7 Custom House Street, 5th Floor Portland, Maine 04101 207-874-9990 tel I 207-874-9993 fax www.theolympiacompanies.com THE OLYMPIA lir COMPANIES July 8, 2019 County of Albermarle Community Development 401 McIntire Road North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 Ref: Application to effectuate an amendment to the existing sign permit(#B2011-00386-S Holiday Inn Sign) To Whom It May Concern; We are submitting the attached application to effectuate an amendment to the existing sign permit (#B2011-00386-S Holiday Inn Sign)for the Holiday Inn Charlottesville Monticello, located at 1200 5th Street SW in Charlottesville,Virginia. We are proposing to construct a sign (to match the existing) in an alternate location and provide surrounding landscaping to the new design. Currently,the existing sign has received ARB approval (#ARB 2011-21 Holiday Inn Sign) Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns upon reviewing the application. I can be reached directly at (207) 520-4139 or at charris@theocos.com. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, (----) Christopher Harris Project Manager 7 / / // / ///� V 4IN, .--"" -"--- ''''- / /''''\7' / /4 % / � ,t� / / / // / , ,\ i. . c .. ,- loos. - , 40 /� / 6—Apricot Dr' �� 'ose / / Gt •• SETBACK / 6—'Car' so' Hotly �`"', 26—'Majesti.' Liriop- >� NEVI LOCATIONS 'i,`=',1,,, ,, Sin O% FREESTANDING x� p / SIGN FOR THE I / -IOLpAY INN iii,% - ` 1 e' '-:VII -i.iik I , / , ilir 2—'Okame' Cherry 1 lip t / / / (___ #1k6‘ , Ilk iillft \ `�fr�wlei 1 <, ----- ---; EX. PROPERT LINE Ile ...--- / , ,. Ilk, N\ al COLLINS ENGINEERING EXHIBIT SCALE 200 GARRETT STREET,SUITE K - CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 - 434.293.3719 HOLIDAY INN SIGN RELOCATION SHEET 1 of 1 AMENDMENT TO THE PERMIT AB2011-00386.S HOLIDAY INN SIGN AND TO#ARB-2011-21 TO ADD LANDSCAPING /„. ;.'"• .77 7'T - __ / o �j / ass APPROXIMATE �� j 7/ % $, 1` LOCATION & SIZE OF / �, ;; ' PROPOSED SIGN / ...., 401141„.-1, jiirr " f% 7z ., • 4111 4( ..,r4-44411 . 07. 7 ' ••',-7- 04-1.1P40114 \V c.0 \\ : r ' ,c0' -'.'2 Zy / dor,4 -- --,,,,Q; . y 7 . 10, 4,0 co -c), ce ..stkv , , .,. i ....... . . is),,.. 1 / '; (A,7,,,,,,....,.5:,:rxtriedjih6,,.. Q 0 A31'028 � iQ.% M / \ .Wt�� % / I INytRT IN=,c4 78 11.\®'1q. 0 I 'is•T OUT=1 4\4 .3 78 ,100.404111N^ �qi /. � / 1 / ( ,t, \ \ ,,- 14\N‘Ailwit / 44;4 , , \ \ , , F /I / it'7 .,,::,.11)>,...„-. / / / IfWV/;4 41 11) �\ Iark\ 111:::2 .�� Ito.. , , ,\,,..., \\\ go . -4,7** / i *\,)k ,r-\\ \, 4\ iv .. ..;.... NEW LOCATION ,/ ; K ��� ♦. ' ;; \ �� 1'� \ \ OF FREESTANDING , � . `fy� ��1 SIGN FOR ,`3 ♦ \ '`,, \/ A HOLIDAY INN/, / / I „,`\.` ��'. ,l \ / / ✓/ _____,_/ , r 80\\,, ._ , NI .2,\�,- ,8, • .,,.��SN\R E IN T �,,,,... 5, � /RCp I VERT •UT= 8833 ` ����� OR / ET\ , \ / ,\ \'''''' T'��90 72 �� � �.� �'^ PR ERN �'/ INVERT 385.78 �\ ®L -V. \,-*\ \ LI INVERT OUT=385 8 \ ��� �� " \ \A, . • 4114 N N % GEI COLLINS ENGINEERING EXHIBIT 1 SCALE 200 GARRETT STREET,SUITE K - CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 - 434.293.3719 HOLIDAY INN SIGN RELOCATION SHEET 1 of 1 iAMENDMENT TO THE PERMIT#B2011-00386-S HOLIDAY INN SIGN AND TO#ARB-2011-21 TO ADD LANDSCAPING PROPOSED SIGNAGE AMENDMENT TO THE PERMIT#B2011-00386 S HOLIDAY INN SIGN Rs s 128ss1 Rs'-o"(1829] AND TO#ARB-2011-21 ToP View ?. t J tq €? `. •.:, r� .C'+t . r• �-• 2'-3" 6'-31/2" I err * `t • gf•.r_�. Holiday/Inn .. ..,...,,•. , .tApproximate S a: ~1 U ,.. illil in 25SF �. ... 0 : . Holiday r . iiiimm. , . Lfir.. .tr __ - 1 _ _ - r,' a . IL I i I 1 I I • I I Proposed Custom Double-Faced _ hoirday Inn :,< '' - ' Internally Illuminated ; ,r' ,u White sign to be opa Pylon Sign- • Custom P-25- 11'-1"tall w/Brick Base (28 sq.ft.) _ 0 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" CABINET: • ALUMINUM ROUTED FACE FOR PUSH-THRU COPY • 'MONOGRAM LOGO'TO BE'/:"CLEAR ACRYLIC WITH 1"SURFACE DIGITALLY PRINTED VINYL. "H"OF LOGO TO ILLUMINATE WHITE GREEN AREA OF LOGO TO BE OPAQUE 3/4"EDGE OF LOGO TO ILLUMINATE WHITE • LETTERS"HOLIDAY INN"TO BE''/:"CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH-THRU W/1"SURFACE GREEN VINYL Night Illumination Detail E; *Final dimensions to be verified in field • BRICK BASE SHALL MATCH BRICK OF BUILDING -111PP'- '• * S" .1 . • ^I... , ,•,, I ilk„.' it-..: '-. ..S..-*' '' r::. '. i• i .., 1.f . . • -... '' • A . t •‘ -I ..k 4 ,etiiiiiishirdohiv, . ..'„,,. .,41,'" • „.4. . ” ..., ,-• ---4.-••••,,..-••• ..1.t. ..-.,„., • •* i .. _. ' .. .... ,I • • .i'''''. ' ' t.. '.1 .1., ‘,.••.%..- .. '. ' -.i$Ci..447*.'t-e' .. I, . . . ... . 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