HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202100087 Application 2021-07-20 Community DevelopmentDepartment Albemarle Coun 401 RoadChanottesyslle.UA22902-4598 k Voice. (434i 296-5832 Fax .i434j 972-4126 ;, ;' Planning Application PARCEL / OWNER INFORMATION Tb1P 07800-00-00-00700 Owner(s): FLOW 1300 RICHMOND LLC' Application# ARB202100087 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description 1 ACREAGE BATTLEFIELD FORD �m l Magisterial Dist, Rivanna ✓ Land Use Primary Commercial '- Current AFD Not in A/F District - Current Zoning Primary,Highway Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 1300 RICHMOND RD CHARLOTTESVILLE,22911 j Entered E, Jennifer Smith ...; Application Type Architectural Review Board - 2, 2021 Project SIGN - FLOW PORSCHE - DIGITAL Received Date 107/20/21 I. F.e.e ed Date Final Submittal Date 07/26/21 Total Feet 147.681 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid( 147.681 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad :SUB APPLICATION(s) f Type I Sub Applicatiaji Comment SIGN 07/26/21 APPLICANT /CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType Nan'e Address i CityState Zip Phone PhoneCell rr rvritcptIzent FLOW 1300 RICHMOND LLC 500 WEST FIFTH STREET 19TH WINSTON-SALEM 27101 3363030412 -n_ry Cocac BETH ROBINSON • 2165 SEHINOLE TRAIL CHARLOTTESVILL 22901 4349747900 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application. sand Checklist for Sign Permit -t Part A:Applicant am/Parcel Information Project Name: Fling:, Pc, C.hie Address: t3 04 12 c% v o n d Rd Tax map and parccl(s): (rr1 8.0 - 00" 00- 00-100 Zoning: H C. Contact(Who should we call w/ stinnsY Name: t n n business Namc: -1-Li C�h�cc } �rsn _ Address 2 t to 5 m ate Tr t._ _ City _h a r• -}-e v; l l_e----slate _ V i _.yip_2,.7.aJ'_'"o1 Daytime Phone(_) q 74 790D X•lO7Fax it(_ ) 914-Lois')C: Is-mail 10e-141 C h''SV } t► .03,, Contractor Name: S&rr'IjrC U S above • liusincss Name: _. Address City Slate Zip Daytime Phone( _) Fax Il( ) Ii-mail it Business Owner Name: Fto L. C.,Busincss Namc: P-Law l m o$ ve Address_500_w...xi�- 142,-W' o r-City W;,nsi-oe)._ tAril State N G Zip_2 1 101 Daytime Phone(3314 3 3 04 2 Fax It( ) It-mail ifxrn3e bra lc.-tjb.t l .cc,,_al :Part B: Determining ajlicationlrequirements and fees(includes 4%Technology Surcharge) 1, Sign Permit—/'leasi indicate whirl:sign type you are applying for: [�Freestanding nr Mon'mcnt Sign: $119.74 Er If a looting is rcquir' ,an additional tee is required: $53,74 i D Wall Sign(lnrhuli,rl; wetly,awning,/iuel pump canopy signs): $1 I9.74 0 Sign Refacing: $68.64 27 l lectrical Permit—Will the sign he illuminated? Yes ("illuminated signs require an electrical permit and an electrical whentatia.) $73.14 steNo `1 0.00 3, A RB Review—Will�he permanent.sign(s)he constructed in an Entrance Corridor? (Go to wwiv.nthemarle.7rg/arh far mare informaliun.) Yes (This sign will the constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it does nil tired the criteria at an $1 47.611 approved C.'n4rrehensn'r.Sinn Man. See:1!?ii requirements nest pages.) I] Yes phis sign will he constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it does owe(the criteria of a Waive Fee ('omprehensivti Sign flan(CS!'). Write the name of the CS!'here: See A!!B requiiements inert pages For more info an C'SPA%go to the link at www.albemarle.org/arh. No (This sign will not he constructed in an Entrance(:arralor) $0.00 FEE TOTAL(Please add ail the amounts checked in sections I 3): FOR OFttCI?USl?()NI.Y II Ru iC� � ARM( ODD' Fcc Amount S l)itc Paid Hy who?_ _ Rcccipt It __Check iI Hy — Cou ty of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 Mclntire"toad Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 6/3012I Page I of4 A Part C: Submittal ItI� s Required Note: Submittal packages mu contain 4 collated copies oral[ information unless otherwise indicated. Additional submittal materials maybe inquired if r 4dew by die Architectural Review Board is necessary. Applicants will he notified if additional materials or ARB review are i uired. SECTION 1: FREEST NDING, SUBDIVISION OR DIRECTORY SIGNS 1 11 A. Submittal Requir ents -ffSite plan or latest appro plat showing, to scale, the proposed location of the sign(s) with dimensions. from the sign the property linos and/or edge or the VDOT right-of-way. , /Distance [ A footing/foundation d ignim showing how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground. ['If the sign will be locate in an casement, a letter of approval from the casement holder will be required. G A to -scale color illustra on of the proposed sign showing dimensions of the n, including overall height from die ground; cabinet sire, length, width and depth; base size, etc. (De sure to rn include there dimenvianv an the diagrams provided in the Sign Permit Appliratirnt parket.) Proposed lettering id/or graphics in their proposed locution. Entrance Corridor RL4 ifirements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor, consult the lintmnce Corridor Sign Guideline at www.albcmarle.ore/arb for design requirements. Provide a color illustration of the bunt and side elevations of the sign showing: o If internally illumin ed, indicate which areas of the sign arc opaque and which are illuminated. Internally illuminated cabinet gns must have opaque backgrounds. (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through. When lit only from hind, the color of an opaque material cannot be detected nor can objects be seen through it.) o Identification of pro ioscd materials and colors. Include standard color id numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all aterials, text, graphics, base, faces, trim caps, returns, etc. o If colors other than I antonc equivalents arc identified, provide accurate physical samples or all colon proposed, preferably in the ma no] proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) o Provide a site plan sl owing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sires. o Additional submittal aterials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. (The applicant will be no lied if this requirement applies.) B. nspection Requi nents for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Signs Applicant must mark dial location of the property lines and the location of the sign with stakes in preparation for a preliminary zoning insp lion. (All four cornets of the sign must be marked +vith stakes that are ensile visible to all t spec(ors.) GKA preliminary zoning in ipection must be completed to verify the location of the sign before the permit can be sued. standing signs arc rci uired to have footing inspections. (.schedulerlbyapplirant) VF are rc uired to have electrical inspections if illuminated. tscheduled byapplicant) standing signs ,uired tanding signs are r to have final building and zoning inspections. (.schedrded by applicant) 6/30/21 Page 2 of 4 SECnON 2: WALL S NS A. bmittal Require! ents ❑ A dra 'ng, to scale, sh ing dimensions of the sign (length, height, depth). ❑ Elevation'wing(s) odified photograph of the entire building, to scale and in color, showing ❑ Thesig the building, sign height above grade, and the length or building frontage. (nesure, in nlviinclude son the dtn rams pmvided in Appendix B.) ❑ Sign lettering and) raphics in their proposed location. ❑ Ealrance Corridor Re:irem ts: If the sign is to he constructed in an Entrance Corridor, consult the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelineat www. emarle or tub for design requirements. Provide a color illustration of the front and side elevations of i sign showin o Indication of sign a (channel letters, binct, panel, etc.). o Indicate on the dra ngs the proposed male s and colors. Include standard color idcnlification numbers (Panione, 13enjami oorc, Acrylic, etc.) ror all • tcrials, text, graphics, faces, trim caps, etc. For channel letter signs, indicate on It drawing that the raceway Colo -hall match the color of the wall le which the raceway is attached. o If colors other Than anlonc cquivalcnls arc identified, proud aCCaf:11C physical samples Of all C010rx proposed in the sign, prorerab in the material proposed. (Paint chips that curalely reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) o If externally illumi led, indicate [he location of proposed light fixtures . d provide mamdaclurer's cut sheets describing illumine n type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height AI . hting must meet ordinance requirements as out) ed in Section 4.17. o For internally illuml alcd signs, indicate which areas of the sign arc opaque and whi are illuminated. (Opaque materials don't allo light to pass through. When lit only from behind, the color of an o ue material cannot be detected nor can obli cts he seen through it. Internal) illuminated cabinets must have o at a ack rounds. B. Ins ection Re uirei1iiients for Wall or Projecting Signs ❑ Wall and projecting sign arc required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (S'chedidedhy applicant) ❑ Wall and projecting sign are required to have final building and xonin r inspections. (Slreduled h a /(cant SFCTION 3: ILLUMP ATION REQUIREMENTS A. f the proposed sign is to ii ie Illuminated, the applicant must provide the following: Electrical permit Electrical [] schematic lie location of propos light fixtures identified on a plan and/or elevation Q Manufacturer cut sheets cscribing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance require nis as outlined in Section 4.17 or the Zoning Ordinance. 0130/7.1 Page of4 110 SFCTION 4: WORK A. Work Valuation E$5oo Part D: Applicant A' eement Applicant must read and . n must contain 4 folded copies of all plans and documents being submilled. Only 1 set of • Each application packigi material/color samples is equired. All submittal items become the properly of Albemarle County. Applicants arc encouraged to maintain uplicato copies in their own files. • The application packag is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials ind ted on the checklist. 1 hereby certify that the in rmation provided on this application and accompagving information is accurate. trite anti correct to doe best of my k� owledge and belief and contahm all information required by these ckecklirir —1 2.o Z1 Signature of person compi Lingchecklist Date 13e+-I Robcns Sr�l�s r. �`i2,+)i7+--19O0 x.1O-I Daytime phone number of Signatory Printed Name / Title unty of Albemarle Department of Community Development I McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax www.albemorlc.orc 6/30/21 Pagc4of4 Sign Diagrams Sign Dimensions Sign Height Distance to property line or edge of right-of-way Sign Height = Sign Dimensions = Pole -Mounted Sign - Diagram 1 (Generally not acceplable in the ECS) Sign Height sign Dimensions Building Frontage Building Frontage = Sign Height = Sign Dimensions = Wall Sign - Diagram 3 Sign 2 Height = _ Sign 2 Dimensions = Sign 3 Height = _ Sign 3 Dimensions - Sign Dimensions Sign Height Distance to property ine or edge of right-of-way t 3 Sign Height = `,) — 2 ''1 1 Sign Dimensions = 2 Monument Sign - Diagram 2 It multiple wall signs are proposed, list dimensions here: Sign 4 Height - Sign 4 Dimensions = Sign 5 Height = Sign 5 Dimensions - Sign Diagrams revised 7/2009 — 1 A 1a 1\ Application and Checklist for Sign Permit I ` - !+„ Part A:Applicant and4arcel Information Project Name: Flaw tc.., Address:he Addr : 1304 IZ+r m cr)d Rd . Tax map and parccl(a): 01 ©- 00 - co- 0o-1©G zoning: H C. Contact(Who should we call w/11ui ,3 Jei uions'l)Name: �-}-h � :e1SCn Business Name: '("fit(a�'l4c7c.VI �1{l�r,� Address 21 (05 Se M ole Tr(. City Char(=-Hrsv: 11,e, State VA Zip 22.9C 1 Daytime Phone(_ ) q 74-- chin x.10-/ ax Ii( ) 974-Logai fri li-mail be+h C h-Nsva .(.OM l Contractor Name: S0.trIte. a S above. Business Name: Address City Slate Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax Fax 1I( I E-mail Business Owner Namc: Flow 13OC(Z:cxncnd Lt.Clinginess Namc: F Lcs L'}tp cc,o-}-ive Address 5O(3(3 .-►c—O't Si 1434'floc r City (.,t.)i ns+' fl — Ja LA..f n State \L Zip 2110 i Daytime Phone L33s1 303 04 i 2_ Fax II( , )__._ _E-mail Qrrac byre r Lc- oa.l 1 ,UGt^t'1 I Part B: Determining application requirements and fees(includes 4%Technology Surcharge) 1. Sign Permit—Please indicate which sign type you are applying for: O Freestanding or Monument Sign: $119.74 [] If a footing is required,an additional fee is required: $53.74 [ Wall Sign(Including property,awning.fuel/nrm/+t'ano/�t'sl/;ns): J $119.74 ❑ Sign Refacing: $68.64 2.Electrical Permit—Will the sign be illuminated? Yes (Illu,ninated signs require an electrical permit and an electrical schematic.) $73.14 ❑ No $ 0.00 3, ARK Review—Will ' e permanent sigrr(s)he constructed in an Entrance corridor? (Ga to www.alhemarle. rg/arh Jar more inhumation.) ❑ I Yes (Ms sign willlhe constructed its an Entrance•Corridor and it does not inert the criteria(On $I47.65 ap/+rated Comprehensive Sign flan. See.4/11t requirements nett pages.) ErYes (t'his sign will he constructed in an Entrance Corridor and ii does meet the criteria of a Waive Fee Comprehensi v 1 Sign Plan(CSP). Write the name of the CSP here: See:t R13 requir!Ir•ments next page' Jar more info on('WI's,go to the link at xnvw.ulixm+urle.org/arh. ❑ No (This sign will`hot he constructed in an Entrance Corridor) $0.00 FEE TOTAL(Please add all the amounts s hecked in sections I --3): $ � 012 FOR OFFICE USIiONI.Y I)P►t `?//�`�' , AI(Illl Fee Amount S I)rc Paid By who? _ Receipt II ('heck H Ny County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 6/30/21 Page I uf4 art C: Submittal Items Required N e: Submittal packages musE contain 4 collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated Additional submittal ma 'als maybe requited if re iew by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. Applicants will be notified if additional materia or ARB review are rc juired. SECTION 1: A. Submittal ❑ Site plan or latest appN ❑ Distance from the sign t ❑ A rooting/foundation di ❑ If the sign will be locato ❑ A to -scale color it ustral ❑ Dimensions of the s Size, etc. ((le sure to t ❑ Proposal lettering'. ❑ Entrance Corridor Req Corridor Sign Guideline: and side elevations of Ih( o If internally illumin: illuminated cabinet t When lit only from I o identification of prof Acrylic, etc.) for all o If colors other than I preferably in the ma o Provide a site plan sl o Additional submittal applicant will be not ,LADING, SUBDIVISION OR DIRECTORY SIGNS dents A plat showing, to scale, the proposed location of the sign(s) with dimensions. he property lines and/or edge of the VDOT right -of --way. Lgr showing how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground. in an asement, a letter of approval from the casement holder will be required. on of the mposcd sign showing gn, includin overall height from the ground; cabinet size, length, width and depth; base sa include thest imensions an the diagrums provided in the Sign Permit Application packet.) id/or graphics in cir proposed location. drements: If the sig is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor, consult the F.ntranec at www.albemarlc.or rb for design requirements. Provide a color illustration of the front sign showing: ed, indicate which areas of c sign are opaque and which am illuminated. Internally gns must have opaque backgr ads. (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through. :hind, the color of an opaque m rial cannot be detected nor can objects be seen through it.) osed materials and colors. Includ tandard color id numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore, iaterials, text, graphics, base, faces, ' caps, returns, etc. intone equivalents are identified, provi accurate physical samples of all colors proposed, :vial proposed. (Paint chips that accurately Ilea the proposed colors are acceptable.) owing proposed landscaping around the A including botanical names and planting sizes. materials may be required if review by the Arch clural Review Board is necessary. (The Red if this requirement applies.) B. inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or DirectoiXSigns ❑ Applicant most mark the location of the property lines and the location of the sign with stilikes in preparation for a preliminary zoning inspection. (ARfour corners oflhe sign must he marker! with stakes that a easi(v visible to all inspecmrs.) ❑ A preliminary zoning inspection must be completed m verify the location of the sign before the nnil can be issued. ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have footing inspections. (.scheduled by applicant) ❑ Freestanding signs are royuired to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (.scheduled by applicant) ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections. (.scheduled by applicant) 6130121 Paget of4 SECTION z: WALL A. Submittal U A drawing, to scale, showing dimensions of the sign (length, height, depth). 1941eva 'on drawing(s) or modified photograph of the entire building, to scale and in color, showing The sign location on the building, sign height above grade, and the length of building frontage. (flexure in also inetude thcve dimensions on the dingratnv provided in Appendix B.) Sign lettering an dhi graphics in their proposed location. Ealrance Corridor Ret ularements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor, consult the Entrance Corridor Sign Guideline at www.albcmarle.ore/arb for design requirements. Provide a color illustration of the front and side elevations of th sign showing: o Indication of sign ty0e (channel letters, cabinet, panel, etc.). o Indicate on the drawings the proposed materials and colors. Include standard color idenli ficalion numbers (Pantone, Benjamin acre, Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, faces, trim caps, etc. For channel letter signs, indicate on th drawing that the raceway color shall match the color of the wall to which the raceway is attached. o If colors other than lantonc equivalents are identified, provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in the sign, prefemb in the material proposcd. (Point chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors arc o If externally illuminated, indicate the location of proposed light fixtures and provide manufacturer's cut sheets describing illuminati} n type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as oull ed in Section 4.17. o For internally illumfcts alcd signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which arc illuminated. (Opaque materials don't alllight to pass through. When lit only from behind, the color of an opaque material cannot he detectod nor can ( be seen through it. Internally illuminated cabinets must have opaque backgrounds.) B. Inspection Require nents for Wall or Projecting Signs Wall and projecting sign all and proeecting sigin are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (Scheduled by applicmto are required to have final building and zoning inspections. (S•heduled blv a licant SECTION 3: ILLUMMiATION REQUIREMENTS A. If he proposed sign is toYV1? tic Illuminated, the applicant must provide the following: cctrical permit Electrical schematic ����, �Jte location of proposed) light fixtures identified on a plan and/or elevation LE3/Manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance rcquircmcc nls as outlined in Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6/3021 Page 3 uf4 SECTION4:WORKN LUATION A. Work Valuation $ I 01 COO Part D: Applicant A eement Applicant must read and si I • Fach application packaged ust contain 4 folded topics of all plans and documents being submitted. Only I set of material/color samples is'�cquircd. All submittal items become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants arc encouraged to maintain it uplicate copies in their own files. • The application package'is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal malerink indicated on the checklist. 1 hereby certify that the in formation provided on this application and accompapiving nijb motion is accurate, true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and beliefand conlalas all information required by there checklists LMO=-12-0 1zl Signature ofperson comp) ling checklist Date tie (ln�Y . ( 434) 97-1 - -7 -100 x.107 Printed Name / Title Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 1 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax www.albcmaric.org 61.30/21 Page 4 of 4 Sign Diagrams Sign Dimensions Sign Height Distance to property line or edge of right-of-way Sign Height = Sign Dimensions = Pole -Mounted Sign - Diagram 1 (Generally nor acceptable in the ECS) Sign Height Sign Dimensions Building frontage I It Building Frontage=-7 I I� ^ a vJ Sign Height = 1 t 3'_-I- r I it Sign Dimensions= Blv 1- 7,/4 "W x LI-� nnk Wall Sign - Diagram 3 Sign Dimensions Sign Height Distance to property One or edge of right-of-way Sign Height = Sign Dimensions = Monument Sign - Diagram 2 N multiple wall signs are proposed, list dimensions here: Sign 2 Height = I lD t - `j 31 `7- r h Sign 4 Height = 1 rl , Sign 2 Dimensions = I In - '+ w x 2 h Sign 4 Dimensions = Sign 3 Height = Sign 3 Dimensions - Sign 5 Height = Sign 5 Dimensions = Sign Diagrams revised 712009 - 1