HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100058 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2021-08-11�q OF AL 401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832
To: David Anhold (david@anholdla.com)
From: Kevin McCollum - Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: August 11, 2021
Subject: Final Site Plan SDP202100058 — Biscuit Run Park, Phase 1 - Final
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community
Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment
is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
Applicable Comments from Initial Site Plan Action Letter (May 3, 2021)
If the comment has been addressed, it has been blurred out. Additional comments are added in
bold font, like this.
1. [32.5.2(a)] Please correct the title to reflect the Initial Site Plan Number: SDP202100015. This comment has
been addressed.
2. [32.5.2(a)] Please include the Flood Hazard Overlay in General Information Note 8 on the Cover Sheet. This
comment has been addressed.
3. [32.5.2(a)] Monticello Viewshed is not an official Overlay Zoning District in the County's Zoning Ordinance.
Please remove reference to this in Note 8 on the Cover Sheet and add it as a separate note. This comment has
been addressed.
4. [32.5.2(a)] Please provide the total number of sheets at the bottom of the Sheet List Table on the Cover Sheet.
Please revise the Sheet List Table. It appears there are some discrepancies between the number of Sheets
listed for the Initial and the Final Site Plan. For example, there are 33 sheets included with this Final Site
Plan submission whereas the table lists 38. There were 31 sheets with the Initial Site Plan and the table
lists 33.
5. [32.5.2(a)] For any adjacent parcels visible on the drawings, please show the property lines and include a label
stating the owner name, TMP number, zoning districts, and present uses. This comment has been addressed.
6. 132.5.2(b), 4.12.61 Please provide a parking study to be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator to confirm the
proposed parking requirements. Pleas be aware that if the Zoning Administrator determines that more parking is
needed, the site plan will need to be revised accordingly to add additional spaces. This comment has been
addressed by the Zoning Administrator as indicated by the ADDhcant in the Application submittal
response letter.
7. 132.5.2(e), Please provide additional information on the existing vegetation on site. Is this a mix of
deciduous, evergreen, or other plant material? Are there trees and shrubs? Please provide general caliper sizes
of existing trees at their diameter at breast height (DBH) where possible. Staff suggests providing these additional
info on the existing conditions and/or landscaping plans. This comment has been addressed by the Applicant
in the Application submittal response letter.
8. [32.5.2(e),, 32.7.91 Please update the plant schedule to include the botanical name, common name, size,
and quantity of all existing and proposed landscaping features.
a. Please provide the canopy area per plant for each species type, and then state the total canopy per species
type based on the amount of trees/shrubs provided. Canopy calculations can be found here:
This comment has been partially addressed. Please provide canopy calculations for all trees. Please
provide the total canopy provided.
9. [] Please provide street trees along Scottsville Rd. Street trees shall be planted with even spacing in a
row within the public street right-of-way or adjacent to the public street right-of-way if not permitted therein by
the Virginia Department of Transportation, and within the private street right-of-way. One large street tree shall
be required for every 50 feet of street frontage, or portion thereof, if 25 feet or more. Where permitted, one
medium shade tree shall be required for every 40 feet of road frontage, or portion thereof, if 20 feet or more. If
required street trees cannot be planted within the parking setback or within ten feet of the street right-of-way due
to sight distance, utility easements or other conflicting requirements, then the planting strip shall be enlarged to
accommodate the trees. Comment stands. See comment 18 below for more information.
10. [32.5.2 (k)(1), 32.6.2(g)] Any new easements required for water, sewer, drainage facilities, or any
proposed utilities will need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval.
Please submit an easement plat application the County for review. The final site plan will need to be
updated so that all easements are shown and labeled identifying easement type, whether it's public or
private, a width dimension, and the recorded instrument with deed book and page number. Comment
11. 132.6.20), Please show that an area of at least five percent of the paved parking and vehicular
circulation area is landscaped with trees or shrubs. As stated above please include the botanical name,
common name, size, and quantity of all existing and proposed landscaping features. This comment has
been addressed.
12. [] The final site plan will not be signed until approval for sewer facilities is received from the
Virginia Department of Health. Please see VDH's comments (attached) for more information. This
comment has been addressed.
13. [32.7.8 and 4.17] If any outdoor lighting is proposed, please provide a lighting plan will need to be included
with the final site plan submission that complies with all applicable regulations specified in Section 4.17 of the
Zoning Ordinance. This includes:
a. Provide footcandle measurements within the property and along all property lines. Use a light loss factor
of 1.0 to determine footcandles on site.
b. 14.17.4 (a)] Provide manufacturer cut -sheets for all proposed outdoor luminaires.
c. 14.17.4 (a)] All proposed outdoor luminaries exceeding 3,000 lumens must be full -cutoff fixtures. Please
provide documentation from the manufacturers that all fixtures will be full -cutoff.
d. Please state the pole height of all outdoor luminaires.
e. 14.17.4 (b)] Add a note stating "The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property
in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half ('/z) foot candle."
f. Please add a note to which states "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or
more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away
from adjoining residential districts and adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto
public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half
This comment has been addressed.
Final Site Plan Review Comments
14. [32.6.2] Please include the Final Site Plan application number: SDP202100058 in the title above the Initial Site
Plan Application number. Please label the Initial Site Plan Application number.
15. [General Comment] Please add a date of revision to Sheet 2.
16. [] Please identify the existing trees to remain on Sheet L-300 by common name, approximate
caliper, and showing their location. There is currently no count of these trees, indication of their species, or
caliper. All other trees on this Sheet appear to be identified.
17. [] Please correct the street tree calculation on Sheet L-301. Please ensure trees are planted with even
spacing and all trees along the street frontage are identified. It appears there is a discrepancy between the number
of trees on Sheet L-300 to the left of the entrance and the number that are labeled.
a. Street trees shall be planted with even spacing in a row within the public street right-of-way or adjacent
to the public street right-of-way if not permitted therein by the Virginia Department of Transportation,
and within the private street right-of-way. One large street tree shall be required for every 50 feet of
street frontage, or portion thereof, if 25 feet or more. Where permitted, one medium shade tree shall
be required for every 40 feet of road frontage, or portion thereof, if 20 feet or more. If required street
trees cannot be planted within the parking setback or within ten feet of the street right-of-way due to
sight distance, utility easements or other conflicting requirements, then the planting strip shall be
enlarged to accommodate the trees. If this requirement creates a hardship by causing the relocation of
required parking spaces, then the additional planting area may be counted toward the interior
landscaping requirement.
18. [32.7.95(c) and] Please correct the minimum caliper sizes identified for parking area trees and
street trees in the landscape calculations on Sheet L-301.
19. [32.6.2(a)] Please revise General Information Note 10. Both Critical Slopes and Steep Slopes — Managed and
Preserved are present on the property, however, it appears only the Steep Slopes — Managed and Preserved will
be disturbed by this Phase.
a. Map of the property showing what are Critical Slopes (orange) versus what are Steep Slopes —
Managed (yellow) and Preserved (green).
bWs:Hgisweb.albemarle.org//gpv 51Niewer.aspx?state=634095367926
b. Steep Slopes is an Overlay District (Section 30.7) that applies to lands within the development areas
whereas Critical Slopes are general regulations outlined in Section 4.2 that apply to all other lands.
You can see on the map that this property is only partially in the development areas.
20. [32.6.2(a)] Please revise General Information Note 16. This property is within the Moores Creek Watershed,
but this Watershed is not a Water Supply Watershed, so this information does not need to be included as a
note. The sentence about the Dam Break Inundation Zone is correct and can be left as is.
Please contact Kevin McCollum at the Department of Community Development at
kmccollum&albemarle.org or (434) 296-5832 ext. 3141 for further information.
Additional Reviewer Comments
Albemarle County Engineering Services —Matthew Wentland, mwentland&albemarle.org —Requested
changes (8/11/2021).
1. The VSMP plan will need to be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval. Review of the VSMP
plan may generate additional comments on the Final Site Plan. The ESC and SWM was not
reviewed in detail on these plans.
2. The road plan will need to be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval. Review of the road plan
may generate additional comments on the Final Site Plan.
3. Show and label the SWM easement for Biofilter 1.
Albemarle County Building Inspections — Betty Slough, bslou hg &albemarle.org—No objection
Albemarle County Fire -Rescue— Howard Lagomarsino, hlaeomarsino@albemarle.org —Requested changes,
see below (7/16/2021).
1. Please provide no parking signs for section of roads/travelway that do indicate parking spaces. This
includes the route from Scottsville Rd to the parking lot and the curve around the end of the parking
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) —Adam Moore, Adam.Moorekvdot.vir iginia.gov and
Doug McAvoy Jr., douglas.mcavoy@vdot.vir ig nia.gov — Requested changes, see attached (7/12/2021).
Virginia Health Department — Alan Mazurowski, douvJas.mcava@vdot.virginia.gov — Review pending,
comments will be sent to the Applicant upon receipt.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board — Khristopher Taggart, ktaeeart@albemarle.org —
Requested changes, see below (7/12/2021).
I have reviewed the plans with the revision date of June 21, 2021 submitted for the Biscuit Run Phase 1. The
changes made in these plans do not address all the conditions of approval outlined at the ARB meeting held on
April 19, 2021. The following revisions are requested to make the proposal consistent with the Entrance
Corridor Guidelines (note the number below refer to original conditions from the action letter dated April 19,
1. Information on the visibility and appearance of the pipes with end walls has not been provided.
Information on the appearance of the block walls at utility poles has been provided but information on
visibility and block color has not been provided. Revise the plan to provide information on visibility
and appearance of the pipes with end walls and the visibility and block color of the block walls at
utility poles.
2. The standard mechanical equipment note is not included in the site plan. Revise the plan to include the
standard mechanical equipment note: " Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance
Corridor shall be eliminated."
7. Details on the entrance walls and utility pole walls have not been provided. If proposed, revise the site
plan to indicate material(s) and color(s). Physical samples may be necessary for review.
Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street (804) 7862701
Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 Fax: (804) 7862940
July 12, 2021
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Kevin McCollum
Re: Biscuit Park — Final Site Plan
Review # 1
Dear Mr. McCollum:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as prepared by Anhold Associates, dated 21
June 2021, and offers the following comments:
1. The entrance walls should be located no closer than 7 feet from the edge of pavement.
2. Maintenance of Traffic sheets C700 and C710 mentioned in VDOT's letter to Albemarle
County dated 18 March 2021 regarding SDP-2021-00015 have not been included in this
plan set. While not required at this point, approved maintenance of traffic plans will be
required before a Land Use Permit is issued.
3. What is the purpose of the curved block walls shown on Sheet C-201?
4. Please add the WP-2 detail to the plans.
5. Any landscaping or non-standard items within the right-of-way will require a perpetual
maintenance agreement (LUP-LS) before the permit is closed.
Please provide a digital copy in PDF format of the revised plan along with a comment response
letter. If further information is desired, please contact Doug McAvoy Jr. at (540) 718-6113.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency