HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100023 Review Comments Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2021-08-13 �qoFn�g� 401 Mdntire Road, North Wing
� County of Albemarle Charlottesville,VA 22902-4579
a` �rm ,p
� lt1 "' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone:434-296-5832
Site Plan review
Project: Dunlora Park Phase II,Final Site Plan Amendment#2
Amendment to SDP201800002
Plan preparer: Scott Collins, Collins Engineering [scott'cdcollins-ensinecrins-com]
200 Garrett St., Suite K,Chadottesville,VA 22902
Owner or rep.: Dunlora Investments,LLC,455 2°�St. SE, 5'�Floor,Chadottesville,VA 22902
Plan received date: 26 Mar 2021
(Rev. 1) 6 Jul 2021
Date of comments: 11 May 2021
(Rev. 1) 13 Aug 2021
Reviewer: John Anderson
Project Coordinator: Cameron Langille
I. Sheet 1:
a. Please list these associated plans by tile number onh�; no titles, dates, or qualif'ying
inf'ormation relating to approval, withdrawal or areas or type of development is requested.
Request is for plan project file numbers only to be listed (on sheet l of SDP202100023):
(Rev. 1)Addressed. Applicant,6/L8/2 L letter. `As requested,just the file numbers for the
previous plans have been listed on the cover sheet. A narrative has been added to the cover
sheet indicating how the project will achieve SWM compliance. The WPO amendment will
be submitted for this phase of development. Finally,a note about the most recent visual field
inspection ahs been added on the cover sheet.'
Note: Initial comments(i.-vii) retained for clarity, i.-vii. do not in every case require site plan
revision or response,yet an approved WPO Amendment is required for both major site plan
amendment approval,and final subdivision approval. Amendment(#4) appears pending; it
appears not to be submitted,at this point.
i. SUB202100082, Final Subdivision Plat, Dunlora Park, Phase II, d. 4-26-2021 (recent
submittal, under review)
ii. SUB201900172, Dunlora Park Subdivision Phase II, Final(plat); withdra�a�n 4/3/21.
Note: this fina] subdivision plat is associated with SDP201800002 and
WP0201700052, a layout for 14 attached townhouse units in an area of space that
coincides with development shown with current applications SDP202100023 and
SUB202100082. Since this plat, specifically, sheet V7, shows a New Variable Width
SWM Facility and Permanent Drainage Easement that wil] not be recorded,this plan
(WP0201700052)will not receive a Grading Permit. Engineering considers
WP0201700052 (Amendment#2 to WP0201600058)void, with final plat
(including SWM f'acility easement) withdrawal,Apr-3,2021.
iii. SDP201800002,Durilora Park Phase II Final Site Plan, approved 1 U16/L8.
Note L SDP201800002 is associated with WP0201700052. It appears that
SDP202100023 replaces development]ayout approved with SDP201800002,
replacing L4 attached units with 3 SFA(Lots 29-3 L) and 3 SFD units(Lots 32-34).
SDP202100023 (current application)provides no conceptual SWM
Engineering Review Comments
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Note2:Approved SDP201800002 (Final Site Plan) is for a development layout that
dif'fers substantially from]ayout presented with the current application,
Note3: Current final subdivision plat, SUB202100082, shows 6-lot subdivision,
0379 Ac. Open Space A-2,and shows no SWM facility or SWM access easement.
SDP202100023 must
show conceptual SWM, and a WPO plan Amendment is required to provide ESC
measures appropriate to proposed current development plan, and SWM quality and
quantity control consistent with 9VAC25-870-65 and 9VAC25-870-66 requirements.
Please title the WPO Amendment`Dunlora Park Phase 1[VSMP/WPO plan,
Amendment#4 to WP02016-00058,' and on that WPO plan Amendment,
include reference to all associated plans listed in this review comment, l.a.
Note4: WPO Amendment approval is required prior to FSP approval or final
subdivision approval. SUB202100082 should include any required on-site SWM
treatment or detention f'acility/SWM access easements,and be recorded prior to FSP
approvaL (Rev. 1)Persists. Applicant acknowledges WPO Amendment plan
submittal/approval is required with Sheet 1 Note: `Stormwater Management: A
WPO Amendment shall be submitted for this phase of development for Dunlora
Park. Water quality for the development shall be achieved with the purchase o£
nutrient credits. Water quantity shall be satisfied onsite with the proposed dry
retention facility. Details on the nutrient credits and the design of the stormw�ater
management facility will be provided with the WPO Amendment Plan.'
NoteS: A recorded Maintenance Agreement is required for WPO plan Amendment
required for SDP202100023 and SUB202L00082 approvaL (Rev. 1) Persists.
iv. WP0201600058, approved 1 U28/l6,titled `VSMP Plan for Dunlora Park,WPO-
2016-00058' was issued state CGP VAR10J l78 f'or 6.57 Ac. land disturbance: 29
lots(although area considered by SDP202100023 /SUB202100082 appears to be
included in LOD linework on WP0201600058, land disturbance is limited).
v. WP0201700035, approved 8/28/17,titled `VSMP Plan for Dunlora Park WPO-
2017-00035 (Amendment to WPO-2016-00058)' excludes area considered by current
application, SDP202100023;excludes area from SWM design, limits of disturbance.
This is Amendment#1 to WP02016-00058. Sheet 3 of Amendment#1, erosion
Control Notes&Narrative,Purpose,explains: `The purpose of this land-disturbing
activity is to grade the site for the f'uture development of Dunlora—29 Lots. The
total acreage to be disturbed with this plan is 7.03 Ac.' Lots are numbered on sheet
SA, 1 —29, a mix of SFA and SFD units. With Amendment#1, subdivision of area
under consideration with current applications SUB202100023 and SUB202100082 is
eliminated, and beginning with Amendment#1,the only activity on areas covered by
current applications is grading on Lot 29 and Lot 28, installation of storm and
sanitary sewer lines, perimeter ESC measures, and proposed stockpile area
surrounded by silt f'ence.' No improvements are shown other than Varick Street and
Marin Court.
vi. WP0201700052, approvedl0/24/l8,titled `DunloraOvedookVSMPAmendment,
WPO-2017-00052 (Amendment to WPO-2016-00058)' is Amendment#2 to
vii. Most recent WPO titled `Dunlora Overlook VSMP Amendment#3 WP0201700052
(Amendment#3 to WP0201600058)' has]imited ef'fect, requests review of a riprap
ditch behind Lot 17 on Varick Street,excludes and does not relate to or have any
Engineering Review Comments
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beazing on area under consideration with current application, SDP202100023.
Amendment 3 provides no ESC measures or SWM treatment or detention for the
now-current three attached,three detached unit SDP design.
b. Provide narrative context for approved WPOs for Dunlora Overlook, which approved
development with substantially different layout on the same poRion of the same parceL (Rev.
1) Not addressed.
comments dated IOi_
_ ..,, �.ail'ferentlayoiP �������� (Rev. 1)Addressed/NA. See next
item: I.d.
d. � �� ,
(Rev. 1)Comment withdrawn. Amendment
#3 was reviewed and approved by reviewer David James, 7/14/21.
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(Rev. 1)Addressed. Sheet 1 note: `Topo visually field verified in
Mareh,202 L.'
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a. (Rev. 1)
Engineering Review Comments
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b. (Rev. 1)
4. Sheet 4:
a. Provide conceptual stormwater management design with next submittaL (Rev. 1)Addressed.
�is lolloir-im: Provide PE-seal geotechnical design for(6-ft. max ht.)retaining wall proposed
with conceptual SWM facility, at earliest convenience. A building permit is required for wall
ht. >4-ft If geogrid system extends onto proposed ]ots,wall maintenance easement and
recorded wall maintenance agreement are likely required. Please clarif'y whether proposed
segmental retaining wal] requires geogrid anchoring that may extend onto Lots 33 or 34.
b. Submit a new VSMP/WPO Application since design substantially revised from development
design approved with WP02 0 1 7-00 052. (Rev. 1)Persists. Apolicant `The VSMP
amendment plan is being submitted for this phase of development.'As folloir-un: It is unclear
whether WP0201600058 Amendment#4 has been submitted, or not. If not,please submit
WP0201600058 Amendment#4 using application at
httns�/h���a��a�albemarle.ore/home/sho�n�t�ublisheddocument/170/637622997503330000 and
digital fee portal at: https://�a�w���albemarlecountvtaxes.ore/navments/deCault.ast�s
c. EasemenUs associated with new WPO plan must be recorded prior to or with final
subdivision plat, including: public or private drainage easements, SWM facility access, and
SWM facility or(new)FOS easement (Rev. 1)Persists. Applicant `This comment is
acknowledged. A plat is being prepared for the subdivision [SUB202100082] and easements
on the property.'
(Rev. 1)Addressed.
e. (Rev. 1)Addressed.
f (Rev. 1)Addressed.
g. Provide drainage f'or concentrated runoff from rooftops/other impervious areas of Lots 32-34.
Ref. requirements at 18-4.33.C.4.,Surface water diversions. Provide/show with new VSMP
/WPO Application. Show drainage elements with SDP202100023 and any private drainage
easements on SUB202100082 (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant `Acknowledged. An updated
WPO amendment is being submitted f'or this phase of development.'
Note: Design appears to indicate stormwater management relies on SWM facilities that serve
Varick Street and Marin Court(Dunlora Phase I). Please ensure VSMP/WPO Application
provides accurate account of SWM facility capacity adequate to receive additiona] runof'f via
YD GB-A-Str. 104-103-102 pipe/structure network.
(Rev. 1)Addressed.
i. (Rev. 1)
j. Recommend revise private sanitary sewer lateral access easement to coincide with a travel
way or grade passable to typica] service or maintenance vehicle(pickup truck). San. sewer
access easement need not coincide with the exact location of sanitary sewer easement,but
should enable service personnel to use the alley for access. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed.
Aoplicant `With the widening of the alley,the private utilities coincide with the access
easement but still allow access.'As-{ollom-un:
i. Although private utilities may coincide with the access easement, utility easements
dif'fer from access easement. As requested below,please distinguish between the
ii. Provide private utility easement for portion of private water]ateral that is beyond Lot
32 lot line.
Engineering Review Comments
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iii. Similarly, show, provide,and label private utility easements for Lots 33 and 34 for
portions of private water laterals that lie beyond lot lines, including private utility
easement across Lot 33 for]ateral that serves Lot 34.
iv. Extend water lateral serving lot 33 to Lot 33.
v. Label all laterals(sanitary and water); provide leader lines.
vi. Label all private utility (lateral)easements.
vii. Revise 21.0'pnvate esmt. label to read 21.0'private access esmt.
5. Sheet 8: Drainage map appears to combine storm runof'f pipe networks of Dunlora Park Phase I and II.
WPO plan Amendment should clarity degree to which runoff from proposed SDP202100023
improvements may rely upon Dunlora Park Phase I SWM facilities. (Rev. 1) Persists.Applicant:
`This comment is acknowledged. The overall drainage map will be updated with the WPO
amendment, as requested.'
Please feel free to call if any questions:434296-5832 -x3069
Thank you
J. Anderson