HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100030 Correspondence 2021-07-19 (3)LD-448 (6-9-21) Page 1 of 3 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCATION AND DESIGN/STRUCTURE & BRIDGE DESIGN WAIVER REQUEST (See IIM-LD-227 for the definition of Design Waiver) Design Waiver Number: (For Use by NOVA Only) Date: To: District Transportation and Land Use Director From Project Designer (L&D, S&B or Consultant): UPC Scott Collins, Collins Engineering State Project Number Federal Project Number District City/County Albemarle County County Proj. Number SDP202100030 Project Description Scott's Ivy Exxon Start Location (From) Ivy Depot Road End Location (To) 4260 Ivy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Funding Source Private Road Information Functional Classification GS-6 URBAN MINOR Minimum VDOT GS St'd Left Turn Lane ARTERIAL STREET Min. VDOT Standard VDOT Reference Locati Design Speed Posted Speed 35 Waiver Request For The FollowingDesign Minimum Radius ❑ Lane Shift/Tapers ❑ Total Shoulder Width ❑ 7❑ Buffer Strip Width ❑ Ditch Width ❑ Shared Use Path Width (See RDM, App. A(1)) ❑ Paved Shoulder Width ❑ Superelevation ❑ Guardrail GR-9/GR-2 ❑ Sidewalk Width (See ❑ Curb and Gutter ❑ Intersection Sight Distance IIM-LD-55) NHS & Interstate System Access Control —100' ❑ Urban Areas and 300' Rural Areas ® Other Turn Lane (See RDM, App. F) LD-448 (6-9-21) Page 2 of 3 Design Waiver request must address the following: • Established design criteria versus proposed and existing criteria (including traffic data, design speed and posted speed) • Reason the appropriate design criteria cannot be met • Justification for the proposed criteria • Any background information which documents, supports or justifies the request • Any mitigation that will be provided to further support or justify the request • Cost to meet standard versus project cost Attach all supporting documentation to this exhibit including crash history (past three years). Lic. No. 035791 ,'h- 7/14/21 Prepared By: Scott Collins, PE Date: 7/14/2021 Click to choose an item. Note: The responsible person that prepares the request shall also electronically seal and digitally sign in the block above. All signatures below shall be digital signatures. LD-448 (6-9-21) Page 3 of 3 VDOT Approved By: Click to choose an item. CC: Appropriate Assistant State Location and Design Engineer Project Manager State Geometric Design Engineer State Structure and Bridge Engineer Assistant State Traffic Engineer — Traffic Control Devices Additional information for 4260 Ivy Road Design Waiver Request This proposed Design Waiver Request is for relief of a left turn lane requirement for the existing entrance into the site. Site Conditions: This project is an expansion of the existing service station building on a property owned by SR&DR LLC. The current use of the building is a service station and gas station. Along with the expansion of the service station, the site is also being updated to include more formal paved parking areas on site. The expansion of the service station does not affect the peak hour traffic to this site. This existing gas/service station is located on Ivy Road in a small corridor where other businesses are located. It is a unique section along Ivy Road in that the posted speed limit drops from 45 mph to 35 mph in this corridor. Traveling in the eastward direction the speed limit increases to 45 mph about 300' after the site. As shown on the attached exhibits, a left turn lane is warranted for this site as it is in the existing condition. The attached exhibits show how long a left turn lane would need to be and how the road would need to change to accommodate the turn lane and its components. Justification Against a Left Turn Lane: In the attached exhibit it can be shown in several ways why the left turn lane would not be feasible for this area. The storage length alone, at 150', requires the road pavement width to be 44'. There is only 38' of width available because of the bridge over Little Ivy Creek. This storage area also blocks access for the proposed one way exit out of the site and the existing full access entrance for the commercial property across the street. The turn lane taper blocks full access entrances for the existing commercial business across the street and on the adjacent parcel. The approach taper blocks the Ivy Depot Road intersection as well as runs into the portion of Ivy Road that goes underneath a railroad bridge. The road going under the railroad bridge cannot be widened. The 75' minimum width of the 3 lanes required after the intersection as well as the departure taper run along the portion of Ivy Road that crosses Little Ivy Creek. This bridge was redesigned recently by VDCT. The width between guardrails is 35'. The width required to install this left turn lane and taper back down to two lanes is 44'. There is simply not enough pavement width to accomplish installing the left turn lane. It should also be noted that this corridor along Ivy Road has a lower posted speed limit than the rest of Ivy Road to allow for slower traffic that is entering and exiting the few businesses along this stretch of road. As shown in the aerial exhibits dating back to 2002 and up to 2018, the existing gas/service station has never had a left turn lane and as the expansion does not increase the estimated daily trips to and from the gas/service station, then a turn lane still does not make sense. To widen the road and impact the business frontages along Ivy Road in order to install the turn lane as well as widen the bridge over Little Ivy Creek the cost would be well over $2.5 million, which is not feasible for the owner of the existing business. 0SSXN�1 O�NRO PXVRD LPNNNRRE RpP 8 I 8 ASH ASH I 15 ASH / PARADISE 10 ASH ASH 12 A I/ �8 ASH 10 ASH 10 ASH / 12 ASH "� 15 EXISTIN / I 10 ASH PARADISE CRITICAL SL PIES ■ = W 245'APPROACHT LL TMP 58A2-24C - Iz BLOCKS IVy p APER 20 T 12 RIVANNA WATER & SEWER EPpTROADINTERSECT1pN PARADISE AUTHORITY I . m —'-' ZONED: Cl � l/1 j ASH I P m6 PARADISE / PARADISE /10 8 ■ PARAD� PARADISE(2X) I EXISTING COMMERCIAL ■ Ul VDOT STD. I ENTRANCE _ - - CG-6(TYP.) m m10 1) ■ 15 ASH / / I EDGE OF PARADISE 15 ASH n nQi , TMP 58A2-20 LENVIC, LLC DB 3801 PC 750 / ZONED: Cl / / / PROPOSED 6' WOODEN PICKET FENCE IVY DEPOT ROAD \F 10 PA DISE I I EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO RESIDENTIAL HOUSE TO REMAIN I N73°50'25"W I 10.55' IF 12 N22'50'28"W - 16.58' PROPOSED 6' CONCRETE Pj FORTANK STORAGE I TMP 58A2-20A JOSEPH W RICHMOND Jr TRUST DB 4992 PG 686 I �F UP \ V, Z FOR HVAC/TANK - STORAGE - SCREENING I ONE WAY TRAFFIC SIGN I MILL/OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT AROUND BUILDING AND CANOPY EXISTING POWER POLE WITH I I STREET LIGHT TO REMAIN — _ PROPOSED NEW PAVEMENT FOR TAPER ENTRANCE, SEE DETAIL N01 °27'06"E — — SHEET 6 FOR 20.00' ■ D — — — PAVEMENT DESIGN PROPOSED STOP SIGN = ■ MR) ! m L �PpER L>, ------------- -- m zoo' TURN LANE TAPER - ------- BLOCKS (2) ENTRANCES i5o'STORAGELENGTH Lu ■ V1 — - — - — - _ (3)12' WIDTH LANES + (2) 4' WIDE SHOULDERS - - — - ' L!) = 44' WIDTH REQUIRED j _- -- — 38'WIDTHAVAILABLE CL m 60 ■ m m IEXISTING COMMERCIAL CG-2 IVY DEPOT ROAD ENTRANCE Ili O\ MIN. \EIGHT' TMP -24 EATON, LZONED.zOR RASUSAN E VAR. WIDTH ACCESS EASEMENT DB. PG. EXISTING DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES TO REMAIN VARIABLE WIDTH ACCESS EASEMENT DB 788 PG 841 DB 841 PG 721 DB 907 PG 509 w m U.S. ROUTE 250 - o _IVY ROAD— _ — - — - 75 80' R/W WIDE SHOULDERS M DB 231 PG 585 (3) iz' WIDTH 44 WISDTH REQUIRED 35' WIDTH AVAILABLE (TYP.) UP 66°11'40"E mmm162— G`N UP 54o'DEPAKI TAPER REQUIRED S11'07'42"W 2.64' 20 8'/'44"W GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. GN G SCOTT/R. Cl?LLINSZ Lie. No. 035791 p 7/14/21 `�Q1 r V� Z o a u �m w z z O N �Z z 0 O V z 0 O O o U) N U) w Z Lu cA H � a Lu 80 z� � W (D zx U O O N z Q z Lu G z ~ CID Lu G Q w Q w Q> Lu z V/ Q J J z z_ � L I LL Lu O Lu I, -^I _Vl O w J u U 0 Lu a Lf) JOB NO. 202183 SCALE 1"=20' SHEET NO. 3 Road Design Mani M d 700 W 600 500 0 400 Z U) O 300 IL EL O 200 0 100 L' 200 400 600 800 1000 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-8 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY :ll d 700 w 600 500 O (D 400 Z 0O 300 0_ EL O 200 0 > 100 .............................. . iiiiiiiiiiiii�iii�i�i►i�i��i�iiS = Storage Length Required �����n�������►v�o������������� No Left -Turn Lane Requin u 200 400 600 800 1000 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-9 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY Road Design Manual Appendix F Page F-79 TYPICAL Not to Scale 35 MPH 45 MPH PAVEMENT NARK/NGS PAVEMENT f ` < MARKINGS 0 Major Rood F � y 1 o W TAPERR (r, '- I PROACH M/N.75' TAPEDEPARTURET, ) TURN LANE TAPER (re) WI x (52) L- 60 L-WI xS Lane Width W, ) Low Speed (mph) High Speed (mph) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Toper Length (ft) T 180 245 320 540 600 660 720 780 8,10 12 ft. TZ 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 T3 180 245 320 540 600 660 720 780 840 Low Speed (mph) High Speed (mph) 30 35 40 45 50 1 55 60 65 70 Taper Length (ft) T 165 225 293 495 550 605 660 715 770 I/ ft. Tz !00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 T3 165 225 293 495 550 605 660 715 770 Lev Speed (mph) High Speed (mph) 30 35 40 45 50 1 55 1 60 1 65 70 Toper Length (ft) T l50 204 267 450 500 550 600 650 700 )o ft. T2 /00 200 200 200 200 200 200 zoo 200 T3 150 204 267 450 500 550 600 650 700 Notes: 1. Turn Lane Width is assumed to be some as Through Lone Width. Z T & T = (For < 40 MPH) - Turn Lane Width X Design Speed-- + 60 (Rounded up). T & T - (For > 40 MPH) - Turn Lone Width X Design Speed (Rounded up). J. TZ = Is computed as follows. <30 mph: 6. l - 96' (Rounded to /00') >35 mph 15.1- 180' (Rounded to 2W) 4. LI = Length of storage lone to be determined by Figures 3-5 through 3-22 or by capocW ono/ysis for Left -Turn Storoge, Minimum Length - l00. PASSING/LEFT TURN LANE (BYPASS LANE) FIGURE 3-22 PASSING / LEFT TURN LANE Sources: AASHTO Green Book, Chapter 3, Section 3.4.4 NCHRP Report 780, page 17' © 2014 Rev. 7/17 Scott's Ivy Exxon Aerial Photo-2002 Legend LWt (Nalco Some Xenia on map may not appear In legend) 'A, •� Parcel Info �.' El Parcels r58A2. _ -- ' SI tY all7 51 • 4250 1� Y 4272 58A2-24C r 58A2-20 _ • �-. - 58A2-21 1 a 4282 4zeo , i � a ,- 94 ft , _ j�}/� _ nGISM —�a, ra+ .`a gtp GerepMCGateaervicer .Ibemade.orw'se �� hBcrNtn (434)2=2 Any determination oltopagrapby or contour, or any deplNon a1 mysical Improvements, properly lines or rearmament k for general lnluructen only add shall not be used for Me aesiyl mMificatlon, or comtmNon of Improvements to real propel, orfor fil plain determination. July 13,2021 Map elements may scale larger than GIS data measured In the map or as provided on the data channel page due to Me projection used Map Pool WGS00 Web Mercator (Auxiliary SpMre) (EPSG 3057) Any doIerminalion of topography or mMours, or am, deplNm Mphyslral improvements, property Imes or WoMerke Is for general Information ony and shall hat be usM for the design, mcNifimtion, or mrutmcllon of ImpravemeMs to real property or for fioM plain determination. July 13, 3021 Map elements may stale layer Man GIS data rreasued In tM map or as pro iged an Me data dowibad page due to Me pro)ectm used. Map Profecton: VA3S80 Wee Mermtor Mimallary Splare) (EPSG 3857)