HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 7, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee met this date in the Board Room of the County Office Building with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Johnson, Beck, and Perkins. A plat of an acre lot division located on Route 631 (old Lynchburg Road), the property of Littleton Gentry was presented, after considerable discussion: On motion by Mrs. Liady, seconded by Mr. Beck, FINAL approval was given providing the right to connect to the City Sanitary Sewer can be obtained, if this right cannot be obtained then additional land be added to bring the lot up to Subdivision standards. A preliminary plat of a portion of"Su Casa" Subdivision was presented by Mr. Aubrey Hu`'fman. This Subdivision is being developed by Dr. Hurt and Mr. French Slaughter. The portion presented consist of approximately 150 acres and 102 lots. After due discussion, on motion by Mrs. Liady, seconded by Mr. Beck, preliminary approval was given to same. An instrument was presented by Albemarle Homes, Incorporated, requesting the vacating of Smith Street as shown on a plat recorded in the Clerk's Office % of the Corporation Court of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, in Deed Book 185 Page 154, said Street lies wholly within the County of Albemarle. Also it was requested that, the portion of proposed Glendale Road as shown on plats recorded in the Clerks Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Char— lottesville, Virginia, in Deed Book 185 Pages 153 and 154 that lies within the County of Albemarle be vacated. After due discussion of this matter: On motion made by Mr. Beck and seconded by Mrs. Liady, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission recommend to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the above named Streets be vacated. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Chairman N Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary aanuary 149 19" Thompson A. Dyke planning Sngineer City planning Commission City hall Hear Tom, In compliance with the recommendations made by the Planning Commission regarding the sewage disposal System for the Littleton Gentry property I have contacted the Health Department and they have approved the lot* Mr- Roseberry of the health Department has called me and stated that the lot appears large enough to permit the installation of adequate drain fields and a 79D gallon I� septic tank, In the event you. should runt further information regarding this matter, *togtalk t� y�ty of�an thiaHealth sub�ect t says that he will glad or verify his approval, Very truly yoursr, i s m�.SSiou County Planning CON 7OLS Cw"#Sleft !a most sympatbotic to tbo 40010M WO by tbs pro" i ww" ap"Wirin bsto to"Y. W* UP-11-1 - -ithat itboro SU � A e i# �i� �,F o"t �r t he pneatWt voesmaid to aar *Mrrd of 9VUtit a w Irm #a t losum tbu cami"Um 04YA only Obida by sub AV" ot Is" mw plan *ad o , tbaroem l6aving, tbj#Camdootm p y 11I so o bo the �If 1r to the b" o�tua1. v itib MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 3. 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Executive Committee met this date in the Board Room of the County Office Building with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Stevens, Perkins, Johnson and Beek. Preliminary approval was given to Section Seven (7) of Rutledge consisting of 21 lots. FINAL approval was given to a correction plat of a portion of Blocks and 4 Albemarle Homes Incorporated, consisting of 11 lots. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 26, 1959 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION A special meeting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission was held at the Thomas Jefferson Inn_ at 6:00 P.M. this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Johnson, Stevens, Perkins, McClung, Maupin, Fray, Beck and William C. Smith. Also present were Mr. Billy Williams, Chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Super- visors, Downing L. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney and M. M. Pence, County Executive. The business meeting was called to order by Mr. Johrson, Chairman. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The reading of the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings were dispensed with and approved as written. A motion was made by Mr. Beck and seconded by Mr. Perkins to dispense with the regular business to come before this meeting and carry it over to the June meeting. The matter of a Trailer Park ordinance was presented to the Commission by Mr. Pence, after some discussion a motion was made by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mr. Beck, that a Committee be appointed to study the matter with Mr. Pence and Mr. Downing Smith and report back to the Executive Comm- ittee. Mr. Johnson said that the main reason for calling this meeting was to discuss the proposed location of U. S. Route 64. Each member was given an opportunity to voice their opinion on this matter, after which each was asked to cast their vote in favor or against. The members voted as follows: McClurg in favor, Liady in favor with reservations, Perkins in favor with exceptions, Stevens in favor with reservations, Maupir in favor, Fray in favor, William C. Smith in favor, Beck in favor, and Johnson neutral. The meeting was then opened for a general discussion, after which on motion made by Mr. Perkins and seconded by Mr. Beek, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED that the Albemarle Counter Planning Commission expressed its approval of the efforts and aims of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors towards having U. S. Route 64 located where it may result in the great- est benefit for the entire County and by a vote of 8 to 0 endorsed the "Northern Corridor Route" which passes through Albemarle County with the recommendation that all interest be fully heard before any specific route through Albemarle be determined so the location most advantageous for Albemarle of this road and its interchanges may be obtained. �"EBRBARY 26, 1959 MEETING PAGE-2- Voting in favor of the Resolution were Mrs. Liady, Messers, Perkins, Stevens, Maupin, Fray, William C. Smith, Beck and McClung. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. C ha irma n on Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary iema, te" s. ►a Manning Coin- tire county and by avote of "I to ! the Roard of Supervisors � the,� :. don J#sc` ni bt endorsed the 0 endorsed the 'Northern �C,orri- Charlottesville.., .o.nnx`1All U$ g.9ti corridor .through Albe. dor Route'. which=passes through would roughly parallel ib C" ty for Interstate Thgh- Albemarle County...." from Richmond to' Staunton aftd The supervisors have recom- then follow, U.S. ii south to Lex ., 1e board held a special, un- mended that "all interests be • ington where it would turn west . o ncad, meeting last night at Jefferson Inn with John iroute fully heard" before the actual through Albemarle is de- to Clifton Forge. Lynchburg and Roanoke lister- Wi%ams, chairman of the termined. ests support location of the high- _ iims rd ;of Supervisors, and M.. The proposed highway has been way from Richmond parallel to. 10i Pence, county executive. the center of controversy here. U.S. 360 and 460 to a point north e.panners had not previously since the formation of the Albe- of Roanoke, where it would turn to Forge. The i position in the dispute marle Community Association, a northwest Clifton r 'the,lpcation of the highway. group of city and county residents State Highway Department -Mnpro• 1e who oppose location of the route hold a public hearing on the y a.anaidniens vote,, the plan- in the county. They charge the posed routes on March 12.: :dor s adepted it resolution apprav- f#tom efforts and aims of the road would destroy property values and the scenery in Aloe Two members of the comet , errrarle County' Hoard of Super- marle. sign —Dr. McLemore Birdsong and, :..ori John M. Powell —were not s•. ko MW where it may result in The northern corridor, support- ent at last night's meeting,, apid,: greatest benefit for the en- ed by the Chamber of Commerce, Chairman Floyd, E. dohnsga diet " not vote. Fletcher Simms.,. Wry Albemarle be determined so the location, tary of the board,' said that Jolt .; .-4arle a son seldom votes on issues �s the ' board. There were4,6 of this road and its interchanges may be senting votes. Members of the compAsslon who voted to approve the` repel. Lion were Mrs: Fred Uady, VU. . liam T. Stevens; William A.. Per- a kins Jr., William A. McChmg, A. d Gaines Fray, C. Nelson Beck,'; f William C. SmM6 and Cecil Maupin. MINTJTES OF THE MARCH 3, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMRvIISSION The Executive Committee met his date with the following members present: Messers. Johnson, Stevens, Beck and Mrs. Liady. A preliminary plan of "Jamestown Hills" consisting of 36 lots and developed by Mrs. Eleanor Barnes was brought before the Committee. After due consideration, on motion by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Liady, preliminary approval was given to same. Mr. Sweet also presented a preliminary plan of "Key West" consisting of 183 lots and developed by Theodore R. Potts. After considerable discuss- ion, on motion by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Liady, preliminary appro- val was given. The Committee felt that before final approval be given "Key West" sub- division, that a field inspection be made by a Committee from the Albemarle County Planning Commission and the City Planning Commission. The Committee appointed from the Albemarle County Planning Commission were: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Beck, Stevens and Johnson. A preliminary plat of Lots owned by James Baylor located East of Ridge Street was presented. This plat was given considerable study and discussion and on motion by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mr. Beck, preliminary approval was given to Block A as shown. Approval of Block B was withheld, until further study could be given by the Engineer. A Committee composed of Mr. McClung, Chairman, Mr. Perkins, an,] Mrs. Liady was appointed to work with Mr. Pence and Mr. Downing %ith in a study of a proposed Trailer Camp Ordinance. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman MINUTES OF THE APRIL 7, 1959 FETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTF.F OF THE ALBEMARLF COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Messers. Johnson_, Stevens, Perkins, Beck and Mrs. Liady. Mr.. Roudabush presented a plat of a division of a lot located on Hy3raulic Road, the property of Lillie Lawrence and Mamie Boykin. After due consideration, on *notion by Mir. Stevens, seconded. by Mr. Perkins and unanimously approved, preliminary and final approval was given to same. A plat of division of a portion of Lots 406 and 407 Locust Grove Extended, the property of C. 0. Hall was also presented and after due consideration, on motion by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mrs. Liady and unanimously approved. Final approval was given to same. A plat of divisor. of Lot 15 Block L "Rutledcre" was presented, on motion by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mrs. Liady and unanimously approved, final approval was given to same. This division was made in order to correct a side lira: set back on Lot 16. A plat of a re —division of Lots 101 thru 109 Locust Grove Extended was presented, after due cosderation on motion by Mrs. Liady, seconded by Tir. Beck, final approval was given to same. A plat of Block A of "James Baylor Subdivision" located on V.1oodfolk Lane was presented and on motion by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mr. Perkins and ur_animouGly approved, final approval_ was given to same. A plat of Block A "Oak Hill" 'ocated on Routr: 631 was presented, after due consideration on motion by 'Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mr. Perkins and unanimously Approved, final approval uras given subject to Final approval by the Health Department. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary C ha irma n in MINUTES OF THE MAY 5, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Messers. Stevens, Beck, Johnson and Mrs. Liady. Mr. Sweet appeared before the Committee with Section 1 of "Sylvania Hills" shown on preliminary plans as Jamestown Hills, developed by Mrs. Eleanor Barnes and consisting of 18 lots. After due consideration, on motion by,Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mrs. Liady final approval was given to same. Section 1 of "Key West" was also presented by Mr. Sweet, after due due consideration and a field inspection of same, final approval was given. On a motion by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mr. Beck final approval was given to a re —division of Lots 15 and 16 on Agnes W. Burnet Division located on Belleview Avenue. A plat of a division of a portion of J. Deering Danielson' property, located on Route 250 West was presented by Mr. Randolph, on motion by Mrs. Liady, seconded by Mr. Beck final approval was given to same. A plat of a one lot division of Alonza Bella property located on Route 781 was also presented by Mr. Randolph, on motion by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mrs. Liady final approval was given. Chairman Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Messers. Johnson, Beck, Stevens and Mrs. Liady. Mr. Sweet brought before the Committee a plat of sheet No. 3 of Section 1 of "Key West". After due condideration of same, final approval was given. A plat of a redivision of Lots 1 and 2 Block A "Meadowbrook Heights" was also brought before the Committee and after due consideration, final approval was given. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman MINUTES OF THE JUNE 119 1959 MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The regular quarterly meeting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission was held at the Thomas Jefferson Inn at 6:00 P. M. this date, with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Johnson, Beck, Perkins, William C. Smith, Fray, Birdsong, Stevens & McClung. Also present were Downing L. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney and M. M. Pence, County Executive. The business meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnson, Chairman. The question of the status cf the roads in Subdivisions not approved by the Planning Commission was brought up. Mr. Pence stated that he and the State resident Engineer were working on this matter. He also stated that plans and profiles of such roads would have to be presented to the resident Engineer for approval before they would be considered for acceptance into the secondary system. A matter with respect to this County's attendance and representation at State and local meetings relating to planning was presented. A considerable amount of discussion was given to the question and it appeared to be the un- animous sense of the group that this County should be represented at such meet- ings and that the Secretary, being an engineer, would be the proper person to represent this Commission to disseminate facts and present the same in a report. After due discussion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Albemarle County Planning Commission that the Board of Supervisors be requested to make available the Secretary of the Planning Commission to attend certain meetings throughout the State in order to gather facts and ideas of other localities in planning and to present the same to this Commission, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Planning Comm- ission be instructed that when possible, a member at large from this Commission be appointed to accompany the Secretary to such meetings. A letter of Resignation from Mr. William Stevens was read by the Secre- tary, after which on motion by Mr. Beck and seconded by Mr. Perkins, the foll- owing resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Planning Commission has received from Mr. William Stevens his resignation and that the membership requested Mr. Stevens to reconsider his resign- ation, which he seems unwilling to do, therefore we the entire Planning Commission wish to express to Mr. Stevens its heartfelt appreciation for his years of devoted service both as a member and as Chairman of the Commission and accepts his resignation with deepest regrets and hope that he will give to the Commission in the future his advice and suggestions for future action of the Commission. PAGE -2- MINUTES OF THE JUNE 119 1959 MEETING A suggested Trailer Park ordinance was presented by Mr. Downing Smith, after considerable discussion on this matter, a motion was made by Dr. Birdsong and seconded by Mr. William Smith, that this matter be turned over to the Committee for study. The members of this Committee being, Mr. William McClung, Chairman, Mrs. Liady and Mr. William Perkins, Jr. Mrs. Liady suggested that each member of the Commission study the ordinance carefully and make suggest- ions to the Committee before they met. Two plats were given final approval: (1) A division of a tract of land belonging to R. 0. Burton and located on State Route 657 (2) Division of a lot located on Route 250 West at Univer- sity Shopping Center Mr. Johnson declared the meeting open for nominations for Chairman, on motion by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mr. William Smith, Mr. Johnson was unan- imously elected. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman 104- MINUTES OF THE JULY 7, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Perkins and Beck. The following business was acted on by the Committee. Preliminary approval was given to Section Q of "Northfields" con- sisting of 27 lots and developed by Dr. Charles W. Hurt. Final approval was given to Sections 1, 2 and 3 of "Northfields", and granted an exception to use corrugated drain pipe if it would meet the State Highway Standards for Secondary Highways. Gave final approval to the redivision of a lot located on Hydraulic Road the property of Lillie S. Lawrence, subject to getting written per- mission from the City to connect to the existing water line leading to Albemarle High School. Gave final approval to the redivision of a lot located on Route 29 South at the City Limits, the property of H. A. and Virginia W. Hawkins. Gave preliminary approval to "Woodbrook" consisting of 111 lots located on Route 29 North and developed by Mr. Nathan Forb (Zabawski r Property). 'n Gave final approval to a plat shown the exchange of land between T. L. Clements and Ray M. Chisholm, this property is located on Route 631 South of the City. Gave final approval to a plat shown the redivision of Lot 4 Block 5 in "Berkeley Community". On motion by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mr. Beck, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that in the future preliminary plans of Major Subdivisions be submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission ten (10) days prior to any meeting, and at the same time sufficient copies be submitted so that each member of the Executive Committee may have one to study and make suggestion at its regular meeting. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary a rman MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 5, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Johnson, Perkins and Beck. A plat of a division of 3.886 acres into five (5) lots owned by Millmont Development Corporation and located on Route 29 North (formerly Liady property) was given final approval with signature of Chairman and Secretary withheld until "ReservedArea" is approved by City Planning Comm- ission. This plat was later signed with the reserved area removed and added to a lot. Section Five (5) of Greenbrier was given final approval. Final approval was given to a two (2) lot division of property owned by W. D. Willis located on Route 657 behind Albemarle High School. Preliminary approval was given to Section Five (5) of "The Meadows" and "Oak Terrace" subject to Grave Yard being made a part of Lot 1 Block B Oak Terrace. This property is located adjacent to "The Meadows" and "Northerly" Subdivisions. F preliminary plat of Lee Estes property was brought before the Committee, as no one appeared on behalf of the owner and the plat was below standard no action was taken. Mr. Johnson appointed Mr. William A. McClung to the Executive Committee to replace Mr. Stevens. On motion duly made and second the Executive Committee unanimously adopted the following Resolution subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the sense of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that, the natural beauty of the Virginia countryside is a priceless asset of the Commonwealth, both for the enjoyment it affords the cit- izens of Virginia and for its commercial "value in pro- moting public travel and attracting visitors from other states; that the erection of signs along the Highways of the Commonwealth does much to destroy this natural beauty, and should be rigidly controlled; and, for the reasons stated, the Board strongly advocates that the General Assembly adopt legislation providing maxi- mum restrictions on the erection of signs adjacent to Federal Interstate and Defense Highways in Virginia, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be mailed to the Hon. E. 0. McCue, Jr. and the Hon. E. C. Compton, who represent Albemarle County in the Senate and House of Representatives of the General Assembly. PAGE -P- MINUTES OF THE AUGUST.5. 19,E MEETINGG OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Sl- Jr., r., .>ecre ary Chairman MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 1, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE, COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady and Messers. Johnson, Beck and Perkins. Final approval was given to "Seminole Court" consisting of 9 lots subject to approval by the City Planning Commission of a 40 foot street. This property is being developed by -Mr. J. C. McClung. Final approval was given to a redivision of lots 165 and 166 Locust Grove Extended owned by B. Charles Casto. Final approval was given to plat of a lot located on 5th Street S. W. owned by Littleton Gentry. Final approval was given to a plat showing the division of a lot off Route 743 (Hydraulic Road) subject to City Planning Commissions approval of 40 foot easement, ,a portion of which is shown as Parcel A on plat. Final approval was given to a revised plat of A Two N lot division located on Route 657 behind Albemarle High School the property of W. D. Willis. :rave preliminary approval to a division of Lee Estes property subject to revision of Building line on lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. This property is located adjacent to "Hollyfield" and "Carterton". There being no further business the meeting adjourned. d Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 10, 1959 MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISGION The regular quarterly meeting of the Albemarle County Plarning Commission was held at the Thomas Jefferson Inr at 6:00 P.M. this date with the following members present: Mr. Floyd Johnson, Chairman, Messers John Powell, A. Gaines Fray, William Perkins, Jr., William McClung, William Smith, Dr. Birdsong, C. Nelson Beck, and Arnold Smith. Also present were Mr. Downing Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney and 11. M. Pence, County Executive. The business meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnson, Chairman. Mr. McClung gave an excellent report on the meeting of the Trailer Park Ordinance Committee. He stated that this Committee had made a thorough study of the proposed Ordinance and made a few suggested changes. The Ordinance as passed on by the Committee was turned over to Mr. Pence for redrafting, before being presented to the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Pence stated that if the Ordinance was approved by the Supervisors, it could not become effective until January 1, 1960. The Commission requested Mr. Pence to forward a copy of the redrafted Ordinance to each member as soon as convenient. Mr. Pence reported on the new addressograph equipment that has been installed and additional help that has been employed in the Real Estate I*MW Office, thus making it more convenient for the Secretary to attend some State and local Conventions on planning. Mr. Pence also reported that developers of Subdivisions that did not come before the Plarning Commission had been informed as to what would be reauired of them before their roads or streets would be considered for acceptance into the state Secondary system. The Commission approved the action taken by the Executive Committee on the Bill Board Resolution and Mr. Pence stated that it had been adopted by the Board of Supervisors and forwarded on to the proper persons. Mr. Johnson welcomed Mr. Arnold Smith our new member to the Planning Commission. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Secretary, Hugh F. Simms, Jr. Chairman, MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER. 6, 1959 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY r'LANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Acting Chairman and Messers. Perkins, Beck, and McClung. Gave preliminary approval to"Woodbrook" , subject to Health Department approval. Mr. Smith and Mr. Cotton are developers of "Woodbrook" . Gave preliminary and final to Section One "Surryfields" near Simeon. Mr. Charles W. Hurtt is developer of "Sunnyfields". Section Ore was approved subject to dedication of additional ten foot frontage on Route 795. Approved a revision of 'Woodheyveri, Lots one and two Block C. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 109 1959 MFETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISgION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Messers. Johnson, Beck, Perkins and McClurg. Final approval was given to the following: (1) The redivision of Lot 5 Block A "Meadowbrook Heights" (�) To"Longview"situated on End Street and developed by 0. Charles Costo. (3) To "Lehigh" situated or Galloway Drive and developed by Lee Estes. (4) To Revision of Fecti_on 5 "Greenbrier" PreTimirary approval was -iven to the following: (1) To "Westover" subdivision (Dryden Property) subject to restudy of extendirg Devon Court to the property lire. (2) To a revised plan of "Woodbrook" subdivision situated on Route 29 North Percolatior test on "Sunnyfield" Section one (1) were received from Mr. Roudebush. These test he reported were satisfactory. A letter from Mrs. Eleanor Barnes in regard to changing the name of Lester Drive to Sylvania Drive was read to the Committee. After discussing the matter'it was recommended that the Secretary write Mrs. Barnes and suggest that she consult her Attorney. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. iTugh F. Simms, Jr. , `'ecretary Cha3_rmar t MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 1, 1959 MEETING OF THE EYFCL'TTVF COMMITTEE OF THE ALBEW RLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee met this date with the following members present: Mrs. Liady, Mesiers. Johnson, Perkirs and McClung. Mr. Roudabush submitted a plat of Lot 1 Parcel C "Carrsbrook". After considerable discussion the Committee made several recommendations, concerning the status of the road in "Carrsbrook", also it the future development of the remainder of the property. This plat received no approval. and the Committee suggested that the owner give it further study. Final approval was given to a two lot division of the L. Verburg property located on Route ?9 North. Final approval was given to a triangular lot on University Heights to be Deeded to C. 0. Gregory. There being no further busiress the meetin;; adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary Chairman MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 10, 1959 MEETING OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The regular quarterly meeting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission was held at the Thomas Jefferson Inn at 6:00 P. M. this date with the following members present: Mr. Johnson, Chairman, Mrs. Liady, Messers. Powell, Beck, Maupin, William C. Smith, Perkim. , Birdsong, Arnold Smith. Also present were Mr. M. M. Pence, County Executive and Mr. Downing Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney. The business meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnson, Chairman. The minRtes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Pence reported on the Trailer Park Ordinance and stated that it was the same as approved by the Planning Commission with the ex- ception of a few minor changes and that all electrical installations would have to comply to the regulations of the National Electrical Code. He also stated that a public hearing on this ordinance would be held on December 16, 1959. Mr. Pence reported on the amended ordinance drawn up by the State Highway Department governing the acceptance of subdivision roads into the secondary system. '`r The question of who should approve percolation tests in subdivisions that have no sanitary systems came before the Commission, this question is answered in Section E Page 6 of the subdivision ordinance. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Hugh F. Simms, Jr., Secretary C ha irma n