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**Highlighted text are changes from Submittal 1.**
Erosion Control Plan & Stormwater
Management Plan
Crozet Water Treatment Plant Expansion and
Rehabilitation Project
Crozet, VA
RIVAN 144134 I May 29, 2018
Building a Better World
for At of Us'
Engineers I Architects I Planners I Scientists
Building a Better World
for All of Us`
May 29, 2018 RE: Crozet Water Treatment Plant Expansion
and Rehabilitation Project
Erosion Control Plan & Stormwater
Management Plan
Crozet, VA
SEH No. RIVAN 144134 4.00
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
On November 13, 2017, representatives of Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority(RWSA) and Short Elliott
Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH ®) met with representatives of the County, referred as the County hence forth, to
discuss the Crozet Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Rehabilitation Project. A result of this meeting
was for the County, RWSA and SEH to complete a 2nd Minor Site Plan Amendment to the approved Site
Development Plan 201400014. Notes provided by the county from this meeting, and further emails
discussing site plan improvements are included in Appendix A.
In 2016, RWSA applied for the 1st Minor Site Plan Amendment to the approved Site Development Plan
201400014. As part of this permit, RWSA modified the existing approved WPO permit WPO-2014-00008.
The county approved the modified permit (WPO-2016-00068), on January 25, 2017. RWSA proposes to
amend the approved WPO permit WPO-2014-00008, including the modification of WPO-2016-00068.
Enclosed with this letter is an outline of the modification to the approved Erosion Control Plan and
Stormwater Management Plan for permits WPO-2014-0008 and WPO-2016-00068. The original Erosion
Control Plans and Stormwater Management Plans are included in Appendix E. Please contact me with
any questions at 651-490-2020, or email mjensen@sehinc.com.
Miles B Jenson, P.E
Regional Practice Center Leader
\\sp3020-1\projects\pt\r\nvan\144134\3-env-stdy-regs\38-reg\3 wpo\ecp and swm\ecp&smp report\ecp&smp report 2018 05 29 docx
Engineers I Architects I Planners I Scientists
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.,3535 Vadnais Center Drive,St Paul, MN 55110-5196
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Erosion Control Plan & Stormwater Management Plan
Crozet Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Rehabilitation Project
Crozet, VA
SEH No. RIVAN 144134
May 29, 2018
I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and
that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Virginia.
Miles B. Jensen, P.E.
Date: 5/29/2018 License No.: 0402051131
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
3535 Vadnais Center Dr.
St Paul, MN 55110
Building a Better World
for All of Us'
Letter of Transmittal
Certification Page
Title Page
1 Project Overview 1
2 Site Description 1
2.1 Drainage 2
2 2 Disturbance 2
2.3 Soils . . . 3
2.4 Adjacent Areas 3
2 5 Critical Slopes 3
3 Erosion Control Plan 4
3 1 Temporary Measures . 4
3.2 Erosion Control Sequence 6
3 3 Maintenance and Sediment Disposal 7
4 Stormwater Management Plan 7
4 1 Introduction 7
4.2 Water Quality Requirements(9VAC25-870-63 Water quality design
criteria requirements) 7
4.3 Water Quantity Requirements(9VAC25-870-66 Water quality.). . 9
4 4 Channel Protection . ... ............ .. . .... .... .. ..................9
4.5 Conclusion ... 12
List of Tables
Table 1 —Existing WTP Site Disturbance . . . . 8
Table 2—Proposed WTP Site Disturbance 8
Table 3—Lagoon/Backwash Site Disturbance . 9
SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc
Contents (continued)
Table 4—WTP Site Watershed 9
Table 5—Lagoons/Backwash Site Watershed 10
Table 6—WTP Site 2 year Flood Protection 11
Table 7—WTP Site 10 year Flood Protection 11
Table 8—Lagoons/Backwash Site 2 year Flood Protection 12
Table 9—Lagoons/Backwash Site 10 year Flood Protection 12
List of Appendices
Pre-Application Conference Note
Drainage Area Map
Water Quality Calculations
Water Quantity Calculations
Flood Protection Calculations
FWPS&GAC(appendix of FWPS)ECP&SMP Reports
Erosion Control Plan & Stormwater
Management Plan
Crozet Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Rehabilitation Project
Prepared for Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
1 Project Overview
The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority(RWSA) is proposing to expand and improve their
existing Crozet Water Treatment Plant As part of this they will be adding a 537 square foot
addition to the existing GAC facility. Construct a loading dock for the proposed addition.
Replace the existing PAC Silo. Replace one of the two lagoons for backwash waste with a
backwash waste tank. Install a sanitary sewer forcemain for the backwash waste tank. Connect
the new backwash waste tank to the existing system. Connect the sanitary sewer services from
the filtration building, and the two ACSA maintenance buildings to the proposed sanitary sewer
forcemain. Finally, internal and surficial improvements to the water filtration plant. Surficial
improvements include adding a double door, painting, and cleaning the brick.
Additional screening trees and shrubs will be installed along Three Notched Road, between the
road and lagoons Additional screening will also be installed in the south west corner of the
property due to disturbance in the buffer in that area No additional stormwater BMPs are
proposed with this project.
In 2016, RWSA applied for the 1st Minor Site Plan Amendment to the approved Site
Development Plan 201400014 As part of this permit, RWSA modified the existing approved
WPO permit WPO-2014-00008. The county approved the modified permit(WPO-2016-00068),
on January 25, 2017. RWSA proposes to amend the approved WPO permit WPO-2014-00008,
including the modification of WPO-2016-00068.
2 Site Description
Water Treatment Plant
The Water Treatment Plant site is located at 4685 Three Notched Rd, Crozet, VA. The parcel is 4
acres and owned by Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority The east half of the parcel is fairly flat
and the Crozet WTP, Crozet granular activated carbon (GAC)facility, and two maintenance
building used by Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA) are located here. The 0 5 MG
GST and finish water pump station (FWPS) is located on the west half of the parcel. These
buildings are approximately 40 feet lower in elevation than the east half of the parcel A grove of
trees and brush separate the two halves.
RIVAN 144134
Page 1
The Lagoons/Backwash site is located north of 4685 Three Notched Rd, Crozet, VA (Water
Treatment Plant site). The parcel is 2 acres and owned by Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority.
Except where the 2 67-foot diameter lagoons are located, the entire site slopes to the north. A
gravel driveway provides access to the lagoons. The site is forested outside of the fence
surrounding the lagoons.
2.1 Drainage
Water Treatment Plant
Most of the parcel drains westward to a drainage swale west of the 0.5 MG GST. This is the
Lickinghole Creek Water Supply Watershed. The south east corner of the site drains to the
southeast, which is in the Lower Mechums River Water Supply Watershed. The addition to the
GAC building, the modifications to the water filtration plant, and the sanitary forcemain all drain to
the swale. The replacement of the PAC silo is in the Lower Mechums River Water Supply
Watershed Approximately 144-feet of the sanitary force main cross private property south west
of the WTP parcel. This drainage area do not drain to the swale but is located in the Lickinghole
Creek Water Supply Watershed. No additional drainage from the North or East or West enters
the parcel. Approximately 0.8 acres drains onto the parcel from the south A drainage area map
can be found in Appendix B. Managed Steep slopes exist within the trees and brush in the
center of the site.
All of the parcel drains north to a ravine in the Beaver Creek Reservoir Water Supply Watershed.
No additional drainage enters the parcel. A drainage area map can be found in Appendix B.
Critical slopes exist on the site. However, the county indicated that disturbing the slopes would
be ok because they are manmade
2.2 Disturbance
Water Treatment Plant
Approximately 0.62 acres are disturbed by the Water Treatment Plant Expansion and
Improvement(WTPEI) project. Disturbance areas include an addition to the GAC building and
loading dock, replacing the PAC silo, adding a door to the water filtration plant, and installing a
sanitary sewer forcemain and services. The GAC permit and FWPS modification disturbed 1.39
acres. Approximately 0.28 acres of the WTPEI project overlaps with the GAC permit and FWPS
modification. The new disturbance for the Water Treatment Plant site is 1.73 acres. This is what
was used to calculate the total phosphorus removal required all three projects combined.
Approximately 0.35 acres are disturbed by the Lagoons/Backwash project. All of the disturbance
is around the two lagoons and between the lagoons and Three Notched Rd. This is what was
used to calculate the total phosphorus removal.
Page 2
2.3 Soils
Three soil types exist on the sites. These soils have been identified and classed by Natural
Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and are detailed below. All three of the soil types are
classified as hydraulic soil group B
36B—Hayesville Loam
The Hayesville series soils, a well-draining series, exist predominantly on hillsides and typically
have depth to the water table of over 80 inches. Hayesville series soils originate form residuum
weathered from granite and gneiss Slopes range from 2 to 7 percent.
37C3 — Hayesville Clay Loam
This soil portrays the same characteristics as the Hayesville soil listed above, yet contains
predominantly clay loam soils, rather than loam soils, within the first 7 inches. Slopes range from
7 to 15 percent and are severely eroded.
37D3— Hayesville Clay Loam
This soil portrays the same characteristics as the Hayesville soil listed above, yet contains
predominantly clay loam soils, rather than loam soils, within the first 7 inches. Slopes range from
15 to 25 percent and are severely eroded.
The WTPEI site contains 36B and 37C3 soils. The Lagoons/Backwash project contains 36B and
37D3 soils
2.4 Adjacent Areas
Water Treatment Plant
Land use immediately surrounding the property consists of residential development and rural
areas. The property is bounded to the west by residential lots, and on all other borders by rural
areas. The parcel shares its northern boundary with a VDOT public right-of-way, occupied by
Three Notched Road All minimum yard requirements are met for this parcel along its
Land use immediately surrounding the property consists of rural areas. The property is bounded
to the west, east and north by rural lots. The parcel shares its southern boundary with a VDOT
public right-of-way, occupied by Three Notched Road. All minimum yard requirements are met
for this parcel along its boundaries.
2.5 Critical Slopes
Water Treatment Plant
Managed Steep slopes exist within the trees and brush in the center of the site. These slopes
are not to be disturbed.
Page 3
Critical slopes exist on the site. The county stated in the preliminary design meeting, because
these slopes were created before the code, and because they are man made it would be ok to
disturb these slopes.
3 Erosion Control Plan
The erosion and sediment control devices and measures have been designed and placed in
accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH), Third Edition,
1992. Temporary measures are used to divert clean water away, limit erosion and contain
sediment from cleared areas prior to the establishment of vegetation.
3.1 Temporary Measures
3.1 .1 Construction Entrance (CE)
A temporary stone construction entrance shall be used to prevent tracking of material from
construction vehicles off of the site The construction entrance shall be constructed in
accordance with plate 3.02-1 of the VESCH and meet construction specifications of Std. & Spec.
3.02 of the VESCH. Maintenance of the construction entrance shall be in accordance with Std.
and Spec. 3 02 of the VESCH. See E&S plan sheet of the SWPPP for placement location
3.1 .2 Silt Fence (SF)
Silt fence shall be use to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Silt fence shall be constructed
in accordance with plate 3.05-2 of the VESCH. Installation, construction specification, and
maintenance of the silt fence shall meet Std. & Spec 3.05 of the VESCH. See E&S plan sheet of
the SWPPP for placement location.
3.1 .3 ! Storm Drain Inlet Protection (IP)
Storm drain inlet protection shall be used to prevent sediment from entering the stormsewer
system. Inlet protection shall be installed according to plates 3.07-3 and 3.07-8 of the VESCH.
All construction and maintenance requirements of Std & Spec. 3.07 shall be met. See E&S plan
for placement location.
3.1 .4 Tree Preservation & Protection (TP)
Tree protection fence shall be used to protect existing groves of trees. The tree protection fence
shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the Tree Protection Fence standard
detail on the E&S Detail plan sheet of the SWPPP. See the E&S plan sheet of the SWPPP for
placement location.
3.1 .5 Culvert Inlet Protection (CIP)
Culvert inlet protection shall be used to prevent sediment from entering the stormsewer system.
Inlet protection shall be installed according to plates 3.08-1 of the VESCH. All construction and
maintenance requirements of Std. & Spec. 3.08 shall be met. See E&S plan for placement
Page 4
3.1 .6 Stabilization Temporary Stabilization
Temporary stabilization shall be obtained by temporary seeding (TS) and mulching (MU).
Temporary seeding shall performed in accordance with Std. & Spec. 3.31 of the VESCH, and
temporary mulching shall be performed in accordance with Std. & Spec. 3.35 Temporary
seeding and mulching shall be used on any disturbed area that shall not be worked for more than
14 days. Permanent Stabilization
Permanent stabilization shall be obtained by permanent seeding (PS)and soil stabilization
blanket& matting (B/M). Permanent seeding shall be in accordance with Std. & Spec 3.32.
Treatment 1 soil stabilization blanket meeting Std. & Spec 3.36 shall be used over the permanent
seeding. Placement of the soil stabilization blanket shall be in accordance with standard plates
3.36-1 and 3.36-2. Seeding
Seeding shall conform to the following:
Minimum Minimum Maximum
Seed Purity Germination Weed Seed
Type (%) (%) (%)
Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue 97 85 0.50
Perennial Ryegrass 98 90 0.50
Kentucky Bluegrass 97 85 0.50
Annual Ryegrass 97 90 0.50
Weeping Lovegrass 98 87 0.50
German Millet 98 85 0.50
Cereal (Winter) Rye 98 85 0.50
Redtop 94 80 0.50
Page 5
Seeding mixtures to be used on the projected as follows.
Permanent Seeding 180 Kentucky 31 5 Perennial 5 Kentucky
#/acre Tall Fescue #/acre Ryegrass #/acre Bluegrass
Temporary Winter 575 Annual 75 Cereal
Seeding #/acre Ryegrass #/acre (Winter) Rye
Temporary Spring 75 Annual
Seeding #/acre Ryegrass
Temporary Summer 75 German
Seeding #/acre Millet
3.2 Erosion Control Sequence
1. No demolition, construction or land disturbance activities may begin until all perimeter
erosion control measures have been installed as per Contract Drawings. Perimeter
control devices include, silt fence, temporary stone construction entrance and tree
protection fence. If clearing is required for installation of a particular measure, all other
measures shown shall be installed first; clearing of the land necessary may then proceed.
2. Once all measures have been installed, the site shall be cleared and grubbed as
necessary within the limits of disturbance as per the Contract Drawings. Efforts shall be
made to minimize the amount of cleared area exposed at any given time.
3. Once clearing and grubbing is complete, any necessary topsoil stripping may begin.
Topsoil shall be stockpiled on site in the stockpile areas per the Contract Drawings. The
stockpile shall receive such temporary seeding measures as may be required. Any soil
take offsite shall be stockpiled at locations with all required permits. If offsite location
does not have all required permits, the contractor is responsible for obtaining all required
4. Demolition, earthwork and construction operations may begin once topsoil has been
removed and stockpiled.
5. Once perimeter erosion control measures are in place, construction activities for the may
6. All pipes shall be installed in accordance with standard construction techniques Only the
length of trench in which pipe can be installed in one day's time shall be open at any
time, with spoil material placed on the uphill side of the trench Piping shall be capped at
the end of each day's work to prevent sediment from entering. The trench shall be
backfilled at the end of each day's work and the disturbed area seeded and mulched
within seven (7) days of backfill.
7. All inlets shall have inlet protection installed immediately after installation.
8 Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days to denude areas that
may not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than fourteen (14)days,
except for that portion of the site on which work will be continuous beyond fourteen (14)
Page 6
9. Upon completion of final grading, permanent seeding, mulching and fertilization
measures shall be employed on all disturbed areas. Permanent soil stabilization shall be
applied within seven (7)days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. All
remaining erosion control measures shall remain in place until the entire site has been
10. Once permanent stabilization has occurred, temporary sediment control measures shall
be removed. Any areas disturbed by the removal of these measures shall be returned as
closely as possible to original condition and seeded, mulched and fertilize
3.3 Maintenance and Sediment Disposal
All sediment and erosion control measures shall be inspected upon installation, at least once
every fourteen (14) days and within 48 hours following any runoff-producing rainfall event.
Repairs to, or replacement of, measures shall occur immediately if necessary and accumulated
sediment removed as needed.
Sediment shall be removed from all erosion control measures when the sediment storage volume
of the measure has become 50% full All removed sediment shall be disposed of in an approved
manner at the stockpile location or a location to be designated by the Engineer or Owner Steps
shall be taken at the disposal site to insure that further sediment transport does not occur.
All disturbed areas shall be permanently seeded as soon as possible, but in no case later than
seven (7)calendar days after construction activities are complete. Areas shall be seeded,
fertilized and mulched in accordance with the seeing schedule above.
4 Stormwater Management Plan
4.1 Introduction
This stormwater management plan (SMP) has been prepared in accordance with the Albemarle
County Water Protection Ordnance. The SMP addresses water quality and water quantity
requirements for the construction improvement project Crozet Water Treatment Plant Expansion
and Improvement.
Albemarle county code Sec. 17-501.B directs any land disturbing activity to obtain initial general
permit coverage on or after July 1, 2014 shall be conducted in accordance with the technical
criteria in 9VAC25-870-93 through 9VAC25-870-99.
As mentioned above, this project covers three parcels:Water Treatment Plant,
Lagoons/Backwash, and Forcemain Extension on private property. The Water Treatment Plant
site drains to two different watersheds,the Lickinghole Creek Water Supply Watershed, and the
Lower Mechums River Water Supply Watershed. The Forcemain Extension site also drains to
the Lickinghole Creek Water Supply Watershed and the Lagoons/Backwash site drains to the
Beaver Creek Reservoir Water Supply Watershed.
4.2 Water Quality Requirements (9VAC25-870-63. Water quality
design criteria requirements.)
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Spreadsheet(VRRMS) version 3 was utilized to meet water
quality requirements outlined in section 9VAC25-870-63 of Virginia Code.
Page 7
Water Treatment Plant
Water quality compliance for the Water Treatment Plant site includes all disturbance in both
Lickinghole Creek and Lower Mechums River Water Supply Watersheds. Disturbance from the
GAC project, FWPS project, the Water Treatment Plant Site, and the Forcemain Extension and
sanitary sewer service site are combined and compared to the phosphorous reduction from the
four bioretention basins on site (three built with the GAC Project, and one built with the FWPS
project). The tables below summarize the disturbance areas entered into the spreadsheet. The
bioretention drainage areas and design are included in the GAC SWP and FWPS SWP,
Appendix E
Table 1 -Existing WTP Site Disturbance
Existing Wooded Grass Impervious Total
Water Treatment Plant 0 1.13 0.48 1.61
Disturbance Area
PAC Disturbance Area 0 0.01 0.07 0.08
Forcemain Extension 0 0.04 0 0.04
Disturbance Area
Total Disturbance 0 1.18 0.55 1.73
Table 2-Proposed WTP Site Disturbance
Proposed Wooded Grass Impervious Total
Water Treatment Plant 0 1.04 0.57 1.61
Disturbance Area
PAC Disturbance Area 0 0.02 0.06 0.08
Forcemain Extension 0 0.04 0 0.04
Disturbance Area
Total Disturbance 0 1.10 0.63 1.73
The total phosphorus reduction required is 0.48 Ib/yr, and the total reduction achieved is 0.75
lb/yr. The Site Summary Page from the VRRMS is attached in Appendix C of this report.
Water quality compliance for the Lagoons/Backwash site includes only disturbance in Beaver
Creek Reservoir Water Supply Watershed. No permanent stormwater BMP's are proposed
because the reduction in impervious area is enough to meet requirements The table below
summarize the disturbance areas entered into the spreadsheet
Page 8
Table 3- Lagoon/Backwash Site Disturbance
Wooded Grass Impervious Total
Existing Lagoon/Backwash 0 0.08 0.27 0.35
Disturbance Area
Proposed Lagoon/Backwash 0 0.14 0.21 0.35
Disturbance Area
The total phosphorus reduction required is 0 Ib/yr, and the total reduction achieved is 0 04 lb/yr.
The Site Summary Page from the VRRMS is attached in Appendix C of this report.
4.3 Water Quantity Requirements (9VAC25-870-66. Water quality.)
4.4 Channel Protection
The methodology outlined in 9VAC25-870-66.3.a was used to meet channel protection
Q D IC' I.F.* (Q * RVPredevelo ed)/RV Developed
DevelopedPredeveloped P
The Runoff Volume for pre and post development were calculated using the SCS TR-55 method.
The Peak Runoff was calculated using the graphical peak discharge method. To account for any
runoff reduction due to permanent stormwater features, the VRRMS was used to determine an
adjusted curve number.
Water Treatment Plant
Water Quantity compliance for the Water Treatment Plant site evaluates only the drainage to the
swale by the 0.5 GST This excludes disturbance where the PAC Silo is being replace, and the
Forcemain Extension on private property. The PAC Silo will be reducing impervious, and the
total disturbance is 0.02 acres. There is currently no impervious in the area disturbed by the
extension of a forcemain through the private property, and no new impervious is proposed for this
area. For these reasons, and that there will not be an increase in runoff, an evaluation for runoff
reduction was not performed.
The table below summarizes the watershed area used in the evaluation.
Table 4-WTP Site Watershed
Wooded Grass Impervious Total
Existing Water Treatment 1 02 1.45 1.2 3.67
Plant Watershed Area
Proposed Water Treatment 1.02 1.41 1.24 3.67
Plant Watershed Area
The adjusted curve number due to the four bioretention basin in the watershed, is 69.8. The full
calculations are provided in the Appendix D of this report. A summary of the 9VAC25-870-
Page 9
66.3.a evaluation is shown below. The QDeveloped, 3.64 cfs, Is less than the maximum allowable
runoff, 3.65 cfs, from the site.
I.F. (site > 1 acre): 0.8
QDeveloped: cfs 3.64
RVDeveloped: cf 9,600
QPre-Developed: cfs 4.09
RVPre-Developed cf 10,700
I.F.*(QPre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped 3.65
Water quality compliance for the Lagoons/Backwash site includes only disturbance in Beaver
Creek Reservoir Water Supply Watershed. No permanent stormwater BMP's are proposed
because the reduction in impervious area is enough to meet requirements The table below
summarize the Watershed areas entered into the spreadsheet.
Table 5- Lagoons/Backwash Site Watershed
Wooded Grass Impervious Total
Existing Lagoons/Backwash 1.06 0.56 0.39 2.01
Watershed Area
Proposed Lagoons/Backwash 1.06 0.62 0.33 2.01
Watershed Area
There is no adjusted curve number due to there being no water reduction BMPs installed. The
full calculations are provided in the Appendix D of this report. A summary of the 9VAC25-870-
66.3.a evaluation is shown below. The QDeveloped, 1.18 cfs, is less than the maximum allowable
runoff, 1.38 cfs, from the site.
I.F. (site > 1 acre): 0.8
QDeveloped cfs 1.18
RVDeveloped: cf 2,900
QPre-Developed cfs 1.32
RVpre-Developed: cf 3,800
I.E.*(QPre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped 1.38
Page 10
4.4.1 Flood Protection Peak Runoff from Site
Water Treatment Plant
The pre and post peak runoff for the drainage area was calculated using the graphical peak
discharge method. To account for any runoff reduction due to permanent stormwater features,
the VRRMS was used to determine an adjusted curve number. The table below summarizes the
results and the calculation can be found in the Appendix E of this report.
Table 6-WTP Site 2 year Flood Protection
MI Developed
Units Predeveloped Developedrli with Runoff
Composite CN 71.4 71.8 69 8
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.99 1.01 0.90
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 5.1 5.2 4.6
Table 7 -WTP Site 10 year Hood Protection
Units Predeveloped Developed (with Runoff
Composite CN 71.4 71.8 69.8
Runoff Depth (Q) in 2.26 2.29 2.13
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 12.06 12.27
As shown in the tables above the post development with runoff reduction accounted for is less
than the predevelopment for both the 2 year and the 10 24 hour storm events.
The pre and post peak runoff for the drainage area was calculated using the graphical peak
discharge method. There was no adjustment in the curve number because there are no
permanent stormwater BMPs. The table below summarizes the results and the calculation can be
found in the Appendix E of this report.
Page 11
Table 8- Lagoons/Backwash Site 2 year Flood Protection
Units Predeveloped Developed (with Runoff
Composite CN 65 63.9 63.9
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.67 0.63 0.63
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 1.78 1.62 1.62
Table 9- Lagoons/Backwash Site 10 year Flood Protection
Units Predeveloped Developed (with Runoff
Composite CN 65 63.9 63.9
Runoff Depth (Q) in 1.75 1.67 1.67
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 5.01 4.76 4.76
As shown in the tables above the post development is less than the predevelopment for both the
2 year and the 10 24 hour storm events. Adequate Channel Analysis
For the GAC project, analysis on the downstream channel was performed. It was determined
that the channel had capacity for the current flow from the site. A field visit indicated erosion was
occurring downstream of the parcel, where additional flow from a development enter the channel.
Both the field visit and the model demonstrated that the erosion was due to the additional flow
and not the flow from the GAC parcel. The full analysis can be found in the GAC SMP.
Since the existing channel is adequate for the flow from the current site and the proposed project
does not increase the flow, the existing channel should be adequate for this project. Further
analysis of the channel would not then be needed.
4.5 Conclusion
As shown in this report, the stormwater management plan address all requirements of the WPO.
Bioretention basins are used to meet phosphorous removal and runoff reduction requirements.
There is no increase in runoff from the site, making the receiving channel analysis applicable for
the addition of this project.
Page 12
Appendix A
Pre-Application Conference Note
County of Albemarle
Tax Map and Parcel(s): S 7 `10 A et S+7--�� b Date: 1)--13-)7
This checklist is not considered binding by the County or the owner of the property, but serves
as a guide toward providing information regarding an applicant inquiry and potential application
for land development activity to be considered by the County.
Visitors: ales 7eskk .(t'e Dow f 1 h (Alvah el A. 1 a 4,4
c) ,Staff:
m R.
�,,,v1S i n
Description of Location: Cam}' ` °+-� A,,,,,,„ %f er,Vt f•'c tAse
ExistingZoning: Tii P 5,`/0 u ��
A C A� � C �� 1.4„ aAre_ ..,--)4,2_, .
Zoning History: Ira P S 7-olla : i44 2oGb=Y SP7?- //, 5"7C/7
Comp. Plan location and landuse designation £- et.4 /
Proposal: 0 Sria//iAi�i/s�a. I",,Q- r C4C ikli C�2� /l2v o2D 'hfa, d/f
l�0J 9-J ftx/P re_ i ®p �/
P / m A e'I acAu' '''y''�ord�_�cs�` �N, a/i f A"-•-/
vde,- 41z, gy0. C2 1360,„4,4 &yQ / Ped4(Coe_ LeJ/%Telii; 140#43.114/ • -airL.,0%S4 ilf/rt
AGENDA[Planning Division planner leads meeting]
I. Introductions and Disclaimer: "This preapplication conference is advisory and based on information
provided at the time of the meeting. Since details are rarely provided at a preapplication conference, staffs
comments will be general in nature. If staff doesn't have answers to an applicant's questions, we will get back
to you over the next week. Similarly, if staff needs additional information to assist you in making a future
application, we will get back to you over the course of the week to obtain that information.
2. Applicant explains proposal
3. Staff discusses Comprehensive Plan and existing zoning in relation to the proposal. Identify whether the
proposal conforms to the Comprehensive Plan or not. If so, continue with review. If not, identify what uses
would conform to the Comprehensive Plan or alternatives steps/procedures for addressing Plan
recommendations (CPA, Pre-Application Work Session)
Discussion Topics
Comp. Plan recommendations including Master Plans and RA Plan recommendations
DA: Neighborhood Model and Mixed Use (provide illustrated 12 principles)/RA Plan recommendations
Need for transportation study
Pedestrian Orientation
Interconnections to adjacent property/development (street/ped/bike) -- DA
Public road access internal circulation (in conjunction with Engineer or Current Planner)
Affordable Housing (discuss 15%affordability goal in Comp Plan)— DA (provide Ron White's card)
Natural Features/Open Space Plan/ Greenway System
Urban Design / Public Spaces/ Parks or RA- rural character issues
Other community facility issues
✓Entrance Corridor/ARB
Historic Preservation
Rural clustering RPD option and conservation easement options
Existing easements, Ag/For Districts, and historic districts on the property or nearby
Groundwater assessment, including LUST sites
Jurisdictional area issues
✓Current Development/Enginee►..rel edtcwv
County Engineer
VDOT—Provide 527 Scoping info
Service Authority— DA-- Provide Service provider info sheet
Building Official
Housing Office— DA—Provide Ron White's card
Depending on application type, respective department representative explains application process (provide
applicant a general background on the purpose of special use permits,zoning map amendment(or CPA...including
proffers and conditions of approval depending upon what their proposal is and applicant's experience).
Application details
Scheduling hearing
Next steps after BOS approval (if applicable)
Additional information to be provided by staff:
Additional information to be provided by applicant:
Comprehensive Plan issues:
-4e}e .issues: A
%)r`caN�eS v.. i MP 57-/o,4 .vy be ct'i�spii.eifc,,; #- a. .;pQ4a/exc
Oeciutge- 46:5 s,' erisW \ - erfik/s/ o4L 1_ a ;s F,f-,�,,�p�-
as rb�.0 ; s� 4,- .�'(.J , • snie /, w.c s ..(1, If 7( -Sb,
VppD��o T cEW'ea w;1( be- ne e.le -1u ass tt. n eu.) LA-44er 110 e-
2-1/Q i S ,1 O4 Qn i Ssil a.
Summary of discussion:
a/ i( +k - Jio� o �, � s; �w.is : sDP-Qv? 1,-��,
sbP of c w'1,` . k/ .5.1us /ram k02_ Logs o„4_y .
W- Lo . A, 'AL per / r u:oes ARB w'r,46—( o c4,1
5e xtck5 (5ee_ .ao CO) AI'So ,s a 30 �,, is5 +/b er- ... 4r- r4.48,E rtis Iz.,
See l�sec_ 2G:J44Iexci s reeoLd 41P,C;s ..`s er.., 4-Q i,sk"/( 4(4.) --/'he
sex-- 22-560.
• A � ( L4thce_. A . 0,1 NOJ )3,���
• 14 w Po AMA siwif rep -..1 ,r/w_.ac on is o .,ADo� s�
RE APP AGENDA (2-09) [I:depd tanning/share/pre app agenda/ (2/09)]L!"°'' teNcs °" "'VA
„ Ij3ti 4S44" w/ti '�` `71.c. S+Ye �S �XZ Loh,- Sec 17-co ) � a' W�u�+vK
qte_ ,90 1 r- o�.. �".►1P S7-4ot .
Christopher Perez
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 5:11 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: ARB notes for today's pre-app
1. The visibility of the new PAC tank will be a point of discussion for the ARB. It appears to be more visible than the
current tank.Visibility of such equipment from the EC should be eliminated.
2. The GAC building addition illustrated in the drawings presented at the pre-app meeting appears to be appropriate
for the EC.
3. Tree removal for the new piping will be a point of discussion for the ARB. Eliminating tree removal is recommended.
4. Locating the backwash tank to allow space for screening landscaping along the EC street is recommended.A
combination of trees and shrubs may be appropriate.
5. The ARB will comment on any replacement fencing. Entrance Corridor design guidelines state that chain link fence
shall not be visible from the EC.
6. Both projects can be submitted as a single ARB application. On the ARB application form, under"review by the ARB"
check the box for"Amendment to an Approved Certificate of Appropriateness".
Margaret Maliszewski, Chief of Planning/Resource Management
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3276
Application for `"A;
Letter of Revision ,:
n Letter of Revision=$108
Final Site Plan Name and Number:
Contact(who should we contact about this project)
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Phone Number Email
Owner of Record
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Phone Number Email
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Phone Number Email
❑ The appropnate fee,
❑ The site plan number that the change applies to,
❑ A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authonzed agent,
El 4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes,
Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan,or on an 11"X17"copy of that portion of the approved
final site plan.
Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign
I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Owner,Agent Date
Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory
Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who? _ _Receipt# Cleft By
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126
REVISED 11/02/2015 Page 1 of 1
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Map is far Display Purposes Only•Aerial Imagery from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Other Sources
November 14,2017
Zoning History Documents
'1 g
0 LiO� W CD
o xm
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 227
I Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4012
I July 21,2006 M Ir" S7 1
Gary Fern
I 168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville,VA 22911
I RE: ZMA-2006-004 Albemarle County Service Authority—Crozet Property
Tax Map 57 Parcel 29B
Dear Mr. Fern:
I The Board of Supervisors approved your rezoning application on July 5, 2006. Your request to amend a
proffer to extend the sunset date from 2006 to 2016, for use of a contractor's equipment storage yard and
warehouse facilities at the site, was approved in accordance with the attached proffers dated May 24,
2006. Please refer to these documents for any future applications and requests on this property.
Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the
project noted above,no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all
applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes:
• compliance with applicable PROFFERS.
If you have questions or comments regarding the above-noted action,please do not hesitate to contact
ISherri Proctor at 296-5832.
U. W
V. Wayne Cili berg (-7—.)
Director of Planning
Page 2 of 2
July 21,2006
Cc: Albemarle County Service Authority
PO Box 2738,Charlottesville,VA 22902-2738
Amelia McCulley
Tex Weaver
Chuck Proctor
Steve Allshouse
Sherri Proctor
Sarah Baldwin
Bruce Woodzell (Real Estate)
I Original Proffer
Amended Proffer
(Amendment #
Date: May 24,2006
I Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 57-29B
4.01 Acres to be rezoned from LI to LI
Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby
voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are
proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the
conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request.
(1) Permitted uses of the property, and/or uses authorized by special use permit, shall include only the following sections of
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in effect on May 24, 2006, a copy of the sections being attached hereto: Fire and rescue squad stations (reference 5.1.9). Contractor's office and equipment storage yard. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities excluding tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers,
pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water
distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle
County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in
conformance with Chapter 10 of the Code of Albemarle and_all other applicable law. (Amended 5/12/93) Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks;playgrounds
\;, and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies (Reference 31.2.5); public water and sewer
N transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the ' ivanna
-ter and Sewer Authority(Reference 31.2.5; 5.1.12) (Amended 11/1/89) Warehouse facilities and wholesale businesses not involving storage of gasoline, kerosene or other volatile
materials; dynamite blasting caps and other explosives; pesticides and poisons; and other materials which could be
hazardous to life in the event of accident. (Added 12/2/87)
(2) Not withst ing Proffer#1,on and after October 1, 2016 the following uses shall not be permitted.
5/1/06 Page 1 of 2
1 Contractor's office and equipment storage yard. Warehouse facilities and wholesale businesses not involving storage of gasoline, kerosene or other volatile
materials; dynamite blasting caps and other explosives; pesticides and poisons; and other materials which could be
hazardous to life in the event of accident. (Added 12/2/87)
S' natures of Al wners Printed Names of All Owners Date
41 lji Gary W. Fern, PE May 24,2006
Signature of Attorney-in-Fact Printed name of Attorney-in-Fact Date
(Attach Proper Power of Attorney)
511106 Page 2 of 2
Appendix B
Drainage Area Map
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Appendix C
Water Quality Calculations
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Re-Development Compliance Spreadsheet -Version 3.0
BMP Design Specifications List 2013 Draft Stds&Specs
Site Summary
Water Treatment Plant Site - Water Quality
Total Rainfall(in): 43
Total Disturbed Acreage: 1.73 **Highlighted numbers are changes from Submittal 1.**
Site Land Cover Summary
Pre-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1 18 0 00 0 00 1.18 68
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0.55 0.00 0 00 0 55 32
1.73 100
Post-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1.10 0 00 0 00 1 10 64
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 63 0 00 0 00 0 63 36
1.73 100
Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads
Final Post-Development Post- Post- Adjusted Pre- ReDevelopment Final Post-Development Post-ReDevelopment TP
(Post-ReDevelopment Development TP Load per acre Load per acre
&New Impervious) ReDevelopment (New Impervious) ReDevelopment TP Load per acre
P ) (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr)
Site Rv 0 47 0.45 0 95 0 45 1 03 1.08 1.03
Treatment Volume(ft3) 2,971 2,695 276 2,695
TP Load(lb/yr) 1 87 1 69 0.17 1 69
Total TP Load Reduction Required(Ib/yr) 0.48 0 34 0 14
Final Post-Development Load Pre-
(Post-ReDevelopment&New Impervious) ReDevelopment
TN Load(Ib/yr) 13 35 12.38
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Site Compliance Summary
Maximum%Reduction Required Below
Pre-ReDevelopment Load 20%
Total Runoff Volume Reduction(ft) 1,066
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 0 75
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 5 50
Remaining Post Development TP Load
(lb/yr) 111
Remaining TP Load Reduction(Ib/yr) 0.00 **TARGET TP REDUCTION EXCEEDED BY 0.27 LB/YEAR**
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
— ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Drainage Area Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00
Managed Turf(acres) 0 10 0 05 0 17 0 28 0 00 0 60
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 15 0 05 0 03 0 07 0.00 0 30
Total Area(acres) 0.25 0 10 0.20 0.35 0.00 0.90
Drainage Area Compliance Summary
D.A.A D A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
TP Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 0 33 0.12 0.13 0 17 0 00 0.75
TN Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 2 44 0 86 0 94 1 27 0 00 5 50
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area A Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 10 40
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 15 0.00 0 00 0 15 60
0 25
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(fta) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
6.b Bioretention#2 or Micro-Bioretention
#2(Spec#9) 0 1 0.15 589.88 0.00 0.37 0.33 0 04
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 15
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 10
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0.33
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 2 44
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area B Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 05 0 00 0 00 0.05 50
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0.05 0.00 0 00 0 05 50
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ft3) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (lb/yr) to be Employed
6.b.Bioretention#2 or Micro-Bioretention 0.05 0.05 208.73 0.00 0.13 0.12 0.01
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 05
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 05
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(lb/yr) 0 12
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 86
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area C Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0.17 0 00 0 00 0 17 85
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 03 0 00 0 00 0 03 15
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit a Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ft) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (lb/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
6.b.Bioretention#2 or Micro-Bioretention
#2(Spec#9) 0.17 0.03 226.88 0.00 0.14 0.13 0.01
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 03
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0.17
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 13
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 94
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area D Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 28 0 00 0 00 0 28 80
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 07 0 00 0 00 0 07 20
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
Volume(ft;) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
(acres) Area(acres) Practices(Ibs)
6.b.Bioretention#2 or Micro-Bioretention
#2(Spec#9) 0.09 0.07 306.74 0.00 0.19 0.17 0.02
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 07
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 09
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0 17
(Ib/yr) _
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(lb/yr) 1 27
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Runoff Volume and CN Calculations
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Target Rainfall Event(in) 3 04 3.35 5 15
Drainage Areas RV&CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E
CN 83 80 67 68 0
RR(ft3) 472 167 182 245 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 1.48 1 28 0 60 0 65 0 00
1-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 96 0 82 0 35 0 45 0 00
CN adjusted 74 72 60 63 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 1 73 1 52 0 77 0 82 0 00
2-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 1 21 1 06 0 52 0 62 0 00
CN adjusted 75 73 61 64 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 3 31 3 02 1 91 1.99 0 00
10-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 2.79 2 56 1 66 1 79 0 00
CN adjusted 77 75 64 66 0
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Re-Development Compliance Spreadsheet -Version 3.0 Lagoon/Backwash Site Water Quality
AMP Design Specifications List 2013 Draft Stds&Specs
Site Summary
Total Rainfall(In): -
Total Disturbed Acreage: 0.35
Site Land Cover Summary
Pre-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 08 0 00 0 00 0 08 23
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 27 0 00 0 00 0 27 77
0.35 100
Post-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0 14 0.00 0 00 0 14 40
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 21 0 00 0 00 0 21 60
0.35 100
Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads
Final Post-Development Post- Post- Adjusted Pre- ReDevelopment Final Post-Development Post-ReDevelopment TP
(Post-ReDevelopment Development TP Load per acre Load per acre
&New Impervious) ReDevelopment (New Impervious)
ReDevelopment TP Load per acre
P (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr)
Site Rv 0 65 0 65 -- 0 78 1.78 1.48 1.48
Treatment Volume(ft3) 826 826 -- 989
TP Load(Ib/yr) 0.52 0 52 -- 0 62
Total TP Load Reduction Required(Ib/yr) -0.04 -0.04 0
Final Post-Development Load Pre-
(Post-ReDevelopment&New Impervious) ReDevelopment
TN Load(Ib/yr) 3.71 4 45
Site Compliance Summary
Maximum%Reduction Required Below 10%
Pre-ReDevelopment Load
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total Runoff Volume Reduction(ft3) 0
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved(lb/yr) 0.00
Remaining Post Development TP Load 0 52
Remaining TP Load Reduction(Ib/yr) 0.00 **TARGET TP REDUCTION EXCEEDED BY 0.04 LB/YEAR**
Drainage Area Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total Area(acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Drainage Area Compliance Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
TP Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00
TN Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
Drainage Area A Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ft3) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Drainage Area B Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
Volume(fta) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
(acres) Area(acres) Practices(Ibs)
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0.00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Drainage Area C Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
Volume(ft3) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
(acres) Area(acres) Practices(Ibs)
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Drainage Area D Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ftn) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Drainage Area E Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ft;) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Runoff Volume and CN Calculations
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Target Rainfall Event(in) 0 00 0 00 0 00
Drainage Areas RV&CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E
CN 0 0 0 0 0
RR(ft;) 0 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00
1-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
CN adjusted 0 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
2-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
CN adjusted 0 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
10-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
CN adjusted 0 0 0 0 0
Summary Print
Appendix D
Water Quantity Calculations
WTP - Quantity J
Channel Protection ......idk8
Prepared By Maria Tiegs Calculations SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
Client RSWA for All of Us®
Project Name Crozet WTP Expansion & Improvements-WTP
Description Runoff Calculations
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 1.20 1.24
Grassed 61 1.45 1.41
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Pre and Post Volume
units Predeveloped Developed
Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CNa 71.4 71.8 69.8
Storage Capacity (S) in 4.01 3.93 4.33
Initial abstraction (la) in 0.80 0.79 0.87
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.80 0.82 0.72
Drainage Area sf 160,000 160,000 160,000
RV(Runoff Volume) cf 10,700 10,900 9,600
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Peak Flow(1yr-24hr)
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) Peak Flow(Qp)b cfs 4.09 4.19 3.64
b Peak Flow values obtained from SCS Graphical Peak Discharge Spreadsheet
Runoff Calculations 1 of 2
Table 4: _developed < I.F.*(QPre-Developed*RVpre-Developed)/RVDeveloped)
I.F. (site > 1 acre): 0.8
QDeveloped: 3.64
RVDeveloped: 9,600
QPre-Developed: 4.09
RVpre-Developed: 10,700
I.E.*(QPre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped 3.65
(P — Ia) Q = runoff(in)
Q _ (P—Ia)+S P = rainfall (in)
S = potential maximum retention after runoff
Ia = 0.2S begins (in) and
Ia = initial abstraction (in)
s = 1000 -10
Runoff Calculations 2 of 2
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
for All of Us®
Client RSWA
Project Name Crozet WTP Expansion & Improvements-WTP
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 1.20 1.24
Grassed 61 1.45 1.41
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Runoff Depth Tc [hr]: 0.12
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CNa 71.4 71.8 69.8
Storage Capacity(S) in 4.01 3.93 4.33
Initial Abstraction (la) in 0.80 0.79 0.87
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.80 0.82 0.72
a Composite CN value for "postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 0.801 0.786 0.865
la/P 0.26 0.26 0.28
Unit Peak Discharge (qu)` csm/in 896 896 888
b Values interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-1l. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 1 of 4
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mil 0.0057 0.0057 0.0057
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fp) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 4.09 4.19 3.64
qp = quAmQF'P
qF = peak discharge (cfs)
qu = unit peak discharge (csmlin)
Am = drainage area (miz)
Q = runoff (in)
Fp= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge(q„)for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
eoo il
400 , �O
E •
u 200
50 i i i I
i I
1 2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(Tr),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 2 of 4
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve Ia
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.857
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.444 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 3 of 4
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Re-Development Compliance Spreadsheet -Version 3 0 WTP - Quantity - VRRMS CN
BMP Design Specifications List: 2013 Draft Stds&Specs
Site Summary
Total Rainfall(in): 43
Total Disturbed Acreage. 3.67
Site Land Cover Summary
Pre-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 1 02 0 00 0.00 1.02 28
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1.45 0 00 0 00 1 45 40
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 1 20 0 00 0.00 1 20 33
367 100
Post-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 1 02 0 00 0 00 1 02 28 *
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1 41 0.00 0 00 1 41 38
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 1 24 0 00 0 00 1.24 34
*Forest/Open Space areas must be protected in accordance with the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method 3 67 100
Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads
Final Post-Development Post- Pre- Final Post-Development Post-ReDevelopment TP
(Post-ReDevelopment Post- Development Adjusted Pre- ReDevelopment TP Load per acre Load per acre
&New Impervious) ReDevelopment ReDevelopment TP Load per acre
(New Impervious) (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/y r) (lb/acre/yr)
Site Rv 0.41 0 40 0.95 0 40 0.91 0.93 0.91
Treatment Volume(ft3) 5,411 5,273 138 5,273
TP Load(Ib/yr) 3 40 3 31 0.09 3 31
Total TP Load Reduction Required(Ib/yr) 0.73 0 66 0 07
Final Post-Development Load Pre-
(Post-ReDevelopment&New Impervious) ReDevelopment
TN Load(Ib/yr) 24 32 23 83
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Site Compliance Summary
Maximum%Reduction Required Below
Pre-ReDevelopment Load 20/
Total Runoff Volume Reduction(ft3) 1,348
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 0 94
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 6 88
Remaining Post Development TP Load 2 46
_ (Ib/yr)
Remaining TP Load Reduction(Ib/yr) 0.00 **TARGET TP REDUCTION EXCEEDED BY 0.21 LB/YEAR**
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
—"-------'----------------------------------------"----"--'--------'--'-----'-----'--------'----'--'------' __
Drainage Area Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
Forest/Open(acres) 1.02 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 1 02
Managed Turf(acres) 1 41 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 1.41
Impervious Cover(acres) 1.24 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 1 24
Total Area(acres) 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.67
Drainage Area Compliance Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
TP Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 0 94 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 94
TN Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 6 88 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 6.88
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area A Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 1 02 0 00 0 00 1 02 28
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1 41 0 00 0.00 1.41 38
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 1 24 0 00 0 00 1 24 34
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(fta) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
2.a.Simple Disconnection to A/B Soils
(Spec#1) 0.07 241.40 0.00 0.15 0.08 0.08 6.b.Bioretention#2
6.b.Bioretention#2 or Micro-Bioretention
#2(Spec#9) 0.38 0.33 1,534.58 0.08 0.89 0.87 0.10
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 40
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 38
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(lb/yr) 0.94
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(lb/yr) 6 88
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Runoff Volume and CN Calculations
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Target Rainfall Event(in) 3 04 3 35 5 15
Drainage Areas RV&CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E
CN 72 0 0 0 0
RR(ft3) 1,348 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 0 83 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
1-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) •7 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
CN adjusted 70 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 12 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
2-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 92 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00
CN adjusted 70 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 2.31 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
10-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 2 21 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
CN adjusted 71 0 0 0
69.8 Rounded to 70
in program.
Summary Print
- Q ___20/
uantity Channel
Qua tity Channel
Prepared By Maria Tiegs Protection SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
Client RSWA for All of Us"'
Project Name CZWTP Expansion & Improvements- Lagoons/Backwash
Description Runoff Calculations
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 0.39 0.33
Grassed 61 0.56 0.62
Wooded 55 1.06 1.06
Total 2.01 2.01
Table 2: Pre and Post Volume
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CNa 65 63.9 61.7
Storage Capacity(S) in 5.38 5.65 6.21
Initial abstraction (la) in 1.08 1.13 1.24
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.52 0.48 0.40
Drainage Area sf 88,000 88,000 88,000
RV(Runoff Volume) cf 3,800 3,500 2,900
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Peak Flow(1yr-24hr)
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) Peak Flow (Qp)b cfs 1.32 1.18 1.18
b Peak Flow values obtained from SCS Graphical Peak Discharge Spreadsheet
Runoff Calculations 1 of 2
Table 4: Qdeveloped< I.F.*(Qpre-Developed*RVpre-Developed)/RVDeveloped)
I.F. (site > 1 acre): 0.8
QDeveloped: 1.18
RVDeveloped: 2,900
QPre-Developed: 1.32
RVpre-Developed: 3,800
I.F.*(QPre-Developed*RVpre-Developed)/RVDeveloped 1.38
(P — Ia)2 Q = runoff(in)
(P-I )+S P = rainfall (in)
S = potential maximum retention after runoff
Ia = 0.2S begins (in) and
Ia = initial abstraction (in)
s = —10
Runoff Calculations 2 of 2
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
for All of Us®
Client RSWA
Project Name CZWTP Expansion & Improvements- Lagoons/Backwash
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 0.39 0.33
Grassed 61 0.56 0.62
Wooded 55 1.06 1.06
Total 2.01 2.01
Table 2: Runoff Depth Tc [hr]: 0.12
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr (24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CNa 65 63.9 63.9
Storage Capacity(S) in 5.38 5.65 5.65
Initial Abstraction (la) in 1.08 1.13 1.13
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.52 0.48 0.48
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 1.077 1.13 1.13
la/P 0.35 0.37 0.37
Unit Peak Discharge (q„)` csm/in 820 792 792
b Values interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-II. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 1 of 4
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed
Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mil 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fp) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 1.32 1.18 1.18
qp = quAmQFry
qp = peak discharge (cfs)
qu = unit peak discharge (csmlin)
Am = drainage area (miz)
Q = runoff (in)
Fp= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge((ID for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
800 -
600 -
500 -
400- c070
6 0O O
0 'JS
300- 0 '40
50 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1
1 .2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(Tc),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 2 of 4
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve Ia
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.857
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.444 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 3 of 4
Prepared By Maria Tiegs
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 SEH
Client RSWA
Project Name CZWTP Expansion & Improvements- Lagoons/Backwash
Building a Better World
Description Tc Calculations for All of Us'
Date Reviewed
TR 55 Worksheet 3:Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt)
Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID Grass/Sheet
1. Surface description (Table 3-1) Grass/Dense
2. Manning's roughness coeff, n (Table 3-1) 0.24
3. Flow length, L(total L<_ 100 ft) ft 100
4.Two-year 24-hr Rainfall, P2 in 3.35
5. Land slope, s ft/ft 0.1
6. Compute Tt 0.007(nL)c$ hr 0.12 = 0.12
T t— P2 S 0 50 4
Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Grass Grass
7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved Unpaved
8. Flow length, L ft 130 50
9.Watercouse slope, s ft/ft 0.22 0.33
10.Average velocity, V(Figure 3-1) ft/s 7.5 9.25
11. Compute Tt L hr 0 0 = 0
T1 3600V
Channel Flow Segment ID
12. Corss secitonal flow area, a ft2
13. Wetted perimeter, pw ft
14. Hydraulic radius, r -ct- ft
15. Channel slope, s r—Pw ft/ft
16. Manning's Roughness Coefficient, n
17. Velocity,V _ 1 49r2/3s1/2 ft/s
18. Flow length, L V— n ft
19. Compute Tt L hr = 0
T1_ 3600V
Total Time of Concentration = 0.12
Time of Concentration
Appendix E
Flood Protection Calculations
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
for All of Us®
Client RSWA
Project Name Crozet WTP Expansion & Improvements-WTP
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge-2yr 24hr storm
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 1.20 1.24
Grassed 61 1.45 1.41
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Runoff Depth Tc [hr]: 0.12
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
2-yr (24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.35 3.35 3.35
Composite CNa 71.4 71.8 69.8
Storage Capacity(S) in 4.01 3.93 4.33
Initial Abstraction (la) in 0.80 0.79 0.87
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.99 1.01 0.90
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 0.801 0.786 0.865
la/P 0.24 0.23 0.26
Unit Peak Discharge (qu)` csm/in 904 908 896
b Values interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-II. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 1 of 4
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed
Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mil 0.0057 0.0057 0.0057
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fp) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 5.1 5.23 4.6
qp = quAmQF'p
qp = peak discharge (cfs)
qu = unit peak discharge (csm/in)
Am = drainage area (mi2)
+f = runoff (in)
Fp= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge(q)for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
1 uuti
800 -
600 -
500 -
400- Co•7O
cai O'�S
300- O '40
q SO
.c 200-
50 1 I I I I I I I
.1 2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(Ta),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 2 of 4
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve -la
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.8.57
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.444 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 3 of 4
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
for All of Us*
Client RSWA
Project Name Crozet WTP Expansion & Improvements-WTP
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge- 10yr 24hr storm
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 1.20 1.24
Grassed 61 1.45 1.41
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Runoff Depth [hr]: 0.12
Developed (with
units Predeveloped Developed
10-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 5.15 5.15 5.15
Composite CNa 71.4 71.8 69.8
Storage Capacity (S) in 4.01 3.93 4.33
Initial Abstraction (la) in 0.80 0.79 0.87
Runoff Depth (Q) in 2.26 2.29 2.13
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
Developed (with
units Predeveloped Developed
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 0.801 0.786 0.865
la/P 0.16 0.15 0.17
Unit Peak Discharge (qu)` csm/in 936 940 932
b Values interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-II. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 1 of 4
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mil 0.0057 0.0057 0.0057
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fp) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 12.06 12.27 11.32
qp = quAmQFp
qp = peak discharge (cfs)
qu = unit peak discharge (csmlin)
Am = drainage area (mil)
Q = runoff (in)
F'p= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge(q)for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
600 -
500 -
400- O 'O
— 300- O •mo
.5 200-
50 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I
1 2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(Ta),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 2 of 4
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve 'a
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.857
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.444 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 3 of 4
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
for All of Us®
Client RSWA
Project Name CZWTP Expansion &Improvements- Lagoons/Backwash
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge-2yr 24hr storm
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 0.39 0.33
Grassed 61 0.56 0.62
Wooded 55 1.06 1.06
Total 2.01 2.01
Table 2: Runoff Depth T, [hr]: 0.12
units Predeveloped Developed
Developed (with
2-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.35 3.35 3.35
Composite CNa 65 63.9 63.9
Storage Capacity(S) in 5.38 5.65 5.65
Initial Abstraction (la) in 1.08 1.13 1.13
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.67 0.63 0.63
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed
Developed (with
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 1.077 1.13 1.13
la/P 0.32 0.34 0.34
Unit Peak Discharge (q„)` csm/in 856 832 832
b Values interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-1l. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 1 of 4
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mil 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fr) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 1.78 1.62 1.62
qp = quAmQFp
qp = peak discharge (cfs)
qu = unit peak discharge (csmlin)
Am - drainage area (mil)
Q = runoff (in)
Fp= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge(q„)for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
800 -
600 -
400- O �O
• S
300- O •00
t 200-
50 - - i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r 1 -i----1---_7 T
1 2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(Td),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 2 of 4
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve I.
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.857
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.144 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 3 of 4
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 4/6/2018 Building a Better World
for All of Us®
Client RSWA
Project Name CZWTP Expansion & Improvements- Lagoons/Backwash
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge - 10yr 24hr storm
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 0.39 0.33
Grassed 61 0.56 0.62
Wooded 55 1.06 1.06
Total 2.01 2.01
Table 2: Runoff Depth Tc [hr]: 0.12
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
10-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 5.15 5.15 5.15
Composite CNa 65 63.9 63.9
Storage Capacity(S) in 5.38 5.65 5.65
Initial Abstraction (la) in 1.08 1.13 1.13
Runoff Depth (Q) in 1.75 1.67 1.67
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
Developed (with
units Predeveloped Developed
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 1.077 1.13 1.13
la/P 0.21 0.22 0.22
Unit Peak Discharge (qu)` csm/in 923 920 920
b Values interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-Il. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 1 of 4
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mil 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fp) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 5.01 4.76 4.76
qp = quAmQFp
qp = peak discharge (cfs)
qu = unit peak discharge (csmlin)
Am = drainage area (mil)
Q = runoff (in)
Fp= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge(a)for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
600 -
400- Co�0
c 0 A0
E 0'•35
300- 0 "r0
u 200
50 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1
1 2 .4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(Tc),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 2 of 4
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve Ia
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.857
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.444 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 3 of 4
Appendix F
FWPS & GAC (appendix of FWPS) ECP & SMP Reports
Erosion Control Plan & Stormwater
Management Plan
Crozet Water Treatment Plant - Finished Water Pump Station
Minor Amendment to Approved Site Development Plan #201400014
Albemarle, County
SEH No. RIVAN 137749 4.00
January 11 , 2017 ii
Budding a Better World
for All of Us'
Engineers I Architects I Planners I Scientists
January 11, 2017 RE: Crozet Water Treatment Plant- Finished
Water Pump Station Minor Amendment to
Approved Site Development Plan
Albemarle, County
SEH No. RIVAN 137749
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
On February 8, 2016, representatives of Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority(RWSA) and Short Elliott
Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH ®) met with representatives of the County, referred as the County hence forth, to
discuss the Crozet Water Treatment Plant— Finished Water Pump Station. A result of this meeting was
for the County, RWSA and SEH to complete a Minor Site Plan Amendment to the approved Site
Development Plan 201400014. Notes provided by the county from this meeting are included in Appendix
On July 26, 2016, representatives of RWSA and SEH met with representatives of the County's
Engineering Department to discuss WPO requirements for the project mention above. At this meeting
items decided that RWSA and SEH could modify the existing approved WPO permit WPO-2014-00008.
Enclosed with this letter is an outline of the modifications to the approved Erosion Control Plan and
Stormwater Management Plan for permit WPO201400008 The original Erosion Control Plan and
Stormwater Management Plan is included in the Appendix E. Please contact me with any questions at
651-247-4306, or email cshetterholm@sehinc com.
Miles B. Jensen, P.E.
Regional Practice Center Leader
\\sp3020-1\proiects\pmnvan\13774m-env-stdy-regs\38-reg\stormwatervwps\proposaivesubmittal\2017 1 6\smp&ecp\1 ecp and smp admendment report docx
SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority Page 1
Crozet Water Treatment Plant - Finished Water Pump Station Minor Amendment to
Approved Site Development Plan #201400014
Erosion Control Plan &
Stormwater Management Plan
Albemarle, County
SEH No. RIVAN 137749
January 11, 2017
I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision,
and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of
Miles B Jensen, P.E
Regional Practice Center Leader
Date. 1/12/17 Lic. No: 0402051131
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc
3535 Vadnais Center Dr.
St Paul, MN 55110
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority 3
Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal
Certification Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Project Description 2
2.1 Drainage 2
2.2 Disturbance 2
2.3 Soils . . 2
2.4 Adjacent Areas . . . 3
2 5 Critical Slopes 3
3.0 Erosion Control Plan 3
3.1 Temporary Measures .3
3.1.1 Construction Entrance (CE) .3
3 1 2 Temporary Diversion Dike (DD) 3
3.1.3 Silt Fence (SF) 4
3.1.4 Storm Drain Inlet Protection (IP) 4
3 1 5 Tree Preservation & Protection (TP) . . . 4
3.1.6 Temporary Slope Drain (TSD) 4
3.1.7 Stabilization 4 Temporary Stabilization . . . .4
3.1.7 2 Permanent Stabilization 4 Seeding 5
3 2 Erosion Control Sequence .5
3.3 Maintenance and Sediment Disposal . . 6
4.0 Stormwater Management Plan 7
4.1 Introduction .7
4.2 Water Quality Requirements (9VAC25-870-63. Water quality design criteria
requirements ) . . 8
4 3 Water Quantity Requirements (9VAC25-870-66 Water quality.) 8
4.3.1 Channel Protection . . . 8 Bioretention Design . . . . 9
4.3.2 Flood Protection . . . .9 Peak Runoff from Site 9
4 3.2 2 Adequate Channel Analysis . . .9
4.4 Conclusion . . . . 10
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority E-i
Table of Contents (Continued)
List of Tables
Table 1. Project Composition . . . . .7
Table 2. Watershed Composition 8
Table 3. Channel Protection Requirement . . . .. 8
Table 4. Peak Runoff 9
List of Appendices
Appendix A. February 08, 2016 Pre-Application Conference Notes
Appendix B. Temporary Diversion Dike Calculations
Appendix C. Water Quality Calculations
Appendix D. Water Quantity Calculations
Appendix E. Original ECP and SMP
RIVAN 137749 Erosion Control Plan&Stormwater Management Plan
ii Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority
January 2017
Erosion Control Plan &
Stormwater Management Plan
Crozet Water Treatment Plant - Finished Water Pump Station Minor
Amendment to Approved Site Development Plan #201400014
Prepared for Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority
1.0 Introduction
The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority(RWSA) is proposing to replace their existing finish
water pump station (FWPS)at the Crozet water treatment location (WTP). The existing
FWPS and 0.5 MG ground storage tank (GST)were constructed in 1966. The pump station
houses three finished water vertical turbine booster pumps, motors and associated piping
and valves. A diesel generator next to the pump station powers both the pump station and
the WTP.
The existing FWPS is not air conditioned and is poorly ventilated, which causes the pumping
station to experience temperatures in excess of what the motors and electrical equipment are
normally rated for. An electric unit heater heats the pump station. The door to the pump
station faces up a hill; large rain events cause flooding to occur near, and sometimes within
the pumping station. Large storm events can make the steep downhill access to the facility
and generator challenging and unsafe.
The electrical, pumps, motors, piping and structure with the exception of the roof are original
and are nearing the end of their useful life. The gate and butterfly valves have been recently
replaced with new. The original truss roof was removed to allow for removal/repair of
pumps/motors within the pump station. The roof was replaced in kind with a truss roof and
asphalt shingles.
Given the age and condition of the pump station and its equipment, the pump station will be
replaced. The pump station cannot be reconstructed in its existing location because:
• The existing pumping facility needs to remain in operation until a new facility can be
built and put into service.
• The existing facility is located in current County zoning/buffer requirements.
• The footprint of the existing facility is too small to house the necessary pump, piping,
electrical and mechanical equipment needed for a modern pumping station.
• Finally, the site grades leading to the existing facility are much too steep for safe,
convenient vehicle access for normal operations and maintenance
On the same parcel as the proposed Crozet WTP FWPS, a granular activated carbon (GAC)
building upgrades is under construction. This project was permitted by the county as a Major
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority E-1
Amendment to Approved Site Development Plan#199900043, and designated Site
Development Plan #201400014. As previously discussed with the County, the Crozet FWPS
project will be submitted as a Minor Site Plan Amendment to SDP#201400014. After
discussion with county staff, the requirements of the Water Protection Ordinance (WPO)will
be addressed as amendments to the Erosion Control Plan (ECP) and Stormwater
Management Plan (SMP)for the GAC project(WPO-2014-00008).
This report outlines the changes and additions to WPO201400008. The original GAC ECP
and SMP are attached in Appendix E For this document, WPO20140008 will be referenced
as GAC facility or project. The Crozet WTP FWPS project will be referenced as FWPS.
2.0 Project Description
The FWPS site is located at 4685 Three Notched Rd, Crozet, VA The parcel the FWPS site
is located within is 4 acres and owned by Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority. The east half
of the parcel is fairly flat and the Crozet WTP, Crozet GAC facility(currently under
construction), and two maintenance building used by Albemarle County Service Authority
(ACSA) are located here. The 0.5 MG GST and existing FWPS is located on the west half of
the parcel. These buildings are approximately 40 feet lower in elevation than the east half of
the parcel. A grove of trees and brush separate the two halves
2.1 Drainage
Most of the parcel drains westward to a drainage swale west of the 0.5 MG GST. The south
east corner of the site drains to the south. The entire FWPS site drains to the drainage
swale. No additional drainage from the North or East or West enters the parcel.
Approximately 0.8 acres drains onto the parcel from the south. A drainage area map for the
parcel can be found in the GAC ECP and SMP attached to this report.
Approximately 0.38 acres are disturbed by the FWPS project. The disturbance extents are
the trees and brush to the north, the GST to the south, the trees and brush to the east, and
the 30' buffer to the west. There will be a little disturbance within the 30' buffer due to the
removal of the existing FWPS and the construction. Managed Steep slopes exist within the
trees and brush to the east of the site and north of the existing FWPS
2.2 Disturbance
As mentioned above the disturbed area for the site is approximately 0 38 acres. The GAC
project disturbs approximately 1.12 acres. There exists some overlap in disturbance areas
between the GAC project and the FWPS project. This is approximately 0.11 acres.
Therefore, when looking at the total disturbance area for both the GAC project and the FWPS
project, the total disturbance is 1.39 acres. This is used to calculate the total phosphorus
removal required for both projects combined.
2.3 Soils
Two soil types exist on site. These soils have been identified and classed by the Natural
Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and are detailed below. Both soil types are
classified as a hydraulic soil group of B.
36B-Hayesvdle Loam
RIVAN 137749 Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan
2 Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority
The Hayesville series soils, a well-draining series, exist predominantly on hillsides and
typically have depth to the water table of over 80 inches. Hayesville series soils originate
form residuum weathered from granite and gneiss. Slopes range from 2 to 7 percent.
37C3—Hayesville Clay Loam
This soil portrays the same characteristics as the Hayesville soil listed above, yet contains
predominantly clay loam soils, rather than loam soils, within the first 7 inches. Slopes range
from 7 to 15 percent and are severely eroded.
2.4 Adjacent Areas
Land use immediately surrounding the property consists of residential development and rural
areas. The property is bounded to the west by residential lots, and on all other borders by
rural areas The parcel shares its northern boundary with a VDOT public right-of-way,
occupied by Three Notched Road. All minimum yard requirements are met for this parcel
along its boundaries.
2.5 Critical Slopes
Critical slopes exist between the existing FWPS and generator. These slopes are considered
managed slopes and can be disturbed.
3.0 Erosion Control Plan
The erosion and sediment control devices and measures have been designed and placed in
accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH), Third
Edition, 1992. Temporary measures are used to divert clean water away, limit erosion and
contain sediment from cleared areas prior to the establishment of vegetation.
3.1 Temporary Measures
3.1.1 Construction Entrance (CE)
A temporary stone construction entrance shall be used to prevent tracking of material from
construction vehicles off of the site The construction entrance shall be constructed in
accordance with plate 3.02-1 of the VESCH and meet construction specifications of Std. &
Spec. 3.02 of the VESCH. Maintenance of the construction entrance shall be in accordance
with Std. and Spec. 3.02 of the VESCH. See E&S plan sheet of the SWPPP for placement
3.1.2 Temporary Diversion Dike (DD)
A temporary diversion dike shall be constructed to divert clean water around the disturbed
area. The temporary diversion dike shall be constructed in accordance with plate 3.09-1 of
the VESCH, and meet construction specifications of Std. & Spec 3 09 of the VESCH.
The channel shall be stabilized with rip-rap (RR)with a Deo of 0.3' The gradation, thickness,
quality, and placement shall be in accordance with Std. & Spec. 3.19 of the VESCH. The rip
rap shall extend 3'from the toe of the dike. Filter fabric meeting specifications in Std. &
Spec 3 19 of the VESCH shall be placed under the rip rap. At the outlet of the temporary
diversion ditch, temporary rip rap (RR) shall be placed. The length and width of the
temporary rip rap shall be 8 and 9 feet respectively with a D5o of 6 inches Rip rap gradation,
quality and placement shall meet Std & Spec 3.19 of the VESCH Design calculations for
the temporary diversion dike are located in Appendix B.
Erosion Control Plan&Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority 3
3.1.3 Silt Fence (SF)
Silt fence shall be use to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Silt fence shall be
constructed in accordance with plate 3.05-2 of the VESCH. Installation, construction
specification, and maintenance of the silt fence shall meet Std. & Spec. 3.05 of the VESCH.
See E&S plan sheet of the SWPPP for placement location.
At the low point of the silt fence a modified mud trap (MM) shall be used to provide detention
and filtration of runoff The modified mud trap shall be constructed and maintained in
accordance with the Modified Mud Trap standard detail on the E&S Detail plan sheet. See
E&S plan sheet of the SWPPP for placement location.
3.1.4 Storm Drain Inlet Protection (IP)
Storm drain inlet protection shall be used to prevent sediment from entering the stormsewer
system. Inlet protection shall be installed according to plates 3.07-3 and 3.07-8 of the
VESCH. All construction and maintenance requirements of Std. & Spec 3.07 shall be met.
See E&S plan for placement location.
3.1.5 Tree Preservation & Protection (TP)
Tree protection fence shall be used to protect existing groves of trees. The tree protection
fence shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the Tree Protection Fence
standard detail on the E&S Detail plan sheet of the SWPPP. See the E&S plan sheet of the
SWPPP for placement location
3.1.6 Temporary Slope Drain (TSD)
A temporary slope Drain shall be used to convey water from the outlet of the stormwater
system to the modified mud trap before the bioretention basin is installed. The temporary
slope drain shall attach to the outlet pipe such there are no leaks The outlet of the
temporary slope drain shall meet standard plates 3.15-2 and 3 15-3 of the VESCH.
Maintenance and construction of the slope drain shall be in accordance with Std & Spec.
3 15.
3.1.7 Stabilization Temporary Stabilization
Temporary stabilization shall be obtained by temporary seeding (TS)and mulching (MU)
Temporary seeding shall performed in accordance with Std. & Spec. 3.31 of the VESCH, and
temporary mulching shall be performed in accordance with Std. & Spec 3 35. Temporary
seeding and mulching shall be used on any disturbed area that shall not be worked for more
than 14 days. Permanent Stabilization
Permanent stabilization shall be obtained by permanent seeding (PS)and soil stabilization
blanket& matting (B/M). Permanent seeding shall be in accordance with Std. & Spec 3.32.
Treatment 1 soil stabilization blanket meeting Std & Spec 3.36 shall be used over the
permanent seeding. Placement of the soil stabilization blanket shall be in accordance with
standard plates 3.36-1 and 3 36-2.
RIVAN 137749 Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan
4 Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority Seeding
Seeding shall conform to the following:
Minimum Minimum Maximum
Seed Purity Germination Weed Seed
Type (%) (%) (%)
Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue 97 85 0.50
Perennial Ryegrass 98 90 0.50
Kentucky Bluegrass 97 85 0.50
Annual Ryegrass 97 90 0.50
Weeping Lovegrass 98 87 0.50
German Millet 98 85 0 50
Cereal (Winter) Rye 98 85 0.50
Redtop 94 80 0.50
Seeding mixtures to be used on the projected as follows:
Permanent Seeding 180 Kentucky 31 5 Perennial 5 Kentucky
#/acre Tall Fescue #/acre Ryegrass #/acre Bluegrass
Temporary Winter 575 Annual 75 Cereal
Seeding #/acre Ryegrass #/acre (Winter) Rye
------- ----
Temporary Spring 75 Annual
Seeding #/acre Ryegrass
Temporary Summer 75 German
Seeding #/acre Millet
3.2 Erosion Control Sequence
1 No demolition, construction or land disturbance activities may begin until all perimeter
erosion control measures have been installed as per Contract Drawings. Perimeter
control devices includes the diversion dike with temporary rip rap at the outlets of the
diversion dike, silt fence with the modified mud trap at the low point in the silt fence,
temporary stone construction entrance and tree protection fence If clearing is
required for installation of a particular measure, all other measures shown shall be
installed first; clearing of the land necessary may then proceed.
2. Once all measures have been installed, the site shall be cleared and grubbed as
necessary within the limits of disturbance as per the Contract Drawings. Efforts shall
be made to minimize the amount of cleared area exposed at any given time
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority 5
3. Once clearing and grubbing is complete, any necessary topsoil stripping may begin
Topsoil shall be stockpiled on site in the stockpile areas per the Contract Drawings.
The stockpile shall receive such temporary seeding measures as may be required.
Any soil take offsite shall be stockpiled at locations with all required permits. If offsite
location does not have all required permits, the contractor is responsible for obtaining
all required permits.
4. Demolition, earthwork and construction operations may begin once topsoil has been
removed and stockpiled.
5. Once perimeter erosion control measures are in place, construction activities for the
new FWPS may begin.
6. All pipes shall be installed in accordance with standard construction techniques.
Only the length of trench in which pipe can be installed in one day's time shall be
open at any time, with spoil material placed on the uphill side of the trench. Piping
shall be capped at the end of each day's work to prevent sediment from entering.
The trench shall be backfilled at the end of each day's work and the disturbed area
seeded and mulched within seven (7)days of backfill.
7. All inlets shall have inlet protection installed immediately after installation. The outlet
of the stormsewer system must be extended to 10 feet from the modified mud trap
with a temporary slope drain until the bioretention basin is approved to receive flow.
No discharge from the stormwater system can discharge to the slope permanent
BMP's are installed.
8. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days to denude areas
that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than fourteen (14)
days, except for that portion of the site on which work will be continuous beyond
fourteen (14) days.
9. Once construction activities are complete, final grading may begin. At this time the
diversion dike and temporary rip rap can be removed
10. After grading is complete, deeply till the bioretention basin floor with rotary tillers to
provide a well-aerated, highly porous surface texture. Install the bioretention gravel,
sand, and fill media as noted in the Contract Drawings. Install vegetation and ground
cover for the bioretention area. Finally, install silt fence around the basin until final
stabilization is reached
11. Upon completion of final grading, permanent seeding, mulching and fertilization
measures shall be employed on all disturbed areas. Permanent soil stabilization
shall be applied within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of
the site. All remaining erosion control measures shall remain in place until the entire
site has been stabilized.
12. Once permanent stabilization has occurred, temporary sediment control measures
shall be removed. Any areas disturbed by the removal of these measures shall be
returned as closely as possible to original condition and seeded, mulched and
3.3 Maintenance and Sediment Disposal
All sediment and erosion control measures shall be inspected upon installation, at least once
every fourteen (14) days and within 48 hours following any runoff-producing rainfall event.
Repairs to, or replacement of, measures shall occur immediately if necessary and
accumulated sediment removed as needed.
RIVAN 137749 Erosion Control Plan&Stormwater Management Plan
6 Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority
Sediment shall be removed from all erosion control measures when the sediment storage
volume of the measure has become 50% full. All removed sediment shall be disposed of in
an approved manner at the stockpile location or a location to be designated by the Engineer
or Owner. Steps shall be taken at the disposal site to insure that further sediment transport
does not occur.
All disturbed areas shall be permanently seeded as soon as possible, but in no case later
than seven (7) calendar days after construction activities are complete. Areas shall be
seeded, fertilized and mulched in accordance with the seeing schedule above.
4.0 Stormwater Management Plan
4.1 Introduction
This stormwater management plan (SMP) has been prepared in accordance with the
Albemarle County Water Protection Ordnance. The SMP addresses water quality and water
quantity requirements for the construction improvements to the Crozet WTP Finished Water
Pump Station (FWPS).
Albemarle county code Sec 17-501.B. directs any land disturbing activity to obtain initial
general permit coverage on or after July 1, 2014 shall be conducted in accordance with the
technical criteria in 9VAC25-870-93 through 9VAC25-870-99.
As mentioned above this report outlines the modification to the existing project Crozet WTP
GAC Facility Improvements (GAC)due to the FWPS project Compliance was determined by
evaluating the two projects as one site. The table below summarizes the two sites. Note that
the combined disturbance is not the GAC Project and FWPS Project added together This is
because there is 0.11 acres overlap in the projects disturbance areas.
Table 1. Project Composition
FWPS GAC Combined GAC Project and
Project Project FWPS Project
Disturbed Disturbed Pre Post
Area Area Development Development
Impervious (acres) 0.07 0.38 0.39 0.46
Grassed, good condition (acres) 0.31 0 74 1.00 0.93
Wooded, good condition (acres) 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.38 1 12 1.39 1.39
The two projects make up approximately 1.39 acres of a 3.37 acre watershed. This is shown
Appendix V of the GAC SMP. The watershed is composed of brushy groves, mowed grass,
buildings, tanks, roadways, sidewalks and gravel. The collection point of this watershed is at
the southwest corner of the property, and ultimately collects in the Licking Hole Basin, located
southwest of the property.
Erosion Control Plan&Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority 7
Table 2.Watershed Composition
Pre Development Post Development
Impervious (acres) 1.20 1.22
Grassed, good condition (acres) 1.45 1.43
Wooded, good condition (acres) 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
4.2 Water Quality Requirements (9VAC25-870-63. Water quality design criteria
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Spreadsheet(VRRMS)version 3 was utilized to meet
water quality requirements outlined in section 9VAC25-870-63 of Virginia Code. The pre
and post development land cover entered is shown above in Table 1, under Combined GAC
Project and FWPS Project. This this resulted in a total reduction requirement of 0.38 lb/yr of
phosphorous The three bioretention basins proposed with the GAC building were entered
into tabs D.A. A, D.A. B, and D.A. C for Basin 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The bioretention basin
proposed for the FWPS was entered into tab D.A. D. The total reduction obtained is 0 75
lb/yr of phosphorous. A figure showing the drainage areas for the GAC project bioretention
basin is included in the GAC SMP A figure showing the drainage area of the FWPS project
bioretention basin is included in Appendix D of this report. The Site Summary Page from the
VRRMS is attached in the Appendix C of this report
4.3 Water Quantity Requirements (9VAC25-870-66. Water quality.)
4.3.1 Channel Protection
The methodology outlined in 9VAC25-870-66.3.a was used to meet channel protection
requirements. The full calculations are provided in the Appendix D of this report A summary
of the results are provided in the table below
QDeveloped < I'F'* (QPredeveloped * RVPredeveloped)/RVDeveloped
Table 3. Channel Protection Requirement
I.F. (site > 1 acre): 0.8
()Developed: cfs 3.64
RVDeveloped: et 9,600
QPre-Developed: cfs 4.09
RVPre-Developed: et 10,700
I.F•*(QPre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped 3.65
For all calculations the watershed area was used, 3.67 acres. The Runoff Volume for pre
and post development were calculated using the SCS TR-55 method. The Peak Runoff was
calculated using the graphical peak discharge method To account for the runoff reduction
due to the three bioretention basins proposed with GAC project and the one bioretention
basin proposed with the FWPS project, the VRRMS was used to determine an adjusted curve
number. This new curve number, 69.8, was then used to calculate an adjusted QDeveloped and
RVDeveloped, 3.64 cfs and 9600 cf respectively. As shown in the table the QDeveloped is less than
RIVAN 137749 Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan
8 Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority
the maximum allowable runoff from the site. The peak flow for post development, 3 64 cfs, is
also less than pre development's peak flow, 4.09 cfs. Bioretention Design
The bioretention basin was designed to meet requirements for a Micro-Biortention Design
Level 2, Design Specification No. 9. The calculations provided in the Appendix D of this
report, shows the minimum surface area required to meet channel protection requirements is
154 sf. The bioretention basin surface area provided is 267 sf. The Drainage Area Land Use
Characteristics Table shown on the Bioretention design page describes the area draining to
the basin, 0.35 acres. The Treatment Area Required describes the area need to be treated,
0.16 acres, to meet requirements. To prevent the basin from receiving too much flow, the
basin is designed to be off line.
4.3.2 Flood Protection Peak Runoff from Site
The pre and post peek runoff for the drainage area for the FWPS project was calculated
using the Rational Formula. The table below summarizes the results and the calculation can
be found in the Appendix D of this report.
Table 4. Peak Runoff
Units Predevelopment Post development
Composite C 0.45 0.45
2-yr Peak Flow (Q) cfs 7.84 7.84
10-yr Peak Flow (Q) cfs 10.40 10.40
Change in Q 0.00%
This table shows that there is not a perceivable increase in the runoff from the site, even
though the impervious area increases. This is because the composite C, and the time of
concentration is the same for pre and post development. When calculating the composite C
value all known C values used in the calculation have a significant figure of 2. Therefore the
composite C value should be rounded to a significant figure of 2. Due to rounding the
composite C value come out to be 0.45 in the post development same as in the
The time of concentration between the pre and post development also stays the same. As
shown in the Appendix V in the GAC SMP, the time of concentration starts at the WTP and
travels behind the ACSA Maintenance Building. It then slopes to the GST and finally runs
along the south edge of the GST and outlets on the west side of the GST. This path does not
cross through the FWPS project site, and the FWPS project does not create a more
hydraulically distant point. For those reasons the time of concentration stays the same in pre
and post development, causing no change in the runoff. Adequate Channel Analysis
For the GAC project, analysis on the downstream channel was performed. It was determined
that the channel had capacity for the current flow from the site A field visit indicated erosion
was occurring downstream of the parcel, where additional flow from a development enter the
channel Both the field visit and the model demonstrated that the erosion was due to the
additional flow and not the flow from the GAC parcel. The full analysis can be found in the
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority 9
As noted above the FWPS project causes an insignificant change in the flow from the site
Since the existing channel is adequate for the flow from the current site and the proposed
project does not increase the flow, the existing channel should be adequate for this project
Further analysis of the channel would not then be needed.
4.4 Conclusion
As shown in this report, the stormwater management plan address all requirements of the
WPO. Bioretention basins are used to meet phosphorous removal and runoff reduction
requirements. There is no increase in runoff from the site, making the receiving channel
analysis applicable for the addition of the FWPS project.
RIVAN 137749 Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan
10 Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority
Appendix A
February 08, 2016 Pre-Application Conference Notes
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority A-1
County of Albemarle
Tax Map and Parcel(s): 057000000029B0 Date: 02-08-2016
This checklist is intended to facilitate and document the meeting discussion.
Doug March, Miles Jensen
Current Development:
x Planning: Ellie Ray
x Engineering/County Engineer: John Anderson
Service Authority:
Building Official:
Housing Office:
Description of Location: Crozet on Route 240
Existing Zoning: LI
Zoning/Planning History:
Several SDPs (SDP201400014 is most recent),WPOs, SPs and ZMAs. See CountyView
Comp. Plan location and land use designation Crozet; Light Industrial
AGENDA [Typically, the Planning Division planner will lead the meeting.]
I. Introductions and Disclaimer: "This pre-application conference is advisory and based on information
provided prior to the meeting. Since details are rarely provided at a pre-application conference, staffs
comments will be general in nature. If staff doesn't have answers to an applicant's questions, we will get back
to you over the next week. Similarly, if staff needs additional information to assist you in making a future
application, we will get back to you over the course of the week to obtain that information."
2. Applicant explains proposal and asks questions.
Summary of proposal/Questions:
The applicant is proposing construction of a new pump station (unmanned). The existing smaller pump station will also be
removed. Concept plan provided prior to meeting; see other documents.
3. Staff answers questions and identifies issues. (A list of some potential issues is provided below.)
What type of application is necessary? The proposal is for a small pump station,which requires no additional parking and
does not necessitate any entrance changes, so a Minor Site Plan amendment should be submitted. This application will
amend SDP201400014. A WPO application and possibly an ARB application will also be required.
The applicant was advised that there is a required 30' buffer between the subject parcel and the adjacent property near
the proposed pump station. The concept provided prior to the meeting shows disturbance in this buffer area, but the
applicant said they believed that the disturbance could be avoided. If it can't, a special exception as outlined in Section
26.5(d)will be required. Special Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The existing pump station is located within the required buffer, and is proposed to be removed;will the removal be
considered buffer disturbance? I consulted with Ron Higgins and he said as long as the removal doesn't result in any tree
removal or grading, it would not be considered disturbance. If any trees need to be removed or any grading is necessary,
the applicant will need to apply for a special exception as outlined in Section 26.5(d).
What type of ARB application is required? Margaret was not able to make it to this pre-app meeting due to being
double-booked in this time slot. The applicant was advised to speak with her directly regarding ARB issues. I also
followed up with Margaret to ask that she contact the applicant if she doesn't hear from them.
John spoke with the applicant concerning WPO and VSMP requirements. John said he'd send links to worksheets and
directions for easy access to CountyView documents. Both of these items were provided via email after the meeting. See
below for additional Engineering comments.
Previous ZMAs; are there any issues with the proposal as it relates to the previous ZMAs? I consulted with Ron Higgins
and he said it appears the ZMAs were unrelated to the existing use of the site, so there shouldn't be any issues.
*One item not discussed during the meeting is the required setback between adjacent residential or rural areas districts
and any proposed structure. A 50' side setback is required (see Section 4.20). The concept provided isn't dimensioned,
but it looks like this setback is probably met, but the application will want to make sure a 50' side setback is maintained.
Topics Discussed (Check those that apply; add notes as necessary)
Comp. Plan recommendations including Master Plans and RA Plan recommendations
Following Special Use Permit: meeting conditions, application plan conformance
Following ZMA: application plan conformance, proffer conformance
Conformance with Code of Development
Variation(s) required
x Waivers/exceptions/variations from Site Plan or Sub ordinance
x Setbacks
Need for transportation study
Interconnections to adjacent property/development (street/ped/bike) -- DA
Public road access internal circulation (in conjunction with Engineer or Current Planner)
Private Street request
Natural Features/ Open Space Plan / Greenway System
Urban Design / Public Spaces / Parks or RA- rural character issues
Other community facility issues
x Entrance Corridor/ ARB
Historic Preservation
Rural clustering RPD option and conservation easement options
Deeds required
New and Existing
Utility (ACSA, RWSA, Private)/Building Code Issues
Groundwater assessment, including LUST sites
Jurisdictional area issues
4. PROCESS DISCUSSION: Staff summarizes the review process. (Depending on application type,
respective department representative explains application process, including: timing, submittal requirements,
application details, scheduling hearing.)
A Minor Amendment shall be submitted according to the submittal schedule:
ons/Review_Schedule_for_Site_Plan_&_Tier_I I_Wireless_Applications.pdf)
The plan will be distributed the Tuesday following the associated submittal date and comments should be provided within
21 days. The applicant should consult with Engineering and ARB for the process for those applications.
Additional information to be provided by staff:
Additional information to be provided by applicant:
Summary/Other Issues:
From Engineering:
I.Applicant may examine possibility that a recently-approved SWM plan (WPO201400008) might include excess SWM
design capacity that may help meet water quality or water quantity requirements under the current proposal.
WPO201400008 file information does not make clear whether this is a real possibility, or not. Former staff email may
include details relating to design computations, but these are inaccessible and not shown on plan sheets. Engineering
encourages Applicant to discuss computational details of Approved 2014 SWM plans with Hazen and Sawyer (Mark
Bishop/David Briley; Final Design Plan; 12/19/14)to explore whether 2014 design may help partially offset SWM
requirements that otherwise apply to this proposal. 3 small bioretention cells were approved under WPO201400008.
2. This proposal should be evaluated against Part IIB Technical Criteria listed at 9VAC25-870-65 (Quality)/9VAC25-870-66
(Quantity)—link: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/Iegp604.exe?000+reg+9VAC25-870-66
3. 9VAC25-870-65.A. requires use of the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (spreadsheet). The re-development
spreadsheet should be used.
4. Review of ordinance indicates proposal is subject to VESCP and VSMP,Article III, Ch. 17—that is, erosion and sediment
control, and stormwater management regulations apply, even though area of proposed land disturbance is less than 10,000
square feet.
5.John asked if there may be future WTP additions/modifications. It appears a possibility. RWSA Crozet WTP is a
Common Plan of Development or Sale [17-205]—Def:The term "common plan of development or sale" means a
contiguous area where separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different
Appendix B
Temporary Diversion Dike Calculations
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority B-1
--- - IF`r � �4�, R
� R CHARS JR ----- - D i v e rs io n D 1 k era i n a g e(A r a s - c�o ry�'
DB 698-215 '
Channel was modeled as a v-style gutter. With a flow of 2.02 cfs the �i�i��i�i4 STRUCTURE REMOVAL W a ;
width of spread is 5 6 feet and the depth of spread is 0.16 feet. The �•�"�•�•�
-- velocitywithin the dike is 4.5 ft/s. Based on Table 3.17-A this is toogreat -- --- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR
/� of a veocity for slopes greater than 10%. Therefore, alongthe edge f -- EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR E
TAX MAP 57A-2C-36thedikeextendingoutwards3feet, filterfabricandriprashallbe , EXISTINGPIPE �
DB 3206-321 �, �� placed. Using Plate 3.19-3, the D50 of the rip rap needed was - N
USE SINGLE FAMILY RES \ '-->- - -__ �� determined to be 0.30. -- EXISTING CHAIN UNK FENCE
V �� �O� TAX MAP 57-10A -
/ „, /Alpo\ !lr EXISTING TREE CANOPY�� `�-�1� - RIVANNA WATER &
kyk ,
„BU R RBEO \ la i-
\� _ J O
Drainage area 3. ,' 1 _--' HREE OTCHED RD SR 240 I z
0.30 acres - (30' PRESCRIPTIVE ROW d
\ Drains to the modified mud trap
TAX MAP 57A 2C 37 \ J -�.�...: - _ _ -_- - r -- -- -
CERCERS, CASSIA ` Runoff Coef. 0.25 r - -- / -_ --- - --, N
DB 3130-698 \ , - ��--
USE SINGLE FAMILY RES . \ Flow 34 cfs .�// w O
- Thirintitqf
y \� n// /O R�1.�� �.� TAX .• 57R-71 -- I- O— -
<` // // �l % 4 S DB za1's zsNs W >a o
c1 \ \ - ` IIII411
!�`"'� ZONING RURAL AREA - dQ OwP� \/ •• �e - f` TREES AND BRUSH TO :E1 �.'/ i ,1,�,' -- '�" _�` USE. SINGLE FAMILY Q O w! ✓\ ,. CLEARED FOR 20' WIDTH \. :10,111:01111, �,, - _ r - wZ F-OCENTERED OVER EXISTING - d 1 4, �"'= I - y" N
, Pi / ,, --Z.,ZrZ.---.. ---- --... • -.-------- /
�� t \ ` !• , WATERLINE R SEPARATEr , � ��I_��;,. :.w.,�,-/ _ --� �-- O Z oc5
� •
\ A �� U -RWSA MAINTE`' •. PROGRAM \\\ / `V . O ��I -� _� U w a� o \ /. I ALBEMARLE ♦ , ?'V . �� H
Q w Q
��Ii . COUNTY ��j®�i ,I MANAGED �� ccrs. /♦��' < Z
O���I ��.� STEEP SLOPE \ / ♦ j wa �. � � Drainagearea1 m��1, / �� ,/ Q O Q
t ST • ENERATOR I k, //4 �_ ^r _. ® g O Z ] li
\. ••• ` // \��\ I \\'��(�, $ `EXISTING TREE CANOPY - 7 Drains to the north west temporary diversion dike -62
�I ,.. . ---- ALBEMAR l < i r®-®''EA 3 = 7810 SF --^-� _. ��� �'
Drainage area 2. —� � _�„ Flow ff.98 cfs0 42 /
0.55 acres i� ,�� O +i /
Drains to the east temporary diversion dike ;71-4 - _ � (/ o
Runoff Coef 0 81 J ""''�•�,:�gh, �<
TEMP BM CONC \ Flow 2 O2 CfS ` "• +_ /• �/r/ , //
FOUND •. /. A p, - , -
Wo Z
/�„ EX, CANOPY/ 1 ..
/ AREA 2 = ._ __ I -. .i_„L i �� V 4L�
_ al v i ill• TAX MAP 57A-2C-38 ( i /l, t, l 1 �� l � /mil 1t
WEBER, RENATE ( j, \ - -.. '- _�� /�Js /
DB 3095-618 i / / / / I a / I AT
ZONING R4 RESIDENTIAL / l r l 1_ - t. / / l
-USE SINGLE FAMILY RES -( �- /• (y ,, r gam; - ��- �. Nliess. /
II _ SS �I
-. _ _- ----\ l \ i A j rn
__--- - .. -'\ This area drains south of the diversion dikes
O >
_---1., i \� Therefore flow was not calculated for this � '�\ / / , Z Z ev m
`-' I -I I-3 .,. .\.,.,..2/..\ \\ \ ', \ ' \ s \ ,
0 7
/ \ This area drains off the site. Therefore flow z
,�\ i \\\ was not calculated for this area4. o z
to \\ V A 4 TAX MAP 57-29B _ 0
p + V AV DB 4669 PG 198-210 _ Z
1=Z J
i i USE SINGLE FAMILY RES \ \ - ; ' 1.1,'
i C v L'.ts. , iXLJ
n - A V - A\ S. � SHEET
e TAX MAP 57-29EA �`��� _�� �� _-'�/ ��
z °' VADBH3752�332CA c_ 80 A 40 A ��� .i/� of2
USE. SINGLE FAMILY \ \\\ \ \ '40 7r/ / /
Appendix C
Water Quality Calculations
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority E-1
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Quality Calculations
DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Re-Development Compliance Spreadsheet -Version 3.0
BMP Design Specifications List. 2013 Draft Stds&Specs
Site Summary
Total Rainfall(in). 43
Total Disturbed Acreage: 1.38
Site Land Cover Summary
Pre-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 99 0 00 0 00 0 99 72
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0.39 0 00 0 00 0 39 28
1 38 100
Post-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 92 0 00 0 00 0 92 67
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 46 0 00 0 00 0.46 33
1 38 100
Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads
Final Post-Development Post- Post- Adjusted Pre- ReDevelopment Final Post-Development Post-ReDevelopment TP
(Post-ReDevelopment Development TP Load per acre Load per acre
Impervious) ReDevelopment ReDevelopment TP Load per acre
&New Im
p ) (New Impervious) (Ib/acre/yr) (lb/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr)
Site Rv 0 45 0.42 0.95 0 42 0.97 1.03 0.97
Treatment Volume(ft3) 2,254 2,013 241 2,013
TP Load(Ib/yr) 142 1 26 0 15 1 26
Total TP Load Reduction Required(Ib/yr) 0.38 0 25 0 12
Final Post-Development Load Pre-
(Post-ReDevelopment&New Impervious) ReDevelopment
TN Load(Ib/yr) 10 13 9 28
Site Compliance Summary
Maximum%Reduction Required Below 20'/
Pre-ReDevelopment Load
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total Runoff Volume Reduction(ft3) 1,066
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 0.75
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 5 50
Remaining Post Development TP Load
(Ib/yr) 0 66
Remaining TP Load Reduction(lb/yr) 0.00 **TARGET TP REDUCTION EXCEEDED BY 0.38 LB/YEAR**
--------------- ----------------------- --------------------------
Drainage Area Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
Managed Turf(acres) 0 10 0 05 0 17 0 28 0 00 0 60
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 15 0 05 0 03 0 07 0.00 0 30
Total Area(acres) 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.00 0.90
Drainage Area Compliance Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D A D D.A.E Total
TP Load Reduced(lb/yr) 0 33 0 12 0 13 0 17 0 00 0 75
TN Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 2 44 0 86 0.94 1 27 0 00 5 50
Drainage Area A Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 10 40
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 15 0 00 0 00 0.15 60
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ft3) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 15
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 10
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 33
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(lb/yr) 2 44
Drainage Area B Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 05 0 00 0 00 0 05 50
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 05 0 00 0 00 0 05 50
0 10
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
Volume(fta) to Practice(Ibs) (lb/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
(acres) Area(acres) Practices(Ibs)
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 05
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 05
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0.12
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 86
Drainage Area C Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 17 0 00 0 00 0 17 85
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 03 0 00 0 00 0 03 15
0 20
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit a Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(ft) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 03
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 17
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 13
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D A
(Ib/Yr) 0 94
Drainage Area D Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 28 0 00 0 00 0 28 80
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 0.07 0 00 0 00 0 07 20
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(fta) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 07
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 09
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 17
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 1 27
Drainage Area E Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream
(acres) Area(acres) Volume(fta) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Runoff Volume and CN Calculations
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Target Rainfall Event(in) 3 04 3 35 5 15
Drainage Areas RV&CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E
CN 83 80 67 68 0
RR(ft) 472 167 182 245 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 1 48 1 28 0 60 0 65 0 00
1-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 96 0 82 0 35 0 45 0 00
CN adjusted 74 72 60 63 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 1 73 1 52 0 77 0 82 0 00
2-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 1 21 1 06 0 52 0 62 0 00
CN adjusted 75 73 61 64 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 3 31 3 02 1 91 1 99 0 00
10-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 2 79 2 56 1 66 1 79 0 00
CN adjusted 77 75 64 66 0
Summary Print
Appendix D
Water Quantity Calculations
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water&Sewer Authority E-1
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 8/18/2016 Building a Better World
Client RSWA for All of Us.
Project Name Crozet FWPS
Description 2 yr& 10 yr Runoff Calculations
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
C Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 0.95 1.20 1.22
Grassed 0.25 1.45 1.43
Wooded 0.15 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Rational Method Calculations -lc [min]: 7.2
Units Predevelopment Postdevelopment
Composite C 0.45 0.45
2-yr Intensity(I) in/hr 4.75 4.75
10-yr Intensity (I) in/hr 6.30 6.30
I 2-yr Peak Flow (Q) cfs 7.84 7.84
10 yr Peak Flow (Q) cfs 10.40 10.40
Change in Q 0.00%
Q = CM
Where: Q =discharge (cfs)
C =runoff coefficient representing a ratio of runoff to rainfall
I =rainfall intensity (in/hr)
A =drainage area(acres)
2 yr 10 yr Runoff Calculations 1 of 7
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 8/18/2016 Building a Better World
Client RSWA for All of Us°
Project Name Crozet FWPS
Description Runoff Calculations
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 1.20 1.22
Grassed 61 1.45 1.43
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Pre and Post Volume
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CNa 71.4 71.6 69.8
Storage Capacity(S) in 4.01 3.97 4.33
Initial abstraction (la) in 0.80 0.79 0.87
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.80 0.81 0.72
Drainage Area sf 160,000 160,000 160,000
RV(Runoff Volume) cf 10,700 10,800 9,600
a Composite CN value for "postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Peak Flow(1yr-24hr)
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) Peak Flow (Qp)b cfs 4.09 4.14 3.64
b Peak Flow values obtained from SCS Graphical Peak Discharge Spreadsheet
Runoff Calculations 2 of 7
Table 4: Qdeveloped < I•F•*(QPre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped)
I.F. (site> 1 acre): 0.8
QDeveloped• 3.64
RVDeveloped: 9,600
QPre-Developed• 4.09
RVPre-Developed• 10,700
I.E.*(QPre-Developed RVPre-Developed) RVDeveloped 3.65
(P— Ia) Q = runoff(in)
Q (P— Ia)+S P = rainfall (in)
S = potential maximum retention after runoff
Ia = 0.25 begins (in) and
Ia = initial abstraction (in)
s = _10
Runoff Calculations 3 of 7
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 8/18/2016 Building a Better Worlc
for All of Us`
Client RSWA
Project Name Crozet FWPS
Description SCS Graphical Peak Discharge
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predevelopment Postdevelopment
[ac] [ac]
Impervious 98 1.20 1.22
Grassed 61 1.45 1.43
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Runoff Depth Tc [hr]: 0.12
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
1-yr(24hr) precipitation (P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CNa 71.4 71.6 69.8
Storage Capacity (S) in 4.01 3.97 4.33
Initial Abstraction (la) in 0.80 0.79 0.87
Runoff Depth (Q) in 0.80 0.81 0.72
a Composite CN value for "postdevelopment with treatment" obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet, Runoff
Volume and CN tab
Table 3: Unit Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Initial Abstraction (la)b in 0.801 0.794 0.865
la/P 0.26 0.26 0.28
Unit Peak Discharge (q")` csm/in 896 896 888
bValues interpolated from Table 4-1
`Values obtained from Exibit 4-II. Unit Peak Discharge for NRCS (SCS)type II raingall distribution
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 4 of 7
Table 4: Peak Discharge
units Predeveloped Developed Developed (with
Drainage area (Am) mi2 0.0057 0.0057 0.0057
Pond and Swamp adjustment factor(Fr) 1 1 1
Peak Discharge (qp) cfs 4.09 4.14 3.64
qp = quAmQFp
qp = peak discharge (cfs)
= unit peak discharge (csnin)
Any = drainage area (mi2)
Q = runoff (in)
Fp= pond and swamp adjustment factor
Exhibit 4-II Unit peal discharge(o)for NRCS(SCS)type II rainfall distribution
600 -
500 -
400 Co
Q 30
300- 009�
-3 os
t 200-
50 i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1
1 .2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 10
Time of concentration(T.),(hours)
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 5 of 7
Table 4-1 Ia values for runoff curve numbers
Curve Ia Curve Ia
number (in) number (in)
40 3.000 70 0.857
41 2.878 71 0.817
42 2.762 72 0.778
43 2.651 73 0.740
44 2.545 74 0.703
45 2.444 75 0.667
46 2.348 76 0.632
47 2.255 77 0.597
48 2.167 78 0.564
49 2.082 79 0.532
50 2.000 80 0.500
51 1.922 81 0.469
52 1.846 82 0.439
53 1.774 83 0.410
54 1.704 84 0.381
55 1.636 85 0.353
56 1.571 86 0.326
57 1.509 87 0.299
58 1.448 88 0.273
59 1.390 89 0.247
60 1.333 90 0.222
61 1.279 91 0.198
62 1.226 92 0.174
63 1.175 93 0.151
64 1.125 94 0.128
65 1.077 95 0.105
66 1.030 96 0.083
67 0.985 97 0.062
68 0.941 98 0.041
69 0.899
SCS Graphical Peak Discharge 6 of 7
Prepared By Maria Tiegs SEH
Date of Calculations 8/18/2016 Building a Better World
for All of Us'
Client RSWA
Project Name Crozet FWPS
Description Micro-Bioretention Design Level 2
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Land Use Caracteristics
Area (ac) CN Rv
Pervious 0.28 61 0.20
Impervious 0.07 98 0.95
Total 0.35 68 0.35
Table 2:Treatment Volume Calculation
Precipitation depth, P in 1 1" water quality event
Treatment Area Required ac 0.16
Rvpost - 0.35
Treatment Volume,Tv cf 203 (P)(Rv)(Area)/12
Table 3: Design Depth Calcuation
Layer Depth (ft) Void Ratio (Vr) Storage (ft)
Gravel 1.0 0.40 0.40
Media 3.0 0.25 0.75
Ponding 0.5 1.00 0.50
Total (Design Depth) 1.65
Table 4: Surface Area Calculation
Surface Area, SA sf 154 (1.25*Tv)/(design depth)
Length ft
Width ft
Bioretention Sizing 7 of 7
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Adjusted C N
DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Re-Development Compliance Spreadsheet -Version 3.0
BMP Design Specifications List 2013 Draft Stds&Specs
Site Summary
Total Rainfall(in): 43
Total Disturbed Acreage. 3.67
Site Land Cover Summary
Pre-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 1 02 0 00 0 00 1 02 28
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1.45 0.00 0 00 145 40
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 1.20 0 00 0 00 1 20 33
3 67 100
Post-ReDevelopment Land Cover (acres)
A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 1 02 0 00 0 00 1.02 28 *
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1 43 0.00 0 00 1 43 39
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 1.22 0 00 0 00 1 22 33
•Forest/Open Space areas must be protected in accordance with the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method 3.67 100
Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads
Final Post-Development Post- Pre- Final Post-Development Post-ReDevelopment TP
Post- Development Adjusted Pre- ReDevelopment TP Load per acre Load per acre
(Post-ReDevelopment ReDevelopment ReDevelopment TP Load per acre
&New Impervious) (New Impervious) (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr) (Ib/acre/yr)
Site Rv 0 40 0 40 0 95 0 40 0.91 0 92 0.91
Treatment Volume(ft3) 5,348 5,290 59 5,290
TP Load(Ib/yr) 3.36 3 32 0 04 3.32
Total TP Load Reduction Required(Ib/yr) 0.69 0 66 0 03
Final Post-Development Load Pre-
(Post-ReDevelopment&New Impervious) ReDevelopment
TN Load(Ib/yr) 24 04 23 83
Site Compliance Summary
Maximum%Reduction Required Below 20'/
Pre-ReDevelopment Load
Total Runoff Volume Reduction(ft3) 1,348
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 0 94
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved(Ib/yr) 6 88
Remaining Post Development TP Load 2 42
Remaining TP Load Reduction(Ib/yr) 0.00 **TARGET TP REDUCTION EXCEEDED BY 0.25 LB/YEAR**
Drainage Area Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D A.C D.A D D.A.E Total
Forest/Open(acres) 1 02 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 1 02
Managed Turf(acres) 1.43 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1.43
Impervious Cover(acres) 1.22 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 22
Total Area(acres) 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.67
Drainage Area Compliance Summary
D.A.A D.A.B D.A.C D.A.D D.A.E Total
TP Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 0.94 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 94
TN Load Reduced(Ib/yr) 6 88 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 6 88
Drainage Area A Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 1 02 0 00 0 00 1 02 28
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 1.43 0.00 0 00 1 43 39
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 1 22 0 00 0 00 1 22 33
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious Cover TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Credit Area a Upstream
(acres) (acres) Volume(ft) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0.40
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 38
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 94
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 6 88
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area B Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious Cover TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Credit Area ; Upstream
(acres) (acres) Volume(ft) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Drainage Area C Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious Cover TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Credit Area a Upstream
(acres) (acres) Volume(ft) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0.00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0.00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
Drainage Area D Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious Cover TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Credit Area Upstream
(acres) (acres) Volume(fta) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (lb/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0.00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(lb/yr) 0 00
Drainage Area E Summary
Land Cover Summary
A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total %of Total
Forest/Open(acres) 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0
Managed Turf(acres) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0
Impervious Cover(acres) 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0
BMP Selections
Managed Turf Impervious Cover TP Load from
BMP Treatment Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Treatment
Practice Credit Area Credit Area Upstream
(acres) (acres) Volume(fta) Practices(Ibs) to Practice(Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) to be Employed
Total Impervious Cover Treated(acres) 0 00
Total Turf Area Treated(acres) 0 00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0 00
Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.
(Ib/yr) 0 00
Runoff Volume and CN Calculations
Summary Print
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Target Rainfall Event(in) 3 04 3.35 5 15
Drainage Areas RV&CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E
CN 72 0 0 0 0
RR(ft3) 1,348 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 0 83 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00
1-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 73 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00
CN adjusted 70 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 1 02 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
2-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 0 92 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00
CN adjusted 70 0 0 0 0
RV wo RR(ws-in) 2 31 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
10-year return period RV w RR(ws-in) 2 21 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00
CN adjusted 71 0 0 0 0
Value is 69.8, but shown rounded to 70 here
Summary Print
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Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc®(SEH) REVISIONS - - J
Appendix E
Original ECP and SMP
Erosion Control Plan &Stormwater Management Plan RIVAN 137749
Rivanna Water& Sewer Authority E-1
Granular Activated Carbon Contactor Facilities at the
Crozet Water Treatment Plant
Major Amendment to Approved
Site Development Plan # 199900043
Erosion Control Plan and Stormwater Management Plan
Including Erosion Control Narrative and Calculations, Stormwater Analysis, and
Related Specifications
Submitted to: County of Albemarle
May 2014
w`l,,,''t l I f•,`,,.to,.
4 300
5 (At ,
'/1'o A' '1111111-.Oil%
Environmental Engineers & Scientist:
4011 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 500
Raleigh, NC 27607
The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) is proposing upgrades to one of their existing
water treatment plant (WTP)facilities to meet recent US EPA regulations addressing disinfectants
and disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and microbial pathogens. The WTP is located west of the City
of Charlottesville in the town of Crozet. The Crozet Water Treatment Plant sources water from
the Beaver Creek Reservoir. To meet DBP regulations, new carbon contactors containing
granular activated carbon (GAC)will be added to the plant between the processes of filtration and
primary disinfection.
The Crozet WTP resides within the jurisdiction of Albemarle County, and all necessary permits
will be coordinated with the County. All proposed construction will take place within the Crozet
WTP property; no construction will occur outside of the property boundaries. The site is located
within the Albemarle County Entrance Corridor and as a result is subject to the County's
Architectural Review Board requirements.
The disturbed area for these improvements is approximately 1.12 acres. Any excess and
unsuitable soil will be stockpiled onsite by the contractor with the option of unsuitable material to
be disposed of in an approved location with all required permits to be acquired by the contractor.
Erosion and sediment control measures will be used to limit erosion and contain sediment from
the construction and cleared areas prior to the establishment of vegetation.
Two soil types exist on site. These soils have been identified and classed by the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and are detailed below.
36B — Hayesville Loam
The Hayesville series soils, a well-draining series, exist predominantly on hillsides and typically
have a depth to the water table of over 80 inches. Hayesville series soils originate from residuum
weathered from granite and gneiss. Slopes range from 2 to 7 percent.
37C3 — Hayesville Clay Loam
This soil portrays the same characteristics as the Hayesville soil listed above, yet contains
predominantly clay loam soils, rather than loam soils, within the first 7 inches. Slopes range from
7 to 15 percent and are severely eroded
Land use immediately surrounding the property consists of residential development and rural
areas. The property is bounded to the west by residential lots, and on all other borders by rural
areas. The parcel shares its northern boundary with a VDOT public right-of-way, occupied by
Three Notch'd Road. All minimum yard requirements are met for this parcel along its boundaries.
A majority of the erosion and sediment control devices and measures have been designed and
placed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH), Third
Edition, 1992.
Temporary measures will be used to limit erosion and contain sediment from cleared areas prior
to the establishment of vegetation. Once construction, including all structural measures, is
complete and permanent vegetative cover has been established, these measures may be
removed with approval from the engineer. Vegetative cover for disturbed areas will consist of
grasses as recommended by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. See the
Plans and Specification Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping for the proposed
Seeding schedule, attached.
The temporary measures proposed for this improvement include silt fence, construction
entrances, and temporary seeding measures as required. The above devices will filter sediment
from runoff to prevent sediment from being deposited off-site, while the temporary seeding will
limit erosion during construction activities. Permanent measures proposed include permanent
seeding. See Specification Section 02276 — Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Section
02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping for further details on these temporary and permanent
Temporary Stabilization
A majority of the temporary sediment and erosion control measures were designed and chosen
based on criteria from the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH).
Stabilization construction entrances/exits and silt fence are designed in accordance with the
guidelines established in VESCH Sections 3.02 and 3.05.
Temporary seeding measures were chosen as per the recommendations of VESCH Section 3.31.
Temporary rolled erosion control mat was designed in accordance with the procedures outlined
in Section 3.36.
Permanent Stabilization
Upon completion of the project, permanent vegetative plantings will be used to achieve
stabilization of the site. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures will be removed
once the site has been stabilized. All permanent vegetative plantings conform to those specified
in the VESCH Section 3.32. See Specification Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping,
attached, for the proposed seeding schedule.
Erosion Control Sequence
1) No demolition, construction or land disturbance activities may begin until all perimeter erosion
control measures have been installed as per Contract Drawings. If clearing is required for
installation of a particular measure, all other measures shown shall be installed first; clearing
of the land necessary may then proceed.
2) Once all measures have been installed, the site shall be cleared and grubbed as necessary
within the limits of disturbance as per the Contract Drawings. Efforts shall be made to
minimize the amount of cleared area exposed at any given time.
3) Once clearing and grubbing is complete, any necessary topsoil stripping may begin. Topsoil
shall be stockpiled on site in the stockpiling areas per the Contract Drawings. The stockpile
shall receive such temporary seeding measures as may be required. Any soil taken offsite
shall be stockpiled at locations with all required permits. If offsite location does not have all
required permits, the contractor is responsible for obtaining any required permits.
4) Demolition, earthwork and construction operations may begin once topsoil has been removed
and stockpiled.
5) Once perimeter erosion control measures are in place, construction activities for the new GAC
facility and proposed roadway may begin.
6) All pipes shall be installed in accordance with standard construction techniques. Only the
length of trench in which pipe can be installed in one day's time shall be open at any time,
with spoil material placed on the uphill side of the trench. Piping shall be capped at the end
of each day's work to prevent sediment from entering. The trench shall be backfilled at the
end of each day's work and the disturbed area seeded and mulched within seven (7) days of
7) Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days to denuded areas that may
not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than fourteen (14) days, except for that
portion of the site on which work will be continuous beyond fourteen (14) days.
8) Once construction activities are complete, final grading may begin.
9) Upon completion of final grading, permanent seeding, mulching and fertilizing measures shall
be employed on all disturbed areas as per Section 02910 — Final Grading and Landscaping.
Permanent soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days after final grade is reached
on any portion of the site. All erosion control measures shall remain in place until the entire
site has been stabilized.
10) Upon completion of stabilization of the watershed, remove all accumulated sediment and
excavate bioretention area to proposed depth. Use relatively light, tracked equipment to avoid
compaction of the basin floor. After grading is complete, deeply till the basin floor with rotary
tillers to provide a well-aerated, highly porous surface texture. Install the bioretention gravel,
sand, and fill media as noted in the Contract Drawings. Install vegetation and ground cover
for the bioretention area.
11)Once permanent stabilization has occurred, temporary sediment control measures shall be
removed. Any areas disturbed by the removal of these measures shall be returned as closely
as possible to original condition and seeded, mulched and fertilized as per Specification
Section 02910.
Maintenance and Sediment Disposal
All sediment and erosion control measures shall be inspected upon installation, at least once
every fourteen (14) days and within 48 hours following any runoff-producing rainfall event.
Repairs to, or replacement of, measures shall occur immediately if necessary and accumulated
sediment removed as needed.
Sediment shall be removed from all erosion control measures when the sediment storage volume
of the measure has become 50% full. All removed sediment shall be disposed of in an approved
manner at the stockpile location or a location to be designated by the Engineer or Owner. Steps
shall be taken at the disposal site to insure that further sediment transport does not occur.
All disturbed areas shall be permanently seeded as soon as possible, but in no case later than
seven (7) calendar days after construction activities are complete. Areas shall be seeded,
fertilized and mulched in accordance with the Seeding schedule in Section 02910— Final Grading
and Landscaping, of the Specifications.
This stormwater analysis has been prepared in response to the Crozet WTP improvements. The
material provided in this analysis evaluates how the proposed project will affect stormwater runoff
and nutrient export from the site All material provided in this analysis has been prepared and is
presented in general accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Albemarle County Water
Protection Ordinance.
This analysis focuses on both stormwater quantity and quality. The area of the study currently
consists of approximately 2.63 acres, a combination of grassed areas, buildings, tanks, and other
impervious cover such as roadway, sidewalk, and gravel. The entirety of this area drains to the
southwest corner of the property, and is ultimately collected in the Licking Hole Basin, located
southwest of the property.
A majority of the proposed Crozet improvements will be constructed in an area of the site which
is currently gravel pavement. The improvement plan includes decreasing the amount of existing
gravel and restoring the area to maintained grass. As a result, the overall impervious area for the
site will decrease and an overall decrease in runoff is anticipated. Our project is located within the
Drinking Water Watershed and is categorized as a redevelopment based on the Albemarle
County Simple Method spreadsheet. As a result a stormwater BMP appropriately sized to treat
0.16 lbs of stormwater pollutant is needed to offset the proposed improvement.
Methodologies and Procedures
The primary task of this stormwater analysis is to determine the degree of stormwater treatment
required for the proposed project for quantity, quality and adequacy. The extent of this analysis
accounted for the following factors. the location of the project site, the size of the site respective
to the total watershed, and the degree of proposed development
Water Quantity Concerns
Channel Protection (VA Minimum Standard 19, Albemarle County Code 17-314)
On 4-10-14, Hazen and Sawyer conducted a site visit to access the existing channel receiving
runoff from the Crozet Water Treatment Plant (WTP) property. Per the County's recommendation,
we estimated cross sections and took photos every 50' — or for each change of condition - along
the channel as it drains to the existing detention pond (Appendix V). Based on our measurements
in the field we were able to record the approximate side slopes and depths at each cross section,
shown in the captions in the field notes. After reviewing the pictures and available contour data
we developed estimated depths and widths for each cross section to be used in the channel flow
calculations necessary as per MS-19 regulations.
As stormwater leaves the WTP site at a point on the western boundary of the property, it flows
along a barely defined existing channel within the adjacent residential neighborhood. The existing
channel becomes more clearly defined at approximately STA 0+50 downstream of the WTP
property's discharge point. No visual signs of erosion or flooding were noted until STA 1+59,
where minor channel bed erosion is evident. At this point, flow from approximately 0.5 acres of
the residential property of the existing channel enters the channel as sheet flow. We observed
increased erosion at STA 2+50 where a stormwater channel beginning at a culvert draining from
the northern residential development joins the subject channel. In the channel's current state, it
appears the channel is adequate to handle flow from the WTP site as erosion does not occur until
additional flow from the surrounding residential development also enters the channel. As we have
discussed previously, the stormwater BMPs proposed as part of the WTP site upgrade, combined
with a reduction of the overall impervious surface on site, will result in a decrease of the peak flow
to the existing channel. When modeled, this reduction in flow is approximately 0.17 cfs for the 2-
yr storm and 0.22 cfs for the 10-year storm. This lesser flow will reduce the erosion potential within
the existing channel.
Our calculations (Appendix V) show the channel to be adequate for capacity and velocity for the
2- and 10-year storm events for a distance of 159' feet downstream of the RWSA property.
After reviewing the available data on the County's GIS website and discussing this matter with
RWSA, it has been determined that the downstream residential development was constructed
sometime around 2003, well after the development of the Water Treatment Plant. Without
disregarding the requirements of MS-19, it must be noted the WTP predates the residential
development. The evidence from our field visit presented here indicates it is the addition of runoff
from the surrounding residential development which causes erosion in the existing channel. Also,
it appears that RWSA is in compliance with one of the Virginia DCR Technical Bulletin's (4VAC50-
30-40.19.c) listed of suggestions for channels deemed in inadequate. Item number three from this
list suggest that applicants shall:
"(3)Develop a site design that will not cause the pre-development peak runoff
rate from a two-year storm to increase when runoff out falls into a natural
channel or will not cause the pre-development peak runoff rate from a ten-
year storm to increase when runoff falls into a man-made channel"
Given the result of our calculations presented above, combined with our observations of no
erosion in the channel immediately downstream of RWSA property and noting the proposed
project improvement will result in a net reduction in the total runoff and peak flow rate from the
WTP site for the 2- and 10-year storm, it is our conclusion that the existing downstream channel
is adequate to handle stormwater flow form the WTP property.
As noted above, project construction will result in a slight decrease in the total impervious area at
the site. With this proposed decrease in impervious area, 2-year and 10-year peak discharges
from the site will also decrease. No quantity controls are proposed, as the site meets criteria as
outlined in Section 17-314 (A) and (B) of the Albemarle County Code of Ordinances. Calculations
are found in Appendix V.
Channel Protection (9VAC25-870-66)
According to Paragraph B (3) of Section 66, Chapter 870, Agency 25, Title 9 of the Virginia
Administrative Code (9VCS25-870-66), natural stormwater conveyance systems must be
checked for the 1-year, 24-hour storm for compliance under the following methodology:
QDeveloped 5 I.F.*(Qpredeveloped* RVPredeveloped)/RVDeveloped,where
QDeveloped = Allowable peak flow rate of runoff from the developed site
I.F. (Improvement Factor) = 0.8 for sites > 1 acre or 0.9 for sites <_ 1 acre
Qpredeveloped = Peak flow rate of runoff from the site in the pre-developed condition
RVpredeveloped = Volume of runoff from the site in pre-developed condition
RVDeveloped = Volume of runoff from the site in the developed condition
An overall curve number (CN) was calculated for both the predeveloped and developed
conditions. From these curve numbers RVpredeveloped and RVDeveloped (without treatment) were
calculated using the formula below
Q (Runoff Volume) = RA
A= Drainage Area
R(Runoff Depth) = (P — Ia)2
(P + la — S)
P (Precipitation) = Precipitation depth of 1-year, 24-hour storm event(3.04" *)
S (Storage) = 10 CN
la(Initial Abstraction) = 0.2S
* NOAA's Nation Weather Service precipitation estimates.
To account for the runoff reduction credit given to the proposed bioretention cells, treated
drainage areas for the three bioretention cells were entered into the Virginia Runoff Reduction
Method (RRM) Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet calculates an adjusted RVdeveloped and curve
number(CN) based on the developed conditions.
The SCS Graphical Peak Discharge Method was used to determine QFredeveloped and QDeveloped. A
composite curve number based on the predeveloped conditions was used to calculate QFredeveioped;
the adjusted curve number was used to calculate Qoeveloped.
As the site is greater than one acre, an improvement factor (I.F.) of 0.08 was used in the above
The above equation determined that the QDeveloped must be less than or equal to 3.74 cfs. At
Qoeveloped = 3.73 cfs, the site meets requirements of 9VAC25-870-66. Calculations can be found
in Appendix VI.
Water Quality Concerns
The point of analysis for the pre- and post-construction drainage areas is a depression in the
southwest corner of the property, adjacent to the existing water storage tank. Based on the
calculation of the Albemarle County Simple Method BMP Spreadsheet, the pre-construction
drainage area to the point of analysis is 36% impervious; therefore, the project is considered a
redevelopment because it is over the 20% impervious threshold.
As shown in the Albemarle County BMP worksheet, the post-construction impervious area
draining to the point of analysis is 35%, lower than the pre-construction impervious percentage.
The Crozet WTP is located within the Drinking Water Watersheds of Albemarle County.
According to the Albemarle County BMP Worksheet, this project which is located in the drinking
water watershed and categorized as a redevelopment is required to treat 0.16 lbs of stormwater
pollutant, which computes to a required 13% removal of phosphorus. Therefore, stormwater
quality treatment is required.
Proposed Bioretention Cells
Three bioretention cells (BRCs) were proposed to treat the needed pollutant removal rate
associated with the proposed development. The bioretention cells were sited in an effort to treat
a majority of the project development. Due to site constraints including existing plant piping, steep
slopes, and existing tree growth onsite, the bioretention cells will capture a total of 0.56 acres of
runoff. As such, the bioretention cells have been evaluated to determine whether they will
receiving and treating enough stormwater pollutant to reach the target removal of 0.16 lbs.
The Albemarle County BMP worksheet was used to evaluate the drainage areas of all three
bioretention cells. It was determined that BRC 1 receives 0.42 lbs of stormwater pollutant, BRC 2
receives 0.15 lbs of stormwater pollutant, and BRC 3 receives 0.16 lbs of stormwater pollutant,
totaling 0.73 lbs of stormwater pollutant received by the bioretention cells. According to the
Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, First Edition, section 3.11 Bioretention, a
bioretention cell sized to handle the 1"water quality volume will have a removal efficiency of 65%.
The proposed bioretention cells at a pollutant efficiency of 65% will treat 0 47 lbs of the pollutant
export received, exceeding the required removal of 0.16 lbs. Stormwater design analysis can be
found in Appendix IV.
Project improvements as well as the proposed bioretention cells will reduce the overall peak flow
and volume of stormwater draining from the property. A stormwater analysis of the project's
receiving channels was evaluated to ensure adequacy based on the compliance of Minimum
Standards 19 and 9VAC25-870-66. Calculations can be found in Appendices V and VI
Using the Albemarle County Simple Method Spreadsheet, it was determined that the site is
required to reduce post-construction storm pollutant export by 0.16 lbs to meet the pre-
construction loading rate. Three bioretention cells with 65% removal efficiencies are proposed,
and will treat 0.47 lbs of stormwater pollutant. Calculations can be found in Appendix VI.
Under these proposed conditions for the management/treatment of stormwater runoff, the Crozet
WTP improvement is under compliance of all applicable performance standards and requirements
Critical slopes, as defined by the County of Albemarle, are areas of topographic inclines that
exceed a 25% slope. By definition, if these slopes exist naturally, no disturbance or impact are to
be made to these slopes without approval by the County. Critical slopes do exist on this site,
however, the new development will not disturb or impact these slopes.
Appendix I — Maps (FIRM, Vicinity, Soils)
Appendix II — Contract Drawings (Under Separate Cover)
Appendix III — Erosion Control Calculations
Appendix IV— Stormwater Analysis Calculations
Appendix V— MS-19 Calculations
Appendix VI — Conveyance Calculations
Appendix VII — Specifications
Section 02050 — Demolition
Section 02100 — Clearing, Grubbing, and Site Preparation
Section 02200 — Earthwork
Section 02202 — Excavation by Blasting
Section 02207 —Aggregate Materials
Section 02276 — Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Section 02500 — Surface Restoration
Section 02510 — Paving and Surfacing
Section 02604 — Utility Structures
Section 02831 — Steel Fencing
Section 02910— Final Grading and Landscaping
Appendix I
(FIRM, Vicinity, Soils)
3�y„'>_ RESERVOIR ..
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ZONE X .ram,.. ,c ; ¢<� A�qtN• � ° w S FEBRUARY 4 2005
.LING STA 7OS000M JOINS PANEL 0245 �B�M Federal Emergency Management Agency
This is an official copy of a portion of the above refmonced flood map It
was extracted using FAIT On-line This map does not reflect changes
or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the
title dock For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance
Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www msc fema gov
General Vicinity Map
Crozet WTP GAC Updates
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
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Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Soil Map—Albemarle County,Virginia 3
(Crozet Water Treatment Plant) N
705150 705170 ;
705210 705230 705250 705270 70490 705310 705330 705350 705370 705390
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705150 705170 705190 705210 705230 705250 705270 705290 705310 705330 705350 705370 705390 705410
3 3
' Map Scale:1.1,200 if printed on A landscape(11"x 8.5)sheet g
N 0 15 30 60 90 k
0 50 100 200 300
AP P�J r1'Web Mermmr Caner coordinates:WGS&3 Edge tics:LJ M Zane 17N WC�SE4
USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/5/2014
Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3
Soil Map—Albemarle County,Virginia
(Crozet Water Treatment Plant)
Area of Interest(AOI) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 15,800.
Area of Interest(AOI) Stony Spot Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale.
Soils Very Stony Spot
Soil Map Unit Polygons Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause
Wet Spot misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line
Soil Map Unit Lines placement.The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting
Other• Soil Map Unit Points soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale.
• Special Line Features
Special Point Features Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map
Blowout Water Features measurements
Streams and Canals
O Borrow Pit Source of Map. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Transportation Web Soil Survey URL. http//websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov
Clay Spot ,+, Rails Coordinate System. Web Mercator(EPSG.3857)
Closed Depression ,y Interstate Highways Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator
n Gravel Pit US Routes projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts
distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the
Gravelly Spot Major Roads Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more accurate
• Landfill Local Roads calculations of distance or area are required.
Lava Flow Background This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of
the version date(s)listed below.
Marsh or swamp . Aerial Photography
Soil Survey Area: Albemarle County,Virginia
s- Mine or Quarry Survey Area Data. Version 10,Dec 11,2013
o Miscellaneous Water Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales 1 50,000
C j Perennial Water or larger
• Rock Outcrop Date(s)aerial images were photographed May 10,2010—Jun 4,
Saline Spot 2011
The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were
Sandy Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background
Severely Eroded Spot imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting
of map unit boundaries may be evident.
Slide or Slip
• Sodic Spot
USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/5/2014
Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3
Soil Map—Albemarle County,Virginia
Crozet Water Treatment Plant
Map Unit Legend
Albemarle County,Virginia(VA003)
Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI
36B Hayesville loam,2 to 7 percent 2 9 70 3%
37C3 Hayesville clay loam,7 to 15 1 2 29.7%
percent slopes,severely
Totals for Area of Interest 4.1 100.0%
U= Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/5/2014
Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3
Appendix II
Contract Drawings
(Under Separate Cover)
H&S Project No 32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Appendix Ill
Erosion Control Calculations
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Silt Fence Calculations
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Environmental Engineers&Scientists SILT FENCE CALCULATIONS JOB NO.32135-002
Objective: Determine if silt fence will contain sediment generated.
References: (1)Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Section 3.05.
Procedure: As required by Reference 1, ensure that area drained by silt fence is no
greater than j/ acre per 100 feet of fencing.
Fence Fence Area
Number Length Drained OK?
(ft) (ac)
1 90 0.13 OK
2 175 0.25 OK
3 102 0.06 OK
4 115 0.10 OK
5 51 0.04 OK
Page 1 of 1
Appendix IV
Stormwater Analysis
H&S Project No 32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Albemarle County — Engineering Simple Method Spreadsheet
Pre- and Post-construction
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Short Version BMP Computations
Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method
Plan: GAC Upgrades for the Crozet WTP Water Resources Area: Drinking Water Watersheds
Preparer: Hazen and Sawyer,P.C. Date: 14-May-14
Project Drainage Area Designation Crozet WTP upgrades
L storm pollutant export in pounds, L=[P(Pj)Rv/12][C(A)2 72]
Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv=0 05+0 009(I)
Pj small storm correction factor,0 9
I percent imperviousness
P annual precipitation,43"in Albemarle
A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A= 1.12
C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus
f factor applied to RR
✓ required treatment volume in cy,0 5"over impery area= A(I)43560(0.5/12)/27
RR required removal , L(post)-f x L(pre)
%RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post)
Impervious Cover Computation(values in feet&square feet)
pre-development Area post-development Area
Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 3320 0 2291
Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal
and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 271
Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0
Gravel areas Area Area
16602 x 0.70= 11621 4 12428 x 0 70= 8700
Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 133 0 3228
Actively-grazed pasture& Area Area
yards and cultivated turf 23505 x 0 08= 1880 25084 x 0.08= 2007
Active crop land Area Area
x0.25= 0 x025= 0
Other Impervious Areas
0 0
Impervious Cover 35% 34%
I(pre) ((post)
Rv(post) V
0.35 25.5
New Development(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover<=20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 1.00 20% 0.36 2 49 2 44 -0 06 -2% Development Area
0.35 1.00 0% 0 36 1.25 1.22 -0.03 -2% Drinking Water Watersheds
0.40 1.00 1% 0 36 1.43 1.39 -0.03 -2% Other Rural Land
*min values
Redevelopment(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover>20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 0.90 20% 0.36 2.49 2.44 0.19 8% Development Area
0.35 0.85 0% 0.36 1 25 1 22 0.16 13% Drinking Water Watersheds
0.40 0.85 1% 0.36 1.43 1.39 0.18 13% Other Rural Land
Albemarle County — Engineering Simple Method Spreadsheets
Drainage area to BRC 1, BRC 2, BRC 3
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Short Version BMP Computations
Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method
Plan: GAC Upgrades for the Crozet WTP Water Resources Area: Drinking Water Watersheds
Preparer' Hazen and Sawyer,P.C. Date. 14-May-14
Project Drainage Area Designation Drainage area to BRC 1
L storm pollutant export in pounds, L=[P(Pj)Rv/12][C(A)2 72]
Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv=0 05+0 009(1)
Pj small storm correction factor,0.9
I percent imperviousness
P annual precipitation,43"in Albemarle
A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A= 0.25
C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus
f factor applied to RR
✓ required treatment volume in cy,0 5"over impery area= A(I)43560(0.5/12)/27
RR required removal , L(post)-f x L(pre)
%RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post)
Impervious Cover Computation(values in feet&square feet)
pre-development Area post-development Area
Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no subtotal
and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 173 0 173
Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0 0 0
Gravel areas Area Area
4403 x 0.70= 3082.1 4403 x 0.70= 3082.1
Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 2472 0 2472
Actively-grazed pasture& Area Area
yards and cultivated turf 3296 x 0 08= 263 68 x 0 08= 263.68
Active crop land Area Area
x0.25= 0 x0.25= 0
Other Impervious Areas
0 0
Impervious Cover 55% 55%
I(pre) l(post)
Rv(post) V
0 55 9.2
New Development(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover<=20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 1.00 20% 0.55 0 84 0 84 0 00 0% Development Area
0.35 1.00 0% 0 55 0 42 0 42 0 00 0% Drinking Water Watersheds
0.40 1 00 1% 0 55 0 48 0 48 0 00 0% Other Rural Land
*min values
Redevelopment(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover>20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 0.90 20% 0.55 0.84 0 84 0 08 10% Development Area
0.35 0 85 0% 0.55 0.42 0.42 0.06 15% Drinking Water Watersheds *
0.40 0.85 1% 0.55 0.48 0 48 0.07 15% Other Rural Land
Short Version BMP Computations
Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method
Plan: GAC Upgrades for the Crozet WTP Water Resources Area. Drinking Water Watersheds
Preparer. Hazen and Sawyer,P.C. Date: 14-May-14
Project Drainage Area Designation Drainage area to BRC 2
L storm pollutant export in pounds, L=[P(Pj)Rv/12][C(A)2 72]
Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv=0 05+0.009(1)
Pj small storm correction factor,0 9
I percent imperviousness
P annual precipitation,43"in Albemarle
A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A= 0.10
C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus
f factor applied to RR
✓ required treatment volume in cy,0 5"over impery area= A(1)43560(0.5/12)/27
RR required removal , L(post)-f x L(pre)
%RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post)
Impervious Cover Computation(values in feet&square feet)
pre-development Area post-development Area
Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1941 0 1941
Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal
and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0 0 0
Gravel areas Area Area
0x070= 0 0x0.70= 0
Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Actively-grazed pasture& Area Area
yards and cultivated turf 2597 x 0.08= 207 76 2597 x 0 08= 207.76
Active crop land Area Area
x025= 0 x0.25= 0
Other Impervious Areas
0 0
Impervious Cover 49% 49%
l(pre) l(post)
Rv(post) V
0.49 3 3
New Development(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover<=20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 1.00 20% 0 49 0.30 0.30 0.00 0% Development Area
0.35 1.00 0% 0.49 0.15 0 15 0.00 0% Drinking Water Watersheds
0.40 1.00 1% 0.49 0.17 0 17 0.00 0% Other Rural Land
Redevelopment(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover>20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 0.90 20% 0.49 0.30 0.30 0.03 10% Development Area
0.35 0.85 0% 0.49 0.15 0.15 0.02 15% Drinking Water Watersheds *
0.40 0.85 1% 0 49 0.17 0.17 0.03 15% Other Rural Land
Short Version BMP Computations
Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method
Plan: GAC Upgrades for the Crozet WTP Water Resources Area: Drinking Water Watersheds
Preparer: Hazen and Sawyer,P.C. Date. 14-May-14
Project Drainage Area Designation Drainage area to BRC 3
L storm pollutant export in pounds, L=[P(Pj)Rv/12][C(A)2 72]
Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.009(I)
Pj small storm correction factor,0 9
I percent imperviousness
P annual precipitation,43"in Albemarle
A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A= 0 21
C pollutant concentration, mg/I or ppm target phosphorus
f factor applied to RR
✓ required treatment volume in cy,0.5"over imperv.area= A(I)43560(0 5/12)/27
RR required removal, L(post)-f x L(pre)
%RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post)
Impervious Cover Computation(values in feet&square feet)
pre-development Area post-development Area
Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1384 0 1384
Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal
and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0 0 0
Gravel areas Area Area
0 x 0.70= 0 0 x 0.70= 0
Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Actively-grazed pasture& Area Area
yards and cultivated turf 7529 x 0 08= 602.32 7529 x 0 08= 602 32
Active crop land Area Area
x0.25= 0 x0.25= 0
Other Impervious Areas
0 0
Impervious Cover 22% 22%
I(pre) l(post)
Rv(post) V
0 25 3.1
New Development(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover<=20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 1.00 20% 0.25 0.32 0.32 0 00 0% Development Area
0.35 1.00 0% 0.25 0.16 0.16 0 00 0% Drinking Water Watersheds
0.40 1.00 1% 0.25 0 18 0.18 0 00 0% Other Rural Land
Redevelopment(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover>20%)
C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type
0.70 0 90 20% 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.03 10% Development Area
0.35 0.85 0% 0 25 0.16 016 0.02 15% Drinking Water Watersheds *
0.40 0.85 1% 0 25 0 18 0 18 0.03 15% Other Rural Land
Tc Calculation
H&S Project No 32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
U.S.Department of Agriculture FL-ENG-21 B
Natural Resources Conservation Service 06/04
TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt)
Project: Crozet Water Treatment Plant Designed By: Corinne Wilson, EIT Date: 4/15/14
Location: Crozet, VA Checked By: Date:
Check one: Present I Developed
Check one: Tc Tt through subarea Bioretention Cell#1
NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic,
or description of flow segments
Sheet Flow(Applicable to T, only) Segment ID Grass/Sheet Pavement/Sheet
1 Surface description (Table 3-1) Grass Smooth
2 Manning's roughness coeff, n (Table 3-1) 0.24 0.01
3. Flow length, L (total L < 100 ft) . . ft 79 88
4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P2 in 3.7 3.7
5. Land slope, s . ft/ft 0.035 0.034
6. T, =0.007 (nL)°8 Compute T, hr 0.15 + 0.01 = 0.16
p20.5 s0.4
Shallow Concetrated Flow Segment ID Grass
7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved
8 Flow length, L . . . . ft 62
9. Watercourse slope, s .. . . .. ft/ft 0.645
10. Average velocity,V(Figure 3-1) ft/s 4 2
11 T1 = L Compute Ti hr 0.00 + = 0.00
3600 V
Channel Flow Segment ID
12 Cross sectional flow area, a . . . ft2
13. Wetted perimeter, Pw . . ft
14. Hydraulic radius, r= a Compute r ft
15 Channel Slope, s ft/ft
16. Manning's Roughness Coeff., n
17. V= 1.49 r2°3 s112 Compute V ft/s
18. Flow length, L . .. . .. .ft
19. T1 = L Compute Ti . hr + _
3600 V
20 Watershed or subarea T,or T,(add T,in steps 6, 11, and 19 hr 0.16
U S Department of Agriculture FL-ENG-21B
Natural Resources Conservation Service 06/04
TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt)
Project: Crozet Water Treatment Plant Designed By: Corinne Wilson, EIT Date: 4/15/14
Location: Crozet, VA Checked By: Date:
Check one Present I Developed
Check one: I Tc Tt through subarea Bioretention Cell#2
NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic,
or description of flow segments.
Sheet Flow(Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID Grass/Sheet
1. Surface description (Table 3-1) . . Grass
2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1) 0.24
3. Flow length, L (total L< 100 ft) ft 79
4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P2 to 3.7
5. Land slope, s ft/ft 0.051
6. T, =0 007 (nL)°8 Compute T, hr 0.13 + = 0.13
P 20.5 S0.4
Shallow Concetrated Flow Segment ID
7. Surface description (paved or unpaved)
8. Flow length, L . . ft
9. Watercourse slope, s . . ft/ft
10.Average velocity, V(Figure 3-1) ft/s
11. T, = L Compute T, hr 0.00 + = 0.00
3600 V
Channel Flow Segment ID
12. Cross sectional flow area, a .. . ft2
13. Wetted perimeter, PW ft
14. Hydraulic radius, r= a Compute r.. ft
15. Channel Slope, s . .ft/ft
16. Manning's Roughness Coeff, n
17. V= 1.49 r2I3 s112 Compute V ft/s
18 Flow length, L .. . ft
19. T, = L Compute T, hr + _
3600 V
20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt(add T1 in steps 6, 11, and 19 hr 0.13
U S Department of Agnculture FL-ENG-21B
Natural Resources Conservation Service 06/04
TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt)
Project: Crozet Water Treatment Plant Designed By: Corinne Wilson, EIT Date: 4/15/14
Location: Crozet, VA Checked By: Date:
Check one: Present Developed
Check one: I Tc Tt through subarea Bioretention Cell#3
NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic,
or description of flow segments.
Sheet Flow(Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID Grass/Sheet
1. Surface description(Table 3-1) Grass
2. Manning's roughness coeff., n(Table 3-1) 0.24
3 Flow length, L(total L< 100 ft) ft 100
4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P2 in 3.7
5. Land slope, s . . . ft/ft 0.065
6 It =0.007(nL)°8 Compute T1 hr 0.14 + = 0.14
p20.s s0.4
Shallow Concetrated Flow Segment ID
7. Surface description(paved or unpaved)
8 Flow length, L ft
9. Watercourse slope, s ft/ft
10. Average velocity, V(Figure 3-1) ft/s
11 Tt = L Compute Tt hr 0.00 + = 0.00
3600 V
Channel Flow Segment ID Channel
12. Cross sectional flow area, a ft2 0.4
13. Wetted perimeter, PW ft 6.2
14. Hydraulic radius, r= a Compute r ft 0.1
15. Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0.015
16. Manning's Roughness Coeff., n 0.03
17. V= 1.49 r2i3 s112 Compute V ft/s 1.0
18. Flow length, L ft 27
19. T, = L Compute Tt hr 0.01 + = 0.01
3600 V
20. Watershed or subarea Te or It(add It in steps 6, 11, and 19 hr 0.15
Drainage Area Maps to Bioretention Cells
H&S Project No 32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
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Bioretention Cell Designs
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer,P.C.
Corinne Wilson,EIT
Date of Calculation 2/4/2014
Client Albemarle County
Project Name Crozet Water Tratment Plant
Description Bioretention Cell#1 Design
Reviewer L. Michael Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Bioretention Cell #1 Design
Table 1:Land Use Characteristics
Land Use Area(ac) CN Rv
Pervious 0.10 61 0.20
Impervious 0.15 98 0.95
Total 0.25 83 0.65
Table 2:Treatment Volume Calculation
Precipitation depth,P in 1 1"water quality event
Rv,„ - 0.65
Treatment volume,Tv cf 590 (P)(Rv)(Area)/12
Table 3:Design Depth Calculation
Layer Depth(ft) Void Ratio(Vr) Storage(ft)
Gravel 1 0.4 0.4
Media 3 0.25 0.75
Ponding 0.5 1 0.5
Total(Design Depth) 1.65
Table 4:Surface Area Calculation
Surface area,SA sf 447 (1.25*Tv)/(design depth)
Length ft 30
Width ft 15
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer,P.C.
Corinne Wilson, EIT
Date of Calculation 2/4/2014
Client Albemarle County
Project Name Crozet Water Tratment Plant
Description Pretreatment Design for Bioretention Cell#1
Reviewer L. Michael Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Pretreatment Cell Design
Table 5:Peak Flow Calculation
Drainage Area ac 0.02
C 0.95 Impervious
in/hr 6.52 10-year,5-minute storm
Peak Flow,Qp cfs 0.17 SCS Tr-20(HydroCAD)
Table 6:Manning's Equation
b ft/s 2
y ft 0.05
z 2
Rh ft/s 0.04
s 0.09
n 0.033 gravel, riprap
A sf 0.10
Qp cfs 0.17 equal to Qp,above
V ft/s 1.71 maximum velocity of silt loam soil=2.3 ft/s
Riprap Outlet Protection
As a result of the low velocity,the minimum stone size(Class Al)is
sufficient to avoid erosion of nprap
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
Corinne Wilson,EIT
Date of Calculation 2/4/2014
Client Albemarle County
Project Name Crozet Water Tratment Plant
Description Bioretention Cell#2 Design
Reviewer L. Michael Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Bioretention Cell #2 Design
Table 1:Land Use Characteristics
Land Use Area(ac) CN Rv
Pervious 0.06 61 0.20
Impervious 0.04 98 0.95
Total 0.10 77 0.52
Table 2:Treatment Volume Calculation
Precipitation depth, P in 1 1"water quality event
Rvpost - 0.52
Treatment volume,Tv cf 195 (P)(Rv)(Area)/12
Table 3:Design Depth Calculation
Layer Depth(ft) Void Ratio(Vr) Storage(ft)
Gravel 1 0.4 0.4
Media 3 0.25 0.75
Ponding 0 5 1 0.5
Total(Design Depth) 1.65
Table 4:Surface Area Calculation
Surface area,SA sf 148 (1.25*Tv)/(design depth)
Length ft 15
Width ft 10
Environmental Engineers b Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer,P.C.
Corinne Wilson, EIT
Date of Calculation 2/4/2014
Client Albemarle County
Project Name Crozet Water Tratment Plant
Description Pretreatment Design for Bioretention Cell#2
Reviewer L. Michael Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Pretreatment Cell Design
Table 5:Peak Flow Calculation
Drainage Area ac 0.04
C - 0.95 Impervious
i in/hr 6.52 10-year,5-minute storm
Peak Flow,Qp cfs 0.32 SCS Tr-20(HydroCAD)
Table 6:Manning's Equation
b ft/s 2
y ft 0.07
z - 2
Rh ft/s 0.06
s - 0.09
n - 0.033 gravel,riprap
A sf 0.15
Qp cfs 0.32 equal to Qp,above
V ft/s 2.17 maximum velocity of silt loam soil=2.3 ft/s
Riprap Outlet Protection
As a result of the low velocity,the minimum stone size(Class Al)is
sufficient to avoid erosion of riprap
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
Corinne Wilson, EIT
Date of Calculation 5/13/2014
Client Albemarle County
Project Name Crozet Water Tratment Plant
Description Bioretention Cell#3 Design
Reviewer L. Michael Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Bioretention Cell #3 Design
Table 1: Land Use Characteristics
Land Use Area(ac) CN Rv
Pervious 0.17 61 0.20
Impervious 0.03 98 0.95
Total 0.21 67 0.32
Table 2:Treatment Volume Calculation
Precipitation depth, P in 1 1"water quality event
Rvpc,„ - 0.32
Treatment volume,Tv cf 236 (P)(Rv)(Area)/12
Table 3: Design Depth Calculation
Layer Depth(ft) Void Ratio(Vr) Storage(ft)
Gravel 1 0.4 0.4
Media 3 0.25 0.75
Ponding 0.5 1 0.5
Total(Design Depth) 1.65
Table 4:Surface Area Calculation
Surface area,SA sf 179 (1.25*Tv)/(design depth)
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
Corinne Wilson, EIT
Date of Calculation 5/13/2014
Client Albemarle County
Project Name Crozet Water Tratment Plant
Description Pretreatment Design for Bioretention Cell#3
Reviewer L. Michael Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Pretreatment Cell Design
Table 5: Peak Flow Calculation
Drainage Area ac 0.03
CN - 98 Impervious
Peak Flow,Qp cfs 0.12 SCS Tr-20(HydroCAD)
Table 6: Manning's Equation
b ft/s 2
y ft 0.04
z 2
Rh ft/s 0.04
s 0.09
n 0.033 gravel, riprap
A sf 0.08
Qp cfs 0.12 equal to Qp,above
V ft/s 1.50 maximum velocity of silt loam soil=2.3 ft/s
Riprap Outlet Protection
As a result of the low velocity,the minimum stone size(Class Al)is
sufficient to avoid erosion of riprap
Appendix V
MS-19 Calculations
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Field Notes
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
World-t -Maude - + . , `
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Picture 1 `` qJ `��FF y�
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Beginning of"channel"at fence line between site and adjacent residential property.Water tank in
STA 0+00
Channel approximately 4'wide x 6"deep, parabolic cross section.
Picture 2
` tali \ ..'r .... {p '�'y'F�
; P " 0 .0...14...1. . j A/�
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c gyp.
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�' a t`: o f � ` , / .Y` :S1
Bend in "channel",approximately 30-degrees.
STA 0+20
Channel approximately 4'wide x 3" deep, parabolic cross section.
Picture 3
-..-.2 , 112f I/ . "
.• ti} . .. ,
# `'\¢ ' 'i } •,.� s ice.
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.I • y
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"Channel"at base of slope between properties.Off-site drainage contributing at this point. Beginning of
STA 0+50
Channel approximately 4'wide x 6"deep,parabolic cross section,small riprap(2"—4"stone) present in
channel invert,approximately 2'wide.
"Channel"at base of slope between properties.Additional off-site drainage contributing at this point.
Channel approximately 6'wide x 7"deep, parabolic cross section,small riprap(2"—4"stone) present in
channel invert,approximately%'wide.
Picture 5
r II
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r M r y ��
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4. Y Ate_ ._ \ t 4,'4'. wMl r. e, y e ; �.. r7, i
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-.- ..� '* 4 . J .. -.y" ti4 .. f'• '14 ., ' ..•- ` a,. .'j1 4,, l
Channel at base of slope between properties.Additional off-site drainage contributing at this point.
Cross section becomes more defined between STA 1+00 and STA 1+50.
STA 1+50
Channel approximately 7'wide x 12"deep,parabolic cross section,grass.
Picture 6
,T , • ,
1✓ - t a , 4.
i F \+ i
5 1�
404,wM► - .. 1. 4-4,,rrr. �y •.• • ;-yes,. •A,* t JY117}� ,
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•'�'3" 34 + Y w w ra
• ..s ' j e4.14t} v ?.
W 4; f . W 'w
+. - .
Picture looking form STA 1+50 looking back to STA 1+00.
Grass lined channel,with riprap bottom,sending approximately at STA 1+50.
Picture 7
' 3, a ,a O. rr-
�' i 7
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' i. 1 p
a .K, R,^•!'F•" f lit. .1. V R ..
Channel at base of slope between properties.Additional off-site drainage contributing at this point.
Signs of bed erosion begin.
STA 1+59
Channel approximately 7'wide x 12"deep,parabolic cross section,grass.
Picture 8
N....„.„, t ,
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,. 4 it,41 P !f . .
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r. I' $,,
•_ )
Channel at base of slope between properties.Additional off-site drainage contributing at this point. Bed
erosion pronounced.
STA 2+00
Channel approximately 7'wide x 12"deep, parabolic cross section,grass. Eroded channel invert
approximately 1'wide, 8"deep,rectangular in section.
Picture 9
w. f
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. .4 ', t ..T • - r -•fit e y 9 ., r i -:• •
.yoff,, .. '{
�, �� ;:
P *• ,. 1 I. ,1.._
r .. 'Its'' y 1 .. v ..i • ,i}t I. ,�
Channel at base of slope between properties.Additional off-site drainage contributing at this point. Bed
erosion head cut more pronounced @ STA 2+25.
STA 2+50(near base of tree, meets larger channel.)
Channel approximately 8'wide x 15"deep,parabolic cross section,grass.
Picture 10
1` tS { 1} • '
ill ` '. ti' 1r1 yt •i ,•ai... " . 4 .. ,
e / : le - - i
N e., , _ •.4.' . .
G +.„,
_ �
*r - h r
t • .i" r► 7-rye - .. .Q_
•M +6 1. ' - +M I* a T
... 4r � , h., p' r. ;;., Y t �
I • ice,.f. .. Mt . `♦ r ♦.. '
•. yr, .4 ' f .;' t t. i r, I,-.,- ' .4r, icy *,y:
� . ' *,. t .e'er ,tM1 r ,� I, Vy �• ; ,..
Picture downstream of larger channel, looking at end of MS-19 channel (near base of tree) and
upstream to FES discharging flow for residential street/cul-de-sac.
Picture 11
-t 1 ''. t Ci A •L,^. y* ..•s , / L'*,� S P - AC IT •fy , ' ' s «.
t It _ .,V.
{ e
'D 7 kite,
J• } + f
, :.f ;:
. .
1 �
7, ..., - — •.. .
• ;.:16 . 4 ' 4011 , . . . :ram 4,
Picture of head cut at location where MS-19 stream joins flow from street FES.Approximately 18"deep
Peak Flow Calculations to Point of Analysis
H&S Project No 32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
U.S Department of Agriculture FL-ENG-21 B
Natural Resources Conservation Service 06/04
TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt)
Project: Crozet Water Treatment Plant Designed By: Corinne Wilson, EIT Date. 4/15/14
Location: Crozet, VA Checked By: Date:
Check one: Present / Developed
Check one: 1 Tc Tt through subarea Point of Analysis
NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic,
or description of flow segments
Sheet Flow(Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID Sheetfiow
1. Surface description (Table 3-1) Grass
2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1) 0.24
3. Flow length, L (total L< 100 ft) .. . ft 43
4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P2 in 3,7
5. Land slope, s ft/ft 0 035
6. Tt =0.007 (nL)°8 Compute Tt hr 0.09 + = 0.09
P °5
Shallow Concetrated Flow Segment ID Grass Pavement
7 Surface description (paved or unpaved) . Unpaved Smooth
8. Flow length, L .... . . . ft 62 203
9. Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.645 0.037
10 Average velocity, V(Figure 3-1) ... ........ ... ft/s 4.2 3.8
11. Tt = L Compute Tt hr 0.00 + 0.01 = 0.02
3600 V
Channel Flow Segment ID Channel
12. Cross sectional flow area, a ft2 22.5
13. Wetted perimeter, Pw .. ft 11.3
14 Hydraulic radius, r= a Computer ft 2.0
15. Channel Slope, s .. ft/ft 0.078
16. Manning's Roughness Coeff, n 0 04
17. V= 1.49 r213 s1/2 Compute V ft/s 18_9
18 Flow length, L .. . ft 408
19. Tt = L Compute Tt hr 0.01 + = 0.01
3600 V
20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt(add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19 hr 0.12
♦ •
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• ••eee•.eeee..ei.eeeiee�ee .
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���•ei+e�•°e+e�i���i����:r,�e�+�i�� . �I ������ i� BUILDING + --',
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♦.i♦i••eie•.e•.•♦ ' N !-',e.:oe + ' 1.
�e.ie.••eeeie••...♦��NV��Ie.e FLOW PATH ` - f 50 25 0 50
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♦e.eeeee.ee.e..•ieei, -
.eee•.eiee.♦iee.ee♦ • CROZET WATER TREATMENT PLANT
eeie••ieeee•ieie . RWSA
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��+°+°+°+°+°+°+°�°. PRE-CONSTRUCTION
Envvonmental En meers & Scientists ,� TO POINT OF ANALYSIS
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Hazen and Sawyer,P.C.
Corinne Wilson, EIT
Date of Calculation 4/29/2014
Client RWSA
Project Name Crozet WTP GAC updates
Description Rational method calculations to point of analysis
Reviewer Mike Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Table 1:Drainage Area Calculations
C Predevelopment(ac) Postdevelopment(ac)
Impervious 0.95 1.20 1.15
Grassed 0.25 1.45 1.50
Wooded 0.15 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2:Rational Method Calculations
Predevelopment Postdevelopment
Composite C 0.45 0.44
2-yr Intensity(i) in/hr 4.75 4.75
10-yr Intensity(i) in/hr 6.30 6.30
2-yr Peak Flow(CIp) cfs 7.87 7.70
10-yr Peak Flow(Qp) cfs 10.43 10.21
Change in C!p -2%
HydroCAD Analysis of 2-Year Storm Velocity
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
1992 3.17
TABLE 3.17-A
Bermudagrass 6 ft./second
Reed canarygrass
0 - 5% Tall fescue 5 ft./second
Kentucky bluegrass
Grass-legume mixture 4 ft./second
Red fescue
Sericea lespedeza 2.5 ft./second
Annual lespedeza
Small grains (temporary)
Bermudagrass 5 ft./second
5 - 10% Reed canarygrass
Tall fescue 4 ft./second
Kentucky bluegrass
Grass-legume mixture 3 ft./second
Bermudagrass 4 ft./second
Greater than 10% Reed canarygrass
Tall fescue 3 ft./second
Kentucky bluegrass
For highly erodible soils, permissible velocities should be decreased by 25%.
An erodibility factor (K) greater than 0.35 would indicate a highly erodible
soil. Erodibility factors (K-factors) for many Virginia soils are listed in
Chapter 6.
Source: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Schwab, et.al.
III - 135
HydroCAD Report: Hydrographs from the 2-Year Storm at each Cross Section. Maximum velocities
tabulated below:
Cross Section Maximum Velocity(ft/s)
0+00 4.78
0+20 3.71
0+50 4.79
1+00 4.42
1+50 4.57
2+00 5.75
2+50 5.50
-- 7 80 L;fs —Inflow
8 —Outflow
7 inAovr Are3=3 670 ac
Avg Clow Depth=0 58'
6 Max ve0W,78 fps
5 n=0 035
—� L=20 0'
A 4 5=0 0500 '
CSpacityr5 93 ds
s' 3
l �
0 l �1
S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (hours)
7 81 cfs 1 nflow
inflow Atea=3 7tst ac
Avg Flow C'tpth=0 61
Max Vet=3 t 1 fps
n=0 035
.. ~ L=30 0'
Capacity1=1 90 dfs
• .t -
5 6 7 8 9 1011 2131415 16 17 1819 20
Time (hours)
Hydr••ra h
7 75 cfs _ — —Inflow
3 —Outflow
Inflow Atra=3 791 at
7 Avg Flow Gepth=0 68'
Max Vel.4 79,ar.
.. I 1=50,0
3 S=0 0500
Capacity=5 10 Cfs
5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (hours)
781 cfs � =htflow
inner*Area*3 971 8t
Avg flow Oep ttz0 19'
Max Vew-142 firs
• n�035
S L=50;i7
3 4 S=0 0500''
3 Capacity=11 50 cfs
5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20
Time (hours)
7 33 cfs —Inflow
3 -Outflow
Inflow Area=.3 092 at
7 Avg Flo v Caept11=0 52'
Max VeI 4StJos.
n..0 035
• L=50;•w
S 0 0509 '
2 Capac,ty=32 69 cfs
5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (hours)
12 : f 11 42 cfs " —Inflow
►nflow Area=6.t22 ac
10 Avg.Flow Depth=0.f5•
8 Max Vet=5.t5 tips
e 6 Capacity=23.32 cfs
4 •
O } - •
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (hours)
16 —'" 14 84 cfs —Inflow
1.3 tMfovr area*?99041a Outflow
12 Aug Flow Depth=0 69
;Wax Vet,-.5 50 fps
1. soo,
6 Capacity=33 95 4'fs
5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (hours)
HEC-RAS Analysis of 10-Year Channel Capacity
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Station 0+00
.035 fi+ .035 .035
WS 10-Yr
614.8 WS 2-Yr
614 8 •
Bank Sta
613.4 -
0 2 4 6 8 10
Station 0+20
{ .035 — 035
WS 10-Yr
WS 2-Yr
613 4 Bank Sta
•-- }
M 61301
0 2 4 6 8 10
Station 0+50
035 ---- -4 033 035 -
612 4 WS 10-Yr
WS 2-Yr
612 2 •
Bank Sta
811 8
611 0
0 2 4 6 B 10
Station 1+00
.035 — .033 — .035 H
610 0 WS 10-Yr
WS 2-Yr
—a —
809 8 Ground
Bank Sta
e 609.4
609 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Station 1+50
5 4' - 035 ->lr .035 fi 035 -
WS 10-Yr
WS 2-Yr
808 0 +F
Bank Sta
607 5
606 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Station 2+00
<— - 035 .035 .035 --
WS 10-Yr
WS 2-Yr
w '
603 5• I .- •
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Station 2+50
035 -+ 035 _. 035
r WS 10-Yr
603 5! WS 2-Yr
— a
Bank Stu
0 602 5•
W '
6010 I --.�. T r �—•
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Appendix VI
Conveyance Calculations
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Channel Adequacy Calculations
li&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Prepared by Bret Edwards, PE
Date of Calculation 5/14/2014
Client RWSA
Project Name Crozet WTP GAC updates
Description Channel Analysis
Reviewer Mike Santowasso, PE
Date Reviewed
Table 1: Drainage Area Calculations
CN Predeveloped (ac) Developed (ac)
Impervious 98 1.20 1.15
Grassed 61 1.45 1.50
Wooded 55 1.02 1.02
Total 3.67 3.67
Table 2: Pre and Post Volume
units Predeveloped Developed
1-yr(24hr) precipitation(P) in 3.04 3.04 3.04
Composite CN a 71.4 70.9 69.50
Storage capacity(S) 4.00 4.10 4.39
Runoff Depth in 0.80 0.78 0.714
Drainage Area sf 160,011 160,011 160,011
RV(Runoff Volume) cf 10,723 10,401 9,517
a Composite CN value for"postdevelopment with treatment"obtained from Virginia RRM Spreadsheet,Channel and
Flood Protection tab
Table 2: Peak Flow(1 yr-24 hr)
units Predeveloped Developed
1-yr(24hr) Peak Flow(Qp)b cfs 4.15 4.03 3.73
b Peak Flow values obtained from SCS Graphical Peak Discharge Spreadsheet
Table 4:QDeveloped 5 I.F*(Qpre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped
I.F. (site>1 acre): 0.8
QDeveloped• 3.73
RVDeveloped• 9,517
QPre-Developed: 4.15
RVPre-Developed: 10,723
I•F*(QPre-Developed*RVPre-Developed)/RVDeveloped 3.74
Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet
H&S Project No.32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
1-year storm 2-year stone 1 arstorm
Target Rainfall Event(in)
Drainage Area A 1 _ _ --
Drainage Area(acres) 3.67 ___
Runoff Reduction Volume(cf) 849 - _ .
Drainage Area B _
Drainage Area(acres) 0.00 - - l
Runoff Reduction Volume(a) 0 1 - .
Drainage Area C -__.----
Drainage Area(acres) 0.00 ---- { , -�_�
Runoff Reduction Volume(ci) 0
Drainage Area 0
Drainage Ares(acres) 0.00 _ _- -- I
Runoff Reduction Volume(cf) 0 I _` _
Drainage Area E _-_ »
Drainage Area(acres) 0.00 r__
Runoff Reduction Volume(ct) 0
Based on the use of Runoff Reduction practices in the various drainage areas,the spreadsheet calculates an adjusted Vdeveloped and adjusted Curve Number.
Drainage Area A A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils
Forest/Open Space-undisturbed,protected forest/open Area(sues) 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
space or reforested land C�1 30 55 70 77
Managed Turf-disturbed,graded for yards or other turf to be Area(acres) 0.0 1 5 0.0 0.0
mowed/managed CN 39 61 74 B0
Area(acres) 0.0 1.2 0.0 0 0
Impervious Cover CN 98 - 98 98 98
Weighted CN S
70.93 j 4 10
•_- 1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVei,,,i,,d(In)with no Runoff Reduction 0.78 0.97 2.22
RVo,,,,,,,,a(in)with Runoff Reduction 0.72 0.90 2.16
_Adjusted CN 69.5 70 70
Drainage Area B A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils
Forest/Open Space--undisturbed,protected foresUopen Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
space or reforested land CN 30 55 70 77
Managed Turf--disturbed,graded for yards or other turf to be Area(acres) 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0
mowed/managed CN 39 61 74 80
Impervious Cover Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
C-N 98 98 98 98
Weighted CN S
1 0 I 1000.00
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVo,,,..,,e(in)with no Runoff Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00
RVe,,,r,r,e(In)with Runoff Reduction 0.00 0 00 0 00
,Adjusted CN #NIA #NIA #NIA
Drainage Area C A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils
Forest/Open Space--undisturbed,protected forest/open Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
space or reforested land UN 30 55 70 77
Managed Turf--disturbed,graded for yards or other turf to be Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
mowed/managed UN 39 61 74 80
Area(acres) 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Impervious Cover CN 98 98 - 98 _ 98
Weighted CN S
I 0 I 1000.00
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVe,,_ (In)with no Runoff Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00
RVs,,,w„,,(in)with Runoff Reduction 0 00 0.00 0.00
Adjusted CN #N/A #NIA #NIA
Drainage Area 0 A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils
Forest/Open Space-undisturbed,protected forest/open Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
space or reforested land CN 30 55 70 77
Managed Turf--disturbed,graded for yards or other turf to be Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
mowed/managed al 39 61 74 80
Area(acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Impervious Cover CN 98 - 98 98 98
Weighted CN S
I 0 J 1000.00
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVe,,,,k,p,,,(in)with no Runoff Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00
RVs,,,,,,p„(In)with Runoff Reduction 0.00, 0.00 0.00
Adjusted CN #N/A #N/A #NIA
Drainage Area E A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils
ForesUOpen Space-undisturbed,protected forest/open I Area(acres) 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0
space or reforested lend CN 30 55 70 77
Managed Turf—disturbed,graded for yards or other turf to be Area acres) 0.0 0.0 0-0 0.0
mowedfmanaged CN 39 61 74 80
Area acres) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Impervious Cover CN 98 98 98 98
Weighted CN S
I 0 I 1000.00
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVo,,,,,,(in)with no Runoff Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00
RVe,,,b„,(in)with Runoff Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adjusted CN RNA "N/A ANIA
Using the Adjusted Curve Number for each drainage area,calculate peak discharges for the 1,2,and 10 year storm. Compare the peak discharges to the allowable
discharge rates described in the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations(4VAC 50-60.66(A),conditions 1-5 and 4VAC 50.60.66(B),conditions 1-5).
SCS Peak Discharge
H&S Project No 32135-002 Crozet Water Treatment Plan
Site Plan Amendment
Predeveloped Page 1
Predeveloped Site
SCS METHOD 0-2000 Acres Method can be used for estimating peak flows from urban areas
X 1-yr 24 hr storm
Project Crozet WTP
Date 5/14/14
Name BTE
Check LMS
1. Runoff Curve Number
Hydrologic Cover description CN Area Product of
Soil Group (table 2-2a-c) CN x area
B Imps-r:ious 98 1.2 1176
6 Cpen Space(fair ccndi';on.50,,to 75 61 1.5 88.45
8 bVccdcd(good cand'it)n) 55 1.0 56.1
Totals 3 7 262.15
Weighted CN 71.43
2. Runoff
Frequency yr
Rainfall,P(24-hr) (RD) n 1(;j
Runoff,Q in 0.804
Q=(P-0.2 S)2 / (P+0.8S)
S=(1000/CN)-10 4 00
SCSpeakdischarge 5/14/2014
Predeveloped Page 2
3.Time of Concentration(Tc)or travel time(Tt)
Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet
Include a map,schematic,or description of flow segments
.et Flow(applicable to Tc only)
segment 1 2
1. Surface description(Table 3-1) Low Development Mod Development
2 Manning's roughness coefficient,n(Table 3-1) 0.240
3 Flow length L(not greater than 300ft) ft 43
4 One-year 24-hour rainfall Pt in 3 04
5 Land Slope,s ft/ft 0 04
6 Tt= 0 007(nL)°8 computed Tt hr 0 10 l 0.12
P 205 s04
Shallow concentrated flow
segment 1 2
7. Surface description(paved or unpaved) Low Development Mod Development
8. Flow length,L ft 62 203
9 Watercourse slope,s ft/ft 0 6450 0.037
10.Average velocity,V(Figure 3-1) ft/s 4 2 3 8
11 Tt=L/(3600*V) computed Tt hr 0 00 0.01 0.02
Channel flow
segment 1 2
12 Cross sectional flow area,a ft2 22 5 Assumption. 1ft depth(n.
13. Wetted Perimeter,pw ft 11 3
14 Hydraulic radius,r=a/pw, ft 2 0
15. Channel slope,s ft/ft 0 078
16. Manning's roughness coefficient,n(Table 2-3) 0 04
17,V=1 49(r 2I3 s t/2) /n ft/s 16 5
Flow length, L ft 408
19.Tt= L/(3600*V) hr 0.007 0.007
20. Watershed or subarea Tt(add Tt in steps 6, 11, 19) 0.125 hours
4. Graphical Peak Discharge Method
1. Data
Drainage area Am 0 01 mi2(acres/640)
Runoff curve number CN 71 43 (from step 1)
Time of concentration Tt 0.13 hr (from step 3)
Rainfall distribution [r(I,la, II, Ill)
Pond and swamp areas spread ,_ ; _:=ate Assumption min of 0%swamp area
throughout watershE(table 4-2)
2. Frequency 1
3 Rainfall, P(24-hr) 3 04
4.Initial abstraction,la
(Use CN with table 4-1)
5.Compute la/P 0 26875
6 Unit peak discharge,q„ '
(Use Tt and la/P with exhibit 4- II
7 Runoff,Q 0 804
(From step 2)
'ond and Swamp adjustment factor,Fp 1
t'eak discharge,qp 4.15 cfs
1863.26 gpm
SCSpeakdischarge 5/14/2014
Developed Page 1
Developed Site
SCS METHOD 0-2000 Acres Method can be used for estimating peak flows from urban areas
X 1-yr 24 hr storm
Project Crozet WTP
Date 5114/14
Name BTE
Check LMS
1. Runoff Curve Number
Hydrologic Cover description CN jArea Product of
Soil Group (table 2-2a-c) CN x area
B Impervious 98 1.2 112.7
B Open Space(good condition.grass cover>75%) 61 1.5 91.5
B Wooded(good condition) 55 1.0 56 1
Totals 3.7 260.3
Weighted CN 70.93
2. Runoff
Frequency yr 1
Rainfall,P(24-hr) (RD) in 3.04
Runoff,Q in 0.780
Q=(P-02S)2 / (P+0.8S)
S=(1000/CN)-10 4 10
SCSpeakdischarge 5/14/2014
Developed v 2
3.Time of Concentration(Tc)or travel time(Tt)
Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet
Include a map,schematic,or description of flow segments
Sheet Flow(applicable to Tc only)
segment 1 2
1 Surface description(Table 3-1) Low Development Mod.Development
2 Manning's roughness coefficient,n(Table 3-1) 0 240
3.Flow length L(not greater than 300ft) ft 43
4 One-year 24-hour rainfall P1 in 3.04
5 Land Slope,s ft/ft 0.04
6. Tt= 0 007(nL)°8 computed Tt hr 0.10 0 101
Shallow concentrated flow
segment 1 2
7 Surface description(paved or unpaved) Low Development Mod Development
8 Flow length,L ft 62 203
9. Watercourse slope,s ft ft 0 6450 0.037
10.Average velocity,V(Figure 3-1) fus 4 2 3.8
11 Tt=L/(3600*V) computed Tt hr 0.00 0.01 0.02
Channel flow
segment 1 2
12.Cross sectional flow area,a ft2 `Assumption: 1ft depth(normal)
13. Wetted Perimeter,pw ft
14. Hydraulic radius,r=a/pw ft 2.0
15 Channel slope,s ft/ft +�
16. Manning's roughness coefficient,n(Table 2-3) •
17,V=1.49(r2'3s1n) /n ft/s 16.5
18 Flow length,L ft A
19.Tt= L/(3600*V) hr 0.007 0.007
20 Watershed or subarea Tt(add Tt in steps 6, 11, 19) 0.125 hours
4. Graphical Peak Discharge Method
1. Data
Drainage area Am 0.01 mi2(acres/640)
Runoff curve number CN 70 93 (from step 1)
Time of concentration Tt 0.13 hr (from step 3)
Rainfall distribution ii (I,la,II,Ill)
Pond and swamp areas spread Assumption min of 5%swamp area
throughout watershe(table 4-2)
2. Frequency 1
3.Rainfall,P(24-hr) 3.04
4.Initial abstraction,I,
(Use CN with table 4-1)
5 Compute la/P 0.2819079
6 Unit peak discharge,q �,�.1
(Use Tt and la/P with exhibit 4- II
7 Runoff,Q 0 780
(From step 2)
8. Pond and Swamp adjustment factor,F, 1
9 Peak discharge,qp 4 03 cfs
1807.25 gpm
SCSpeakdischarge 5/14/2014
Developed(Treated) Page 1
Developed Site(Treated)
SCS METHOD 0-2000 Acres Method can be used for estimating peak flows from urban areas
X 1-yr 24 hr storm
Project Crozet WTP
Date 5/14/14
Name BTE
Check LMS
1 Runoff Curve Number
Weighted CN 69.70
2. Runoff
Frequency yr
Rainfall,P(24-hr) (RD) in
Runoff,Q in 0.723
Q=(P-02S)2 / (P+08S)
S=(1000/CN)-10 4.35
SCSpeakdischarge 5/14/2014
Developed(Treated) [Mgt:2
3.Time of Concentration(Tc)or travel time(Tt)
Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet
Include a map,schematic,or description of flow segments
Sheet Flow(applicable to To only)
segment 1 2
1 Surface description(Table 3-1) Low Development Mod.Development
2 Manning's roughness coefficient,n(Table 3-1) 0 240
3 Flow length L(not greater than 300ft) ft 43
4.One-year 24-hour rainfall P1 in 3 04
5. Land Slope,s ft/ft 0.04
6 Tt= 0007(nL)°B computed Tt hr 0.10 010
P2°5 S°4
Shallow concentrated flow
segment 1 2
7 Surface description(paved or unpaved) Low Development Mod.Development
8 Flow length,L ft 62 203
9 Watercourse slope,s ft/ft 0.6450 0.037
10 Average velocity,V(Figure 3-1) ft/s 4.2 3.8
11 Tt=L/(3600`V) computed Tt hr 0.001 0 01 0 02
Channel flow
segment 1 2
12.Cross sectional flow area,a ft2 Assumption 1ft depth(normal)
13 Wetted Perimeter,pw
ft l , :.
14. Hydraulic radius,r=a/pw ft 2.0
15. Channel slope,s ft/ft
16. Manning's roughness coefficient,n(Table 2-3)
17,V=1.49(r 213 s"2) /n ft/s 16.5
18.Flow length,L ft * ` .tY".a�e g M ' 4.41111
19 Tt= L/(3600`V) hr 0 007 0 007
20. Watershed or subarea Tt(add Tt in steps 6, 11, 19) 0.125 hours
4. Graphical Peak Discharge Method
1 Data
Drainage area Am 0.0057344 mi2(acres/640)
Runoff curve number CN 69.7 (from step 1)
Time of concentration Tt 0 1251293 hr (from step 3)
Rainfall distribution J[(I,la,II,Ill)
Pond and swamp areas spread {; Assumption.min of 5%swamp area
throughout watershe(table 4-2)
2. Frequency 1
3.Rainfall,P(24-hr) 3.04
4.Initial abstraction,la c4tT
(Use CN with table 4-1)
5.Compute la/P 0.2894737
6.Unit peak discharge,q„
(Use Tt and la/P with exhibit 4- II
7. Runoff,Q L 0 723
(From step 2)
8 Pond and Swamp adjustment factor,Fp 1
9 Peak discharge,qp 3.73 cfs
1674.77 gpm
SCSpeakdischarge 5/14/2014