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SP202100012 Study - Turn Lane Analysis 2021-06-17
1001 Boulders Parkway TIMMONS GROUP Suite300 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Richmond, VA 23225 To: Dr. Dolores Carr (The Education Transformation Centre) From: Thomas Ruff, PE, PTOE (Timmons Group) RE: 2001 Earlysville Road, Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis Date: April 13, 2021 Copy: Scott Dunn, AICP, PTP (TG); Danielle Soriano Brown, PE (TG) P 804.200.6500 F 804.560.1016 www.timmons.com O��ALTH! UUIHOMASBOWNERUFF Lic. No. 055085 1 /34tva i k10 Timmons Group performed a turn -lane warrant, queuing, and crash analysis investigating the need for an auxiliary southbound left -turn lane on Earlysville Road at the entrance of the existing Cornerstone Church complex located at 2001 Earlysville Road in Albemarle County, Virginia. Background The existing Cornerstone Church complex entrance is located on Earlysville Road between Woodlands Road and Solace Lane; this is the only point of ingress and egress for the site The Education Transformation Centre is interested in using the existing church space to operate an alternative schooling program. A Special Use Permit (SUP) is being pursued with Albemarle County to allow the existing church complex to be used for educational activity during the week. In support of the SUP, and at the request of VDOT, a left turn lane warrant is being completed. This analysis explores the need for an auxiliary southbound left -turn lane in association with additional site - generated traffic. Existing Conditions Earlysville Road is a north -south, two-lane, undivided roadway that is classified as an urban major collector with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. The 2019 VDOT Daily Traffic Volume Estimates Report indicates that Earlysville Road has an Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of 9,900 vehicles per day (vpd). Earlysville Road provides access to mainly residential areas north of Hydraulic Road. The existing church entrance consists of one lane on all approaches, with the exception of the northbound approach, which has an auxiliary right -turn lane. Refer to Figure 1 for the existing intersection geometry at the study intersection. For reference, all figures are located at the end of this memorandum. VDOT provided 24-hour directional volumes from 2018 for the section of Earlysville Road between Milford Road and Bradford Lane; this is the latest pre-COVID data available. Based on historical data and the limited amount of growth in the surrounding area, it was agreed that the 2018 data is representative of current conditions and could be used in the current analysis. A copy of the count data is included in Appendix A. Page 1 of 6 2001 Earlysville Road, Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis • i �% Albemarle County, VA April 13,2021 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Peak Hour Selection School activities for The Education Transformation Centre are proposed on weekdays between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM. The peak hours selected for this analysis, 7:15 — 8:15 AM and 3:00 — 4:00 PM, were chosen to align with student drop-off in the morning and student pick-up in the evening. The existing peak hour volumes are shown on Figure 2. Please note that since church activities are not conducted on the weekdays during school activities, the existing peak hour volumes do not include vehicles entering or exiting the church complex. In addition, any occasional/minimal volume from the residential entrance opposite the church will not impact the turn -lane warrant analysis. Site Generated Trips and Trip Distribution According to information provided by The Education Transformation Centre, school activities conducted at the church complex will add approximately 40 new peak hour trips to the project area. Of those trips, 30 are associated with student pick-up or drop-off, while the remaining 10 trips are associated with faculty and staff. To be conservative, it was assumed all 40 trips will arrive in the AM peak period and depart in the PM peak period. Based on the location of the expected student/teacher population and the proximity of the site north of the City of Charlottesville, it is assumed that 90% of the new trips will enter/exit the church entrance from the south on Earlysville Road, and the remaining 10% of trips will access the entrance from the north on Earlysville Road. The projected trip distributions and site -generated traffic are shown on Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. Projected Opening Day Traffic The existing traffic volumes from Figure 2 were combined with the generated trip estimates from Figure 4 to calculate the opening day volumes shown on Figure 5. Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis Using the opening day peak hour volumes shown on Figure 5, a left -turn lane warrant analysis was completed for the southbound approach of Earlysville Road to the church entrance. Turn -lane nomograph Figure 3-10 from Appendix F of the VDOT Road Design Manual was utilized for the analysis. Please note that this nomograph, based on a 5% left turn volume, is the closest applicable nomograph available. Based on the projected traffic volumes, only 0.26% of the total approaching traffic in the AM peak period and 0.61 % of the total approaching traffic in the PM peak are turning left. Per the Figure 3-10 nomograph, the southbound left -turn volume at the church entrance meets the warrants under AM and PM opening day peak hour volumes as shown on Figure 6. However, the likelihood of a warranted left -turn lane would be lower if a lower threshold were available for analyses. It should be noted that the turn -lane is warranted by the existing mainline Earlysville Road approaching and opposing traffic volumes, not the southbound left turning volumes. If constructed, the posted speed limit (45 MPH) and functional classification of Earlysville Road (urban major collector) would entail a 1 00'minimum taper and 1 00'minimum storage for the southbound left - turn lane per the VDOT Road Design Manual. Page 2 of 6 2001 Earlysville Road, Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis Albemarle County, VA April 13,2021 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Operational and Queueing Analysis An operational and queuing analysis was performed using SYNCHRO Version 10 and HCM 6th Edition methodologies. The analysis assumed level terrain, exclusion of bus or parking impacts, exclusion of pedestrians, heavy vehicle percentages based on collected traffic data, and use of a minimum of 0.92 peak hour factor for the opening day analysis. The corresponding SYNCHRO worksheets are included in Appendix B. Table 3 summarizes the 2021 opening day intersection LOS, delay, and 95th percentile queue lengths based on the traffic volumes shown on Figure 5 and the existing geometry shown on Figure 1. Table 1: Intersection Level of Service, Delay, and Queue Summary 2021 Opening Day Conditions Intersection and Movement and Effective Turn AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR ;HCS 95th :HCS 95th Type of Control Approach Lane Delay ' ` LOS I Percentile Delay ' LOS I Percentile Storage 9 (sec/veh) I Queue (ser,/veh) I Queue (ft) ; Length (ft) Length (ft) 1. Earlysville Road (N-S) at Ell L - T - R 0.0 A 0 0.0 A 0 Church Entrance / "_............ _____..............._ EBApproaah _...............""' ........."""......."""".......,.................. 0.0 i A ..................... -- 0.0 .... _........... ! A ...... __................... _. ! -- Private Home Entrance (E-W) ""...........""'............." WB L - T - R ""..."""" .....""""-.....--------...- $387.6 3 F ------.........______ 93 ...........____............;..---..........€....""..............."' 51.1 F 38 Unsignalized .......................................... INBApproarh "...........""" .........""'.............:_.............:.....-_................."'..............................................................................._- .¢i87.6 F -- 51.1 F -- ............................................... NB Left - Thru .................. ...... ........... ................:.................:... 0.0 A ........................ ..... ............................. :.____0 ...:.................:.............................. 0.0 € A ... € 0 :...... "".................................. NB Right ............. ....... 160 ......... .................... ___.......... 0.0 I A ............... ___... i 0 .................................................. 0.0 i A __................ _-- i 0 ___............. ___............... _ NBApproaah _............. _____ .......... ____......... _:___............. 0.0 A ___............... ____ -- ..................................... 0.0 ................ A _____............ ____ — ............................................ SBL -T -R ................""_ .........""-__.....-"'........._................. 8.8 A ................ ........................... 0 9.2 .......A..... 0....." l..____................ P......................................................................""-........._;............................_.................................._:.......A..... SB roach "...................................... .................................................... 0.0 A .............:........._...______............____..............____........i.._______........._ -- 0.0 — OVERALL 5.4 A i 1.5 A -- $ Delay exceeds 300 seconds As shown in Table 3, the study intersection will operate at an overall LOS A during each peak hour. The site -generated trips making a southbound left -turn will not impact the mainline movement on Earlysville Road according to the reported HCS 951h percentile queue length. Based on the minimal delay reported in both the AM and PM peak periods, one can conclude that sufficient gaps exist in the northbound through traffic to allow southbound left turning vehicles to complete a left -turn movement safely and efficiently. It is anticipated that traffic exiting the site will encounter delays during both the AM and PM peaks, however, this will occur on -site, for which there is sufficient space to accommodate exiting vehicles. Page 3 of 6 2001 Earlysville Road, Tum-Lane Warrant Analysis Albemarle County, VA April 13, 2021 Crash Analysis � ff TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS Timmons Group reviewed the VDOT database for the five-year crash history within 500' of the existing intersection on Earlysville Road. From December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2020, there were three (3) crashes within 500' of the intersection. Of those three (3) total crashes, one (1) occurred in 2016, one (1) occurred in 2019, and one (1) occurred in 2020. Additional details regarding each crash are provided in Table 2 below. Table 2: Crash Details Crash Date 0 Severity Collision Driver Action Light Roadway Number Type Condition Surface 1 04/19/2016 Severe Injury Fixed Object in No Improper Daylight Dry Road Action 2 07/26/2019 Property Fixed Object Avoiding Darkness — Dry Damage Onlyoff Road Animal Road Lighted Property No Improper Darkness — 3 11/07/2020 Damage Only Deer Action Road Not Dry Lighted Overall, during the five-year study period, there have been a limited number of crashes associated with the study intersection and no obvious pattern of crash history that would suggest a specific improvement or geometric change. Page 4 of 6 2001 Earlysville Road, Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis • i �% Albemarle County, VA April 13,2021 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Conclusions A turn -lane warrant, queueing, and crash analysis was performed to assess the need for a south bound left -turn lane at 2001 Earlysville Road. An increase in weekday AM and PM peak trips are anticipated in association with school activities proposed for the church premises. A total of 40 new trips, 30 student trips and 10 faculty/staff trips, are anticipated. The tum-lane warrant analysis was based on Figure 3-10 from Appendix F of the VDOT Road Design Manual, for which there are inherent limitations. The nomograph is intended for use in situations where 5% of the approaching traffic turns left; in this case, the actual left turn percentage is 0.26% in the AM peak and 0.61 % in the PM peak. Considering the aforementioned limitations, the nomograph indicates a left -turn lane is warranted on the southbound approach of Earlysville Road at the existing church entrance. It should be noted that the turn -lane is warranted by the existing mainline Earlysville Road approaching and opposing traffic volumes, not the southbound left turning volumes. Overall, the site is expected to generate only 4 left turns during the AM peak hour and 3 left turns during the PM peak hour. The likelihood of the left -turn lane being warranted would be lower if an appropriate nomograph were available for this analysis. Subsequently, an operational analysis was conducted to quantify the impacts of site -generated traffic on traffic operations at the site entrance. The results of that analysis indicate an overall LOS A at the study intersection during both peak hours with minimal mainline delay and no queuing. A review of the crash data associated with the latest five-year study period indicates a limited number of crashes associated with the study intersection and no obvious pattern of crash history that would suggest a specific improvement or geometric change. There is no evidence to indicate that rear -end crashes are occurring due to queued left -turning vehicles. Further, consideration should be given to the characteristics of the surrounding area. The Earlysville Road corridor between Hydraulic Road and Dickerson Road has numerous entrances and side streets where auxiliary left -turn lanes are not provided. Therefore, the current driver expectation on the corridor is to operate with no left -turn lanes. Finally, the Installation of a southbound left -turn lane would require significant construction cost and effort considering the existing overhead utilities, guardrail, and drainage ditches adjacent to the roadway, as well as right-of-way acquisition. The installation of a southbound left -turn lane would also likely impact the approach to the bridge south of the project area due to the lane transitions. The anticipated construction costs for a southbound left -turn lane (>$1,000,000) would far exceed the benefits of a southbound left -turn lane. Page 5 of 6 2001 Earlysville Road, Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis • i �% Albemarle County, VA April 13,2021 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Recommendations While the warrants indicate a southbound left -turn lane is warranted at the church entrance on Earlysville Road, the installation of those improvements is not recommended for the following reasons: No Operational Benefit — As noted above, all mainline movements (left, through, and right) on Earlysville Road operate at LOS A during both peak hours with no queueing without a southbound left -turn lane. The projected queues generated by the proposed development are minimal and will not interfere with operations at existing intersections or commercial entrances upstream or downstream of the study intersection. The lack of queueing for the mainline southbound left -turn maneuver indicates that there will be minimal impacts to through traffic due to the left turning traffic. 2. Limited Safety Benefit — Although the installation of a left -turn lane on Earlysville Road would provide deceleration space for turning traffic, there are no existing safety issues present within the study area. The proposed site will introduce a maximum of 4 lefts during the AM peak hour (i.e. approximately one car every 15 minutes) and 3 lefts during the PM peak hour (approximately one car every 20 minutes). 3. Impact on Adjacent Property — Based on available GIS data, the existing right-of-way along Earlysville Road is insufficient to accommodate widening associated with the aforementioned auxiliary turn lane. The geometric improvements would require the acquisition of right-of-way from adjacent landowners and construction costs in excess of $1,000,000 for the benefit of 4 left turns. 4. Existing Corridor — A review of the existing Earlysville Road corridor finds that there are no left turn lanes installed at any side street or commercial/residential entrances between Hydraulic Road and Dickerson Road. The current driver expectation on the corridor is to operate with no left turn lanes. 5. Nature of the Land Use — The proposed SUP requests to grant access for an alternative education program that can accommodate up to 30 students and up to 10 staff members. The alternative education program will operate in conjunction with surrounding school systems and it is unlikely that the assumed maximum student population will be reached. The client has also discussed the likelihood of shared transportation for students, which would further reduce the trip generation estimates for the site. It is likely that the site will generate less than the 4 southbound left turns that are currently projected. 6. Turn Lane Nomograph Applicability — The turn -lane warrant analysis was based on Appendix F of the VDOT Road Design Manual, for which there are limitations. As such, a nomograph intended for 5% turn volumes was used for the turn -lane warrant analysis to represent the actual 0.26% (AM peak) and 0.61 % (PM peak) turn volumes Based on the summary of information provided in this report, a southbound left -turn lane is not recommended for installation in association with the proposed SUP for school activities by the Education Transformation Centre at 2001 Earlysville Road. Page 6 of 6 LEGEND: 0 Church Complex — © Existing Study Intersection S, ,r Lane Configuration N T (0 W Private Home + 1 Entrance Per TOSAM Guidelines, effective storage equals the full width storage length plus ''/z the taper length Church Entrance NOT TO SCALE Existing Road Stop Controlled Intersection Effective Storage Length' L Stop Controlled Approach 00000 2021 Existing Intersection Geometry 00 Earlysville Rd Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OARS. Albemarle County, Virginia Figure 1 N T Lu O LJ O LIS O O O V 0,0 Private Home ✓ 1 4 Entrance If (0) 0 h (0) 0 (0) 0 Analysis Periods AM Peak: 7:15 — 8:15 AM PM Peak: 3:00 — 4:00 PM L 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) W Church Entrance NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: 0 Church Complex Existing Road Stop Controlled Intersection © Existing Study Intersection X AM Peak Hour Volume Stop Controlled Approach r Turning Movement (X) PM Peak Hour Volume 00000 2021 Existing Peak Hour Volumes 00 Earlysville Rd Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Albemarle County, Virginia Figure E N T (0 W 0 O L (10%) Private Home (90%) Entrance Church Entrance 0 0 rn NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: 0 Church Complex Existing Road Stop Controlled Intersection © Existing Study Intersection X Entering Trip Distribution Stop Controlled Approach r Turning Movement (X) Exiting Trip Distribution ,.••.., Trip Distribution OU TIMMONS GRP Earlysville Rd Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Albemarle County, Virginia Figure 3 Private Home Entrance N T (0 W M_ L 3 (4) 27 (36) Church Entrance m co r N New Trips Students: 30 trips (AM / PM in / out) Faculty: 10 trips (AM in / PM out) NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: 0 Church Complex Existing Road Stop Controlled Intersection © Existing Study Intersection X AM Trip Stop Controlled Approach r Turning Movement (X) PM Trip .00000 � Projected Trips — Students and Faculty TIMMONS GROUP Earlysville Rd Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Albemarle County, Virginia Figure F N T Lu O LJ O O O Cl) V o�v Private Home Entrance (0) 0 h (0) 0 (0) 0 Analysis Periods AM Peak: 7:15 — 8:15 AM PM Peak: 3:00 — 4:00 PM L 3 (4) 0 (0) 27 (36) W O "t co In O O r- co N O Church Entrance NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: 0 Church Complex Existing Road Stop Controlled Intersection © Existing Study Intersection X AM Peak Hour Volume Stop Controlled Approach r Turning Movement (X) PM Peak Hour Volume .00000 � 2021 Opening Day Peak Hour Volumes TIMMONS GROUP Earlysville Rd Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OARS. Albemarle County, Virginia Figure 61 APPENDIX A Q'Ia:rem91r4a i • I . Wel m II - . Earlysville Road — Milford Road to Bradford Lane Total Daily Volume Hourly Volume NB 4/11/2018 10005 Corridor Peak Hour 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 1328 AM School Peak 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 548 PM School Peak 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 660 NB 4/12/2018 9835 Corridor Peak Hour 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 1245 AM School Peak 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 513 PM School Peak 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 766 5B 4/11/2018 10342 Corridor Peak Hour 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 1653 AM School Peak 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 1549 PM School Peak 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 650 5B 4/12/2018 10399 Corridor Peak Hour 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 1603 AM School Peak 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 1573 PM School Peak 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 688 Total Daily Volume AM School Peak PM School Peak NB + 5B 4/11/2018 20347 2097 1310 NB + 5B 4/12/2018 20234 2086 1454 LinklD Lane ChannelNu Direction StartDate Interval '402124' 1 4/11/2018 0:00 15 '402124' 3 4/11/2018 0:00 15 '402124' 1 4/11/2018 0:15 15 '402124' 3 4/11/2018 0:15 15 '402124' 1 4/11/2018 0:30 15 '402124' 3 4/11/2018 0:30 15 '402124' 1 4/11/2018 0:45 15 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48 402124' 1 4/11/2018 20:15 15 118 402124' 3 4/11/2018 20:15 15 54 402124' 1 4/11/2018 20:30 15 79 402124' 3 4/11/2018 20:30 15 82 402124' 1 4/11/2018 20:45 15 82 402124' 3 4/11/2018 20:45 15 32 402124' 1 4/11/2018 21:00 15 98 402124' 3 4/11/2018 21:00 15 60 402124' 1 4/11/2018 21:15 15 99 402124' 3 4/11/2018 21:15 15 32 402124' 1 4/11/2018 21:30 15 74 402124' 3 4/11/2018 21:30 15 30 402124' 1 4/11/2018 21:45 15 56 402124' 3 4/11/2018 21:45 15 30 402124' 1 4/11/2018 22:00 15 44 402124' 3 4/11/2018 22:00 15 28 402124' 1 4/11/2018 22:15 15 56 402124' 3 4/11/2018 22:15 15 8 402124' 1 4/11/2018 22:30 15 33 402124' 3 4/11/2018 22:30 15 11 402124' 1 4/11/2018 22:45 15 24 402124' 3 4/11/2018 22:45 15 12 402124' 1 4/11/2018 23:00 15 30 402124' 3 4/11/2018 23:00 15 14 402124' 1 4/11/2018 23:15 15 30 402124' 3 4/11/2018 23:15 15 26 402124' 1 4/11/2018 23:30 15 18 402124' 3 4/11/2018 23:30 15 6 402124' 1 4/11/2018 23:45 15 14 402124' 3 4/11/2018 23:45 15 14 402124' 1 4/12/2018 0:00 15 13 402124' 3 4/12/2018 0:00 15 14 402124' 1 4/12/2018 0:15 15 16 402124' 3 4/12/2018 0:15 15 6 402124' 1 4/12/2018 0:30 15 12 402124' 3 4/12/2018 0:30 15 2 402124' 1 4/12/2018 0:45 15 12 402124' 3 4/12/2018 0:45 15 0 402124' 1 4/12/20181:00 15 4 402124' 3 4/12/20181:00 15 0 402124' 1 4/12/2018 1:15 15 4 402124' 3 4/12/2018 1:15 15 0 402124' 1 4/12/20181:30 15 4 402124' 3 4/12/20181:30 15 2 402124' 1 4/12/20181:45 15 4 402124' 3 4/12/20181:45 15 4 402124' 1 4/12/2018 2:00 15 0 402124' 3 4/12/2018 2:00 15 2 402124' 1 4/12/2018 2:15 15 0 402124' 3 4/12/2018 2:15 15 0 402124' 1 4/12/2018 2:30 15 0 402124' 3 4/12/2018 2:30 15 0 402124' 1 4/12/2018 2:45 15 0 402124' 3 4/12/2018 2:45 15 0 402124' 1 4/12/2018 3:00 15 2 402124' 3 4/12/2018 3:00 15 2 402124' 1 4/12/2018 3:15 15 6 402124' 3 4/12/2018 3:15 15 2 402124' 1 4/12/2018 3:30 15 10 402124' 3 4/12/2018 3:30 15 6 402124' 1 4/12/2018 3:45 15 2 402124' 3 4/12/2018 3:45 15 2 402124' 1 4/12/2018 4:00 15 6 402124' 3 4/12/2018 4:00 15 4 402124' 1 4/12/2018 4:15 15 4 402124' 3 4/12/2018 4:15 15 10 402124' 1 4/12/2018 4:30 15 18 402124' 3 4/12/2018 4:30 15 8 402124' 1 4/12/2018 4:45 15 14 402124' 3 4/12/2018 4:45 15 22 402124' 1 4/12/2018 5:00 15 22 402124' 3 4/12/2018 5:00 15 19 402124' 1 4/12/2018 5:15 15 4 402124' 3 4/12/2018 5:15 15 37 402124' 1 4/12/2018 5:30 15 24 402124' 3 4/12/2018 5:30 15 63 402124' 1 4/12/2018 5:45 15 35 402124' 3 4/12/2018 5:45 15 67 402124' 1 4/12/2018 6:00 15 25 402124' 3 4/12/2018 6:00 15 46 402124' 1 4/12/2018 6:15 15 30 402124' 3 4/12/2018 6:15 15 106 402124' 1 4/12/2018 6:30 15 80 402124' 3 4/12/2018 6:30 15 185 402124' 1 4/12/2018 6:45 15 90 402124' 3 4/12/2018 6:45 15 209 402124' 1 4/12/2018 7:00 15 69 402124' 3 4/12/2018 7:00 15 244 402124' 1 4/12/2018 7:15 15 118 402124' 3 4/12/2018 7:15 15 311 402124' 1 4/12/2018 7:30 15 119 402124' 3 4/12/2018 7:30 15 381 402124' 1 4/12/2018 7:45 15 124 402124' 3 4/12/2018 7:45 15 442 402124' 1 4/12/2018 8:00 15 152 402124' 3 4/12/2018 8:00 15 439 402124' 1 4/12/2018 8:15 15 111 402124' 3 4/12/2018 8:15 15 341 402124' 1 4/12/2018 8:30 15 123 402124' 3 4/12/2018 8:30 15 311 402124' 1 4/12/2018 8:45 15 164 402124' 3 4/12/2018 8:45 15 232 402124' 1 4/12/2018 9:00 15 137 402124' 3 4/12/2018 9:00 15 173 402124' 1 4/12/2018 9:15 15 121 402124' 3 4/12/2018 9:15 15 181 402124' 1 4/12/2018 9:30 15 118 402124' 3 4/12/2018 9:30 15 172 402124' 1 4/12/2018 9:45 15 104 402124' 3 4/12/2018 9:45 15 137 402124' 1 4/12/2018 10:00 15 95 402124' 3 4/12/2018 10:00 15 94 402124' 1 4/12/2018 10:15 15 65 402124' 3 4/12/2018 10:15 15 130 402124' 1 4/12/201810:30 15 91 402124' 3 4/12/201810:30 15 167 402124' 1 4/12/2018 10:45 15 98 402124' 3 4/12/2018 10:45 15 133 402124' 1 4/12/2018 11:00 15 88 402124' 3 4/12/2018 11:00 15 123 402124' 1 4/12/2018 11:15 15 112 402124' 3 4/12/2018 11:15 15 141 402124' 1 4/12/2018 11:30 15 136 402124' 3 4/12/201811:30 15 132 402124' 1 4/12/2018 11:45 15 110 402124' 3 4/12/2018 11:45 15 116 402124' 1 4/12/2018 12:00 15 133 402124' 3 4/12/2018 12:00 15 119 402124' 1 4/12/2018 12:15 15 127 402124' 3 4/12/2018 12:15 15 111 402124' 1 4/12/2018 12:30 15 144 402124' 3 4/12/201812:30 15 146 402124' 1 4/12/2018 12:45 15 121 402124' 3 4/12/2018 12:45 15 143 402124' 1 4/12/2018 13:00 15 162 402124' 3 4/12/2018 13:00 15 99 402124' 1 4/12/2018 13:15 15 127 402124' 3 4/12/2018 13:15 15 96 402124' 1 4/12/2018 13:30 15 148 402124' 3 4/12/201813:30 15 118 402124' 1 4/12/2018 13:45 15 128 402124' 3 4/12/2018 13:45 15 138 402124' 1 4/12/2018 14:00 15 150 402124' 3 4/12/2018 14:00 15 118 402124' 1 4/12/2018 14:15 15 165 402124' 3 4/12/2018 14:15 15 111 402124' 1 4/12/2018 14:30 15 179 402124' 3 4/12/201814:30 15 122 402124' 1 4/12/2018 14:45 15 158 402124' 3 4/12/2018 14:45 15 152 402124' 1 4/12/2018 15:00 15 153 402124' 3 4/12/2018 15:00 15 143 402124' 1 4/12/2018 15:15 15 162 402124' 3 4/12/2018 15:15 15 122 402124' 1 4/12/201815:30 15 200 402124' 3 4/12/201815:30 15 231 402124' 1 4/12/2018 15:45 15 251 402124' 3 4/12/2018 15:45 15 192 402124' 1 4/12/2018 16:00 15 255 402124' 3 4/12/2018 16:00 15 214 402124' 1 4/12/2018 16:15 15 264 402124' 3 4/12/2018 16:15 15 166 402124' 1 4/12/201816:30 15 262 402124' 3 4/12/201816:30 15 243 402124' 1 4/12/2018 16:45 15 332 402124' 3 4/12/2018 16:45 15 154 402124' 1 4/12/2018 17:00 15 304 402124' 3 4/12/2018 17:00 15 212 402124' 1 4/12/2018 17:15 15 327 402124' 3 4/12/2018 17:15 15 243 402124' 1 4/12/201817:30 15 282 402124' 3 4/12/201817:30 15 217 402124' 1 4/12/2018 17:45 15 248 402124' 3 4/12/2018 17:45 15 180 402124' 1 4/12/2018 18:00 15 247 402124' 3 4/12/2018 18:00 15 168 402124' 1 4/12/2018 18:15 15 236 402124' 3 4/12/2018 18:15 15 160 402124' 1 4/12/201818:30 15 216 402124' 3 4/12/201818:30 15 128 402124' 1 4/12/2018 18:45 15 172 402124' 3 4/12/2018 18:45 15 132 402124' 1 4/12/2018 19:00 15 123 402124' 3 4/12/2018 19:00 15 85 402124' 1 4/12/2018 19:15 15 128 402124' 3 4/12/2018 19:15 15 75 402124' 1 4/12/201819:30 15 97 402124' 3 4/12/201819:30 15 70 402124' 1 4/12/2018 19:45 15 132 402124' 3 4/12/2018 19:45 15 88 402124' 1 4/12/2018 20:00 15 94 402124' 3 4/12/2018 20:00 15 43 402124' 1 4/12/2018 20:15 15 112 402124' 3 4/12/2018 20:15 15 64 402124' 1 4/12/2018 20:30 15 79 402124' 3 4/12/2018 20:30 15 36 402124' 1 4/12/2018 20:45 15 102 402124' 3 4/12/2018 20:45 15 42 402124' 1 4/12/2018 21:00 15 102 402124' 3 4/12/2018 21:00 15 44 402124' 1 4/12/2018 21:15 15 107 402124' 3 4/12/2018 21:15 15 30 402124' 1 4/12/2018 21:30 15 58 402124' 3 4/12/2018 21:30 15 32 402124' 1 4/12/2018 21:45 15 60 402124' 3 4/12/2018 21:45 15 48 402124' 1 4/12/2018 22:00 15 70 402124' 3 4/12/2018 22:00 15 26 402124' 1 4/12/2018 22:15 15 52 402124' 3 4/12/2018 22:15 15 26 402124' 1 4/12/2018 22:30 15 48 402124' 3 4/12/2018 22:30 15 20 402124' 1 4/12/2018 22:45 15 30 402124' 3 4/12/2018 22:45 15 14 402124' 1 4/12/2018 23:00 15 38 402124' 3 4/12/2018 23:00 15 20 402124' 1 4/12/2018 23:15 15 22 402124' 3 4/12/2018 23:15 15 24 402124' 1 4/12/2018 23:30 15 22 402124' 3 4/12/2018 23:30 15 8 402124' 1 4/12/2018 23:45 15 10 402124' 3 4/12/2018 23:45 15 8 APPENDIX B SYNCHRO Analysis Reports Earlysville Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis 2021 Opening Day AM Peak 1: Earlysville Rd & Private Home Entr/Church Entr HCM 61hTWSC Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 5.4 Movement MR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR - Lane Configurations 44 r'T# 4 r Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 0 0 27 0 3 0 548 36 4 1549 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 0 0 27 0 3 0 548 36 4 1549 0 Conflicting Peds, Phr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Slop Slop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 160 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 0 0 29 0 3 0 596 39 4 1684 0 Major/Minor Minor2 ajorl Conflicting Flow All 2309 2327 1684 2288 2288 596 1684 0 0 635 0 0 Stage 1692 1692 - 596 596 - - - - - - - Stage 2 617 635 - 1692 1692 - - - - - Cdtical Hdwy 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.12 6.52 6.22 4.12 - - 4.12 Critical Hdwy Slg 1 6.1 5.5 - 6.12 5.52 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.1 5.5 - 6.12 5.52 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.5 4 3.3 3.518 4.018 3.318 2.218 - - 2.218 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 27 38 118 - 28 39 504 380 - - 948 Stage 1 119 151 - 490 492 - - - - - Stage 2 481 476 - 118 149 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 25 36 118 -27 36 504 380 - - 948 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 25 36 - -27 36 - - - - - Stage 1 119 141 - 490 492 - - - - - Stage 2 478 476 - 110 139 - - - - - Approach EB ■ NB SIB HCM Control Delay, s 0 $ 387.6 0 0 HCM LOS A F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBR EBLnlWBLnl SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 380 30 948 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - 1.087 0.005 HCM Control Delay (s) 0 0$ 387.6 8.8 0 HCM Lane LOS A A F A A HCM 95th %tile O(veh) 0 3.7 0 Notes -: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined `: All major volume in platoon Earlysville-Opening Day_AM Peak.syn Synchro 10 Report - 03/23/2021 Timmons Group Page 1 Earlysville Turn -Lane Warrant Analysis 2021 Opening Day PM Peak 1: Earlysville Rd & Private Home Entr/Church Entr HCM 61hTWSC Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 1.5 Movement MR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR — Lane Configurations 44 r'T# 4 r Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 0 0 36 0 4 0 660 27 3 650 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 0 0 36 0 4 0 660 27 3 650 0 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Slop Slop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 160 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 0 0 39 0 4 0 717 29 3 707 0 Major/Minor Mir Conflicting Flow All 1447 1459 707 1430 1430 717 707 0 0 746 0 0 Stage 1 713 713 - 717 717 - - - - - Stage 2 734 746 - 713 713 - - - - - Cdtical Hdwy 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.12 6.52 6.22 4.12 - - 4.12 Critical Hdwy Slg 1 6.1 5.5 - 6.12 5.52 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.1 5.5 - 6.12 5.52 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.5 4 3.3 3.518 4.018 3.318 2.218 - - 2.218 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 110 131 439 112 135 430 891 - - 862 Stage 1 426 438 - 421 434 - - - - - Stage 2 415 424 - 423 435 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 108 130 439 111 134 430 891 - - 862 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 108 130 - 111 134 - - - - - Stage l 426 435 - 421 434 Stage 2 411 424 - 420 432 HCM Control Delay, s 0 51.1 0 0 - HCM LOS A F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBR EBLnlWBLnl SBL SBT SBR — Capacity (veh/h) 891 120 862 — HCM Lane V/C Ratio - 0.362 0.004 HCM Control Delay (s) 0 0 51.1 9.2 0 — HCM Lane LOS A A F A A HCM 95th %tile O(veh) 0 - 1.5 0 — Earlysville—Opening Day_PM Peak.syn Synchro 10 Report - 03/23/2021 Timmons Group Page 1