HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199700111 Plan - Other (not approved) Minor Amendment 1997-10-18 ... ., . . • . . CAR WASH FOREST LAKES NORTH COMMERCIAL AREA RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA SITE PLAN APRIL 7,1997 REVISED YAy 5,1997 REVISED AUG.15,1997 REVISED YAY 19,1997 REVISED AUG.25,1997 REVISED JULY 31,1997 ROUDABUSA,GALE AND ASSOCIATES A PR0PHSSRWAL CORPORA7]ON C RiVEV0118,PLANNERS,ENGINEERS 914 M0NTICELLO ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA SITE DATA; GENERAL WATER AND SEWER CONDITIONS OWNER: Forest Lakes Associates COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE P.O.Be sun n charloemne,VA 22905 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING 1. Mork shall be sublect to inspection by the Albemarle County GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS Service Authority inspectors. The contractor will be DEVELOPER/CONTRACTPURCI{ASER: REVISED: March 1, 1992 responsible for notifying the proper service authority Steve Pertafl.rn Mallloux officials at the start of the work. 325 Bamcka H111 1. Prior to commencement of any construction within any existing 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of Charlottesville,VA 22901 public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans a permit for said construction shall be obtained from the and where shown, are only approximately correct. The ZONING: HC;EC over-lay district,AIA Overlay District Virginia Department of Transportation (hereafter abbreviated V.0 0 T 1. contractor shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. SOURCE OF SURVEY OF TOPOGRAPHY:Roudabush,Gale&Assoc.,Inc 2. All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards 3. All materials and construction shell comply with Genera: .1 1:,----1 �__ of V.0.0.T. unless otherwise noted. Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted TAX MAP: 46114 Parcel1 (Part of Lot B) by the Albemarle County Service Authority on January 20 1983. 1 ^'•' 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance amended July 1, 1989. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: D.B.1463 P.A1,482; ""'""' , "''° +" with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed D.B.1018 P.403;D.B.1071 prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. Datum for all elevation shown in National Geodetic Survey PA93491(plat);D.B.1226 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded 5. The contractor shall be resposible for notifing P•130430(piat) OCT 1 8 1997 and mulched. Naximium allowable fill or cut slope is 2:I. `Miss Utiltiy' (1-800-552-7001). �� 3 Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4:1 or SETBACKS: Front w 30'building,10'pardte'Fortune Park Road better are to be achieved. 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a mimimum of side and rear-none 3 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2-inch local depression. centerline of the pipe. This includes all fire hydrant RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ��,-/ lines. service laterals and waterlines. etc. S � L A ...8' 6. Paved. rip-rep or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required - i b <�; _ 7i i4' when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of 7. 20' wide easements, centered on the pipeline and appurtenances EXISTING CONDITIONS: ,- Engineering, or his designee. it is deemed necessary shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authrrity, Parcel Is graded and open,and Is pert of the Forest Lakes North Commercial Area in order to stabilize a drainage channel. except where the line is in a public road right-of-way or an access easement, in which case the access eesemem, PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: 7, All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia shall also be dedicated as a utility easement. Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devlce9. latest edition. To construed a2-hay automatic m o ne- c rataah with appurteaan .Awalrrr la requested for Do B. 3' ■ieimum separation required between water line end wry dreuiatioe due to the nature of the use.(4.1213-Automobile Laundries) 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be storm sewer culverts or 6' separation when waterline reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. is insulated. Use 1/2' thick Therma-Cel Pipe Insulation LAND USE: BEFORE % AFTER % in 3'x 4' sheets as manufactured by Nomaca. Inc. or Building • 07r I,300 S.F. 7% 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must equally approved by Albemarle County Service Authority. comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Insulation to extend 5' beyond centerline of culvert in both Open 22,092S.F. 100% 8,620 S.F. 37% APPROVAL Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). directions or 5' beyond ends of culvert when parallel. Paved 0 9% 12,872 S.F. 54% 9. Touch read meters are being used by the Albemarle County TOTAL 22,992 S.F. 100% 22,992 S.F. 100A In addition to the above notes the following statement must Service Authority. To accommodate these meters. meter Lids DEPT OF PLANNING VIRGINIA DEPT Of M16eMAYS be included on all site plans which require V.D.O.T. approval. will require a 1 3/4' hole taped into the center of the lid. PARKING: I space provided fort -tlme eas 1 6 COMMINITY DEV The statement must De signed by the developer of the property Blind taps or plugs shall be provided to prevent debris Wrl polo prior to tentative site plan approve]. from entering the box prior to meter installation. BENCHMARK: Rim sanitary sewer M.H.®southwest od cnmmerdal arts site. We the undersigned developer(s) understand that approval 10. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located Elevation:508.61(U.S.G.S.Datum). DEPT Of EWGIeEERIN6 VIRGINIA SEPT OF HEALTH of this plan by the County of Albemarle does not necessarily outside of roadside ditches. indicate Virginia Department of Transportation ( V.0.0.T ) NOTES: approval of the plan. Approval of the plan by the County 11 Certification that 95I compaction Is obtained shall be 1. Thlssitelanotlocatedlaareurrolrwateshed - does not in any way relieve me of my responsibility In provided for all fill areas under water and sewer lines obtaining final VDOT approval prior to the Issuance of and appurtenances. This certification shall be signed 2- All 1attUne toke directed so so sotto ahlne oo adlolsing properties end lighting•pillow building permits and/or certificates of occupancy by a Professional Geologist. The certification shall onto nubile roads shall sot wd ee ooe.half(i/2)foot candie- OEP1. OF 201IM6 ALBEMARLE COINTY state the exact area that the certification applies to 3. Pavement specification: P 421A Base Stone SERVICE AUTHORITY 2S BM-2 DEVELOPER DATE 12 Valves on deadend line shell be rodded to provide adequate 1S SM-2A restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. AeSFIIABF COIHTT FIRE OFFICIAL 0 C� ; ;;r„ SCALE 1 -zo Z Ma, , Iva imi PUT • F. ----- ....--..,. R ;111141 n �� n�• �'�";•'Tf - (�-, _ Ne net 1 / ) Qig ..:41., z ... 5 �, ", . "Tr Q O .. N vrcivr7Y AVM" �<<� r,a✓' lz�o N.,, �' W O •54A/f+�rB7 �A� r,'*^ \ `4\tF_z_l �, ..L. Q G1 0 ro /A�✓��•�„IW,� n„' dnwswsro.a.v \ _ qP C'.,,:''';;'," ° � 0 r.R'�!';�';�' Lr..wv.Lax so yJy -Vap \ y:,• ;;;1;. u•;'',; ,1� / _ g f,Fyf,; �;�: "- ..41 w.f w sa![/O lly \ •,,1:!'r1!',r';'r11.,:•��;;!;;,!Ifi',,.1'�� r 8y , INN' ° �` '` 't p CO N. ,ofeo ye ' A"r, •fir✓ /e,t,;, .•'''' •• , \ \ � {:.;:♦ ♦,`C;'9�y1 P �`'AV `4 \ i•;T''4. 1 •", el . .44, ei 11 W --1• sdl foP1>L4.a-E1 Co 4`/GL t)�E4 A� 'Sr. Rr Y/a '; . FOPEST L4.CE5 cOM•✓Af4Y/4L ARE-4 4YsB4 vHo4✓>/,(AI1ctaf N - ,IF-� i l.4 :::':::':::%\'',*,:''''::0''......'....',, , >.�. .,Gd4 iAQ /siaPac, iliIP sav ;VAC'� , -2...a t"• " ,A10 ,.•....:,.....:.::::....2,' ,\ / � ean r> • W ✓> 1r ,) REVISIONS 'AV,- ri/ni>lsRv . r, e M %�iwcc..w ` I , s Q"!1„ i . ,AO J/ tr L .e/ i `r�'y1e J /W.r,l.ae + • \ \ / /\ ,� e f iU o N` 0,0(.1 APRIL 7• 1997 O^ 1 .� 0 a \. ; (fo3,0 ie 7 / amewIL44ree ro seeer At t . ,.. \\'‘...\\___„..// r 1 \�VVV f i/ � �. t \ 0.1 /r SCALE / nvs+tuar c>oi •'i' /A 1 '� /fr/N \\, COMOIA INiEAVAL �o �♦ {A r/ eI \/// 7 / ... >,....1n.re r� ..'L'T--27Z4112-' �I S :'11.e / 2 FEET itifr I f T ' '� \* I ACM.,..1LL11 n CAS....41.r 41>e %ower0 `c / /r, 1 er A eV AeCt,1 ufa.x./>,re ioe,t-n/ / ALL.7...1(........... ,....`,Z.,... Lk/ L n I W / .4 !� r Zf ..ra \r/./C.44) \ \ . cc„ CE / / 1 I // I __________________ _ aw.I1w tAA4E r ...' I s.077 AC. 1, r3, --_ U �,, ,,. L..,I �-r �:f„2 J.F. 1 Q . ..L w�^ - CCC��- - --- - ILI- / I -� -� —_- • liar CC iIIYMe N../! y t'r.c•u.+.n MA TEN L�1 EAU_ 4 '' 3mBg1163 Do EVJ/ 20'MATEAL1AEEASEIENI/ - L.r �. L,..i•w.. 's,2 0' D.B 1463pp.tBl IB2 (pl/tl if rQ~'� -- S0B'40'49 W 129 7.1 —_ S10'26'O6•N 123 29' N a W• / f �� --gj 5�- _� -- `(, .Lrv ..r• r+♦fu> U(n _ co • �W.:uil� �•�� ti. ��_ _ --- �� -e;5 I .L",vis e»ev . �..wr W AIM ��� — - �-�'"_ _ �� 1.041,L�.>,.rue acre 04 ]C i —____ OZ �ZZS —� 1 ...w,,.,e. .,,Ar,.t...,ee., J 9111 �— ti� it Awl. — ( - a..fw✓w..It CuslC>LO.-.fi4•s,,.,.. COMMON AREA 3 :N�`.`.m;se afte" Ar W © t/. .•,N,t : LA 1 ry�., En rn. PARCEL A, TAX MAP 4684 ° [ r sNae © ("Pratt �o,y © r I o • 0.621 ACRES 3fM11° /-^v'[ � /•v,.. \`'- r� ININWIr r-r a /w,,• row, r m .,.cars?.. . 5.1N,[ '„ _ re,. of M. > 1-� r'a.v,t eLsLa — LL/ar. A --—� 0— / 1 L,,> rGy —`� — _ SHEET — ------------ WEI.,�././-,,.[,.MO.ate . » - 1 7 2 0 — T I M B E R W 0 0 D PARKWAY ��War .:/ m.a�r.��,.�.� ...�� S T q T E ROUTE /00• AV", TYP > FILE NUMBER ICAL METER VAULT(1 1/2-METER) 7016 M fY r16 / .. Ln..I✓ T " 1l l • w , \ L.) SCALE I' •20 Z N 1 N \ NAA r•HT w H 7 ~ � , "/ '• -' \ `1 pen' UI g u! Ih �,r'' op o i � co CD LLI - d V/C/.V/TY M.9P ���•�I, �A •Y L�ds `'\ 3 p r:� -J •rood• Es5°\V�. �J / " \ -(��`:>' ''sNs •.N. i..savi!t 07• f w _• arn+•-- ''r, \ Vo, 9 .L \ '.6 •.\ 1 am.._ U'0 5;eefp�' f�• � N P�P� `, 4 4 \ as ; �7 `�"; _z°a i /,,µYo ` N e-j Cr La + el •� plil 41 • \ / �. / / ` ' / • .oI .� fotfl7 L•G.rE1 COMN.lf4!/.9L 4JE4 i `l At /,,, / /,, •• ,� /'" QE1/OvE i�� 1 \- �\ rM/f0 M/ — /'" fORGJT L4Kf1 CJM.✓Af.GY/qL AREA \ \\ \ �" /A.** C ,�\ ``\ 9C'���) / �'" 7 M K.64 PA.P/t'�4/7 ae) ; \ `�\ REVISIONS„ /r /- / ,Wt‘tvtl \•\ ----tc c. •Mrs . Av.*, .y., .,,,,- go ,0,,\\ . 41/4„ d j f�4 ea 0 \ \ \ FORTUNE PARK ROAD OR EASEMENT � a y �.,y'" poi �,� ``` / VQ / �� t , ` Pp� ,� EROSION CONTROL PLAN DATE ^`_`�a , , Al h O `, ��'�` ;z�� .. b \ \` TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY APRIL 7. 1997] Oa7OALOM101l MO��aAOI•NdRS �� "w I\ a\ a� • OTC_ / �u,y�r�wara•dara mirror �` (t ' ! 4- a o \ SCALE r rvlrO°l�4r.r vR•tym / er..r s.rra and Ilap4raaa / 1 20" / . I� I•� Ip \\ 9 1 1 62 7M .r..N.rYrbarrr,rr� `- � 1 / areas rY pia r r m•orom d ,sew•...ur,..Z..:r[> 1 O I© 'h ` \ �•r+rlaa r.4,r r rrt plan r r anal l�aalaa. ,•,.>�, r 1- 2 t e a O CONTOIA INTERVAL a..rWrdlrawrrar..rrrr Nord nla a., ol.r ieeric o ? {i \ . i t d 2 FEET i o \ \ Ybr7l.hrrs CarM•w oeeta'> / 1,.Wr /,/( r . 4� '^'• ,VOTE+ .VO Qif-S/7�470,PROK/OQ N.(gJ7f WA w a>w r ar atpnna Mad.a r rnr rod v�Nr .., new,r..,r.. .Si..2� e ' �. e, a �/'l \w AREAS A.PE A.v77C/M47Z�FL1e /, raW p ar r r r lra /t4 • a.r.r l�t • 7!//1 J/74% L.9RTNWO.PX �/ Jao/.wws zwpi ��� \/ sa:rr r...ands nr rrra•r'r"r.r*die Om } •� ® 4!/s7.a/7/7/E1 A�/ROXiMg7L`L!r J I planar n r m Iwrra re l b liaised as off-gale®d .77V•e..r.aA!.•iC9• / Cl 4C. �� �f7 •• 1 1.• \ �ALA•�E• ._ Mara moor dr aarara shall alr•a rpplararp JR,..Ie,ALP 0 •//r C✓ ... •Z 1 errrr•nr p plan rYaarbaaplerapaw+I llW,laa WPNT'7 /�, IC% ` Mr INIII e eie it Q d tl4/tlrl roar N•30,,•1.0,whr.5•Lr.G' ,a CI (iT >••"^F\^'� 6t b roar 4�r b Maras rat r 70I 7..po.M N•15'.I/' • anal rra•ereso r roes Nome r t, . 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NI LATER LIME EASEIfN1 --- ,i N r ;r O / 2 0 O B lb3 00 4B1'4B2 l04at1; `; l y 1 ¢Q `��a.a-I" ; STONE JCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I N I W a, o U K / mme Soe 40 49'N 1t7 ,�J�L/M/T1 of COVITR!/C'T/Q�/ J D .. weeao maw.. sriw�,we.e Z Z a r , -/" �•J_ _-._ () n•ac s• a ,v,..,.plus i ~I •I...f-' , ® I .r,a.n..>•�.r"w .v rrae s•s<` ere ` ,gym r aL' .r,•.ea� w N • M Y •:Mt�•� •w m .� ^ems `` re.,•.nrer,iw. 4 ii rilMT.161.111." , are SIDE ELEVATION M. Ij• uy,errs rya...a•ys> i+.we,✓o J a/ aim roar - a_e. s e. - ..r.va.s c.,c F- cn �r..,w .�.r:..a... �"' 7 �� �'1 .r 7 . �r'w. ��. COMMON AREA •j t :/ \ ,� o CC CRa 5 SECTION OF OUTLET . IIIIIIII ._ PARCEL A. TAX MAP 466 - a4.1 L` 0.621 ACRES ,` ,;. ,.•>r • ..vo wt Rr l 1 < are- �r."�.'J:— ,tea .; S.`.�..a 1 t-1 -- __!,/,,- ./L„ _• .�.:�. .,...c.. ...,,./..a„„,.>— '� i •.-= -t-1. PLAN VIEW a<.,>.•.wa c `� % �a��;'a _. Ma -� --� SHEET• -:L� .WO!.17►:7 ice!'►�:"�.•� S/3 � � �a .. � �r — TIMBERWOOD PARKWAY I are i�/ /elomiff_ % � `; SECTION A_A R 0 U T E 1 / 2 O ; �-- - i/�„ . 1140Wtlliaia" [; T A T E R/i•✓ • FILE MINBER �� .��_� �� aJ THIS SHEET FOR EROSION CONTROL ONLY I /'Nasser...oar Oro a saw V ON.w r�ra.. ..e r 7015 SOIL ON THIS SITE IS:(88) UDORTHENTS, LOAMY OUTLET (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) SECTION B-8 i 1 Key pptyy Size VarietyCanopy T Tl "cal os no Cherry 10' Jib sq. ft./3,729 o;0 1%. Prunus yedoensis 2 5 211" cal Village Green Zelcova 12' 559 eq. ft./2,795 eq. ft. Zelcova serrate 3 15 18/24" Blue Girl Holly Ilex meeerveee 4 19 12/18" Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa 5 4 12/18" Ilwf Burford Holly Ilex cornuta Ixirfordii nana 6 4* 12/18" Anthony Waterer Spires ti Spirea x bumalda 7 3 21i" cal Ivory Silk Tree Lilac (10') 310 sq. ft./930 sq. ft. Syringe reticulate 8 1 :; :' ( 267 aq. ft. "1171 apiniflora94 1 Gold Coast Juniper Juniperue chinensis 10 60 lg Nixed Perennial Border 1040\ I 11 9 3g Fire Power Nardlna I.; : H. Nandina darestica 'J � •y'�-- 9'I2• la 12 19 12/18" Compacts Holly h•�: ,•,��. tt Ilex crenate Total Canopy 7,784 eq. ft. 1p Total site 22,992 sq, ft. 2J1.® Si gyp- it e*� Ilr ` lOZ required canopy 2,299 sq. ft. Tits ;`g� `s . 34, w• 4 8' ,. .a GROW. aeX .1;x.,. ,��,'Y.. 1-.- - 11.11113MIAREA 31, Wa,,j": .1 M� 66.11 s Z s 4 1123 \ Z d-rY W61 le ..._,,_:iridird.. - Ail, to-it $,,,,,.. _. _.- • 0_, hhil.4. , = *pAddli - ■ i1 It 33 41 P 1°, a - Nerma,im. mi I IF INF W IV Mr . 1 IMF i4*. rt. is-3. -1. : �of Lal:,,s`i 4' 6 `�- u O� V ,::. t-C. �' LEE POliIIDI 'No 002 j i s'-•C iI1FIE°- TOREST LAKES CAR CARE CENTER sc.,e.,..s fO' ...ono.. o...,. .)0 WI a... �fp 4_zi-97 e atnt.z= WfllssotlO UNMAN 1161110SI1QSL onsr-tus IIIKASLPosFV w...,. &evise.D / '-97 .a,. ',,.j'r7