HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202100119 Review Comments Final Plat 2021-08-11County of Albemarle ac• _ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • `IBGIN�Q' Memorandum To: David Anhold (david@anholdla.com) From: Kevin McCollum, Planner Division: Planning Date: August 11, 2021 Subject: SUB202100119 Biscuit Run Park Phase 1 Plat 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Telephone:434-296-5832 WW W.ALBEMARLE.ORG The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. [14-301(B)] Please ensure the Plat is submitted to scale. The Plat was submitted in the same document as the Application, so make sure it is separate and scaled appropriately. When the Plat is ready for final approval it will need to be printed to scale. 2. [14-302 (A)(5)] Please identify whether the stormwater easement is public or private. 3. [14-302 (A)(5)] For all public easements being created with this plat, please add a note stating that the new public easements are "dedicated to public use." 4. [14-302 (A)(5)] Please see attached Engineering comments below. All new public easements require a deed of dedication to be recorded with the plat. Engineering Division staff will draft the deeds at a later date and provide those to the applicant before the plat is ready to be submitted for signature. Please contact Engineering directly for information regarding the easement deeds. 5. [14-302(A)(15)] Please include the names and addresses of each owner of record and holders of any easements affecting the property. 6. [14-302(B)(1)] Please include a date of revision. 7. [14-302(B)(5)] Please include the following Zoning information: a. The property is zoned Rural Areas. b. The property is subject to the Entrance Corridor, Flood Hazard, Steep Slopes — Managed, and Steep Slopes — Preserved Overlay Districts. 8. [14-302(B)(6)] Please correct the TMP reference in the title and on the Plat to TMP 90-613. It is incorrectly listed as TMP 90-60D. 9. [14-302(B)(7)] Please add a note that the Property is not within a Water Supply Watershed or an Ag/For District. 10. [14-303(A)] Please add a statement of consent to division. A statement that: "The platting or dedication of the following described land [insert a correct description of the land subdivided] is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees, if any." 11. [14-403(0)] Please add a signature panel directly under the statement above. Include a signature panel for each owner and for the agent or his designee. 12. [14-303(P)] Please include a notary panel for the notary to acknowledge the signatures of the owners. 13. [General Comment] Please see attached VDOT Comment #22. Please contact Kevin McCollum in the Planning Division by using kmccollum@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.3141 for further information. Comments from Other Reviewers: Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — Matthew Wentland, mwentland@albemarle.org— Requested changes (8/11/2021). 1. Show the pipes along with the easements on sheet C-200 and the easements along with the pipes on C-210. 2. Show and label the easement for Biofilter 1. 3. Show the access to Biofilter 2 and provide an easement if needed. The drainage easement for Pipe 8 should be separate from the Stormwater Management Facility easement. All SWM Facility easements should also include 'Dedicated to Public Use'. 4. Remove'Proposed' from the easement labels (drainage and SWM) and include'Facility' in the SWM easement labels. Easements should be labelled as'Variable Width' if they are not a constant 20' wide. 5. A Deed of Dedication will need to be signed and recorded for the public drainage easements. This will filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the plat is nearing approval. 6. A Deed of Dedication will need to be signed and recorded for the SWM facility easements. This will filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the plat is nearing approval. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) —Adam Moore, Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov — Requested changes, see attached (8/9/2021). (Z) COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 August 9, 2021 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Matt Wentland Re: SUB-2021-00118 — Biscuit Run Park, Phase 1 — Road Plan, Review #1 SUB-2021-00119 - Biscuit Run Park — ROW Easement Plat, Review #1 Dear Mr. Wentland: (804) 786-2701 Fax: (804) 786,2940 The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Anhold Assoc., dated 26 June 2021, and find the following: 1. Existing drainage culverts and systems will need to be reviewed for adequacy. Please provide drainage plans with calculations per latest Drainage Manual. Location and Design Division - Location and Design - Business I Virginia Department of Transportation (virginiadot.org) 2. Please show Hydraulic Grade Lines (HGL) on profiles. Also provide HGL calculations, which should be consistent with plans showing existing structures utilized or replaced. 3. VDOT drainage manual requires culverts to have a Max Hw/D of 1.5 and headwater elevation should be no higher than 18" below edge of road. 4. Appears some pipes conditions are unknown and further investigation should be performed to develop the plan. Please submit a pipe video of existing culverts. 5. DI pipe is not an approved type of pipe for installations and connection/extension is not acceptable. Ductile Iron pipe should be removed and replaced with VDOT approved material. 6. E&SC plan should be included for review. 7. Trees in the line of sight area should be removed or moved back from encroaching into sight triangle. Please remove trees from Right-of-way. 8. Roadway detail for Rte. 20, inset D, will need to be shown in accordance with WP-2 detail, R&B Standards 303.02 for traffic widening. 9. Allowable work hours on Rte. 20 are as follows: 9am to 2:30pm & 7pm to 5:30am (next morning). Please update the information on the plans. VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING 10. District Engineer approval is required prior to speed reduction thru work zone (TTC-52.2 - Prior to the implementation of this Typical Traffic Control layout, the District2 Traffic Engineer must approve a speed reduction] in a work zone after performing and evaluating] a Traffic Engineering investigation] per Traffic Engineering Division Memorandum TE-350. The orginial posted speed limit as well as the reduced work zone speed limit shall be provided to the designer by the District Traffic Engineer.) Permit request to work within the right-of-way will include DE approval prior to permit approval. 11. Holiday Work Schedule will be per VDOT 2020 Road & Bridge Spec. 108.02(b) "Limitations of Operations". 12. Please show the speed limits for existing roads on the plan sheets. 13. Please clarify what WSP and MSP symbols are on plan sheet C-100 "Existing Conditions". 14. Proposed contour 516 at structure 5 appears to touch proposed contour 518 and should be adjusted to a maximum 2:1 slope or more flat. 15. CG-12's should be shown on the plan view per detail with truncated domes to the back of curb. 16. Sheet C-200 appears to have a layering problem with EC-1 overlay. 17. Please note on the MOT plan: A Traffic Maintenance Plan (TMP) is required to obtain a permit to work within VDOT Right of Way. The TMP shall be prepared by an Advanced Work Zone Certified person, certification card and verification number is required on the TMP submittal. 18. Approved road plans meeting SSAR, and in compliance with the VDOT Road Design Manual are required prior to plat approval. a. Minimum radii for centerline of road is 200' b. Minimum Radii for entrances is 25' c. Entrance road should be shown as primary road with entrance into proposed parking area per entrance requirements. d. Road widths do not appear to meet geometric design standards. 19. Pavement design for new subdivision streets shall be developed using the Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia and must be based on in place material at the time of construction. h"://www.virainiadot.orwbusiness/resources/Materials/Pavement Design Guide for S ubdivision and Secondary Roads.pdf 20. Stubouts must be signed per the SSAR concerning potential/eventual street extension. 21. Type HI barricades and signage should be shown at road stubs 22. Please include a note on the plat stating "VDOT will only maintain within drainage easements to the extent necessary to protect the roadway from flooding or damage." 23. Show "No Parking" signage on all roads. 24. Note that the final plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements. 25. Please provide a comment response letter with each submission after the initial. 26. Due to the level of items noted in this review, these comments may not be exhaustive. If further information is desired, please contact Max Greene at 434-422-9894. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency