HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB200400011 Application 2004-01-26 01/14/2004 10:03 FAX 434 972 4126 BLD CODE & ZONING 0003
its SubmYiitd---- cJ 3 ARB Meeting Date - tJ
Architectural Review Board Application (tat.......,..
.47.,,.. .07
, ❑ Preliminary Site Development Plan ❑ Final Site Development Plan U Amendment to a Site Development-Plan
O No Fee acquired O 3200 Fee Required O No Fee Required
❑ Preliminary Building Permit 0 Final Building Permit al Sign(Certificate of Appropriateness)
0 No Reacquired O No Fee Required O 575 Fee Required(no fee requited if sign meets
conditions of con ,ehensive sign review)
U Conceptual Site/Building Design ❑Advisory Review(SP/ZMA) ❑ Revisions to a Certificate of Appropriateness
O No Fee acquired O Ne Fee Required O Ne Fce Required (ref AMM )
Project Name: 3-0a cr \l Ir A r I'S /f/.
Tax Map and Parcel: ' -5- P Magisterial District: A --r(t/&r _CA:Zoning: t•t ix,y CO rrs rx.N.(c Tct j
r•APhysical Street Address(if assigned): /d'ly 9. t e In r-r-t, .d ,loci. l / /' L 1
Location of property/ (landmarks,intersections.or other): a t r(a4 t�c et >a 4' - C/A�o,�w*1 &,'/(- �/ 4 /So (1 i / /u r,J
i•e?t1' to (:�or(oT/r,su�l1e -appr. /A in ce,A_o.ss JA�AQrn old xi„,08t•.c..ii, /Js 1' , 51`c r-A,r oee as('
Sil e rf u.) ;ft. ,4r t.I�3 1 1'r�a(Ccir A. fair SAa p / �J
Contact Person/Business Name: 2Ascr',e. CS-;q„/ci Ti,,,,, _ f1/l�tl,s 1 )J,1
Address L&Si'8 J• Am ken-4 iL City iVa d/so.�JAI?it State Vim. -Zip a 9 2
Daytime Phone(r/i/() -Rif 6-Lv''G Alf Fax#(�l,t y R
) "/ `�V 5/6 E-mail � e we .SS ,ta/CaoLe'a Al
Owner of Record S „,6t CV o-� e LLJ -, '„�f i,„,, . V
Address City State Zip ,
Daytime Phone( 1 Fax 4( )'7 E-mail -
Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?): 6- rjill// -lulu Si i- S l(/�G LI-e 2r_rw t I
Address >A 0- 2 le Amend eA o/ City e`ia doges-o:fir State -ate Zip AiL 2
J f0
Daytime Phone( gi.ti i'll O`l Fax#( ) E-mail_
Architect; —
Address City State Zip
Daytime Phone(_1' Fax#( ) E-mail '
OFFICE USE c 'X ('/ /� �n�
Fee amount S 7."` Date Paid //1(p/b Check# 83 By Who? 6/tx-4(lP i 3 f�7 Receipt a 6993 By l7
County of Albemarle Department of Planning& Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5823 Fax: (434)972-4012
T 12/18/02 Page I of
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JAN 2 6 2004
01/14/2004 10:03 FAX 434. 972 4126 BLD CODE & LONING -- 0005
Description of applicat (Describe your proposal: Attach a separate sh necessary.)
- •ir 9l'+A11 [ 1 z gall Mp���I'Ci -e C„aler ,v,4 i
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This space for office use.
- i
- i
Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign
This application is not complete without the appropriate checklist and submittal materials.
The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and I understand the
provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance.
f-v90 -0V
Signature of Owner, Contract Purchaser,Agent Date
asp W e 1 11—eS L'-5-`66 a Y
Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory
1 J 18/02 Page 2 or
V1/14/ZUV4 1V:UJ t'AA 4J4 U14 4140 DLO I.VVt 6c LVlv1LN , LJUUO
by the
Architectural Review Board
Checklist of Requirements ARB-
Jote to Applicants: The following information is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB,prior to processing a
certificate of Appropriateness by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal.
['his checklist must be signed and included with your submittal package. Your package must include 8 collated
:ubmittal`packets. Each packet must contain folded copies of each of your submittal materials.
'reject Name: ( 1 r /tai
3 i. Complete application,including:
❑ tax map and parcel numbers 78- —
O location and street address I /9- ie- `IN"j 7Noa Fol - "14 Soy;
❑ name of contact person with current address,phone numbers,and fax number i 11ti s Webb LI S 4-$41 5-Gt4 N
❑ written description of proposal(include a separate sheet if necessary)ins�a 111ed fYoA ',me Art 5'o0/dm/til I I tf4e rs
❑ written narrative of how proposal is compatible with the surrounding area and the Entrance Corridor(include
a separate sheetif ne essary) i' : I� o� �gc rouw ,r- ;,14,„.L I i'r/4 - s;8N
30tCS preyicJi 6
R y co,aA-1' _
2. 8 copies of a colored rendering,to scale,of the front and side elevation(showing thickness and/or projections)of
the proposed sign showing the size and shape of the sign, the style and location of lettering and graphics, and the base
and/or frame of the sign.
3. 8 copies of a description(in drawings and/or text)of the design details of the sign(s), including:
Vail Sign •
Channel letter signs: //� �
O sign materials: ,oyo .Clefs �Y " backs CSe e ,51Lc�f�rt
• sign area&overall sign heighc,from,the_ground .. /8' to �heHo
o sign length,width and depth: .'�$ ot6''- `,3" ?" Ape e cocky
❑ linear footage of business frontage: GG r
❑ style and spacing of letters: . sk•e p.. v' ''
a text to be included on sign: Ili / . �
❑ color names(s)&number(s)of faces,trimcaps and returns*: —f — s- r. _• }1 �'__ __
❑ color name(s) &number(s)of graphics*: No r,p47c.s
❑ method of attachment(i.e.,raceway or mounted dirIttly to wall):')ace corny
❑ color name&number of raceway*: -I shoe * 6e e sct'p I e.
*color names and numbers can be any stand �d color identification system, i.e., PMS,Benjamin Moore,
acrylic number,etc.
cabinet signs:
sign materials:
o sign area&ov ra height from the ground:
❑ sign length,width and h:
❑ linear footage of business fro e: ,• "`�
❑ style and spacing of letters: z
❑ text to be included on sign:
o color name(s)and nu r(s)of text*:
O color name(s)and mber(s)of graphics":_ -
❑ description j 'ame structure:
*color namessad numbers can be any standard color identification system, i.e., PMS. Benjamin Moore. acrylic
number. etc.
January 2003 Page 1 of 2
V1/14e4VV4 1V.V4 CAA 4J4 V$4 4140 DLL LIVL?Z Qc LV1V11Vb IJt)V7
Freestanding signs: k. / L /
_ :7 sign materials: 'e
❑ overall sign height from the_ground:
o cabinet size:
a base size: a! �,/a ' T{,it*
o style and spacing of letters: S e e s A e lei
o color name(s)and number(s)of text*: Q318`9 Z$ p j2 v•;_ei/4 s. ,t)/„ e. 7
❑ color name(s)and number(s)of graphics•: No rqw
1 ,
o design details of the base: us,940 _ =-�- ,�J- ✓
*color names and numbers can ly stars color identifaation-system,.i.e.,.PMS,Benjamin Moore,
acrylic number,etc.
4. 8 sets of accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in the sign, preferably in the material proposed. (For
example,a paint chip accurately reflecting the colors is acceptable.)
3 5. For monument signs: 8 copies of a sketch plan, to scale, showing the proposed location of the sign and any
proposed related-landscapi g. The plan shall t'tielude the botanical names and planting sizes of the proposed plants.
1\104e. +Y at . —�- ask-g C1i 93V0.14. 1a
0 6. For internally illuminated signs,8 copies of lightinginfornon,includin : _ -�G .�
o illumination type,intensity,and color a3t sbh)- coa K: s
C] identification of areas of the sign that are opaque and illuminated. Only the business name shall be
illuminated. (An opaque material does not allow light to pass through it. Objects cannot be seen through an
opaque material. When lit only from behind.the color of an opaque material cannot be detected at night.)
3 7. For externally illuminated signs,8 copies of lighting inf Qrmation,including:
o location of all proposed wall and ground lighting -NON'.
o descriptions of proposed lighting fixtures, including manufacturer's cut sheets for all proposed fixtures, and
information on illumination type,intensity,style,shielding,color,and height
a 8. For each wall to receive a sign, 8 copies of a sketch or modified photograph of the entire building face showing
the sign in its proposed location,to scale.
9. For wall signs, 8 copies of a sketch or modified photograph of the business frontage showing the sift in its
proposed location,to scale.
I0. 8 copies of any additional material the applicant believes will clarify the proposal.
Jnly completed applications will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without this
:hecklist,completed and signed, and the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist.
lead and Sian: I hereby state that,to the best of my knowledge, the attached application contains all information
-equired by this checklist.
>tgnature of owner Date
'Tinted name Daytime phone number
County of Albemarle,Department of Planning and Community Development Room 218
401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902,Voice: 434-296-5823, Fax: 434-972.4012
January 2003 Page 2 of 2
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