HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000043 VSMP - SWPPP 2021-05-14 `s A ,�� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
�, Department of Community Development
Ott I 401 McIntire Road,North Wing
.► "'" Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Tel.(434)296-5832 • Fax(434)972-4126
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
For Construction Activities At:
Project Name Airport Road Sheetz
Address 3510 Seminole Trail
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
Prepared by:
Name: Line and Grade Civil Engineering
Prepared for:
Name Sheetz
HY ,
SWPPP Preparation Date: 04/16/2021
'ONA L \—
(This document is to be made publicly available according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section D)
by the Albemarle County
Community Development Department
Date ,S 7l-1 l Z
File LA/PO-2 o 20 OOO L-I
Issued— 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)Albemarle County
CONTENTS: (from Albemarle County Code Sec. 17405)
1. Registration statement
2. Notice of general permit coverage
3. Nature of activity
4. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
5. Stormwater Management Plan
6. Pollution Prevention Plan.
7. Discharges to impaired waters, surface waters within an applicable TMDL
wasteload allocation, and exceptional waters.
8. Qualified personnel
9. Signed Certification
10. Delegation of authority.
11. General permit copy
12. Inspection logs
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 1. Registration statement
(Provide a signed completed copy of the DEQ registration statement)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Application type. JR NEW PERMIT ISSUANCE
Section I. Operator/Permittee Information.
A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have
operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. A person with
signatory authority for this operator must sign the certification in Section V. (per Part III. K. of the VAR10 Permit).
Operator Name:
Fielder's Choice Enterprises, Inc
Contact person:
David Thornton
371 Expansion Drive
City, State and Zip Code:
Hillsville, VA 24343
Phone Number:
Primary and CC Email:
TO: dthornton@fce-digs.com; CC: dhyer@line-grade.com; rcheney@line-grade.com
B. Electronic correspondence. To receive an emailed coverage letter or to pay by credit card, you must choose YES
and include a valid email. May we transmit correspondence electronically? YES tg NO ❑
Section II. Construction Activity Information.
Include a site map showing the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land
disturbance, construction entrances and all waterbodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site.
Project site location information. Intersection of Airport Road and State Route 29
Construction Activity Name:
Airport Road Sheetz
3510 Seminole Trail
City and/or County and Zip Code:
Albemarle County, 22911
Construction Activity Entrance Location
(description, street address and/or
latitude/longitude in decimal degrees):
38.132996 N, 78.436521 W
(Existing Concrete apron on Airport Road)
Latitude and Longitude
(6-digit, decimal degrees format):
38.1331 N, 78.4359 W
Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities to be included under this permit coverage. Report to the nearest
one -hundredth of an acre.
Total land area of development (include entire area to be
disturbed as approved in the Stormwater Management Plan):
2.59 Ac
Primary estimated area to be disturbed (include portions with
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan approval only):
2.59 Ac
Off -site estimated area to be disturbed (if applicable):
Property Owner Status:
Nature of the Construction Activity Description (i.e. commercial,
industrial, residential, agricultural, environmental, utility):
Commercial Development
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) (if the
site is discharging to a MS4):
A portion of Parcel 32-39 drains to the Albemarle
County MS4
Estimated Project Dates (MM/DD/YYYY).
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Is this construction activity part of a larger common plan of
development or sale?
Rev 11/2020 PAGE 1 1 6
I. 6" Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and Receiving Water Name(s). Include additional areas on a separate page.
North Fork Rivanna River
Section III. Off -site Support Activity Location Information.
List all off -site support activities and excavated material disposal areas being utilized for this project. Include additional
areas on a separate page.
Off -site Activity Name:
City or County:
Off -site Activity Entrance Location (description, street
address and/or latitude/longitude in decimal degrees):
Latitude and Longitude (6-digit, decimal degrees format):
Is this off -site activity an excavated material disposal
YES ❑ NO ❑
If this off -site activity is an excavated material disposal
area, list the contents of the excavated fill material:
Willa separate VPDES permit cover this off -site activity?
YES ❑ NO ❑
Section IV. Other Information.
A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting the
Registration Statement. By signing the Registration Statement, the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been
Has an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been
submitted to the VESC Authority for review?
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Approval Date (for
the estimated area to be disturbed MM/DD/YYYY):
Has land -disturbance commenced?
Annual Standards and Specifications. If this project is utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications
(AS&S), attached the completed AS&S Entity Form.
AS&S Entity Name (if different from the Operator
identified in Section I):
Billing information (leave blank if same as the Operator identified in Section I. above). This entity will receive
Annual Permit Maintenance and Permit Modification Fee invoices (if applicable).
Billing Name:
Contact Name:
City, State and Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Primary and CC Email:
Rev 11/2020 PAGE 2 16
Section V. Certification. A person representing the operator as identified in Section I. A. and meeting the requirements
of 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K must physically sign this certification. A typed signature is not acceptable. Please note that
operator is defined in 9VAC25-870-10 as follows:
"Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater
associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets
either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including
the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those
activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state
permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the
stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of stormwater discharges from
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system.
9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K. Signatory Requirements. Registration Statement. All Registration Statements shall be signed as follows:
a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer
means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or
any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation, or (ii) the manager
of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management
decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major
capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term
compliance with environmental laws and regulations,• the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or
actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority
to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures,
b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively' or
c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.
For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) the chief executive officer of the
agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the
Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this
document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage
the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best
of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting
false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."
Printed Name: Daniel C.
Signature (signed in ink):
Date Signed:
Section VI. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the VSMP Authority. If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please
send your Registration Statement submittal directly to the locality; do NOT send this form to DEQ. A list of local VSMP
Authorities is available here: VSMP Authorities.
If DEQ is the VSMP Authority, please send to: If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send to:
Department of Environmental Quality
Office of Stormwater Management Suite 1400
PO Box 1105
Richmond VA 23218
Rev 11/2020 PAGE 3 16
Section 2. Notice of general permit coverage
(This notice is to be posted near the main entrance according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section
C.) (Provide a copy of the DEQ coverage letter when obtained)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 3. Nature of activity
(Provide a detailed narrative of the construction activities. Include or reference a construction schedule and
sequence. Include any phasing.)
The proposed work consists of redeveloping an existing strip mall into a proposed Sheetz fueling and convenience
station. Construction activities will include (and occur in this general sequence):
1) Demolition of existing buildings
2) Site grading, trenching, and excavation for underground improvements
3) Installation of wet and dry utilities
4) Installation of a private storm sewer system with an underground detention facility and two bioretention filters
5) Installation of an underground fuel storage tank and fueling pumps
6) Paving of drive aisles and parking areas
7) Construction of a 1-story 6,077 square foot brick convenience store with drive thru
8) Construction of a fuel canopy structure and associated detached car wash building
9) Site landscaping and lighting installation
It is not anticipated that the work will occur in discreet phases. Phasing of erosion and sediment control and
pollution prevention plans is used to adequately depict the ongoing work over the construction schedule. See
sections 4 and 5 for erosion and sediment control and pollution prevention plans. Note that sequencing notes are
also included on the plan sheets for each phase of erosion and sediment control.
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 4. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
(Provide a reduced, I Ix17 copy of the latest Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Do not reference only.)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 5. Stormwater Management Plan
(Provide a reduced 1 I 17 copy of the latest Stormwater management plan. Do not reference only.)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 6. Pollution Prevention Plan.
(reference County Code 17-404 and State Regulation 9VAC25-880-70 part II section A.4)
A. Plan showing pollution activities and prevention practices
(Provide a reduced 1 Ix17 copy of a site plan on which all of the following activity locations are clearly
marked. Keep this plan up-to-date with ongoing site changes and inspections.)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
B. Sources of Pollutants, locations, and prevention practices
Pollutant, or Pollutant
Location on site
Prevention Practices,
Generating Activity
Control Measures
Equipment fueling I I Equipment staging area IAlb. spill prevention/response SOP
Dust from building materials I I Material cutting locations I I Clean staging area, dust control
below for other pollutants
See PPP plans
See section C below
C. Sources of Pollutants, continued. Common activities and minimum control and prevention
Pollutant, or Pollutant
Location on site
Prevention Practices,
Generating Activity
Control Measures
Follow Erosion and Sediment Control
Clearing, grading, excavating, and un-
Land disturbance area
Plan. Dispose of clearing debris at
stabilized areas
acceptable disposal sites. Seed and mulch,
or sod within 7 days of land clearing
Cover storm drain inlets and use drip
Paving operations
Roads and driveways
pans and absorbent/oil dry for all paving
machines to limit leaks and spills
Direct concrete wash water into a leak -
Concrete washout
Current location and detail shown
proof container or leak -proof settling
and cement waste
on plan
basin that is designed so that no overflows
can occur
Enclose or cover material storage areas.
Mix paint indoors in a containment area or
Structure construction, stucco,
in a flat unpaved area. Prevent the
painting, and cleaning
discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents
and wash water, paint, form release oils
and curing compounds.
Water shall be filtered, settled or similarly
Dewatering operations
Dewatering sites shown on plan
treated prior to discharge as shown on
Designated areas for material delivery
Material delivery and storage
Designated area shown on plan
and storage. Placed near construction
entrances, away from waterways and
drainage paths
Material use during building process
Building areas
Follow manufacturer's instructions
. MSDS's attached.
waste collection area will not receive a
substantial amount of runoff from upland
Solid waste disposal
Current designated container areas
areas and does not drain directly to a
on plan
waterway. Containers have lids covered
before periods of rain, or are in a covered
area. Scheduled collection to prevent
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Pollutant, or Pollutant
Location on site
Prevention Practices,
Generating Activity
Control Measures
overfilling. MATERIALS NOT TO BE
Convenient and well -maintained
portable sanitary facilities will be
Sanitary waste
Current locations shown on plan
provided, and located away from
waterways or inlets. Such facilities shall
be regularly maintained.
Apply fertilizers in accordance with
Landscaping operations
Landscape areas shown on plan
manufacturer's recommendations and
not during rainfall events
To be treated in a sediment basin or
Wash Waters
Wash areas shown on plan
better control as specified on plan.
Minimize the discharge of pollutants
from equipment and vehicle washing
Vehicle and equipment washing
Designated areas and details shown on
Provide containment and filtering for all
wash waters per the plan
Minimization of exposure to precipitation and stormwater. Minimize the exposure of building materials, building products,
construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste, and other materials
present on the site to precipitation and to stormwater.
(Identify all non-stormwater discharges to occur on your site. Keep this plan up-to-date with ongoing site
changes and inspections. See CGP, 9VAC25-880-70 section E for examples of non-stormwater discharges.)
Discharge Pollutants or Pollutant Location on Site
Concrete washout
Lime, concrete admixtures
see pollution prevention plans
Paint/masonry washout
Paint, oils, construction materials
see pollution prevention plans
Vehicle washout
Sediment, paints, oils
see pollution prevention plans
Waterline testing/flushing
Erosive flows
see proposed site plan
Dust control spray
lAdhesives, sediment
see ESC plans
Pavement and building wash
Soaps, detergents, residual mat'I
see ESC and site plans
Landscape Irrigation
Fertilizers, sediments
see landscape and ESC plans
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
E. Persons responsible for pollution prevention practices
(Provide the names and contact information for all persons responsible for prevention practices as listed above.)
Persons in Responsible Charge: TBD
Caton Construction Group, Inc. (CCG)
158 Industrial Way, Suite 203
Troy, VA 22974
F. Response and reporting practices
Minimize discharges from spills and leaks. Minimize the discharge of pollutants from spills and leaks and implement chemical
spill and leak prevention and response procedures as follows.
Respond to all spills, leaks and discharges as follows,
Report all spills, leaks and discharges as follows;
(Provide detailed response and reporting practices according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section A.4.e.)
G. Pollution Prevention Awareness
(Describe training and procedures to provide awareness and compliance for all measures in this
document; waste management, wash waters, prevention measures, etc.)
conference with Contractor will be held prior to beginning construction. Pollution Prevention Practices will be reviewed by Contractor
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 7. Discharges to impaired waters, surface waters within an applicable TMDL
wasteload allocation, and exceptional waters.
(Provide detailed measures for any applicable TMDL)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 8. Qualified personnel
The following personnel are responsible for inspections;
(Provide the name, telephone number, and qualifications of the qualified personnel conducting inspections.)
Daniel C. Hyer, PE 1 434-262-0169 1 Registered professional Engineer
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 9. Signed Certification
(Provide certification according to 9VAC25-870-370)
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for
gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and
complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine
and imprisonment for knowing violations."
Operator Name: Daniel C Hyer ���'
•14 iN
Company: Line and Grade Civil Engineering
DANI . ► c a
Title: Principal • U
''�o. PE 45 ' .
Signature: ' ��
O ��
Date: April 16, 2021 ��SS/ONAL ENG�
Issued— 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)Albemarle County
Section 10. Delegation of authority.
(Provide the persons or positions with authority to sign inspection reports or to modify the stormwater pollution
prevention plan. A formal, signed delegation of authority is needed.)
Delegation of Authority
I,Daniel C Hyer (name),hereby designate the person or specifically described position below to be a duly authorized
representative for the purpose of overseeing compliance with environmental requirements,including the Construction General Permit,
at the Airport Road Sheetz construction site The designee is authorized to sign any reports,stormwater
pollution prevention plans and all other documents required by the permit
Daniel C Hyer (name of person or position)
Line and Grade Civil Engineering (company)
113 4th St NE, STE 100 (address)
Charlottesville, VA 22902 (city,state,zip)
(434) 262-0169 (phone)
By signing this authorization, I confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a designation as set forth in the Construction
General Permit(CGP),and that the designee above meets the definition of a"duly authorized representative".
Operator Name: Daniel C Hyer Line and oNstiALTy
Company: Grade Civil Engineering
O 4Title: Principal
E455. .
Signature: s ���_
Date: April 16, 2021 � AL �
Issued— 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)Albemarle County
Section 11. General permit copy
(Provide a copy of the construction general permit, 9VAC25-880)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Section 12. Inspection logs
(Provide templates for your inspections. Requirements are listed in 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section B and F.)
Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
SWPPP Inspection Log
Project Name:
SWPPP Contact:
Amendment No.
Description of the Amendment
Date of Amendment
Amendment Prepared by
[Name(s) and Title]