HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200700027 Review Comments 2008-01-04 OF A
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Joan McDowell, Principal Planner
From: John Shepherd, Manager of Zoning Administration
Division: Current Development
Date: January 4, 2008
Subject: Re: SP 2007-027 Emmanuel Episcopal Church
These comments are based on the revised plan and description dated December 12, 2007.
1. The response to comments proposes 133 spaces. The Zoning Administrator must
approve this number of parking spaces. Please refer to her comments.
The applicant has applied for a variance to disturb critical slopes. That is not the correct
process. This matter must be reviewed and approved by the planning commission as a
waiver rather than as a variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals. The request must address
all criteria set forth in section 4.2. That information must be reviewed by a County engineer
prior to the formulation of a recommendation to the Commission.
These provisions are created to implement the comprehensive plan by protecting and conserving
steep hillsides together with public drinking water supplies and flood plain areas and in
recognition of increased potential for soil erosion, sedimentation,water pollution and septic
disposal problems associated with the development of those areas described in the comprehensive
plan as critical slopes. It is hereby recognized that such development of critical slopes may result
in: rapid and/or large-scale movement of soil and rock; excessive stormwater run-off; siltation of
natural and man-made bodies of water; loss of aesthetic resource; and in the event of septic system
failure,a greater travel distance of septic effluent, all of which constitute potential dangers to the
public health, safety and/or welfare. These provisions are intended to direct building and septic
system locations to terrain more suitable to development and to discourage development on
critical slopes,and to supplement other regulations regarding protection of public water supplies
and encroachment of development into flood plains. (Amended 11-15-89)
Where modification of regulations is sought pursuant to section 4.2.5,such request shall address
each concern specified in section 4.2. (Added 11-15-89)
2. On November 15, 2007 I commented: (17-317 B) The revised concept plan shows the
stream buffer on the site. The line must be revised to show that the buffer includes the
flood plain. The plan was revised to show the stream buffer 100 feet from the flood plain.
The ordinance requires that the buffer extend 100 feet from the stream or the edge of the
flood plain, whichever is greater. While it has no effect on the development that is
proposed with this request the buffer should be revised again to meet the ordinance.
B. If the development is located within a water supply protection area,stream buffers shall
be retained if present and established where they do not exist on any lands subject to this article containing
perennial or intermittent streams,nontidal wetlands contiguous to these streams, and flood plains. The
stream buffer shall extend to whichever of the following is wider: (i)one hundred(100)feet on each side of
perennial or intermittent sticaui and contiguous nontidal wetlands,measureu„or,zontally from the edge of
the nontidal wetlands, or the top of the stream bank if no wetlands exist; or(ii)the limits of the flood plain.
The stream buffer shall be no less than two hundred(200)horizontal feet wide from the flood plain of any
public water supply impoundment.
3. On November 15, 2007 I commented: (4.17.4.a & 4.17.5) The light fixture shown on
Sheet 6 / 7 does not meet the definition of full cut off luminaire. Section 4.17.5 sets forth
the procedure to request a modification of this regulation. THIS IS A NEW COMMENT.
The revised plan shows a fixture that does not meet the definition of full cutoff luminaire. The
process to request a modification of this standard is set forth in section 4.17.5. The sections
are copied below for reference.
The following definitions shall apply in the implementation and enforcement of these outdoor
lighting regulations:
Full cutoff luminaire. The term"full cutoff luminaire"means an outdoor light fixture shielded in
such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from
the fixture, is projected below the horizontal plane.
The following standards shall apply to each outdoor luminaire:
a. Except as provided in section 4.17.6,each outdoor luminaire subject to these outdoor lighting
regulations shall be a full cutoff luminaire. (Amended 10-17-01)
Any standard of section 4.17.4.a may be modified or waived in an individual case, as provided
herein: (Amended 10-17-01)
a. The commission may modify or waive any standard set forth in section 4.17.4.a in an
individual case,and the commission may impose conditions on such a modification or waiver
which it deems appropriate to further the purposes of these outdoor lighting regulations, in
either of the following circumstances: (Amended 10-17-01)
1. Upon finding that strict application of the standard would not forward the purposes of this
chapter or otherwise serve the public health,safety or welfare,or that alternatives
proposed by the owner would satisfy the purposes of these outdoor lighting regulations at
least to an equivalent degree.
2. Upon finding that an outdoor luminaire, or system of outdoor luminaires,required for an
athletic facility cannot reasonably comply with the standard and provide sufficient
illumination of the facility for its safe use,as determined by recommended practices
adopted by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America for that type of
facility and activity or other evidence if a recommended practice is not applicable.
(Amended 10-17-01)
b. Prior to considering a request to modify or waive, five(5)days' written notice shall be
provided to the owner, owner's agent or occupant of each abutting lot or parcel and each
parcel immediately across the street or road from the lot or parcel which is the subject of the
request. The written notice shall identify the nature of the request and the date and time the
commission will consider the request.
c.The board of supervisors shall consider a modification or waiver of this section only as
1. The denial of a modification or waiver, or the approval of a modification or waiver with
conditions objectionable to the developer may be appealed to the board of supervisors as
an appeal of a denial of the plat,as provided in section 14-226 of the Code,or the site
plan, as provided in sections or,to which the modification or waiver
pertains.A modification or waiver considered by the commission in conjunction with an
application for a special use permit shall be subject to review by the board of supervisors.
2. In considering a modification or waiver,the board may grant or deny the modification or
waiver based upon the finding set forth in subsection(a),amend any condition imposed
by the commission, and impose any conditions it deems necessary for the reasons set
forth in subsection(a). Otherwise,neither the grant nor denial of a modification or
waiver may be appealed to the board. (Amended 10-17-01)
4. This revision also contains a request for a variance of certain parking standards. Again,
this is not the correct process. Section 4.12.2 & 4.12.3 provide the process to request a
modification of parking standards set forth in section 4.12.15 and 4.12.16. The request
must address all criteria set forth in section 4.12. That information must be reviewed by a
County Engineer prior to the formulation of a recommendation to the Commission.
These can be approved administratively by the Zoning Administrator upon the advice of
the County Engineer.
The plan indicates that the parking areas will be treated with "shot and chip paving." The
County Engineer has informed me that this term should be deleted and replaced with "prime
and double seal" to avoid any confusion about this standard. This could be included as a
condition of approval.
2. The zoning administrator may modify or waive a design requirement in sections 4.12.15,
4.12.16,4.12.17,4.12.18 and 4.12.19 only after consultation with the county engineer,
who shall advise the zoning administrator whether the proposed waiver or modification
would equally or better serve the public health,safety or welfare.
3. In granting a modification or waiver,the zoning administrator may impose such
conditions as deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare. In
granting a request to modify the minimum number of parking spaces required by section
4.12.6,the zoning administrator may also require that the developer reserve an area on
the lot equal to the reduced number of parking spaces for a specified period, and under
conditions, imposed by the zoning administrator.
The following design requirements and minimum improvements shall be provided for all off-street
parking areas consisting of four(4)or more parking spaces:
a.Surface materials. All parking areas consisting of four(4)or more spaces shall be surfaced.
The surface materials for parking areas and access aisles shall be subject to review and
approval by the county engineer,based upon the intensity of usage and Virginia Department
of Transportation pavement design guidelines and specifications. The county engineer may
approve the use of alternative surfaces deemed equivalent in regard to strength, durability,
sustainability and long term maintenance for the intensity of the use.
as provided in Section 602 of the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual.
g. Curb and gutter in parking areas and along travelways. Curbs shall be established at the
edges of parking areas or access aisles in the following circumstances: (1)in all commercial
or institutional developments requiring eight(8)or more parking spaces;(2)in all multifamily
dwelling and townhouse developments requiring eight(8)or more parking spaces; (3)
where necessary to control or direct stormwater runoff;(4)where a sidewalk is located closer
than four(4)feet from the edge of an access aisle; and(5)where necessary to contain
vehicular traffic to protect pedestrians and/or property. Gutters shall be required where
necessary to control or direct stormwater runoff. The county engineer may waive or modify
this requirement if deemed necessary to accommodate stormwater management/BMP facility
design or existing uses located in the Rural Areas(RA)zoning district.
The following design requirements and minimum improvements shall be provided for all parking
spaces within parking areas or parking bays:
c. Minimum parking space size. Parking spaces shall be the minimum sizes, and have the
minimum aisle width,provided below:
1.Perpendicular parking. For perpendicular parking,the minimum space and aisle widths
shall be:
Width(ft.)Length(ft.)Aisle Width(ft.)
10 18 20
9 18 24
2.Parallel parking. For pa,aiic!parking,the minimum space shall be:
9 20
3.Angled parking. For angled parking,the minimum space and aisle widths shall be:
60 16 20.1 9 18 4.5 10.4 35.7 36.1 56.2 87.8 107.9
45 14 19.1 9 186.4 12.7 31.8 33.1 52.278.998
3012 16.89187.8 18 25.8 28.8 45.6 66.6 83.4
60 20 20.1 9 18 4.5 10.4 35.7 40.1 60.2 95.8 115.9
45 20 19.1 9 18 6.4 12.7 31.8 39.1 58.290.9110
30 20 16.8 9 18 7.8 18 25.8 36.8 53.6 82.6 99.4
All depths,widths and lengths in the tables above are stated in feet.All angled parking
must have a parking envelope that is nine(9)feet by eighteen(18)feet within each
angled parking space.The dimensions of angled parking(as provided in the above tables
in columns A,B,E,F,G,H and I)shall be measured as provided in Section 602.1
(Figure 6-4)of the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual.
e.Bumper blocks. Bumper blocks shall be provided in parking spaces in the following
circumstances,unless waived by the county engineer:(1)the parking area has no curb or curb
and gutter;(2)the parking has curb or curb and gutter and there is a sidewalk located closer
than two(2)feet from the edge of the parking area,except that bumper blocks shall not be
required where a sidewalk has a minimum width of six(6)feet. Bumper blocks shall be
constructed of a durable material such as concrete or treated timbers.Each bumper block
shall be a minimum length of six(6)feet,a maximum height of five(5)inches,and shall be
securely anchored into the pavement in at least two(2)places.
(§, 12-10-80; 11-16-83;6-14-89;Ord. 01-18(6), 10-3-01;Ord. 03-18(1),2-5-03)
Please contact me if you have questions.