HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000206 Correspondence 2021-06-17SITE ENGINEERING
Suh202000206 North Point Section 1A plat response letter
Review Department: Planning
Reviewer: Cameron Langille, Senior Planner II
County Comments 1/21/2021, 5/21/2021:
ADphcable Comments from Action Letter for SUB201800225 Preliminary Plat:
1. [14-434, 14-435, 14-311, 14-435. 11 Prior to final subdivision plat approval Road Plan
and WPO Plan must be approved for the section being platted. Additionally, all required
improvements must be built or bonded, and all required Deeds and Declarations must be
reviewed and approved prior to final subdivision plat approval. Please see Engineering
comments for further information. First submittal: Comment stands, SUB201600092 still
under review.
112112021 Reply: Noted
Rev.l: Comment partially addressed, SUB201600092 approved. Roads and WPO
must be built or bonded prior to final plat approval. Please see attached
Engineering comments for further information.
512512021 Reply: Noted
2. [ZMA2013-14] Proffer 10.1. On the northern side of Cross Creek Drive, please provide
an emergency connection to TMP 32- 22E. The plat shall label it " 50' Right-of-way
Reserved for Future Dedication Upon Demand of the County." Also, ensure that all
applicable temporary construction easements are provided to construct the connection. Be
aware that the proffer also states that prior to the issuance of a building permit for
building 32 as shown on the application plan that the R/ W shall be dedicated to public
use, which means a road plan for that section shall be approved and bonded prior to
dedication and acceptance and/or the conditions listed shall be addressed in a deed. First
submittal: Comment stands, SUB201600092 still under review. The road plans have
shown and labeled the 50' ROW reservation, but this needs to be shown on the final plat
prior to approval. Please add the ROW reservation to the plat and include "50' Ri hg t-of-
wav Hereby Reserved for Future Dedication Upon Demand of the County" in the
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
3. [SP2002-72] Condition # 8. On the final subdivision plat provide the following note: "
An approved landscape plan is required prior to the issuance of the 1 St CO for any of the
dwelling units on any of the lots abutting Pritchett Lane." First submittal: Comment not
addressed, note has not been added to the plat.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
4. [SP2002-72] Condition # 10. On the final subdivision plat provide the following note:
"An over lot grading plan must be approved by the County Engineer prior to the issuance
of a building permit for a new residence on any subdivision lot less than 15, 000 SF in
size." First submittal: Comment not addressed, note has not been added to the plat.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
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1 Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
5. [ZMA2013-7 Proffer 8.2(e)] Affordable Housing. On the final subdivision plat
provide a chart that provides a running total of the number and percentage of
affordable units previously provided and proposed to be provided by the subdivision
plat. First submittal: Comment not addressed, a chart for affordable unit tracking has
not been included on the plat. Please add this to the plat and state the number and
percentage of affordable units proposed.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Chart has been provided and plat has been sent to Zoning Division to
verify that this is all that is needed. Any comments or approvals will be
forwarded to the applicant once Zoning has completed their review.
512512021 Reply. Noted
6. [ZMA2013-7 Proffer 8.2(d)] Affordable Housing/ Carriage House Units. On the
final subdivision plat provide the following note: "Carriage units shall meet the
requirements for a single-family dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform
Statewide Building Code and shall be on the same parcel as the primary dwelling
unit to which it is accessory and shall not be subdivided from the primary residence.
These restrictions must be incorporated into each deed conveying title of such
parcels." First submittal: Comment not addressed, note has not been added to the
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
7. [ZMA2013-7, SP2002-72, 18-32.2, 18-4.161 Site Plan. Throughout the subdivision
there are numerous required recreational amenities depicted, such as swimming pool
& clubhouse w/ associated parking. These improvements require initial site plan and
a final site plan approval prior to applying for a building permit of these uses. If these
uses require over 10,000 SF of land disturbance a WPO application will also be
required for the use. On the final subdivision plat please ensure these improvements
are depicted and labeled as " Open space hereby dedicated to the HOA for
recreational amenities" or some other comparable identifier. Prior to final subdivision
plat approval, a covenants and restriction document shall be approved by the County
Attorney' s office which includes maintenance of these open space areas and
amenities. The recreational areas in each phase shall be built once 50% of the units in
the phase receive their certificate of occupancy, CO' s past the 50% will be held till
those improvements are installed. First submittal: Comment stands. Open space is
shown and labeled, but please provide a set of HOA covenants that addresses the
information contained in the comment above. Furthermore, the final site plan for.
112112021 Reply: Note has been added to the subplat and the owner will submit a set
of HOA covenants.
Rev. 1: The HOA covenants have been submitted, Per the County Attorney's
office, please fill out and complete the attached checklist and resubmit it when
prepared. The checklist is needed for County Attorney review.
512512021 Reply: This information has been sent on to the client
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1 Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
8. [14-302 (13)(1)] General information. lndicatc the total numbcr of sheets, either as
part of title block or on the cover sheet. First submittal: Comment stands, please add
a sheet index to the cover sheet.
112112021 Reply: There is a note existing on the bottom right-hand comer that says
sheet _ of 5. No sheet index has been added for 4 sheets.
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
9. [14-302(B)(5)] Zoning. Include in the zoning notes that this property contains the
following overlays: Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, Flood Hazard Overlay
(100 Year Floodplain), Steep Slopes (Managed and Preserved), and Water Protection
Ordinance (WPO) Buffers. Additionally, note that this property is subject to
ZMA2013-14, ZMA2013-7, ZMA2000-9, SP2015-03, and SP2002-72. First
submittal: Comment stands. The Zoning note does not state the applicable overlay
zoning districts or the ZMAs and SPs that apply to the properties. Please add this
information on the next submittal.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
10. [SP2002-72] Condition #11. On the final subdivision plat provide a note that verifies
each lot meets the following special use permit condition: "All residential uses shall
be served by gravity sanitary sewers; however, basements may be served by grinder
pumps."First submittal: Comment not addressed, note has not been added to the plat.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
11. [14-414, 4.1, ZMA2000-9] Prior to final subdivision plat approval Lot 99 shall be
provided public water and public sewer approved by ACSA. Additionally, Lot 99
shall receive VDOT approval for an entrance onto Pritchett Lane.First submittal:
Comment will be addressed once ACSA review of the plat is complete.
1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
Rev. 1: Comment stands pending ACSA review completion.
5/25/2021Reply: We are assuming this is referring to Lot 10Z ACSA has
confirmed by email that they have no further comment
12. [14-302 (A)(9)] Please add a note to the plat stating "Parcel [letter or number] and
the residue of Tax Map/Parcel [numbers] each contain a building site that complies
with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance."First submittal:
Comment not addressed, note has not been added to the plat.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev L: Comment not fully addressed. Note 17 has been added to Sheet 1, but
the information needed within the brackets was not included. For example, the
note should state something such as "Parcels 66-107 and the residue of
(applicable parent tract TMP number) each contain a building site that
complies with Section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance."
512512021 Reply: Corrected
13. [14-317] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Prior to final
subdivision plat approval instruments evidencing maintenance of the pedestrian
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Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
tunnel and the utility crossings within the public right of way that are located over
culverts must be approved by the County. Please submit the draft documents to
Planning staff and these will be forwarded to the County Attorney for review. First
submittal: Comment stands. The Board of Supervisors has authorized the County
Executive to sign the agreement for the pedestrian tunnel. Please provide a draft of
112112021 Reply: Noted
Rev 1.: Kevin McDermott sent a copy of the draft agreement to the developer
via email on May 11, 2021. Once the developer suns the agreement and returns
it to the County, the agreement will be forwarded to VDOT for their final
review/approval. Once approved by VDOT, Kevin McDermott will coordinate
sienatures and recordation.
512512021 Reply. Noted
Comments for first submittal of SUB202000206:
14. [General Comment] Please clearly label all adjacent properties and state the TMP
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
15. [14-302 (A)(1)] Please revise the plat title so that it states that this is a final subdivision
plat for North Pointe Phase IA.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
16. [14-302 (A)(3)] There are currently two easement plats under review proposing to
dedicate a portion ofNorthside Drive to public use as street right-of-way. Prior to final
plat approval, the sections of Northside Drive that have been dedicate will need to be
updated so that the ROW labels state the recorded deed book and page number.
Rev. 1: Comment stands. Once that ROW has been dedicated (recorded), please
insert the applicable DB and page numbers in the labels on Sheet 2.
512412021 Reply. Noted, this will be addressed once the ROW is recorded
a. All other streets shown in Phase I should have their labels revised so that
they state, "public right-of-way hereby dedicated to public use."
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
17. [14-302 (A)(4) & 14-302 (A)(5)] There are currently two easement plats under
review proposing to create the new easements shown on the final plat. Prior to final
plat approval, please update all easement labels so that they state the easement type,
width, whether they are public or private, and state the recorded instrument number
(deed book and page).
a. Please see the attached Engineering Division comments regarding deeds
needed for the new public easements.
1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
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804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
Rev. 1: Comment stands, please see Engineering comments.
512512021 Reply. Noted
b. Any easements not shown on SUB202000210 or SUB202000211 will need
to be identified as "new" easements on this plat. See Engineering Division
comments for farther information.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment stands. Once SUB202000210 and SUB202000211 are
approved and recorded, please update all applicable easement labels to
state the record DB and pace numbers.
512512021 Reply. Noted, this information will be updated once easements
are recorded
c. Please be aware that deeds will be needed for the proposed pedestrian access
easements between lots 95-98 and lots 85/106-104. Staff can provide
templates for these easement types if needed.
1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
Rev. 1: Comment may be addressed pending review by County
Attorney. Under Section V, Article 1 of the Residential Declaration and
Covenants draft sent to County staff, there is a declaration outlining
ownership of the proposed private access easements. Any needed
revisions will be sent to the applicant upon completion of the County
Attorney review.
512512021 Reply. Noted
18. [14-302 (A)(7)] Please clearly identify the new proposed parcel boundaries of the
residues of TMP 32-20, 32-23, 32-23J and 32-29I. It is difficult to distinguish where the
residue of each parcel will be located. Existing lots and their residues should be indicated
by dashed lines, and new lots with solid lines.
a. For example, the parcel boundaries of Open Space C appear to be drawn as
three different line types: a dashed line running along the centerline of the
creek, a solid line along Crosscreek Drive and Crosscreek Place, and then there
is another dashed line type running through the parcel indicating existing
parcel lines to be vacated. Please use the same line type for all new parcel
boundaries and use a separate type for residue of existing parcels.
1/21/2021 Reply Corrected.
Rev. 1: Please revise the callouts/labels for the residue of all parent tracts
that are being subdivided. For example, on Sheet 2, TMP 23-23 is labeled
as "part of." If this is the residue of TW32-23 that will be left after
dedication of ROW ands subdivision of new lots, the label should state
"Residue of TMP 32-23 and state the residue acreage.
5/25/2021Reply: Corrected
The table on Sheet 1 states that TMP 32-23J will have a residue acreage of
1.611 acres. However, Sheet 3 shows the property boundary between TMP
32-23J and 32-23 being vacated, and no residue of TMP 32-23J is visible.
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Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
Please clearly identify the residue parcel boundary of TMP 32-23J. If this
is an error and 32-23J is going to be added to TMP 32-23, update the table
Sheet 1 as necessary.
512512021 Reply: I emailed you on 512612021, about vacating the parcel lines
that are outside of the subdivision. Since no email was returned, we did not
vacate any of the parcel lines that are out of the subdivision itself and
updated the totals to reflect the changes.
The Table on Sheet 1 states that TMP 32-29I will have a residue of 0.004
acres. Where is this residue located, as it is not visible on the plat. If the
residue of TMP 32-29I is going to be that small, please explain why it is
not being incorporated into another residue parcel. The plat may need to
be revised to state the residue acreage of all parent tracts pending
applicant response to this comment.
512512021 Reply: On sheet 3, 32-29I, is right below Crosscreek Place. I
emailed you on 512612021, about vacating the parcel lines that are outside of
the subdivision. Since no email was returned, we did not vacate any of the
parcel lines that are out of the subdivision itself.
If the residues of TMPs 32-23, 32-23J and 32-29I are intended to become a
single parcel of record, dimensions of the proposed property boundaries
must be shown on the plat. Please explain/clarify the intent of what the
residue acreage of the parents' tracts are supposed to become. Currently,
there existing parcel boundaries are shown without dimensions and
existing property lines are labeled as "Property line vacated."
a. For example, the parcel boundaries of Open Space C appear to be
drawn as three different line types: a dashed line running along the
centerline of the creek, a solid line along Crosscreek drive and
Crosscreek Place, and then there is another dashed line type running
through the parcel indicating existing parcel lines to be vacated. Please
use the same line type for all new parcel boundaries and use a separate
type for residue of existing parcels.
Rev. 1: Please verify that the new proposed property boundary of
Park F/Open Space C is following the centerline of the creek and
shown on Sheets 2 and 3. It is clear that the solid line along the
North Pointe Blvd boundary are the eastern and southern proposed
parcel boundary. But the western boundary of this parcel is still
difficult to distinguish.
512512021 Reply: Parcel lines inside the subdivision that are being
vacated are dashed, parcel lines outside of the subdivision are solid
lines, since they are adjoiners property lines, until it is confirmed they
can be vacated with this subdivision
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Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
19. [14-302 (A)(11)] Please revise the Source of Title note on Sheet 1 so that it
states the recorded instruments for each existing TMP affected by this plat.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
20. [14-302 (A)(14)] Please revise all proposed street labels so they state, "hereby dedicated
to public use."
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
21. [14-302 (A)(15)] This plat affects TMPs 32-20, 32-23, 32-23J, and 32-29I. Please
provide the owner names and information for each parcel as a note on Sheet 1.
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
a. Currently, the plat states that all properties are owned by Great Eastern
Management. However, Albemarle County GIS identifies NORTH POINTE
CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC as the owners of TMP 32-23, 32-23I, and 32-23J.
GIS indicates that TMP 32-20 is owned by CWH PROPERTIES LIMITED
PARTNERSHIP. Is this an error in GIS?
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
22. [14-302 (B)(1)] Please add a date of last revision.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev 1.: Comment stands.
512512021 Reply. Corrected
23. [14-302 (B)(8) & 14-401] Please address the following related to setbacks:
a. Please draw and label the setback lines on all proposed residential lots on Sheets
3 and 4.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment not fullv addressed. Setback lines are drawn. but thev are
only labeled as "BSL." The lines should state the specific setback (front, side,
rear, garage) and then the width "10' minimum." For example, "10'
minimum Front BSL" and "18' minimum Front Garage Setback" etc. Please
512512021 Reply. Corrected
b. Please update the setback notes on Sheet 1 so that it states the garage setbacks
that apply to each dwelling unit type.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
c. Please state the minimum and maximum front setbacks for both dwelling unit
types on the note on Sheet 1.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The maximum front setbacks for
sinele family detached dwellings and zero lot line lots is 50', not 18' as
currently stated. Please revise.
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512512021 Reply: Corrected
d. Please update the setback note on Sheet 1 so that it states which setbacks apply to
Lot 84. Lot 84 isn't mentioned under single family detached or zero lot line
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
24. [14-302 (13)(9) Please address the following related to 100-year floodplain:
a. On the cover sheet, indicate whether any of the properties are located within the
Flood Hazard Overlay District. Identify the source used to make this
112112021 Reply: Corrected, see note 4
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
b. Show and label the limits of the Flood Hazard Overlay District on any applicable
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
25. [14-302 (B)(10)] Show the location of any Water Protection Ordinance (WPO)
stream buffers on all applicable sheets.
a. Add a note to the cover sheet stating, "The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall
be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
26. [14-303 (A)] Please provide a statement of consent to division on the cover sheet for
each TMP subject to this plat.
a. The statement of consent to division should be worded as follows: "The platting
or dedication of the following described land [insert a correct description of the
land subdivided] is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the
undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees, if any. "
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The statement of consent to division
should be provided above the owner signature Panel. Currently, there are
four separate notes on Sheet 1 on the bottom right of the page, but the owner
signature Panels are in the top left of the page. Please move either the
signature Panels or statement of consent to be with each other.
512512021 Reply: Corrected
27. [14-303 (D)] Please state the existing and proposed acreages for each existing lot as a
note on the cover sheet.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The Parcel acraee table on Sheet 1 does not
include the Droposed open space parcel acreages. Please include this in the table.
512512021 Reply: Corrected
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Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
28. [14-303 (0)] On the cover sheet, pleasc providc a signaturc panel for each property
owner under the statements of consent to division mentioned in comment # 19.
1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
29. [14-303 (P)] On the cover sheet, please provide notary panels for the notary to
acknowledge the signature of the owner.
112112021 Reply: The owner of both these companies is the same person, so only
one notary is needed for the owners
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
30. [General Comment] Please revise the label for Open Space C so that it states that it
includes "Park F" per ZMA Application Plan.
1/21/2021 Ready: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Based on revisions to the plat made in
response to comment 918 above, it is now apparent that the area now labeled as
Park F overlaps with the land shown on Sheet C & G of the Application Plan that is
within the 100-year floodplain. Per proffer #4.1 and 96.1, land within the 100-year
floodplain will be dedicated to the County upon request as floodplain/greenway.
The area that is supposed to be within Park F is located on the north side of
Northside Drive, which is not the same area currently labeled as Park F on the plat.
To be clear, proffers #4.1 and #6.1 state that the conservation areas shown on Sheet
C, and the land symbolized as "offered to be dedicated to the County on Sheet G of
the application plan (which includes 100-year floodplain) are required to be
dedicated to the County.
Staff would like to discuss this further with applicant. The land within 100-year
floodplain may need to be reserved for future dedication to public use with this plat.
References to Park E will likely need to be removed, as the land marked as Park F
is located on the south side of Northside Drive, not the north side.
512512021 Reply. Open Space C and Park F have been split and coversheet has been
updated accordingly.
31. [ 14-42 1] Monuments. All exterior and interior boundaries are required to be
monumented. Please ensure that the symbology used for monuments is consistent
between Sheet 1 and Sheets 2-3. The note on Sheet 1 shows a solid circle, but Sheets 2-4
show a hollow circle.
112112021 Reply: Corrected
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
a. Additionally, are any permanent reference monuments proposed to be set at new
lot corners? No monuments are called out within new lot boundaries on Sheets 3-
112112021 Reply: Monuments are referencing road monuments.
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
Review Department: CDD Engineering
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Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
Reviewer: Matthew Wentland
County Comments 1/21/2021:
1. The road plans will need to be approved and bonded before final plat approval.
112112021 Reply: Noted
2. Easements will need to be labelled as Public or Private. 1/21/2021Reply: Corrected
3. A Deed of Dedication will need to be signed and recorded for the public drainage
easements. This will be filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the
plat is nearing approval. 1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
4. A Deed of Dedication will need to be signed and recorded for the SWM facility
easements. This will be filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the
plat is nearing approval. 1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
5. The North Point plats currently under review (SUB202000210 & SUB2020000211) will
need to be recorded and the DB & PG references updated on this plat. 1/21/2021 Reply:
6. It appears some of the drainage easements are shown as appearing on the other plats
(with blank DB & PG references) but do not appear on the other plats (such as at the
comer of Thicket Run and Crosscreek across from lot 70). 1/21/2021 Reply: Easements
will he included in easement plats next review.
7. Several easements are not shown on the road plans that will also need to be shown on this
plat. This includes between structures 75 and 77 (across from lots 90-95), between
structures 105 and 107 (on the comer of lot 95, overlaps sanitary but should be labelled),
and between structures 65 and 65A (on the back of lots 90-94). Please verify no other
easements are missing. 1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
County Comments 5/19/2021:
1. The road plans will need to be bonded before final plat approval.
512512021 Reply: Noted
2. The BMP easement next to Park F on sheet will need to be labelled as public and revised
to match the wording of similar easements.
512512021 Reply. Corrected
3. The Variable width drainage easements along Crosscreek Place on sheet 3 have spaces
for the DBG & PG reference, but do not appear on the other plats. Please remove the DB
& PG references if they are proposed with this plat.
512512021 Reply. No Correction, these easements are show on sheet 6 of 6 of
4. A Deed of Dedication will need to be assigned and record for the public drainage
easements. This will be filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the
plat is nearing approval.
512512021 Reply. Noted
5. A Deed of Dedication will need to be signed and recorded for the SWM facility
easements. This will be filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the
plat is nearing approval.
512512021 Reply: Noted
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1 Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com
6. The North Point plats currently under review (SUB202000210 & SUB202000211) will
need to be recorded and the DB & PG reference updated on this plat.
512512021 Reply: Noted
Review Department: CDD Inspections
Reviewer: Betty Slough
County Comments 1/21/2021:
1. Note to developer: Due to required distances from lot lines and structures as required by
the NFPA, underground propane tanks may be prohibited Plan accordingly. 1/21/2021
Reply: Noted
2. Add the following note to the general notes page: ALL water lines, sewer lines, and fire
lines from the main to the structure located on private property MUST have a visual
inspection performed by the building department. 1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
3. Add the following note to the general notes page: Where the flood level rims of
plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream
manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed
in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such
fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole
cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a
backwater valve. 1/21/2021 Reply: Corrected
County Comments 5/4/2021:
1. Note to Developer: Due to required distance from lot lines and structures as required by
the NFPA, underground propane tanks may be prohibited. Plan accordingly.
512512021 Reply. Noted
Review Department: CDD E911
Reviewer: Brian Becker
County Comments 1/21/2021:
No objection
Review Department: Fire Rescue
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox
County Comments 1/21/2021:
No objection
Review Department: Department of Transportation
Reviewer: Adam J. Moore
County Comments 1/21/2021:
1. The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land
Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced North Pointe Section IA- Final Plat, as
submitted by Townes Site Engineering, dated November 20, 2020 and find it to be
generally acceptable 1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
2. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way.
The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency land Use Section at
(434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. 1/21/2021 Reply: Noted
JASDSKPROA20150290\Published Files\PDFs\Submittal Sets\SOBPLAnSECTION lA\3RD TECH CHEMcounty response letter.docx
Park West Circle, Suite 108, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
804-748-9011 Fax 804-748-2590 www.cctownes.com