HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100063 Application 2021-07-21PreaDDlication Plan Checklist 1 141 Preapplication Plan = $592.00 + Technology Surcharge = 4% of each transaction Project Name: ACSA - Avon Maintenance Yard Tax Map Parcel Number: 091 oa00-00-00100 Contact (who should we contact about this project) Dewberry Engineers Inc., Kevin Pennock Street Address 4805 Lake Brook Drive, Suite 200 City Glen Allen State VA Zip Code 23060 Phone Number (804) 205-3338 Email kpennock@dewberry.com Owner of Record Albemade County Service Authority Street Address 168 Spotnap Road City Chadonesville State VA Zip Code 22911 Phone Number (434) 977-4511 ext. 116 Email amordson@semiceauthority.org Applicant Albermade County Service Authority, Alexander Momison Street Address 168 Spotnap Road Chadottesville case VA 7- �..a., 22911 Phone Number (434) 977-4511 ext. 116 Email amordson@semiceauthodty.org SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Each preapplication plan submitted shall comply with the following: ® Plans. Three (3) clearly legible copies in blue or black ink. ❑ Letter. If applicable, a letter stating which provisions of this chapter the developer believes will require a variation or exception under section 32.3.5 or a special exception. The letter need not include a justification or any supporting information. 91 Checklist. Completed checklist Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4vaidev,7. Aloe- iloh, TE,Seivi i- Civil Eq ileel- 7/16/2021 Signature of Owner, Agent Date Alexander J. Morrison 434-981-5577 or 434-977-4511 ext. 116 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Revised 7/1/2021 (Fee Update) Page 1 of 5 Preapplication Plan Checklist Project Name: JACSA -Avon Maintenance Yard Firm: Dewberry Engineers Inc. This checklist must be completed, signed and submitted with the application. The information contained in this checklist reflects the contents of the Section 32 of Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code also known as the Site Plan Ordinance as of January 1, 2013. The applicant is responsible for insuring that no revisions to the Ordinance have occurred since preparation of this document Each preapplication plan submitted shall comply with the following: ® [ a] Number of copies. Three (3) clearly legible copies in blue or black ink of the plan shall be submitted. ® [ b] Scale and size. ® The plan shall be prepared to the scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet or to another scale approved by the agent in a particular case. ® No sheet shall exceed forty-two (42) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in size. The plan may be prepared on one (1) or more sheets. If prepared on more than one (1) sheet, match lines shall clearly indicate where the several sheets join. ® The top of the sheet shall be approximately either north or east. ® [ c] Dimensions. The plan shall be dimensioned to at least the following standards for accuracy: i. Boundary, setback and zoning lines: One foot in one thousand (1:1,000) feet. ii. Existing contours: One-half (1/2) of the contour interval required in section 32.5.2(d). iii. Proposed contours: Within five (5) feet horizontally and vertically. iv. Existing structures, utilities and other topographic features: Within five (5) feet. v. Proposed structures, roads, parking lots and other improvements: Within five (5) feet. Each preapplication plan shall contain the following information: ® [ a] General information. ® The name of the development; ® names of the owner, developer and individual who prepared the plan; ® tax map and parcel number; ❑ boundary dimensions; ® zoning district; ® descriptions of all proffers, special use permits and conditions thereof, special exceptions and conditions thereof, variances and conditions thereof, application plans, codes of development and bonus factors applicable to the site; ® magisterial district; ® county and state; ® north point; Revised 7/1/2021 (Fee Update) Page 2 of 5 Preapplication Plan Checklist ® scale; ® one datum reference for elevation (if the site includes land subject to section 30.3, flood hazard overlay district, United States Geological Survey vertical datum shall be shown and/or correlated to plan topography); ® the source of the topography; ❑ departing lot lines; ® minimum setback lines, yard and building separation requirements; ® the source of the survey; ® sheet number and total number of sheets; and ® the names of the owners, zoning district, tax map and parcel numbers and present uses of abutting parcels. ® [ b] Information regarding the proposed use. ® Written schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed uses, including ® proposed uses and maximum acreage occupied by each use; ® maximum number of dwelling units by type including the number of bedrooms for multi- family dwellings; ® gross residential density; ® square footage of recreational areas, percentage and acreage of open space; ® maximum square footage for commercial and industrial uses; ® maximum floor area ratio and lot coverage for industrial uses; ® maximum height of all structures; ® schedule of parking including the maximum amount required and the amount provided; ® the maximum amount of impervious cover on the site; and ® whether a landscape plan is required under section 32.7.9. ® [ c] Phase lines. If phasing is planned, phase lines. ® [ d] Topography and proposed grading. ® Existing topography (up to twenty [20] percent slope, maximum five [5] foot contours, over twenty [20] percent slope, maximum ten [10] foot contours) for the entire site with sufficient offsite topography to describe prominent and pertinent offsite features and physical characteristics, but in no case less than fifty (50) feet outside of the site unless otherwise approved by the agent; ® proposed grading (maximum five [5] foot contours) supplemented where necessary by spot elevations; ® areas of the site where existing slopes are critical slopes. ® [ e] Landscape features. The existing landscape features as described in section Revised 7/1/2021 (Fee Update) Page 3 of 5 Preapplication Plan Checklist ® [ fj Watercourses and other bodies of water. The name and location of all watercourses and other bodies of water adjacent to or on the site; indicate whether the site is located within the watershed of a public water supply reservoir. ® [ g] Onsite sewage system setback lines. The location of onsite sewage system setback lines from watercourses including intermittent streams and other bodies of water. ® [ h] Flood plain. The one hundred (100) year flood plain limits as shown on the official flood insurance maps for Albemarle County. ® [ ij Streets, easements and travelways. The existing and proposed streets, access easements, alley easements and rights -of -way, and travelways, together with street names, state route numbers, right-of-way lines and widths, and pavement widths. ® [ j] Existing sewer and drainage facilities. The location and size of existing water and sewer facilities and easements, the storm drainage system, and drainage easements. ® [ kJ Proposed sewer and drainage facilities. The proposed conceptual layout for water and sewer facilities and the storm drainage system, indicating the direction of flow in all pipes and watercourses with arrows. ® [] Existing and proposed utilities. The location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements, including existing telephone, cable, electric and gas easements. ❑ [ m] Ingress and egress. The location of existing and proposed ingress to and egress from the site, showing the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection. ® [ n] Existing and proposed improvements. ® The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements ® including buildings (maximum footprint and height) and other structures; ® walkways; ® fences; ® walls; ® trash containers; ® outdoor lighting; ® landscaped areas and open space; ® recreational areas and facilities; ® parking lots and other paved areas; and ® loading and service areas. ® [ of Areas to be dedicated or reserved. All areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use. ® [ p] Symbols and abbreviations. A legend showing all symbols and abbreviations used on the plan. ® [ qJ Dam break inundation zones. The limits of a dam break inundation zone. Revised 7/1/2021 (Fee Update) Page 4 of 5 Preapplication Plan Checklist Read and Sign In representing the above referenced firm submitting this plan for final approval, I hereby sate that, to the best of my knowledge, the a achAd plan contains all information required by this checklist. 7/16/2021 Signature Agent Date Kevin Pennock Print Name 804.205.3338 Daytime phone number of Signatory Revised 7/1/2021 (Fee Update) Page 5 of 5