HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000009 Presentation 2020-10-06Aerial View AVIN 77 UVA Research CHO Airport Park m �, Hollymead Town Center s v.. Site Forest Lakes ■ � x i t 31�P'i�'rs ' 9ir � n �' � w � , f�y_(�j ti �. � !r � i. �/. I V M art '� •� +a.�q . - ""'� t �"- r •._fit � � ._ , - 4 Y � ... e# tom+ c. y � Y �w a "� •'ti G$ 9 G `A ( yK XP 4J_ a �a T i { n, j�> TM 46B4-3 Current zoning: Planned Development Shopping Center PDSC • By -right: shopping centers, retail sales and service uses; residential by special use permit (15 units/acre) • Overlay zoning districts: Entrance Corridor and Airport Impact Overlay • Total acreage: 3.43 acres ti I t- 2 1423 � e _ Dec- Dr 4 - N 428 144 M1{ / X; I i APPLICAT V � - / aJw 1 FOREST LAKES S �T ` 1506 1/ 3` {` 1512 j 2 A 1518 I 1524 3`6� 9 1525 1633 2530 ILI Ip 1536 �1531 5 1537 16- 1542 tls 43 16 1548 1549 1 1554 15G0 15e6 1411 1423 lsll 1WH - Right of Wa Reservation / 100 SF of ROW reservation to be 'U t,atu ea.cmcnt dedicated upon demand of the County 4 {� - 'o' sanitary sewer j 30' access easement ' . , - . � ' , - awment . � DB I064 PG 533 ' Outdoor sitting area, //Win'mum 2,000 SF - 4 20'access eaxment •�� - - �:.;F / DR 1064 PG 533 .�� •'.�, '. '40' acoen eacetttent • ✓ . DR 1071 PG 493 "No parking awC extends 15' 20' sto mwater easement 2400 SF of ROW reservation to be dedicated upon demand of the Coun • . �` ENDMENT TO 198&16 F EST LAKES -SC AMENDMENT CONCEPT PLAN Sheet 5 of 8 Additional Notes: 1. Building footprint and parking lot depicted are conceptual in nature and are shown for feasibility purposes. The site may develop with multiple buildings; any building constructed on the property shall be designed in accordance with the building footprint and height regulations identified in the "Form Regulations" table on Sheet 3 of this Application Plan. 2. Outdoor sitting area will feature one shade tree per 500 SF and will feature benches. Alternate improvements may be pursued at site plan if approved by the Director of Planning or its designee. Legend Land Use Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses Commercial buildings, signage, grading, landscaping, open space, utilities, open-air Bwldable Area None surface parking, structured parking, parking areas, travelways, ingress/egress to the site, etc. Commercial buildings, Open-air surface parking, signage, grading, landscaping, ® No Parking Area structured parking, open space, utilities, parking areas travelways, ingress/egress to the site, etc. �� - 1 y rcevlNeUSubmi i �17 euiuei 2020 I / Submitted 17 Auqust 2020 1�T �314 j 1548 ;r3J ]SS4 �3131� ISb4 1_ ; 1511 31] MLV 1WH 506 17 e c 1677 IS15 161 1531 1537 lb= 1543 L6 1549 1 15,% 3450 32-37A1 a Awn Community Center Community Centers (Figures 5.13 and 5.14) provide retail and service uses for the surrounding area and the community beyond. They are typically anchored by a grocery store with additional retail, service, or commercial uses, as well as residences and office uses on upper floors of mixed - use buildings. Single -use residential or office buildings may also be part of the mix of uses. The residential and office uses give the Community Center the desired mixed -use character and provide an opportunity to broaden the range of residential unit types and jobs available in the Places29 area. Where there are no nearby Neighborhood Service Centers, Community Centers are encouraged to include neighborhood -serving uses as well as those with a larger market area. Generally, Community Centers range in size from 10 to 35 acres. 3479 /2-36F 32-37C1 3455 7 468 4- 4 1506 lsi2. .1518 - 1524c 1513 1530 1525 .15 36 C 15 31 1542 ,� 1537 Ib33 1b39 Comprehensive Plan and Places29 Master Plan Legrnd.' •••. Existing VehicularC4-on' icsrlarLxiiPropos SidePropo"d Multiuse 1 Steep Slopes - hh{ aged - L/ .s: w•,'•VAPPLICATION PL. ZMA2020 20'access easement AN AMENDMENT TO 1988 DB la64 PG 533 FOREST LAKE PD-SC AMENDMEN It CIRCULATION PLA Sheet 7 o 30' access easement DB 10(rl PG 533 40' access easement D20' water easement B 1071 PG 493 20sanitary sewer easement Alternative pedestrian connection may be provided if approved by the Director of Planning or its designee at site plan 20' stormwater easement 4 Agreement: by applicant that traffic generation from the ±24.2 acres of commercial zoning shall not exceed 10,350 vehicle grips per day Total appruved rri '-, M PI i M : 10.Y;C) ' OUI rr[lla i 11 i l YL: tri[•, ]]1 PI ) *(, x, 230 PF 46B4-5 46tl4=] \R 4 _ ey `2.1 6 7 Sf �3?✓r 0 1 �r 32.1-0, -137-14 o ?j C 2 0 16B4-z ✓ 0 3z✓ a i o jZ, � `32J.0 , 478 0 3ZJ� 4 `32 J~il1 111 w„- 6@a Oz A 0 Oec �dttjr Dr, Olt- � N- 32 37 - 117 46B4-7G- 1 46B4-7B OW-4 1- 2 4 T q60 -lA �1 .co• n Factors Favorable: 1. The rezoning request is consistent with the majority of the recommendations within the Places29 Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The rezoning request is consistent with all of the applicable Neighborhood Model Principles. 3. The rezoning provides for additional development opportunities on an underutilized parcel that is already zoned commercial and mixed -use. Factors Unfavorable: 1. None identified. Zoning Map Amendment: Based on the factors identified as favorable with this rezoning, staff recommends approval of ZMA202000009, Forest Lakes PDSC. A. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this zoning map amendment: Move to recommend approval of ZMA202000009, Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment, B. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this zoning map amendment: Move to recommend denial of ZMA202000009, Forest Lakes PDSC Amendment (state reasons for denial). FORM REGULATIONS \laximum 11 umio SF Non -Residential Square Footage Neighborhood Maximum single budding Retail, Community & footprint: 50.000 SF Regional Retail. Maximum General Commercial Nan -Residential Servicx Budding Auto Commercial Maximum single budding "rint Sales & Service footprint: 7,500 SF Office Maximum single budding R&Di Flex footprint: 20.000 SF Neighborhood Maximum building height: Retail Community & 4 stories; no more than 2 for Regional Retail revel-onlybuildings General Commercial Service Auto Commercial Ntaximum I story Building Stories Sales & Service and/or Heights office Maximum building height for R&DlF7rx retail -only buildings: 2 stories Maximum building height if retail on ground Boor surly: 3 stories, tnth oRicc1commr tal uses above retail SETBACKS & STEPBACKS Setbacks Front - Minimum 10' from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right- of-way; for off-street parking or loading spaces. Whom any public street right-of-way Front - Ntaximum 30' from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right- of-way; time, on any lot, including a comer lot. abutting a principal arterial highway or interstate Side & Rear - Minimum If the abutting lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or the Monticello Historic district: (i) no portion of any structure, excluding signs, shall be located closer than 50 feet from the district boundary; and (it) no off-street parking or loading space shall be located Buser than 20 feet to the district boundary. If the abutting lot is zoned commercial or industrial, any primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the BuildingCode. Side & Rear - Nfammum N«ie Stepbacks Front For each story that begins above 40' in height or for each story above the third story, whichever is less, the minimum strpback shall be 15' Side & Rear None ZMA2020-09 AN AMENDMENT TO ZMA19$&16 FOREST LAKES PD-SC AMENDMENT SITE £r ZMA DETAILS SUPPLEMENTAL ARCHITECTURAL Sheet 3 of 8 + LANDSCAPE DETAILS Any building facade adjacent to Worth Crossing must adhere to the following architectural design details unless a landscape buffer is prodded in accordance with landscape screening requirements outlined in Sec. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance on the property along the boundary adjacent to Worth Crossing: Budding facades adjacent to Worth Crossing must have a minimum of two material treatments; material treatments exclude windows and doors • First floor ceiling height: 12' minimum • Transparency minimum 6% STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE the project twill connect to regional stormwatei tacilities amstructed just southeast of the property. Any additional stormwater management design required to manage runoff will be consistent with similar urban development projects and will utilize a combination of features, such as on -site surface facilities, on -site underground stormwater management facilities, and/or off -site nutrient credits- TMP 4684-3 PERMITTED USES Per Section 25.2.1 ai the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, 11w follovnng uses shall be permitted by right in the PD-SC district: ( I ] Usm permitted by right in the C-1, CO and HC distri€h, except far stunage yards. OiAdaur staragc, sales or display shall be permitted only w:hcn cnc]ased by approprialevisuai screenings;(2) Encrgyand aommunications transmissions facilities; (3) Public uses; (4) Trmpunavy cunsiruction hradyuarters and umparary collAructian sturagc yards; (5} Drivc-thruugh windows. Per Section 25.2-2 of the Jhlbrmarie County Tuning Drdinancc, the following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in thePD-5C districe (i)Cammerciai recreatiunal estabiishmcni i ncluded but nut limited to amusernrnt centers, bowling alleys, pool hails and dance halls; (2} Energy and communications transmission fa€iiities; (3) Parking structures located whully or partly abuvr grade: (4) (Repealed): (5) Veterinary ufnue and hospital; (b) Tier ill personal wirdem service Facilities; (7) Storage yards. PROHIBITED USES Nuhvithstanding anything contained herein to the comrary, the fu]luwing uses shall be prohibited (1) Machinery and equipment sales, service, and rental; (2) Manufactured home and trader sales and service; (1) !4{o"ar building sales; (4) Sale o2 majur rccreatiunal equipment and vehicle (5) %%%cOesak- disuibulion; (6) Manufacturinglproressing/ assemblylfabrication and rccyciingi (7) Storagrfwarehuusingl dislribulionilransportation TRIP GENERATION: ITE TRIP GENERATION, LOTH EDITION Sheet 2 of 8 Trip Reduction ITE Sq. FL Gross Net VAP Use Code ITE Use Description (IV) Trips 12% 24% Trips Internal Pass -By i6B4-16 McDonal&s 934 Fast Food Restaurant w/ 2,709 1,272 153 305 814 Drive -Through 1684-IA Stifel 712 Small Office Building 4,164 66 8 16 42 Nicolaus i6-B41A1 Forest Lakes 720 Medical -Dental Office 4,065 66 8 16 1 Dental Buddin i6-94IA2 Booz Allen 710 General Office Building 8,052 92 11 22 w Hamilton 1664-I1) Atlantic 912 Drive -In Bank 2,970 290 35 70 186 Union Bank .1664-ID2 Timberwood 931 Quality Restaurant 6,222 520 62 11; 333 Grill 16B4-IDI First Citizens 912 Drive -In Bank 3,204 320 38 77 205 Bank 16B4-ID3 Tiger Wash 947 Self -Service Car Wash 1.419 216 26 �2 13R i664-A2 Open Space 16114-Al Open Space 16B4.8 Shops Cj 820 Shopping Center 13.564 1.540 185 370 986 Forest Lakes i664-2 Forest Lakes 820 Shopping Center 57,022 4,102 492 984 2,625 PDSC 16B4-3 Undeveloped PDSC 46B4.9 Arby's 934 Fast Food Restaurant w/ 3,20R 1.>07 181 162 964 Drive -Through 46114.10 FL Terrace 820 Shopping Center 8,640 1,134 136 272 726 Shopping Center -.12u Total approved trips in PI)dC 10.350 Total remaining trips in PD-SC 3,230 14-3 020 020 020 020 -�4r 4a 0-12 =��Q EXISTING SECTION: WEST SIDE OF WORTH CROSSING DITCH SHOULDER RIGHT TURN LANE THROUGH LANE PROPOSED SECTION: WEST SIDE OF WORTH CROSSING 2.0' ROW RESERVATI MULTIUSE PATH 35' TO ROAD CENTERLINE 70' PUBLIC ROW -.0'1.o' 1 11.0' I 11.0'— DITCH SHOULDER RIGHT TURN LANE THROUGH LANE Right turn lane shown is existing turn lane approaching the entrance to adjacent property IMP 46134-2 REV R Sec. 2S.2.1 - By right. % Q The following uses shall be permitted by right in the PD-SC district: 1. Uses permitted by right in the C-1. CO and HC districts, except for storage yards. Outdoor storage, sales or display shall be permitted only when enclosed by appropriate visual screening. 2. Energy and communications transmission facilities. 3. Public uses (reference 5. i .12 . 4. Temporary construction headquarteis and temporary construction storage yards (reference LL 5Drlva--Fr4 r?fa-cn_p 60), (Added 3-2-16) PDSC requirements: • By right uses include: the uses permitted in C1, CO and HC districts • Planning for vehicular and pedestrian connectivity within the district • Traffic analysis with the initial rezoning to establish the district FOODIMMLION r r`i