HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900062-58844-Full Inspection ReportV NOTICE TO COMPLY Hand delivered COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434 296-5832 Project: WP0201900062 Southwood Redevelopment - Village 1 - VSMP - Digital Operator/Contractor: Bryan Riekmann w/Faulconer Construction Company SOUTHWOOD CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC Issued Date: 7/29/2021 Under section § 17-900 of the Albemarle County Code, this is your NOTICE TO COMPLY with the requirements of the Land Disturbance Permit (or Agreement in Lieu of a Plan) for the referenced project and to immediately take corrective measures to address erosion and sediment control deficiencies on this property. This Notice to Comply is being issued because of the following deficiencies: Deficiency: All denuded areas dorment for 7 days or more to be stabilized Corrective Action: Deficiency: All denuded areas dorment for 7 days or more to be stabilized. Dust control needed. Construction road stabilizing required Corrective Action: Deficiency: Area in need of trap, natural channel with straw bales is allowing sediment loss Corrective Action: Deficiency: Stabilize any that are bare Corrective Action: Deficiency: Stabilize as needed Corrective Action: Deficiency: No construction entrance with wash rack Corrective Action: Unless subsequently amended in writing by this office, it is expected all of these corrective measures will be completed by. Reinspections as a result of this notice to verify corrective measures will incur a $170 fee for the first reinspection and $270 for each subsequent reinspection for single-family dwelling units (§ 17-207). Reinspections as a result of this notice to verify corrective measures will incur a $283 fee for the first reinspection and $383 for each subsequent reinspection for VESCP and VSMP permits (§ 17-207 and § 17-208). Failure to take effective corrective measures will result in a Stop Work Order upon reinspection. A 4% technology fee is due with each payment. County Inspector Name: Geoff Elsie County Inspector Phone Number: (434) 296-5832 orA1.4 Inspection Result: Notice to Comply Ljk GI'.�ti� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP/VESCP PERMIT SITE INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Southwood Redevelopment - Village 1 - VSMP - Digital project/WPO Number: WP0201900062 TMP: 090A10000001EO DEQ Permit Number (if applicable): VARlOP133 Project Operator: Bryan Riekmann w/Faulconer Construction Company Operator Telephone #: (434) 964-6589 Project Contact: SOUTHWOOD CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC Contact Telephone #: (434) 296-9066 Contact E-Mail: DROSENSWEIG@CVILLEHABITAT.ORG Qualified Personnel (QP): William "Bill" Thiessen Inspector: Geoff Elsie Weather (Wet/Dry/Rain): Disturbed Acreage: Inspection Date & Time: 7/27/2021 Single -Family: Stage of Construction: Grading Re -Inspection: No COVERAGE & POSTING REQUIREMENTS Compliant? Reviewed during re -inspection? Yes Comments/Description 1 Construction site has permit coverage? (Va. Code §62.1- 44.15:34.A) Yes (9VAC25-870-31 0)(Al b. Co. Code §17-300, 17-302) 2 A copy of the notice of coverage letter is posted conspicuously near the Yes main entrance of the construction activity? (CGP Part II.C) Notice of the location of the SWPPP is posted near the site's entrance, if Yes 3 applicable, and information for public access is provided? (9VAC25-870- 54.G)(CGP Part II D.2 & 3) SWPPP AVAILABILITY AND CONTENTS Compliant? Reviewed during re -inspection? No Comments/Description 4 The SWPPP is on -site or made available during the inspection? (CGP Part II D.1 & 2)(9VAC25-870-54.G) 5 The SWPPP contains a signed copy of the registration statement? (CGP Part II A.1.a) 6 The SWPPP includes, upon receipt, a copy of the notice of coverage letter and the CGP? (CGP Part II A.1.b & c) The SWPPP includes a narrative description of the nature of the 7 construction activity, including the function of the project? (CGP Part II A.1.d) The SWPPP includes a legible site plan identifying all appropriate 8 measures and that includes the locations of support activities and the onsite rain gauge, when applicable? (CGP Part II A.1.e(1-7)) Page 1 of 4 9 The SWPPP contains the name, phone number and qualifications of "Qualified Personnel" conducting inspections? (CGP Part II A.6) 10 The SWPPP contains an approved erosion and sediment control plan? (9VAC25-870-54.B)(CGP Part II.A.2) The SWPPP contains an approved stormwater management plan or an 11 existing construction site has a stormwater management plan that ensures compliance with the water quality and quantity requirements? (9VAC25-870-54.C)(CGP Part II.A.3) Technical Criteria 11.113 ❑ II.0 ❑ 12 The SWPPP contains an adequate pollution prevention plan? (9VAC25- 870-54.D)(CGP Part II.A.4) The SWPPP identifies impaired water(s), approved TMDL, pollutant(s) of 13 concern, exceptional waters and the additional controls measures applicable? (9VAC 25-870-54.E)(CGP Part IIA.5 (a-b)) 14 Delegation of Authority is provided and signed in accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part 11 A.7) 15 The SWPPP is signed and dated in accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part 11 A.8) SWPPP AMENDMENTS, MODIFICATIONS AND UPDATES Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? No Comments/Description Is the SWPPP being amended whenever there is a change in the design, 16 construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters? (CGP Part 11 B(1))(9VAC25-870- 54.G) Has the SWPPP been amended if inspections or investigations by the 17 operator's qualified personnel, or by local, state or federal officials find that existing control measures are ineffective in minimizing pollutants in discharges? (CGP Part II B(2))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 18 Contractor(s) that will implement and maintain each control measure are identified? (CGP Part 11 B(3))(9VAC25-870-54.G) Have there been updates to the SWPPP when any modifications to its implementation have occurred, including a record of dates when major 19 grading activities occur, construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site or stabilization measures are initiated? (CGP Part 11 B.4(a))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 20 Is there documentation in the SWPPP of replaced or modified controls? (CGP Part 11 B.4(b))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 21 Is the SWPPP updated to indicate areas that have reached final stabilization? (CGP Part 11 B.4(c))(9VAC25-870-54.G) Is the SWPPP updated to indicate properties that are no longer under the 22 legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer had legal control over each property? (CGP Part II B.4(d))(9VAC25-870- 54.G) Does the SWPPP identify the date of any prohibited discharges, the 23 volume released, actions taken to minimize the impact of the release and measures taken to prevent the recurrence of any prohibited discharge? (CGP Part 11 B.4(e-f)) (9VAC25-870-54.G) 24 mendments, modifications, or updates to the SWPPP are signed in accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part II B(5))(9VAC25-870-54.G) INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? No Comments/Description Inspections required by the SWPPP are conducted at the required 25 frequency, including a modified frequency for impaired water(s), approved TMDL(s), and exceptional waters when applicable? (CGP Part II F (2)) (CGP Part II A.5.b.3) 26 Inspection reports are completed and signed in accordance with CGP Part 11 F (3-4)? (CGP Part 11 F (3-4)) Page 2 of 4 27 Corrective actions are taken consistent with the requirements of the CGP? (CGP Part II G(1-2)) ESC AND SWM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description 28 Have stream buffers and steep slopes been protected as shown on the yes plan? Sequencing of the project is implemented in accordance with the yes 29 approved erosion and sediment control plan and stormwater management plans? (9VAC25-870-54.B and C) Have all denuded areas requiring temporary or permanent stabilization All denuded areas dorment for 7 days or more to be been stabilized, and have stabilization requirements for impaired waters, stabilized. Dust control needed. Construction road 30 approved TMDL(s), pollutants of concern and exceptional waters, when No stabilizing required applicable, been met? (9VAC 25-840-40.1) (9VAC25-870-54.B) (9VAC25- 880-60) (CGP Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part II A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part II A.2.c (8)) (CGP II E(1-2)) Are soil stockpiles adequately stabilized with seeding and/or protected N/A 31 with sediment trapping measures? (9VAC 25-840-40.2) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) A permanent vegetative cover has been established that is uniform, N/A 32 mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion? (9VAC 25-840-40.3) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Have sediment trapping facilities been constructed as the first step in land yes 33 disturbance activities? (9VAC 25-840-40.4) (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Have earthen structures been stabilized immediately after installation? N/A 34 (9VAC 25-840-40.5) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.6) Are sediment traps and basins installed in accordance with MS-6 and the No Area in need of trap, natural channel with straw bales 35 approved plan? (9VAC 25-840-40.6) (CGP Part II A.2.c (9)) (CGP Part II is allowing sediment loss A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Are finished cut and fill slopes adequately stabilized to prevent or correct No Stabilize any that are bare 36 excessive erosion? (9VAC 25-840-40.7) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1- 2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is concentrated runoff down cut or fill slopes contained in an adequate yes 37 permanent or temporary structure? (9VAC 25-840-40.8) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is adequate drainage or other protection provided for water seeps? N/A 38 (9VAC 25-840-40.9) (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Do all operational storm sewer inlets have adequate inlet protection? yes 39 (9VAC 25-840-40.10) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Are stormwater conveyance channels adequately stabilized with channel No Stabilize as needed 40 lining and/or outlet protection? (9VAC 25-840-40.11) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is in -stream construction conducted using measures to minimize channel N/A 41 damage? (9VAC 25-840-40.12) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are temporary stream crossings of non -erodible material installed where N/A 42 applicable? (9VAC 25-840-40.13) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) 43 Is necessary restabilization of in -stream construction complete? (9VAC N/A 25-840-40.15) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Are utility trench operations conducted and stabilized in accordance with N/A 44 MS-16? (9VAC 25-840-40.16) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are soil and mud kept off paved or public roads to minimize the transport No No construction entrance with wash rack 45 of sediment? (9VAC 25-840-40.17) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) 46 Have all temporary control structures that are no longer needed been N/A removed and disturbed soil resulting from their removal permanently Page 3 of 4 stabilized? (9VAC 25-840-40.18) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are properties and waterways downstream from development adequately 47 protected from erosion, sediment and damage in accordance with the N/A standards and criteria specified by 9VAC25-840.19(a-n)? (9VAC 25-840- 40.19(a-n)) 48 Permanent control measures included in the SWPPP are in place? N/A (9VAC25-870-54.C) (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP Part II F.1(a)) POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? No Comments/Description Practices are in place to prevent and respond to leaks, spills, and other releases including (i) procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, 49 and cleaning up spills, leaks, and other releases; and (ii) procedures for reporting leaks, spills, and other releases in accordance with Part III G? (CGP Part II A.4.e(1))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels 50 and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities? (CGP Part II A.4.e(2))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, 51 detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds? (CGP Part II A.4.e(3))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize the discharge of pollutants from vehicle 52 and equipment washing, wheel wash water, and other types of washing? (CGP Part II A.4.e(4))(9VAC25-870-56) 53 Concrete wash water is directed into a leak -proof container or leak -proof settling basin? (CGP Part II A.4.e(5))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize the discharge of pollutants from 54 storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials, and wastes? (CGP Part II A.4.e(6))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of fuels, oils, and other 55 petroleum products, hazardous or toxic wastes, and sanitary wastes? (CGP Part II A.4.e(7)(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize any other discharge from the potential 56 pollutant -generating activities not addressed above, when applicable? (CGP Part II A.4.e(8))(9VAC25-870-56) Page 4 of 4 Construction General Permit Site Inspection Report Request for Correction Action Check Regulatory Citation/Legal Occur. Observation Recommended Corrective List # Requirement* Action 30 (9VAC 25-840-40.1) All denuded areas dorment for (9VAC25-870-54.B) 7 days or more to be (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP stabilized Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part II A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part 11 A.2.c (8)) (CGP 11 E(1-2)) 30 (9VAC 25-840-40.1) All denuded areas dorment for (9VAC25-870-54.B) 7 days or more to be (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP stabilized. Dust control Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part needed. Construction road 11 A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part 11 stabilizing required A.2.c (8)) (CGP 11 E(1-2)) 35 (9VAC 25-840-40.6) Area in need of trap, natural (CGP Part 11 A.2.c (9)) channel with straw bales is (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) allowing sediment loss (CGP 11 E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) 36 (9VAC 25-840-40.7) Stabilize any that are bare (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) (CGP 11 E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) 40 (9VAC 25-840-40.11) Stabilize as needed (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) (CGP 11 E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) 45 (9VAC 25-840-40.17) No construction entrance with (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) wash rack (CGP 11 E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Recommended 8/9/2021 Corrective Action Deadline: Targeted Re- 8/9/2021 Inspection Date: Comments: Dust control, construction entrance, construction road stabilize, open denuded to be stabilized, wash rack, natural channel to be protected *Refers to applicable regulation found in the most recent publication of the State Water Control Law (Va. Code § 62.1-44.2 et seq.), Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations (9VAC25-870), or the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (9VAC25-880). Construction General Permit Site Inspection Photo Log Photos for Item 30 TimePhoto_20210727_141401.jpg.jpg 632KB Photo Description: Stockpile and denuded areas needing stabilized TimePhoto_20210727_135929.jpg.jpg 518.99KB Photo Description: Open areas in need of cover. Photos for Item 31 TimePhoto_20210727_141401.jpg.jpg 632KB Photo Description: One of a few stockpiles that need cover Photos for Item 35 Time Photo_20210727_140553.jpg.jpg 972.77KB Photo Description: Trap needed. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434 296-5832 Inspection Date: 7/29/2021 County Inspector