HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198500033 Staff Report 1983-09-20 STAFF REPORT: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 - PAGE 11 STAFF REPORT: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 - PAGE 12 STAFF REPORT: EARLYSVILLE FOREST SECTIONS 6, 7, AND 8 FINAL PLAT: Staff Comment: Location: Tax Map Insert 31B, Parcel 1A, Rivanna District; located The Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation northeast of Rt. 743 near Earlysville, off the northeast commented that the roadways in these building phases side of Earlysville Forest Drive in the Earlysville comply substantially with the approved overall plan for Forest PUD. Earlysville Forest PUD. Horizontal alignment appears to Acreage: 150.021 acres in 3 building sections with 68.25 acres meet standards. Plans and profiles of roads to be added (45%) open space. to the State system will need review and approval before Zoning: PUD (Planned Unit Development). approval of final plat. History: The Earlysville Forest PUD, first approved with conditions (SP-80-57) on September 30, 1980 by the Albemarle County The County Engineer recommends final approval subject tc Planning Commission for a 486 acre planned development, was County Engineer and Virginia Department of Highways and conditionally approved by the Board of Supervisors on Transportation approval of road plans and profiles and October 15, 1980. A petition to amend certain physical approval of drainage plans. Also noted, was the need for features and conditions (ZMA-81-11) of the PUD was approved additional well capacity. by the Albemarle County Planning Commission April 7, 1981 and by the Board of Supervisors April 15, 1981. The A soil scientist report has been received and written Earlysville Forest development was proposed in two phases. Health Department approval has been obtained for all lots, The first phase was staged in eight residential building subject to various conditions. Some lots may require sections plus one area of commercial development. The pumping of the drainfield. present submittal of building sections 6, 7, and 8 completes the first phase of development of the Earlysville Forest The applicant has submitted a topographic map of Sections PUD. Including the present proposals, sections 1-8 are 6, 7. and 8 indicationg septic field locations, proposed composed of: 213.344 acres in 135 lots (57.%), 23.157 acres house sites and slopes exceeding 25%. Some of the proposed in roads (6.%), 127.470 acres in open space (34%), 3.769 house sites do not meet the PUD setback requirements and acres of commercial property (1%) and 8.56 acres for will require relocation. recreation use (2%) . Proposal: To divide 149.98 acres into 49 lots, with an average of The Fire Official has commented that the existing dry 1.508 acres with 68.242 acres in open space. hydrant in Lake #2 is sufficient to accomodate the Reason for Planning Commission Review: PUD additional building phases. As a condition of approval for Topography of Area: Gentle slopes. Section 5, the second lake was to be constructed before any Condition of Roads Serving Proposal: This section of Rt. 743 carries futher building phases were approved. It is the staff's 3,742 vehicle trips per day and is considered by the understanding that the dam is in place, but the lake not Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation as yet complete. As a condition of ZMA-81-11, the amendment non-tolerable. to the PUD zoning, lake three and four were also proposed Watershed Impoundment: N/A. for construction in the first building phase. According' -. Soils: The soils in this area consist of deep, well-drained loams. the construction of lake three and four should be timed Comprehensive Plan Recommendation: This property is located in the with approval of building Sections 6, 7, and 8. Village of Earlysville. The Comprehensive Plan recommends a maximum one acre density. Portions of lots 125-128 are in the airport impact area School Impact: The total projected enrollment is 23 students, which for noise impact. Residential buildings proposed in the may require an additional school bus. noise impact area shall be designed and constructed in Type Utilities: All lots in the PUD are served by central wells and accordance with accoustical performance standares in private septic systems. Section of the Zoning Ordinance. "As-built" conformance to these standards shall be certified by the Building Official prior to issuance of any certificate of - . STAFF REPORT: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 - PAGE 13 STAFF REPORT: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 - PAGE 14 occupancy. The limits of the AIA Noise Impact Area should be clearly displayed and a disclosure statement included on the final plat. This area is delineated on the plat for Section 8. e. Construction of all drainage control devices in accordance with plans approved by the County Engineer; As a condition of ZMA-81-11, all water lines and f. Construction of central water system in accordance with appurtenances are required to be signed and designed in plans approved by the County Engineer, and other appropriate accordance with Albemarle County Service Authority agencies; specifications for possible future acceptance. Therefore, g. County Engineer approval of dam specifications for Lakes staff recommends the Planning Commission require Albemarle 3 and 4, and County Engineer and Zoning Department inspection County Service Authority approval of water plans for of dam construction; final approval of the plats. h. Replace white pine buffer where necessary along Earlysvile Forest Drive; The applicant is put on notice that condition A(4) of i. Compliance with ZMA-81-11. ZMA-81-11 states "no grading shall occur in any area until final subdivision or site plan approval has been obtained." 2. Fire Official approval of hydrants and fire flow when public water Additionally, condition A(6) states approval of dam becomes available. specifications and subject to County Engineer approval and dam construction is subject to County Engineer and Zoning Department inspection. Condition C(1) of ZMA-81-11 defines a buffer to be placed between the residences of Earlysville Heights and the public road, Earlysville Forest Drive. Maintenance of a buffer of 10' white pines on 15' centers was a con- dition of approval for Sections II, III and IV. Several trees need replacement. The final plats for Sections 6, 7, and 8 will meet the requirements of Section 18 of the Subdivision Ordinance and staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. No plat (Section 6, 7, 8) will be signed until the following conditions have been met by the applicant: a. Construction or bonding of all roads to be accepted into the State secondary system and in accordance with plans to be approved by the 1) County Engineer 2) Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation; b. Installation of street signs; c. Compliance with Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordinances; i d. Albemarle County Service Authority approval of water plans for possible future acceptance;