HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202100014 Application 2021-08-18•
Request for a waiver, modification, variation ❑ Variation to a previously approved Planned
or substitution permitted by Chapter 18 = $457 Development rezoning application plan or
Code of Development = $457
❑ Relief from a condition of approval = $457
Provide the following
❑ 3 copies of a written request specifying the
section or sections being requested to be
waived, modified, varied or substituted, and
any other exhibit documents stating the
reasons for the request and addressing the
applicable findings of the section authorized
to be waived, modified, varied or substituted.
Project Name : 5�m Y t
Current Assigned App�lication7lr
Tax map and parcel(s):
Applicant / Contact Person
Daytime Phone# (V3—v )
Owner of Record
Provide the following
❑ 3 copies of the existing approved plan
illustrating the area where the change is
requested or the applicable section(s) or
the Code of Development. Provide a
graphic representation of the requested
❑ 1 copy of a written request specifying the
provision of the plan, code or standard for
which the variation is sought, and state the
reason for the requested variation.
ber (SDP, SP or ZMA)
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Address 20 m-t-0 M aLvState Zip
Daytime Phone# ( ql�q� o� ) Email
County of Albemarle
Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
4/1212021 GfhaiI - Fwd• note regarding our rental apt. for 2
No(,?M )tl Linda Heeschen <luminousconnections@gmail.com>
Fwd: note regarding our rental apt. for 2
1 message
Linda Heeschen <luminousconnections@gmail.com>
To: Linda Heeschen <Luminousconnections@gmail.com>
Dear Albemarle County Zoning
March, 2021
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Apr 12, 2021 at 4:57 PM
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We live on a boundary line to Richard and Linda Heeschen and have been made aware
that they have built a 1 bedroom rental apt. for 2 in their lower level of their home with
the purpose of renting for air bnb short term guests or traveling nurses who come to the
It has also been made aware to us that they may in future use it for aging in place for any
nurses or their daughters.
We are favorable to them using their small 1 bedroom rental for said purposes.
Neighbor G�q '0' L
https://mail.google.cornlmaillu/0?ik=d4WO48d2&view=pt&search=all&pemthid=thread-a%3Ar-8944448528047140336%7Cmsg-a%3Ar5874456343488161449&... 1 /1
4/12/2021 Gmail - Fwd: note regarding our rental apt. for 2
I" `- mail. Linda Heeschen <luminousconnections@gmail.com>
Fwd: note regarding our rental apt. for 2
1 message
Linda Heeschen <luminousconnections@gmail.com>
To: Linda Heeschen <Luminousconnections@gmail.com>
Dear Albemarle County Zoning
March, 2021
()& Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 4:57 PM
zewv 1
We live on a boundary line to Richard and Linda Heeschen and have been made aware
that they have built a 1 bedroom rental apt. for 2 in their lower level of their home with
the purpose of renting for air bnb short term guests or traveling nurses who come to the
It has also been made aware to us that they may in future use it for aging in place for any
nurses or their daughters.
We are favorable to them using their small i bedroom rental for said purposes.
https://mail.gwgle.com/mai I/WO?i k=d456804gd2&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-8944448528047140336%7Cmsg-a%3Ar5874456343488161449&... III
Dear County,
We just finished a home in Albemarle county in April 2020 and by the grace of God with covid
hitting at the end of the build actually survived the setbacks that the pandemic created in the
end of our project.:)
From start to finish it was a LONG 2 year journey.
We built the house with 3 levels for the express purpose of being able to Age in Place and never
move again as we are in our 60 's now and intend to live here the rest of our lives.
My husband is a true local and has been in Charlottesville his entire life and I have been here
for 34 years now, so I guess I am a local now.
If we ever need assistance in older years we will use our little apt. downstairs for a caregiver or
one of our daughters.
However at this juncture in our lives we want to open it up for
Those seeking a country setting who are visiting here, esp if they have garden interests
As we are developing our property with flower gardening and are working with forestry dept
and other mushroom farmers to develop mushroom growing for personal use only not for
We only have one bedroom and one bath in the basement for homestay use and so will only be
renting to one or 2 persons, usually a couple for weekend getaways.
We are very much off the road of 20 - Stony Point Road as there is almost 3 acres in front of us
that Michael Chisholm has owned for 20 years. He is fine with us having our modest 2 person
Air bnb. We have calls made to our other neighbors to discuss our situation. We have not
reason to believe they will be impacted in any way by us having this 2 person rental.
We are also friends with the neighbors on the left of the driveway whose houses are on
Vincennes in the Key West neighborhood coming up Michaels driveway
The Maupins and The Ratliff's .
Ms. Probst is up Flicker and has 4 rentals and our only view of her at all is of her driveway
Her house and rental homes can't even be seen by our home.
The property behind us is not for sale and has been owned by a woman who has not lived in
Charlottesville. She has given us verbal permission to contact her should we want to buy that
piece or find anyone we know who wants to buy that piece as that house would be accessed by
Chisholm and our driveways.
So we are requesting permission for reduced setback allowance for the one side that is less
than 125 feet , as the houses on flicker can't even see our house and are way up the flicker
lane. She has 4 rental properties up her land and their cars do not bother us either.
The houses on Vincennes side are just 3 feet short and of guidelines and the trees and
vegatative screening makes our house not seen from those houses and we also can't see their
houses most of the year. Our property is mainly wooded with the exception of the yard
Plus our driveway does not go by any of these houses in front of their homes.
I have submitted a parcel map showing all the measurements to the various boundaries and did
pay for a survey when we closed last April 2020 if you need it other than this parcel drawing.
Please let me know and I can bring in the survey dated 2020 if needed.
We humbly request we are granted this special boundary exception of boundary line distances
as we are almost at the 125 on most boundaries and we want to share our land and home and
love of nature with those who visit our area and we built the home when in planning stages for
the purpose of doing so and as stated earlier of aging in place.
Also, when we moved in we worked with VDOT and replaced the Culvert when we improved
our driveway in order to keep the flow of water going from the above properties.
There are several air bnbs already operating in Key West neighborhood with very little
Privacy from neighbors and we feel our wooded and 2 acre setting is ideal for a country garden
We want to do all the paperwork and applications and pay whatever fees are due and pay our
Taxes for what the rental generates to the county.
It is our greatest desire to share our land and blessing of our land and home with others.
Looking forward to hearing from you and please do not hesitate to call with any questions of us.
Respectfully, Linda and Richard Heeschen
Long standing County of Albemarle residents
Linda 434 466-8432 or Richard - 434 466-0341
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If the person signing the application is someone other than the owner of record, then a signed copy of the
LANDOWNER" form must be provided in addition to the signing the application below. (page 3)
Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign
By signing this application, I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act
on behalf of the owner of the subject parcel(s) listed in County Records. I also certify that the information
provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my
knowledge. By signing this application, I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications
regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does
not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail.
Signatur of wrier / Agent / Contract Purchaser Date
Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory
S 45 '1 " Date Paid 4*1
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