HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800040 Correspondence 2021-07-26SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering July 21, 2021 Mariah Gleason County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Response Letter #3 for SDP201800040 Hunters Way — Major Site Plan Amendment Dear Mariah, Thank you for your review of the major site plan amendment for Hunters Way. This letter contains responses to County comments dated February 1, 2021. Our responses are in bold as follows: 1. [32.5.2(a)] Application ID. Include the application ID on the Cover Sheet (SDP201800040). Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 2. [32.5.2(a)] Zoning notes. List the special exceptions and conditions associated with this site plan that were approved on May 6, 2020 by the Board of Supervisors. Please see the signed resolution attached. Rev. 4: Comment not fully satisfied. There appear to be minor clerical errors within the Special Exception Conditions. Review and revise accordingly. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. 3. [32.5.2(a)] Setbacks. Revise the setback notes to more clearly reflect the following: Front Building: 30' (DB 688 PG 636) Front Min: 1Oft from the public street right-of-way Front Max: None, since this is a comer lot abutting a principal arterial highway (Rte 250) Side/Rear: Buildings separated per building code (minimum); no maximum Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 4. [32.5.2(b)] Proposed use. Revise the statement in the proposed use notes on the Cover Sheet from "Drive-thru has single lane, window faces away from Public Streets" to "Drive-thru has a single lane, window faces Hunters Way." Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 5. [32.5.2(b), 4.12.61 Parking schedule. The site plan currently shows 46 parking spaces provided, not 45. More importantly, the parking schedule calculation for the retail building space was not found to align with the County Zoning Ordinance. Under the parking regulations, retail uses not otherwise identified are required to provide the following: Retail use not otherwise identified : one space per each 100 square feet of retail sales area for the first 5,000 square feet and one space per each 200 square feet of retail sales area above 5,000 square feet. For purposes of this paragraph, "retail sales area" shall be deemed to be: (1) 80 percent of the gross floor area; or (2) at the request of the applicant, the actual retail sales floor area as shown on floor plans submitted by the applicant delineating the actual retail sales area, which plans shall be binding as to the maximum retail sales area used. (Added 2-5-03) 912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com Based on this code section, the retail sales area — being less than 5,000sf — would need to provide parking spaces at a ratio of one space per 100sf of retail sales area. This would result in a total of 42 spaces for the retail building (5,200sf * 80%= 4,160 retail sales area; 4,160sf / 100sf = 42 spaces). I've follow up with Zoning staff and based on the intended use of this retail building as a hardware store, staff have indicated that the proposal could instead calculate parking for this use based on the parking ratio requirement for Furniture store and other large sized retail items such as appliances, carpeting, office equipment or specific building materials. This scheduled use has been used previously by the County to evaluate parking for hardware stores. Under this requirement, the hardware store would need to provide parking at a ratio of one space per 400 square feet of retail sales area, or 11 spaces (4,200sf / 400sf). Unfortunately, this lower parking requirement means that the current development proposal is overparked by around 64% (18 spaces). Revise the site design so the number of parking spaces does not exceed 20% of the required parking, in accordance with Sec. 4.12.4(a). (Note: One option to recapture parking, if desired, may be to include the sixth bay of the automobile service station in the parking calculation for that use.) Rev. 4: Comment not fully satisfied. Change the Drive-Thru Coffee Shop ratio to state "...Per 200 SF of Gross Floor Area" to align with the over-the-counter sales parking schedule use. Rev. 5: Thank you for revising the parking ratio note per the comment above. However, it looks as though the parking schedule was amended in this revision. The plan currently notes two (2) required parking spaces for the Drive-Thru Coffee Shop, however, it is Albemarle County's practice to round up to the nearest whole number when calculating required parking spaces. Therefore, please adjust the required parking calculation for the Coffee Shop back to three (3) parking spaces. Also, the plan maps identify four (4) marked, dedicated parking spaces for the proposed coffee shop. The parking schedule on the Cover Sheet should reflect the same number of dedicated parking spaces provided. Please review and revise accordingly. Thank you for bringing this discrepancy to our attention. The parking calculation has been revised to note the required parking calculation for the coffee shop is 3 spaces. Additionally, coordination between the parking schedule and the signage shown for the designated coffee shop spaces on Sheet 3 has taken place for clarity and consistency. The spaces provided for the drive -through coffee shop is noted as "4" for consistency with the signage that will be placed designating the coffee shop spaces; the spaces provided for the office space has been revised from 15 to 14 spaces, which still meets the requirement for office parking spaces. There was a math error in the previous calculation on the 12/23/2020 plan; there were 46 spaces shown however, the numbers for spaces provided only added up to 45. This error is now fixed and the number of spaces provided for all uses equals 46, which is consistent with the number of spaces shown on the plan. 6. [32.5.2(k)] Proposed sewer and drainage facilities. A WPO plan/amendment must be approved before site plan amendment is approved. Proposed easements shown on the site plan will need to reference a recorded deed book and page number for these easements. Rev. 4 and 5: Comments remain. Please submit the easement application when ready. Noted, we have hired Roger W. Ray & Assoc. to complete the plat, and will resubmit the WPO Amendment soon. 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom [24.2.2(13)] Water consumption. Zoning staff have indicated that water consumption should be evaluated by site, thus, the combination of all intended uses on that site. As such, please revise the Water Use Calculation table on Sheet C4 to itemize each intended use on the parcel, their associated water consumption (gpd), and then calculate the total estimated water consumption for the parcel. Per the zoning ordinance, water consumption on this site cannot exceed 584gpd (1.46ac x 400 gallons per site acre per day) without a special use permit under Sec. 24.2.2(13). Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 8. [32.7.9] Landscape plans. a. Per Sec., the tree canopy requirement must be meet by trees and other plant materials that will exceed 5ft in height at a maturity of 10 years. Based on the planting schedule, it looks like the shrubs will only reach a height of 2ft in 10 years. As such, these plantings cannot be used to meet this requirement. That said, based on the plantings that do meet this criteria, this requirement being met. Please update the Landscaping Notes and Schedule on Sheet C6 to make it clear that the proposed trees meet the requirement. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. b. The Land Use Schedule on the Cover Sheet notes a proposed pavement area of 22,093sf, however, the Parking Lot Landscaping requirement in the Landscaping Notes on Sheet C6 appears to be based off of 20,592sf. Please clarify or review and revise this discrepancy. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. c. In the Planting Schedule on Sheet C5, adjust the quantity and canopy of the Mountain Pieris species to 18 and 14, respectively, to match the plan and Sheet C6. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. d. Provide a label for the tree that is being obscured by the conservation checklist. Is that tree part of this property? If so, the planting schedule may need to be updated. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. e. Revise the plan depictions for the Pin Oak (A) so that the "A" is included and matches the legend. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. f. [New] On Sheet C5, the quantities of the Rhododendron and Compact Glossy Abelia plantings listed in the Landscape Schedule table did not align with the plan map. Revise and adjust required calculations as necessary. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. g. [New] On Sheet C5, there appear to be four (4) trees between the drive-thru lane and proposed building and one (1) tree across from the drive-thru window that are not identified in the Landscaping Schedule. Incorporate these planting into the Landscaping Schedule and adjust required calculations as necessary. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. h. [New] On Sheet C6, the quantities of the male Pin Oak, Eastern Redbud, Rhododendron, and Compact Glossy Abelia plantings listed in the Landscape Schedule table did not align with the plan map. Revise and adjust required calculations as necessary. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom i. [New] Minor note adjustment. Staff acknowledges the adjustments to the Landscaping Plan. On Sheet C6, please further revise the Landscaping Notes to indicate that the number of trees provided within the parking lot is six (6). Also, the resulting internal landscaped area provided should be around 2,580sf. The landscaping notes have been revised for consistency with the plans to reflect that there are six (6) large shade trees provided within the parking area. The internal landscaped square footage area has been revised to 2,580 SF. 9. [32.5.1(c)] Building dimensions. Provide dimensions for the coffee shop structure and the western, offset portion of the hardware store structure. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 10. [32.5.2(n), 4.12.16(c)] Handicapped parking spaces. The handicapped parking spaces for perpendicular parking are noted has being 9ft x 18ft, however both spaces measure 8ft x18ft. The measured 8ft x 18ft meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Please update the label to reflect the measured plan width. Also, does this width qualify for van -accessible spaces? Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 11. [32.5.2(n), 4.12.191 Dumpster pad. Rev. 4: Comments addressed. Indicate the distance the dumpster pad extends beyond the front of each dumpster. (Note: The ordinance requires a minimum distance of 8ft. See Sec. 4.12.19 for more information.) Label the paving material for the dumpster pad. The detail for the dumpster pad on Sheet C8 references a detail on Sheet C7 that did not appear to be included in the plan. Please revise this detail/label accordingly. 12. [32.5.2(n)] Paving material. Indicate the surfacing material for areas around the proposed building and parking islands. Rev. 4: Comment not fully satisfied. Thank you for providing the paving material, however, it appears there is no entry to the coffee shop's walk-up window based on where the concrete sidewalk ends and the illustrated design of the outdoor seating. The current design seems to force patrons of the walk-up window to go through the planted, mulched area. Review and revise accordingly. Also, identify a paving material for the walk-up window and outdoor seating area. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 13. [32.5.2(n)] Signs. Remove all depictions and notes regarding signs (except stop signs and parking signs) or include a note that makes it clear that these signs are not approved by this site plan amendment and will require a separate application and approval. Rev. 4: Comment not fully satisfied. Include "Advertisement Signs" in the Sign Note on Sheet C3. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. 14. [32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(n), 4.12.16(e), 32.5.2(s)] Labels. a. The boundary line bearing and distance labels are difficult to read in their current placement within the hatched area used to denote critical slope areas (see Sheet C2). Please relocate these labels outside the hatched area for greater legibility. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. b. On Sheet C3, what does the dark box attached to but north of the 520sf building represent? If this is intended to be an overhang for the walk-up order window, please label it accordingly. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. c. On Sheet C3, revise the labels in the drive-thru lane so they do not overlap. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. d. On Sheet C3, label the bumper blocks. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. e. On Sheet C4, connect the arrow for the "New SWM Facility Easement" label with the depicted improvement. Rev. 4: Please also connect the leader line for the "New SWM Facility Easement" label 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom located near the Rt 250/Hunter's Way intersection. This label is currently pointing to patterned critical slope areas. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. 15. [Comment] What do the bubbled areas along the northern edges of the property represent? Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 16. [Comment] Is there outdoor seating associated with the coffee shop use? It was not clear what the light linework on the northern side of the intended coffee shop building represented. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. 17. [32.6.2(k)] Outdoor lighting. Is it intended that the area around the proposed hardware store and coffee shop (including the drive-thru lane) remain unlit? If light fixtures exceeding 3,000 lumens were to be added in this area in the future, a Letter of Revision (LOR) to this amendment would likely be needed to review/approve the change. Rev. 4: Comment addressed with applicant's comment response letter. 18. [32.6.2(h)] Signature panel. Replace the ACSA signature line with a signature line for the Virginia Department of Health. Rev. 4: Comment addressed. Additional comments based on revised plan dated 07/10/2020 19. [Comment] On the Cover Sheet, revise the note under the Lighting heading to refer to Sheet C7 for the Lighting Schedule, instead of Sheet C6. Rev. 5: Comment addressed. If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at Kelsey@shimp-en ig neering corn or by phone at 434-227-5140. Regards, Kelsey Schlein Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom