HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000009 Staff Report 2020-10-06ALBEMARLE COUNTY STAFF REPORT Project Name: ZMA202000009 Forest Staff: Tori Kanellopoulos, Senior Planner Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Hearing: October Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: Tentative 6, 2020 date December 2, 2020 Owner: JA-ZAN Limited Partnership Applicant: Kelsey Schlein, Shimp Engineering, on behalf of JA-ZAN Limited Partnership Acreage: 3.43 acres Rezoning: Amend existing PDSC (Planned Development Shopping Center) Zoning District. Zoning remains PDSC. TMP: 046B4-00-00-00300 Location: Parcel has frontage on both Route 29 (Seminole Trail) and Worth Crossing. Parcel is approx. 670 feet south of the intersection of Route 29 and State Route 649 (Airport Road). School Districts: Baker Butler E.S., Current by -right use: PDSC (Planned Sutherland M.S., Albemarle H.S. Development Shopping Center) Magisterial District: Rivanna Proffers: Yes per ZMA198800016 Proposal: Amend proffers and application Requested # of Dwelling Units per ZMA: 0 plan approved with ZMA198800016 for PDSC. Request to increase the maximum square footage on Tract III to 110,000 square feet. Currently, 71,800 square feet of uses are permitted on Tracts II and III. The total permitted square footage would be 181,800 square feet on Tracts II and III. Request to revise location of building footprints as shown on the application plan. DA (Development Areas): Places29 Comp. Plan Designation: Urban Mixed Use (in Master Plan Centers) and Community Center per the Places29 Master Plan. Affordable Housing Provided: Affordable Housing AMI (%): ❑ Yes ❑x No No dwelling units are proposed. ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 Character of Property: The majority of the parcel is currently undeveloped and mainly consists of a grassy field with some trees. The pipe stem portion of the parcel has a travelway that connects to Route 29. Use of Surrounding Properties: There are surrounding commercial and retail properties to the north, south and west. Properties across Worth Crossing to the east are residential. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. The rezoning request is consistent 1. None identified. with the majority of the recommendations within the Places29 Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The rezoning request is consistent with all of the applicable Neighborhood Model Principles. 3. The rezoning provides for additional development opportunities on an underutilized parcel that is already zoned commercial and mixed -use. RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Map Amendment: Overall, staff finds that the favorable factors outweigh the unfavorable factors. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request ZMA202000009. ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 STAFF PERSON: Tori Kanellopoulos, Senior Planner PLANNING COMMISSION: October 6, 2020 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Tentative date December 2, 2020 PETITION: PROJECT: ZMA202000009 — Forest Lakes PSDC Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL: 046134000000300 LOCATION: Parcel has frontage on both Route 29 (Seminole Trail) and Worth Crossing. Northeastern corner of the parcel is adjacent to the intersection of Worth Crossing and Regent Street. Parcel is approx. 670 feet south of the intersection of Route 29 and State Route 649 (Airport Road). PROPOSAL: Request to amend existing proffers and application plan per ZMA198800016 to increase the maximum square footage allowed and revise building footprint locations. PETITION: Amend proffers and application plan approved with ZMA198800016 for existing Planned Development Shopping Center (PDSC) — shopping centers, retail sales and service uses; residential by special use permit (15 units/acre). Request to increase the maximum square footage on Tract III to 110,000 square feet. Currently, 71,800 square feet of uses are permitted on Tracts II and III. The total permitted square footage would be 181,800 square feet on Tracts II and III. Request to revise location of building footprints as shown on the application plan. ZONING: PD-SC Planned Development Shopping Center — shopping centers, retail sales and service uses; residential by special use permit (15 units/acre) OVERLAY DISTRICTS: Entrance Corridor, Airport Impact Area, Steep Slopes — Managed PROFFERS: Yes per ZMA198800016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Urban Mixed Use (in Centers) — commercial, retail, and office uses that are accommodated in Centers and residential uses (6.01 — 34 units/acre) in the Places29 Master Plan. Located within Community Center, which calls for uses that serve the Places29 community. CHARACTER OF THE AREA The subject property has frontage on both Route 29 and Worth Crossing and is within the Forest Lakes Shopping Center. Most of the parcel is currently undeveloped and mainly consists of a grassy field with some trees. The pipe stem portion of the parcel has a travelway that connects to Route 29 and the existing gas station and UPS store. The property is located adjacent to the existing Food Lion. (Attachment 1) There are a variety of commercial, retail, and auto service uses located around and adjacent to the site, including restaurants, a grocery store, and a gas station. Directly across Worth Crossing are existing townhouses (Forest Lakes). There are also several schools and churches across the street. SPECIFICS OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to amend the existing PDSC zoning district (established with ZMA198800016; see Attachment 3) to allow for an additional 110,000 square feet of commercial/retail/office (PDSC) uses permitted on Tract III and to amend the proposed building location. Within the PDSC, there are two tracts: Tract II (Phase One) includes the ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 3 existing Food Lion and commercial and retail uses on TMP 46134-2; Tract III (Phase Two) consists of TMP 46134-3, the currently undeveloped parcel. ZMA1988-16 allows for up to 71,800 square feet of uses on Tracts II and III. ZMA1988-16 also included several 'outparcels' (TMP's 46134-8, 46B4-9, 46134-10), which are within the PDSC but do not have specified a square footage for their uses. See Attachment 2 for a map with the Tracts and Outparcels within the PDSC labeled. The rezoning request would allow for 110,000 square feet of uses on Tract III, with 71,800 square feet of uses allowed on Tract II, for a total of 181,800 square feet allowed on both Tracts II and III. The outparcels have already been developed and do not factor into the square footage calculation. However, they are subject to the same proffers, including the trip count limit proffer that will be further discussed. Access to the site will be provided from Route 29 with the existing travelway, from the existing travelways and parking lot for the shopping center, and with a new entrance off of Worth Crossing. The asphalt multiuse path along Worth Crossing will be continued along the frontage of this site. Sidewalks will be provided through the site to provide connectivity with the existing shopping center and outparcels. A civic open space of at least 2,000 square feet with an outdoor seating area is provided on the edge of the site. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REQUEST The applicant has provided a narrative and application plan (Attachments 4 and 5). COMMUNITY MEETING The required community meeting was held on August 3, 2020, at 6:00 PM. Due to COVID- 19 restrictions, this was held as a virtual meeting. Community members in attendance asked about the potential traffic impacts from this development proposal. The applicant responded that there is an existing proffer that limits total daily vehicle trips for the PDSC and several adjacent commercial properties to 10,350 trips per day. The applicant explained that the remaining number of daily trips is 3,230; therefore, the future development on this parcel would need to generate equal to or fewer than that number of daily trips. The applicant stated that the future use of the property is not yet known, and that the intent of this application is to establish more usable square footage for this property, as only 14,778 square feet remain per the current proffers. Community members also asked about the access to the site and how that would function. The applicant responded that the site would have access to Route 29 using the existing entrance and joint access easement and would create a new entrance off of Worth Crossing. There were no major concerns heard during this meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY The following is the planning and zoning history for the PDSC established with ZMA198800016. There is no approved site plan for TMP 46B4-3. ZMA198800016: Rezoned TMP's 46134A1, 46134-2, 46B4-3, 46B4-8, 46B4-9 and 46134-10 from Highway Commercial, R-1 Residential and R-15 Residential to PDSC. Approved 71,800 square feet of PDSC uses on Tracts II (TMP 46B4-2) and III (TMP 46134-3) and approved additional development on the remaining 'outparcels' (TMP's 46134-8, 46B4-9 and ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 4664-10). Approved with proffers, including Proffer #4 limiting the total daily vehicle trip count of the then -established commercial area (totaling approximately 24 acres, including parcels outside of the PDSC) to 10,350 trips per day. (Attachment 3) SDP198900014 and SDP199300021 Site plans for the shopping center, including the Food Lion. Amended with SDP200800029 and with SDP200900001. SDP200100034 Final site plan approved for outparcel in the shopping center SDP200300087 Final site plan approved for outparcel in the shopping center. Includes a table of the parcels required to be included for ZMA198800016 Proffer #4 for daily vehicle trip counts. (See Attachment 7 for map of those parcels) ZMA202000009: ANAYLSIS OF THE REZONING REQUEST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The rezoning request is consistent with the majority of the applicable policies in the County's Comprehensive Plan. The request meets the Growth Management policy (CH 3), which directs new development and infrastructure to the Development Areas. The proposal meets Strategy 1a in the Economic Development Chapter (6) to direct new employment activities to the Development Areas and incorporate Neighborhood Model Principles, and Strategy 4c to promote redevelopment of underutilized parcels already zoned for commercial/retail/office uses. The Development Areas Chapter (8) Objective 6 recommends that infill development be compatible with existing adjacent and nearby development, which may include architectural and landscape requirements. The application plan includes architectural feature requirements along Worth Crossing; if those are not provided, a landscape buffer must be planted instead. The preference is for consistency with the Neighborhood Model Principle of Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale, especially along Worth Crossing, which faces existing residential development and will extend the existing asphalt multiuse path. Given that the proposal is adjacent to the existing shopping center, staff also found a landscape buffer could be appropriate instead, to be consistent with the existing buffer along Worth Crossing. Parking must be screened from residential uses regardless of whether the architectural features are provided. The proposed development is in an Entrance Corridor and will require Architectural Review Board approval for any portions of buildings visible from Route 29. Analysis of the Places29 Master Plan The proposed development is designated Urban Mixed Use and Center — Community Center in the Places29 Master Plan. The intent of this designation is to create places with retail, services, commercial uses, and employment generators that are near or adjacent to residential uses. Community Centers are intended to primarily serve the Places29 Community. ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 Community Centex Conntnnttr Ccol.xs Iripu 5 13 and S. 141 pao.ak rcWl md.er.icc use fur the wrraunding ana and rhF c.mnnuniry hevoMl. The+ are typnally anchored by a gnwrry suxc %nh additional nnad. sm tcc. or c ntmcnial uses, as xrl l a. resi ktwrs and ulftce uses on upper Ilmrs of mi.ed- u.c budding. Single.uoe ratdennal or otTicc hmlMnps may aln be pan ofthe mn of urq.. The rraidenttal nrtd nfrtac u.r. gnr the Gmum rnty (-rnrer the desired rniud-u.e daractn and prooak an oppomndy In broaden the rmp of r ,&nwl unit Ivpea and p,b. avmlaM1k n the Place._4 urea Where lh � are no nearby 1c,ghbo hnd Senacc ("enters. ('otttmn,ttr ( cnlcn an c..ged to ,,elude ,tnVhbt.hwd-.en ny u.ca a. .,If a. d..+e x,th a IaryYr ,wA( atra. U.. ly. Ga .1' C.I. ranee m .... from In to 35 .. The Places29 Master Plan recommends maximum building square footages and heights for the recommended uses in Community Centers, which include Neighborhood Retail, Community & Regional Retail, General Commercial Service, Auto Commercial Sales and Service, Office/Flex/R+D, and Institutional. The application plan form requirements for these standards are consistent with the Places29 Master Plan recommendations. Sheet 2 lists prohibited uses in this PDSC development, including manufacturing, storage, warehousing and distribution, consistent with the Places29 Master Plan recommendations. Permitted uses are the remaining by -right and special use permit uses in the PDSC Zoning District. While the exact use(s) for this site has not been included with this application, the by -right uses in the PDSC are already permitted on this site. The request is for additional square footage but does not alter the permitted uses already available to the property. The Places29 Master Plan recommends that Community Centers provide multiple connections to the surrounding area, including for pedestrian access. The proposed development would provide a new vehicular connection to Worth Crossing and would enhance the pedestrian network by extending the asphalt multiuse path along the frontage of Worth Crossing and provide additional internal pedestrian connections, including with the existing shopping center. The application plan also shows right of way area reserved along Route 29 for the future multiuse path shown in the Places29 Master Plan. The new connection with Worth Crossing meets the intent of the vehicular connection shown between Route 29 and Worth Crossing in the Places29 Master Plan. The Places29 Master Plan also recommends that Community Centers include a public open space that is at least 0.25 acres. The Parks/Open Space map shows a proposed civic open space partially on this parcel (TMP 46134-3) and on the adjacent parcel (TMP 46134-4), both of which are currently undeveloped. The proposed development shows a 2,000 square foot open space area with outdoor seating. Future development of the adjacent parcel should expand and enhance this civic space. The Places29 Master Plan intends for civic spaces in Centers to be accessible features that nearby residents, visitors, or shoppers can use and gather in. The Neighborhood Model: Staff has reviewed the proposal against the Neighborhood Model Principles and found that it is consistent with all the applicable principles. The detailed Neighborhood Model Analysis can be found in Attachment 6. ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 Relationship between the application and the intent and purposes of the requested zoning district: The purpose and intent of the Planned Development Shopping Center (PDSC) Zoning District is to: • `permit the development of neighborhood, community and regional shopping centers in accordance with standards set forth in the comprehensive plan. • serve areas not conveniently and adequately provided with a broad range of commercial and service facilities. • encourage planned commercial centers with carefully organized buildings, service areas, parking areas and landscaped areas." Staff reviewed the request and has found that this rezoning meets the purposes and intent of the PDSC. The District has been established and is partially developed. The proposed new development provides pedestrian and vehicular connectivity with the existing development and begins to develop the civic open space called for in the Places29 Master Plan. The proposed increase in square footage would provide additional opportunities for commercial, retail, and office uses to serve residents in the Places29 area, while remaining within the existing vehicle trips per day proffered limit. Anticipated impact on public facilities and services: Streets: The existing Proffer #4 per ZMA198800016 limits the total daily vehicular trips within the PDSC parcels and several nearby commercial parcels (see Attachment 7 for a map of all parcels) to 10,350 trips per day. The applicant has provided a trip generation table on Sheet 2 of the Application Plan, which shows a remaining trip count of 3,230 trips per day. Transportation Planning staff reviewed the trip generation table and find these counts to be accurate. The potential traffic impact of the proposed development is limited by this proffer. Therefore, the traffic impact has been analyzed as a maximum of 3,230 trips per day. This site (TMP 46134-3) is the only undeveloped parcel within the trip count proffer. When the rezoning was originally approved in 1989, Route 29 was a narrower road with far fewer traffic signals and other traffic management systems. At the time, 10,350 vehicle trips per day for the entire 'commercial area' was considered the limit the road network could handle, based on near - future road improvements. Since then, there have been significant road upgrades and traffic management improvements. Therefore, a development within the remaining 3,230 daily trip count is not expected to have a significant traffic impact on the existing road network. Schools: No residential units would be added with this development; therefore, there is no anticipated impact on Schools. Fire and Rescue: Fire/Rescue had no objection to the proposal. Utilities: ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 The proposed development is in the jurisdictional area for water and sewer. ACSA and RWSA had no objection to the proposal. Anticipated impact on environmental, cultural and historic resources: There are no known environmental. cultural or historic resources on the site. Anticipated impact on nearby and surrounding properties: No significant impacts are anticipated on nearby and surrounding properties. The request is for additional square footage, as the Zoning District and allowed uses are not changing; therefore, staff has analyzed the potential impact of additional square footage. This includes analysis of scale, built form, and traffic. While the original PDSC was approved prior to the adoption of the Places29 Master Plan, the application plan for this site includes scale recommendations that are consistent with the Places29 Master Plan. Additionally, Sheet 3 of the Application Plan includes supplemental architectural or landscape requirements. The building facades along Worth Crossing on this site must either have at least two material treatments, a minimum 6 percent transparency requirement, and a first -floor ceiling height of at least 12', or must have a landscape buffer consistent with the existing landscape buffer behind Food Lion. The preferred form of development is to meet the Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale recommendations per the Neighborhood Model Principles, which includes avoiding blank walls along the street. However, given that the shopping center is already partially developed, staff also finds extending the landscape buffer to be an acceptable mitigating element if the architectural building form requirements are not provided. As discussed in the above impacts to streets section, the daily trip count for the PDSC and nearby commercial area is limited to 10,350 trips per day, with 3,230 trips remaining. Staff does not find a significant traffic impact from this development, as it is limited to the previously approved daily trip count. Public need and justification for the change: The County's growth management policy states that new mixed -use development should occur in the designated Development Areas where infrastructure and services are provided, rather than in the Rural Area. This proposal provides additional commercial, retail, and office development opportunities on a parcel already zoned for a variety of non-residential uses. The proposal is located within a Center and is intended to have a mix of uses and provide for both employment and public gathering and shopping opportunities. There are existing proffers on this site per ZMA198800016. The proffered application plan is updated with this proposal. ZMA202000009: SUMMARY SUMMARY Staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 1. The rezoning request is consistent with the majority of the recommendations within the Places29 Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The rezoning request is consistent with all of the applicable Neighborhood Model Principles. 3. The rezoning provides for additional development opportunities on an underutilized parcel that is already zoned commercial and mixed -use. Staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request: 1. None identified. RECOMMENDATION: ZMA202000009 Based on the factors identified as favorable with this rezoning, staff recommends approval of ZMA202000009, Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Vicinity Maps Attachment 2: Map showing Tracts and Outparcels Attachment 3: Action Letter for ZMA198800016 Attachment 4: Applicant Narrative, dated 08-17-20 Attachment 5: Rezoning Application Plan, dated 09-23-20 Attachment 6: Neighborhood Model Principles Staff Analysis Attachment 7: Parcels within the daily trip count proffer ZMA202000009 Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing, October 6, 2020 3440 32-37A1 32-36F 32-37G -32-37C1 32-36G Legend More: some nema on map may not appear In legend) Parcel Info 32-37A ❑ Parcels <, 3455 4684-4 32-36E 4684-10 ! M \ 3449 \ 4684-5 29� 341 45 4684-9 3443 \\ 4684-3 1706 4684-02--A1 32J0 Re9e1 > 1t q v 3,389,- 1506 3387r 3385e n 1512 J t 1528 m 3 4684-A2 3371-� 1519a 1524 32J. 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September 21, 2020 Map elements may stale larger Nan GIS data measured in the map or as provided on the data downl°ad page due to Me protect used. Map Pollution: vial N1L Marator (Metal SpMre) (EPSG 3857) 0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296 5823 January 23, 1989 Forest Lakes ;%ssociates C/o Frank Kessler P O Box 520*7 Charlottesville, VA 22905 RE ZMA-88-16 Forest Lakes Tax Map 32, Parcels 36, Tax Mar 46, Parcel 29D; Dear Mr Kessler: Associates 36F and 42 and Route 29N The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on January 18 1989, unanimously approved the above -noted request to rezone 13 9264 acres from HC (Highway Commercial) R-1 (Residential) and R-15 (Residential) to PD-SC (Planned Development -Shopping Center) for a community shopping center of 71,800 square feet with an additional 3 96 acres in unspecified outlots Property, located on the east side of Rt 29 North and the north side of Timberwood Boulevard Rivanna Magisterial District Please note that this approval is subject to the following mod fications and agreements between the applicant and the County MODIFICATIONS TO APPLICATION PLAN. 1 Note on plan that outlots are not approved for uses involving drive-in window To include revised access plans of entrance only and exit only as shown on sketch of Tiger Fuel site, initialed by Mr. John T P Horne and dated January 1.8, 1989, 2 Relocate access near Timberwood for Outlot 1 to align with main access aisle parallel to Phase I of the shopping center; Provide joint or cross easement between Outlots 2 and 3 Forest Lakes; Associates Page 2 January 23, 1989 AGREEMENTS MADE BY THE COUNTY AND THE APPLICANT. 1 Agreement to develop property in general compliance with the Application Plan Variations may be permitted as provided in Section 8 5 6 3 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2 Staff approval of shopping center subdivision plats and Tiger Fuel subdivision plat All plats shall reflect appropriate access easements and carry notes regarding restriction of access to U S Rt 29 North to the satisfaction of the Planning staff, 3. Staff approval of site plan for Forest Lakes shopping center and revised site plan for Tiger Fuel service station Staff may request administrative approval of site plans for individual outlots Staff may approve an additional exit only to Timberwood Boulevard near Outparcel 3 To include revised access plan of entrance only and exit only as shown on sketch of the Tiger Fuel site, initialed by Mr John T P Horne and dated January 18, 1989; 4 Agreement: by applicant that traffic generation from the ±24.2 acres of commercial zoning shall not exceed 10,350 vehicle grips per day If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me S' erely, o T P Horne D. ector of Planning & Community Development JTPH/jcw cc Kathy Dodson .J 1 Ago 9 ry It OD Sl x.•� �< 4 p r 4z I r ree e�s 3 I jai :n slas 1 < his" /—�vi=' �'f ' w"'h a _. \' OR � �$E✓ n. °a'v. sa. �6—��fil I � I AI 2 rsa�<•• fib\ �� 41__.R<° .:BV �C ayn p ry y `11 �x 35 k @WA y ? l '0ko B B �a� n W Vr S �. s 6 i .Ji A S•y '� f>' g�l fiy � �i I He \ Z• 4726 He zi4 I IA I 4 C e^ a 14 � n`h�` � � n {1 `i7 V' 'it ni4/ s•I<r.. zm ... J.I.h" o I Is •Ep � �.1 M � gyp' \ � . �j j ,Q y 9 vt LTS. S 'r1 r; a ^ 6 Bozo -ate noel zualMvld ¢� I „ - s ��j,"i • ' ON Yn'3"AS 11°lVVW 5yp/,y tl115 vw¢ l ° e = 8 F. OYOY 0113� Ka NI OOSSd 8 '3-1VO Hsmvafl. cj ^ 6w0 000 vE \ OW, 1 r R lz q IL Z $ \\y\\ w ei z 00 EE. (( 11 RY \ J JR< III W II \ m00 U yW E \I \` JZZ J d \ «Y CL J g 0 d F _ I ^i% 01 1 ; • Ioil ,I �. id •'�W / \ o t NL\ I, 10 ,O I i\ I � � •I� G I �L �l I L ¢ d li q,� a LA L r n E t q S :i EC2 �,' U NC1/ d �AP2 PROFFIT ROAD Begin '3:rd�Lane r 1• i 16E C —L/—T G-R N-_� EC2 PROFFIT ROAD "P4S TRI-TOE �A VUIdM F-Im i AP3 NCI f� AP2 I I 1 IBegin 3rii Lane 16-E- C E L / T U RN t� ,I 1 II 1 I' II II it �-- I 7 II '� Building Code Information (804)296-5832 January 6, 1999 )on Franco, P.E. The Kessler Group 110 Box 5207 Charlottesville, VA 22905 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road, Room 223 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 FAX (804) 972-4126 TTD (804) 972-4012 Re- Forest Lakes Commercial Area Traffic Generation Determination of Proffer Dear Mr Franco RECEIVED JAM 7 1998 Planning Dept Zoning Information (804)296-5875 1 have reviewed the velucle trip analyses by Wilbur Smith Associates transmitted to you on August 27, 1997 and I concur with their findings Bill Fritz, Senior Planner has also reviewed the information and reached the same conclusion. Therefore, the traffic proffer can be interpreted to allow a reduction of the total site vehicle trips based on pass -by traffic between the hcmes and Routes 29 and 649 and a further reduction of the velucle trips based on multiple -use trips. The red action is 12 percent for multiple land uses and 24 percent for pass -by traffic, with a total of 36%. I agree with the metbodology you suggest for traffic generation. 5th Edition of ITE Trip Generation Manual and weekday rates for the individual uses using square footage as the independent variable, adjusted by 36% to account for traffic generation not impacting Route 29 I was useful to have actual data from traffic counts on 4/23 and 4/24 in addition to analysis based on ITE trip rates. As the report from Wilbur Smith Associates notes, the fact that these numbers closely match lends credence to the presumptions in this analys s. We will appreciate the updating of these figures with each plan. In response to your question about how to include traffic generation from additional property near the cemetery, I am not prepared to give a final answer It would be reasonable to consider it under the same methodology If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Amelia G McCulley, A..0 P Zoning Administrator cc Bill Fritz 1:1GENERALI.SHAREVBLD&ZANtAMELIAIFLKTRAF WPD January6, 1999 FOREST LAKES PDSC ZMA2020-00009 I AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 PROJECT NARRATIVE SUBMITTED JUNE 15, 2020 REVISED AUGUST 17, 2020 Parcel Acreage Existing Zoning Comprehensive Plan Designation TMP 46B4-3 3.43 PDSC Urban Mixed -Use Community Center JA-ZAN, LLC is the owner (the "owner') of tax map parcel 46114-3 in Albemarle County, a 3.43 acre parcel located in the Forest Lakes commercial area approximately 1,000' northeast of the intersection of Timberwood Boulevard and Worth Xing in Albemarle County (the "property"). JA-ZAN, LLC requests to rezone the property from Planned Development Shopping Center (PDSC) to Planned Development Shopping Center (PDSC) to increase the allowable square footage within the PDSC for this property, which is currently undeveloped. ZMA88-16, which originally approved the PDSC planned district on this property, allowed for a community shopping center of 71,800 SF on Tracts II (TMP46B4-2) and III (subject property). According to Albemarle County GIS Data, Tract II is developed with 57,022 SF of shopping center use and therefore there is 14,778 SF remaining for development on Tract III or for redevelopment on Tract II. The owner requests to amend the approved PDSC application plan for this property, TMP 46B4-3, to allow for a maximum of 110,000 SF of by -right PDSC use on TMP 46B4-3 for a total maximum of 181,800 SF on Tracts II and Tracts III with Tract II having a maximum of 71,800 SF and Tract III having a maximum of I10,000 SF. This ZMA application, ZMA2020-09, also requests to revise the general building footprint location that was approved with ZMA1988-16. Project Proposal This property is located within the development areas of Albemarle County in close proximity to a major transportation corridor, Route 29, within an established commercial center, and in close proximity to many residents of the Places29 Master Planning Area, including residents of Forest Lakes, Hollymead Town Center, and Proffit Road. The property was rezoned from R-1 low density residential to PDSC with the 1989 Board of Supervisors approval of ZNIA1988-16 which includes an application plan that shows typical suburban strip development on this property. This rezoning application seeks to increase the allowable square footage on this property and to amend the application plan to allow for a building form on the property that is different from suburban strip mall design. This commercial property has remained vacant since it was rezoned in 1989 whereas the other parcels approved in the ZNIA1988-16 have developed over time. The outparcels approved with ZMA1988-16 had less stringent design restrictions than this property and Tract II utilized the majority of square footage available for Tract III with the development of the Forest Lakes Food Lion Shopping Center. The general building footprint design shown on the application plan approved with ZMA1988-16 allows for a certain building and parking layout that has become less prevalent and less desirable as Neighborhood Model principles have risen to be more prominent in site design, especially in the development areas of Albemarle County. This property is currently underutilized for its central location within an established commercial center in the development areas; an amendment to the approved application plan would allow for the property to develop with a design that is more consistent with neighborhood model principles while creating a greater opportunity for the property to develop in the future and begin to generate greater tax revenues for the County. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan ZMA2020-00009 FOREST LAKES PD-SC NARRATIVE I 1 The property has an Urban Mixed -use land use designation in the adopted Places29 Master Plan and the property is within a designated Community Center. Community Centers identify community retail; general commercial service; auto commercial sales and service; office, R&D/Flex; institutional; and open space as primary and secondary uses within designated centers. The existing PDSC zoning designation allows for by -right uses in the C-1, CO, and HC commercial districts and so the uses that may take shape on the property are largely consistent with those identified in the Places29 Master Plan. Some uses allowed by -right in the Highway Commercial district are explicitly inconsistent with recommendations called for in the Master Plan as several use categories are identified as "not permitted" in Community Centers in the Places29 Master Plan. The application plan lists several "not permitted" use categories to ensure that future uses that may develop on the property are not directly inconsistent with use recommendations in the Places29 Master Plan. The application plan also establishes building forms that are consistent with recommendations in the Master Plan by establishing maximum building footprints and heights for various use categories except for the maximum building footprint recommended for "neighborhood retai, community and regional retail, and general commercial service which has been reduced from 60,000 SF as recommended in the Master Plan to 50,000 SF for this site. This ZMA request is directly consistent with multiple strategies as outlined in the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan specifically: Ch3, Strategy ]a: Continue to encourage approval of new development proposals in the Development Areas as the designated location for new residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed -use development This project is located within the development areas and seeks to amend a previously approved planned district commercial zoning. Ch6, Strategy ]a: Promote new employment activities in the Development Areas and encourage developers of commercial and industrial project to incorporate the Neighborhood Model Principles This commercial development is within the development areas and the owner is committed to establishing a building form consistent with recommendations outlined in the Places 29 Master Plan, as is evidenced by the form regulations in the application plan. Ch6 Strategy 4b: Encourage development of business and industrial uses in the Development Areas on appropriately zoned land and consider proactively rezoning land to allow for light industrial uses that have been identified on master plans This property has been zoned for commercial use for over 30 years. This amendment will make the development of future business on this property more desirable Ch6 Strategy 4c: Explore opportunities to assist with redevelopment of underutilized commercial and industrial zoned properties Although this project is not a redevelopment proposal, approval of this ZMA would assist with the future development of this underutilized commercial property. This property is located within an established commercial center and will develop once a plan is established on the property that allows for more flexible and modern site design than what is currently approved on the property. The following is an analysis of the projects consistency with Neighborhood Model Principles: Pedestrian Orientation: The proposed site design encourages greater engagement between the site and Worth Xing when compared to the existing plan. Any future development will feature required internal sidewalks and pedestrian improvements along Worth Crossing. Mixture of Uses: ZMA2020-00009 FOREST LAKES PD-SC NARRATIVE 12 Any commercial user on this property would contribute to the mixed -use commercial character that is already established within the Forest Lakes PDSC and neighboring commercial areas. Neighborhood Center: This property is within a designated community center and any commercial business that takes shape on the property will serve the community with a service, retail, sales, or office use. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability: Residential uses are not a by -right use within the PDSC district and so this is not applicable. Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks: The application plan shows at least one entrance from Worth Xing and future interparcel connections to the south and west. Multi -Modal Transportation Networks: The property will feature required internal sidewalks and pedestrian streetscape improvements along Worth Xing. Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space: A portion of the site is designated for an outdoor sitting area; this site could complement future development of open space and civic areas on neighboring parcels to contribute to an outdoor amenity space that is consistent with recommendations in the Master Plan. Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale: Building heights, footprints, and stepbacks are consistent with recommendations outlined in the Master Plan. The proposed shared use path along Worth Xing, which will be constructed in accordance with VDOT standards, will establish a more defined streetscape along Worth Xing and will also serve as a buffer between the travelway and future building development on this site. Relegated Parking; "No surface parking" areas are designated on the application plan to ensure parking is not located directly adjacent to transportation corridors. Redevelopment: The property is currently undeveloped; however it has been zoned commercial for over 30 years. This revision will allow the property to develop as something other than suburban strip mall development. Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Regrading of Terrain: Managed slopes are present on the property and any grading in managed slopes will comply with Section 18-30.7.5 of the Albemarle County Code. CONSISTENCY WITH ZONING DISTRICT The intent of the PDSC district is "to permit the development of neighborhood, community and regional shopping centers in accordance with standards set forth in the comprehensive plan. PD-SC districts are intended to serve areas not conveniently and adequately provided with a broad range of commercial and service facilities. Regulations provided are intended to encourage planned commercial centers with carefully organized buildings, service areas, parking areas, and landscape areas." This property was zoned to PDSC in 1989 to establish a community shopping center to serve Forest Lakes. This rezoning requests a modification to the maximum allowable square footage and building footprint area to allow for this community shopping center to continue serving the residents of the area. This is the last undeveloped parcel from the original ZMA1988-16 zoning; it has likely remained undeveloped due to the form restrictions on the property ZMA2020-00009 FOREST LAKES PD-SC NARRATFVE 13 that only allows for typical suburban strip development with limited square footage. Granting approval of this rezoning request would allow for this PDSC district to continue serving nearby residents by allowing for a form and square footage that is more marketable in today's commercial development climate. Albemarle County Staff analysis of this proposal against neighborhood model design principles will ensure the proposed building or buildings on the property will be carefully organized to interact not only with the established commercial center but also the residential areas that have been constructed in the time since approval of ZMA1988-16. The concept plan proposed with this ZMA amendment proposes a "no parking area" designation on the property adjacent to Worth Xing and residential areas just across the street to ensure that parking areas are thoughtfully placed on the site and likely will take shape to function as a logical extension of the existing parking areas within the Forest Lakes Shopping Center. Sec.25.4 of the Zoning Ordinance identifies certain site planning requirements for PDSC districts; Sec.25.4 requires certain relationships between the PDSC and the external environmental. In accordance with Sec.25.4.1, vehicular access points are designed to encourage smooth traffic flow with controlled turning movements and minimum hazards to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The site will be accessed from Route 29 through an existing pipe stem that features a right -in only entry point; the site will be accessed from Worth Xing via a full commercial entrance. This proposal includes a ROW reservation along Route 29 to allow for the future construction of a multi -use path adjacent to Route 29. Since this point of entry to the site is a one way right -in access, the number of potential conflicting vehicular movements with future pedestrians or cyclists in the area is minimized. The entrance location on Worth Xing will be designed to VDOT commercial entrance standards and will be located to have adequate site distance; these design standards work to encourage smooth traffic flow with controlled turning movements in to and out of the PDSC. IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES & PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE Water and sewer: The property will connect to public water and sewer and will have demands typical of commercial development. Initial comments received from ACSA and RWSA indicate there are no known water flow issues or sewer capacity issues at this site. RWSA sewer capacity certification will be required at site plan. Traffic: The commercial areas of Forest Lakes are approved for up to 10,350 VHTP. At present, there are 3,230 trips available for future development within the commercial areas. Trip generation from this property, which appears to be the last undeveloped piece of property subject to the trip generation proffer approved with ZMA1988-16, will not exceed the remaining trip allocation. Trip Generation numbers provided below were derived from the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual le edition and the square footages of the existing users within the commercial area were derived from Albemarle County GIS information. TMP USE 46W-1B McDonald's A6B41A SUM Niwlaus 46-841A1 Forest lakes Dental 46-841A2 Booz Allen Hamilton 44ill Atlantic Union Bank 46B1-1D2 Timbeimand Grill 461,1-SD1 First Citizens Bank 46B1-SD3 Tlgerwash 44ill Open Spare A Al Open Space 46B4a Shops@Ferertlakes 4681-2 Forest lakes PDSC 4fill Undeveloped PDSC 4681-9 Arby's A6B1-10 FLTema Shopping Center ITECODE ITEUSEDESCRIPTION 934 Fast Food Restaurant w/ Drive -Through T11 Small Office Building 220 Medical Dental Office Building 730 General Office Building 912 Drive -In Bank 931 Quality Restaurant 912 Dri.ln Bank 937 Self-Seedce Carwash 820 Shopping Center 820 Shopping Center 934 Fast Food Restaurant w/ DNve-Through 820 Shopping Center SQUARE FOOTAGE INDEPENDENTVARIABIE 2,709 Square footage 4,164 Squarefootage 4,065 Square footage 9,02 Square footage 2,970 Square footage 6,222 square footage 3,204 Square footage 1,419 Square footage 13,564 Squarefootage 57,022 Squarefootige 3,208 squarefootage 8,640 squarefootage TRIPREDUChON GROSSTRIP512% INTERNAL 24%PASS-BY NETTRIP9 1,272 (153) )305) 814 65 _ (a) (16) 42 % (E) (16) 42 92 (11) W) 59 290 (35) M 186 520 (fit) (Mi) 333 320 (38) (2T) 205 216 (26) (52) 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,W (3a5) (M) 985 4,102 (492) (984) 2.625 0 0 0 1,507 (DO) (362) 9W 1,134 (136) (M) 726 T,120 ZMA2020-00009 FOREST LAKES PD-SC NARRATIVE 14 Additional trip generation information about potential future users on the site is provided below. The size and scale of potential users on the site was informed by the `Building Form Regulations" on Sheet 3 of the Application Plan, anticipated land area that would need to be dedicated to on -site parking areas for anticipated users (which would be provided in accordance with Sec. 18-4.12), and general site constraints such as utility locations. nE USE DESCRIPTION ITE CODE SQUARE FOOTAGE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE AM IN AM OUT AM TOTAL PM IN PM OUT PM TOTAL DAILYTOTAL Mini Warehouse 151 75,000 Square footage 5 3 8 6 7 13 113 Small Office Building 712 15,000 Square footage 24 5 29 12 25 37 243 Fast Casual Restaurant 930 5,000 Square footage 7 3 10 39 32 71 2576 Hardware Store 816 27,000 Square footage 17 14 31 34 38 72 256 Potential commercial users that would be attracted to this area of the Route 29 corridor would not require upwards of 3,000 trips in order to support their business. The potential users outlined in the above table would be expected to be realized on the property on an individual basis and so the potential trips generated from this site given these example uses could range from 113 daily trips for a mini warehouse (self-service storage facility) to 1,576 daily trips for a 5,000 SF fast casual restaurant. A 5,000 SF fast casual restaurant would generate the greatest number of trips, with generated trips at approximately half of the overall remainder of trips for this shopping center. It is not expected for truck traffic to be significant on this property especially since by -right uses that would typically generate a great deal of truck traffic within a PDSC have been designated as "prohibited" on this property. These prohibited uses include machinery and equipment sales, service, and rental; manufactured home and trailer sales and service; modular building sales; sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles; wholesale distribution; manufacturing/processing/assembly/fabrication and recycling; and storage, warehousing, distribution, transportation. Any truck traffic generated for the remaining by -right users is expected to minimal. IMPACT ON SCHOOLS There are no proposed residential units within this development and therefore there are no impacts on public schools. IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES All design and engineering for improving the property will comply with applicable County and State regulations. The project will connect to regional stormwater facilities constructed just southeast of the property. Any additional stormwater management design required to manage runoff will be consistent with similar urban development projects and will utilize a combination of features, such as on -site surface facilities, on -site underground stormwater management facilities, and/or off -site nutrient credits. PROPOSED PROFFERS TO ADDRESS IMPACTS Being as this is a planned development district, the application plan is a proffered commitment. ZMA2020-00009 FOREST LAKES PD-SC NARRATIVE 15 v Ho11 lead Town i s Center WT.�. AW r . - - r � • A -ly, ' SentLak 40 • ..• _ r � 'S50-, r t:. _ % A mwj** �.Y' � ter: , "Springfield r -- [/ lr► .� Walgr�As LlghtheGe / � Advance Preschool f -� Auto Parts Preschool -' ,+ .ri•��e'_ o � 4 -J,\'1��Sw•11 Ligjfhouse _ a` ..>, ChAbottesville NuiPle Grove i UPS SITE ; Bright Christian Beginnings Church Preschool Food -r Bojan AS' Lion r - @ r - 'Forest Ridge _ t Forest Lakes '° ♦ 5 Y: 'arget Y * r "� _ ',*�' •� r:� �r M Ciftzens � Park Townhomes Estes V A antic Baxk + � •'�� . �� Unit, WX r a� .� t _ -'• ,• fit'. Subway Timberwood t. Grill ' -• tY -6. Dairy l ` 0,'1 Y t Queen � cFore'st Lakes Townhouses Forest Lakes `lam Townhomes �' _ 1• - P.e eti • NTS ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN OWNER/DEVELOPER Ja-Zan LLC PO Box 9035 Charlottesville, VA 22911 TMP 46B4-3 ACREAGE 3.43 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rivanna STEEP SLOPES & STREAM BUFFER There are no stream buffers within the project area. Managed steep slopes exist within the project area. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY £r TOPOGRAPHY Boundary provided by boundary line adjustment, DB 4872 PG 153, Roudabush, Gale & Associates, Inc., December 8, 2016, revised on January 6, 2017. Four (4) foot contour interval topography from Albemarle County GIS. FLOO DZON E According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO145D), this property does not lie within a Zone A 100-year flood plain. WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED Powell Creek Watershed WATER AND SANITARY SERVICES Provided by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) PARKING Parking, stacking, and loading to comply with Section 4.12 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance ZONING EXISTING: Planned Development Shopping Center OVERLAY: Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, Steep Slopes - Managed PROPOSED: Planned Development Shopping Center COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Urban Mixed Use (in Centers) PERMITTED USES Per Section 25.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the following uses shall be permitted by right in the PD-SC district: (1) Uses permitted by right in the C-1, CO and HC districts, except for storage yards. Outdoor storage, sales or display shall be permitted only when enclosed by appropriate visual screenings; (2) Energy and communications transmissions facilities; (3) Public uses; (4) Temporary construction headquarters and temporary construction storage yards; (5) Drive -through windows. Per Section 25.2.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the PD-SC district: (1) Commercial recreational establishment included but not limited to amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls; (2) Energy and communications transmission facilities; (3) Parking structures located wholly or partly above grade; (4) (Repealed); (5) Veterinary office and hospital; (6) Tier III personal wireless service facilities; (7) Storage yards. PROHIBITED USES Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the following uses shall be prohibited: (1) Machinery and equipment sales, service, and rental; (2) Manufactured home and trailer sales and service; (3) Modular building sales; (4) Sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles; (5) Wholesale distribution; (6) Manufacturing/processing/ assembly/fabrication and recycling; (7) Storage/warehousing/ distribution/transportation ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 FOREST LAKES PD-SC AMENDMENT TRIP GENERATION: ITE TRIP GENERATION, LOTH EDITION SITE & ZMA DETAILS Sheet 2 of 8 Trip Reduction ITE S(IV) Gross Net 12% 24% TMP Use Code ITE Use Description )q. ( Trips Trips Internal Pass -By 46114-1B McDonald's 934 Fast Food Restaurant w/ 2,709 1,272 153 305 814 Drive -Through 46114-1A Stifel 712 Small Office Building 4,164 66 8 16 42 Nicolaus 46-B41A1 Forest Lakes 720 Medical -Dental Office 4,065 66 8 16 42 Dental Building 46-B41A2 Booz Allen 710 General Office Building 8,052 92 11 22 59 Hamilton 46114-1D Atlantic 912 Drive -In Bank 2,970 290 35 70 186 Union Bank 46114-1D2 Timberwood 931 Quality Restaurant 6,222 520 62 125 333 Grill 46B4-1D1 First Citizens 912 Drive -In Bank 3,204 320 38 77 205 Bank 46B4-1D3 Tiger Wash 947 Self -Service Car Wash 1,419 216 26 52 138 46114-A2 Open Space 46114-Al Open Space 46114-8 Shops @ 820 Shopping Center 13,564 1,540 185 370 986 Forest Lakes 46114-2 Forest Lakes 820 Shopping Center 57,022 4,102 492 984 2,625 PDSC 46B4-3 Undeveloped PDSC 46B4-9 Arby's 934 Fast Food Restaurant w/ 3,208 1,507 181 362 964 Drive -Through 46B4-10 FL Terrace 820 Shopping Center 8,640 1,134 136 272 726 Shopping Center TMP 46 7,120 Total app Total remaininLgYr NO 'Off 14-3 -s M - 1 1 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. FORM REGULATIONS Maximum 110,000 SF Non -Residential Square Footage Neighborhood Maximum single building Retail, Community & footprint: 50,000 SF Regional Retail, Maximum General Commercial Non -Residential Service Building Auto Commercial Maximum single building Footprint Sales & Service footprint: 7,500 SF Office Maximum single building R&D/Flex footprint: 20,000 SF Neighborhood Maximum building height: Retail Community & 4 stories; no more than 2 for Regional Retail retail -only buildings General Commercial Service Auto Commercial Maximum 1 story Building Stories Sales & Service and/or Heights Office Maximum building height for R&D/Flex retail -only buildings: 2 stories Maximum building height if retail on ground floor only: 3 stories, with office/commercial uses above retail SETBACKS& STEPBACKS Setbacks Front - Minimum 10' from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right- of-way; for off-street parking or loading spaces, 10' from any public street right-of-way Front - Maximum 30' from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right- of-way; none, on any lot, including a corner lot, abutting a principal arterial highway or interstate Side & Rear - Minimum If the abutting lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or the Monticello Historic district: (i) no portion of any structure, excluding signs, shall be located closer than 50 feet from the district boundary; and (ii) no off-street parking or loading space shall be located closer than 20 feet to the district boundary. If the abutting lot is zoned commercial or industrial, any primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code. Side & Rear - Maximum None Stepbacks Front For each story that begins above 40' in height or for each story above the third story, whichever is less, the minimum stepback shall be 15' Side & Rear None ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 FOREST LAKES PD-SC AMENDMENT SITE & ZMA DETAILS SUPPLEMENTAL ARCHITECTURAL Sheet 3 of 8 + LANDSCAPE DETAILS Any building facade adjacent to Worth Crossing must adhere to the following architectural design details unless a landscape buffer is provided in accordance with landscape screening requirements outlined in Sec. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance on the property along the boundary adjacent to Worth Crossing: • Building facades adjacent to Worth Crossing must have a minimum of two material treatments; material treatments exclude windows and doors • First floor ceiling height: 12' minimum • Transparency minimum: 6% STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE The project will connect to regional stormwater facilities constructed just southeast of the property. Any additional stormwater management design required to manage runoff will be consistent with similar urban development projects and will utilize a combination of features, such as on -site surface facilities, on -site underground stormwater management facilities, and/or off -site nutrient credits. TMP 46B4-3 REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 2020 Revised 11 September 2020 Revised 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Legend Steep Slopes - Managed Area Subject to ZMA1988-16 �I , -- - - - - -- __---"ROUTE29 �\TMP -9 ALC LLC /0 //ACCOU S P YABLE ------ INSPI E B ANDS % ZON :PD-SC USE: COMMERCIAL 0,84 AC / - ----------- TMP 46134-A1 / FOREST LAKES _ s COMMUNITY TMP 46B4-2 ASSOCIATION INC / SSG LLC ZONE: PD-SC ZONE: PD-SC USE: OPEN j USE: COMMERCIAL 0.88AC 6.19AC /SSG LLC DNE: PD-SC COMM€RBI ,1.48 qQ' ----------- 100 0 100 200 300 Graphic Scale: 1"=100' i TMP 46B4-10 FERMIUM LLC ZONE:PD-SC USE: COMMERCIAL j, 40' access easement DB 1071 PG 493 20' sanitary sewer easement 1 c— ZONING MAP AMENDMENT - - APPLICATION PLAN 20' access easement ZMA2020-09 DB 1064 PG 533 _ AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 \' FOREST LAKES TMP 32-36F , rP -PD-SC AMENDMENT S J S LIMITED COMPAIN 2C 0 CARLTON R MERCER EXISTING CONDITIONS ZONE: HIGHWAY' �;, GEC Sheet 4 Of 8 OMME CIAL MERCEI. S : COMM RCIA Z NE: HIGHWA 1.00 AC C—OMNO SE: COMMERCIAL, 1.00 AC j 30' access easement DB 1064 PG 533 TMP 45B4%4 - - - - JA-ZAN LLC 20NE: C1 COMMERCIAL USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 3.41 AC water easement i -•-' �,_� 20' sanitary sewer 1 OWN -/' _ easement 1 qO _ --� 20' stormwater easement P 46B4-02--A1 10 TH CROSSING ERSASSOCIATION INC WORtH CROSSING LLC E: Rid RESIDENTIAL o US11: OPEN n- 1 ❑7-ACvn- TMP 46B4-3 REV ED/2 SEPTEMBER 2020 R� - ed 11 September 2020 Submitted 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Legend Steep Slopes - Managed - Right of Way Reservation Area 100 SF of ROW reservation to be dedicated u on demand of the County 30' access easement Steep - 0asement apes = M a ed/ 20' sanitary sewe. DB 1064 PG 533 l +\+ An + + + + + 20' access easement DB 1064 PG 533 40' access easement DB 1071 PG 493 + +' 4- +`I - +�+ + + + /+ + + + + �+ +++++++++��� + / Outdoor sitting area, % inimum 2,000 SF f / +� +,,,�+�, + + + + + +\+ + +++ / + + + + + `- "No parking area" extends 15' y + m'". + + + + + + + + S + y+ a + + + + + + + + +\,�+ + rom prOpe ine + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + ++ + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ ++ +++++++ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -------------------' 2400 SF of ROW reservation to be dedicated upon demand of the Co' 80 0 80 160 240 Graphic Scale: 1"=80' 0 20' stormwater easement / ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO 1988-16 FOREST LAKES M-SC AMENDMENT CONCEPT PLAN Sheet 5 of 8 / Additional Notes: 1. Building footprint and parking lot depicted are conceptual in nature and are shown for feasibility purposes. The site may develop with multiple buildings; any building constructed on the property shall be designed in accordance with the building footprint and height regulations identified in the "Form Regulations" table on Sheet 3 of this Application Plan. 2. Outdoor sitting area will feature one shade tree per 500 SF and will feature 1, benches. Alternate improvements may be pursued at site plan if approved by the Director of Planning or its designee. Legend Land Use Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses Commercial buildings, signage, grading, landscaping, open space, utilities, open-air Buildable Area None surface parking, structured parking, parking areas, travelways,ingress/egress to the site, etc. Commercial buildings, Open-air surface parking, signage, grading, landscaping, No Parking Area structured parking, open space, utilitie�M P 4�B4 parking areas travelways, ingress egress o th sit , c. Revised 11 September 2020 Submitted 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Legend Steep Slopes- Managed — Existing Water Line New Water Line — Existing Storm Pipe — New Storm Pipe — Existing Sanitary Sewer New Sanitary Sewer - Right of Way Reservation Area I. 20' access easement /DB 1064 PG 533 New sewer to existing water easement / ,A �A'-'--iot 20' sanitary sewer New water line connects ".` easement to existing public utility Z 30' access easement 7117 _ DB 1064 PG 533 he connects ublic utility 40' access easement u, DB 1071 PG 493 i o' / / New storm pipe connects zoo ----- to regional SWM facility 80 0 80 160 240 (D Graphic Scale: 1"=80' stormwater, , easement I� ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 FOREST LAKES -SC AMENDMENT PTUAL GRADING & UTILITIES Sheet 6 of 8 Additional Notes: 1. Building footprint and parking lot depicted are conceptual in nature and are shown for feasibility purposes. The site may develop with multiple buildings so long as the building footprints and heights as identified in the form regulations on Sheet 3 of this application plan are adhered to. TMP 46B4-3 REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 2020 Revised 11 September 2020 Submitted 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Le end. Y • ' • Existing VehicularCirct tion 1 - - - Proposed Vehicular Circul4on - Existing Sidewalks — • III - - - Proposed Sidewalks Proposed Multiuse Path i III � • 1 — Steep $lopes --paged _ • , ....... . ...... . ." .. .. w �• 1 20' stormwater easement 20' sanitary sewer easement Alternative pedestria: connection maybe provided if approved the Director of Plann or its desi nee at site At least one point of ingress/egress to 0 EXISTING SECTION: WEST SIDE OF WORTH CROSSING DITCH SHOULDER RIGHT TURN LANE THROUGH LANE PROPOSED SECTION: WEST SIDE OF WORTH CROSSING �" Tn FmAn CFNITFRI IN7 MULTIUSE PATH Right turn lane shown is existing turn lane approaching the entrance to adjacent property TMP 46B4-2 5 0 5 10 15 Graphic Scale: V" 5' ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 FOREST LAKES PD-SC AMENDMENT WORTH CROSSING STREET SECTION Sheet 8 of 8 REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 2020 Revised 11 September 2020 Submitted 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296 5823 January 23, 1989 Forest Lakes Associates c/o Frank Kessler P O Box 5207 Charlottesvil.Le, VA 22905 RE ZMA-88-16 Forest Lakes Associates Tax Map :32, Parcels 36, 36F and 42 and Tax Map 46, Parcel 29D; Route 29N Dear Mr Kessler: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on January 18 1989, unanimously approved the above -noted request to rezone 13 9264 acres from HC (Highway Commercial) R-1 (Residential) and R-15 (Residential) to PD-SC (Planned Development -Shopping Center) for a community shopping center of 71,800 square feet with an additional 3 96 acres in unspecified outlots Property, located on the east side of Rt 29 North and the north side of Timberwood Boulevard Rivanna Magisterial District Please note that this approval is subject to the following mod fications and agreements between the applicant and the County MODIFICATIONS TO APPLICATION PLAN. 1 Note on plan that outlots are not approved for uses involving drive-in window To include revised access plans of entrance only and exit only as shown on sketch of Tiger Fuel site, initialed by Mr. John T P Horne and dated January 3.8, 1989, 2 Relocate access near Timberwood for Outlot 1 to align with main access aisle parallel to Phase I of the shopping center; 3 Provide joint or cross easement between Outlots 2 and 3 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 Forest Lakes Associates FOREST LAKES Page 2 January 23, 1989 PD-SC AMENDMENT EXHIBIT: APPROVED AGREEMENTS MADE BY THE COUNTY AND THE APPLICANT. ZMA1988-16 1 Agreement to develop property in general compliance with the Sheet 1 Of 2 Application Plan Variations may be permitted as provided in Section 8 5 6 3 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2 Staff approval of shopping center subdivision plats and Tiger Fuel subdivision plat All plats shall reflect appropriate access easements and carry notes regarding restriction of access to U S Rt 29 North to the satisfaction of the Planning staff, 3. Staff approval of site plan for Forest Lakes shopping center and revised site plan for Tiger Fuel service station Staff may request administrative approval of site plans for individual outlots Staff may approve an additional exit only to Timberwood Boulevard near Outparcel 3 To include revised access plan of entrance only and exit only as shown on sketch of the Tiger Fuel site, initialed by Mr John T P Horne and dated January 18, 1989; 4 Agreement by applicant that traffic generation from the ±24.2 acres of commercial zoning shall not exceed 10,350 vehicle trips per day If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me S' e 'rely, c_ To T P Herne D1, ector of Planning & Community Development JTPH/j cw cc Kathy Dodson TMP 46B4-3 REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 2020 Revised 11 September 2020 Submitted 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. p o f I I Ip I F • •f 1 / I Ilk (fr�"ee V"'q /"ir Y (•`s`> O- 17 �P_7 pel I ' 15,19 L 1 6 x 3 ro s na„• � � • �C, •; dv r' �§ 9 �`r>. ��Ic' ": Piro lC :4 a0.1 � 1> y yyl • «, Fab''v^\� P 4 �i � DU D � F +y \�- � � 1 I G I d Mao. 8 gf' F 71 Wfl� n' �E� Sa \.msk6 1 A A f f.w- a qiL cs i� Y L I \I r. 6 a�? \ 2. 4.7 i8 Ae e�iS• I H Ev..l sr µ c I� •r �B dle,-: E y S in EI Y{ ZONING MAP AMENDMENT p w wu. yn'a*nnssuo,uwn gsWvww5loar. APPLICATION PLAN NI oossv 8 '3lyJ `HSn3b2f,, d _ _ 3 ,rtts ,. ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA1988-16 •w0 nUp FOREST LAKES \I - J1 rc a°mg w MSC AMENDMENT v?` w a o =oo I Z EXHIBIT: APPROVED no ZMA1988-16 \ <�4 a 4 uSheet 2 of 2 i< n. H / I , e I` ,s• .x� :, I I ,'I ` G � t4�.. SDI lun W� ` � I 1 Ipl i I I a" I I� < I 1 I I I — \ Z o I�/— n ,a 1 a TMP 46B4-3 REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 2020 Revised 11 September 2020 Submitted 17 August 2020 Submitted 15 June 2020 project: 20.23 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZMA202000009 — Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment Staff Analysis of Neighborhood Model Principles Planning Commission October 6, 2020 Pedestrian Orientation This principle is met. Pedestrian connectivity is provided along Worth Crossing, internally through the site, and connects to the existing shopping center. An area for future right of way for the future multiuse path along Route 29 is shown. Mixture of Uses This principle is met. This proposal is part of an existing Planned District with a variety of uses. Neighborhood Centers This principle is met. The proposal is located within a Community Center in the Places29 Master Plan. The area has an existing mixture of residential and non-residential uses. The proposal would increase the allowable square footage for commercial, retail, and office uses, and provide opportunities for additional development, employment, and gathering spaces. A small civic open space is provided, which should be further developed when the adjacent parcel TMP 46134-4 develops in the future. Mixture of Housing Types This principle is not applicable. There are no dwelling units and Affordability proposed within the PDSC. Relegated Parking This principle is met. No parking is permitted along Worth Crossing. The application plan shows parking relegated behind building areas and in a location consistent with the existing parking lot for the shopping center. Interconnected Streets and This principle is met. Connections are shown to Route 29, Transportation Network the existing shopping center, and Worth Crossing. A connection between Route 29 and Worth Crossing is also shown in the Places29 Master Plan and is achieved with this application plan. Multimodal Transportation This principle is met. The asphalt path along Worth Crossing Opportunities is extended along the frontage of the site. An area of future right of way reservation is shown along Route 29 for a future multiuse path. Parks, Recreational This principle is met. A civic open space area with outdoor Amenities, and Open Space seating is provided on the edge of the site, adjacent to TMP 46134-4. The Places29 Master Plan calls for Centers to have at least one open space of at least 0.25 acres. The civic open space in the Master Plan is shown mostly on TMP 46134-4. Therefore, once TMP 46134-4 develops, a cohesive and larger open space should be created that connects to the open space provided with this development. This should be a more urban space that allows for gathering. Buildings and Spaces of This principle is met. Sheet 3 of the Application Plan includes Human Scale supplemental architectural or landscape requirements. The building facades along Worth Crossing on this site must either have at least two material treatments, at least 6 percent transparency, and a first -floor ceiling height of at least 12', or must have a landscape buffer consistent with the existing landscape buffer behind Food Lion. The preferred form of development is to meet the Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale recommendations per the Neighborhood Model Principles, which includes avoiding blank walls along the street. However, given that the shopping center is already partially developed, staff also finds extending the landscape buffer to be an acceptable mitigating element if the architectural building form requirements are not provided. The proposed maximum building footprints and building heights are consistent with the Places29 Master Plan recommendations. A stepback is required for buildings of 4 or more stories or 40' or more in height. Redevelopment This principle is met. This parcel is part of an existing planned district and shopping center. This proposal provides additional commercial, retail, and office development opportunities on a parcel already zoned for a variety of non- residential uses. The proposal is located within a Center and is intended to have a mix of uses and provide for both employment and public gathering/shopping opportunities. The civic open space provides a smaller gathering place to start, and should be enhanced with future development of the adjacent parcel. Respecting Terrain and This principle is met. The site has already been graded and Careful Grading and has no environmental features. There are no significant Regrading of Terrain slopes. Clear Boundaries between This principle is not applicable. the Development Areas and the Rural Area 32-41 P f 32-37B2 32A-02--1 B 32-36G Legend 10 32-41 H1 `F 32-37C (pole. Some items on map may not appear in legend) 32-41R J• 6 32-37A1 �,' `-' 32-36E Parcel Info El Pervade ? N M 32-41 D1 ��" f 32-37,C`1 4684-4 � 32-37A Y \`p1�rw.00 d-8l�a 32-41A1 c` 32-36F j a ,( i - N aT a- urp �M 46B4-10 46B4-5 32-41 D6 f 32-41 D3 / / 46B 4-9 32-41 D5 ' 46B4-3 /fi 46B4-5A eyNn t 32J-0 St p 7 N 1' ? 32J. 32-41 D4S ,.fit\s-02-14,�F Q N ` _45 tr -Ol2-a�Nl—N NCO' 46B4-2 0 33J'�4-J , Il\3_Zd_ 2J.0�.....j p2 / 46�1 D1 -5p Q 23 .mot �'32J-p-J 3 51�N N f m8 32-436 / / Rd '. '4664arK_... 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September 21. 2020 Map elements may scale larger than CAN data measured in the map or as provided on the data download page due to the projection used. Map Projection: WGS84 Web Mercator (Auuliary Sphere) (EPSG 3857) 32-41P 32-37B2,-,y .`�' 32A-02--18 Legend 32-41 H1 .r'„' 33-376 32-41R 32-37A1 t i" 32-41D1 32-37E1 32-36G 32-36E Male: Some Xema on map may nor appear In legend) Parcel Into ❑ Parcels Zoning Into ,: 32-3'7A -OM 4664-4 Zoning Classifications Rural Areas al Village1Re Residential 32-36F be,wsort-g 32-41A - N Ril Residential ■ R2 Residential R4 Residential ■ R6 Residential M /�� ■ R10 Resitlendal 46B4-10 G� 46 B4-5 M ■ R15 Resitlendal Planned Unit Development 32-a, D6 32-41 D3 29 46B4-3 R 46B4-5A I Planned Residential Development i Monticello HstModeltrict cDstnit 46B4-9 32-41 DS _ t nt `ZJ-O-°1' m C1 Commercial ■ Commercial met cial 7 %%%S���t N °?� n ■ Planned Development Shopping Ch. ■ Planned Development Mixed Comm. ■ Dovmtonam Crozet District p B \ O \2J 0 ql�'F Light ndustry ■ Heavy Industry ■ Planned Development Industrial Par yip 3 �A2-- I o2j.p ' �49i rovm otswnsville 0\2 y0^ 4684-1 D1 �D ,3 J.p U 2 �O 3ik23 p 50 r-to. alK�R'd 2 �• \32J 01 -10 ry to J.o> m w 46B4-1D CetR q6B `32J-� 111 0 46B4-8 ry ��N /��Nl `°-M• 4664-1 D2 oJJJ32J-02--C rh � N 32-42H ys 'se t �0?` 94^P oath XI,19 46B4-7 a' 32-37 G ga -6 46Br0y1�-1OW-8 .ev,� 46B4=071 li7 \> s♦ o I-1 1 4664-76 Q6 y@\10 46B_.-4-0,0,1-0W-4 f 46B�4=01=0W-2 32-42G qs �L},t1� a, g6g4-� P i4=0,j o►P a. 46B4-A 4�6@q.td y 46 7 B9-p �. 4 �` 'L .C' y .O 376 ft 9ty`�°P-s ��.��\oJ' ^o o • or;' 46B4-61 �6 , 46B3-B ceograyreooala Senfcea 1 32-42F 4664-01-OQ 4 b a 4664.-01--A3 46B3-A'1 (43M)2WM32gIa My determination atopography or smal or any depadon m physical Improvements, property lino or boundaries Is for general Information only and shall rot Ge used nor the design, modlficals , or combustion of Improvements to real pmcedy or for flood plain determination September 2r, 2020 Map elements may stale larger than GIS date treasured In the map or as pmvged on tee data doenload page due M Me panjalo on used. Map Protection'val Web Mercator (MMllzry SpMre) (EPSG 3857)