HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000001 Study Rural Division Plat 2010-05-06 Page 1 of 6
AOSE/PE Report for
Subdivision Approval
Lot B Section NSA , Subdivision Willis Family • Albemarle County
Location of property: GP)N or Tax Map // Part of 80-75
Applicant or Client and address: Prepared by AOSEIPE (name and address):
C.Norman Willis John Hutcherson
P.O.Box 28 5802 Union Mills Road
Keswick,VA 22947 Troy,Virginia 22974
' Y r'3 '� cif•�' N
Date of Report' AOSEIPE Job Numbe •{" � ` ; ,{optional)
Revision Date: •
Health Dept. ID. No.: s
Contents/index of this report:-
• t-Cover Page&Certification 4-Drip Abbreviated Design
2-Soil Summary Report&Info 5-AOSE Well Certification
3-Soil Profile Descriptions 6-Site Sketch !,
Certification Statement(s)3 •
I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained j,
herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling 4• �
and Disposal Regulations (12 VACS-610), the Private Well ,
Regulations(12 VACS-615), and other applicable policies of the ,Q `r
Virginia Department of Health. Furthermore, I certify that my, " JOHN
evaluation and/or design contained herein complies with all HUTCHERSON
applicable laws, regulations, and policies implemented by the No. 132
Virginia Department of Health.
I recommend a subdivision approval 4 be approved _$ ��+ w•
Insert appropriate title:"Construction Permit"."Subdivision Approval","Certification Letter"
- Examples include:"Soil Information Summary","Soil Profile Descriptions","Water Supply Design Specifications".
"Primary/Reserve Design Specifications","Construction Drawings",;'Site Sketch","Product Specification Sheet"
3 PE work is regulated by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. This section is considered optional for PEs.
'Fill in this blank with the appropriate term:"certification letter","construction permit",or"subdivision approval"
Fill in this blank with the appropriate term:"approved",or"denied"
Page 2 of 6
Soil Summary Report
General Information
Date: May 26,2010 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department
Applicant: C.Norman Willis Telephone No. 434-295-7055
Address: P.O. Box 28 Keswick, Virginia 22947
Owner: Same as applicant Address: Same as applicant
Location: East side of Rt.616, .2 mile North of Rt.842
Tax Map: Portion of Tax Map 80 Parcel 75 Subdivision: Willis Family Block/Section: N/A Lot: e
Soil Information Summary
I. Position in landscape satisfactory Yes-X No-
Describe: side&toe slope
2. Slope: 6%
3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max.-47" Min:24" None-
4. Depth to seasonal water table(gray redoximorphic color) No- Yes-X inches-34
5. Free water present No-X Yes- range in inches
6. Soil percolation estimated Yes-X Texture Group-Ill
No- Estimated Rate-85 min/inch
7. Permeability test performed Yes- If yes,note type of test performed and attach
Site Approved-X Drip field to be placed at 12" depth at site designated on permit,plat,or drawing
Site Disapproved-
Reasons for rejection sp,LTN OF
1._Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation Lj
2. Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock.
3. Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 1-
4.�Rates of absorption too slow. V JOHN
5._Insuilicient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and/or Reserve Area. HUTCHERSONOHN
6._Proposed system too close to well.
7._Other Specify No. 132
• IFIED �'
Page 3 of 6
Date: April26,2010 Lot: B
Hole# Horizon Depth(inches) Description of color,texture,etc. Texture Group
Hand Auger
1 Ap 0-2 very dark grayish brown 10YIt 3/2 silt loam Ill
Bt 2-34 red 2.5YR 4/6&4/8 silty clay loam with 111
red,yellow,&gray weathered schist-CR
2 Ap 0-1 dark grayish brown 10YR 4/2 silt loam III
Bt 1 1-23 yellowish brown 10YR 5/6 to brownish
yellow 10YR 6/6 silty clay loam with few III
gray weathered schist
Bt2 23-47 brownish yellow 10YR 6/6&6/8
silty clay loam with gray weathered schist Ill
gray redox color at 34" CR at 47"
3 Ap 0-1 very dark grayish brown IOYR 3/2 silt loam lli
Bt 1-24 yellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to strong brown
7.5YR 5/6 silty clay loam with red,yellow,& Ill
gray weathered schist-CR
° • may
No. 132
Sr./V/e."9 6,
Page 4 of 6
Abbreviated Design Form
Drip System w$pLTH o„;L
Lot B .(tirlif///4 %.
No. 132
A. a. Estimated Percolation Rate(minutes per inch) 04,,5/70�� e,<e, 85
b. Recommend trench bottom (inches) RTIFIEA A 9
c. Depth to restrictive feature or to limit of evaluation if none encountered (inches) 21
d. Minimum separation distance required with Norweco pretreatment (inches) 12
e. Separation distance in inches provided in design (Ac-Ab) 12
f Minimum trench bottom (1 inch for pretreated drip or 18 inches for
no pretreatment) 1
g. Is the slope greater than 10%?(If no, go to line Ai; if yes, go to line Ah) No
h. If Ag is Yes, does greater than 24 inches to rocks,pans, or impervious
exist below Ab? N/A
i. If no to Ah, insert 1.00(0%) from 0 to 9%slope, insert 1.17 (17%) from 10 to 19%
slope, 1.33 (33%) from 20 to 29%slope, 1.50 (50%) from 30 to 39%slope, and
1.67 (67%) from 40 to 50%slope. If yes to Ah, insert 1.00(0%) from 0 to 19%
slope, insert 1.17(17%) from 20 to 29%slope, 1.33 (33%) from 30 to 39% slope,
1.50(50%) from 40 to 50%slope. 1
B. Trench bottom square feet required per bedroom from Table 5.4
Based on LPD Column 409
C. Number of Bedrooms 3
Area Calculations for Drip System per GMP 107
D. Length of available area(across slope) 100 ft.
E. Width of available area(down slope) 80 ft.
F. Square footage required for installation (B X C X 3 X Ai) 3681 sq. ft.
Reserve Area
G. Total square footage in design (D X E) 8000 sq. ft.
H. Is a reserve area required? Yes-X No-
Addendum to AOSE/PE Certification Statement
For Private Well Construction Permit
Instructions: Please check one box in 1-3 below. Statement templates for item 112 and 113
are on the following pages.
The proposed well site shown herein,
n 1. Is located a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines.
El 2. Is located within 50 feet of the adjacent property line(s) but I have determined &c-/ ra7.;//C
that the adjacent property is not used for an agricultural operation.
❑ i. Written affirmation from the adjacent property owner(s)that
their property is not used for an agricultural operation.
❑ ii.Other confirmation that land use is not an agricultural operation, please
( ] 3. Is located within 50 feet of an adjacent property line where the property is used
for an agricultural operation. For confirmation, I have attached the
appropriate documentation pursuant to § 32.1-176.5:2 of the Code of
Virginia. (check one below)
f i. Written permission livm the adjacent property owner(s) for
the well construction.
❑ ii. I certify that no other site on the property complies with the Board's
Regulations for the construction of a private well.
TH op Lf�
No. 132
R7'IFfED A •
Scale Soil Borings. Page 6 of 6
I inch=200 ft. - - 4 p� 195.92' 65.59'
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e�����PpPO , a'1\ p Hutcherson Soil Consultants
Page 1 of 6
AOSE/PE Report for
Subdivision Approval
Location of Lot Section N/A , Subdivision Willis Family Albemarle County
property: GPI N or Tax Map# Part of 80-75
Applicant or Client and address: Prepared by AOSE!PE (name and address):
C.Norman Willis John Hutcherson
P.O.Box 28 5802 Union Mills Road J y -
Keswick,VA 22947 Troy, •Virginia 22974 rl% `
Date of Report:
AOSEIPE Job Number: (optional)
Revision Date: • , Health Dept. iD. No.:
Contents/index of this report:`
1-Cover Page&Certification 4-Drip Abbreviated Design
I 2-Soil Summary Report&Info 5•AOSE Well Certification
j 3-Soil Profile Descriptions 6-Site Sketch
Certification Statement(s)3
o� 01s,i TH pp�r
hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained
herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling /�� - )0
and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well i.- I. •
Regulations(12 VAC5-615),and other applicable policies of the 0 / 5
Virginia Department of Health. Furthermore, I certify that my v JOHN
evaluation and/or design contained herein complies with all HUTCHERSON
applicable laws, regulations, and policies implemented by the No. 132 (• ,
Virginia Department of Health.
i recommend a subdivision approvai be approved �RTIFIED NO •
Insert appropriate title:"Construction Permit","Subdivision Approval","Certificatiion Letter"
Examples include:"Soil Information Summary","Soil Profile Descriptions","Water Supply Design Specifications",
"Primary/Reserve Design Specifications","Construction Drawings","Site Sketch","Product Specification Sheet"
3 PE work is regulated by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. This section is considered optional for PEs.
Fill in this blank with the appropriate term:"certification letter","construction permit",or"subdivision approval"
Fill in this blank with the appropriate term:"approved",or"denied"
Page 2 of 6
Soil Summary Report
General Information
Date: May 26,2010 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department
Applicant: C.Norman Willis Telephone No. 434-295-7055
Address: P.O. Box 28 Keswick,Virginia 22947
Owner: Same as applicant Address: Same as applicant
Location: East side of Rt.616, .2 mile North of Rt. 842
Tax Map: Portion of Tax Map 80 Parcel 75 Subdivision: Willis Family Block/Section: N/A Lot: d< C
Soil Information Summary
1. Position in landscape satisfactory Yes-X No-
Describe: ridge&side slope
2. Slope: 6%
3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max:30" Min.-21" None-
4.Depth to seasonal water table(gray redoximorphic color) No-X Yes- inches-
5. Free water present No-X Yes- range in inches
6. Soil percolation estimated Yes-X Texture Group-III
No- Estimated Rate-85 min/inch
7. Permeability test performed Yes- If yes,note type of test performed and attach
Site Approved-X Drip field to be placed at 9" depth at site designated on permit,plat,or drawing
Site Disapproved-
Reasons for rejection 1�p,I.TJ�o
1. Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation Lf,
2._Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. . 4 i1
3._Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table.
4. Rates of absorption too slow. 0
5._Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and/or Reserve Area. HUTCHERSON
6._Proposed system too close to well.
7._Other Specify No. 132'
O 4 OgF,
Page 3 of 6
Date: April 26,2010 Lot: C
Hole# Horizon Depth(inches) Description of color,texture,etc. Texture Group
Hand Auger
1 Ap 0-2 brown 10YR 4/3 silt loam III
Bt1 2-12 light yellowish brown 10YR 6/4 silty
clay loam with few gray weathered schist Ill
13t2 12-21 brownish yellow 10YR 6/6 silty clay loam ill
with gray weathered schist CR
2 Ap 0-2 brown 10YR 4/3 silt loam III
Btl 2-8 yellowish brown 10YR 5/6 silty clay loam 111
DO 8-26 yellowish brown IOYR 5/8 to strong brown
7.5YR 5/6 silty clay loam with red,yellow,& Ill
gray weathered schist CR
3 Ap 0-3 dark yellowish brown 10YR 4/4 silt loam Ill
Btl 3-12 yellowish brown 10YR 5/4 silt loam Ill
Bt2 12-30 brownish yellow 10YR 6/6 to pale brown
IOYR 6/3 silty clay loam with red&gray Ill
weathered schist CR
o TI-1 ob L
u JOHN 5
No. 132
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Page 4 of 6
Abbreviated Design Form .
Drip System ,E1 LTN Op
LotC p* 114.
c 4; .
No. 132
A. a. Estimated Percolation Rate(minutes per inch) 04, os4, 85
b. Recommend trench bottom (inches) 12
c. Depth to restrictive feature or to limit of evaluation if none encountered (inches) 24
d. Minimum separation distance required with Norweco pretreatment (inches) 12
e. Separation distance in inches provided in design (Ac-Ab) 12
f. Minimum trench bottom(1 inch for pretreated drip or 18 inches for
no pretreatment)
g. Is the slope greater than 10%? (If no, go to line Ai; if yes, go to line Ah) No
h. If Ag is Yes,does greater than 24 inches to rocks, pans,or impervious
exist below Ab? N/A
i. If no to Ah, insert 1.00(0%) from 0 to 9%slope, insert 1.17 (17%) from 10 to 19%
slope, 1.33 (33%) from 20 to 29%slope, 1.50 (50%) from 30 to 39%slope, and
1.67 (67%) from 40 to 50%slope. If yes to All, insert 1.00 (0%) from 0 to 19%
slope, insert 1.17(17%) from 20 to 29%slope, 1.33 (33%) from 30 to 39%slope,
1.50 (50%) from 40 to 50%slope. 1
B. Trench bottom square feet required per bedroom from Table 5.4
Based on LPD Column 409
C. Number of Bedrooms 3
Area Calculations for Drip System per GM? 107
D. Length of available area(across slope) 100 ft.
E. Width of available area(down slope) 80 ft.
F. Square footage required for installation(B X C X 3 X Ai) 3681 sq. ft.
Reserve Area
G. Total square footage in design(D X E) 8000 sq. ft.
H. Is a reserve area required? Yes-X No-
Addendum to AOSE/PE Certification Statement
For Private Well Construction Permit
Instructions: Please check one box in 1-3 below. Statement templates for item 112 and 113
are on the following pages.
The proposed well site shown herein,
❑ I. Is located a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines.
J❑ 2. Is located within 50 feet of the adjacent property line(s) but I have determined ifiilZ
that the adjacent property is not used for an agricultural operation.
i f3vt�
❑ i. Written affirmation from the adjacent property owner(s) that
their property is not used for an agricultural operation.
❑ ii. Other confirmation that land use is not an agricultural operation, please
❑ 3. Is located within 50 feet of an adjacent property line where the property is used
for an agricultural operation. For confirmation, I have attached the
appropriate documentation pursuant to § 32.1-176.5:2 of the Code o/
Virginia. (check one below)
❑ i. Written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) for
the well construction.
❑ ii. I certify that no other site on the property complies with the Board's
Regulations for the construction of private well.
00-e, +LTI/OfiL
No. 132
4y�T1F1'1rD`P) •
Scale Soil Borings• Page 6 of 6
I inch=200 ft.
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HUTCHERSON (Vote: House and Well
No. 132 Sites Were Added By
/�/O � Hutcherson Soil Consultants