HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201800013 Staff Report 2021-07-02 (2)COUNTY OFALBEMARLE PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: ZMA201800013 Rio West Staff: Rachel Falkenstein Planning Commission Work Session: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: May 21, 2019 July 17, 2019 Planning Commission Public Hearing: June 18, 2019 Owner: Auto LLC Applicant: Shimp Engineering Acreage: 3.32 acres Rezone from: C1 Commercial TMP: 04500000010000, 045000000100A0, By -right use: C1 Commercial which allows retail sales and 04500000010100, 045000000101B0 service; residential by special use permit (15 units/ acre) Location: 664 Rio Road West, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Magisterial District: Rio Proffers: Yes Proposal: Rezone 3.3 acres from C1 Requested # of Dwelling Units: up to 112 units Commercial to NMD Neighborhood Model District - residential (3 — 34 units/acre) mixed with commercial, service, and industrial uses. A max of 112 units is proposed for a density of approximately 34 units/acre. DA (Development Area): Neighborhood 1 — Comp. Plan Designation: Core Area within Rio29 Small Area Places29 Development Area; Rio29 Small Area Plan- area intended to have the highest intensity of Plan Boundary development with a mix of uses including residential, commercial, retail, office, institutional and employment uses. Buildings with heights of 3-6 stories, built close to the street, with pedestrian access and relegated parking & Flex Area within Rio29 Small Area Plan — area intended to allow a flexibility of uses including residential, commercial, retail, office, institutional and employment uses. Buildings with heights of 2-5 stories, built close to the street, with pedestrian access and relegated parking. Character of Property: Mostly undeveloped Use of Surrounding Properties Most adjacent uses are property with some areas of woods, sloping down commercial including retail, self -storage, auto sales and from Rio Road with one single family home. service; 2 single family homes and a small apartment building to the west. RECOMMENDATION: Question 1: Should there be a commitment to the timing of the "block 1" residential building in relationship to the timing of the construction of the surface parking lot and the "block 2" self -storage building? Staff recommends the applicant provide a commitment that the block 1 building be commenced within 2 years of the issuance a CO for any block 2 structure. Additionally, staff recommends interim screening be provided if the bock 2 CO is issued prior to the commencement of the block 1 building. Question 2: Should 15% affordable housing be required with this development? Staff recommends 15% onsde affordable housing be provided through the requirements of the COD ZMA 2018-13 PC Work Session 5/21/2019 1 STAFF PERSON: Rachel Falkenstein PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION: May 21, 2019 PLANNING COMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: June 18, 2019 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: July 17, 2019 ZMA 201800013 Rio West BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW Applicants for Rio West have submitted a request to rezone their property from C1 to NMD to allow for a mix of uses, as described in more detail below. This request meets the criteria for a "priority review" project under the 2018 adopted policy for Rio29. The priority review process does not establish firm timelines for review comments and approval, though the process directs staff to make every effort to move applications through the process as quickly as possible, while still providing a thorough and comprehensive review. The applicant for Rio West submitted the most recent revisions to their application materials on April 29 and requested a May 21 Planning Commission public hearing. This allowed reviewers one week to complete the review of the revised materials and one week for staff to compile and reconcile review comments into a staff report and recommendations. In staff's haste to move this project quickly, we made an error in the legal advertisement and therefore, the public hearing will need to be rescheduled to the earliest available date of June 18. Overall, this error is not expected to delay the timing to final action by the BOS, currently scheduled for July 17. The reason for this work session is that there are still substantial issues with this request that have not yet been resolved. Staff and the applicant felt that these issues would benefit from a Planning Commission work session prior to the public hearing. The questions for discussion at the work session are described in more detail below. CHARACTER OF THE AREA The subject property consists of four parcels: three of the parcels are undeveloped and one has a single-family house on it. The property is located on the north side of Rio Road, across from the Daily Progress building. West of the site along Rio Rd are two single-family homes and west of those, at the corner of Berkmar Drive, a small apartment building, with a few commercial service uses on the first floor. All other adjacent uses are commercial, including Colonial Auto Center to the north and PhotoWorks Group and Storage Solution Center to the east. Adjacent properties are a mix of HC Highway Commercial and C1 Commercial. The site slopes downward from Rio Rd with over 100 feet of drop from the front of the site to the rear property line. There is a small intermittent stream along the back of the property, a portion of which is piped underground. There are no preserved slopes on the site, but there are small areas of managed slopes in the center of the property and along the eastern boundary (Attachment 1). SPECIFICS OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to rezone the 3.3-acre property from C1 Commercial to NMD Neighborhood Model District to allow for a mix of commercial and residential uses. Though the Code of Development (COD) will allow a flexibility of uses on the property, the applicant has shared that their intent is to construct a multi -family residential building along Rio Road and an interior conditioned self -storage building behind the residential building (Attachment 2 — Application Plan). ZMA 2018-13 PC Work Session 5/21/2019 2 The COD divides the property into 3 blocks. Block 1 covers approximately 1.47 acres of the site adjacent to Rio Road and is called "Active Urban" space in the application materials. Permitted uses in block 1 include multi -family residential, retail, commercial service, and office/R&D/flex. Block 1 contains form regulations that require buildings to be placed close to Rio Road with frequent pedestrian entrances along the street and minimum ground story transparency requirements. Building height in block 1 is 3-6 stories with stepbacks above the 41h story. Block 1 buildings will be designed to accommodate ground story commercial uses along Rio Rd with a 14-foot ceiling height required. The applicant has stated that their intent in the near term is to have residential uses on the first floor until the market can accommodate commercial/retail along this portion of Rio Rd. The COD provides different standards for pedestrian entrances and ground story transparency for residential and commercial uses for block 1 (Attachment 3 - COD). Block 2 is labeled "Neighborhood Services and Local Manufacturing". Uses allowed in block 2 include light industrial/self-storage, auto sales & service, retail, general commercial service, office/R&D/Flex, and multifamily residential. This block allows up to 310,000 sq. ft. of building with a height of 2-6 stories, with stepbacks in the front and back of the building above 4 stories. The COD includes regulations in block 2 for pedestrian entrances, ground story transparency, and fagade treatments for the portions of the site that are not visible from the Entrance Corridor and therefore not subject to ARB approval. These standards would be applicable to the backside of this building, which fronts along a future trail and greenspace. Block 3 is called "Neighborhood Greenspace". This is an area that is shown in the Rio29 Plan as a future linear park. Improvements in this block include a 25-foot designed landscape, parallel to the block 2 building and a 10-foot-wide shared use path. The COD includes an allowance for a small amount of building space here to accommodate structures such as picnic pavilions and other structures deemed accessory to the recreational use of the block. Question 1: Should there be a commitment to the timing of the "block 1" residential building in relationship to the timing of the construction of the surface parking lot and the "block 2" self -storage building? The Small Area Plan envisions the transformation of Rio29 into a vibrant and diverse mixed -use community with interesting character and a human -scaled built environment. The Plan divides Rio29 into Place Types that are intended to guide the scale and intensity of development. The southern portion of the subject property, along Rio Rd, is within the Rio29 "Core" area, which is intended to have the highest intensity of development and meant to accommodate ground story commercial and retail uses. The northern portion of Rio West is designated "Flex" area, which is intended to allow a flexibility of uses and scales of development. The proposed block 1 building placement is adjacent to Rio Rd and will be designed to accommodate future ground story commercial/retail. The COD contains requirements that will ensure most of the street frontage along Rio will be framed by buildings and includes requirements for pedestrian entrances and ground story transparency that will contribute to a human -scale built environment (Attachment 3). Parking for the site will be relegated behind the block 1 building (Attachment 4). Staff finds that the location and scale of the building is consistent with the character recommendations of the Rio29 Plan, but little commitment to architectural features, beyond first floor transparency has been established through the COD. During a December work session the ARB provided preliminary feedback for the applicant, subsequent ARB staff comments have suggested revisions to the plan and COD, but these have yet to be incorporated (Attachment 5). ARB review and approval of this project will be provided during the site plan review and can help assure the architecture of the site promotes a human scale environment. ZMA 2018-13 PC Work Session 5/21/2019 3 Block 2 proposes a building located behind a surface parking lot, on the northern portion of the property. The COD contains fewer form standards for the block 2 building, including no maximum setback and stepbacks above 50 feet. Block 2 does not have relegated parking, since it is intended for the building in block 1 to screen most of block 2 and the parking area. Such an arrangement is appropriate and consistent with the intent of the Rio29 Plan, since the focus of the Plan is the relationship of the built environment to the public realm, namely streets and public outdoor spaces. Additionally, any structure or parking area visible from Rio Road will be subject to ARB review and approval, which will include the block 2 building. The draft proffers and COD contain no commitment to the timing of the construction of the block 1 building with this proposal. Because of this, there is no guarantee that the block 1 building will be constructed before or concurrent with or the block 2 building, or that it will be constructed at all. The applicant has stated an intention to construct the block 2 building and parking area first on this site and to not begin construction of the block 1 residential building until sometime after the completion of the block 2 storage building. The applicant was not comfortable committing to a timeframe under which they would construct the block 1 building. Without a commitment to timing of the block 1 construction, a scenario could occur where the site is left with a large surface parking lot in front of a storage building for several months, years, or indefinitely. Such a scenario would make this proposal largely inconsistent with the character recommendations of the Rio29 Small Area Plan and the intent of the NMD zoning district. The question for discussion is whether the Commission sees a need for a commitment from the applicant for the timing of the block 1 construction. Staff is of the opinion that no more than two years should pass between the completion of the block 2 building and the commencement of block 1 building construction. Additionally, interim screening should be provided if the block 2 certificate of occupancy is issued prior to the commencement of the block 1 building, as the applicant has already proposed with this request. Question 2: Should 15% affordable housing be provided through the COD with this development? The applicant did not provide a detailed breakdown of unit types or sizes in the application materials, beyond stating in the COD that block 1 can accommodate 30-112 multi -family units. The applicant is not requiring any affordable units be provided within the COD for this project. This proposal is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendation that a minimum of 15% of all units developed under rezoning and special use permits be affordable units. Additionally, the applicant is not proposing to provide two or more housing types, which is a requirement of the Neighborhood Model zoning district. The applicant submitted a special exception request to waive the requirement for a mix of housing types (20A.8(a) of the Code) (Attachment 6). The subject property is within an area that is currently largely commercial. The Rio29 Small Area Plan recommends a higher intensity and scale of development for this property, which would be most supportive of multi -family residential units rather than other lower intensity housing types such as townhouses or single family detached. The property is also within a quarter mile of a mix of existing housing types, including single family detached, townhouses, and multi -family units. For these reasons, staff could be supportive of the special exception request to not provide two or more housing types on this site, if the applicant were to provide 15% of the multi -family units as affordable units. As a condition of this special exception request, Staff recommends the COD be revised to include a provision that 15% of all residential units be provided as affordable units, consistent with County Policy. ZMA 2018-13 PC Work Session 5/21/2019 4 SUMMARY Question 1: Staff recommends a requirement for that the block 1 building be commenced within 2 years of the issuance a CO for any block 2 structure. Interim screening should be provided if the bock 2 CO is issued prior to the commencement of the block 1 building. Question 2: Staff recommends 15% onsite affordable housing be provided through the requirements of the COD as a condition of the special exception to waive the requirement of two or more housing types ATTACHMENTS: 1 - Location Mar) 2 - Application Plan 3 - Code of Development (COD) 4 - Draft Proffer Statement 5 - ARB work session feedback and staff comment ZMA 2018-13 PC Work Session 5/21/2019 5