HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800070 Correspondence Final Site Plan and Comps. 2019-07-19 r
Christopher Perez
From: Jonathan Showalter <Jonathan.Showalter@timmons.com>
Sent: Friday,July 19, 2019 3:39 PM
To: David James
Cc: Christopher Perez; Frank Pohl;James Veale; Brad Nichols
Subject: RE: Lighthouse Easement Plats
Jim Veal the President of Lighthouse has been coordinating with the city to get permission for any access if necessary.
The city has indicated no easement will be necessary and that the city will be able to provide a letter of permission for
access if necessary.
Thank you,
From: David James<djames2@albemarle.org>
Sent: Friday,July 19, 2019 12:22 PM
To:Jonathan Showalter<Jonathan.Showalter@timmons.com>
Cc:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Lighthouse Easement Plats
How are you getting to the temporary construction easement(shown on the easement plat SUB201900092)for the
channel improvement? May need to show an access easement.
Regarding the bond,yes, check the VESCP and Subdivision boxes on the form.
David James
From:Jonathan Showalter<Jonathan.Showalter@timmons.com>
Sent:Thursday,July 18, 2019 2:03 PM
To:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Cc: Duane oot<ootduane@gmail.com>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>; David James<djames2@albemarle.org>;
Connor Childress<CChildress@scottkroner.com>; Henry Young<HYoung@scottkroner.com>;James Veale
<jveale@lighthouseinstruments.com>; Brad Nichols<brad@martinhorn.com>; Craig Kotarski
Subject: RE: Lighthouse Easement Plats
Chris and David,
Do you feel comfortable getting the public improvement bond estimates and the ESC bond estimates started? The
recent comments did not have any large cost item changes and we believe we have addressed all the comment with the
resubmission earlier this week.
I see per Chris's plat comment below the public improvement bond will need to be posted before the plats can be
Prior to final plat approvals, all improvements necessary for the construction, use, and maintenance of the public road
shall be approved on a road plan and built or bonded pursuant to Section 14-434, 14-435,and 14-435.1 of the
Subdivision Ordinance.
If this is possible to keep things ma _forward we will have them fill out the at ied and check the VSMP and
Subdivision (public improvement) boxes correct?
Thank you,
From:Jonathan Showalter
Sent:Thursday,July 18, 2019 1:33 PM
To: Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Cc: Duane oot<ootduaneCa@gmail.com>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>; David James<diames2@albemarle.org>;
Connor Childress<CChildress@scottkroner.com>; Henry Young<HYoung@scottkroner.com>;James Veale
<iveale@lighthouseinstruments.com>; Brad Nichols<brad@martinhorn.com>
Subject: RE: Lighthouse Easement Plats
Do you have a template or example of a maintenance agreement Lighthouse and their attorney can use for the street
trees in the 6'wide landscape maintenance easement per comment#20 on the plat for TMP 77-9?
Thank you,
From: Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Sent:Wednesday,July 10, 2019 11:09 AM
To:Jonathan Showalter<Jonathan.Showalter@timmons.com>
Cc: Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>; David James<diames2@albemarle.org>
Subject: Lighthouse Easement Plats
It was good chatting with you the other day. I offer the following responses in red:
Christopher Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development'County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From:Jonathan Showalter<Jonathan.Showalter@timmons.com>
Sent:Tuesday,July 09, 2019 11:35 AM
To: David James<diames2@albemarle.org>; Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Cc: Henry Young<HYoung@scottkroner.com>; Connor Childress<CChildress@scottkroner.com>; Duane oot
<ootduane@gmail.com>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>;James Veale<iveale@lighthouseinstruments.com>
Subject: RE: Lighthouse Easement Plats
Chris and David,
As a follow up to our conversation today I summarized the following items about the various deeds. Please let me know
if you have any comment or a different understanding for any of the items below:
• For storm and drainage Engineering will draft the deed from a template and send for signature.Yes
• For fire truck turn around Chris believes Lighthouse can draft and file along with recording the plat of the
easements on their property.There is not a template for this item; however,the applicant is responsible for the
development and recordation of this deed.The easement shall be for a temporary public turn around.The
County Attorney must review/approve it. It needs to be recorded prior to final site plan approval and
recordation information provided on the site plan.
• For temporary construction easement, Chris
agreement or review what your attorney drafts.There is not a template for this item; however,the applicant
shall draft the deed permitting public use of the easement.The County Attorney must review/approve it. It
needs to be recorded prior to final site plan approval and recordation information provided on the site plan.
• • For sight distance,Chris says they are still having an internal discussion of whether that gets dedicated to
Lighthouse,The County or VDOT and who will draft deed. Required sight distance easements on adjacent
properties shall be provided deeds.The applicant is responsible for the development and recordation of these
documents.The County Attorney will review the draft deed once the applicant provides them.The County
Executive shall sign the deed once ready for approval.The deed shall be recorded with the plat and must be
recorded prior to final site plan approval. Provide recordation information on the site plan. Attached is an
example of an easement previously approved.
Chris per your latest comments we are adding a gas line easement. Do you know if The County or Charlottesville gas will
typically draft that easement or will the owner?The applicant shall work with Charlottesville Gas to determine what the
easement holders' needs are in the form of easements and deeds for the installation and continued maintenance of the
improvement. Prior to final site plan approval this item shall be addressed and recordation information provided on the
site plan.
Do you all have a template for the landscape agreement? There is not a template for this item. Attached is an example
of an easement previously approved.
Thank you for you help in getting these itesm finalize for this project,
From:Jonathan Showalter
Sent:Thursday,June 20, 2019 12:19 PM
To: David James<diames2@albemarle.org>; Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Cc: Henry Young<HYoung@scottkroner.com>; Connor Childress<CChildress@scottkroner.com>; Duane oot
Subject: Lighthouse Easement Plats
David and Chris,
A question has come up on the Lighthouse easement Plats deed process.
Does the county attorney draft all the easements that will ultimately be dedicated to the County for this project? Would
this include drainage,fire truck turnaround, and sight distance? Or is sight distance to be drafted and recorded by the
owner or VDOT?
For the temporary construction and private utility easement my understanding is that those will be drafted and
recorded by the property owner correct?
Please let me know if you have any info on this or know who the best contact is to ask these questions.
Thank you,
Jonathan Showalter, PE
Project Engineer
TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com
608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 I Charlottesville, VA 22903
Office: 434.327.1681 I Fax: 434.295.8317
jonathan.showalter antimmons.com
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