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Department of Coni MUD it) Ilevelopdment
4111 Itnnid.North Wing
Cho rintiewale,Virginia 22942-45.%
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)912-4126
August 8, 2017
Greg Baldwin
195 Riverbend Drive
Charlottesville VA, 22911
DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS — Parcel ID 12600.00-00.021 D0 (Property of IRIS REALTY
HOLDINGS LLC) Samuel Miller Magisterial District
Dear Mr. Baldwin:
The County Attorney and I have reviewed the tide infornia#ion for the alaove•noled property. It is
the County Attorneys advisory opinion and my official determination that
Parcel ID 126013-00-00-021 D0 is comprised of ten (10) parcels of reccsd with up to forty-four (44)
theoretical development rights. There may Pe fewer than forty-four (44) theoretical development
rights depending on any future survey of parcels idenlifylig new acreage lotal8. The basis for this
determination follows,
The Albemarle County Real Estate Assessment records indicate Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021 D0
contains 187.82 acres and zero (0) dwellsngs, The property is zoned RA, Rurat Areas.
The most recent deed for Parcel ID 12640-00-00-021 D0, recorded before December 10, 1950,
the date of adoption of the Zoning Ordinance is recorded in Deed Book 602. page 225 dated
August 09, 1976.
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021 D0 (46.25 acres)
Dew Dale Parcel Change flares
Book:Pa e Y or N _
117,r 46g 04)D2 1900 Y .ell of that certain tract of land.. contains 53rty six acres 46.25
and one rood... micro or less, being a part of that tract of
land._. in DS 10+0 P 4.
132/89 08,15,1904 N all that certain tract or parcel of land.., containing forty six 46,25
acres and one rood, more or less. . Which was conveyed...
in DB 117 F' 469,
141 474 0112411910 N all that certain tract or parcel of land. containing forty six 46.25 '
acres and one rood, more or tess, . which was conveyed
1421323 03126/1910 /4 ...all that certain tract or parcel of land .. containing forty six 46.25
acres and one rood. more or less,.. which was conveyed to
the said Howell Lewis by C M. Cassell and on record in the
Clerk of the Office of Albemarle County, to which reference
is made far a fuller description,
160 r 63 06/28/1915 N .all that certain tract or panel of land. containing forty six 46.25
acres and one rood, more or less.... which was conveyed .
in DB 142 P 323. �__�.
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164/342 112/0711916 N ...a certain tract or parcel of land .. conte mn ir;J 46 acres and 4625
1 rood more or less, it being identically The same land... h
! + DB 142 P 323.
178/302 01/2611922 N ! All that certain tract or parcel of land. . containing 45 acres 46.25
and 1 rood, it being Identically the serve land... in OB 164 P
342... and in DB 160P63.
6921262 08102/197 Y
...does hereby GRANT .. all its rights, title and interest in
the fallowing.Lands h Aibernarle Counts"Parcel 1.. Parcel
2... Pa.-cel 3. . Parcel 4 .. Parcel 5 Ai that certain parcel of
land containing 130.104 acres mare or less, ...as shown on
plat of Kurt Gioeckner dated July 20 1976... attached
herelo and made a part herect,... The property hereby
conveyed consists of portions of lands contained in the 46.25
Wowing deeds of record... (1) ...DB 384 P 318; (2)... D8
178 P 302; (3)... DB 99 P 232* (4).. DB 129 P 214 (5). . Less paten
DB 132 P 355; (6)... DB 195 P 478; and (8)... DB 185 P is
164. 130.104ac
By calculation and using,an unrecorded survey
of David Collins there appears to be =
approximately 34.76 acres remaining after the
portion of the originat 46.25 from DB 178 P 302 Approx.
acres was used for the creation of the 130.104 In 34.76
602/226 08/0911976 N ..the fallowing described real estate, to wt.: Parcel 1. .
Parcel ? PFrcel 3 All that certain tract of parcel of
land known as The Old Dominion tract containing
approximately 520.21 acres, more or less, and being more
I particularly described in the following deeds: (1).... (2)
T3eed dated January 26, 1922...to DB 178,P 302;. .
(18). . LESS AND EXCEPT the following ..: All that certain Approx.
1tract of parcel of .and containing 130.104 acres, and more 34.76
patularly described according to a plat... in DB 602 P 262.
_ Parcel ID 12600.00-00-021DO (85.86 acres)
Deed Date Parcel Change l escripilon Acres
Book/P_1 . YorN
991232 014i011t 893 Y ...the following tract or parcel c#land... containing 85 acres I 85.86
3 roods and 19 perches,more or less.
106/202 04114/1895 N ..,the fotowirg tract of parcel of land. containing 86 acres. 85.86
3 roods and 19 poles, more or less,
1371371 05118./1908 M .. the folowingg tract of parcel of land .. being the same tract 85.86
of land which was conveyed.. by deed dated 14"'day ct
AprX 1896, oontairing 85 acres, 3 roods, and 19 poles, more
or less, and more particularly described by metes and
bounds in... DB 99 P 232.
602;262 otta'0211976 Y ...does hereby GRANT, all its rights, title and interest in
the to/lowing: Lands In ,Albemarle Cour'4v Parcel 1... Parcel
2... Parcel 3... Parcel 4 Parcel 5 All that certain parcel of
land containing 130.'104 acres more or less. ..as shown on
plat of Kul Gloeckner dated July 20, 1916. . attached 85.86
hereto and made a parr hereof.. .. The property hereby
conveyed consists cif portions of lands contained in the Lb�s portoan
following deeds of record... (1) ...DB 384 P 318; (2) . DB in
178 P 302; (3)... DB 99 P 232; (4)... DB 129 P 21,4; (5)... 130.104ac
DB 132 P 355;(6) DB 195 P 478 and (8)... DB 185 P
Auuusl 8. 2017
LOD-20 1 7-00006
Paae 3 of 17
Per recorded survey of DavidCollins (DB 4879 Approx.
P 218)there appears to be approximately 6616 66./6
acres(by calculation and not survey) remaining
after the portion of the original 85.86 acres from
DB 99 P 232 acres was used for the creation of
the 130.104 in DB 602 P 262.
6021225 0810911976 N .the following described real estate.to wit Parcel 1... f
Parcel 2. . Parcel 3 All that certain tract of parcel of
land...known as The Old Dominion trace c.ontaining
approximately 520.21 acres.more or less, and beinc mare Approx.
particularly described in the following deeds: (1) .. (2)... 56.76
(3)Deed dated April 1, 1893... in DB 99, P 232;... (16) ..
LESS AND EXCEPT the following...: All that certain tract of
parcel of land containing 130.104 acres. and more
particularly described according in a plat. . in DB 602 P 262,
Parcel ID 12600-00-00 021 DO 17.5 acre, 50 acre and 41 acre portions)
Deed I Date Parcel Change Description Acres
Book"Pegg Y or N
129 ' 213 07,19 1904 Y . A certain tractor parcel of land.. containing some seven 7.5
and one-half(7 112) acres according to the plat and
survey... recorded herewith..
129 214 . 09.r08,t904 Y .. a certain tract or parcel of land... and containing fifty (50) 50
acres according to the plat and survey... hereto attached
and made part of this deed... is a part of the three tracts
referred io in... DB 108 P 341
132 355 02l27,1906 V ...all of a certain tract of land containing one Hundred and
Forty Four&Three Quarter(144.3.4)acres...and bounded
according to a plat and survey thereof... dated October.
1905, to be recorded along with this deed.. (Description
follows). Said tract of land is composed of two tracts,ewe
containing Forty one (41) acres more or less...;and the 41r
other of said tracts(part of said 144.3:4 acres) contains One
Hundred and three&Three Quarter(103.3/4)acres, which &
is part of a larger tract which contained One hundred ninety
six (196)acres... 103.75
4$7!6 02/2111969 r .all that property more particularly described as follows
All those twenty-nine parcels of land.. described in, DB
227 P 113
549? 132 04115/1974 Y . .ail that certain lot or parcel of land containing .64 acres, 41—0.64
more or less,... more particularly described as Parcel B o*t
_plat , hereto attached and made part of this deed. 40.36
602; 262 011'021075 N ...does hereby GRANT, , all its rights. title and interest in
the following: (ends In Albemarle County Parcel 1. Parcel
2 Parcel 3 .. Parcel 4... Parcel 5 All that certain parcel of
land containing 130.104 acres more or less, ...as shown on
plat of Kurt Gloeckner dated July 20. 1976... attached
hereto and made a part hereof,.. The properly hereby linkr-nwr
conveyed consists of portions of lands contained in the portions of
following deeds of record.. (1I DB 384 P .31B, (2). DB
178 P 302. (3) DB P 232; (4).... DB 129 P 214; 50
(5)... DB 132 P 355; (6)... DE 195 P 478; (7). . DB 186 P
405 and (8y DB 1B6 P 154. 40.36
August B. 2017
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SEE LOD 2005•013001 (attached)-This describes I
a 34 acre portion of the parcel that consists of 3
parcels of record. The three parcels are
residues of a 7-5 acre parcel from CB 129 P 213,
a 50 acre parcel from DB 129 P 214, and a 41
acre parcel from DB 132, P 355. The
determinaticci states that the development risr'hts
may only be correctly noted once a survey of the
remaining porticos of each parcel of record is
completed.This deed does not rncnton DB 129
P 213. tt is assumed that this was an error of
omission and does not affect that the parcel was
aZtered by the plat In this deed. The refecrer-e to
DB 129 P 213 is correcbed in DB 602 P 225.
6021225 0810911976 ..the following described real estate, wit. Parcel 1...
Parcel 2 .. Parcel 3!UI that certain tract of parcel of Unknown
land.. known as The Old Domin.an tract ccx}tainrng portions of
approximately 520.21 acres, more or'ess. and being rrr3re
particutarly described in the following deeds: (1). . (4) 50
Deed dated September 8, 1904... in DB 129 P 214; (5)—
DB 132 P 355; .. (18) Deed dated July 19. 1904... tin DB 40.36
129, P 213. LESS AND EXCEPT the following.. All that
certain tact of parcel of land contain ng 130.104 acres, and 7.5
more porlicularly described according to a plat.. a copy of
when is!a he recorded with the deed from the Georg,a
Motile company. .
The pie of the 130.104 acres was recorded in DB
602 P 262.
The plat of 130.104 acres does not describe how
much of each of the different parcels was taken
to make up the ent ire 12/1104 acres. Per a
recorded survey of David Collins (DB 4835 P
228)there wears to be approximately 22,9
acres remaining of the original 50 acres on the
southeast side coif the 130.104 acres. The number
of acres to the northwest of the 130,104 acres is
not known and as noted in the statement in LOD
2005•00001 a survey of the remaining porticos is
needed to allocate development rights-This
statement is correct.
As of 12,10119E10, the remaining portion of 7.5
acres,the remain ng portion of 56 acres, and the
remeintrAg potion of 40.36 acres are each a
parcel of record and would have the appropriate
number of development rights per the size of the
renninmlg portion of each parcel to be assigned
by the property owner.
August 8, 2017
Page 5 of 17
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-02100 (103.75 acre portion)
Deed Doti i Parcel Cha',y O ' DusGriptir+n Acres
BookI Page 1 Y or N
132 i 355 02127/1906 Y . at of a certain tract of land containing one Hundred and
Forty Four & Three Quarter (144 .3 4) acres and bounded 41
according to a plat and survey Thereof dated October
1905, to be recorder a`4ng with this deed.. (Description $
follows). Said tract a'lanr. is composed of Iwo tracts. one
containing Forty one (41) acres more or less.... and the 103.75
other of said tracts (part of said 144.314 acres)contains
One Hundred and three &Three Ouarter C103.3/4) acres
which is part of a larger tract which c.antained One hundred
ninety six (195) acres..
227; 113 04/3011935 Y 103.75
457!6 02/21f1696 N ...all that property.. more particularly described as follows.
1. All those twenty-nine parcels of land . described 103.75
in .. DB227P1'3 . _.
507; 114 1111111971 Y ...all that certain tract or parcel of land .. containing 11.02 Unknown I
acres more or less and being more particularly described as portion of
follows .. THE PARCEL IS DESCRIBLD AS FOLLOWS; a the 103.75
6170' X 800' X 800'X 800' parcel.. This property is a portion acres
of parcel 52 described in DB 227 P 313 and being a portion removed
of the twerity-cone parcels of land ...in DB 457 P 6 with this
survey of
Per a recorded survey of David Collins (DB 4835 , 11.02 acres
P 22E0 the 11.02 acres appears to have been
I created from both the 103.75 acre parcel and the
53 acre parcel noted below.
5121 643 08 14i 1972 N Plat of the 11.02 acres now d8vided lento 3 NA
parcels with acreage for r a restricted road.
602 f 252 08:02/1976 V . does hereby GRANT_ ail its richis, title and interest in
the following: Lands In Albemarle County Parcel 1.. Parcel
2 .. Parcel 3. . Parcel 4 .. Parce 5 All that certain parcel of Unkrown
land containing 130.104 acres more or less, . .as shown on aoriion of
plat of Kurt Gloeckner dated July 20, 1976.. attached
hereto and made a part hereof,.. The property hereby 103.75
• conveyed consists of portions of lands conlained in the remaining
following deeds of record. (1) DB 384 P 3 f 5; (2) DB
178 P 302: 0.) DB 9.9 p 232 (4) DB 129 @ 214:
(5)... DB 132 P 355; 1:6).. DB 195 P 478 (7 OB 185 P
405.. and IS)... DB 1S5 P 154.
602 i 225 08109./1976 N ...the following described real estate, to wit Parcel 1
. Parcel 2. . Parcel 3 All tha;certain tract of parcel of
land known as The Olc Dominion tract containing
approximately.520.21 acres,more o- less, and tieing more
particularly described in the following deeds: (1) .., (4) Unknnwn
Deed dated September 8, 1904. in DB 12P P 214, . . portion V
(5)Deed dated February 2, 1909... in DB 139, P 98,
except for 11.02 acres conveyed off... in DB 507 P 114; 103.75
(7) .: (18) remaining
LESS AND EXCEPT Inc following All that certain tract of
parcel of land containing 130 104 acres, and more
particularly described ac ording 10 a plat.. a copy of which
i5 Sa be recorded with the deed from the Georgia Marble
company . .
This plat was recorded in DB 602 P 262. 1
August 8, 2'717
Page 6 of 17
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021D0 (53 acres)
Deed Date l Parcel Chcinc;e Duscription Pr.:res
Pook 1 Paga Y or N _
139 1 98 02/02/1909 'I Y ..a certain tract or parcel of land cortaining 41ty-three
(b3)acres, more or less.according to the p?of and survey 53
thereof hereto attached...
1871439 0&,2411924 Y See description of 30' strip 30' strip
It is unclear the exact location of the 30' strip
and whether or not It bisects the 53 acre parcel
thus reducin7 the size el the parcel.
2271313 0413011935 N Parcel 62 53
(h)Tract cf 53 acres in DB 130 P 98.
45716 112r21i1969 N ...all that property... more particularly described as tollowa 63
1. All those twenty nine parcels of kind... dev.cribed
in... DB 227 P 313
507 1 114 1111111971 Y all that certa'r.tract or parcel of land .. corraininc 11.02 Unknown
acres more or less and being more particularly described as portion of
fonovrs. . THE PARCEL IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; a the 53 acres
600' X BOO' X 60'i X 800' parcel...This property is a portion rornairriny
of pas-eel 62 destaflicC fi` DB 22?P 313 and being a portion after survey
of the twcc y-'nne parcels of land ...in DB 4,57 P 6. of 11.02
Per a recorded su'rvey of David Ceflins (D6 4835
P 225)the 11,02 acres appears to have been
created frctn portions of the 53 acre parcel, the
103.75 acre parcel noted above.
602 1 225 08109!197bb N the fdlowing described real esta>e. to Parcel 1.. Parcel 53 less
2 Parcel 33Al that cer'ain tract of parcel of land.. knowr, unkncwn
as The Old Dorni von tract conlafning approximately 520.21 area of the
i acres. more or less, and being more particr.larly described in 30' strip less
the 'oIowilg deeds' (1)...: (5) Deed dated February 2, unknown
1909... in DB 139 P 98, except for 11.02 acres conveyed portion of
off in DB 507 P114. 11112 acres
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021D0 (6 acres)
Dued Dale I rareel Cnange Des notion Acres
Book�'Page l YorN
13'. ;387 09127i 1904 _ N Contract—allowed to select six acres..
1 30 1 98 02102/15+09 Y a certain tractor parcel of land. . containng fifty-three
(53)acres,more or less,according to the plot and survey
thereof hereto attached..
This sale and conveyance is made by reason of the exercise
of an option. provided by contract... in Ce 131 P 387.
By said option contract it is provided that said Elsom. 6
► should be allowed to select Frrd hold six(6)acres of`,and
adjoining said fifty-three(53)acres; said Elsom has selected
said six(6)acres end the same are indicated co the plot
hereto attached- __ _
160;461 r' 12711914 N ...said tract or parcel of lane. . containing six(6)acres more
• or less arY3 being the same land reserved in a deed... 1Ct DB 6
August 8, 2017
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1871439 08/24/1924 y' See description of 30' strip 30'strip
It is unclear the exact location of the 30' strip
and whether or not it bisects the 6 acres thus
reducing the size of the 6acre parcel,
2271313 04/3011935 N Parcel62 6
. . 0) Traci of 6 acres. In DB 160 P 461.
602 225 08/0911976 Y the following described real estate, to wit: Parcel 1... Parcel
2.. Parcel 3 All that certain tract of parcel of land.. known 6
as The Old Dominion tract containing approximately 520.21
acres, mere or less, and being more particularly describes in
the following deeds: (1)...; (6)Deed dated September 27,
1914... inDB150P461.
Parcel ID 12600-00.00-021 D0 (30' Stri pl
Deed Dale Parcel Charge Doscriptiun Acres
Book 'Page Y'or
1871439 05 08/1924 I Y .all that certain real estate,... as follows: A strip of land
thirty(30)feel in width (except where it is wider, as shown 101
by map and profile,.. strip
The real estate hereby conveyed is a portion of the real
estate...in DB 100 P 4.
8021 225 i 08109/1976 Y ( the following described real estate, 10 wit: Parcel 1... Parcel
2 . Parcel 3 All that certain tract of parcel of land.. known I 30' •
as The Old Dominion tract containing approximately 520.21 strip
acres, more or less, and being more particularly described in
the following deeds: (1)..., (15) Deed dated August B,
I 1924...inDB157P439.. _
Parcel ID 12600.00.00-02100 (91 acres)
Deed Date Parcel Chancre Dcscriptcn Acres
Book 'Page Y'Or N _ ,
1081482 06126,1897 ` Y all of that certain lot or parcel 01 Ian d containing four(4) 95-4
ages., more or less, being a portion of the ninety five (95)
ac*es _convey+ed in DB 107 P 359 91
155 1 1544 10,,1911923 N .. all of that certain lot or parcel of land... containing ninety 91
five (95) acres. more or less, being the same property
.conveyed in DB 107 P 359_ less a tract of four(4)
acres,. DB 108 P 482
6021262 08'0211976 Y ..does hereby GRANT.... all its rights. title and intere:t in
the following: Lands In Alt mare County Parcel 1 .. Parcel
2 Parcel 3 . Parcel 4 Parcel 5 All that certain parcel of Unknown
• land containing 130 104 acres more or less. ...as shown on remainder of
plat of Kurt Gleeckner dated July 20, 1976. . attached 91 ac after
hereto and made a part hereof,. . The property hereby portton
conveyed consuls a1 portions of lands contained in the transferred
following deeds of record... (1) ...DB 384 P 318, (21. . DB k9
17B P 302 (3). . DB 99 P 232; (4) .. DB 129 P 214. 130.104ac
(5)... DB 132 P 355; (6) .. DB 195 P 478; (7) . DB 156 P
405; and(8)...DB 185 P 154.
,si.Jgust 8, 2017
Page 8 of 17
6021 225 i 0849,11976 N .. the following described real esta 3. is wit Parcel 1 .
Parcel 2... Parcel 3,Ni that certain tract of parcel of
land ..known as The Oid Dornntun tract cor ..ainirxl
approximately 520.21 acres., rr-ore of less, and being rrx�re
particularly desc ed 1'1 the following deeds: ;1) (11)
Deed dated October 19, 1923... in DB 195, P 154; (16). .
LESS AND EXCEP1 the foifowing.... All that certan tract of Unknown
parcel of lane conlai ing 1&0.104 acres, and more remainder of
particularly described according to a plea;.. o copy el which 91ac after
is to be recorded with the deed►rom the Georgia Marto°•e portion
company .. transferred
The plat of 134,164ac was recorded in DB 602 P 262. to
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021f (34.76 acres, formerly 46_25 acres)
t ell Date Fau el Change Description Acres Development
Book 1 Paa Y;,r N yv Hi his
4281 1 188 1112812612 N All that cer1dn tract or parcel of land
ccitailiig 254.625 acres. ...and is more fully
described as 520.21 acres. rrrore or less, and
being more particularly r.escriheC as parcels 1
through 18 .. in DB 602 P 230; Approx.
34 76 5
LESS HOWEVER, ...130 104 acres ..a tract cf
16 065 acres ...a tract of 2.0.4Q3 acids...
The 34,78 acres is part of the 254,625
acres described, being parcel 2 et the
parcels 1 thti ciugh 1 B noted above with
an urbcrown portion of the origin?!
parcel being removed with the creation
of the 130.104 acres. The 16.065 and
30.406 acres were no4 removed from
this parcel.
4409 744 08121i2013 N Deed of Correction 10 DB 4281 P 186
_..PPRCEL ONE: All that certain tract or parcel o°
Imd.. contairing 254 625 acres, ...Ale is more Approx. 5
'ally described as 520.21 acres, more ar less, and 34 76
'aehg more particularly described as parcels 1
• . through 18 inDB [C2P230:
LESS HOWEVER, ...130.104 acres ...a tract of
16.C65 acres ..a tract of 30.406 acres..
PARCEL 1 WO: All flat certa.n tract or parcel of
land. . containing 26.98 acres, more or less, and
baIng more aarlicularly descried a,5 parcels 1
throust 18.. in De 602 P 230
August 8, 2017
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4879 218 0V era 12017 1_. Y - All that certain tract of parcel of land . containing
43.36 acres,more or less. and shown as revised
T.MP. 119-14 on a plat_ attacheded hereto and
recorded herewith. BEING potions of the property
oorweyed.. in DB 4409 P 744
Per en unrecorded survey of David
Collins,there appears to be
approximately 34.76 acres remaining
of the original 46_25 acres after a
portion was used for the creation of
the 130.104 in DB 602 P 262.
One of the portions noted on the
recorded plat by David Cctlins is a 9.72
acre portion of the parcel that is part of
the original 46.25 acres and less the
unknown portion removed with DB 602
P 262,
The survey cotnVeted by David Collins
was used to create the plat recorded 27.67 4
with this deed. Per said plat the 9.72
acres is assigned 1 development right
thus leaving by calculation and not
survey approximately 27.67 acres with
4 development rights. This is
determined to be a correct allocation
of development rights.
Parcel ID 12600-04-0'0-021D0 (66.76 acres. formerly 85.86 acres.
Deed Dale Parcel Charryr. Description Acres Development
Book/Pa! y v or N .fit!his
4281 /186 11128/2012 N All that certain tract or parcel of land containing
254.625 acres, and is more ful"y described as.
520.21 acres,more or less, and being more
particularly described as parcels 1 through
DB 602 P 230: Approx.
66.76 5
LESS HOWEVER. _130.104 acres, more or less,
.. a tract 16 065 acres, more or less. . a tract
of 30406 acres
The 66.76 acres is part of the 254.625
acres descr`,5ed, being parcel 3 of the
parcels 1 through 18 noted above with
a portion of the original parcel being
removed with the creation of the
130,104 acres, The 16.065 and 30.406
acres were not removed from this
4409/744 08,,2112013 N Deed Of Carrel tIon 10 DB 4261 P
See alx ve for description.No effect on this 66,76 5
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4879 218 0220 201 7Y All that certain tract or parcel of land... containing
F 43.36 acres, more or less, and shown as revised
T.M.P. 119 1-0 on a plat... attachstted hereto and
recorded herewit. BEING portions of the property
conveyed... in DB4409 P 744.
M '
Per the survey of David Collins
recorded herein. there appears to be i
approx"rnalely 66.76 acres remaining
of the original 85.86 acres after a
portion of the 85.86 acres was used for
the creation of the 130.101 in DB 602 P
One of the pcctions noted on the
recorded plat by David Coffins Is a 1.95
acre portion of the parcel that is part of
the original 85.86 acres and less the
urjkr,awn portion removed with DB 602
P 262.
The survey completed by DavidCollins
was used to create the plat recorded
with this deed. Per said plat the 1.95
acres is assigned 0 development. rights
thus leaving by calculation and not
survey Qpproxlmately 64.81 acres with 64.81 5
5 development rights.This is
determined to be a correct alb-cation
of development rights for this parcel of
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021D0 (Portions of 3 separate parcels of record- 50ac, 7.5ac and Mac)
BookDe Rage Date Parce�Change De.scrip:ion _ ,04
r<<E: De leiph sent
4835 i 228 Y SEE LOD 2005-0300 i (attached) -Tiles
describes a 34 acre portion of the parcel
that consist of 3 parcels of record. The
three parcels are rescdues of a 7,5 acre
parcel from DB 129 P 213, a 50 acre parcel
from DB 129 P 214, and a 41 acre parcel
from Dt1 132, P 355. The deterrrunation
states that the development rights may only
be correctly rioted once a survey of the
remaining portions of each parcel of record
is completed, ,
Per the recorded survey of David Collins
(DB 4835 P 228) there appears to be
approximately 22.9 acres remair hng of the
original 50 acres on the southeast side of
the 130.104 acres. The nrsuber of acres to
the northwest of the 130.104 acres Is not
known and as noted in the statement In
LOD 2005-00001 a survey of the rernttrrirrg
portions is needed to clearly state 22.9 5
development rights. With the survey of the +
i ' plat in (DB 4835 P 228),the property owner E unknown
August 8, 2017
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assigned 1 development right to 8.8 acres acres to
of the 22.9 acres on the southeast side of northwest
the 130.104 acres.This would leave 4 of 130.104
development rights with the remaining
portions of the original 50 acres and it is -
known that the remaining portion on the
southeast side of the 130,104 acres portion 8.8
is 14.1 acres,The remaining portion on the 1
northwest side of the 130.104 acres would
need to be surveyed as noted in LOD 2005- -
00001. The remaining portion of the 50 14.1
acres is made up of two parts a 14.1 acre +
portion to the southeast side of the 130.104 o unknown
acres and an unknown amount of acres to acres to 4
the northwest side a the 130.104 acres. northwest
The remaining 4 development rights would of 130.104
need to be assigned pcoperly once a
division or survey were to happen.
There are still unknown portions of the 50 Unknown
acres,7.5 acres and the 41 acres to the portion or
northwest side of the 130.104 acres. The 50ac,
remaining portion of the 7.5 acres would
have at least one and no more than 3 7.5ac 4 +1-
depending ott a revised survey. The
remaining portion of the 41 acres would & Between
have at least 1 and no more than 5 1 and 3
depending on a revised survey. 41ac
1 and 5
Parcel ID 12600-00-00-021D0 (53 acres)
Deed Dale Parcel Change Description Acres I Development
Book) Pa.e Y oral ( Ric nis
8251 15 1210311984 V All that certain tract or parcel of land... tontair•ing 53 16 065 acres, and being a portion of IN.:. -
conveyed in DB 602 P 225. 16.065
The plat notes a residue of z32.3 36.935*1-
ac. This plat does not Identify the
original 53 acres nor the portion
removed from the 53 acres when it Unknown
was made a part of the 11.02 acres final
from DB 507 P 114. After removing acres for
the 16.065 acres from the cciginal 53 this
acres there would be 36.935 acres parcel of i 5
remaining but it is clear that a portion record
of the 53 acres was used for the
creation of the 11.02 acres and
possibly a portion of the 30: strip of
land, This would clearly leave less
than 36.935 acres. Even though the
remaining acreage for this parcel is
unclear I believe that there Is still
enough acreage to account for 5
development rights. If a new survey
is completed and shows that the
Augutit 8, 2017
LOD-20 1 7-00 008
Pago 12 of 17
original 53 acres is now less than 10
acres the the development rights
would be adjusted accordin'b , _
16901652 12110/1897 Y Ail tl x certain tract or parcel of lend...00rraining
30.406 acres, more or less. being shown and 30.406 0
designated on plat of survey which pla: is
attached hereto...
Bern a portion of the property conveyed... in DB .
The plat refers to a 258.692-acre
residue_ ,st the time of this division,
the orig rnai parcels of record had yet
been identified and that survey
continued to reference the entire
combined acreage,th,us the plat does
not identify the remaining portion of
. the 53 acres.
The 30.406 acres appears to be made
of a portion of up to three parcels of
record,the 53 acre parcel, the 103.75
parcel, and the 6 acre parcel. The plat
recorded with these 30-406 acres
notes that the division did net affect
the de elopment r5ghts.This means
no deve7opmert rights were ass fined
to the 30.406 acres. The 30.406 acres
was added to a 2.163 acre parcel of
record that contains one d.evefaprrnent
right. .__
4281 1186 11126,2012 N Ali t`,g certain tract or parcel of land... containing '
25:.625:acres, and is more full described as
' 620.21 acres, more or less, arc being mare
particularly described as parcels 1 through 18
in DB 602 P 230; Unknown
WEVER.OWEV'ER. ..130.104 acres, more or acres far i 5
less. ...a tract of 16.065 acres, more or less, ...a this
tract of 30.406 acres... parcel of
The original 53 acres is part of the
254.625 acres described,. being parcel
5 of the parcels 1 through 18 noted
above. _ _ ,
4409 r 744 08.r211?013 1 N Deed of Correction to DB 4231 P 186
See above for description. No effect or this acres G
August 8, 2017
Page 13 of 17
Parcel ID 12600-00.00.021D0 (6 acres)
Deed Dale Parcel Change Description Acres Development
Book i Pa.e _ Y or N Rights
1690 1 652 12110/3997 'Y All that certain tract or parcel of land . containing 30.406 4
30.40E acres.more or less, beirg Shown and
designated on plat of survey which pat is
attached hereto...
Being a portion of the property convoyed .. in DB
1602 P 225.
The 30.406 acres appears to be made of
a portion of up to three parcels of
record, the 53 acre parcel, the 103.75
parcel, and the 6 acre parcel. The plat ????
recorded with these 30.406 acres notes Remai Between
that the division did not affect the ning 1 and 3
development rights. This means no
development rights were assigned to
the 30,406 acres. The 30_406 acres was
added to a 2.163 acre parcel of record
that contains one development right.
The plat refers to a 258.692 acre
residue. At the time of this division,the
original parcels of record had yet been
identified and that survey continued to
reference the entire combined acreage,
thus the plat does not identify the
remaining portion of the 6 acres,_
4281 1 186 11128 2012 '—
� N All that certain tract or parcel of land... containing
254.625 acres and is more fully descnbed as
520.21 acres,more o• less and bti ng more
particutarly described as parcels I through 18.. in
DB 602 P 230; Unkno
wn final
LESS HOWEVER, ..130.104 acres, mare or less. acres Between
. .a tract of 16.065 acres. more or less, .a Vaal'of for thin f and 3
30 406 acres... parcel
The 6 acres is part of the 254.626 acres record
described, being parcel 6 c4f the parcels
1 through 18 noted above. A portion of
the 6 acres may have been removed
with the off conveyance of the 30.406
44091 744 09/2112013 N Deed of Correction to DB 4281 P 186
lJnkno Between
See above for description. No effect on this parcel. wn final 1 and 3 F
August 8, 2017
LO D-2017-00008
Page 14 of 17
Parcel ID 12600-O0-O0-021D0 (formerly 103.75 acres)
Deed Dale — Parcel Change: DescripI Kn Acres Development
Book;Page Yu N Right
1690 652 12r11?!199( Y All that certain tract or pa-cel of lend...cortaining
30 406 arises, more or less, being shown and 30.406 0
designated on plat of survey... whech plat is
attached hereto...
Being a porton of the property conveyed .. ;n DB
602 P 225.
The 30.406 acres appears to be made of a ????
portion of up to three parcels of record, the 53 Remar 5
acre parcel, the 103,75 parcel, and the 6 acre sing
parcel. The plat recorded with these 30.405
acres notes that the division did not affect the
development righds,This means no
development rights were assigned to the
3'0.406 acres. The 30.406 acres was added to a
2.163 acre parcel of record that contains c-e
development right.
The plat refers to a 258.692 acre residue. At
the time of this division, the original parcels cif
record had yet been identified and that survey
continued to re5erence the entire combined
acreage, thus the plat does not identify the
remaining portico of the 103.75 acres.
428 1 ! 1B€ 1/28i2012 N All that certain tract or parcel of land... containing
I � 254.625 acres,and is more fully described as
520.21 acres, more or less, and being more
particinarly described as parcels 1 1hrouch 18... kin
DB 602 P 230;
I FSS I-?7NEVER, .. 130 104 ecru., more or less,
. a tact of 16 065 acres, more or loss, . .a tract
of 30.40E acres...
The remainder of the 103.75 acres is
part of the 254.625 acres described, 77??
belrtg parcel 7 of the parcels 1 through Remai
18 noted above with a potion of the ning
original parcel being removed with the
creation of the 130.104 acres and the
�, 30,406 acres.
44J0 r 744 i 08,21120t3 . Deed of Corection to DE3 4201 P 186 ?? 5
4835,228 Y There is recorded herewith the attached plat... a
portion of the same property conveyed.. in .. DB 414 5
4281 P 186,as revised.. in DB 4409 P744
August 8, 2017
Page 15 of 17
Per this recorded survey of David Collins there
Is 47,4 acres remaining of the original 103.75
acres. The 103.75 acre parcel was determined
to be a separate parcel per LOD 2005-00001.
An unknown portion of the 103.75 was used to
create the 130.104 acres_
With this plat, the property owner assigned 5
development rights to the 47.4 acres. This is a
correct assessment and allocation of the 5
development rights.
* The survey shows 65.86 ac, The 65.86 acres
is now comprised of portions of three separate
parcels of record; a 47.4 acre portion, an 8.8
acre portion,and a 9_6 acre portion. As noted
above the 47.4 acres has 5 development
rights. The 8,8 acres and 9.6 acres are not
part of this determination.
Parcel ID 12 600-O0-00-021D0 (30' strip &91 acres)
Deed Daft) .
Parcel Change 0escrip;ion Acres Development
_Book:Pert„ V or N. Rights
4281 1 186 11/2812012 hJ All that certain tract or parcel of land. .
oonta,nirg 254.625 acres, and is more fully
described as 520.21 acres, more or less. and
being more particularly described as parcels 1
through 16 m DB 602 P 230
LESS HOWEVER, ...130.104 acres, more o-
less. .a tract of 16.055 acres, more or less.
a tract of 30.406 acres .
The unknown remainder of the 91
acres Is part of the 254.625 acres 91
described, being parcel 11 of the Less
parcels 1 through 18 noted above port•on 5
with a portion of the original parcel from
being removed with the creation of 130 104
the 130.104 acres.
The 30' strip is part of the 254.625
acres described, being parcel 15 of
the parcels 1 through 18 noted Lkikriowri No less than
above. acres on and no
mo'e than 5
_ There are no deeds after 1i380 that appear 10 affect 1hc: 91 acres or the 30strip
August 8, 2017
Page 16 of 17
By these deeds
Parcel ftp 12'600-00-00-021 D0 is determined to be ten (10) parcels of record, comprised of
the following;
Approximately 27.67 acres'', containing four (4) development right:,
Approximately 64.81 acres''', containing five (5) development rights,
Approximately 14.1 acres" portion + an Unknown acres portion, of the remairrnrg 50 acres
containing four (4) development rights,
Unknown acres"- remanning of 7.5 acres, containing three (3) or fewer development rights,
Unknown acres"- remaining of 41 acres, containing five (5) or fewer development rights,
Unknown acres' remaining of 53 acres, containing five (5) development rights,
Unknown acres" remaining of 6 acres, containing three (3) or fewer development rights,
Approximately 47.4 acres`', containing five (5) development rights, this 47.4 acres parcel
is now part of a larger 65.86 acres,
Unknown acres' of remaining 91 acres", containing five (5) development rights, and
Unknown acres" of 30' strip, containing no more them five (5) development rights
If new surveys of any of the noted parcels of record are created, the revised acreage for
each parcel along with the associated development rights should be reestablished with a
revised determination. Before commencing development on any parcel, please contact
the Department et Community Development to discuss the necessity of a survey.
The parcels are entitled to the nolad development: rights f all other applicable regulations can be
met. These aevelopment rights may onr,' be utilized within the bounds of the original parcel of
record eith which they are associated. These development rights are theoretical in nature but do
represent the maximum nLrnber of lots containing less than twenty one acres allowed to be
created by right.
If you are aggrieved by the determination, you have a right to e peal it within thirty (30) days of
tt-Ys notice. in accordance with VOirna Code § 15.2-2311. If you do not file a timely appeal, this
detenrination shall be final and an-appealable.
Arr aaapeal may be taken only by fling an appeal applicaticcn with the Zonaig Adre rstrator and the
Board of Zoning Appeals, in accordance with Chapter 18, Section 34.3 of the Albemarle County
Code. along wah a fee c($258 plus the actual cost of advertising the appeal fcr pabtic hearing.
Appli.ations for Appeal of the Zcrang Administrsvr's Determination are avail±fie at the
Department of CorrrnLnity Development located at 401 Mt::lritire Road, Charlottesvile, Virgi:iia
22202 or online at www.aberna.rle.orgicdapps. This fora- applies to the appeal of a decision of
the zoning adri inistralor or any other adrrrnistratxre officer pertaining to the Zoning Ordhance-
Reveations pertaining to the filing of an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals are located in
Chapter 18, Section 34.3 of the Albemarle County Code. They may be reviewed online a1
w,vw.alberrarle.orgioourityr:co e':;xa.
(Please note that our °nI rre (bcurnants are in Aciabe Acrobat PDF format and must be viewed
tvi:h the Adobe Acrobat Reader or en equivalent. A link to dc:'i nload the free plug-in !s available
at the be tom of voeveabernarle.omgicdapas.)
August 8, 2017
L OD-201 7-00008
Page 17 of 17
If you have any questions, please contact me_
Francis H, MacCall
Principal Planner
Attachment: Maps delaneatrng parcels of record
Copy: Sheila Conrad, Real Estate Owner:
Travis Morns, Senior Clerk of the Board of Supervisors IRIS REALTY HOLDINGS
70 t
Department ofCuannwnity Development
4V1 Mao: ire Road.Rooliti 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Mom(434)29645832 Fox(4.31)972-4126
July 13. 2005
Linda Lloyd
6145 Firefly Court
r,:huyler. VA 22969
PORTION of Tax Map 126, Parcel 21 (Property of M]tchell 0. Carr) Section 10.3.1
Dear Ms. Lloyd:
The County Attorney and I have reviewed the title °nformaticr) for a portion of the above-
nc4c1 property. This determination is limited to the portions of Tax Map 126, Parcel
21 that are described below. It is the County Attorney's adOscry opinbn and my
official determination that the parcels listed bebw are portions of Tax Map 126, Parcel
21 and are separate Segal parcels ct record.
Portion 01, cortair.'ng 3.993 acres, consists of two separate parcels :.htirrn on the
attached sketches.
1. Tb residue ct the original Bo-ton parcel containing 4.33 vcres and 'Ay
dievelcpment riQ~lts.
2. The residue of the original King and Copeland Parcel containing 0.5 acres and
one development right.
Portion #2, cor1ain nrg 34 acres, consists of the residues of three separate parcels that
resulted from the creation of a 130.104-acre parcel shown on a plat by Kurt Gloeckraer
dated July 20, 1976. The plat is attached. The rumber of development rights associated
with these parcels i5 based on the acreage which must be determined by survey.
I. The residue et the angina! 7.5-acre Currier parcel.
2. residue ot the original 50-acre Elsorn parcel.
The residue of the original 41-acre Elsorn parcel.
C:':rmtp.i6•v wyo.al',�ilymcwItimficic_ining-aliprlirriO rrcnorac633,2.ritx.:
Linda Lloyd
July 13, 2005
Page 2
The basis for this determination follows_
PonDon #1: The residues of tracts originally containing 4.33 acres & .5 acres
Our records incicate Tax Map 126, Parcel 21 contains 253.692 acres and roo dwellings.
The property is not in an Agri ullural Forestal District. The most recent dead for this
property is recorded in Deed Book 1 041 , pane 347.
This portion of Parcel 21 was acquired by S. Vara;e Wiikirr;,. Jr_ by the deed of recccd in
Deed Book 759, page 23.
This determination begins with the deed of record in Deed Bock 135, pagv 330 that >�
dated May 23. 1907. This deed conveyed 4 113 acres from Jchn D. Burton and Mary S.
Bunco to the Old Dominion Soapstone Corporation. Tb? property is shown on a plat
that is part of this deed. On the basis of this c6aed, this 4.33-acre parcel ia
determined to be a parted of record as defined in section 10.3.
Deed Book 135, page 331 , dated, daled May 25, 1907, conveyed 1/2 an acre from
Cynthia King aid Carrie Ccpetand do the Odd Dominion Soapstone Corporation. The
property s shown on a rat that is part of this deed. On the basis of this deed, this
0.5-acre parcel is determined to be a parcel of record as defined in section 10.3.
The most recent deed r the 4.33-acre parcel recorded prior to the date of adoption ct
the Albemarle County Zoning Ordnance (Decerrbec 10. 1980) is recorded ir1 Deed
Book 602, page 225. Tht> deed. dated August 9. 1975, conveyed three parcels of land
from the Georgia Marb1'e Company to Mitchell 0. Carr, party of the seccrrd part and S.
'Fame Wikirls, party of the third part. Parcel 3 contains 520.21 acres aid is comprised
of 18 separate parcels. Of these, number 10 is described as being all that properly lying
north of Route 6 described in deed dated May 23, 1937, from John D. B+arton and wite
to Odd Dominion Soapstone Corporation recorded in Deed Book 135, page 3'30. Thls
transaction had no effect on the began status of this parcel.
Deed Book 602, page 262, dated Auduut 2, 1976, convaycd many parcels of land from
The Georgia Marbt3 Company to Indus.1.11al Development Authority of Nel'aon County
and Shirley Varce Wikirrs, Jr. Among these o'ere Parcels 7 & 8. Parce. 7 is described
as cart{-gyring 0.5 acres and further described as being the same p operty that was
conveyed by the deed of record in Deed Book 135, page 331 . Parcel 8 is described as
coritainyng 4.33 acres and is turtf r described as being the same property ihat was
cony,ayed by the deed of record in Deed Book 135, page 330. On the basis of this
deed, 0.5-acre parcel and the 4.33-acre parce4 are each determined to be a lots of
record. The 4.33-acre parcel has two (2) development rights. The 0.5-acre parcel
has once (1) development right. Although the 4.33-acre parcel is physically
separated by Route 6 it is not legally separated. It is a s.ingfe Gnat of record.
Linda Lloyd
July 13, 2005
Page 3
Deed Book 759, page 23, ctafpd March 17, 1983, conveyed several tracts from the
Industrial Development Authcrity of Netscrl County to S, Vance V'1i'kins, Jr. Arnoo
these tracts was Parcel 7. described, in part, as containing 0.5 acres and being the
same land as was conveyed by the deed of record in Deed book 135, page 331 and
Parcel S, descri3ed. in part. as containing 4.33 acres aid being the same land as was
conveyed by the deed of record in Deed tvack 135, page 330. This transaction had r o
effect on the legal status or development rights of these two parcels.
The applicant has nc ed that these two parcels are shogun as part of Parcel 21 , owned
bil. Mitchel Can but were acquired by S. Vance Wilkins by Deed Book 759, page 23.
This discrepancy has no effect on this determination. We understand that this matter is
being resolved.
Portbonn #2: 34 acres, a portion of T.M. 126-21 located northwest of Parcel 2113.
This dekerminaticn begins with the deed of record in Deed Bock 129, page 213 that is
dated July 19, 1904. This deed conveyed 7.5 acres from J.B. Currier & Alice Curries and
T.F. Currier & Fannie Currier to the Old Dcrniricr} Soapstone Corporatico. The propiarty
is shown on a plat by J.T.E. Simms that is part of this deed. On the basis of this deed,
this 7.5-acre parcel determined to be a parcel of record WA defined in f4ection
Deed Book 129, page 214, dated September 8, 1904, conveyed 50 acres from George
h . Elsom and Gecrgianna Eisom to the ad D'ominbn Soapstone Co►rporabon. The
prcperty is shown on a F)at by J.T.E. S mms that 'rs part of this deed. On the basis of
this deed, this 50-acre parcel is determnned to be a parcel of record as defined in
section 10.3.
Deed Book 132, page 355, dated February 27, 19Cr3, conveyed 2 tracts of Sand from
Thomas V. Elscen & Lutie A. Elscun and A. E. E;soiri So the Old Dormviian Soapstone
Ccrpcsation. Coe of the tracts contained 41 acres and the other contained 103 acres.
The two parcels are shown on a prat by J.T.E. Simms that is part of the deed. A potion
of the 41 acre pa.rcet i, contained - i.ithin the portion of Parcel 21 that is lci:ated
ncrthwest of Parcel 21 B. On the basis of this deed, this 41-acre parcel and this
103.75-acre parcel are each dete'rmined to be parcels of record as defined in
sect6c'n 10.3.
Deed Book 549, page 134, dated April 15, 1974, cerive3 ed 0.64 acres from Georgia
Marble Company to the Trustees of the Centenary lllethcdist Church, The parcel is
E,hcmn on a plat approved by the Board cf SuperVsors and dated October 2. 1972_ The
Church parcel contained a tctal of 1.33 acres. Ths land is a portico of the 41 acre
parcel shown co the Oat ct record in Coed Book 132, page 355. As a resift of this
transaction~, the parse contained an estimated 39.67 acres. This transaction had no
effect on the legal status or development rights of the parcel.
CNnolla.titvowmoar;iiy:,cwiverli c_inIcralionli;npdoctinIn,H`:':i t::•::
Linda Lloyd
July 13, 2005
Page 4
Deed Book FX)2, page 225 dated August 9. 1976. conveyed three parcels of e,and from
the Georgia Marble Company to Mitchell O. Carr, party of the second part and S, Vance
Wilkins, party of the third part. Parcel 3 contains 520.21 acres and is comprised of 18
separate parcels. Of these, #18 is described as being the property ccmoyed by J. B.
Currier [7.5 acres] to Old Dominica Soapstone Corperatico recorded is Deed Bock. 129.
page 213. # 4 is described as being the property ccrre'eyed by Gorge rt_ Elscrn [50
acres] to Old Dominica Soapstone Ccrpccaticn recorded in Deed loch 129, pa0e 214.
ti 7 is described as being the property conveyed by Thomas V. Elsorn [41 .acres] to O d
Dcrniricn Soapstone Corporation recorded in Deed Bock 132. page 335. This
transaction had no effect on the begai1 status or development rights of the 7.5-acre
parcel, the 50-acre parcel or the 41-acre parcel.
Deed Book 602, page 262, dated August 2, 1976 conveyed several parcels from The
Georgia Marble Company to The Industrial Development Authority of Neon County
and Shirley Vance W?•kips, Jr., Contract Purchaser. This deed contains a plat on pages
302 and 303 by Kurt Gioeckner. dated July 20. 1976, which created a 130.1 04-acre
parcel frccn several portions of tracts owned by' the Georgia. Marble Company. Tins pat
served to divide several of the original tracts that comprised Parcel 21 , As a result of
this transaction, the 34-acre portion of Parcel 21 consists of the residues of three
separate parcels described above; the 7.5-acre paTcel, the 50-acre parcel and the
41-acre parcel,. Each of these three separate residues is determined to be a
separate parcel of record with :i full compliment of development rights. Th,i actual
number of devercpment rights associated with these parcels must be determined
by a survey that calculates the acreage.
1 he parcels are entitled to the noted development rights ii at other ape i cable
requlaticos can be met. These development rights may only be utilized within the
bounds of the original parcels with witch thy are associated. These development rights
are theccetical in nature but do represent the maximum nurrbec of cats containing less
than twenty one acres albwed to be created by right. In addition 3o the development
right bts, the parcel may create as many smaller parcels containing a mhirnam o`
twenty-one acres as it has land to make.
it you are Qcrie ved by this determination, you have a right to appeal it Malin thirty days
of the date notice of this determination rs given, in accordance with Section 15.2-2311 of
the Code of Virg nia. If you do not file a tim y appeal, this determination shai be final
and unappealabie. An appeal shall be taken oriy by fling with the Zoning Achinstrator
arid the Board of Zonhg Appeals a notice of acap�al which specif grounds for the
appeal, An appeal application must be ccrmnpseted and tiled along with the tee of S120.
The date notice of this determkaaticn o'as 99'ven is the same as the date of this hettea
if you have any questions, pbo contact me.
C:r4p.ib'•wwwrvgl'4;ilnicwlrt.r:rlicIc_intnErmint-Ar_ntriloc}io1106 37.drx:
Linda Lloyd
July 13, 2005
Page. 5
John Shepherd
Manager of Zon'ng Administration
Copy: Mitchell O. Carr
P.O. Box 152'8
Waynesboro. VA 22980
S. Vance WVkins, Jr.
P.O. Box 469
An-thecst, VA 24521
[This map is 'using the callINIIIIIIIIIIIIFff for ' LOD2017-00008 Iris Realty
-+Parcel 21D. It is intended to show the general location of 119-20
!what is determined to be multiple parcels of record with the Legend
(Note:Some items on map may rot appear in legend)
!associated Letter of Determination(LOD)and the boundary
adjustments that have been recorded thus far in the Clerk's 119-10 o COG 1< Enm
^Office.The LOD is the official document along with the Nr°'"'�
recorded deeds. This map is only a graphic representation ..erraTAF
.ar "rrtnU,nr.
»'of the parcels in the determination letter and.s not intended �'w"
111 establish Atndaries. .
i �� PER Plat recorded in DB 4879 P
�119-57 218 after the removal of the 1.95
(314A 119-13 64.81 acres(5 DRs)
.s"..., 119-15A
119-12 •
PER Plat recorded in DB 4879 P
CD218 The 9 72ac(1 DR)and the
\ ere added to
31 70 ac(5DRs)to create a new
r---. - 7
119-14 TMP 119-14 totaling 43.36ac
9.72 ac added with 6 DRs
to 119-14
1 DR '12 PER Plat recorded in DB 4879 P
—``�. �` d'' 218 after the removal of the 9.72
_`'^__ acres,the remaining portion of the
118-41C _ -._ original 46.25 acres is
added VD - approximately 27.67 acres (4 DRs)
119 14 27.67 ac
/ ► /71
126-21 E i '-
:118-45 , i --.
64.81 ac
5DRs r-�
127-4 N 4-.
rfat•i '1 Geographic Data Services
www albemarle org
- (434)296-5832
Map s for Diav'ay Purposes Only•Aerial Imagery from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Otter Sources
;This map is created using the current GIS web layout for
LOD2017-00008 Iris Realty Parcel 21D It is intended to show the general location of
what is determined to be multiple parcels of record with the
119-12 associated Letter of Determination(LOD)and the boundary.
119-13 adjustments that have been recorded thus far in the Clerk's
Office The LOD is the official document along with the
-----------------_ ------------------ ----7i recorded deeds. This map is only a ,graphic representation
9.72 ac added of the parcels in the determination letter and!s not intended
119-14 to establish boundanes.
to 119-14 ,.
1DR /
118-41 C added td 27.67 ac
119-14/ 4DRs PER Plat recorded in DB 4879 P
218 after the removal of the 9.72
126-21B / acres,the remaining portion of the
(' original 46.25 acres is
�,,_ \ approximately 27.67 acres(4 DRs)
64.81 ac "` PER Plat recorded in DB 4879 P
5DRs •--- 218 after the removal of the 1.95
acres,the remaining portion of the
127-1 original 85 acres is approximately
64.81 acres(5 DRs)
J *,
1/# C • 4...riA i,:.%.411, ill
cL .`\.... Fiii, - Iv
. 127-1
pertor et=*.H 53ai „...,..L.\\.\\ ♦ 127-3 127=.
ORS \ 44
127-5C c.
501 ft .r r cis-web
/670 4 ',I Geographic Data Services
X (434)296-5832
Map is for Display Purposes Only•Aerial Imagery horn the Commonweal of Virginia and Other Sources
TMP 127-6A-1 DR
This map is created using the current GIS web layout for TMP 127-6B-1 DR
Parcel 21D It is intended to show the general location of LOD2017-00008 Iris Realty TMP 127-6D-1DR
what is determined to be multiple parcels of record with the These parcels are separate parcels of
associated Letter of Determination(LOD)and the boundary / record They are not part of this
adjustments that have been recorded thus far in the Clerk's
Office The LOD is the official document along with the �' 64 81 aC determination but are made up of
recorded deeds This map is only a graphic representation 5DRs portions of 3 different parcels of
of the parcels in the determination letter ana is not intended 30'Strip of land "; record.At the time of the creation of
to establish boundanes 6A,6B, 6C,and 6D it was not taken
� • Unknown DRs
Into account that they were part of 2
�126 1? .- (or 3 different parcels of record.
126 1 32.569ac
41 126.13 nknown acres 1 DR
remaining of the 7 5
i/ 126 16126.14 2 or 3 DRS • •
The 1 DR comes from what was the
2.163ac known as TMP 127-6C. In
Unknown acres ► 14 lac remaining
remaining or the 50a i of the 50ac 12T d 1997 30.406ac was added to it with
nknown DRs >-1 Unknown DRs note that"No development rights are
— being affected"The 30 406ac was part
lir of the original 103ac The 30 406ac
1Unknwn acres 126- contains an unknown portion of the
rema Wing of the 41 ac ' i'-\ c noted below i _ __
5 DRS / Unknown remaining
$$ac portion of thehe 53ac at l3 139 P
1 DR �\ 5 DRS $. This parcel never shows up cri
�_ the Tax Map but is a parcel of
\s, record Thrs is an appro.xrmate
o location. A new survey will be
�� needed to determine actual Iccation
,�1� / • end how much is part of the
v 2 5Tac, how much rs part of the
� f 3ac parcel and how much is part of
3T .
47 lac ` / • the 30'strip. "*LOCATION
5 DRs 32 57ac I The 30'strip was created in DB
G 1 DR �� 187 P 439 after the creation of the
• le) O n. 6ac. This parcel is shown on the
i127.6c T old Tax Map and is a parcel of
y'Uy record. This is an approximate
47 4ac(5DRs)+8 8ac(1 DR)+
Iv ,. location. The survey does not
9.6ac(4DRs)=65 86ac(10 DRs) ♦
91ac SEE PLAT IN DB 4835 P 228 \ identify the remaining portions of
4 ` what appear to be the original 6ac,
5DRs i„ /�
�� / 53ac,50ac and 103ac parcels of
`.` ` r record. A new survey would
Acreage is not known for the following portion that make up the determine the actual location and
remaining portion of TMP 121-21 D 7/ how much is part of those other
501 ft parcels. *** LOCATION SUBJECT
This is an unknown portion of the original 103 75 acres that does not TO CHANGE
appear to be accounted for in the boundary adjustments 4
t. Liis portion is not part of this ti ,
i 9 6 ac _ �eternl�ul is _ asa;zsesasz
map i5 for D,,,,1„, W,5c Unknown portion of the original 103.75 acres 0 DRs 4 DRs described on a plat used with
this determination
LOD2017-00008 Iris Realty This map is created using the current GIS web layout for
11.3f14 Parcel 21D It is intended to show the general location of
what is determined to be multiple parcels of record with the
126-10 associated Letter of Determination(LOD)and the boundary
64 81 ac adjustments that have been recorded thus far in the Clerk's
5DRs Office The LOD is the official document along with the
Aell( recorded deeds This map is only a graphic representation
\ of the parcels in the determination letter and is not intended
establish boundaries.
12K•21 Ei
141ac remaining i �`
portion of the 50ac
Unknown DRs Unknown remaining
portion of the 53ac and 121-4 *°
a portion of the 1 .
/ ')
8.8aC lAcreage is not known for the following portion that make up the
1 DR remaining portion of TMP 121-21D
1 _ 4This is an unknown portion of the original 103.75 acres that does not
0�12T-QA ,appear to be accounted for in the boundary adjustments
' I 1` Unknown portion of the original 103.75 acres 0 DRs
12i D 4. \ \ .- 'Known acres in this lower 1`1.31O
portion of the parcel is not ^7
clearly identified on a plat \11'
fb during the research for this LOD
I - trall6 1,11prwiir lir
32 57ac •**** 717 •' w^-
' /.
65 86ac PC y +r _ y
10DRs 'c ) � '� ♦"
/OTC!' t�i- 9R
i 9
t k,':..• . AGlIlSi-lWlietto
s ,� •0 iL
501 ft 127 r, .�. ,'`e7
" ',- i r' ' ',I Geographic Data Services
♦a. wWW aloemade.org
12 !'',2141 17 7 S/�t 117-?Q�s '. L (434)296-5832
4 ,iz, ,it,-i, 1• -29C —
Map Is for Display Purposes Only•Aerial Imagery horn the Commonwealth of\drgmia and Other Sources
This map is created using the current GIS web layout for LOD2017-00008 Iris Realty
-Parcel 21D It is intended to show the general location of i t `; _J
what is determined to be multiple parcels of record with the 12L� 1721 Noe Some map may rot appear in legend;
associated Letter of Determination(LOD)and the boundary l� \i\N\ .M.N.
,.. ,
adjustments that have been recorded thus far in the Clerk's
Office The LOD is the official document along with the rsr
recorded deeds This map is only a graphic representation 'ESE+' �A1L4
of the parcels in the determination letter and is not intende
to establish boundaries
\NN? . ,.-,-------.- .---'_,__,.,-
This parcel of record is
-i�! actually less than 91 A
portion of the 91 acres
was used for the creation
of the the 130.104 acres
(TMP 126-21 B) A new
126-2211 survey is needed to
determine the remaining
rV portion of this parcel.
126-25C3 ti This parcel contains 5
126-25C2 126-216 development rights.
5DRs // 126-22J
j 26-21 C
,-- ------) \ft\\/
-13<e / 7 126-
26-25C4 4 '
/ 11\ 22K
` 126-32 _ `—..,N., t f
501 ft I
{J n+ �--- ^ AMIL GIS-Web
%S� "� - Geographic a Services 4 ces
albemarle org\
q 1 \� (434)296-5832
Map is for Display Purposes Only•Aenal Imagery from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Other Sources May 25.2017