HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957MINUTES OF JANUARY $, 1957 MEETING OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission met on this date with the following members present: Messrs. William Stevens, Floyd Johnson, and Charles Barham, Jr. Preliminary approval was given to 'Berkley" Subdivision, located just West of Route 29, North, subject to the following revisions: (1) That three (3) access Streets be located on the West side adjoining the Blue Ridge Golf Course, one road near the Chimney at the end of Westmoreland Circle and one road at the end of Laurel Ridge Circle. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. . Simms, r. g > > becrretary cm MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 6, 1957 MEETING OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANKING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission met on this date with the following members present: Messrs. William Stevens and Floyd Johnson. Final approval was given to Sections 1,2,and 3 of "Greenbrier" Sub— division consisting of 134 lots. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Hugh r. mms, Jr., Meretary MINUTES OF JANUARY 22, 1957 MEETING OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission abet on this date with the following members present: Messers. William r Stevens and Floyd Johnson. Final approval was given to "Arlington Heights" Subdivision, the property of V. A. Lester, located just North of "Certerton" Subdivision. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ��.tiyyryrriJ �= Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary En MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18, 1957 MEETING OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission met on this date with the following members present: Messrs. William Stevens and Floyd Johnson. Final approval was given to Section Six (6) of Rutledge. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. u mms, vi r., Secretary MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 129 1957 MEETING OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission met on this date with the following members present: Messrs. William Stevens and Floyd Johnson. Final approval was given to a portion of Blocks 1,5,and 6 of "Azalea Gardens", consisting of 26 lots and located at the end of Jefferson Park Avenue. Final approval was also given to a portion of Blocks E. G, and I "Forest Hills" consisting of 51 lots. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ���s-rrvvN�O Hugh mms,�r., Secretary n February 28, 1957 TO MEMBERS OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: Dear Sir or Madam: Due to the importance of discussing the proposed Subdivision Reguleticns, it will be necessary to have our regular March meeting on March 7, 19570 at b:QQ P.M., at the Thows Jefferson Inn. There will probably be a report given by the Septic Tank Committee, Enclosed is a copy of the Subdivision Regulations. It is hoped that all members will be present at this meeting. Sincerely, Hugh F. Sims, Jr., Secretary Albenarls County Planning "mission. RIM, jr:ds Enels 1 CC: Downing L. Smith Commonwealthle Attorney MINUTES OF THE MARCH 7, 1957 MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION? The meetingwas called to order by Mr. William Stevens, Chairman, with all members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Floyd Johnson was elected Chairman by unanimus vote. Mr. Stevens su?gested Mr. Beck, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Liady and Mr. Perkins for the Nxecutive Committee and they were elected unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Barham to increase the Executive Committee to five members, this was seconded by Dr. Birdsong and Mr. Stevens was duly elected. The matter with respect to the Subdivision Regulations was given considerable discussion, after which, on motion of Dr. Birdsong seconded by Mr. Johnson the following resolution was unanimously approved by the Commission: "Be it resolved, that, the Albemarle County Planning Commission recommend to the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors that this Commission feels an ordinance of this type is needed, but that certain modifications would seem necessary before its adoption_." Immediately following the meetin; of the Planning Commission, a joint meeting was held with the Board of Supervisiors in this regard. After due discussion it ti�1rr was moved and secomied that a Committee from the Planning Commission consisting of Messrs. Birdsong and Stevens meet with a Committee representing the Board of Super— visors comprising Messrs. Sutherland and Williams along; with the Commonwealth's .Attorney and County Executive to study tr-e matter of certain modifications. Mr. Pence read the Septic tank ordinance drawn up by a Committee from the Planning Commission and the Joint Health Department. After due disevssi.on it was moved and seconded that the Planning Commission recommends to the Board of Super— visiors that they adopt the Septic tank ordinance as read. There being no further business the meetin" adjourned. Hug F. '3imms,Jr.,Secretary MINUTES OF APRIL 112 1957 MEFTING OF THE EXECITTIVE COMMITTEF OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLAT?NING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of the County P18r:nin Commission met at 9:30 A.M. with the following members present: Mr. Johnson, Mars. L_iady, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Beck. Final approval was given to a Revision of Section V of Rutledge consisting of ten (10) Lots. Final approval was ?iven to a portion of Berkley Subdivision, subject to a plat revision showing Reserved Areas as Streets. Preliminary approval was given to "Glenarchy" Subdivision located on Route 250 East, subject to further study of Lots 1-7 Block A, and subject to access road to property on Southeast approximately along power line. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hu F. Simms Jr. o Simms, Jr. cm MINUTES OF MAY 8, 1957 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE C0141ITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLAT'NING COMMISSION The Executive Committee of tree Albemarle County Planning Commission met at 9:30 A.M. with the followin members present: Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Liady, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Stevens. Final approval was given "Midmont Heights" Subdivision consisting of 15 lots developed by :Iterling Decker and located adjacent to the University of Virtinia. Preliminary approval was given to a Subdivision of the Niront Corporation located on the old Calthurst property just off the Barrack Road. The Committee also gave preliminary approval to a portion of "The Meadows" consisting of 62 lots subject to the subdivider considering deviation from a straight line insofar as _location of Angus Road is concerned and that proposed roads in"Hessian Hills" connecting with roads in "The Meadows" be shown on final plat. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hug Simms, Jr.,gecretary R MINi1TES OF JUNE 69 1957 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Or THE ALBEMARLE COUATTY PLANNING COFR,iISSION The Executive Committee of the County Planning Commission met at 9:30 A.M. with the following members present: Mr. Johnson, Mr. Beck, Mrs. Lindy, Mr. Stevens, and Mr. Perkins. Mr. Amos Sweet appeared before the Committee with Preliminary Plans of"Univer— sity Heights", a Subdivision consisting,, of 28 lots located jiist Fast of and adjacent to "Bellair", being developed by Al Dwyer, George Barkley and Dr. Hurt. After examining the proposed plans, preliminary approval was ,given. The Committee decided to set the first Tuesday of each month as its regular mee— ting day, rather than trying to have called meetings. There being ro further busiresG the meeting adjourned. Hugh Simms cretar 0 Jr.• 9 , Y C 0 P Y � ►�� �:��: a ce` Dear Sir or Madsiai Tbare will be a useting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission on Tuesday►, July 2, 19579 at 600 P. M. at the Tbomss Jefferson Ian, Mr. Godf"y Adams and Mr. Edward Deets, Jr. bays been invited to attend this mating to discuss the possibilities of limited soning. It is hoped that we may have all emambers present at this meeting. Sincerely, Hugh F. am$, dr., Secretary Albemarle County Planning Commission. HF3 jrsds CC: Mr, Downing L. HeOi.th Couamwealthe a Attorney Mr, Godfrey Adams Mr. Eduard mete, dr. MIFUTES OF JULY ?, 1057 1�7E71;G OP' ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANT 1 G C01,?,JISSION The meeting was called to order by Mrs. lied Liady acting Chairman -,; �'._ 4ht following members present: Messrs. Beck, Birdsorg, Fmith., Fray Perkins and County Executive Maupin Fence. Also present were two guest, Messrs. Godfrey* Adams & E. H. Beets, Jr. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Amos Sweet and "r. Haywood Nelms appeared before the Commission witlr, a preliminary plan of a 144 lot Subdivision to be known as "Wood Heyven" or, property formerly belonging to }r. Paire jlist north of the City limits and east of Rio Load. After careful consideration and due discussion of the Subdivision., preliminary approval was given to same. Mr. Adams ar_r3 Mr. Deets were invited to attend this meetir-� to discuss with the Conmissior the possibilities of some kind of limited zorirg in the County. After much discussion of the matter it was decided to let it rest for the present. If at such time it the future enough residents of the County desire slich an ordinance, then the Commission would work with them in any way possible. There beirg no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh Pimms, Jr., Secretary 'JINUTE F OF AUGTTc r 6, 1957 MEP:TINO OF ThE EY.Ek1j7TTTF' CC>'VITTFF 0-1 THE ALBFMARLE COUNTY PLANNING CO'41°',7QICN The executive Committee of the County Planning Commission :met at 9:30 A. Y. ta,is -gate in the Board Room, with the foll.owinq members present: ressrs, Jobn�on, Meek andPerkins. FiT:.al approval was given to a portion of Blocks II Rf IV "Albpmarle Homes, Inc." Consisting; of 13 lots. There being no further business the neeting a ;journed. Fu; H. Simms, Jr., Secretary TAINUTFS OF AUGUST ?0, 1957 M7 TING OF THF, 77 ,CT' IVF CO'.?NITTE'�. OF THE AUFMARLE COUidTY PLAPI TIN'::7 COIL MTSQION The Executive Committee of the County Planning Commission met at 9:30 A. M. this date, in the Board Room with the followir. members present: Mrs. Liady, Ye�:srs. Johnson, Perkins and Stevens. Firal approval was diver to a portion of the "Meadows" coneistin of ?9 lots. There being no further busines.5 the meeting adjourned. 14U(-h Simms Jr. Secretary t. � 5 In C 0 P Y September 5, 1957 Door Sir or its The regular quarterly sooting of the Alberarlce CowtY Planning Ca nisston vill be hold at the Tbmas Seftersou Igm on Thursday„ Septeaber 1P,, I"?, at 6:00 P. M. for ' hare aue no item of business to be up at the sooting. It is boped that ve m have sa many of you present at tbis meting as possible. 3inaerely: iA16b F. sines, rr., %. O"t&r7 Albemarle Comity Plasaivg Commission. HFSjrtdo CCa Air. awaing L. Switb Co movdoo th's Mornay C 0 P Y September 17, 1957 TOt Albemarle County Hoard of Supervisors Gentlemens Enclosed herewith please find certain resolutions adopted by the Albemarle County Planning Commission, at a regular meeting held on Thursday, September 12, 1957. The Commission respectfully urges the Hoard of County Supervisors to give serious and prompt consideration to the encAesed rew commendation8, The following are excerpts of the Commission's minutes insofar as such minutes pertain to the subject. (1) On motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was un- animously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALBEEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION that this Commission request,- the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, to consider again the urgency in- volved in the need for the passage of the sanitation ordinance. (2) On motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was un- animously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMISSION that this Commission request the Board of County Supervisors to urge more strict enforcement of the highway litter law by the law on. foroement agency, and to press for more and severe convictions in court of those found guilty of this law violation. Respectfully submitted, 'ug e,Jr., Socrewry Albemarle County Planning Commission, HFS jr: do MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 12, 1957 MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The regular quarterly meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Thomas Jefferson Inn this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Stevens, Powell, Johnson, Beck, William Smith, Perkins, and Commonwealth's Attorney, Downing Smith. The business meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnson, Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting and also those of the Executive Committee were read and approved. Mr. Shapleigh and Mr. E. L. Knight appeared before the Commission with a revised plat of a portion of blocks II and IV "Albemarle Homes" consisting of 13 lots. The first plat had been given final approval by the Executive Comm- ittee at a meeting held August 6, 1957. When it went before the City Plann- ing Commission they required certain changes to be made. These changes were made and final approval was given to the revised plat. The Commission requested the Secretary to send a copy of the Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings to each member in order that they may be kept up to date on business transacted. The Commission also requested the Secret- ary to check with Mr. Pence as to the progress of the Master Plan. The question of the Sanitation Ordinance drawn up by the Commission last winter and presented to the Board of Supervisors for adoption,was brought up and after much discussion a motion was duly made and seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALBEMARLE COT1TY PLANNING COMMISSION that this Commission request the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virg- inia, to consider again the urgency involved in the need for the passage of the Sanitation Ordinance. The question of litter on the highways was brought up by Mr. Johnson.. After much discussion on this subject a motion was duly made and seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION that this Commission request the Board of County Supervisors to urge more strict en- forcement of the highway litter law by the law enforcement agency and to press for more and severe convictions in court of those found guilty of this law violation. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE SUPERVISORS COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING H. ASHBY HARRIS, CHAIRMAN OFFICE OF EDGAR N. GARNETT CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA M. M. PENCE EDWARD L. SMITH M. Y. SUTHERLAND, JR. November r ���y DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ROBERT THRAVES , f JOHN W. WILLIAMS TOs MEMBERS OF THE ALBEMARIZ COUNTY PLANNING COWISSIONs Dear Sir or Madams The Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Comi.ssion melt at 9130 A.M. this date, with the following members presents Mr. Stevens, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Perkins. Final approval was given to Section I of "Woodhayven" subdivision located just East of Rio Road, consisting of forty-six lots. This subdivision is being developed by Mr. Haywood Nelms, Jr. PreUminery approval was given to a revised Preliminary Plan of "Glen- ashy" subdivision, situated on the North side of Route 250 ,just East of Pantops consisting of thirty lots. This subdivision is being developed by Mr. Harley C. 8avUr. Sincerely, Hugb F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Albemarle County Planning Cosemi.ssi.an. HFSjrads 14INUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 59 1957, MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEWARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Co.-rLmittee of the County Planning Commission met at 9:30 A. M. with the following members present: Mr. Johnson, Mr. Stevens, and Mr. Perkins. Preliminary approval was given to a revised Preliminary flan of "Glengrchy" situated on the north side of Route 250 and just east of Pantcps consisting of 30 lots. This subdivision is being developed by Mr. Harley C. Easter. Final approval was given to Section 1 of "Woodhayven" situated just east of Rio Road developed by Mr. Haywood Nelms, Jr. and consisting of 46 lots. It was the desire of Mr. Perkins not to vote on this sub- division. It was presented to Mrs. Liady who could not attend and she concurred with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Stevens in giving the approval. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hug Simms, Jr., S retary MINUTES OF THE DECEMBMi 4, 1957, MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee met on December 4, 1957 with the following members present: Messers. Johnson, Perkins, Mrs. Liady and Commonwealth's Attorney, Downing L. Smith. Preliminary approval was given to a Revised. Preliminary Plan of "University Heights; subject to tuao suggested change in Lot Lines. Preliminary plans of the Proposed Subdivision Regulations drawn up by Harland Bartholomew and Associates was discussed. Some ovestions were brought up during the discussion, these will be taken up at our joint meeting on December 1?, 1957. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hug Simms, Jr., Secretary MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 1957 MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. . . The regular quarterly meeting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission was held at the Thomgs Jefferson Inn December 1?, 1957, with the following members present: Mrs. Liadp, Messers. Johnson, Fray, Maupin, Perkins, Bridsong, Stevens and Beck, also present were the following members of the Charlottesville Planning Commission: Messers. Bowen, Lang, Scribner, Rinehart and Dyke. The business meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnson, Chairman. A letter of resignation from Mr. Charlie Barham was presented to the Commission. Dr. Birdsong suggested that William Trevillians name be presented to the Board of Supervisors to fill Mr. Barham's unexp- ired term. Mr. Stevens ask the Secretary to find out what action the Board of Supervisors has taken in regard to W. A. Harlow's Car Grave Yard. The Secretary was renuested to find out from Mr. Downing Smith, what further action can be taken against people who put Subdivisions to record without approval from the Planning Commission. The new Subdivisior. Ordinance was then taker. under consideration. After due discussion and a few minor changes made; on motion of Mr. Stevens, second by Mr. Perkins the ordinance was unanimously approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hug Simms 'Jr Secretary