HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201000057 Other 2021-06-02Registration Statement
General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VARt0)
(Please Type or Print All Information)
1. Construction Activity operator: (General permit coverage will be issued to this operator. rha Certification in Item #f 2 must be
signed by the appropriate person associated with this operator.)
, wvdre it ucu may transmit general permit correspondence electronically: Yes ❑ No
2. Existing General Permit Registration Number (for renewals only): 3yrj} — 1?, — it
3. Name and Location of the Construction Activity:
Name:__'tiiAskvf �",Lt't'k� ,Jv(dr"1 r ;R3vtr S'tt` cf xfrr.� 'a 1 vtn+ y iltm'y�
Address (if available): I
County (if not located within a City): IpCA"V t
Latitude (dedmat degrees): 37, it i5 (q 3 Longituce (decimal degrees): —
Name and Location of all Off -site Support Activities to be covered under the general permit:
Address (if
Court ty (if not located within a City):
Latitude (decimal degrees): Lengltude (decimal degrees):
4. Status of the Construction Activity (check only one): Federalu State ❑ Public ❑ Private
5. Nature of the Construction Activity (e,g., commercial, industrial. residential, agricultural, oil and gas, etc.):
4i psi o..' t-Ai
6. Name of the Receiving Water(s) and Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC):
Name: Mo'cizyes crock, Name:
HUC:_ rzia7Sty;cIOAtO;L HUC:
7. If the discharge is through a Municipal Separate storm sewer system (M54), the neme of the MS4 operator:
S. Estimated Project Start and Completion Date:
Start Date (mm/ddi ,all `P.y1'v Completion Date (mmldd( , J i '�
9. Total Land Area of Development
(to the nearest one -hundredth acre); (,,, "7 j
Estimated Area to be Disturbed (to the nearest one -hundredth acre):_ r it . 71
10. Is the area to be disturbed part of a larger common plan of development or sale? Yes ❑ No I
11. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the General
VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities nor to submitting this Registration Statement.
By signing this Registration Statement the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared.
12. Certification: 'I certify under penalty of law that I have read and uncerstand this Registration Statement and that this document
and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and
evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons
directly responsible for gathering the information.. the information submitted is to the cast of my knowledge and belief true,
accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of
fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.'
Printed Name:___,,;' n
._„ Signature: L.�_dL•- Date._
hem #1.)
(Please sign in INK. This Certificatio must be signed by the appropriate person associated with the operator identified in
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General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10)
Transfer Agreement
(Please Type or Print All Information)
Instructions: The General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) may be
automatically transferred to a new operator if the current operator notifies the permK-issuing authority at least 30
days in advance of the proposed transfer of the title to the facility or property, the notice includes a written
agreement between the existing and new operator containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility,
coverage, and liability between them.
Please mail the original copy of this agreement to:
Department of Environmental Quality
Office of Stormwater Management, 10th Floor
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218
Stormwater General Permit Number: (J�tZ, 7- Date of Transfer: �77
Construction Activity Name: 'Z�
CURRENT OPERATOR (Permit coverage was authorized for this operator):
Construction Activity Operator: t1ue„" e`I:rS LLf
City: hn--i o_t c- V State: Zip: 3L�
Phone: H " -
"i hereby agree to the transfer of the above referenced Construction Stormwater General Permit coverage."
New OPERATOR (Permit coverage will be transferred to this operator):
Construction Activity Operator ? /axa X� c
Mailing Address: i'' &)(. 7$�,'
City: _ i , Zv s CSaJ?c
�`�-- ,.- _State: �'sb 2ip:7-24'Rcs
Phone: -11/2
"I hereby agree to the transfer of the above referenced Construction Stormwater General Permit coverage, and
agree to accept all permit responsibility, coverage, and liability of the permit."
Print Name- t, t, ` l� tom- Tifle:L44ss�„,�..
Signat , li �r
��� 4--^S i �r � Date:_ Ce l21� .'ti
(Please sign in IN 1and submit 1:6 original to DEQ at the above referenced address and retain copies for your files.)
(DEQ 199-191) (08/13)
(Please Type or Print All Information)
Instructions: Applicants for a Construction Activity Individual Permit are required to pay permit application fees. Fees are
also required for registration for coverage under a Construction Activity General Permit. Fees must be paid when
applications for state permit issuance, reissuance, modification or transfer are submitted. Applications will be considered
incomplete if the proper fee is not paid and will not be processed until the fee is received.
The fee schedule for state permits is included with this form. Fees for state permit issuance, reissuance, maintenance,
modification and transfer are included. Once you have determined the fee for the type of application you are submitting,
complete this form. The original copy of the form and your check or money order payable to 'Treasurer of Virginia"
should be mailed to:
Department of Environmental Quality
Receipts Control
P.O. Box 1104
Richmond, VA 23218
A copy of this form and a copy of your check or money order should accompany the permit application (or registration
statement). You should retain a copy for your records.
Construction Activity Operator:
Name: iY1Gp n!
City: X&gy\fS Lino State: V_ZIP: 029S0 Phone:_510 - -211- 0 3 70
Email address (if available):,, AC,611Cr Go"In CAs} Ae±
Name and Location of the Construction Activity:
Name: c2 A ,'A; `� 9clje
City: < h^�ac-)o4-+es,j lle State:_zip: a21702 —
County: Piyw
Type of State Permit: ❑ Construction Activity Individual Permit [Construction Activity General Permit
(from Fee Schedule)
Type of Action: ❑ New Issuance ❑ Reissuance ❑ Maintenance
❑ Modification D� Transfer $300
Amount of Fee Submitted (from Fee Schedule):_ 300 t QCpD
Existing General Permit Registration Number (if applicable): na'0 — d I— 100 3 i� b
Date: DC #:
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F,:3'm' 1'Pa'l r �V�L�— '�%
11-0514031641: 458 2950u'
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Street address: 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia23219
Molly Joseph Ward Matifng address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 David K. Paylor
Secretary ofNatoml Reaoweaa Fax: 804-6984019 - TDD (804) 698-4021 Dimctw
vnvw.deq.vmginiagov (804) 698-4020
6/612014 1-900-592-5482
Avon Properties LLC
321 E Main St Ste 201
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Transfer of General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities
(VAR10) Permit Coverage # VAR10.11-100866, Avinity -Residential
Dear Alan Taylor:
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) staff has received and reviewed the request to transfer
permit coverage number VAR 10-11-100866 to Alan Taylor, Avon Properties LLC. Based on staff
review, the project has been determined to be eligible for transfer and coverage under the General Permit
for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR] 0). The date of transfer of the
Construction General Permit coverage is and your permitcwverage number is: VARIO-I1-100866.
A copy of the Construction General Permit (VARI O) can be found on the DEQ web page at
htto✓/www.den vireinia.eov/Porals/OME0/Water/Pubticadons/CCPvar10 od£ Please print and read the
permit thoroughly, as you are responsible for meeting all permit conditions diming the permitted land
disturbing activity. The Construction General Permit expires on June 30, 2014.
A copy of this permit tramfer coverage letter must be retained with the Construction General Permit and
the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan at the construction site from the date of commencement of
construction activity to the date of final stabilization.
If you have any questions or cannot print a copy of the permit, please contact Holly Sepety at (804) 698-
Sincerely, v
Frederick K. Cunningham, Director
Office of Water Permits
Street address: 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia23219
Molly Joseph Warta Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 David K. Paylor
Secretary of Natural Resources Fax: 904.6984019 - TDD (804) 698-4021 Director
www.deq.virginia.gov (804)6994020
6/6/2014 1-800-592.5482
Contour Construction
1713 Allied St
Charlottesville, VA 22903
RE: Transfer of General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction
Activities (VAR10) Permit Coverage #VARIO-11-100866, Avinity - Residential
Dear Mark Hutchison:
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) staff has received and reviewed the request to
transfer the Construction General Permit coverage number VARIO-11-100866 to Alan Taylor,
Avon Properties LLC. Based on staff review, the permit has been determined to be eligible for
transfer and will be transferred to Alan Taylor, Avon Properties LLC on 5/30/2014. Please
retain a copy of this permit coverage transfer letter with your files.
If you have any questions please contact Holly Sepety at (804) 698-4039,
Frederick K. Cunningham, Director
Office of Water Permits
Cc: Avon Properties LLC
Awwl /
General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10)
Transfer Agreement
(Please Type or Print All Information)
Instructions: The General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) may be
automatically transferred to a new operator if the current operator notifies the permit -issuing authority at least 30
days in advance of the proposed transfer of the title to the facility or property, the notice includes a written
agreement between the existing and new operator containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility,
coverage, and liability between them.
Please mail the original copy of this agreement to:
Department of Environmental Quality r %6-
Office of Stormwater Management, 10th Floor DEQ WATER 61VISION
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218 SUN Q i 2U14
Stormwater General Permit Number: i(ttR' I fl"II �) OD$bb
Construction Activity
CURRENT OPERATOR (Permit coverage was authorized for this operator):
Construction Activity Operator: C'e(40ac C&Gsson cfi0,)
Mailing Address: 1713 A 11; ed 54cr --+
State: VA Zip: 9a963
Phone: 1+3`f- AIH-0001
"1 hereby agree to the transfer thea b a referenced Construction Stormwater Ge erallPPermit coverage:"
Print Name: Title: rt V
Signature: Date: l
NEW OPERATOR (Permit coverage will be transferred to this operator):
Construction Activity Operator: &IaA Pcype_ 1` eS j--�-C-
C �� �" ' �-_l
Mailing Address: L 3a1 [.�. t "YA;P �J'CC' �.'� a01
City: (� �cs� t3i"S�Vr11 e— State: Vh Zip: 29,1702,
Phone: — oasis ^ f'-193 a
"I hereby agree to the transfer of the above referenced Construction Stormwater General Permit coverage, and
agree to accept all permit responsibility, coverage, and liability of the permit." f�//�
Print Name: / 1w V Title: /J
Signature: Date: 13 el77! Y
(Please sign in INK and submit the orig al to DEQ at the above referenced address and retain copies for your files.)
(DEQ 199-191) (08/13)
Douglas W. Domenech +y-;'' �,
Secretary of Natural Resources .r .
203 Govcmor Street
Riehmon4 Vagina 23219.2010
Contour Construction
1713 Allied St
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(804) 786-1712
December 22, 2010
David A. Johnson
RE: VSMP Construction Stormwater General Permit No. VAR10-11-100866, Avinity -
Residential - Avon Street Extended, Just South of Cale Elementary School - Albemarle County
Dear Mark Hutchinson:
The staff has received your registration statement for the proposed land -disturbing project under the
V SMP General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) on
12/22/2010. The project's date of coverage is either the date in which you receive this letter or fifteen
business days after the postmark date of the project's complete registration packet submittal to DCR.
By submission of the registration statement, you acknowledge that the proposed project is eligible for
coverage under the General Permit and you have agreed to the conditions in the General Permit
including any applicable conditions regarding Total Maximum Daily Loads and 'unpaired waters. A
copy of the General Permit is available on the DCR web page at
F. R . V1.vugrma.govt3011_ana water/aocumentstvsmpgenpermvarl0.pdf. Print the VAR10
permit and read it carefully as you are responsible for meeting ail the permit conditions. The General
Permit will expire on June 30, 2014.
Your project specific permit registration number is VAR10-11-100866. A copy of this permit coverage
letter, registration statement, copy of the VAR10 permit, and the project's stormwater pollution
prevention plan (SWPPP) must be at the construction site from the date of commencement of the
construction activity to final stabilization. In addition, DCR staff conducts periodic site inspections for
compliance with the permit.
Additional information on the permit and DCR staff contact information are available at
http://www.der.virginia.govisoil—and—water/vsmp.shtmi on the DCR web page.
Acting VSVP Construction Permitting Manager
State Parks • Suri and )rater Conservation • A'aturol Heritage. outdoor Recreation Planning
Chesupeake Bay Local Assistance • Dams Seen, and Floodulaln ,ilanagenrent • Land Consemanou