HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000007 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2021-06-22COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
VSMP Permit Plan Review
Hark Vineyards Tasting Room - VSMP
Project file number:
Plan preparer:
Jonathan Showalter, PE, Timmons Group — 608 Preston Ave, Suite 200,
Charlottesville, VA 22903 [ ionathan.showalter(a timmons.com ]
( Initial)
Clark Gathright, 100 W Street, NE, Suite 200, Charlottesville, VA 22902
[cgathri ght(adgarachs. coral
Owner or rep.:
Herald Ventures, LLC; 2417 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901
[ aaron(a),harkvinevards.com ]
Plan received date:
10 Feb 2020
(Rev. 1)
2 Feb 2021
(Rev. 2)
6 Apr 2021
(Rev. 3)
24 May 2021
Date of comments:
9 Mar 2020
(Rev. 1)
22 Feb 2021
(Rev. 2)
22 Apr 2021
(Rev. 3)
22 Jun 2021
John Anderson
County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any
VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied (SWPPP omission, Sec.8.
Please see item below.) The VSMP application content requirements can be found in County Code
section 17-401.
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain
(1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary.
1. Sec. 1, Registration Statement is incomplete. Complete Sec. 1 as condition of VSMP /WPO plan approval.
a. Sec. I.A. Operator /Permittee information: Section is blank, please complete. (Rev. 1) Not
addressed. (Rev. 2) Not addressed; may be technical, submittal -related issue. Please flatten
.PDF prior to re -submittal. .PDF preview welcome prior to formal resubmittal. Review of
remaining Registration Statement -related comments tends to indicate this is a .PDF file flatten
issue. (Rev. 3) Addressed.
. Review error, withdrawn.
d. Sec. VI /Certification: Please complete. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2) Persists. File flatten
issue? (Rev. 3) Addressed.
e. New: Sec. II.B., C., E., G. I. —Complete all sections of Registration Statement, Please QC. (Rev.
2) Persists. File flatten issue? (Rev. 3) Addressed.
2. Sec. 4 5: Update these sections with revised ESC and SWM plan sheets, once comments are addressed.
(Rev. 1) Persists. (Rev. 2) May persist. (Rev. 3) Addressed.
3. Sec. 6.A. / Exhibit: Indicate location rain gauge. (Rev. 1) Addressed. As ollow-u : (Rev. 2) a,b,c, below,
Engineering Review Continents
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a. Provide silt fence downslope of stockpile.
b. Provide depression /small trap to collect vehicle wash waters (not VESCH design /small).
c. Provide catchment /small trap to intercept runoff from dumpster, mortar mix, temp. toilets. These
items are shown on ungraded slopes with no downslope catchment, or barrier to overland flow.
4. Sec. 6.E. — List named individual responsible for pollution prevention practices prior to VPDES permit
registration. (Rev. 1) Persists. List named individual prior to VAR10 CGP Registration for state permit.
(Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant response (Apr-6 letter): `This section will be completed once a contractor has
been selected.' (Rev. 3) Addressed.
5. Sec. 8. — List named individual qualified to perform compliance inspections prior to VPDES permit
registration. (Rev. 1) Persists. List named individual prior to VAR10 CGP Registration for state permit.
(Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant: `Section will be completed prior to registration permit once a contractor and
subs have been finalized.' (Rev. 3) Not addressed. List individual (with Martin Hom) responsible for
SWPPP inspections.
6. Sec. 9., Signed Certification: Individual who prepared SWPPP document must sign as condition of VSMP
/WPO plan approval. Albemarle cannot register project with DEQ until SWPPP Sec. 9 is complete. (Rev.
1) Persists. (Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant: `Section will be completed once a contractor has been selected.'
(Rev. 3) Addressed.
7. Sec. 11 — Include copy of 26-p. 2019VARIO VPDES General Construction Permit. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
8. Sec. 12 — Include template inspection forms. (Rev. 1) Addressed,
9. Include 2019 Notice of Termination form. Link:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineering and
_WPO Forms/CGP Notice of Termination 2019 FINAL_201904.odf (Rev. 1) Not Addressed. (Rev. 2)
10. Revise SWPPP title to include ref, to VSMP /WP02020-00007. (Rev. 1) Addressed,
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) — See above. Limited follow-up items. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This
plan is approved.
1. A SWM Facility Easement Plat is required for this project. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Initial comment is
revised to require Stormwater management maintenance agreement, Sec. 17-415, which ensures county
access for periodic inspection/maintenance, and stipulates owner obligation to maintain SWM facilities.
Platted easement is not, however, required. Platted easement with deed is required for: subdivision
developments [ 14-428], site plan developments [ 18-], and if a forest -open space (FOS) area
/acreage value is entered as post -developed land cover in VRRM.xls [DEQ Guidance Memo No. 16-2001,
May 2, 2016]. Chapter 17 alone does not stipulate easement requirements for SWM facilities. Ch. 14 and
18, however, do. This site does not require a site plan and does not propose subdivision or FOS Easement,
therefore, platted easement and SWM facility deed are not required. A SWM Facility Maintenance
Agreement and surety /bond for SWM facilities are required.
T--1-0 CO.0
2. Revise title to include VSMP /WP02020-00007. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
3. Revise Note 2. Shift install detention piping to sequence step 8., or revise notes to ensure detention system
remains off-line until upslope areas are stabilized. (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
4. Source of topography is given as county GIS. Provide source of survey basis of design (SWM facility
/storm pipe design elevations). (Rev. 1) Addressed.
5. Revise drawing index, C-1.3 to ref. Site Layout. A VSMP/WPO plan cannot include /approve a site plan.
(Rev. 1) Addressed.
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C-4-b C2.0:
6. Identify and provide ownership data for adjacent parcels (TMP #, Owner name, deed bk.-pg.). (Rev. 1)
Partially Addressed. As ollaw-W: Provide large scale image that depicts entire development parcel, with
every adjacent IMP identified (TMP#, owner, deed bk.-pg.). Also: list intersecting road distance SE / NW.
(Rev. 2) Addressed.
7. Recommend coordinate entrance location with VDOT. Acquire VDOT permits, as needed. (Rev. 1)
Persists. Entrance is shown on C3.4. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant: `Comment acknowledged. VDOT
coordination is underway.'
8. Label critical slopes. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. No critical slopes in vicinity of development (lot /building)
C— 4 C4.0
9. Revise sheet title to site layout. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
10. Recommend label typical parking space dimensions. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
11. Show yard drain outfall (show connection to SWM system, or release point). (Rev. 1) NA — Design
12. Provide 50' gas pipeline easement bk.-pg. reference. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
13. Provide note listing depth (or suspected depth) to gas pipeline. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn.
14. Provide precautionary Note to contractor concerning grading within gas pipeline easement. (Rev. 1)
Persists —Provide Note on C5.0. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
15. Provide retaining wall details, for example: type, length, Max. height. (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised. A
retaining wall (15' high, C4.0 C5.0) is incorporated into building design to be reviewed as part of building
permit application review/approval process.
16. Provide SWM facility description (material, slope, overall L x W x DIA x # lines). (Rev. 1) NA — Design
17. Recommend label post -developed improvements, i.e.: asphalt parking, concrete walk, etc. (Rev. 1)
18. Label two culverts near vineyard entrance. (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
19. Recommend show site water supply (well). (Rev. 1) Addressed,
20. VaRRM.xls land cover summary post -development lists Final Post Dev Site Rv =0.53, revise Energy
balance equation to use this post-dev Rv. (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
21. Ensure energy balance equation indicates compliance. (Rev. 1) Persists. Also, item 50., below. (Rev. 2)
Partially addressed. Applicant: `Stormwater design has been revised to comply with Energy Balance for
the disturbed areas that will be concentrated in the post condition'. As ollow-W: Please see email sent
3/8/2021 9:00 AM, which includes: `To be consistent with what we've required on other projects, the
engineer should show the flowrate and orifice size required to meet the energy balance in addition to
the flowrate resulting from the 3" orifice. They need to also request an Exception from the regulations
to discharge more than what the energy balance allows. The request should be a letter with a fee
($240) and the letter should compare the rates and provide justification for using a 3-inch discharge.'
If unable to meet the energy balance requirement with a 3-inch orifice, please request an exception
requesting to construct underground detention shown on C6.0 with a 3-inch orifice, rather than 2.5". (Rev.
3) Addressed. Waiver approved 5/1921 —ref. CV.
22. Provide Q(l) un-detained calculations, since methodology unclear. 14.31 cfs does not match C-1.9
hydrographs. Label un-detained drainage divide in image `Overall drainage areas.' Align graphic,
routings, calculations, energy balance, and compliance narrative with aim toward simplicity, and clarity.
C-1.3 and C-1.9 provide a partial, somewhat confusing analysis of drainage and SWM compliance data.
(Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
23. Revise using I.F. = 0.8. Engineering check, energy balance: Qpost = (0.8)(14.50)(0.20)/0.53 — Qpon &e i.. d.
(Rev. 1) Persists —Although design revised, this comment is relevant. Water quantity compliance requires
energy balance since proposed discharge is to a natural conveyance (ref review item 50., below). Note:
Simply altering location of outfall does not address comment. Given slopes across site, ELS is a non -viable
stand-alone concentrated -to -sheet flow transition device. Runoff must be detained (reduced) on this site.
(Rev. 2) Addressed, but please see item 21, above.
24. Provide post -developed impervious cover table, listing impervious area (sf) of (Rev. 1) Persists. (Rev. 2)
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a. Drive
b. Walks
c. Parking
d- Buildings
25. Show existing structures (structures visible in GIS). (Rev. 1) Addressed.
26. Label terrain contours, provide elevation labels. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
27. Label roads beyond property boundary. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
28. If nutrient credit purchase proposed, coordinate with Ana Kilmer, Management Analyst, prior to purchase.
(Rev. 1) Persists -Plan proposes 1.59 lb. nutrient credit purchase. (Rev. 2) Persists. Applicant: `Comment
acknowledged. Nutrient Credit purchase will be coordinated with Ana Kilmer prior to purchase.' (Rev. 3)
Persists. Applicant response (5/21/21 letter): `Coordination for nutrient credits will be coordinated with
Ana Kilmer prior to purchase.'
C- -4 Design Calculations and Narrative, Feb-5, 2021 (Timmons Group)
29. Culvert 4 proposed 27.5% exceeds Max. 16%. Pipe grade steeper than 16% requires anchors. Ref. VDOT
drainage manual,, maximum grades. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Though design has changed and
culvert 4 does not exist, design proposes pipe 101, 19.74%. Provide anchor block detail, notes, narrative,
sequence, etc. to guide installation of anchors for pipe>16% slope, per VDOT Drainage Manual standards.
Provide /show anchors, anchor detail, notes, narrative, sequence, etc., requisite for pipe 101 installation, for
plan approval. Ref. Cale. report, .55. (Rev. 2) Addressed. [Image removed with Rev. 2 comments.]
30. Design, show, and label riprap outfall protection for culverts 1 and 5. (Rev. 1) NA - Design revised.
31. Provide LD-229, storm culvert design tables for all culverts. Avoid flow velocities in excess of 10 fps.
(Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-uo:
a. List pipe 101 outfall V2,,. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. Velocity calculation is provided for pipe 201,
at site entrance. Please provide V2,, for pipe 101, which is site storm outfall. (Rev. 3) Addressed.
b. Provide outfall protection (OP) sized for outfall flow /velocity. (Rev. 2) May persist. Able to
evaluate riprap once site outfall velocity reported. Please alert if pipe 101 V2-,is presented on
plan or calculation booklet, and overlooked. (Rev. 3) Addressed.
c. Label pipe outfall riprap dimensions (L x W x D). (Rev. 2) Addressed.
32. Provide storm profiles: label INV IN/OUT, rim, etc. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
33. Label structures. Use VDOT nomenclature. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
34. Provide Nyloplast typical details, as needed. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
35. (C5.0) Provide flow arrows to indicate direction of flow in pipes. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2)
36. If culvert 2 passes beneath proposed retaining wall, show retaining wall in storm profile. (Rev. 1) NA -
Design revised.
37. Provide design details of stoFm detention s. see comments elsewhere (slope, DIA, overall length, #
lines, etc.). (Rev. 1) NA -Design revised, detention eliminated.
38. If storm detention is a Mfr. system (ADS, Contech, etc.), provide manufacturer recommended installation,
and periodic maintenance guidelines (on the plans). (Rev. 1) NA - Design revised.
39. Ensure manways to detention system are accessible. Provide clear view of 15" HDPE end cap and debris
cage from above, without requiring inspectors to enter 4' MH confined space. (Rev. 1) NA - Design
40. Culvert 5: Outfall is shown at elev. 602', while invert out is listed as 600.0'. Revise for consistency. (Rev.
1) NA - Design revised.
41. Provide swale adequacy calculations (pre -post listed as 3.35 and 3.55 fps, respectively). Provide 10-yr
swale capacity (cfs) and 2-yr swale velocity (fps) calculations. (Rev. 1) NA - Design revised.
42. Provide culvert 3 velocity /capacity calculations, see comments elsewhere re. LD-229. (Rev. 1) NA -
Design revised.
43. Show, design, and label outfall protection, culvert 3. Provide channel protection, as needed, for drainage
formed by proposed and existing contours downslope of culvert 3. (Rev. 1) NA - Design revised, but
please see ESC Plan, item 14.h., below.
44. Recommend steeper slope for culvert 2, flatter slope for culvert 4. (Rev. 1) NA - Design revised.
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45. Provide additional plan /profile data for detention system: (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
a. Elev. base of bedding,
b. Label hatch to 15" pipe,
c. Show debris cage for 2.5" DIA orifice in end cap,
d. Provide additional endcap detail (specify watertight, means of affixing to 15" HDPE, end cap
material, etc.),
e. Label culvert 5,
f. Label MH diameter,
g. Label /revise rectangular image in right-hand profile view of detention structure, which appears
inconsistent with plan view.
46. Provide debris cage detail (2.5" DIA orifice). (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
47. Add .PDF image of Construction Record Drawing (As -built) for VSMP to the plans (link:
http://www.albemarle.orp/ul2load/imaees/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineerin
g and WPO Forms/WPO VSMP Construction Record Drawings Policy 23Mav2014.pdf I. (Rev. 1)
48. Submit easement plat. Easement plat must be recorded prior to VSMP /WPO202000007 approval. (Rev. 1)
Review error /withdrawn. Also, SWM review item 1. above.
49. C8.0
a. Reconcile pipe 101 profile 12.00% slope with Cale. report, p. 5, pipe 101 slope 19.74%. (Rev. 2)
Addressed. Applicant: `The storm system has been updated and pipe calcs have been revised
b. Str. 104: Provide label requiring Y2" steel plate in floor of MH. (Rev. 2) Withdrawn. Review
error. Applicant: `Per VDOT Design Standard, a steel plate is only required in a manhole
where the inlet pipe and outlet pipe are greater than 4' apart and the flow is either continuous live
flow, carrying abrasive materials, or the size of the main pipes is 48" or greater. There is no live
flow through this system and therefore a steel plate is not required for the manhole.' Also, pipe
size is <48" and non-abrasive flow anticipated.
c. Recommend Note requiring 95% compaction beneath pipe 105 /str. 106, since in fill sections.
(Rev. 2) Addressed.
50. 9VAC25-870-66.D. /copied from
https: //law.l is. virginia.2ov/admincode/title9/agencv25/chapter870/section66/
D. Increased volumes of sheet flow resulting from pervious or disconnected impervious areas, or from physical
spreading of concentrated flow through level spreaders, must be identified and evaluated for potential impacts
on down -gradient properties or resources. Increased volumes of sheet flow that will cause or contribute to
erosion, sedimentation, or flooding of down gradient properties or resources shall be diverted to a stormwater
management facility or a stormwater conveyance system that conveys the runoff without causing down -
gradient erosion, sedimentation, or flooding. If all runoff from the site is sheet flow and the conditions of this
subsection are met, no further water quantity controls are required.
a. Initial design included detention, a SWM facility that would limit runoff without causing down -
gradient erosion, sedimentation, or flooding.
b. Please revisit /restore stormwater management facility design to this VSMP.
c. Revise /delete reference in plan narrative, or calculation report that water quantity is met by sheet
flow, without detention, with an ELS. Downgradient slope /contours indicate a nearly proximate
existing natural conveyance channel will concentrate increased volumes of sheet flow.
d. Sheet flow Vol. increases with this project with construction of significant impervious land cover.
e. Divert site runoff to a stormwater management facility or a stormwater conveyance system that
conveys the runoff without causing downgradient erosion, sedimentation, or flooding.
f Water quantity compliance is not met with this design; please see images, below. [Image removed
with Rev. 2 comments.] (Rev. 2) Addressed. The design has been updated to include detention.
51. Engineering urges applicant to coordinate septic field /plan review with VDH at earliest convenience. (Rev.
2) Comment acknowledged.
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D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan
is approved, but please s. _ _ � below.
1. It is not apparent how proposed buildingls, [and] parking, and C11T� a o "�,detent on can be built while
maintaining elean w te; diversions. Ensure diversions and all ESC can be maintained, as proposed,
throughout construction. .
(Rev. 1) Persists. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant: `Notes have been added to Erosion and Sediment
Control Phase 2 to better convey to the contractor and planner the construction sequence that shall occur in
order to maintain acceptable Erosion and Sediment Control measures until site stabilization is completed.'
2. Label OPI, OP2. (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
3. Recommend initial location for staging and parking, solid waste dumpster, port-a-john, and concrete
washout that does not require relocation for installation of detention system, or culvert 5. (Rev. 1)
4. Concrete wash -out station must drain to a trapping device, show location of trapping device. (Rev. 1) Not
addressed. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
5. Provide design details for level spreader (ELS) at outfall of culvert 3. Ref. VA DEQ Stormwater Design
Specification No. 2, Table 2.2 for ELS design criteria (13 lin.ft. per each 1 cfs of inflow). (Rev. 1) May
persist. An ELS may transition concentrated release from a detention system /SWMfacility to sheet flow.
Provide design details for any ELS that persists as a design feature. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant: `The
design has been updated to include detention for the concentrated runoff from the proposed impervious
areas in the post condition. Energy balance is being met for the concentrated stormwater outfall and the
ELS has been removed.'
6. Include ELS, culvert 3, in SWM narrative. (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
7. Label all culverts on this plan sheet. (Rev. 1) Addressed,
8. Revise CE symbol at site entrance to PCE (paved entrance). (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
9. Provide additional existing contour labels, to aid review and analysis. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
10. Show /label sanitary line (crossing) in culvert 5 profile (proposed san. line from building to septic field).
(Rev. 1) Not addressed. Show /label sanitary line (crossing) in pipe I03 profile, C8.0 (FM crossing x 2).
(Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant: `The stormwater system has been revised and no longer crosses the
proposed sanitary.'
11. Provide specific OP details (OP1, OP2). (Rev. 1) NA — Design revised.
12. Provide standard VDOT details: (Rev. 1) Persists. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
a. PB-1 (pipe bedding)
b. ST-1 (safety steps)
c. IS-1 (inlet shaping)
13. C3.1: Provide paved wash rack detail; p. 8, ACDMS — link:
https://www.albemarle.or2/Home/ShowDocument?id=270 (Rev. 2) Addressed.
14. Provide ESC phase interim to phase 1 (C3.2) and 2 (C3.3) that shows phase 2 final site grading with phase
1 sediment traps: (Rev. 2) Items a: k., addressed, via labels, ESC sequence notes, measures, and linework.
a. Phase 1 sediment traps (STI, ST2) control runoff from 3.82 Ac.
b. Phase 1 indicates trap placement, diversions, but apart from ST grading, no grading, whatsoever.
c. Phase 2 indicates final, built condition, but no sediment traps.
d. The interim phase, where all site work/grading and building construction occur while STs receive
diverted runoff during constructive phase, are not shown.
e. No ESC information is provided for the entirety of site grading /building construction.
f Phase 2 presents sparse perimeter controls unequal to challenge of controlling runoff from 3.82
Ac. DA, once diverted to sediment traps, now released to newly -graded fill slopes.
g. Final grading proposes uniform contours that in theory support sheet runoff, once stabilized.
h. Stabilization may not occur for weeks, or months. Until site is stabilized, sediment traps must
operate with relocated diversions routing runoff from graded slopes to same /similar traps, with
diversions designed to convey runoff to the traps. Also, please consider temporary slope drain/s.
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i. In ESC phase 2, no ESC or channel design is provided for concentrated runoff at intersection of
existing grade and proposed grade at NW side of site. The total vertical fall on the NW side of the
site is 40' (658' — 618'). Design permanent storm conveyance channel (may be grass -lined if
velocity non -erosive /provide EC-2, EC-3 matting, as needed) where runoff concentrates.
Evaluate channel velocity, and armoring (EC-2, EC-3), as needed (blue afFew bele ). [Image
removed with Rev. 2 comments.]
j. Please consider permanent surface water diversion to collect /divert runoff from edge of parking
lot to base of slope, rather than across slope face. Design assumes slope stability, even if parking
lot runoff releases across 15'-20' H fill slope. Sheet runoff from impervious areas across newly
constructed fill slopes of this height will likely cause rill erosion, which may worsen, or prove
difficult or expensive to fix, once rills established. This is a recommendation. Also, see 18-
k. C3.3: Perimeter controls for expanse of 15-20' high fill slopes are inadequate, or simply not
provided. Provide adequate phase 2 perimeter controls, see image, belo : [Image removed with
Rev. 2 comments.]
15. C3.2
a. Label ST floor dimensions in plan view (L x W). (Rev. 2) Addressed.
b. Label ST stone weir dimensions, plan view (L x W). (Rev. 2) Withdrawn.
16. New: Recommendation unrelated to WPO (Note, An SDP Application is not required, agricultural use):
Since project does not require a site or road plan, VDOT will not see information shown on C5.1, Sight
Distance Profile. Recommend coordinate entrance design at Markwood Road with VDOT since sight
distance (left) profile indicates SDL is within 3" of existing grade at SDL station 350'. VDOT may offer
recommendation; in any event, post -construction adjustment would only require slight additional cut
beyond public RW, on development property, to ensure unobstructed SDL, left (so, not a critical issue).
(Rev. 3) Addressed. Applicant response: `Acknowledged. VDOT has reviewed and notes sight distance
will be field verified after grading is completed.'
17. Nev: Recommend revise C6.0 SR 664 — Markwood Road label to read `prescriptive'. Typo, not critical.
(Rev. 3) Addressed.
The VSMP permit application and plans may be resubmitted for approval when comments have been satisfactorily
addressed. Once plans are revised, Engineering encourages digital submittal.
After approval, plans will have to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request
form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and
check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will
prepare bond agreement forms, which will have to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash,
certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will have to be approved and signed by the County
Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 24 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms.
Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also have to be completed and recorded. The
County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature
information. The completed forms will have to be submitted along with court recording fees.
After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will enter project information in a DEQ database for state
application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At
this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will have to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing,
this is done electronically with the emads provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with
instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This
should be copied to the county.
After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference.
Applicants must complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the
application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid.
This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the
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County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and
grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin.
County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering,
hno //www.albemarle.ore/dentforrns.asp?department�cdenMo
WP( B Tasting Room 062221rev3