HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100053 Correspondence 2021-06-29KMASDP2021.00010 Old Trial Block 32, Lots 34-40 Comment/Response Memorandum Date: May 26, 2021 Christopher Perez Senior Planner County of Albemarle Community Development Department in response to the following comments dated April 1, 2021, please find the inserted response. From the DCc1; of (fin sIoplicf Pere, !'nnun� n;. natal �pri1 I. 21121 1. [35.11 Fees. The public notification fee of $435 was not paid prior to the SRC meeting. Please pay the fee prior to any further. (Response) Fee Paid 2. [32.5.2(a), ZMA2015-1_CODJ On the final site plan provide a chart tracking how many units are already approved in Block 32. The maximum dwelling unit count for this block is 417 units. This will determine if the additional units are permitted. (Response) Added Note 422 With Unit Count. With the addition of the 2 lots as per this plan, total units proposed Block 32 = 94 3. [ZMA2015-1_COD] Garage and Driveway Construction Detail. The setbacks are incorrectly depicted for these lots. The lots shall front on the pocket park, as they are amenity -oriented lots, and the private street shall be the rear of the lots. Revise the site plan to depict the correct setbacks and relocate the proposed buildings to meet the front setback. (Response) Revised Building Setbacks accordingly. See Sheet 2.10 4. JZMA2015-1_COD] Garage and Driveway Construction Detail. Each lot shall have a minimum of two (2) off street parking spaces. Asphalt parking pads will be built with a minimum depth of 18 feet from the rear property lines adjacent to the private road. Asphalt parking pads will be built with a mininimn width of 18 feet to accommodate the required two spaces. Also, there shall be a 3-foot minimum building separation from the parking pad to the building. Revise the final site plan to address these requirements. (Iesponse) Added detail to Sheet 2.10 5. [ZMA2015-1_COD] Garage and Driveway Construction Detail. On the final site plan provide the grade of each driveway. Driveway grades must be 8% or flatter. (Response) Sec detail to Sheet 2. 10 as noted abosc in response 44. 6. 132.5.1(c), 4.12.16(b)] Design of Spaces All parking spaces shall be designed so that no part of any vehicle will extend over any lot line, right-of-way line, sidewalk, walkway, and driveway or aisle space. Revise the plan to omit the one (1) foot driveway easements across the property lines, as this is not permitted. The width of the lots and the driveways shall be revised to accommodate the required parking. Each parking space shall be a minimum of 9-foot- wide x 18-foot-long. Each lot shall have a minimum of two (2) off street parking spaces. (Response) Easements removed. See Sheet 2.10. more particularly the Garage and Driveway Detail. Kirk Hughes & Associates - Land Surveyors & Planners 220 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 1 Voice: (434) 296-6942 1 Email: kirk@khals.net Micro Business Certified SWaM Certification #697836 7. [32.5.1(e), 32.5.2(b), 4.12, 4.12.8(a), 4.12.91 Alternatives available to provide minimum number ofparking spaces. The three (3) required guest parking spaces are not provided. Per conversations with the applicant they are utilizing on -street parking to meet the minimum number of required parking spaces. The required two (2) parking spaces per lot cannot be located on the street but the guest parking spaces can. The approved road plan (SUB2018- 164) already accounts for 88 onstreet parking spaces before the addition of these 3 new lots/units. Ensure additional parking spaces are available on this road to meet the minimum required guest parking space requirement for these additional units. On the cover sheet provide a note to this effect. Also, on the final site plan depict, label, and dimension the on -street parking spaces and Zabel they are for guests. Prior to final site plan approval these spaces shall be reviewed and approved by Planning, Engineering, VDOT, and Fire Rescue. These spaces were not depicted nor labeled on the initial site plan, thus these agencies have not reviewed nor considered the appropriateness or viability of these spaces on this road. (Response) Br the this revised plan, additional units = 2 only being Lots 93 and 94. For clarification, added Parking ENhibil Sheet 2.20. 8. 132.5.2(b), 4.121 On the cover sheet revise the parking notes # 17 and 418 to specifically relate to these 10 proposed units. If you would like to keep die parking data you have provided for the entire development that is permitted; however, it should be clearly noted and blocked off that these notes and the data in them are for the overall development. New parking notes shall be provided specifically related to these 10 proposed units. (Response) Sec Notes #19 "Parking Required" and #20 "Parking Provided`. 9. [32.5.2(b), 4.121 On the final site plan provide a revised parking schedule of parking required and the amount provided specific to these 10 units. (Rcsp sofa i LinLgRequired and #20 "Parking Pros ided 10. IZMA2015-1_Proffer #2, SUB2019-1371 Affordable Housing Units. The 7 original lots (Lots 34-40) in this section are designated on the final subdivision plat as required affordable housing units. On the final site plan label ? of these units affordable housing units. Also, provide a note on the cover sheet that labels which of the 7 lots are affordable housing units. (Response) Sec Note #6 "Planned Use". Lots 34 through 40 remain affordable housing wins. 11. IZMA2015-1- COD] Provide a note on the cover sheet that state the minimum lot size shall be 1,000 SF for SFA units. (Response) Sec Note # 16A "Lot and Building Requirements'. 12. [ZMA2015-11 Clarify the types of housing units proposed for the lots, as there are different requirements for different types of units. I believe the proposed units are attached single-family (townhouse) units. On the cover sheet of the final site plan provide a note to this effect. (Response) Sec Note #6 "Planned Use". 13. [32.5.2(n)] Label and dimension all improvements depicted on the final site plan to include, driveways, the townhomes, all sidewalks, and all other improvements. (Response) See sheet 2.10 for detail and unit dimensions. Meow Dole unit dimensions arc subject to change and shall complc with applicable zoning setback requirements noted in chapter 18. sections 4.1 I .I. 4.11.2, and 4.19 of the Albemarle County zoning code. Further note the > foot sidewalk shown w iaiin Pocket Park "A" is as shoscn oil the RGA plan. B7 this plan no sidewalk construction other Ilan for the townhouse units is proposed 14. [32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(a)] On the final site plan dimension the property boundaries and the new lot lines. (Response) See Shcet 2.10 for propert-N metes and bounds. 15. [32.5.1(c)] On the final site plan dimension the proposed structures and driveways. 16. [32.5.2(a)] On the final site plan provide the names of the owners, zoning district, tax map and parcel numbers and present uses of abutting parcels. (Response) Pocket Park "A" and Bicknell Street. a 30' private right of way. are owned by March Mountain Properties, L.C.C.. As noted Bicknell Street is a private road and Pocket Park "A" appears to be for residential recreational or park purposes. Please note this plan does not affect the pocket park other than tying into the existing waterline. 17. [32.5.2(e)] Landscape Features. On the final site plan provide the existing landscape features as described in section (Response) Please I„ I t,,.. 1 all landscape features. Limits of this project do not affect the proposed landscaping shown thereon. 18. [Comment] Remove the phase lines from Bicknell Street. (Response) line rentoved 19. [32.5.2(n)] On the final site plan label all the proposed paving material types for all sidewalks, parking areas, and driveways. (Response) Sec divot 2.1 o for driveway detail. Please note no improvements are proposed for the sidewalk within the Pocket Park. Sidewalk is as shown on the RGA Plan. 20. [32.5.2(u)(iii), ZMA2015-1_COD] On the final site plan provide building elevations for all new or modified structures. (Rcsp.,n . , . ' 10 for building eleahons detail. 21. [ Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the entrance to the site shall be required prior to final site plan approval. (Response) All lot accesses arc to the misting Bicknell Street. a 30' Private Right of Way. Bicknell conaWs to Bishopg ue Lane u, the north and to the south No improvements arc proposed adjacent to a public right of way. A WPO plan shall be approved prior to final site plan approval. (Response) Please eiarit% that the urea shown on WPO 201800077 pluu uotad as'Putchiug Denote .Appro,v Buildable SF10 W" Included a, ❑np,:nn-,u�.�na 23. [32.6] The final site plan shall meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code. 24. [Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until all SRC reviewers have approved the plan. Their comments attached. 25. [SUB2018-164] The approved road plan contains required street tree landscaping in the pocket park. To determine if there is a conflict\ with the extended water line and the planting, the final site plan shall depict this planting (see below). It appears it will cause a conflict and the tree shall be relocated out of the waterline easement. On the final site plan relocate the single tree. (Response) The asbuilt location of the blow off calve is shown and appears to have been installed approximate)} IS to 20 feel beyond its intended location, The existing waterline casement as shown oil the approved road plan has been recorded on the subdivision plat (DB 53W Pg. 251. 255 plat) bill now extends the entire length of Pockcl Part: A. By this plan there are no improvements other than water service laps affecting the Pocket Park. Based upon the asbuilt location or said vah c and the proposed water .service locations said tree should be relocate within the Pocket Park and represented on the asbuilt survey for Phase 2. Block 32. 26. [Comment] Contrary to our previous discussions there is not an approved initial site plan nor an approved final site plan for this specific section of townhomes. Rather there is an approved final subdivision plat (SUB2019-137) and an approved road plan (SUB2018-164). (Response) Noted. 27. [SRC Public Comment] Staff has received and forwarded to the applicant the adjacent neighbors' concerns about the required parking for these units. Additionally, these residents are opposed to the additional units being added to this area. (Response) Their concerns have been noted. Based upon the subdivision plat and its setback intent for lots 34 Through 40, it twuld seem having 3 sets of 3 units break up the visual monotony of a seven unit structure. 1'iom dic Dcsk of Emil% Coy Continents dated April 1. 2021 1. WP0201800077 must be amended to show this new proposed layout. (Response) Jcremy Fos rill be submitting WPO revisions. 2. Plan must be signed, sealed and dated by professional registered in Virginia. (Response) Upon approval, plans shill be signed and scaled. 3. Please provide a detail for the proposed sidewalk. (Response) No public sndcNwlk is proposed. Tine sidcnalk shmtin along the rear of the lots is the s:mne as approscd by the original plans. 4. Please provide a detail for the driveway curb entrances. (Response) Detail Added to Sheet 3.0 5. Provide the date of the topographic survey. (Rcspurulod torn note. 6. Show proposed topography, including first floor elevations and slopes of driveways. (Response) Proposed Grading, FFE, and slopes :umolaled. 7. Is the proposed sidewalk in an easement? Who will maintain this sidewalk? _'i, . , � . _ l No uc�% pull: ...ill, proposed 8. Please show where roof drains will be directed. (Response) Roof drains to be directed tmvard allc). Upon review if you have any questions/comments feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience Sincereli Rob u ming Project Manager Kirk Hughes and Associates. (434) 466-4260 4